"And for my peeps I truly care Cause without some of them I wouldn't be here And they all know how I feel Cause suckers be like playin themselves to have mass appeal" ~Gang Starr~
A lot of my conservative cousins were on Glen Beck's show this past Friday seeking mass appeal. (They called it "Friday The 13th Nightmare for Liberals: Black Conservatives." Honestly, Beck scares me every time I hear or see him. He didn't need a bunch of black conservatives to be frightening.) I am sure they got it, too. But who was the masses that they were appealing to? And why would they even want to appeal to these people?
Now don't get me wrong, (And this is going to surprise some of you left leaning black folk.) but I have nothing but love for some black conservatives. Contrary to popular belief I do not consider them all "Toms" or House Negroes. I understand, as much as anyone, that black folks are not monolithic, and my ideas and way of thinking is not necessarily by itself the paradigm for how success should be achieved within the black community. So when I hear conservatives -be they black or white- with what they think are real and meaningful solutions to solving some of the problems within the black community, I am usually all ears. Their stance on school vouchers and education, for instance, is closer to mine than you would think. I am also all for economic empowerment and a lightening of the tax burden in certain economically deprived neighborhoods. Not to mention tax incentives for companies who invest their money and resources in poorer urban communities. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. There just might be more that unites us than separates us.
Now, having said all of that, I still have to take issue with some of these conservative Negroes.
I like analogies, so I will use one here. Imagine, if you will, that Colin Powell is the republican president of these divided states of A-merry-ca. Imagine he has some very bold programs which are pissing off left wingers and progressives. Left wing commentator, Keith Olbermann, has built his entire schtick on tearing down president Powell, and he has gone as far as to call him a self hating Uncle Tom on his program. Olbermann is now catching heat from his sponsors and various folks in the main stream for his daily vituperation about Powell and his overall vitriolic tone. To show the world that he is not a bad guy and that he really loves black people, he asks a bunch of black progressives to come on his show and take a stand with him against the current path of the Powell administration. Now I ask you, how many left leaning black folks do you think would appear on his show? Take a minute and think about it, and try to be honest with yourself when you come up with your answer.... Here, let me help you; Keith Olbermann would have more camera men than he does people in his studio. Unlike my friend Mr. Beck who had a studio full of you conservative folks- with probably as much lined up outside- Olbermann would find very little if any takers.
And this is the problem I have with some of you black conservatives; you are just so quick with the massa good the rest of dem Negroes bad rant that it's hard to be serious with you when you try to talk policy. I just keep hearing that music over your voices. The one with the catchy tune that makes me want to jig.
Still, I am glad for you folks and the fact that you got your shine on. Just be careful where that shine is coming from. (I once represented a guy who was on an episode of Cops. I am just sayin.) If you think Glen Beck is really your friend and that he really has your best interest at heart, go on and represent on his show. It might make you famous. Hell, you might even get a gig on Radio Rwanda. If, on the other hand, you are just trying to get your shine on, there has to be a better way. You don't want to be just props to further someone's agenda. Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah, I think it was "Gump" over at Crooks & Liars. Gump doesn't sound so scared to me.
"Let's bring in a bunch of blackies as props to further an agenda. It really doesn't get much more racist than this segment. What's even worse is these people willing to sell out their culture for conservatism. They know history and the truth when it comes to conservatives. I wonder how much cash Murdoch gave these people to stage this disgusting display.
This would be like me appearing in a segment about the mafia supporting conservatism because my ancestry goes back to Sicily. Fucking pathetic."
This would be like me appearing in a segment about the mafia supporting conservatism because my ancestry goes back to Sicily. Fucking pathetic."
Stop it Gump, those are my cousins you are talking about. You pick on one of us, you will have to pick on us all. They were not "props", they did it for their people. They did it for America.
there are millions of blacks who love fox news and hate obama who are NOT neocons
including ME!
we all just have SEVERE hopeovers!
Filled Negro:
Can I EXPOSE the gross flaw and fraud in your "Colin Powell" parallel?
The Local Democrats that control every single key institution where Black people live in our highest concentrations DO NOT EQUAL BLACK AMERICA!!!!
Thus the flaw and fraud in your argument in which a person who ATTACKS BARACK OBAMA IS ATTACKING BLACK AMERICA is hereby dismissed.
Here is what I don't understand about you and other progressive bigots, Filled Negro. I can take the city of Chicago in which THE DEMOCRATS RUN EVERYTHING. There is one evil Republican Alderman and 49 Democrat Alderman on a panel of 50.
All is grand for "Democrats who are Black" on PAPER.
Despite this fact the Chicago Public Schools only manages to graduate 55.1% of its students. The student body is 87% Black. IF THIS is not grounds for a fight against the direct assault of our community's PERMANENT INTERESTS I am not sure what is going to get through to you.
YOU have FAILED to establish that the present order does in fact SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESS THE "PERMANENT INTERESTS OF BLACK PEOPLE".
Indeed they represent the PREVAILING ASSUMPTION of which polices are in our BEST INTERESTS.
The ASSUMPTION OF is very different than the successful DELIVERY OF these interests.
In fact YOU should be ashamed of yourself for allowing the "American Political Domain" in which President of the United States - Barack Obama resides in to be fused win the "Community Cultural Consciousness Domain" which sadly has been mismanaged by the Black Establishment.
My Goal is to PUSH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OUT OF THE RACIAL NUCLEUS OF BLACK AMERICA AND OUT TO THE PERIPHERY. From this new vantage point the Black community will be come more clear headed about our PERMANENT INTERESTS and will see that Democrat/GOP are merely VESSELS which PURPORT to carry us forward. That Progressive/Conservative are merely METHODOLOGIES that provide us with directions.
The truth is, Filled Negro these methodologies must be seen as TOOLS that are applicable at different times, depending upon the situation.
Those seeking to make use of their "Donkey" brand snow mobile which has dependably gotten them through a snow storm in the past upon the LIQUID version of snow that is at the shoreline will ride this snowmobile to the bottom of the deep LAKE and surely drown for not realizing that they now need a JET SKI.
Which is more damaging to more Black folks Filled Negro - a studio full of adult, professionally educated BLACK CONSERVATIVES who are parents and responsible community members expressing their views with Glen Beck?
A studio full of YOUNG AND IMPRESSIONABLE BLACK KIDS on BET listening to the next album from Young Jeezy - the Democrat Drug Dealer?
Olberman who never get away with talking smack about Powell if he was president. Especially not some "uncle Tom" stuff; his ass would get smacked down quick.
It is amazing how Beck can play people, esp. Blacks-that includes liberal Blacks who are scared to death of Beck.
I am glad Fox aired the show and Field brought it to my attention again because now I realize that I am more conservative than liberal by default. The liberals haven't done a damn thing for us.
I swear I've seen all three panelists somewhere before. I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe one of you will remember.
I saw the preview and that was enough for me. Although we all have different solutions to the nation's problems, there is no excuse for giving Beck the time of day and even talking to him. I say it's house behavior. Why not discuss your differences on a black hosted show....or any show not on fox with it's white supremacist agenda (see mediamatters.org for concise proof). Remember, Beck as a mormon think that we are Satan's representative on earth. Religion, whatever. But it doesn't help that he's on fox.
That crap was so patronizing. Either he really thinks Americans are all morons or ....
Great post. Jim Ed Rice (yes, the Hall of Fame baseball player) has a house located about three miles from my home. Never mind. I'll keep my thought to myself.
First to Con: why Jeezy? Why not David Banner since he's actually making sense; makes music people listen to; and would fill some seats on 106 and Park?
But anyway, back to some rational thoughts, black conservatives are really in tough spot. It means going against something popular in the culture to express their beliefs. Some of what they believe isn't wrong, but the reasons for saying them seem suspect. No one likes the guy sent by massa to get some of the rest of us to behave. Truthfully, some are just as bad as the crack dealer down the way since they get their stuff from somewhere else but puts the poison out in the neighborhood.
I think the big deal with them is that they seem to ignore what's really going on. The forget the fact that some of those other guys sitting in the room with them don't really like them. They forget that you can't help your brother by stepping on him. They forget that if they are GIVEN their little spotlight, it can be TAKEN away and you be treated like any other common black person. And truthfully, it goes for the liberal blacks to because we tend to forget that they don't really love us either.
