"Conservative radio and television talk show host Glenn Beck has made his reputation and fortune in part by taking innocent if not strictly professional relations and turning them into major political scandals. His crusades against Obama administration advisers Patrick Gaspard and Van Jones, who has since resigned, stand out as crowning achievements of the guilt-by-association game.
What happens, however, when one looks closely at the people Beck has chosen to invite onto his show, and to whom he has lent his megaphone?
The Huffington Post took a look some of the bombastic host's past guests and found names steeped in controversy. Beck has hosted, and even occasionally praised, a renowned white supremacist, a devout southern secessionist, a defender of slavery, and a 9/11 skeptic.
On October 4, 2007, for instance, Beck had on his CNN/Headline News show Michael Hill, the founder and president of the League of the South, and Thomas Naylor, a secessionist who is head of the Second Vermont Republic. The conversation, which centered on dissolving the government, was at times, contentious. But Beck - for all the pushback he offered - did acknowledge that he was kind of intrigued. "Don`t get me wrong,"
Hill's League of the South (LOS) group is a decidedly white supremacist organization, arguing that the "Anglo-Celtic" culture of the South must be protected and insisting that "white men" must "shed the guilt heaped upon them by their opponents and defend their interests." The group has questioned "what sort of ammunition is being given to black 'racists' by the media's skewed coverage of interracial crimes." Hill himself has been quoted as saying, "Let us not flinch when our enemies call us, 'Racists;' rather, just reply with, 'So, what's your point?'''
Now now now Huff-Po, just because Mr. Beck chose to have those people on does not necessarily mean that he sympathizes with their extremist views.
Still, I wonder if he buried them on a Friday night like he did my black conservative friends?
I bet if most of my black conservative friends knew about Mr. Beck's previous guest list they would not even have gone on his show.
Ain't that right folks?
When I read this I saw red, Field. I question anyone's credibility and motives when they pander to a certain segment, usually filled with racists, and invite people like the HuffPo noted on their show.
The guests from Black Friday probably would try to get these former guests business cards if they thought it could further their own agendas.
Re: "I bet if most of my black conservative friends knew about Mr. Beck's previous guest list they would not even have gone on his show"
No field, you are not right. People who jig will do so regardless.
Beck could have had a 10 foot banner across the stage with photos of his black con guests with a header of N*****s and they would still have shown up for the dog and pony show.
Those Negroes knew who was on his show - that shit doesn't matter to them. After all, it was conservatives/republicans who were responsible for granting reparations to Black people once the emancipation proclamation was signed.
And not only that!
It was Ronald Reagan who got Nelson Mandela out of prison.
Did you actually see the show, Field?
Well, Louis Farrkhan has long been one of the most prominent voices in the black community and he's separatist too.
What would be so bad about the south breaking away? It's filed with all the poorest states with the lowest levels of health and education--sounds like a no brainer!
"Anglo-Celtic" culture is actually probably better represented in the North east than in the south.
I wonder how many of those "black conservatives" buy into the "Lost Cause" view of the Civil War and admire Nathan Bedford Forrest.
"After all, it was conservatives/republicans who were responsible for granting reparations to Black people once the emancipation proclamation was signed."
Well actually it was the Radical (Liberal) Republicans that did that....the "Conservative" position back then was.......well it wasn't pretty. It involved ropes.
I think that cracker comments here as "Anonymous"
My question is how can black conservatives follow the GOP especially after information like this comes out.
I completely understand having conservative views, as I have some as well. I certainly don't believe that Democrats/Liberals are the saviors of us black folks. However, I just cant align myself with a party like the GOP because at the end of the day, they care about me even less.
Instead of falling in line with any of these parties, why aren't we backing other parties and grassroots organizations that actually give a shit about us.
But then again, you will always have some black folks who like to be contrary because they require validation from whites. *SMDH*
This site is pathetic. I saw the show in question, Beck didn't agree with anything this guy stood for.
If you really believe you have a case, you could always just post the video, but then you'd be exposed as a racist and liar.
Truth Hurts "I saw the show in question, Beck didn't agree with anything this guy stood for."
I saw the show and I agree with you. I am not sure what show Field saw, but posting the video would end any controversy. But maybe that's the point.
TruthHurt... you mean you actually watch Beck?! well then by default your reasoning is already suspect. it's clear that your definition of the words: racist or liar is as retarded as you. just because you failed reading comprehension in school doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer your idiotic analysis.
as for our Black Republicans: try this on for size: Black, Gay, Republicans! if that makes sense to you then please explain away.
it reminds of this show i was watching today called Globe Trekkers. a traveler goes various ports of call, provide really comprehensive & culturally sensitive background info on the local community -- in a much better travel show version than the Travel Channel (except of Anthony Bourdain). tonight's episode featured a comprehensive look (or as comprehensive as you can get in 45 minutes) at the Slave Trade route: from start to finish.
well they stopped by this village in Senegal (i think) where some of these particular villagers' ancestors actually helped rounded up Africans. & as they 'uncomfortably' tried to explain away their families... historical blight... they started to remind me of some of these Black Republicans (Alan Keyes, any Black political pundits on Faux News, & the cross-eyed-looking brother that served as a Cheney/Bush Aide to name a few).
it was a true 'come-to-jesus' moment. that's not to say some of these Black Dems (William Jefferson to name a few) wouldn't/haven't sold their own people down the river... but it was an eerie moment for me.
Field said, "I bet if most of my black conservative friends knew about Mr. Beck's previous guest list they would not even have gone on his show."
Well, Field, you frequently have Frank D. and a host of Stormfront KKK's spewing all kinds of offensive language against Blacks on your blog. In fact, Frank is one of the resident racists on your blog-but black liberals and black conservatives still show up to comment on your blog.
So what's the difference? At least Beck's list of racists have some restraint about their language while yours are just foul offsprings of Big Foot.
Does your list of asshole racists make you a racist like you claim Beck's list makes him? (smh)
Clifton B said...
A message to Kid:
Kid: Please don't come over here and tell me how to run my blog. I have worked too damn hard in the last 7 months to build up my traffic (I can get on Memeorandum, can you?) to allow anonymous idiots to use my traffic to spew BS. That is why comments are moderated here. Don't like it? Find another blog. Field Negro is free to run his blog any way he likes just like I am.
Regarding linking Field's site, guess what, it is my blog and again I can do whatever I please. You see my readers are not so closed minded that they will not read post from a liberal perspective. Many of us read lefty sites to gain perspective, we are not afraid to question our positions.
Now here is something I want you to think about. The next time a white liberal tells you something is racist, rather than just believe them question their reason for saying. You mentioned that man with the rifle at the Obama rally. Well check this out:
You see not everything is what white liberals tell you it is. So stop being their emotional tool.
Finally, I just know you are going to say I did not publish your post.
I did not publish it because I have seen your type. You are the type of person that loves an audience. You come to my blog to grandstand. Sorry, as I mentioned before, I have worked too hard to build traffic to turn it over to you. You want an audience? Do the work and build your blog. Someday your blog could be as big as mine or better yet as big as Fields.
November 17, 2009 10:20 PM
Hey Field:
Clifton B tried to play you for a punk.On his site he only puts up pro-Tom comments.I ask him about why the KKK, Aryan Nation,neo-Nazi's and Stormfront supports the Republican party. I ask why black Republiklans haven't spoken out about their friends at the teaparties holding up signs calling for the deaths of Malia and Sasha.Above was the sorry ass punk bitch response.
Black Republicans will do anything to get a white racist money.They have no morals.
Then the bitch brought up the gun incident. Mostly whites did it. When they seen that black folks were getting pissed they got a buck dancing, ass kissing tom to bring his gun to where the President was.So it's not racist. Dr. King was stabbed by a black woman. Malcolm X was shot by black men while a room of undercover police looked on.
In Clifton's world everything is the black man's fault. I tell you kissing white peoples asses pays really good.
Kid said, "Hey Field:
Clifton B tried to play you for a punk."
No Kid, YOU are trying to play Field for a punk with your instigating comments. You are an out-of-control self-centered punk with no moral compass=a total jerk.
The mind boggles at how some of you missed the point of Field's post so completely. The critique is and was of Beck's use of guilt by association to hang others. The post, from HuffPo that Field quotes, is using Beck's own techniques against him to reveal how fallacious those arguments and techniques that Beck uses to tar and feather others really are. Is that too complicated for some folks to grasp?
That said, that Beck so frequently gives the microphone to radicals who spout secession, xenophobia, and racism etc. is interesting--especially when viewed in light of teabaggers also spouting secession, xenophobia and racism. Mr. Beck does associate himself with the teabagger movement if not the individual teabaggers who are spouting the most vile of political views. Despite the fact that Beck argues against the views of some of these men, it's curious that the most pernicious radical elements in the teabagger movement are also the views held by some of the radicals he's had on his show. If Beck disagrees so vehemently, perhaps, he needs to consider addressing that crossover within the teabagger movement. After all, his show is a vehicle for him to express his opinions.
Anonymous said...
Kid said, "Hey Field:
Clifton B tried to play you for a punk."
No Kid, YOU are trying to play Field for a punk with your instigating comments. You are an out-of-control self-centered punk with no moral compass=a total jerk.
1:39 AM
You sound like a bitch.You're calling me a jerk. I got something you can jerk on mother fucker.It's time to stop playing with you assholes that are trying to get the President killed.
BTW second Anonymous, that sorry ass mother fucker Beck got three policemen killed in Pittsburgh and one census taker in Kentucky. Beck is a coward ass bitch that want black people to die and stay poor. Why did he fuck with ACORN a group that didn't do anything to anyone. He's is trying to cause a race war.The ACORN fake pimp[ stuff was low. There are real pimps on Fox like Dennis Hof that runs the Bunny Ranch.I don't want Fox to make me into a Nigger.
