I know that steroids can have an adverse effect on the body, but I sure as hell didn't know that it can mess with your brain as well.
When I first heard about Sammy Sosa going all Clorox on his skin, I have to admit that I though it was a joke. -Too many leaps into the Wrigley Field Ivy. Too much time in the Dominican son- But then I saw the pictures and,well, yeah Sammy pretty much went and did his best MJ imitation.
Field, you are a hypocrite, why didn't you rip Michael Jackson? Didn't he do the very same thing? I bet you were one of the people defending him and saying that he has vitiligo. Why aren't you willing to give Sammy the benefit of the doubt? I hear that steroid use can cause vitiligo. There might be an explanation for all of this.
Sorry, that might be true, but I am not giving Sammy the benefit of the doubt. I was never a Cubs fan. And I sure as hell never liked his little coon dance as he jigged his way to smashing home run records with his partner in steroid crimes, Mark McGuire. Michael got a pass because he was, well, Michael. Sammy never moon- walked around the base path and couldn't sing two bars of Ben or Human Nature if his life depended on it. So, unlike Michael, he gets no love from the Field.
"The Chicago Tribune speaks with Rebecca Polihronis, an acquaintance of Sosa, who claims that that "he is going through a rejuvenation process for his skin."
"Rejuvenation process"? Look, if he really does have vitiligo, I am sorry and I hope he gets the treatment that he needs. But if, on the other hand, he just has a case of the I wish I was white disease, he needs to get his [used to be] black ass in the house before he starts tanning up again.
Interesting post Field. Love your blog. I'm witholding judgment until I get more facts. But if you're right, this is a sad sad state of affairs for Sammy. Why are we so unhappy about our skin tone? Everybody is still spending days in the sun to get our tone. Yet, we want to forsake the very thing that makes us so beautiful. Weird.
(On an unrelated note, I hope you're enjoying that loss the Dallas Cowboys dropped on that fraud of a team that resides in Philadelphia, who has the same number of championships that Nipsy Russell has).
He's got GREEN contacts--did he rejuvenate his eyes, too?
Get it right Field, it wasn't just steroids. It was the Jheri Curl juice in combination with the steroids.
Believe me when I say this: Dominicans are probably the most color struck people on the planet.
In other news, I see Andy Reid and the Iggles' clock management skills haven't improved at all since SB 39.
I'm sorry I can't get with the vitiligo argument so I'm gonna lean towards Sam Sosa, using some kind of skin lightening cream. I say this because not only is his skin lighter, his hair is finer, and his eyes lighter. So yeah...
Saw this over on HuffPo this weekend. Shocked the crap out of me with that ghostly appearance. I thought he was gravely ill or something.
"Get it right Field, it wasn't just steroids. It was the Jheri Curl juice in combination with the steroids."
Rippa, you so crazy.
"He's got GREEN contacts--did he rejuvenate his eyes, too?"
"I'm sorry I can't get with the vitiligo argument so I'm gonna lean towards Sam Sosa, using some kind of skin lightening cream. I say this because not only is his skin lighter, his hair is finer, and his eyes lighter. So yeah..."
Calling Sammy's Doctor.
(On an unrelated note, I hope you're enjoying that loss the Dallas Cowboys dropped on that fraud of a team that resides in Philadelphia, who has the same number of championships that Nipsy Russell has)."
OK, a wise guy. But that's OK, we are just half-way through the season.
And one slight correction: We have as many Super Bowls as Nipsey has, but we have a couple of more championships than he does. :)
"I thought he was gravely ill or something."
Ch555x, he just might be. Now some would argue, of course, that he is just sick in the head.
I have not seen a photo of Sosa in years. He may have the condition, I do not know one way or the other. I have to ask myself does it really matter in the grand scheme of things. No and I am not going to pass judgement on the man either. I can only image what I would do in his shoes, and does not deserve my scorn because I think is suffering. I can only have compassion.
I thought I was watching that old movie Living Large with TC Carson where the guy keeps seeing the white version of him on TV.
It's a big let down because right now he looks like a ghost!
The extended quote given said that he was just undergoing "skin rejuvenation" similar to what women have. I call shenanigans. When women undergo "skin rejuvenation" we get facial masks, massages, acid peels, botox, etc. we don't bleach our skin to the point where we look like a corpse.
Sammie has bleached his skin and added green contacts to his eyes. His hair is fried, dyed and laid to the side. Sammie is a lost soul. Just write him off.
He's got GREEN contacts--did he rejuvenate his eyes, too?"
that is so funny..
He looks sick..
He also had his ears done too.
Self hating fool and the world is full of them, check out NFL and NBA offspring..forget the skin lightening cream, go get Mrs thang...
