Oh my! All these controversial costumes for Halloween. Who knew that the day reserved for scares could cause so many people to take leave of their sense and sensibilities.
That's not Lil Wayne in that pic, that's some stinking Dallas Cowgirls cheerleader trying to be funny. Now let's see if you black folks are outraged about this or if you think it's just another costume. I know we are not monolithic in our thinking, and, as was the case with our Hispanic friends,there will be differences of opinions. (BTW, go to the link, our little Cowgirl and her friends didn't leave out Hispanics.) But.....come on, she is a stinking Cowgirls cheerleader. As an Eagles fan, please believe that I hate the Cowgirls. If this woman was wearing a Mother Theresa costume I would want to find a reason to rip her ass.
But field, how can you be upset with her for posing as a black man when one of the Cowboy's players posed as a blond for a commercial? Haven't blonds been marginalized in this country? What about all those dumb blond jokes? Maybe she was just getting even. Well, first of all, he is a stinking Cowgirl, so nothing he does would surprise me. I honestly would not expect anything else from him. I think he was an idiot, and what he did was in poor taste as well. But the analogy would be a poor one.
Hey, I know that some of you think that you are living in post- racial A-merry-ca, and black face is cool right about now. But sorry, I am just not there yet. I still see far too many buffoons masquerading in black face that wasn't painted on. The argument that imitation is a form of flattery when it comes to this type of imagery just isn't tenable.
Ms. Dallas Cowgirl Cheerleader I didn't like your costume. And I sure as hell don't like your stinking team. The only good thing about this story is that you and your boyz will be here in Philly next weekend, and first place in the NFC East will be on the line. Hopefully we will lay a righteous smack down on your fraud of a team. And you and your black face costume; Jessica's man; and your owner with the sad looking nip and tuck job, will all -cheerleaders and team-be sent back to Dallas with your "tails between your legs". Tails, by the way, that aren't a part of any costume.
h/t to Greg Williams for this story, and to the website *Tazz Daddy.com
Go Phillies. 7-2 bottom of the 7th.
Just another reason to hate the cowboys!
Field, i find it amazing that you find black face cowgirl offensive but you didn't find the "Illegal Alien" with a green card offensive.
yu have "selective racism".
Being a Latino, I was amused by the illegal alien costume. On the other hand the black face is never good comedy unless it's on that half-ass Fox News show that was canceled after six episodes.
Phillies were rocking and rolling, baby!
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't trip, next halloween, hispanics/Latinos, and blacks can paint their face white, put on some blue contact lenses, get a blond wig, some cowboy outfit with boots and all or some coveralls and work boots, and dress up like a country western singer. Throw in a beer can to give it some effect, take pictures and smile like chinchilla wrapped in mink. Since, its all in fun, well, have some fun with them. They shouldn't be offended since it is all in fun. HeeHaw!
Or dress a CEO con man, bank robber. Or a CEO con man with a pyramid scheme. Hey ain't nothing wrong with having a little fun.
"Field, i find it amazing that you find black face cowgirl offensive but you didn't find the "Illegal Alien" with a green card offensive.
yu have "selective racism"."
Huh? No, I think you have selective comprehension skills.
Justice58, I felt your Karma with those "Fightens" tonight. Now it's off to the house that George built in the Bronx.
"Just another reason to hate the cowboys!"
Aint that the truth.
"Just another reason to hate the cowboys!"
Aint that the truth.
See, since I love you so much...Ima let that go! :)
Just doing my part Field.
Some folk just don't get it. Everything isn't funny, unless you're drunk or stoned.
Sorry Justice, I forgot you were a Cowgirls fan. :)
Let's call a truce until baseball season is over.
...Anything you say, sweetie!:)
I'm not there yet either.
Shallow. I know I shouldn't stereotype cheerleaders but this just reeks of shallowness and stupidity. Given the ages and backgrounds of the folks there I can't come up with any better explanation than that the bubble of stupid that surrounds and protects folks like this from considering the larger picture and how their actions might hurt others is stronger than ever.
Racist white people ridiculing black people is nothing new...
Flavor Flav and the others like him who like playing the "monkey with gold teeth" role only add to the reasons why blacks are still being laughed at...
{shaking my head}
Everyone has beat me to the punch line. But what about Jay Sean and Lit Wayne in that remix "Down." A song worth listening to [96.1FM] in Colorado Springs, sensoring almost nothing and I stupid enough to believe Ed Sullivan had a stiff neck.
