A couple of stories have me seeing red tonight. I will start with the two pictures that you are seeing with this post. Tell me, what is wrong with these two pictures? If you noticed the omission of the black folks on the poster set for a UK audience of the movie "Couple's Retreat", please go to the head o
f the class.

Like honestly, WTF is wrong with these movie execs? I mean this shit is getting just a little pathetic. I know that I am supposedly one of your faster racism chasers, but I am here to say that I doubt seriously if folks in the UK are so racist that they would stay away from a movie like this because it had a black couple.
Mr. Movie Executive, why cast black actors in movies if you are afraid to market them to certain audiences? And did you really think that people wouldn't notice this? Unbelievable!
"... a Universal spokesman said the altered poster aimed "to simplify the poster to actors who are most [recognizable] in international markets.""
Vince Vaughn, you are my man, but if you don't get with the producers and the studio responsible for this movie I am going to have to put you in my diss category. They are, after all, putting you front and center out there. I am sure that you don't want to be associated with this crap.
The second story that has me upset comes from North Carolina. Some stories just won't leave you alone, even when you try to ignore them. I actually stumbled on this story four times today, so I think the blogging Gods were trying to tell me something.
The last time I saw it was over at an excellent site called "Whose Shoes Are These Anyway?" and the author was as outraged as I am that this could have happened to this little girl.
Some of you Negroes I swear. Oh yes, it's time, once again, to attack black.
Antoinette Nicole Davis what the hell is wrong with you? Prostituting a five year old child?
"Police have charged the girl's mother, Antoinette Nicole Davis, with trafficking and other offenses, authorities said. Davis was "prostituting her child" ... ... The mother told police last week that the child vanished from their mobile home in Fayetteville. Hotel surveillance video taken around the same time Shaniya was reported missing showed the girl with a man identified as Mario Andrette McNeill. He was charged with first-degree kidnapping.(CNN)"
Ironically, I just saw the movie "Precious", and like the other blogger alluded to, the similarities are way too eerie. Some Negroes are beyond help, and the rest of us just have to cut their sorry asses loose. Nicole Davis and her poor excuse for a man are two such Negroes.
This story is sad and tragic, and it needs to be talked about. We can't run away from this kind of shit folks. If we don't confront it and talk about it, other children suffering under similar conditions will be overlooked by the rest of us and who knows what kind of fate awaits them.
I am just sorry that it was too late for this poor child.
Some Negroes are beyond help, and the rest of us just have to cut their sorry asses loose. Nicole Davis and her poor excuse for a man are two such Negroes.
You're damn right about that. We need to cut the religious manipulators who abuse forgiveness and turn the other cheek and learn the word SHUN. Shunning is a useful tool against those who do us and out kids harm.
Sorry to say this I blame the damn daddy of little Shaniya. This fool allowed his daughter to be left alone for three weeks with a recovering crack head mother. Did this man not have any of his relatives run up on this bitch to even see if little Shaniya was alright during those three weeks? I bet that bitch sold that child as soon as his dumb behind hand her over.
And another thing how did his White ass hook up with that the mother in the first place? I bet he was a former customer of the mother and slipped up getting her pregnant. I cried for that little girl she didn't have a fighting chance at all with two dumb parents looking after her. A crack head for a mother and idiot for the father. Rest in Peace little Shaniya.
Shaniya Davis...lord, why can't regular black folks just stop trying to be down and come out and say that some of us need vasetomies and Norplant? This beautiful little girl. Damn...
Well, I hate to bust your gotcha bubble, but, keep in mind they (the police) have absolutely zero (0) evidence she was prostituting her child. The only "evidence" they have is security footage showing the little girl entering but no footage of her leaving the hotel. HMMMmmmm.... If you ask me, it seems more likely the girl's father and aunt have something to do with this.
Watching their video on nancy "broadway" grace, they showed absolutely no emotion during the interview. Mind you, this was a couple of hours after police found her body.
I wonder if daddy had insurance on his daughter?
Don't be surprised if this case goes another way folks.
^^^cosign with anon^^^
You're joking? The UK tries to be more tolerant of other ethnic groups to unknown extremes compared to the US.
I would have guessed it would have been the other way around.
I mean Lenny Henry and Dawn French are a couple, to name a famous example. Hugh Quarshie and Nina Sosanya are/were in the RSC. Watch Lenny Henry's humour. Mainstreaming that you don't see in the USA.
Delete the blacks for the US audience, not the UK.
Not enough information on the photo.
In the abstract, just as a photo without knowing who the people are, they started with two in the foreground and went to six in the foregroyund. There wasn't room for eight, so they deleted two.
The black couple started farthest back and most obscured by other bodies. Was it even possible to enlarge that photo element and bring it forward?
Beyond that, I have no idea what the movie is or what it's about, and you didn't tell us. Were the blacks major characters or minor ones? If they were relatively less important characters and they wanted everyone in the foreground to make it a more eye-catching pic, well ...
Come on, Field, blacks are in all kinds of ads for all kinds of things. The accusation of racism here strikes me as far fetched. And if that's your best example of racism today, I'd say we're pretty damn well off in the Age of Obama.
Don't be surprised if this case goes another way folks.
lol Are you a family member of the girl's mama? While I think the father is culpable for letting the mother have her at all, I doubt it will turn out he did after all.
Yes, Virginia, black folks do awful things too.
I can't believe those movie execs.
Progressives can be so intolerant.
