As I sit here typing the words to this post, my hands are actually trembling at the thought that Sarah Palin could have been a heart beat away from leading this great nation.
Sarah Palin, at a recent speech, declared in no uncertain terms that there might be a coin conspiracy afoot led by none other than the bi-racial man in the oval office. See folks, Sarah believes that the words "In God We Trust" has been removed from the top of the new dollar coins to the edge for a reason. It's that damn Muslim president of ours and his "new world order" friends. (They should have been shopping for straight jackets instead of dresses for her during the campaign)
"Noting that there had been a lot of “change” of late, Palin recalled a recent conversation with a friend about how the phrase “In God We Trust” had been moved to the edge of the new coins....“Who calls a shot like that?” she demanded. “Who makes a decision like that?”
She added: “It’s a disturbing trend.”'
She added: “It’s a disturbing trend.”'
Actually Sarah, it was the republicans who called that "shot" back in 2005. But hey, those are just facts, why let them spoil a good political rant.
Now this story, in my opinion, has not been getting as much traction as it should. Maybe it's because most of us A-merry-cans are embarrassed that we almost elected the woman. And maybe it's because a major political party still has pie on their very red faces because they put her on their ticket. But this bad boy should have led the evening news and instead it's relegated to bloggers and the left wing media.
Sarah, I don't know who you have been hanging with, but you might want to consider getting some new friends. The "black helicopter crowd" is not going to cut it if you want the rest of us to start taking you say seriously.
No wonder your peeps didn't want cameras or tape recorders at your latest speech (h/t Politico) I guess they know you much more than we do.
Which begs the question: If Sarah Palin does run for president again, who exactly will vote for her knowing what they know now? That was a rhetorical question, because I already know the answer: The same folks who voted for her the last time. Every dumb comment she makes only hardens their support for her.
"It's the liberal media, they can't stand her because she is a threat to them. She is not one of those East Coast elites. She is one of us."
And you can have her. You deserve each other.
And you can have her. You deserve each other."
Amen! They can all hang together in their tin foil tinted windowed houses with their guns and bibles and cower in the corners in fear. Especially since fear seems to be their favorite emotion.
On a side note... fun fact; In God We Trust was place on our money in the 50s as a legacy of the McCarthy era.. Whenever I hear these wackos talk about this as "It is what the founding fathers would have done, or believed" I want to howl at the ignorance... These wackos seemed to have skipped the part of the history lesson about how so many of the founding fathers left their home countries to escape religious persecution and wanted to create a secular democracy where religion was separate from government. But, as you said, why let "facts" get in the way of a really good conspiracy.
A friend told me she saw a "PALIN-COULTER 2012" sticker the other day. The frightening thing? Those fuckers in the GOP are crazy enough to actually consider it.
I dunno, let her stay for a while. I really miss the Tina Fey skits.
This Sarah Palin thing is the next best thing since William Hung on idol.
Hey Field,
She has a book coming out soon and any nonsense that comes out of her mouth will just keep her in the klieg lights.
And to think that McCain thought that she would strengthen the ticket.
Anyway, somebody needs to call Wasilla. We've found their idiot.
palin is about is interesting as a car accident in the middle of midday traffic..people slow down..look..and keep it moving..same applies with this tired neiman marcus looting heffa.
The Syntax Killa From Wasilla.
You go girl!
Keep hope alive for 2012! (Oh damn, that's a Jessie Jackson line - don't think that one would sit too well with her)
Although if I were you, Sarah, I would try to do like Fred Thompson, and get on a TV show, or a movie franchise.
Maybe the Wayans brothers could use you in "Scary Movie 7" or "White Chicks 3".
And while you've got some free time, Sarah, give that Levi Johnston some visitation rights so he can get off my damn TV.
If his ass shows up any more this week we're going to have to get a refund from Comcast, prorated for the amount of entertainment Mr. Johnston did not provide.
Maybe the folks of Wasilla should just hire Tina Fey to live in Alaska, at least she was funny!
You know she's scheduled to be on Oprah next week, I think...
I just have a picture of her slipping and saying some off the wall and having Oprah reaching back into her Mississippi roots to tell her about herself...
