I see Harold Ford has been taking political advise from Harry. Yes Harold you are light, and you happen to be articulate, but that sure as hell doesn't mean that you should go all carpetbagger on us and run for political office in....gasp, NEW YORK!? Harold, aren't you from Tennessee? What the hell are you doing running for a senate seat in Zoo Yawk? Oh field, stop it, the man has been working in New York since 2006 on Wall Street, why can't he run for office in the state in which he lives and works? OK, but I hope you Obamaholics know that he is doing it in spite of his O ness and all his people begging him not to. They have their candidate already, they don't need Harold upsetting the apple cart.
And, I have a true confession: I happen to think Harold Ford is a fraud. He has no ideological backbone, and he is one of these people in public office that you just know will carry on with the same old same old in Washington. There is no there there with Harold. And I am not the only one who feels this way. Harold and his centrist politics will not help black folks or poor people here in A-merry-ca. Harold in Washington will be just more of the same. We have sung and danced to this song before. Harold is just another beltway Negro who will be playing the same old tune.
"Ford, a centrist Democrat who had been known as conservative-leaning on many issues, sought to use the New York Post piece to defend what some have called recent flip flops designed to please a more liberal New York voters, including abortion rights and gay marriage."
Yes, but he is light skinned and articulate, doesn't that count for something?
On a serious note, let's not forget about our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
(Those of you who are so inclined, can you call God and ask him why he chose to drop a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on one of the poorest countries on earth?) They are going through it right now. I hope you will all forgo some of your daily luxuries and send them a little something.
FN.. You are the best at what you do..Right Here..Right Now
Harold Ford is a Wall Street insider and can probably raise quite a bit of moolah. He is light-skinned w/o the Negro dialect too boot. Check out this blog for some good Harold Ford background info:
Ford is a very ambitious and determined politician.
He thinks that is was his birthright to be the first black President coming from the octoroon political aristocracy of Memphis.
He's jealous as hell of Obama's achievement and determined to match it.
Ford will ge his ass handed to him in a Senate race from NY.
The major black NY pols like Rangel, Greg Meek and Byron Brown (Mayor of Buffalo) won't support him and view him as a carpetbagger and an opportunist.
On top of that, Gov. David Patterson's low apporval pols will make it difficult for any black running for statewide office in NY right now.
That "black tax" thing again.
When one of us fails, it affects all of us.
Maybe he'll try to run as a white guy.
As a NY'er with political ties, I so agree with uptown.
This negro is in over his head trying to come here, this ny black pols don't play nice lol (none of them do, especially here). He can come if he wants I think it will be funny.
Many want to blame the " Call me" ad for his failure in Tn. The ad had little to do with his lost. This black woman that lives in heart of his former district was not voting for him no matter what.
That ad was funny as hell though- maybe you folks in NY can convince him to take the bar exam as opposed to take another shot at a senate seat. Whatever you'll decide, just keep him up there.
I don't see why Harold couldn't or wouldn't succeed in NY. Light skin? Check. Doesn't speak the Negro dialect? Check. Democrat? Check. Plus a bonus of light eyes, & a white wife? He's a shoe in! No, on a serious note, it doesn't matter; when these Negroes, or half Negroes get in they only mantain the status quo. None of them have the balls or power to change the system. They only care about adding to their own creditials.
And I've already donated what I possibly could at the time to Wyclef Jean's YĆ©le Haiti. And anyone can text 501501 and $5 will be donated and the charge will be added to your cell phone bill.
Haiti is all I can think about right now. It sounds like it is really, really bad. Nina... I am with you. Also, International Red Cross is taking donations for Haiti... they have had workers on the ground there for years.....
@ FN:
About the earthquake...it rains on rich and poor alike...the sun shines on rich and poor alike.
Earthquakes have more to do with science and the movement of the earth platlettes. I believe that is how the island of Haiti came to be.
And I am sure many prayers have gone up for the people of Haiti (I know I have).
Dear Mr. Field,
I agree with you regarding Harold Ford. Yesterday's post, not so much. Uptown Steve, you hit the nail on the head.
I am praying for the people of Haiti.
Thanks for the Red Cross info. I want to give something.
Hey Field I am keeping up with the Haitian crisis, it is heartbreaking. I have Haitian freinds who still have family and friends in the country.
I hope that folks send contributions, Oxfam is a good one and Wyclef Jean is setting up a site as well.And prayers as simple as it may sound are needed as well.
Brother Field this can't be blamed on God. He set the earth and geology in motion and like agape said,-- I believe he is right --the island came about as a result of earthquakes thousands of years ago. Humans chose to settle this island not God. From my humble understanding or perspective on God, He (some prefer She) is a just God that has a preference for those who are like the majority of Haitians, poor and the oppressed again like the island of Haiti, which has been oppressed for years by its neighbors.
Whenever Haiti has tried to govern itself and advance itself materially the US and European (i.e. France)imperialists have stepped in and hindered the efforts, either through direct intervention or more recently the UN with its fake impartial force.
I think it was Frederick Douglass who said that the White world would never forgive Haiti from breaking free from European oppression/colonialism, referring to its mighty victory over France and slavery becoming the first free Black republic in the Western Hemisphere.
NO my brother Haiti's problems have been primarily man made internal and external. Let's hope that one day we create a world that does not feel the need to exploit fellow human beings and we don't have this obvious eye sore of developing and underdeveloping world. I'm with Jody and the Social Forum, "Another world is possible." And trust me my brother God will be right in the middle of that liberating work.
liberation then peace
"Donations to the International Response Fund can be sent to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C. 20013 or made by phone at 1-800-REDCROSS or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish) or online at www.redcross.org."
From the Red Cross website
Field, if we all believed it took was to be light skinned and articulate then why did Harold lose in his home state?
Harry Reid was wrong for what he said. People keep writing off Obama running the best campaign of 2008. By saying crap like he won because he was Black, not Bush, bad economy etc... If in fact it took all those things to be President we would have had President Jesse Jackson a long time ago. Truth is and will always be Obama simply ran the best campaign against a weak field of Republicans.
@ mellaneous:
"NO my brother Haiti's problems have been primarily man made internal and external. Let's hope that one day we create a world that does not feel the need to exploit fellow human beings and we don't have this obvious eye sore of developing and underdeveloping world. I'm with Jody and the Social Forum, "Another world is possible." And trust me my brother God will be right in the middle of that liberating work."
liberation then peace
BRAVO!! (and for the record I am not a HE :)
I have a true confession: I happen to think Harold Ford is a fraud. He has no ideological backbone, and he is one of these people in public office that you just know will carry on with the same old same old in Washington. There is no there there with Harold.
That's interesting. I gave Ford $500 when he ran in Tennessee because I hoped a Democrat would have a chance there.
But since then, I've gotten a funny feeling about the guy. I really can't put my finger on it. He seems too slick and ambitious, a black version of Mitt Romney.
I haven't made up my mind about him, though. The bid in New York seems fishy to me. I don't think he has the stature to do it.
Why should Harold Ford be any different than any other politician?
He is running in NY because the law allows it. Politicians change their home state and address where they feel they have the best chance at winning...Ford is no different...why single him out when white politicians have set the standard...(and the law).
MHO - Ford is a slickster...but it's hard for a black to politic in Tennessee...remeber Obama did not take Tennessee...nuff said.
I don't see this guy cutting it in New York. He's not Bobby Kennedy or Hillary Clinton. New York felt honored to be carpet-bagged by those two. He needs the support of Rangel, Dinkins, Sharpton & about 1000 more locally powerful NY African-American politicians from Buffalo to Long Island who are not in need of a Black "leader" from Tennessee via Wall Street.
