Black folks can we talk? If we are going to really change our communities from the ground up, do we really need a bunch of self appointed clowns jockeying for the position of HNIC? Because honestly, that is exactly what has been happening lately in the civil rights industry.
You have Tavis fighting with Rev. Al, the NAACP, and the Urban League. And you have Rev. Al fighting with Tavis. And, once again, it's about them, and not the larger struggle that they are supposed to be a part of.
But I blame his O ness for all of this. If he hadn't went and became president of these divided states, some of these clowns would have actually still been running around d thinking that they have some juice, and that they are still relevant in black America. They are not. The only people that they are relevant to are young white cable news producers who give them shine so that they can tell the rest of A-merry-ca how black folks think. They can't. Black folks are not monolithic thinkers, (just read the comments on this blog) and we sure as hell don't need a bunch of self appointed leaders of the Negroes in A-merry-ca telling us how to solve our problems.
If you live in Camden or Detroit, your problems are local: Poor schools, crime, jobs, reentry programs, affordable health care, and so on. So you really don't need a bunch of national talking heads who are paid handsomely to be professional poverty pimps, pontificating about us and our problems. And we sure as hell don't need to be a part of their clash of egos because someone was dissed or offended by the others words. The tragedy is that they are on national radio programs doing this bullshit, and we have to be dragged into the middle of it.
" James Taylor, a political science professor at the University of San Francisco, calls the current debate an example of black political elite fighting for better positions for themselves.
'“This really isn’t about representing the concerns of everyday black people,' Taylor told BlackAmericaweb.com. ''You have black millionaires coordinating a program that is economically driven and not protest driven.
'While blacks, like others in America, want to see more people back to work, most don’t look to activists for the real solutions, Taylor said.'They look past Smiley and Sharpton. They look to President Obama for policy that will eradicate the poverty of blacks,' Taylor said."
Amen Mr. Taylor! And BTW, I loved "Fire & Rain".
But seriously, if others can see it, why can't they? Are they they so caught up with their own egos and self delusiuon that the can't see the forrest for the wingtips? I mean really, was this really necessary? (Tavis, I guess Rev. Al kept it real at your expense. That will teach you to get all jealous [no pun intended Mr. NAACP leader] just because his O ness didn't invite you to the White House. And Rev. Al. if we are going to keep it really real "fo" real; how about a little less of the Super Bowl festivities and more of the people's work? Folks, I got my peeps all over A-merry-ca. )
"Syracuse University professor Boyce Watkins said the debate between Sharpton and Smiley is one that can probably be heard at dinner tables across America."
I love you Dr. Watkins, but you are wrong. The only thing that is being said at black dinner tables "across America" is how did the job interview go? And, pass the salt.
1 – 200 of 278 Newer› Newest»Ah, the self-appointed Negroes are figuring out that they actually have to do 'something' to earn those fat corporate sponsored paychecks. Sorry, but with the success of Barack Obama, these clowns find themselves in a greater political wilderness than the GOP.
Smiley, Rev. Al, the CBC and many of the old school lefty stalwarts are 'Emperors without Clothes' in the age of Obama. Frankly, these clowns have made a pretty penny telling Black folks how much we 'need them' and have little to nothing to show for it.
Do we really need another summit of Ivy League Negro Peacocks squawking about BS problems that only the boule class negroes have. (Sorry, but a portfolio reassessment ain't a problem most black people have in this economy. More like a "lack of paycheck" reassessment.
Frankly, its time to stop talking or caring what these overpaid gasbags think. We know what we want to change (ok, most of us. Some of our peeps up here can't seem to leave massa's house no matter how many times massa puts his foot through their behinds).
Get out, run for office, protest. Do something. Get involved. The one thing the Obama election and the Tea Party movement have showed, above all else, is that people can beat the status quo if they're committed and organized with a plan (something black folks on the ground and liberals generally lack, IMHO).
Personally, I've always felt that the so called established Black leaders had it in for Tavis because he didn't originally come out in support of Obama.
All this Tavis is ego trippin' stuff I never understood because if theres a bigger spotlight seeker than Al Sharpton, I wanna meet him!
@ FN:
Loved it from beginning to end! Now let me go tell some folks to read it and I'll weigh in later.
MMM, fair enough. Nothing wrong with not feeling Obama per se. And Sharpton has an ego which side is only outdone by his gut.
But the issue is far more systemic -- the Black 'civil rights' class have long ago abandoned doing anything other than flappin' their gums and lining up corporate sponsors to whitewash their BS practices.
The main validity of both the Black conservative movement and the far-left Black net roots are the general worthlessness of the so-called 'leaders' that are lauded by the mainstream (and often the not so mainstream) media.
One more thing. Tavis is absolutely right to be critical of Obama because from where I'm sitting, Black folks in general ARE worse off since his election.
Situations like these are why people outside "us" sit back and laugh while observing this bickering. IMHO, Black folks have given Obama a "pass" on tough issues because he's Black, and that's insane!!!
"if theres a bigger spotlight seeker than Al Sharpton, I wanna meet him!"
Or her. you know this person all your life. Don't think too hard.