Same thing..ask Little Kim.
Here's a really revealing article on what might be the social and psychological motivations for Sammy as a Dominican Republic native.
Hp "I have to ask myself does it really matter in the grand scheme of things. No and I am not going to pass judgement on the man either."
HP, obviously you aren't bothered by what other black folks do with their skin. But some Blacks get as crazy about it as the one who did it. That's what being Black is about: having a fetish over black skin tones, hair, lips and eyes- and we rate ourselves accordingly. That's why we are having this all important centuries old conversation about skin bleaching.
It looks like Sammy found a pretty good formula because black folks on this blog aren't sure if he actually bleached his skin or he has a disease. One thing for sure he hasn't lost any weight.
If Sosa is happy, then God bless him. And you jealous Negroes ought to fess up to your envy and leave Sammy alone. Field is jealous because there is not one Philly who can hit the ball like Sammy did.
eurocentrism is more rabid than ever
due to mj's murder/blackish obama mania etc...
did mj leave sammy some skin bleach in his will???
I've seen a couple of brothers with vitiligo (sp?) and their skin lightened in patches. They didn't just turn pale all over their faces and arms. It's a sad site too because it's certainly disconcerting when you first see them and you can't help but stare a little. They still have afro hair though.
As for Sammy, maybe it is the roids. Look at how the roids went to Barry Bonds' head.
"He's got GREEN contacts--did he rejuvenate his eyes, too?'
You guys are so insensitive. This is no joke. Just look at him, the vitiligo has already started to eat away his bottom lip, and I bet it's going to pinocchio his nose soon enough. The guy has a lot on his plate to deal with. This disease is every house Negro's worse nightmare come true. So Just stop it.
"Believe me when I say this: Dominicans are probably the most color struck people on the planet.'
Earnesto, (you chismoso) I'm glad I didn't have to say it first. :)
Ya know, I would have given him the benefit if he said something like... all those years of training in the sun only made him appear to be darker in the first photo. Or something like that. LOL
btw Field. you know how that salty Carib sun tell lies on our good complexion.
(Ok, that first post had way too much typos, my contacts are bugging out. And could I once add a comment without getting 3+4 errors before it gets posted??? :)
He looks horrible! Sammy Sosa WAS a handsome man, but now he looks sick. I doubt the vitiligo story. Being Dominican, I would suspect that he is just color struck. I haven't met too many Dominicans that aren't obsessed with color.Don't get me wrong, I love Domincans, but they've got ISSUES when it comes to color and status. (Call one a Haitian and watch his blood boil over!! LOL!) Sosa's wife is clearly White. He is just trying to be more like her. SAD!!
ab "did mj leave sammy some skin bleach in his will???"
Big deal. Sammy's skin color and the reason why isn't really important in the overall scheme of things. Healthy Care Reform is FAR more important. If he's happy, I'm happy.
I wouldn't knock the Dominicans. While Hati has gone down the shitter, the Dominican Republic has done okay.
"ab "did mj leave sammy some skin bleach in his will???"
AB, you are not fooling anyone.That was not funny, rippa, field, Laincog and Kellybelle was funny.
Well...the man looks a lot weirder with his "brightened up" visage. Other than that, I could care less about the man's problems. He can sort those out on his own.
And way to go to the Spainards, who manage to leave fucked up any land they colonize and any people they encounter, whether they kill them outright or psychologically murder them with shit such as the "color-struck" syndrome.
Anon11:20p "AB, you are not fooling anyone.That was not funny, rippa, field, Laincog and Kellybelle was funny."
Anon I was wondering when you were going to start the war of blacks against blacks. Like clock-work you never fail to instigate.
You are a true hater and divider of your own race. It's people like you that continue ill-willed rhetoric and then blame it on ab when YOU are the problem.
I am a long way from being ab. Anyone with any sense or intelligence could quickly ascertain that. However, it is easy to tell who you are on this blog.
You need to do a lot more Christian spiritual work because you are pathetic.
Vaughn "Here's a really revealing article on what might be the social and psychological motivations for Sammy as a Dominican Republic native.
http://kathmanduk2.wordpress.com/2009/10/26/from-the-archives-black-denial-in-the-dominican-republic/ "
Thanks for the info, Vaughn. That article gave some very good insight into the psyche of Dominicans. The ARE some the biggest self-hating racists on the planet.
That explains Sammy's mental racial sickness.
I knew what it was without even having to read the link. Colorism is a serious issue in the Dominican Republic, aye, many of the countries in the Caribbean and Latin America. *SMDH*
I remember thinking how hot he was when I was in high school. WTF Sammy?
