I see my girl Sarah was down in Daytona today. Now there is a match made in heaven.
"This is awesome," she said. "It's all-Americana event. Good, patriotic, wonderful event that's bringing a whole lot of people together. I think this is good for our country."
Yes, if your country happens to be Germany circa 1933-1945. "Good."? "Patriotic"? "Wonderful"? Can someone please translate what that means?
Anyway, enough of Sarah. Tonight I want to revisit the "Nutty Professor". You know, the one in Northern Alabama whose ass should have been put under the jail a long time ago.
Seems girlfriend killed her brother back in 1986, and she was also a suspect in a plot to blow Harvard into the Charles River, but she was still walking free and lecturing college students. How did this happen? Well, in A-merry-ca, it pays to know people. And if you happen to live in the burbs, little problems like murder-even against your own family members-can sometimes go away.
"Amy Bishop told police at the time that she had accidentally fired a round from a 12-guage shotgun into the abdomen of her brother, Seth Bishop, while her mother was teaching her about the weapon, the Globe reported."
The report by Trooper Brian Howe said Bishop's "highly emotional state" immediately after the shooting made it impossible to question her. The report said she was 19 at the time. Police say she is 42 now, though the university's Web site lists her as 44.
The handling of the case prompted back-and-forth claims from the current Braintree police chief, Frazier, and the former chief, John Polio.
The handling of the case prompted back-and-forth claims from the current Braintree police chief, Frazier, and the former chief, John Polio.
Frazier said Polio instructed officers to release Amy Bishop to her mother, who had once served on a police personnel board. That move upset officers who remembered the 1986 shooting, Frazier said.
"The police officers here were very upset about that," said Frazier, who was a patrolman at the time and spoke to officers who remembered the incident that day, including one who filed a report on it.
Frazier also said the police records of the shooting have disappeared and he planned to meet with the local district attorney over the possibility of launching a criminal investigation into how the Bishop case was handled.
Polio, now 87, said Saturday at his Braintree home that he was astonished at any implication of a cover-up. He said he didn't instruct officers to release Bishop and wasn't close to her mother, who he said served on the police board years before the shooting."
OK Inspector Renault...I mean Mr. Polio; whatever you say.
dayumn, this ish is getting crazier by the minute. yep, she is one who flew over the cuckoo's nest. maybe some amount of incest was involved. i don't know, i'm just saying.
NASCAR is Palin's favorite sport because it combines her two favorite races: auto and white.
Well damn, another person doing research in Neurology looses it (the other was a middle eastern trained Scientist). Maybe I should rethink this Neurology thing, LOL!!!
Unfortunately, this kinda thing is common and I'd say it happens at least once a year.
"It's all-Americana event."
When the Republicans make English the official language of this country, George Bush and Sarah Palin should be the first ones signed up for remedial classes.
She might be one politician who can claim a lower IQ than the aggregate NASCAR crowd that was on hand today.
Yeah, unfortunately, it's a dog eat dog world in academia.
Love the pic MMM.
tenure is a b#tch to get, hard to lose. At least the Penn profs who went lunny just killed their spouses, no collateral damage.
I do have to laugh at this case though - worse than willie horton, right? He at least served time in jail, this woman never had that before another failure of the massachusetts legal system came out and killed people in OTHER states!
yeah, let's all laugh.
cuz three people are dead, maybe two more on the way to the grave, and four children will grow up without their mother.
i'm overwhelmed by the empathy expressed here, esp. by self-proclaimed academics who can't spell for shit.
People in America are to uptight about all this academia shit! I realize it's important, but it's not all in life okay...
Here in PR, universities have a few uptight profesors, they are so laughable too! The cool ones are the ones that really teach and are able to get to the student.
That Bishop broad shoulda loosened up and backed away, you gotta know how to pick your battles and when to fold, She was just a nutcase and the university never saw thru her bullshit academia and her inventions....Americans just love to shoot each other at the workplace don't they...
"Here in PR, universities have a few uptight profesors, they are so laughable too! The cool ones are the ones that really teach and are able to get to the student."
cactusrose, intresting you should say that, but I think one of the articles mentioned tha she was hard on students and was not a very good teacher.
maria, I don't think folks are laughing at the tragedy of this event, just the irony. Wnd what apparently seems to be a failure of the justice system in Mass. As someone above said: Willie Horton redux.
tenure is a b#tch to get, hard to lose. At least the Penn profs who went lunny just killed their spouses, no collateral damage."
"Oh yes, I remember that case. I think he killed her on a Christmas day. :(
cactusrose said...
People in America are to uptight about all this academia shit! I realize it's important, but it's not all in life okay...
I agree, but try telling that to some prof who's recently had their R01 denied, along with their attempt to get tenure. And honestly, the situation for women is far worse than it is for men! You are right though, most research types are VERY uptight which made it difficult at first for me to fit in, then I turned 35 and didn't give a shit about "fitting in" anymore.
That said, we won't even get into the difficulties people of color have dealing with "the system", outside of the HBCU's.
Thanks Still Waters!
RO1 for the rest of the world is an NIH research grant. they're much harder to get than they used to be, tho a flood of money came in through the stimulus bill.
she also was trying to get a start-up going and licensing the IP (intellectual property) back to the UAB.
without tenure the whole deal is likely impossible. so sad for her family, and all those killed and wounded.
i hope this results on some soul searching on campus. i've also read plenty of stories that said she was a good teacher.
lots of pressures combine to produce bad outcomes short of murder, ie, research misconduct -- investigators faking results, making up research subjects, data collected, fudging images. THAT happens all the time and often isn't caught or reported.
but she may have just been a whack-job back from her brother's death...one story said cops found a "novel" in process on her computer 'about a scientist who killed her brother and atoned by excelling at her work, The Globe reported."
Sarah Palin= the other affirmative action.
Acording to Amy Bishop "nothing happen and no one is dead." Look like another case of the I went blank, I dont remember what happen game.
This woman sounds like a true sociopath. She apparently came out saying something like, "it didn't happen...they're still alive." That sounds like a psychotic break with reality to me. Maybe her brother's death really was an accident and she's been out to lunch ever since. If it was a cover-up, well, that wouldn't surprise me that it could be done except that her mom would've had to have lied after watching her kill her brother and if that's so that's one SCARY family all around!
As to academia... ugh, departments have cliques and if someone higher up the food chain or more connected than you is out for you then you're done no matter what you try. It's a lovely place in the best of times but people outside don't quite understand how hard it can be if someone doesn't like you. Universities can be very much like giant incestuous bureaucracies and the wrong people can unleash it all in your direction. Imagine the power of state plus the politics of a very corrupt small town ruled by generational alliances and families and you'll get the idea of how it can be if you're the odd man out.
@ field: I know, and the ones that are hardest on students usually inspire no passion for the subject,just fear, so they're not good teachers at all.
@ MMM: Women have to work waaay harder than men at whatever positions they attain.
I was promoted to a
supervisory position when I was a paramedic, and damned if those SOB's (all males, but I say that lovingly cuz I do love them all still, and they love me) didn't do their damndest to topple me! But I was smarter than them, so they couldn't yuk,yuk! But they sure kept me on my toes!