"Sharpton said that Smiley while criticizing the first black president had in fact refered to Bill clinton as the first black president in his book and Sharpton went a step further when he accused Smiley of “buck dancing” for Clinton."
I wish this WAS at a kitchen table versus national radio. I never cared for Al or Tavis but if you listened to both of them on the radio in it's entirety, Al was on point and right about a lot of things.
I'm going to play World of Warcraft now. Time to go kill some "devils".
"There’s nothing wrong with criticizing the actions or inaction of the president. I don’t agree with how he has handled some things - but this could be the anti-Obama Tea Party for black people,” Watkins said, adding that Smiley does not have “access” to the Obama White House."--Boyce Watkins
B. Watkins hit the nail on the head. Tavis has been jealous for years at Obama and can't get over the fact that he is irrelevant. His self-centered selfishness continues to corrupt his heart and mind. He has lost his way and can't find his way back to the people. He is finished in the black community and as a trustworthy person. He is DONE.
And if that bushy headed grovelling Cornell West shows up at that conference, somebody needs to cold-cock his ass.
This is a test of the Emergency Wingnut Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with Fox News, The Drudge Report, Constructive Feedback, and Stormfront have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an White Privilege emergency.
If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed to tune to one of the broadcast blogs in your area for a stimulating discussion of "Street Pirates and the inner city progressive paradigm shift followed by Anti-black rantings from a black man."
But aside from that.........
It weird when you get to watch the dinosaurs die in real time.
@ LAC:
"But the issue is far more systemic -- the Black 'civil rights' class have long ago abandoned doing anything other than flappin' their gums..."
BRAVO! But I think it is very important to make the distinction between the true "mothers and fathers" of the movement and those that were on the fringes and figured out how to benefit from it financially (and on the backs of blacks that are still suffering).
The sheroes and heroes of the movement are either dead, doing something worthwhile for America, or too old and should be allowed to reflect.
@ MMM:
Please explain to me how we (blacks) were BETTER OFF before this president....
I'd just like to know exactly what Tavis has done/said to indicate that he is jealous of Obama because if being critical of Obama's policies is all folks seem to have, then I'd advise folks to go search for something else. I'm not a fan of either Sharpton or Tavis, but I can easily recognize that Tavis hasn't been given a fair shake in years!!
After listening to their argument, it seems to me that the only thing Sharpton forgot to do was roll his neck and shake his perm, LOL!!!!
And I'm a huge fan of Cornell West!! Gotta love those "academic" types, LOL!!!
Stop passing the salt, you punk high blood pressure assed Negroes.
@ MMM:
Please explain to me how we (blacks) were BETTER OFF before this president....
Show your damn self!!!!
Unemployment among black men is higher NOW than it was before. And if you want any more examples, look 'em up for your damn self, LOL!!!
agape2010 said...
@ MMM:
Please explain to me how we (blacks) were BETTER OFF before this president....
And here's a news flash to you and other "where my handout be at" black folks, I don't give a damn who's in the white house, imma' get mine regardless!!!
Trapped...that was funnny.:)
LaCoincidental, let us know when you are going to make that move out in L.A. I know you haven't been there long, but they can't keep a good person down.
agape, thanks for reminding me about these two. I almost forgot.
Rottenkid, you ain't slick, I caught the "devil" reference at the end. LOL!
And Field, I wasn't going to say anything about your passing the salt reference, but ummm...... yeah............ I too wish you could have referenced something else like passing the broccoli, LOL!!!
And speaking of broccoli, fiber, and such, Assnon 10:17, why don't you go such on an Enema bag....then swallow, $hithead, LOL!!!!
@ MMM:
I realize this is the internet and people can be who they wanna be without regard to who they may really be while trying to be what they dream to be...
If you followed that horseshiz then you have been read :)
So I fully understand you NOT being ABLE to answer a simple question.
Sweetie, blacks have been the last on the list for everything...Obama has zero to do with that.
Now...look in your scope and tell me the future again please.
For the record, I don't do internet squabbles...because...it's the internet and people can be who they wanna...(see above).
I'm done.
Black folks always talking down about Rev. Al and Jackson but the minute one of ya'll are beat up by the police ya'll running to Rev. Al and Jackson for help. We need black leadership in this country. I know we don't all think alike but we need people to lead our struggles in justice and to shape up our communities.
But the issue is far more systemic -- the Black 'civil rights' class have long ago abandoned doing anything other than flappin' their gums..."
And what is Obama doing? He's flapping his gums too.
Who is out there trying to help uplift the most disadvantaged among the black race? It's not the NAACP, it's not the Urban League, and it isn't Obama. it's the Nation of Islam.
Field you hit one this time. You already know the answer to the question of do we need self appointed clowns jockeying for position." The answer is no!
But let me challenge you on the idea that Camden and Detroit can only solve their problems locally. That is true to only a certain extent. Just like corporations and the the Big Banks look to government when they get in trouble the folks trapped in impoverished and underdeveloped neighborhoods and schools have the right to look to the government to help solve their problems as well.