Brother Field...I wonder why do the people even vote for pols that just "drop in" for the political opportunity. I thought you should represent the people. In order to do that I quess it would be nice to have at least lived there and experiance the plight of those represented. Buttt, we have elected Bro. Bobby Scott for soo many years. The only "touch"- I see him having with us- is an annual bar-b-que, whereby he invite all his white buddies to see the field hands on his private plantation. Yes, the master gave this guy a plantation by the gerrymandering of ALL- yes ALL- the population of Blacks damn near from Richmond to Norfolk. He runs unopposed each election. Quess we love him because of his looks. I only pray that the population will start electing men and women that TRULY have their interest in mind. But, I quess some elected people get polluted once they see/feel the power that these positions offers on the personal level. PS. I know Rep.Scott is on some good committees but the ares he represents have the most negatives- (schools, employement and crime)-. You would think he could get something right after so many years
Brother Field and All... is there an address to send money and clothes to Haiti? I KNOW I can find it on the "net" But I can say- my mind can't stay focus during my surfing/looking up things. One plus or minus with idle time. Yes, I am in pause for a moment in this life's race. AGAIN PS... Haiti only comes up when there is a tradgedyor other negative. Shame on us Blacks for being so neglectful of people that look like us. Me included.
Dark Sith Ford making waves about running was enough for Skeptical Brotha to come out of retirement. he's already done 2 new posts on Ford.
He's a snakeoil salesman. I hate to say it, but MITT ROMNEY is more genuine than Harold Ford, and considering I believe Romney is a piece of insincere plastic, that should tell you what I think of Ford.
uptownsteve is correct.
he's mad at hell for Obama coming outta nowhere and becoming President.
trust your instincts people.
not only is he a House Negro, he's the type that would have spied on the slave rebellion and given the most accurate reports possible back to MASSA on what's going on.
Still Panther.... Huffington Post has a list of Organizations (including the ones listed above) where people can donate for Haiti....
The news is heartbreaking this morning. I so agree that Haiti is sadly only thought of in crisis.. and here we are again.....
Folks, thanks for all the 411 on where we can donate to the people of Haiti.
Nina, I love the info on the Wyclef site. Thanks!
"..not only is he a House Negro, he's the type that would have spied on the slave rebellion and given the most accurate reports possible back to MASSA on what's going on."
UTS, I think you nailed it.
"mellaneous", sorry to be such a cynic when it comes to my man(or woman) up above. I promise to try and not tie in religion and natural desaters again. (Try) I have some issues on that front.
Field, the answer is there is no God, thats why 2 year olds get Leukemia and Ted Kennedy lives to his 80's...
And if there IS a God, he doesn't love you, doesn't like you, in all probability, he hates you.
That sucks about Haiti, I was turned onto "StarTrek TNG" by a butcher by the name of "Jean Luc"...
One thing I have learned: whenever the flip flopping begins, there is no agenda whatsoever.
Unfortunate what happened to Haiti. I read where someone donated $5.00 and it had been on my mind to find out how I could send a few dollars myself.
Thanks for the link, Jody.
With only three blacks to have held a senate seat since reconstruction. I'm disappointed at all the shit talk surrounding Ford's potential run. Youse Negroes all talk about freedom, justice, and equality but are talking big shit about a black man making an attempt to become a LAWMAKER?
Hello Negroes????
I've heard even the most absurd reason as to why he won't win being the fact that he's married to a white woman. This is foolish and probably why we're stuck on stupid.
Look, I live in Memphis, and I have supported the guy here. I'm also a NYC transplant and I realize that he may be "not liberal enough" for New York. But the fact remains that the idea of his potential run wasn't his own doing. In other words:
FYI: A fifth of the $15 million he raised for his senate run here in TN. back in 2006 came from New York.
The bottom line here is money folks. And with that, I see him being successful should he decide to run for that seat. If Hillary Clinton and Bobby Kennedy can run to NY to win senate seats as they did, why can't Harold? He has raised a lot of money for the party and specifically for Obama's campaign.
The fact that he will not receive the White House's blessings speaks volumes as to the bitchassness of Obama. Didn't Obama tell Patterson to sit his black ass down too?
actually, according to the NYT, harry reid told ford not to run.
We should have learned by now that our liberation will not come from black politicians. In fact the more we integrate the more we take on the agendas of the majority (who don't care about their own people either). And married to a white woman? Case closed, end of story.
Which ties in to the Haiti story as it was another light skinned politician by the name of Colin Powell who helped the US kidnap Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Yes, the US ran off with their democratically elected leader and left the people in the hands of thugs, literally eating dirt.
A white devil with dark skin is just a white devil (with dark skin). A pox on all of them.
ditto fn:
harold ford was politically ejected from TN where he had the audacity to protest truthful republican ads detailing his OJ tendencies and then immediately wed a wf...
he has been a rabid gaybasher and homohater but has suddenly become a ny pro-gay marriage liberal?????
spare me the ruse!!!
he wants to be a fake pink career politico by any means necessary in any state that will have him
i know ny's voters are too saavy to fall for his country crocks!!!
see much more on this gaybashing joker here:
ps: i do have a problem with obama bossing around/shutting down black peers in nyc...it is becoming habitual
You know none of these people blaming whitey and talking about 'white devils', etc are going to give a dime to help haitians.
Same thing after Katrina, all the people talking about 'white devils' and blaming whitey were the same people sitting on their ass not doing a damn thing to help anyone. Meanwhile, so many of the people they were blaming were sending money, going down in groups to help rebuild. etc.
Got to love lazy moan and groaners.
None of this is surprising, b/c Ford is lightskinned AND as a bonus, is a member of the greatest of all fraternities, Kappa Alpha Psi, the fraternity so nice, it had to be named twice! Yo Baaaaaaby!
Why would one think God is involved in this catastrophe? Or, is it simply a facetious statement and I missed the irony? Haiti is a complex spate of historical, political and financial abandonment that demands a larger discussion. The quake is the flashpoint...God was no more involved in this than He was in the Alabama win over Texas in the BCS game (people in both states claim divine intervention...)
Exactly L.
(Ecclesiastes 9:11) 11 I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. . .
In the Bible, whenever God caused a catastrophe to execute the wicked, a warning was given, so there was no question that God brought the destruction as he forewarned. But there's no scriptural authority for believing that disasters in general are calamities God brings upon people to punish them for their sins.
I swear every time I see this dude, I just wanna throw a bottle of lotion and some clippers at his ass.
As for Harold Ford. I have always thought he was a snake in the grass. He just has never seemed to be genuine.
"God" does not exist...he/she is not responsible...
When Haiti decides to pull up their breeches and become a non-dictatorship, corruption as a way of life, one disaster after another waiting to happen, people sitting on their asses and not doing shit about it - country, maybe I'll spare them what little sympathy I have, and help them rebuild their slums.
Oh...wait a minute...did I say Haiti, or the USA?
Steve you are hopeless.
Literally HOPELESS.
The major black NY pols like Rangel, Greg Meek and Byron Brown (Mayor of Buffalo) won't support him and view him as a carpetbagger and an opportunist.[/quote]
How many of these same Negroes say that NO BLACKS IN THE US SENATE is "taxation without representation for the Negro"?
If Ford makes it past the "Black General Election" (the Democratic Party Primary) and IS the Democratic choice in the General Election - HE WILL get 97% of the Black vote REGARDLESS of how little he might know about New York OR how WHITE his wife is.
[quote]On top of that, Gov. David Patterson's low apporval pols will make it difficult for any black running for statewide office in NY right now.[/quote]
You see Steve you never talk about the TWIN BROTHER of this line of thinking.
Where as you and others who believe this will thus DEFEND ALL BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS in order to save face - YOU ALSO produce a VOTER NULLIFICATION situation where regardless of how bad the state of the institutions which this person has been elected to govern HE CAN LOOK TO YOU FOR SUPPORT.
Ironically YOU are the RACIAL BIGOT in your own actions.
That "black tax" thing again.
When one of us fails, it affects all of us.[/quote]
* Philly
* Baltimore
* DC
* Atlanta
* East St Louis
* Newark
* Camden
* Detroit
* Southside Chicago
You are correct Steve - when INCOMPETENT LEADERSHIP is allowed to remain BECAUSE of their RACIAL and IDEOLOGICAL alignment with you WE ALL SUFFER because of your BIGOTRY
[quote]i know ny's voters are too saavy to fall for his country crocks!!![/quote]
Help me out.
