Honestly, my mind is all over the place tonight. I could write about what is going on in Haiti and the relief effort there, but I am going to have to pass on that for now. I read some of the comments after my last post and the shit was depressing. People trying to give me (of all people) a history lesson about Haiti, Third World politics, and a sociological breakdown of the Caribbean region....why? As if any of this has anything to do with a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocking the poor people. All of that is just background noise to a tune that we should really be listening to: The people of Haiti are suffering here and now, and they need our help. Period. We can debate their history and why they are a Third World country later. Geeez!
Besides, after seeing some of the images from Haiti over at finefroghair's blog I need a diversion. If only for awhile. I even thought about blogging about his O ness and his potential health care Waterloo in Massachusetts, but I don't feel like blogging about politics, either.
So anyway, to get my mind off of things, I went and caught The Book Of Eli today. (Hey, Denzel is in it, and I am married to a black woman. There is no way in hell I was going to get out of seeing that bad boy.) It's Road Warrior meets Passion Of The Christ if you ask me. And overall it was a decent flick. Although I saw that Magic Negro theme again. But that's just me.
I also want to talk about an e-mail that my man The Organic Intellectual sent me about Fantasia Barrino's venture into the reality television market. Sadly, I have to say that I agree with his take on the show: It's bullshit! The images it projects does nothing for our people. (Why is it that shows like this and Flava Flav's now infamous program do so well?) And, of course, as fate would have it, it's a hit. Gee there is a surprise.
Speaking of hits. Can someone tell me how this "pants on the ground" man, Larry Platt, got so large? I mean don't get me wrong, I agree with old boy. And if what I hear about him is true, I have mad respect for him. But the man has no talent. Are we that desperate for talent here in A-merry-ca? Or is it strictly an American Idol phenomenon? I need to know that. I mean how far is this thing going to go?
Speaking of talent; shout out to Mo'Nique for just winning a Golden Globe Award for her role in the movie Precious. Yep, I saw the flick, and I think she deserves it. Girlfriend acted her behind off. Well... that would have taken a lot of acting. But you know where I am going; she really did a great job with her role.
And while we are on the subject of the movie Precious. Mo'Nique's fellow actor in that flick, Mariah "Scary", ought to be ashamed of herself for showing up to accept an award drunk. And then, to make matters worse, she tried to blame it all on my homeboy, Lee Daniels. Talk about House Negro behavior. That was it. Mariah, you have some great pipes, but you really need to have someone help you with your public persona.
And finally, just another sobering reminder that your life is not promised to you tomorrow. Gaines Adams was the fourth pick in the NFL draft just a couple of years ago. He was a ferocious defensive end for the Chicago Bears. Today he is dead. He died after going into a cardiac arrest. He was only 26 years old and he no doubt had a full life ahead of him to look forward to. Yep, life can be fickle like that. So let's enjoy it while we are here, people. You only do it once.
Happy MLK Day Tomorrow.
I am out.
"The Book of Eli" are one of those films that make no sense at all to me. Every copy of the Bible destroyed? What, ever stinking hotel/motel is gone with all those Gideon paperweights?
And no one can read, anyway, so what difference does it make?
On the other hand, Denzel has some good kung fu, so I guess the Bible thing really isn't that important.
Tomorrow I will think back on the good Dr. King and remember what it was like to not be cynical about the future of this country.
Mariah's just Bat Shit Crazy, so whadda expect ? Nice jugs, though...Did you see Jimmy's Kimmel's parody of Neil Young, singing Pants on The Ground ? Even funnier than the original...btw, you're absolutely right about the comments to your pervious post...everyone should STFU about anything other than sending the Cash that Frat Boy & Cliton are raising to help with wate & food.
Yes Anon. he did have some kick ass scenes. And I hear my man did all the stunts himself. Props to Denzel for that. And you are right; it didn't make a whole lot of sense. LOL@ the Gideon bibles in the hotel rooms. :)
"Did you see Jimmy's Kimmel's parody of Neil Young, singing Pants on The Ground"
No,but I am going to look for it now on your word. It better be funny. :)
Sorry Gregory, I said Anon. Hey, it's late. :(
No worries, Field, I have been called worse than Anon.
Monique definitely deserved to win and she deserves the Oscar.
Life is definitely short and after knocking at deaths door twice within three years...I live everyday as if it is my last. Humph, I use to wonder how a person can enjoy life HATING others because they are different from them. Anyway, I no longer care I come to the conclusion they are miserable, but if someone can elaborate on people that hate others I would like to read your opinion.
Whatever our differences are Life should be enjoyed to the fullest and with purpose.
Field "Pants on The Ground " was funny by the original, General Larry Pratt.
For your viewing pleasure...here is the YouTube link
I also want to talk about an e-mail that my man The Organic Intellectual sent me about Fantasia Barrino's venture into the reality television market. Sadly, I have to say that I agree with his take on the show: It's bullshit! The images it projects does nothing for our people.
-Not to be difficult but why should Fantasia care about the image of our people when she has a chance to get paid?
Integrity doesn't pay the bills, you know?
just apropos of this post, your blog as a whole, and nothing: you write one of my all time favourite blogs. thank you!!!!!
Did you hear about the NAACP nominating The Real Housewives of Atlanta for an image award?
How's that for promoting positive images? Oh yeah, Michael Jackson's funeral was nominated too, so I guess that makes up for it.
BTW: The Organic Intellectual's blog is fiyah! Oh, and, um, it's run by a sistah. Don't worry, I won't tell the sistah-girl-friend on you. :)
Oh yeah, one last thing:
Alicia Banks was on a radio show I co-host and I just wanna say that she's not crazy like some people here has made her out to be.
Field, "Yep, life can be fickle like that. So let's enjoy it while we are here, people. You only do it once."
According to the law of Karma, you get as many lives as you can stand, especially if you are Black. You have to keep coming back to just get the history of the Carribean Islands straight, and how to overcome depressing ignorance.
So take it all in stride, you will have many more black lives to blog with ignorant Blacks trying to help you get your history straight and ignore the suffering going on in Haiti.
Note: From the comments on this blog, Blacks are more interested in history than the suffering in Haiti. Their hearts aren't much better than Pat Robertson's, imo.
"Alicia Banks was on a radio show I co-host and I just wanna say that she's not crazy like some people here has made her out to be."
Thanks for that. I've known AB from her past radio shows and I know that she is not crazy as some jerks try to make her out to be. She is very intelligent and talented.
It is sad how Reality shows have taken over real programming.
All I can do was SMH in disgust with the NAACP for nominating RHWOA and MJ's funeral. At first I thought it was a joke, there is no doubt in my mind, and I made the right decision to stop paying membership dues years ago.
SMH...Fantasia show is another dysfunctional black family show. As for the General there was no way in hell he was going to make the show, but AI always find that ONE person they can pimp during their new season. The General is that person for this year, but unlike the "Sha Bang" guy the General's "Pants on the Floor" have a valid message..."Looking like a fool with your pants on the floor" is the hook. Hopefully, as the General's song continues to become popular. Young and old males who wear their pants belted under their butt will start feeling like a FOOL and pull their pants up.
Anon 1:24- You're getting karma confused with reincarnation
Field, re: Larry Platt- I think people just agree with his message (i.e., pull your damn pants up!).
*I definitely understand about to Haiti footage, I just want to go down there so bad and help. But I think, I can't get these people to get the resources to the poorest people any faster than they can. So what's the point. I see $100s of millions of dollars being pledged and donated and wonder how fast are they really going to take care of these people. I think Katrina woke me up to exactly how much help the poorest of the world get.
No word on the Denzel flick yet, no see.
I am so over reality TV, I may as well watch infomercials. And it is very sad that people sell their dignity nowadays, but the power of that dollar is something else.