Hell the automakers from Detroit went to Washington for a bailout, why can't the people, who by the way government exists for and I don't care what the conservatives say otherwise. They too lean on the fed when it works for them. They sure don't complain about the feds bailing out their favorite industry or corporation through tax breaks, buying up surplus produce, giving out nearly no interest loans etc.
agape2010 said...
So I fully understand you NOT being ABLE to answer a simple question
I DID give you one example, unemployment!!! Thing is I've YET to get an answer from YOU!!!
So continue to drink the kool aid honey. Just keep changing the flavors and you'll be okay, LOL!!!
"I realize this is the internet and people can be who they wanna be without regard to who they may really be while trying to be what they dream to be..."
Ouch. She's not gonna catch on to that one.
Between the house negro and the Field Negro Lies the overseers. Those who are there to make sure you stayed in the Field.
The cbc, rev.als smileys rangels,etc. are there for that reason, to keep the doors of the concentration camps closed, and only allow us out to work.
Your Blog and the Blogs of others
have become the underground railroad of this modern time.
We must Teach, Plead cases, build a new house on the prophets of the past, for it is only through Critical Thinking, that we will be able to see the path before us and unshackle the chains of our minds.Therby allowing us to see these overseers for the fools they are.
I can't help but think of the incredible disparity in these guys and their talk, talk, talk.... and the folks I am privileged to know and work with here in philly that are doing and getting things done... often on a shoe string budget, with little accolades... just big hearts and great minds.
One such person is Wayne Jacobs. Wayne is an ex-offender who, since coming out of jail years ago, has organized other ex-offenders to get involved in the political process to advocate for ex-offenders to be able to vote (he helped change the laws so that when you come out of jail, you are eligible to vote)... he mentors young men to turn their lives around after coming out of prison, and he helps folks apply for pardons who have old felony convictions that need to be pardoned so they can keep or get a job. I am telling you this because in my opinion, it is sad that Tavis and Al can have a national platform and everybody knows their name and Wayne has no media access.. yet he does what he does and does it without getting paid for it. You should know his name.
Thank you Wayne Jacobs... Tavis and Al could learn from you.
Back to Sharpton et al- We have to be careful we don't throw the baby out with the bath water. I have witnessed occassions when Jackson and Sharpton have articulated the cause of people clearly victimized by the injustice system, unjust labor practice, institutional racism you name the oppressive apparatus.
And there have been times when they have done it well.
As an activist I have been quite aware that there were times when they (Sharpton, etal)were getting something else out of a situation --lets say more than the satisfaction that the good fight was fought. So I and others did the smart thing, we used them to get what we needed and that was the attention that they brought to a particular situation.
I don't quite agree with Taylors line that folks don't look to activist to help solve their problem. Thats not true!
There may be less activists these days but blacks have always fallen back on activism to help solve our problems.
And for those waiting on Obama to solve their problems, as the Taylor guy is trying to say have to know that they will be waiting, and waiting and waiting and waiting....
Lets be careful not to put down activism while we are nailing the opportunists, there is a difference.
I know I have spent my life fighting the good fight.
liberation then peace
Anonymous said...
Ouch. She's not gonna catch on to that one.
But I've caught on to the fact that a pretty pathetic individual throws stones without establishing a true identity on the net.
So I'll give you one, $hithead, and I'll call you $hit for short! Just remind me when to use it otherwise all the Assnon's will become $hitheads like you, LOL!!!!
news flash--the white unemployment rate is higher now than it was before obama got elected, too.
if you think anyone is giving obama a pass because he's black, you're not paying attention.
Jody said...
One such person is Wayne Jacobs.
There are many, many people like the person you speak of in the black community and yes you're right, these folks rarely get national attention the Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world get.
I've known for years and have said it many times on this blog, real change in the black community doesn't happen on the national level, in happens locally.
maria said...
news flash--the white unemployment rate is higher now than it was before obama got elected, too
Newsflash Macaroni, my MAIN concern is about the double digit BLACK male unemployment which is NON EXISTENT in the white male community!!!
And here's another newsflash, Black men didn't create the unemployment situation we're dealing with now, but guess which "group" did?????
agape2010 said... "I realize this is the internet and people can be who they wanna be without regard to who they may really be while trying to be what they dream to be..."
So true. I'm trying not to laugh. Some people can get so caught up with their online fantasy, they end up saying the darnedest things.
Field, I have a bone to pick with your side bar re: Donna Greenwall. How can you sit there and associate CF with that woman?
STOP, you are right that is where it happens, Locally!!!
no doubt the black unemployment rate is higher than white but the white male rate is double digit also.
i never see a post from you that shows any depth of understanding.
you might want to read:
According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, 10.7 percent of white men over the age of 20 were unemployed; 17.3 percent of black males were unemployed at the same time. White women over the age of 20 have an unemployment rate of 7.1 percent, while 13.3 percent of black women are jobless (this is a devastating number given the disproportionate number of single-woman headed households in the black community). Whites between the ages of 16-19 had an unemployment rate of 24.1 percent; the black unemployment rate for same aged blacks was 43.5 percent.
