You know what I hate about that SOB racism? I will tell you what I hate: Sometimes he will do sneaky shit to instigate me into chasing him and then when I catch his ass he tries to act like he wasn't the one messing with me in the first place.
Take this latest brouhaha over a Wall Street Journal article. Have you all heard of this? Seems the Journal is pissed off about one of the O man's appointments to the federal bench. They think that the guy is way too liberal and shouldn't be given a federal judicial appointment. So far so good, right?
Yes, but then in their article decrying the pick, the Journal let their inner "R" show by referring to the nominee as "the White House Butler." Nice. I love their play on words. The guy's name is Butler, and he does happen to be black. So was the Journal using their cute play on words because of the guy's race? Or was it just a play on his name? Wait....let me look at the actual article. It was the headline? And here I thought it was just a line buried deep in the op-ed piece. Oh yeah Mr. R, I have your ass now.
Oh field, there you go again, you must be really desperate to find racism if you are going to accuse a fine paper like The WSJ of being racist. So a bunch of tree hugging white liberals in Wisconsin see racism, it doesn't mean that it is there. Field, not everyone is a racist, some people don't even think of such things. News flash, field, this is a "post racial America." You know who is a racist, field? The tree hugging liberals in Wisconsin who just naturally associate a black man with a butler.
"The headline was a play off of his last name, and to suggest anything otherwise is absurd," said a statement from Wall Street Journal spokeswoman Ashley Huston."
OK field, that ought to settle it. Once again you are chasing racism when there is nothing there to chase.
I swear the next time he comes around I am going to tell racism to go and play with someone else. His ass is way too slick for me.
When are "white" people gonna learn that when a person of color makes an accusation of racism, they ought to just shut up and listen before they run their mouths off in their own defense?
Murdoch Strikes Again.
This 'butler' looks like one of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings offspring.
You know racist are having a field day since Obama got into office. Hell, I don't blame them if I was racist and hated all minorities I'd be letting loose to right now.
But here is the problem minorities are starting to out number them and soon we will be the "Majority"..They better start praying we are kinder to them then when they were in power over us.
So, I say let them have there fun and Field just keep a log of all there racist bullshit.
"I swear the next time he comes around I am going to tell racism to go and play with someone else. His ass is way too slick for me."
Classic! The big "R" never plays fair, and whenever it is called out it will take it's ball and go home.
Robert Guillaume really needs a job.
Give the guy a break...
at least he worked in the Governor's mansion, and on his staff as Lieutenant Governor. Oh, wait a minute! Wasn't that Michael Steele?
Field, you are wrong. There is no racism here, just a play on words. My God, man! You need 'Black and White Race Therapy' to ease your mind and emotions.
It's expensive, but it's partially covered by Black and White Insurance. All you have to do is go to the psychiatrists or psychologists that they recommend.
It's very effective. Look what it did for Michael Steele, Rev Peterson and Rev Manning. They aren't out of breath chasing racist mirages, like you are.
Love the sarcasm.
Racism is definitely not slick, especially when it comes to a person or race of people who have ate and sh*t'd it's manifested effects. I would say that I'm surprised by the straight forwardness of the word play, but, of course, I cannot.
I agree with your criticism, Field. The WSJ's editorial page is notoriously offensive, and I think the headline was racist as hell.
Swiff, I forgot about that, the WSJ is Rupe's paper, isn't it.
"Robert Guillaume really needs a job.
Give the guy a break..."
Stop it Rippa, I might wake my neighbors laughing out loud.
"This 'butler' looks like one of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings offspring."
Roderick, I think the WSJ folks were thinking the same thing.
Anon 12:46 am, you are not helping. :)
"So, I say let them have there fun and Field just keep a log of all there racist bullshit."
Anon, I don't have the room. Unless someone wants to donate a library to me.
Rubert Murdock ruined that paper. I use to read a coworkers WJS in the nineties all the time. For a finacical class had an online subscription 4 years ago, notice the papers POV and writing had changed. The writing became amateurish as one sees with that headline. Didn't know what changed till I realized Murdock now owned the paper Even if it wasn't a racist double entendre, it was a headline worthy of the Enquirer.
Media folks and politicians are getting way slick with their racist comments in the age of Obama. They'll say something that can easily be seen as racist, but can have a different interpretation as well. (Like the NY Post cartoon of the monkey getting shot.)