"And way to go to the Spainards, who manage to leave fucked up any land they colonize and any people they encounter, whether they kill them outright or psychologically murder them with shit such as the "color-struck" syndrome."
They did not affect the Mexicans at all.
The so-called treatment is the Metathione Pill (more powerful and faster if given intravenously “IV”). Celebs secret. They end up with one complete tone scalp to toe. Creams can’t do that! This thing works by shutting down the melanin pigmentation in skin from the inside out. Ever wondered how some Celebs can bask in the summer getting all tanned in St. Tropez or outdoors sports, only to show up a month or two later much lighter? There you have it!
If he wants to "break on through to the other side" with his Uncle Ruckus self then more (white) power to him! *eye roll*
His eyes are not green! *LOL*
They look the same to me...
He may have vitiligo.
I believe that MJ had vitiligo. When he mentioned it to Oprah on that interview, many white reporters started asking questions as IF vitiligo was just so unheard of and so rare...PUHLEEASE every black person I know had seen a black person who had vitiligo!
MJ also had half of his scalp burned off so I am sure he had noticeable scaring on his scalp from that burn accident. It was very serious. He had to wear wigs and hair pieces to cover it.
Okay so MJ cut his nose a lot...white actors and actresses do it all the time...
Halle Berry had a nose job and so did Vivica and so did Patti and so did Stephanie Mills and so on...
Does Joan Rivers hate being white?? Is that why she has changed her face? What about Barbara Walters...Vicyoria Principal...98% of Hollywood?
If a black celeb alters any facial feature, it's "oh black self hate!" but if a white celeb alters any facial features, no one mentions that they may have self-hatred issues...{yawn}
I read about this earlier and the article said Sammy still looks a lot darker up close. I think though he needs to worry less about his skin and more about his wife because she looked pissed off in that picture. Looks like he's not taking care of something at home before he comes out. I'm not implying he's not laying it down, but what woman is going to be scowling like that if she's getting some good stuff? I mean, most would either be smiling and skipping around or in a daze if things were going right. I'm just saying...
according to folks, he looks him in person, just not on cam
but who cares what his skin color is
he is human, that is what should be the focus
Darn is that what they call it these days? Skin rejuvenation? You know it's really big in Inida too. l'oreal and all those companies are making big bucks with over the counter skin bleaches.
President Obama and classism hiring
Canadian blogger who goes by the name of Kemi (www.hiphossip.com) seems to think that Black American women need to learn from Khloe Kardashian (a white reality tv star) how to act and treat a black man because black man are sick of black women like me. Blank stare.
@Attorneymom -- Thanks for sharing that post/link. *sigh* Too many people confuse class for color and stereotype black women as one way and white women as another when the truth is there's diversity of behavior that pays no mind to color lines. Women in general, need to stop promoting the stereotypes of one another and hurling insults at other WOMEN whenever they feel dissed by MEN.
I'll go to my grave saying it but women of all colors need to stop fighting over who is the best trophy! A trophy is still a piece of property and I'll be damned if I fight over being the bestest shiny ribbon for either a 'good man' or rich man (white, black, latino, or asian) to acquire. Women need to value themselves more because until women do men (in general) sure as hell won't.
Dominicans are probably the most color struck people on the planet.
"Color struck" = "want to be white"?
he never said he had vitiligo. so it seems silly to be debating whether he has it.
laser surgery does lighten pigment. he would have been warned, and perhaps went ahead anyway because that may have been his goal.
Anon 11:46p
You have no idea of what I think because I do not know what happened, and simply will not spectulate if Sammy Sosa's. I am not going to pass judgement when I do not have all the facts. Yet I do not have a problem with how you feel and will not discount your feelings. The reason why it does not matter to me because there is nothing I can do to change the situation. There is also a possiblilty that Sosa does have vitiligo. Vitiligo is a complex and misunderstood disease which there is no cure. I have seen at least 4 people with disease including a woman from church where I attended when I was a child where at 50% of skin was affected by the disease. I do not recall many people talking to the because they were not comfortable. I can image that felt like a freak and people probably did not make easy for her either. So no, I am not going to join the bandwagon on this subject as it may be causing emotional and psychology trauma.
"OK, a wise guy. But that's OK, we are just half-way through the season."
come on Field!!! after all the smack you talked about the cowgirls and that's the best comment you can come up with????
NO, "Ok, they got thier asses wipped by a bunch of girls"? or "they fell apart under the pressure of the best team in the NFL East"??????
come on Field at least be a good loser......
"If a black celeb alters any facial feature, it's "oh black self hate!" but if a white celeb alters any facial features, no one mentions that they may have self-hatred issues...{yawn}"
Oh please.