I know it won't happen, but I can dream can't I?
when she gets elected, you whiny black idiots can move back to africa in protest. Back to the jungle now, move along. You can be your mindlessly violent selves in the jungle every day, you'll love it.
field, you should delete the racist comments like above mine that keep appearing here.
she won't get elected.
what i enjoy more is levi johnston spilling the family beans as often as he can.
i'm counting on him to help ruin her political future.
btw, her beloved fox news had to disown this one. shocking!
what i enjoy more is levi johnston spilling the family beans as often as he can.
Yes Maria.. I am so enjoying Levi comments to..Keep him coming and commenting..
Strawberry shortbus, aka Sarah, is all about money. A Governor quiter. She needs to go and shut up and take care of her family.
I cant wait until Levi tell the whole story.. He needs to be on everybody radio and tv station. Tina Fey and him needs to a skit on SNL. That would be funny.
I can't wait until she has her own tv show. The female gutter apes of the country will shriek and howl so much that you'll choke on your bananas :) Just sayin'
Now stop your hatin', gutter apes.
"You know she's scheduled to be on Oprah next week, I think..."
That should be fun. 0:
"On a side note... fun fact; In God We Trust was place on our money in the 50s as a legacy of the McCarthy era.. Whenever I hear these wackos talk about this as "It is what the founding fathers would have done, or believed" I want to howl at the ignorance.."
I thought Jesus threw out the money changers. I am just saying.
Still in the news? LMAO@ her defenders...SMH!
"On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
H.L. Mencken
Yet another 'straw man' torn DOWN by Filled Negro.
Do you notice how you, RiPPa and other Leftist make use of the same shtick?
Its actually tiring Filled Negro.
I need to put you on a PERFORMANCE PLAN like they use to wash out low performers where I work.
Here is the challenge Filled Negro: before you post a particular subject on your blog (AND I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS 'YOUR BLOG' for you to do whatever you damned well please) why don't you measure the story against what YOU BELIEVE are the top 5 issue impacting America and then BLACK AMERICA.
Using this framework - how many of your posts would even make it?
Filled Negro - 3 Black mothers were murdered as they sat in a car in East St Louis IL a few days ago. Two of them used their own bodies to shield their young kids that were sitting with them from the spray of bullets.
Do you notice how you ONLY deal with this carnage within the Black community when it reaches a point where it is unavoidable for you and others to talk about?
HOWEVER - the LOWLIEST White Republican or Black Conservative can get prime billing on your propaganda blog.
I am not just going to tell you WHAT you are doing Filled Negro - I am going to even go so far as to tell you WHY you are doing it:
The reason WHY you don't address the serial carnage WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY is because ultimately - IT HAS NO IDEOLOGICAL OR POLITICAL benefit to you to do so. If you were to harp on it you would be accused of "blaming the VICTIM".
Yet the lowliest, toothless White person wearing tube socks up to his knees and a "wife beater t-shirt" is able to do so much as tell a joke about Barack Obama and HE is featured as your STRAWMAN DeJURE upon which you will have your merry men and women beat upon.
Filled Negro - Didn't comedian TRACY MORGAN say something about Obama the other night?
Maybe you'll lead a boycott against NBC's "30 Rock" as a result. Their headquarters are not too far from "News Corp" in NYC.
You are still cool with me Filled Negro. I just thought that you'd appreciate someone who can read you like a newspaper.
"A friend told me she saw a "PALIN-COULTER 2012" sticker the other day."
I saw a Palin/Bachmann sign in a teabagger party story on a blog, too.
I think some folks are having sexual fantasies, because it's unbelievable that someone is that stupid. Yet here we are....
As my grandma would say "Someone should be beating McCain butt til this day for putting this woman in the spotlight."
Thanks Field for the House Negro
Artur Davis D- Ala
Jody said...
On a side note... fun fact; In God We Trust was place on our money in the 50s as a legacy of the McCarthy era.. Whenever I hear these wackos talk about this as "It is what the founding fathers would have done, or believed" I want to howl at the ignorance... These wackos seemed to have skipped the part of the history lesson about how so many of the founding fathers left their home countries to escape religious persecution and wanted to create a secular democracy where religion was separate from government. But, as you said, why let "facts" get in the way of a really good conspiracy.
Talk about ignorance......
