Rev. Al's groups is front and center in Philly again. This time to defend a Frankford High School student who was allegedly set upon and beaten by two school district police officers.
" Supporters of a Frankford High School junior who was allegedly beaten by two school security officers called on Philadelphia Schools Superintendent Arlene Ackerman today to launch an independent investigation into the incident immediately.
They also demanded a probe into the alleged "boxing glove beating" of students at Olney High School by a district officer known as "Sarge."
"The schools are out of control and we need to do something about it," said Gregory Brinkley, Philadelphia chapter president of the National Action Network, a civil rights group headed by the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Brinkley led a rally of about 20 mostly network members this afternoon at Frankford High School as classes let out for the day.
Jeffione Thomas, 17, a star running back for the Frankford High Pioneers, admits he was late for school Oct. 29 when the two truancy officers followed him into the building.
Just inside the school doors, Thomas said the two officers "jumped" him and knocked him unconscious. One of the officers put him in handcuffs while the other continued to beat him, Thomas said.
Several students watched as school surveillance cameras captured the episode.
"The beating lasted seven to 10 minutes," said senior Denzel Parker-Dixon. He said it took five administrators to pull the officers off of Thomas.
The assault, Thomas said, left him with a bruised eye and a torn lip that required six stitches.
After being treated at a nearby hospital, Thomas was charged with aggravated assault for allegedly hitting the officers. A court hearing, scheduled for this morning in Juvenile Court, was postponed until Jan. 22."
" Supporters of a Frankford High School junior who was allegedly beaten by two school security officers called on Philadelphia Schools Superintendent Arlene Ackerman today to launch an independent investigation into the incident immediately.
They also demanded a probe into the alleged "boxing glove beating" of students at Olney High School by a district officer known as "Sarge."
"The schools are out of control and we need to do something about it," said Gregory Brinkley, Philadelphia chapter president of the National Action Network, a civil rights group headed by the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Brinkley led a rally of about 20 mostly network members this afternoon at Frankford High School as classes let out for the day.
Jeffione Thomas, 17, a star running back for the Frankford High Pioneers, admits he was late for school Oct. 29 when the two truancy officers followed him into the building.
Just inside the school doors, Thomas said the two officers "jumped" him and knocked him unconscious. One of the officers put him in handcuffs while the other continued to beat him, Thomas said.
Several students watched as school surveillance cameras captured the episode.
"The beating lasted seven to 10 minutes," said senior Denzel Parker-Dixon. He said it took five administrators to pull the officers off of Thomas.
The assault, Thomas said, left him with a bruised eye and a torn lip that required six stitches.
After being treated at a nearby hospital, Thomas was charged with aggravated assault for allegedly hitting the officers. A court hearing, scheduled for this morning in Juvenile Court, was postponed until Jan. 22."
I know what you all are thinking, and I was thinking the same thing: Those officers should lose their jobs and possibly be prosecuted. But I know some people very close to this case who say that I shouldn't be believing everything that I read. They say that these officers have a tough job and it was the student who instigated the whole thing.
Well I wasn't there, so I am not going to pass judgement. Still, just on its face, it doesn't look good for the school police. Then again I know how the children in Philly's public schools can act. Lately our fair city has been all over the news because of the behavior of some of our students. And you have to wonder how far the the level of frustration is rising with those who are charged to supervise and to teach.
I know who is there now: Yep, Rev. Al's people. "The National Action Network" is in the house.
"At the rally, Brinkley demanded that the security guards be arrested and charges against Thomas be dropped. He said that a school district probe of the incident was "a sham" because district investigators had not spoken with Thomas. He also claimed the investigators had tried to convince witnesses to change their stories.
"We're calling for the DA to convene a grand jury immediately," Brinkley said.
"We're calling for the DA to convene a grand jury immediately," Brinkley said.
Thomas - in a dark suit, lavender shirt and a paisley tie - quietly watched the rally as his mother and grandmother stood by his side.
Since the incident, he said he has "problems eating a little bit," but his injuries have otherwise healed."
Now Mr. Brinkley was quoted earlier in this article as saying that "the schools are out of control and we need to do something about it." Yes they are, but it's not the school board officers who are out of control, it's the damn kids. These two officers might have been out of control on this particular occasion, but trust me, it's not a pattern. If anything we don't have enough damn truant officers. I will tell you who is out of control Mr. Brinkley; it's the damn thugs who come to school pretending to be students while preventing kids who are there to learn from doing just that.
If these officers acted inappropriately they should be punished. And let's hope that the school board and all concerned conduct a fair and swift investigation into the matter. Having said that, I am going to have to tell the Rev. and his organization to chill on this one. Philadelphia public school children are not the victims of human rights abuses at school. If anything, they are the victims of it at home. [Story here]
Oh, and before I go, there is another story out of Philly that has my attention. It's the series that my local paper is doing on the District Attorney's office, and their lack of convictions for violent offenders. Great series; loaded with stats and interesting reporting.
But here is the thing: And believe me, I have nothing but love for the Philadelphia Newspaper people. (Hell they feature this blog as a link on their web site for crying out loud!) But if they knew that our District Attorney was so bad, why the hell did they endorse her in the past in campaigns for that office? And why is it that they wait until she is leaving to do a report about just how inept her office was?
Come on guys, you are better than that. Next time expose ineptitude when it matters, not when the subject of your indignation is going out the door.
Sorry to go off topic, but how about dem fucking Iggles last night!!!!?!?!?!? w00t! Desean Jackson is a fucking monster!!!
But what the fuck is up with that weird fucking cap that McNabb wore at the post-game presser?? He looked like britney fucking spears or some such shit.
Act like an animal, get treated like an animal. Don't even pretend you know how bad our schools are FN. You have no clue.
whut ch'all doin ta dem kidz in da citi ov bruh-va-lee luv enny wayz? hamm mursy! Peace.
If two cops can't arrest one kid, even if he attack them, they shouldn't be cops. What the hell kind of training do they give them, and is there a fitness requirement for these cops.
I never understood why it was necessary to beat someone to subdue someone that doesn't have a weapon, but again I must have seen too many martial arts film or have greater expectations.
Animal or not, you wouldn't play Tarzan with an Alligator..
Hathor, "Animal or not, you wouldn't play Tarzan with an Alligator.."
What the hell are you talking about? Did you teach parables for a living?
I'm getting rather sick of Rev Al to be honest with you. Now, don't get me wrong, he's done some good things, but it's increasingly looking bad when he pops up for something like this and all we hear in deafening silence on other situations---like where the Asian kids were being accosted. Didn't that just occur a few days ago? Where was Rev Al then?
Sorry, but I can't ride with you on this one field. No matter what, these are still children under the age of 18. The security guards had a duty to do their job effectively, yet humane. It sounds like a modern day lynching to me. You're gonna tell me with a straight face these security guards were justified for breaking the law and violating the child's civil and human rights by going vigilante on him for a full 7 minutes?
We should never think it's ok for people to take out their inner frustrations on a child. That was someone's son they beat, and they better thank god it wasn't my son. Al sharpton would've been protesting at my murder trial.