@ LA Audio:
Go ahead and laugh...I did :)
Recently, I was at an event with Tavis Smiley. He was interviewed by the Paley Media Group. He talked about the meeting the Black leaders had with President Obama. Tavis was clearly not happy about the meeting and some of the comments.
Whatever grudge Smiley has against Obama runs deep. The white people in the audience did not like what he was saying. There is something personal against Obama.
Obama is not the reason Black people are worse off.
Yeah, I know whatcha mean, La "I can't read a book", being a jealous hateful shrew like a YOU and your cronies in hate, must really be hard work. And there's NO WAY in HELL anyone would think you're pretending to be happy and successful like so many of the rest of us are, LOL!!!
As usual Field you're on point. Amen.
Do you read the work of Adolph Reed Jnr?
Anonymous said...
Obama is not the reason Black people are worse off.
I don't think the question is whether or not Obama is the reason Blacks are worse off. It's a question of exactly what he's doing to rectify the situation. Health Care Reform that started with free health care for uninsured children would have been a great start because by definition, many black children are uninsured. But he bit off more than he could chew and far more than the country would have been comfortable spending with health care reform, and now it appears no one is going to get health care reform of ANY kind.
Of course, none of that would matter without Tort reform and CLEARLY he isn't going to go after his former classmates/colleagues.
Ya know AgaPEE and Lack, I figure it must be easier to think I'm lying about my CV (that's a resume) than believe that we probably came from similar backgrounds, yet you two didn't do shit with your lives! Pathetic!!!
Brutha Al must be in the air tonight:
"And there's NO WAY in HELL anyone would think you're pretending to be happy and successful like so many of the rest of us are, LOL!!!"
Honey bun, read that sentence back to yourself slowly.
You must really be the life of those VHI/BET parties, huh? :)
Good night and more sweet dreaming.
@ MMM:
I KNOW we didn't come from similar backgrounds...there were zero blacks in my neigborhood...zero blacks in my schools until I went to an HBCU to get my "black experience" and a double undergraduate degree.
I then returned to academics, after spending 12 years living in Europe and Great Britian, only to return to a majority white arena again (for my double Master).
I was not in the military, nor did I work for the military, nor was I married to a military member. American blacks, contrary to popular belief by most blacks, do work and live outside of America.
However, I was comfortable because I learned early how to "train my white folks".
So no, we defintely DO NOT have the same cultural experience.
Now sweete, don't they have any "act nice pills" where you work? And are you able to get ahold of any? Or do you need a vay cay (that's a vacation)? Are you slaving too hard for the whaite man trying to find cures for their diseases? Or did some of those nasty ole germs crawl up your nose into your brain? There has to be some reason why you're so full of aggression...but...
IT DON'T (that's Ebonics for: It dosen't or It does not) directly effect (or affect) me... :)
Who can clean up a 25 year old mess in one year...? Houdini maybe?
You kinda sound like Re-Run and Smiling Faces now :)
"And here's another newsflash, Black men didn't create the unemployment situation we're dealing with now, but guess which "group" did?????"
UM, Bush Rethugs?
I think the two talking heads are a waste of space, personally. Unemployment must be dealt with on a more local/state level.
I disagree with the article saying that blacks are looking to Obama to solve unemployment issues. I never got that "Get Pookie off the couch." speech out of my mind. I saw it as playing to on the fence whites who thought he would redistribute wealth. It was as if he were saying "Thanks for the support, but you are on your own." I'm not really shocked by this.
The only group who has been helped out are the top 1% of earners. TARP, (he voted for it as a senator, a big warning sign in my mind) Stimulus, health care and guess who will be getting that tax increases. Well, it won't be Rahm and his cohorts.
Most intelligent people realized long ago that it's every man or woman for him/her self in the American economy.
Smiley and Sharpton are just trying to give themselves PR. Who, after all, appointed them to set the "Black Agenda?" What if I disagree with their agenda? Hmmm.
>>>But the issue is far more systemic -- the Black 'civil rights' class have long ago abandoned doing anything other than flappin' their gums and lining up corporate sponsors to whitewash their BS practices.
The main validity of both the Black conservative movement and the far-left Black net roots are the general worthlessness of the so-called 'leaders' that are lauded by the mainstream (and often the not so mainstream) media<<
LA, you took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't say it any better. Both political persuasions of talking heads serve primarily as a distraction on the one hand while they're all positioning themselves to get paid on the other.
They are the Leading Blacks but surely aren't Black Leaders. They are preaching to the choir and the choir is singing the same tune but the congregation wants to know what to do to be saved.
Somehow everyone thinks these guys have been appointed by the majority of Blacks. In Compton we don't know any of these guys and probably wanted gangbanging and crack to stop for the past 20 years more than boycotting Toyota.
You got me because I don't know who's supporting them anymore. Don't they realize a whole new generation has come up damn I came up on NWA and we damn near rejected everyone talking that Civil Rights crap.
As a young man I don't know who the hell the Black leader is. Obama isn't the leader either he just happens to be the real HNIC!
Since when are presidents responsible for the economy? Comments such as, "Blacks are worse off since Obama has taken office." shows a woeful misunderstanding of economics.
It's a basic fact that the economy is cyclical despite who is in office. Yet, the person who is in office collects the praise or criticism for peaks and troughs, respectively.