When the "White" voters of Tennessee rejected for as Senator they were said to be "Southern Racists" who were not PROGRESSIVE enough to have a Black man represent him.
Today we see Black Progressives HATING ON FORD at the thought of his becoming Senator from New York (just as Clinton and Kennedy did).
Why is it that the White folks are assumed to be BIGOTS while the New York attackers are good judges of character?
@ Anonymous 9:28
Yeah, white Americans love to rebuild shit after they've torn it up. They love to crow about their vaunted science, economic systems, religion and culture. They have their bases all over the world and warships off the coast of every rival. They love to remind us of how they're the only superpower, previously one of two. They take pride in pointing out how they won the cold war (by using the third world as pawns) and willfully accept the spoils of European colonialism. The death toll from their most recent imperial adventures number in the millions.
Yet, as the inheritors of 500 years of pillage, and instigators of the next 500, nothing is their fault. The coups and death squads have no effect, the trade agreements cause no harm, the billions in conventional and chemical weaponry sent to their thug friends in the middle east and south America are meaningless. The global warming crisis isn't going to disproportionately effect the third world, and the lucrative prison industrial complex is not tearing up our already fragile families.
White Americans are masters of patting themselves on the back and taking no responsibility for the harm they cause. They love to grab up children from one of impoverished countries that they're exploiting and acting like they're the most charitable nation in the world (they actually rank near the bottom)
Yes there is plenty of blame to go around but even a cursory glance at history shows that anytime black and brown folks DO try to get it together, the cops or the military or some mob show up to tear it up and send us back to square one.
Fuck em.
"When the "White" voters of Tennessee rejected for as Senator they were said to be "Southern Racists" who were not PROGRESSIVE enough to have a Black man represent him.
Today we see Black Progressives HATING ON FORD at the thought of his becoming Senator from New York (just as Clinton and Kennedy did).
Why is it that the White folks are assumed to be BIGOTS while the New York attackers are good judges of character?"
@CF: That's a very good point you brought up. Especially considering that here in Tennessee Ford carried 48% of the white vote in a state where the black population is less than 20%.
black and white voters in TN hate harold ford equally!
he is very much despised by all in TN
that is why the republicans
felt that their blatantly tacky but true ads would fly and they did
who said the voters who rejected ford were racist?????
i expect voters of ALL races to reject him in NY just as they did in TN
see more on the fake harold:
Today we see Black Progressives HATING ON FORD at the thought of his becoming Senator from New York (just as Clinton and Kennedy did).
CF, HCR worked her tail off to be accepted in NY by running around the state to get to "know" the people. Also, it didn't hurt that her husband is Billy. And Kennedy - no need to explain. Initially, I liked Harold when he was running in Tennessee then I started reading up on his positions, votes, etc. Now I just think he is somewhat of an opportunist. But hey if he makes it good for him, if he doesn't good for him as he will still have a job on Wall St. I'm sure.
harold ford is a rabid neocon in pink face
folks in tn even whispered about him doing as sarah palin and becoming a fox tv news star once...
only whites called the whites who hated ford in tn racists
as they may be...
but the black voters called them peers at the polls and voted him out...
that is why ford is now running his same tired fake games in NY
more on the waffling snake harold:
haha, Harold Ford will be the next senator from NY, and the hatemongers will be wailing and gnashing their teeth. There is some justice in the world after all.
Wail on, black racist loonbags. You're already entering a losing streak like you've never seen before. The election of hypocrite Obama was the beginning of your end :)
glad you helped our valid argument by pointing out that the yellow/blackish obama and the pink phony harold are indeed colorful cronies
Deluded loon Aleesha, you'd better get some new hypertension meds - you're gonna need somethin' really powerful in the months ahead. There is a cultural resurgence in Uganda, and the Church of Nigeria will soon be here.
the slaying of gays in uganda has nothing at all to do with how i just slew you and that pink neocon hf that you revere so!
focus fool!
Deluded loon Aleesha claims to be a mighty 'warrior' because she goes online and calls people as 'assnon'. God will judge her for her deviancy. But visitors to this website will judge all here by the way a loon runs free. Cuckoos Nest. You see what permissiveness leads to. Not to fear, soon morality will be restored to society. I will instruct you more tomorrow, loonbag. Unlike you I have a real j-o-b, not made up ones. May God have mercy on you.
my name is spanish
uh lee see uh
your envy is showing along with your lack of debate skills...fyi
i have 4 jobs
and i have earned the title warrior warrior because i have slain many raging idiots like you for decades...long before blogs etc
Redcrossphilly.org (linked to redcross.org)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/American-Red-Cross-Southeastern-Pennsylvania-Chapter/68427744917
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedCrossPhilly
Text “HAITI” to “90999″ and a donation of $10 will be given to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts.
1-800-REDCROSS or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish)
American Red Cross
P.O. Box 37243
Washington, D.C. 20013
This is God's will for the earthquake to happen. We should not question this at all.
I don't know much about politics but it seems to me that Harry Ford is the quintessential politician. He's got it all! He'll prolly be the next Dem candidate for POTUS. I think the Dems need/are looking for a serious charmer to go up against John Thune who seems to be shaping up as the next GOP candidate.
Seen the Francis L. Holland Blog: "Please Butt Out of NY Senate Race, Harold Ford!"
I think there's a consensus among Black people of every hue and skin color that Harry Ford needs to "butt out" of the NY US Senate race. If he ran against the white woman who now holds the seat, I think a lot of Black people would vote for the white woman,if only to show Harry Ford that he has disrespected our wishes and better judgment.
If I had to choose, I'd vote for the liberal white woman, Hillibrand, because she's been a lot more liberal than Tennessee Harry Ford has. I don't even know if Tennessee Harry Ford would be a reliable vote for President Obama's programs.
We desperately need more Blacks in the US Senate. But we DON'T need Tennessee Harry Ford to run from New York as part of that project. He should run from Connecticut or Iowa or Indiana (?)--a state that's never elected a Black person or a woman to the US Senate and a state that's as conservative as Harry Ford's Congressional record was.
In the Bible, whenever God caused a catastrophe to execute the wicked, a warning was given, so there was no question that God brought the destruction as he forewarned. But there's no scriptural authority for believing that disasters in general are calamities God brings upon people to punish them for their sins.
You mean to tell me God's not punishing Oklahoma and Texas with all those tornadoes? Damn.
"Yes, but he is light skinned and articulate, doesn't that count for something?"
It didn't help him in the 2006 U.S. Senate race, in Tennessee, against Bob Corker and his slimy ads.
Columbus found the New World
claimed everything he could see
then killed off all the natives
in what would become poor Haiti
filled with fields of horror
sugar cane meant lots of money
from Africa they were transported
the tortured slaves of lush Haiti
born from a slave rebellion
then swaddled in misery
should have been a paradise
this nation that's called Haiti
Dictator after Dictator
corruption and poverty
forever how they suffer
the wretched souls of sad Haiti
a seven point oh earthquake
such destruction a monstrosity
damn how they continually suffer
the impoverished down in Haiti
I do not have the answers
the question is asked perpetually
how do we fix the problems
that plague forever doomed Haiti
"...We desperately need more Blacks in the US Senate."
That is sooooo yesterday thinking. Why do we need more blacks in the US Senate?
cactusrose, that's a very uniformed and illogical statement. he isn't being embraced by dems, so why would he end up being the POTUS candidate?
and again, this whole thread is built on the premise that he's reid's guy.
he's not.
You're stretching it, froghair.
thanks for the info!
Rippa said.........
With only three blacks to have held a senate seat since reconstruction. I'm disappointed at all the shit talk surrounding Ford's potential run. Youse Negroes all talk about freedom, justice, and equality but are talking big shit about a black man making an attempt to become a LAWMAKER?
I'm in agreement with your ENTIRE post.