That way they can act all innocent and say "Huh? You guys are just over-sensitive."
Thanks Field, if you hadn't pointed this out I never would have thought of this as racist. When I hear that the butler did it, the picture that comes to mind is someone British with a stiff upper lip.
Louis Butler was an excellent judge in the town where I live, Milwaukee. He was appointed to the Supreme Court by Gov. Jim Doyle but voted out after a disgusting racist campaign by the Republicans.
Obama appointing Louis Butler to the District Court is only fair and just, and he will do an outstanding job.
Now that Rupert Murdoch has taken over the WSJ you'd better get used to racist smear jobs like this.
"It's very effective. Look what it did for Michael Steele, Rev Peterson and Rev Manning. They aren't out of breath chasing racist mirages, like you are."
Maybe, but their lips are all blistered from kissing white ass.
This is BS if Murdoch had nothing to do with the WSJ fine, but since he owes the paper along with his racist rag the NyPOST. Yeah, it there racist ways of playing with words just like their dead chimp cartoon.
Murdoch cut a deal with the chinese to help buy the WSJ, because the Chinese didn't like the indepth reporting the WSJ was doing on them over the years, before racist Murdoch finally brought the WSJ. Look deep into the rabbit hole Field.Peace, big up to Paul Bogle!
Dude looks white. But, yeah, totally racist of the WSJ to confirm his race and then appraise him accordingly.
Right On Field..The WSJ is clearly a racist publication and it has been for decades..
What is hilarious is when people reference articles in the WSJ to make their point and in the very same issue a person can use another article to make the opposing point. Why anyone would take stock in the WSJ is beyond me.
Then there is this kind of crap. The rag isn't even useful enough to line a bird cage.
Wow, really lost me this time. How is "Butler" a racial stereotype?
If there is an innuendo (not just a lame play on words) wouldn't it be that this judge will be the servant of the White House? This is an opinion piece. That could be the writer's opinion, but I don't see how that's racist.
DC is in the south and unless you were the Vanderbilts, you didn't have white servants, even in the White House. This is as recent as 30 years ago.
Racetraitoress: You speak truth.
field, thanks for giving shoutout about my new book "The Rebellious Sixties? Yes, I Remember." Blessings.
Pssst Field, if Judge Butler's the guy in that pic, I think he's scammin ya, shuckin ya like an Oyster...
I swear he looks like my Uncle Maury...
and you got all up in Sammy Sosa's grill for doin a little Melanin Atten-u-ashion...
And, since I know you're knot happy if you cant get all indigent about sumthin, check this out...
There's a county in Africa called....
OK, it says "Niger" on the globe, but its Africa, so they're probly too poor to pay for two "G"s...
@ Roderick:
Which is why I was fooled into not voting for him. I basically decided not to vote in the WI Supreme Court election that would have confirmed him again as a Justice.
Unfortunately, because of the smear tactics of his now-disgraced Repub opponent, Butler was deprived a position that was practically a shoe-in for a number of years. Wisconsin, if you must know, is the home of Senator Joe McCarthy as well. That's why Madison is considered the sanity in the teabagging madness of Wisconsin.
I'm glad to hear that former Justice Butler will have a new job. I'm sorry Rupert and his minions have struck yet again.
The PASTRY (Patriarchal Anglo-Saxon Tyranny Ruling You) is losing it's collective mind. And then trying to act like they are the victim of our racism detecting system.
Referring to AA folx as servants of any kind is a non-subtle to reminder of where our folks where a generation ago- in the kitchen or in the yard. Especially in the South, but even in the North too. Somebody over at the WSJ must really miss the days of Rastus and Aunt Jemima serving them.
I promise you I thought the guy in the picture was the one who made the crack...He looks jewish to me
That was bold. They didn't even try to mask it...that is until someone called them out...
To me, the WSJ has always represented conversvative money making, but since Rupert took over, it really is a piece of crap, this headline sounds like the New York Post, which is why I don't not believe the WSJ's explanation that it was a play on words, the Post does that all the time.
I wish somebody would start a movement to get Murdock thrown out of this country. He has a monopoly on the news media, and it's growing everyday, and He is EVIL!
