The following comes from one of my favorite web sites, Crooks & Liars:
Sally Quinn went on The O'Reilly Factor to announce that she and all the other Villagers are just all a-flutter over the Obama White House's puzzling decision to stand up to its an organization that clearly declared war on his administration from its outset, i.e., Fox News.
But first she had to stop and sniff disdainfully in the direction of Alan Grayson for his gauche style of political rhetoric:
But first she had to stop and sniff disdainfully in the direction of Alan Grayson for his gauche style of political rhetoric:
O'Reilly: Do you know this guy? He sounds like a loon.
Quinn: I don't know him. But guess what? Here we are talking about him. And I think that's what this is all about -- he's obviously getting the attention she desperately needs.
O'Reilly: OK, there could be something to be said for that. He represents the Orlando area. But he's certainly kind of unhinged. When you hear rhetoric like that -- you know, the Dick Cheney shooting the guy in the face, and this and that -- doesn't it sound a little immature?
Quinn: Well, I think that it's worse than immature. I mean, what he said was so completely over the top that it sounds like -- it reminded me a little bit of Blagojevich, you know. I mean --
O'Reilly: No, that's good. That's a good -- yeah. Kinda unhinged.
Quinn: Yeah, unhinged. It made no sense. So I don't think you can take it seriously. And I also think that if he -- I can't imagine the Democrats feeling good about this. Or the White House feeling good.
O'Reilly: Or his constituents.
Quinn: But you don't want this guy on your team.
Heavens no. We want people like Sally Quinn. The kind of Village maven who would go on 60 Minutes and slag the Clintons:
"If you consider the life of Bill Clinton," she said on "60 Minutes," "whenever he leaves the White House, he's going to get on a plane, and where is he going to go?"
"What do you mean?" a baffled Mike Wallace asked.
"Well, he -- he doesn't even have a home," she sniffed. "I mean, when you think about it, he's homeless. I mean, they've lived in sort of government properties all their lives."
The kind of "social adviser" who would pen long Washington Post op-eds bemoaning the way the Clintons "fouled the nest".
Yeah, we need advice from Sally Quinn, all right.
And that commentary we should take seriously? I guess you just had to tune in three hours beforehand for that." [Link]
Wow, Radio Rwanda is pulling out all the stops. Sally Quinn? The same Sally Quinn who slept her way to the top of her profession? Nice.
So anyway, what exactly did my man Alan Grayson say?
"I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he‘s talking.But—but my response is this. He‘s just angry because the president doesn‘t shoot old men in the face. Oh, by the way, when he was done speaking, did he just then turn into a bat and fly away?"
Oh my! No wonder the wingnuts are not pleased. O man, maybe it's time your people left FOX NEWS alone and let folks like Alan Grayson do the heavy lifting. I think he is up for the challenge.
ref sidebar
You are really optimistic about the city.
I guess it'll be like those new home tax abatements which I know screwed me.
Great column by Cal Thomas.
‘Radio Free America’ Part 1
During the Cold War, the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe were among the broadcast entities that effectively penetrated the Iron Curtain to deliver truth to the “captive nations” that were being fed a steady dose of propaganda by their communist rulers. Those dictators did everything they could to “jam” the signals so that their people would only hear what their unelected overseers wanted them to hear. Contemporary versions of jamming and other forms of censorship occur today in Venezuela, Cuba and many other places where dictators believe public ignorance is essential to their unchallenged rule.
While the Obama administration is the product of an election, its approach to Fox News Channel, conservative talk radio and possibly the Internet appears similar to dictators who desire control over the flow of information in order to enhance their power.
The administration’s primary beef appears to be that Fox is doing the job the broadcast networks and big newspapers should be doing were they not still deeply in the tank for this president and his policies.
Like those Cold War truth-tellers, Fox is simply delivering information to a rapidly growing audience (partly due to criticism from the White House) that wants to see and hear what the other media are not telling them. Fox — and talk radio — are reporting on the backgrounds and statements of Obama administration officials. Fox didn’t create the statements and actions of Van Jones, the now former “energy czar,” who signed a petition questioning whether Bush administration officials allowed 9/11 to happen as a possible pretext for going to war. Fox didn’t force Jones to advocate for cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, or associate himself with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), a left-wing radical group with Marxist roots.
No Fox News employee wrote the speeches and comments of White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, who told graduating high school seniors that one of her “favorite philosophers” is the mass murderer Mao Zedong. Neither did they compose her boast during the campaign that the Obama people “controlled” the news media.
Great column by Cal Thomas.
‘Radio Free America’ Part 2
ACORN might never have been exposed for its possibly illegal activities had not an enterprising young duo gone to their offices with a hidden camera and recorded some ACORN workers who were happy to assist them in breaking the law.
As one who appears on Fox as a contributor, I have seen the network grow from its beginning more than a decade ago to its current position of holding accountable those in power. That was once the calling of all journalists until the Kennedy years when reporters started cheerleading and socializing with the people they were empowered to question and cover. This shift in responsibility has greatly enhanced the status and income of too many journalists and commentators. It has also shortchanged the profession and the public it is supposed to serve.
It is no mystery why the White House has made Fox News a target. If its reporting and commentating were not effective in exposing things the administration does not want the public to know, Fox would be ignored. But it is increasingly effective because the public is sensing that the administration has a lot to hide about its personnel, ideology and objectives.
Rather than boycott Fox — if the administration were smart — it would flood the network with its spokespeople. The administration apparently believes it needs an enemy to avert scrutiny from its socialist agenda, the undermining of free speech and the corruption of the U.S. Constitution. Because Republicans have no credible national leader, the administration has settled on Fox News.
Political leaders, going back to our founding, have criticized the press. It never works, because after the politicians leave office, the press remains. If the administration is seeking approval for its policies, it should go on the only channel that will confront, examine and question those policies. If the policies are valid, they will stand; if not, they won’t and they shouldn’t. But perhaps, like those dictators, the administration would rather jam Fox’s “signal” because they don’t want the public to know the truth about what they are doing.
Don't call the police if you ever get a shake down by a real pimp and prostitute.
freedom of speech should apply to all media
obama needs to man up and grow thicker skin
his sloberring global love fests are swiftly ending...he must get used to it
the media should never be fans of the prez...and MOST have flagrantly been so for nearly 3 yrs now!
go fox!!!
FOX NEWS is up 16% since the Nobel Peace Prize winning Barack Hussein Obama ,Jr. declared war on them.
Meanwhile,Americans are dying in Afghanistan has Obama sits on his thumbs.
Support your local Planned Parenthood !!!
Anon 10:38
#1 Are you kidding?
#2 Flood Faux with its spokespeople ('cause Faux will just open the door to those in the Obama administration, right? ) They wouldn't even televise him at certain times.
#3 I think Fox settled on going after Obama with their insane rhetoric and blurring of news and opinion many months before Obama called them out .
#4 Dana Perino admitted the Bush administration froze out MSNBC--Where were you then?