Stop the madness!
Somebody (who has time) please explain to her the Keynesian Theory of Economics and help her keep up with the class (those dang academics...always lagging behind others!) hahahahaha!
I didn't read all the comments, but to you Field Negro I say, that's the nature of self delusion, it doesn't see!
As for my dinner table talk, you aint never lied! Cant say Im talkin about Rev Al or Tavis. hmmmmm....
[quote]If we are going to really change our communities from the ground up, do we really need a bunch of self appointed clowns jockeying for the position of HNIC?[/quote]
My, my, my, My friend Filled Negro. What a tangled web do we seem to be in as a people after you and these other operatives have been spinning your silk for decades.
Before I go into the weeds I want to tell you that my answer will have two parts to it:
1) Documenting YOUR (collective you) participation in the present circumstances
2) Recommendations of how to nutter the "confidence men" who are exploiting the VOID to their advantage.
Filled Negro, others:
IF you feel this way about Sirs Smiley and Sharpton:
1) Can you document your attempts to get them to SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP during the process of the ascension of PRESIDENT Barack Obama? OR since they had the same END GAME as you did - were their words less troublesome in the first 3/4ths of 2008?
2) Can you document how YOUR OWN ideology and/or methodologies for the governance/development of the Black community differs from these 2?
3) In the array of Negro "leaders" (West, Jackson, Young, Ogletree, Daniels, John Lewis, Marable, Malveaux, Dyson, Joyner, and so many, many more [ALL OF THEM LEFTISTS]) can you document any DISTINCTIONS between your own ideological thoughts and that of their own?
4) (MOST IMPORTANTLY) Since these forces ALREADY control the vertical establishment where Black people live in our highest concentrations (city/county/state and of course both houses of the US Congress and the Presidency) WHY ARE THEY STILL looking toward OBAMA to solve their GRIEVANCES?
WEREN'T WE TOLD that "ONCE WE GET FAVORABLE PEOPLE IN POWER" within all of these PREVIOUS OFFICES that things would be better?
It seems that they are now STANDING ON THE WEST COAST, looking at the Pacific Ocean - having reached the logical end of their ability to continue their EXPANSIONARY CHASE.
What you are seeing, Filled Negro is the VOID of what they FAILED TO CONSTRUCT in the way of a GOVERNANCE ARCHITECTURE for the Black Community's machine. For so long THEY (and you) where intolerant to inspection and debate. NO BLACK MAN could survive with his RACIAL DIGNITY intact after having weighed in upon what they were doing to our people.
Instead of setting up INSTITUTIONS where IDEAS could be PROMOTED or in the case of Philly and Yeadon - RETIRED WHEN THEY FAILED - you all pushed FAKE UNITY!!!!
You remained UNIFIED by finding an EXTERNAL WHIPPING BOY. The EVIL RACIST CONSERVATIVES and the greedy CORPORATIONS provided such a diversion. (Don't forget about my buddy - Clarence Thomas).
All the while you all agreed to focus on that which could get you passionate and hot - THESE CONFIDENCE MEN stepped into the VOID that was left and had their way with you.
The answer is NOT to pick sides between Sharpton and Smiley about OBAMA. The answer is to HOLD ALL 3 OF THEM UNDER INSPECTION for THEY ALL ARE A PART OF THE SAME GRAND DELUSION.
YOU ALL fused your COMMUNITY INTERESTS with these POLITICAL INTERESTS. Now that (on paper) your political interests have PEAKED - the FLAWS in your strategy are apparent.
The only question is: DO YOU SEE IT? Will YOU change, opting instead for a more TRANSPARENT SYSTEM of governance and "idea-ation" for your community?
@Constructive Feedback
Although I don't share your conservative disposition, WELL SAID. I agree with everything you said.
"Black folks always talking down about Rev. Al and Jackson but the minute one of ya'll are beat up by the police ya'll running to Rev. Al and Jackson for help. We need black leadership in this country. I know we don't all think alike but we need people to lead our struggles in justice and to shape up our communities."
Nony, I promise you that more blacks call me after being beat up by the po po than Rev. Al. Al woont come running unless the camera is rolling.
"We must Teach, Plead cases, build a new house on the prophets of the past, for it is only through Critical Thinking, that we will be able to see the path before us and unshackle the chains of our minds.Therby allowing us to see these overseers for the fools they are."
Anon. that was profound and so true.
"Field, I have a bone to pick with your side bar re: Donna Greenwall. How can you sit there and associate CF with that woman?"
"Instead of setting up INSTITUTIONS where IDEAS could be PROMOTED or in the case of Philly and Yeadon - RETIRED WHEN THEY FAILED - you all pushed FAKE UNITY!!!!
You remained UNIFIED by finding an EXTERNAL WHIPPING BOY. The EVIL RACIST CONSERVATIVES and the greedy CORPORATIONS provided such a diversion. (Don't forget about my buddy - Clarence Thomas)."
