So they invited me to attend the Minority Broadband Summit hosted by ADE down in D.C. this past week, (Shout out to the ADE staff and the great work they did. I keep telling these people that I am not a real journalist) and I got a chance to meet and hang out with some cool people. Props to Roland Martin from CNN. Dude is alright but he has got to let me hook him up with my clothes guy....let me stop. I met and chatted it up with folks like the former mayor of Houston, Lee Brown, and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson from Texas. I also have to give props to all the people who attended and to the man who organized the entire thing, Julius H. Hollis.
Still, one of the real reasons I went was because I knew that my best friend from law school would be there. Antonio Clayton is the chairman of the board of the largest HBCU in the country and he ran a Jedi on these folks as well because they thought he was important enough to invite.
We met and hung out a little bit and got caught up on all the happenings. When it was time for him to speak my man actually broke some news which is what I really want to blog about tonight.
Seems the governor of Mississippi, Haley Barbour, has decided that it would be best for the folks in Mississippi to merge some of the HBCU's into one school. I guess he has been channeling his inner Wendell from Get On The Bus. Remember Wendell? He hated those "nigger schools" didn't he?
Well, I have news for Haley Barbour and the Wendell's of the world; those "nigger schools" educate more than half of the black professionals in this country, and schools like Xavier in New Orleans produce more successful African American medical school applicants than Harvard and Johns Hopkins combined. So no doubt that it is important to keep these schools alive for the purpose of educating our children. I think on that we can all agree. The key is that they don't fall prey to mismanagement and poor fiscal policies that has plagued some of these schools in the past.
So now, I ask you, why would the governor of Mississippi want to close some of the HBCU's in his state? Well, after listening to Tony's speech, I actually looked up the story to try and find the reasoning behind Barbour's position, and here is what I found:
"Under Barbour's plan, no campuses would close but Alcorn State and Valley would be merged into Jackson State. Each of the smaller schools is roughly 100 miles from Jackson. Barbour said the merger would save money by reducing administrative costs and eliminating academic duplication. He also wants to consolidate Mississippi University for Women with nearby Mississippi State University. The governor said the restructuring could save the state $35 million out of a nearly $5.5 billion budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1.The black university presidents have made clear they want to remain independent."The governor's proposed budget cuts will change the face of higher education in Mississippi for decades," JSU President Ronald Mason said in a statement. Alcorn State President George Ross said the university leaders didn't find out about the plan until Monday."
Damn! He even wants to close down Mississippi Valley? Does he realize that's where Jerry Rice played ball? And does he realize that Steve McNair played at Alcorn State? And doesn't he realize that an HBCU produced his states most famous football player, Walter "Sweetness" Payton? His ass ought to be shipped off to Abu Ghraib right now. In all seriousness, what are all those proud alumni of these schools going to do? I sure hope they don't take this lying down.
And here I thought republicans wanted blacks to be educated. Why doesn't he merge Southern Mississippi into Ole Miss? I am just saying.
"Barbour said a state with about 2.9 million residents can't afford eight universities. He said Monday he's not worried about appearing racially insensitive with his proposal."
Of course not, republicans never care about such silly things as racial sensitivity. I sure hope the O man himself will have something to say about this, I know he prefers the Ivy League types, but the Ivy isn't for everyone.
Oh well, here is hoping that old Haley has a change of heart and drops this silly idea. Segregation and racism created the duel system of higher education in many southern states. And, unlike other aspects of racism, the end result of this has worked out just fine. Barbour should just leave it alone. He should try to find other ways to raise money for his state. And he could start by giving himself a pay cut.
Reporting in from MS: Alumni from Alcorn, Miss. Valley, and the W are all up in arms and raising hell already, I assure you. You notice the only other school slated for merger was for women, right? Haley Barbour is and always has been a tool. Even though the leg is up his butt most of the time, I have a feeling this isn't gonna fly.
Very few people are educated in Mississippi; the state consistently finishes at near the bottom in just about every category.
I hate to say this, but Barbour is by far the coolest of all the Republican governors from what I've seen and heard. Of course you know how it is. When shit gets tight, the first to go is the Negro, right?
35 million out of 5.5 billion. I would think that with the influx of new businesses as they portray the new Mississippi in the ads, they could find new revenue. What else is the state funding, besides the highway patrol?
"In all seriousness, what are all those proud alumni of these schools going to do? I sure hope they don't take this lying down."
I think the Governor is doing what he feels needs to be done, which is to reduce the state's debt as as much and as quickly as possible. It makes good sense, considering the number of colleges in MS compared to the population. He can cut the budget without much resistance. Blacks bark a lot, but they have no teeth to bite with because as we all know, Blacks don't vote.
Has anyone considered making these schools private?
I know that many HBCUs rely on state funding, but why not go private. If freed slaves built universities, then there is no reason why we can't separate from the state system. The money can be raised.
I graduated from an HBCU and its a family tradition I want to see continued.
"Has anyone considered making these schools private?"
I like that idea, but you know how our folks are. It will never fly because you won't be able to count on Blacks for support. Just look at the condition of the black race and you have GOT to know that it won't happen.
However, I like the dream.
While I sympathize with the need to cut the budget --after all, it's always poor Mississippi + the Great Recession-- there's no reason to do things so inequitably. It's hard to buy into any rationale that claims this is anything but a political choice. It may not be racist or sexist in the sense of a raw emotionally driven hatred/fear or general prejudice towards blacks and women motivating the choice of targets but there's a political calculus at play driving his choices. He knows his voting bloc is neither black nor female and he also knows his supporters don't empathize but rather often resent anything that could possibly help blacks and women gain equal footing with white males.
There are for more efficient and equitable ways of cutting spending. Why not do what Gov. Bredesen has done in TN and go to every single dept. head and administrator in the state and tell them to come up with a ten percent reduction in their operating budget? Bredesen did this across the board from roads to higher education. It's going to hurt like hell in the coming years while we wait for the financial winds to change but at least everyone is feeling the pain equally and the people who know their operating budgets, needs, and programs the best are coming up with the cuts.
Barbour's actions just seem politically spiteful and very, very, calculated -- a preemptive strike against blacks and women so that when the state inevitably cuts a tiny amount from a program his base uses, needs, or simply wants they won't take it out on him.
How about merge the Black schools into one Black school then. I mean wouldn't that save on duplication too? Haley's idea makes the HBCU disappear completely in Ole Miss!
Sometimes our folk have to realize if we don't start taking ownership of our own education then we are subject to the whims of those who don't want us to exist at all. Now you might call it fiscal responsibility but I know when someone is calling me a Communist!
Barbour's actions just seem politically spiteful and very, very, calculated -- a preemptive strike against blacks and women so that when the state inevitably cuts a tiny amount from a program his base uses, needs, or simply wants they won't take it out on him.
You've never read "The Prince" have you?
If you leave it up to Haley Barbour there will be no HBCUs in the state of Mississippi, period. Serious. This is probably the first attempt in a long line of future attempts.
Jackson State University here, and I assure you, there is no way in the world that JSU and Alcorn State will merge. Highly impossible. That's like merging Coke and Pepsi - the rivalry speaks for itself.
Let Governor Barbour have his say 'cause that's all it is. Say. Saying is easy, doing is an entirely different thing. As far as Mississippi Valley goes ... I admit, they could actually stand to merge it with Delta State.
Oh, I almost forgot, Delta State isn't a negro school.
My bad, Guv.
Jezebella, is he a tool, or is he, as Anon 1;55 am suggested, the "Prince".
"How about merge the Black schools into one Black school then. I mean wouldn't that save on duplication too? Haley's idea makes the HBCU disappear completely in Ole Miss!"
FreeMan, I think that's Haley's goal.
"Jackson State University here, and I assure you, there is no way in the world that JSU and Alcorn State will merge. Highly impossible. That's like merging Coke and Pepsi - the rivalry speaks for itself."