And if he did get beligerent or "violent" what do you expect him to do iif he's getting jumped by 2 grown men?
Why do we always by default assume the worst of our own, even our children?
Stacks, "Why do we always by default assume the worst of our own, even our children?"
Because they kill each other in the streets.
Yes anonymous, I would expect that answer from you.
Frankly, I'm more worried about this anti-Asian racism that's popping up in Philly's schools.
And yes, Desean Jackson is ILL, SON!
You're gonna tell me with a straight face these security guards were justified for breaking the law and violating the child's civil and human rights by going vigilante on him for a full 7 minutes? We should never think it's ok for people to take out their inner frustrations on a child.
I don't think Field was really justifying it. I think he was saying that there are better causes celebre than this one. Frankly, I think the kids were lucky that the guard put on boxing gloves prior to those beatdowns.
Disruptive "students" should be suspended, and if they keep it up, expelled. The law should prohibit children of school age from being on the streets during school hours, no matter what. It should be enforced with arrests and fines, keeping expelled and suspended students in their homes.
Look at me, I'm a racist hiding behind an anonymous screen name! Blacks are inferior to Whites! Obama hates white culture! Rap music is the sole cause of inner city violence!
Rev. Al tried to rush to the defense of Coach Stringer & her Rutgers women's team when Imus badmouthed the ladies. Coach made it clear she didn't need Al, thank you very much. & whatever Philly's problems, you don't need him, either.
Stacks, "Yes anonymous, I would expect that answer from you."
Oh come on, bro. why would you accuse me of being wrong? you know it's true. did you see the video of the teens beating, kicking and killing a student in Chicago? That kid only wanted an education and those teens killed him! Well, that's proof, so admit your error and apologize to Field- and to me.
HAPPY HANUKKAH! hope you haven't forgotten to light a candle on the menorah each day, my Jewish friend.
The public schools are not out of control.
Public school students are not out of control.
It is the parents of the public school students, that are out of control.
But oopz they do not have parents, they only have baby mamas.
Start publicly caning the parents er baby mamas of the public school children that are supposedly out of control.
Act like an animal, get treated like an animal. Don't even pretend you know how bad our schools are FN. You have no clue."
Actually, ebonyteacher, I do have a "clue". If you are a teacher in the District you obviously know more than most of us, but I am not that far removed from the situation.
Swiff and Prof,don't even get me started on "Action Jackson". :)
You can't teach speed.
Aggravated Assault!? A WTF moment that reminded me of an incident in my not-so-fair state (Idaho)a few years ago when a suspect tried to defend himself against a police dog. Unable to charge him with anything else, the defendant was charged with resisting arrest, and interfering with an officer (the dog) while he was being chewed.
A teachable moment is passing.... too bad the Rev doesn't run down to South Philly and address the violence perpetrated against the Asian-American students there. Once again, we are going to lament the problem without figuring out what needs to be done to fix it. And, my colleagues in the legal community will file suits, but so few will actually include mandated changes of policy as a part of their suits.
As for the series in the Inquirer... the reaction of folks around me is a bit different than yours Field.... the articles ASSUME that the arrests are all legit. That is a problem. There is no mention of the fact that people are arrested for things they didn't do all the time. They make it seem that the ONLY reason they are not found guilty is the DAs office... not wrongful arrests... which are a problem. One I see literally every day.
Also, they wrongly and fallaciously argue the few represents the many. No one disputes that the problems exist, but some of what they cite as the "norm" is not. It just is not. Interesting, the authors of the series are not the writers that cover the courts every day and I know of one attorney that called the writer to complain that DOES cover the courts, and he disavowed having anything to do with it.
Greg L.
---like where the Asian kids were being accosted. Didn't that just occur a few days ago? Where was Rev Al then"
Weren't the kids who attacked the Asian students arrested and punished?
This is what people like you never understand.
Sharpton shows up when the establshment and the people that are supposed to be protecting and serving us act the fool.
And who often get away with it scot-free.
There is a difference if you take the time to look.
Damn, Field, don't fall down from that Ivory Tower...
OK, EBONY Tower,
You got as much business criticizing Cops as I do tellin Snoop Doggy how to Rap...
Dammit Field, you better be glad the North Won the Wah... you'd be pullin cotton in the fireant fields today...
So on the one Black Hand you think the Cops who gave some punk a black eye(I thought you couldn't give a nigger a black eye) should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, then on your other black hand, (and howcome y'all got white palms??? Weird) you indirectly slam the DA's office for their poor conviction record...MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT DEMAND EVERY COP BE PROSECUTED FOR DOING HIS JOB...
Oh never mind, y'all kill more of each other than the Klan, the Order, and the Aryan Nations combined...
Whens Kwanza start anyway???
I know this is kind of off topic but this is a story you must check out that happened right in your back yard. Here's a synopsis of the story and the link.
"When Violet Phiri looks at the unjust criminal charges confronting her daughter Tianna, she sees the ‘Old South’ all over again – an era of rigid racial disparities she thought she left long ago.
Phiri’s daughter is now on trial in a Philadelphia, Pa suburb for aggravated assault and three other felony charges arising from a brief fight near her old high school earlier this year where Tianna was not a participant.
If convicted on these specious charges, Tianna, currently attending a Philadelphia area university on an academic scholarship, will have a criminal record that could cripple her dream of attending law school and becoming a lawyer.
The petite Tianna said that larger white male student – Steven Farley – had verbally harassed and physically menaced her during the 24-hours before that off-campus fight where tormentor Farley was quickly knocked down by Tianna’s former boyfriend who is smaller than Farley.
Tianna readily acknowledges contacting her ex-boyfriend Jamar Cann on March 17th asking him to come to Carroll for her personal protection – not to fight Farley.
'Jamar came up to the school to protect me, not fight with Steven. I was afraid of Steven. He’s big,' said Tianna Drummond-Phiri, a college freshman fearful of a conviction when her trial resumes on December 18th."
Here's another classic case of when a Black person who try to do better for self and defending self in the process, out comes the long arm of racism snatching them off the mountain and throwing them down into the pits of hell to ensure that they shall never rise again.
But I guess Bill Cosby don't want to discuss about the Blacks who are robbed by racism because they're trying to do good in the neighborhood.
It's when I hear AND see stuff like this going on it grinds my gears and make me that more disgusted with the paid-off-beloved Revs. Sharpton and Jackson etal.
children who go to public schools to behave, learn, and study are far too rare!!!...
most students are HORRID as they ignore teachers and rules...
they have no parenting/they ignore their parents' rules too...
i need to hear more from the cops...
like bill cosby said:
"A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher"
teachers are afraid and stressed out daily
many of these HORRID kids are buck wild and stronger than you would imagine
many are medicated and chemically damaged in the womb!...
i have a friend who just retired early because a petite 8 yr old bf beat her down and pulled her wig off in class...
i hve seen a 10 yr old bf beat down 3 male police officers ...all 30ish and buff...it took all 3 to arrest her...after she beat a teacher
and this link below is about a tiny wf 10 yr old whose mom called the police because she could not control her... the cop brawled with her and then tased her after she kicked him in his penis...he has been wrongly fired
i know buff high school male football coaches that RUN away when female students fight...