@blackwomenblowthetrumpet -- You bring up something that I think is at the heart of the matter when you talk about white folks making fun of black folks. The problem, imo, is that I don't think any of these people think for a moment that making fun of black folks is what they're doing. Matter of fact, I'd put money down that they don't think that.
The question then becomes how do you explain to folks who think they're just having a good time and who are usually pretty self-absorbed (non-self-aborbed ppl wouldn't have a problem accepting that it's not about them) that what they're doing is hurtful and harmful? That, yeah, you may not see anything wrong with it but the fact is you're hurting folks.
Honestly, the times I've seen it breakthrough is when a friend has shown their heartbreak. Not anger but that hurt look and suddenly a stupid joke or costume no longer matters to them because they realize that it hurt their friend. And frankly, I don't know how to replicate that to every dense American out there.
Brother Field..."we once HAD pride". I am so blessed to have "felt it". My mind drifts back to those days when we came off our knees (MLK) and stood tall. Some Brothers- unfortunately- put themselves out there beacause they don't have pride of self so its hard to not mock them. They put their costumes on daily, so to them (the Black male} it might be a form of flattery. You know the deal, I/we know the deal. I AM NOT SAYING THIS WAS OKAY. Phillies trying to do a Lazerus.:)
what are you saying? now you KNOW ww are NOT racist. THIS is why SOME...i would dare say...quite a few... bm love them so...racism and white is EXCLUSIVELY male. lol!
BWBTT, i agree. at a certain point, we must as a people accept responsibility for our complicity and cooperation with the continued mockery and degradation of our people.
at this point, i have exactly no energy to exert towards being offended. we are making our ridicule acceptable by our collective refusal to stand against those individuals that profit at the expense of the collective. this holds true for quite a few bmales AND bfemales. Sheri Shephard works my LAST nerve most of the time.
attacking wfemales is silly. MOST have been trained to protect her without respect for how wrong she might be...i speak from first hand experience. i have thrown in the towel and have found solace in flipping the script when necessary. lol! acting bewildered and inquiring WHY they are angry cracks me up personally. let them be on the defensive. in fact, it is priceless when done well. integration has truly been my friend.
blessings all,
Hey Field, you gotta ease up on my team. Sunday night's gonna be a battle for first in the division, and even though McGreat is my favorite player, I gotta root my Cowboys onto victory. Thanks for takin' care of the G-Men for us, though.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This young girl learned that this was ok from her parents and community.
Piss on them. She has to face the rest of the football team. I would hope most of them won't just "forgive" her and say "oh, poor you. you didn't know better."
At best, their sense of self-entitlement that prevents them from looking at other's points of view never ceases to amaze me. At worst, you will always be less than human and never quite good enough. Why don't others see this?
I completely agree with j. This reflects behavior of self absorbed, shallow people, who when called on their behavior, will act shocked that anyone would have a problem with them. And, then they will become defensive and blame the person calling them out, saying they are being too sensitive and unreasonable... just a joke, right?
I too, j, am amazed and saddened by the lack of empathy and trying to see from another perspective... all to maintain a world view that disregards the well being of so many others.
Think about it man.
ANY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA has the ability to do something to become a headliner on your august blog.
* This White man might have no teeth
* This white man could be unemployed - living in a homeless shelter
* This white man could be a "pool boy" in support of a rich Black millionaire - draining the piss that the Black man put in the pool
THE WHITE SKIN OF ANY OF THESE MEN provide them with the key qualification that YOU need to feature them predominately on your propaganda blog.
You see Filled Negro - what it comes down to is NOT their offense to you when we focus on what they did.
Instead they all represent a STRATEGIC CHESS PIECE in YOUR agenda. Thus their antics need to be publicized in that vein.
What is your thought of the antics of the ORIGINAL BLACK MAN and his coonish ways (Lil Wayne) to which these White folks in Black face are emulating? Why doesn't the ORIGINAL register the same level of offense within your soul?
Can you define what the end of your RACISM CHASE will look like Filled Negro?
OR is your only goal to get as many people as possible in line with you as they like the tune that you are playing with your flute?
SoulonIce, you are welcome about those G men. Now unfortunately, we are going to have to do the same with your boys.
[un]constructive one, see what Brother Panther said above. I know that's a little too deep for your simplistic right vs. left world view, but it pretty much sums up my position on the cats like Lil Wayne and Flava Flav these days.