Stop all dat hatin' fields.You know pimpin' and ho'n is has American to negros has fried chicken and watermelon.
Don't hate da player, hate the game fieldzzzzzz.
Come on, Field, blacks are in all kinds of ads for all kinds of things. The accusation of racism here strikes me as far fetched. And if that's your best example of racism today, I'd say we're pretty damn well off in the Age of Obama."
OK Grinder, whatever you say. Please see the studio exces comments. That was a direct quote.
Just remember the words to that famous Doobie Brother's song. :)
Shabazz, I don't know who is responsible for the little girl's death. But mama being on crack does not excuse her behavior.
Shabazz...Is living proof of why the race card is officially used up. Let me get this right, Your suggesting the White daddy after five years of feeding and taken care of the little girl plotted with the crack head mother and guy pictured in surveillance camera to kill his child?...Negro is you crazy?!
The only thing that fool father is guilty of was getting a crack head pregnant and letting her have visitation rights. Look I know everyone loves a good conspiracy and shit...but this case is very simple. Hell, I called it right the day the little girl went missing. I think some people in our race refuse to accept some among us is poor evil...Like all races and cultures we have bad apples too.
Field, I don't know who the hell the actors are. For a gay man, my Hollywood knowledge is woefully inadequate. I doubt I could name more than a dozen current movie or TV celebrities.
So, maybe I'm flat wrong, but maybe the ones they picked are bigger international stars. I don't know, I really don't. But I do know that there are a bunch of black actors who are international stars.
Look, it's the goddamn movie business. All they care about is the money. Maybe racism is at the root of it, but I'd be really surprised.
As far as the other story goes, the woman is a walking argument for the fuckin' death penalty. Black or whatever doesn't matter. She placed herself outside of the human family. Flush!
"This story is sad and tragic, and it needs to be talked about. We can't run away from this kind of shit folks. If we don't confront it and talk about it, other children suffering under similar conditions will be overlooked by the rest of us and who knows what kind of fate awaits them."
Field, do you really expect to get a discussion or a dialogue going about black parents that abuse their children sexually, emotionally, mentally and physically? Hell, black on black murders are happening everyday across America and Blacks don't want to talk about it. Why would this tragic story of a vulnerable child be any different?
You will hear some black folks say, "this story is so sad and tragic", "damn!"--but not much more. The evil parenting and wrongs done to vulnerable children who depend on parents to protect and love them runs down the middle of a fault line in the BC. No one wants to talk about it and consequently the beat goes on.
Already there are some black folks minimizing what that wretched mother did by blaming the father for what happened to the girl. According to Shabazz and a few others, it probably is, once again, the white man's fault.
Denial is a wonderful thing for those who cannot face the truth.
The death penalty? You mean give her a shot that makes her fall asleep as a form a punishment for what she did/let happen to her child (allegedly of course)?!? That would be to easy for someone like her. No, let her rot in jail for the rest of her life with the knowledge that what happened to her was her fault.
"Police have charged the girl's mother, Antoinette Nicole Davis, with trafficking and other offenses, authorities said. Davis was "prostituting her child"
Jesus take the wheel.
Btw, it takes two to bring a child in this world and take responsibility for his/her well being. (And, it wouldn't surprise me if Hailey's mother was "prostituting" Hailey as well). Bad parents come in all colors.
And another thing how did his White ass hook up with that the mother in the first place? "
Umm... Anony, what exactly are you trying to say? It appears perception on moral expectations based on race speaks volumes.
Field, I have not yet seen Precious or Couple's Retreat. I can't wait to see Precious, I am very open-minded to it. I almost went to see Couple's Retreat tonight, changed my mind. Also, I saw the trailer and I might be wrong, but it seems that the only black couples are also the only unmarried set. Yet all the white couplings are at least married. Can someone clear that up for me before I start ranting?
"Let me get this right, Your suggesting the White daddy after five years of feeding and taken care of the little girl plotted with the crack head mother and guy pictured in surveillance camera to kill his child?...Negro is you crazy?!"
No, I saw that father and aunt interviewed on tv. Neither looked or acted liked they were fazed by her murder. That's why I said that, it had nothing to do with the "race card"
That's ok though.
Keep reaching, you may grab something.
grinder, pretend the black couple was a gay male couple instead.
I'll keep it short this time.
First, the only reason the black couple was in the movie was to reach out to the black audience and get our dollars. So when his usefulness ended, so did the limelight.
Second, it may not be politically correct or totally right, but that little girl's mom needs a bullet to the head if she really did this. I know the death penalty isn't big on this site, but some things just go too far.
"Like honestly, WTF is wrong with these movie execs?"
Field, there is nothing wrong with Hollywood execs or their marketing department. They are trying to get the most mileage out of their movie. Blacks don't play that well internationally unless they are huge stars, especially in Asia and the UK.
After looking at both advertisements it looks better without them and more beautiful in UK and Asia.
grinder, pretend the black couple was a gay male couple instead.
Well, La Idiot, glad you asked. If it was a gay couple, you'd hate 'em because you hate gay people, especially if they're white. But I wouldn't be thinking that they were automatically entitled to be in the foreground of the pic. I'd want to know more.
Anon, you mean the thought of black folks in the water with white folks makes some folks squeamish?
"And another thing how did his White ass hook up with that the mother in the first place? "
Umm... Anony, what exactly are you trying to say? It appears perception on moral expectations based on race speaks volumes."