I NEED TO TALK TO THE COPS before i judge...
I wonder how I was a 16 and 17 year old camp counselor in charge of 11 and 12 year olds from the inner city for 24 hours a day, two weeks at a time?
I don't remember being in fear for my life.
Football coaches won't break up a fight??
C'mon AB.
beating teachers with textbooks in the dark has become a trend!
beating teachers & peers has become a youtube sport!
teachers are clicking from the stress of HORRID kids!
tragedies loom and happen daily
when was the last time you visited a public school for even 15 minutes??????????
your elitist denial will never tame one wild child who has made one public school a literal jungle
male coaches will try to break up the males in hs...but not the females
and the males often make up in hours...the girls brawl and expand for weeks
abusive wild kids torture teachers and peers daily!
it is truly endless:
"when was the last time you visited a public school for even 15 minutes??????????"
Dammit AB,
from 1995 to 2005 the DC Public School System was one of my clients.
I visited damn near every school in DC including some of the most notorius like Ballou and Spingarn.
Were there problems? YES.
Were teachers in fear for their lives and scared of students?
Hell no. They wouldn't have been in the profession were that the case.
That's why I know that you don't know jack about the inner city nor do you do any work there.
You've assumed the attitude of a white conservative.
"Inner city school kids are animals who deserve any and every sort of brutal restraint they receive."
... i know buff high school male football coaches that RUN away when female students fight...
alicia banks 10.34 AM
Now you know AB, if a male coach were to touch one of those young H's in any way what-so-ever, he would be accused of sexual groping and molestation; lose his job, family, and go to jail.
my resume is unaffected by your twisted imagination
you are a blind fool
like a cracked out wizard of oz behind the big door of your gated community
i pity u
many coaches fear they may grab a breast etc
yeah but AB claimed the male coaches ran in fear of high school females.
"i know buff high school male football coaches that RUN away when female students fight..."
Even women can be accused of groping and molestation.
I've seen male teachers try to break up fights by getting in between the belligerents, with their arms out-stretched and their fingers open wide. One cannot be accused of touching any student male or female, in any way what-so-ever.
This is why many public schools have police sub-stations within them.
everything with rabid sexists like you is a contest of genders
you are a moron
you understood as you are sane unlike the insane uts
ditto n:
snobs like uts never even talk to ps teachers...
only school counselors/cops are legally protected in the event of accidental injury etc...
my mom is a legendary beloved 5th grade teacher who retired last june
she was once hit in the face by a bony tiny strong 10 yr old thug yrs ago
she bled profusely and required 10
stitched as he burst her lip
she taught for yrs with no such drama and her other students who witnessed it were even more traumatized than her
that same thug went on to become a criminal teen and rob a store and go to prison...
this abuse happens to the best teachers daily
i taught 1st grade....2 6 yr old thugs vandalized autos in a school lot...including mine...
causing $750.00 worth of damage!...one parent refused to pay half and i refused to sue them....not worth the grief/teror...i paid for their thug's deeds
i resigned with a stellar record and national awards...yet so stressed that i was literally dying...i left to live and evade jail over any horrid kids or toxic parents...
My beef with "us" isn;t necessarily Rev. Al, or how he's perceived. It is that we gravitate to stories like this, but yet when it involves any injustice faced by other minorities we're a no show. That's bullshit to me. Where was the good reverend when those Asian kids were getting their heads kicked in in the very same city?
ditto rippa
and fools like uts will attack asians but defend or deny the horrid realities of black teachers and students who suffer daily!!!
teachers lament the demise of teaching/parenting/schools/americaetc daily
if you poll most teachers in avg public schools, they will agree that their last behaved classes/great parents were experienced in app 1985...
since 1985, schools have RAPIDLY declined into SHEER JUNGLES...
The cops took care of the black kids who were beating up the Asian kids.
In this case the cops were kicking the black student's head in.
How can you say we're a no-show when Field highlighted the story of the Asian kids getting beat right on this blog?
Where are the black conservatives for instance when black folks take it in the ass???
THAT's bull$hit to me since the black righties claim to be so concerned about black folk.
"and fools like uts will attack asians but defend or deny the horrid realities of black teachers and students who suffer daily!!!"
Okay she's off the meds again.
you need pills for sanity and vision!
from cnn today
avg public school = jungle!!!
@UTS: My point wasn't centered on whether Field highlighted the story or not. And yes, the cops were there to do their jobs in the case of the Asian kids.
The point was as a so-called community we do very little to command and wield any power through our non-solidarity with other minority groups.
Speaking of conservatives. There is a very racist Christmas song put out on a conservative website last week aimed at Mexican immigrants (I wrote about this on my blog). Where is the outrage from "us"...? Where's the condemnation..??
"Where is the outrage from "us"...? Where's the condemnation..??"
I guess the same place the Mexican outrage is when blacks are attacked and demonized.
I guess I understand where you're coming from but what I don't get is WHY?
Why are you so concerned about Mexicans and Asians?
Do Mexicans and Asians march and protest when blacks get fucked over?
I've never seen it in masse.
More black tax.
We're expected to do shit nobody else does.
tough one.
while reading your post I went back and forth on this issue, wishing I could view the tape of the incident. but since that's hardly possible it would difficult for me to understand how a high school student could walk away with an aggravated assault charge.
philly schools have their works cut out for them I see.
then, once a well-publicized incident such as this comes along, it has to divide the relations between school officers and students, even further.
I will be checking for updates on this one. thanks for sharing.
She couldn't even handle FIRST GRADERS at this UNNAMED school where she won UNNAMED AWARDS.
Thank God AB is childless!
Again, WTF does every blog post by FN turn into AB's LIFE STORY?
As a non-Black minority woman, I can say that I perceive the Black community to have political capital that other racial minorities lack, at least in large urban sectors and on the coasts. It is frustrating when Black activists do not focus any energy on injustices that occur outside of the Black community. But I can also understand that the lack of solidarity between groups also hurts the Black community.
On this lack of solidarity I think all POC are to blame. We need to stand together, but rarely do.
"On this lack of solidarity I think all POC are to blame. We need to stand together, but rarely do."
Thank you.
I agree that there should be POC coalition but you're going to blame black people for the lack of?
"Why are you so concerned about Mexicans and Asians?
Do Mexicans and Asians march and protest when blacks get fucked over?
I've never seen it in masse."
But see, back in the day IT WAS like that. The Civil Rights Movement was not exclusive to "us" but it was perceived. And see, that's the reason (I'm assuming) you arrived at the question of "where are they?"
Man Martin Luther King Jr. had poor white folks, Native Americans, and even Jews marching with him in that movement - it took a coalition to make it happen then just as it does today.
The problem is: we have fallen victim to polarization by the assumption that everything "racial" is a black and white issue. This is not so. And the only way for "us" to gain what we need now which is economic equality, is solidarity. A solidarity that must be put forth through our doing given that "we" are perceived as the only marginalized group in this country - in our heads, and in the heads of others.