Thanks J. Could you re-type the first part of your comments for me?
Real s-l-o-w-l this time for a person who must be the most pain free person on the web, "Truth Hurts"? Thank you.
Oh, and post it for anon. 12:50 a.m. as well.
"I saw the show and I agree with you. I am not sure what show Field saw, but posting the video would end any controversy."
If you saw the video on Beck's show then you mujst agree with my post, no?
Or is black grl#1 correct?
Seattle Slim, I feel your pain. :(
Hey Field some of your visitors have been passing this around on their Black Republiklan Blogs. You will see why I'm so pissed at them.
There’s a new slogan making its way onto car bumpers and across the Internet. It reads simply: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8"
A nice sentiment?
Maybe not.
The psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."
Presidential criticism through witty slogans is nothing new. Bumper stickers, t-shirts, and hats with "1/20/09" commemorated President Bush’s last day in office.
But the verse immediately following the psalm referenced is a bit more ominous: "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."
@field -- LOL. Maybe I should break it down further just in case.
For the slow learners:
Glen Beck says you are whatever bad person can be connected to you even if you don't agree with them or have never even met the bad person.
Field/Huffpo says that's idiotic. Let's mock that argument and show how stupid it is by giving Beck a taste of his own medicine: Here's a list of people Glen Beck has hung out with (insert bad people). Under Beck's rules that makes Glen Beck a racist, xenophobic, secessionist.
Now class, especially YOU Mr. Beck, do you see how flawed and utterly idiotic your argument is?
I swear formal logic desperately needs to be incorporated into the K-12 core curriculum. I used to think a lot of it was reading comprehension but given that Beck's arguments are presented orally and some folks still accept them at face value and don't catch the gaping fallacies in them, the overall problem can't be blamed on poor reading skills or skimming.
Applying formal logic and/or learning to use it isn't hard. It doesn't take a college degree--most 5th graders can learn the rules in a matter of weeks. However, it's clear that we've handicapped a good portion of our citizenry by not teaching them the basic rules of formal logic and critical thinking.
--j said, "That said, that Beck so frequently gives the microphone to radicals who spout secession, xenophobia, and racism etc. is interesting--especially when viewed in light of teabaggers also spouting secession, xenophobia and racism."
It is interesting to watch him isn't it? It understandable why his ratings continue to increase because so many of us watch him daily.
Beck is probably the best known person by Americans of all races. And Blacks are addicted to him, they can't stop talking and blogging about him. Thanks, j. From your comment it is evident that you are an ardent viewer of Glen Beck. Keep up the support!
kid, "But the verse immediately following the psalm referenced is a bit more ominous: "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."
kid, grow up and stop being controlled by others opinions. You are a very sick puppy.
@j, "Glen Beck says you are whatever bad person can be connected to you even if you don't agree with them or have never even met the bad person."
As I said in my previous comment that kind of logic goes for Field as well. Take a look at his commenters and you must conclude that Field as well as you, j are guilty of racism and illogical friends-98% of them are your favorite black commentators. LOL
@j, "I swear formal logic desperately needs to be incorporated into the K-12 core curriculum."
Right now, 55% of Blacks don't finish highschool and therefore aren't interested in education, let alone logic. LOL
@anon 6.51 -- I see you're a graduate of the Glen Beck School of Logic and Higher Learning. Sadly, the lesson plans required to help you spot the fallacies of your arguments are a bit more intensive than the suggested K-12 formal logic curriculum mentioned earlier. Unlearning is a far more difficult and consuming process than learning. Beck's refinement of the Jack Van Impe deductive reasoning technique¹ is particularly trying for slow learners to unlearn.
However, I do have a pointer for you: fallacy + fallacy + fallacy + made-up assertions ≠ WIN!
P.S. Your Troll-Fu is as bad as Beck's reasoning skills. For Pete's sake, bring some game or stay off the court.
¹Note: Given Mr. Van Impe's name and peculiar reasoning technique, I remain unconvinced of the assertion that Van Impe is not in fact an escapee from the Underpants Gnome Kingdom revealing Underpants Gnome trade secrets. However, there is no doubting his impressive hair.
** Convicted Cop Killer Mumia "Killa Mu" Abu Jamal - REGULAR GUEST on Leftist "Democracy Now" in his "Dispatches From Death Row"
** A Drug Dealer, A Convicted Felon and a Potty Mouthed Rapper who rose to fame calling Black Women out of their name IS CALLED BY A LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC candidate for Senate to draw Black people to vote for him:
[quote]The guests from Black Friday probably would try to get these former guests business cards if they thought it could further their own agendas.
Fewer Guests on Glen Beck have followers that listen to them that have KILLED BLACK PEOPLE IN THE LAST 10 YEARS than you can claim to be the case with guests on BET's "Hip Hop Countdown" show.
I have NEVER heard of a person who has just did a drive by shooting which killed Black people and was later stopped by the police only to find a large collection of CDs in his sound system that was stocked with Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Michael Savage and Bill O'Reilly.
INSTEAD it is commonplace that when they are stopped they have:
* Lil Wayne
* Young Jeezy
* Young Joc
* Plies
and so on.
What about these WHITE FOLKS that don't like you because you are Black proof to be more THREATENING to you than those who's ARTISTIC PERFORMANCES talk about SHOOTING A BLACK MAN that steps to their face but putting a "9 TO HIS CHEST"?
THEY view the threat from WHITE FOLKS as SUPREME, just as the White folks believe they are superior.
(Do any of you see what Filled Negro is doing to you? YOU all are the SHARKS and he is the CHUM FEEDER for you.
WHY don't you have him focus upon the failing schools in Philly?
I hooked up with an Elementary school friend from long ago on FaceBook. SHE said that she is plotting on leaving the violence in Philly for a CONFEDERATE STATE in the South where she can find peace.
Filled Negro is one of the best "Playas" that I know. Good job in keeping them distracted while you "Mack'em" )
Then your friend needs to stay out of the big cities in the south.
If there were a return to the good old days of Jim Crow your friend would have to stay with the rest of the Negroes.
Don't wax poetically for the Confederacy.
The time you have spent deriding the fate of Black folks would be better spent saving one child at a time, but I suspect you want certain blacks to be killed off , so your specialness will glow.
There are no Confederate states only ex-Confederate states. That's something worth distinguishing. And Hathor is right, if your friend fears Philly stay out of New Orleans, Memphis, and Atlanta as well as any other major southern city.
And black folks moving back to the South is nothing new. It's been happening in statistically significant numbers for a few decades now. Why? Many reasons. But key among them is that the South isn't what a lot of folks think. The South's got plenty of problems but we've got a lot of good things going for us too and we're not gonna stop bending that arc of history.
The "Convicted Cop Killer" Mumia Abu Jamal's cause is also supported by many organizations, such as amnesty international and human rights watch. He's also been made an honorary citizen of 25 cities around the world and has a Parisian road named after him.
If there is legitimate concern about injustice in his case, what is so wrong about him appearing on democracy now?
And how exactly does field have no credibility because of this? please explain, im not following your logic?
coffee and cigarettes
Don't worry.
CF will not answer your question or meet your challenge.
He'll just launch into another spittle spraying rant about the wonders of Massa and why blacks shouldn't concern themselves with anything other than street crime and gangsta rappers.
I am committed to working with you to STOP these RACIST ACHROMATIC-CONFEDERATES from shooting our people outside of concerts. We must put aside our ideological differences as BROTHERS and work to fight against the ACHROMATIC-CONFEDERATES who are committing wanton violence and murder of Black people today.
I will yield my "destructive conservative" ideology that I have learned from Beck and Limbaugh and instead follow your lead.
Tell me what I must do to be made into a "Real Black Person"? I am tired of being a sellout.
I want to be LIKED by Black People!!
Nine Shot In Front Of Hip-Hop Radio Station's Concert
Nine people were wounded in a shooting rampage last night during a concert featuring singers Trey Songz, Letoya Luckett and others.
San Francisco Hip-Hop/R&B station KMEL 106.1 was hosting the sold-out “House of Soul” concert when a fight outside of the venue resulted in the shootings.
According to police, someone opened fire around 10:12p.m., but police were not clear if the victims of the shooting were attending the concert or not.
The victims who suffered more serious injuries during the shooting were taken to a local hospital, while others were treated at the scene.
Police are seeking a motive for the shooting, as well as a suspect.
glenn back is a fool
but he is just one fool among an entire staff of real journalists at fox news
fox news is the ONLY msm telling ANY truths about obama...all else are fan clubs run by obama nazi fans
that is why fox news rules all ratings
go fox news!
[quote]Beck could have had a 10 foot banner across the stage with photos of his black con guests with a header of N*****s and they would still have shown up for the dog and pony show.[/quote]
Why don't YOU have the very same response to the "Voice Of Killers Of Black People" who's LYRICS that are littered with the N-WORD are readily available on the Internet?
WHY do young Black Progressive flock to and PAY $75 PER TICKET to hear someone call them:
* A N
* A Hoe
* And Threaten To Kill Them IF They Step To Them?
Seriously Sammy - what in your mind makes this WHITE MAN on Glen Beck's show SUPERIOR?
Or is the million record selling "Hip Hop Street Pirate" (and former Drug Dealer) an INFERIOR threat in your mind DESPITE their frequent visits to jail?
[quote]The time you have spent deriding the fate of Black folks would be better spent saving one child at a time, but I suspect you want certain blacks to be killed off , so your specialness will glow.[/quote]
Hator can I disassemble your argument so that we can have a better understanding of each other?