[quote]any better explanation than that the bubble of stupid that surrounds and protects folks like this from considering the larger picture and how their actions might hurt others is stronger than ever.[/quote]
If you see the HURT THAT THIS MIGHT CAUSE OTHERS when WHITE FOLKS do this IGNORANCE........I am forced to believe that you feel the same when the BLACK SAMBO MINSTRELS whom they are emulating do the same?
Look back at the history of the Minstrel Show. It was initially WHITE FOLKS painted in Black face to mock Black people. Straight up racism prevented Black folks form being the actors.
When some enterprising BLACK PEOPLE put paint on their faces and did what was effectively a more AUTHENTIC act - many of them exploded in their popularity.......as long as they didn't take off the paint and go try to sit in the audience as EQUALS.
Now get this (Jody and LaIncognita and Granny) - today when we speak of EQUALITY...........the IGNORANT WORDS of the HIP HOP SAMBO are DIMINISHED in their harm, assault and misogynistic traits.
Both (evil racist) Rush Limbaugh and a bit time potty mouthed Hip Hop star could purchase the VERY SAME brand of studio microphone for $1,599. They can be purchasing their electrical power from the very same power company in New York. They could be transmitting using the very same RADIO WAVES.
Despite this the words of Rush Limbaugh are SUPERIOR and MORE HURTFUL than the words of the potty mouthed Hip Hop star - who's words are heard by far more Black people and WHITE PEOPLE by comparison.
More White people are made to say the N-word as they vocalize the lyrics of Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Ludacris Young Jeezy or Lil Jon than the entire career of "Top Racist Things Said By Rush Limbaugh" over the past 30 years.
I am forced to ask you - WHAT MAKES THE WORDS OF THESE RAPPERS INFERIOR in your mind despite them being the SAME WORDS OR WORSE?
I call this "Keeping Your Adversaries On Trial".
The counter to this is "The UNMANAGED STATE of those who are within your domain of control".
Sadly since there is no particular POLITICAL/IDEOLOGICAL benefit to confronting the potty mouthed rapper - they are free to do as they damned well please.
I have often wonder why some Black Folk are afraid to call out the folks in our community who cause much harm.And I don't really have to list them,look out your front door and you will see to whom I refer, some of us don't even have to open the door just look within our own home!
Same ol' tired schtick. Heck, she and the fool behind her will have to go through the trouble of washing that off as well as deal with any blowback once they reenter "Texas" Stadium...that would be interesting!
As far as the fools on our end, you know the routine...
co-sign @ But sorry, I am just not there yet. It bothers me to see the painted black face. Can't really say why it does, it just does. Too funny @ stop coonin'.
"Field, i find it amazing that you find black face cowgirl offensive but you didn't find the "Illegal Alien" with a green card offensive.
yu have "selective racism"."
Huh? No, I think you have selective comprehension skills.
FN, I think this poster is spot on. How is that selective comprehension skills. When people put something on here that just might incriminate you, you refer to comprehension skills or something. I'm black, and think this is a prime example of selective racism. I hope you can refute that by an intelligent comment rather than "comprehension skills".
You one dumb Jamacian nigger (much lower down the ladder than a regular nigger).
Too dumb to even notice how stupid this post looks compared to the alien post. Thank God you got some smart folks on here who keep this board afloat, cause my man, you are dumb.
Do you ever find it strange that in their present LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS they support so many policies that YOU SUPPORT? What should we draw about you by inference?
Those of us with good comprehension skills can figure this one out, FN on the other hand, my affirmative action bro cannot. :(
"I have often wonder why some Black Folk are afraid to call out the folks in our community who cause much harm.And I don't really have to list them,look out your front door and you will see to whom I refer, some of us don't even have to open the door just look within our own home!"
I have to often wonder who some Uncle Tom negroes do nothing but whine about how terrible their own people are and can't see why other blacks don't share their self-hatred.
BigMac, if you hate where you live so much and feel that you are at war with your own, why don't you move to an all white area?
Maybe you tried and they wouldn't sell to you?
"I am forced to ask you - WHAT MAKES THE WORDS OF THESE RAPPERS INFERIOR in your mind despite them being the SAME WORDS OR WORSE?"
Maybe because these rappers don't run major political parties or influence legislation and elections the way rightwing racist commentators do.
Rappers are entertainers.
Why do you hate being black so much?
UTS:One of these days you are going to cross that river son,and when you get to the other side you will exclaim damn was it that simple.That might be too deep for you this morning,but don't worry you will catch it next week.
Don't you lecture me Ruckus.
