Field, I know you are Jamaican, and you people aren't really into the whole Thanksgiving thing. But are there some things that you are thankful for?
Hell yes, I can think of a bunch of things:
I am thankful that A-merry-cans did not select the McCain/Palin ticket.
I am thankful that the Eagles didn't draft Ricky Williams.
I am thankful for "Saved By The Bell" reruns.
I am thankful for Mrs. Field's Uncle David and his Louisiana deep fried turkey.
I am thankful that I live in one of the greatest-if not most underrated-cities in the world.
I am thankful for black women.
I am thankful for my elders who give me knowledge.
I am thankful for Jamaican food.
I am thankful for other bloggers and people who comment on this blog.
I am thankful that I recognize injustice.
I am thankful that I lived to see a black president get elected.
I am thankful that I lived to see Tiger Woods play golf and Roger Federer play tennis.
I am thankful for Usain Bolt.
I am thankful that I got a chance to meet two of my heroes. (Bob Marley & Michael Manley)
I am thankful for my parents who taught me the importance of an education.
I am thankful for my sister who taught me how to use it.
I am thankful for the men and women who volunteer to fight in the armed services.
I am thankful for Michael Kors.
I am thankful for the state of Louisiana.
I am thankful that I live in a country where I can vote for who I want to lead me.
I am thankful for the Internet.
I am thankful for Brazilian soccer and American football.
I am thankful for the freedom of staying home on Sunday mornings.
I am thankful for real journalist.
I know that I am fighting with them; but I am thankful for google.
I am thankful for my family and friends.
And finally, I am thankful that I am not a turkey.
*Thanks for the pic Felix. That is too funny.
Let me be the first to say Happy Thanksgiving!! :-)
Black Panther march over prison conditions next month.
Happy Thanksgiving
Michael Kors?
I love your list. lol, about thankful for not being a turkey, and also, yes, Michael Kors?
Happy Thangsgiving to you, Mrs. Field and your whole family.
Happy Thanksgiving, Hathor.
Michael Kors...I wondered about that one too. :-)
We should all be thankful that we watch the wars our leaders start, rather than suffer like the civilians we see on the other side of the tube. Additionally, we ought to be thankful that Native Americans don't right on T-day. Peace everyone.
I'm also thankful for drunkeness:0) I should have said that we should be thankful that Native Americans don't RIOT on T-day. Now, someone get me another damn brew! Peace.
"I'm also thankful for drunkeness:0) I should have said that we should be thankful that Native Americans don't RIOT on T-day. Now, someone get me another damn brew! Peace."
Did I mention that I am thankful for witty comments on blogs? :))
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!
And yes, Michael Kors. It's a necktie thing. :) His shirts aren't bad, either.
I am thankful that Thelonious Monk & John Coltrane & Miles Davis made a lot of records.
& thankful for Albert Pujols, Ryan Howard, & the Fearless Samurai with bad knees, Hideki Matsui.
& thankful that the Field Negro blog exists. & everybody have a good Thanksgiving whether you're with family or alone, & eating turkey or just what you got in the fridge.
My family's Jamaican and we love celebrating Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all.... I am deeply thankful that when I lay my head down to sleep, it is in a warm, dry, safe, comfortable place. That I am going to sleep with a full stomach. That my bills are paid. That I have meaningful work and wonderful friends. And finally, that I have family that I love and like and that love and like me.
Sarah Palin has re-invigorated my thankfulness of remote control television sets. And I rest VERY, VERY, VERY well on many Sunday mornings (that was a good one, Field). I bolted from church when I was 12. I hope nobody held their breath while waiting for me to return...lol !
Happy Thanksgiving Field! I appreciate all that you do here in cyberspace...
There was a state dinner at the White House last night. One thing on display was the pure love of President and Michelle Obama.
peace, Villager
Villager, speaking of thanks; man thanks for all you do in the blogging world. You and the Afrospear folks always hold it down.
Jody, don't forget that you live in Philly. That's something to give thanks for.
Field Hand G, I am glad you caught that. :)
JM, who are you kidding? Jamaicans will celebrate anything. "You people" just want an excuse to celebrate. :)
"I am thankful that Thelonious Monk & John Coltrane & Miles Davis made a lot of records."
Oh my Bob! How did I manage to leave Coltrane off of my list of things to be thankful for?
I am slipping, and I haven't even eaten any turkey yet.
I'm with you on most of these things. And as a commenter, I have to say, "You're welcome!"
(and of course, Thank you.)
Thankful for *you*, from the blogosphere!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Field.
