"There's no sin in loving men. Only pain!" -- ~Ally McBeal~
Oh what the hell, I have been getting e-mails about this story all day so I might as well go ahead and blog about it. It's from the "hell hath no fury" category. And fellows, as we all know, now that we are in the age of Tiger these stories are never good.
I mean you dump your jump off and she puts your mug up in time square? WTF? For those of you folks who have never been to New York, you have to believe me when I tell you that the picture you are looking at that goes with this post was put in a very public place. And apparently, it was put in a couple of other cities as well.
Poor guy.
"Charles Phillips released a statement Thursday about his relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins after blogs went abuzz over the mysterious billboards.
"I had an 8 1/2 year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins," Phillips said. "My divorce proceedings began in 2008. The relationship with Ms. Wilkins has since ended and we both wish each other well."'
"I had an 8 1/2 year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins," Phillips said. "My divorce proceedings began in 2008. The relationship with Ms. Wilkins has since ended and we both wish each other well."'
Oh field, there you go; what's so "poor" about him? That's what he gets for cheating on his wife. Besides didn't the article say that no one is taking credit for the billboard, how do we know that she did it? It could have been a business rival.
Well.... "The man who designed the site, Bela Kovacs, told The Wall Street Journal that Wilkins commissioned the site in late summer. Kovacs said he assumed the site was for a happy couple and he never met Phillips. Kovacs told The New York Post that Wilkins told him the site, which cost about $1,400, was a gift for Phillips."
I guess a few thousand dollars is not a lot of cash to spend if you really want to stick it to your ex. Hell she could have went upside his head with a five iron, or worse, spilled her guts on The View. Sorry Charles, I know that I am reaching, I mean this can't be good for you, but look at the bright side; at least you aren't Tiger. Or worse, Mikal Middleton-Bey.
In case you were wondering, Mr. Bey is a recently deceased man whose 300 pound girlfriend decided to snuff him out (no pun intended) by sitting on him. Oh yeah, Mr. Middleton- Bey weighed in at a buck twenty. He really stepped up in weight class to find true love. Nothing wrong with that; unless, of course, your girl happens to be a little psycho. Or, you think you can abuse her and get away with it. None of which would be cool. Apparently the prosecutors thought that there were some mitigating circumstances, because all the heavy weight champion of love got was three years probation and community service.
"So basically you can say that I can go sit on somebody and get probation? I feel there wasn't no[sic] justice."
[Says Mr. Bey's step-mother.] But step-mom, the poor guy weighed 120 pounds! What were you feeding him at home? Seems to me that he was on his way to starving to death before he met his unfortunate demise.....let me stop.
Have a good Saturday night y'all. And if you must go and get your party on, please drink responsibly. And please please please; watch who you take home from the spot.
The "ways of the world" have forced me to resolve to do one thing EVERY year for the rest of my life: Get an HIV test.
I STRONGLY believe that EVERY woman in a heterosexual relationship with a man (especially a Black man) should do the same!!!!!
YEP, you know how those niggers roll Fly. Most are on the DL and if they are not, they are whoring around. Thanks Fly baby.
i get tested once a year.
"So basically you can say that I can go sit on somebody and get probation? I feel there wasn't no[sic] justice."
Considering that most sistas are waaay overweight this makes them dangerous and gives them another weapon to hurt us poor men with.
Field, you always post shit in favor of the sistas. Here you are promoting fat mistresses to sit on us until we are dead. Then find a crooked ass lawyer and play psycho. Her lawyer must have had connections with those prosecuters cause she got away with murder.
I am sure the man gave it his best with her when making love. That had to be like riding an elephant. And she only got three years? That's bullshit. No fair court would have let her off.
It must have happened in a court in Philly with you as the defense and Jody as the prosecutor.
"Considering that most sistas are waaay overweight this makes them dangerous and gives them another weapon to hurt us poor men with."
I guess it's only fair since black men like you are far more dangerous for being the AIDS/HIV/STD carriers to black women. I bet he was the psycho beating on her for not giving him money to buy his drugs. If he wasn't locked up most of the time, he would have had a decent job. He's lucky that's all she did to him, she could have cut off his germs infested dick off.