Glen Beck is a nut case that someone needs to keep an eye on. Hey, I'm white and Beck scares the Hell out of me. I'm almost sure his orbit is about to expire. He reminds me of the hate filled racists around me when I was a kid. This will never be a perfect world but we could go a long way by having less Glen Becks.
I noticed a little bit of foot traffic from you on my Sitemeter so I popped over. Just want to give you a little heads up. The graphic you displayed (Friday the 13th) has nothing to do with the Beck show. It was created as a tongue in cheek prank by some of my blogger buddies. So your premise that Beck thinks America is afraid of black conservatives is a little off here.
I thank you for your respectful disagreement, you run a sharp looking blog here. Will add you as a black liberal perspective to my blog roll.
Another Black Conservative
Damn you Field, you beat me to it! I told our good friend Constructive Feedback that I had a blog coming very soon in his honor and this was exactly it (LOL).
I saw that show and I even uploaded excerpts to my youtube channel. Those Negroes were foolish. The only one I really had respect for was the brother who got beat up for carrying a briefcase to school.
The funny thing about the show to me. Was the fact that many of the guests admitted to voting for Barack Obama.
Oh lord and don't get me started on how Beck used the clip of the sister being interviewed in Detroit where they had the stampede for applications for "Obama Money". Those idiots on the show tried to distance themselves from that as a representation of themselves. Which was silly because they were applying for assistance to stay in their homes as part of the Rescue and Recovery Act!
I guess they forgot that Detroit and the state of Michigan has had the highest unemployment rate way before this economic meltdown. But let the misguided Negroes (like Constructive Feedback) on that show tell it. Those people are the way they are because they just love handouts and they're all Democrats.
Ayo Field, and another thing: You get madd props my man for dropping some Gangstarr in a post, Dread!
That right there is my joint, son!
Ha ha!
Oh yeah, and Constructive Feedback is talkin sht about rappers? How dare he when he wrote a "Free Lil' Wayne" post on his blog in defense of him going to prison on gun charges?
Damn Couterproductive Feedback, you are one long winded gasbag!
"And truthfully, it goes for the liberal blacks to because we tend to forget that they don't really love us either."
Glad you are owning up to the possibility that liberals aren't so perfect, either. As for conservatives, we haven't forgotten that the majority of Whites don't like Blacks. Nor have we forgotten that black liberals aren't so loving about their kind either. That is no secret. Many liberal Blacks who exclaim, "I've got your back!" are full of it. They don't have anybody's back, including the education and safety for our kids.
Liberals have done nothing to lift up the BC. You have been in power in the urban areas for God knows how long-and you haven't done a damn thing. Hell, you won't even get off your couch to go vote. Yet you have the nerve to criticize conservative Blacks and call them "toms"..
While there are elections going on in NJ, VA, or any other state, you are sitting on your black asses watching BET, gossiping on FN, or even worse- watching Glen Beck or Hannity!
I happen to know Angel,who was on the show.No field, Angel was not
trying to get her Shine On!Sorry
but I consider that complete disrespect.You can't put holes
in the truth,so fall back to shuck & jive.I keep seeing the phrase
( Obama's responsibility speach).
My brother's and sister's WAKE-UP
Obama & Michelle aren't Kidding!!
If your dump ass is ignorant,Their going to thin the herd.No matter
what color you see when you look in that mirror!!!!
The problem is that Conservative Economic Policy is good for no one -- black, white, asian, latin@ or other. You can debate the efficacy or morality of conservative social ideas but not their overarching economic ideology of unrestrained trickle down economics which are destructive to all but corporations and the top 1% and given long enough even they suffer the wrath of conserv-o-nomics as evidenced by the current mess we're in.
Sure, certain individual ideas generated on the right might be useful or worth exploring but their meta-economics are ultimately destructive.
The other problem is that right now conservatism, as a living, breathing, intellectual school of thought producing ideas and solutions for America, is dead. There are no Buckleys, Kristols (the first), Burkes, Disraelis or even Goldwaters to carry the conservative intellectual tradition forward here in the states. Instead, the conservative intellectuals that once underpinned the movement have either died off or been hunted to extinction. All that's left of American conservatism is the angry, revanchist politics of the radical -- the Limbaughs, Becks, Dick Armeys, Sarah Palins and Teabaggers.
Conservatism is dead in all but name and that name has become nothing but a tag for the radical and reactionary forces that inhabit most of the GOP as well as most of the space on the right. That's not to say they can't win elections under either the GOP banner or banner of conservatism but unless or until they regain their intellectual core they're a zombie movement crumbling more and more as each new day passes.
I don't understand where the cringe factor went with black folks. I guess the 15 minutes of fame, clouds the brain.
I hardly think Goldwater or Buckley would ever had wanted to appear with the likes of Glen Beck.
Smashed The Tiny Black Box:
YOUR BOX is full of IGNORANCE!!!
[QUOTE]Although we all have different solutions to the nation's problems, there is no excuse for giving Beck the time of day and even talking to him. I say it's house behavior. [/QUOTE]
The sad part of it all Black Box is that the ONLY thing they risk is YOUR RESPECT.
Let's continue.
The indictment of YOU comes not from who you DON'T respect. Instead we need to look at WHO DOES HAVE YOUR RESPECT.
Black Box when I see Potty Mouthed Rapper Ludacris making his way on the POLITICAL stage without anyone rebuking him I get the same feeling as you but from a different context.
YOU demand that the Black Conservatives choose their VENUES better. I look at the Black Venues and demand that they choose their GUESTS BETTER. Roland Martin's "Washington Watch" gave Ludacris a platform as if he doesn't have MORE RACIALLY OFFENSIVE WORDS TO HIS CREDIT than you can find in 3 careers of Rush Limbuagh. Yet the selective outrage among Black Progressive-Fundamentalists rate Limbaugh's words as SUPERIOR.
Why not discuss your differences on a black hosted show....[/quote]
Here is your IGNORANCE Black Box. YOU ask these Black Conservatives to go to a "Black Venue" instead of Fox. I ask why YOU and others don't ENFORCE DIGNITY IN "BLACK VENUES" if they are so important to you?
* BET Awards
* Hip Hop Shows
* NAACP Awards choices
WHY don't we ever hear from you about the buffoonish behavior that is seen within these venues SINCE they are "sacred ground" for Black folks?
YOUR bigotry is in your SELECTIVE enforcement of standards which falls exclusively upon your ideological adversaries.
[quote]or any show not on fox with it's white supremacist agenda (see mediamatters.org for concise proof). [/quote]
If "Fox News" has a WHITE SUPREMACIST agenda then I argue that BET and MTv have a "BLACK INFERIORIST" agenda. You only seem to be bothered with Fox though. This shows your ideological bigotry.
[quote]Remember, Beck as a mormon think that we are Satan's representative on earth. [/quote]
You are a sad joke.
Recall that after Hurricane Katrina the EVIL MORMONS got in their own tractor trailer trucks and drove humanitarian supplies to the people in need you did not have a problem with THEIR RELIGION when they were handing out free stuff to the desperate people in need.
It is stunning to me how in your IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY you have no capacity to consider the PORTION of the population that Black Conservatives vs Black Progressive-Fundamentalists make up. All the while you are being SCREWED by the leaders with an ideology that you prefer - YOU only open your mouth with your ideological adversaries appear somewhere. There is a 10 to 1 majority with the people who have the ideology that you favor.
Ahhh the [un]constructive one.Please see what j said above.
I honestly am trying to figure out what it is exactly you are seeking. Because if it is some sort of "trickle down" economic construct it is not going to work. Been there done that.
Personal responsibility? Of course. We can all agree on that one. There is not enough of it in some of uor communities, and the end result is a lot of the pathologies we witness on a day to day basis.
I went to see the movie "Precious" yesterday, and I kept looking at Monique's character to see if having a conservative repulican in power would have made her behave in a different way. Well, guess what, I don't think it would have.
"You can't put holes
in the truth,"
Anon. on that we can agree. But my truth is "truthier" than yours.
Sup Clifton B? Yes I think I linked your site. (Good job on that by the way)And I appreciate the words.I am so misunderstood.:(
And thanks for the clarification on the poster.
Thanks for the link love. I sure hope your readers don't demand that you remove the evil FN.