I am NO MORE "deriding the fate of Black folks" with my EXPOSE' of the BIGOTRY of Filled-Negro than you can claim that Ida B Wells was "Debasing Black Folks" by exposing LYNCHING more than 100 years ago
The key parallel is to consider the BIGOTS and how their will to PROTECT THE ESTABLISHMENT causes them to STAND SILENT about the INJUSTICE and CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.
Filled Negro is LOATHED to attack the Progressive-Fundamentalist establishment that controls Philly, and San Francisco where 9 people where shot.
He "won" when these forces took the institutional seats over these communities. My goal is to force him (you and others) to DETAIL what was "WON" and WHO "won it".
One key problem today for Black folks is IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY. Right in front of Filled Negros face is the direct assault of the BLACK PERMANENT INTERESTS in our Schools, our Business Districts, or Public Safety - yet despite updating the "Philly Murder Count" on his "Right Side Hall Of Shame" - my good friend Filled Negro spends more time scouring the nation for EVIL, RACIST CONSERVATIVES AND REPUBLICANS to tar and feather.
AND YOU say that I am "deriding the fate of Black people"?
Hathor - If the complement of "deriding Black people" is THE 'BENIGN NEGLECT" OF OUR INTERESTS as SOLD OUT KNEEGROWS pursue their ideological and partisan agenda then WHY IS IT THAT YOU ONLY BOTHER TO SPEAK AGAINST ME?
* What is the PURPOSE of "Black Activism"? To get more DEMOCRATS into POWER?......YOU HAVE WON!!! All of the evil racist GOP is purged from our communities. What about our community's fate despite this VICTORY?
* What is the PURPOSE of our schools? If it is to prepare the next generation to take over our communities then OUR FUTURE WILL LOOK MUCH LIKE THE PAST - the farm team is not doing what is necessary to take the helm.
WHY do you ask ME to SAVE A BLACK CHILD but ask NOTHING of the BLACK MAN who sired him? I am WILLING to do this and I do.
IF his Black father is EQUAL to me.....WHAT DO YOU ASK OF HIM?
Or is he INFERIOR to me and thus you don't expect anything of him?
"I am committed to working with you to STOP these RACIST ACHROMATIC-CONFEDERATES from shooting our people outside of concerts. We must put aside our ideological differences as BROTHERS and work to fight against the ACHROMATIC-CONFEDERATES who are committing wanton violence and murder of Black people today."
For three years I've heard all about your committment to ridding the black community of violence.
What has been the extent of your activities and accomplishments in this regard thuso far?
Outside of ranting on blogs, that is.
[quote]The "Convicted Cop Killer" Mumia Abu Jamal's cause is also supported by many organizations, such as amnesty international and human rights watch. He's also been made an honorary citizen of 25 cities around the world and has a Parisian road named after him.
Caffeine And Orgasm:
The "Sons Of Confederate Soldiers" is an ORGANIZATION" and many Confederate Generals have STREET SIGNS in their HONOR hanging on a pole? Hell - their images are carved on a mountain in Stone Mountain Georgia.
Thus what can I infer from the support from these organizations about what ACTUALLY HAPPENED on that fateful night on December 9, 1981? One man DIED. One man WALKED AWAY. Since "Dead Men Tell No Tales" all we have are the WORDS of Mumia "Killa Mu" Abu Jamal to go by and the tombstone of the MURDERED officer. Or did he die after "Killa Mu" grab his taser gun and gave him a taste of how it feels to be "Electrocuted While Black"?
[quote]If there is legitimate concern about injustice in his case, what is so wrong about him appearing on democracy now?[/quote]
(Jesus please help this woman)
"Killa MU" DOES NOT APPEAR ON the leftist "Democracy Now" to TALK ABOUT HIS INNOCENCE these days. He goes on the SHOW to talk about the daily trends in PROGRESSIVE POLITICS and about evil American Imperialism.
The LEFT is as GUILTY of showcasing ROGUE INDIVIDUALS than you can find EVIL RIGHT WING ROGUES.
Again - from where I stand - THE THUG HIP HOP COMMUNITY are the "Voice of the Most Abundant Killers Of Black People Today". WHY don't you stand against them?
Calling fox an entire staff of real journalists is a bit of a stretch.
an entire staff of intellectually-disabled fascist neo-cons would be a better description.
Just because they're deriding Obama at the moment doesn't make them right.
They're criticising him for all the wrong reasons, in all the wrong ways.
millions of NEW viewers like me who once HATED fox (for the very same reasons that we now hate their peers) are watching FOX loyally
glen beck is NOT the reason i love fox news!
i also hate sean hannity and bill o...yet i love FOX news for the EXCLUSIVE truths they tell about obama
obama's WORST antics and hoaxes are yet to come
people are actually being told to cease annual mammograms and consuming vitamins!
so obama/gwb 2.0's health hoax can save cash/exclude care etc
and medicaid/medicare will soon be gutted like hbcus to pay for obamacare
we agree to disagree
i watch fox news daily
do u?
when i turn to abc/msnbc/obama tv
i see excusers and coddlers and michelle's arms and malia/sasha's parties etc
i am sick of it!
i think shepard smith and geraldo rivera are the two best journalists on tv
both are at fox
see more on why fox news rules all media now:
see more here:
Is it true that the LOS has black members?
[quote]What has been the extent of your activities and accomplishments in this regard thuso far?[/quote]
My goal is like that of:
* Dwayne Whickham
* Derrick Z Jackson
* Eugene Robinson
* Bob Herbert
* Cynthia Tucker
* Earl Ofari Hutchenson
When YOU demand that they put down their keyboards and DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THEIR WORTH - I will follow suit
I am hammering against BIGOTS who DON'T WANT TO CHANGE despite that which is in front of them that is in violation of their PERMANENT INTERESTS.
Here is what I have successfully written about Steve:
1) That the BLACK VOTE must be returned to the purpose of ADVANCING and actually ACCOMPLISHING the PERMANENT INTERESTS WITHIN our communities NOT as a weapon to FIGHT THE BATTLES of a party that the balance of Black folks have agreed to SELL OUT TO!!!!!
The PROOF of the correctness of my statement is that despite having eradicated the evil adversaries from our communities there REMAINS abundant problems (well except in Bowie Maryland were YOU live)
2) Advance the notion that When you now have control over the key INSTITUTIONAL SEATS in your community the need is to shift from ADVOCACY over to MANAGEMENT.
Now that these favorable people are in place YOU LOSE when you fail to MANAGE THEM, forcing them to document their PLANS forward. PURGING them in exchange for a new plan IF they fail.
3) That strategically we need to use this CONTROL OVER OUR SCHOOLS, our BUSINESS DISTRICTS and our CULTURE to build up the COMPETENCIES OF OUR PEOPLE and allow this to be the source of the delivery of the professional services that we need as a community (health care, financial planning, technical skills development).
Some of you are content with Black folks as CONSUMERS. As long as we are put into the state of "RECEIPT OF HEALTH CARE".....because it is our SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHT - you are pacified. You fail to ask "What BLACK MINDS and BLACK MONEY' have been enhanced to deliver these vital services to our community?"
In summary Steve - YOU ARE SOLD OUT. Its just that it is POPULAR to be SOLD OUT to what you are sold out to and thus you are not called as such.
(Black Diaspora) It matters NOT that I tell you that you are SOLD OUT in a manner in which YOU will ACCEPT my assessment of you. THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
ME waiting for YOU to accept ME as a condition of me "Speaking Nice" to you is akin to the Black man on trial in Mississippi 1939 believing that if he SPOKE NICE to an "All WHITE JURY" that they would find him INNOCENT of raping the White Woman DESPITE the fact that the baby that was produced during the assault came out as a pure WHITE KID just prior to the trial starting.
Steve if YOU can't step back and see the FACTS, but instead seek to continue your RACKET because OTHER BLACKS ARE GOING ALONG....then it is NOT ME who has the problem. WE ALL SUFFER COLLECTIVELY from the LIES and OBFUSCATIONS that are rendered.
You can infer that many question the handling of the case. including legitimate human rights organizations.
Yes, for all you know he killed the cop, and for all you know he didn't. I wasn't trying to defend his case to you.
Regarding whether he should be on Democracy now- We have different opinions, we can agree to disagree. But again how does that harm fields credibility? And what does it have to do with the topic?
Read J's explanation again.
"The LEFT is as GUILTY of showcasing ROGUE INDIVIDUALS than you can find EVIL RIGHT WING ROGUES."
Spin that quote around so that it reads, "The Right is as guilty of showcasing rogue individuals than you can find on the evil left wing" and you'll get the point of fields post and the huffington article.
Caffeine and Orgasm:
[quote]They're criticising him for all the wrong reasons, in all the wrong ways.[/quote]
The far GREATER OFFENSE that has measurable HARM UPON BLACK FOLKS to to see how Black people in Baltimore, Chicago, Newark, Detroit and Milwaukee are represented by the MACHINE THAT OBAMA IS A PART OF from Local to State to Federal and YOU AND OTHERS STAND SILENT OF ANY 'CRITICISM' OF HOW YOUR INTERESTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED.
Do any of you ever take a step back and try to find the "Yang" that accompanies the "YIN" of most of your arguments? SERIOUSLY.
Look at what the NAACP had to say about the 15% Unemployment Rate For Black Folks now that they have achieved their final victory of having a "Black Democrat" in the White House and BOTH houses of Congress controlled by the Democrats:
In speaking out on jobs, N.A.A.C.P. leaders say they are not trying to pick a fight with the first African-American president. Rather, they say, they are pressing Mr. Obama in an area where they believe he wants to be pressured.