Did MJ or George Benson or Sammy Sosa darken their skin or broaden their features?
For some self-hating black folks it's all about conforming to the European beauty standard.
Wake up.
No, Field...there is no need to bring the Cubs into this. LOL. Diehard Cubs fan here, since '82. Yeah I know, I know. Torture. Plain and simple.
I saw these pictures of Sosa and I wasn't saddened, only amazed. Add this to the miles long list of things I just don't understand.
things I never understood in life:
999,999: how did Bush get re-elected
1,000,000: what made the Knicks hire Isiah Thomas
1,000,001: the Twitter craze
1,000,002: the 2009 version of sammy sosa
Y'all funnier than an Amos & Andy Marathon...
Whats with the skin color fixation?, damn no wonder all the other races hate y'all
I'd put my money on a Curse...every time he signs a baseball for money he gets a shade lighter...
And now that you can see his facial features, damn he looks gayer than....
He makes Michael Jackson look like Friggin Clint Eastwood...
And BTW, Michelle Obama'a Doo' aint zactly a "Natural"...
You really don't want to go there Frank.
Your people lead the world in nose jobs.
I bet you look like the toucan on the Fruit Loops box.
Of all the birds, Toucan? hmmm
That's not nice Steve I saw that. :)
"coon dance" smacks of rascism.
i think sammy doesn't get a break because of his aboriginal content.
dis sammy, gotta dis mike.
So the brutha wants to be white. Its not like 80% of y'all wish you were a shade or two lighter.
Downlow Steve:
"My People" were scheming our way to wealth & riches when "Your People" were still learnin how to shrink heads...
Yeah, I got a Jew Schnozz, proud of it in fact, like you coloreds are with your Peni...
and at least now Sammy won't have to smile to be seen during a night game...
Yeah Frank
How can you scheming your way to wealth when you are here all day using this board as internet viagra?
"Yeah, I got a Jew Schnozz, proud of it in fact"
I bet I could park my SUV in one of your nostrils.
Just so y'all know; MJ's vitiligo was pretty much proven by his autopsy report.
Probably showing my age more than anything else but I lived in Chicago, on and off, for many years, including the late 80s through the mid 90s, and when I saw "...did his best MJ imitation" I wondered, "My god, what the hell has Michael Jordan been up to recently?"
can someone tell me if having white skin makes you a better person. i would trade my color for anything in the world. i am made up of some wonderful hardworking genes.
Uptown Steve:
Things I don't like about Negroes #782.
Damn Nigge* parks his SUV in my Nostril...
Did you hear about the Nigger* who died during Katrina? Survived the storm surge just fine, but suffocated from the...
Oh, you've heard that one
"Michael got a pass because he was, well, Michael"
How apt. Field shows himself to be quite the unthinking negro there.
Equal treatment for all? Fuck no! Negroes need to run their lives according to their biases, right field? Let's not have any standards, lets' go by what we're 'feeling'. You schlump.
Having some performing talents means to you that a person is exempt from standards.
That's the same way you form any opinion or attitude, it's all about your bias. Same goes for your toadies.
if Sammy wants to improve himself, why should you darker skins get all jealous?
I'm having the same treatments myself. Y'all can go climb a banana tree.
this FN character claims to be a lawyer, yet routinely filches the intellectual property of others, like the photos above.
Has he ever identified himself so that his claim can be verified? Or do you simple-minded types believe everything you read on the internet, as long as it comes from a "brutha"?
I'd bet most of the fans of this blog have a low IQ.
What about those who hate his blog yet are here 24/7?
Single digit IQ?
If a black celeb alters any facial feature, it's "oh black self hate!" but if a white celeb alters any facial features, no one mentions that they may have self-hatred issues
"Any facial feature?" How about "turning yourself white?" I can understand, at some level, why a black person would do it, given the cultural sea they swim in. Yet I think it's tragic, not the least because it doesn't fool anyone and therefore it only telegraphs someone's deep insecurity.
I wonder if people do this in majority-black countries in Africa.
I swear...him, Flava Flav & Lil Kim scare the shit out of me!!!
Imagine the "Ole' Folks" and "The Family Drunks" talk'n about them at family gatherings. *LMAO*
steve, have you ever seen the video from roughly 10 years ago where a middle class black ventures into da hood, and the much beloved gangstas give him a reception? One uses a looping swing to knock the guy out, one punch. Then they rob him, of course. The 'field negro' types always rob. Then they piss on his head.
When the guy awakes and staggers around, glassy eyed as can be and wet-faced, the thugs laugh and laugh and laugh. They were the ones who took the video, which was later used in their trial, btw.
steve, why don't you go visit your soulmates in da hood and experience that for yourself? They'll love you - especially if they make you bend over.