Same ========== with you on that one.
Anon. 11:11 pm, I saw that story earlier. Calling conservative cousins, calling conservative cousins.
"But I wouldn't be thinking that they were automatically entitled to be in the foreground of the pic. I'd want to know more."
Fair point, but the black couple is not in the pic at all.
And FYI; movies with black leads are huge in Europe and some parts of Asia. I fail to see how two black folks in the back of the movie poster would drive white movie goers away.
I think the folks at the studios are projecting their own racial issues. They should give the movie going public more credit than that. I don't care what country it's in.
Madam grinder,
I didn't disrespect you. You're so angry and predictable.
Furthermore, the purpose of the exercise wasn't about the black couple needing to be in the lead or "foreground" of the picture. Ounce again, your hidden prejudices and white denial rescuing takes an oversight to fair and basic logic.
Ok, time for bed, typos are coming on. Field, I had a scary experience today on a plane, I don't need any stress from this blog tonight :)
I saw the headlines on a UK forum yesterday about Shaniya, but never clicked on it. Had no idea she was Black and at the time couldn't stomach another child abuse story. Now I've read it, I don't think I can go back to sleep.
As for the movie poster I doubt very much the intentions had anything to do with race, at least where British Executives are concerned. White folks here are more tolerant than in the USA. Me thinks it was based more for graphic design reasons....or so I'm telling myself.
I'm not going to respond to La Idiot, but Field, there were two pics. One with two in the foreground and six in thee background. Another with six in the foreground, and no background at all.
The second pic is more dynamic. It's a better picture. It grabs you. The first pic is static and boring.
The issue is whether the black couple got cut for racist reasons. I really don't know and neither does anyone else. The reaction is as much a Rorschach ink blot test as anything, i.e., a clue to the mental state of the observer.
I don't know the movie or the actors. Don't know if anyone's more famous than anyone else. Don't know what the U.K. movie market is like. I read somewhere that blacks don't go to the movies much in the UK, and maybe that's why they did it. I don't know if that's true or whether it's the voices inside someone's head.
But I do know that there are all kinds of black cultural figures whose images are successfully marketed all over the world, so I am skeptical that in this one case, the Hollywood people reached out and played hide the sausage with the black couple.
I've been surprised before, though.
Comment on a British website:
"I've heard of every white actor and actress, since they've all been in something I've seen before (Juno, 27 Dresses, Sex and the City, etc.)
"I've never heard of the black actor and actress. They both have bottom billing in their respective lists (the first poster lists performers based on gender). Perhaps that's why they were dropped? It happens. It's nothing to do with skin colour."
"And FYI; movies with black leads are huge in Europe and some parts of Asia."
Field, as I said before-unless the black actor is 'huge', black actors don't play very well internationally, especially in Asia and the UK.
Blacks do play well in parts of Europe; but not in the UK and most of Asia, esp. Thailand, Laos, India, Japan, China, and even Indonesia and parts of Tibet. Throughout SE Asia there are strong prejudices against Blacks there.
grinder "The second pic is more dynamic. It's a better picture. It grabs you. The first pic is static and boring.
The issue is whether the black couple got cut for racist reasons. I really don't know and neither does anyone else. The reaction is as much a Rorschach ink blot test as anything, i.e., a clue to the mental state of the observer."
grinder, you are exactly right. Having been in the entertainment and advertising business, there was no intention at all. Of course, some folks will swear that those Hollywood execs are guilty of racism no matter what.
Please read the last line of my comment at 11:17p. Rorschach test or not, the revised poster looks a lot better.
But as Anais Nin said, "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
PS. What's with that mean-spirited La Inc calling you angry? Now that is a classic case of pot criticizing the kettle.
Anon..."Field, there is nothing wrong with Hollywood execs or their marketing department. They are trying to get the most mileage out of their movie. Blacks don't play that well internationally unless they are huge stars, especially in Asia and the UK.
After looking at both advertisements it looks better without them and more beautiful in UK and Asia."
LOL this is absolutely idiotic. I take it you've never lived in the UK.
I have, so I know what I'm talking about. I agree with field that the studio folks are projecting their own racial issues, and somebody needs to call them out for it. Never lived in Asia, but it might be the same case.
Furthermore, "the racism" of the international market still doesn't excuse intentionally cutting out the black couple, and thereby pandering to that racism.
IMO James ulmer's statement that "the international marketplace is still fairly racist" in the article you linked to field and the "facts" about Will Smiths box office performances are also bullsshit. Movies with black leads have the same chance at being successful in Europe as they do in America. The last Will Smith movie I remember seeing in the UK was the Pursuit of Happyness, and that debut at number 1. I also think they've forgotten the fact that the UK, and many other developed nations, are very ethnically diverse.
Its terrible to hear what happened to that little girl, I don't understand what is wrong with some parents. No matter what kind of person someone is, you'd think they wouldn't be able to be so cruel to their own flesh and blood :(
Over half of my life has been in the UK, Europe, and Asia. The UK is quite racist towards Blacks. Also, there is a large population of Indians in the UK who are even more prejudiced against Blacks than the Indians here.
As I said before but you keep missing it: "If the black actor is HUGE,--like Will Smith, the movie will play well." Can you hear that?
I saw the father on TV as well, and he showed NO remorse whatsoever! now, that was STRANGE! his daughter was dumped, by the side of the road and this man was on TV as if, this was a everyday thing for him!