Well see there you go. I think it is funny. Everything a person does has a cause and an effect. She could have very well put up those billboards. I am still looking photos from Haiti as I write this comment, so this matter is so triffling in comparsion to everything else that is going in the world. However, it is a distraction for a moment and going to the library for a jewelry making class, but I digress.
If I were her, I could not ever be so bother as to plan and pay to set up billboards in a few cities showing before the world that I was having an affair with a married man. Now I will not fathom as to why any woman would to be in a relationship with a married man who will leave his wife and if he does, he will not marry you. I have rule that I will not even date a man who is separated from his wife for the simple reason I am only the transition babe. It is just too complicated for me and I just assume continue living as a single person. My life is relatively boring considering the fact that I am here on the Saturday night watching CNN and writing this comment on Field's blog and my hobbies keep from getting into trouble and grounded. This give me a great appreciation for life and cherishing simplicity and being involved with a married does not fit into equation.
Anon 10:06
Do you mean by us poor men? You do not understand that you are responsibility for your own actions. The person cannot have an affair alone both people have to consent. You are more than capable of saying no and think about the consequences of your actions. Now you are giving the perception that men are too gullible and stupid. What are you six years ago? Right now I have a befuddled look on my face because you wrote is unbelievable as if you are somehow absolved from any wrongdoing (nodding my head saying oh pleaseeeeee). I tell you that brick must have hit your head while writing your comment.
"I tell you that brick must have hit your head while writing your comment."
I guess nobody appreciated my sense of humor. I tried to be funny but pissed off a number women. Are you overweight?
hp-"Do you mean by us poor men? You do not understand that you are responsibility for your own actions. The person cannot have an affair alone both people have to consent."
This poor loving church going man was forced into bed and sat on. That had to be a horrific death with an immovable 300+lb weight unmercifully snuffing the air out of him. That was a very ungrateful woman.
I am conflicted, I find the story unfortunate and yet funny. It is not funny that he died, but the cirumstances is pretty funny. It just sounds like a skit from SNL. I do apologize for finding it funny. With that being said, what you just described is crime. You have a tenuous argument because it does not relate what I was commenting. We are talking about anyone being physically force and kept against his or her will. I am talking people are making conscience discussions to have affairs. It is a two-way street and a person cannot decide to have an affair alone unless you have some kind of strange sexual fantasy. Both of the people involved in the affair are both wrong and I simply do not accept the premise that one is more wrong than the other. Both people are responsible for their actions.
I have one question for you. Do you have a thing with people who weigh more than 300 lbs.? Because you seem very fearful of them as if you have some kind of anxiety. I am just saying that I find it interesting you would write that story about a woman using her girth to get sex as you give your argument more weight no pun intended.
"I am just saying that I find it interesting you would write that story about a woman using her girth to get sex as you give your argument more weight no pun intended."
That's funny. I have been laughing about that story since Field posted it. I assume he was being funny also. Anyway, I was joking but your comment about my anxiety might be right. I AM fearful of a 300+lb woman sitting on me in a chair or anywhere.
I hope I don't have nightmares over this new found phobia. I am sorry I read that damn post. Field is nothing but trouble.
Do you think they made love in a single or twin bed? Where is CF? I think I need an in-depth and thorough analysis on this.
I say a billboard exposing your affair, mistresses chatting up the Today Show and having your lover's baby while he's still married is preferable to what Steve McNair's mistress did to him.
I had a couple of them cheat on me and all I did was screw one's sister (sibling) and the other's daughter. Of course, I did the craziest stuff I could imagine.
The beauty of it was they knew I did it, but couldn't prove it. The women surely weren't gonna admit to it. Sweet revenge.
"When your girl starts acting up, then you take her family members."
Homegirl should've told the cops that she rolled over on him while they were sleeping. It happens to newborns all the time. No jail time, no probation. It was an accident on purpose.