You need to learn to straighten up that back, cast off the shackles and decolonize your enslaved mind.
Black people are doing great things in this world today.
It ain't all about Skippy, Ray Ray and Lil Wayne.
Unless you WANT it to be.
Like I said UTS don't die and go to heaven yet,you will catch it next week!
Calling folks out and having expectations of behavior for folks does not equal hating being black.
Big difference man.
Assigning certain behavior to black folks exclusively does equate to either hating blacks or hating to be black.
Janet Jackson said "in complete darkness we are all the same"
I just agree with anything Janet says.
shame fn:
racists in blackface are en vogue
from top wf models to movie stars...
i believe all those black minstrel shows/videos on bet/mtv play a role too...
sadly, it will only worsen...
Black people are doing great things in the world today, but we cannot ignore the amount of violence, crime etc in our communities.
FN: I used to love your blog, but damn man you must be hard up for material.
What exactly is the purpose of this place anymore? Do you even have a purpose?
Field & Friends,
I have seen a lot of displays for racist costumes and photos of black face parties on the internet in recent weeks. Maybe I have been in the dark in my 35 years of living, but has it always been like this when this season of the year rolls in? Growing up south of Chicago, all I can remember are costumes with s Star Wars, Horror Film(s), and/or clown motifs.
I know lots of white people of many different backgrounds and I have lived in many different areas, but I have never seen any white people do this...ever. Is this a recent phenomena?
You did not just quote Janet Jackson...
If these folks were dressing up as 'lil Wayne and whatever famous black person, and impersonating them, then these costumes would not necessarily be offensive. I mean, how would you get the effect of being the people you're impersonating (as their actual selves) if you don't go full throttle?
On the other hand, if these people were just dressing up in black face/body and acting all stereotypical then indeed this would be very offensive. Which, it looks like the goof in the cowboy hat was doing. Not sure what he is at all.
I for one would be too disgusted do such crap. But there are many people who are in this world that think being offensive is a good thing. They're not worth the brain cells to think about.
only YOU are pretending that any of us are talking ONLY about any singular class/races EXCLUSIVELY!!!
only YOU dismiss the reality of black ghettos as if ONLY the black gated communities matter...even though elite blacks are the RAPIDLY INCREASING MINORITY and the blackish obama has created more NEWLY POOR BLACKS than ANY PREZ ever!!!
only YOU pretend that any behavior is restricted to one class or race ONLY so that you may ignore the variances in those behaviors that ARE DIRECTLY AFFECTED by class and race!!!
see much more:
the poor are getting poorer and middle class is the new poor:
"Black people are doing great things in the world today, but we cannot ignore the amount of violence, crime etc in our communities."
I will not accept this bull$hit.
A "black" neighborhood is not by definition a ghetto.
What is wrong with you fools?
Are you saying there are no safe, well kept black communities?
I know that's garbage. I live in one as do most of the black folks I know and socialize with.
You talk about "ignoring" violence and crime in urban ghettoes and I have to laugh.
It's all that certain folks want to talk about.
In fact this thread was about some white idiots in TX dressing up in blackface yet our resident house negroes manage to turn it into still another tired conversation about so-called "black" crime.
To BigMac, CF and you.
What are you doing about crime in the 'hood beside talking?
your paranoia is amazing!!!
who EVER said this:
"A "black" neighborhood is not by definition a ghetto"
who said it was???????
YOU are the only one who would even imply that there are not ALL kinds of black neighborhoods in all classes
MOST neighborhoods of all races are POOR
MOST people of all races do not live in gated communities like YOU
you cannot pretend that your life is the norm when it is INCREASINGLY THE EXCEPTION!!!!
I'm not going to waste a whole lot of time with you today AB.
Didn't your boy "Yankee Rule" tell you to ignore me?
I will take a minute to humiliate you though.
You ask "who said it"?
Hope just said this:
"Black people are doing great things in the world today, but we cannot ignore the amount of violence, crime etc in our communities."
Is that not claiming that black communities by definition are crime plagued communities?????
Then you turn right around and spew this swill:
"you cannot pretend that your life is the norm when it is INCREASINGLY THE EXCEPTION!!!!"
Aren't you suggesting that the ghetto is the norm????
Well, enough with you today.