But then again, us light-skinned negroes have to stick together, right?? (roll eyes)
i love you bro
harold ford is not black politically
he is a raging neocon who is pinker than his wf spouse
his new liberal swag is a crock to win in nyc
just like his fakER pal obama, he will swiftly flip from homeboy to houseboy as soon as he wins his seat!
Personally I never felt that Harold Ford had any substance or purpose. He's a complete cypher, he's in politics because he doesn't know how to do anything else. But as others mentioned, he's a Wall Street boy and he's riding on his father's good name.
But if New Yorkers are silly enough to vote for such an obvious carpetbagger as Hillary Clinton or throw a decent moderate Republican for a Tea Party nut, this empty suit has a decent shot.
The NY Senate race is a crap shoot, at best. The state GOP is ripped asunder by the Teabaggers and their antics. And the state Dems are all ducking for cover after the HNIC, David Patterson, has screwed up royally.
i just saw your query re: haiti at the end
i thought the vulgarly religious fools were just flying solo herein
the buybull has nothing to do with climate chaos...
and if god sent earthquakes to sinners, the entire usa would have been reduced to rubble long ago...at least when they bombed iraq!
ditto lac
but at least hillary did not morph into her own glaringly bogus alter-ego to win nyc as that phony waffler harold is doing...
he now has a posse in the nyc hoods playing pr wing men
(Those of you who are so inclined, can you call God and ask him why he chose to drop a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on one of the poorest countries on earth?) They are going through it right now. I hope you will all forgo some of your daily luxuries and send them a little something.
Or if you'd rather not take the easy way out and blame God..call your local congressman and ask why the first black republic has been turned a blind eye by corporate Amerrykkka to the evident rising poverty levels and crappy failed infrastructure in Haiti...(in which if they had been in better conditions could have reduced the number of casualties..)
Text 501501 to 'YELE' and $5 will be charged to your phone bill.
Text 90999 Redcross and $10 will be billed to your phone bill.
God bless Haiti.
Actually, my running team is doing the same thing for our brothers and sisters in Haiti this weekend -- donating our old running shoes. Sounds gross, but marathoners go through kicks at a rate of 4 pairs of year minimum.
@AB - maybe, but I never was a fan of Hillary. But we agree, Harold Ford is a phony and really bad at it.
For those thinking that 'God is punish Haitians' should read about the Tower of Siloam in the New Testament (Luke 13). The Pharisees asked Jesus if His Father was punishing the inhabitants or if he would stop massacre by Pilate. Jesus' response could be paraphrase as 'Life is tough and we're all equally screwed up. Bad things don't happen just because you're 'evil'. Your only job is to get your own spiritual house in order.'
So in short, the Haitians may not anything particularly evil to 'deserve' the earthquake. And even if they did, its not ours to debate. Our job is only to help our fellow man in need and repent of our own wrong doing.
I would like to see a viable alternative run against every incumbent in every race, particularly those incumbents picked by the party machine.
He aint Bobby K..hell...not even Hillary..
Why would a Tennessee Blue Dog even think he has a chance in NY? Oh, I get it. He was or still is an advisor for Merrill Lynch...
If we keep re-electing the same people, nothing will ever change.
(HuffingtonPost has provided the direct likes to Red Cross and other charities that are channels for helping. See HP's links (text numbers) elsewhere on their website.
As a former Memphis resident, I'm amazed that you "got" Harold Ford so well. You gotta brain, fn, and you know how to use it.
Before I read all the comments, I just want to ask this question, who is the bigger fraud, Ford, or Gillibrand? Now I will go back up, read the rest of the links, and then read the comments, damn, I missed this place for the last few days.
After reading a few more comments, it also occurred to me, the district that he will be running in won't have anything to do with Rangel or Sharpton, isn't the seat upstate Republican country where a democrat just won? The NYC vote won't matter, and even if it did, NYC still voted for Bloomberg.
LaCoincidental"But if New Yorkers are silly enough to vote for such an obvious carpetbagger as Hillary Clinton or throw a decent moderate Republican for a Tea Party nut, this empty suit has a decent shot."
That is so true! Beside all that, Governor Patterson is still very popular in NYC, it's the rest of the state where he doesn't seem to be that favored. I notice the police went after his kid for playing craps, though.
CF and Rippa,
"Today we see Black Progressives HATING ON FORD at the thought of his becoming Senator from New York (just as Clinton and Kennedy did)."
That's cause Ford is no progressive.
Instead he's a bottom dwelling hustler whom I'm sure would have turned into a high yellow Clarence Thomas had he won the Senate seat from Tennessee.
Ford ran as a conservative in the Tennessee race.
He just couldn't out-right the white Republican.
Now watch how liberal he becomes running in NY.
And watch his southern accent magically disappear.
Wake up negroes.
The game is right in front of your noses.
Finally, look like President Obama is trying to show some leadership with the catastrope in Haiti. I bet the Rethugs that were in an uproar about Harry Reid remarks are closely watching Obama to see how far this Negroe plan on going with this U.S. aid.
I mean negro not negroe
All you believers, Pat Robertson's got the answer for why "God" picked on Haiti:
Update | 2:27 p.m. In an extraordinary statement during a broadcast on Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcast Network on Wednesday, the American televangelist claimed that the reason for Haiti’s misfortunes was that the nation “swore a pact to the devil” two centuries ago.
Video of the entire segment during which Mr. Robertson attempted to explain Tuesday’s earthquake and other misfortunes that have struck Haiti is available on the Christian Broadcast Network’s Web site. Media Matters for America made this part of the video available on YouTube:
Media Matters also published this partial transcript of Mr. Robertson’s remarks on its Web site:
[S]omething happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heal of the French. You know, Napoleon the third, or whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve you if you will get us free from the French. True story. And so, the devil said, okay it’s a deal.
And they kicked the French out. You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since they have been cursed by one thing after the other. Desperately poor. That island of Hispaniola is one island. It is cut down the middle on the one side is Haiti the other is the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etc. Haiti is in desperate poverty. Same island. They need to have and we meed to pray for them a great turning to god and out of this tragedy I’m optimistic something good may come.
Two days after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Robertson said, “I totally concur,” when a guest on his program, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, said that Americans in favor of abortion, homosexuality and the separation of church and state had “helped” the attacks to happen by angering god.
Yeah, it's sad. But, God's will is God's will. It's not man's will. Also God does not bring on us more than we can handle. So I don't get this God Bless them in Haiti stuff, when this was something God allowed to happen.
Christians know that.
i loathe the demonic pat robertson
he and jerry falwell also blamed homos hated by god for the 9/11 attacks at the WTC
bet his new racist attack on haiti will be called out by millions who let his equally insane attack on gays just slide on by...
funny how none of the religious fools and racists blaming god for haitian earthquakes and katrina floods etc.....ever blame god when whites are destroyed by the very same natural disasters?
nothing makes one as selectively blind or specifically stupid as
globally intrusive colonizing hypochristian bigots are the worst of all!!!
link to the Whitehouse on Haiti,
I am interested to see how the US government responds to this horrible loss of life, and I hope we step up to the plate and give us much as we can to help out. I don't really believe God micro-manages the environment, but I do think that God can help us accept things that are too horrible to imagine. I pray for all the people there who are suffering or lost or hungry or scared.
Now Robertsoon is a loon, and I think in an advanced stage of dementia, and he should have been put out to pasture a long time ago, but what in his remarks about Haiti was "racist"?
And sorry to say, but the majority of people think queers are some sick mo fo's. Just sayin'.
It funny in a sad way how so-called Christians imply that wealth is somehow tied to morality when Jesus never owned anything but the clothes on his back.
And they are always so damn judgemental as if God whispered in their ears why he does what he does. Sad
The only thing you need to become a politician here is guile,deceit,greed,hunger for power,he'll go far in this system!
