I am doing a cut and paste job tonight while I prepare to travel for the holidays. I would love to disclose where but Mrs. Field insist that I do not. She also insists that I do not blog while we are on our vacation but that won't happen. I will be posting [albeit very little];reading the blog for your comments; and trying to sneak a post in when I can.
Anyway, I am posting an article by Boyce Watkins from over at AOL Black Voices. (Whoops. I meant Dr. Boyce Watkins. I know how you Negroes love your titles.) He has joined the growing number of black folks who are down on his O ness, and I though it would be interesting to get your take on his position.
Here goes:
"..President Barack Obama responded to his critics in the black community, who seem to have grown substantially in number. According to a poll taken here on AOL Black Voices, 55 percent of African Americans think that President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder do a whole lot of talking and not much acting when it comes to issues that matter to African Americans.During his interview with Ryan, the president had this to say:"The only thing I cannot do is, by law, I cannot pass laws that say 'I'm just helping black folks.' I'm the president of the entire United States," Obama said. "What I can do is make sure that I am passing laws that help all people, particularly those who are most vulnerable and most in need," he said. "That in turn is going to help lift up the African-American community."The president then went on to cite his job creation and health care initiatives as reasons that African Americans should feel that he is working on their behalf. I am not sure who is advising the president on dealing with the African-American community, but perhaps I can help just a little bit:
1) Please stop giving us the same answers: That "rising tide will raise all ships" argument is played out, Mr. President. Intelligent black folks with a critical eye on politics know when they've heard the same thing multiple times. You can't come off like a broken record. Even the responses given to Ryan during the interview have been repeated in the past. You can't release the same record every time and expect black America to keep dancing to it. Saying something new can be a good thing. For example, rather than speaking out on the silly situation with Henry Louis Gates, you could have spoken out on behalf of Eutisha Rennix, the black woman left to die by paramedics who wanted to hurry up and eat their bagels.
2) If you can't make policies for any particular group, why does it seem that you are doing it for everyone else? I've seen special committees/task forces for the automobile industry, the protection of Israel, the gay/lesbian/bi-sexual community, the environment, bankers, immigrants, etc. Perhaps mentioning a task force to deal with the black unemployment gap or mass incarceration of African Americans might at least appease some of your black critics. But then again, maybe there is something in place that I don't know about - which means you need to spend more time getting your message out to the community. The point is that there appears to be a double standard in place, and we've all noticed that you almost never invite any African-American leaders to the White House. I hope you haven't become the successful relative who is ashamed of his family members.
3) Please stop giving us speeches on personal responsibility. I am still reeling over Obama's speech on Father's Day of 2008, where he seemed to enjoy separating black men as being especially irresponsible and the cause of their own demise. Eric Holder did the same thing last week. Any intelligent man who can see the mass incarceration and unemployment rates of black men, and then chalk it all up to "black men are just screwing up" is doing nothing more than continuing the same international and historical habit of scapegoating minority groups. We expect that from Bush, but not from you Mr. President. If you would not give a particular speech to white folks, then please don't give it to black people. Some of us have drank the kool-aid, but there are quite a few African Americans who are going to weigh your efforts against other politicians we could have supported. You are certainly better than John McCain, but people are wondering if you are better than Hillary would have been. I won't pass judgment on such matters until 2011.
The point, Mr. President, is that we consider you to be special. We don't treat you like everyone else and give reverence to you that has yet to be earned. The same respect we give to you, we'd like to see returned. Not in a way that offers preferential treatment, but in a way that simply acknowledges that we exist. Black suffering should not be invisible. " [Article here]
Oh my, where is that jug of O- Aid when you need it?
Before I go I want to say just a few more things:
This holiday season I hope everyone reading this will have peace and prosperity in their lives. I mean that. I have nothing but love for everyone who reads this blog, comments on this blog, and links to this blog on a regular. At the end of the day I am sure that good will prevail over evil. It always does.
Have a great vacation wherever you go and I'll be reading you everyday that you post, as usual.
That message at the end of your post lets me know that you a "glass half full" guy after all, no matter what you say.
As for Mr. President Obama, if you read between the lines in his memoir it is clear that he learned long ago to walk carefully along the edge of any argument and knows how to win no matter what.
Blessings to you and your family from Makaii on Maui......
Field, you making me cry now, that's now fair.:))
May you and your family enjoy this holidaze, and to the FN family, peace, out.
wake up black people, Obama doesn't give damn about you. anyone with a lick of sense can see that O is nothing but a sock puppet. a Malcolm X quote 50 yrs ago is still on point: "when whites start telling you how great some black leader or politician is, its someone they control."
Obama was recurited and vetted long before we knew of him. his white masters, corporate america & AIPAC, orchestrated his rapid ascendancy to president; and what's so amazing is they duped millions of gullible blacks and whites into believing it was a genuine grass roots movement. and the last thing his masters want is "change."
have you noticed how comfortable, almost to the point of being dismissive, Obama is when addressing concerns expessed by black community. however, when its about whites, he's more timid and measured in his responses. he almost seems to be afraid of making them feel uncomfortable; in other words, a schuffling and grinning negro.
Obama is nothing but better looking, more graceful and eloquent version of Clarence Thomas.
Obama has been mostly talk on jobs and the domestic (urban/poverty) front. Don't know why folks are surprised... if you go back to the campaign.... he was never the advocate for the poor or working class. That agenda was actually pushed by John Edwards (wish this man could have kept his pants zipped up and wish he would have run a more effective campaign.... still believe he would have been better than Obama for working people). Obama pretty much wrote off poor/working poor/working class. Obama/Biden almost exclusively focused on Middle Class (which is fine....but was too narrow IMO).
It's true that corporate America has enjoyed all the goodies. No bailout for cities...for working class people...for the working poor. I'd love some student loan forgiveness... I went to college and have nothing to show for it...but a massive debt (approx $65,000.00)...and no job. No bailout for me. I now regret going to college. It has turned out to be a disaster for me. College is a waste of money (at least in today's Amerikkka)...unless you go to law school or med school...and can erase your student loan debt quickly. I will likely die in some bullshit job...still buried in debt.
For a few $ billion, Obama could build job training centers (and utilize existing space) in the 30-40 biggest metro areas in the Country...especially those with a lot of working poor.
Feds should also provide grants and flexible no interest/low interest loans to startup companies to help spur green industry.... Grants and no interest loans to any existing or new green industry company that wants to build a factory and keep it in the U.S.... even more incentives for those that put their factories and HQ's in economically depressed areas... like Detroit...Flint, Mich, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc.
Create economic empowerment zones across the Country...and create policy accordingly.
We have a need to create and rapidly build a new industry...and Green industry. AND we have millions of folks who need the work. Link these two needs together.
The Benefits are threefold.
1. Energy Independence (which will create a better national security situation...and will put the U.S. in a stronger foreign policy position).
2. Considerable cost savings (both business and residential) and an economy more competitive in the global economy due to savings/greater efficiency.
3. Getting folks back to work... (which will increase tax revenue from business and income taxes...and will reduce deficits down the road.)
This isn't rocket science... there is just not enough focus (or will) on the part of the Obama Administration to get it done.
That's why my vote was more a vote AGAINST McCain/Palin...than a vote FOR Obama. Obama was a default choice. Edwards was the only candidate that had me excited..at least on the domestic front (would have been an awesome President...minus the scandal). Tried to get excited about Obama...(and was at times) but it wasn't the same.
Why would Obama give the same speech to a white audience as to a black audience? Whites don't have nearly the birth out of wedlock or violent crime incarceration rates of blacks.
I stop in a read the blog regularly, I've never commented before, but I think this post really said what I've been thinking thus far about Obama's term, We all realize that he can't just be the black people president, but that doesn't mean he has to do the polar opposite(I'm not sure how to articulate what I'm thinking) other than to say I second what you said... lol... Happy Holidays to you and yours as well, travel safely!
Have to say... that I DO agree with Obama's fathers day speech...and his thoughts about personal responsibility. He always gets two thumbs up from me on that front.
Agree w/ Jessica.
But his economic policies fall short of what he is capable of getting done.
Ditto, Angry Independent
FN rest, peace, joy, health and love to you and your family in the New Year.
We, as Black people for the most part want someone else to fix everything for us. Too many are comfortable and willing to remain content in the social service circle we thrive upon.
He is not our Saviour. Again he is not the problem. We are. Accountability starts a lot closer to home then what the President says to millions. Until we take control of our own lives we will continue to drown. Too often we're waiting for the boat to rescue us instead of getting a firm grip on the life preservers continually given to us.
First...Happy Holidays everyone!
Now to get on with the real reason I've finally decided to write something instead of just reading and moving on...
Here we are folks...the great Black Hype has been in power almost a year now and where's the "CHANGE" folks?
I have to agree completely with the sentiments of Brother Anon above...I voted for Cynthia McKinney.
Sista Alicia...in spite of her ego-laden, self-congratulatory rants and defensive protestations, she is completely ON-POINT when it comes to the great Black Hype. He's is nothing more than a lackey for the power elite and they have THEIR agenda...no conspiracy rant but it sure appears to me that they want to get this world-control-economic hegemony thing under wraps fairly soon...and the head puppet in charge is just doing what he's told.
Bush lite...but a helluva lot more articulate.
We're in deep shit regardless of who's running the SS America...and none of them are interested in making things any better folks...I know this is a sad "reality" check for some of us who want to believe that "things will get better"...but have you look at those "things" lately? The SS America has been leaking like a sieve for the past 30 years and they've done nothing about it in that time right?..THEN: corruption in government, high deficit spending, corporate welfare, unnecessary wars and deaths...saving and loans scandals...junk bonds...NOW: high deficit spending, corporate welfare, corruption in government, energy and bank scandals, unnecessary wars and deaths, derivatives..right?.