JUST as it is possible for Clarence Thomas and those who like him to be astray from the Black Permanent Interests - THE SAME DAMNED THING is the case with Obama.
The only difference is the BIGOTRY that goes with the notion that YOU ARE RIGHT exclusively despite the lack of REAL WORLD EVIDENCE to back up your claim.
"When YOU demand that they put down their keyboards and DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THEIR WORTH"
You are one sick Negro.
You never acknowledge any success or accomplishment amongst the black community.
In the 3 years that I've been exposed to you, I have never once read any statement or post from you suggesting that anything or anyone black brings you any sense of pride or joy.
Why don't you get Sammy Sosa to give you a doctor referral and get the whole thing over with?
P.S CF, just because someone is "leftist" does not mean they approve of commercial gangsta rap. The two do not go hand in hand.
hehe, that's funny. Most here have no sense of humor.
Aside from that, I have to hand it to CF: he does have courage. The typical followers of field hang around here as if in a mob, blaming everything on whitey. But CF has the courage to stand here nearly alone. I suppose he gets his courage because he is based on principles, not the lowly group mentality of supposed victimhood.
[quote]You can infer that many question the handling of the case. including legitimate human rights organizations.
Yes, for all you know he killed the cop, and for all you know he didn't. I wasn't trying to defend his case to you. [/quote]
Caffeine and Orgasms:
THESE GROUPS prove their LEGITIMACY based on the the LIST OF HUMANITARIAN OFFENSES that exist around the world and their ability to select the most PRESSING ONES.....rather than the most IDEOLOGICALLY ALIGNED violations.
Killa Mu admitted to pulling his gun that night and the leftist refrain is that some "magic negro" appeared in the night and actually did the shooting.
ONE THING that we both can agree upon, Caffeine and Orgasms is that KILLA MU DID NOT pull his gun to DEFEND the now dead Officer Faulkner from the gunshots fired by the Magic Negro who disappeared into the night air.
I am waiting for you all to be so vociferous in pressing the PROSECUTION to PROVE that some of these geriatric Klansmen who are brought to justice in these "Civil Rights Cold Case Files" actually did it. In these cases you all seem to lose your demand for unmolested judicial proceedings. (I AM NOT SUPPORTING THESE THUGS. I am ONLY making note of YOUR OWN subjectivity).
Caffeine and Orgasms: WHY isn't the International Red Cross looking into the gross CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS that are taking place TODAY within most inner cities in America? Since these are environments in which a higher than normal amount of Black people are murdered and their killers never found - WHY doesn't this have the same triggering effect that the Civil Rights era violations did?
[quote]But CF has the courage to stand here nearly alone. I suppose he gets his courage because he is based on principles, not the lowly group mentality of supposed victimhood.[/quote]
Anon - it is not COURAGE.
IT IS A CLEAR VISION to see through Filled Negro's (and other's) antics and to realize that THESE ARE BUT PACIFIERS that only feed people chum but are NEVER going to produce a sustained and MANAGED solution state.
[quote]P.S CF, just because someone is "leftist" does not mean they approve of commercial gangsta rap. The two do not go hand in hand.[/quote]
Caffeine and Orgasms:
I am simply looking at the REACTION to "Ignorant Hip Hop" and contrasting this to the REACTIONS to
* Rush Limbaugh
* Fox
* Michael Steele
and making note that the differences in these RESPONSES prove to be more indicative of the sentiments that are present rather than your mere words that attempt to explain your stance.
It is clear that the type of conditioning that I am calling out Filled Negro for plays a significant part in the responses seen. POLITICS trumps CULTURAL INTEGRITY for too many Black folks.
I recall a news channel talk show wherein a black host and a black guest were decrying the evil influence of rap music.
After commercials, a white guest joined the discussion and also criticized rap. At that point, the two blacks began to defend it.
That little vignette showed an awful lot about modern America.
"The far GREATER OFFENSE that has measurable HARM UPON BLACK FOLKS to to see how Black people in Baltimore, Chicago, Newark, Detroit and Milwaukee are represented by the MACHINE THAT OBAMA IS A PART OF from Local to State to Federal and YOU AND OTHERS STAND SILENT OF ANY 'CRITICISM' OF HOW YOUR INTERESTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED."
CF, I stomach democrats only slightly better than i stomach republicans, so this whole argument really does not work with me. i am very willing to criticise "obama and the machine he is apart of." i am aware of their shortcomings, and i do not stay silent on them. however this does not automatically mean i think repubs would do a better job. infact I think its been pretty much proven they can only do worse.
Anon 10:32 AM
"The typical followers of field hang around here as if in a mob, blaming everything on whitey"
Anonymous please grow up, and stop projecting your own biases on people who do not share your view point.
coffee and cigarettes
Don't fall for CF's bull$hit.
He'll never explain how the Republicans will clean up the ghetto and improve schools.
If you ask him what the Repubs did for blacks that was so wonderful over the last 8 years when they had almost absolute power.
All he knows is that Democrats and black people are terrible and have no right criticizing massa in any way.
This blog is mostly POLITICAL.
Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh, Fox news are POLITICAL ISSUES.
Maybe that is why they provoke more discussion.
See where I'm going with this?
"He'll never explain how the Republicans will clean up the ghetto and improve schools."
You're right. Can't say I blame him, I wouldn't be able to explain it either-Its simply not part of the republican agenda and it never will be.
Marketing for profits makes financial sense. It would be ridiculous to pander to racial and diversity issues when trying to sell product. The movie has the blacks in it...be satisfied with that. if nothing else, the UK crackkas will be pissed after they spend their money and see niggas in the movie.
"Caffeine and Orgasms: WHY isn't the International Red Cross looking into the gross CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS that are taking place TODAY within most inner cities in America? Since these are environments in which a higher than normal amount of Black people are murdered and their killers never found - WHY doesn't this have the same triggering effect that the Civil Rights era violations did?"
I agree with you that they should be.
But I wouldn't classify violations and crimes that occur in inner cities as civil rights problems. rather, they are more based on a lack of ECONOMIC rights. and most people, especially your republican friends, fail to recognise that economic rights are just as important in a humane society as civil and political rights are. economic rights make up half of the international declaration of human rights yet they do not recieve nearly as much attention.
America does not have the social safety nets that it should, and the republicans sure as hell aren't going to be the ones fighting to install them.
"But I wouldn't classify violations and crimes that occur in inner cities as civil rights problems. rather, they are more based on a lack of ECONOMIC rights."
CF and other lost negroes see them as BLACK PROBLEMS.
As if there is no black middle or professional class or no criminals who are not black.
According to CF, no black American has the right to confront any white person or utter the word racism until every black neighborhood is crime free and every black child gets a perfect score on the SAT.
Until that day, CF is gonna carry massa's water with a big grin.
Since these are environments in which a higher than normal amount of Black people are murdered and their killers never found - WHY doesn't this have the same triggering effect that the Civil Rights era violations did?"
Tell that to the black males who are holding those cities hostage. Since it's black men committing these crimes the behavior is excused. It's only an issue when a white person kills a black person.
Blow it out of your racist ass.
It was hispanic gangsters who just murdered a 8 year kid in DC last weekend.
It was a white man who killed his whole family in MD last month.
Wanton violence has nothing to do with race except to idiots like you who have a race agenda.
kid said...
BTW second Anonymous, that sorry ass mother fucker Beck got three policemen killed in Pittsburgh and one census taker in Kentucky.
That census taker committed suicide. Don't let the facts get in the way of your insane rants.
What do you think about blacks supporting the tea party? Check this video out http://www.ktbs.com/player/?video_id=23002&zone_id=62&categories=62
coffee and cigarettes said...
"He'll never explain how the Republicans will clean up the ghetto and improve schools."
You're right. Can't say I blame him, I wouldn't be able to explain it either-Its simply not part of the republican agenda and it never will be.
Since Democrats run all of these ghetto schools,it must not be on their agenda either.
What would Republicans do differently?
What are your ideas?
So you have any?
Who cares? Being on tv or in the media allows you to have a agenda and double standards.
Always remember,its you Democrats who created these weapons. So don't be suprised when they are used against you.
uptownsteve said...
What would Republicans do differently?
What are your ideas?
So you have any?
How about ending Democrat corruption in these school districts and limiting the power of the Democrat teacher unions.
That would be a great start.
The department's Bureau of Justice Statistics report offers a snapshot of racial disparities among violent crime victims. Black people represented an estimated 13 percent of the U.S. population in 2005, the latest data available, but were the victims of 49 percent of all murders and 15 percent of rapes, assaults and other nonfatal violent crimes nationwide.
Most of the black murder victims — 93 percent — were killed by other black people.
Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks.
anon 12:28
Your last two paragraphs are contradictory.
Not at all,
When you look at interracial murder between black and whites, 90% is committed by blacks. Now 93% of total blacks murdered, are murdered by other blacks.
Good post, Field, as usual. Honestly I kinda like Glenn Beck. Even though I can see the hint of fakeness within his demeanor I can't help but enjoy his show, when I take the time to watch. I think he does his best to provide a level playing field. Which, in this day and time, is unlikely. Especially for a white man.
Enjoyed the read, as always.
Keynote @ just because Mr. Beck chose to have those people on does not necessarily mean that he sympathizes with their extremist views.
i love that blacks are finally becoming real organized activists like the tea partiers!
obama's biggest betrayals have been in poor black areas
obama has betrayed black homeowners/black farmers/black hbcus/black soldiers/blacks in africa etc
black tea parties are LONG overdue and should be the biggest and the best ever...
see more black tea:
"i love that blacks are finally becoming real organized activists like the tea partiers!"