Uh oh I sense this is going to turn to a battle of the sexes part whatever. I will say yes Hell have no fury and I don't feel sorry for neither one of them. With that I'm out.
jack sprat could eat no fat
his wife could eat no lean
if she ever got mad enough
it would be an ugly scene
well it happened she got mad
300 hundred pounds of mean
jack sprat had no chance
and was crushed like a sardine
did he struggle did he scream
did it happen really fast
at the trial the coroner said
boy was that man smashed
CSI while at the scene
could not believe their eyes
they only found a greasy spot
covered with many flies
this is not a fairy tale
and it's not a nursery rhyme
this is something that was real
an honest to goodness crime
I'm not sure what to think
except what a way to go
gonna find a skinny bitch
and then take it really slow
@finefroghair: DEAD! just dead so wrong! Now I got to go to pray. XD
"well it happened she got mad
300 hundred pounds of mean
jack sprat had no chance
and was crushed like a sardine"
Now that's what I am talking about. 300+lb women are now legal weapons. They can kill us bm and not spend a day in prison. I tried to explain to hennasplace how frightening that can be but she just brushed it off as if I had a problem with 300lb women. You bet your ass I got a problem with them! They are 300lbs of beef on two hoofs crushing bm in bed. They should be locked up.
"I'm not sure what to think
except what a way to go
gonna find a skinny bitch
and then take it really slow"
Thanks for the solution, brutha.
The story I read is that Phillips was suppose to be divorced in 2003 and had taken her to his family events and that she broke off with him when she found out he was still married late last year. The web site is suppose to be of them as a legit couple.
Perhaps I read wrong.
Anyway the reason this story has any play is because he was an economic adviser to Obama, early in the administration. I don't think it really matters in the IT world.
A brand-new/not above Anonymous here. Okay: I've been away for a bit. What's happened to the quality of your commenting posts? Have you gained race-baiting trolls or is the tenor of this thread the new norm here? If so....
Fat sistas, love it. And so true.
The quality of the posts is usually determined by the intelligence/quality of the blog post for the day. The trolls come and go, but Field makes it easier for them much more often than he used to. He's been doing it so long he has some "holes" in his blog posts (discrepancies, info. that is not factual, etc.).
True Dat 7:37 Madonna's Like a Prayer video with the black priest has done more for black rights than FN.
she would've been better off donating that money to charity in Haiti, putting it in his name and the name of the woman he cheated with.
Why shoot the messenger Anons? Are these things not happening in the world?
"He's been doing it so long he has some "holes" in his blog posts (discrepancies, info. that is not factual, etc.)."
Link please. Show me one. Just one. Take your time,I will wait....
finefrorhair, it's Sunday, go to church. :)
And forgive me people, but I am still laughing at the comments from 10:51 pm, and I know that it's wrong.
"I say a billboard exposing your affair, mistresses chatting up the Today Show and having your lover's baby while he's still married is preferable to what Steve McNair's mistress did to him."
I think we can all agree on that one.
@Field: It was stated that YaVaughnie Wilkins spent $150.000 on those bill boards. That is alot of money.
Is this woman a multi-millionaire? I doubt it.
So what do you think is going on here? This story is a deliberately staged distraction.
I live in the UK. And i would like to ask this question. Is Charles Philips African-America?
fly--if you're worried or at high risk you need to get a test every 6 months--that's the medical recommendation. once a year is not enough.
Maria, I'm a former AIDS counselor, Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, and currently begining doctoral work in Infectious Diseases. So I'm crystal clear on the real deal issue on HIV.
So please allow me to school YOU. EVERY black woman having sex with a Black man is in a high risk category IMHO. This isn't about being "worried", it's about common sense. However, If I were an IV drug user sharing needles, unmarried having TONS on unprotected sex, a prostitute, or in a relationship with a bisexual man, THEN I would be worried.
So as it stands, you probably have more to worry about than I do because I'm not single and looking.
wow, i am very distressed at your lack of knowledge, given your position!
the CDC guidelines say:
"Persons at high risk for HIV infection should be screened for HIV at least annually."
note the "at least annually." that implies it can be--and in some cases should be -- done more frequently.
you should know that evidence of infection can be found only 6 months after exposure. persons who think they have been exposed or think they have been should be tested right away and then another six months later--and keep doing that for a year.
i was only trying keep information --and you have a responsibility to your clients, which it seems you might not be meeting.
and i'm not looking and i'm not black, i also don't use a picture of my ass in my profile.
i'm not an IV drug user or a prostitute -- so don't push it back on me that i'm higher risk than you. no need to make it personal.
Fly-"So please allow me to school YOU. EVERY black woman having sex with a Black man is in a high risk category IMHO."
Aren't wm just as risky? Why do you label bm as high risk sex?
maria said...
and i'm not looking and i'm not black, i also don't use a picture of my ass in my profile.