Do you folks really think that we have a choice?
Outside of REAL revolution...this country is toast folks...we are PWNED!
This shit is so sick...
Happy Holidays indeed.
"Until we take control of our own lives we will continue to drown."
in the real world cinco there's 20% unemployment rate, higher if you factor in part time minimum wage jobs; 14 million recieving unemployment compensation; 37 million recieving food stamps, 50 million without health insurance & tent cities sprouting all over.
and things could get worse, much worse.
so could you please enlighten us how to "take control of our own lives"
so could you please enlighten us how to "take control of our own lives"
There are plenty of poor people who still "take control" of what they can: don't have kids and then not support them; don't beat, abuse and kill their women; don't terrorize your own neighborhoods; don't call women bitches and men niggas; don't kill other black men like its going out of style; don't give white folks ammunition by conforming to their worst sterotypes ;don't deal poison to your own people.
President Obama did not promise black folks anything. We (black folks) have been running over each other to vote for white candidates for years whom we asked for nothing and we got nothing. This time around we asked for nothing but now we want something.
Obama is a one term President. The Republicans will be back in control of Washington with the 2010 and 2012 elections. Take my grandma advice stop depending on "Man" because he will let you down.
Filled Negro:
Can you document what the state of the nation and the Black community must be for Obama to LOSE your vote in 2012?
I would NOT wish the nation to collapse to this point where you are forced to put your own interests ahead of Obama and the Democrats. At this point YOUR INTERESTS ARE to have both of these forces retain and grow in power.
I struggle to understand why you now look to OBAMA after decades of building up the LOCAL machine upon which Obama stands yet looking past the erosion that was present as you kept your eyes focused on this day where your ideology and party runs the board.
Did you ever think about a Plan B in the event that you actually "WON" what you had focused upon but LOST in the areas that you purported to be struggling to improve via your political activism?
Again, Season's Greetings.
Brilliant post. I came at Barack from a different angle:
Some of you all take your own freaking DEPRESSION and try to live vicariously by the notion that ALL BLACK PEOPLE SHARE YOUR DEPRESSION!!!!
I hope to Jesus that you can get mental care out of this health care bill.
[quote]Obama has been mostly talk on jobs and the domestic (urban/poverty) front. Don't know why folks are surprised... if you go back to the campaign.... he was never the advocate for the poor or working class. That agenda was actually pushed by John Edwards (wish this man could have kept his pants zipped up and wish he would have run a more effective campaign.... still believe he would have been better than Obama for working people).[/quote]
Barack Obama - what ever he did WAS GOOD ENOUGH TO GET 96% OF THE BLACK VOTE!!!!
Even within your OWN PARTY MACHINE you all are prone to BLAME SOME EXTERNAL FORCES. Is it possible that it wasn't OBAMA who changed but the blank canvas that he became for you to draw your dreams upon needed OIL BASED PAINT for your drawing to stick and you used Water colors which washed off after the rain storm?
I went to college and have nothing to show for it...but a massive debt (approx $65,000.00).[/quote]
I went to college AND GOT A GOOD AZZED JOB with benefits!!!!!
Should I condemn the entire system because of YOUR DEPRESSION?
[quote]..and no job. No bailout for me. I now regret going to college. It has turned out to be a disaster for me. College is a waste of money (at least in today's Amerikkka).[/quote]
So now America is RACIST because you are a failure in life?
[quote]..unless you go to law school or med school...and can erase your student loan debt quickly
You don't know how long it takes these professional students to pay their loans off. Some GO INTO DEFAULT. You give economic advice for this country below and yet you can't even get your own stuff together.
[quote]. I will likely die in some bullshit job...still buried in debt..[/quote]
Filled Negro - I love the people that you attract to this blog.
This guy has some real depression issues and your buddy Francis Holland suffers from "Post Traumatic SLAVERY Syndrome" despite NEVER BEING A SLAVE. He now lives in Brazil having escaped the "Belly of the Beast".
You have a real strong "Black Power" line up here. :-/
[quote]We're in deep shit regardless of who's running the SS America...and none of them are interested in making things any better folks...I know this is a sad "reality" check for some of us who want to believe that "things will get better"...but have you look at those "things" lately? The SS America has been leaking like a sieve for the past 30 years and they've done nothing about it in that time righ[/quote]
I hear you on these points but my challenge is:
* The SCHOOLS that our people now run are not sufficiently preparing our children.
* We NEED HEALTH CARE yet the main young people who should be inculcated into the medical professions are falling by the wayside due to the people in control over the LOCAL ECO-SYSTEM within which they live are themselves OUT TO LUNCH
It is total insanity to make note of the ballooning federal debt and yet draw upon it more.
For people like ERNESTO he is far more interested in finding out hypocrisy in WHO ran up the debt and are now criticising rather than the fact THAT the debt is ballooning and still growing, insuring that the "Labor Contract" that you sign today with the government will be worth as much as the contract signed with General Motors just before their BANKRUPTCY.
Angry Independent,
I feel your pain. My debt will probably out live me. They tell you get some forgiveness if you teach, but not how much. That is usually another investment.Too much for me, during retirement.
it's finally hit me what would make the negro race happy,
for me to pay your bills, raise your kids, put food on yout tsble and wipe your bottom after you drop a duce....lol
i challenge anyone complaining about the lack of a job to tell me where you live, i'll check the paper where you live and will find a job. you may not like it but it is an income.
all thorough out histroy there are stories of both black and white arriving at new places with little or nothing in their pocket and becoming wealthy.
bottom line is motivation and it appears as though there is a real problem with motivation in the black race?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS Field and every one who comes to this blog.
I was so fired up when I woke up yesterday and read Obama's rebuttal. So much so that I had to crank one out that was not so pleasing to some of my melanin afflicted friends.
Barack Obama to Black America: "You're on your own, bitches!"
It's good to see that Watkins and I share the same sentiment; not that it matters. The way I see it, the symbolic nature of Obama's presidential victory is just good enough, and they sleep better at night knowing that they agree with everything he says or does.
Field, Merry Christmas to you and yours Dred. Ah hope allyuh 'ave a safe trip and tings man.
Enjoy your holidays. And may 2010 continue to find you and yours blessed as you keep the fields flourishing.
Anyone who really believed the fairy tale that he would truly bring change was deluded. The symbolism of his presidency is powerful, but he is a politician. And politics is what it is because it pits one group against another, and in some cases all others.
He's catching hell for what he's already done or not done, in the context of helping the whole country. The machinations of Washington are entrenched. His life is already in more danger than any prior president. Let him do something specifically/exclusively for black folk. He'd be taken out in a New York minute.
That being said, he is obviously a shrewd enough politician to figure out how to help the one group most adversely affected by every economic and social ill we face today.
Is it fair to expect miracles in a year? Are we so drunk with what we thought was coming that we already have a hangover headache? We are disappointed after a year, but hail the "first" black president whose policies after eight years didn't help "us" that much--certainly not over and beyond helping everybody else.
Maybe the O-man is playing a master chess game, having seen what check mate will be and making moves, even sacrificing some pawns, etc. to get there. I ain't too optimistic, but will give the benefit of the doubt. And I don't believe Hillary or Edwards would have been able to do any differently, despite their platforms.
Somehow, though, I don't think Mrs. O is going to let him forget too much.
Worse case scenario, we'll be no worse off than we would have been. Guess not expecting the man to do for us what we can do for ourselves make sense even if the man looks like us.
@Anonymous 10:58PM
those social pathologies you describe are far more prevalent among the underclass and its not just limited to blacks. it wasn't nearly this bad when all those good paying manufacturing jobs were in the cities.
"don't give white folks ammunition by conforming to their worst sterotypes"
still seeking the approval of the white man? blacks will be sterotyped by whites regardless of what they do.
if there's an event with 100 black men present and ONE gets out of line, what is going make the local news? and they're more likely to state the race or show a photo for blacks. excluding the supertars, the primary roles for blacks in tv and movies are buffoons and criminals.
sadly, too many young blacks have embracd the thug lifestyle promoted by the white media thru their operatives like BET, Snoop Dog, etc.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Yep, and the Senate passed $130 bilion last Saturday for the Afghanistan & Iraq wars. Obama signed the papers on the very same day he gave his rebuttal. Oh yeah, and keep in mind that the figure doesn't include the $30 billion they plan to add for the recent surge in the spring. Yep, all of this as the jobless rate continues to lag where people of color are bearing the worst of it.
the thug lifestyle promoted by the white media thru their operatives like BET, Snoop Dog, etc.
i know whitie just shoves it down our throat don't he!
Angry Independent, "Have to say... that I DO agree with Obama's fathers day speech...and his thoughts about personal responsibility. He always gets two thumbs up from me on that front."
Ditto! I agree. Watkins is full of it when it comes to bm being responsible fathers. Maybe if they concentrated more on being good fathers, maybe half of them could keep their asses out of jail.
Blacks are such a needy group. They always need special attention, as though they were children. Blacks want special attention while they are killing each other in the streets, and their children lack motivation to learn and get an education. This isn't due to Obama or anyone else. This is due to piss-poor parents who don't give a damn about their kids.
And folks have the nerve to talk about Obama not giving a damn? Get Real, folks.
Try giving special attention to your children, that might make a big difference how we advance as a group and a nation. Stop your whining, and get off your asses, take responsibility, and do the right thing, like everyone else.