You must have missed that there Civil Rights Movement thang, huh?
Oooooohhh, I get it.
You want blacks to start reflexively attacking President Obama like the tea parties goobers.
I almost forgot who I was dealing with.
are you serious???
are you REALLY counting rosa parks within a convo re obama in 2009?
this is a new low for you
this is worse than all of the tired old crime stats you like to quote that are equally irrelevant!!!!
i want blacks to wake up to the brutal truths about obama
i want them to stop pretending that he is NOT gwb 2.0
rosa/mlk et al were all devoted NAACP members
the NAACP is hosting its own black tea parties and rosa and mlk et al would attend!!!
ditto for the Urban League long ago...
the black teas that will heal black obama nazis like you uts have just begun to brew!
a bf soldier's brewing tea:
AB: there are many things you've posited throughout various comments that we are in agreement on: gay issues, the fact that not everyone should or deserves to have children, women's reproductive rights, etc.
but i can't get down w/ you on the Fox News thing. i used to work in the PR business w/ particular emphasis on media dissemination and analysis. Fox News is one of the WORST offenders in pandering to the worst traits and qualities of American life. there are way too many examples cataloged, recorded, and just out-right propaganda perpetuated by Fox -- unapologetically i might add.
having said that the state of journalism is extremely abysmal in general. when "Balloon Boy" becomes breaking news there's something seriously wrong w/ how we're fed information. if you've ever traveled overseas and watched CNN's World News it's VASTLY different than what we're fed here. it's smarter, it actually relays important information, & it even has 'dashes' of investigative news. while our CNN; the real news is scrawled in very small letters on the bottom of the screen, so they pundits can go on & on about Jon n' Kate.
apparently the news organization here has decided we needed to be fed "dumbed down" news. Fox is one of the dumbest. so i'm surprised that you would co-sign on something like this. did you like Fox during the Bush years? considering their outright hatred for all things Progressive (not necessarily Democratic either) are you... suspicious of their sources? especially when FOX's mantra is: Fair n' Balanced.
as for you statistical analysis around the viewership i have 3 things to say about that: 1) considering the election of Bush for 2 terms -- you know that the majority isn't always right. 2) conservative hillbillies only have 1 source for which to turn to for their news, unlike everyone else who have the option of choosing between MSNBC or CNN; thereby splitting the numbers. & 3) just because millions of people find O'Reilly or Hannity & Fox n' Friends exhilarating just means there's A LOT of people i probably wouldn't want to have a drink w/, & consequently not watch FOX news because they do.
however, a word about MSNBC: Comcast is buying or has bought NBC. the conflict of interest should be duly noted. that means price gouging, potential for zero ability for folks to demand better service, & the potential for MSNBC/NBC to become even more like FOX; offering zero objectivity, is great.
Geraldo used to be pretty good --until he attempted to uncover Al Capone's vault. Shep would probably be a good journalist if... he didn't work for FOX.
ditto bg1:
we agree to disagree
i defer to you as an insider
and i have said often herein that
i am a researcher/news junkie
i read and watch EVERYTHING
i just cc'd msnbc and abc tv in my post above
(i hate fox online...vapid and limited...tv is best)
as obama is unmasked, and as fox soars, media peers must step up or
be erased...ie
i have heard cnn may be laying off soon...they are at the bottom in all polls
i still find much more truths and much less fawning on fox news
on tv....
i have stated often that
i hated fox during gwb's stolen reigns...and i stated why
fox was at the bottom of the ratings from 2000-2008
just as cnn is now
4 the very same reasons
fox did nothing except praise and coddle and excuse and absolve gwb
that is exactly what all of the other media are doing for obama now...and why they are now at the bottom as fox's ratings soar
sean hannity and i are personal enemies from wgst/many yrs ago in atlanta...i never watch him or beck or bill o...
but i love fox news overall...
i am a new viewer who is ultraliberal and independent...i hate dems and rethugs equally because i know they are the same
but i will not watch obama be given a free pass because he is black and his wife and kids are cute etc on any netwk...see?
what do i hate that is progressive???
u lost me there as a radical ultraliberal independent afrocrentric anti-govt rebel etc...
shep is great
geraldo has a renowned bad day
he is human
more tea with caffeine:
@black grl #1
I liked your analysis of the current state of our cable news networks.
Good work!
I don't trust any commentary news show. I'm all for discussions/debates of opposing views, and maintaining integrity of our political leaders, but I don't like witch hunts and blame shifting. If these type of news shows were adamant about producing solutions...they would lose ratings. Controversy (disguised as "truth") is sexy. People love drama. And FOX news is its epitome in our modern times.
You would think that these type of programs would produce intelligent, civil, worldly/socially conscious Americans....but it does the complete opposite. It encourages collective paranoia and social hysteria.
I think people should just be honest about what they really want to see on the news:
Obama's head on one of his commemorative plates. [SMH]
some black "green" tea:
Now now now Huff-Po, just because Mr. Beck chose to have those people on does not necessarily mean that he sympathizes with their extremist views.
Paging brother Roland Martin..i'm not quite sure what side of the fence he's on but I watched his show sun. on TV One and he seemed quite estatic than the average FN to share a bday with Condi Rice... but I think i'm just speculating but it kinda quirked a brow to me...
I like his podcasts however beck and black conservatives share one thing in common.
Buck dancin for those reich wing cons to get that almighty dollar...
beck is a spineless, brainless, fox puppet and for a nice dime he'd go left so fast his head would go into the spin zone.
obama put the collective heads of all poor people of all races on a huge global platter long ago...even before he was seleceted to succeed gwb
all i want to see is the truth
that truth for me is that obama is a new jack blackish gwb
he has escalated ALL of gwb's agendas:
bilking by banks
gitmo lifers
endless wars
robbing africa
HUGE gaps between rich and poor
abuse of gays
health hoaxes
i see most of these truths on fox
and i see mostly fans in all other media
I knew about those dudes and the groups that they belong to. Here's something the rest of you might not know, but Joe "The Congressman" Wilson and Ron Paul are both supported by this group. You guys need to check out their respective web sites. You can almost hear Dixie being played in the background.
I'll admit: I don't trust authority. The president is no exception. I tend to look for things that will add to my distrust. And I have a strange suspicion that people aren't looking objectively at our President's performance. Considering how diverse the nation is, he will disappoint someone no matter what his agenda is. It was the same scenario with GWB.
I'm grateful that the fate of this country doesn't fall on the decisions of one man...which is why I've set my sights on the communities around me. If this is really a democracy, then I need to get from in front of my computer/tv screens, and make a difference where I'm at.
I.e. limiting my intake of blogs/news shows who delight in nothing more than to bicker, argue, and lash out via youtube vids and quotes from articles written 5-7 years ago.
ditto iasw:
i am 46
i was a naacp prez at 17
and a campus activist at 12
and i still battle in the hood and in media daily...
i have always lived on the front lines
and i will die there too
best wishes
Don't take my comment as a accusation. I gathered that your resume is ages longer than mine and you've contributed a lot more to the community than me.
Thanks for confirming my assumptions though.
no offense taken!
i am old enough to be your granny
you have plenty of time to surpass me!
see more (but not all) in my profile at:
peace baby sista
@CF: "(Black Diaspora) It matters NOT that I tell you that you are SOLD OUT in a manner in which YOU will "ACCEPT my assessment of you. THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
"ME waiting for YOU to accept ME as a condition of me "Speaking Nice" to you is akin to the Black man on trial in Mississippi 1939 believing that if he SPOKE NICE to an "All WHITE JURY" that they would find him INNOCENT of raping the White Woman...."
Your statement above is a perfect example of why you're not going to find many converts on this blog, those who might fall for your confused, and confusing ideology.
You're insulting, although you'd call it using the language precisely. Your use of "sold out," and "sell out" is not going to win you many friends, nor win people over to your point of view.
Your "assessment" of me is
gratis, unsolicited, inaccurate, and nonexistent.
To call a person a "sell out" is not an assessment. It's an insult, or an attempt to insult.
I say an 'attempt to insult,' because I can't be insulted by words, especially words that miss their mark, and come from one who is clueless about my real beliefs.
And the facts that you have gathered to support your "analysis," are equally suspect. You have read a few of my posts, have visited my blog recently, and you think that gives you a sufficient understanding of my position to call me a "sell out."
Your perceived "facts" are little more than hunches, fabrications, and extrapolations that don't exist in the real world, because you succumbed to the logical fallacy of generalizing from too few instances.
That usually happens when one has an agenda to push, or a desire to demean another, using the barest of information.
Have you noticed that I haven't attempted to pigeonhole you? I don't care about your affiliations, your political ideology, or your solutions for the black community.
Were those solutions so grand, they would sell themselves, and you wouldn't have to work so hard to persuade others of what would be too obvious to miss.
Speak anyway you choose, but I reserve the right to not listen. If I don't listen, I don't hear. If don't hear, you don't get a hearing.
Isn't that what you're looking for, a hearing? And if not a hearing, why are you here?
Your writing is voluminous, and I suspect it gets passed over for others who're less voluminous--for those who are as much concerned about how their message is received, as they are with the telling of it.
And your analogy is flawed. I'm not your enemy. I'm not interested in punishing you. I'm eager to hear what you have to say, but the dissonance around your words, and your delivery, drown out anything meaningful you're trying to impart.
Which leads me to the inevitable conclusion: You're more interested in talking, insulting, and hearing your own self speak, than in being heard.
CF, not many here are listening. You're an orchestra of one, and the symphony suffers because of it. Regardless of the instrument, woodwind, brass, percussion, or string, you keep playing the same note--over and over, again and again.
haha. Not my granny...I'm 24. My mother is your age, actually.
you look much younger!
may you be eternally youthful and beautiful as you bless our commmunity!