Field, did you see the Picture's of the First lady and the President's Mother in the (NUDE) Circulating around the INTERNET!!! WICKED! and I did not want to say the N word trust me!
Each time the President get's a little Victory when it come's to, the Health Care Bill, the Media and the REP/CON will come after him!!!! and now they are coming after his Mother now! HELP us LORD!!!!
Correction, I did not mean the First Lady was in the (Nude)! some WICKED person has put the FACE of a MONKEY on her FACE! and they have a (NUDE) picture of the President's mother circulating around the Internet, that's what I meant to say!!
iseeisee, i saw a really, really bad one on google of Michelle, and i think somebody was using it to attract business or something, then there is a billboard that a car dealership paid for about Obama being a Muslim and asking for his birth certificate, it's crazy!
Hathor, I still don't buy it. Wall Street is up North here. Butlers in New York are snooty guys with British accents.
I really don't believe that the WSJ would have use the play on words if Louis Butler were white.
And even if they didn't mean anything other than a play on words, you would think the WSJ would think better of doing so considering that Butler is African American.
Not for nothing, but I recall a story in which a producer or some such told Connie Chung that she should be home doing laundry [insted of reporting the news].
The man was fired. However, Connie said she didn't take it as a slur.
"He just chose the wrong chore," she said.
Btw, Judge Gableman, who beat Butler in the race for the WI Supreme Court is a sleaze who used misleading ads to get to where he is. And now, his behavior is less than ethical on the bench.
Louis Butler was an excellent judge in the town where I live, Milwaukee. He was appointed to the Supreme Court by Gov. Jim Doyle but voted out after a disgusting racist campaign by the Republicans.
Obama appointing Louis Butler to the District Court is only fair and just, and he will do an outstanding job.<<
@John B.
You are absolutely right. Gableman's campaign was sleazy and racist. And Butler would be an excellent jurist for that position.
Sharon and John thanks for the perspective from cheese-head country.
Iseeisee, if what you are saying is true that is disgusting.
Frank, are you Jewish? Just wondering.
No problem Mac, I enjoyed the read.
Field, go to Huff Post! and how in the world, can you miss all of this mess, and yes, it is beyond Disgusting!
Here's the link to the Obama billboard paid for by a car dealership.
the image of Micelle, some kinda weird thing from Google, is here. Google is part of this!
I haven't seen the photos of Obama's mother in the nude yet.
"There's a county in Africa called....
OK, it says "Niger" on the globe, but its Africa, so they're probly too poor to pay for two "G"s..."
That probably works with your ignorant cellmates, Frank, but I'm guessing that only gets you pity here. As in, look at that poor ignorant redneck, fetal alcohol syndrome or just plain stupid?
I've been to Niger and it is probably nicer than the trailer park that was your previous address prior to incarceration.
I would have thought all of the WSJ journalist had been at the White house at some time in the past and at least know the culture of DC, but you continue to keep your head in the sand.
Very good point Race Traitoress. Shut up and listen folks.
Thoughtful white people know they are inferior to Black people.
Malcolm x
The Blog with the Picture's of the President's mother, is called (Carol's Closet)! the REP/CON had these picture's circulating during the Campaign, so, these people decided to post them all over again! this is part of the President's Punishment for becoming, the First Black President in America!!!!!
Well.... the photos that are on Huffington Post right now of Mrs Obama and the President and their first official state dinner are gorgeous! Mrs. Obama is stunning!!!
iseeisse, "this is part of the President's Punishment for becoming, the First Black President in America!!!!!"
sounds like you are being punished too. did you think when Obama became President that it was going to be smooth sailing? no, i have said again and again, that racism is going to get worse while Obama is in the White House.
so, stop your whining and give up expectations of Obama being honored with respect by white racists. stop being a 'needy' black who needs all white folks to approve of you cause it ain't gonna happen. stop worrying about what whites think about blacks and worry about what blacks think about blacks think about themselves...that's more important, not with what whites think.
when are blacks going to understand that? my guess is never because it's been centuries and we are still worrying about what the white racists think about us. let me tell you what they will always think: they will always think that we are for shit. now, can we move on and no longer worry about them?
"That probably works with your ignorant cellmates, Frank, but I'm guessing that only gets you pity here. As in, look at that poor ignorant redneck, fetal alcohol syndrome or just plain stupid?