#5 The WH has only called Faux out on their talk radio stance. I believe the other networks can get the truth out. No problem. Or does Faux have some kind of get out of jail stupid card because they were so in bed with the Bush administration?
Maybe if Rupert's brain trusts would stop their twenty-four hour masturbatory we hate Obama stance and stop screaming about ACORN all day and night they might actually ONLY be a horrible example of effed up media gone wild and not ridiculously horrible effed up media gone wild.
And as far as many people are concerned those who watch and believe anything at Faux are riding around on donkeys careening through stores, giving the rebel yell-- while eating fried things on sticks and crying about how the communists are gonna take their women.
A real news media should not be fans of any administration---but Faux were complete whores to the previous administration. I mean they seriously swallowed. They need to ignore Obama and do their real damned job--which they and much of the MSM failed to do for the last eight years.
Leota2 said...
Anon 10:38
#1 Are you kidding? No
#2 Flood Faux with its spokespeople ('cause Faux will just open the door to those in the Obama administration, right? ) They wouldn't even televise him at certain times.
That way if FOX refuses to have Obama people on,than Gibbs can call out FOX NEWS at the Daily Press Briefings.
Attacking FOX NEWS like Obama is doing is turning people on to FOX and turning the rest of the media against Obama.
What times? They did skip some of Obama's pressers,but they also skipped some of Bush's pressers.BTW, CNN and MSNBC also skipped Bush pressers.
#3 I think Fox settled on going after Obama with their insane rhetoric and blurring of news and opinion many months before Obama called them out .
Not true.
#4 Dana Perino admitted the Bush administration froze out MSNBC--Where were you then?
The Bush administration never attacked MSDNC like Obama is attacking FOX NEWS.
#5 The WH has only called Faux out on their talk radio stance. I believe the other networks can get the truth out. No problem. Or does Faux have some kind of get out of jail stupid card because they were so in bed with the Bush administration?
Most of the media is in bed with Obama.What makes you think they are going to report the truth?
First, can we stop saying FOX News? That's kind of like saying Virgin Hooker.
"Rather than boycott Fox — if the administration were smart — it would flood the network with its spokespeople. The administration apparently believes it needs an enemy to avert scrutiny from its socialist agenda, the undermining of free speech and the corruption of the U.S. Constitution. Because Republicans have no credible national leader, the administration has settled on Fox News.'
I thought the folks over at Radio Rwanda were the republican leaders? And why would anyone from this administration go on that network? Please!That would only give credibility to what is clearly an electronic version of the "National Inquirer", or, that other Murdoch rag, the New York Post. It's trash television. Yes they have high ratings, but so does American Idol and Dancing With the Stars. Ratings mean nothing here in A-merry-ca.
Anon 11:48
Glenn? Sean? Michelle? Bill? Is that you?
Good night . . . ..
Any station, I mean ANY FRICKIN" network that would host Glenn 'asswipe' Beck is a WHORE!
Is that enough caps, or shall I continue?
And Alicia, baby, I see your true colors shinin' through.
All the cable news networks are essentially opinion mills now. THey have so much time to fill that most of what they do is delivering up opinions on the news with panels of talking heads. "We report, you decide" is false advertising.
Grayson has pissed off Bill O'Leilly and Sally Quim? Sounds like a stand-up guy to me.
"Obama mmm good..
Meanwhile,Americans are dying in Afghanistan has Obama sits on his thumbs."
lol gee i wonder who we have to thank for that. maybe if the previous administration sat on their thumbs a bit more, the catastrophe that is afghanistan and iraq would not have happened.
Wow Filled Negro you are really desperate now.
Did you know that all of your focus on News Corp properties is having the opposite effect?
* Fox and O'Reilly's numbers are stronger than ever
* The Wall Street Journal just overtook USA Today as the nation's largest circulated daily
* Wall Street Journal saw increased circulation as the leftist NY Times just laid off several hundred people.
TO TOP IT OFF..........
FILLED NEGRO - a Black man was SHOT 31 TIMES in Atlanta on Sunday.
Do you see that a WHITE REPUBLICAN telling a JOKE has a better chance of getting published on AfroSpear than does a Black man who now is dead with 31 bullet holes in his body?
Its a good thing that no Republican did this shooting - THEN it would receive a bunch of press from the likes of you. Instead it is "Just another Negro who got himself kilt"
Why, the trolls dont seem to understand that in the political game, Fox having high ratings means absolutely nothing. So what? It just means all the wing-nuts watch one channel all day long..of course the ratings will be high..but there are how many households in the USA with cable? And what percentage watching FoxNews? Not more than watching Monday Night Football, that's for sure...not even close. High ratings for Fox means not a damn thing as the White House marginalizes them as the GOP communications arm which they are. Jerry Springer and Rock of Love had high ratings too! LOL
Un-constructive one,the person who shot that man in Atlanta might not have been a registered republican,but he had a republican state of mind.
31 times???!!!
Only a republican would hate a black man that much.
Sally has gone from the casting couch to the dumpster,like so many social butterflys who refuse to bow out gracefully,we must pray for her to see the light.(sarcasim)
If Fox's numbers are going through the roof because of Obama's criticisms then why are these righties braying at the moon?
Now having said THAT I will agree with FN that Obama should not get personally involved in a mud fight with Fox.
Like wrestling with a pig, you'll only get funky and dirty while the pig enjoys it.
it is just untrue to say that only repblikkkans and racists are watching fox news
their ratings are soaring
my tv has been locked on fox for months and i am neither
fox should thank obama's fragile ego...he is boosting their ratings with each whiny rant
fox is doing EXACTLY what ALL of the other networks did to gwb for 8 years...they are NOT coddling him and worshipping obama...
those other netwks even allowed gwb to STEAL 2 terms and told us it was legit...just as they are telling us that obama is not a hoax as gwb steals 2 MORE terms!
NO media should be so biased!
this is a reversal of flawed media roles for 2 clones...we are distracted by the biased games rather than dealing with the real issues of deceptions...
what is good for the goose is better for the gander...as we are all roasted ducks in this global hoax!
they are telling MORE truths on fox than any other pep rallying "news" network!
i hate beck and sean and bill
but fox news rocks!
msnbc/abc/cnn = obama tv (PRECISELY as fox was once gwb tv)
8 reasons why Fox is NOT a News Organization
[quote]Why, the trolls dont seem to understand that in the political game, Fox having high ratings means absolutely nothing.[/quote]
Lynne - I will give you the benefit of the doubt and CORRECT you on my intentions.
MY GOAL in the post was to show FILLED NEGRO and other IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTS that despite their attempts to OBFUSCATE the attention of BLACK PEOPLE that THEIR adversaries are growing.
But did you notice that THIS, and not the Black man who was MURDERED....having been shot 31 TIMES was what you focused upon?
You see Lynne - I actually like my friend Filled Negro. He clearly is a LEADER of some.
What I see as a major flaw in my friend, however, is that he is malicious in his will to DISTRACT people by feeding them that which he knows can get them aroused - like sharks responding to chum in the water.......instead of putting forward a PROBLEM SOLVING FRAMEWORK by which the present set of problems can be addressed.