Yes, our people need to be called out for their behavior, we are giving the White man a race for his money! we are all over America Killing as if we are Animal's! and yes, we are! us! Black folk's! so called African American's!!! the so called (Prideful Black Race)!!!
When that young man, was Beat to Death in Chicago, our people didn't do SQUAT! we cried for a while and then what? back to our same routine! Blaming FOX NEW'S for being RACIST! FOX NEW'S is NOT coming in our community's killing our people! Young Black Male's are!
I could care less, about that Black couple getting Excluded on that Ad! why should we care about them? this is not important, this has been going on for Year's!!!!! we are being sucked into this never ending Madness of (they leaving us OUT again) well, so what! we should STOP wanting to be a part of what WHITE FOLK'S do!
They didn't want us in their community's, well, we forced our way into Their Neighborhood! we just had to live amongst White folk's! when will this STOP?
White people DO NOT and will NEVER accept us wholeheartedly, why can't we accept this and CLEAN up our own RACE! why do we need White people anyway? can someone, PLEASE tell me that? what doe's the WHITE RACE, have to offer our people? aren't we Sick and Tired of these people by Now!!!!!!
"we should STOP wanting to be a part of what WHITE FOLK'S do!"
I agree.
Every time I hear some Bible thumping jiggabo railing about why gay folks shouldn't get married or have children, I'm reminded that degenerates like this woman are allowed to procreate.
There is no defense for this crazy woman pimping and then killing her own 5 year old daughter. And the fact that there will be some Negroes out there blaming 'the man' for this woman's craziness shows how far we have to go as a people.
"Every time I hear some Bible thumping jiggabo railing about why gay folks shouldn't get married or have children, I'm reminded that degenerates like this woman are allowed to procreate. "
Would that be iseeisee your talking about?
Anon 1:12 AM...
I was replying to the anonymous I quoted, not you, unless you were the one who said "After looking at both advertisements it looks better without them and more beautiful in UK and Asia."
"As I said before but you keep missing it: "If the black actor is HUGE,--like Will Smith, the movie will play well." Can you hear that?"
I get what you are saying. The two black actors were in the background of the pic, not in the center. Can you tell me that having the black couple there really would have had any effect on the ticket sales??
I think Eddie made a good point,
"First, the only reason the black couple was in the movie was to reach out to the black audience and get our dollars. So when his usefulness ended, so did the limelight."
That was clearly the case.
I've spent some years in Fayetteville, NC, and I have a daughter, so the Shaniya thing disturbs me. I don't care what your addiction, disease, or problem is: you just don't mess with children.
North Carolina has the death penalty, but they haven't executed anyone in over 3 years (Samuel R. Flippen on August 18, 2006). NC has also never executed a woman.
If they find the mother involved and guilty, though, she might be the first.
"White people DO NOT and will NEVER accept us wholeheartedly, why can't we accept this and CLEAN up our own RACE"
Because a lot of Blacks don't like themselves and cannot accept themselves. Those two unknown actors are irrelevant. Had it been Denzle Washington or Halle Berry or some other famous black actor they would have been in the poster.
But we all know that Field loves to maka a mountain out of a mole hill. It's good for his blog. This time he included two missing obscure black actors in a poster, that nobody gives a damn about, with the ghastly evil acts of a black mother on her helpless child.
It's a great way to split the focus and diminish the bigger problems that are KILLING Blacks.
I swear, Field is becoming like the man he has often criticized- Rev Inc!
the idiot calling folks a "jigaboo" needs to grab a clue. why the racial slurs? God knows, females that should never have children has NOTHING to do with race.
save your racial slurs.
"I get what you are saying. The two black actors were in the background of the pic, not in the center. Can you tell me that having the black couple there really would have had any effect on the ticket sales??"
Yes, it would. I have spent a career in the entertainment and advertising industry. Everything that is in a poster or commercial speaks to an audience through their senses, emotions, minds and hearts.
You are right, Eddie made a good point because he "got the picture" and understood realistically whaat the movie business is about, which is to attract people to the box office. Brits and Asians tend not to go to movies with Blacks in it UNLESS they are huge names(famous). Likewise, Blacks tend not to go to all White or all Asian movies UNLESS they are famous. Famous actors transcend race.
I would have removed those black actors from the poster too because they might cost some sales at the box office internationally. And I wouldn't give a damn what someone in Kiladelphia would think.
Actually, some American bloggers, who are making mountains out of molehills, might cost some hungry black actors some small parts in all white movies over a damn poster in the UK and Asia! If I were a producer, I wouldn't even bother with trying to put Blacks in a movie where there is no need. It's too much damn trouble.
I live in Sydney, Australia and I saw this VERY SAME doctored movie poster this past Sunday while waiting to buy my ticket to see "2012".
I asked to speak to the manager and he very politely explained to me that this poster was the one that ALL Australian cinemas had received for this particular movie. He also told me that I wasn't the only movie patron who had complained about the doctored photo.
That Universal spokesman needs to come on off the bullcrap.
If I were to do a poll of the average Aussie, I'm sure less than quarter would be able to identify Vince Vaugh and perhaps half would get the woman who used to be on "Sex in the City".
And as for that monster of a mother {and the clueless dad who needs to be charged with child abandonment), of that beautiful little angel - may she rot in prison. Giving that witch the death penalty is just too kind. Let her spend the rest of her worthless life in a cell with only bread and water to live on.