As a health profesional I feel so impotent when I see the people laying there with open wounds and not enough medical help, how easy it would be to have a cadre of (perhaps unemployed) health professionals that the government could immediately ship over to help out. To administer IV fluids, antibiotics, pain meds, clean wounds etc. I know there are many here in Puerto Rico qualified nurses, therapists et al,. on job waiting lists who could help so much over there. God have mercy!
as most people are your own fellow hateful morons, you speak well for your amoral brain dead soulless peers
haitians are no more or less sinful than any other citizens of any other race or class in any other country in the world
ditto for we homos whom god creates in every living species you gaybashing goon
the only thing sick about gays is how sick bastards like you cannot stop sickly judging/slandering us and sickly policing our bedrooms
AB says:
ditto for we homos whom god creates in every living species you gaybashing goon
So, you're saying there are gay grizzly bears? Gay sharks? Gay wildebeast? Gay pythons?
Who knew.
Hey brother Field glad you took my comments in the spirit it was intended. I understand where you're coming from. I guess I have more faith in a "just" God.
Speaking of, I have no idea what god Pat Robertson and his ilk are talking about. They have no shame. That's the problem with assuming God punishes folks with natural disasters or anything else. If anyone is going to get it,-- so to speak --it will be those who oppress the poor and the oppressed. The Bible is clear on this for those who want to see it. However for those who want to continue white supremacy and US cultural and political hegemony they refuse to see it because it doesn't support their idea of themselves. And this they will never admit. Ironically, the very characters whom they say they admire so much look like Black folks, but then many of them solved that problem with a paint brush.
Like someone else said, the Haiti situation calls for another blog post discussion. Are you up for it brother Field? We need to talk about what really happened to Haiti and if no other reason so we can collectively cuss out that pig Robertson. I told you that US and French imperialism are still pissed at Haiti for freeing themselves.
Oh and I feel you agape2010
Anon @ 4:54PM
The short answer is, yes, there is such things as gay animals.
To all, after watching Ol Pat, Why didn't home girl standing next to him smack the living shit out of him and walk off stage. No, she just let some crusty old redneck claim that several thousand Black people died because God was pissed off that they kicked out the French?!
Talk about being in the house! She makes Condi look like field negro!!
alicia banks said...
the only thing sick about gays is how sick bastards like you cannot stop sickly judging/slandering us and sickly policing our bedrooms
4:48 PM
Hey, I really don't dive a damn what you do, or where you stick it or lick it.
It's the faggots that keep trying to shove their "lifestyle" down mine & my kids's throats that I resent. I made the big mistake of going to New Orleans the same weekend that they had that perverted Southern Decadence thing going on. Some sick muthas, let me tell you. Couldn't even take the kids down to the River, ride the trolley cars, or go to the French Market.
nothing is as "stuck" as heterosexuality...het sex sells everything!...
morons like you are arrogantly ignorant about all things sexual...the sci of sexualty included!
fix that!!!
by Pat Parker
You know, some people got a lot of nerve.
Sometimes I don't believe the things I see and hear.
Have you met the woman who's shocked by two women kissing and, in the same breath, tells you she is pregnant?
But gays, shouldn't be so blatant.
Or this straight couple sits next to you in a movie and you can't hear the dialogue because of the sound effects?
But gays shouldn't be so blatant.
And the woman in your office who spends an entire lunch hour talking about her new bikini drawers and how much her husband likes them?
But gays shouldn't be so blatant.
Or the "hip" chick in your class rattling like a mile a minute, while you're trying to get stoned in the john, about the camping trip she took with her musician boyfriend?
But gays shouldn't be so blatant.
You go into a public bathroom and all over the walls there's "John loves Mary", "Janice digs Richard", "Pepe loves Delores", etc., etc.
But gays shouldn't be so blatant.
Or you go to an amusement park and there's a tunnel of love with pictures of straights painted on the front and grinning couples are coming in and out?
But gays shouldn't be so blatant.
Fact is, blatant heterosexuals are all over the place.
Supermarkets, movies, on your job, in church, in books, on television every day and night, every place--even in gay bars--and they want gay men and woman to go and hide in the closet.
So to you straight folks I say, "Sure, I'll go if you go too. But, I'm polite so, after you."
FIELD NEGRO you need to go to GOD for yourself, it's about time for you to show some respect for GOD, but you won't, so you chose to treat him as if he is your equal!
Now, it is by the GRACE of GOD, that we are NOT all consumed by the WRATH of GOD, if it were not for the people of GOD, I am referring to the TRUE CHRISTIAN, this entire world would look like a third world country! and trust me, we are getting their fast, so where is your Petition to GOD FIELD NEGRO? do you have one? when was the last time, you got down on your knee's and begged GOD for MERCY, for the SIN'S of this world!
Harold Ford is from the same STATE I am from, when I was growing up, those high yellow NAPPY head BLACK people were alway's doing something for the black community, they were all over the place, you could tell a FORD a mile away, I don't know what is going on now, but, they stood side by side with black's of all Hue's, and the FORD'S were never ever known to be Funny acting! as a matter of fact, it was the LIGHT SKINNED BLACK'S in the state I am from, that was running around trying to make sure our people, were treated fair by the white man!
I don't know where this mess is coming from about (WHITE'S giving LIGHTER skinned BLACK'S a break) is the MEDIA giving the PRESIDENT a break? it is our own people that will chose a lighter skinned BLACK over a DARK SKIN BLACK in a HEART BEAT! now, tell me I am not telling the truth?
wake up.....yes!
there are gay animals in all species...there are also gay plants and insects!
but only insecure ignorant human animals gaybash
"Yeah, white Americans love to rebuild shit after they've torn it up."
...And white americans are responsible for hurricanes and earthquakes now. That's the thing about natural disasters, it's harder to play the "Blame Whitey" card. Leaves race hustlers frustrated.
Btw: Here is a non-politically correct fact for you: Colonized countries were generally poor and lacking prior to being colonized, which is exactly why they were able to be controlled in the first place. Only difference is they didn't know they were poor until they came in contact with people who weren't.
"They love to grab up children from one of impoverished countries that they're exploiting and acting like they're the most charitable nation in the world (they actually rank near the bottom)"
Bottom of what list? You cannot provide one because there isn't a one.
The U.S. citizens give more aid each year than any nation in the world by a significant margin. Now, if you talk about percentage of gross income that is given the U.S. is still ranked in the top 25 out of the 190+ nations in the world.
more on the elitist rich spoiled pink poser hf:
ANONI Couldn't even take the kids down to the River, ride the trolley cars, or go to the French Market.
I totally feel the same way!!!
I avoid Chicago, New York, and Philly for the same reasons. Don't want my kids anywhere near black folks, you know, shoving their lifestyle (rap music, baggy jeans) down our throats. Oh, wait a minute, were you talking about black folks?
Anon@5:40 - No one's blaming the 'whitey' for a Hurricane. We're blaming the apathetic government at all levels, for the avoidable aftermath. Cuba does a better job dealing hurricanes.
And as for Haiti, 'whitey' didn't cause earthquakes, of course. But 'Whitey' has had 'his' hand in Haitian politics since the French got their asses handed to them by a bunch of semi-literate slaves in the 18th century. By doing everything to ensure that Haiti remained a permanent ghetto, Europe all but ensure that any natural disaster could wipe nation out.
@AB - No surprise on the link. Guys and gals like Harold Ford were a dime a dozen where I went to college, wealthy smooth talking yuppies with little to no talents of their own, living off their boomer parents' clout and achievement. Color has little to do with it, Ivy Leagues and 'Baby Ivies' are notorious for nepotism to this day. But, when the person is of color, its even more glaring and embarrassing.
Hey I am gay.
I don't mind straight people, as long as they act gay in public...that's all I ask.
It's Official. Pat Roberton is an idiot. To say that Haiti is suffering because "they made a deal with the devil when they fought for their liberation" is the hight of idiocy. News flash Pat.... God is in the face of every Haitian. God is calling all of us to see her in their faces and to act to relieve their suffering.... You Pat, wouldn't know God if she came up and kicked you in the ass... which, by the way she has!