Sure there are some wonderful non ghetto communities. But I don't think I am amiss in saying that crime and violence are an issue in many black communities. When I say our community I am looking at the big picture over all. If there were not ghettos and the majority of black folks lived as equals as white folks then there would be no reason for this blog, right?
please forgive me
uts really is blind
he will NEVER understand that all races/humans are connected
we are ESPECIALLY connected
i have been blessed to NEVER live in a ghetto
but i have always known it is MY community by extension
and my DUTY to help others
my elite parents taught me that racists do not see ANY difference in ANY black person...though uts truly believes that he must constantly remind whites/himself to do so in his euro twisted mind...he is too ignorant to see he does so IN VAIN
he will always pretend that elites are the NORM when they are NOT in any race!!!!
he will NEVER care for the BILLIONS of blacks who live in GLOBAL ghettos...
"But I don't think I am amiss in saying that crime and violence are an issue in many black communities."
But the causative issue in those communities is poverty. Which would make them no different than hispanic barrios or white ethnic neighborhoods in the early part of the last century.
Black middle class people WHICH IS THE MAJORITY OF BLACK AMERICA has the same values and behavior as middle class people of any hue.
"When I say our community I am looking at the big picture over all."
No what you're doing is fixating on the negative when discussing black folks.
"If there were not ghettos and the majority of black folks lived as equals as white folks then there would be no reason for this blog, right?"
I don't understand this statement at all.
What I love about Field is that he deals with all facets of Black America.
As we really are with all our complexities.
The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the success and the struggle.
Maybe you should check out a black conservative blog if you want to obsess with black failure.
"Don't trip, next halloween, hispanics/Latinos, and blacks can paint their face white, put on some blue contact lenses, get a blond wig, some cowboy outfit with boots and all or some coveralls and work boots, and dress up like a country western singer. Throw in a beer can to give it some effect, take pictures and smile like chinchilla wrapped in mink. Since, its all in fun, well, have some fun with them. They shouldn't be offended since it is all in fun. HeeHaw!"
The funny thing is, no one would be offended by that. Country folk are popular halloween costumes already.
"Flavor Flav and the others like him who like playing the "monkey with gold teeth" role only add to the reasons why blacks are still being laughed at..."
You don't think that white people (especially Republicans) laugh at Michael Steele and Jessie Lee Peterson?
ONLY someone who never leaves his elite gates would dare say this in 2009!!!
"Black middle class people WHICH IS THE MAJORITY OF BLACK AMERICA has the same values and behavior as middle class people of any hue"
that "majority" bs is a blatant elitist lie!!!!
like all americans
the black middle class has been ravaged by:
sorry children and inherited grandkids
the insane costs of higher ed
racist bankers
the middle classes of all races have been DYING & DISAPPEARING in america since ronnie raygun...
especially the black ones!!!
what country do you live in?????
Reminds me of the Wayans movie, 'White Girls'? Except no one got riled up over that. Ah, the beauty of double standards. :)
Seems to me "Soul Man" and "Tropical Thunder" had white actors in blackface and there was no controversy or outcry.
What "double standard"?
Black middle class people WHICH IS THE MAJORITY OF BLACK AMERICA has the same values and behavior as middle class people of any hue.
Only half of blacks graduate from high school. How could the majority be middle class?
Or how about this from the San Fran Chronicle?
"Overall, about 49 percent of all children were on food stamps at some point by the age of 20, the analysis found. That includes 90 percent of black children and 37 percent of whites. The analysis didn't include other ethnic groups."
"Only half of blacks graduate from high school."
That's a lie.
Provide the link to your SF article.
I bet you don't.
90% of black children receive food stamps?
why can uts not do the same math!
the turbo breeders RUSH to make babies they cannot feed!
90% of ALL black kids are on food stamps
how can 50% be elites????
only uts and his fellow elites BRAZENLY ignore the undeniable DOOM of our nation
OUR babies are making more babies than ever!
Okay here's the SF link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2009/11/02/financial/f130016S00.DTL
Here's the link on high school graduation rates:
Steve, the majority of white people aren't even middle class, so there's no way the majority of blacks are.
The poverty rate for blacks is 22% so how would you portray the remaining 78%?
And the link (rightwing website) stated that those graduation rate stats were subject to shodding and inaccurate reporting.
"Seems to me "Soul Man" and "Tropical Thunder" had white actors in blackface and there was no controversy or outcry.
What "double standard"?"