I suspected you were being a royal bitch in your initial response to me which is why I came at you the way I did, an now I'm sure of it, LOL!!!
I also suspect your ass wouldn't fit which is probably why 1) you can't seem to keep a man and 2) you aren't using a pic of it for your avatar.
No go on and start posting as assnon in response to what I've said here, LOL!!
FYI, I was TRAINED by the CDC
maria said...
you should know that evidence of infection can be found only 6 months after exposure.
Sereoconversion from negative to positive can occur a hellva lot sooner than 6 months depending on the health status of the person infected, viral load, and the mode of transmission.
Maria, do the people who read this blog a favor and sit your ill-informed ass down somewhere!!
finefroghair.... that was one of your best... STILL laughing as I type this!
i see you are unable to address what i said without resorting to untrue personal accusations about me.
i don't care, and unchanged is the fact that people at high risk should be tested "at least annually," according to the cdc.
Link please. Show me one. Just one. Take your time,I will wait...
listen nigger, you have said that before, and folks have called you out and then you remain silent. Some aussie called you out a while back, but you never owned it, and you were wrong. period. you always use that line, then folks type back and you suddenly disappear. either a) you really are that stupid or b) you have selective memory.
You were also wrong to call someone a queer on here. But you never owned up to that one. Those are 2 that spring to mind.
Don't act like you care, cause I believe you don't. That is what makes you a nigger.
"So please allow me to school YOU. EVERY black woman having sex with a Black man is in a high risk category IMHO"
Oh geez.
See what I mean folks?
What's a brother to do when some sisters are walking around with attitudes like this?
We're all on the "down-low", eh Fly?
are you talking to me? i've never called anyone "queer" in my life.
on with reality--
Periodic Testing:
Many people continue to engage in some degree of risky behavior, and choose to be tested for HIV periodically (every six months, every year, or every other year.)
Since the window period for developing a positive test result can be as long as six months, it would rarely make sense to be tested more often than this.
There are clear benefits to early medical attention for infection with the HIV virus. There is little agreement on how early this must be. But if you wait longer than two years, treatment of the disease may be less effective.
If you are beyond the six month window period from a possible HIV transmission event and were reported HIV negative by an accurate HIV test (and you are not subsequently put at risk for HIV), you can consider yourself HIV negative. There is no need to retest. However if it eases your anxiety, you may wish to take the test again periodically.
When Should I Be Tested?
After a possible HIV exposure:
An HIV test will not detect the presence of the HIV virus immediately after exposure. Statistics show that 96% (perhaps higher) of all infected individuals will test positive within 2 to 12 weeks. In some cases, this may take up to six months.
Think about this: if you got a negative test at six weeks, would you believe it? Would it make you less anxious? If so, go for it. But to be certain, you will need to be tested again at six months.
Las Vegas NV- Last night in a brutal no holds barred Pay Per View event feather weight champ Mikal Middleton-Bey was crushed by heavy weight new comer Mia Landingham most observers agreed in was the most senseless act of brutality they had ever seen. In a stunning reversal Pay Per View execs have unanimously agreed that events of this nature will no longer be sanctioned.
Field this post is killing me I mean it is horrible but come on probation and community service this is a serious miscarriage of justice.
Fly's attitude toward's maria is why black women are on the bottom of my list. they confuse strong with rude. big difference. hang in there maria, fly is one cracked hoe.
uptownsteve said...
What's a brother to do when some sisters are walking around with attitudes like this?
We're all on the "down-low", eh Fly?
I didn't say SHIT about most/many Black men "being on the down low" and the reason, Mr. Genius, is because dow low sex isn't the ONLY way for a Black woman to get HIV. See I happen to believe Majic when he says he's never been with a man, which leaves him having contracted HIV from a woman.
And because it's damn clear that cheating MARRIED men these days aren't using condoms, ie Tiger, Edwards, it's IMPERATIVE for women to protect themselves.
So the only thing "absurd" around here is unprotected sex.
Hey field, how's your smoking coming along?
FlyNMy40s said...
No go on and start posting as assnon in response to what I've said here, LOL!!
I think Imma have to give "Miss Cleo" a run for her money, LOL!!!!
I think Fly thinks she's AB. But at least AB is smart..
And she's talking to herself too...