"Ayo Field, and another thing: You get madd props my man for dropping some Gangstarr in a post, Dread"
Yes Rippa, please tell [un]constructive one that not all rap is bad. Just like not all black conservatives are bad.
"Black Box when I see Potty Mouthed Rapper Ludacris making his way on the POLITICAL stage without anyone rebuking him I get the same feeling as you but from a different context."
Hmmm, do you feel the same way about Hollywood directors and producers who make films loaded with profanity sex & violence?
"BET Awards
* Hip Hop Shows
* NAACP Awards choices
WHY don't we ever hear from you about the buffoonish behavior that is seen within these venues SINCE they are "sacred ground" for Black folks?"
This is called selective amnesia. I and other so called left leaning bloggers have blogged about the "buffoonish bahavior"
displayed on these shows ad nauseam.
"You are a sad joke.
Recall that after Hurricane Katrina the EVIL MORMONS got in their own tractor trailer trucks and drove humanitarian supplies to the people in need you did not have a problem with THEIR RELIGION when they were handing out free stuff to the desperate people in need."
And the Germans build great automobiles. (????)
[quote] It means going against something popular in the culture to express their beliefs.[/quote]
The Civil Rights Movement had the task of "going against popular culture"!!! What is the qualitative value of your statement?
You appear to be mistaking POPULARITY with EFFECTIVENESS. Indeed these honorable Black Conservatives that appeared on the air have a set of beliefs that are DIFFERENT from the standard fare in Black America. YOU have the task of PROVING that what they offer is harmful.
Today we have an ABUNDANCE of proof that the PREVAILING THOUGHTS that is in power:
* Has NOT produced SAFE STREETS in our communities
* Has NOT produced QUALITY SCHOOLS in our communities
* Has NOT produced ECONOMIC PROSPERITY in our community
* Has ALLOWED our communities to remain at the lower rungs of HEALTH OUTCOMES
You see Eddie - UNLESS you tie your judgments to some PERMANENT INTERESTS the ONLY thing we can evaluate the views of YOU, Filled Negro, RiPPa and Little Box upon is the ENFORCEMENT OF YOUR OWN IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY.
Look at RiPPa's rant. What does he really have against these people? They are college educated. They are responsible parents.. They are employed.
They DID NOT threaten to Shoot a Black Man with their "9" if he stepped up to them.
They DID NOT refer to Black women by their body parts on national television.
They DID NOT make the case that the material items on their body represent their personal wealth.
EDDIE - the biggest indictment against YOU is how you fail to respond to real IGNORANT NEGROES that appear on the air. YOU find your voice when Blacks who disagree with you IDEOLOGICALLY dare to show their face on the air.
[quote]Some of what they believe isn't wrong, but the reasons for saying them seem suspect.[/quote]
Eddie: WHEN have you questioned the motivations of why Jesse Jackson, Warren Ballentine or Cornel West have SAID SOMETHING? This is ONLY your opinion and you have FAILED to justify your views.
[quote]No one likes the guy sent by massa to get some of the rest of us to behave. [/quote]
Eddie: We only need to look at North Philly, The "Pittsburg" section of Atlanta, SouthSide Chicago and other places to see that "MASSA" doesn't need to be around and the area in question could be lead by PEOPLE THAT EVERYONE LIKES and STILL this has no impact on getting people to BEHAVE.
Do you see what bigots like you have been getting away with for far too long? You have been allowed to manage the Black community by focusing on those who are POPULARLY HATED. Now that you have control over all of the key institutions that our people look toward for our civic services you STILL are trying to play this foolish game. What you NEED TO BE FOCUSED UPON are the people who you yielded your POWER to when you voted locally and how you can get THEM to start producing for you DESPITE your favorable sentiments about them.
Truthfully, some are just as bad as the crack dealer down the way since they get their stuff from somewhere else but puts the poison out in the neighborhood.[/quote]
Assuming that we are all mature adults who are reading this last point of brilliance from Eddie. Could you all tell me how these words translate into anything that you can grab on to and use to heighten your consciousness? These words are merely "crap talking" and worth little more.
[quote]The problem is that Conservative Economic Policy is good for no one -- black, white, asian, latin@ or other. You can debate the efficacy or morality of conservative social ideas but not their overarching economic ideology of unrestrained trickle down economics which are destructive to all [/quote]
Filled Negro - are these words from "J" that you are so smitten with?
First of all J doesn't even attempt to go beyond stereotypes and do actual ANALYSIS.
What is a "conservative" economic policy? In truth J is talking about "Retention of Private Property" versus "Redistributive Policy".
Filled Negro as a resident of Philly I would LOVE to see you argue that as your city and region became more controlled by Labor Progressives the economic interests of the residents were FORTIFIED???
People like J always attempt to argue from the perspective of the "damage done by corporations". What we NEED to study is the deflation of places like Detroit, Camden, Rochester and East St Louis when these evil corporations LEAVE and the Progressive Governments take over he landscape.
HERE is where you see real economic damage to the people's interests.
[quote]but corporations and the top 1% and given long enough even they suffer the wrath of conserv-o-nomics as evidenced by the current mess we're in.[/qutoe]
J I have learned over time that the statement "A FISH DON'T KNOW HE WET" is true with some people. For YOU - you don't know what you don't know and thus you are satisfied that your statements above model the real world.
* Despite all of the local and regional economic erosion that has been going on for more than 30 years - BUSH's policies did it
* Despite the fact that the good guy Democrats are finishing up their 3rd full year of control over BOTH houses of Congress - BUSH'S policies DID IT.
* Despite the fact that you likely live in a city that is dominated by "Local Democrats" you choose to Blame Bush and the "National Republicans"
What you fail to grasp J is that all of your ruminations might satisfactorily describe the collapse you would have a hard time in discussion how to BUILD UP these same areas - now that there are favorable people sitting in all of the key institutional positions over the area.
In my view there is a Yin and Yang correlation between "Wall Street greed" and "Social Justice Greed" of the individual. Just as the bailouts vacuumed hundreds of billions of dollars from the Treasury - the demands upon the government that the Federal Democrats are responding to have NO LESS OF A VACUOUS impact upon the national debt position.
I would LOVE to one day see a person like you point to a city or state in which your ideology is dominate AND they have obtained economic success, fiscal balance, sound education for a diverse population and law & order. Instead these places of progressivism are so often to the contrary.
IF you don't see the impending consequences from this massive federal debt that is being built up as your FAVORED PEOPLE are in power of the Executive and Legislative branch then it is YOU who are more clueless than I thought.
[quote]I went to see the movie "Precious" yesterday, and I kept looking at Monique's character to see if having a conservative repulican in power would have made her behave in a different way. Well, guess what, I don't think it would have.[/quote]
You see Filled Negro - your flaw is in how you FRAME things.
YOU saw Precious' Mamma and then scrutinized her against REPUBLICANS, concluding that nothing would be DIFFERENT if they ran her life.
In your own ideological bigotry you are unwilling to fame the scrutiny properly. If you were an honest man (hard for a defense attorney - I know) then you would have said:
"The BLUE PILL that I have been pushing as the cure for Black people has failed to fix Precious' Mama and others. I also know that the RED PILL will not work. THUS I have to conclude that since both of these pills reside in the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN that the FIX for our community will be found elsewhere.
From this observation I, Filled Negro must change. I will no longer push the BLUE PILL as a cure. I will now confront other BLUE PILL pushers upon my people and force them to PROVE to me and my people that what they are pushing is has any efficacy.
In the background I will take a step back and work to better understand the dynamics of my community and begin to focus upon the 'Community Cultural Consciousness Domain' to fix my people. I must insure that no politician attempt to fuse the "American Political Domain" with the "Community Cultural Consciousness Domain" because OUR PEOPLE are the losers in this scheme while the favored ideological and political entity that resides outside of our community WINS.
[quote]Hmmm, do you feel the same way about Hollywood directors and producers who make films loaded with profanity sex & violence?[/quote]
Filled Negro - the "Hollywood Directors" don't claim to be AUTHENTICALLY BLACK.
I have NEVER heard Tom Joyner attempt to rile up the people to call the local movie theater to complain that a WHITE FILM was not being shown in a particular theater.
Why do you PRETEND that there is no attempt to link the efforts from the Black Entertainment directors with OUR RACIAL interests.