Fuck you Anon bitch 1:05am!...I'm so tired of muthafuckas like you and that bitch AB runnin' down black men...like white muthafuckas don't have their own set of pathologies. BITCH PLEASE!!! There are plenty of good black men...fathering their children...graduating from universities and runnin' businesses bitch. See the problem is all of you muthafuckas come here with that racist, supremacist bullshit like black folks the only muthafuckas that have psycho-societal pathologies...yeah we have them bitch but considering our fathers...father's fathers and they muthafuckin' grandaddies had to put up with over 450+ years of genocidal shit AND WE STILL HERE!!!
Now that's a goddamn testament to our ability to adapt to some of the most vilest shit to ever done to human beings. SO FUCK YOU...
CF...the United States government is in debt because of trillion dollar wars, tax cuts for CEOs and Wall Street bailouts. Are you going to join me protesting these things? Let's get marching, brother.
Here's a good article about Obama and the folks who hold the strings.
Look for this name: Michael Froman. Things started going wrong on November 5, 2008. One day after the election.
Happy Holidays to you and Mrs. Field.
This "Dr. Boyce" can drink a nice steaming cup of Shut the Fuck Up with regards to: "Please stop giving us speeches on personal responsibility."
I don't know what world YOU live in Dr. Boyce, but in MY world Absent Dads are a scourge upon the Black Race.
We all know this to be true. And yet, it'd be better if the First Black President stopped talking about it? The fuck?
From my perspective, establishing a "Task Force" or "special committee" has traditionally been a trick used by Presidents to feign activity for political purposes. Its amusing to observe that Dr. Boyce basically acknowledges this, yet still remains sore that there isn't some "Special Committee on Black Unemployment". (cuz that'll decrease unemployment among blacks, right?)
And he hasn't invited "Black Leaders" to the White House? Like who? Sharpton? Jesse? Whatever.
Meanwhile Glenn Beck asserts that Obama's motive for the Health Care Bill is "reparations". Such is American Politics.
Ernesto, you're wasting your breath. You can't talk to these warmongering NeoCons about laying a finger on the Holy Defense Budget. "Empire at all costs" is the name of the game.
Happy Holidays to Mr. & Mrs. Field & everybody who takes the time to read & comment.
If anyone knows why Granny Standing for Truth has fallen silent, please let us know.
Hey Field, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Field. Since I don't hear much about little Fields, I will assume that I'm wishing them the same in the future!
You are the best. No kidding. :)
Want to know what is wrong with Black America?
Black people ARE DESTROYING THE BLACK RACE by droping out of high
school, attending school but not bothering to learn basic english, not learning any marketable skill, taking drugs, selling drugs,
robbing the little old lady next door of her meager social security
check, raping, killing, breaking into your neighboors houses or
businesses, destroying your own neighborhood/street/city/state,
dressing like thugs, acting like thugs, looking like thugs, and
generally being a blight, not only the black race, but ON THE HUMAN
RACE. Did the guy who fathered 21 children by 11 different women think about keeping it in his pants?
Now to Boyce Watkins, a self described black public scholar.
#3 complaint: Please stop giving us speeches on personal responsibility.
I agree with Boyce on this one because it is a waste of time. The people who ought to be paying attention do not/will not be taking personal or any other kind of responsibility.
The only reason Boyce is asking for a task force to study the issues is because he thinks he can wrangle a spot on that task force. Boyce ought to be spending his time and that PhD of his trying to develop some plans of his own on how to help the black community. Then actually find a black community so that he can use his PhD knowledge.
Pull some of the fat so-called ministers out of all of these big churches and get them involved. Instead of driving around in big fancy cars wearing hand made Italian suits these fakes should be using the millions of dollars they swindle from their followers to help the people in their communities.
And as for black leaders, who might these be? I can't name a single black person alive today who I consider my leader.
The media identified black leaders (aren't they all) are useless excuses and losers who have nothing to offer so why would the President invite them to anywhere. They would probably steal the silverware.
One more thing, only a blooming idiot would make a suggestion like "Perhaps mentioning a task force to deal with the black unemployment gap or mass incarceration of African Americans might at least appease some of your black critics".
Is this man crazy? Jusr what this country needs is a bunch of murderers, rapist, dope dealers and thieves let out of prison. If Boyce cares so about these criminals, why hasn't he sponsored any of them so that they can released from prison? Let them live in home around his children?
And as for the employment gap all of you know why this gap exists and it is not because of skin color. So get real and cut the crapola.
The President has not lost my support. But then again I am not looking for a handout.
The only people whose support the President has lost are those
sitting on their hind ends whinning because they haven't received a welfare check.
If five million jobs were created today, who among the whinners would be qualified to fill those jobs? Many are under-educated because they choose to be or have dropped out of school all together. Few have marketable skills because they chose not to have learned any). And they have very poor communcation and non-existent math skills because to learn to speak english and to become educated is, of course, acting white.
Add to this the rapist, killers, drug dealers and thieves who have spent most of their lives in prison.
Do you NON-THINKERS really believe that the President can create job just for black people? What planet do you folks live on?
Anon and Sam
You all sound like broken records. Do you really think you have spread the enlightenment?
You should thank FN that allows you to have his forum and be glad that you are not living in Egypt, Iran or China where bloggers have gone to jail for their speech.
do any of these people complaining realize how difficult it is to pass laws that just benefit minorities? strict scrutiny anyone? no trespassing sign, welcome mat? just because we have a black president doesn't mean he can disregard supreme court rulings. some of yall need to open up a constitutional law book. all laws HAVE to be race-neutral or they are struck down. and since obama is a con law professor, you know he's aware of it. and actually that hate crime law he passed will probably be stricken as unconstitutional as well. sorry folks.
Anonymous said...
Fuck you Anon bitch 1:05am!...I'm so tired of muthafuckas like you and that bitch AB runnin' down black men...like white muthafuckas don't have their own set of pathologies. BITCH PLEASE!!! There are plenty of good black men...fathering their children...graduating from universities and runnin' businesses bitch. See the problem is all of you muthafuckas come here with that racist, supremacist bullshit like black folks the only muthafuckas that have psycho-societal pathologies...yeah we have them bitch but considering our fathers...father's fathers and they muthafuckin' grandaddies had to put up with over 450+ years of genocidal shit AND WE STILL HERE!!!
Now that's a goddamn testament to our ability to adapt to some of the most vilest shit to ever done to human beings. SO FUCK YOU...
1:39 AM
I approve this message. Happy Holidays everyone, well most of you.
[quote]for me to pay your bills, raise your kids, put food on yout tsble and wipe your bottom after you drop a duce....lol[/quote]
Anon - I assure you that this sentiment is NOT UNIQUE to Black people.
It is a MENTALITY not a racial attribute.
The bottom line is that after this MENTALITY took over the LOCAL ECONOMIES and saw that their theories could not sustain their LUSTS and HUNGER they decided to NATIONALIZE their hunger for other people's private property. Instead of setting up a good or service by which VALUE is exchanged - they chose THE GOVERNMENT POWER TO CONFISCATE AND REDISTRIBUTE.
[quote]"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.[/quote]
This is an IGNORANT statement - I don't care WHO said it.
[quote]CF...the United States government is in debt because of trillion dollar wars, tax cuts for CEOs and Wall Street bailouts. Are you going to join me protesting these things?[/quote]
THIS is an equally IGNORANT statement and it is no surprise coming from Ernesto.
Why can't we make the same claim against EVERY ONE OF YOUR INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES?
* That XBox 360 COULD HAVE MEANT $300 into the 'Salvation Army' bucket right outside of the Target store you purchased it at.
* Your $20 in tickets and popcorn to see "Avatar" could have been stuffed in the pocket of the homeless man you walked by.
We can go on and on and on as a means of stroking your narcissistic behind.
First these spending items over the past 10 years are DWARFED by entitlement spending on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. We now spend $1,400 billion each year on these "Big Three" where as the Federal Democrats just spent (only) $638 billion on DEFENSE.
Even before the Obama Health Care initiative kicks in the Big Three were expected to grow to $2,000 billion EACH YEAR. And thus consume up to 62% of the federal budget.
You are CLUELESS in your economic analysis Ernesto. I hope that you one day live in a country (not this one) in which they choose to spend 90% of their money on entitlements and only 2% on DEFENSE. When you are invaded by force who DON'T GIVE A WHAT ABOUT YOU and made a SLAVE - then you will see the flaws in your ideology and strategy.
Here is the graph of spending.
YOU NEED TO BE worried more about the FEDERAL INTEREST PAYMENTS ON THE DEBT that is growing. Soon this will be the LARGEST BUDGET LINE ITEM. The CHINESE will be the largest annual recipient of these funds......that should have gone to FEEDING YOU!!!
[quote]Ernesto, you're wasting your breath. You can't talk to these warmongering NeoCons about laying a finger on the Holy Defense Budget. "Empire at all costs" is the name of the game.[/quote]
Not So Swiff:
In WW I - Flu killed more soldiers than did BULLETS.
You and Ernesto are equally CLUELESS. You are worried about the DEFENSE BUDGET when the NATIONAL DEBT SERVICE is what you SHOULD HAVE BEEN keeping your eyes on.
THIS and the "crowd out effect" that it has is what will eventually take away your government health care services.
President O does appear to be catching some serious flack here in our community. It's sad that I can no longer defend his 'non-actions' against his growing critics. I couldn't help but laugh where you spoke of repeating the same, broken record. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard others tell me that my arguments in defense of Obama are about as played out as Obama's 'speeches'. So your comment really made my day.
Too funny @ the successful relative who is now ashamed of his kin folks.
Enjoy these holidays and may peace be unto you, as well.