Pants on the ground, I am a cheerleader for foolishness like that, but it is definitely an American Idol Phenom.
Thats wonderful about Mo'Nique!! DO I smell an Oscar in her future??
Mariah-no comment.
RIP Adams. I am 26 years old and that is so scary that people younger and younger are dying. Definitely want to enjoy the life I got left. So hard to that sometimes without forgetting about the world for a while.
hey Field I hear you about the Fantasia reality series. But its like an accident it may look bad but folks can't help looking at it.
The other side of that is it seems that some folks really enjoy watching black folks look and act as stupid as possible. I know I will get some disagreement from folks who lurk around this blog messing with black folks. But I read recently some stats --and I can't remember where --but it seemed to show that movies depicting blacks in regular dramas without all the negative or silly bs don't do well in the box office, and ones in which black folks are just acting a fool do really well.
Anon- I think its unfair to criticize folks for trying to clarify why Haitian society is the way it is. I mean the point of the blog was to have an intelligent and informed discussion. I donated to the cause and my church helped spearhead a campaign by some local black churches.
So we can do both, have a discussion about the Haitian folks plight and help them too,the two are not mutually exclusive.
And furthermore the reason all the discussion began in the first place was in answer to Field and others pointing out how the Haitians were being denigrated by Robertson and Brooks and other conservatives. We voiced our disagreement and disdain with the mean spirited and bigoted statements that were made. That ought to be acceptable to you since you are apparently a great humanitarian. So you would definitely defend the defenseless I would assume.
The other thing that concerns black folks in the US is that the capitalist propaganda machine -which uses the big business press quite a bit -always seek to divide and rule and takes every opportunity to portray people of color in a negative way. And we as people of color often wonder aloud, why when people are starving and in need of help, the press finds it necessary to talk about violence and security concerns. And this is usually dishonest because they are usually talking about one or two incidents when the vast majority of folks are just trying to survive.
We could almost predict that the press was going to call folks efforts to scavange for food "looting." Quite frankly it pisses us off because we don't think like that, and wonder why they do. And then its really hard to hear US newspeople talk about violence with all the violence this country is dumping on the world.Everytime you turn around the US armed forces has dropped bombs on wedding parties or killing innocent citizens in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and now they are adding Yemen to the list, Hell just before the new year US troops tied up some kids and then executed them in a school house (look it up its in the NYTimes)
And it's hard to hear talk about looting when we know that this country has looted much of the underdeveloped world by forcing unequal trade measures on them or forcing them to lower tariffs and sometimes by just outright thuggery.
So stop telling folks to shut up, you can always choose to sit out the discussion. Telling us how and what we should talk about is downright patronizing and condescending. So if you don't mean to be offensive, cut it out.
"Note: From the comments on this blog, Blacks are more interested in history than the suffering in Haiti."
Simple fact that may have gone under your radar: History has a lot to do with why conditions were so bad in Haiti to begin with.
I vote for MORE history and LESS Hollywood celebrity coverage! :)
I thought that the MJ funeral being nominated for a NAACP image award was a joke. Evidently it wasn't. Incredible.
And yes, "The Book of Eli" definitely had some Magic Negro tendencies..
[quote]The images it projects does nothing for our people. (Why is it that shows like this and Flava Flav's now infamous program do so well?) And, of course, as fate would have it, it's a hit. Gee there is a surprise.[/quote]
Filled Negro - I will be watching your coverage of this Fantasia Show over time. IF ONLY you would apply the statement "the images it projects does nothing for our people" to the more heinous VIOLATORS who go under your radar. Your radar is tuned into IDEOLOGY not the social/cultural erosion that is taking place right under your nose. As you have your shot gun focused outside of your front window, ready to pick off ideological enemies that walk across your grass - your daughter is in the back bedroom with her boyfriend that snuck in the back window to spend the night. She knows that you rarely go in and check on anything on the INSIDE of your house.
These ignorant reality shows and Springer/Maury are viewed by more Black people and White people WHO INSTEAD NEED A STRONGER DOSE OF CONSCIOUSNESS than the total tally who ever hear the words of Michael Steele or Rush Limbaugh, despite your focus upon them.
Despite the far greater damage done to our consciousness - I firmly believe that you and others - are LESS threatened by IGNORANT NEGROES on BET/MTv/VH1/Afternoon Buffoon TV than you are about people who threaten you POLITICALLY/IDEOLOGICALLY.
The proof is so clear.
Under the guise of HELPING OUR PEOPLE - you focus more on EXTERNAL forces than you do ON THE INTERNAL.
[quote]History has a lot to do with why conditions were so bad in Haiti to begin with.[/quote]
Ernesto - the problem with your "History Lesson" is that you ONLY want to focus upon the HISTORY engaged by EXTERNAL, non-Black people and forces that bore down upon Haiti.
The perverted residue of your analysis is that the "equal human beings" in Haiti over time have been mere BACK DROP - akin to deer, rabbits and wild birds that come along with any plot of land.
You are unable to attribute the full array of human attributes - GOOD AND BAD - upon the Haitian people and most others who are not the AUTHORITY in your mind. Only the AUTHORITY forces have the ability to derail or lift the condition of a people - in your mind - it seems.
FREDRICK DOUGLASS - Envoy to Haiti - details the issues with the nation:
[quote]The other side of that is it seems that some folks really enjoy watching black folks look and act as stupid as possible. I know I will get some disagreement from folks who lurk around this blog messing with black folks. But I read recently some stats --and I can't remember where --but it seemed to show that movies depicting blacks in regular dramas without all the negative or silly bs don't do well in the box office, and ones in which black folks are just acting a fool do really well.[/quote]
Do you notice how you miss your queue when there comes time to apply the famous words: PEOPLE OVER PROFITS!!!???
If the DAMAGE done to the integrity of the Black image in these FOR-PROFIT movies and HIP HOP songs is greater than the INDIVIDUAL PROFITS received by the "Sambo" actor/singer who POCKETS THE MONEY FOR HIS/HER OWN ESTATE - when will we see the PROGRESSIVE ACTIVISTS strike out against the WAYWARD NEGRO PERFORMERS who violate our RACIAL DIGNITY for 5 PIECES OF SILVER????
Mellaneous - the Black faced performer in PAINT was created by WHITE FOLKS in order to fill the need for black faced BUFFOONS on stage. When the REAL BLACK PERSON stepped up and filled the void - the indictment MUST SHIFT TO ONE OF YOUR OWN FOR PUTTING ON THE FACE PAINT because of the harm!!!
Your ADVERSARY is your adversary because of his actions. Why don't you define your ALLIES for what they WOULD NEVER DO TO DEGRADE YOUR HONOR AND THEIR OWN?
It is akin to you finding your man with another woman and you FIGHT THE OTHER WOMAN despite the fact that YOUR MAN violated your trust more intimately.
"-Not to be difficult but why should Fantasia care about the image of our people when she has a chance to get paid?"
Sort of reminds me of those conservative negroes buckdancing and rushing to see who could kiss Glenn Beck's racist ass first last week on Fox.
Hey, Denzel is in it, and I am married to a black woman.
And how does the fact you are married to a black woman fit into you seeing the movie?
"Note: From the comments on this blog, Blacks are more interested in history than the suffering in Haiti."
Yawn. Somebody is getting uncomfortable. Oh the diversions.....
As for these reality shows, has anyone seen the Jackson Legacy? I subjected myself to it for about 15 minutes on two separate occasions, and I ended up feeling sick. I can't stand those brothers, they all have the sickness.
"You are unable to attribute the full array of human attributes - GOOD AND BAD - upon the Haitian people and most others who are not the AUTHORITY in your mind. Only the AUTHORITY forces have the ability to derail or lift the condition of a people - in your mind - it seems."
CF, you really are unaware of how western powers punished Haiti with trade restrictions for over a century because of their anger at the slave revolt which overthrew the French?