Wrong again, as usual. The forces you mentioned are a part of the problem as well. In fact, they are more so a part of the problem than Rev. Inc. Rev. Inc. et al. are just stepping in to try and prophet from the void in black leadership (although, as someone above mentioned, we should all be our own leaders in our own homes and communities)the problems were created by some of your dear freinds you mentioned. So why should we let them run our commmunities?
Sean, I have met Prof Reed a couple of times. And I read his book about the sixties; "Race, Politics & Culture..
He is a deep brotha.
Jody, this is why I love you, because you walk the walk. Thanks for telling us about that worker.
BTW, the word verification was CONMAN. Can't make it up. :)
They say reading is fundamental and obviously many folks like agaPEE are oblivious to what that means.
I never said any aspect of economy was Obama's fault and it's pretty obvious that he inherited many problems from the previous administration.
What I'm saying is that NO political party can "save" the Black community and that like CF, it's easy to see where automatically aligning with the Dems hasn't worked out all that well for Black folks
No Black person has really appointed these people as their leaders with exception of a few specific events or organizations they run. White folks and the media keep telling us these people are our leaders, because these are the only ones they know. I had never heard of Al Sharpton until the incident with Tawana Brawley and thought of him as just a local minister who had gotten involved. As I saw it, Tavis Smiley appeared on the scene a few years ago as a TV host. Then when I got on the net, I am told these people are my leaders(don't have cable).
The NAACP mission was never the same as SCLC or SNCC, but people act if it was. Julian Bond is not a holdover from the old leadership. As a very young man he was a leader in the movement, then he spent most of his political life in the Georgia legislature. The contributions he did make no one makes note of, the same with Jesse Jackson. People and events of the Civil Rights movement of the 50's and 60's are obscure. Yes, there are a few sound bites here and there that are remembered in this Disneyfied media world, but I think if the old guard was truly remembered, we would have real leaders now.
@ constructive feedback...why must your responses be so verbose (and snide for that matter)? not that you don't make "some" good points, but the lentgth of these comments and tone is eating up bandwidth. add that to the fact that you troll blogs, just to make these type of comments is overbearing.
[quote]"Black folks always talking down about Rev. Al and Jackson but the minute one of ya'll are beat up by the police ya'll running to Rev. Al and Jackson for help.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
Of the OVER 235 people killed in Philly last year (or was it 265?) HOW MANY OF THEM WERE MURDERED BY THE POLICE?????
I listened to Al Sharpton the other night after the White kid in NYC's case against the cops for the sodomy with the blackjack was ruled upon. Filled Negro - IF YOU LISTEN TO SHARPTON and his ilk - you'd believe that the COPS are the biggest criminals in the Black community. He called for FEDERAL LEGISLATION to reign in the cops.
When I call for COMMUNITY intervention against STREET PIRATE ASSAULTS against our own damned community - I get static from Mellaneous and Jody.
What gives man?
[quote] We need black leadership in this country.[/quote]
WE DO NOT NEED "BLACK" LEADERSHIP in this country. Many of you seem to be rather content following the game plan that is readily apparent out of 'The Nation Magazine" or "HuffPo".
There is no "Black Leadership" any more than there is "WHITE CALCULUS". Instead there are UNIVERSAL TRUTHS and there are "LIES WHICH PROVE MORE COMPELLING TO THE MASSES" that they follow.
YOUR JOB - Filled Negro - is to come up with a MODEL OF THE REAL WORLD that most closely and accurately REPRESENTS:
* The forces that bear down against you
* The RESOURCES that you have in your favor
* The END GOAL that you seek.
Your job is to MANAGE the resources that seek to BENEFIT FROM THE END GAME, having them BE THE PRIMARY FORCE OF PROPULSION TOWARD THIS END....using their GOD GIVEN FULL HUMAN EQUALITY and their TEMPERANCE to defer instant gratification on behalf of FUTURE GAIN.
I am LESS concerned about your idea of LEADERSHIP than I am concerned that YOU are not inclined to PURGE IT THE HELL OFF OF THE STAGE when it has earned a boot yet STILL is mouthing ideas that YOU FAVOR.
Tourette's syndrome is a terrible affliction.
"Frankly, its time to stop talking or caring what these overpaid gasbags think. We know what we want to change (ok, most of us. Some of our peeps up here can't seem to leave massa's house no matter how many times massa puts his foot through their behinds).
Get out, run for office, protest. Do something. Get involved."
Who cares what Sharpton or Smiley say.
They are media figures and they do what they do.
My message to the black naysayers and brick throwers particularly of the conservative persuasion (you listening CF)is "What are YOU doing besides whining about the NAACP and CBC"????
Have you mentored an inner city child?
Do you patronize black professionals and businesses?
If your neighborhood is crime-ridden have you done block patrols?
Do you collect food and clothing for the homeless?
If you do none of these things then shut the fuck up because you're part of the problem.
racism/racist abuses are no relics
ANYONE who battles either will remain relevant irrespective of any blackish puppet in dc!!!!
you are dead wrong on this one!!!
tavis does not give a damn about being invited to join black bootlicking obama nazis bromancing hobama in dc!!!
has tavis ever lied on al et el or hobama???
hell no!!!
tavis has been a consistent clairvoyant on the hoax that is obama and his suicidal black nazis who ARE allowing him to ignore obama's complete annihilation of ALL poor people in america
MOST black leaders HAVE given obama a pass on all issues affecting the POOREST americans = blacks!!!
as always
the truth hurts
tavis tagged al with the truth!!!!
al and his perm must deal with that!!!
see more:
[quote]Tourette's syndrome is a terrible affliction.[/quote]
Hey PURPLE COW is back!!!