Great point Don.
J,the Gov. in Tn. certainly seems to have the right idea.
"Barbour's actions just seem politically spiteful and very, very, calculated -- a preemptive strike against blacks and women so that when the state inevitably cuts a tiny amount from a program his base uses, needs, or simply wants they won't take it out on him."
Barbour, on the other hand....well, I think you might be right.
Brother Field...Having attended HBCUs-(NCCU and Howard)- in the age of racial pride, the schools provided a special sense of "we are just as smart as you". Now with the racial sense of "the white man's ice is colder" the urgency nor interest to hold on to our history is being held by a smaller number of alumni and supporters as the years go on. In the 79s NCCU School of Law had a majority Black students. Now the Blacks are no longer the majority in numbers. Going private is not an option. The physical plants and professors' cost are more than Blacks are able/willing to support. Our history, pride and heritage are only held by a few- as measured by the whole. The majority still handle and controls our pursuits in America. As an addeum- Hampton University's homecoming queen was a white female. The homecoming male was also not Black.
Why can't Ole Miss and Mississippi State combine? Bet they never put that under consideration huh?
Brother Field...buttt, I am for the continuation of HBCU due to the proclivity of the white race to alter/skrew history to assuage his past crimes and misdeeds. Young whites, I know you will say the you had no parts in the past. Unfortunately, there are still members of our society that had a front row seat to the crimes and misdeeds. Fear not, twenty years in the future this conversation may be moot. In my mind HBCUs are holocust museums. Darn, in America my race have to have something to be proud of- other than bouncing a ball or running a football for the most perfect slave system, the NCCA. Every man must know where he came from to see where he is going. This may be a part of "Ussums" being lost in America today.
Having sent my daughter to an HBCU and gone through the admission process at some others, I can attest to the fact that many of these schools are mismanaged. Several of the private HBCUs have closed because of fiscal irresponsibility. Black alums who are outraged by the thought of this merger rarely contribute financially to their schools.
I live in a state where the state HBCU is no longer majority black.
I appreciate the history of these universities and recognize the contributions that these schools have made to our communities but the merger might allow some of these schools to continue and not close completely.
Dear whiny black racists:
if you'd spent more time trying to instill morals into your children rather than always whining about imaginary 'racism', you'd have been better off. You people do seem very lazy to me.
I knew you were going to blog about this. I ran a blog about this the first day I heard about it which was Tuesday morning.
I am going to say being I am from Mississippi. All three HBCUs and also I am going to include Miss. U of Women have a unique tradition about them.
Valley represents Mass Media which B.B. King endorsed his money to build a studio for students who want to go into the Mass Media, Journalism field and it represents the Delta which African Americans in that region are serious below the poverty line.
Alcorn represents the Agriculture of Mississippi with real-hands on experience that almost 85% of students that graduate from the Agriculture department end up working for either city that need Agriculture infrastructure or the USDA and it represents the Southwest Mississippi part of the state.
Miss. U of Women is like the Spellman for Mississippi Women. Enough said.
We (minorities and women from the school) are going to fight it big time but everybody knows that Barbour is going to push his wait around because of the one-track minded people here in Mississippi. I wish Bennie Thompson, who is U.S. Representative of both Valley and Alcorn would pull some muscle, but so many think he is scared and will not do enough against Barbour.
Oh, did I mention he is also noted as a candidate to run for 2012 Presidential Election in the GOP to run against Obama.
Looking at their current state flag, it should be a no brainer (no pun attended!).
I wonder how much television revenue the state gets from it's football. Up the ante. 35 millions dollars is a drop in the bucket for the networks.
maybe all those black alumni are busy gathering up donations to fill that huge gaping 85 MILLION DOLLAR HOLE that the blackish obama axed to leave all their waning budgets in the red???
where is the collective rage for ALL of these hbcus in ALL states
that are suffering???
most hbcus are integrated already, due to fiscal necessity
like privacy and journalism, hbcus seem fated to become relics
under the blackish obama
and these too shall pass
[quote]I hate to say this, but Barbour is by far the coolest of all the Republican governors from what I've seen and heard. Of course you know how it is. When shit gets tight, the first to go is the Negro, right?[/quote]
Is THIS the reason why so many of the state's and region's BLACK students are NOT choosing to go to these schools?
Alcorn State - 3,250 students
Valley - 2,500 students
Jackson State - 8,351
Filled Negro - the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser works hard to toss out most attempts at sound financial management for the sake of your perverted notions of racial dignity.
After the pipe bursts and we get a "Philly, Camden, Newark or Detroit".......then you cry RACISM yet again, making the case that you have a NATIONAL right to live at a given standard of living and thus the FEDS should kick in some nationalized money.
With the progressive states of NY and CA FLAT OUT BROKE - you have some damned nerve trying to give fiscal guidance to a state that is trying to not go the way of their progressive counterparts.
[quote]Haley's idea makes the HBCU disappear completely in Ole Miss!"[/quote]
Filled Negro - I see why you took so well to Roland Martin. Despite claiming to be a JOURNALIST that seeks evidentury fact - he too would have allowed such sh#* talking to pass on his show "Washington Watch.....from a Democrat's Perspective" on TV One.
With all of the HBCUs that have shut down over the past 20 years I wonder who conspired against them?
List of HBCU
It seems that instead of bytching or praying to "Obama Jesus" - there is a need to REALIGN the VALUATION of education with the resources that YOU are willing to put up.....or shut up.
YES I donate annually to the UNCF.
"He said Monday he's not worried about appearing racially insensitive with his proposal."
Hell, his approval ratings among white Mississipians will probably skyrocket.
I made my first and last visit to Mississippi (Biloxi) in 2004 and those crackas are still fighting the Civil War in their minds.
that civil war obsession is not unique to ms
i broadcast talk shows daily in atlanta, ga from 1988-1996...and many racist callers spoke as if the war just ended...
it is a generic
confederacy/buybull belt thing
"With the progressive states of NY and CA FLAT OUT BROKE - you have some damned nerve trying to give fiscal guidance to a state that is trying to not go the way of their progressive counterparts."
Boy this negro is really suckin rightwing weenie these days.
Hey CF, any ideas on why the poorest states in America are red and why the richest are blue?
The red state legislators voted AGAINST the stimulus bill yet those states receive the most federal spending back on their taxes!
There is an easy way for him to lose about 25 pounds of ugly fat. Cut his head off.
He is a POS (on a massive scale)
Finally an Issue we can agree on Field... I want MORE HCBU's not less...in fact, I want Camps, I mean Colleges for every Racial group, less chance of my daughters gettin raped I mean knocked up by some Big Lipped, I mean Power Forward, and it makes it easier to keep track of y'all..you guys are hard to see at night...
Glad we can finally agree,
Frank, proud graduate of Dresdener Polyteknic Gymnasium
[quote]I made my first and last visit to Mississippi (Biloxi) in 2004 and those crackas are still fighting the Civil War in their minds.[/quote]
Can you SPECIFICALLY detail for us WHAT about Biloxi MS did you see that causes YOU to believe in your own mind about this Civil War Reference?
When I go into North Philly and see the abandoned shells of home I get the feeling that the Street Pirates are still fighting an urban war circa "WWII England".
WHICH of these two scenes has a greater negative impact upon Black people to-damned-day?
You'd make an excuse for a white racist if they were draggin you behind a truck.
"When I go into North Philly and see the abandoned shells of home I get the feeling that the Street Pirates are still fighting an urban war circa "WWII England"."
Why don't you then take a ride through the solid black neighborhoods of Mt Airy or Fern Rock and maybe you'll stop racializing dysfunction and crime.
Or even better yet, cross the bridge into black suburbs like Blackwood and Willingboro and you'll realize that all black folks aren't suffering in da hood.
Of course those facts will render your negrophobic rants totally irrelevant.