Anon "I saw the father on TV as well, and he showed NO remorse whatsoever! now, that was STRANGE! his daughter was dumped, by the side of the road and this man was on TV as if, this was a everyday thing for him!"
Anon, are you and Shabazz parents who care about your own children? Do you think the mother of her murdered child has any remorse? Do any Blacks have any remorse for our black kids that are being killed every week at schools, in the neighborhoods and in the streets?
You have no idea what is in that man's heart and you have no right to judge him. Instead, judge yourself. Do you care about black children, or do you lack feelings for them?
@ANON 1:18 AM
TOTAL COSIGN. It's about love of one's self and self respect. Our time and money is too precious to waste on those who don't appreciate us.
Brenda, "He also told me that I wasn't the only movie patron who had complained about the doctored photo."
The poster was not 'doctored'. It was changed to suit Aussies. If you live in Sydney, then you are in one of the most racist cities in the world! And you are probably one of a hundred Blacks who live there. Congratulations.
Either way, how many Blacks do you think will go see the movie? Do you think there will be lines of Blacks waiting to see the movie? If not very many, then what do you care?
One very visible weakness of Blacks is they don't know how to priotitize and choose their battles wisely. They are busy making a stink over a damn movie that few Blacks will bother to go see while black-on-black murders and crime in Ameirca is at an all-time high; and black children's education is at an all-time low.
How disgusting.
I have yet to see Precious nor read the book Push, a novel which the film is based. Everything I've heard thus far concerning the story itself has been rave. I cannot wait to see the movie.
I keep telling people racism is alive and kicking. They can't fool me. LOL. I KNOW.
Oh, and Davis needs to be taken 'round back. Just sad.
"@ANON 1:18 AM
TOTAL COSIGN. It's about love of one's self and self respect. Our time and money is too precious to waste on those who don't appreciate us."
I have heard this tune many times before. It's a broken record that no one responds to.
It's racism and it's business. It's not one or the other.
Also the black actor is the only one who is not married and as Steven Barnes pointed out, is also the only one who is morbidly obese.
Brenda thanks for the look from "Down Under".
"I would have removed those black actors from the poster too because they might cost some sales at the box office internationally."
Example Np. 1 of why the movie business is down.
"Actually, some American bloggers, who are making mountains out of molehills, might cost some hungry black actors some small parts in all white movies over a damn poster in the UK and Asia!"
Well, they could always make their own movies.
But, you are right, why let a liitle "molehill" like racism get in the way of a few $. *rolling eyes*
field said "This story is sad and tragic, and it needs to be talked about. We can't run away from this kind of shit folks. If we don't confront it and talk about it, other children suffering under similar conditions will be overlooked by the rest of us and who knows what kind of fate awaits them."
yes this is tragic, but is there a trend of 5 year old girls being offered for prostitution?
maybe you just more broadly mean children in terrible conditions.
anon 3:43
How dare you?
Do You know how many black folks are 2 degrees or less, from a murder of child and how each in their own way may mitigate a circumstance to prevent the next one?
Clifton B said...
I noticed a little bit of foot traffic from you on my Sitemeter so I popped over. Just want to give you a little heads up. The graphic you displayed (Friday the 13th) has nothing to do with the Beck show. It was created as a tongue in cheek prank by some of my blogger buddies. So your premise that Beck thinks America is afraid of black conservatives is a little off here.
I thank you for your respectful disagreement, you run a sharp looking blog here. Will add you as a black liberal perspective to my blog roll.
Another Black Conservative
Off topic. Field don't ever ever let this ass kissing, buck dancing,Stepin Fetchit punk post shit on your blog. They censure liberals comments.They are paid by those black hating institutes like Cato and others to lie to white folks and get their payment of a piece of ham .He's a str8 up beeyach.He dogs out Blacks, Gays, women,and Hispanics. All to get the honor of kissing Glenn Beck's sorry ass.When death threats went out about Malia and Sasha, the black right didn't say shit. When blacks drowned in Katrina Jesse Lee Peterson blamed it on black people. They are Kapos, the Jewish people that put other Jewish people in the ovens for payment.They advocate our destruction.
ditto fn:
i see the racism
but i have 0 sympathy
like tyler perry has done, black hollywood elites should have built MANY black film empires by now
black studios control their own publicity
ditto fn:
my heart goes out to this abused baby's father and his family...they are visibly broken!
i hope the all 3 dregs get life in prison with no parole...
PRECIOUS is mandatory viewing as such abuse is MORE common than ever within a new breed of toxic parents and broken families...ask any teacher of any grade....
see more on PRECIOUS:
As a fellow lesbian, I idolize Sapphire’s rebel courage and candor. Sapphire’s uncensored truths combined with Lee Daniels unmatched vision can only fashion creative perfection. I expect only sheer excellence from these two superior artists. A superb cast and monied producers like Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey only enhance a project destined to be great. Both Perry and Winfrey have bravely revealed their own experiences as sexually abused children.
Toxic parenting is the greatest gaping wound in America! Wounds heal best in open air. Sapphire’s legendary novel “Push” simultaneously exposes toxic parenting, extreme sexual child abuse, and colorism. Daniels’ film is certain to expertly illuminate these festering wounds. Hopefully, they will also spark belated and healing discussions.
I stopped by the black female conservative website "What About Our Daughters" this morning to see if there was any mention of Antoinette Davis' pimping of HER five year old daughter.
That site exists exclusively for the excortiation of black men.
Black consevatives are such fuckin phonies.