Hey I just read your poetry, it's beautiful, you have a lot of talent.
As far as the loons at Fox, Beck is probably popular because he is so nutty and outrageous. People probably watch him for his shock value.
@ Kathy: Thanks :)
I got to chalk this one up to WICKED WHITE MEN. WHY do WE as BLACK PEOPLE still follow WICKED CRACKAZ?
THAT said, I AM still OPEN to dating WHITE MEN if your READING this, HOLLA. im ALWAYZ up for SOME white LOVIN'
Black Diaspora.... your 5:52response to UnConn was well written and complete response to him but not just him, to all that post ad nauseum.... brilliant.
Alicia Banks, I still don't understand your affinity for the RNC-talking-point-critique of Obama. Attacks from the ultra-rightwing spectrum are incessant on Fox News with the main intent of skewing the debate rightward. Even a dejected Hillbot such as you should be repulsed by the corporate-sponsored Confederate-loving gay-bashing blowhards on parade on that channel.
[quote]CF, I stomach democrats only slightly better than i stomach republicans, so this whole argument really does not work with me. i[/quote]
Caffeine and Orgasms:
Your comment above is akin to WhiteBowieSteve telling me how GOOD things are among BLACK FOLKS in Bowie MD.
I am not worried about how YOU "stomach Democrats".
I AM observant that despite having purged all evil, racist Republicans from the place where we receive most of our CIVIC SERVICES - (Schooling, Public Safety, Local Economic Policy).......the tendency among the bigots is STILL to look past the "Local Democrats" that run all of their institutions and focus upon the NATIONAL REPUBLICANS.
Even with the Federal Democrats in the White House and sound majorities in both houses - WHAT DO THE BIGOTS FOCUS UPON?
* How their community now has a full sweep of Democrats from local to state to federal?
* The White man with no teeth in Wyoming who called Barack Obama the N word as he cast a ballot for the Republicans?
It is clear that Filled Negro, Steve, Gregory, Jody nor Grannie are going to one day wake up and say "YOU KNOW WHAT.....WE HAVE ENOUGH DEMOCRATS IN PLACE where it is high time that our condition has improved......MAYBE we need to change tactics?"
This is akin to the "All White Jury" of the past realizing that the Prosecutor didn't explain how the White woman that accused the Black man of RAPE - ended up having a White baby that looked awfully like the White man who made a citizens arrest upon the Black man that is on trial.
At some point, Caffeine and Orgasms - YOUR OWN DIGNITY is going to have to kick in and you start operating for what you KNOW TO BE THE TRUTH.
[quote]But I wouldn't classify violations and crimes that occur in inner cities as civil rights problems. rather, they are more based on a lack of ECONOMIC rights. and most people, especially your republican friends, fail to recognise that economic rights are just as important in a humane society as civil and political rights are.
Caffeine and Orgams:
Can I show you how much YOU don't believe what you have typed above?
WOULD YOU be willing to make a blanket pardon to all of the POOR WHITE TRASH who oppressed Black people between "Reconstruction" and "Civil Rights" BECAUSE they too suffered from Economic displacement, largely by the establishment of this nation which kept them marginalized?
WHEN YOU hear about "Stop Snitching" enforcement by Street Pirates who have killed someone and have threatened to do the same to anyone who doesn't catch amnesia - WHAT IS THIS? The enforcement of "Social Justice"?
Black Man Shot 31 Times At 12noon. Witnesses Too Intimidated To Say A Damned Thing
Thanks, Jody.
[quote]What do you think about blacks supporting the tea party[/quote]
* When I saw BLACK FOLKS gathered at the county meeting in Dekalb County GA to tell them to LOWER THEIR PROPERTY TAXES!!!!! Our real estate values have declined more than what you have assessed me @ - I SAW 'Tea Party' people, DESPITE the fact that 90% of them would not dare go down to the Georgia State Capital where Sean Hannity was leading a protest.
* When I saw BLACK FOLKS form a long line at Atlanta City Council's microphone to tell the city NO NEW PROPERTY TAXES AND FEES - we are hurting enough already - I saw Tea Party people as well.
I should have mentioned - The SAME BLACK FOLKS who complain about "underfunded schools in THEIR COUNTY did not worry that their demands for lowered taxes meant less money for the majority BLACK Dekalb County public school sysem.
My dear friend Black Diaspora:
Do you notice how you index your judgment of me upon "ME GETTING FRIENDS AROUND HERE"?
Thus I should try to SELL YOU on something. IF I am EFFECTIVE at convincing YOU then I have succeeded.
Again - YOU have not PROVEN YOUR OWN SELF as being a worthy "judge" to whom my sales job is worth it.
I will make use of "Black Girl's" rant that you BLESSED as "good analysis" to EXPOSE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE.
Black Girl and others are guilty of "KEEPING THEIR ADVERSARIES ON TRIAL". Just as Steve always asks "So YOU tell me what the GOP would do differently in the Black community".
In both of these cases their of them are obliged to tell us how their favored choice is better and thus JUSTIFYING their own position. When an entity has A MONOPOLY POSITION and you are still aggrieved with its results - it is no longer CREDIBLE for someone who HELPED THAT ENTITY TO ASSUME THEIR MONOPOLY POSITION "What the alternative can do".
You see I HAVE A JOB just like Black Girl. Where I work the person who recommended the strategy that turned out to be short - GET FIRED because HE HAS NO MORE CREDIBILITY!!!
Why the HELL is Steve asking me this then? What is the state of his credibility?
Black Girl says:
{quote]Fox News is one of the WORST offenders in pandering to the worst traits and qualities of American life. there are way too many examples cataloged, recorded, and just out-right propaganda perpetuated by Fox -- unapologetically i might add. [/quote]
Since FoxNews has 3 million viewers and America has 305 million people AND there are 40 million BLACK PEOPLE - with only a handful who tolerate FOX - why the HECK is BlackGirl pinning her focus upon Fox News?
Why doesn't she sit down and watch Roland Martin's new show "Washington Watch" on TV One? There is far more evidence of discredited, biased journalism on this show than she could ever find on Fox. After years of folks complaining about the lack of BLACKS on Sunday morning shows - TV One did their own thing.
Martin says "WE" when he refers to the Democrats. What other SUNDAY MORNING talkshow host does this? (Sean Hannity is not a Sunday morning host).
Why is it that Black Girl doesn't consider all of the Hip Hop entertainers who are now in the POLITICAL SPACE. Earlier hip hop was dismissed as "Entertainment" yet the GA Senatorial candidate who was trolling for Black votes prior to losing sure thought it worthy to have Ludacris, Young Jeezy and TI on stage with him.
WHY doesn't Black Girl talk about the WORST TRAITS from the GHETTO that can be readily heard in THESE 'Democratic Campaign operatives"?
YOU say that I won't "Win Friends and Influence People" by communicating as I do.
I am still waiting for you to DISPROVE my view that you and others function as the ALL WHITE JURY of the past did when it comes to being possessed by JURY NULLIFICATION as you are presented with ideas that challenge your world view AND your own policies that have FAILED to operate as you had anticipated.
Black Diaspora:
Here are some choice pieces of your post that Jody - the Paralegal - found worthy.
Ironically you prove my point.
[quote]To call a person a "sell out" is not an assessment. It's an insult, or an attempt to insult.
Me "CALLING" you and others a "sellout" is not enough to turn a rose into a weed. Most certainly THE EVIDENCE must be self evident.
"A Sellout is a person or group that places the interests of some other entity or person AHEAD OF what they can identify as they OWN PERMANENT INTERESTS."
Thus please note that there is no QUANTITATIVE aspect to being a "Sellout". There is only QUALITATIVE. Thus the notion that "How can I be a sellout when MY WAY OF THINKING IS POPULAR among my PEER GROUP of fellow travelers is NOT enough to argue that one is not a "sellout". He might in fact be in a LARGE GROUP of people who have all placed some other interests ahead of their own. Thus he is not likely to be called a "Sellout" BECAUSE the people who typically call others "sellouts" are standing right beside the person in question - SELLING OUT just as much.
I keep pressing my friend Filled Negro to tell me how - as resident of Metro-Philly - one of the most solid Democrat and Progressive cities in the nation he can spend so much time focused on "National Evil Republicans" yet not do more activism LOCALLY in pushing the people that HE WAS SO HAPPY when they assumed POWER to actually come through and deliver upon his own PERMANENT INTERESTS?
You see the guy who is on this post with the Confederate Flag? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF HIM BEFORE? What in Filled Negro's mind afforded him the inclination to talk about HIM rather than the long list of UNMET PROMISES that the machine that controls Philly, the state and now the Federal government has not come through upon?
Clearly there is something about this man.
There is something about Glen Beck
There is something about Sarah Palin
There is something about Fox News...
that causes Filled Negro and so many other Black Progressive-Fundamentalist blogs to be running the same agenda.
Do you know if Filled Negro has ever made a post about the Philadelphia school board?
I don't need to call anyone a "sellout" - I just need to allow some of you to operate naturally.
There is no benefit to ME for calling you any names. The only challenge is for you and others to consider your REAL PURPOSES and determine if indeed you are in alignment.
I have my own opinions about the answer.
[quote]Were those solutions so grand, they would sell themselves, and you wouldn't have to work so hard to persuade others of what would be too obvious to miss.[/quote]
I actually like this statement Black Diaspora.
Do you see the circular reference?
This is like Yogi Berra's "The restaurant is too crowded, no one ever goes there any longer".