I don't think two white guys making a movie called "Black Chicks" and disguising themselves as black women full of stereotypes would have passed the smell test.
millions of people of all races who live BELOW ANY official statistical poverty rate are barely EXISTING in amertica today...
they are the working poor that most stats OMIT...
especially those black workin poor who would only EXPOSE the WIDENING racial gaps in real american poverty and defy the neocon myths of blanketed black welfare drones
"I don't think two white guys making a movie called "Black Chicks" and disguising themselves as black women full of stereotypes would have passed the smell test."
Are you kidding?
In the movie "The Groove Tube" Richard Belzer actually played a black hooker in a skit.
Where was the outrage?
In the recesses of your mind.
UTS said:
In the movie "The Groove Tube" Richard Belzer actually played a black hooker in a skit.
Where was the outrage?
In the recesses of your mind.
Get em brother.
As to FNs post i checked the link and saw some black women smiling and taking a picture with the Cowgirl. The fact is,as the link stated, her behaviour was "cosigned" by the black people at that party. Its all boundary testing, some jackass told these fools it was a post-racial society so they want see how far they can push it.
A case in point i went to NY to visit some fam around the 4th of July. Now i am at this barbecue and this drunk white dude greeted me with "whats up nigga". So i opened palm bitch slapped him.And you know what the dude said when he got up? He said to me what was the problem with him saying it because..."I voted for Obama". WTF!!!!
Before all you house negroes get on me i once beat down my cousin because he was stupid enough to use it around me.
I don't tolerate that word in any form, and i don't don't tolerate "coonery" to any degree.
"A case in point i went to NY to visit some fam around the 4th of July. Now i am at this barbecue and this drunk white dude greeted me with "whats up nigga". So i opened palm bitch slapped him."
My Man!
i had a little down time during my PAID WORKDAY, AND thought i would do a little study of the mania.
so here goes -- the definition of mania: 45 posts on a single thread in 12 hours (yesterday, the day s still young today!)
many of these are simply AB talking to herself, with no one posting in between. i think she only stopped because then she went to the newest thread to begin posting there about obama as evil incarnate and all white people being evil. oh, and how she loves christians.
i didn't include all the anon and other posts that we all know are her.
9:11 am
i have never posted as anon in my life as YOU do you hypocritical stalking counting masturbating moron
OT fn:
seen this?
masturbator? wtf are you--9 years old? omg i'm SO insulted.
you have no comeback. you are busted. now, go away.
"In the movie "The Groove Tube" Richard Belzer actually played a black hooker in a skit.
Where was the outrage?
In the recesses of your mind."
C'mon son....
The movie was made in 1974 and was an independent film.
Nice catch, though. Damn, you've been around for a minute. 1974........damn
YOU are the one posting as assnon
YOU are the one counting your own posts
YOU are the one daring to claim that i am posting as anon
that makes you a CLASSIC quasi-masturbator herein
you lying cowardly repulsive fool!!!
I personally think that people who dress up as another ethnicity are a$$holes, especially for Halloween, but not limited to college parties. They all look like a bunch of K-Fed stupids.
a little ot, how about this white woman writing a book about two Black maids, and getting all the rave rewiews?
LOL, that is funny ab!
"The movie was made in 1974 and was an independent film."
Made millions at the box office and starred luminaries like Richard Belzer and Chevy Chase.
What's your point?
"Nice catch, though. Damn, you've been around for a minute. 1974........damn"
My freshman year of high school.
Again, what's your point?
What's worse than some white chick showing up in Black face to a Halloween Party where a good portion (not the majority) of the men attend were Black men who grew up under virtual Jim Crow and institutional poverty? The fact that there some of these ignorant house negroes who will defend this foolishness and still chase this trailer trash Barbie over their sisters.
Pro sports, particularly pro football, has become the chosen haven for many an athletic house negro -- he can 'buck dance' for rich white men on Sunday and these rich old white men will not only pay him big fat check (though its chump change compared to what they're raking in off the sweat, broken bones and concussions of Black men) they can be famous and sleep with a 'fine' white woman.
Hence, its no surprise that you would have sign-off from NFL players, particularly in Texas.
On point.
I bet not one of the black jocks in attendance made a sound.
Lol don't knock the "buck dance" or the "buck strut" it takes skill to master. JohnCrow thanks for that story, the visual made me laugh my ass off. Uptownsteve keep fighting bruh, I think you are the only cure for the cancer known as AB on this blog.
Hey Firby Banks! DITTO!! Lol...
uts has a terminally sexist dog like you as his best cheerleader
on that alone i rest my case
you putrid puss filled pom pom boi
Hey John Crow and UTS,
I heard a white dude call a black beggar on the corner the "N" word. this past weekend. Well after I rammed the crackas car I bitch slapped him, his wife, the 2 white kids in the car seats and their crazy cracka white granny for looking at me with that angry whitey look...you know the one.