I have to agree with grinder that Michelle Obama straightening her hair and wearing Jackie O' style clothes means she's showing her deep insecurity.
good-looks on for "joe the closest liberal" cao for hfnotd.
all sammy has to do now is dye his hair blond. maybe art maggot can hook that up. dominican roots, green eyes, pale skin, and blond hair? priceless.
Funny about that comment, Anon 2:07, because I reopened this comment thread with the intention of posting something about her.
Mrs. Obama is, to my eye, a very black woman, and a strikingly beautiful one. I am quite distant from the realm of color prejudice within blacks, so all I can say is that from what I've read, I can imagine her having dealt with prejudice from other black people.
My view of her is very different. I think she's really attractive. I am no women's fashion critic, but I think there have been a few times when her fashions have been off. Whatever she wore on the night her husband was elected was memorably hideous, but at least she didn't look like Barbara Bush, who in her clothes reminded me of a crushed blue velvet sofa.
My understanding, again from what I've read, is that "hair" is a huge issue with black women. It's enough of an issue with white women, but I gather that the structure of black hair makes it harder to work with, hence the straightening and all the rest.
In any case, Michelle Obama is a beautiful woman. Personally, I think she'd look fantastic in corn rows, a style I liked on black people the minute I first saw it. Whatever she does, though, "insecurity" is the very LAST thing I think of when I see Michelle Obama.
Sorry, you can't tag me with that. I'm one of the 70%+ of Americans who really like her.
"They did not affect the Mexicans at all."
You should watch a little Mexican TV, namely the soap operas. European looks are very much the idea, nevermind most of the population being distinctly Mestizo/Indian in looks.
Color Struck does not = wanting to be white. It also does not mean that you love white folks.
"steve, why don't you go visit your soulmates in da hood and experience that for yourself? They'll love you - especially if they make you bend over."
Idiot, I grew up in da hood so I don't need any introductions.
To paraphrase "Sonny" from a "Bronx Tale"............
"You go to school and get an education plus you get to go to the college of 183rd and Belmont Ave. So you'll be twice as smart as everybody else."
Okay Hathor, then what does it mean? In context here, it seems to refer to black people who try to turn themselves white through one method or another.
Or maybe "color struck" refers to the underlying mentality, i.e., the preference for lighter skin among many blacks, that causes some blacks like Sossa and Jackson to try to turn themselves white?
BTW, I saw that video.
It was more like 18 years ago in NW Washington, DC.
The poor guy should have known that you don't get out of your car in the 'hood at night and ask gangstas for directions.
Hell, my 13 year old son knows better than that.
Sometime you a lifetime to understand the context and the nuances.
I agree anon 1:14 pm. Why don't you sue that fake lawyer, Field Negro?
dat field negro be so proud of his opinions that he be anonymous
makes me think of the guy who ran an anti-Palin blog for so long. It eventually was revealed that he was a baby-sitter in a kindergarten classroom - aka teacher's aide. He'd still not be honest and so then referred to himself as an 'educator'.
Oh yeah, this FN is afraid to sign his name to his own blog - what a coward... but that figures. He doesn't want to own up to his own words.
A couple blurbs from an educated black man's blog...something of substance you may wish to blog about FN.
1. I Invented Sex Song:
Your mama named you Tremaine Aldon Neverson upon your birth in 1984. And I know your mama doesn’t approve of this video!!!
Trey and the music industry are making $$$$ off his image upon Soft Porn to unaware and misSEXeducated Black boys, girls and far too many immature post adolescents( that’s you Trey). Obviously, Blacks produced his video. Why? Too many don’t give a damn about the negative impact upon an already dysfunctional community. Their concern is $.
2. I wish I could fuck every girl in the world song:
Your mama named you Tremaine Aldon Neverson upon your birth in 1984. And I know your mama doesn’t approve of this video!!!
Trey and the music industry are making $$$$ off his image upon Soft Porn to unaware and misSEXeducated Black boys, girls and far too many immature post adolescents( that’s you Trey). Obviously, Blacks produced his video. Why? Too many don’t give a damn about the negative impact upon an already dysfunctional community. Their concern is $.
Hey FN, let's do some reflection of our own community and our own issues. THEN we can work on "whitey". How about that?
field is a bluffer? I wonder if you're on to something here. He proudly proclaims that he won't carry google ads... supposedly on principle. But getting money from google would mean he'd have to provide name and address, to actually receive the money.
Wasn't he saying once that some group wanted to feature his blog, but he turned it down? (Sure, because he curses too much and won't stop. Sure, sure.)