AB and Fly, between the two, have experienced every conceivable career, except astronaut, which is kind of a wasted opportunity since both are already circling the planet Neptune.
Anon. 2:22pm, I am still waiting... Oh, and let me help you with something, since you are obviously too dumb to know the difference: There is a difference between proclaiming to give facts and OPINION.Get it? O.P.I.N.I.O.N.
That is expressing your own personal belief.
Loof!(Don't bother to look up that word,I made it up for people just like you.)
Jak/STAT pathways, RNAseL, viral infections, IFN alpha, blah, blah, blah, it it weren't for the assons on this blog, I wouldn't be exposed to my daily dose of white sheet ignorance, LOL!!!
Loof?? I think I kinda like that one, Field, LOL!!!
"Loof?? I think I kinda like that one, Field, LOL!!!"
Yeah, it's a backwards fool.(LOOF-FOOL. Get it? :))
I know that they are supposed to be e-fighting in this thread, but I am actually learning from the exchange between maria and Fly.
Not back to the Jets and the Horse- shoes.
Nigger, let's begin with the fact you know nothing about racism in Australia. Yet, your post claimed racism, racism, but there were 3 aussies on there who told you you were wrong. Did you own up to that?
Please nigger, you are dumb, dumb, dumb. And there is no way anyone can dismiss that. Nigger.
oh, before Fly chimes in, I am a black man. Not a nigger like some of those who frequent this blog.
And Fly, I would surmise that most of the folks that hate your ass, are probably black. Respectable black folk don't like your kind any more than whiteys do.
"So basically you can say that I can go sit on somebody and get probation? I feel there wasn't no[sic] justice."
Considering that most sistas are waaay overweight this makes them dangerous and gives them another weapon to hurt us poor men with.
Field, you always post shit in favor of the sistas. Here you are promoting fat mistresses to sit on us until we are dead. Then find a crooked ass lawyer and play psycho. Her lawyer must have had connections with those prosecuters cause she got away with murder.
I am sure the man gave it his best with her when making love. That had to be like riding an elephant. And she only got three years? That's bullshit. No fair court would have let her off.
It must have happened in a court in Philly with you as the defense and Jody as the prosecutor."
9:37 PM
Quote above.
Field Negro, is the house nigger at home......
Maria, cutting and pasting other people's stuff is a pretty hypocritical unless YOU are willing to follow the suggestions of all the stuff you're busy cutting and pasting.
Another Wikipedia "Scientist", LOL!! What would the world be without them, ROTFLMBAO!!!!
field negro said...
"Loof?? I think I kinda like that one, Field, LOL!!!"
Yeah, it's a backwards fool.(LOOF-FOOL. Get it? :))
As in Oprah/Harpo, right? Yeah, kinda familiar with this as a Scientist. We call this palindromic though, lol!!!
Well, I hope men learn their lesson when it comes to cheating. it appears skeletons sometimes fall out of the closet without anyone opening the door.
the information i posted is from aids.org and the san francisco aids organization, two NGOs. they are not "other people's stuff."
the other information i posted was from the CDC.
i provided links to all of them.
there's no hypocrisy in anything i'm saying, doing or posting. accusing me of hypocrisy is simply illogical.
and field, happy that anyone can learn something that might save lives.
What's up with all the derogatory name calling such a "nigger" and "crack hoe"?
Is that really necessary? Or is that a habit with some? Smh!
it's hate speech and i wish field you would break your no-censorship policy and delete those folks!
you want to make this a safe place for all your posters, and it's not when those words are allowed.
Field is a puss and will never do that Maria.
Granny you cum stain, there is always dirty language on here. FN used the term Whitey the other day but you didn't howl about that now did you? Of course not.
Personally, I find it FAR more offensive to be accused of lying about being a Sceintist by someone Black around here, than just about any other thing some anon butt crack can come up with.
The fact that I'm usually the ONLY black face in a sea of white faces on my job/in school combined with the decreasing numbers of Black kids pursing careers in Sceince, Medicine, and Engineering is the primary reason this tee's me off so damn much. Ditto for the "token" comments too.
liberated liberal said...
Field is a puss and will never do that Maria.
Granny you cum stain,
I've made it pretty clear my "issue" with granny over her token comment to me, but this shit here is uncalled for.