1. I'm especially happy to have grown up in Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta I saw and interacted with sharp, successful black women and men everyday. It gave me the feeling that, like them, I could do anything. Never once did I feel inferior. Never once did I think that black people, as a race, were inferior. And I still feel the same way.
2. I'm happy for Malcolm X, my hero. Through him I learned what true manhood was: being a builder of institutions. And of course building a family is the most basic yet most important institution period.
Through Malcolm learned what it means to be courageous. He spoke the truth about America, about African Americans (whether they wanted to hear it or not), and he spoke the truth about his leader, his substitute father, the honorable Elijah Muhammad.
On this day, I'm not thinking about turkey or sweet potato pie. No, I'm thinking about leadership and Malcolm, a leader who died speaking truth to power and living courage, not just talking about it in some classroom.
I forgot to say that, finally, I'm thankful for you, brotha. You're a field hand who knows the true road to freedom. Happy Thanksgiving. Luv u, brotha!
"I am thankful for black women"
Couldn't have said it better myself Field!
"JM, who are you kidding? Jamaicans will celebrate anything. "You people" just want an excuse to celebrate. :) "
Hee Hee that's probably true.. any excuse to let out the "bockle of white rum."
I'm thankful that Frank D. is incarcerated.
[quote]I am thankful that A-merry-cans did not select the McCain/Palin ticket.
I am thankful that I live in one of the greatest-if not most underrated-cities in the world.
I am thankful that I recognize injustice.
I am thankful that I lived to see a black president get elected.
I am thankful for my parents who thought me the importance of an education.
I am thankful that I live in a country where I can vote for who I want to lead me.
I am thankful for the freedom of staying home on Sunday mornings.[/quote]
I WILL BE Thankful once my man Filled Negro realizes the gross irony that is contained in his list of Thanksgiving that fails to model the real world in his God-forsaken city (and neighboring Yeadon).
I am SADDENED that at least 275 Philadelphians who were alive at the beginning of the year got murdered by a street assassin's bullet or knife and thus are not alive to sit down to a Thanksgiving dinner with their families YET Filled Negro did not see fit to give them a shoutout on this blessed day of brotherhood in the city of Brotherly love.
Despite all of this I am THANKFUL that my friend has expressed a great amount of tolerance for opposing views to his on this blog.
field, yes i am thankful for a down to earth brotha like mike kors and the innanets and just about everything you listed too! happy turkey day everybody
Happy Thanksgiving Field and to everyone that reads and come to the Fields and share comments...
I am THANKFUL to be home in St. Louis to share Thanksgiving with my Mom, Dad Sisters, Brothers and a host of family and friends after missing many years with them on Thanksgiving.
CF, "Despite all of this I am THANKFUL that my friend has expressed a great amount of tolerance for opposing views to his on this blog."
I co-sign 150%. Thank you Field, it is much appreciated. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for you and your blog.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mrs. Field.
Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving from London. I'm thankful I discovered this blog this year. I celebrated Thanksgiving for almost 2 decades in the US and I've just gotten used to not not treating it as a special day now I am back here.
gobble gobble.
Happy T-Day :)
I too am thankful i discovered this blackman's blog. you have enlighted me tremendously.
Have a great day, fellow bloggers.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mrs Field & all of your readers!
Have a wonderful day & may your comings & goings be safe!
I am thankful that I made this blog my home page...Happy Thanksgiving Field!
Happy Turkey Day ! (can you jerk a turkey? That wd be delish!)
Happy Thanksgiving, Field!
Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Field!
I just want to second your number 6 about Philly. Even though I haven't been able to find a full-time job in almost two years, I can't bear the thought of living anywhere else, even if I am hustling (in the legal sense) right now to survive. I love our community, and hope I can stay here and contribute to its betterment.
If a white person said "I am thankful for white men" or "I am thankful for white women" he or she would be deemed racist.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I thankful for the right wing Fascists in the "blogosphere" that continually remind me why i am a Leftist.
I thankful for the country of my birth, Jamaica, that taught me the true meaning of "out of many,one people"
@ Field Negro i am so jealous that you got to meet Michael Manley when he was alive. The only time i saw him up close, was when they had the memorial at the National Stadium. I remember waiting for hours in that line just to glimpse his body for a few seconds.What made that day even more memorable was that it was the only time i ever saw my father cry.
thanks field.
Anon. 11:02 am, maybe it would. But sadly, this is the world we created for ourselves.
John Crow, thanks, that was touching and it brought back a lot of memories. That story about your father makes me know that you are a good person.