@ FN:
This just proves how far this country has come in eliminating white skin privilege. In 1986 a white woman killed her brother and there exists no record of it ever happening.
The same white woman now kills three people and injures three in 2010 (in one fell swoop) and questions are finally being asked.
Unless they come out with the "insanity" defense she will be finally get her "come uppence".
@ anaon
"At least the Penn profs who went lunny just killed their spouses, no collateral damage."
Now that's real deep.
You're right about that, leadership positions for women in general are tough! But personally, women are main culprits of difficult work sotuationscin my experience and can be some vicious bitches to each other. At least with men, you know where they stand but a woman will smile in your face while stabbing you in the back!
Field, you should attend a NASCAR event. Plenty of beer, women, and excitement. It's good ole wholesome American excitement. Since they don't see too many Blacks at those events, I am betting you will have the time of your life.
CF will show you around.
Since our President is Black, does anyone know if we get tomorrow off?
I haven't heard anything to the contrary.
Where's CF? I am sure he can give me a quick answer.
Just looking at her photo, Field must have air brushed that picture to give her that Charles Manson look.
Hey Field you gotta read if you haven' already the NY Times story on the Black Caucus. Its almost funny its so obvious that many of these brothers and sisters are there to have a good time. There was one part of the peice where it points out that the CBC spent more on a party than they did on handing out scholarships which is one of the reasons for having the non- profit org. I think at one party they spent $700,000.
There was another instance in which these Negroes ran up an $11,000 limosine bill. So much for so-called representative democracy. But who can blame them nobody wants to put the energy into holding them accountable and besides even when folks do they still do what they want.
Can you say "change the system." We do need more independent parties as well as thinkers we shouldn't let the fact that these ultra right folks are organizing their own party deter us from organizing around our own interests.
Ya'll hear about that nonsense Ta-Nehisi Coates had to put up with?
Heh, sometimes men will stab you in the back too; the minute they feel you are a threat to them. I've seen this in physics and engineering depts; can't speak to biology;)
Mellaneous, "There was another instance in which these Negroes ran up an $11,000 limosine bill. So much for so-called representative democracy. But who can blame them nobody wants to put the energy into holding them accountable and besides even when folks do they still do what they want.
Can you say "change the system." We do need more independent parties as well as thinkers we shouldn't let the fact that these ultra right folks are organizing their own party deter us from organizing around our own interests."
Mellaneous you sound like CF. I give CF credit, He has been talking to you incessantly about such problems in the black community, but you and others have been arguing and not been listening. Is it because he is a conservative that you have scorned him?
And now you have JUST discovered the CBC liberal black Dems are effing the black community? How pathetic.
Let's face it. the black community is on its deathbed and the CBC and progressive liberal dems are busy sucking the life out of the poor black community before it takes its final breath.
But you are right about one thing: the CBC can do this because they are IN POWER and NO ONE has held them ACCOUNTABLE...something CF has repeatedly claimed in the past.
This painful macabre dance of death of the black community is hard to watch, esp. with Blacks doing nothing about it.
It's sickening.
Not sure if you've seen
I'm a black American woman who happens to love motor sports, and once again the Sock Puppet from Alaska got it wrong!
Yesterday's NASCAR Daytona 500 was not an exclusive "all-Americana" event - whatever the heck that means.
Juan Montoya who finished 10th is Colombian. Marcos Ambrose who finished 41st is an Australian. Hardly an invasion of foreigners, but it is another example of the lack of research that Palin and her handlers do before allowing her anywhere near a microphone.
Amy Bishop Anti Semitism
MMM/aka fly, the correct spelling of the word is sotuationscin. Gawd you are stupid, still bragging lies about yourself again I see.
"Field, you should attend a NASCAR event. Plenty of beer, women, and excitement. It's good ole wholesome American excitement. Since they don't see too many Blacks at those events, I am betting you will have the time of your life.
CF will show you around."
"LOL! True story. (No imaginary friend here, CF) But back in the day (long long long before Mrs. Field) I dated a woman who was some kind of big wig with one of the Nascar sponsors. She took me to an event (in the Poconos I think) and honest to god, of the damn near 100,000.00 people there, we were probably the only two black people. Now that, my friends, was scary. If looks could kill you would have never heard of this blog. :) But hey, that was awhile ago, before the post racial era.
Brenda, you will have to post here more often. Maybe you can convince me why I should become a fan of NASCAR.
Mellaneous, I am all over the CBC. I will probably blog about them later. What a shame! But I am not surprised. This is what these Negroes do.
Swiff, thanks for that link to the Coates story, I will check it out.
The more we learn about Ms. Bishop the more it looks like she was a ticking time bomb.
Diallo, and anon. 6:42am, thanks for those links.
"Heh, sometimes men will stab you in the back too; the minute they feel you are a threat to them. I've seen this in physics and engineering"
Sometimes? I tink it's more than sometimes; especially if you are a woman in the engineering world. You and Mrs. Field should exchange notes. :)
Brenda i'm black and i have attend NASCAR before in the past. The first time I went was back in the early 80's and got some hefty looks from them white folks. Now I see more black folks are venturing out. My wife won't even bother look at it on TV with me.
Anon, the correct spelling of the word is sotxuationscin. Don't let her stupidity become contagious.
I wonder how someone who has made so many "right" decisions in life can then make this so very wrong one. I mean she is 42 years old. She decided to excel in education (Harvard and science are no easy feats). She married, stayed married and has 4 children.
I know that some here have flippantly suggested "crazy" but if I were a part of her legal team, insanity is where I would be going and I imagine there is a lot of evidence to suggest this. Unless she testifies, prior bad acts cannot be introduced at trial. So, I hope her legal team is scouring her past records of everything to suggest mental defect.
It is a tragedy for the families of those who were killed and injured and yes, it is a tragedy for her children and family. All that is left here are broken lives.
"Just looking at her photo, Field must have air brushed that picture to give her that Charles Manson look."
I swear I didn't touch it.
Field being a Criminal Defense Lawyer,please explain to us how this not only happens in Braintree,but in most courtrooms or police dept.s around the country.That adage about it's not what you know but whom you know seems to have played a role.
[quote]Can you say "change the system." We do need more independent parties as well as thinkers we shouldn't let the fact that these ultra right folks are organizing their own party deter us from organizing around our own interests."
Mellaneous you sound like CF. I give CF credit, He has been talking to you incessantly about such problems in the black community, but you and others have been arguing and not been listening. Is it because he is a conservative that you have scorned him? [/quote]
Anon - I wish you'd get a name so I can distinguish you from the 5 other Anons.
When it comes to the Black community I am a CONSERVATOR!!!!
* Educate our Kids
* Employ the people in the community
* Develop stable relationships
I want to the CONSERVATOR who keeps these INSTITUTIONS IN PLACE.
CHAOS and DEVOLUTION is the only option.
Anon - I believe that I am a good analyst. I am not surprised that my friend Filled Negro is running the biggest "Self-Chumming" operation on the Internet. He is merely doing what has been done for a long while: Feeding people's IDEOLOGICAL LUSTS while detracting them from the real issues that bear upon them and harm them.
Sadly he is giving people what they want.