Damn boys am I da man or what?
Some folk should not be allowed to go out without mature adult supervision or a once over by said adult before being unleashed on the public. And the Facebooks brings out yet another clueless person's racism. I agree with Granny though, next year, I'm gonna put some pasty white makeup on, a frizzy blonde wig, too much makeup a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and say I'm that heifer.
Tell the truth.
After you bent over and kissed the racists' ass, you turned around and let him kick you in yours.
Come on bro, I thought you'd be proud of my militant behavior and unfettered anger directed at the white menace. WTF?
Is that all you got? You supposed to be the big bad black man with all the answers not a dumb azz hood rat?
Put up or shut it down boy.
Don't be weak like AB when it comes to UTS' taunting. Except for the hard core black racists we all know UTS is more hate than smart. Ignore the fool or he will draw power from you my brother. BTW, your satire was funny.
Yankees in 6.....
I love your response to the juvenile post of Crow. Good one! I needed that laugh.
A whitey looked at me today...and cause I got a chip on my shoulder, i thought he was looking at me cause i am black, so i bitch slapped my momma for making me black....
Such a shame. Field, just look at those coonish black people in the other photos, what do you expect?
I'm just going sit this one out. I'll just go back up and read the comments now. My jugular is already in stitches after that massacre from the "A scary sight" thread".
Lately the MEDIA has been comparing BLACK'S to WHITE'S, well, this is nothing new, they speak in CODE!
White folk's live below the POVERTY line! why do you think some live in TRAILER PARK'S! and you know what they are Labeled as! shall I spell it out?
White folk's get FOOD STAMP'S and what ever else, the Government has to offer for FREE! the Media just focus on poor Black folk's, this is to make White's look good! but, in reality, We have Poor Hungry White Folk's in AMERICA! and the Republican's don't care if they STARVE to DEATH! Wealthy white's don't Like Poor WHITE'S!
Their was a special on 20/20 month's ago that focused on POOR WHITE APPALACHIAN people, and trust me they looked POOR! sad to say but, when white folk's look poor, they will take it to the Full HILT! and don't mention their surrounding's! TRASH all over the place! and don't mention the POOR children, DIRTY FACE'S and ROTTEN TEETH! they look like THROWN away children! talk about a third world children! PLEASE!
Now I don't know who that ANON person is trying to put Black's DOWN! but, then trying to TEAR DOWN my people! but, I will be NICE today, but, I CAN go THERE! and when I finish, you will hate the day you came to this BLOG!
I will not talk about POOR WHITE people, HID out in the MOUNTAIN'S living like...... and you want to talk about my people! PLEASE! do I need to recall the HISTORY of the White man for you? just let me know! and I will go THERE!
Xi said...
Hey John Crow and UTS,
I heard a white dude call a black beggar on the corner the "N" word. this past weekend. Well after I rammed the crackas car I bitch slapped him, his wife, the 2 white kids in the car seats and their crazy cracka white granny for looking at me with that angry whitey look...you know the one.
Damn boys am I da man or what?
(repost) John Crow said:
Before all you house negroes get on me i once beat down my cousin (black) because he was stupid enough to use it (N word) around me.
I don't tolerate that word in any form, and i don't don't tolerate "coonery" to any degree.
Now Xi i know you house coons have to defend your white masters at every turn but next time read the whole post. I am pretty sure that you never read the above part of my post. If you had you would not have wasted the time of making an ass of yourself and exposing that you lack objectivity and fairness in your responses.
And again you stupid parlor trick monkey i don't hate white people... MY MOTHER IS WHITE!!!!
Correction: I don't know who that ANON person is, trying to BUILD up WHITE FOLK'S, but, yet trying to TEAR DOWN my people!
@ UTS thanks for the props man
@ iseeisee i read your post. I am liking the passion, stay "fieldy"
JimCrow "Before all you house negroes get on me i once beat down my cousin because he was stupid enough to use it around me.
I don't tolerate that word in any form, and i don't don't tolerate "coonery" to any degree."
Glad to see you are beating up anybody you feel who acts like a nigga. I can tell that you are very well adjusted mentally and emotionally. Too bad you can't use your brains instead of your fists. But not everyone is endowed with a enough intelligence to do so.
Thanks John Crow for fighting! You are a real bad ass. Too bad you can't kick your own ass.