Are you really unaware of the US disruption of any attempts toward democracy in Haiti and the support of the dictators Francois Duvalier Sr. and Jr?
Oh, and I tell us how the Haitian people caused the earthquake.
Man, you make Ron Christie look like Toussaint L'Overture.
steve, why are you ending your history of haiti with events that happened more than 30 years ago?
since then US was heavily involved in promoting democracy.
Keep educating..Happy MLK Day
those hater fools who slander me KNOW they are lying have never even heard any of my radio shows etc...
& my veteran media careers prove that i am a rebel who walks my expert talk....
pants on the ground was hilarious
but i hate ai
it is a fake rigged show
and allowing an elder to "audition" with no hope of actually becoming an entrant is proof of how they abuse novices...
i have not watched ai since paris benett was voted off...she could have been the next sarah vaughn...like mariah
so many classic music legends would never have been deemed beautiful/thin enough to be given a chance to become stars today
music has generally been ruined my models who cannot sing...shame!!!
i meant
like milira!
i love maraiah c too
but she cannot touch milira!
"since then US was heavily involved in promoting democracy"
In what way?
I know Jimmy Carter was heavily involved in election monitoring and democracy promotion but yoy show me how the Reagan, Bush 1 and 2 or Clinton administrations promoted democracy in Haiti?
My man Thrasher,
Happy MLK Day to you as well.
you're joking, right? google it.
eg, we restored aristide to power.
TransAfrica founder Randall Robinson on Democracy Now:
Of course, President Bush was responsible for destroying Haitian democracy in 2004, when he and American forces abducted President Aristide and his wife, taking them off to Africa, and they are now in South Africa. President Clinton has largely sponsored a program of economic development that supports the idea of sweatshops. Haitians in Haiti today make 38 cents an hour. They don’t make a high enough wage to pay for their lunch and transportation to and from work. But this is the kind of economic program that President Clinton has supported. I think that is sad, that these two should be joined in this kind of effort. It sends, I think, the wrong kind of signal. But that is not what we should focus on now. We should focus on saving lives.
The entire interview is worth a view:
AB it's a shame you're not slaying delusional maria today, she's getting on my nerves.
I'm with you on Haiti-all that pain and suffering and being powerless to do anything about it.
When it is all said and done when thinking about black peoples plight everywhere, irrespective of circumstances or the issue, I remind myself that we as a people have made the greatest strides of any identifiable group in the shortest amout of time. It is rough but we all as a people will get there.
I going to take my grandson and neighbor to the Civil Rights Museum in a few.
"According to the law of Karma, you get as many lives as you can stand, especially if you are Black. You have to keep coming back to just get the history of the Carribean Islands straight, and how to overcome depressing ignorance."
"Anon 1:24- You're getting karma confused with reincarnation"
Anon 1:24,isn't ironic how in spite of your rude and nescient comments, folks who blog here are still willing to educate you?
Mel and Ernesto, I hear you about the history lesson. It's important, and I understand that. But I am still not sure how this earthquake could have been prevented regardless of what the history of Haiti is. Unless the Taino or Arawak Indians decided to settle in on a different land mass, or the French West India Company decided not to use African labor in the 1600's. I am not a geological expert, but I am guessing that regardless of their history, this earthquake was going to hit them in 2010.
And another thing, I get really pissed when someone who lived in a country for a year think they can all of a sudden lecture Caribbean history up at UWI or some shit. So maybe that's where some of my initial anger in the post was coming from.
"I thought that the MJ funeral being nominated for a NAACP image award was a joke. Evidently it wasn't. Incredible."
Now that has got to be a joke.
"Not to be difficult but why should Fantasia care about the image of our people when she has a chance to get paid?
Integrity doesn't pay the bills, you know?
LOL@IANSJ. And I know that those last lines were a shot at lawyers. But it's a fair question, and yes, folks do have a right to get paid. But just as we get on rappers for having to have some sense of social responsibility, shouldn't we do the same to folks who pitch reality shows?
LOL@ Rippa as well. Of lawd, Organic Intellectual is a sister? She is going to kill me. She is one of my favorite writers, and I exchange e-mails with her all the time. I hope she shoots me one so that I can apologize to her one on one.
And thanks for the 411 on AB, yes, I knew AB is a smart person, just look at all of her comments.
"Hey, Denzel is in it, and I am married to a black woman.
And how does the fact you are married to a black woman fit into you seeing the movie?"
Anon...never mind. Did you read the part where I said DENZEL stars in it? Obviously you are not a black woman so you would have no clue. There are some things in life that you will never understand or be able to relate to. The folks who that line was written for know exactly what I am talking about. So just let it go. Sorry.:(
[un]constuctive one, I hope you were out volunteering this morning as I was. I think I was in some of your old neighborhoods. Happy MLK Day to you. Or do you think he was a commie "racism chaser" as well? :)
"I going to take my grandson and neighbor to the Civil Rights Museum in a few."
Anon 12:59 pm, that is serious FN behavior.
"When it is all said and done when thinking about black peoples plight everywhere, irrespective of circumstances or the issue, I remind myself that we as a people have made the greatest strides of any identifiable group in the shortest amout of time."
The undeniable truth.
Today is day I stay away from MLK events often it is attended by white liberals and Black folks both full of shit and posturing with pretense..
I feel Blacker and better the next day knowning I did not compromise my voice, personhood, footprints, dna and being while attending these shallow and empty MLK events...
I enjoy getting into my jazz and blogging...straight ahead no chaser..Blackness defined and designed by my flow...I love the Blackman I have become...Thanks You MLK
Just delurking to say I am big fan- love the post- and so many. Read daily rarely comment as I am all about absorbing- thanks for the writing.
After I get off (yeah I'm working today) I'm going to see Esther Williams and Butch Warren at Blackburn Center Ballroom at Howard University.
A Jazz Tribute to the life of MLK Jr.
Monday, January 18, 2010
I love what folks like MLK and others have done for me...I love and worship the Black man I am today... My legend, My voice, My being, My presence all are the sum total of those Black folks in my orbit who have allowed me to be the icon I am today..
I love MLK day I can ignore and avoid all the bullshit MLK events full of pretense and posturing by "drive by" liberals, religous pimps, phony racial cheerleaders both Black and White.
Today I can soak in the orbit and freedom my Black ass has created with the contributions of Black living legends in my midst..I can lean on the footprints and dna of my ancestors and I can channel the flow from those in my future visions..
Yeah I love My Blackness on MLK...My home is flowing with Black Jazz, The smells of Black food and the aura of My Black being right here..right now...
Sounds like a great time..I love Howard my son's is a B-School Graduate..
that is why i love you too... and your brainy awesome blog!
like fn, i am just all haiti'd out
i am donating again...and praying always
fn said it best:
a quake is not political!
but the poltical destruction of haiti did begin long before the quake...and as usual...the usa has drippingly bloody hands
i am very proud of the american people who did not ruin haiti and who have rushed to help
the evil done in the name of the usa has always been done via the hands of a very elite and empowered FEW...
like anne frank wrote
most people in the world are good
the bad people just have all the power and get the best press
classic case in point:
obama becoming a global hero in haiti
as katrina victims are still homeless and starving in nola...and american jobs and homes disappear eeach day...
perception is reality
reality bites!!!
I just hope those Haitans know Jesus, or they are burning in Hell. I am praying for their souls.
mlk would be proud of obama in haiti thus far...
but mlk would also check obama on his perpetual wars and horrid abuses of poor people in the usa to date...
mroe on haiti:
Evidently, you need to know Jesus too. Because Jesus didn't come to condemn the world he came to save it. Yet, you've judged and condemned the Haitians to hell. How rich!
When did God leave his throne and set you on it?
BTW, Happy MLK day to all the regular posters!
Are you saying that you don't have to be saved to go to Heaven? Wow? !