Think about it Anon - When you are riding along with a machine that ALREADY had dominate control over the lands that you previously assisted it in winning AND, per your bigotry - you are NOT willing to hold that which you have constructed ACCOUNTABLE for failing to do what you had anticipated - WHAT IS YOUR NEXT OPTION?
In doing so they believe that when I person like me who brings up the news that Pennsylvania is the most deadly state for Black folks - it is seen by Filled Negro and Mellaneous as "Blaming The Victim" or by WhiteBowieSteve as "Showing the most negative news of Black people".
This type of logic would be like the Civil Rights Movement being accused of HATING BLACK PEOPLE because they identify the LYNCHING that has taken place inside of the Eco-System known as the South.
WE saw the "Strange Fruit" coming from this eco-system and fought to CHANGE IT by holding the people accountable then.
Today the assailants are within and they are RELUCTANT to consider the changes that are needed WITHIN the Eco-System.
Self-Chumming and Political Obfuscation toward their enemies allows them to be pacified about their present condition while allowing their machine to GROW despite failing to address these problems.
At some point they will run out of ROCKS to fear that the conservatives might be hiding under.
My friend Filled Negro:
I would like a serious answer from you.
WHY is the killings done by Amy Bishop more significant to you - and thus was awarded with a headline on your propaganda blog - as compared to:
[quote]Feb 15: Man shot to death in North Phila. bar, police say
Philadelphia police said a 24-year-old man was shot to death early yesterday morning after a bar fight in North Philadelphia.
The man, who was not identified because his family had not been notified, was shot in the chest about 2 a.m. at the Comfort Zone Bar in the 2400 block of Germantown Avenue.
Officer Tanya Little said the man made it outside and was lying in the street when police arrived. She said he died at Temple University Hospital. There were no arrests. - Jan Hefler[/quote]
Is it because:
* You didn't EXPECT this behavior from Amy while this guy in N.Philly is merely another Nigra who "Got himself Kilt" in your view?
Or is it that the comments to this news story causes you to go on the defensive because YOU KNOW what is behind these people's thoughts as they write:
[quote]In the uncivilized neighborhoods of the city this type of barbaric criminal behavior is an everyday occurrence and accepted by the inhabitants. Nothing will ever change and now has become the norm. These communities and the people that live in them are the direct cause for our city being a murder/crime hot bed.
* I heard the nachos at the Comfort Zone Bar are to die for!
* No suprise here. We need to keep the criminals in jail.[/quote]
Why did you focus on ALABAMA rather than staying closer to home?
i find it unbelievable how much fly attacks women. is this part of the new social conservatism?
you are a disgrace to our gender!
i'm overwhelmed by the empathy expressed here, esp. by self-proclaimed academics who can't spell for shit.
I am the academic you are referring to, not the anon that posted earlier. If you are gonna fight, be sure to have the right person you are fighting with. Oh, never mind, that would require a brain.
maria, I don't think folks are laughing at the tragedy of this event, just the irony. Wnd what apparently seems to be a failure of the justice system in Mass. As someone above said: Willie Horton redux.
You may want to read Field's statement again as well. And a third time if you still don't get it.
MMM academia is a double bitch for women and women of color even harder. It's a good 'ole white boys club for sure.
Jody said...
I wonder how someone who has made so many "right" decisions in life can then make this so very wrong one. I mean she is 42 years old. She decided to excel in education (Harvard and science are no easy feats). She married, stayed married and has 4 children.
I think it's the same way Tiger Woods has so much "control" in most areas of his life and yet can't control his penis.
I've et many Scientists/Physicians from those top notch schools and quite a few of them are what I'd called socially challenged. Brilliant, but socially challenged.
And after 25+ years in research, I'm obviously quite aware that men can be vicious but I'm here to tell you without hesitation that overall, white men have consistently supported me in MY career and I'm very thankful for it!
Now to all the past spelling bee champions who feel the need to correct others on this blog and the others who love to take people words of of context, F*CK YOU!!!!! Let me be more specific since I know that the "Anon" spell checker is really Maria, F*CK YOU B*TCH!!!!
PS-Did I spell that correctly Macaroni Maria??
Because you share the same gender she should agree with you or have your back? Are you kidding?
Still Waters:
MMM academia is a double bitch for women and women of color even harder. It's a good 'ole white boys club for sure.
In general I agree, and while I haven't been given a "pass" into the club, I have been helped pretty significantly in my career, including in my current position.
And speaking of that, let me get off this computer go to work before the snow starts!
MMM, sweetie you misspelled a word in your posted response to Jody. You may want to fix that before Maria sends the Grammar Mafia to get you ;)
hey, still waters/MMM/fly....i made my point once.
i haven't repeated it. you don't need to tell me to read field's post.
you can go off now and play with the other children now, or go make breakfast for someone.
[un]constructive one, it must be really hard for you when folks like me point out that not only poor black (and white)people commit crimes. As for your man in the North Philly bar; please see my Killadelphia murder count on the side-bar. I actually give a daily update of the killlings in our fair city. How much more do you want?
"When it comes to the Black community I am a CONSERVATOR!!!!
* Educate our Kids
* Employ the people in the community
* Develop stable relationships
And how is that any different from what any decent person with a conscience wants? Oh, I know; we should vote in republicans to run our local governments in order to achieve your dream.***rolling eyes***
sorry, not me. i don't waste time correcting your spelling when there is so much real idiocy in your comments to respond to.
Filled Negro:
If you can find any post where I have EVER asked anyone to VOTE REPUBLICAN (except for Bobby Jindal) I will delete ever one of my blog contents and never post on the Internet again.
You keep mistaking my attempt to OBTAIN ACCOUNTABILITY from you and other "Democrats Who Are Black" and thus whom operate while standing WITHIN our protected racial space, advocating for this external interest group.
[quote] it must be really hard for you when folks like me point out that not only poor black (and white)people commit crimes. As for your man in the North Philly bar; please see my Killadelphia murder count on the side-bar. I actually give a daily update of the killlings in our fair city. How much more do you want? [/quote]
Filled Negro:
I want you to show the SAME RESOLVE, the same CONTEMPT FOR the ECO-SYSTEM from which the strange fruits of DEAD BLACK PEOPLE are produced today that you have for the Pre-Civil Rights Southern Eco-System and the PEOPLE WHO WERE KILLING THEM.
Do you see it as ironic that you are attempting to promote the EQUAL PROPENSITY TO KILL upon the poor and the wealthy/academics......all the while you are UNABLE to MAKE EQUAL those who KILL in Philly and other places - treating them with the same bitch slap from GOVERNMENT that you render upon Neo-Klansmen?
Hey Filled Negro: If I make a US Federal Debt web site can I claim to be a DEBT FIGHTER?
OR should you judge me by my disposition against those who are RESPONSIBLE FOR the run up of the debt
"If you can find any post where I have EVER asked anyone to VOTE REPUBLICAN (except for Bobby Jindal) I will delete ever one of my blog contents and never post on the Internet again."
Well if it walks like a duck...
Brenda said...
I'm a black American woman who happens to love motor sports, and once again the Sock Puppet from Alaska got it wrong!
Yesterday's NASCAR Daytona 500 was not an exclusive "all-Americana" event - whatever the heck that means.