"In God We Trust" first appeared on our coins in 1864.
Since 1938,all USA coins have that inscription.
In 1955,legislation made "In God We Trust" mandatory on all currency.
Yeah, don't let those facts get in the way.
Surprise, Surprise
Coonstructive Feedback shows up with his "Black Crime Of The Day" report.
What a clown.
Hey Field, ya fell for the bait...the "In God we Trust" things just a ploy to keep y'all darkies attention from the REAL conspiracy...Y'see we White Peoples....
Oh yeah, I can't tell ya or y'all'd stop drinking malt liquor/buying lottery tickets/crack/bail bonds...and patronizing my, I mean my PARTNERS Title Pawn business...
Anyway, haven't y'all noticed how white Sara's skin is lately??? and can you believe that nappy weave???
uptownsteve said...
"On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
H.L. Mencken
That day is already here......
omg fn!
i am done for the day...
the mj sosa photo is classic and hilarious and tragic and...
this is your best sidebar photo to date ever...
Constructive Feedback said...
Filled Negro - 3 Black mothers were murdered as they sat in a car in East St Louis IL a few days ago. Two of them used their own bodies to shield their young kids that were sitting with them from the spray of bullets.
It would take FOX NEWS or a white Republican killing those 3 black mothers to get the "field negro" types moving on this story.
Scoring cheap political points is more imporant to the "field negro".
Anonymous and CF
What would you have the "field negro" types specifivally do about street crime that we don't pay cops to do?
Please answer the question.
You "field negro" types could give the same amount of attention to these murders that you give to Sarah.
But than again, you "field negro" types don't have a sexual obsession with the 3 murdered black mothers.
Bull$hit response as expected.
Tell me though, why do you spend so much time on this blog around people and ideas you obviously hate?
Project much?
seen this?
post-racial bastions of academia are exploding with racist incidents
more "ope and change" in action
Bullshit?? Not really.
You always seem to miss the point that CF and others make about the attention that is given to black on black crime vs. what white Republicans do.
What you don't get is that it's a false choice and a deflection.
One issue has nothing to do with the other.
I always ask CF since he's so obsessed with black crime, what the f is he doing blogging when there is so much crime in the streets?
He never answers though.
It's nice to still see ditto heads at work attempting to hijack the comment section. Come on field you need to start deleting irrelevant race baiting posts. Free speech doesn't equal act like a pussy and let others do and say what they want to your own determent we had 8 years of that under Bush.
[quote]What would you have the "field negro" types specifivally do about street crime that we don't pay cops to do?[/quote]
1) Do some deep INTROSPECTION as to WHY so many of the young people who come out of homes that fit a particular profile (and who are trapped and thus see the Progressives as their way out of this hopeless situation) also produce future KILLER STREET PIRATES
2) Begin to HATE street killers of Black People in 2009 MORE than you hate: The Klan, the GOP, White Conservatives, Black Conservatives
3) Begin to see these street killers as EQUAL in every way to any other person who has killed a Black. INSTEAD you treat them as an INFERIOR - looking at history and his condition of "Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome" to explain away his actions.
4) Be ACCOUNTABLE for all that streams out of your community. Instead of being a POLITICAL SELLOUT take upon a COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT dogma.
Make your activism one where you DIRECTLY manage the HUMAN RESOURCES that are contained within these communities rather than a "One Off" where you conclude that as the Democrats win power - these people will naturally be helped. This theory surely has not worked for North Philly or East Baltimore. (Oh I forgot - PGC doesn't have these type of problems).
It is funny that you claim that I am "obsessed" with Black crime.
I am sure that back in the day WHITE BIGOTS who were similarly attempting to defend the system said that Ida B Wells was OBSESSED by lynching.
Steve you hardly realize how closely your antics approximate these bigoted Whites of the past.
"Begin to see these street killers as EQUAL in every way to any other person who has killed a Black. INSTEAD you treat them as an INFERIOR - looking at history and his condition of "Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome" to explain away his actions."
Of course this is bull$hit but it seems that the black violent criminals are filling up the prison industrial complexes across this country yet when whites kill blacks like in Pasadena, MD or take any white cop who shoots an unarmed black they remain free as a bird.