[quote]Hey CF, any ideas on why the poorest states in America are red and why the richest are blue?[/quote]
You are clueless.....as to how much you sound just like the most bigoted of White racial haters of Black people.
Tell me this - what differs between THEIR antics which say "Look at those poor Black ZIPCODES in NY and Chicago.....look at their FAILING schools. Look at the WHITE zipcodes nearby and how they are safe, economically prosperous and successfully educate our pure White children.
What about those darkies cause them to be such failures?"
Seriously Steve - what distinguishes you from these White Racists?
IF we did go down to the zipcode level in the North and the South we'd see that the Black communities - regardless of where they reside are disproportionately impacted with the ailments that you attempt to apply to PARTISAN politics.
The most IGNORANT part of your rant is that you attempt to make these results a province of STATE partisan policy while you can't think of ANYTHING that the individual people who are gathered in these zipcodes can do to manage the HUMAN RESOURCES that they do have control over.
Instead you assume their INFERIORITY and propose that the state feed them - just as elephants and lions are cared for in a zoo. THE ZOOKEEPER NEVER ASKS his kept animals to play any part in their own upkeep and standard of living upon which they live.
I bet that the Democratic party had no idea the gold mine they had acquired when they allowed Kneegrows like you on board. Your loyalty is stunning.
The red state legislators voted AGAINST the stimulus bill yet those states receive the most federal spending back on their taxes!
[quote]Why don't you then take a ride through the solid black neighborhoods of Mt Airy or Fern Rock and maybe you'll stop racializing dysfunction and crime.[/quote]
The poorest community in Philly VOTES THE SAME WAY for the SAME POLICIES as do the most well off Blacks in Mt Airy.
That these parts of North and Southwest and West Philly DON'T EXIST?
You are a sold out fraud.
Despite your relentless white ass-kissing and self-hatred, you can't run from the facts.
The poorest states in America are red and the richest are blue.
"The most IGNORANT part of your rant is that you attempt to make these results a province of STATE partisan policy while you can't think of ANYTHING that the individual people who are gathered in these zipcodes can do to manage the HUMAN RESOURCES that they do have control over."
Negro please.
These red state Republicans rant about "socialism" yet get the most federal assistance.
And, for the thousandth time, please tell us your suggestion for what the individuals in these urban slum zipcodes can do to bring in business and a tax base which is the only way they can improve schools and change conditions.
When the REPUBLICAN governor of South Carolina attempted to REFUSE the federal debt stimulus stimulus money WHICH GROUP came to the state to fight him to FORCE him to take it because not doing so would HURT BLACK PEOPLE?
* The National Republican Governors Association?
* "What Color Change Did MoveOn.org Give Us To Propagate Their Leftist Rhetoric Upon Black People"
CAN YOU articulate the portions of the policies that you favor that generate COMPETENCIES at the periphery, among the people so that they can align their daily actions with their desire for a higher standard of living? OR do your policies make their living standards a SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHT?
Is this redneck-weenie suckin coon actually suggesting that the stimulus package was for black people?
you are soooo rabidly elitist
is this fair?:
"And, for the thousandth time, please tell us your suggestion for what the individuals in these urban slum zipcodes can do to bring in business and a tax base which is the only way they can improve schools and change conditions."
you rich blacks in your gated communities do not do this!!!
you simply BUY into these areas via your incomes
as do many drug dealers from the hood you snub etc
only boot licking neocon elitists like you dare to demand that bootless poor blacks pick themselves and their schools and their neighborhoods up as they are barefooted...
"only boot licking neocon elitists like you dare to demand that bootless poor blacks pick themselves and their schools and their neighborhoods up as they are barefooted..."
I don't know where you got this bull$hit from.
Unlike you andf CF, two self-hating coons who are great at ranting about the problems of the urban ghettoes as well as assigning them a color but never offering any ideas or solutions to change conditions, I have consistently said that nothing short of an urban Marshall plan will rejuvenate the ghettoes and change the dysfunctional conditions within.
The US Government had no problem financing white flight to the suburbs.
It should show the same commitment to revitalizing the hood.
this is also a blatant lie:
"These red state Republicans rant about "socialism" yet get the most federal assistance."
obama has been a socialist exclusively for rich bankers in nyc
is nyc red? blue? purple?
socialism is ok ONLY for the rich in all states under obama!
ie obamacare = socialism for rich pharmacorps
swindleus = socialism for bankers and auto execs
those elite black enclaves you covet are GROSSLY outnumbered by slums and trailer pks...
and many of your elite black gated neighbors are enduring VERY sleepless nights fretting over swiftly swapping addresses as they vainly seek slumber just one paycheck or one layoff from said slums...
YOU beware as your HORRID karma earned by hating and dissing the poor may crash the increasingly FRAGILE gates of your own economic destiny any day...
how many times have you bashed those of us who LIVE and WORK in ghettos each day???
how many times have you brazenly said you will ONLY help elite black youth or work to save only your own elite nuclear family herein???
got amnesia?
"The US Government had no problem financing white flight to the suburbs."
YOU daily proclaim your deep pride for having won golden wings medal in that very elitist and genocidal flight to a black enclave!!!
i bet white realtors own your black gated community also...
he who has the gold makes the rules
you who have no soul bash blacks with no gold
i do not know cf
so i cannot speak for him
i know that i have dedicated my entire life to educating ghetto children and poor adults
in places that elites like you never dirty the soles of your designer shoes by roaming...
my wife has also dedicated her career to helping children most broken by toxic poor parents...
YOU have done nothing for poor people but remind them that they are inferior to you because they will never live where you do...
"YOU daily proclaim your deep pride for having won golden wings medal in that very elitist and genocidal flight to a black enclave!!!"
Yeah but I damn sure didn't get here with a zero interest government guaranteed loan into an area that was prohibited to blacks.
With little investment of their own, those lilly white suburban homes today are worth 250,000.
That was generational wealth denied to black people.
generational poverty is being passed onto more black children by destitute turbo breeders than ever before!
you bought into enclaves all on your own...and?
that gives you no right to pretend that you did anything special other than be blessed with more income to do so...
you have no right to pretend that any people are poor by casual sole choice
like patrice rushen sings in my am show theme song
"to each his own":
if prosperity is merely a choice...why is that choice such a rarity???
Not that this isn't an issue of concern. But what about the current ranking of Mississippi public schools nationally? Shouldn't that be more of a concern as it is the starting block within which many of our brothers and sisters are?
Just asking
ditto rippa!
it should be!
we could also be discussing the shocking dropout rate at morehouse, the recent wm valedictorian at morehouse,
the recent wf queen at hamton u etc....
please excuse all my typos
i am rushing as always
i meant
hamPton u:
UTS, I agree with you about an Urban Marshall Plan. Wealth was all but handed to the white middle class since the inception of this country --
The homesteader act
The GI Bill
Housing loans
State Universities
We're still bitching about the 'forty acres and a mule'.
For my vote, the Green Collar revolution would be the best inner city 'Marshall Plan'. Van Jones' idea was brilliant and a play on an idea a bio-tech idea of the 90's -- build your eco-tech centers in the ghetto and retrain the locals to take the jobs.
Why the hood? Because inner cities are the only logical location for the new economy.
Because high tech firms companies can only be built near major research university since that's where they create the top engineers and leverage ongoing research. And most of the big name research schools are in the middle of the hood. Also, there's no need to build a high tech lab in the middle of a strip mall in Florida -- your clients & investors can't get there. But, again, every ghetto is near a major highway. Also, since most ghettos have hundreds of brown fields and abandoned factories -- a tech company doesn't have break the bank to build a facility.
And finally, inner cities have the built in infrastructure for a night life -- a big thing if you're planning to recruit hot young talent in their 20's and 30's. You better have something more than Friday's and a cineplex for entertainment.
hey furbo fool:
where have you been???...i missed you!!!!
whenever you post, i know i am winning!!!!
yay!!! thanks for that you moronic fan!
and you are sooooo cute!
you always make my day
much love
obama's a nazi!