I stopped by the black female conservative website "What About Our Daughters" this morning to see if there was any mention of Antoinette Davis' pimping of HER five year old daughter.
That site exists exclusively for the excortiation of black men.
Black consevatives are such fuckin phonies.
"One very visible weakness of Blacks is they don't know how to priotitize and choose their battles wisely."
Oh yeah. I guess that's why you, a white racist, rants pathetically on a black board daily when you are just being laughed at.
"while black-on-black murders and crime in Ameirca is at an all-time high; and black children's education is at an all-time low."
There were more murders in America in 1978 than there were in 2008..
And I challenge you to produce any evidence that black children's education is at an all time low.
Take all the time you need Goober.
those old stats will not save one life today...
ditto on the selective censorship of news items...
NO msm reported on the slumlords obama/v jarret and the related olympic bid scam etc
and FEW msm are reporting the slumlord link of another new obama connected corpse in chi
Not the point AB.
Black conservatives keep repeating the lie that everything is getting worse for blacks and that the decline started with the Civil Rights Movement.
That is some pathetic bootlickin, head scratchin Uncle Tom bull$hit.
you posted:
"I stopped by the black female conservative website "What About Our Daughters" this morning to see if there was any mention of Antoinette Davis' pimping of HER five year old daughter.
That site exists exclusively for the excortiation of black men."
i read that as selective reporting/deliberate reverse sexist censorship
my bad?...so...just what was your point then?
and uts:
i agree with the neocons regarding the decline of ALL life and black life in america
the elites of all races are living better than ever
and the poor of all races are living worse than ever
american life and schools are more segregated than ever
the neocons are telling these truths that you refuse to accept....
there really once was a time in america when moms were not crackheads who pimped their infant baby girls...
My point was very clear.
The WAOD website is blog operated and patronized by a gaggle of bitter, manhating black women and had the perp in the Shaniya Davis tragedy been a black man they would have blared the story and his picture on the board for days.
But the perp is a black WOMAN so no mention at all.
"there really once was a time in america when moms were not crackheads who pimped their infant baby girls."
40 years ago in the ghetto they probably were heroin addicts who pimped their kids.
Be for real AB.
There has never been any "Paradise Lost" for the ghetto black in America.
Pick up the "Autobiography of Malcolm X" to referesh your memory.
NO drug has ever decimated the black community like crack
bar none.
pimping children has become a
NORM/RULE as never before
there have always been prisons and racist cops/courts
but NEVER ever a thriving corp prison industrial complex (pic)
these are indeed the worst of times uts
whether you ever choose to see what time it is or not
uts ditto:
msm is giving us no real news about obama and his evil murderous inner circle at all
"pimping children has become a
NORM/RULE as never before"
This is ridiculous.
Bye AB.
i love malcolm's autobio
i have read it many times
i espcially love how mx used his own self-taught literacy to change his life and legacy
seen any kids reading at public schools lately?
most read further below their grade levels than ever before collectively...of all races!
their fertile toxic young parents are equally illiterate
and that bio is devoid of crack/crackheads/parental pimps etc...also
if i was losing this debate as glaringly as you are, i would rush to say bye to
buh-bye now
UTS: Gina of What About Our Daughters is on hiatus until December. If you actually checked her blog you'll see her post in that respect.
And given that I'm as liberal as they come, I think I can say without equivocation, Gina's no conservative.
@uptown Steve
WOAD is on hiatus for the month of November. Since the first place that you hear about such atrocities as Dunbar Village, and various missing Black Women and Children stories are on her site (and not many sites run by upstanding BM's such as yourself * mayjah eye roll*) she is taking a much needed break....
It's amazing how one stupid assed BM can take two stories that have NOTHING to do with the "state of the downtrodden BM" and turn it into more BW hateraide.
Fuck you....
Looks like I touched a nerve.
BTW I don't hate black women.
I'm married to one.
You probably think black men hate black women because YOU can't get a man.
Fuck you back.
Living here near Fayetteville NC, a lot of us were horrified and suspicious about the circumstances surrounding this poor child's disappearance. My heart goes out to the father. As a single father with a 5-1/2 year old daughter of my own I can only imagine his grief.
I can see this thread is now the steve and alicia show. (groan)
p.s.: Can someone make up a poster for that?
Vince Vaughn hasn't come across as particularly enlightened over the years. He is a republican for god's sake.
Does anyone else notice that UTS and AB always show up simultaneously every day? It confirms for me that they are the same lunatic person in need of major mental health services. Whichever one posts first, the other posts almost immediately thereafter.
anonymous posters are pussies.
they are also rabid pathological and incessant blatant liars too!
i notice that ABitch managed to work obama into this thread. yawn.
i believe that ABitch suffers from the following disorders, and really needs our sympathy and understanding.
1. narcissistic personality disorder, as evidenced by the constant posts, drawing all attention to herself, constantly repeating her alleged qualifications, calling herself a "lioness" and attacking others just to prop herself up. also taking credit for others' work.
2. borderline personality disorder. as much as she claims to hate me, kathy, jody, LAI and others, it's really an obsessive and quick formed love-hate relationship. people with BPD immediately form bonds but then proceed to torture the person. the classic book is called "i hate you, don't leave me." also, the BPD person loves conflict and creates it solely for the sake of having big fights. thrives on the drama. incites fights. denial (blaming others) and projection (ascribing faults they have to others, such as "lying" are also hallmarks of the BPD person, as is "pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior."