This is called selective amnesia. I and other so called left leaning bloggers have blogged about the "buffoonish bahavior"
displayed on these shows ad nauseam.[/quote]
I call this "Check List Advocacy". Instead of listing what you have done to confound these people you must ask yourself: "DID IT WORK?". Anyone reading your propaganda blog will see that you are far more threatened by Evil Republicans where ever they may reside than you are about Ignorant Thug Hip Hop Artists even if they are right under your nose.
And the Germans build great automobiles. (????)[/quote]
Filled Negro the day I see an organized group of BQFPRCs stand in front of an emergency relief operation from the Mormons and tell the Black recipients to "GIVE BACK THOSE GOODS!!!! Those people are GODLESS" is the day that I will believe that you and others are committed to your rhetoric.
I have seen some valid points made by Constructive Feedback,I don't agree with many on this blog or other sites.But what I do is try to understand another persons point of view without the name calling.To totally dismiss another person point of view without thought is dangerous.
my scroll finger always gets a workout here, Field. you must get tired of them, goodness.
i don't even consider race when i think about these buffoons. that is, they are media whores. like all the rest of the whorish clan of bobbleheads, they whore for power and they all have a gig. there's the "feminist" media whore, the "gay (or ex-gay) whore, people like o'liely, Malkin and Coulter. and you know what? they all bore me, totally. i walk out of places where Fox is on, but if i'd watched this show, i'd have been able to predict whatever these bozos were saying. why? because they're all seals reading from a script somebody else wrote, somebody who sticks to the same simply stupid answers to complex questions like the trained Rovian dogs they are.
i note how their trolls here are perfectly on message, reflecting back what they are programmed to say in their media. "libruls! you suck! yer stoopid! neener neener!" never constructive ideas or complex policy beyond "tax cuts for the rich" and "endless war and police states." they also don't know a minstrel show when they see one, but that's no surprise. anyway, whores do it for money. that's what's going on here. each and every one of these guys knows what an odious traitor he's being, but someone named him a price, and he didn't refuse. the sad thing is in a tough economy, one can almost excuse such, there are so few lucrative offers out there these days.
I take offense placing the NAACP Image Awards into the same category of the BET Award Shows. The BET products are all directed by white males and have white males as the primary show runner. At least the NAACP Awards has a Black director and show runner and presents a more positive image, style and production value than the BET Minstrel shows. And you may disagree with the content of some of the nominees and recipients; overall it is of a higher caliber and wide representation of the community both in the US and globally.
Constructive Feedback said:
My Goal is to PUSH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OUT OF THE RACIAL NUCLEUS OF BLACK AMERICA AND OUT TO THE PERIPHERY. From this new vantage point the Black community will be come more clear headed about our PERMANENT INTERESTS and will see that Democrat/GOP are merely VESSELS which PURPORT to carry us forward. That Progressive/Conservative are merely METHODOLOGIES that provide us with directions.
I don't agree with all of what he usually says, but if black folk can't see the fundamental truth in this ideology (a truth very similar to what has been said by greats such as X, Garvey, Kwame Toure, Farrakhan and others) then there is little hope for blacks in the near future.
It's quite obvious that both the Democrats and the Repubs serve the rich to maintain the status quo. They don't even serve the best interest of white Americans. Black democrats are only slightly less foolish than black Republicans.
Constructive Feedback sez....
But tell me something brotha.....
Why don't you ever see black conservatives gathering around BLACK PEOPLE???????
Everytime you see one of you fools on TV they are grinning and shining for Hannity, Beck or O'Reilly.
Or on Chris Matthews diving under the bus for the GOP (Ron Christie).
If your intent is to reach the black community, shouldn't they be talking to BLACK FOLKS?
Or maybe you know that your message (massa good, negroes bad) only resonates with white conservatives and other Toms?
Now CF. I'll give you credit for coming on Field Negro and mixing it up.
That puts you head and shoulders above most black righties who are only content to mass with other sellouts on black righty righty blogs or buckdancing for white rightwingers?
Did you know that your girl Constructive Black Woman actually posted an essay by a white supremacist (John Perazzo)on her blog as recently as last month?????
Constructive Feedback | in depth analysis
"but if black folk can't see the fundamental truth in this ideology (a truth very similar to what has been said by greats such as X, Garvey, Kwame Toure, Farrakhan and others) then there is little hope for blacks in the near future."
However the elephant in the room is that the Democratic Party embraces diversity and the GOP does not.
That's something that people like CF never want to deal with.
Now, given this fact, how do you propose black Americans strengthen their political clout or diversify their political choices?
I'm not trying to be difficult here.
I'd love to hear a real strategy.
Another Black Conservative | keyboard commando
Why "Field Negroes" remain in the field
Just like today, "Field Negroes" offered no challenge to "institutions" setup by the master. They were lead to freedom by other negroes that did not buy in their victimhood as a slave, who recognized their God given right to be free at all costs.
This why I subscribe to conservativism. Because I am not a slave but free. The "Field Negroes" and the system don't define me. And that's because GOD says it's so. I don't need subscribe to party or ideology that casts me as victim. Nor do I need their validation. All I need is the government to stay out of my pocket so that I can provide the MAXIMUM for family and community, have access to the tools to be successful, freedom to worship and protect myself. Because I am a MAN that's empowered by GOD, I don't need the government to take care of everything for me because it is a "dangerous" servant that inevitably turn you into a slave. The worst kind, a comfortable "Field Negro".
Exhibit A as to what I'm talking about.
"Anonymous" above.
Black Conservatives aren't interested in recruiting blacks into the GOP.
They just want to be different.
They relish being little black fish in lilly white ponds grinning and spreading the ugliest vitriol about their own people.
Anonymous, how can you possibly expect black folks to listen to you when you talk down to us and tell us we're whiners and slackers???
I never said that "Field Negroes" can't change. What I am saying is that it is their choice to be a "Field Negro". I am not talking down to anyone but revealing a hard and frightening truth.
You are a MAN. Your responsibility is to protect and provide for your family and community based on your skills, talents and abilities. You don't need to ask for permission from the government to do that. That is the legacy of black people in America. What ever happened to the days when black people demonstrated their dignity and greatness without excuse?
This country "gave" nothing to black people, we earned it , brick by brick. Our ancestors kicked down barriers by sweat and blood not whining and groveling. What is different now? My grandfather was a "sharecropper". I don't come from weak people. What about you?
Whatever happened to the days when black people wanted to demonstrate that they were equal or better? Where is the "Pride"?
The "lily" white comment you made is another attempt and a trick by "Field Negroes" to certify/validate my "blackness". I am not mad at you, it is a knee jerk reaction because I won't suscribe to ideology that makes me weak and doesn't acknowledge my true worth and potential. I am hip to that game my friend. I don't need validation as a BLACK MAN from anyone, "Field Negro" or a liberal white. My validation as a free man comes from GOD. No one can trump that..
"You are a MAN. Your responsibility is to protect and provide for your family and community based on your skills, talents and abilities."
What makes you think that I am not aware of that and don't do these things?
Because I'm a liberal?
Can't you see how this language immediately taints the conversation?
"You don't need to ask for permission from the government to do that."
And I don't and that goes for most black folks who get up every morning and go to work.
"What ever happened to the days when black people demonstrated their dignity and greatness without excuse?"
Just more black coonservative bull$hit.
"We wuz such dignified little angels before they gave us our freedom."
And you negroes actually wonder why you are viewed the way you are by most blacks?
They relish being little black fish in lilly white ponds grinning and spreading the ugliest vitriol about their own people.
Wow, this coming from a guy who's with a white woman? You jut want to be different to I guess huh? So you can feel special going around with a white woman on your arm and not some plain ol' Negra girl.
NSangoma funny links...I like your style.
To CF a lesson plan:
Check Carlyle Group and see that America went to war so Bush's daddy could get rich.
Check out the bill (links to critique of bill but read whole thing its wiki but i verified most of the content) pushed and passed by Conservatives that prevents even persons devastated by Katrina from declaring bankruptcy.
Check how Conservatives screwed old people in with Medicare Part D prescription drug plan . And now you asses run around talking about Obama tying to kill grandma. You already did that in with that bill.
My wife is black.