My friend Filled Negro is fully aware that he is now living within the context of the POLITICAL array that he has assisted in constructing. His city of Philadelphia as more favorable Democrats running the show than he ever imagined would happen.
DESPITE THIS much of that which he and other operatives CLAIMED would be addressed within the Black community......IF........ we were to do as they suggested and not ask too many critical questions......has FAILED to be delivered upon.
I sit back and daily watch as so many AfroSpear blogs traffic in the same type of obfuscation and distortions. If there were no Republicans, Fox News or other adversaries to distract them they would have to suffer - face to face - with all of the policies that they have enacted in these same Black communities that they PURPORT to be working in the best interests of.
Sadly my friend Filled Negro has not grown "Sick and Tired Of Being Sick And Tired" enough to submit to a more 'above board' means of addressing this situation.
This would be evidenced by a strategy that focused more on CHANGING BLACK PEOPLE, in line with some greater goal than in focusing upon the evil, racist Conservative - most of whom have moved away and allowed Filled Negro and others to field whatever system they choose to in the areas that they now control.
Only the PEOPLE are going to change the antics of Filled Negro and the rest of the Black Establishment as they realize what gets Black folks aroused and focused AGAINST some outsiders rather than UPON those who now sit in the seats of power.
These are all Black Democrats who are protesting against the choice by the 100% Democratic Clayton County GA county board to CANCEL their transit service in the county:
Despite having violated one of the elements of 'Tavis Smiley's Covenant With Black America'........I assure you that the county board's composition will NOT CHANGE after this next election.
Like Yeadon PA - that my friend Filled Negro is very aware of - they have SUCCESSFULLY rooted out all conservative enemies from leadership positions. Now you have one Democratic faction fighting another Democratic faction.
This is the type of result that is pleasing to Filled Negro and others.
Too often the answer is not just "NO". It is "HELL NO....who gave us this?". The people can only look at themselves for this is what they struggled so hard for. No enemy left around to blame.
I firmly believe that my friend Filled Negro understand everything that I am saying.
He is just too IDEOLOGICALLY BIGOTED to change one bit.
All news sources are biased.90% of the media leans left.But you don't call CNN or the NYTimes out.
You on the left can't stand the fact that Fox News doesn't toe the Democrat line.
Lynne said...
"Why, the trolls dont seem to understand that in the political game, Fox having high ratings means absolutely nothing"
Its all about the ratings!!Did your cable bill go up last few year? If so, its because of Fox News.The higher their ratings,the more they can charge cable companies to carry their channel.
When Obama attacked Rush,Rush's ratings went up.
When Democrats went after Glenn Beck his ratings doubled.
When Obama attacks Fox News,their ratings go up.
Keep up the good work Obama!
Constructive Feedback said...
FILLED NEGRO - a Black man was SHOT 31 TIMES in Atlanta on Sunday.
Do you see that a WHITE REPUBLICAN telling a JOKE has a better chance of getting published on AfroSpear than does a Black man who now is dead with 31 bullet holes in his body?
Its a good thing that no Republican did this shooting - THEN it would receive a bunch of press from the likes of you. Instead it is "Just another Negro who got himself kilt"
Excellent post Constructive Feedback.I always look foward to reading your post.
Nothing gets the black establishment and the Afrosphere moving like white on black cime.
When it comes to black on black crime,black missing persons, the black establishment and Afrosphere will just say "oh well".
Oh geez, here we go again..
CF, what should FN be saying about murder in Atlanta?
Or isn't it just the house negro mission to promote the thought that black people have no right to confront white people or protest racism until every black neighborhood is perfect and crime free?
And before you launch into your "permananent interests" rant, let me remind you that I live in a 90% black community that is virtually crime free, safe and prosperous.
[quote]8 reasons why Fox is NOT a News Organization[/quote]
Let's pretend that FOX and NEWS CORP closed down!! The Obama FBI takes Rupert Murdoch on a Perp Walk
CAN YOU ITEMIZE THE BENEFIT that Black people will receive who live in:
* Baltimore
* Atlanta
* DC
* Philly
* Newark
* Trenton
* Camden
* Buffalo
* Rochester
* New Haven
* Cleveland
* Chicago
* Detroit
* Milwaukee
* St Louis
* Birmingham
* Memphis
Do you see Steve - YOU are the disconnected one.
You only know how to battle your adversaries. When it comes to you standing up and being accountable for the structure that YOU have supported that reigns over our communities - you, like Filled Negro ONLY know how to fight the external battle.
IF NEWS CORP shut down and the Republican Party went out of business, lynching Michael Steele as their "Symbolic Negro" before they closed up shop.........NOT ONE DAMNED ELEMENT of the Black Community would be advanced as a direct result of this.
The ONLY thing that would happen is that some new faction would become YOUR "Nigger" - that which YOU perpetually chased after as a key means of distraction from the painful truth.
You have no clue how much your antics resemble those of a Bigoted White Person from back in the day.
"Nothing gets the black establishment and the Afrosphere moving like white on black cime."
Who specifically is the "black establishment"?
Your style of debate is so incredibly......SILLY.
Your heroes The GOP were in power for most of the last 8 years and how did America benefit.
Let alone black people in the inner city.
Will you answer that?
Hell no, because you're a total fraud.
why is FOX NEWS the only station showing war protests/cindy sheehan/world leaders bashing obama's undeserved nobel prize/plans to rape africa ETC...???
In a way you're starting to rub off on me though.
My wife asked me to take her out to dinner last night and I really didn't feel like going.
So I said, "How can we go eat in a nice restaurant when some guy got shot in Atlanta!"
obama in africa:
no HINT of this on abc/cnn/msnbc etc!
[quote]CF, what should FN be saying about murder in Atlanta?
Or isn't it just the house negro mission to promote the thought that black people have no right to confront white people or protest racism until every black neighborhood is perfect and crime free?[/quote]
Steve - I have concluded from about 3 years of debating you that you are not just a BIGOT - you are DUMB!!!
Do you see the TRANSFERENCE that you attempt to make?
* A Black woman gets beat up by a WHITE MAN in front of a "Cracker Barrel Restaurant" in Atlanta shouting "No Justice No Peace"
* The POLICE get caught on video slamming a Black man's head on the patrol car while he is in handcuffs
* A Black girl gets let out of a police station in the wee hours of the morning and turns up missing
WhiteBowieSteve!!!!! Don't PUNK OUT with Laryngitis by which you are LOUD when the ANTAGONIST has some POLITICAL Or IDEOLOGICAL benefit to your over all agenda......yet you are NOT HEARD FROM when "Some Negro Got Him Self Kilt By Another person........who was also a 'descendant of SLAVERY and thus is suffering from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome'
(Side Note - Filled Negro -when I read that your boy Francis H. was diagnosed with "Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome" and thus moved to Brazil for his cure - it all made sense to me. Now I understand HE and YOU. You BOTH are freaking mental cases!!!!)