Let's keep it real...
the Hispanic population has surpassed "us" in numbers and is now the most pivotal voting block in America. We're just silly not to realize that and come together and get shit done because at the end of the day we all benefit.
A Hispanic immigrant was killed in Shenandoah Pa. last year and the white kids who did it got off.
Where were "we" on that one?
Feel me?
@Amanda: You are very correct!
as always
you are as selectively blind as you are deliberately ignorant!!!
scan up
you missed uts' bio re: camp and school srtolls etc
i would love to see him slain by the avg campers today
your envy is increasingly amusing
i am a stellar teacher of children and adults
i am a magical beloved teacher
that is why parents now pay me cash as a pvt tutor
i get to evade the thugs now
i not only handled my classes
they excelled!!!
what have you ever done for any child???
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/27 2004
i have this theory
dogs like you spend too much enrgy envying others
it leaves you no energy to achieve anything yourself
Filled Negro:
I know that you and others get pissed off when I remind you about the INCUMBENT FORCES that preside over the school systems in Philly, Chicago and elsewhere. These are the very forces that you "struggled" to get into power because - let me get this right now - "We need people in place who 'care about our children and have our people's best interests in mind' "
You know what Filled Negro - this incident is water under the bridge in compared to the big picture problem in Philly.
Why haven't you exposed the Social Promotion/ grade inflation scandal in Philly where the superintendent gave a "wink" at the policy which had teachers seeking to avoid giving students "F"s. Those who made a 63 were pushed up to a "D" and thus avoided the paper work associated with failing a student.
THIS POLICY was A GREATER ASSAULT UPON MORE STUDENTS than what you have listed in the physical assault.
Is it the people who have no POWER inside of this system? The one's that you focus upon the most?
Question For Al Sharpton:
IF Education is the "CIVIL RIGHTS" of Today......WHO is acting as "Bull Conner"?
[quote]. It sounds like a modern day lynching to me.[/quote]
A Black man gets SHOT 31 TIMES AT 12 NOON IN ATLANTA about 2 months ago.
WE HEARD NOTHING from Stacks (or Swiff) or the Civil Rights Chorus in America - Defenders of Blackness.
A kid gets beat down by school security guards and it is called a LYNCHING?
Filled Negro:
here are the damning articles about the ACADEMIC policies in place in the School District Of Philadelphia. Run by Alrene Ackerman - the former head of the Washington DC public schools. You all sure know how to pick'em.
Teachers In Philadelphia Cite Intense Push To Promote
GOOD MANAGEMENT vs Bad Management
"The School System Of Philadelphia is an extreme case of bad management"
(Though they KEEP getting reelected never the less. As long as people are consciously allowed to BLAME OUTSIDERS - the INSIDERS will retain their jobs and will be protected.)
How many Black children will continue to get injured as your ideological and political biases are retained?
"The problem is: we have fallen victim to polarization by the assumption that everything "racial" is a black and white issue. This is not so. And the only way for "us" to gain what we need now which is economic equality, is solidarity. A solidarity that must be put forth through our doing given that "we" are perceived as the only marginalized group in this country - in our heads, and in the heads of others."
Are you blaming black people for this perception?
Jesse Jackson promoted his presidential campaigns during the 80s as the "Rainbow Coalition".
Did blacks back off the coalition or did other groups?
You mentioned Jews in your examples of non-blacks in the Civil Rights Movement.
Will you not admit that many Jews today align themselves with the anti-black rightwing conservative element?
I know for a fact that here in the DC area all 3 major local black polls, Jack Johnson, Adrian Fenty, and Ike Leggett have aggressively pursued multi-racial coalitions in not only their campaigns but their administrations.
You also have to understand that the Civil Rights Movement was the only game in town for activism in the early 60s.
The movement easily attracted radical and progressive elements from different corners.
Are you suggesting that the onus is on blacks to reach out to other groups for solidarity and coalescencse?
I think we've already done that.
"A Black man gets SHOT 31 TIMES AT 12 NOON IN ATLANTA about 2 months ago.
WE HEARD NOTHING from Stacks (or Swiff) or the Civil Rights Chorus in America - Defenders of Blackness."
Probably because the guy that shot him is in jail awaiting trial and sentencing.
Ya think?
i never parked my car inside my classroom you idiot!...
schools need cops EVERYWHERE!!!
as many as they can get
and they need 1000s more male teachers in grades p-5 where they are far too rare
50% of the fatal stress that public school teachers endure does NOT come from horrid students and toxic parents
it comes from abusive admin and NCLB etc...
many teachers are medicated and dropping dead from strokes etc daily
fyi you callous clueless fool
Excerpts from The Shame of a Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America by Jonathan Kozol:
Pediatricians and psychiatrists may be disturbed to hear of schools where recess is truncated or abolished by the desperation to carve out a bit more time for drilling children for exams.
I thought the tests-and-standards movement had been loaded with a coarse utilitarian toxicity and a demeaning anti-human view of childhood right from the start.
By giving every particle of learning an official name, we strip it of its uniqueness, fascination, and delight... no matter what lip-service we may pay to them, they become irrelevant distractions.
Teachers who come into elementary education with some literary background tell me that they sometimes feel they are engaging in a complicated kind of treachery, when they are forced repeatedly to excavate a piece of poetry, or any other literary work of charm or value, to extract examples of official skills that have some testable utility. Nothing could be less efficient than this misappropriation of a teacher's energy and hours.
The difference in too many schools like P. S. 65 is that nearly the entire school day comes to be a matter of unnatural theatrics that cannot be improvised to any degree without the risk of teachers being criticized by their superiors.
Leaving these kids so utterly adrift in time and place seemed like an act of state-determined cognitive decapitation.
In a nation in which fairness was respected, children of the poorest and least educated mothers would receive the most expensive and most costly pre-school preparation, not the least and cheapest, because children in these families need it so much more than those educated parents can deliver the same benefits of early learning to them in their home.
The inequities in educational provisions that we give, or do not give, these children from the starting gate are given less attention.
The look of tortured dignity in the eyes of many [educators] who had welcomed me remained as one of the most stirring memories of that experience.
do the math if you can
50% horrid kids + 25% toxic parents + 25% admin torture = 100%abuse of teachers/sheer hell in academia
ask any teacher in any avg public school!
Excerpts from Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint:
We remember the injustice of how slavers brought our people to America, but we have forgotten the brilliance of our response - how we sneaked around late at night and taught ourselves to read, taught ourselves secret signals to resist, taught ourselves pride and will and love. We have to draw on that history of persistence.
[The elites] are buying things for their kids $500 sneakers for what And won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics!
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting.
One advantage that African-American kids have over most people in the world is the ability to speak English. It's the international language of business. To be a success anywhere on the globe, you have to speak it. But we're letting this advantage slip away too. Many of our kids don't want to speak English. In our day, we used to talk a certain way on the corner, but when we got into the house, we switched to English.We used to blame the kids for talking this way until we heard some of their parents. Some black parents couldn't care less.
Most black employers we know want to see the entire community prosper. But even they don't want to hire boys who can't dress properly, and who speak as if English were a second language. When we see these boys walking around the neighborhood, we imagine them thirty or forty years down the road wandering around just as aimlessly, and we want to cry.