John Crow--"And again you stupid parlor trick monkey i don't hate white people... MY MOTHER IS WHITE!!!!"
Sounds like your mother had a very negative effect on you because it is clear that you DO hate Whites.
"I'm gonna put some pasty white makeup on, a frizzy blonde wig, too much makeup a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and say I'm that heifer"
Whites won't mind. You see, they are not offended because they don't feel the same way you do. They won't even be bothered by it. They'll see it as just another Black who wants to be White.
meh. it's vote for equality night, so i can't stay. skimming this post, i just need to say: black blondes do exist. naturally, even. just sayin. for what little that may be worth.
anonymos 9:07, you are so boring, zzzzzzzzz 9:13, you are not only stupid, and boring, but an asshole too.
"i just need to say: black blondes do exist. naturally, even. just sayin. for what little that may be worth."
True. but it means nothing to those like granny and others who are planning to dress up like a white blond. Because where they live they have never seen a Black with blond hair or white skin.
omg, i forgot that it was election night.
Republicans take Virginia Gov race
"anonymos 9:07, you are so boring, zzzzzzzzz 9:13, you are not only stupid, and boring, but an asshole too."
I somewhat agree, however, look at it this way they're the new entertainment.
Anon (9:07) said:
Sounds like your mother had a very negative effect on you because it is clear that you DO hate Whites.
Nope i love my mutter (German for mother).I have dinner with her and pops every second Sunday. But umm... nice try "freud".
You know what i find funny? You have the trolls on here really trying to ascribe any black person with pride in themselves as hater of whites.
Racism is wrong, no matter which race perpetrates it. That being said lets put some stuff into perspective. The house coonies and their lackeys would have you believe that the "black racists and racism" is a vile scourge that is destroying the American society.
When is the last time you heard a black man killing a white man for the sole reason that he was white?
Now when was the last time white man killed or nearly killed any minority for the sole reason they were non-white?
Is it just me or has there not been any lynchings of white people in the history of America committed by crowds of black men women and children smiling at the camera? I mean it coonies find one lynching committed by blacks of a white person because they were white.
Even if 100% of the black people in this country had hated whites how can that affect the white majority?
So when i read these fools ridiculous comments trying to infer that any black person with a spine and a history book is racist i try not to laugh. And that "black racism" is somehow more terrible that any acts of racism (including murder on account of race) perpetrated on non whites by some whites in America throughout its history is a farce.
@iseeisee -- Thank you for bringing up Appalachian poverty. Appalachian poverty, Delta poverty, and Indian poverty never get talked about and they're the absolute SHAME of our nation. I've been to some of the places you saw and I remember holding back tears as I read a bulletin board outside a store. A woman was looking for work and offering babysitting services. What made me so sad wasn't just the misspelled words but the WAY it was written. It was written in a child's unpracticed hand.
People of the Appalachians have been locked out. Many have never left the hollows--NOT ONCE! They couldn't leave if they wanted to. The Delta is the same with black and white faces in the worst kind of poverty imaginable and virtually NO ONE in A-merry-ca gives a DAMN! Few, are the ones who speak out with compassion rather than exploitation. Thank you for being one of those compassionate people!
John Crow said, "When is the last time you heard a black man killing a white man for the sole reason that he was white?"
I can't remember the last time that happened. But I hear everyday about black on black killings. Have you noticed?
Btw, "Mutter" is capitalized, or ist deine Mutter undeserving of it?
Kathy, "omg, i forgot that it was election night."
That's ok Kathy. We all know you are a Democrat and stupid.
John Crow
"You know what i find funny? You have the trolls on here really trying to ascribe any black person with pride in themselves as hater of whites."
That's exactly what it is.
The racists and their porch coons resent and fear black PRIDE.
"I can't remember the last time that happened. But I hear everyday about black on black killings. Have you noticed?"
I bet you hear about white on white killings as well but it's never referred to as such.
When white folks act the fool it seems that race is never a factor.
while we are on the subject , could someone tell me if this is rascist....
why are some black people so tall?... cause there kneegroes!
what is the verdict?
next year, I want to dress up as a typical low-IQ black racist. Steve, can I borrow some of your turdboy clothes? Thanks a bunch.
Oops, sorry, I mean... dat cool, man.
Let the recessives have some color they know white skin sucks
1 day out of the year they get to pretend to be the creators children.
suntans,black face,this is how the sick minded pay homage to the gods
Call GirlS
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