Why don't you just call most conservative blacks what they really are "Boot lickers!". We all know that is what they are, just call them that. Think about it, when have you EVER saw a asian or jew or whatever else come on a TV show and talk about people in their own communities, other than the "black bootlicker"?? The Black Bootlicker always is on some TV show, trying to convince people that he is just like them, and if "AAs would just be like us" things would be fine!!
But guess what, when have you seen the Black Bootlicker in a community trying to help out, volunteer, or anything like that?? When was the last time you saw the "Black Bootlicker" running for an office and debating those he feels are taking from black people?? You never do!! Why, because the "Bootlicker" does not want blacks to join him, please, he wants to be as close to white conservatives as possible. You know, more boots for him to lick!!
Think about it, progressive blacks are not afraid to call out a democrat, black or white who hurting our community. A black progressive is always talking about more "self control, determiniation..etc" Usually, the bootlicker does not like that type of talk from blacks because that would mean they are not close to "whitey". Again, tell me when the "Black Bootlicker" call out repubs for policies that will damage the black community?? When do you see a "black bootlicker" do that?? When has he EVER called out a repub for anything??.. NOPE, not going to happen.
Anonymous said..
Think about it, when have you EVER saw a asian or jew or whatever else come on a TV show and talk about people in their own communities, other than the "black bootlicker"??
My comment:
They don't have too. Instead of whining and wallowing in their victimhood, they go out and create businesses, work together with themselves and others(oh oh, bootlicking) so that they don't have have to have to go on national television to make excuses why the other 40% can't seem to get themselves together. Asians and Jews don't need affirmative action even though blacks outnumber them as a minority. Have you ever worked for an Asian? I have been working in many corporations over the last 25 years and never seen an Asian manager. How many Asians are on food stamps? Homeless on the street? Are they smarter than you are? Hell no..The next time your woman get her nails done, hair care products or buys some chicken fried rice, think about it..If you can do that, maybe you understand why they don't have to go on a national talk show..They are to busy TAKING YOUR MONEY..
Stop making excuses and MAN up. I am tired of those in our community that have not read or do not know the history of blacks in America. Find out where you come from and who you come from and fulfill the "dream".
Yeah, you do have selective amnesia as Field puts it. You ignored the part where I pointed out that no one can help his brother out by putting him down. Yet you have made every assumption in the book about me without any clear evidence.
Firts, I would apologize for not typing at your appoproved level on competence, but I've found it to be a bunch of crap. It may make your little pecker hard to see a rebuttal worthy of going in to a journal, but I've learned long time ago it's just a way to inflate a person's ego. So get ready to see more of the crap talk.
Second, why do I automatically have be one of the guys who follow everything the Revs or Cornel West says? To be real, I think a lot of our so called leaders get paid really for nothing. They may have good points every now and then, but I don't live my life following their every word. Now the reason I say all of this is so next time you won't have to worry about making those bigoted statements towards me since you know where I stand.
Third, just because the black conservatives didn't threaten anyone, call they're black women out of their names, or showcase what they have on camera doesn't mean they don't do it. Just like the rappers on 106 and Park, which I can't stand because a lot of guy's music is crap (I mean "substandard"), those negroes were there to sell an image. They were supposed to be the perfect black folks since they belive in conservatism, have an education, and a job. Of course this was to show a majority white audience that all black folks weren't "bad." But they were happy to do it just to get a paycheck and make the rest of us darkies look unenlightened.
Fourth, how have I brought down the black community? When was I elected HNIC over Atlanta, Chicago, amd Philly? I haven't even been up north past St. Louis yet and I know I wasn't running that place. I mean, I'm in my twenties, about to wrap up college, have actually helped get criminals off the street, did community service without a court order, haven't been to jail, don't sell or do drugs, want to start a stable family, and try to go to church. But some crazy, overly defensive, self hating, older negro with stanards he can't even live up to wants to say I had a hand in destroying the black community. Again, be careful of those bigoted and ingnorant statements.
Plus I have to ask, if you and the older generation have been here running things longer, what happened? The schools aren't performing, kids in my generation were getting into the drug game, having kids, and messing up stuff for the one's doing right; so why are you blaiming us when you all have control of everything? I'm not a 50 year old politician, an old jack leg preacher, or an old comedian who can only offer bitter sentiments instead of any positive advice. I'm just a guy who is doing what needs to be done despite who likes me or hates me whether they look like me or another color.
See and all this brings me to another point about some black conservatives. For some reason, all the can do is point out the negative aspects of the community without holding up the postive one's that don't have anything to do with party affiliation. I mean, I can say I hate Soulja Boy's music, but I can say I'm glad he gives back to his community. I don't agree with how Bill Cosby has done things of late, but I respect the man for doing what he could for HCBU's. Ice T isn't a great role model, but the guy was talking about people aiming for more than just living in the ghetto. But to you, any black who isn't a conservative is just a spree-killing crack addict content to live on the edge of society. For real, get over yourself.
You are nothing but negrophobia spewing self-hating TOM.
Who is making excuses here?
For what?
You TOMS are just an endless stream of strawmen, false choices and outright lies.
In your last paragraph was every lie and stereotype in the book.
You really think that black conservatives are the only blacks who believe in hard work, self-sufficiency and industry???
You know better than that.
Just like the notorious CF you are just ranting.
Trying to draw attention to yourself.
You said..
You really think that black conservatives are the only blacks who believe in hard work, self-sufficiency and industry???
Maybe I am not communicating properly here. I did not say "black conservatives" are the only people in the black community that are hard working. But that conservative values are the foundation of black progress "historically" and offer the "best" system to be sucessfull.
If you are claiming to subscribe to "liberal" philosophy, what I am forwarding is that many of those ideas are "harmful" to black progress in particular and somewhat racist. They assume our inferority and positions us as victims.
Which one of these conservative values harm the black community?
Black conservatism:
Black conservatism is based on African-American traditions, values, and experiences (both political and cultural), which place God at the center of African-American life. As a political philosophy, it is preoccupied with conserving and mainstreaming African- American culture into the political fabric of American society and beyond.
Conservatives hold to a set of core values and principles that are foundational to our political philosophy. They have been dubbed the L·I·F·T principles:
Limited Government
Individual Liberty
Free Enterprise
Traditional Values
• Traditional American values must be preserved and impressed upon each generation. Duty, honor and love of country are some of those values, but equally important are the pursuit of justice and equality before the law.
• The family is the foundation of society; therefore, the state should encourage its formation and interfere in its function as little as possible. Family unity and inter-dependency is necessary to foster and encourage culture, learning and long-term national stability. Marriage is intended to be a permanent relationship between one man and one woman and is a foundation for healthy and stable families.
• Human life is sacred and inviolable from conception to natural death. Protection for the unborn and elderly, and compassion for the sick and infirm, are essential elements of a culture of life; and necessary for the health of civil society.
• The free exercise of religious faith is paramount to the health and wellbeing of a free society. Government is prohibited in the establishment of any religion, but also prohibited in interfering in the practice thereof. Citizens therefore should be free to worship as they choose without fear of governmental interference, coercion or manipulation.
CD "Bootlicker" Smith,
Please, stop writing those long diatribes about the ideals that black conservatives have. The only ideals you all have are shining shoes, kissing ass and getting on TV to put your own people down!! You say Jews or Asians don't have to come on tv and talk about some of their peoples' shortcomings, then I guess you have not been to NY, or SFO or California. Hell, in the midwest, I know areas where those people are not doing well, but they would NEVER get on TV, kissing up to the white conservative, putting is own race down. But leave it too the "Black Bootlickers Society", they will hop on TV and "Buck Dance" to be accepted.
Also, if those so called Ideals are so genuine, why don't black conservatives do well( as far as voting into office) in middle income and higher black communities?? Why, because every self-respecting, hard working black man/woman KNOWS that you all are not selling nothing but "shoe-shine" ideals. Nothing to uplift, no actual help, just ideals!!( really, you all have nothing but talk, nothing else).
SO why don't you go back over to Beck, Rush or whoever else over there at Radio Rwanda wants to hear you chat!!
Anon 12:54 was from
B1bomber -- NOT A BOOTLICKER!!!
"Also, if those so called Ideals are so genuine, why don't black conservatives do well( as far as voting into office) in middle income and higher black communities??"
Good point B-1.
Even more starkly, why won't white conservatives vote for black conservatives since the bootlickers claim that it is blacks who cling to race and white folks are supposedly over it?