Juan Montoya who finished 10th is Colombian. Marcos Ambrose who finished 41st is an Australian. Hardly an invasion of foreigners, but it is another example of the lack of research that Palin and her handlers do before allowing her anywhere near a microphone.
3:45 AM
Brenda, the Daytona 500 has been called the "All-American Race" for as long as I can remember. It has nothing to do with how many "non-Americans" might or might not be racing in it.
That would be like saying we can't call the "U.S. Open" the "U.S. Open", just because golfers from all over the world participate in the tournament...MANY more than participate in the Daytona 500.
Not sure where "Americania" came from....never heard that one before.
MMM, "PS-Did I spell that correctly Macaroni Maria??"
Please do not use the "M" word when talking to Italians. Show some respect.
Dear God help me to stop.
cactusrose said...
....Americans just love to shoot each other at the workplace don't they...
The shooter was a huge fan of O-man it's being reported now. strange
clearly this woman has mental issues...
do not dismiss the chronic abuses that have become typical in academia which may have escalated her insanity!
these tenure/doctooral crimes are increasing as ruthless academic hazing by superior profs becomes increasingly common...
as obama and his bankers continue to destroy all economies..
more such fatal faculty violence looms as more tenures, one iron clad, are being nullified nationwide
...tenures onCe iron clad, are being nullified nationwide
She already looks crazy as hell with those murderous eyes.
She was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen big time!
Her backstory is the stuff of good Law & Order episodes
the bm in the uar link above had sane eyes...yet he had been broken for over 10 yrs...only to finally be told that he would NEVER be phd material
even sane people click under such serial and routine acdemic abuses
fatal serial professional hazing is commonplace before such fatal campus serial crimes
Why the hell should ANYONE be granted tenure? You get a "job for life", and can never be fired? You shouldn't have to face a review board ever so often for evaluation.....LIKE MOST OF THE WORLD'S WORKERS??? That's BS, AB.
Give an obviously mentally unbalanced person tenure? Maybe they knew something about her you didn't. (like about shooting her brother)
That poor, mistreated woman. If she had any decency, she'd have shot herself, too. Hell, if she had any decency, she'd have shot HERSELF before she shot any of those other people.
I don't even think the SCOTUS should be a "job for life". Maybe a ten year term.
I hope they give the whacko the needle.
In my humble opinion this tragedy was brought on by the worst case of White privilege I've ever read about so far..........., every day now we Americans are bombarded by more , more and more idiotacy.
I've probably misspelled some words in that statement but can you think of how all these families feel after getting the news that their loved one was just killed by a co-worker for NO REASON!
If this lady had the history of killing her own brother even if it was an accident and been questioned regarding a bomb threat how did she get hired and how did she pass a back ground check to buy a firearm. The system doesn't protect us , no wonder so many guns are bought every year. I still don't have one but I'm sure I'm an exception to the rule.
Aloha from Makaii
ab--how you been!?
The Angry Independent said...
....and it's even worse if you're a Black man and stuck with what the choices are in that pool. (Thanks a lot God). Basically for me there are no choices. Being Black is like having a horrible chronic illness. Fucks up every part of your life.
Man you are angry. Just to let you know it's ok to be black, trust me been doing it damn near for 40 yrs. I've even "shared" my illness to non blacks.
Sorry about last post, wrong comment section.
hey maria:
how are you?
DIGNITY/SANITY/SHAME...= NO REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....and it's even worse if you're a Black man and stuck with what the choices are in that pool. (Thanks a lot God). Basically for me there are no choices. Being Black is like having a horrible chronic illness. Fucks up every part of your life.
Go break out the skin lightening cream and the obligatory white arm candy, then. If it's still too much to bear, grab a gun and get it over with.
@MeandMyMicroscope & Still Waters: CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!CLAP! You let that stupid, stuck up bastard Maria know who is boss.
That stupid no hoper has the arrogant audacity to come on this blog and to correct people about their spelling, all because someone made a remark that she did not like.
While at the same time displaying that absolutely horrendous, arrogant, disgusting attitude in the process. Listen lady, If you know something the rest of us don't, then change the world. If you have nothing else better to do with your extremely sad and pathetic life, other than to make stupid remarks, about peoples spelling,with the intention of scoring points, then it does not exactly say alot about your so called intellect.
Tenure is going the way of the dinosaurs. Unfortunately, so too is full time professorships.
More and more adjuncts are being hired-right now at a 3 to 1 ratio-and full time professor gigs are harder and harder to find. Many people in grad school and in the academy are going to be pushed up against the wall soon. Not that i think there will be allot more incidents like this. But that is the way the cookie is crumbling.
AB, sorry about your Colts.:(
AB, i'm taking your advice, re the above.
all is well. work, kids, politics, etc. good to see you back!
anon @2:21, etc.
Anon 3:04 said:
"Mellaneous you sound like CF. I give CF credit, He has been talking to you incessantly about such problems in the black community, but you and others have been arguing and not been listening. Is it because he is a conservative that you have scorned him?
And now you have JUST discovered the CBC liberal black Dems are effing the black community? How pathetic"
You obviously have not been privy to all my conversations on this blog or you would know that I have been around too long to have just discovered pimping by black legislative and fake community leaders.
You are not paying attention. I have said I don't support the democrats or the republicans and don't see them as the solution to the myriad of problems that black and working class people face on a regular basis.
And trust me UNCF didn't point any problems in the black community that I am not aware of esp. since unlike him I have been working in that same community to address these and other problems. Its pretty presumptuous of you to think that I have just began to think about these issues and that UCF had to inform me about them.
Nobody denies that young black folks killing each other is a problem. I think that the solution lies partly in giving everyone equal opportunity to succeed. Once everyone has equal opportunity and a chance to really thrive and enter the real pursuit of happiness then this street violence would subside.
You are wrong about me not listening to UCF I have heard his incessant chirping about crime and the black community. There is nothing sophisticated about what he continues to blab about like an artist with only one song. And that's my issue with UCF,he concentrates solely on this while ignoring some of the causes of inner city violence,which are institutional racism, unequal public education --to name a few ==and the difficulty that exists which make climbing the so-called ladder of success very difficult and for some almost prohibitive.
And he focuses on young people in the hood as the sole practitioners of violence and totally ignores the violence that the system commits against folks on a regular basis, especially the so-called justice system, and police brutality.
And the real kicker is that these folks should know better. And the other reality is that they have the power of the State behind them so they can do mean things including kill or maim or deprive you of your liberty and not have to fear any retribution unlike street crime.In other words a cop can kill someone and every one will know he did it because he could and get away with it. NOte what just happened in Homer,Louisiana and in Tennessee recently. Those committing street crime will either be punished eventually by the system or the streets.
He also ignores the violence of corporations and big business, which forces folks to often to work for less while the folks at the top cart of wheelbarrows of money.
He chooses to ignore the unjustness of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, which have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the majority of them were non combatants/civilian.
He refuses to acknowledge the US and other captalist countries complicity in keeping the underdeveloped nations poor with their forced terms of unequal trade and sometimes working with and supporting regimes that undermine their own people just so the US and its multinationals can make a profit.