Hey - just started reading your blog this year - as a white, suburban, middle-aged woman, I just want to thank you for an engaging interesting blog - I look forward to reading it every day ! I work in a high school where as a staff we are trying to address the inequalities in learning for our minority students - encourage more to take a leadership role - and to help mentor younger students- so thank you for your blog and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hey Fields, big up to you and your family enjoy your holiday.Peace and blessing Paul Bogle
Thank you, Field for this blog and for your kind wishes for us today. Also, thanks to all the people who comment here. I read this every day and always learn something. Living in a rural Southern community can be stifling without this link to the bigger world.
Love to all,
angryanon; 1:39 black men have over the last 40/50yrs recived more help/benefits than anyother race/sex and yet % wise (not all by no means) continuie to commit more crimes % wise, sit around complaining about no help, no jobs (but have no education) and whinning about the horrble things done to your ancestors!
that is history GET OVER IT! GET A FREAK'IN JOB and more the fuck on!!!
Holy Crap do like every other race of men and take care of your family/children and don't expect a freak'in medal!!! your begining to sound like a bunch of little girls!!!
Yes want to say merry christmas
and happy Holidays to all!
Glad to see the racism is still
running rampant on the Eve of our Lords birthday.Those's who have not sinned,cast the first stone!
Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate
[quote]I work in a high school where as a staff we are trying to address the inequalities in learning for our minority students - encourage more to take a leadership role - and to help mentor younger students- so thank you for your blog and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year![/quote]
The best way to address the UNEQUAL RESULTS for your Black and Latino students is to NOT TREAT THEM AS IF THEY ARE INFERIOR.
You need to get them to connect their actions in with some BROADER VISION about how they fit into the ultimate solution.
There is no "LEARNING INEQUALITY" between Black and White.
From my personal experience - Black students have to struggle through the INTRA-RACIAL knife fight with other Blacks and then have to use their remaining strength to compete against non-Blacks.
The best thing that you can do for these students is to break them free from peer pressure and as an ADULT in their lives convince them that they will one day be standing where you stand and thus they need to apply all of their potential toward producing the most PRODUCTIVE outcome they can.
Too often the void of adult interaction in their lives causes them to live a life at the lowest common denominator that young minds are likely to build up to fill that void.
Part One
As I read through the posts, I find some things with which I agree, and some things with which I disagree.
No one agrees with anyone a hundred percent of the time. And that's a good thing.
If you're looking to President Obama to right the wrongs that were decades in the making, then you should give him decades to fix them.
I know. I know. He doesn't have decades. He may only have a few more years on his contract before he's a free agent, forced to pass off the ship of state to those who really care about us.
Here's a sobering thought: If we really wish to influence government policy decisions, we've got to take it to the streets.
Civil Rights legislation would still be a dream had that generation sat on its collective derrière and sought to wish it into existence.
We cannot do less and expect more.
Finally, President Obama's actions may not always please me, his speed may not always relieve my impatience, his words may not always match my aspirations, but I won't fall prey to disgruntlement.
As the Repubs have used their concerted energies, will, and forces to defeat whatever Obama brings to the table, so as to alter our perception of him, many here have done the same--that is, sought to make us discouraged, and disgruntled with this president.
Frankly, I wanted only a few things from candidate Obama: to end the war in Iraq, close Gitmo, and restore our national image. And he's on track to do just that, but not without some setbacks.
Anything more, was icing.
On the economy: There're no quick fixes in the short term. The most we can hope for is to stave off a depression. The economy, when Obama took the oath of office, was already edging toward a precipice despite Bush's best efforts to stop the slide.
On Afghanistan: Candidate Obama said he would press forward. I don't like that he did, because it's a war that can't be won, unless the people of that country take the lead, and I'm not seeing that happening.
Part Two
On the black community: We need a black community initiative, not a government initiative. That is not to say that the government (at all levels) doesn't have a role to play, but that we should first mobilize forces among ourselves, develop clear, achievable objectives, and fight for them.
Black leadership is what is missing. New leadership must rise to the surface, or old leadership constructs revitalized.
The urgency, and the focus that was there during the Civil Rights Movement, are not there now--and that is what is missing, and is desperately needed.
On health care reform: We're pushing against the status quo, hoping to achieve something akin to universal health care, or substantial cost controls, without first having in place the mechanism to achieve it.
We can't have a congress that's dictated to by special interest who finance their campaigns by adding to their war chests, and then expect that these same politicians will work on behalf of the American people.
It's unrealistic, Pollyanna, and more likely to fail than succeed.
Our first job should be to break up the cozy, and lucrative cooperation that exists between our legislators and special interests.
I would love to see universal health care, but we, as a nation, haven't done what it takes to make that happen: We believe that we can pull the health-reform rabbit out of the hat, without first having a rabbit in the hat.
If we can advance the ball down the field, to mix my metaphors, as someone has already suggested, then, one day, we may score a touchdown.
First, we have to work to get the ball down field, and I'm afraid that we haven't worked very hard to defeat the defensive measures of our opponents.
Talk has its place, but talk not backed up with action is ineffectual, and only partially gets the job done.
We need to put words into action, and action into our words.
Otherwise, we are nothing more than "sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal...."
May the holiday season wrap you in its warmth, as you snuggle up to Joy, Peace, and Goodwill toward all.
[quote]President O does appear to be catching some serious flack here in our community. It's sad that I can no longer defend his 'non-actions' against his growing critics.[/quote]
A few questions:
1) How many of these new found "Critics" of Obama do you think will NOT vote for him in 2012? I think that Obama will get 98% of their votes - STILL. Their main fault? They have FAILED to build up an infrastructure that is a-political and thus can allow them to progress forward REGARDLESS of who is in office. Thus they are where they are presently.
2) Why are they giving "Flack to Obama" while looking past the MACHINE-MATES of Obama's that control every single local institutions that they look toward for civic services?? How could anyone from Chicago, for example, expect miracles in education when the 100% Democratic controlled school system only graduates 55.1% of its Black students? If there something MAGICAL about the federal government that is going to change this?
3) How much of Obama's "disappointment" is in truth evidence of the UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS that was present among his most loyal and emotional supporters? Why didn't any of the more conscious amongst them hedge their bets and make their SUPPORT for him a CONDITION of some clearly articulated DEMANDS before hand?
In my option as an observer and a critic this is merely a SPEEDBUMP in the relationship amongst people with UNREALISTIC expectations in the first place. They denounced "Magic Negro" when Rush Limbaugh repeated it YET this is exactly how they have acted. They ONLY want to make Obama MOVE LEFTWARD.
In truth their entire agenda needs to be PUT ON TRIAL and have it prove that it is in line with the REAL WORLD.
Our people continue to suffer. The Democratic Party continues to EXPAND despite our suffering.
Black Diaspora - you prove to be very frustrating to me. With the painful truth staring you right in the eyes you STILL spout the same dogma.
[quote]If you're looking to President Obama to right the wrongs that were decades in the making, then you should give him decades to fix them.
Why do you START your conversation at Jan 20, 2009 at 12 noon? Rather than making note of how the MACHINE that Obama sits atop of ALREADY CONTROLS so many of the local institutions that are grieving? (and many states as well).
We have been hearing promises of a FIX upon the day when the first "favorable" city councilman, school board member and county board chairman was elected with the promises that THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE NOW THAT PEOPLE WHO HAVE OUR INTERESTS IN MIND ARE IN POWER. Now you have merely SCALED your vision past the local and toward NATIONALIZATION.
We can't afford another 20 years of UNCHECKED promises.
[QUOTE]Here's a sobering thought: If we really wish to influence government policy decisions, we've got to take it to the streets.
Show that you are ANGRY??? What else is NEW?
WHO are you going to protest AGAINST?
This past summer in Atlanta the murderous assaults of the STREET PIRATES forced the Civil Rights leaders to have a MARCH. As the march was shown on the television there were more CAMPAIGN SIGNS for the then upcoming mayors race and city council races than those who PROTESTED AGAINST THE STREET PIRATES.
Black Diaspora you are missing a "KLAN AGENT" by which you can UNIFY THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Sadly you all have FAILED to develop MANAGEMENT capability in our community over time as you were "Sick and tired of being sick and tired" of RACISM.
Today the "Universe has doubled back upon itself'. FAVORABLE PEOPLE ARE IN POWER and yet you are STILL AGGRIEVED. You thus need to find some Klansman to protest against while PROTECTING THE ESTABLISHMENT that YOU HELPED PUT INTO PLACE!!!!
Do you think that I don't see the conundrum that you and Filled Negro are in?
With the IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY - you are unable to fight for your PERMANENT INTERESTS against your PERMANENT FRIENDS. This is why Filled Negro talks about Republicans, Black and White so frequently. He knows as well as I do that when it comes to the affairs of Philadelphia - REPUBLICANS have about as much influence as do the pigeons fighting over the soft pretzels that tourists throw to them on Independence Hall.
[quote]Civil Rights legislation would still be a dream had that generation sat on its collective derrière and sought to wish it into existence.
Black Diaspora - the most gross number of unchecked "Civil Rights Violations" are occurring WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Unsolved murders, community intimidation and individual retribution runs rife.
You pointing to the "Civil Rights Act of 1964" is about as TIRED as Black Republicans pointing to Martin Luther King SR as a Republican. IT HAS LITTLE RELEVANCE UPON THE DAY TO DAY ISSUES THAT THE AVERAGE BLACK AMERICAN SUFFERS. YOU power comes from "rattling the chains" like the man behind the curtain, registering FEAR that if we are not vigilante against the Republicans - WE WILL BE BACK IN SLAVERY AGAIN -this DESPITE the fact that farm mechanization has supplanted the need for such labor.