Everything which might identify him, he runs away from.
So he just says "I'm a lawyer" and all these dopes automatically believe him?
Ohhhhh, some anonymous stranger said it on the internet.... so of course it's true. What's the ghetto word for 'gullible'?
But wait, he shows a photo of some black guy... so okay, that PROVES he is who he says he is. Hahaha.
grinder...that article about the DR that was linked upthread is a good start to understand the term and how it all came about.
Anon: Bluffer? I have thought the same thing!!
You all mean that fugly guy show is tutoring the fat Asian kid? Nah, he' not Jamaican.
I agree anon 1:14 pm. Why don't you sue that fake lawyer, Field Negro?
It is very easy to change skin color, either with photoshop or even some new digital camaras have settings to change skin tone.
I would have to see what he really looks like in person, or maybe a couple of pictures to tell whats going on there.
I thought that a dermatologist would do a test spot first before doing an entire face, so he would probably have known ahead of time that his skin color would be changed, but I don't think he had laser, anyway.
What you forgot to add is that Field Negro AKA Philadelphia's own Wayne Bennett, Esq., is a family court magistrate who is charged with impartiality. I wonder how the "race neutral" Field would handle the division of property and child custody issues in an inter-racial marriage dissolution? Just sayin....
@grinder -- This might help you a little with the term color struck:
Zora Neale Hurston's play Color Struck wiki entry and complete text of the play.
Anon1:14"I'd bet most of the fans of this blog have a low IQ."
You might be right, but so what? Thanks for changing the subject, though. I know it was unintentional on your part but I understand your problem: scattered minds have trouble concentrating.
HP "Anon 11:46p"
Can't find this person.
i am amazed at how many euro fools like schizo assnon KNOW all the blatant lies that mj told about SO many things, yet still dare to believe that he did not ALSO lie about bleaching his skin...
sammy sosa is not alone
have you seen lil kim lately???
she is all pale and all new too
this self-hatred via cosmetics is nothing new and increasing
look at all the sistas hating on chris rock simply because he dared to tell the truth about weaves and perms!
see euro mag covers with kobe and kanye with light eyes/lenses
Thanks Field for the House Negro (Artur Davis D- Alabama)
Sometime you a lifetime to understand the context and the nuances.
Lots of things to learn about, so little time. I think I got what I needed to get.
Wow, AB we finally agree on something!! Though I think the Kanye West photo was more of a futuristic sci-fi pop diety than some Black self loathing.
Anyway, Black self-love is in serious disarray --whether its famous Negroes going the MJ route (and we all see how that worked out for the King of Pop) or Hip-hop Mike making Black folks wonder how a man this self loathing and ignorant could have been an Lieutenant Governor a moderate blue state?
Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't he busted for using a corked bat? Not that I really care, since it is baseball. Not a real sport, you know, like football (soccer to 'Mer-kans).
Lil' Kim is sooooo cool! I love her!
She danced her way out of the ghetto, and left the monkey boyz and scrubs behind.
She got class.
anonynous troll: you think lil whore is cool??? Wassamada, you miss alicia stanks? If one of my daughters did half the shit this receptacle had done; I would probably disown her. Lil kim has no talent, is a slut, and is disgusting. She is the first afrixan american female to mix whoring with cooning with a dash of self hatred. OK anonyass, you can have her, but promise not to go OJ on her ok?
Ohhhhhh My GOdddddddddd! Search on google images for Wayne Bennett!! This guy has got the smallest cranium on the planet!!! His brain has got to be the size of a potato to fit in there!!!
Man, that is just plain freakish :) He's lucky his daddy put a silver spoon in his mouth or else he'd be peddling hot dogs on the street corner.
Yep, Silver Spoon Waynie, whining and crying all day long.
Stacks is so jealous, the dumb fatass. Lil Kim could buy your stank ass with what she makes in one minute, then sell your stupid hide to the lard factory for 50 cents. You a piece of shiite.
field!! Shout out and big ups to you for posting Cao as the honorary fn! A Vietnamese American whos roots trace back to a country America virtually help destroy for the sake of "containing communism" has played a hand in one of the BIGGEST ways possible in helping us move and forge ahead as a country..and he was a REPUBLICAN!!
Yesss..lawd time indeed brings about change..
Anyway about this post..
#1 Michael is gone, baby..
we can say he bleached, had vitiligo x, y and z but truth be told we need to let him rest..now we know he was abused, misused and did somethings that made us question the authenticity of his race card...(the oxygen chamber was definately a 'they should have never given you ninjas money' moment for moi) but at the end of the day he was one of us..and like you field, I give mike the pass for the childhood drama and such..