I have the exact sentiments. The only difference is I actually live here in Mississippi. So if you’re feeling that way you’ve got to have an idea of how I’m feeling about it. Granted, I didn’t even go to any of the HBCU’s in Mississippi. I’m a proud alumnus of Xavier University of Louisiana. However, as a graduate of an HBCU, I know the tradition is steeped in legacy. (I’m pushing my son to go to Xavier but I don’t think I have much chance of that happening since it doesn’t have a football team) Mississippi Valley State just isn’t the same as Jackson State @ Itta Bena. Anyway, I posed this question with my Facebook status. I was shocked to see the answers. The one white that responded, said it might help but he doesn’t know if it will be worth all the uproar it’s going to cause. The others were black and said for the most part it makes sense. (Granted, none of them attended any of these colleges, a couple went to a private HBCU in the state and others went to white universities outside and in the state) I got no answers from actual alumni. For the most part, I haven’t heard much uproar about it here in Mississippi. I sure hope the alumni aren’t going to take it lying down. You see he the MUW merger w/ Mississippi State in. Now that make sense, since they’ve been sharing the same campus since the beginning!! I’ll bet they’ll save a whole lot more money if they merge Ole Miss w/ Southern. There are a lot of ‘created’ jobs in the higher administration.
Hey unconstructive weezebag will you SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!
I am not surprised that Haley wants to do that. Dude is not a college grad himself, so maybe he might be a little jealous of "Blacks" that get their "book learnin".
My issue is this with all of the so called affluent "Blacks", we can't get together and create a 5 diamond university? I mean if Pat Robertson and Leeland Stanford can do it then why can't say an Oprah Winfrey or a Robert Johnson? I'm just asking a question.
you cannot blame obama for this.
his 2010 educational budget--which has been stalled due to congress not getting its act together and passing all the required appropriations bills--called for an unprecedented increase in funding for the department of ed--the same dept. that republicans have been trying eliminate for years.
his budget director described some of the highlights that apply to colleges.
"President Obama is asking for $46.7 billion in discretionary funding for the Department in fiscal year 2010, an increase of $1.3 billion over the comparable 2009 level, that would build on the historic increases provided for education in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act)."
for the full text, see:
Helping More Kids Go to College
We announced most of our 2010 proposals for postsecondary education in February as part of the 2010 President's Budget Overview, so I will just summarize them briefly here. I do think we have an extraordinary story to tell about the Federal student aid programs. Under the President's request, the Department of Education would administer over $129 billion in new grants, loans, and work-study assistance in 2010—a 32 percent increase over the amount available in 2008—to help more than 14 million students and their families pay for college. Our proposals to make Pell Grants a mandatory, appropriated entitlement, raise the maximum Pell award from $5,350 to $5,550, and index the maximum award to inflation plus 1 percentage point, would result in a $10.4 billion or 57 percent increase in Pell Grant assistance from the 2008-09 school year to the 2010-11 school year. And the number of Pell Grant recipients would rise nearly 1.5 million, or 24 percent, over the same period.
We would be able to provide these dramatic increases in student aid in part because our proposal to use Federal capital to make all new loans through the Direct Loan program, along with our proposed restructuring of the Perkins Loans program, would save an estimated $24.3 billion over the next five years. This is an extraordinary opportunity to reform obsolete programs; increase aid available to students; and simplify the administration of student loans for students, families, schools, and the Department. In short, it is an opportunity that should not be missed.
Finally, our 2010 request would launch a 5-year $2.5 billion Access and Completion Incentive Fund that would support innovative State efforts to improve college completion rates for low-income students. This Federal-State partnership builds on ideas Congress included in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, such as the State Grants for Access and Persistence program designed to complement LEAP. A key goal of this program is to learn more about what works, and what doesn't work, in improving student persistence to degree. The Administration also intends to reach out to the philanthropic community as potential partners, and expects to make use of the Experimental Sites authority that we already have, to issue regulatory waivers for the purpose of research on programs to improve persistence.
budget news specifically:
ONLY obama's MOST insane obama nazis defend his GUTTING of hbcus
The Obama administration’s callous disregard for Black colleges is even more curious, considering the president’s constant quest for areas of bipartisan consensus. Support for Black higher education is one of the rare issues around which southern white Republicans and members of the Congressional Black Caucus often find common ground. North Carolina is home to 11 HBCUs. The state’s Republican Senator, Richard Burr, wonders how Obama managed to find $9 million to fund a museum on the history of the whaling industry, but makes devastating cuts in Black higher education.
The timing couldn’t be worse. Many Black colleges were the products of philanthropy, and depend on it, still. But philanthropy is way down, which has pushed many Black institutions even closer to the edge.
President Obama should also be given a brief refresher course in the history that makes direct aid to Black schools necessary. Blacks were deliberately shut out of most higher education for almost the entirety of United States history. For that reason, Black institutions operate under specific disadvantages, while shouldering oversized responsibilities. There is nothing “race-neutral” about it. Past and present racial realities require that Obama give up the money.
Barack Obama encourages people to believe that he deserves to be remembered as the “Education President.” However, Obama will definitely not go down as a friend of historically Black higher education. Historically Black colleges and universities – HBCUs – take a $73 million hit in Obama’s educational budget. The cuts are even more disturbing, since education as a general category is a big winner in the president’s economic stimulus plan.
Obama’s people claim that an increase in maximum Pell Grant monies for low-income students will help all educational institutions, including historically Black ones. But that’s not quite true. Even if every one of the 132,000 Pell Grant students that attend HBCUs collected the maximum $200 extra dollars in Obama’s budget, that would only make up for one-third of the administration’s cuts to the Black schools. In other words, Obama’s slightly rising tide of Pell Grants will not sufficiently lift historically Black higher education boats.
The $73 million loss would have an outsized impact on the 105 Black institutions, many of which are on perennially shaky financial ground, and all of which have been hit hard by the current economic crisis. Although Black schools make up only three percent of total U.S. college enrollment, they account for one out of every five undergraduate degrees awarded to African Americans. It would be difficult to find anyplace in the federal budget where $73 million has a more concentrated impact on the fortunes of a particular ethnic group.
Leaders from the nation’s 105 historically black colleges have complained privately that President Barack Obama has allowed deep cuts in funding to black universities at a time when many of these institutions are struggling to survive.
At a meeting in Atlanta this summer, where presidents and senior administrators from more than 30 black colleges gathered, sources told BlackAmericaWeb.com that many participants grumbled about an $85 million reduction from the 2010 budget, funds that were specifically earmarked for historically black colleges.
The money is needed in large part to help keep some black colleges from possible foreclosures and others from considering staff layoffs, so representatives from black colleges say they will turn up the heat on Obama starting this month.
Where’s Dr. Evil chewing on his pinky when you need him?!
Simply “being Black” in the White House is not enough, just in case some of you haven’t figured it out. Black faces in high places are admirable on a superficial level, but the person’s political disposition and policy decisions will always trump the symbolism. It’s the difference between Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas. It’s the difference between Ambassador Andrew Young and Ambassador Alan Keyes. And it’s definitely the difference between any current Black Democratic politician and RNC Chairman Michael Steele.
Just imagine what “We” would be saying if President Bush had cut HBCU funding, after ALSO refusing to attend an international conference on racism? Let’s not forget President Obama’s conspicuous absence at the Durban Conference. Mo’Kelly surely hasn’t.
Gov. Barbour turned down federal unemployment benefits. Yet he is proposing cuts that will put Mississippians out of a job. What's even sadder is that he has admitted is that closing these schools would only save a MINISCULE amount of money. So why bother?
UTS -- thanks. Its from experience as a congressional intern.
AB -- Maria has a point, this one you can't really blame on Obama. HBCU's have been under funded for decades.