A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher.
A working parent can also introduce [children] to a rather simple device that all of us hate but that most of us have learned to live with an alarm clock. Getting up when you're tired and going to school or work is not something that comes naturally to anyone. It's something that kids have to learn at home.
There are whole blocks with scarcely a married couple, whole blocks without responsible males to watch out for wayward boys, whole neighborhoods in which little girls and boys come of age without seeing up close a committed partnership and perhaps never having attended a wedding.
Certain people tell us that we are picking on the poor. Many of those who accuse us are scholars and intellectuals, upset that we are not blaming everything on white people as they do. Well, blaming only the system keeps certain black people in the limelight, but it also keeps the black poor wallowing in victimhood.
what do u eat daily?
malnutrition lowers IQ and attn spans etc...and it contributes to misbehaviors/adhd/add/ocd etc
hunger, toxic diets, and even school lunches only make matters worse!
"Poverty can cause poor health by altering a person's genes, a new study suggests."
[quote]"The problem is: we have fallen victim to polarization by the assumption that everything "racial" is a black and white issue. This is not so.[/quote]
[quote]Are you blaming black people for
this perception?
WHAT HAPPENS when all of the contemptuous Whites MOVE AWAY and you are left with the situation where your key institutions are controlled by both YOUR PEOPLE and WHITES who have a favorable ideology which allowed you to vote for them?
Does RACISM CHASING remain as your primary dogma STILL?
Why not look at the common ideology shared by those who remain and serve up an indictment against it for its inability to create an ECO-SYSTEM that is as favorable as you imagined as you were smitten with "hope" on your way to the polls for more than 40 years?
[quote] And the only way for "us" to gain what we need now which is economic equality, is solidarity. A solidarity that must be put forth through our doing given that "we" are perceived as the only marginalized group in this country - in our heads, and in the heads of others."[/quote]
RiPPa, RiPPa, RiPPa.
Why do you leave out so many of the important facts in your diatribe?
1) WHO has grown POWERFUL while exploiting the meme of "Black VICTIMIZATION" and Blacks as "The Least Of These"?
2) WHO has shown over and over again that they don't mind Black folks being the poster child of INFERIORITY..........as long as we strike this pose in the context of a TRANSACTION in which we GET SOMETHING after the "poster child" picture is taken?
3) When you say SOLIDARITY - You want us to unified behind WHAT? Who gets to define the 'what'?
4) Should the present Black Establishment forces that lead us on the present course where the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is POWERFUL yet our communities are derailed in too many places BE GIVEN PRIME SPOTS ON STAGE or should the be relegated to the AUDIENCE to LISTEN as the New Leadership is developed? What CONSEQUENCES do you suggest for those who have lead us?
5) What system of CHECKS AND BALANCES do you propose to afford TRANSPARENT inspection that the UNITY POSITION is EFFECTIVE? That we should continue down that particular course BECAUSE there is documented proof of progression?
There is already UNITY, RiPPa. The only problem is that it has been exploited for the wrong purposes. Certainly not our own best interests lest they be more self-evident.
[quote]Probably because the guy that shot him is in jail awaiting trial and sentencing.
Ya think?[/quote]
Though I realize this would never happen in Bowie MD, the fact is that NO YOU ARE WRONG.
The 'LYNCHERS' remain on the loose.
You see - though it happened at 12 noon on a clear day and several people saw it - most are scared to talk to the police for fear of retribution.
All we know is that 2 men in a van waited several days for the shooting victim to come home. Then they did what I saw happen to "Mrs Jane Pitman's" son in the movie that I watched last week - SHOOT A BLACK MAN DEAD WITH IMPUNITY.
The neighborhood watch captain did an interview with the local newspaper. She later called the reporter and told him not to use her real name because she feared that she would be the next terror target.
Sounds just like the "Good ole days' doesn't it Steve? This is when certain enforcers "kept people in their place".
It is a good thing we have progressed so much.
"WHAT HAPPENS when all of the contemptuous Whites MOVE AWAY and you are left with the situation where your key institutions are controlled by both YOUR PEOPLE and WHITES who have a favorable ideology which allowed you to vote for them?"
You get Prince Georges County, the largest concentration of black middle class and professionals in the world.
The first jurisdiction where the media houselhold income rose significantly when the county demographics changed from majority white to majority black.
"The 'LYNCHERS' remain on the loose."
Let's see a link.
Go AL Go..I love your work AL Sharpton
In this country RACE is only about Whites & Blacks..The other people of color have rode our coatails or seek to be white. Black folks always been in the vanguard for others..
Black folks would be stunned if asian, latins, others actually expressed graditude for the civil rights movement we created on this soil and they have leveraged and benefited from...
Same goes to white jewish groups who have prospered on Black folks and the civil rights movement we created for them and others...
Very few middle class white jews, asians, latins etc have Black lawyers, doctors, accountants, real estate professionals etc..
I don't think it's right for those school police to beat a student - and I have seen first hand how schools create and foster a culture of low expectations. They believe the kids will come to school and act like animals, so that's how the staff treats the kids. There are too many examples of charters or other non-traditional public schools that have taken these so-called animals and have set high expectations for them and their behavior. It's not easy and maybe every child or family won't get on board but here in LA, I've seen some remarkable things go on when high expectations are set and enforced. Also, if teachers keep the classes engaging and don't tell kids crap like, "If you don't want to learn, don't come to school," then maybe kids would be more apt to behave. Boring lessons = recipe for misbehavior.
That is not to say that there are not children with serious psychological and emotional problems, or parents with tons of issues, but treating these folks as the "other" gets us nowhere. Schools improving and doing their jobs does. Actually funding education as more than an afterthought and training teachers effectively works.
the avg first grade teacher in a basic NCLB reading program can ACTUALLY give up to 125 tests per week (per 25 kids)...brief meaningless reading tests that require HOURS of statewide data entry which the teachers must also find time to input...
it is very hard to be engaging as you are SIMULTANEOUSLY overwhelmed by such ritualistic mind numbing senselessness
not to mention ALL of the other ills...ie being a warden/psychologist/hygienist/nurse/mom/dad/proctor/janitor/etc...
it is so much easier said than done!
see more on "dibels" testing
it is sheer inane nothingness
and mandatory ONLY in public schools per NCLB
it is academic genocide that numbs teachers and students
see teachers vent here
Hey Field,
Did you hear about this yet?
All of the testing was put in place by AB's beloved George Bush under No Child Left Behind.
i despise gwb
and i despose his blackish clone obama EQUALLY
obama LIED to pimp teachers' votes and said he would end NCLB
he has kept NO promises to anyone!
but that does not faze racist moronic obama nazis like you!
they ONLY bash the wm gwb while they coddle the blackish obama for doing the VERY same CORP GREEN bs...
i DESPISE obama because he is a blackish clone of gwb
he is gwb 2.0!!!
You know what I'd like to see Al and Jesse do since they're so much into marching and protesting? I'd like to see them do the same thing that MLK did.