You know, all them Christians talking about everything that happens is God's will...so that makes God a murderer I guess. How can all you freaks worship a murderer?
Anonymous your comment on how and why people were colonized is not politically incorrect, it is incorrect pure and simple and it defies common sense. Its really too bad that folks like you just get to spout pure garbage on these blogs without ever picking up a book or two and informing themselves on a subject.
The colonizers went after the so-called natives because of their natural resources. And of course they sometimes exploited their human resources as well. And more often than not they were able to overcome the native populations because of their superior weapons and it didn't help that most of these peoples were a bit naive and didn't realize just how evil the visitors were. This had nothing to do with their poverty nor were they inately or humanly inferior.
You are right about US citizens being benevolent, but the US government ranks closer to the bottom than the top according to UN reports on charitable giving by developed countries. You can look it up.
I understand your frustration however when some folks insist on blaming individual white folks for problems that were created by the US government and ruling class. Most of us know that working class --and poor white folks especially.-- catch hell from this class of theives as well.
liberation then peace
And as for Haiti, 'whitey' didn't cause earthquakes, of course. But 'Whitey' has had 'his' hand in Haitian politics since the French got their asses handed to them by a bunch of semi-literate slaves in the 18th century. By doing everything to ensure that Haiti remained a permanent ghetto, Europe all but ensure that any natural disaster could wipe nation out.
Yeah, it's all whitey's fault. The Haitians themsevles are responsible for nothing. (yawn.)
You know, all them Christians talking about everything that happens is God's will...so that makes God a murderer I guess. How can all you freaks worship a murderer?
No, that makes God -- God. Assuming that an omnipotent deity existed, by the nature of the being, we can't hold him to the same standards as a human being.
In the Book of Job, Job watched all his children die and his dream home burn to the ground. His response, "The Lord Gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord." In other, it is what is. I will trust despite what I see.
I like I said previously, God has directly cursed those who did evil. But, God doesn't promise that doing good would mean a life of easy and comfort. And faith in God doesn't mean that there will be no problems in life (little or large) and doesn't mean you won't physically die. What faith means the Judeo-Christian tradition is trusting God and His Holy Word (whether you believe that to be the Bible, The Qu'ran, the Torah or something you scribble on a napkin) in spite of circumstance. No testimony without a test.
anon@6:36, no one is saying that the people of Haiti did not cause many of their own problems. But before we act like our government had nothing to do with their problems remember that George W. Bush and Bill Clinton help orchestrate coup d'etats to remove the sitting president, twice. And that was just in the last 20 years.
Simple request. In your next post can you put up some info on how people can donate and help? Clinton Foundation, Red Cross, UNICEF, whatever. Just post some links. Thanks a bunch in advance.
LA - For what it's worth, buildings in Haiti, including government and public gathering places, were built to withstand hurricanes and wind, not earthquakes. The severity of this quake, not the mention the proximity of it to the surface, was going to crumble every building in the city.
Ford? Spit. So because he's a "black man" I'm suppose to support him? (Rippa, wah it tis yo tryin to say deh man?) Well based on that, no support from this black woman, cause I'm sure he doesn't like my black ass either.
And Alicia, I've heard about people claiming that Haiti was too "voodooish" and "evil" etc... But I too don't recall that much people claiming GOD sent the tsunami to "evil" Thailand because of all those pedophiles, child laborers and drug traffickers. Interesting.
It's a shame about Haiti. It's interesting how the "darker" side of Hispaniola always seem to be in more distress though. Maybe the majority isn't "light skinned" enough. {sarcasm}
Private thought out-loud: (So touching to see all the condolences and 'money' from American people being sent, but I wonder how many of us Americans wouldn't mind the Haitians turning into refugees towards US soils because of this?)
Oh no, word verification: mulatho
And if you don't believe me, I just screen captured it and made it into my profile pic, check it out. That danm google... :)
"LA - For what it's worth, buildings in Haiti, including government and public gathering places, were built to withstand hurricanes and wind, not earthquakes."
Chris, most of the homes/structures in Haiti were built poorly, by very poor people/government. Most of those homes especially could not even withstand rain on a light rainy day.
i am donating my cash directly to wyclef online
i trust him:
WAIT WHAT??? What reason is he giving for this? People like him and Limbaugh should be boycotted ASAP, even by their own listeners. Hit them where it hurts, their advertisers. We need a list. It's really despicable.
Remember Baby Doc and his Gold carriage. I'm sure if that had been melted down, it could have fed many Haitians.
Even thought Haiti is very poor, I would bet that there are a lot of laws that might prevent a lot of corporations from wanting to move there. Like the minimum wage may be too high, or certain types of pollution is forbidden because it is an island.
Many corporations fled the Caribbean during the 80's for those very reasons and went to Mexico.
"I would bet that there are a lot of laws that might prevent a lot of corporations from wanting to move there. Like the minimum wage may be too high."
Hathor, anything but that. Royal Caribbean Cruses International pays Labadee workers on average less than $5.00 equivalent US dollars a day. I don't know what cheaper they would want. It's criminal. They even pay the South-east Asians workers more money than they pay Haitian people.
O'Reilly needs a straightjacket. The dude is certifiable. Another bizarre example of white reporter paranoia about Haitians was turned in by Chris Matthews tonight. Watch Hardball when they re-air it. He's talking to Chuck Todd about how "we better send help or they will all come over here as illegal aliens and no one wants that".
he is saying
haiti was messed up before quake
we cannot afford to help haiti
haiti will be back to squalor in yr no matter how we help
he would never say these things about any poor whites
just as pat robertson would never bash poor whites or blame them for the quakes
this is a new low even for bill o
he SHOULD lose his job. but he won't
La♥Incognita ,
In 1987 I worked for a company that had off shore assembly in Barbados.
Two years before it had left St. Christopher's, because it law required that companies provide transportation and lunch.
On a business trip to Barbados in 87 I found that the minimum wage was a Barbadan Dollar equivalent to 50 cent US. Several companies had already left for Mexico(it wage being 25cents), Intel being one of them and I spoke to a manager of another company which told me they were leaving for Mexico, too. It was because of the minimum wage.
Barbados also restricted ground dumping because the only freshwater the island got was from groundwater with sea water and rain filtered through limestone.
ditto chris
he will probably be promoted
i watch fox for shepard and geraldo
i despise bill o and sean h!
i think bill just topped sean!
>>>>>On a business trip to Barbados in 87 I found that the minimum wage was a Barbadan Dollar equivalent to 50 cent US. Several companies had already left for Mexico(it wage being 25cents), Intel being one of them and I spoke to a manager of another company which told me they were leaving for Mexico, too. It was because of the minimum wage.<<<<<<<
Absolutely ridiculous. Either minimum wage is like slavery, so it seems especially cruel to move another country. Both are being exploited.
I'm absolutely convinced that the economic structure of the west needs poor people to exploit.
Getting here late to the discussion of Ford. Most everyone here has it right. He's been bought and paid for and will represent those who've put up the money for him to carpetbag in New York.
He really needs to be called out for being the bottomfeeder he is.
Hathor, I'm not going to refute the info you stated about Barbados. I thought we were referring to the various conditions of Haiti in the conversation. No offense, but the information you supplied on Barbados has nothing to do with the policies, politics or conditions of Haiti.
And by brining up policies in Barbados, it reminds me how some people seem to think various islands and countries in the Caribbean are monolithic or comparable to each other.
I was not trying to lump all Caribbean nations as being the same. I was making a supposition as to why there is no corporate investment in Haiti. Jobs have to come from somewhere. The tourist industry is even driven by corporate entities. Corporations don't care about culture, history or the kind of government, it will even build the infrastructure if it is to their benefit to exploit the population or resources.
I was only using my experience to make the analogy.
Education could possibly be a resource, but the wealth of the country has been squandered and there is never any guarantee that any aid would help in that regard, unless it would get to the people directly.
Talking the PC talking points is not going to provide jobs. Capitalism, is what it is.