If anything, the fact that that, as AbuAmirah pointed out -- Bob Johnson and Jay-Z have money to buy basektball teams and Oprah can build private schools in Africa but no one of the Black elites are really stepping up to protect this legacy. Yes, Obama could do more for HBCUs directly (though Black Agenda Report, like Democracy Now! and Commondreams.org, tends to blasts anyone right of Angela Davis, so I take their criticisms with a little grain of salt). That being said, these problems existed long before the skinny Negro from the Chi showed up in DC.
This is where I think we need to hold ourselves accountable. Donors to my current employer (big LA hospital) and my alma mater (Ivy League. Can I still be in the fields?) who donate so much money that these place are rolling in cash -- even in a recession. Where are all the Black alums who made it big?
I already debunked AB's lie about Obama cutting funds for HBCUs.
"......the mistake links back to a bill passed in 2007 called the College Cost Reduction and Access Act (CCRAA), which allocated $170 million dollars over two years to HBCUs to make them financially independent. Lampkins then states that by not extending the grant (which was supposed to end anyway), this move was misinterpreted as a funding cut for HBCUs by the Obama Administration.
Lampkins spoke with a Title III Administrator at an HBCU in the Northeast, who made it clear that he did not expect the funding to continue beyond 2009. After reviewing a copy of the educational budget of the Obama Administration, the source stated that, "President Obama's budget for FY 2010 shows increases in the appropriations for HBCUs ($250,000,000) and HBGI ($61,425,000); together, this request represents a $20,830,000 increase in the appropriation over the preceding year. How can this be interpreted as not supporting black colleges? Someone is sorely misinformed about the President's support."
you have debunked nothng
OBAMA really did GUT all hbcus
see all posts above
sorry lac!
that was uts
he lives in denial
no biggie
you will be captain of mareallypimpingyouasmuchaskolaispimpingher's oj posse asap...
kudos "bruh"!
you are putting in work harder each day!!!
you bashed all black single moms yesterday
and now you are defending the blackish obama's slaying of hbcus today
it never ceases to amaze me
if obama was caught with the 85 million dollars he bilked from hbcus in his personal freezer in a baggie in cash...
you blindly loyal obama nazis would swear some wm neocon delivery boys planted that in his freezer
jill nelson penned a great columnm today on the misogyny you exemplify and laud herein always
"Too often, this is the trajectory of black women’s lives. As girls, young woman, grown-ups, the instances of being cherished, loved, celebrated and protected – if they exist at all – so brief they are kept as tattered keepsakes that must suffice for a lifetime.
Invisible and erased, alive or dead we hardly matter..."
Is THIS the reason why so many of the state's and region's BLACK students are NOT choosing to go to these schools?
Alcorn State - 3,250 students
Valley - 2,500 students
Jackson State - 8,351
This with a population of appox. 2.9 million.
The State of Pennsylvania which had dire budget problems has not proposed to close any State Owned or Related colleges. It also supports support 2 HBCU's. Lincoln University, approx 2200 students and Cheney University, approx 1500 students. Cheney University only recently in its history became a state university. It is also a US National Register of Historical Places
Lock Haven and Mansfield Universities have enrollment under 5000 students The typical State Owned college has around 8000 students. In the State Owned schools the approx, student population is 118,000 and the State related schools such as Lincoln University, Penn State, University of Pittsburgh and Temple University has an approx, student population of 159,000.
12.5 million people of Pennsylvania support 18 universities with approx.277,000 students.
2.9 million of Mississippi to support 9 universities with appox 71,000 student.
Ratio population to students
Pennsylvania - 45:1
Mississippi - 40:1
I don't see how you ever thought of that as a possible conclusion in the quote.
As you can see anyone can spew numbers.
like in you Being a Bufoonish Broloving Blind Bimbo Bitch!
On Mississippi's gov education site there is a report gives the percentage of blacks in their state university system. Its 36 percent. http://www.ihl.state.ms.us/research/downloads/profile2009.pdf
LACoincidental 12:30,
Spot on
UTS, like I said, I take Black Agenda Report with a grain of salt.
(This is the same webzine that said that Kuicinich and 'Uncle Tom' Nader were better choices than Obama)
There is a subset of Black America (primarily college educated, uber liberal types to the point of being parody) who are on that 'kill whitey' mode and would thumb their noses at Obama even if he walked on water.
Make not mistake, they're not exactly in the house. In their mind, their fighting for liberation. But they're often enemy of the fields because they're not pragmatic or strategic. There's a political science term for it that slips my mind. Essentially, they define being 'black' in a very rigid, narrow POV (which usually on fits their over-educated elitist college prof cliques). They hate Toms and anyone the see as collaborators (read Obama and the CBC) but they have no use for the boyz in the hood either. Think Glen Ford, Bell Hooks and Van Jones.
I met these type of folks (primarily black females) in college -- they hate whitey but they have no use for Black folks who didn't go to their private school.
These militant cats essentially hate Barak Obama because he's not a mau-mau demaguoge demanding reparations in the state of the union. Not that such a person could ever get elected nor would any sane political thinker want such a person in the White House -- not even notorious militant intellectuals like Cornell West. They know better.
To put it bluntly, if Obama were a Nader type, my way or f*** off, -- he'd be a disaster and white folks would have impeached him by August.
He'd either get nothing done or break the law ala Bush to push forward his agenda.
Political purists equal political disasters because they can't step out of their ideology to see the big picture.
B as in Believe it Bitch!!!
President Barack Obama is under fire for cutting $85 million in “extra” funding from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). According to the Associated Press, Obama's education budget included major spending increases, but didn't include an extra $85 million that black institutions have received annually for the past two years because of a 2007 change to the student loan laws.
Which leads me squarely back to President Obama who insists on letting it be known that he is not checking for Black folks during his presidential tenure. A few weeks ago he gave “back pay” to Filippino WWII Veterans, which he should have done, in spite of adamantly stating that he would never support reparations for Blacks. Now, he’s cutting funding for HBCUs (and Native American tribal colleges/universities), while increasing funding for Latino Universities, which he should absolutely do – increase money for Latino institutions. As I have stated before, I do not believe that Blacks should be made to pay because our President looks like us. It is shameful that a Republican president like Bush, recognized the economic need of HBCUs, while President Obama ignores it. Bush's interest may have had to do with the fact that some powerful HBCUs are run by staunch Republicans (Presidents and Board Members), but the fact is that the money was made available. Blacks should be treated equally and not made to suffer because of what it might look like to non-blacks. Shame on President Obama for cutting funds to HBCUs and shame on Obama for continuing to make an example out of us, while allowing others to run amok.
Whatever happens, HBCUs need to wake up and smell the proverbial coffee. The writing is on the wall and HBCUs are under fire. If you cannot count on a Black president to look out for you, whom can you count on? Yourself. HBCUs and Black folks need to be proactive and strategically map out a plan to make sure that HBCUs are here to serve the needs of our community now and in the future.
obama is gwb 2.0
no slur to us real rebels in the fields will ever change that fact
obama will never even be close to nader
he is far too corrupt/fake/cowardly/sold out etc
just as you have the right to demand 0 black loyalty from obama
i have the right to demand ANY loyalty from obama
nothing is as rigidly politically pure as the blindly democratic obama nazis who excuse obama for every single act of betrayal...esepcially those that betray blacks at hbcus/in ghettos etc
there is a huge wide thick line between
"my way or f*** off"
obama's blatant and exclusive socialism exclusively for the megarich and lily white
we agree to disagree
i define racists as those who worship and excuse obama simply because he is blackish
i hate obama because he is corp green and only acts to aid his elitist cronies...
AB -
Neither are ideal, but we already saw happens when an ideological purist gets into office nothing gets done or things get worse.
And please stop this Obama = Dubya. That's political dubious and oversimplified.
And by the way, Nader would either be a bigger 'sellout' than Obama or an utter failure. You can't ask to run a government you spent 40+ years calling corrupt morons unless he expects to take over via military force.