I have no interest in going to see the Book of Eli and I do not care if Denzel Washington is starring in it. The story line of the movie does interest me at all. I never saw Road Warrior, but did see the Passion of the Christ and thought that it should have been titled Let's Beat the Hell Out of Jesus because the beating was relentless from the beginning to the movie until ten minutes before the movie ended.
I find it amazing how human beings are so complex and yet simple at the same time. Mariah's behavior at that award show a couple of weeks ago was funny and yet I nod my head in disappointment. How can a person turn out such a good performance in a movie and become a total ditz at an event?
This is the problem with our community, too many have fallen away form the Word of God.
Don't try to twist what I said to make yourself feel better.
Let me repeat myself. JESUS DIDN'T COME TO CONDEMN THE WORLD HE CAME TO SAVE IT! Yet out of your thoughts you judged and condemned the Haitian people to hell. Why is that? Does it have something to do with your way of thinking? Jesus was a defender of the poor and I don't recall him condemning them to hell either.
Uh, I didn't twist anything. I simply said I am praying for their souls. I hope they know Jesus, as I hope everyone does. Not just the Haitans. I cannot figure out where you are coming from here, I condemned no one. I jsut hope they are saved. You of all people should feel the same way.
Anon, you do not have to be rude. Granny must not have read my message correctly. That is all. I just re-read it. No where do I condemn anyone. However, I did say what the bible says, if you don't know Jesus, you cannot live with him forever.
Recrea: Stupid fool. You and Granny are the same. Actually, Granny never answered your question about being saved. She must not know the answer. You are both fools.
Jesus came to to the world to save, not condemn. But you must accept him. Right Granny?
I apologize if I misunderstood you. I am still upset about what Pat Robertson said. The majority of the people of Haiti are people of faith. Haiti right now is a touchy subject with me because I have loved ones there and some of my roots are in Haiti.
I am about tired of you and your amateur taunts with your filthy nasty mouth. If I could come through this screen right now, I would put my religion aside just to snatch your heart out and repent later.
[quote]Sort of reminds me of those conservative negroes buckdancing and rushing to see who could kiss Glenn Beck's racist ass first last week on Fox.[/quote]
It is funny that of the group of intelligent and well behaved Black adults that assembled on the Glenn Beck show to speak their mind - there were mothers and fathers, professionals, and in general citizens in good standing.
Their only CRIME is that THEY DISAGREE WITH You.
You in your contempt have more alignment with the BIGOTED WHITE RACISTS who would have rather that MARTIN LUTHER KING JR mind his damned business and shut up than you are in line with the civil rights leaders who ONLY wanted the right to ASSEMBLE FREELY at the place of their own choosing.
I AM VERY, VERY, VERY familiar with Haiti. I am married to a woman from the land that gave us Filled Negro. I have been to several of those islands and have contributed to the education and health of children who reside in those places.
YOUR PROBLEM IS that for your argument to work you have to make the $90M francs extracted out of Haiti in the form of sugar cane, rum and other agricultural products from their lands as THE KEY FORCE that rendered the nation into the condition that it faces today.
YOUR "real world MODEL" is no more ACCURATE than was Pat Robertson's. When you run into a set of results that don't fit your model you COMPENSATE by injecting a FORCE that appeases your mind.
Robertson used religious mysticism.
YOU use the ubiquitous force called WHITE SUPREMACY.
Each day the Haitian woke up and saw a bright force shining through his EYELIDS that stimulated his retina. Upon opening his eye to what he though was the SUN........in the world view of WhiteBowieSteve it was actually the radiation from THE WHITE MAN that was blazing upon the eyes and body of these poor souls.
granny, just ignore the anons! don't let them bother you. if you reply, they reply. it doesn't end.
don't respond to their vulgarities.
"It is funny that of the group of intelligent and well behaved Black adults that assembled on the Glenn Beck show to speak their mind - there were mothers and fathers, professionals, and in general citizens in good standing."
Funny that 95% of the blacks whom I know, work and socialize with are intelligent, well-behaved parents, professionals and good citizens.
But people like you will dismiss them as nine-totin, gangsta rap listening, out of wedlock baby poppin welfare check collectin cretins simply because they don't subscribe to the self-hating "white man is omnipotent" negrophobic garbage that you espouse.
Tell me something, why were all those black coonservative clowns so quick to attack their own people for the pleasure of a certified white racist????
What are any black conservatives doing about the uplift of the urban poor?
Any black righties spearheading any Haitian relief efforts?
Any of you endeavor to save HBCUs?
Your entire existence is devoted to kissing white ASS.
Ignore the slimy POS.
Anonymous posters are cowards anyway.
I would call them something else but I won't out of respect to you.
Any black righties spearheading any Haitian relief efforts?
Are any black lefties doing anything? The only black effort of any kind I've heard of is the sketchy report that Tiger Woods donated a field hospital.
Meantime, they are raising the death projections, with 200,000 dead now called a "start point."
Hey, the U.S. is a white devil nation. Maybe time we stopped intervening in Haiti? How about if the Africans handled this? Show the world their talents. Come on, Mugabe, let's see how good you really are!
The reality in Haiti: The "government" officials have fled, and the children are stealing from the elderly instead of helping them. Wonderful people.
you are becoming more blatantly racist and more arrogantly ignorant each day
wyclef is under fire because he is a bm fund raiser eclipsing the haitian efforts of white peers
obama is no longer black?
he has also been heroic regarding haiti
seen all of those black american millitary toilers in haiti????
stop insulting the natives herein as you wild on your increasingly racist safari!
the reality in haiti is that most humans of any race who had waited for relief as long as haitians have would have snapped long ago!
i have seen rich white shopaholics/techies be far more brutal after hours waiting in line to shop for new gadgets!
how will your curious attacks upon haitians help a sole quake victim???
"Are any black lefties doing anything? The only black effort of any kind I've heard of is the sketchy report that Tiger Woods donated a field hospital."
Of course there are but because you're a racist pillow biter you just don't want to believe there are any black relief efforts.
First off the NBA and NFL player associations have immediated pledged 2.5 million and are still having fundraisers.
NAACP has a Haitian relief effort
Local Chapters of the Urban League
Black Miami (with a sizable Haiti expatriate population) answers the call.
So does black LA
Even Rev Al Sharpton
Your turn racist.
The next stage is epidemics. That's being reported now, but of course this is the white media and they're devils, so don't trust them when they talk about infections started to take hold. Can't be true.
In any case, I'm sure the Africans who are rushing aid to Haiti have this under control. No room for the United States. Damn the white devils and their white devil water, food, and medicine. Plagues on the earth, they are.
Grinding it up -- "Hey, the U.S. is a white devil nation."
You said it. From your mouth to my ears.
You're a sick puppy, aren't you? Is there no insult you won't hurl? No obscenity you won't spiel, no plight you won't exploit, in an attempt to show us just how beholding we are to whiteness?
First off the NBA and NFL player associations have immediated pledged 2.5 million and are still having fundraisers.
Hmm, but isn't it racist to suggest that black athletes contribute to the relief efforts? That's what the crew here was telling me a few days ago. What change your mind, stevie?
Mayflower, you think whites should be eliminated. If that's the case, then you must not like "white" water, food, or medicine either. C'mon, where's the aid from Africa?
Who said that grinder?
Care to produce a quote?
YOU made the relief efforts a racial contest with yout lying racially segregated kudos/queries!
why pretend uts did???
why feign innocence now in the silly racial contest YOU began???
As a white lurker, I can totally understand Grinder's frustration with the way folks on this board go back and forth in their beliefs, accusations, etc. It gets old. There is a total lack of "if it's gootd for the goose, its' good for the gander" type of thinking. Folks take things out of context etc. Grinder, just be glad you are not black, that is all I have to say. Look at the black community, it's a mess. Folks on here love to hate and hate to love whiteness and all that it represents and brings (good and bad). What a truly messed up community. Forget about them Grinder, they only see you as white, and that color blocks their vision. My first, and last post. Good day.