3. obsessive compulsive disorder: the fact that she can't let a single post go without commenting with an attack against obama is proof enough, but also the fact that she cannot stay off the blog for more than a few hours at a time.
4. bipolar disorder: the mania is clearly present in the number of times she posts, how she repeats herself. how her temper builds and explodes, usually over nothing or something very small. the primary symptom of bipolar disorder is irritability and she surely has evidenced that in spades. while i haven't seen the depressive side of her disorder, i am assuming it happens when she's off this site.
i hope she gets help; maybe this list will get her thinking about trying to heal herself.
i originally posted this on the carrie prejean thread, and if you'd like to see the insanity that ensued (60+posts, mostly to and from herself because no one else cares), be my guest.
thank you so very much for inviting all to share yet another massacre of your hating rabid ass herein!!!
thanks for proving that you are indeed the resident psyco here
and of course i would be remiss if i did not complete your rehashed previews you silly stalker bitch:
your bubble gum psychobabble will do nothing to mask yuor inferior research skills or YOUR blatant lies!!!
apply these comical diagnoses to your PERPETUAL lying/harassment/ineptitude/
refusal to admit defeat/masochistic penchant for my serial slayings herein/you incessant role as a kola drone/your jungle fever etc
YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope you get
a life
some awards
an education
and some research skills
a soul
a conscience
a spine
a real black stud/some black condoms
a husband
a stepfather for your swirled strays
so you can stop hating on me!!~!!!
I have a cousin who was a crackhead back in the day. She owed drug dealers a lot of money, she gave them or they took her son for payment/ransom. I am not clear of exactly how the child abduction occurred but the bottom line was he was held by drug dealers and they wanted money. My Aunt had to pay the drug dealers off in order to get her grandson back.
I remember my father trying to convince my aunt to call the police. She told my father they told her that if the police were called her grandson would be sold and her daughter would be killed.
My aunt paid. My cousin went to rehab and got treatment, she has five more children and she is doing great. Her son is a wonderful young man.
I am not making any excuses for the young women. I am just letting you guys know it is not that unusual. I think the fact that mother called in an Amber Alert basically signed her daughters death warrant .
you were set up and shared tmi as always
i KNOW that it is my refusal to blindly worship that blackish obama that angers you so as you worship ALL black men...prez or not...
i get that....so no need to preface your previews with any feigned boredom about obama
you live to protect obama and every other bm you know
seen this on
I find counting the amount of times that Alicia Banks posts in a row is a lot more entertaining and educational than actually reading the cut-n-pastes she slips in between her manic rants. Hehe well at least the comments started out well enough.
On the Couples Retreat deal, I can't call racism on it just because of the players involved. This movie was like MADE part 2 for me since it reunited Faizon(sp) Love, Vaughn and Favreau... only thing missing was Famke and P.Diddy. I doubt Faizon got in to woo blacks into going to the theater, we're hardly at the theater as it is (I am there weekly so judging from my own observance). I think it was like, hey lets get Faizon in this thing cause we all work so well together. That being said, snubbing him from the poster doesn't scream racist to me, and I am a person who spots this sh-t almost immediately.
uptown steve said:
You probably think black men hate black women because YOU can't get a man.
Fuck you back.
Im married also - to a white man.
upya ass!
And I guess you feel so friggin special!!!
I bet he looks like Gomer Pyle and you hang all over him like a linebacker on a running back.
What a loser.
oj posse checking in....bet!
thanks for keeping it flowing herein...from mareallycaptainsaveabro
to dreglizardcreepintosaveanastyho
that was one smooth segue "bruh"
counting is always easier than reading...and all of your fellow retarded human reptiles would agree
we got that u oj skank loving worm...
i guess that means you missed mareallytrollingforoj's
OWN rehashed "cut and paste/rant" from ANOTHER thread then huh?
you inept hating fools are too stupid to be clandestine with your hypocritical bs herein
I'm from the UK & I'm Black.
They did the same thing with the film 'Role Models', the black boy is not featured in the posters.
Unfortunately, I think middle class whites won't take their children to see a movie like that.. As for couples retreat,I think similar reasons at play.......btw, why is the black couple cast so unattractive??? Isn't he the most overweight? Aren't there prettier blacks (I know I will get some stick for this) e.g. Orlando Jones???
Peace and love.
grinder, tame your inner racist "girl"
"Anon, are you and Shabazz parents who care about your own children? Do you think the mother of her murdered child has any remorse? Do any Blacks have any remorse for our black kids that are being killed every week at schools, in the neighborhoods and in the streets?"
I love my children unconditionally bitch, you don't know shit about me or my children so don't go there.
They were cool as a cucumber.
I'm not dismissing the mother's guilt but, coming from someone who's lived in Black skin for 35 years knows the way my folk get treated when it comes to criminal cases.
I almost threw up watching nancy "amazing" grace last night. She really needs to work on her acting skills. Then they interviewed the half-sister, who happens to belong to another black woman the daddy was screwing, and she too was cool as ice. Only a person with pure hatred in their heart can just be so cool about everything after they found his little girl on the side of the road troubles me deeply.
Not to mention they also shown a whole family of six white men on separate charges and trials (all rape and sex offenses) yet one of ol' nancy pants cronies didn't hesitate to make it clear that your innocent until proven guilty.
Some of the lowest of the low racists secretly have sex with and even marry Black women and children.