You see Black Diaspora IF ONLY you were able to take the framework of your argument and APPLY IT to the popular ideology upon this blog as it applies to the Black community:
If the solutions that our community was sold upon long ago were so ON POINT for our needs - WHY THEN with FAVORABLE PEOPLE IN POWER.....so few of them have yielded fruit where we live in our highest concentrations?
The last portion of your sentence again brings up the notion of PERSUASION.
Why is it that you don't bring up the unspoken part of this statement as it relates to the present? This would be the question of "What about the prevailing order over our community would have to DEGRADE EVEN FURTHER before BLACK PEOPLE ARE CONVINCED that despite how COMFORTABLE they feel with the prevailing ideology and methods for solution THE REAL WORLD FACTS don't attest to their EFFECTIVENESS.
Do you see Black Diaspora?
WHY do you leave it up to ME to "convince YOU" whereas the preponderance of people in our community have a favorable political condition where they live in the highest concentrations and yet THIS IS NOT ENOUGH TO "CONVINCE THEM" that something is amiss?
Why no thought that THEY MIGHT BE BEING USED by the Black Establishment for some greater GOAL that is not OF THEIR OWN? Instead it is the consummation that the establishment has made with this external entity?
You don't need to believe me - go read up on Bayard Ruskin the civil rights leader. After King was killed he stated explicitly what DEAL was made.
I told you previously that the key structural element that would NEGATE my need to "be accepted" by you and you by me is that of an "above board" and TRANSPARENT entity that kept track of where we stand with regard to the reference of the "Permanent Interests" that we seek.
Today THE NETWORK OF BLACK OPERATES are in fact more committed to this external entity and the FIGHTS that it has on its hands more than they are in actually delivering upon their promises made to our communities.
The problem will allowing people who are loyal to this external entity inside of our "racial nucleus" and with strong influence in our direction is primarily THEY DON'T KNOW WHEN THEY HAVE FAILED and thus have FAILED US.
Instead they will use their dual position to keep the masses 'TRYING HARDER'.
Why is it that today I read in the paper about congressional hearings where former military leaders are coming back as corporate consultants and thus have a CONFLICT OF INTEREST yet - few of these same people see a problem with the DUPLICITY of those we call our "Black Leaders" DESPITE the underwhelming benefits that we have received.....now that they control every single institutional seat in our communities?
Where is the comparable "Anti-Revolving Door" standard that shelters our "Racial Nucleus" from "The Democratic Party"?
[quote]Attacks from the ultra-rightwing spectrum are incessant on Fox News with the main intent of skewing the debate rightward. Even a dejected Hillbot such as you should be repulsed by the corporate-sponsored Confederate-loving gay-bashing blowhards on parade on that channel.[/quote]
I beg you to watch Roland Martin on "Washington Watch" next weekend and then lets come back and compare notes about his antics versus evil Fox News.
CF: "Again - YOU have not PROVEN YOUR OWN SELF as being a worthy "judge" to whom my sales job is worth it."
Happily, I'll never be.
Do us both a favor: Work your magic on those unfortunate, unwary souls who will welcome your "sales job," and, hence forth, consider me unworthy of your considerable efforts, and your considerable time.
Here you go Jody:
Special for you -
To a person who reads the legal briefs that she "pushes" all day but claims that she is disturbed with someone's verbosity.
Methinks she is more disturbed with the content - be it communicated with 2 sentences or 100.
First of all CF, I don't refer to you in any derogatory ways so there is no need to call me caffeine and orgasms.
"Can I show you how much YOU don't believe what you have typed above?
WOULD YOU be willing to make a blanket pardon to all of the POOR WHITE TRASH who oppressed Black people between "Reconstruction" and "Civil Rights" BECAUSE they too suffered from Economic displacement, largely by the establishment of this nation which kept them marginalized?"
Who exactly was talking about a blanket pardon? did I even mention that?
I was informing you that crime in the ghetto you classified as a "civil rights" issue, was an economic rights issue. read the damn international declaration of human rights. economic rights, which are in some cases severly lacking, are just as important as civil/political rights.
And Yes, I happen to believe that most people are products of their own environments. If a society or culture is racist, many people growing up in that culture/society will also be racist. Moreover, if laws are racist and an ethnic group has unchecked power-OFCOURSE minorities/those with less power will be abused. It doesn't make it right, it doesn't make it moral, but thats how things work. The same goes for your street pirates. They are also products of their own environments. If you grow up surrounded by violence, poverty, drugs-how do you think you would turn out? It is not "excusing their behaviour" it is simply acknowledging the fact that most HUMANS whether black or white are products of their environments. If you want to see any significant changes in behaviour then the ENVIRONMENT needs to change. It doesn't take a genuis to figure that out.
How do you do change this environment? You invest in better education, health, employment, infrastructure, and rehabilitation facilities in the poorest of areas.
Now since repubs seem to be so aggressively opposed to universal health care, please don't try and tell me they would happily spend tax dollars to improve(mostly non-white) ghettos.
And for your information, I'm half black/white so spare me this "i blame whites but i don't blame blacks" bullshit.
WHEN YOU hear about "Stop Snitching" enforcement by Street Pirates who have killed someone and have threatened to do the same to anyone who doesn't catch amnesia - WHAT IS THIS? The enforcement of "Social Justice"?
And for your last comment above about snitching and social justice..
What are you even on about, what does that have to do with anything?
black grl #1 said...
CF: you've made your point--only no one really knows what that is. i mean really, what can be said in a few sentences or less is something you've never really mastered. i mean do you REALLY have to provide a dissertation to get your point (whatever that may be) across?!
whatever! i know you threw in a couple of insults to "prove" how provocative & insightful you are compared to such "unenlightened" individuals like us, but by the time i got to it i was in a coma.
& i know after this latest response you'll FILL up the comment section to prove your "wordsmith" but i think i'd rather have my ovaries pulled out of my mouth. excessive i know, but hopefully you'll get the point the most of just don't give a sh#$ for your verbal diarrhea.
[quote]Work your magic on those unfortunate, unwary souls who will welcome your "sales job," and, hence forth, consider me unworthy of your considerable efforts, and your considerable time.[/quote]
Black Diaspora:
Why should I shift from "helping" you to enter into a more TRANSPARENT framework so that YOU and I can be JUDGED using the same set of rules?
Do you see that I WANT TO BE JUDGED for the worth of my ideas.
NOT BY "POPULARITY" but instead via some standard and transparent set of rules.
Our people didn't fare so well when we had "How Many Bubbles In A Bar Of Soap" standing between us and our ability to VOTE.
Do you see that "How Many Bubbles In A Bar Of Soap" is a derivative of POPULARITY? The correct answer resides inside of the INDIVIDUAL making the judgment and can't be pegged to anything that THEY could articulate about their decision making process.
Why do I get the sense that the "correctness" of my words is based upon YOUR willingness to accept them....and how I talk to you? Have I 'called you out of your name'?
[quote]I was informing you that crime in the ghetto you classified as a "civil rights" issue, was an economic rights issue.[/quote]
Excuse me C&C - I am standing from the perspective of the VICTIMIZED and TERRORIZED resident in these places and making the case that THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS are being VIOLATED by Murderous Street Pirates. There is LITTLE DIFFERENCE between the dark veil of SUPPRESSION of normal community vibrancy due to the terror and fear that is present than when WHITE FOLKS were the agent of oppression. YOU keep focusing on national and political framing and I am focusing upon the MENTAL CONDITION of the INDIVIDUAL who is placed in such an environment. Thus a BLACK MAN is EQUAL enough to trigger the same negative emotions upon an entire community that a WHITE MAN can do systematically.
[quote]read the damn international declaration of human rights. economic rights, which are in some cases severly lacking, are just as important as civil/political rights.[/quote]
C&C - so the ONLY source by which I can derive the "right" framing of the conditions is by reading this International Declaration? This is preposterous.
I am not disagreeing with the economic components of the conflict. I am ONLY making the case that the end results are the same: TERRORIZED BLACK PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEY ARE MURDERED AT A RATE THAT IS HIGHER THAN NORMAL.
WHY doesn't this fact trigger the same response C&C?
This right here is the most important passage that defines your beliefs thus far:
[quote]And Yes, I happen to believe that most people are products of their own environments. If a society or culture is racist, many people growing up in that culture/society will also be racist. Moreover, if laws are racist and an ethnic group has unchecked power-OFCOURSE minorities/those with less power will be abused.[/quote]
You have to understand my view C&C? I have NO DOUBT in your capacity to believe that people are products of their own environment.
The greatest FEAR that I have of YOU, Filled Negro and the Progressive-Establishment is that you are going to be the primary force that ENGINEERS that ideal environment that you say that everyone deserves as their HUMAN RIGHT.
The key flaw in your world view is that you have not yet developed the language and proper disposition for interacting with THESE INDIVIDUALS who are in need per your analysis.
C&C the best metaphor that I come up with is that of a Zoological Garden and you and your ideological soulmates are the Zookeepers. You see elephants and you work to craft an African tundra on their behalf. You see tigers and you sculpt a rain forest as THESE are there natural habitats where they have been known to thrive.
The key perversion in this, C&C is that YOU NEVER ASK THE OCCUPANT who is the recipient of your type of HELP to be the main vehicle by which this ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE is accomplished.
INSTEAD - functionally, go OUTSIDE of his community to seek RESOURCES to reconstruct his exhibit, forming a coalition entitled "Friends of the Zoological Gardens Society". You show PICTURES of the present drab cement displays and you show the African Tundra and Rain Forest that YOU WANT TO BUILD because YOU have noted that this is where they thrive. Then upon raising money and/or passing legislation you move him out to a temporary cage - BUILD UP the exhibit to YOUR LIKING and then allow him to MOVE BACK IN!!!