The rest of your rant just boils down to the usual "don't be talkin' bad about massa. Talk about dem turrible negroes."
CF, your rant is tired.
Violent crime is a staple of poor urban ghettoes worldwide.
Behavior won't change until conditions change.
Violent crime rates in America sunk to 30 year lows in the late nineties in direct correlation with a boomin economy and many poor folks able to enter the job market.
Doesn't that tell you SOMETHING?
uptownsteve said...
What you don't get is that it's a false choice and a deflection.
Its also hypocrisy.
pretty funny, AB. the black prof smacks the shit out of a white employee. where's the racism?
Sarah Palin is the caucasian Flavor Flav...she makes most white folks wince when they see her stoopid ass on TV. It's hilarious that some of her cave dwelling followers are on this blog, though.
Sarah Palin does not anything because she is too lazy to learn. This is a person who is completely shallow and I find puddles in the street much deeper. This person does not finish anything she starts because it becomes too difficult to handle. You are going to need someone handle situation when it is difficult and Palin does not fit that bill. It is a lack of character on her part to become President. However, there people who will vote for her because they refuse to see through her as they live in denial. Denial is a powerful defense mechanism, and can be percarious when it is suppose to do the opposite.
Ernesto said...
Sarah Palin is the caucasian Flavor Flav...she makes most white folks wince when they see her stoopid ass on TV. It's hilarious that some of her cave dwelling followers are on this blog, though.
Tell us why you on the left have a sexual obsession with Sarah Palin?
when she gets elected, you whiny black idiots can move back to africa in protest. Back to the jungle now, move along. You can be your mindlessly violent selves in the jungle every day, you'll love it.<<
Yep. You are a stark illustration of the idiots who support this moron.
Anon 1:27:
Where the hell are you getting that vibe from?
Is Rich Lowry is considered "the left" now?
Personally, I don't find a huge lack of intellect (or even a basic curiosity about the world) to be very attractive.
But than again, you "field negro" types don't have a sexual obsession with the 3 murdered black mothers.<<
Trust me. The attention Mrs. Palin attracts when she opens her mouth has nothing to do with sexual obsession.
Anon 1:27p
I think it is very interesting that you would write that the left has a sexual obsession when men like Pat Buchannan, Frank Barnes, and Bill Kristol almost admit they want to have sex with her. It almost like reading Song of Solomon or watching All My Children. This is drama and it is evidence that human beings have not emotionally evolved. The right does speak or write how she is brilliant, but her appeal. Not hard to look at but dumb as a rock. America where it does not matter if you are stupid, can write a book, but cannot read because success is far more important or at least the appearance of success.
only a psycho RepubliNazi like Palin would think this
can someone please inform Bush with a bush that Africa is a continent
i said
racist tensions are escalating
what could be more indicative of that than a beat down induced by a discussion of racism?
In Sarah we trust? Only with one eye open!
I'm looking forward to Repubs taking back the White House and Congress.
I'm looking forward to giving them the liberal version of birthers, death panels, Town Hall madness, gun-toting, "don't tread on me" idiots, and frustrating every bill the Repubs try to pass by erecting a wall of obstructionism.
I'm looking forward to the liberal protests that will feature Republican elected officials as Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and painting their faces with some joker reference, and decrying the inhumanity of conservatism.
I'm looking forward to invading their conservative, Republican blogs and hurtling red-neck references, racist diatribe, and depicting the then president's kids and his wife in some disgusting, Photoshop pose.
As much as I'd like to see a tit for tat, it's not going to happen.
You know why?
And this is going to anger some of the Repubs that hang out here, and their conservative counterparts, regardless of political leaning, but liberals and progressives aren't closed minded enough, not hateful enough, not mean spirited enough, not cold hearted enough, not inhumane enough to do something that cold and calculating on a massive scale.
They're just not!
Liberals and progressive have evolved a little past their conservative brethren on the spectrum of human compassion, and "good will toward all men."
We're not called "bleeding heart liberals" for nothing. The term is used derisively, but it should be held up as a badge of honor.
Liberals care. Repubs and Conservatives don't. They couldn't give a good damn about their fellow man. And where such compassion seems to appear, it's a cover for advancing a conservative agenda at the expense of compassion. Liberals uphold the human element; Repubs uphold property, greed, and a "every man for himself" mindset.