Several black Democrats have been elected to statewide office at the top of the ticket and in predominatel white jurisdications.
But a black Republican can't get elected dogcatcher.
Swann, Blackwell and Steele grinned shuffled and softshoed during their last electoral attempts and all 3 lost their asses.
Has the NAACP stood up and asked Obama questions like how are our two income homes supposed to get ahead when we are paying taxes that go overseas (and not to Africa). Has the NAACP stood up and done anything regarding the inner city lately and the high drop out rate among lower income blacks (not that its their problem, because they/their families are all college educated). The NAACP Awards ain't shit. The folks who run the NAACP are just in another black fraternity/sorority mindset. go to a meeting in your area.
What does the NAACP have to do with this conversation?
Good point, Uptown. If black conservatives are so great, why hasn't Alan Keyes become President yet? I heard Republicans refer to how intelligent he is, but they won't vote for him. It's not like he's Ron Paul and is deviating from the party's dogma, but no one wants him.
And to answer Trickster: it's because they're getting coporate support now. You can't be a radical while getting paid by a mainstream business. They get some things right, but you know if they get too far out of line they lose some of that money. Again though, stop assuming all black folks live on the NAACP's words.
I'm done. We have tried it your way(liberal) for the last 30 years, now it time to go back to what works..
I was looking for something of substance from the "authentically" black brothers but I that I am getting is bunch of childish nonsense that amounts to nothing more than playing the dozens..
I'll save a spot for you in the big house..
"I'm done. We have tried it your way(liberal) for the last 30 years, now it time to go back to what works.."
What are you cdsmith? Some new breed of imbecile?
Are you actually stating that black folks were better off under Jim Crow?
Today the black middle class has never been larger. There are more black business owners, homeowners and college graduates than anytime in our nation's history.
Black people are serving at the top levels of government and corporate America.
We have 23% of our people trapped in poverty and dysfunction (the poverty rate for blacks was 64% in 1960) and TOMS like you insist on making them the face of the black community in order to rationalize your pathetic self-hatred.
Take your tired ass back to a Project 21 meeting.
If I am an imbecile, you must be "dellusional". By your numbers, 77% of the black population is fine and dandy. And by the way, I am all too familiar with the successes in the black community since I am one of them along with many of the proud brother and sisters that I associate.
If your numbers are correct, then what is the point of this blog? What is the issue? What agenda are your promoting other than criticizing someone elses ideas?
Uptownsteve said:
how do you propose black Americans strengthen their political clout or diversify their political choices?
I'm not trying to be difficult here.
I'd love to hear a real strategy.
Wow, I left the blog for awhile to do some work for the man and came back to full fledged cage match.
The strategy is clear however.
A day of absence.
Sit out one national election. Use that time to identify the issues to be addressed. Let the now scared shitless Democrats, the drooling Repubs and the supposedly Independants begin addressing our issues to get our vote.
The current system is a good cop bad cop game. The Demos will always take us for granted when they know they don't have to address our issues. The Rebubs don't even try because they know it's a losing battle.
Very little of the progress we've made has been through voting. Unified challenges to the status quo has been much more effective.
On the verge of finding out that most of those "saved or created" jobs from Obama's stimulus plan is total bullsh*t,field once again tries to shift focus.
Jesse Jackson,Al Sharpton or anyone from the NAALCP,would go on Olby's show in a heart beat. To suggest other wise is foolish.
Truth is, free thinking negros scares the sh*t out of you negros that live on the Democrat plantation. Thus, field creates this blog in order to keep you negros in line and on the plantation.
"The Demos will always take us for granted when they know they don't have to address our issues."
What specific issues do you mean?
"The Rebubs don't even try because they know it's a losing battle."
I totally disagree with this.
They don't try because they figure they've done quite well without the black vote and, indeed, have based their campaigns and message over the last 40 years on anti-black sentiment and the aspersion of black people as a permanantly troublesome and problematic out-group.
a black neocon has been arrested
thanks for making a place where I can come view the freaks
we see u
even as you are so cowardly invisible...
@Unconstuctive Feedback 6:14
Yawn. Ah, the daily yawn.
Isn't your mommy, Tad, or Buffy calling you for dinner? Or maybe you're just a self loather. Quantisha is telling you momma said go to bed. Now leave the fields. That's it.
I mean seriously. Can you ever fucking stay on topic. If you perfer to hang about here rather than the white power boards, at least contribute something worth while.
Did your teachers work on your reading comprehension skills? Do you ever understand the context of ANYTHING that is written or stated?
Are you secretly dating a black person or did he/she just dump you?
Are you mad at one of your black parents?
Or are your just really a dipshit? Yes. Everyone here knows that you are.
And yes, I'm tired of black people of any political stripe giving attention and money to people who never have their best interest or outwardly hate their guts. Glen Beck is one of them, you fucking fool. Therefore, the house negroes who appeared on that show should have discussed their views a BLACK HOSTED SHOW FIRST. NEVER ON FOX.
I have now love for people who allow themselves to be exploited to further Murdoch's white power agenda. Share you talents, thoughts and dreams with others. Or even better....start your own media business.
@Unconstuctive Feedback 6:14
Oh, and by the way, unconstructive dipshit, it's true. I have no love for mormons or anyone who thinks I'm satan's image on earth.
Good deeds often have ulterior motives...like getting a goody bag from their god.
I don't fawn over charity given by people who think that those who need help are helpless or subhuman.
And yes, I only donate and give to my local community. That way, I know my hard earned money doesn't go to white trash like you.
Hey Field Negro!
Well... as a black conservative and as a black Republican, I would have been on the Glenn Beck show but it WOULD NOT have been to demonstrate solidarity with anything that he is representing but it would have been to present the views that I felt were important to the audience that watch his show - which ultimately expands the national dialogue on some level.
Being on anyone's show doesn't mean that I support every viewpoint that the person has shared on every issue. All it means is that I have some views to communicate to the audience that person has.
chicago dyke said "i don't even consider race when i think about these buffoons. that is, they are media whores."
You nailed it. These folks are indeed media whores aka "presstitutes". They just wipe Roger Ailes's semen from their chin after the show and tell themselves "hey it pays the bills".
Despite this fact the Chicago Public Schools only manages to graduate 55.1% of its students. The student body is 87% Black. IF THIS is not grounds for a fight against the direct assault of our community's PERMANENT INTERESTS I am not sure what is going to get through to you.
No truer words have been spoken today. Well said.
Smashed the Tiny Black Box-"Or are your just really a dipshit? Yes. Everyone here knows that you are."
Not everyone, so speak for yourself.
@blackwomenblowthetrumpet: "Being on anyone's show doesn't mean that I support every viewpoint that the person has shared on every issue."
Whether you share them or not, that's the message your presence will send.
Blacks on the show tell Beck's fans: See, even blacks agree with me: "Obama is a racist with a deep-seated hatred of whites."
You couldn't have paid me to go on that show. We have another black conservative here today who's posting about the disappearance of black dignity, and this: "Where is the 'Pride'?"
If I couldn't have found another venue, or platform from which to speak my piece, I would have kept my mouth shut.
Our presence on the show only serves to validate Beck's idiocy, especially since he'll have the last word, day after day, after day.
Sorry trickster206
The NAACP Image Awards are the best for recognizing the multi cultural aspects of our society.
Has anyone seen nancy grace tonight about little Shaniya Davis?
It's funny, when she talks about a Black suspect, she has so much rage in her voice, yet when they were talking about a whole family (6)of middle - aged white men convicted of the same crimes, you're guilty until proven innocent. This bipolar bitch could've won an oscar for her performance when she was talking about the mother. I honestly believe nancy grace dosen't give two fucks about that little girl. Not to mention, the little girl's mother has been charged with numerous crimes off of pure speculation. How do they know she was prostituting her child? The little girl's father and sister didn't seem too upset considering their daughter and neice was found dead hours earlier.
Damn I hate white people!
[quote]my scroll finger always gets a workout here, Field. you must get tired of them, goodness.[/quote]
Chicago Dyke:
Might this be your own BIGOTRY and INTOLERANCE at play with your scrolling?
I would love to read you and others actually DISSEMBLE my arguments.
Did I tell you about Chicago?