I ONLY "expect from the Filled Negro Blog" and other AfroSpear propaganda sites the VERY SAME insertion of SELF when any heinous assault upon a Black person happens.
Steve - If 31 bullets fired by 2 Black Street Pirates is NOT EQUAL to ONE WHITE MAN'S FIST AND FOOT upon the body of a Black woman outside of a Cracker Barrel about a month ago - WHAT IS THE EQUALITY of action between WHITE ASSAILANT and BLACK ASSAILANT?
YOU are a "Non-White White Supremacist"!!!!
"I ONLY "expect from the Filled Negro Blog" and other AfroSpear propaganda sites the VERY SAME insertion of SELF when any heinous assault upon a Black person happens."
False premise as usual.
Any evidence that FIELD NEGRO pays more attention to white racism than he does to black criminals (which is the subject most dear to your heart)?
I don't comment that often to this blog but I read it everyday, especially the comment section. But honestly, I swear, sometimes I think Constructive Feedback likes to hear himself type. Now back to my little corner.
I think CF has some valid points,I agree with CF that we don't seem to get worked up over crime perpatrated by us on us.
[quote]Your heroes The GOP were in power for most of the last 8 years and how did America benefit.
Let alone black people in the inner city.[/quote]
Let's take your claim and AGREE WITH IT.
Note that the GOP IS OUT OF POWER!!!!
Americans voted and DEPOSED THEM.
Now let us take this same critical inspection and apply it to:
* Baltimore
* Atlanta
* DC
* Philly
* Newark
* Trenton
* Camden
* Buffalo
* Rochester
* New Haven
* Cleveland
* Chicago
* Detroit
* Milwaukee
* St Louis
* Birmingham
* Memphis
From a BLACK PERSPECTIVE - can you detail for me the PUNISHMENT RENDERED by the BLACK VOTER in particular in these cities as a consequence of:
* Failing Schools - that are run by favorable people?
* Deadly Streets - as patrolled by police forces that are commanded by a favorable mayor?
* Economic Opportunity that has Plywood Covering the windows?
Steve you are one BIGOTED WASTE OF TIME.
I am like a Black criminal defendant coming before YOU - the "All White Jury" in Mississippi 1939. I was guilty in your eyes before you even got the jury summons. You have your mind made up already.
In your perverted justice YOU have locked up a "Guilty Black man". It is unbeknown to you that you have also LET FREE a WHITE killer, rapist and thief. There is a great likelihood that he is going TO KILL ANOTHER WHITE WOMAN and then find some other NIGGER to blame it on.
YOU, in your bigotry is going to SPRING HIM - yet again!!!! He knows the game that you are playing. He is just feeding you what you like to eat.
(I just metaphorically described the relationship between the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser individual and the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT who gets awarded elected seats and yet in his failure successfully BLAMES SOMEONE ELSE - all to your liking.
HE GETS TO GROW IN POWER - all while YOU in your bigotry get temporarily satisfied)
It is ME who is FOOLISH, spending my time trying to lay out a case before your jaundiced eyes.
There is no reasoning with a BIGOT. He must be CONFINED BY some higher enforcement body so that his bias is limited in its domain.
Sadly your style of bigotry is allowed to fester, unchallenged in our community.
A Black people without focus upon our PERMANENT INTERESTS are easy targets for the CHUM that you throw out.
You might have a POPULAR point of view but it is ONLY accepted in the context of the period of time our great grievance and then need to blame someone.
What do you mean "us"?
I'm not a criminal. Are you?
I don't think you black righties are so much concerned with crime as you are aping the language of your white right mentors in stating that blacks have no right to confront white people until we've cleaned up our dirty selves.
That's it, isn't it BigMac?
[quote]But honestly, I swear, sometimes I think Constructive Feedback likes to hear himself type.[/quote]
I rank "grammar corrections" or demands that I 'get to the point' - that which I call "English Lessons" - higher than what you have contributed.
Do you notice that your words LACK any particular MATERIAL REBUTTAL of anything that I have posted?
I bet that you satisfied yourself with your post, none the less.
I struggle to understand what you would tell another man WHO COULD NOT TYPE and was illiterate? . Likely NOTHING because then he would be no THREAT to you and your world view.
Constructive Feedback
I can only speak for the DC area where I live but in the 3 areas you mentioned failing schools, crime and economic opportunity....all three areas are being dealth with in innovative and powerful measures.
It will be a while before we can acknowledge any real improvement in the school system but accountability is key term these days.
Violent crime is down drastically.
Economic opportunity is about as good as it can be in the current climate left us by the Repubs.
Let's see UTS if you live in Prince Georges County I wouldn't be too quick to say there are big improvements when you have politicans like Jack Johnson running things!
Kinda believe some valid points were made. LOL.
I rank "grammar corrections" or demands that I 'get to the point' - that which I call "English Lessons" - higher than what you have contributed.
Alls you had to do was say "shut up". I didn't ask for a dissertation. But seriously I do enjoy your debates with the rest of the regulars.
PG County is the first jurisdiction in America where the median household income rose drastically when the demographics changed from majority white to majority black.
What was once a redneck backwater region is now a shining example of black prosperity and success.
That's probably what bothers you about PG.
BTW, you mind telling us who is the US politican that you admire the most and why>
UTS:I grew up in Baltimore and lived for years in PG County,so the history of the county I'm well aware of.What I'm talking about is the policies of Jack Johnson to me don't seem to be any different then from people like Paris Glendden(sp) who ran the county years ago before he became governor.
I really don't get your point.
Glendening was a Liberal Democrat and so is Johnson.
Johnson has brought major business development to PG county, specifically the National Harbor project and the Capital Centre Mall.
Black businesses have grown and black contractors have been rewarded.
So what exactly are you talking about?
And do you mind answering my question.
I'll post it again.
"you mind telling us who is the US politican that you admire the most and why."
[quote]I'm not a criminal. Are you?[/quote]
Steve - I have your debate tactics down to a science.
I have ZERO CONCERN about the ability of YOU or FILLED NEGRO to "handle your business" with regard to your own house and your kids. I do not fear that YOU will kick in my door and steal from me. YOU would prefer to have the tax man to do it. I understand.
I am concerned that despite your personal standards that you HAVE NONE that you wish to apply to THE NEXT MAN.
That which you would not dare accept from your own loved one's you readily do so from those others that you claim are "your brothers".
In as much as YOU claim that I believe that Black people are inferior it is YOU who are the guilty party.....its just that YOU are not inferior of which you are proud.
I don't think you black righties are so much concerned with crime as you are aping the language of your white right mentors in stating that blacks have no right to confront white people until we've cleaned up our dirty selves.[/quote]
You are so tired Steve.
Let's pretend that I DID NOT CARE about
*The Black man who was shot 31 times
* The Black kid on the same day who was shot in the back
* The Black woman who was murdered last night in South Dekalb in front of her 2 kids.
Lets pretend that YOU ARE RIGHT!!
Steve - I HAVE NO ELECTED POWER. My way of thinking is REJECTED by the Black folks who live in these same communities.