[quote]Finally, President Obama's actions may not always please me, his speed may not always relieve my impatience, his words may not always match my aspirations, but I won't fall prey to disgruntlement.[/quote]
Black Diaspora SINCE WHEN did you not want to allow DISGRUNTLEMENT to drive you? MOST CERTAINLY it wasn't before 1/20/09. And seemingly NEVER has it been about the LOCAL forces who are locking up the people who you interact with in prison.
[quote]As the Repubs have used their concerted energies, will, and forces to defeat whatever Obama brings to the table, so as to alter our perception of him, many here have done the same--that is, sought to make us discouraged, and disgruntled with this president.
Black Diaspora:
With there being 60 Democrats in the Senate and a super majority in the HOUSE - PLEASE TELL ME HOW YOU CAN STILL POINT TO THE FREAKING REPUBLICANS AS THE THREAT TO OBAMA?
It is clear like some narcissistic agent of totalitarianism you are more threatened by OPPOSITION than you are willing to admit the INCUMBENCY that you bear.
Not in the entire state of Illinois
Despite this FACT - your IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY has you focused upon THEM than upon WHO IS IN POWER OVER YOUR INTERESTS and what they have done that has fallen short of your expectations.
In truth you are painted in a corner and merely are tapping into the same ole same that you know to work among your loyal listeners.
This is why the beliefs and assumptions of people who thing like you, Filled Negro, UptownSteve, Ernesto that needs to be PUT ON TRIAL for its efficacy in solving our problems.
The ONLY thing that they are good for is EMPOWERING DEMOCRATS.
We need a black community initiative, not a government initiative. That is not to say that the government (at all levels) doesn't have a role to play, but that we should first mobilize forces among ourselves, develop clear, achievable objectives, and fight for them.
Black Diaspora the next elections are in Nov 2010.
WHEN I SEE YOU PREEMPTIVELY stand in front of the next "Democrat Who Is Black" that is ON STAGE seeking Black people's support and tell him "SORRY - we need a BLACK COMMUNITY INITIATIVE not a GOVERNMENT initiative. We have enough documentation about what you can do for US. Please do not campaign in our community. I am NOT saying that we will not vote to extend your term. I am only saying that WE CAN NO LONGER be EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED as a community to your ELECTORIAL SUCCESS, Mr Democrat. Please leave this convention center and allow us BLACK PEOPLE to plot a plan forward. We will GET BACK WITH YOU with regards to what WE DECIDE is in our PERMANENT INTERESTS. We can't allow you to remain WITHIN OUR RACIAL NUCLEUS because YOU will always sway us toward YOUR FAVOR."
Black Disapora - every hetrosexual young man hates ONE THING when he is within a physical relationship with a female. He hates the words "WE CAN'T DO THIS ANY MORE!!!!".
This conversation comes when the FEMALE settles back WITHOUT HIS PRESENCE and starts to enumerate HER OWN PERMANENT INTERESTS. The MALE is not going to say a DAMNED THING!!! We are getting what we want. We are happy keeping it "loose" in the relationship category.
The female knows that this is not just "time passing". It is QUALITY TIME that she will not get back.
Black Diaspora - we need YOU and other Black Females to tell those operatives who are embedded within our RACIAL NUCLEUS "WE CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS. IT IS NOT IN MY INTERESTS"
[quote]Black leadership is what is missing. New leadership must rise to the surface, or old leadership constructs revitalized.[/quote]
Black Diaspora - what CONSEQUENCES FOR FAILURE do you seek to exact upon this leadership? Since WHEN did you not punish failure?
The urgency, and the focus that was there during the Civil Rights Movement, are not there now--and that is what is missing, and is desperately needed.[/quote]
Black Diaspora - It is not urgency THAT IS THE PROBLEM. It is LACK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SKILLS that have failed to be developed when URGENCY was used to mask over this need.
MANAGEMENT is a day to day, repetitive notion where the masses are asked to do what is in their long term interests and INCULCATE IT into their DNA.
URGENCY is merely EMOTIONALISM. After the "threat" is gone all of the adrenaline is gone and the normal, passive state is returned to. We need MANAGEMENT SCIENCE not URGENCY!!!!
On health care reform: We're pushing against the status quo, hoping to achieve something akin to universal health care, or substantial cost controls, without first having in place the mechanism to achieve it.
Our first job should be to break up the cozy, and lucrative cooperation that exists between our legislators and special interests.[/quote]
Black Diaspora YOU ARE A "SPECIAL INTEREST". It is YOU who seek to implement radical, confiscatory reform that does nothing more than put more burden upon the black hole known as the federal government.
DESPITE having control over the PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS there is no evidence that an increased number of BLACK PHYSICIANS are being queued up out of these schools where they can be deployed into our communities and thus achieve UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.
Instead what you are interested in is being SERVICED via a Univesal Healthcare scheme that is funded by resources beyond YOUR CAPACITY to deliver via the institutions that are now in your hands locally.
I see you're still up to your old Trixs. Trixs are for rabbits, silly. Here's what I left for you on a previous blog.
It's still relevant, since you still believe you're relevant.
@CF--"I have blogged about the "masturbatory-orgasmic" effect that attacking conservatives has on some Negroes."
You're CFing, right!?
Is it anything like the effect it has on black conservative, Republicans who attack Negroes?
CF, it would take someone overthetop alienated from their feelings, and possibly their intellect, to coin such a term as "'masturbatory-orgasmic' effect," and then blog about it with the gravity of one who's about to have a heart bypass operation.
Why should you want to "fix" the black situation?
If you fixed it, you'd have nothing to complain about, you'd have nothing to bash us with, and you'd have nothing to apply your fix to.
Your "fix" keeps you going. It keeps you coming to this blog. It give you something to think about, something to do.
Have you ever considered that your "fix" is no fix at all, and that if it was applied it wouldn't change a damn thing?
Be happy, then, that things aren't all well in the hood. Were they, where would you, and your fix, be?
Merry Christmas to you and Mrs Field!
Have a wonderful holiday season filled with love and joy!
Here's my perspective on this entire affair:
Basically, I agree with no special dispensation to African-Americans and say that we do need to hold Obama (as well as other politicians) to account. Unfortunately, we lack active agenda to do so.
CF, "Black Diaspora - you prove to be very frustrating to me. With the painful truth staring you right in the eyes you STILL spout the same dogma."
Anon1:39am-"Fuck you Anon bitch 1:05am!...I'm so tired of muthafuckas like you and that bitch AB runnin' down black men...like white muthafuckas don't have their own set of pathologies."
Well, maybe ALL humans have their own set of pathologies, but you have just displayed a set of pathologies that's hopeless and cannot be overcome.
I understand your childlike rage and profanities, being powerless and brainless is very frustrating because it is such a self-destructing pathology.
Anyway brother, try to stay sober and stay out of jail during the hoidays. Peace.
[quote]Is it anything like the effect it has on black conservative, Republicans who attack Negroes?[/quote]
Tersi - You, WhiteBowieSteve and so many, many other Negroes need to maintain that front.
You NEED ME to be attacking "Black People" - the RACE rather than a SUBSET of this race who have a certain THOUGHT PROCESS - regardless of how LARGE it turns out to be within this race.
Here is a graphical view of my words:
As you can see - YOU are a subset as are "Black Conservatives".
The measure of what is "Authentically Black" is not based on POPULARITY. It is ONLY based on what can advance our Permanent Interests.
Do you see your end around trick that you tried to play? You argued that "If it works" then I would have nothing to complain about.
It is ironic in that the Black Establishment, being a GRIEVANCE BASED set of activism GAINS POWER.....sees continuing problems in the domain that they now control yet KEEPS MARKING UPWARD with their grievances.
Its funny that you can project this imaginary notion upon ME but you can't see this tact in the real world and call it out.
Greg L: "Basically, I agree with no special dispensation to African-Americans and say that we do need to hold Obama (as well as other politicians) to account. Unfortunately, we lack active agenda to do so."
I, too, ask for no "special dispensation." I merely want
the dispensation that whites have
enjoyed these many years, and enjoyed at my expense, and the expense of blacks in general.
Is that too much to ask for, too much to hope for? Should I settle for less? Should I continue to allow whites "dispensations" that's not accorded to me?
Should we hold President Obama more accountable than Bush, Clinton, Carter, or Reagan? Blacks voted for them all...for some more than others.
We only lack a black agenda, because no one is willing to step up to the plate, and put their self-interest aside.
It takes time, money, effort, energy, and resolve to bring together coalitions to work on behalf of all black people.
Very few who pass themselves off as black leaders are willing to make that sacrifice, and put the interests of black people above their own interest.
There's gold in dem dare hills.
If we voted for Obama hoping that he will accomplish as president what we've failed to accomplish for ourselves over the years as a result of inaction, we're panning for fools gold.
We have, and had, the wherewithal to change our condition, with or without a black president.
If we neglected to do that, it's not his fault, but our own.
That's why I won't hold his feet to the fire more than I've held other presidents from my past.
A peaceful holiday to you. Thanks for your concern and the publicity you help bring to important issues. You make the world a better place.
- naomi
CF--"You NEED ME to be attacking "Black People" - the RACE rather than a SUBSET of this race who have a certain THOUGHT PROCESS - regardless of how LARGE it turns out to be within this race."
No CF, we don't need you. You're delusional and it's a self-inflicted wound.
You need us! Without us, you're nothing. And that's a bitter pill to swallow.
The black community doesn't need saving; it doesn't need fixing. It is as it chose to create itself.
What we need is to be saved from self-appointed fix-it folks like yourself.
"Do you see your end around trick that you tried to play? You argued that "If it works" then I would have nothing to complain about."