I understand that the black elite in Petionville is doing just fine. Plenty of food 'n water behind the razor wire. We better not talk about that, though, because we know all of the black people of Haiti are pitching in, right along with the massive aid streaming in from Africa.
tara et al:
all of you racist play pundits and religious idiots herein are showing yourselves to be heartless clueless cowards as you degrade haitians as somehow uniquely inhumane/unworthy...
you all dare to use this legendary tragedy in haiti to flaunt their loathsome racism against and raging gnorance about all blacks everywhere...
wyclef is under fire because he is a bm fund raiser eclipsing the haitian efforts of white peers
No, he's under fire because he and his crony took $400K before shutting down the charity to avoid financial reporting. It fits with Haiti, where everyone is either a thief or a victim.
Grinder is a cretin.
Oh Tara...
Look at the black community, it's a mess.
You are kidding right?
I know you can't come back after saying something like that.
Hiding from engagement tells me you have a problem that has nothing to do with the mess of the black community.
you all dare to use this legendary tragedy in haiti to flaunt their loathsome racism against and raging gnorance about all blacks everywhere.
Excuse me, but Haiti is a permanent tragedy, and this is merely the latest chapter. And you and many other commenters have used the earthquake as nothing but a vehicle for your real cause, which is to whine and villify whites at every turn.
Well I guess you can go back and play with the toothless first cousin screwin goobers at Stormfront from whence you came.
There is a massive Haitian relief effort in Africa.
President Abdoulaye of Senegal has even offered displaced Haitians free land and expatriation.
Are you really this much of an ignorant bigot or are you just trying to get a rise out of people.
So, every Haitian is a thief or victim? How did you make this conclusion? Have you personally met all 10 million inhabitants of the island?
If someone said that all gay men are sexually promiscuous disease-spreading perverts, you would pitch a fit. You are a vile, hateful, and disgusting individual. Your smug sanctimoniousness, strawman arguments, and finger-wagging make me ill.
Thrasher and grinder have pissed me off for completely different reasons.
The only person full of shit thrasher is you for judging people participating in an MLK remembrance while you self indulge in a vacation day off. MLK is all about your narcissistic ass. I just knew after you attacked people for paying respects and sharing memories about MLK you'd talk about how you gave something back to black people. I guess in your tiny mind you did give something back--you gave back to yourself.
Grinder, I bet if you threatened to leave this blog today people would throw a party after you left. You throw incendiary verbal bombs and then accuse people of being defensive. People aren't defensive, they're sick of you. You are so self absorbed you can't see the ten foot pole marks all over your posts. You act like a complete ass hat then accuse somebody else of having problems. You now belong to the list of people whose posts I don't read. Say hello to AB, UTS, CF, FD, InComprehensable, Ndangimdumb, and a couple others. Enjoy.
american racists like you slew haiti long before the quake
more quakes will occur globally
i will wait to see you attack white victims as you do haitians
unlike YOU, wyclef cared for haitians long before this!!!
You stated:
" i have seen rich white shopaholics/techies be far more brutal after hours waiting in line to shop for new gadgets!"
What a sharp and convicting observation. Very telling of the absurdities in the U.S.
racist like you love revisionist history that allows you to blame global black people for your global white and green sins!!!
he nation’s debt burden would sink virtually any developing nation. Haiti is compelled to shell out nearly $1 million a week to pay off its debt to the World Bank and the IMF; debt incurred by the Papa and Baby Doc Duvalier regimes and their successor military governments in the early 1990s propped up by the US. Half of the loans were given to the Duvaliers and the other dictatorships. They squandered the cash on presidential luxuries with barely a cent going to development programs for the poor.
In 2008, World Bank President Robert Zoellick in reaction to massive outcry from government officials and Haitian activist groups publicly pledged to forgive part of the nation’s the debt totaling a half billion dollars. The Bank reneged on the promise. The money could have bankrolled a vast expansion of healthcare, nutrition and feeding programs, supplies of clean water, and rebuilding the country’s badly frayed infrastructure.
The United Nations has hardly been a benevolent force to aid the country’s development and Democratic rule. The UN yearly shells out $600 million to maintain its 8000 peace keepers.
Yet when the hurricanes ravaged the country the UN force did not dispatch amphibious units, build temporary bridges, or provide trucks or equipment to provide emergency help to Haitians in distress.
US AID has come under intense fire for turning a blind eye to corporations and contractors who ignore basic Haitian labor, human rights, minimum wage and environmental laws, shun service providers, and invest only a relative pittance of profit back into Haitian small businesses, manufacturing, and food production. This is a particular sore point given Haiti’s near total reliance on foreign food imports has resulted in famine, near starvation, and food riots.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report that with proper investment in food production the country is more than capable of feeding its 8.5 million population.
In 2008, a coalition of US and Haitian human rights groups flatly accused the US of aiding and abetting corruption in the country. It demanded that then President Bush and Congress determine which US corporations and Haitian officials pocketed and benefited from the more than $4 billion USAID and their sub-contractors spent from 1994 to 1998. They demanded to know who profited and enriched themselves from the over $8 billion dollars spent following the US engineered overthrown of democratically elected President Jean Aristide. The groups charged that the systematic looting of the country’s treasury did not end with his ouster. Their demands fell on deaf ears.
A colossal earthquake brought the world to Haiti’s doorstep. The questions though are why did it take that? And what will it take for the world to stick around after the rubble is cleared and help transform Haiti into the democratic, self-supporting nation it can be?
witness the same
at any best buy or mall on black friday etc
Why, Grinder? Why do you continue to come to a place where people blame you and your ilk for all of the evil in the world? You repeat the same mantras about Black pathology and our inclination to blame whites for every hard-boiled egg that we have swallowed. Obviously, you would be more at home at the Independent Gay Forum or at Andrew Sullivan's.
You are not here to exchange ideas or contribute anything meaningful. Instead, you are looking for a bully pulpit where you can make despicable comments about Black people. Obviously, you have made up your mind about us and there is no changing it. So, what are you motives (other than trolling)? I am really curious.
the loss is yours
any fool who would place me on any list with a racist fool like grinder has only done me a favor herein....
like the proudly ignorant assnon
you need to do your homework on haiti's history!!!
So, no Pat Robertson, in overthrowing the French, the good people of Haiti did not make a pact with the devil. But in the 200 years since that uprising, the world has treated Haiti as if it had made a deal with the devil. Haiti was made to pay for not accepting its place in the European social order of things. American revolutionaries who defeated their European oppressors were hailed as brave patriots; Haitians weren’t recognized by the United States until slavery ended here.
France, ignoring the ideals of its own 1789 revolution, refused to recognize Haiti until it paid a multi-million dollar indemnity for property French citizens lost. Haitians have faced brutal expulsions and apartheid-like policies cutting them off from their island mates, the Dominican Republic. They have clearly haven’t had effective leadership. A string of shady dictators notwithstanding, the world has starved the country of trade and development. (The U.S. occupation from 1915-1934 didn’t help, either.)
"You now belong to the list of people whose posts I don't read. Say hello to AB, UTS, CF, FD, InComprehensable, Ndangimdumb, and a couple others. Enjoy."
poor thing.
He/she actually thinks somebody gives a shit.
It is a shame that Republicans oppose gay marriage. If a constitutional amendment allowing gay marriage was passed on tomorrow, the Republicans would gain the foothold in white gay community.
In my younger days, I used to volunteer for my town's gay community center. I stopped going because and many of the gay white males would make outrageously racist statements like Grinders. Most of them were "liberal" or "democrats" because the opposing party was so vociferously and militantly antigay.