You are appeased at the above statement.
What you NEED TO LOOK AT is that these same communities HAVE THEIR FAVORED IDEOLOGY AND GOVERNMENT presiding over them..........why is it that THIS is not the more damning piece of truth to you?
Why is MY CARE more important than the facts that the MURDEROUS PIRATES DON'T CARE about crime?
Do YOU attack THEIR radio DJs or just Rush Limbaugh who also talks into a microphone?
Do YOU attack the television that THEY WATCH or is Fox News more deadly in your view?
Your construct ONLY WORKS when you focus upon YOUR ENEMIES.
It is when you focus upon the AGENTS OF DEATH that receive virtual protection under your veil that the indictment of you and others like you is shown.
CF "Steve - I have concluded from about 3 years of debating you that you are not just a BIGOT - you are DUMB!!!"
Amen. But you are stating the obvious.
[quote]I can only speak for the DC area where I live but in the 3 areas you mentioned failing schools, crime and economic opportunity....all three areas are being dealth with in innovative and powerful measures.
what is the essential distinction between YOU (per your words above) and a Republican who might say "All is well in America economically - look at all of the people where I live".
Seriously - please tell me the difference?
I assure you that if I said the same thing as YOU did I would be accused of having an 'I got mines you got to get your own bootstraps" consciousness.
Does the fact that these people who are struggling have support for the SAME ESTABLISHMENT that YOU DO matter?
Check this story about the flow from DC to PGC:
It says that Black folks in DC get married and them move to PGC
Ok UTS lets get the old business out of the way my favorite politican of my lifetime Adam Clayton Powell,he was my hero growing up, a close second would be Former Congressman Parren J.Mitchell. Now that the old business is out of the way please tell me what Jack Johnson is doing about crime in Suitland where my sister is afraid to walk to the store after 6pm.Yes National Habor is nice to look at crossing the WW Bridge,but how many people who live in PG can afford to live there?
You're boring.
Your whole argument for the 3 years I've been exposed to you is that black people are all killing each other in urban ghettoes and it's a direct result of black liberal Democrats running the governments.
You can't acknowledge the tremendous success of black America over the last 40 years because it blows your sorry Uncle Tom mindset (everything went to hell in Black America as soon as they got their freedom) right out of the water.
Rant on.
Like I said, you're boring.
Anybody seen BigMac?
PG County just hired a few hundred more cops but what is your point?
You black righties keep beating the "crime" drum for one reason and one reason only.
It's a cheap way to attack and denigrate black leadership.
My black neighborhood in South Bowie is safe and prosperous and we're just as black as the folks in Suitland.
Care to venture as to the difference in the neighborhoods?
What is your Mayor in Pittsburgh doing about crime?
BTW, I was talking about contemporary politicians.
But you knew that, right?
i am not a rightie
i am a realist
and CF and big m are spot on!
black crime is out of control and it is ignored by most black racists who blame everything on white men
even as they ignore that brazenly and arrogantly apathetic blackish obama as he ignores the holocaust of bm in america...
there are no "righties" in this trailer:
Screw FOX ratings...They ass had the number 1 cable news network all through Bush years and still could not save shrub sagging approval ratings. Hell, Fox was stil the number 1 cable news station when Obama handed the Republicans there asses in 2008.
FOX=TMZ,Perazhilton,National Inquirer on steroids...enough said
A few more cops too continue to beat "skippy and ray-ray's" behind? As we all know PG cops are not known to protect and serve,but I digress.The Mayor of Pittsburgh is worse then Jack Johnson,he simply don't care what goes on in the black community.Congresswoman Barbara Lee 9th dist.of Cal. would be my hero today.
Field said:
Yes they have high ratings, but so does American Idol and Dancing With the Stars. Ratings mean nothing here in A-merry-ca.
Field, you said exactly what I've been telling my folks about Fox ratings mean shit for this network. They couldn't save "McCain & Palin" so why do people care how high there ratings are?
What is your suggestion for dealing with crime?
Do you even acknowledge the black middle class?
Are you stating that all black communities by definition are crime ridden?
What would be the substantive difference between a hispanic barrio and a black ghetto?
Please answer the questions.
Fox fake news network ran that Rev. Wright video into the ground and have been calling Obama a terrorist for almost a year now. Yet, these dumb asses still could not stop Obama.
Work calls UTS,but I promise to address the questions you ask later this afternoon.You know some of us can't afford to get fired!
Obama actually went to Fox and met with their leadership.
Met with conservative commentators like George Will.
Liberals couldn't get near Bush for 8 years.
305,000,000 million people live and work in the US. And until FOX NEWS can claim everyone of those households in there ratings they need to shut the fuck up!
There bragging about 2 to 3 million of the same damn people watching there shit over and over is pathetic.
us will NEVER EVER comprehend that his gated black community is NOT the new norm...
and he will never care for the toxic lost bm who ARE the new norm in MOST of america...
he will never care that IGNORING those who are less rich and nuclear than his own idyllic black family will do NOTHING to save him, them, or anyone else!!!...
this callous apathy and arrogantly ignorant denial is the true problem with ALL rich people of all races that even the bible condemns:
"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Mark 10:25
"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy."
~Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu - from "The Spirit of Laws" (1748)
"There must be a concerted effort on the part of Negro leaders to arouse their people from their apathetic indifference.... In the past, apathy was a moral failure. Today, it is a form of moral and political suicide." ~Martin Luther King, Jr., Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, 1958
Has anybody notice that most of the people who hate Obama watch FOX NEWS...LOL
And the people who simply disagree with his policies get there news from other sources. Yep, FOX NEWS has now become "Obama Haters United News Network"...LAMO
there will come a DATE
obama nazis MUST stop blaming bush
for ALL that obama has done solo
EVERY VALID criticism of obama is
stupidly called "hate/racism"
that is the date when the HUGE ratings gap that seperates FOX NEWS fronm lesser media peers will decrease rapidly!
So many posters suffering from Fox News Derangement Syndrome.
To believe Fox News has the power to sway elections and poll numbers is just crazy.
But has upsteve proves post after post, the left hates anyone who doesn't toe the Democrat line.
uptownsteve said...
Obama actually went to Fox and met with their leadership.
Met with conservative commentators like George Will.
Liberals couldn't get near Bush for 8 years.
Funny Olbermann doesn't mention he bitched for 3 days about rightwing talkers meeting Bush in the Whitehouse.
Hey fields,since Alan Grayson is your token white boy,do you agree with him calling women whores?
How do you feel about your boy going on Alex Jones radio show?
Support your local Planned Parenthood!!
"Funny Olbermann doesn't mention he bitched for 3 days about rightwing talkers meeting Bush in the Whitehouse."
And your point is what?
Do you even know?
"To believe Fox News has the power to sway elections and poll numbers is just crazy."
Actually, I believe they do. In fact, I love the way that Roger Ailes has helped poison the Republican brand by giving a megaphone to the worst elements of neo-conservative wingnuttery. He is doing almost as much as Dick Cheney to assure the destruction of their chances of a comeback.