MLK went from city to city on a campaign to eradicate racism. Jesse and Al need to do the same thing except this time the focus has to be on eradicating the type of thinking that creates the miscreant element that is in the schools and on the corners selling drugs. I could get with a program like that, but I've had enough of this nonsense where 90% of the effort is spent on 10% of the problem. Racism and knucklehead security guards and police is 10% of the problem yet Al & Jesse are all over that while 90% of the problem is the knucklehead kids and dysfunctional families/ communities and they can't organize nothing to address that.
This ain't rocket science. If you have high crime in the schools or in an area, it creates a high police/security presence and something at some point is going to occur whether it's justified or not. Afterall, these guys are functioning like they're in a war zone because they are. With both sides being armed, is there any wonder that innocents will get caught in the crosshairs?
The solution is to eliminate the reason for the police and security guards to be there in the first place.
thanks you!
that is precisely what pvt and charter schools do
EJECT horrid kids and toxic parents PRONTO!
they truly engage kids WITHOUT the tenets of NCLB etc...
and that is why they soar!...and do so with far less cops etc!
alicia banks said...
i DESPISE obama because he is a blackish clone of gwb
he is gwb 2.0!!!
Obama has been somewhat of a disappointment to be honest. The bank bailout was my first problem with him and the other is the Afghan conflict. Here's a piece that I wrote awhile back on the history of Afghanistan and US involvement:
Basically, Obama is continuing the Bush policy on both and it's becoming clear to me that he is basically a tool of the oligarchy that pushes wars, fiscal and monetary policy to accomodate themselves.
Alica @ 6:04 pm
Yep. I agree
Greg L
"The solution is to eliminate the reason for the police and security guards to be there in the first place."
And it's up to Jesse and Al to eliminate crime?????
We have Law Enforcement professionals in police departments, federal and state agencies as well as academia and none of them have figured out a solution.
We have social scientists, pundits, psychologists, activists and others studying the behavior of troubled kids and dysfunctional families and they haven't found the pill.
MLK's movement eradicated the systems tolerance and indeed it's ENDORSEMENT of racism.
As well as establishing penalties for overt racist practices.
The movement DID NOT eradicate racism nor it's practice.
Jesse Jackson spoke at my high school 30 years ago and didn't mention one word about whitey.
His message was "Up with Hope, down with dope".
"If you can't feed the baby, don't make the baby".
"If my mind can concieve it, I can achieve it."
He's been doing what you want for 40 years.
You seem to just be offended by anti-racism protests.
AB - I worked in Compton and South LA for many years so I know what's possible, and it is definitely possible for low-income children of color to learn even if they come from challenging backgrounds.
No, over-testing is not good but I'm not against standardized testing as a whole since kids have to take them to get into college & graduate school. Not every charter has ditched NCLB requirements. They still have to get their charter approved and many times that requires adherence to NCLB. Also, many go well beyond the level of NCLB in what they require of staff/students.
The case of Locke High School in Watts might be a good model for folks to read up on to see what's possible as far as change goes. It's gone from being a completely insane place to a hotbed of learning in one school year. A whole lot can be learned from stories like that.
Langelista, don't waste facts on AB. She's only interested in race baiting, hetero bashing, and attacking the president.
Oh, and inflating her importance and credentials.
And it's up to Jesse and Al to eliminate crime?????
To be honest, no they by themselves can not eliminate crime. Given that, they probably can't eliminate police abuse and brutality either. It really gets down to what they can speak to and what they can mobilize people to do. If you're a leader, then you lead the troops in the more optimal direction, that is to say, the direction that can be most impactful in resolving the issue at hand. That issue, IMO, is reducing the incidence of crime in our communities for starters.
We have social scientists, pundits, psychologists, activists and others studying the behavior of troubled kids and dysfunctional families and they haven't found the pill.
There is no pill or magic bullet. The problem is complex, deep and will not resolve itself. Someone or a group of us have to sit back and study what to do. It might pay us to look at what other people have done.
At one time in history, China had a number of folks addicted to opium owning mainly to the Europeans pushing Opium into China and addicting large sections of the population. They used what some might consider to be draconian measures to address this that included re-education camps to re-educate the addicts and to get them away from this self destructive behavior that threatened Chinese society. I'm not suggesting that the exact same thing would work here, but what I am saying is that we need to look at history and a host of solutions to address this problem. Whatever the solution is, it will be radical because the problem is.
For Jesse & Al to go sloganeering or to go after the police is ineffectual. Mind you, that I'm not supporting police abuse or overlooking it. I'm saying to get rid of the abuse, you got to get rid of them and that means coming up with something that addresses the problem.
Whenever a people don't attempt to find solutions to their problems, someone else's solutions finds them. The solutions of other folks is to jail us and create retail outlets for drug distribution. They remain in business as long as we continue to respond with bullshit.
AB is right about the schools. Teachers are fearful. It's not like it used to be. UTS is just a big, black dummy.
"Langelista, don't waste facts on AB. She's only interested in race baiting, hetero bashing, and attacking the president."
AB has NEVER engaged in "hetero bashing". There is no such thing. On the other hand, LGBT people are being gay bashed 24/7.
Just as an example, straight people have passed laws making it impossible for us to marry each other in 31 states. We have NO power to engage in hetero bashing. Even if we wanted to.
"Sharpton shows up when the establshment and the people that are supposed to be protecting and serving us act the fool."
And who shows up when Sharpton acts the fool? People need protecting FROM the Sharpton lynch mob.
"And who often get away with it scot-free."
Unless the people who get away with it sco-free are black.
"Same goes to white jewish groups who have prospered on Black folks and the civil rights movement we created for them and others"
You have been smoking way too much crack. Most white civil rights activists have been Jews dumbfuck and Jews were the ones who died registering blacks to vote. But no doubt you'll see some Jewish conspiracy there. The NAACP was founded by Jews, no doubt you have a another conspiracy theory up your sleave. Nelson Mandella has remarked that most white South Africans who fought hardest to end apartheid were Jewish. No doubt you'll name every Jewish person who was for apartheid. Blacks haven't done jack-shit for Jews in this country. And Jews participation in the civil rights movement increased anti-Jewish feelings amoung many whites. Damn you're stupid. Read any anti-Jewish writings by whites in America and one of their main gripes about Jews is ALWAYS that Jews advocate for African American rights. If this isn't true perhaps you should notify them. They also claim that Jews have been instrumental in downplaying the large amounts of crime black people commit. Some truth maybe?
Really, I can deal with bitter black men, but bitter ignorant black men who think their people forgot for the civil rights of Jews is too much. It's ironic too since there is not a crime the KKK committed against black people that black people haven't committed against Jews. Yeah, in most recent news of Black philanthropy towards Jews 5 of you plotted to firebomb synagogues in NY recently. Wow, it would have been like the Little Rock Baptist Church bombing. Yeah, blacks have done sooo much.
There are many legit reasons white america doesn't give a rat's ass when we hear some young black male crying about police brutality. This is one of them:
thank you my fellow warrior!