It is a wonder why the Republican party has not taken advantage of this...
ditto uts!!!
why should i care about some moron too cowardly to even show their face or name as they slander me???
how can you judge me while admitting you do not even bother to read my posts???
these invisible whining assnons are like schizo fools caught in their own fabricated vortexes of perpetual delusions of grandeur...
self appointed keystone kkkops/blog police herein too inept to even do the tasks they have assigned themselves
actually they do anon
via a racist masochistic gay doormat org called "log cabin republicans"
see more on kkk gays like grinder:
see the republican pimps' gay tricks here:
And last of all, the strong US presence in Haiti is because a black president said so.
As for looting, people are so desparate for water they are ripping out plumbing looking for water, you sanctiminious festering sore. You don't know a damn thing about suffering but feel free to pass judgement on people who were already suffering before the earthquake. If you want to point out savagery at its finest, review the Bush Administration response to Katrina and the right wing's suggestion not to rebuild NOLA because it would cost too much. You make me sick to my stomach.
ditto anon:
all grinder does is pretend that all blacks are somehow unquely flawed?...
did you catch how he blatantly ignored blondism/kick a ginger day etc????
Great post Field!
@tara, "Grinder, just be glad you are not black, that is all I have to say. Look at the black community, it's a mess."
Tara, go back to lurking. We don't need your "fair and balanced" comments.
Spare me your righteous anger, you ignorant piece of shit. You couldn't possibl ever care less about human life than you do right now.
Vintage Grinder from the previous post.
I was quite open with the fact that I have lost a brother in law, friends, and an orphanage of which I contribute to are dead due to the quake. I live in the Southeast of which there is a concentrated Haitian population so I know what I am talking about. The fact that he can say that to me speaks volumes about his racism and his overall feelings about Black people.
So Field I would question why you would have someone on your blog who would espouse such hatred on this blog when the comments should be about offering assistance and prayers instead of the usual bile on this site. His comment was too upsetting and sickening for me that I had to highlight them again even though I promised myself that I would not post anymore but I have to request once again that you reevaluate your comment policy. When stuff like this borders on abuse—there is something wrong and you need to think about changing.
When stuff like this borders on abuse—there is something wrong and you need to think about changing.
nigga never gonna do that
@123 "Anon 1:24- You're getting karma confused with reincarnation."
The "Law of Karma(action)" and its results says, "I AM the owner of my karma, heir to my karma, 'BORN' of my karma, related through my karma, and live dependent on my karma. Whatever I DO, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir."
Karma(action) and rebirth (or reincarnation) are inextricably linked..Like the number "4" is the result of 2+2...they are not separate but a ‘mirror’ of each other.
So, if I am 'confused' about karma and rebirth, or "reincarnation", then the Buddha and 'billions' of other people are confused also.
@ Field, “Anon 1:24,isn't ironic how in spite of your rude and nescient comments, folks who blog here are still willing to educate you?"
Maybe it was rude, but I was agreeing with your comment in your post: "People trying to give me (of all people) a history lesson about Haiti, Third World politics, and a sociological breakdown of the Caribbean region....why? As if any of this has anything to do with a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocking the poor people."
Like you, it pisses me off when people start giving history lessons about the islands, while Haitians are suffering from a disasterous earthquake. It shows a lack of compassion, imo--much like Pat Robertson. And for American Blacks to do that, I find that RUDE. Nevertheless, I won't comment on it again-I'll leave those comments to you.
As far as the educational offering from '123', I think I will pass on it. But maybe you will be able to make good use of it?
Your entire existence is devoted to kissing white ASS.
That says it all.
grinder said...
"Mayflower, you think whites should be eliminated. If that's the case, then you must not like "white" water, food, or medicine either."
You're the only white that should be eliminated, grinder, and I like "white" water, food, just not you.
The things you mention don't belong exclusively to any one group, unless you're back to supporting white hegemony.
You're unrepentant, aren't you?!
I suspect that if people started to ignore the anons, 90% of the "abusers" here would go elsewhere.
Dr.Jose Vargas Vidot, a compassionate man that has dedicated his life to helping the poor in PR, is calling all health professionals interested in joining him on a mission to open a hospital in Haiti. This hospital will be kept running even after the crisis is over, to give medical help to the island.
His Facebook page:
I suspect if people started to ignore that nappy headed fat ass Fly, 90% of our day would be better. What kind of crack whore puts her ass up here??
B4the Mayflower, "You're a sick puppy, aren't you? Is there no insult you won't hurl? No obscenity you won't spiel, no plight you won't exploit, in an attempt to show us just how beholding we are to whiteness?"
Regular commenters on this blog have been hurling filthy obscenities daily for years, and you have said nothing. Now you are attacking grinder, because he is White?
You are a hypocrite, racist and an exploiter yourself- a person prejudiced through and through. I hope grinder will continue to voice his opinion, whether people like it or not. Because a lot of what he says most people, Black and White, think in their minds, but won't say.
I wonder why Field is so mute on this? I know for a fact some Blacks born outside of the US agree with grinder. In fact, their opinions of African Americans are pretty low.
Regarding Haiti, Dominicans don't like the 'color' of Haitians and could give a shit less about them...
FlyNMy40s said...
"I suspect that if people started to ignore the anons, 90% of the "abusers" here would go elsewhere."
I would agree, Fly, but for the occasional anony comments at 4:00 PM, 4:20 PM, and 4:24 PM.
Some with monikers here have overstayed their welcome, and should be ignored, as well.
But I understand your sentiment.
So some coward who psoted under anonoymous is upset with me...lol,lol,lol
Yeah like my narraciss ass gives a fuck..lol,lol,lol
grinder, after reading your comments today I am very surprised that you would make such statements unless you just wanted to argue about race.
You must be having a bad MLK day or else you are bi-polar. Which is it?
'wyclef is under fire because he is a bm fund raiser eclipsing the haitian efforts of white peers"
Alicia, people like grinder are upset with Wyclef because he's pissing off their glory time for being the white savior. You know how it is...
Mayflower, I think you're beautiful. LOL
Steve, you made me laugh so hard with a comment above. I like you so much you don't even know. LOL
Before the Mayflower said...
Some with monikers here have overstayed their welcome, and should be ignored, as well.
I learned THAT lesson right after I was called a "token", LOL!!!
Thrasher said...
So some coward who psoted under anonoymous is upset with me...lol,lol,lol
Yeah like my narraciss ass gives a fuck..lol,lol,lol
Ya know, I couldn't have said this better my damn self, LOL!!!
FYI, having my ass for my avatar makes it crystal clear where people who don't like me for whatever jealous reason, can kiss!!!!!!!
Kiss it baby, kiss it, then kiss it again, LOL!!!!
And if Mo'nique doesn't get that Oscar for her performance, I'm gonna protest the ceremony indefinitely!!!!
Though I would like to see some black folks get the Oscar for more positive roles than the ones Denzel (Training Day) and Hallle played. Oh well, I woman can have hope!!!
Big ole nigger ass.
Anon 6:43 PM "Regular commenters on this blog have been hurling filthy obscenities daily for years, and you have said nothing. Now you are attacking grinder, because he is White?"
No, in spite of his whiteness.
Wow, you've been coming here that long, to know my posting habits? You should be given a longevity award. I'll take it up with Field, to see if we can't find a medal or a trophy for your years of devotion to this blog.
Kind for kind. You're cognizant of my attacks, but is oblivious to grinder's? That's a selective grievance, wouldn't you say?
You've already shown how "fair and balanced" you are. Are you a regular of Fox News? It would appear you've picked up their bad habits.
"You are a hypocrite, racist and an exploiter yourself- a person prejudiced through and through."
Wow, am I perceptive! You didn't disappoint at all. Like, grinder, you, too, are a credit to your race.