And look at the motley assortment of characters we have defending Fox: racist cretins that can only cut and paste approved talking points, tap dancing buffoons like CS, and deranged Hillary Clinton dead-enders like AB. Giving people like this a national platform is gauranteed to turn off the majority of the public to ever voting Republican again.
uh, that should read
"tap dancing buffoons like CF"
The rest of us can just sit back and watch the pinheads self-destruct.
the election is over
hc lost
YOU need to let her go!!!
what is reuly "deranged" is that obama nazia like you would rather bash hillary than bash obama...
hillary is not the one bashing poor people and bashing civil rights and bashing news media that expose her etc...OBAMA is the basher YOU should be bashing!!!!
ps: thanks for reminding me daily how proud i am that hc was my FIRST choice!!!!...obama makes me prouder of that fact each day
excuse the typos
more on hc
Her positions on health care and corporate reform, her mea culpa for her early support of the Iraq war and willingness to oppose it later, her experience in international relations, and her hands on administrative experience in White House policy affairs insured the allegiance of millions of voters to her. She was the one Democrat who could beat any GOP contender, and hit the ground running once in office. Millions of women also saw Hillary as the gender Obama. Her presidency would have marked a historic presidential breakthrough for women. She would have been a role model and inspiration for millions of women young and old. She would have proven that women can hold the world's top political power spot and govern as well if not better than a man. And do it with the grace, dignity and class that had been sorely missing from the Oval Office for years. Her administration would have been savvy, moderate, and capable of skillfully navigating and winning the blood battles with Congress.
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/earl-ofari-hutchinson/hillary-is-still-the-best_b_324515.html
there is no more "MOTLEY" crew than the ENTIRE fascist regime of obamabots and his elitist puppeteers...
"I just wish his parents were around to see it. I think these prizes are, as Sly Stone says, a family affair. They’re for the people that love you. I think that this puts him in a very difficult situation because to have a Nobel Peace Prize and then turn out to be a war president is going to be very tough. …. Because they gave it based both on promise and the fact that, and they are absolutely right, that brother Barack Obama has generated more of a sense of hope and possibility than anyone else on the planet. That’s a fact that needs to be acknowledged, and if that’s the criteria for the prize, he gets the prize the way James Brown gets it for funk—uncontested. Uncontested.
But that’s at the level of symbolic promise. Now are you going to have a peace prize and send another 68,000 troops to Afghanistan? You still have folks walking around who tortured people, who are completely unaccountable. You have lawyers who authorized crimes against humanity and you say you want to turn away from that. But when Jamal gets caught with crack on the corner, you don’t turn away from that you investigate and prosecute that brother he gets sent to a prison industrial complex. And that is hypocrisy at the deepest level when it comes to rule of law. But it’s now under Obama. It’s not Bush anymore.
what could be more motley than the droves of poor, homeless, jobless, bullet riddled black masses/corpses that obama has bilked to pay criminal bankers
obama continues to abuse/dismiss/and ignore!!!
"And so, for me, another thing is that peace is not the absence of conflict. That's what brother Martin used to say. Peace is the presence of justice," West said. "So if you can take a jet to Copenhagen and can't meet with sister Albert in Chicago to deal with peace in the hood, it doesn't look good. It doesn't look good at all."
when bush flew over nola after katrina...he was crucified
when obama drove over redux, he was praised for how cool he looked as he did so
same bs
dif clone
the brown man had his "brownie" moment and you brown-nosing obama nazis cheered him on like the rotten NUTS that you are!!!
Yesterday, President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0 and his teleprompter briefly stopped by New Orleans to give yet another empty speech to those whose lives were made legendarily barren by Hurricane Katrina. I never expected Obama to act sincerely or substantively. Long ago, Obama clearly exposed his apathy for impoverished and incessantly abused Katrina victims.
In 2007, on the subject of hurricane Katrina, Barack Obama stated that the rabidly racist and elitist administration of King Shrub/President-Select George W. Bush was “colorblind in its incompetence.”
I view that ludicrous statement as a blatant lie, typical of Obama’s vapid and routinely revisionist (though often simultaneously poetic) reflections. Color me AWAKE, unenthralled, and dejected! Hero, scholar, and sage Mumia Abu-Jamal said it best: “...a New Democrat is no different from an Old Republican." (June, 1993 - “Clinton Guillotines Guinier”- Live From Death Row)
Politicos never become noble or humane simply because they suddenly become president. Obama’s horribly vapid performance in New Orleans lived down to my expectations. Even the most mindless Obama Nazis were appalled at his repulsively phony and meaningless responses to the embattled attendees who had nothing better to do than entertain Obama’s brutal folly on tour.
Read a superb review of Obama’s big flop in the “Big Easy”, where life for poor residents is STILL smaller, more difficult, and increasingly hellish than ever:
Read more on Obama’s serial betrayals of poor blacks post Katrina:
alicia, only five postings in a row! What's wrong, are your fingers broken?
there is no more motley crew than those who controlled wall st who are now obama's inner circle!!!
White House officials yesterday released their personal financial disclosure forms, and included in the millions of dollars which top Obama economics adviser Larry Summers made from Wall Street in 2008 is this detail:
Lawrence H. Summers, one of President Obama’s top economic advisers, collected roughly $5.2 million in compensation from hedge fund D.E. Shaw over the past year and was paid more than $2.7 million in speaking fees by several troubled Wall Street firms and other organizations. . . .
Financial institutions including JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch paid Summers for speaking appearances in 2008. Fees ranged from $45,000 for a Nov. 12 Merrill Lynch appearance to $135,000 for an April 16 visit to Goldman Sachs, according to his disclosure form.
counting is easier than debating
Obama mmm mmm good said...
"Hey fields,since Alan Grayson is your token white boy,do you agree with him calling women whores?"
Well if the shoe fits...Ms. Linda Robertson used to be the chief lobbyist for Enron and an advisor to Ben Bernanke. Sounds like his tagging her as a "K Street whore" was pretty accurate.
I abhor fox news. I think they are sh-- heads. So I just do not tune into that crap.
UTS:In response to your questions before the bossman whipped my black behind back to work,you ask what should be done about black on black crime,and the black middle class.
1)As Men we should take charge of our families.
2)Stop pretending that we don't have issues,job wise,relationship wise and back bone wise.
3)Start demanding publics services from our elected officals.And I'm not talking about a grant for a daycare center.
4)Become politically involved and stop electing people who don't bring home the bacon(you can start with Congresswoman Donna Edwards).
5)You can also start by stop buying Benz's and BMW's and thinking you have arrived!
Shall I continue?
I am actually glad about the stuff Faux and the Repugs are doing.It helps dissolve the rubbish facade of American being a "land of equality, and of equal rights and justice" where "a man is judged on merit alone".
Please spare!!! America is a brothel ran by lobbyists and the military industrial complex.
America spends TRILLIONS of dollar a year on bombs,bullets,and other equipment. On top of the BILLIONS spent on military "research and development" (read a fucking sinkhole where war profiteers can rob the taxpayer blind).But finds it "difficult" to pay out welfare assistance and social security benefits.