If you are going to get on this thing and shoot off your fingers at least get your information straight.
And BTW it is asinine for Black folks who have less than $10 million dollars and don't control their own source of income to be talking about they are a conservative. What in Gods name do they have to conserve? Inequality, unfair competition, exploitive wages and working conditions, The American Way, sexism, patriarchy, racism, I mean really what does a middle class or working Negro have to conserve? Its a misnomer!
I just read where they are reporting now that the crazy Bishop woman & her husband were questioned by the police in Mass. some years ago about some pipe bombs that were sent to a Harvard professor.
Bishop and this professor apparently had had some type of altercation not too long before the bombs were sent to him.
With her history, she wouldn't have been able to get a job in a Burger King where I come from.
I suppose "academia" is a bit more lax on their standards. Go Figure. Remember Ward Churchill...the Indian That Never Was? The Vietnam Combat Veteran That Never Was?
Most teachers these days probably couldn't pass the GED test themselves.
I co-sign with Makaii!
The problems I have with your comments are that you seem to blame Field for the black on black murders because he doesn't submit to your dictatorship of making all the topics about black on black crime, or denigration, or dehumanizing blacks. You make it seem that he is solely responsible for black on black crimes committed and as if he is cheering it on.
However, if he mentions anything tied to white crime, or teabaggers, Palin, or the GOP pedophile party you want to silence him and anyone else on this blog from talking about it. You want to keep the focus on blacks and blacks alone and anything other than that is a no-no. That is how narrow-minded you are because it never occurred to you that crime no matter who commits it, racism, capitalism, and politics affects ALL Americans directly or indirectly in a negative way.
Racism affects minorities who it is aimed at and indirectly affects whites. Racism is an obstacle based on depriving other human beings of justice, their rights as citizens of the USA to fair treatment, and God given rights to be treated as human beings. However, I think you are in denial and you truly believe that you as an alleged black man will be looked over, that is if you are a black man which I truly doubt, and the repercussions of racism won't affect you. You seem to be stuck in some fantasy that you will somehow be overlooked and get a pass from the affects of it.
Also, your comments are geared to make it seem that none of us black folks care about or are unconcerned about the murders that take place in black urban settings. Nor are we working towards solving it. In other words, we're just happy as a lark that our black youth are killing each other, that we go along with it, and celebrate it, which is a falsehood, deceptive, and an outright lie! Most of your comments are geared toward putting black folks in a bad light and reinforcing the ALL blacks collectivity are bad people. You should be a commentator on Fox We Make It Up News, that is if you aren't already.
Off Topic:
They had a shooting at my church yesterday. It's in the news. The week before the pastor had buried his wife--four days to be exact. In spite of the tragedies it didn't kill the Spirit in the church and even the news reporters and anchormen recognized that. They referred to our church as Spirited filled church.
most people who incessantly blame and degrade teachers, have never even visited a public school and do not help their own kids study!!!...
BTW, the two teenagers who were shot are alive and well.
kudos to nola...they earned that game!!!
assnons are vulgar morons who destroy the net with their vicious moronism....they have no interest in debate...they just enjoy their cowardly attacks and vulgar ignorance....they are all blinded buffoons wilding blindly!
assnons/cowards are fatally infectious....to evade them is to remain humane and superior in every way...
i have always banned these evil scared clowns on all of my racdio shows and all of my web sites and i always will!!!!!!!!!
see more:
alicia banks said...
most people who incessantly blame and degrade teachers, have never even visited a public school and do not help their own kids study!!!...
Alicia, I can't speak for "most people". But, I know I did. My daughter now works in forensics at our State Crime Lab, and has had offers to join the FBI.
(BTW....she says all that CSI stuff you see on tv is "crap")
good for you
but teachers are wounded and each day in most classes steals another bit of their souls...try to help them rather than bash
volunteer to tutor a kid who does NOT have a dad like you
i have spent years in law enforcement... and all officers hate csi and most cop shows as they are complete BRIEF fantasies compared to the grueling imperfect slow science of catching criminals etc
teachers need you!
volunteer today...
see more:
I wasn't really bashing teachers in general, AB. I just don't believe in tenure.
You have to admit, though. There ARE teachers out there who couldn't pass the GED.....and the fact that they were allowed to become teachers is a crime unto itself.
As far as volunteering is concerned, I'm an Eagle Scout. The Boy Scouts have been trying to offer me positions in the local area as a Scoutmaster for years. I guess I've finally gotten old enough to take them up on it. Between that and my job, which involves a good bit of travelling, that's going to be about all I can handle.
yes apoi:
in ANY profession you have inompetence/nepotism/slackers...
ONLY educators are defined by the least among is and scapegoated more each day for lazy bad kids/sorry parents/abusive admin/cowardly politicos etc
teaching is the ONLY profession where each year teachers are held SOLELY more accountable for ALL that ails the entire profession and each of its stakeholders...
the perfect teacher can never defy INCREASINGLY horrid students/parents/admin...
What's up AB??
Just an FYI, Macaroni frequently posts as Anon. And to the person complaining about me using the term Macaroni, join her in kissing my ass. She acts like a racist showing contempt for Black folks on this blog, so she gets a racial epitaph for a user name.
As for tenure going out the door, so is just about ANY type of job security unless you have lined yourself up with the Feds, LOL!! Of course, with the zillion dollar debt we have, I guess it's possible that the US could get themselves permanently in the red one day!
ONLY educators are defined by the least among US...
how many doctors kill patients daily etc???
yet doctors are STILL considered gods/honorable/smart...never endure "ged" jokes????
teachers get a more raw deal daily and that is why we are quitting in droves!!!...
and FEW new students care to replace the bleeding educators posts = a globaldisaster!
i am hip to the mean morons' games herein and i refuse to play anymore...
u rock!....shake the haters off
like toxic parents
the teacher exodus is a global trend
those who extend no empathy to teachers will be shocked when the best teachers are gone and the ONLY the ones you lament remain
A Person of Interest said...
My daughter now works in forensics at our State Crime Lab, and has had offers to join the FBI.
Just some friendly advice from a Senior level Scientist that doesn't mention specifically who she works for or with publicly...................
You should consider refraining from mentioning ANYTHING about your kid having a gig lined up with an agency like the FBI. She could loose that gig because you mentioned it on the internet.
Hello AB,
I appreciate your passion for teaching and learning. It comes from your heart.
alicia banks said...
i am hip to the mean morons' games herein and i refuse to play anymore...
u rock!....shake the haters off
This is Fly in case you didn't know I changed my username!
Thanks for the advice, MeandMy. Good advice too.
Not really worried about it though. My daughter is a "home girl". She's decided she wants to stay close to home, and raise babies.
MeandMyMicroscope said...
What's up AB??
Just an FYI, Macaroni frequently posts as Anon. And to the person complaining about me using the term Macaroni, join her in kissing my ass. She acts like a racist showing contempt for Black folks on this blog, so she gets a racial epitaph for a user name.
i do not post as anon, i do not show contempt, and macaroni is not an epitaph. call me whatever you want. you only sink lower.
i have never been a bio mom...my students are truly my babies and i adore them as my very own!...
i love the new name and photo!