A Black person living in Chicago:
* Has an Alderman who is a DEMOCRAT
* In a board of Aldermen - 49 of 50 are DEMOCRATS
* Has a School board rep who is a Democrat
* In a school board that is all Democrat AND only manages to graduate 55.1% of its students
* Has a Mayor who is a Democrat
* Has a State Rep who is a Democrat
* In a State House that is controlled by the Democrats
* Has a State Senator who is a Democrat
* In a State Senate that is controlled by Democrats
* Has a Governor who is a Democrat
* Has a Lt Governor who is a Democrat
* Has a US Rep who is a Democrat
* In a US House that has a strong Democratic Majority
* Has 2 US Senators who are Democrats
* In a US Senate with a filibuster proof Democratic majority
* Has a PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES who is a Democrat
YET despite this array of favorable forces on paper - your city of Chicago is far from the utopia for Black people that it was SOLD TO US as becoming IF we stay UNITED as Black people and WORK HARD for the Democrats.
WHO has benefited from your "scrolling past the questions" Chicago Dyke?
Do you see when I hear Filled Negro and Uptown Steve attempt to obfuscate the issue by asking "Well what WOULD THE REPUBLICANS DO DIFFERENTLY?" that this is noting but evidence of a SOLD OUT BLACK MAN?
IF a person is indeed working for our community's best interests he would use these cities of total domination from local to state to national (Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Baltimore, NYC, Newark, Camden, Cleveland, etc) and begin to ASK QUESTIONS of those who are pushing the "blue pill" upon the Black community and wonder IF indeed there is a domain in which Black people can achieve our PERMANENT INTERESTS that resides outside of the American Political System?
How does a Black man like me WHO IS NOT A DEMOCRAT, look at these places in which they are totally dominate and DESPITE the claims of the "Democrats who are Black" that the OTHER GUY IN RED does not represent our interests they can make the case that the BLUE DONKEY DOES?
It is CLEAR that our Permanent Interests are not going to be addressed via American politics. The best we will ever be are CONSUMERS who sell our vote for food and medical supplies.
I wonder if the father had insurance on his daughter?
[quote]Did you know that your girl Constructive Black Woman actually posted an essay by a white supremacist (John Perazzo)on her blog as recently as last month?????[/quote]
Steve - How is posting something from a WHITE SUPREMACIST any more of an offense than posting something from a BLACK INFERIORIST? The "Black Inferiorists" dominate the shaping of public policy for Black folks. BLACK=POOR=UNEDUCATED=VICTIM
(Darn - I recorded a commercial of a "poor Black woman" that I was going to post here. I didn't upload it yet. I'll get back with you. I was going to ask WHY they chose a Black to play the part of a poor person)
[quote]Why don't you ever see black conservatives gathering around BLACK PEOPLE???????
This is a nonsensical question Steve. DID YOU SEE a "Gathering Of Black People" on the Glenn Beck show? Or did you see the group that you like to caricature so frequently jump off of the pages of your slander and show themselves as parents and working professionals and responsible community members?
Your question is akin to me asking you "Why do so many young Black progressives GATHER AROUND the 'Voices Of Street Pirates' as they are on stage as Hip Hop artists talking about Killing Blacks, Selling Drugs and sexually objectifying our women? WHY don't these young Black progressives ever gather around CONSCIOUS Black people who repudiate these messages Steve?
[quote]Everytime you see one of you fools on TV they are grinning and shining for Hannity, Beck or O'Reilly.[/quote]
(I am sure that your friend Dr Marc Lamont Hill is not included in your attack - but I digress)
Steve - I am a frequent viewer of the leftist show "Democracy Now'. In a short order I have seen Jesse Jackson, Color of Change leaders, Van Jones, Cornell West go on the show with leftist Amy Goodwin. I must ask you WHY do they go "Grinning and Shining" on behalf of HER and other Leftists who take them in as VICTIMS?
[quote]If your intent is to reach the black community, shouldn't they be talking to BLACK FOLKS?[/quote]
Steve - WHY DO YOU NEED BLACK CONSERVATIVES TO "reach out to Black folks"? Is there a HIERARCHY of Black folks or are we all equal?
I think that the "Talented Ten" construct is one of the most IGNORANT, classist viewpoints that have ever been hoisted upon us. Accompanying the "10th" is the "Inferior 55%". They are to be CARED FOR by the Top 10 all the while the 35% in the middle can swing either way depending on the circumstances.
WHY Steve don't YOU believe that these other 90% of Black folks have the competency to SEE THAT WHAT THEY HAVE NOW AIN'T WORKING and that it is time to adopt a SCIENTIFIC METHOD to discover a solution?
The unspoken twin brother of the oft heard statement "I've Got Mine, You've Got To Get Your Own" is the action of "I Recognize That Whatever Path I Am Following Now Ain't Working To Bring Forth My PERMANENT INTERESTS But In My BIGOTRY and IGNORANCE I Allow My Prejudices And Fears To Be Played Upon By People Who Say They ARE HERE TO HELP ME. Thus I Remain As I Am With Them Leading The Way On My Behalf."
The Glenn Beck show was SETUP to belittle the President as well as call OUT Black Republican's, and it worked! this is called Strategy!
You may have BLACK skin, but, that doe's not mean you are committed to your RACE! you can be a HOUSE NEGRO, a FIELD NEGRO! a DEMOCRAT, LIBERAL or whatever! but, when it is all said and done, we are VIEWED as SECOND CLASS CITIZEN'S!
Black REP/CON find it easy to DOWN PLAY who they REALLY are, so they chose to take side's! and when they do, the Majority of our people become offended, this a Natural reaction, but, if we strip away the Skin tone, our people are HUMAN BEING'S, before they are BLACK people!!!
There is no such thing as RACIAL PRIDE!!!! we are learning this day by day, BLACK REP/CON owe us NOTHING! if they chose to be on FOX! let them do so! we may look at these people as TRAITOR'S, but, they have chose to move past RACIAL PRIDE! this is SECONDARY to these people! note I said (these people) for these people are OUT for what they can get!!! now, who doe's these people remind us of?
We see BLACK face's, but, we hear a WHITE man's Indoctrination, when they Speak! (these people) have been Conformed! in other word's(these PEOPLE) have become Americanized!
Alright anon @ 6:51 PM
I'll make an exception. Your the fool who can't figure out what 99% of us see.
Now go back to licking his/her boots as you always do.
Or maybe you know that your message (massa good, negroes bad) only resonates with white conservatives and other Toms?
Steve - lets look at history.
The great Fannie Lou Hamer jumped in her car that did not have air conditioning and drove from Hattiesburg MS up to Atlantic City in 1964 for the Democratic National Convention.
Despite being functionally spat upon by the racist Democrats who refused to seat her at their convention despite coming to town with strong evidence that she had enough support from worthy citizens of MS to make her a delegate. They REFUSED, saying that the "Whites-Only Democratic Primary" was the only valid representation of the state of MS.
Question Steve:
Today Black folks demand entry into:
* ALL WHITE Country Clubs
* ALL WHITE Corporate Board Rooms
* ALL WHITE Public Schools
* ALL WHITE Private Schools
* ALL WHITE Elite Colleges
* ALL WHITE Residential Communities
* ALL WHITE Fire Departments
* ALL WHITE Police Departments
Answer me this then Steve - With this list of facts in hand - What is the reason why Black folks DO NOT WANT to FORCIBLY INTEGRATE the Republican Party"?
I will give you the answer.
Go research Dr Ronald Walters of the Univ of MD and other "Democrats who are Black".
You see Steve - to them having Black folks SPLIT OUR PARTY LOYALTIES is a threat to their goal of having a UNIFIED Black Voting Bloc.
Do you find it exceptional that the same White conservative that you desire to sit next to on a corporate board and then later play tennis with at the country club YOU ARE NOT supposed to ALSO join his party and CHANGE it - AS YOU DID THESE OTHER ENTITIES?
Who is being played Steve (and Filled Negro)?
It gets worse though Steve.
The argument is that the "Evil Racist Republicans and Conservatives STAND AGAINST THE BEST INTERESTS OF BLACK PEOPLE". Yet when we look at the plots of land that are REPUBLICAN-FREE ZONES - namely the Black community YOU DON"T SEE fruit trees and streets paved with gold.