I don't have a problem with centrist politics. In fact, I think that's the way to go considering how a straight left wing platform has done for us. As for Harold, he's just another political opportunist like Mrs. Clinton. Besides, CONgress could use a little more color.
I'm just wondering why is it ok to use "colors" to describe lightskinned black folks but not ok to to the same with dark skinned black folks. In other words if I called Clarence Thomas a crusty, smokey black uncle tom, I'm betting someone here would call me out about that. How about Dark and Lovely hair products bring ok, but no one could get away with product called Light and Lucious in the Black community. The hypocrisy of black folks continues to amaze me!
Clarence Thomas a crusty, smokey black uncle tom
That's funny. I like.
And yes, whitey did create the earthquake in Haiti. Pat Robertson prayed it up.
I hope he doesn't get his feelings hurt!! Just because Hillary transplanted her way into the Senate, doesn't mean that New York is a free for all. New Yorkers are full of pride and intellect and will not allow an outsider who "thinks" they need him to win their vote. Ford is better off taking his "They need me" attitude to the south! where it can really be considered a fact!
"How about Dark and Lovely hair products bring ok, but no one could get away with product called Light and Lucious in the Black community."
This is just plain stupid.
Light-skinned negroes claiming vicitmhood.
Fly, if you woke up tomorrow morning Clarence Thomas' complexion, you'd probably kill yourself.
Be for real.
"Fly, if you woke up tomorrow morning Clarence Thomas' complexion, you'd probably kill yourself.
Be for real."
Steve, it's also telling how she's always finding any trivial opportunity to mention how light skinned she is.
One thing this blog has taught me is that variations of skin color are just as much a problem within the black population as they are between blacks and other races. Interesting.
p.s.: Yeah, I know. It's all the fault of whites. Everything is.
The New York Times gives Ford "enough rope". via Making Light, which also has more links.
I picked up on that too.
"One thing this blog has taught me is that variations of skin color are just as much a problem within the black population as they are between blacks and other races. Interesting"
It's not a problem for you though.
We're all niggers to you, right grinder?
Listen up Fly.
We're all niggers to you, right grinder?
Your sad words, not mine.
Your sentiments nonetheless.
You don't fool anybody.
La♥Incognita said...
Steve, it's also telling how she's always finding any trivial opportunity to mention how light skinned she is.
You're probably one of those dark skinned black folks that hate all light skinned people because you aren't light skinned. But I'm not supposed to say that shit because ONLY dark-skinned Blacks are "allowed" to complain about colorism. Well kiss my yellow ass, YOU AND UTS!!!!
Here's some real info for you. I'd be the shizzle no matter what "color" I was because I have the one thing you so glaringly lack. CONFIDENCE!!!
Now put down the haterade, and don't forget to grab the vasoline for those knees and elbows, 'cause you know how YOU get in wintertime!!
grinder said...
One thing this blog has taught me is that variations of skin color are just as much a problem within the black population as they are between blacks and other races. Interesting.
Right on point!
I throughly understand that EVERYTHING I say to some black people around here and sometimes in real life, will ALWAYS been seen through "lightskinned" colored glasses. Well that's their dumb shit NOT mine!
Oh oh "SCHOOL DAZE" Redux. :)
Just a quick comment, just so some peace can break out as I really don't like what I'm reading here on the light skin/dark skin thing.
Many on both sides of the divide here are carrying resentments and that's apparent from the discussion here. Being a dark skin brother myself, I caught hell when growing up, but those on the light skin side can say the same thing. All the hell was doled out by our folks.
It's a hell of a thing to be an African-American and have to deal with the historical burdens that all entails. But the extra burden from all this internal carnage is just way too much. We really need to stop and think about what we're doing to each other here. I think that Reid's comments may have forced much more to the surface than I anticipated and the result is us at each other's throats over some bullshit.
Please folks, let's not do this.
Anony said: "I caught hell when growing up, but those on the light skin side can say the same thing. All the hell was doled out by our folks."
I agree, but this is how I also see it. In example, sometimes finically privileged children can also catch hell/rejection from poor/deprived children in a social setting. But at the end of the day, who is still at an economical advantage over the other?
Due to anti-black racism and colorism both internal and external, being "light skinned" still has noticeable advantages over being dark skinned. So when some light skinned blacks complain adding embellishments, it's almost akin to the superficial whining of the economically privileged who deny having advantages over the poor. Black people have always tried to shove colorism under the rug, we need to talk about it, we need to deal with it.
Did you also notice how Fly tried to accuse me of being dark skinned? She said it as if SHE thinks telling someone they are dark-skinned is an insult. She has done this before. And for the record, I don't have a dark skin tone.
Furthermore, I don't think discussing skin hue is the only objective behind Fly and her constant self-elevating on this blog. I've always heard of people using the internet as a platform to live out their wildest dreams. However, this is what I've gathered so far based on the things Fly have always said about herself. She is a light skinned shizzle, with a great body, envied by many, gives good "intimacy", a scientist, and is making close to $200 grand a year.
Sometimes swallowing with a grain of salt gets old.
Good night.
Fuck! Another great Field Negro threat highjacked by Alicia Banks. This shit is discouraging on sooooo many levels.
Please stop.
I bet you're another one of these redbones who has a face like a pitbull but swear to God you're fine just because you're light.
Join us in the new millenium.
Most of us have cast off that "School Daze" nonsense.
For the record, my wife and I are mahogany brown (about the same compexion as Michelle Obama) and proud of it.
My dad was very light skinned and straight haired. My mom was darskinned and broad featured.
So I was born with the confidence of black pride and beauty.
Obviously, you weren't.
>>>>>I agree, but this is how I also see it. In example, sometimes finically privileged children can also catch hell/rejection from poor/deprived children in a social setting. But at the end of the day, who is still at an economical advantage over the other?
Due to anti-black racism and colorism both internal and external, being "light skinned" still has noticeable advantages over being dark skinned. So when some light skinned blacks complain adding embellishments, it's almost akin to the superficial whining of the economically privileged who deny having advantages over the poor. Black people have always tried to shove colorism under the rug, we need to talk about it, we need to deal with it.
Did you also notice how Fly tried to accuse me of being dark skinned? She said it as if SHE thinks telling someone they are dark-skinned is an insult. She has done this before. And for the record, I don't have a dark skin tone.
Furthermore, I don't think discussing skin hue is the only objective behind Fly and her constant self-elevating on this blog. I've always heard of people using the internet as a platform to live out their wildest dreams. However, this is what I've gathered so far based on the things Fly have always said about herself. She is a light skinned shizzle, with a great body, envied by many, gives good "intimacy", a scientist, and is making close to $200 grand a year.
Sometimes swallowing with a grain of salt gets old.
Good night.<<<<<<<
I understand what you're saying and I agree that there have some some advantages gotten by the lighter hue, but all of this is due to legacy of racism here in the US. We have to let the effect of all that go at some point and not carry out a battle that's been set up for us to remain at loggerheads among ourselves. That's all I'm saying.
I think we need to talk about it to get an understanding of the real source of the resentments, but somehow we must move past this and elevate our thoughts and concerns to issues that are far more important.
I can't comment on whatever has occurred between you and Fly as I'm not aware of any particulars beyond those in this string.
you stalk me even when i am late and reticent herein
your obsession is your personal problem...just like your fanatic envy/hatred/compulsive lying etc
please forgive me
i would never offend you on purpose
my family is also a rainbow of skin tones like most
i just really despise harold ford
i think he needs some sun/greens/cornbread/vitamins/
juices etc
TN is the most rabidly colorist state i have ever lived in
it bothers me that harold is seen as some black sexy god there
when he is physically and politically one of the whitest men on earth
ditto for the bi-racial euro elitist green obama
i apologize sista
and i will try really hard not to call him pink again
please do not feign exclusion or innocence re: intraracial colorism
all colorism is rooted in white supremacy which was created and perfected by whites
i admit, blacks are far more colorist than whites today...but only because we have been educated so indelibly well by white supremacists...many of whom raped our ebony chattel foremothers and bred the uniquely vast skin tones we still display...
whites DO also engage similarly colorist issues that are EQUALLY rabid and ignorant regarding tanning/hair texture/blonde hair/red hair/freckles/blue eyes...
all humans are universally subject to coveting such trifling silliness irrespective of race
i really hate it when you go into your racist on safari mode herein as you post such arrogant interculturally incompetent moronisms...it truly annoys me!!!