And how would Nader exactly build a political consensus? Moderate blue dogs would want nothing to do with him. Republicans would be organizing outright Klan rallies burning him in effigy.
Who would be his kitchen cabinet. Again, like many a mau-mau activist type, he's spent most of his career claiming he's more ethical and smarter than any of them. Who would want to work with that prick? And if he did get a group of liberal thinkers in a room, they'd spend more time fighting each other than coming up with a plan.
Civil right groups would be pissed off with the white elitist attitudes of the environmental movement. The environmentalists would be fighting the labor unions who are scared to death that tough clean policies is devoid with a job development plan. (What do rich hollywood tree-hugger types care that another Ford factory closes. They drives Priuses and Beemers.) The Labor movement would be going toe to toe with the immigrant rights movement. The Immigrants would be demanding that the civil rights group join their coalition, though they've historically ducked out of the fights for Black folks. And everyone would be avoiding the Palestinian Rights movement because they're a little to close with anti-Semites. And lets not forget the feminist movement and gay rights movement fighting everyone else, and each other. Of course, they will all bitch about 'the establishment liberals' because 'change isn't happening'.
Who would want to herd these cats?
A smart strong politicial leader would lay down the law and snap all of them in line.
But a disjointed liberal activist type would be too busy appeasing every petty concern to be the chief. Check out Pacifica Radio management sometime, Alicia. Would you want these fools and freaks running your government?
I've worked with these folks for years in the Green party in local politics -- lefties are often their own worse any enemies.
"I met these type of folks (primarily black females) in college -- they hate whitey but they have no use for Black folks who didn't go to their private school."
Sounds like somebody we know, doesn't it?
hey, fucktard, never let the facts get in the way of your stupid positions!
But in the case of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), we may all be mistaken about President Obama. Recent reports stating that Obama allowed for significant funding cuts for Historically Black Colleges and Universities may have been a bit misguided. When you look at the facts, it appears that Obama did not cut funding for HBCUs at all.
now, fucktard, go right ahead and insult me because you're too stupid to argue on facts.
as in
85 million Bucks Bitch!
85 million Big Black Bucks you covet
the 85 million VD germs that helped you garner that Big fat Bill at the clinic Bitch
I know who you're talking about and I say be nice. But honestly, my ex was just like that, as well as half the chicks I went to college with. They're now all snooty Black studies profs or corporate lawyers who ended marrying white guys and living in the suburbs while quoting Angela Davis and Toni Morrison. Irony.
i truly believe obama is gwb 2.0
please tell me what YOU see him doing differently
he is worse that gwb on:
health hoaxes
auto cos
wall st cronies
he is gwb x 1000 and counting!
i worked at kpfa/kpfk/kfcf for years
i know pacifica well
obama's cronies make them look liberal tame and competent
uts is worse than any of those bros you described
he is far more ignorant, sexist, and elitist than they are also...
the color of one's wife is far less important than the color of his mind/heart/soul to me...
there is nothing fake or euro about me
i date bf clones exclusively
i have never dated a wf
and uts was bragging about dating wfs while slandering all black single moms...why were you silent then????
and i have been afrocentric since birth
that is why i know a real black man when i see one
the blackish obama will never be that
"I met these type of folks (primarily black females) in college -- they hate whitey but they have no use for Black folks who didn't go to their private school."
i have never hated whites
i hate white washed blacks like you
YOU hate whites
that is why you try so hard to be one
and why you blame gwb for EVERY SOLO sin of the blackish obama
uiuc is not a private school
it is a superior state univ
AB -
First of all, how is Obama any worse than GWB? Cash for Clunkers. A stimulus package that though slow, is considered by most progressive economists absolutely neccessary. He's gotten further in healthcare reform than Clinton ever did. The worse he's done is continued alot Dubya's dumbass policies. Its one thing not to agree with, its another to call him the Devil incarnate. He's been in office for less than a year.
And if you worked for Pacifica and call that gaggle of freaks and loons organized and competent, you're either lying or delusional. The current, post 'Save Pacifica' movement leadership has ran every station into the red and shrank the station listener numbers to Ham Radio level. The programming is a hodge-podge of amateurish gibberish and conspiracy theories. Name one good program that's actual informative other Democracy Now! and occasionally Free Speech Radio News? Name an extended period time when Pacifica isn't begging for cash or hawking their archives because their listenership dwindled to nothing and they struggle to keep the lights on.
If my cousin, a professional grant writer and financial manager for a immigrant rights organization, ran her books the way Pacifica did, she'd be fired if not in jail.
you missed the point
i was agreeing with you re pacifica
but obama's bumbling cabinet is WORSE than pacifica
obama has been in ofc long enoigh to help the rich
he has chosen to do nothing for the poor
obamacare is a complete hoax
please wake up
cash for clunkers put poor people and their used dealers out of business!!!
it helped only rich buyers and richer dealers
the worst obama has done is LIE about NOT ONLY continuing obama's policies
he has escalted them all!!!
that is why i call him gwb 2.0
i will stop calling obama the devil when he stops being the devil
no more
no less
obama inc is worse than pacifica!!!
obama has been FAR more ruthless to poor people than gwb
like all that obama as done
cash for clunkers wounded the poor
its worst infections are yet to come!
obama's next bilking will be:
medicaid/medicare to fund obamacare and pay the pharma corps
watch and see!
he will rape the poor in africa via africom long before that!
i appreciate all you have to say
even as i disagree always
but why did you say nothing to uts when he slandered all black women who are abused by black men thu??????
i respect your different opinions
i am sincere:
what date do you think is fair to start blaming obama?
i would really like to know
Your point always gets lost in the delivery.
it is not lost on those who matter
those who matter do not mind
those who mind do not matter
to each their own
ps msb:
how did you like uts' delivery thu as he slurred all of us
and why were you too silent????
Alicia Banks has her own blog. Why are you allowing her to hijack yours? Y'all friends. I used to enjoy reading the comments but it seems she has more to say than you do.
21 comments from ABitch nearly all in a row, to herself.
isn't it time for the psych ward? i hear her wife calling 911...it's usually friday evening when she breaks down.
FN doesn't care. and he doesn't have time to moderate.
Once upon a time, I caught wind from one of the professors at the HBCU I attended (AAMU, for those who want to know) of a plan to eventually merge it with one of the two biggest universities in the state in case the financial shenanighans didn't come to an end. I suspect that idea got deep-sixed somewhere down the line. Every Bulldog from here to eternity will go fucking nuts if something like that actually happened.
This bitch move is typical of a unreformed Southern white man, especially one who hails from the more unenlightened regions of the Deep South. Knocking off nearly all of the black educational institutions in that state is a wet dream for those unreformed souls. Better to have ignorant and uneducated niggers to push around and intimidate, with nothing but minimal-wage factory jobs for them to look forward to. Best believe that the remaining white institutions will do all they can to block out the vast majority of black applicants.
What I'm wondering is what happened to all of the money that Biloxi and Tunica was supposed to bring in. With all those casinos, you'd think they wouldn't have to cut anything on education. This is freaking wonderful, because it gives more ammo to the other unreformed Southern white man in the next state over for staying steadfast on erradicating any form of gambling except dogtracks and those lovely casinos on those Native American reservations -- the principals make sure to pay him off to keep that up.
"Make not mistake, they're not exactly in the house. In their mind, their fighting for liberation. But they're often enemy of the fields because they're not pragmatic or strategic. There's a political science term for it that slips my mind. Essentially, they define being 'black' in a very rigid, narrow POV (which usually on fits their over-educated elitist college prof cliques). They hate Toms and anyone the see as collaborators (read Obama and the CBC) but they have no use for the boyz in the hood either. Think Glen Ford, Bell Hooks and Van Jones."