ONLY teachers or those who spend REAL time in schools know/care about what teachers endure all day everyday everywhere...
i taught in poor schools exclusively
i now tutor MOSTLY poor students on a sliding scale
and i never said anything about all poor kids
i am talking about all BAD/PROUDLY DUMB/LAZY/RUDE/VIOLENT...kids across all boundaries of race and class
THEY are the norm
i resigned so i could teach the exceptions as i choose
see all:
a "het basher" = a gay person who bashes gaybashers back!
i wear that misnomer with indescribable pride
i am sorry that you have never educated one child
i am so sorry that you will never be me
or even be as decent and purposeful as the dirt under my shoes
you miserable envious lying dreg
my truths about obama are not attacks
that is why you are attacking me for telling them
as you waste time doing so
obama and his ilk are attacking your progeny and the globe...
i am not a racist
i am a realist
that is why racists like you really hate me
and that is why racist obama nazis like you love obama for doing all the same things gwb did and more!
FN, I am a social wkr here in philly, i was at Frankford High School checking on one of my teens. There was 6 girls fights that day alone! One of the school police told me when he sees one of the girls pop their earrings out, to get out of the way. You see girls are vicious, they will grab,pull and punch on anyone in their way. School police have a tough - very tough job esp in the high schools. the kids have no respect for police why would they obey school police. its a hard place to be right now. so no, right now Al Sharpton and his peeps need to step back. Frankford is off the chain and i have seen it first hand.
[quote]MLK's movement eradicated the systems tolerance and indeed it's ENDORSEMENT of racism.[/quote]
Why is it so difficult for you and Filled Negro to accompany your conversions of the PAST with details of WHO IS IN CONTROL OVER THE KEY INSTITUTIONS TODAY as a 6 year old Black boy and girl enter into the first grade and receive their inculcation regarding who they will become in relation to moving our communities forward?
I realize that most "news organizations" are not going to critically investigate THEMSELVES. At some point, however, Steve - the facts regarding the ECO-SYSTEM that these young people are bathed in and ultimately the ADULTS that are failing them must be brought to the forefront of the discussions.
It appears that you want to assist "favorable people" to aggregate POWER yet you are complicit in driving the 'rank and file' to blame external forces for the problems that they suffer from today despite the favorable leadership on paper.
[quote] There was 6 girls fights that day alone! One of the school police told me when he sees one of the girls pop their earrings out, to get out of the way. You see girls are vicious, they will grab,pull and punch on anyone in their way. School police have a tough - very tough job esp in the high schools. the kids have no respect for police why would they obey school police.[/quote]
In your opinion - what is the cause of the violent and angry disposition between these young people?
Which adults SHOULD BE indoctrinating them with civility yet are failing?
A long while back I was a long term substitute teacher in a high school and I saw similar things. The respect that was enforced by my parents as I knew what was awaiting me when I got home is gone amongst certain segments of our people who live in a dysfunction culture.
I ignore cowards who hide behind anon..
Jesus was a Black Jew..I love Jewish people I do not like the ones who are racist and bigots
"Thrasher "Jesus was a Black Jew..I love Jewish people I do not like the ones who are racist and bigots"
I believe that you do not like racists, but to claim to 'love' Jewish people on the condition that they are not racists only proves you don't understand the teachings of Jesus not do you know what love is. Besides, who determines who is a racist Jew and who is not? YOU?
thank you!
i have taught in the hood since 1984...
unlike uts, i actually KNOW reality!
he is blinded by my sexuality/gender/feminism/womanism ETC...
maybe he will FINALLY listen to you...
I remember in junior high and high school we used to watch girl fights and wait for the titties to pop out!
Yeah, you're guaranteed at least one titty out of a girl fight
AB is a delusional fraud and a menace to society, esp. children.
Greg L,
"Whenever a people don't attempt to find solutions to their problems, someone else's solutions finds them."
Well I don't believe that bad acting kids and dysfunctional families are a black problem but an American problem.
America created the ghettoes and I find it amazing that we now have black folks claiming that black people are responsible for fixing a problem that America created.
"The solutions of other folks is to jail us and create retail outlets for drug distribution. They remain in business as long as we continue to respond with bullshit."
Do you have any ideas at all as to what to do?
He's a conservative, just like AB.
Do they EVER have ideas? NOPE.
i am not a neocon
i am a realist
and an independent, radical, ULTRA liberal, anti-govt/anti-racist...
we have superior ideas
you are just too ignorant to comprehend them and to illiterate to grasp them
as always
you have such maturity and wisdom to contribute to the convo...
children and parents love me...
that is why i am paid to tutor
i am just as popular with adults
that is how i win teaching awards etc...
do not hate, congratulate!
then go find one child to save/inspire/educate as i have done for decades
the time you waste posting lies could be put to better use with a child who would always cherish that time spent....
Well I don't believe that bad acting kids and dysfunctional families are a black problem but an American problem.[/quote]
Steve - do you have one intellectually honest brain cell in your body?
Why do you attempt to "Americanize" that which YOU PROMISED would be fixed if BLACK FOLKS and the WORKING CLASS voted as you saw fit?
Your goal is to nationalize the dysfunction when all along you articulated uniqueness of the problem and a customized solution.
Now that YOU HAVE CONTROL over the institutions in these places you want to NATIONALIZE the problem.
If Maryland were to break off of the United States and float off as its own island - IF the CONSCIOUSNESS that is dominate in the City of Baltimore but which fades in intensity as you travel southeast toward Bowie (the utopia) were to begin to predominate throughout the entire state - your "National Problem" of today would be an ISLAND WIDE PROBLEM of tomorrow.
You don't get it!!
You and other Progressive-Fundamentalists know how to ADVOCATE not not MANAGE.
America created the ghettoes and I find it amazing that we now have black folks claiming that black people are responsible for fixing a problem that America created.[/quote]
This is plain IGNORANT.
A "ghetto" is a community that has certain "negative" characteristics. I could call "Montgomery County MD" a GHETTO and despite the name - the FACTS ON THE GROUND will dictate its ultimate character.
Here is the deal with you and Filled Negro. DESPITE the prevailing control of your ideology and political machine from these "ghettos" up through to the federal government to-damned-day YOU are more inclined to tell of how the LEGACY OF SLAVERY has more negative impact on a 6 year old little Black boy who has entered the 1st grade in September of 2009 than you are able to articulate how the ADULTS WHO MANAGE THE ECO-SYSTEM THAT HE IMMEDIATELY LIVES WITHIN HAVE MISMANAGED this and other HUMAN RESOURCES.
Why do you ask Greg to GIVE YOU suggestions?
We need to hold YOU accountable for the suggestions that you have IMPLEMENTED THAT ARE NOW IN PLACE!!!
You and other Progressive Establishment figures ARE NOT GOING TO WALK AWAY from the INCUMBENCY that you have, being allowed to JUDGE someone else.
YOU need to stand trial!!
I am the prosecutor and I have a number that you are going to wear after you are convicted of having sold out the community to partisan interests that now are powerful while you are weakened (well except in Bowie where you live).
You're not smart enough to be a NEOcon; just a CON.