BTW, MeandMy,
My daughter has already been through & passed the FBI background check, when they were trying to hire her straight out college.
I remember when they were conducting the check, (which took weeks), she was getting worried she hadn't heard back from them.
She sat me down one night, and with a serious face, leaned over and asked me quietly, "Now Daddy, there's nothing you want to tell me about your past that I might not already know, is there?"
I laughed so hard I spit out my beer.
I only care for my Macaroni with cheese on it. And some Franks too.
A Person of Interest said...
She sat me down one night, and with a serious face, leaned over and asked me quietly, "Now Daddy, there's nothing you want to tell me about your past that I might not already know, is there?"
I laughed so hard I spit out my beer.
I'm VERY familiar with the process you speak on, LOL!!!! And I'm sure you're VERY proud of your daughter! Just keep in mind that the "rules of engagement" for "us" aren't the same as they are for everyone else and background checks aren't a one time deal. ANYTHING can facilitate a new one.
Still Waters said...
I only care for my Macaroni with cheese on it. And some Franks too.
Funny you should mention Mac and cheese SW, LOL!!!. I'm in the middle of preparing a southern style dinner of Mac and cheese from scratch, BBQ chicken, with collards and blueberry pie for dessert!
Only thing missing is the cornbread, LOL!!!!
Day-um your man is one lucky dawg. Cannot beat a good Southern Style din din.
MeandMyMicroscope said...
alicia banks said...
i am hip to the mean morons' games herein and i refuse to play anymore...
u rock!....shake the haters off
This is Fly in case you didn't know I changed my username!
I am glad you change that avatar showing that overfed/overweight butt!
Sorry to go off topic but I think Holly Robinson should be House Negro of the Day since she said she didn't think John Mayer was racist. Read her blog.
"White privilege"??? Oh please.. face it, you aren't concerned about what this woman did, or who was harmed in the process, rather it's just another thing to exploit for the twisted ideology you embrace.
This insane, left wing academic, Amy Bishop was an affluent woman, she grew up in an affluent family, her mother was connected politically to the MA dem party machine. She murdered her brother, attempted to hold up a gas station, at gun point, she not only was involved in an attempted bombing, but on two separate occasions was involved in a bombing attempt. She's now murdered 3 people, wounded 3 others, and she was able to get away with what she did in the past, not because she was white, but because her family had connections... the same can be said for any number of affluent, connected blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and what have you, get away with whatever they wish. Obama's tech czar, Vivek Kundra committed a felony in his 20s, and got a slap on the wrist, one only has to spend a bit of time searching to see this as having played out. I don't notice any writing about corrupt black politicians, how the CBC is more into lining their pockets, than in helping their citizen constituents, including their black citizen constituents, in fact, they're making billions selling them in much the same way powerful African figures sold their own people into slavery, to the Spanish and Portuguese more than 500 years ago.
Don't see any critiques against Mandela, or Desmond Tutu who have basically sat back and let Robert Mugabe know that he can get away with starving and slaughtering his own people.. so does that mean that you don't so much have a problem with corruption and exploitation as you do with using it as a straw man argument to justify your game of hate whitey?
Poor and middle class whites, get punished when they commit crimes, they have no privilege at all. You know, maybe your communities wouldn't be in the crap condition that they are in, if you could bother to get off your asses and actually address the real problems, all American citizens are facing, instead of working to ensure they are never resolved.
Brother Field,
NASCAR is not an event that appeals to you or me but it as All American an event as is the NFL,MLB,NBA,Mardi Gras or the Essence Festival.
The insults cast forth onto a fellow American simply for supporting car racing and calling it an All American sport just because it is a predominantly white sport would be as hateful as a white guy slamming you for supporting the NBA as an All American sport.
It demonstrates inappropriate hate and anger.
The shooter at Alabama on the other hand should be tried and executed swiftly.
There is no excuse for her behavior and I applaud you for calling her out.
Thanks SW, I'm still at it waiting on the cobbler to finish and my back is killing me, LOL!!!
So it turns out SOMEONE sent a bomb to a colleague of Dr. Bishop years ago and that no one was ever charged.
Yeah, it must be nice to ALWAYS be given the benefit of the doubt when criminal $hit goes down!!
Oh and I agree, straight to the death chamber for her!!!!
It amazes me how some folks are quick to claim that they've never seen any writings about corrupt black politicians or blacks who've committed crimes, etc. That let's me know that they recently started blogging on Field's blog and new on here.
BTW, those Africans were few in number compared to the kidnapping of millions of slaves by Europeans. So, don't try to make out like Africans were to blame for their people being sold into slavery because that is not true.
Oh yeah, stop trying to make out like your neighborhoods are free from crime and shootings. The only difference is that they don't broadcast them because they're too busy broadcasting what goes on in other neighborhoods.
[quote]And trust me UNCF didn't point any problems in the black community that I am not aware of esp. since unlike him I have been working in that same community to address these and other problems. Its pretty presumptuous of you to think that I have just began to think about these issues and that UCF had to inform me about them.[/quote]
UNCF - I like that.
Hey wait a minute. Be right back.
Look at this envelope. UNCF !!!!
They have me on their mailing list.
I must be a donor because THEY WOULD NOT SEND ME ANY mail.
Then again I have been trying to get off of the NAACP mailing list for years despite not given them a damned dime!!! If I wanted to donate to the Democratic Party I will donate directly to the Obama Campaign fund. Some of you all have set up a monthly draw from your checking account in preparation for 2012.
Mellaneous - GOING ALONG WITH YOUR CLAIM for a second - WHAT IF I am on record as doing everything necessary to keep MY OWN KIDS from becoming STREET PIRATES? Would this be satisfactory with you that I am doing my part?
If I told you hat I work with an education program for "project kids" but HAVE NEVER SEEN A FATHER bring his kid to the session in over 3 years. You'd say WHAT?
When you and Filled Negro and others can "call out" these other EQUAL BLACK MEN as you do me -then I would have more respect for your claims.
[quote]The problems I have with your comments are that you seem to blame Field for the black on black murders because he doesn't submit to your dictatorship of making all the topics about black on black crime, or denigration, or dehumanizing blacks. You make it seem that he is solely responsible for black on black crimes committed and as if he is cheering it on.
However, if he mentions anything tied to white crime, or teabaggers, Palin, or the GOP pedophile party you want to silence him and anyone else on this blog from talking about it. You want to keep the focus on blacks and blacks alone and anything other than that is a no-no.[/quote]
My love and respect for you prevents me from going against you as I do Filled Negro.
I will humbly explain to you my perspective.
You see Granny - Just imagine if we were in 1910. In respect to the MURDER of a Black man - those WHITE FOLKS who's goal was to PROTECT THE ESTABLISHMENT attempted to redirect the incident, focusing on how GOOD the establishment has been to the Nigra. How so many of them are still alive and how they breed fast. Thus the one that had to be culled will soon be replaced with 3 others who looks just like him.
Then, Granny - after those who are conscious get on this DEFENDER OF THE ESTABLISHMENT'S trail he merely attempts to FLIP THE SCRIPT. He points to that Nigra that had shot the White farmer dead, thus proving that the Black has a "violence streak" and thus we should see this killing as equal evidence of brutality.