And your fix won't work, because you'll see to that. You need it not to work, not to be accepted, not to be tried. If it worked, where would that leave you?
In despair. Out of a mission. Out of a cause. Out of your mind.
You've got to believe that you're working toward a fix, otherwise you'll need a fixing and that's a revelation you can't buy, can't swallow, can't stomach.
If you did, you'd finally reach that place you dread: the knowledge that you're irrelevant.
From Black Dispora:
>>>>>If we voted for Obama hoping that he will accomplish as president what we've failed to accomplish for ourselves over the years as a result of inaction, we're panning for fools gold...
We have, and had, the wherewithal to change our condition, with or without a black president....
If we neglected to do that, it's not his fault, but our own.<<<<<
If we have this as a takeaway, then much will have been learned from this situation. The brutal truth is that we'd find ourselves in the same position with any president regardless of hue or political affiliation because we've not done the necessary work to set up the structures to either hold folks accountable or to even accept the help that might be given. If Obama were to launch a jobs program tomorrow to do something like physically rebuild inner city neighborhoods, how many black folks would be employable enough to do the work? How many would truly be interested?
The fact of the matter is that we don't even have the infrastructure to accept any help that could possibly be given because no one has done the spadework to put anything in place. Rather than assailing Obama, we need to be putting in some work.
CF--"Here is a graphical view of my words...."
Okay, now go forward and make it happen, if you think it's necessary.
I don't by the way. But if you can get others to beat your drum, so be it.
Targeting so-called Agents of Ideological Enforcement is not going to change one damn thing, and you know it.
If you feel this compulsion to effect change in the black community, turn your words into action, otherwise you're just rain on a tin roof, loud, and irritating.
@ tersi I agree with your last comments.
Everyone has a story/excuse/reason/problem/ that explains how and why they are as they are.
I believe in learning from your history. Your own life and from those in your world.
Not everyone with sad, horrible, poor lives expects someone to "fix" things for them. As mentioned not all choose a life of crime, or desert their families or turn to substance abuse. Personal choice and accountability matters.
That being said, there are plenty of people that by society's standards "have it all", but they also make poor choices.
There are many answers to this forever problem but too many people, minorities in particular fail to accept that they do have the ability to make a choice. Too often a 'wrong' choice is the only one they are willing to repeat.
Greg L: "The fact of the matter is that we don't even have the infrastructure to accept any help that could possibly be given because no one has done the spadework to put anything in place. Rather than assailing Obama, we need to be putting in some work."
A meeting of the minds. It's a tough job, a tall order, but will you take up the challenge?
I, and thousands of other blacks, did our part many years ago. Although my spirit is still willing, my body is not.
Successive generations did not build upon the legacy and foundation we established, certainly not with enough consistency to erect the infrastructure we now so gravely need.
You have at your disposal what we didn't have then, social networking sites. This makes the task a bit easier, but still a difficult one.
An object at rest is inclined to stay at rest, that is, stationary. A moving object is inclined to continue moving unless that movement is arrested in some way.
If I have a role today, it's to give a nudge here and there in hopes that it'll be enough to effect movement.
If I can do that, the movement will take care of itself.
CF...I often wonder how you continually miss the bigger picture, which is this; the common drug dealers, gangsters and other miscreants you rail against are small time examples of a much bigger problem. These same misanthropes, had they the good fortune to have been born into wealth and sent off to Ivy League business schools, would have all the skills necessary to be excellent capitalists. They would apply their abilities towards the destruction of entire countries and hemispheres rather than a few blocks or neighborhoods.
But they would do it with the veneer of respectability from laws, treaties and trade deals forged between them and their foreign counterparts, a tag team of exploitation and naked pillaging on a grand scale, where all resouces, both natural and human are expendable for profit. These same people would be your heroes, rather than your goats.
"Here's a sobering thought: If we really wish to influence government policy decisions, we've got to take it to the streets."
Black Diaspora,
thank you so much for your comments tonight, you bring the much needed clear voice that I so appreciate.
>>>>>A meeting of the minds. It's a tough job, a tall order, but will you take up the challenge?.....
I, and thousands of other blacks, did our part many years ago. Although my spirit is still willing, my body is not....
Successive generations did not build upon the legacy and foundation we established, certainly not with enough consistency to erect the infrastructure we now so gravely need......You have at your disposal what we didn't have then, social networking sites. This makes the task a bit easier, but still a difficult one.....An object at rest is inclined to stay at rest, that is, stationary. A moving object is inclined to continue moving unless that movement is arrested in some way....If I have a role today, it's to give a nudge here and there in hopes that it'll be enough to effect movement....
If I can do that, the movement will take care of itself.<<<<<
There are many reasons why the situation exists as it does in African-American communities. Central to those conditions are two things that are the primary drivers IMO; the absence of the black intelligentsia from the community and an entrenchment of a set of economic and political interests that has taken its place. Although chaos is hell for black folks, it presents a ready opportunity for others to make money. It is this that is not readily seen nor appreciated. So, not only is the organizational challenge difficult, but there are a number of economic and political interests that will be in direct opposition to anything that brings any semblance of the type of order needed for political and economic empowerment. This is so mainly because their meal ticket will end.
This will be a fight like no other we've encountered in the history of this nation to turn this around. Those of us who look to positively influence the situation or execute on solutions need to be very aware of this.
Just another thought going back to Obama and the African-Americans criticizing him.
One of the things we need to learn is how to be strategic rather than reactionary. I suggested earlier that our community is not very well positioned to receive assistance due to ill educated people and the overall chaos that exists. Much of this is being driven by criminality from the drug trade.
If we were thinking strategically, we'd be putting enormous pressure on Obama and others to seriously curtail the importing of illegal drugs into the country rather than the exclusive focus on the end link of the distribution chain as represented by the miscreant element on the corner. Building anything in the community will require that the drug trade be seriously curtailed and eliminated. Putting pressure on interdiction would greatly assist in this effort and this is something that we could take the lead on.
This is something we all need to be putting pressure on black elected officials to deliver as well. It would be far better to put them and Obama under fire about this rather than meaningless task forces, trips to the klieg lights and the other nonsense some want to "get" which basically will impact on absolutely nothing.
@cinco: "There are many answers to this forever problem but too many people, minorities in particular fail to accept that they do have the ability to make a choice. Too often a 'wrong' choice is the only one they are willing to repeat."
Profounder words were never spoken.
It's all about choice, and choosing the best from among the infinite number of choices open to us. You're right: That's what separates one person's condition in life from another's.
I watched a documentary once. It was about two women conjoined at their heads from birth.
Both were employed, and both pursued separate lives, despite their special handicap, if you can call it that.
One of the twins worked in a laundry, and the other became a fairly successful Country and Western singer.
When asked how they managed to lead separate, distinct, but successful lives, despite being connected at the head, they answered thusly, and I paraphrase: We learned the art of accommodation; It was either that, are we would be forever restricted.
Reba told the BBC: "I like my life as I see it now. It's great! I'm healthy, that's what's the most important. I believe in 'you make your own hell, or you make your own heaven.'"
We may not always be able to choose the conditions of our lives, but we can always choose how we accommodate them, whether we'll make of them a heaven or a hell.
If you'd like to read more, follow this link.
Have a lovely Holiday Field and obey Mrs Field :-)....blogging can be as addictive as crack.
Other Source Info:
"There are cases when an individual has been wrongfully treated by his government and
about the only way, unless the individual resorts to court, and even in some cases the
courts are not able to give proper relief, the only area or avenue open to the individual is
through his representative. When you find a bona fide error has been made, I suggest that
you make a maximum effort to remedy it. This I feel is a vital and important function of
those of us in the House of Representatives."
Authors: Donald G. Tacheron and Morris K. Udall, from the book entitled "The Job of the
Congressman", pages 65 and 66.
(This important duty applies to all elected officials, all government employees, and all U.S. citizens)
Article 1, Section 7, of the California Constitution states: " A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws...."
Article 1, Section 26, of the California Constitution states: " The provisions of the constitution are mandatory and prohibitory, unless by express words they are declared to be otherwise".
The U.S. Constitution being the Supreme Law of the U.S., and/or the respective State Constitutions have similar statements.
Happy Holidays
"White collar criminals" in most every community do much more damage, and such damage negatively impacts many more individuals than that of any gangmember, neighborhood street thug, etc.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Obama just signed off on an approved $130 billion for the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. And will be signing off for another $30-$40 billion for the surge in Afghanistan next spring once it's approved.
This is about what he wouldn't do.
It's funny that nobody BLACK objected to him extending funding the education of students of HBCUs earlier this year by his extensions on grants and loans. But yet I hear that he's cannot be the president of Black America but instead the entire United States!
Some of you are being unreasonable and are forgetting that this is about BLACK PEOPLE suffering the worst at a time recorded as the worst recession in the modern era. A recession brought on by mostly predatory lending practices by greedy bankers and financial speculators.
Practices the FED was warned about years ago who had the power to do something but chose not to. Yep, the same bankers who were recipients of corporate welfare via the gov't. Uh-huh, and one of those very banks received a $38 billion dollar tax break last week. But yet NIGGERS are wrong to voice their discontent?
Obama's rebuttal was directed towards the Congressional Black Caucus. A group who had the balls to stand up and say no more of that Wall Street shit while we get nothing. Their actions alone was successful in the acquisition of $6 billion dollars for the "urban community".
So the banks get money while there's not even a moratorium on foreclosures where people of color were disproportionately affected. You wanna talk about systematic racism? How about this mess we're in started as a direct result of it, but yet Negroes can't get anything by way of policy or even oversight in a Stimulus Bill old or new?