America is so GREAT. really? then why is that the "rambo commando" terrorists at GITMO get better health care than the firefighters,police, and paramedics that to this day suffer from illness and mental disoders caused by 9/11. Thats right the guys the repubs want to keep locked up for centuries without trial.The described "islamo-fascist" who want to "destroy" America get GUARANTEED (Geneva Convention) high quality healthcare on the taxpayer dime (where hell did you think the money comes from Santa Clause) and the repubs don't have an issue. But spend money to create the same health system for Americans that is afforded to the enemy...NO the deficit.
NEWS FLASH the TRILLIONS spent so America can play "cowboys and fucking indians" unnecessarily adds to the deficit. FEEDING, CLOTHING, and providing HEALTHCARE to detainees at GITMO ADDS TO THE DEFICIT. THE IRAQ WAR (a completely unnecessary war) FOR OVER FIVE YEARS ADDED TO THE FUCKING DEFICIT (and the repubs want to stay there and "win" the war) FOR HELLS SAKE.
Americans love to brag , "oh America is the richest country in the world". True, so why do countries like Namibia, Estonia, Tunisia, and other countries that are SUBSTANTIALLY POORER that the United States have lower poverty rates than the "richest country in the world" That is a damned embarrassment.
And to those asses who scream "I WANT MY AMERICA BACK".Where the fuck were you over the past six years when Bush was taking away your rights (Patriot Act and FISA), torturing, and kidnapping people in America's name?
If Obama does not take steps to correct the deficiencies in the systems of America,it would mean he is no better that Bush. I want him to fix America. But in the end one can only HOPE.
One more thing: STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS!!!!
John Crow
This is exactly the sort of evasive buckdancing drivel I knew you were going to spew.
1) If you are not taking care of your family then YOU have the problem.
Don't you dare attempt to smear us brothers who are taking care of our families with YOUR shortcomings.
2) What the hell are you talking about?
3) I'm totally satisfied with the public services in my area.
4) As I asked you earlier and you evaded, give me an example of the type of current politician who brings home the bacon for his people in a manner that satisfies you.
5) I drive a Jeep Cherokee.
You're just another black coonservative phony who does nothing but attack and vilify your own people and it stems from your intense self-hatred and desire to be something that you never will be.
BTW BigMac
These are the questions I asked and you didn't deal with any of them.
What is your suggestion for dealing with crime?
Do you even acknowledge the black middle class?
Are you stating that all black communities by definition are crime ridden?
What would be the substantive difference between a hispanic barrio and a black ghetto?
I tried to be civil with you but you're just too much of a phony.
But then again you're a black rightie so you can't help it.
UTS;you are either kidding or not living in the real world,you say you are ok with the services you are getting in "South Bowie",I remember when besides Bowie State,the only thing out their were hogs and cows?But what do your congresswoman bring to PG county?
Is FOX a news organisation. No!
Neither is CNN, MSNBC, HLN and other channels.
There are only 4 real press agencies in America that delivers real news. Reuters, AFP, AP and CSPAN. The rest are just a bunch of commentary shows. FOX is a right wing circus, MSNBC is a left wing factory, and CNN is trying to horde both together to look unbiased. Let me give you an example : How many % of our money is wasted in health care according to an independent observer? I bet that you do not know unless you follow the 4 news agencies I tell you about. Visit my site for the answer.
FOX and MSNBC are the worst when it comes to this. The President is right to call out FOX News, but he should know that he got his blind following in MSNBC too and he kept mum about it.
UTS:Why do you resort to labels and insults to make your point? That's not class,thats tacky.
uptownsteve said...
"Funny Olbermann doesn't mention he bitched for 3 days about rightwing talkers meeting Bush in the Whitehouse."
And your point is what?
He's a f'n hypocrite just like most Democrats.
Why do you attempt this cheap and obvious evasion?
And there are no longer farms and cows in South Bowie.
Ernesto said...
Actually, I believe they do. In fact, I love the way that Roger Ailes has helped poison the Republican brand by giving a megaphone to the worst elements of neo-conservative wingnuttery. He is doing almost as much as Dick Cheney to assure the destruction of their chances of a comeback.
And look at the motley assortment of characters we have defending Fox: racist cretins that can only cut and paste approved talking points, tap dancing buffoons like CS, and deranged Hillary Clinton dead-enders like AB. Giving people like this a national platform is gauranteed to turn off the majority of the public to ever voting Republican again.
Right on. Right on.
Why is Obama and field so obsessed with a bunch of racist cretins?
Do you on the left really need 5+ hate Fox News websites reporting every word that is said on Fox News?
Do you on the left need to spend millions on docs about Fox News?
Do Democrats need to run and hide from these Fox News types? Democrats are so smart.They should be able to handle some racist cretins right?
Why all the boycotts?
Shouldn't you on the left get out of the way and let the Fox News racist cretins destroy the Republican party?
I would like for someone on the left to explain their dismissive-aggressive behavior towards Fox News.
did you/obama question anyone at msnbc/abc/cnn from 2000-2008 when they were doing to gwb PRECISELY what is being done to obama at fox news???
fox was once gwb tv
now msnbc/abc/cnn = obama tv
obama nazis = 3 to 1 STILL
why all the whining????
gwb never whined when the news netwks were was 3 to 1 against him!
obama is still faring way better!
yet whining louder each day!
pasted truths trumps lies too
"I would like for someone on the left to explain their dismissive-aggressive behavior towards Fox News."
I'd be willing to as soon as you explain why you like to hang around black liberation web sites.
anon 4:03,
Why is Obama and field so obsessed with a bunch of racist cretins?
Because they can't hire fast enough in the Secret Service to investigate the 400% more threats to Obama's life.
fox news is not being villified for LYING on obama
they are being punished for daring to tell any modicum of truth beyond the incessant CODDLING and EXCUSING of obama by their media peers
here are fox's headlines today
where are all the horrid lies on obama here???:
obama has caused way over 400% more misery via joblessness/homelessness/hunger/bail outs/drugs as escape/etc
so he has earned 400% more rage
ALL prezes must manup
death threats come with the job!
Fox news has repeatedly ignored the truth and contributed to the slander and lies their dimwitted minions are believing. Point by point, this shows several of the out right lies fox news ...
Truth be told people should look at all media,print,tv with a third eye and ear.I'm just saying!
ditto big m:
i choose fox because they lie least on obama
and i am sick of all the fluff pcs on michelle and the kids that waste time/deliberately distract on the other tv news fare...
uptownsteve said...
"I would like for someone on the left to explain their dismissive-aggressive behavior towards Fox News."
I'd be willing to as soon as you explain why you like to hang around black liberation web sites.
I read lots of blogs and found this one by chance.
Seems like you don't like white people posting here.
uptownsteve said...
Fox news has repeatedly ignored the truth and contributed to the slander and lies their dimwitted minions are believing. Point by point, this shows several of the out right lies fox news ...