Whether Repubs and conservatives are self-made, or suffer from some genetic flaw, science may some day determine.
But, for now, they're evolutionarily behind liberals and progressives, and only good for starting wars they don't complete, violating the Constitution they're sworn to uphold, spying on their fellow Americans against conscience and the prevailing law, resorting to torture against the collective wisdom of those who say it's counterproductive, overturning legislation and regulations designed to keep our economy healthy (and not a "dog eat dog" free market feeding frenzy), name calling, and allowing their greed to run amok, as they bring a robust economy to its knees, as they use business practices that reward reckless investing and adventurism, and not prudence, and falling back on "too big to fail" as their excuse to be bailed out of their financial woes, using the little guys' tax dollars.
UTS/iseeisee/Jim Crow/Granny/Kathy:
Why is there so much crime and corruption in our beloved Africa where there are too few if any whites to blame?
I know in my heart, as do you, that it must be whitey's fault; but I just don't know how to express myself as well as you. Could it be telepathic Britsh colonization and worldwide racism that cripples our beloved ancestral homeland?
Post- racial America, my ass.
i said
racist tensions are escalating
what could be more indicative of that than a beat down induced by a discussion of racism?
what is "TCM?" some insult i am sure.
the black man beat the white woman, and that's YOUR idea of racism increasing. purty fucking funny.
I'd still cut...
anon 3:02: please read "Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism" by Kwame Nkrumah. Ahh never mind, that is way beyond your grasp. Why don't you just go out and get Sarah Palin's pop-up/coloring book instead since that would be more your speed.
Anoy 9:43am... nothing you said contradicts my point. It WAS during the McCarthy era that In God We Trust was mandated by law.... AND it is a FACT that the founding fathers deplored the mixing of religion with government..... read Jefferson, Adams or Washington on their thoughts on religion and government. They were very clear of their fears of the danger of religion playing a role in government. Sarah Palin seems to be completely oblivious of this, and that is the point of this post, no?
anon 3:42,
I knew one of my black victims would come through!!!
Thanks be to Allah!!!!
I will read the excuse treatise for black cultural failure "Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism" by the renowned Kwame Insaney Nkrumah.
I just knew there would be a way to blame the white menace for the complete cultural failure and meltdown throughout the black dominated African nations.
1. Responsibility is fo suckas!
2. Anyone who challenges black failure, regardless of merit, is a racist.
I am guessing that Palin doesn't want the press around to make it easier for her to tell blatent lies without ever being challenged by facts. She is one of the biggest liars in politics, and that is hard to do:))
How she & McCain got so many votes in the last election is beyond comprehension. Greta Van Sustern likes her, though.
What's even more amazing is the # of sheeple that voted pigment over policy.
John Crow,thanks for that link. Wow! I heard about that story, but I never really read anything about it before.
Jody, why do you even bother? Real history is so yesterdays news to the wingnut. In the age of FAKE NEWS they can just make s&*t up.
"Why is there so much crime and corruption in our beloved Africa where there are too few if any whites to blame?
I know in my heart, as do you, that it must be whitey's fault; "
Not all of it. Corrupt despots and greed factor into it as well.
But read the book anon. 3:42 pm recommended to you. I think it might enlighten you a little bit.
Black Diaspora, as usual, you are on point and profound.
LOL@Crazy Canton Cuts.
@3:02 & 4:24,
The deafening silence to your comments speaks volumes.
Even though no one can argue factually with what you said it is odd that the race baiters who chronically troll this site have not collectively condemned you as the proverbial racist or Tom. It is truly remarkable how these folks avoid introspective analysis of self when it is not fodder for the exploitation of others.
"I knew one of my black victims would come through!!!
Thanks be to Allah!!!!
I will read the excuse treatise for black cultural failure "Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism" by the renowned Kwame Insaney Nkrumah."
Anon 5;12 pm, why would anyone respond and remonstrate in a "introspective" and reasoned manner to such garbage? That "black victim" talking point is soooo old.
If your friend wants to have a serious discussion he might want to lose the bias and cynical condescension. Just a thought.
field negro said...