I am NOT suggesting that you voting GOP will improve your fortunes. I AM arguing the counter point in which YOU MUST AFFIRM that Our communities as 100% Democratic Enclaves HAS RADICALLY IMPROVED OUR FORTUNES FOR THE BETTER IN A MORE UNIVERSAL FASHION?
You all are so used to DEBATING WITH YOURSELVES (otherwise known as "mental masturbation") that you rarely attempt to AFFIRM WHAT YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED in your efforts. Instead you dismantle the other guy. In as much as HE IS NO LONGER INSIDE OF YOUR COMMUNITY - you have FAILED to architect a system that does in fact express your own interests. It only expresses interests of DEMOCRATS and Progressives. In as much as your people remain HUNGRY you will keep accepting their charitable donations. Your standard of living will be a function of the belief that "NO AMERICAN should live below a particular standard". IT WILL NOT BE based upon the notion "THIS IS THE QUALITY STANDARD that I want in my community and I am going to ORDER MY COMMUNITY'S HUMAN RESOURCES as such".
Your's is a PASSIVE - "Let us work to redirect the resource distribution shower head upon my people and wash the layer of dirt from upon them. THEY need only stand there and receive the benefit".
What is missing is a more AFFIRMATIVE consciousness where WE recognize the intrinsic value of a certain standard and we have the CONFIDENCE and CONSCIOUSNESS that our people are strong enough to organically order ourselves to deliver this standard.
Are we producing CONSUMERS or PRODUCERS?
[quote]Black REP/CON find it easy to DOWN PLAY who they REALLY are, so they chose to take side's! and when they do, the Majority of our people become offended, this a Natural reaction, but, if we strip away the Skin tone, our people are HUMAN BEING'S, before they are BLACK people!!![/quote]
Anon - there is a massive, gaping hole in your argument.
I would love to see you replay your argument but this time use the example of the FAR LARGER contingent of BLACK PROGRESSIVES and tell me if the effectively SUPPRESS WHO THEY ARE when they agree to INFERIORIZE THEMSELVES in the pretext of receiving some BENEFIT.
I have observed that many Black folks don't mind playing the poster child of INFERIORITY.......as long as it is done in the context of a TRANSACTION in which something of benefit to them is received in exchange.
THIS is the far more prevalent and disgusting and damaging impact upon our CULTURAL CONSCIOUSNESS and CONFIDENCE.
Why don't you all apply POPULATION PORTIONS upon these "evil Black Conservatives' and then ask yourselves WHY is this small group such a frequent topic of discussion for you?
EITHER they are Superior despite their small numbers or despite your far greater numbers you have been conditioned to feel inferior and threatened.
Ultimately Steve, Filled Negro, Eddie, Granny, etc:
I want to have you BOUND to a system of TRANSPARENCY.
YOU get to push your agenda within a certain interval of time and then some TRANSPARENT entity works to itemize the Good, Bad and Ugly about what you have pushed. This is what the Congressional Budget Office and a Independent Auditor does.
My problem with the way the deck is stacked in favor of the new "All White Jury Within The Black Community" is that we can have a "Chicago" that is totally controlled by people you favor, our interests NOT be advanced and STILL you all suffer no consequences for failing to deliver.
If you all bound yourselves to transparency this would be better FOR YOU. This would be better for our community.
Instead - just like the average leader in Africa - there is no will to yield POWER and thus the collective is harmed in the end, never growing to its full potential.
"Steve - I am a frequent viewer of the leftist show "Democracy Now'. In a short order I have seen Jesse Jackson, Color of Change leaders, Van Jones, Cornell West go on the show with leftist Amy Goodwin. I must ask you WHY do they go "Grinning and Shining" on behalf of HER and other Leftists who take them in as VICTIMS?"
"VICTIMS" are your characterization of the aforementioned guests and, as usual, I would challenge you to produce a statement from any of them that would suggest "victimhood".
You reflexively oppose any mention of racism and inequality from blacks or liberals and immediately seek to divert to a conversation on street crime or gangsta rappers.
Your rightwing mentors have schooled you thoroughly.
The black progressives you identify call out liberals, conservatives, as well as our system of government for failing to meet the needs the general populace.
The black rightwingers are showplaced on Beck's show to lambast and ridicule their own people for the pleasure of white rightwingers who want to "take back their America."
You've heard them say it.
Did America belong to THEM?
Do you consider yourself a part of THEM?
Constructive Feedback, you are NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN!!! you have a BLOG set up, as if, you are a BLACK PERSON! so I Dismiss you!!!!
CF "You all are so used to DEBATING WITH YOURSELVES (otherwise known as "mental masturbation") that you rarely attempt to AFFIRM WHAT YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED in your efforts. Instead you dismantle the other guy. In as much as HE IS NO LONGER INSIDE OF YOUR COMMUNITY - you have FAILED to architect a system that does in fact express your own interests."
CF, I co-sign 100%! It is amazing that people cannot notice this and won't discuss it in the BC.
Ok, can't talk to me about what I actually said, so now you go to corruption. Selective amnesia(ignorance) at work again.
As far as I'm concerned, conservative Negroes are people that couldn't make it as liberals so they would rather be novelty acts for the conservatives. Nothing more than modern day Aunt Jemima's, Uncle Bens, and the Cream of Wheat Man. These people are more worried about what happens to Anglo-Saxons than their own kind. Two good examples are Armstrong Williams and Larry Elders
"Nothing more than modern day Aunt Jemima's, Uncle Bens, and the Cream of Wheat Man."
iseeisee said, "Constructive Feedback, you are NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN!!! you have a BLOG set up, as if, you are a BLACK PERSON! so I Dismiss you!!!!"
Do you ever talk without screaming?
For your information, I am "African-American". Well partially anyway. My father hails from Houma, Louisiana. Now, maternally, that side of my family came from Mauritania, which is on the Northwest coast of Africa. Now, as far as hating 44, what's your deal? Maybe your masters should've run out someone who would've taken running for President more seriously and put forth ideas of his own. Not that Zombie. He was going to continue stupid ass 43's policies of more deregulation, more tax cuts, more unfunded wars to maintain the Dollar as the paramount reserve currency,and the continued graft of certain politically connected corporations like Haliburton, Becktel, Xe(Blackwater, if you didn't know). Maybe had McZombie thought of his own shit and not relied on the thought that Amerika wouldn't elect a "Black" looking dude, therefore he didn't have to step his game up, last November might have ended differently for him and your group of Stepin Fetchit's
Excellent analogy in replacing Beck with Olbermann. I'd like to see Beck have a panel of black liberals/progressives on his show. That's unlikely to happen, since Beck probably still has nightmares about the dusting up he received from the ladies on "The View" awhile back.
As a registered Democrat, and a woman of color
I found this episode of Glenn Beck more 'comical' than watching the Joe Biden vs Sarah Palin debate.
I have never witnessed a group of uneducated minorities make inaccurate historical facts regarding politics.
Please learn to distinguish the difference between Communism and Socialism. They're two separate political ideologies.
Not all Democrats are liberals. Not all Republicans are right wing conservatives.
Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are not liberals. They're demagogues. There are more White liberals than Black liberals. Proposition 8 in the state of California proved that!
You will NEVER be successful at promoting conservative ideologies through grassroot campaigns. Why? Throughout this spectacle of a show, I did not hear ONE valid Republican stance. As a registered Democrat, I would have done a better job defending the Republican Party.
As for the reference, " The Republican Party is the political party of our ancestors." Another dumb Palin comment. The ideologies of political parties have changed over the years. Times change, so do ideologies. { The Federalist Party, The Whig Party, The Republican Party, and the Democratic Party}. John Adams and John Quincy Adams were one of the first Presidents to address the indecent morality of slavery. Did you know they embraced both political parties, Republican and Democrat?
Becks conservative ideologies lean more towards Ron Paul than John Mc Cain. Unfortunately the 'idiots' on the show were not politically sophisticated enough to understand this.
Next time you attempt to 'ridicule' African-American Democrats for supporting Obama, The Black Republican Party needs to be more successful at defending their own premise.
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Excellent analogy in replacing Beck with Olbermann. I'd like to see Beck have a panel of black liberals/progressives on his show. That's unlikely to happen, since Beck probably still has nightmares about the dusting up he received from the ladies on "The View" awhile back.
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Is America afraid of black conservatives? Glen Beck seems to think so. <-- that's what i was looking for
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