You see Granny - Filled Negro and others are playing the role of the "All White Jury". They both seek to DEFEND THE ESTABLISHMENT for whom they are seeking to save face for.
Here is the rundown Granny:
1) Blacks represent about 50% of the homicides in this nation - FAR beyond our 13% population sample
2) When we had an ECO-SYSTEM in which Blacks were being MURDERED - the full force of the Civil Rights Movement attacked this system which was producing these outcomes
3) In as much as the ESTABLISHMENT over these places got into power by promising to CLEAN UP that which RACISM had destroyed - Filled Negro, you, others are loathed to go back and DEMAND that the forces that YOU HELPED GET INTO POWER deliver as promised.
4) Instead you both use your IDEOLOGICAL LUST to perform a grand "SELF-CHUMMING" scheme. You realize what people of your ideological stripe are most hungry for and you keep DISTRACTING the people who will be the BIGGEST BENEFICIARIES of the FIX OF THEIR COMMUNITY outward against a conservative political force who has exited your community.
5) Today you say that their DAMAGE to you is that they have ABANDONED YOU.
Granny - I DON'T GIVE A DAMN what this woman in Alabama has done to blast some people. This happens EVERY-DAMNED-DAY in Metro Atlanta - one drip at a time instead of en masse.
Strong points CF
Damn it Xi, you always work on my conscience. OK, I am going to try and be more understanding.
"Granny - I DON'T GIVE A DAMN what this woman in Alabama has done to blast some people. This happens EVERY-DAMNED-DAY in Metro Atlanta - one drip at a time instead of en masse."
Granny, he only cares about the "street pirates". This woman killed three professors of color.(Coincidence? Maybe.) But the [un]constructive one only cares about crime committed by poor black people. Not their victims, just the perps. The victims are all pawns in his political game.
"BENEFICIARIES of the FIX OF THEIR COMMUNITY outward against a conservative political force who has exited your community."
So why do you want to bring them back? Don't you think they will just "exit" again? I say we work on our communities and not depend on any outside forces; conservative or otherwise. How is that?
field negro said...
This woman killed three professors of color.(Coincidence? Maybe.)
Aw Hell Naw!!! I had NO IDEA!!!! Now I'm really pissed because there are so few Blacks at white universities and these had tenure!!!
Yeah, I see how this story is gonna go down. She set herself up with an insanity plea by saying "they're still alive". And the media has already decided that she had mental issues, so given that the victims were people of color, her money/connections, and her statement, she'll go to the luny bin for a few years then be set free.....to kill other people again of course!!!
Mellaneous, "And trust me UNCF didn't point any problems in the black community that I am not aware of esp. since unlike him I have been working in that same community to address these and other problems. Its pretty presumptuous of you to think that I have just began to think about these issues and that UCF had to inform me about them.
Mellaneous, you are hopeless when it comes to understanding. Your defenses are like a steel wall-nothing gets in and nothing gets out. CF has mentioned several times IN TALKING DIRECTLY TO YOU what he has been doing in the community in helping black kids. But you respond to CF as though he is against the black community, when he is just the opposite.
Are you REALLY for the black community or are you like some insincere politician claiming to be for us, but shoots down any idea that might help the BC?
Judging from your responses to CF, I would say that you are the latter. YOU aren't serious at all about uplifting and freeing Blacks.
Yup, Field, I already knew that she killed three people of color. Two black and one Indian and I meant to mention that earlier. All of mainstream media and other news outlets kept that little fact hidden from the public. I read it on ROOTS and that's how I found out. Notice that they are not parading her in jail attire or showing her mugshot across every screen in a America 24/7. Even now, they are work trying to figure out how to get her off with a plea of insanity. So, I'm expecting some new mental disorder to come out.
The thing that bothers me the most is the part about her and husband's "pipe bomb" intentions, and especially, with all these militas springing up left and right who by the way are stockpiling bombs for the future civil war they're hoping to start.
Nevertheless, when CF gave me his explanation, I said to myself--Puhleeze, gave major eye rollage, and was Smh! You see, when he said this:
"Granny - after those who are conscious get on this DEFENDER OF THE ESTABLISHMENT'S trail he merely attempts to FLIP THE SCRIPT. He points to that Nigra that had shot the White farmer dead, thus proving that the Black has a "violence streak" and thus we should see this killing as equal evidence of brutality."
And this:
"Just imagine if we were in 1910. In respect to the MURDER of a Black man - those WHITE FOLKS who's goal was to PROTECT THE ESTABLISHMENT attempted to redirect the incident, focusing on how GOOD the establishment has been to the Nigra."
And this:
"Granny - I DON'T GIVE A DAMN what this woman in Alabama has done to blast some people"
Well...I thought to myself, CF is telling off on himself and making a true confession of what he tends to do daily 24/7 when he changes every single topic no matter what we're discussing to "street pirates".
Then he confesses and tells us that he does not give a "D" about that this woman has blasted some people and those people happen to be people of color. Although, why am I not surprise, because I've never saw him show one ounce of compassion for victims of color. Nope, not one single word.
I mean yeah, he preaches about "street pirates" terrorizing black urban settings, but even while he is preaching that he never says one word of compassion for even those victims or their families. With him those "street pirates are because the Democrats are in power and we wouldn't have any "street pirates," if the GOP was in power.
But he fails to mention the part about when the GOP party was in power crime rose because some of those in the GOP party contributed to it by infiltrating those urban neighborhoods with drugs and guns. Namely, Reagan(gun smuggler and drug czar), Bush Sr.(the drug czar), and Bush Jr.! Not to mention, Bush Jr. escalated our problems, went and started some unnecessary mess overseas and added foreign terrorist to the list of dangers.
When I it first came out about pedophiles in the GOP party, I believed that it was just one or two. Their all not like that. But then, when the list kept getting longer than a fourteen page rap sheet. I asked myself this question. Why are there so many pedophiles and how did they get in the GOP part in all of these top leadership positions? Even the Catholic Church pales in comparison to them.
CF calls it my ideological lust, I don't have one of those, unless, he is speaking of when I speak out about unfairness, injustice, and inequality. If he is referring to that then, yes, I am guilty. However, I am not a political die-heart and if it were left up to me, I'd do a clean sweep of the whole Congress, Supreme Court, and even some of those in the Administration and start all over with with young people with fresh and new ideas. In addition, a lot of the laws in the USA would be revised and the scales of justice would be balanced instead of uneven.
"Aw Hell Naw!!! I had NO IDEA!!!! Now I'm really pissed because there are so few Blacks at white universities and these had tenure!!!"
you missed the point, you dumb bimbo.
Hey Granny, that was some good knowledge you just dropped!!!
CF, I can co-sign with you on quite a few things but this time, I think you completely missed your mark!
granny "With him those "street pirates are because the Democrats are in power and we wouldn't have any "street pirates," if the GOP was in power."
That is not true. He has never said that. He has advocated for holding ELECTED politicians, regardless of party affiliation, ACCOUNTABLE for making things better in the black community. The Democrats are in power and they have done nothing about the thugs/street pirates in the black community.
Things are not safer, or better and those of us who live in the community know it.