Did the Netherlands win any medals at the Olympics yet? I am not sure. Just asking.
black folks are truly suicidal & masochistic
they adore people who hate them like obama/oj/mj...
and they hate people who adore them like mumia/tavis/malcolm/martin/cornel/...
tavis is a TRULY A HERO for daring to call obama out!!!!
since day one!!!
just as malcolm and martin would!!!
why did you no link tavis?
so we could all hear him tell the truth about rev al et al?????
as i did????
the truth is its own defense!
[quote]Get out, run for office, protest. Do something. Get involved."
My message to the black naysayers and brick throwers particularly of the conservative persuasion (you listening CF)is "What are YOU doing besides whining about the NAACP and CBC"????[/quote]
WOW WhiteBowieSteve:
* A Black woman living in Liberty City MIA complaining about CRIME I am going to ask her WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT you BLACK CONSERVATIVE?
* A Black father complaining that the ACADEMIC QUALITY of his government run public school SUX I am going to ask him: HOW MANY KIDS HAVE YOU MENTORED you clandestine support of Sarah Palin!!!
* The Next Time I hear an AfroSpear blog complain about "QUALITY FOOD DESERTS" as they market Michelle Obama's OBESITY movement - I will ask them: "WHY haven't YOU gone to your local farmers market, second in line behind the Nation Of Islam member and PURCHASED broccoli, squash, fresh corn and sweet peas for distribution on the corner directly across from the NOI member selling "The Final Call" and his bag of grapes, apples and bananas?
Who cares what Sharpton or Smiley say. They are media figures and they do what they do.[/quote]
SORRY - you're a fraud!!
Michael Steele, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh receive FAR MORE CRITICAL ANALYSIS in Biased Black Blogs and Media publications than does SHARPTON and SMILEY. THEY DON'T BOTHER YOU. THEY SPOUT YOUR BELIEFS!!!! YOU WILL STOP NOT 'CARING ABOUT THEM' if they were to go RIGHT.
Have you mentored an inner city child?[/quote]
Are you talking to ME or his FATHER - the man who created him and also has ONE BLACK VOTE as I do? And an equal OBLIGATION to SUPPORT HIS RACE despite the fact that YOU believe that he is INFERIOR.
Do you patronize black professionals and businesses?[/quote]
Took my family out to "Courtney's Kitchen" in Fayetteville GA LAST NIGHT!!! Black owner. Named after his daughter. Sadly only 2 other groups of Black people were patronizing this place. You are not inclined to attack the other Blacks because DESPITE them failing to support this brother - they VOTE in a way that you find pleasing.
If your neighborhood is crime-ridden have you done block patrols?[/quote]
HAVE YOU ever asked a STREET PIRATE to stop doing PIRATE ATTACKS upon his own community and instead JOIN THE PATROL? What about him causes you to NOT place the same CONFIDENCE IN HIM that you demand of your OWN SON, Steve?
Do you collect food and clothing for the homeless?[/quote]
I have automated payments to "Feed The Children" and "Hosea Feed The Hungry". I am not thinking of how to ASK THOSE who are standing in line "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE"?
If you do none of these things then shut the fuck up because you're part of the problem.[/quote]
What about those of us who DO WHAT YOU ASK but YOU STILL DON'T LIKE US because we have the AUDACITY to challenge YOU? Have you established enough of a system of TRANSPARENCY and FREE SPEECH where my QUESTIONS OF YOU don't have me stripped of my BLACKNESS in your sytem?
How do we strip Street Pirates of THEIR BLACKNESS? How about a 2 Pirate Attack and YOU're "Persona Non Grata" with regard to Blackness ?
Reading is fundamental.
My post was directed at buckdancing headscratchin trash talkking coons like you who have nothing to say about anything expect what your white racist massas put in your mouth.
What exactly are YOU doing positive in the black community and by extension any black conservative who merely acts like a slave waiting for scraps from massas table.
"Michael Steele, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh receive FAR MORE CRITICAL ANALYSIS in Biased Black Blogs and Media publications than does SHARPTON and SMILEY."
Say what you want about Sharpton and Smiley but they aren't anti-black nor do they work for or perform as racists.
You really can't see the difference, can you?
ANYONE who says ANYTHING that is not sheer worship of obama is "jealous/wants to be prez/shuold run for ofc" etc
this bs is what makes these balck fools bona fide obama nazis!!!
obama is a clone of bush and he should be blasted like bush by black people who are silent ONLY because of obama's blackish skin
obama has destroyed poor/black americans as he he coddled rich white bankers & warmongers EXCLUSIVELY!!!
he has sent droves of black people to shelters/wars/soup lines!!!
he is EXTENDING funds for MORE jails etc
obama is WORSE than gwb!!!!