LAC, the more I read this, the more I thought about those 60s and 70s black militants who evolved into the Jack-and-Jill elitists in their later lives. These guys aren't just political purists -- they're snobs of the highest order, not wanting to mix with the "ghetto" black folks and "niggas". They can't abide blacks who would work with the white establishment to push their goals forward. These knee-grows don't realize that without the "ghetto" set and the "collaborators", they'd be all by their lonesome, surrounded by whites who have nothing but jealousy and envy in them and a desire to see this upper-crust set go back to the fields (and not in a good way).
Having sent my daughter to an HBCU and gone through the admission process at some others, I can attest to the fact that many of these schools are mismanaged. Several of the private HBCUs have closed because of fiscal irresponsibility. Black alums who are outraged by the thought of this merger rarely contribute financially to their schools.
Having been to an HBCU, I can attest to the same thing. I just don't get why when black folk get into a trusted financial position, they want to take a little off the top for themselves -- "putting their hands in the cookie jar", so to speak.
Black administrators in most of these HBCUs get into office, then proceed to give themselves and each other perks and favors. It's a near-incestual nepotic circle-jerk that leaves students out in the cold. In fact, they seem to treat students with an air of disdain and disrespect when they ask for things that could better the university. I can remember how long students were complaining about paying a $60/semester fee towards a new student health/fitness center that looked like it would never be built. It wasn't until the institution across town (that happened to be under the University of Alabama system) build themselves a fitness center (in record time, I might add) that the stewardship finally got off their collective ass and broke ground.
Then again, we had a intercampus transit system a couple of years before the idea of one even dawned on them :)
Putting the hands in the cookie jar has brought down scores of black leaders and politicians. Witness Larry Langford and ol' Dollar Bill Jefferson, two Negros who thought they could finally grift like white folk and got caught with their pants down. When will these black folk learn 1)not to sell themselves out for a two piece and a biscuit and 2)to keep their hands out of the goddamned cookie jar?
Alicia Banks has her own blog. Why are you allowing her to hijack yours? Y'all friends. I used to enjoy reading the comments but it seems she has more to say than you do.
I asked Field the same thing. From what I've learned, he's intent on letting everyone be heard, even if they end up dominating, disrupting and distorting the discussion. Alicia Banks isn't exactly.....how should I put it....."with us". That said, I usually scroll past the fluff, unless there's something that's actually interesting. Or comedical. All the other trolls are just here to fish for an uproar from the rest of us. I highly suspect that Field just lets AB have a canvas to paint her portraits on so that she won't do anything else damaging to the blog, as she most likely would if she were barred from commenting here. It's akin to a little kid having a blank canvas to paint on, as opposed to "painting" the walls of the room.
"FN doesn't care. and he doesn't have time to moderate."
See the above. And yes, he doesn't have time. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care.
How many Brigham Young's are there? What about Yeshiva's?
While I don't think HBCU's should be consolidated into one school, I've thought for a LONG time that HBCU's should pool their resoources into fewer schools.
The sad part is that these cats hate Obama b/c he made it to the white house without their Dashiki wearing, Alice Walker reading, Vassar degree holding behind. Its not politics or anything Obama is doing -- its that the skinny Black guy with no help from Boule/former panther 'activists' who couldn't organize a two car funeral procession.
FYI, it has and will ALWAYS be about that snake, FAMU baby!Pssssssssssss!!!!
Kudos to LAC, great job. But please take note on how close you are to having your tag vulgarly rearranged. Steve may not be around next time to be the fall guy for your "slayings".
"Sounds like somebody we know, doesn't it?"
Steve, the operative word was College. The person has to have actually attended college, not pretend, or fantasize on having erroneous GPAs and awards.
Fly, I see your point. But the Jewish community would die before they let Dave Patterson cut state funds to Yeshiva and the Mormons all but run Utah.
Its less about the schools and more of what they symbolize -- white folks ripping our institutions down and Black folks doing nothing about it.
PS: Its a slow day at work and frankly, blogging is a good way to kill the time while finishing reports.
Constructive Feedback and Alicia Banks are part of the same cell...I'm sure of it.
There have been blogs where AB and I have gone back and forth. I take it all in stride.
Hey, quick question for you --
how can I get involved here in LA? I would be here exactly 9 months the first week of december and would really love to get involved in helping our people here in LA.
most of the "state money" is dictated by the federal government. you cant cut that. so...........
how about you let fn speak for himself?
when boys like speak for men they tend to sound even more ignorant and cowardly than ususal
we keep it civil because respect begets respect
the ab hating whiners hate me because i diss them WAY HARDER and BETTER than they diss me
and i love that
mareallyalonewithablackdildothis weekend:
my wife never blogs
she hates pcs
she is a proud anti-techie!
she uses pcs only in her offices
at hm and at wk
and ONLY for wk
she thinks that computers have made the world inhumane
and many of you lying hating bitches prove her correct herein
all you have to do is ask me to leave YOUR blog and i swear i will be gone IMMEDIATELY
i have always played nicely with those who do so with me
i will never be nice to the ab hater posse...NEVER!
so make your call bro
and whatever you are into this weekend
may it being you joy bro
i have never heard two whiny lying bitches more uneducated & envious than you and mareallyyourtopbitch
you know it is never too late to go to school and win awards?
stop hating on me and fix that
truth is stranger than fixing
unlike you, i never lie about my life
i do not have to
it has been more blessed and charmed than i could ever imagine it to be
i pity you two miserable wannabeme shrews
obama is beyond BOULE!!!
you know he is blackish and evades all black orgs!
please wake up
i have 4 jobs
all 4 keep me online all day and night
ditto re boredom
i am a techie admin in my daily corp life and online all day...
i have 2 formal posts
1 ft
1 pt
and 2 of my own freelance businesses at home
including tutoring gifted babies
it is easy to blog when i am on several pcs all day
that is why i have so many typos rushing in between real wk....
have a great weekend
and please answer my question above re uts
i have NEVER posted anything as mean and vulgar and delusional as what he did about black women yesterday
and he got away with it in silence...shame!!!!!!
i will never slander you like kolanut and mareallyatrick unless you abuse/incessantly lie on/diss me as they do
Apparently, the Mississippi Klan is showing up tomorrow to the Ole Miss/LSU game to protest the removal of "From Dixie with Love" from the Ole Miss band's lineup. The song was removed after the Ole Miss Administrator's and Students asked fans to stop saying, "The South will Rise Again" during a segue in the song. Some students and fans refused so the Administration pulled the song.
The chant is only about 5 years old so it't NOT a tradition. The song itself is pretty neat because it blend's the Union battle song with Dixie. It really could be used as a statement of the NEW SOUTH and UNIFICATION -- North/South as well as Black/White. I saw one performance on Youtube where the stadium announcer shouts, now let's celebrate America. The chant, however, ruins it -- which may have been the point if it wasn't just drunken redneck stupidity.
At any rate, I don't think the KKK showing up just after Barbour announced his attack on HBCUs is a coincidence.
why is it only me and my blogs that vex u so????
that is a personal problem
good luck with that
to all the house nigger ab haters herein:
i see bona fide KKK posting here daily
but you cowardly niggers only whine to fn about me???
why did this amuse you so:
"I met these type of folks (primarily black females) in college -- they hate whitey but they have no use for Black folks who didn't go to their private school."
YOU are the bitch elitist who disses and avoids poor uneducated people and brags about sex with wfs on your private campus...
not me
so why then are you laughing at yourself so then????
you lost me
i have no idea who you or cf are
and i will lose not one iota of sleep over that fact or your opinions of me
how about you let fn speak for himself?
when boys like speak for men they tend to sound even more ignorant and cowardly than ususal
So, in effect, you're calling me a "boy". All because I pretty much defined who you are and your intentions here. Sounds like a person who has just run out of material to use in an argument. I suppose next you'll suddenly compare me to Hitler or Bush. You know the netiquette rule about that.
I suspect the Field never did give you a direct audience. If he's reluctant to do so, I understand.
to all the house nigger ab haters herein:
i see bona fide KKK posting here daily
but you cowardly niggers only whine to fn about me???