This caged animal had to do NOTHING but stand there an ALLOW YOUR rain - wash the thin layer of dirt and ignorance from his back.
The reason why I fear YOU and others is because YOUR INTENDED RECIPIENTS are not DEVELOPED, allowing their internal competencies to be tapped as you work as the agent who aligns their DESIRES FOR A BETTER LIFE with their DAY TO DAY CONSTRUCTION of that natural environment from the other lands within which they propser. They are only made into CONSUMERS.
With this APPRECIATION for you constructed AND their in-competencies and ignorance resident - THEY WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT YOU as you are the BENEVOLENT BENEFACTOR .
As long as the EXTERNAL "Friends of the Zoological Gardens" does not disband as a source of resources - ALL IS FINE.
You have FAILED, however, to build an ORGANIC system.
The artificial rocks that their new exhibit was made with formaldehyde and YOU are called in yet again to try and figure out how to execute an abatement program so THEY don't die off.
It is YOU who is at the superior center of their lives when YOU should have build up DISTRIBUTED COMPETENCE among the masses.
[quote]How do you do change this environment? You invest in better education, health, employment, infrastructure, and rehabilitation facilities in the poorest of areas.
Now since repubs seem to be so aggressively opposed to universal health care, please don't try and tell me they would happily spend tax dollars to improve(mostly non-white) ghettos.[/quote]
C&C - I have two measures that I apply to "Multiple Taxpayer Paid Health Care"
Since working class people need health care for this is their RIGHT...how many of them will be engaged to apply their MINDS to solving the problem?
In the Progressive forum that I attended last spring they said that the expense comes from "medical TECHNOLOGY" which is not CARE. Why then aren't we hearing a demand for the QUINTUPLING of the number of MINORITY primary care physicians? Regardless if this nation experiences financial meltdown in the future (and it is going to) NO ONE IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO TAKE AWAY THEIR KNOWLEDGE about how to provide medical care to the people who are around them in their community.
On the MONEY front - yet again - WHERE is the call for people to enumerate the actual WORTH of this care as prioritized against their COMMUNITIES financial allocations for a long long list of other items that would be deemed as frivolous?
Yesterday when there WAS NO OTHER CHOICE churches and private groups got together and established Black hospitals and universities as they worked to align THE NEED with the strategic benefits of doing so.
I make the distinction between "BEING MADE IN RECEIPT OF A CERTAIN STANDARD OF LIVING" and a community's ability to reach this same standard of living via their own ORGANIC ACTIONS within.
This outsources of responsibilities merely makes us CONSUMERS and the very ECONOMIC and EDUCATIONAL problems that you are seeking to address become lost as the needs are addressed by someone else from the outside who got the CONTRACT to CARE FOR YOU.
[quote]whatever! i know you threw in a couple of insults to "prove" how provocative & insightful you are compared to such "unenlightened" individuals like us, but by the time i got to it i was in a coma.[/quote]
Black Girl #1
You are the female version of Steve.
YOU HAVE your THEORIES ON THE FIELD RIGH NOW for all to see the strengths and weaknesses of them.
The bigger proof of you IGNORANCE is the fact that DESPITE having nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE of your "Permanent Interests" violated in the context where you have FAVORABLE PEOPLE in all of the key institutional seats that your community receives their CIVIC SERVICES from......instead of SHOWCASING your MANAGERIAL ACUMEN - you and others keep EATING THE CHUM that Filled Negro throws into the water which has you LOOKING OUTSIDE of the DOMAIN THAT YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER!!!!
*Your own HOUSE and the kids that come from them.
*Your own damned COMMUNITY and the prevailing ORDER that is kept
*Your own SCHOOLS and their ability to adopt an ACADEMIC CULTURE!!!!!!!
You see Black Girl - I AM SUPPOSED TO IGNORE the DAMAGE that is done as the "Blax News Channel" focuses upon Sarah Palin and any other evil, racist REPUBLICAN that comes around as you all perform your roles as LOYAL DEMOCRATS and not talk about WHAT IS LEFT ABANDONED because of your benign neglect.
When our POLITICAL ACTIVISM gets perverted to the point where we are no longer focused upon our PERMANENT INTERESTS but our PERMANENT MEMBERSHIP in a given party then YOU DAMNED SKIPPY I am going to speak up. I KNOW YOU PREFER SILENT BLACK MAN who just GO ALONG WITH THE FLOW!!!!!
I am not the one!
* Safe Streets for us to build community bonds
* Quality Schools to allow our young people to one day assume the professional service roles within our communities
* Thriving local economies to allow the community members to trade their wares and employ the minds of the people who are at work
* Healthy Lifestyles to align our choices toward long, disease-free lives.
I DON'T NEED FOR YOU TO LIKE ME!! I am not here to be "liked".
Its like having to convince a SLAVE that his default condition is FREEDOM. The problem is that some don't like the OBLIGATION that FREEDOM puts upon their shoulders.
This is why the CHUM is so good as an aphrodisiac in your PRESENT MENTAL STATE of bondage to an entity that ultimately resides OUTSIDE OF YOUR OWN INTERESTS.
[quote]& i know after this latest response you'll FILL up the comment section to prove your "wordsmith" but i think i'd rather have my ovaries pulled out of my mouth. excessive i know, but hopefully you'll get the point the most of just don't give a sh#$ for your verbal diarrhe[/quote]
Black Girl - I'D PAY MY OWN MONEY to see (never mind)
I realize that "YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT". This is why we butt heads so much.
Do you notice that in your responses to me you don't DISASSEMBLE what I said. You instead attempt to discount my intentions per my assumed inferior view of you and others.
YOU want my words to CONVINCE YOU off of your BIGOTED POSITIONS. If have failed if I don't CONVINCE YOU.
Notice that I call for EVERYONE TO BE BOUND BY TRANSPARENCY so that instead of ME working to CONVINCE YOU of a damned thing......the standard reference of "HAVE THESE ACTIONS ADVANCED US TOWARD OUR PERMANENT INTERESTS" is employ against EVERYONE!!!!!
This is the main threat to you and others.
I get the feeling that one of the benefits of having so many Black males derailed as too many of us are academically is that YOU don't have to YIELD from your antics by someone who is able to READ YOU and focus upon 'RE-PURPOSING YOU' TO a strategy that has more success in actually achieving the very "COLLECTIVE INTERESTS" that the PROGRESSIVE seeks to obtain for all via his policies. You'd rather "keep trying harder".
Where as the PROGRESSIVE seeks to establish this utopia via the GOVERNMENT I work to do it via the community CULTURE. This is often problematic because it requires the people within the FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLAN as the ultimate determining factor in the END STATE.
Enumerating your ENTITLEMENT RIGHTS upon society and then having them rained upon you is far easier.
Anonymous said...
While they're at it maybe they should round up the countless other missing black fathers. You might need to pass another stimulus plan though to pay for that--it's a bigggg task.
9:05 PM
Include white fathers in that homie, I know of at least 4 who hauled ass. As I said before - from the hood to the good, it's all the same.
R. Maldonado said...
I think she should be punished if she intentionally avoided her deployment. Breaking faith on an oath is a serious matter.
I don't know what should happen with the child, but I do know that soldiers shouldn't have babies during the war.
12:04 AM
War with who? Remember we were told to go shopping by your boy Bush. On the real, who the hell knows why she got pregnant. But even though you have signed a contract with the military I don't recall signing anything stating that I will not make a baby. IF you've been in the military, do you recall signing anything that states that?
you quote one lie fox has broadcast about obama
not the tea partiers
about obama!
millions of wise blacks like me who are not neocons BUST obama far worse than fox news daily
millions of blacks who hate obama never watch fox news unlike me...go fox!
CF, "Black Girl #1
You are the female version of Steve.
You must have been reading my mind, CF. LOL
Good luck on penetrating that reinforced concrete mind of hers. And you are right, she doesn't give a shit-about nothin.
[quote]And you are right, she doesn't give a shit-about nothin.[/quote]
This is not true.
She is deeply concerned what FOX NEWS is saying.
This appears to trump her inclination to detail the wonderful job that the LOCAL politicians that she votes for has done in support of her interests.
"This appears to trump her inclination to detail the wonderful job that the LOCAL politicians that she votes for has done in support of her interests."
Maybe so. But the results in an obsessive mind are still the same: = PARALYSIS + NO human management= NO POSSIBLE CHANGE.
you are deeply in denial about EVERYTHING
abusive bm
even THE NORM of parental pimps
fix among the new breed of toxic parents
fix that
According to CF, no black American has the right to confront any white person or utter the word racism until every black neighborhood is crime free and every black child gets a perfect score on the SAT.
Until that day, CF is gonna carry massa's water with a big grin.
CF, the big ol' house nigger he is, would carry massa's water no matter what. That's the thing about him -- he's Uncle Ruckus with a slightly more articulate vocabulary. Ain't nothing short of a bunch of good ol' boys waving knives and broken beer bottles and hollerin' "GET SUM, NIGGER!!" "HERE NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" will break his mental chains.
@Mack Lyons, "Ain't nothing short of a bunch of good ol' boys waving knives and broken beer bottles and hollerin' "GET SUM, NIGGER!!" "HERE NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" will break his mental chains."
What about the Niggers in the streets killing each other? Are they uncle toms too? There are an overwhelming number of Niggers killing Niggers in the streets and they are teens! Take a look a the Killdelphia count, it's much higher than last year-and that is only in Philly!
Take a look at the bf pregnancy rate, it's much higher than it was last year. And you are busy calling CF a nigger? Maybe you need to take a look at YOURSELF and your own stinking thinking, Nigger.
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