Do your fam and friends know you hold such contempt for those you disagree with?
I usually don't adhere to playground logic, such as, "It takes one to know one," but then, in your case, I'm going to make an exception.
"I hope grinder will continue to voice his opinion, whether people like it or not. Because a lot of what he says most people, Black and White, think in their minds, but won't say."
Don't worry about grinder speaking his mind. He never fails to show us, just as you have done, how much contempt he holds for us poor darkies.
I think you exaggerate about the numbers, but I agree, many whites, and some blacks, would probably agree with Ol' grinder.
You see, it takes real dedication to change, and I'm afraid in many ways, Ol' grinder is stuck in the 1900s. He would be happiest, if I shined his shoes, and jigged for him.
But those Glory Days are long gone, and he has to contend with my uppity mouth, as I'm afraid you'll have to.
"I wonder why Field is so mute on this? I know for a fact some Blacks born outside of the US agree with grinder. In fact, their opinions of African Americans are pretty low."
A fact you say?
You have proof, of course? And you want Field to back up your unsupported statement with the facts you failed to provide. You didn't even offer a personal experience, or two?
"Regarding Haiti, Dominicans don't like the 'color' of Haitians and could give a shit less about them..."
You're a veritable wellspring of information. Are you Dominican? Not much difference in color between many Haitians and Dominicans, unless you wish to establish an apartheid separation based on colorism.
Is that what you're doing, some kind of divide and conquer kind of thing?
Well, my response assumed, initially, you possessed a modicum of intelligence, a smidge of racial tolerance, and a heart filled with goodwill.
I guess I wasted my time. You have none of the above.
Anonymous said...
"Big ole nigger ass."
You like 'em big, too? Man, I'm finding kindred souls all over the place.
You our busted Fly.
La incognita: "Alicia, people like grinder are upset with Wyclef because he's pissing off their glory time for being the white savior. You know how it is..."
So where are the black saviours? No one is stopping the black saviours to show their ugly heads.
Before the mayflower, are you man or woman? I don't recall Africans settling on the Ameicas before the Mayflower landed. Stupid indeed.
Anony -- "Before the mayflower, are you man or woman? I don't recall Africans settling on the Ameicas before the Mayflower landed. Stupid indeed."
Watch it? You don't want to call someone stupid, before you, yourself, are in possession of all the fact.
That would make you the "stupid" one, wouldn't you say? One of the meanings of "stupid" is slow to learn. I think the word you were searching for, is "ignorant," which means "lacking education or knowledge."
In this case, "stupid" hardly meets the need of the moment. "Ignorant," perhaps, but not "stupid."
And whether I'm a man or a woman is immaterial. Intellect isn't the private domain of either--and women or no less able to hold their own than men.
But back to your original observation. For further information, and possible enlightenment, you need to read the seminal work of Lerone Bennett, Jr., renown black scholar and author, titled,
"Before the Mayflower: A History of Black America."
If a mind is a terrible thing to waste, then ignorance must be arrested with all due haste.
Just Off the Mayflower said,
"You're a veritable wellspring of information. Are you Dominican? Not much difference in color between many Haitians and Dominicans, unless you wish to establish an apartheid separation based on colorism."
Obviously, you know 'nothing' about the countries. But fight on, Mayflower, fight on.
You're the only white that should be eliminated, grinder
Sorry, Mayflower, you lying, racist, worthless piece of shit. You didn't just go after me. You went after all whites. Here is what you actually wrote in the previous thread:
"Your race, grinder, is what is wrong with this world.
"Your race, grinder, has bullied its way down through the centuries, throwing people of color aside, all in its quest to run things, to rule over, to destroy those that won't yield.
"The white presence on the planet has put us all of at risk.
"You're a cancer on humanity. Left to your own devices, you will destroy yourself and us with you.
"It's not the black hoards (sic), nor the yellow peril, that threatens the planet, but whiteness.
"Whites are a black hole (How is that for irony?), swallowing up everything in sight, and allowing nothing to escape.
"Whites are our antimatter. The world is not large enough for you, and the rest of humanity. Your very presence threatens the rest of us with annihilation."
"Let's do away with the white race, their 'carrying capacity' has become a world-wide liability. It wasn't people of color who created the means to destroy the human race. I call for more people of color and fewer whites, lest they destroy us all with their diabolical inventions."
Nice to say it on MLK Day, Mayflower. I guess you forgot what he had to say, too. You know, the stuff you don't believe about judging people not by the color of their skin but by the content of the character.
You are a vile creature.
NPR must be racist, because they are reporting increased looting. All hell broke loose in Port-au-Prince, one of their reporters said on the air. Among other things, the good looters of Haiti burned down one of the oldest churches in town after they looted it.
And the secretary general of the UN must be a racist, because he has requested an increase in peacekeeping troops to respond to the looting. Actually, he's a Korean, and you know how the Koreans hate blacks, right? At least in your world, that is. In your world, everyone hates blacks.
But hey, a large group of regulars here really couldn't give a rat's ass about the Haitians. For them, it is all about striking radical-chic postures. A couple hundred thousand or more will ultimately be dead, and you don't care.
Anonymous 8:52:
No actually it is you that knows nothing about the country. Mayflower is accurate in what they said.
Hahahaha! So you fight on...fight on! ROFL!
BTW, the Dominican Republic is about 85% African.
I see Grinder still posing as a provocateaur/attention whore.
What can you loot from a church? Holy water?
"Keen said U.S. forces have not encountered any problems related to unrest or crime. 'I must say, all the places U.S. forces have gone thus far have been very calm,' he said."
Grinder -- "Let's do away with the white race, their 'carrying capacity' has become a world-wide liability.
And I stand behind every word.
"Nice to say it on MLK Day, Mayflower. I guess you forgot what he had to say, too. You know, the stuff you don't believe about judging people not by the color of their skin but by the content of the character."
Oh, I remember, grinder. But I think you forgot. Your character, and its content, are on display here for all to see:
"Mayflower, you lying, racist, worthless piece of shit."
"You are a vile creature."
H'mmm! Grinder, have you been pshycoanalyzed lately. Perhaps you need an exorcism. You seemed possessed.
Ad hominem attacks are the lowest form of debate. It signals to the other side that you have nothing of value left to refute your opponent's position.
I've noticed that you resort to it a lot.
You started this madness with your jaundiced view of Haitians' response to the devastation that is now enveloping their daily existence.
And you continue the madness by focusing on the looting, a natural, normal and lifesaving activity of people desperately struggling to survive.
"But hey, a large group of regulars here really couldn't give a rat's ass about the Haitians."
And if you believe that, then you're truly sick.
A good defense is a better offense. Why else would you call into question whether people who post here care, or not, about Haitians.
What's important is whether you care.
You've consistently questioned the motives of others, whether they're responding appropriately, or sufficiently, especially if they are black and wealthy.
Who made you the arbiter of this disaster? Who made you judge and jury to decide who should respond, and how.
You're not the sheriff of Tombstone. It's a common failing of whites to want to control, and direct, the behavior of blacks. It appears that you can't resist that temptation, either.
"A couple hundred thousand or more will ultimately be dead, and you don't care."
More attacks to defend. Well, it won't work. Again, it's not whether I care, but whether you care.
Take care of your own soul, and stop casting directly, or indirectly, aspersions on others.
Their soul is their own business. Mind yours, and I'm sure they'll mind theirs.
Ernesto said...
What can you loot from a church? Holy water?
ROTFLMBAO!!! You guys are keeping me from studying, LOL!!!
That lets me know what I've suspected all the time that some of those folks at CNN and MSNBC were being a little messy and trying to start confusion for story.
GrannyStandingforTruth said... "No actually it is you that knows nothing about the country. Mayflower is accurate in what they said."
Thanks, granny. Anon is clueless. I sponsor several Dominican kids. Can't tell them apart from my own.