"Why do you attempt to "Americanize" that which YOU PROMISED would be fixed if BLACK FOLKS and the WORKING CLASS voted as you saw fit?"
You're a liar.
There were no ghettoes in America before there were black urban elected officials?
Answer the questions you fraud.
As a teacher, I refuse to work in places I don't feel safe. Is that wrong of me... Probably. do I still work with children from the inner city? Yes I do. When a student is going toe to toe with you and they are behaving as an adult, unfortunately they must be treated that way. I usually diffuse the situation by turning down the knob on escalating an argument, but not everyone can do that.
Children have been fighting at school since the beginning of time, and nothing is gonna change that. I think folks are taken aback at the visciousness of the attacks.
like our entire world, children become more violent each day
i tutor children in neutral safe spaces, like libraries and school ofcs etc
my networks serve me well...
i resigned before i was ever attacked by a student and i now have the luxury of selecting whom i teach...
but teachers and drivers are attcked daily
and they do have the right to defend themselves jus as you do
Yeah I determine when a jewish person is racist based upon thier interactions with ME..
BTW I simply posted that Jesus was a Black Jew I did not post I was a follower nor am I for the record..
Again for the record Black folks created civil rights in this country many people of color including asians, latins, arabs, jews have road our coattails and have never said THANKS..
Please do not lecture me on how some whites and jews were part of the civil rights movement the majority were NOT..BTW many supported aparthied in SA including Israel and some Arab nations etc...
Many people of color including arabs and jews did nothing to stop jim crow era laws..
My post remains the same
Thraser, "Please do not lecture me on how some whites and jews were part of the civil rights movement the majority were NOT..BTW many supported aparthied in SA including Israel and some Arab nations etc..."
I hate to tell you this but the majority of Blacks did not participate in the civil rights movement, either. As a matter of fact, many Blacks weren't followers of Martin L. King. Many criticized Malcolm X. The Panthers fell apart because Blacks couldn't trust Blacks.
RE: Jews...some played a substantial role in the civil rights movement. some died for the cause so don't try to minimize or trivialize their support. As far as Latinos were concerned, they weren't even in the picture at that time. But they are available today. We just lack the skill and political know-how to unite. Hell, we can't even unite ourselves. But rest assured, they are united and will surpass us. Latinos are on their way UP. Black America is on its way to the grave yard.
And, the Asians? Who knows? They tend to keep to themselves. My guess is that the majority of Asians don't like Blacks anyway, esp. the Thais and Japanese.
SO in other words you are now backpedaling...
Latino's were here before original illegal aliens and domestic terrorists ( pilgrims & puritans)
Asians (tend to keep to themselves) what an ignorant backward statement ( now I know you are pulling shit out of your ass)
Your comments about MLK, BP is pure fiction...
Next time you dare to question me step up or get stepped on again..
I have little tolerance for apologists..
here is another dated and renowned teacher beaten by students:
Thrasher "Your comments about MLK, BP is pure fiction..."
Obviously you are too young to have had the direct experience of the 60's that I have.
"Next time you dare to question me step up or get stepped on again..
I have little tolerance for apologists.."
Are you that self-centered and blind? Do you really think anyone cares about your dares and intolerance? Get off your high horse, in the scheme of life, you aren't that important.
Greg Thrasher is right.
You are just another bootlickin self-hating Tom who pulls shit out of his and throws it to see what sticks.
Important enough apparently for you to be obessed with my posts...
Now run along you are boring me now..Go find another issue to be an apologist
Thrasher said...
"Yeah I determine when a jewish person is racist based upon thier interactions with ME.."
I take that as seriously as David Duke saying he determines whether someone is a black man or a nigger based upon their interactions with HIM.
It's not all about YOU Thrasher, and that "racism" you see is a projection of your own. You obviously have a lot of emotional baggage and ignorance when it comes to Jews and there is no way Jews should feel they need to jump through hoops to avoid being called racist by a racist.
"Again for the record Black folks created civil rights in this country many people of color including asians, latins, arabs, jews have road our coattails and have never said THANKS.."
ha ha ha. You are delusional. I don't see blacks sending out thank you cards to asians, latinos, arabs and jews for all they have done. And they've done a lot, you are just to ignornant to know it. Like I said earlier, it's not all about YOU. The chinese were never properly thanked for building the railroads and the Native Americans were never thanked for being code talkers, which was the main reason the allies won WWII.
"Many people of color including arabs and jews did nothing to stop jim crow era laws.."
And many people of color including african americans did nothing to stop laws the violate the civil rights of women and gays. Funny you can point out every jew and arab who did nothing for blacks... but have you ever counted the number of black males have lifted a finger for gay or womens rights?
Anon4:43pm, you nailed it. Thrasher is a racist and an ignorant one, at that. But don't blame him. He doesn't play with a full deck.
WOW since I do not agree with the backward logic of cowards who hide behind anonymous I am a racist, ignorant and delusional..
Apparently since they cannot defeat my simple logic I get thier projections of denial and deflection..
Gays and woman rights have nothing to do with my posts yet whenever cowards cannot deal with issues they deflect
BTW I am a Black jew like Jesus so please do not call me a swartza.. My premise remains the same Black folks created civil rights in our nation and it is tragic and sad that other people of color including arabs and jews, white woman, gays have taken us for granted
Thrasher, "BTW I am a Black jew like Jesus so please do not call me a swartza.. My premise remains the same Black folks created civil rights in our nation and it is tragic and sad that other people of color including arabs and jews, white woman, gays have taken us for granted"
First, you are not a black Jew like Jesus-you aren't even close.
Next, Your premise about the civil rights movement is pathetic. It shows your ignorance and desire to take full credit without recognition of other races who DID participate in the fight. Face it, you are a racist who wants to degrade others to lift your sorry shameless ass up.
However, there is ONE area in which Whites, Latinos, and Asians have had nothing to do with Blacks at all: It was hip-hop and rap that degraded bw. That you did all by dysfunctional self, and it has done nothing to lift up your race. In fact, it has weakened your race, hurt your women, and BM like your sorry spineless ass have sat by and done nothing about it.
Would a black Jesus keep quiet about that, like you have? YOUR black Jesus must be very accepting of such ugly degradating sins that would make Satan cringe.
But go ahead, blame Browns and Asians, and Jews for not joining you... maintain your whining blaming 'premise'. That way, you can continue to ignore reality and complain about Blacks not being recognized for civil rights. Btw, you already have recognition and it is not very good.
Have a beautiful XMAS with your black Jesus, you illogical fool.
You are an intellectual coward who hides behind a pc handle...Now stop obessing over me and calling me names because you cannot defeat my basic narrative ..
Your anger and rants simply confirm I have hit you right in the face with my truths..
Being a Black jew like Jesus I know cowards like you exist in the world ..
So yes you can get on your knees and worship me..lol,lol,lol
You anonymous coward
Thrasher, "Being a Black jew like Jesus I know cowards like you exist in the world ..
So yes you can get on your knees and worship me..lol,lol,lol"
Oh well, so much for Jesus Christ and Christianity. It's dead. You must be a follower of Creflo Dollar.
Call GirlS
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