#2 I expected sammy to have more pride about himself and willing to go against the grain on his white massas on one. There are plenty of black carribeans, cubans, (my fav. La Lupe aka La yi yi yi yes, youtube the queen of latin soul) south american ect.. that are otherwise obscured, rejected, marginalized in society just as though they were African Americans in Amerrykkka and their work not taken as seriously or as appreciated to the more "fair"skinned people.
How ignorant and sad.
People through him could have became educated about the beautiful Afro-Carribean culture, there are many beautiful shades of blackness and I see it as a opportunity missed to let his light shine and let the Archie Bunkers of the world know that blacks are not limited to speaking english and swahili and that we are EVERYWHERE...but he caved in to the pressure and notion that white is right and black gotta get back...which when all is said and done to me is dissapointing.
however I'm definately sensing the bullshit in the air as being the amerrykkkan classic eau de 'you have a spanish last name but you don't look anything like J. Lo or George Lopez'
no.5 since 1776.
and just imagine being subjected to that same sensless condesending bullshit mindset of your white massa year after year being in the game...
RiPPa said...
Get it right Field, it wasn't just steroids. It was the Jheri Curl juice in combination with the steroids.
Field, I am sorry but what Rippa said is a classic, and funniest comment to a blog I have ever heard. And I have heard many.
"OK, a wise guy. But that's OK, we are just half-way through the season."
come on Field!!! after all the smack you talked about the cowgirls and that's the best comment you can come up with????
NO, "Ok, they got thier asses wipped by a bunch of girls"? or "they fell apart under the pressure of the best team in the NFL East"??????
come on Field at least be a good loser......
come on field man up answer?!?!?
see, the problem with this place is that i always get sucked into reading the comments, because the stories are so interesting. i just have to know what the people are saying about them.
i watched a documentary about the DR once, and there was this whole part where the people explained their attitudes about various hues. it was depressing.
i don't care all that much what celebrities mutilate themselves. in their world, it's totally normal, 'logical' even. if he's lightening up, that's just what's expected. i hope it doesn't make him sick. i read about some of the ways celebrities mutilate themselves and i'm glad i'm not in the biz. i dye my hair, outrageously obviously dyed colors, but that's a gay thing more than because i hate my 'race' or whatever. but i left the contacts and make up behind a long time ago, it looks cartoonish to me now.
stacksstanksandhatesonallfemales is a rabid misogynist hater and a flagrant fool herein always...
lil kim was made to feel ugly by an obese black skinned whore named biggie
lil kim is extremely talented as a dancer and a rapper
it is tragic that she hates herself so due to being abused by a big fat lewd colorist dark skinned dog who made her feel that she was uglier than his his yellow wife and harem of yellow whores...
biggie also abused his orginal dark skinned common law wife whom he abandoned later...
i adore tupac
but he was also a colorist who really abused lil kim lyrically calling her ugly incessantly etc
"Lil Kim could buy your stank ass with what she makes in one minute, then sell your stupid hide to the lard factory for 50 cents. You a piece of shiite."
Just like they did your moms when they had her out on the strip you anonymous pussy.
I guarantee you woulnd't talk that shit in real life you little pussy bitch.
How tall are you, about five and a half feet?
You little pussy, go molest your kids or something.
ms. stanks, your cheerleader is losing it. That time of month for her?
you would know all about menses now wouldn't you?
you are a ghetto vampire sucking the life out of this convo
like blacula meets ru paul you twisted euro sucker bitch!
Alicia Keys has gone lighter, Beyonce had her nose fixed, J-Lo has gone lighter, this happens all the time. It's a shame, but I have Haitian in my family and when I went to Haiti, the lighter-skinned people worked for Papa Doc. Hell, they had there own light skin elite. Growing up in NYC, many a time, Puerto Rican schoolmates were threatened by their families if they decided to go out with that darker skinned boy/girl! Those latinos/latinas are very very color struck. all that crap about J-lo and Puff Daddy, all us native NYCers knew THAT was not going to go on for long (her mother disapproved also). Too bad for Sammy, maybe if he got a darker woman he would accept his color more.
ditto t
even halle had a nose job and she is very afrocentric
this is sad self-hatred.
hey dont blame it on sammy.. we all know that race switching is the new conkin' from african women going "blonde" and some men too.. Diouf are you still there and kickin ball? Lemme call ya up in Dakar? to whites spending hours in "tanning parlours" to look healthy and walking around with extra crispy face displays.
Low self-esteem and self-hate is just that...and the knife cuts both ways...with race and class slashing to boot...