You lose all cred when you don't post about the slanders and lies that come from CNN,MSNBC, or the NYTimes.
"You lose all cred when you don't post about the slanders and lies that come from CNN,MSNBC, or the NYTimes."
How about producing some evidence as I just did with Fox?
Take all the time you need.
ab: I'm still waiting for the photo of the first family getting their flu shot!I'm just saying
ditto big m:
a portrait we shall NEVER see
I should be clear,I don't enjoy bashing anyone,but I don't believe President Obama is owed a get out of jail free card from me.At the same time Im careful not to get sucked in to the wingnut parade,who also have no love for me or anybody that looks or think as I do.
Negroes defending Fox.
That would be something akin to Roaches for Raid, right?
Or chickens for Frank Perdue?
ditto big m:
i will only love obama when he earns it
i despise gwb
to date, obama has been more more than his clone
and on katrina/bankers/hbcus/police brutality etc..obama has actually been WORSE than gwb
even gwb would not mistake skip gates for sean bell/oscar grant!!!
or gut 85 mil from black colleges!
i am not a racist
i will never excuse even half of obama's evils just because he is half black
u know i maeant
obama has been NO more than a clone
or gut 85 mil from black colleges!
More lies!!!!
"President Obama's budget for FY 2010 shows increases in the appropriations for HBCUs ($250,000,000) and HBGI ($61,425,000); together, this request represents a $20,830,000 increase in the appropriation over the preceding year."
when did YOU suddenly start caring about poor black kids on scholarship at hbcus????
hbcu admin and tom joyner trump black neocons/YOU on this one us!
as obama makes MORE black parents jobless and homeless, his HBCU bs is a triple black whammy!!!
financial genocide x 3
"Steve - I have concluded from about 3 years of debating you that you are not just a BIGOT - you are DUMB!!!"
ditto! uts is dumb. God was having a bad day when he made Steve.
lies do not trump your apathy or the BLACK realities of obama's blackish evils!!!
nyt dup err above:
"President Obama's budget for FY 2010 shows increases in the appropriations for HBCUs ($250,000,000) and HBGI ($61,425,000); together, this request represents a $20,830,000 increase in the appropriation over the preceding year."
AB, uts just exposed you as a liar. Why are you lying about Obama?
got glasses?
us just exposed himself as a inept researcher
he is equally inept as you are a reader
admin at hbcu are AT HBCUs
tom joyner is the FOREMOST hbcu funder
they trump you and us's denial by miles!!!
uptownsteve said...
"You lose all cred when you don't post about the slanders and lies that come from CNN,MSNBC, or the NYTimes."
How about producing some evidence as I just did with Fox?
1.Operation Tailwind
2."CNN admits it did not accurately report how bad Saddam's regime was to keep a presence in Baghdad," Eason Jordan
3. Eason Jordan[CNN chief news executive] claimed that the journalist that wetre killed in Iraq was targeted by coalition forces.
There isn't any lie or slander that can compare to what CNN has done.I could go on about CNN, but i won't.
1.David Shuster "Chelsea's sort of being pimped out"
" I am convinced that Karl Rove will, in fact, be indicted."
2.MSNBC used fake Rush limbaugh quotes.
3.MSNBC still lies about Palin refusing to go on Oprah in 2008.
And again, i could go on and on.
Just an FYI for you, AB.
Tom Joyner is a hack. The corporate funds he gets are diverted from The College Fund drives. This is because the publicity factor is greater. He's also indulging in nepotism as his son runs that Foundation and gets paid by them (see Jesse Jackson). I quit listening to him a long time ago. Prefer Steve Harvey.
AB? Are your rantings based on envy of a beautiful sister that has that stable, powerful Black Man? I know, you like women, but the ranting just comes across as envy....just saying......
what sister are you talking about???
kola is a spinster shrew
i envy no woman
especially the millions of hets dogged by most het men
are you really that ignorant to think that any lesbian envies a het for having a man?
got sexual info?
tjms is a minstrel show
but i admire ALL philanthropists
even tj
i envy no man either
i envy no human
i am too blessed...
uptownsteve said...
30 Reasons why Fox News is not Legit.
Fox News routinely, and blatantly, breaks the code to which ethical journalists are supposed to aspire.
Really? You get all your news from leftwing hacks?
That explains your lack of reasoning and name calling.
hehe, this site is funny :) a bunch of black racists get together to do unending name-calling. Some fool named 'field negro' leads the tiny bunch who are regulars here. What douchebags :)
Then I see a few intelligent people here who say that endlessly blaming others is no solution. Those get called "Tom", etc.
I'd bet that the anonymous blog owner got his real-world job as the result of some affirmative action, official or unofficial - and he does his daily rantings and slobberings because he feels he should have an even better job given to him. What a douche.
"Hey fields,since Alan Grayson is your token white boy,do you agree with him calling women whores?"
I don't know about FN, but under the circumstances, I absoluely do agree with Grayson calling her a whore. I'll tell you- for all the bitchassed bitching right-wingers do about "PC", there is no group of people in this country more "PC" than right-wingers.
Anon@ 6:36, even if everything you cite were true, it would be the equivalent of about one hour on Fox in terms of the number of lies and distortions told, LOL.
This is why people actually RESPECT BigMac and very FEW others on this site:
"A Black man who is sick and tired of excuses from my people,yea I will call you out,but I still love you!"
He knows that excuses are toxic, my hat off to this brother. Keep on keeping on my man!
If BM had his own blog it would be much different. A lot less racism and a lot more excuses. He's got a brain.
Those are the reasons I am his fan. FN's blog has gone way downhill, but I come for the few true nuggets of knowledge. Also, AB has some of those too. They are not racist, they don't wine, they speak up when confronted...FN, nah, he doesn't do that. To be honest, we need a new leader. I am just saying. Nice guy and all, but kinda pitiful. Constructive (although I don't agree with all he says) calls FN out, and he cannot even respond. Plus, FN's posts increasingly permeate with racism. AB's and BM's do not. There is a big difference. They don't hate "whitey" just like I don't. There is good and bad in everyone.
So AB and BM, I applaud you. You truly give our people strength and inspiration. You don't try to get folks riled up, make excuses, or use half assed logic.
I am not trying to diss FN, but for those of us who have been on there for a while, it's apparent that things are going downhill.
FN, talk about some problems in OUR community...drugs, crime, baby daddies, etc. When we talk about our problems as a group, we can solve them. Bashing Whitey gets us no where my friend, but sets us back further. Your blog has hte power to change things, but it perpetrates our struggles and in a sense, does not mobilze us to move forward.
Peace my brothers and sisters. Be blessed and by joyous. Don't become the evil that we have been subjected to, or we lose.
having just read the post above this one, I will watch out for this BigMac's posts. He sounds like a step up. Field's writing is very cliche: everything is whitey's fault, whitey is always a racist, blah blah blah. For goodness sake, just look at the images on the right side of every page - it's like this blog is made by a churlish 15 year old boy.
After decades if that attitude, aren't we tired of it? We need solutions, not endless angry whining.
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