Why do you keep trying to demonize CF?
Thank you MeandMyMicroscope!
Anonymous 12:25:
You need to mind your own business first and foremost. Evidently, you having been posting on here very long and it shows too. Do tell please, exactly, what the Rethugs have did to end the violence in the black urban settings? Reagan a Republican smuggled guns and drugs in our neighborhoods back when he was President. Ever heard of Noreiga? Well, Bush Sr. had him on the Federal government's payroll. Oh did I mention that Noreiga was head of one of the drug cartels? I could bring up more than that.
So, now, please tell me why you expect more out of this President who has only been in office for a year, and the other ones were in office for four or more years and didn't do a thing but contribute to the problem?
Now, I don't mind you being CF's cheerleader or part of his fan club, but CF has did his share of demonizing folks on this blog in case you didn't notice. Therefore, it is six months in a year for you to mind your own business, and six more months for you to stay out of mind. Comprende?
BTW, I live in a predominantly Black city. So, it is not like I am not aware of the violence that takes place. Like any other citizen, I'd like to see a solution to it that will end the violence too.
And with that I am going to bed. Night!
granny, "So, now, please tell me why you expect more out of this President who has only been in office for a year, and the other ones were in office for four or more years and didn't do a thing but contribute to the problem?
Now, I don't mind you being CF's cheerleader or part of his fan club, but CF has did his share of demonizing folks on this blog in case you didn't notice. Therefore, it is six months in a year for you to mind your own business, and six more months for you to stay out of mind. Comprende?"
I don't expect more of this President than others. I really don't know why you would think so. ALL politicians should be held ACCOUNTABLE, regardless of party.
I thought all posters were open for discussion, but you have made it clear that you aren't. I will avoid commenting on your posts.
But you are welcome to comment on anything I have posted, whether it is positive or negative. I am here to engage with people, not push them away.
[quote]Well...I thought to myself, CF is telling off on himself and making a true confession of what he tends to do daily 24/7 when he changes every single topic no matter what we're discussing to "street pirates".
Then he confesses and tells us that he does not give a "D" about that this woman has blasted some people and those people happen to be people of color. Although, why am I not surprise, because I've never saw him show one ounce of compassion for victims of color. Nope, not one single word.[/quote]
IF I told you that THIS IS THE FIRST TIME (in reading YOUR POST) that I have heard that this psycho woman HAD KILLED "People of Color" WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME?
Besides that point DOES IT MATTER?
Here is my point - While indeed this WHITE WOMAN (and Obama supporter, more on that later) increased the count of White On Black/Indian MURDERS In Alabama for 2010 - the sad fact is that Black people's homicide rates being far outside of our population proportion STILL will be achieved at the hand of unchecked Black on Black violence.
Here is what I don't understand about YOU Granny: YOU accuse ME of seeking to "REDIRECT FILLED NEGRO" away from his Trot Around America to find Evil and Oppression From Others (Mostly Police, Republicans and Conservatives) Against Black People yet YOU don't make note of the ORGANIZED SCHEME that is driving his agenda. You instead MAKE NOTE OF MY PATTERN.
It is YOU who is being dishonest here Granny.
Here is my theory (and I hope that my "conservative friend" MeandMyMicroscope" will 'feel me on this one)
OUR JOB as "News Of The Day Analysts" is to construct a MODEL OF THE REAL WORLD that most CLOSELY APPROXIMATES this world so that our SOLUTION can be effective. IF we are beholden to our own ideological and partisan bigotry then there is a good chance of seeing what is the case today WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY: A strong Democratic Party and Progressive base - per the preferences - YET so many unaddressed issues. Issues that WERE TO BE FIXED once we got people "into power who cared about us and had our best interests in mind". Remember this oft heard statement during the run up to control over the Philly School System - Filled Negro?
MeAndMyMicroscope - you appear to be some type of scientific researcher. What if YOU came into the lab, entrenched with a certain perspective that blinded you to the course upon which an EFFECTIVE SOLUTION might be had? You would never uncover any cures.
I am 100% sure that you have been trained upon the "Scientific Method" by which you are forced to jettison theories that have not worked. You don't 'TRY HARDER' at the same thing, seeking to convince other "Lab Coats" of your way. Believing that if some tipping point of consciousness in the lab is obtained that you all will agree that you are PROGRESSING toward a grand solution AS EVIDENCED BY THE HIGH RATE OF MENTAL CONCURRENCE in the Lab.
As a third party comes in to inspect your results - you point to the CONCURRENCE. Your proof of your veracity is the rhetorical statement: "DO YOU THINK THAT WE ALL ARE DUMB HERE IN THE LAB?" (An UptownSteve-ism)
MAMM: All that I am asking for is TRANSPARENCY. Those who have power over our people need to SUBMIT THEMSELVES to transparent inspection of their antics and assumptions.
Instead we fall prey to many "Self-Chumming exercises", Filled Negro is an expert at this. The SHORT TERM gain of "Partisan UNITY" can't mask the long term damage that piles up under the rug. (Or did Filled Negro not see the story in the Inquirer about Yeadon and Darby PA recently?)
[quote]BTW, I live in a predominantly Black city. So, it is not like I am not aware of the violence that takes place. Like any other citizen, I'd like to see a solution to it that will end the violence too.[/quote]
Why do you ASK ME for the SOLUTION that you don't DEMAND OF the people who you VOTE FOR every couple of years?
I don't even live in California where you do.
My SOLUTION involves the advice: "STOP DIGGING"!!!
As a third party comes in to inspect your results - you point to the CONCURRENCE. Your proof of your veracity is the rhetorical statement: "DO YOU THINK THAT WE ALL ARE DUMB HERE IN THE LAB?" (An UptownSteve-ism)
What?!?! This make absolutely NO SENSE and is what OFTEN happens when you attempt to articulate yourself on this blog. You get so bogged down on words that your "message" get's lost.
the three sides to her story continue to be revealed...
i told you so...
"Meanwhile, in an interview with the Chronicle of Higher Education, Anderson said he was searching for the “trigger” to his wife’s breakdown, and that he wondered whether an e-mail message - potentially in the form of a final tenure denial - might have upset her, because university higher-ups were known to send “nastygrams” on Fridays."
CF "Here is my point - While indeed this WHITE WOMAN (and Obama supporter, more on that later) increased the count of White On Black/Indian MURDERS In Alabama for 2010 - the sad fact is that Black people's homicide rates being far outside of our population proportion STILL will be achieved at the hand of unchecked Black on Black violence."
Uh, i think you might lose granny each time when you compare "rates". granny doesn't understand arithmetic. try to explain it to her another way.
This entire situation just really makes me ill especially since I recognize some of the same qualities in her on at least one person I occasionally work with. Scary!
M&MM, "This entire situation just really makes me ill especially since I recognize some of the same qualities in her on at least one person I occasionally work with. Scary!"
Watch your back and be careful. Stay alert!
ditto mmmm!
be safe & and be nice!
obama and his bankers' bilkings have folks stressed all over...
i try to be civil to everyone everywhere...in traffic etc...because we never know who is just one incident away from a fatal meltdown like this prof!
remember colin ferguson?
one rude girl behind a state benefits desk set him off...
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