Funny, it seems the pressure of migrating from dirt poor to having disposable excess income leads many a person of colour to loose their complete common sense sanity and to commence acting out what all their poor lives they were taught is "accessible" success. Money=Whiteness or lightness to really feel a part of over there and having escaped from over here.
I cant even say anymore that it is self-hate. Do the black women in blond hair and/or flat ironed unkinkyness have self hate? Why are folks so afraid of natty hair or locked for that matter? Why do we allow those magazines and/or advertisements telling you what is acceptable to a certain group of minority folks to exist and why do we heed their messages subliminal or overt over and over again?
If Sosa wishes to beatify himself into Catholic saintness whilst still living so be he. [But someone should have informed him pre-bleaching that Moses, J-man, et al. were ah...Black] If he wishes to be less African Dominican and more rainbow African like Puerto Rican, well voila! the bleachin has achieve some slight internal mental anguish perhaps. I mean i still have problems with that one drop of black blood ruling gives you rights to be in the African camp. Whose law is that? Aint it against the laws of genetics? i digress
But do we really need to lament on the insanity that the quest of eurocentric education and paradigms of success that are presented as socially acceptance forment in people of colour? [Well, i guess Sammy is no longer of colour so this dont apply] Or do we need to work on ridding the planet of that fool systemic seed that is constantly planted to germinate and grow?
PS. Can i just be the mosquito on the wall when Sosa walks into his grandmother pad on the island to watch her pass completely out...as did the goats out front before her!
can you just hear it: "Lawd, they dun. &(*&(&U*@ my bab... and out cold she goes...like a Andre Ward show stopper
He's a sick self hating man. This is equivalent to asians who try to get their eyes changed or Italians or Jewish people having their noses thinned. It's the false Nordic beauty lie we've been fed.
For an earlier poster, Michelle Obama is a beautiful person. (outside, and apparently inside). I was proud to see such a beautiful smart dark skin woman beside the first black president.
For you folks who are giving Sosa the benefit of the doubt, Blacks shouldn't give house negroes anything but hate. Just remember, if they could, they would round us all up, and put us in a concentration camp with gas chamber and all.
you can't really talk about Sosa's "situation" w/o talking a little bit about the Dominican Republic - particularly in relation to its neighbor Haiti. i'm surprised how little info has been given because regardless of what we may think about Sosa's self-hating ways: this background info goes a long way in explaining the 'why.'
you cannot talk about the DR w/out talking about Haiti - the 2 countries are literally separated by a creek. under the infamous Gen. Rafael Trijillo's reign the bodies of Haitians were often seen lining the banks of this creek. (gotta check out Edwidge Danticut's writing whose done some kick-ass novels chronicling this 'relationship btw Haiti & DR) Trujillo enacted a 'war' on Haitians or Haitian descendents where thousands lost their lives. what was truly ironic is that his mother was half-Haitian (like reportedly Sosa's mother). he is also responsible for incorporating an anti-Haitian (aka Anti-African) discrimination platforms throughout every facet of society: culturally and legally.
additionally, in his quest to "whiten" DR he instituted a broad pro-European immigration policy, allowing for more than 100,000 of thousands of white settlers, that included tens of thousands of acres to settle.
but it is their systemic hatred of all things Haitian (aka Black) that gives DR its truly unique flavor. granted this cultural and racial dissonance is not exclusive to DR -- it is exceptionally difficult to be Black in MANY countries throughout Latin America. For example more than 40% of Columbia is comprised of Afro-Columbians who are legally barely considered citizens. In the lovely country of Suriname they'd "closed" their last fully-functional plantation 25 years ago, many enslaved Africans have 'escaped' to the jungles & have settled.
my point is Sosa's complete racial dissonance is COMPLETELY not surprising. what's surprising is that he thought it wouldn't get noticed in probably the only country that has really f$=cked up conversations about race all the time.
someone mentioned some of the REALLY racially problematic programming on Telemundo? very true -- i'm just hoping that if this presidency does nothing else; the result of the Obama's skin color, & by dirty association all the bumbling conversations about race, perhaps it'll give the brothas & sistahs in some of these countries the courage, strength, awareness, & a whole bunch of other stuff needed to start calling their own country-folk out on their shit.
as for Sosa? really who cares? he'll just be another character skit on SNL, & the sad part is he probably won't get it.
Sammy is an asshole, but I'm not surprised. I heard that Ken Burns or someone else, was going to do a special about Afro-Caribean baseball players and when they asked that idiot if he wanted to participate, dude said that he wasn't "Black" Yeah, how many white dude had a Jeri Curl back in the day? Dude looks like a yoked Uncle Ruckus and he really needs to stop and think about himself. He's too goddamn old to be acting like that.
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