Damn AB
I knew you had it in you.
I guess what irks me most about grinder is that he hangs around this board with the obvious intent to goad and bait black folks.
Then when he's called out on it he takes the victim posture and claims folks are picking on him because he's white (or gay depending on the discussion.
my lioness fangs are renowned
you must have been missing a lot of what i post all over the net!....smile
i hope you are not angry with me
i am truly sorry...
it really hurts me to know that i hurt you...so i will lay off of harold...
are we cool?
damn ab
you're groveling.
Whassup with that lioness?
"groveling" is not a synonym for "apologetic"!
i love fly
and i truly did not intend to hurt her...
it is just sincere sistalove
i respect her...
see how i truly feel about race and skin tones here:
aliciabanks.vox.com/.../6a0123ddb39306860b0123f195535c860f.html -
rushing as always!
better link:
Geez Field, do you like any black men who have acheived higher than you have? Just askin.
AB, you and I will ALWAYS be cool my sista' and I'll ALWAYS have love for you!
Now for this LaIncognigga, you're so damn jealous of me and my success you can hardly stand yourself. So hold your breath waiting on me to apologize for the fact that I'm blessed on ALL fronts and you'll soon be one dead Icognigga!!! And speaking my success, those who know me by name know that a quick Google search verify's who I am, what I done, and what I've do. But I'm willing to bet that a google search of your name would only show something meanigful if you happened to share a name with someone who's done something in their life.
At the end of the day I can only feel an enormous amount of pity for you because you're one sad excuse of a human being.
And UTS, I had a FULL body pic for my avatar and I can assure you that I don't look like your wife, opps I meant a pitbull. The hting is I wouldn't give a hot flying piece of shit what YOU think I look like because you're NOT my man. As given how weak you'veshown yourself to be on this blog, you could NEVER be my man!!!
uptownsteve said...
For the record, my wife and I are mahogany brown (about the same compexion as Michelle Obama) and proud of it.
My dad was very light skinned and straight haired. My mom was darskinned and broad featured.
If you're so "proud of it" why do you feel the need to make such an obviously "colored" point? I seriously doubt my husband goes around saying to people "my wife is highly accomplished and is honey brown like Beyonce". See how stupid that sounds???
Confidence my ass, you probably only ended up with your "mahogonay" wife because the lightskinned chicks you REALLY wanted wouldn't have you, LOL!!!
please do not feign exclusion or innocence re: intraracial colorism. all colorism is rooted in white supremacy which was created and perfected by whites
Geez. Are black people responsible for a single damn thing?
whites DO also engage similarly colorist issues that are EQUALLY rabid and ignorant regarding tanning/hair texture/blonde hair/red hair/freckles/blue eyes
Whites aren't "equally rabid." The closest whites ever get to "colorism" is the whole "dumb blonde" thing, which runs about a millimeter deep.
I find the "colorism" phenomenon among black folks just fascinating, and more than a little sad.
There are 150 million or so white adults in this country, so I have no doubt that some of them are "colorist" with respect to black people, but it's not a phenomenon that has ever touched me in any way. I find the whole idea baffling.
I can understand about the roots in slavery, and I have an appreciation for the influence of history on culture. But folks, this is the new world, not some far off corner of Europe where 200 years ago might as well be yesterday.
Get the fuck over it. Black people discriminating against other black people for being too black? I've got to tell you, it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. If it wasn't so poisonous and fucked up, I'd laugh.
Oh, and by the way, so you know, this has its analog in the gay tribe, where there is a fair amount of discrimination against unmasculine males and unfeminine females. So yeah, I do understand, and I do know where it comes from. But it's still fucked up.
One other thing, and if people here think I'm lyin' about it, too bad: I think Michele Obama is beautiful, and last time I looked she's pretty black. I got baggage in my railroad cars, and I've never denied it, but colorism ain't one of the suitcases. At a gut level, even though I can understand it as an analog to the "straight-acting" phenomenon among gay people, colorism among black people simply does not compute with me.
have a great weekend,
the world is FAR bigger than your miniscule personal experiences
you have no right to order anyone of any race to dismiss ancient and ongoing pain!!!
colorism rules all black arenas from corp america to hollywood to proms!!!
the LEARNED colorism that blacks perpetuate is NOT analagous to the shallow bs that gays SELF-IMPOSE
your analogy is severely flawed!!!
you can never compare anorexia/wt issues/looksism/gym rats to colorism!!!
unlike the generic sexual/physical issues that affect ALL relos/het or gay...colorism is UNIQUE to african people in white supremacists/colonoized arenas!
just as individual blacks who hate whites can never institutionalize their racism as whites STILL do!!!
obsessions with long blonde hair and blue eyes are indeed PERVASIVE ills...ask any hollywood actress etc
even uber rich celebutante paris hilton stays dyed and weaved!
no one EVER defended colorism...especially me
i simply stated that black pathologies re skin color/racial looks are NO less painful or real than white ones
this is the PRECISE arrogance and evasion that uts and i lamented!!!
and you have given us yet another superb example of each...thanks for doing you!!!
blondism/nordic obsessions are JUST as ancient and HUGE among whites as colorism is among blacks
and only a racist would feign otherwise!
ask hugh hefner/marilyn monroe
"blondes have more fun" etc
"kick a ginger day"
spare me your selective pity and save that bs for your OWN intraracial bs!!!
Grinder, the "colorism thing" among white folks is the blonde hair/blue eyed ideal so stop acting like you don't know.
Tell the truth, the MAIN reason an unattractive mofo like Gene Hackman was even given a shot in Hollyweird was because he was blue-eyed and talented. Really, how many brown eyed brunettes that look like him could have had a shot?
your arrogantly ignorant and historically revisionist rant on colorism reminds me of those frigid racist buybull toting white religious idiot missionaries in ancient africa...
who dared to to destroy the clitoral orgasms of het "pagans" who enjoyed vaginal entry from the rear/"doggy style"-"monkey style"
these sexually frustrated racist colonists told the sexually satisfied black het savages that they must copulate flatly and boringly in the "missionary position"...
until those same frigid fools closed their holy curtains at night to engage in that very same and superior hot "monkey sex" themselves...
you fix your own MIRRORED racial ills before you dare to heal ours!
end your racist safari herein!
thank you fly!
how many white actors audition daily ONLY when their bluEST contacts are secure in their hazel eyes?????
the only thing worst than pretending to be superior to any race is pretending that you are not a racist while doing so!
notice how grinder did not say:
"get over blondism!"
"get over colorism..."
spare me the selective drama!!!
"If you're so "proud of it" why do you feel the need to make such an obviously "colored" point? I seriously doubt my husband goes around saying to people "my wife is highly accomplished and is honey brown like Beyonce". See how stupid that sounds???"
I didn't mention anything about accomplishments.
Just stated that we're dark, lovely and proud.
The only folks trippin off "light skin" are insecure negroes like you who think that you're special because you're closer to "white".
That's slave mentality my sista.
"Confidence my ass, you probably only ended up with your "mahogonay" wife because the lightskinned chicks you REALLY wanted wouldn't have you, LOL!!!"
As I was sayin............
Fly, how many profiles do you have?
uptownsteve said...
I didn't mention anything about accomplishments.
No, you didn't and the reason is because an accomplished sista' would look right past you, ROTFLMBAO!!!!
"Blondism?" Ha ha ha ha ha!! ROTFLMAO!!
"Geez Field, do you like any black men who have acheived higher than you have? Just askin."
I don't know any. Sadly, my father is dead.
Damn Field, I figgered I'd get more than that outta ya.
You're no fun anymore.
Age man, age.:)
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