@ Mayflower, you're a lying, racist, worthless piece of shit because you've declared your blind hatred for all white people, and then lied about having said it. Your spirit is that of the mass murderer. Thank God you don't have the power to implement your sickness.
I'll say! You never know what a monkey eats until he has a bowel movement.
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
B4 the Mayflower, "Not much difference in color between many Haitians and Dominicans, unless you wish to establish an apartheid separation based on colorism."
There is a big difference in their state of minds when it comes to color consciousness. Dominicans are some of the most prejudiced people on the planet and think very little of Haitians. The lighter you are, the more you are respected in DR. Conversely, the darker you are, the more you are disrespected.
Just ask Sammy Sosa.
@Granny, "Anonymous 8:52:
No actually it is you that knows nothing about the country. Mayflower is accurate in what they said.
Hahahaha! So you fight on...fight on! ROFL!"
Granny, I find your comments amusing, considering I made no comment to you. If I remember correctly, it's these kind of comments to others that caused so many to lose respect for you in the past.
Are you sure you are a Christian who is ready with a clean conscious should your maker call you? How do you reconscile in your heart to God why you said hurtful and mean things to your brothers?
Try not to follow 'Just Off the Mayflower', because that poor child is headed straight for hell. I am sure that is in the opposite direction of where you want to go. Please, Granny don't lower yourself to be like 'Just off the Mayflower'.
I believe there is a passage in the Bible where Jesus says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Also, check out the First Commandment. I believe God wants you to remember HIM-first. That alone will keep you from being mean-spirited to HIS children and avoid people like Black Pilgrim Mayflower.
Gandhi once said, "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians." Granny, don't put yourself in that category. Rise above it.
Enjoy the much need rain in Oakland.
Anonymous 12:45:
You and no one else is qualified to dictate to me on what I need to do or how I should act or how I should respond or who I should talk to.
BTW, I am not a follower. I have my own mind and it is free. Don't you worry about my soul salvation, worry about your own. God knows my heart so I could care less about what you think because I am not trying to please you.
Oh yeah, You have no power! Nor do you have a heaven or hell to put me in. So you are wasting your time.
Before the Mayflower:
I meant to tell you this earlier. You are very strong in Spirit, the anointing is strong.
BTW, Anonymous 12:45, since when did you start speaking for everyone on here or that I am involved with personally or come in contact with?
Granny, "You and no one else is qualified to dictate to me on what I need to do or how I should act or how I should respond or who I should talk to."
Not trying to dictate to you anything. Just trying to be a loving helpful Christian brother.
Granny said, "Oh yeah, You have no power! Nor do you have a heaven or hell to put me in. So you are wasting your time."
I don't claim to have any power. I am not God; I am a humble servant of God...He has the power, not me. In the final analysis, it is going to be between you and God. So you need not be threatened or afraid of me.
If you know your heart is clean, then there is no need to worry. But your mean-spirited comments indicate otherwise.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Before the Mayflower:
I meant to tell you this earlier. You are very strong in Spirit, the anointing is strong."
Thanks, Granny. You're perceptive beyond words.
Anonymous 1:50:
Are you really trying to be a helpful Christian brother or is that you were embarrassed because I pointed out that Mayflower was right in her assessment of the color of the people in Dominican Republic and laughed because it was funny?
Granny, "Are you really trying to be a helpful Christian brother or is that you were embarrassed because I pointed out that Mayflower was right in her assessment of the color of the people in Dominican Republic and laughed because it was funny?"
Whatever you believe is what you are going to believe. God bless you.
Again, enjoy the much needed rain in Oakland.
I hear ya! Thank you and God bless you too!
Oops, I forgot something Anonymous. You called Before the Mayflower...Just Off the Mayflower. Was that a demonstration of you being loving? Because I don't see anywhere in their conversation that Mayflower disrespected you or wronged you for you to call them that.
[quote]Any of you endeavor to save HBCUs?
I ASSURE YOU that I have given more money in the effort to get Morris Brown College back on its feet than have the AVERAGE alumni from the school. All of this despite the fact that I have no official affiliation to the school.
I also make an annual donation to the UNCF. Why don't you ask your fellow progressives on this blog if they are on UNCF's mailing list to even receive a donation request.
racists like grinder loathe any black person who refuses to live down to their myths...
i still adore and trust wyclef until i see some hard evidence of more than mere sabotage and slander...
you speak as if you are some heartless haitian cop/slumlord concerned EXCLUSIVELY with broken laws/thefts in haiti...why????
you have TYPICALLY exposed your racism herein by wilding on the wilders EXCLUSIVELY...shame!!!
why are you singularly concerned with everything in haiti except black humans!!!???
just as racists like you demand that barefooted blacks pick themselves up by nonexistent bootstraps...wyclef is being maligned for daring to be black and heroic...
racists like you phonily lament black heros until they actually evince...then they destroy them so that they can return to their belovedly insincere lamentation
you dually grind my nerves as a black person and a lesbian!!!
you epitomize the very worst kind of gay wm racist...one who bashes blacks to feel superior to the white hets who hate YOU!!!
you are STILL on your racist safari herein...you have now just stooped LOWER to using suffering haitians as buckshot!
are all of wyclef's peer orgs flawless???
more on wj:
do you have some personal/ historical bone to pick with blacks in haiti?
ie dna?
Dem No good Ancestors/fellow slain bigoted kin perhaps???
Grinder what is your obsession with black donations to Haiti, how many posts have you brought it up in? it is as much your duty to donate as it is the duty of any Black American or African. and yes black people around the world are donating!! i know, it must be a shock for you.
And this looting that you keep mentioning..is that really a surprise?? you don't think there would be some looting whatever part of the world this happened in..whether the victims were black or white, rich or poor, "cheap" or "expensive"? NEWSFLASH, there is no effective law and order right now and people are hungry.
I say some looting because I'm not in the US at the moment so I don't know what the media is reporting over there, but from what I can tell there definately seem to be big exaggerations
grinder, I guess your New Year's resolution didn't last very long, did it?
Isn't it amazing that humans can find fault with each other yet cannot do a damn thing about their own?
"Girlfriend acted her behind off. Well... that would have taken a lot of acting. But you know where I am going"
HAH! Good one, and she deserved it.
ditto c&c:
millions of global people of color are heroic in haiti
only arrogantly deluded racists like grinder deny that
Gangs again ruling slums of Port-au-Prince.
An aid worker from Israel said on CNN moments ago that more emphasis is being put on building a beautiful city at the airport with with air condition tents rather than getting aid to the Haitians and that the security need is begin overplayed. Also what is up with all this amputation? I understand about infection but I am just curious. I know I should not question the God but I got to Lord, can a poor person get a break in this world?
your racial hatred & inhumanity are showing yet again...fyi
you have chosen to ignore droves of great stories in haiti by linking yet another degrading story limited to evil criminals...
why? = you are as you link!
you are an evil racist criminally wilding herein always
That is quite disturbing. Is she as pretty as her picture? Why do guys like Pat get all of the good looking church going bw? She must be part of the bw's club who have boycotted bm.
Check Out SOme of the racist comments from Undercover Black Man on his site about the people of Haiti
"having half your adult population illiterate can't be a good thing.
Blows my mind that none of Haiti's many "leaders," over more than 200 years of independence, made universal education a priority"
"A better-educated populace might've resulted in some better-constructed housing"
My is reply to this fucked up borther
"UBM it is never a bad time to tell a someone to get Fucked...
A earthquake does not give a fuck about universal education and the quality of housing ...
Here is a tip The more I keep making you post dumb ignorant depraved racist shit the more people are going to observe up close and personal the fucking piece of scum worthless fuck you are...
you were right and i was wrong about wyclef
i owe you and my wife apolgies...you both told me so!
i will be editing my sites asap
this wounds me!:
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