I've been to Niger and it is probably nicer than the trailer park that was your previous address prior to incarceration."
Frank himself is so "indigent" that he can't even afford two eyebrows!
"That probably works with your ignorant cellmates, Frank, but I'm guessing that only gets you pity here. As in, look at that poor ignorant redneck, fetal alcohol syndrome or just plain stupid?
I've been to Niger and it is probably nicer than the trailer park that was your previous address prior to incarceration."
Frank does not deserve this kind of abuse. You are wrong. Frank is one of God's children and you should treat him as such.
Frank, are you Jewish? Just wondering.
Got racism?
Sad, stay above that shit nigga. You know better.
I would go back and pull up the racialist attacks upon Bush's A.G. Alberto Gonzales that did not grace the pages of your propaganda blog but ultimately - IT AIN'T WORTH IT for it won't make a difference per your bias anyway.
Frank does not deserve this kind of abuse. You are wrong. Frank is one of God's children and you should treat him as such. <<
@Anonymous 1:26 am
You're kidding, right? Frank Drackman gets as good as he gives.
"Frank does not deserve this kind of abuse. You are wrong. Frank is one of God's children and you should treat him as such."
I don't think "God" would claim Frank.
Can someone who prays ask him for me? I already know what the answer will be: "Accidents happen".
Sharon from WI: "@Anonymous 1:26 am
You're kidding, right? Frank Drackman gets as good as he gives."
I was kidding. Are you cooking any Jewish dishes for Thanksgiving? Make sure you wish your Jewish brother Frank a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Field, "I don't think "God" would claim Frank.
Can someone who prays ask him for me? I already know what the answer will be: "Accidents happen"."
Field, are you saying that God was having a bad day when he created Frank? Be careful how you answer that.
Are you cooking any Jewish dishes for Thanksgiving? <<
Sweet potato kugel...along with turkey, homemade cranberry sauce, cornbread stuffing and greens. :-)
Make sure you wish your Jewish brother Frank a very Happy Thanksgiving! <<
I'm not sure he even is. But in any case, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...and all who post here in the field. :-)
Every butler I've ever met (a lot of them) was white.
first at Ms. RT on the opener--
Honey child, you know the answer to your rhetorical query? When they gets some common sense.. As your granny's granny would say.
Now, Field. You was in the right church and sitting in the right pew on this one... Damn what the DJC media spokesperson stated since Uncle Racism was sitting at the other end of the pew right with you and coming through the fingertips of the WSJ article's author.
Did you notice that this racism was duel in its nation? Look closely at jurist Butler and then look closely at Egypt's Hosni Mubarak. See anything familiar? If I did not know any better i would say Mubarak and Butler were counsins. So, wonder if Butler has some Arab roots mixed with that black. I do not know for sure but just suppose...
"Honey child, you know the answer to your rhetorical query? When they gets some common sense.. As your granny's granny would say."
Isn't it amazing that Whites can rule the world without common sense? What does that say about the common sense of others?
Here we f'n go again. I like it how the white boys get all hot and bothered by one of 44's judicial picks. It allows them to get their collective Klan on. The thing that I love the most is with Justice Kennedy and Ginsburg looking to shut shit down soon, 44 could put a couple more minorities on the supreme bench and really fuck with their minds.
Nice :)
Hey Y'all been flappin Yo' Big Lips bout me????
Didn't kno Y'all cared.
Yeah, I'm Jewish, killed Jesus AND charged you %20/month interest on your Autographed Martin Lucifer Koon basketball...
And don't know why y'all think I'm in Jail... but it does wonder for my Street Cred...why y'all think Tiger paid someone to cut him up???
Hey, Y'all kno they're given away Free Watermelon to all arriving Passengers at Atlanta-Hartsifield???
Umm, not really, but that'd be funnier than lettin a barrel of Monkey's lose down at the Welfare office...
Ha Ha, just kiddin, can't yall spearchuckers take a joke?? Smile you I can see ya..
Frank, "And don't know why y'all think I'm in Jail..."
Jody found out that your Jewish ass was in prison, that's why. You must be the only Jew in prison, these days. What happened, did they disown ya? hope ya had plenty of turkey on thursday, anyway. or was it just a hen?
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