Jody, why do you even bother? Real history is so yesterdays news to the wingnut. In the age of FAKE NEWS they can just make s&*t up.
What sh*t did i make up field? I'm waiting........
Anoy 9:43am... nothing you said contradicts my point. It WAS during the McCarthy era that In God We Trust was mandated by law
Awww Jody, now your moving the goal posts.
Sarah Palin seems to be completely oblivious of this, and that is the point of this post, no?
Sarah, along with 90% of Americans,who have no problems with the motto.
Black Diaspora said...
As much as I'd like to see a tit for tat, it's not going to happen.
You know why?
And this is going to anger some of the Repubs that hang out here, and their conservative counterparts, regardless of political leaning, but liberals and progressives aren't closed minded enough, not hateful enough, not mean spirited enough, not cold hearted enough, not inhumane enough to do something that cold and calculating on a massive scale.
They're just not!
What did field say,
"Real history is so yesterdays news to the wingnut. In the age of FAKE NEWS they can just make s&*t up."
Before you make a statement like that again you need to revisit how you libs handled yourself during the Bush years.
"2. Anyone who challenges black failure, regardless of merit, is a racist."
You do know that Kwame Nkrumah was overthrown in a CIA-sponsored coup don't you? Of course, you don't. Uncle Sam also helped out in the capture of Nelson Mandela back in the '50s because we said he was a communist. Just in case you are interested in actual history (of course you aren't) you can check out killinghope.org.
On second thought we wouldn't want your wingnut head to explode so you better stick to the Palin pop-up/coloring books instead.
"I just knew there would be a way to blame the white menace for the complete cultural failure and meltdown throughout the black dominated African nations."
Because we all know that Niggers.....ahem....."Blacks".....are just incapable of running their own affairs and therefore, must be governed by their "betters", i.e. Whites. This is the same argument used, among others, to justify Slavery.
There's a certain section of the population that wouldn't mind seeing Blacks reduced back to that "3/5ths human" standard. It makes them feel better about their own sorry selves when they have a legalized punching bag to wail on when their own lifes go to shit.
Hilarious @ Actually Sarah, it was the republicans who called that "shot" back in 2005. But hey, those are just facts, why let them spoil a good political rant.
No amount of words can truly describe Sarah Palin. You'd think after her pre-election interview with Couric last year, where she dropped the yellow cake, Palin would've walked away from the spotlight, never to return again, never to open her mouth in front of a camera.
But noooo...lol.
Ernesto said:
On second thought we wouldn't want your wingnut head to explode so you better stick to the Palin pop-up/coloring books instead.
Bro that was fantastic.I LMAO.
@Field Negro
No prob on the link. It really affected me, so i thought i would pass it along.
FN, I'm going to have to forgo reading your blog since you allow racists to post on your comment section.
Why do you allow this? Do you think you could go to a White racist site and post?
"Why do you allow this? Do you think you could go to a White racist site and post?"
Exactly! This is not a black "racist site". Hey, I want to know what tyey are saying and where they are. So if I have to hold my nose and entertain what they have to say, it's cool.
Still, lately I have been deleting some of the over the top stuff,but that's not because of its political or racist content.
So calling blacks "nigger" is not over the top?
"So calling blacks "nigger" is not over the top?"
It might be "over the top" but the truth is that we share a country with people who use that word -whether on blogs or in private- all the time.
Well here's where I stand on that broad. First of all what is her experience? Before she was mayor of that town that she came from, she supervised a Goddamn carwash. Then she went on to govern a state that has less people living in it than Los Angeles County. Now, this is the same skank that questioned 44's experience? Now, recently she said that she didn't know that her teenage daughter was banging dudes. WTF? Do we want someone who is that damn myopic about what goes on in her own f'n house to be the BIC? Next, this broad is on a loosing streak. She was part of a half ass Presidential campaign that got smoked badly. She followed that up by injecting herself in the race for New York 23 and got smoked there. If conservatives elect her and Darth Cheney's non-dyke daughter to the Not So White House, then this country will deserve what befalls it. It would definately be like that 2012 movie
Believe it or not, an author/Palin supporter by the name of Matthew Continetti actually had the nerve to spin Sarah's coin misstep by saying she was criticizing Bush. Here is the interview he did on The Young Turks on 11/13:
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