I'm guessing your the same jackass that suggested in another thread a few weeks ago that I sucked my dead Dad's penis?
I've said it before, there aren't but a few choice solutions for an asshole like you and I won't risk my security clearence saying exactly what THAT would be.
You and I need to talk in private. I am gonna send you an e-mail. Is that okay with you?
That's cool Granny.
Anonymous 6:39:
How long have you suffered from Tourettes Syndrome? Or do you think that your filthy mouth and disrespect makes you look grownup and intelligent?
You come on here to hang with the heavyweights and you haven't even qualified yet to hang with the feather weights. Face it you are really out of your league and should sit back down and hush! Because every time you open your mouth you contaminate this room with your ignorance and give us an example of a child left behind.
"What's up with all the derogatory name calling such a "nigger" and "crack hoe"?
Is that really necessary? Or is that a habit with some? Smh!"
Granny, it's the same couple of trolls. I know them from their IP addresses. They usually come out on Sundays when their PO let's them out from house arrest.
Just ignore them. The one dude reminds me of a girl I dated once, she kept bad mouthing me to all her friends, but wouldn't stop calling my house. Go figure. :)
Kind of like this clown. He/she (it)hates my site so much but he/she can't stop coming back. Damn it's good to be me.
So just ignore them. I will keep deleting the filthy stuff that (it) posts about others. The stuff about me doesn't bother me so I will let that slide.
Oh well, back to watching the "Who Dats" and the Vikings.
field negro said...
Kind of like this clown. He/she (it)hates my site so much but he/she can't stop coming back. Damn it's good to be me.
Nothin' "kills" a hater like continued success and no one knows that better than me, LOL!!!
"I didn't say SHIT about most/many Black men "being on the down low" and the reason, Mr. Genius, is because dow low sex isn't the ONLY way for a Black woman to get HIV."
Fly, then why did you say this?
"So please allow me to school YOU. EVERY black woman having sex with a Black man is in a high risk category IMHO"
Are you hittin' the sherm on Sunday?
"You come on here to hang with the heavyweights and you haven't even qualified yet to hang with the feather weights. Face it you are really out of your league and should sit back down and hush!"
Now now now Granny, I think he/she (it) got its GED in prison. :)
The Saints are getting beat.:(
Field, no offense but for a big head, you sure have a small brain (btw, that photo is way so outdated).
1) you are not smart enough to figure out the IP address solution. You have been informed by many how to deal with the trolls (but I believe you like the trolls in some sick way). Which is why you swing in and say "don't listen to the trolls..." blah blah blah. As a tech person, you are lying when you said, "I know them by their IP addresses". So the person who called you a liar earlier and you waited for the proof, well I don't know about past lies, but you are full of shit on that one.
2) Granny was called a *** stain and you did not delete that one.
Also, Granny, I am hoping you will answer it's question about why you don't like certain things but think Whitey is okay. Personally, I would never use Whitey or Nigger on anyone. Nor *** stain or refer to someone performing fellatio on their father. However, with that being said, I think Nigger and Whitey are far worse than a falsified sexual slam.
I believe (as you have bragged about your traffic before) you have many trolls on here. In your pee brain little mind you believe that the trolls are proof that what you are saying is right or it's getting to people etc. Not really Field, I don't think that's it at all. You just make it so damn easy cause of some of the shit you post.
I have been here since the beginning (well almost) and I am black, so don't chase any racism here. I just see a sad Mr. Bennett who really is looking for a place in the world, and the place he has created is what others have called a "train wreck".
I am glad you are finally deleting posts. Now if you could just get Fly and some of the others to learn civility, there might be hope. But like I said, you love the drama, it excites you. Although most of your audience probably would prefer a safe space (as so many of your followers have asked for). But that's funny, you never respond to them. Moon, Maria, etc. have all asked, but funny you remain silent on that one too...just like assnon accused you of earlier. Hold up that mirror Wayne. Take a look and see if you are what you claim.
Fn make them stop, please for God's sake.
"The Saints are getting beat.:"
It ain't over yet my brother.
Who Dat?