Merry fuking Christmas to all of you sitting on your asses doing well while many of OUR PEOPLE are drowning.
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
[quote]You need us! Without us, you're nothing. And that's a bitter pill to swallow.[/quote]
Show me where your "Spokesman For All NEGROES" badge is?
You personally need JESUS!!
The black community doesn't need saving; it doesn't need fixing. It is as it chose to create itself.[/quote]
I swear. I wish to one day hear a Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser LIKE YOU upon hearing some Black Political operative telling Black folks WHAT WE NEED via politics and government redistribution you BUM RUSH THE STAGE and tell him that WE DON'T NEED THIS.
Saying this after the fact is merely ABSTRACT THEORY.
[quote]Should we hold President Obama more accountable than Bush, Clinton, Carter, or Reagan? Blacks voted for them all...for some more than others.
We only lack a black agenda, because no one is willing to step up to the plate, and put their self-interest aside.[/quote]
Black Diaspora - I continue to struggle to understand you.
For the areas with the largest concentration of BLACK PEOPLE - there is an ARCHITECTURE at hand.
The same MACHINE that Obama is apart of..........
* Is the MACHINE that controls their schools that they are not happy with, failing to prepare their children
* Is the MACHINE that controls the police forces that they say are not protecting them or which is brutalizing them
* Is the MACHINE who's economic policies are failing to employ the masses, allowing them to express their talents
* Is the MACHINE who's social and cultural mores are present while the Centers for Disease Control have RED PUSH PINS in their maps representing a high rate of pathology.
What is the harm for you, Filled Negro, WhiteBowieSteve and Tersi and RiPPa to agree to submit this MACHINE to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT INSPECTION? You all mandate openness in government and business. WHY NOT open up this MACHINE as well as the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT to the very same scrutiny with our PERMANENT INTERESTS as the reference?
There are two outcomes:
* The strategy will be vetted and thus all can carry on
* Certain CHANGES will need to be made as a course correction toward the PERMANENT INTERESTS.
What YOU seem to be stuck with Black Diaspora is a PROTECTION RACKET for this MACHINE.
You are willing to protect your PERMANENT FRIENDS as you put aside your PERMANENT INTERESTS.
[quote]I don't by the way. But if you can get others to beat your drum, so be it.
If you feel this compulsion to effect change in the black community, turn your words into action, otherwise you're just rain on a tin roof, loud, and irritating.[/quote]
Tersi and cinco:
Let me be clear:
the clearly articulated PERMANENT INTERESTS:
* Safe Streets
* Quality Education
* Thriving Local Economies
* Healthy Lifestyles
Instead of CONVINCING YOU TO FOLLOW ME - I am merely LISTENING TO YOUR PRESENT GRIEVANCES; making note that ON PAPER you have right now the POLITICAL ARRAY that you have struggled for; and then throwing up the distinct possibility that WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING FOR HAS NOT, IN FACT BEEN FOR YOUR OWN PERMANENT INTERESTS!!!!
Why do I need to convince an EQUAL ADULT HUMAN BEING that whatever he has done IT HAS BEEN IN VIOLATION OF HIS OWN INTERESTS per his OWN ADMISSION? In playing back YOUR OWN WORDS TO YOU - you should be able to see this for yourself.
It is only in (some of your) IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY that you remain entrenched, unwilling to accept that you are partly responsible for your own present fate and then have the temerity to change course by YOUR OWN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that your PERMANENT INTERESTS are more important than your PRESENT ENTRENCHMENT in which you are stuck.
Do YOU ALL SEE - when Filled Negro throws you your daily CHUM BUCKET and you all show your teeth and consume it - THIS IS NOT THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW PROCESSES BY WHICH TO FIX YOUR PROBLEMS.
This is EXPLOITATION of your present BIGOTRIES.
I am waiting for some of you who are grieving to REBUKE the clear exploitation of your sentiments.
You all are like caged pitbulls and Filled Negro holds up a MIRROR to your cage and stokes your FIGHTING INSTINCTS that effectively have you BITING YOUR OWN INTERESTS TO DEATH by clamping off the blood supply to the jugular.
I don't need FOLLOWERS.
[quote].I often wonder how you continually miss the bigger picture, which is this; the common drug dealers, gangsters and other miscreants you rail against are small time examples of a much bigger problem. [/quote]
You are a permanent OBFUSCATOR, focusing on the FIGHT THAT YOU WANT TO FIGHT.
The BIG PICTURE IS that the 6 year old little BLACK BOY who is in his 4th month of the FIRST GRADE is NOT predestined to become a DRUG DEALER because of some nefarious forces lurking outside of his community will make sure that this is his ultimate outcome.
What apparently doesn't register with you is the concept of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Instead of looking at the fact that today in the life of this 6 year old Black boy:
* Favorable adults CONTROL HIS SCHOOL
* Favorable adults CONTROL HIS HOUSE and all televisions and radios within
* Favorable adults CONTROL THE COMMUNITY he lives within and all of the activities upon the STREET CORNERS
In your BOIL THE OCEAN fight, Ernesto you are CONTRARY to what this little boy needs to guide his straight while REMOVING FROM HIS SIGHT those things that the ADULTS SURROUNDING HIM has the power to control.
YOU are looking for members of your PICKET LINE against the outside forces against which you are ideologically opposed.
I am suggesting that we need ADULT MANAGERS to control the key touch points by which this kid's life experiences will shape his character.
STOP "CHASING" so damned much and instead defend the plot of land that you ALREADY are in control over after your last "chase".
It is fitting and proper that Black people should hold Obama accountable and have reasonable expectations that he will address issues that impact us. But these demands should have come BEFORE, not after he was elected. I remember well that those of us who pointed out the folly in swooning and utterly mindless political support without a corresponding policy platform were shouted down and accused of "hatin" on a brother. Standard responses were a variation of the "let him get into office first". Now it's some bullshit about "waiting" because he's been in office for only a short time. The bankers didn't wait.
Isreal didn't wait. And doesn't listen. Oil and gas conglomerates didn't wait-- neither did organized gay political advocacy groups, and The Pentagon was at the front of the gad dam line.
My most deeply-held belief on this holiday (and in the days to come) is that Black people will survive and prosper......Somehow. Thanks for a good and enlightening forum where I can escape from the ubiquitous hair-sprayed, lying, gussied up Barbie doll spewing lies and calling it news....much respect
CF...that little boy is taught at a young age that material things are more important than life itself. Who teaches such a doctrine? Who?? And where did THEY learn it from?
"Holy Crap do like every other race of men and take care of your family/children and don't expect a freak'in medal!!! your begining to sound like a bunch of little girls!!!"
Ah yes...ok. Yes, we need to do like every other race of men, understand that competition between tribes has always been the way of the world, and...set out to conquer the other tribes. Do the extent all these social pathologies exist, a shared goal can help people to keep from falling into them.
@c.c.-kathy said: "Black Diaspora,
thank you so much for your comments tonight, you bring the much needed clear voice that I so appreciate.:
Thank you kathy. But you may be alone in your assessment. That CF fellow has me in his crosshairs, hoping to nail me, but he keeps firing blanks.
the clearly articulated PERMANENT INTERESTS:
* Safe Streets
* Quality Education
* Thriving Local Economies
* Healthy Lifestyles"
ThenWhyAreYouHere! If not to push your fix, like some StandOnTheCorner drug dealer.
Admit it, you're here for some ego gratification, to save us Negroes from ourselves.
You have a savior complex!
We Negroes don't need you, CF. We'll clean up our act when it no longer serves us.
You're a voice in the wind. No one can't tell the direction from which it comes, nor for whom it's intended.
It's just a loud, irritating, voice that we'd like to shut out by covering our ears, but the wind won't stop blowing.
Tersi, "It's just a loud, irritating, voice that we'd like to shut out by covering our ears, but the wind won't stop blowing."
That's your problem, Tersi. You have a closed mind with no room for anything new. If all Negroes are like you, the black race is doomed. No change is possible. But it's good to know you have stepped up to anoint yourself as the voice of your people. Please let me off, because you are like the captain of the TITANIC!
@--"That's your problem, Tersi. You have a closed mind with no room for anything new."
If you're gonna be a rescuer, at least have the courage to add some identifier to your comments.
If your idol, CF, can extend his solution to cover all black people, with or without their asking for one, then I can speak on their behalf.
It's clear you haven't read what I've said very closely.
Blacks don't need saving. That's a myth, perpetrated by self-styled fixmongers.
What would you save them from? Drugs. Those that use them made that choice.
A dearth of educational opportunities? Educational opportunities abound for those who wish to take advantage of them.
A dearth business opportunities? Business opportunities are ubiquitous. Black businesses flourished in the past, and they do now. There's nothing stopping anyone from availing themselves of these opportunities.
Violence in the black community? When those in these communities tire of it, they'll take the necessary steps to eradicate it.
a dearth of political clout? Hell, we played a major role in electing this country's first black president. When we're ready, we'll take steps to wrest control from those who're not serving our interests, locally or nationally.
No formula is going to achieve this. No fix can assure it. It only takes will, resolve, and some collective effort.
CF is massaging his own ego. He has no fix. There is no fix. When people tire of being powerless, they'll do what it really takes to change their conditions.
By the way, I am a captain of a sort, but of my own destiny, not yours, or that of anyone else.
And I'm only the voice of those who wish to listen. I'm not the one hawking a fix, a quick one, or one down and dirty.
Unlike CF, I don't presume to have the answers for blacks. We as a people will find our way in time, some quicker than others, but all will prevail.
How's that for doom for gloom! I'm more sanguine about our people's future than your idol, CF.