I don't know what you are anon, but if you're white, everything I said would be moot anyway.
No matter how you try to hide it, the racist deep down inside always surfaces. You will never get it because your inner racist won't let you. Secretly (and openly), they honestly believe it's thier god's will for us to be treated as subhumans and we were put here to be your servants. Many nations hate us, but it's funny, every other non-white race despises white people. I wonder why that is?
iseeisee - Thanks for being one who's not afraid to call it for what is.
We didn't create this, why should we have to walk on eggshells for anything, if we really acted like we got some sense, they wouldn't even be walking the streets considering what they put us through for over 500 years.
"There is no defense for this crazy woman pimping and then killing her own 5 year old daughter. And the fact that there will be some Negroes out there blaming 'the man' for this woman's craziness shows how far we have to go as a people."
Well, where's the proof?
AB,"i agree with the neocons regarding the decline of ALL life and black life in america
the elites of all races are living better than ever
and the poor of all races are living worse than ever
american life and schools are more segregated than ever
the neocons are telling these truths that you refuse to accept...."
Thanks ab. Uts is such a dunce.
"It's amazing how one stupid assed BM can take two stories that have NOTHING to do with the "state of the downtrodden BM" and turn it into more BW hateraide."
I agree. UTS is one stupid ass bm and I am a bm. He is known as the resident idiot here. Also, notice when he has been proven wrong about his assessment of a bw, he is unable to admit his error. That is a sign of a very immature small person...one who cannot own up to his mistakes.
But maybe it's a black male thing? That is, never say, "I was wrong", esp. to a bw?
Shabazz, "I love my children unconditionally bitch, you don't know shit about me or my children so don't go there."
Shabazz, you are right, I don't know shit about you, and you don't know shit about the father of that child, either so don't YOU go there either.
You need a strong prescription for Prozac- to calm your monkey mind, to help you 'let go' of your deep-seated hatred of Whites because it clouds your thinking and makes your soul look very dark and ugly.
And as iseeisee often says, "God doesn't like ugly!!!"
Shabazz said...
I love my children unconditionally bitch, you don't know shit about me or my children so don't go there.
I know you need to put that crack pipe down negro.
I know Im all late, but I did want to comment:
"Sorry to say this I blame the damn daddy of little Shaniya."
Look, dude was just trying to give the mother of his child a chance to be a mother to his child. He had no idea that ish like this was going to happen. Same shit happened to me: My father let my mother take my sister and I to the zoo...two days later we were on the other side of the country.
I know you need to put that crack pipe down negro.
Like your pasty ass mother you pale euro colonial bitch.
I find counting the amount of times that Alicia Banks posts in a row is a lot more entertaining and educational than actually reading the cut-n-pastes she slips in between her manic rants. Hehe well at least the comments started out well enough.
ROTFLMAO!! Here I thought I was the only person who did that!
Have you seen the new Ocean Spray Cranberry commercial?
It starts by showing a holiday table crowded with packages of brand name food items people use to create a holiday dinner. There are some Ocean Spray Cranberry products also displayed.
Two men are doing the voice over.
One says (and I'm paraphrasing):
I think Ocean Spray Cranberries should declare themselves King of the holiday dinner.
The other man says:
Fine with me. We'll probably get some flack from the dates and the figs but nobody can tell those two apart anyway.
grinder said, "ROTFLMAO!! Here I thought I was the only person who did that!"
You ought to be ashamed of yourself. ab's comments are deep. You and others who are busy sharpening your counting skills from one to ten are missing an opportunity to expand your minds.
another anonymous, poorly written and ineffectual defense of ABitch (written by her, of course).
thanks anon:
i ignore grinder as a catty fag hater
many gay men hate women as much as some het men do....actually moreso because many gay men want to be women...he "grinds" my nerves
i think grinder is still upset about the fact that i counted how many times gaybashers herein have called him "cocksucker"...and like the nelly wimp that he is he ignored that
if "grinder" had any class as a gay man he would never defend kola's gaybashing posse of bimbo bullying bitches herein
he would never choose a vulgar name like "grinder"
i never post as assnon
never ahve
never will
i LOVE for people to see my name as i slay you mareallytrollingforojs
I AM ALICIA BANKS only & always,
and you are not
no matter how many times you and your posse stalk me herein/post as assnons etc
you and kola and hanky head et al were still completely busted on EVERY lie you posted about:
the letter
we all see you lying hating inept bitches
YOU AL LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Mainstreaming that you don't see in the USA."
Um, the most prominent couple in the U.S. is a black couple, the Obamas.
Reality trumps entertainment
Spare us the lecture on how much more "tolerant" it is the U.K. Informed people know better.
Alicia, on the other thread I kindly asked you, if you write these things with a straight face? I'm just curious.
he would never choose a vulgar name like "grinder"
You just passed the Rorschach Test, hon! Ha ha ha!
Having seen the movie, I came away with the impression the black actors were added at the last minute to allow for; one bad credit joke, one penis size joke and several "hood rat" jokes. During the entire movie the black actors came off as fifth wheels.
Now on to the poster:
The marketing department made a big mistake, but it was with the USA version.
The overseas version allows for:
- better view of main characters/stars. Two of the actors are well-known tv stars and Vince is the product being sold.
- better details offering view view of faces and props.
- better visual, newer poster more likely to grab your attention.
look at how the Role Model film is promoted in the UK.
The black boy Bobb'e J. Thompson is not featured on the promo material.
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