Fuck off cannot,
if you cannot take heat, get outta the field. only real men and women allowed up in here. AB calls people names all the time, and no one complains. She has used some horrible, lewd phrases, but fn never took those off. so i figure if people can say all that and some of hte stuff fn has said (ie asians are the flavor of the month for whitey) right after that poor girl was found dead, what if her family read that? what if they were in love? but fn didn't care and said that horrible horrible statement. AB and UTS have both made incest stabs at hillbillys when they post etc. so that means we can say what we want...but why do you choose to delete them now fn? any way fuck off cannot.
Field, "The Saints are getting beat.:("
The Colts won, now it looks like the Vikings are going do a number on the Saints.
Looks like it might be one big Mid-West Superbowl!
Sorry about that, Field.
"AB and UTS have both made incest stabs at hillbillys when they post etc."
Now that's just not true dammit.
I happen to know that some yankees like diddling their cousins as well.
uptownsteve said...
Fly, then why did you say this?
................Are you hittin' the sherm on Sunday?
I said it because EVERY Black man I know has at some point in their lives, cheated on a woman. THATS why.
The only "sherm" I'm hittin' today is called Infectious Disease Immunology. And with the way I'm feeling now after sitting here for the past 4 hours or so, I could bypass the "sherm" for an Alabama slamma, LOL!!!
I happen to know that some yankees like diddling their cousins as well.
this is why i love you
Fly-"I could bypass the "sherm" for an Alabama slamma, LOL!!!"
Please explain.
It's half time,and the Who Dats are looking better.
Jade, it's called the world wide web, why are YOU still here? I know I know, "the drama". *scratching "outdated" head* :)
"As a tech person, you are lying when you said, "I know them by their IP addresses"
Soooo you are a "tech person"? What exactly does that mean? Because I am not. But do you see the time at the end of your comments and that statcuonter on my side-bar Ms/Mr "tech person? That pretty much tells me all I need to know about the IP address coming in. And I am NOT a "tech person", you are right about that.
I think you have been exposed as a fraud. (And who cares if you are black)As for my place in the world, I have already found it. -You are on MY blog talking shit.- May I suggest you find yours.
Now I have a game to watch, the Who Dats just went back up.
I think you have been exposed as a fraud. (And who cares if you are black)As for my place in the world, I have already found it. -You are on MY blog talking shit.- May I suggest you find yours.
Speak, Field, SPEAK!!!!!
Like I've said before, I think it's pretty damn crazy for the same person to post under 50 different usernames AND as anon. Just PSYCHO, LOL!!!!!
You are quite sick. Get some help.
and you know what, i just read every word on this page and fly didn't say anything terribly rude or wrong...obviously you don't know how to treat a lady.
I am a 'tech person" too. Field, I call bullshit on your IP info too.
We know you can see the IP info, but you don't have the "identifying" info.
They really don't get it. So just leave them be in their think-they-know-it-all foolish ways.
Field, you mean to tell me that even though I am anonymous you can track me down? Oh my, I thought I was totally safe from discovery.
Well, at least you have the 'option' to track down the location of those sick nasty racists.
Sorry I posted this on the wrong post.
do not hate fly and i because you are the stationery veteran employee on the fryer at mcdonald's!
get your life/careers you uneducated inexperienced cowardly fool!!!
assnons et al:
ever notice how fn is unfraid to post his handsome face on this blog?...or how he is always proudly boasting about his beautiful black smart strong employed wife???
but all of the misogynist morons who bash women and fn are also notably invisible herein????
the ugliest reject "men" are always the ones who are "rejecting" (read: being ignored by) and bashing (read: lusting after) women
you are a blatant liar re "incest"
quote me or shut up!
uts and i are the only name callers herein?????
got glasses????
I say that it's funny as hell what YaVaughnie did! I laughed! (and recalled some of MY escapades :P come on girls, we've all been there, done that!!) But no big deal, par for the course, she's been jilted, and she's mad, she expected to be the next missus or whatever and obviously the dude kept up this ilusion. This doesn't really harm him and it vents some of her anger, so, that's life! It's a bumpy ride. Her bad, his bad, so what! big deal, Hey at least she didn't pull a Lorena Bobbit on him! LOLOLOLOL! Now that woulda been REEEAAALLYYYY BAAAD!lol!
AB-"the ugliest reject "men" are always the ones who are "rejecting" (read: being ignored by) and bashing (read: lusting after) women"
I don't bash women. What about the women who are "rejecting" and "bashing" men? What is your opinion of them?
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