Kathy, hang in there, i know things will get better.
Reggie, puddy, btx3,Laine,Justice, Duchess Dee,Blinders Off, krystalx,Sandra, Raggy Dee ann,3rd Stone....rhapsodyinbooks,MacDaddy[love you too my brother],and all the rest, THANK YOU! I have mad love for all of you. So much love that I am risking my blogging privileges by being on this damn computer when I should be entertaining folks.
Jerked Turkey. Hmmmmm. Kellybelle you might be on to something.
"I'm thankful that Frank D. is incarcerated."
Gregory, that just might be the line of the day. ))))Laugh((((
"Hee Hee that's probably true.. any excuse to let out the "bockle of white rum."
JM, not just any rum, it must be Appleton. :)
I enjoyed reading your thankful list. My mother died two months ago and I have been walking around all week telling myself that I still have a lot to be thankful for. Reading your list made me realize how many things I had left off of my list.
Happy Thanksgiving, Field. Thanks for your blog. It makes me think about things I wouldn't otherwise think about.
If a white person said "I am thankful for white men" or "I am thankful for white women" he or she would be deemed racist.
I am thankful for white men. ;-)
I am thankful for white women ;)
I am thankful for straight white men.
lol to the above.
Field, you didn't mention Mike..
although I'm not an American, I'm thankful for the life of Michael Jackson.
I have to say though, I disagree with your comments on church...I am thankful that I am a Christian of the Protestant persuasion especially.... if you were in a country without a Christian tradition I think you'd find it hard..most have no freedom of speech. As a Christian, I believe people should have the freedom of choice = democracy etc....
anyways, I hope you Americans enjoy Thanksgiving. I have to endure winter in London :(
field and fellow field hands happy thanksgiving..im thankful for down to earth brothas and sistas like yourself and mike kors too thanks field negro for not being a jive turkey thanks man!
happy turkey day everyone!! enjoy!
I am thankful for your blog and your sidebar. Btw, I think your Killadelphia counter is stuck. There is always an increase in murders in Philly during the holidays, I am NOT thankful for.
Actually, I am not a fan of November and December precisely because of the holidays. I don't look forward to this time of year. But I suppose I am the only one.
THANKSGIVING is hell and heaven on earth:
Happy Thanksgiving FN,
W.E.E. are thankful for You!
Thanks for blazing new trails and leaving a path for young blogs like ours (WEESeeYou.com) to follow.
Only the Best,
Okay, I am off to the relatives to eat until I puke. Mmmm good.
I hope everyone had/having a Happy Thanksgiving.
btw Field,
I hope you and Mrs. Field didn't consider crashing that white house party. Then again, you and the Mrs. wouldn't have even made it pass the gate, now would you.
"I am thankful for white men. ;-)"
"I am thankful for straight white "men.
"I am thankful for white women ;)"
Wise guys.
blackin alabama, sorry to hear of your loss. Hang in there.
Zaneta, I am feeling you on Mike as well.
"..Btw, I think your Killadelphia counter is stuck. There is always an increase in murders in Philly during the holidays, I am NOT thankful for."
This might be true, I will have to check that. Sad. :(
Webb, congrats on your site, and keep up the good work.
La~Incognita, what do they do for Thankksgiving in the VI?
Did I write "thought" and not taught"? Now that's a Freudian Slip. :)
I am thankful for CF, one of the most dynamic and politically wise black folks on this blog. One day Field will admit that CF has been right all along, and he will kiss his feet.
And my other dream is for Jody to embrace AB and beg her for the secret teachings.
"Actually, I am not a fan of November and December precisely because of the holidays. I don't look forward to this time of year. But I suppose I am the only one."
Anon, you are not. But stay in the fields, we are here for you.
"And my other dream is for Jody to embrace AB and beg her for the secret teachings."
Oh Lawd, an AB fan. Jody,wherever you are, please embrace AB. Just don't beg her for ALL of her teachings.
Field, Thanksgiving and other Seasonal holidays are a biggie here, just like the mainland U.S.. Even other places in the Carib practice Thanksgiving. You know us island folk love a holiday :)
You're thankful for Michael Motherfucking Kors??? Not that I have anything against Kors--well, other than his vicious woman-hating commentary on Project Runway--but why the fuck are you thankful for him, holmes?
"..Even other places in the Carib practice Thanksgiving. You know us island folk love a holiday :)"
Yes we do.
Sorry Prof. But I do love the man's clothes. Sometimes I let my sartorial weaknes get the beter of my judgment. :)
Black people what the fuck do you have to be thankful for?
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