You are a psychotic. A psychotic being who vents and rants on other peoples' blogs and your own. A person who constantly manages to derail topic after topic, steering the discussion away from the topic at hand and towards your own illogical ideology and twisted demogoguery. You wouldn't do any of this on any other blog with effective moderation -- your self-serving tirades of nonsensical bullshit would cease, as would your posting privileges.
But I'm not the one to stay on you, as you accuse many others of doing. Just pointing out the fact that your mental state is nowhere near as stable as you wish to think.
a psycho is one who is as brazenly bold and hypocritical as you are
you envy me bro
i blocked your "sun" from day one
you hate me for my shine
all this bs you pen as fact is selective fiction
my mental state is superior to you and all the fellow haters you ignore herein and THAT is your only real issue with me
and real men know that BOY!
i see you nigger
and sanely so
This is what I don't understand about black liberal thought. Rather than lament about these black institutions being merged or closed, why is there no independent push from them black community to save them by privatizing them?
As private institutions they can continue to retain their identity and continue to provide the excellent service you speak of without the worry of government dictates.
Why not start a movement that would combine the money and star power from black entertainment with the activism within the black liberal political structure to save the schools by privatizing them? If Haley Barbour wants to save money, then we could save him a truckload by having the black community take over the schools completely.
Since you have a much bigger soapbox than I, why don't you start the ball rolling? I am game if you are.
Clifton B
Another Black Conservative
i call you boy because you are one
only a boy would pretend that i have done anything herein but slain those who attacked me and shared much eloquent knowledge with those eho debated me...
obama is bush and hitler
you are a buffoon and a hater...
The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome. Why won't go away? Why?!
grow a spine and a face before you try to police any blog
only a boy would imply that moderation would censor only me and not MANY others herein
only boys demonize adults they cannot fathom or defeat
Doesn't Haley look like Lou Dobbs?
a really ugly meaner that Lou, Lou?
@kathy -- LOL. He looks like he ate Lou. Dobbs always makes me think of Dennis the Menace. Lou's what Dennis would look like all grown up.
LOL, Dennis the Lou eating Menace, that is funny!
All of the folks saying "privatize" ignore the fact that there's absolutely no money for that to work. Even if you had massive appeals from all sorts of stars, it'd be a huge waste of money and everyone knows it. Most third and fourth-tier universities and small private liberal arts college are tuition dependent institutions that aren't all that great academically.
They suffer from major physical plant issues, substandard this and that and again, most folks know this.
The fact they want to create a JSU system in Mississippi is fine, but we all know that with less funding, the campuses will eventually have to close and there will only be one campus left. Not a big deal in the sense that all of these students could in theory transfer to JSU and give it enrollment to compete as a larger institution, but it'd result in lots of kids not bothering to finish and so forth.
The arguments about rivalries and such don't matter in the grand scheme of talking economics, so none of that will end up making a difference in the end.
Yeah, it's a veiled attack. But none of these people are his base, so he doesn't care. It'll never pass the state legislature, so there's little doubt it'll work, but..the question becomes, how do HBCUs start to become more globally competitive?
They're not and most of us know it, save for a small few that we can all cite.
HBCUs can't afford to spend another thirty years on the public dole picking up the 4th tier. Because their relevance is in question and the times are changing rapidly.
So if this isn't a clarion call to get these schools moving forward, nothing is. But the protests and complaining is simply going to leave a lot of the "power brokers" sitting back wondering "Why do we have public black colleges in 2009?"
Whether it's a fair question or not, isn't going to matter. We've got to deal with the realities.
@serious -- Privatizing would also raise tuition through the roof. I'm not sure folks realize how large private school endowments have to be in order for the school to be safe from bankruptcy. You couldn't privatize and then charge outrageous tuition (which is definition of private school tuition) without an endowment to cover the drop in enrollment not to mention all the other things that state's provide.
Anon, "The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome. Why won't go away? Why?!"
Kathy, we all know that phony Anon is YOU, stupid! Stop hiding behind an Anonymous name to avoid ab's wrath, you fat-ass, pig-face coward.
I don't know about Valley but Alcorn is a land-granted institute and It has been since over 2 centuries ago. The irony is that a Republican (Haley Barbour) want to take away what a Republican (Hiram Revels) built for African-American.
Serious, those were some good comments, and I co-sign wth most of what you said.
I especially loved this:
"HBCUs can't afford to spend another thirty years on the public dole picking up the 4th tier. Because their relevance is in question and the times are changing rapidly.
So if this isn't a clarion call to get these schools moving forward, nothing is. But the protests and complaining is simply going to leave a lot of the "power brokers" sitting back wondering "Why do we have public black colleges in 2009?"
Whether it's a fair question or not, isn't going to matter. We've got to deal with the realities."
Clifton B, I will take you up on your challenge. I do give $ to UNCF and varius HBCU's (are you reading CF?) but you are right, more focus is needed on the issue.
1:55 anony. I am not afraid of ab, and actually, if I felt like saying something to Alicia, I would. And Alicia knows that. So, keep guessing, it's not me. :))
and real men know that BOY!
i see you nigger
and sanely so
No, you don't, Coon.
Yeah, that's a good name for you. From here on out, I'll call you just "Coon", because your antics here reflect that of a self-hating coon with emotional and mental issues (just in case you aren't some mentally disturbed white woman playing "pretend darkie" or just some disjointed white male internet troll with a vivid imagination). You've ran out of points to argue, so you resort to insults.
I'm done here, Coon. I've probably wasted enough of your "precious time". :D
YOU are the coon who cannot debate me and feigns that my venom is unique herein!!!
only a cowardly fool would allow inferior envious nigger boys like you and the ab hater posse to attack me in silence
you pretend that i am the only one here who is vile and a blogger ONLY because i am much better at both than ALL of my vile blogging haters herein
you have insulted fn and ignored TONS of bullying lying ferocious dog peers herein as you exclusively lambast me....
as if i care... which TRULY amuses me!
what does it say about YOU that you have to libel me as insane/male/white in order to justify how easily i slay you and your hater clones herein????
what does it say about YOUR lack of knowledge that you dare to BLTANTLY IGNORE ALL of the wisdom i share as i wear you hating bitches out simultaneously????
you are much less annoying than that mareallyasillyracistslut!!!!
thanks for that
Kathy "1:55 anony. I am not afraid of ab, and actually, if I felt like saying something to Alicia, I would. And Alicia knows that. So, keep guessing, it's not me. :))"
That only leaves one other person, and we all know who that is.
If you want to, I will give you the document that how he is trying it.
Thanks Smoking Ace. Shoot me the link at fnblg@yahoo.com.
This is oddly familiar - the boy wonder, lil Bobby Jindal, is creating commissions to do the very same thing right next door - SUNO seems to be at the front of the line on the higher education chopping block.
These budget cuts, like budget cuts in other states, are completely unnecessary. All that needs to be done is for the states to make the rich pay a little closer to their fair share in taxes.
What a lot of individuals fell to realize is that the communities as well as the people depends on the institution that is closer to where they reside. Its non-sense to have to drive or find someway to commute over a 100 miles to take a couple classes just because its not being offered at the site in which they are attending. He isn’t looking at the larger picture, merge the school, the economy will worsen; that smidge of $35 million that he looking to gain will quickly decline. There are working parents & caregivers that depends on these institutions,. I myself attended MS Valley for a period of time and can understand what some feel when told of this purposed merger (that shouldn’t even been thought of). Id rather them just go private like someone suggested anonymously… NO TO THE MERGING OF THE HBCUs
@FN: "Roland Martin from CNN. Dude is alright but he has got to let me hook him up with my clothes guy....let me stop ... "
You need to hook him up.
FYI, there's a Facebook group called "NO to merging MS HBCUs", with almost 7000 members. They held a rally today at the capitol.
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