Yeah, I have a closed mind to bullshit, but if you have something worth listening to, then try me. Otherwise spare me the quick fixes, platitudes, empty exhortations, and the endless haranguing.
I hate to sound like a broken record but Barak H. Obama isn't Jesus H. Christ!!! As Black Diaspora and even Constructive Feedback (Yes, even a broken clock is right twice a day.) have said, we're holding Obama accountable for things that it took over 30+ years of urban decay, lack of affective leadership, the disconnected between the Black 'haves' and 'have-nots' and a general surrendered apathy with many in the Black under class.
Ultimately, Black folks need to take a lesson from the Birthers -- want change from the White House and (more importantly) the Congress. Or, we can start rebuilding our community ourselves -- pull our resources together and rebuild our community instead of waiting for a government bureaucrat to write out checks.
Tersi, "If your idol, CF, can extend his solution to cover all black people, with or without their asking for one, then I can speak on their behalf."
Good thinking, and such self-righteous justification.
However, you need to wake up and realize that you don't, and can't speak for all Blacks no matter what you perceive or interpret what CF says. You can only speak for TERSI. Don't be stupid...
Anon: "Good thinking, and such self-righteous justification."
Is there any other kind? Would you deny me a privilege that you, yourself, enjoy?
And why don't you show the firmness of your convictions by giving yourself an identity?
Hiding behind "anonymous" bespeaks ill of you. Who wouldn't want to sign on to comments they support, if they truly believe in them?
I speaks as I choose. Others can choose to listen or not, cosign or not, or ignore me all together.
It matters not to me. But it seems to matter to you that I presume to speak for all. That's something you need to probe, as it carries more weight than is prescribed.
To call me "stupid" is pretty desperate wouldn't you say? I could think of several words that would be more suitable.
Perhaps you should quit while you're ahead, and allow CF to speak for himself.
You're really not a worthy adversary, nor a strong enough debater.
@LACoincidental: "[W]e can start rebuilding our community ourselves -- pull our resources together and rebuild our community instead of waiting for a government bureaucrat to write out checks."
Right on!
There are many recognized problems in our community, the most profound is hundreds of years old. Once we get past emotional analytical explanations, we can concentrate on the major problem and that is, our decision making process.
Yep, we are not making the right decisions to achieve what we want. When there are two adversaries, the haves and the have nots, or position of top and bottom. The haves are rendering decisions to stay on top, the have nots are rendering decisions to stay at the bottom. (Those on top- Stand on - Those at the bottom are stood on. Those on top are not going to volenteer to flip to the bottom, the bottom have to render different decisions forcing the flip.
After reading many of the comments,I find more complaints than ideas and strategy of resolve. Why not apply the precious mind energy to ideas and strategic planning to umprove conditions of complaints. I agree with the comments of self determination and less dependency on the political system that serves the haves. All the have nots offer is votes. The capitalistic system is structured for buying. Buying politicians afford advantage more than voting for them, unless you have an organized system of voting for politicians dedicated to serving your concerns.
Nope, there will never be favorable change, hoping people that are lying, will stop lying when it is working for them.
The first lie is a disappointment, the second lie is disrespect, the third lie certifies lying is acceptable.
The world is dominated by BS and the way to detect BS is when results does not match the spoken or written word presented. I dare say, each one that espouse raising your children properly, would punish your children for lying, but in many cases, reward the lying politician with your support.
The world ifull of crazies....the Bilderberg Group are also on that continum of instability...
amen fn!
soooooooo nice to see the obama nazis and obamabots finally awakening!
no lies/hoaxes live forever...obama is dually doomed.
Accepting BS without challenge weakens the mind. The universe is a system of physics and only physics can harm you physically. The mind produces motivation to exercise physical harm. BS is a product of the mind expressed by the written and spoken word. Every tangible thing in the universe is real; therefore, every move you make is real, only the interpretation of the move can be erroneous. You cannot fake a move, based on that fact, all results are real, you can define BS when the written or spoken word does not match results.
The mind is the most precious thing in life, although people may have good intentions, they stubbornly perpetuate BS, because they have not learned how to define or recognize the danger. Do the math, a minority controlling the majority with BS, until the majority is convinced by a different brand of BS, then they overthrow the old BS and settle into the new BS; it has been going on as long as history. Many people feel secure in an insecure position.
For example, if someone peddling BS, are wearing muddy boots and want to come into the home, the homeowner will demand the peddler take off their boots, stating,” don’t bring that mud in my house." Removing their boots, they are welcomed in to start filling the homeowners mind with BS and the response most often is, "Tell me more."
We allow filling our children's mind with traditional BS; we raise our children without mind filters. All information, regardless of who or where it comes from should be challenged for its authentic value. There should be no fear of challenge, if it is real; it will stand up to challenge. If you cannot challenge it, do not accept it. If it don’t add-up, it don’t count.
In essence, "IT'S THE MIND BABY
I like the part in blackvoices article where the author writes:
"It makes no sense, however, to make these attacks without spending a second holding yourself accountable for addressing the systemic causes of their absence. That is like telling a starving child that he needs to stop losing weight but keeping a lock on the refrigerator."
I like the analogy; except instead of a starving child; make it a starving grown a$$ man. Better yet, a starving grown a$$ man with a crowbar. No even better, several million starving grown a$$ men with 2 crowbars each, one for each hand. JeeBus Christmas! DIY
And a blessed new year to you!
A challenging New Year to all, I will not say Happy New Year, because every year all year long most of the posts I read are repetitious complaining and very little ideas and strategy for resolve, so I will assume each year was not happy.
Why not commit 2010 as a challenging year; let us commit ourselves to doing what we must do to change or rearrange conditions and situations we are capable of doing. To continue begging, pleading and praying for change from them, we are depending on for change, certifies a bit of insanity.
My contribution to challenge is to suggest a different mode of thinking if we want different results. I suggest we organize P.R.E.S. (Perpetual Revenue Generating System) since we live in a capitalistic system and the lifeline depends on money. In organizing P.R.E.S., by-laws should emphasis; emotions shall not find comfort in rendering decisions relative to system. All decisions rendered on advantage for perpetuating the system. All BS challenged and denied. The next is an essential by-law; no political or religious consideration in rendering decisions, this is strictly an economic system. You can be political and religious, that does not exclude you, just leave beliefs at the threshold of economics. All decisions rendered within the framework of the constitution of the USA; if it is legal, consideration is appropriate.
To organize and execute P.R.E.S. with authority and success, apply a mathematical structure and an open book principle applied to all monetary transactions. Transparency deemed essential, to all connected.
We have had the (Million Man March), now it is time for the (Million Mind Connection) (MMC).
I am thrusting the first step with, "A CALL TO MINDS" This is a Mind-to-Mind connection, predicated on communities, not race, color, creed or emotional irresponsibility. Suffering from economic concerns touches every difference and to deny self-interest because of traditional abusiveness of Minds is the epitome of insanity.
If there is interest in further discussions, I will post more thoughts and look forward to reading stimulation from other Minds.
Yep, we should!
Nope, we have not!
Thank you for this blog. Rest, rejuvenate and bring on those opinions of yours.
SoCalMama, thanks for your encouraging response. In that, I recommend an economic adventure; let us concentrate on a product always in demand. The two main energy sources that are constant, is food and water. Money, oil, clothing, housing medication and all other resources of need and wants marketed, do not measure up to the value of food and water.
While the media is distracting our attention with politics, entertainment, terrorist and all other fear mongering nation dividing tactics, how often is their a discussion or reporting of the dreaded monopoly of our food supply. The planet has always been in a state of genocidal resolve of people, there are real factors, expediting the process. The fear of nuclear devastation does not compare to the crisis building up from diminishing supply of edible food and drinkable water. For years, we have had previews of the future from Africa of where masses of people experience genocide from starvation and disease. Research reveals, a minimum of people control the main food supply and effectively use the power to inflict wars and chaos.
Now to the point of what we can do to change our community conditions. I appreciate assistance in diagram structure; I am not astute with the computer. A thought to young Minds, especially those pursuing educational advantages, apply your knowledge in developing P.R.E.S., organize access the Internet, connect with other Minds.
The structure is mathematical. Document the country into (10) regions, each region connect (10) zones, each zone connect (10) districts, each district connect (10) units, each unit, connect (10) cells, each cell connect (10) connectors; thus you have a million Mind connections. The connectors share in net profits of a business plan consisting of expanding opportunities.
The objective is for each connection to connect with (10) families for marketing products and services as well as exchanging Ideas, and sharing relevant information. The connectors serve as liaisons between the families and their needs with access to available information delivered by organized researchers and legal Minds collaborating to insure realistic answers to realistic problems, and information for progressive development of community businesses, enabling community members to share in the revenue system. It does not cost money to organize and connect, other than your regular Internet monthly fees.
Busines consists of three components, P-P-D, (Production-Promotion-Distribution, incorporating an understanding of S-E-T (Space-Energy-Time). With enough space to host enough energy (people) for significant length of time, they will buy concession products.
"We, as Black people for the most part want someone else to fix everything for us. Too many are comfortable and willing to remain content in the social service circle we thrive upon."
Oh get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
I don't know of one black person who is sitting around waiting to be saved.
We're to busy raising our kids, paying our bills, doing our jobs and just trying to live.
Cinco, give me ONE EXAMPLE of how African Americans are expecting any more "help" from Obama than white Americans have from the 43 previous Presidents.
Do we expect him to be sensitive to race issues? Yes.
Would we be disappointed if he stacked the EEOC with people who didn't even believe in the agencies existence?
Would black folks be upset if Obama sicced his Justice Department on colleges with agressive affirmative action policies? Probably.
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