Not AB and her blog links again....
like every german who ever spoke a word against hitler
tavis will never be forgiven for telling TRUTHS about obama
and like me he will never ever care!!!
see more:
assnons are so illiterate that they nullify all links
only the most rabid assnons actually brag about their permanent illiteracy and lack of links
FN is wrong nobody in my hood pays attention to magic negroes like Obama he has zero street credin my hood...
Obama has shown his willingness to step on Black folks, ignore Black issues and pander to white voters at our expense..Obama will beat down Black shortcomings but will never go to white venues, asian venues, hispanic venues and beat down father hood etc...
I find it interesting how many so called progressive Black folks trash the Jesse's and Al's of the world it reveals to me a lot of envy and cheap shots...
Truth is Al & Jesse provide a number of good for our communties..We need Black folks at every level and layer of life in our nation especially when we have such a loser in the white house when it comes to our agenda..
Mr. Taylor speaks like a Black elite without a clue
Don't you find it humorous when a person makes an implication, then you call them on it, then they turn around and claim you cannot read by quipping "reading is fundamental" because they did not "explicitly imply" something...lol?
I do not know why you even acknowledge such stupid blowhards who speak loudly, but do say shit!
ditto t!!!
how ironic that those who LIE about us being jealous of the bumbling blackish obama are clearly HATERS of the documented rebel legacies of al/jesse et al!
obama has done NOTHING to earn such undying black loyalty from this apolitical fools who worship HALF of his blood...
obama has not even pretended to be black since he pimped black voters!!!!....unless he is bashing black dads!!!
obama's real blood is blue
and he is ONLY real kin to dick c and gwb!!!
there is NOTHING black about obama's policies/puppet strings
they are ONLY GREEN!!!!
unless blacks own a bank or a nuke plant, they are colorless and invisible to HOBAMA!!!
As an activist in Detroit what always amazes me is how some Black folks feel it is thier duty to assist white folks in beating down poor Black people as well as discrediting Black leaders..
Our community has acute levels of self hate it is present even here on this site..In part this self hate is a residual of white supremacy and white privledge some of us are still suffering from the wounds of white supremacy ..
I also find as a home grown Black activist how Blacks immigrants also buy into this attack on Black leaders as well..
I have pointed out on this thread the difference in Blacks like FN and others who are not born in America how they interact and view white folks as compared to native orginal Black folks..
This theme again is present and surfaces again with this FN commentary.. Again not being judgemental just expressing my opinon which FN has the capacity to respect as the house man here( Nod to FN)
preach t!
the hatred for tavis is due to his choosing to love poor people
RATHER than rich politicos like al et al!
like cornel says, obama swoons in the co of bankers
just as al et al swooned in dc
ALL of my s/heros did the same!
martin even chose to be a pauper just as malcolm did...al spends more on his perm than they did in their entire lives!!!
tavis' tea party will be free and open to all
unlike that pvt elitist bootlicking summit in dc
ditto t!!!
obama is just another exotic brazenly detached visitor to the black american experience/amerikkkan nightmare!!!
i despise juan williams/"colon" powell etc for that same superior callous foreign black bs!!!
so does jill nelson:
obama's beloved wf grandmother was a bank prez!
despite his PR lies about his "poor" childhood!
obama was born an elitist!
his loyalty to bankers is familial and genetic!!!
hobama and his corp drone posse are lying live now!
Without an advocate for the poor, without a new state of mind in America, the country lies on the brink of anarchy.
Louis Farrakhan
The only one out of these clowns speaking for the oppressed.
I have never seen any of these "leaders" as such. Even when I was very young (when I was in junior and senior high school) I recognized them as some educated brothers that new how to talk a good game and not much else.
"When I call for COMMUNITY intervention against STREET PIRATE ASSAULTS against our own damned community - I get static from Mellaneous and Jody."
UnCon this is why it is difficult to take you seriously. That statement is just not true.
You put words in folks mouths and create straw men because you can't or refuse to take on people's real ideas that they express, and often times very clearly.
I too have talked about the importance of the involvement of the community in ridding it of street crime. I have said on numerous occassions that street crime is a problem and has to be dealt with. However I also talked about trying to rid our communities of the causes of street crime, which is where you are usually silent.
We also differ because I believe that abuse by law enforcement and street crime are serious problems n our community, while you only seem to see street crime as a problem.
I think it is pretty narrow of you to miss the real live problem of folks with the power of the STate behind them operating with impunity and disrespect in our community.
I personally have been involved in situations where cops have badly injured folks and sometimes killed people for no reason. And unlike the case in most street crime; their crime went unpunished.
You challenged me UnCon several posts back to say what I would do to change things in the inner city. I wrote a long post laying out my vision. You nor any one else commented on it. But it was there.
And BTW Jody is not the only one who has walked the walked I have spent lots of time working with the folks you called street pirates as well as fighting systemic injustices that plague our community. I have written about it as well quite often for Black Agenda Report and a few other not as popular blog sites.
Field-- I really, really want to know your opinion about the usefulness of political and community activists in our black community. I was a bit disturbed by the poster FreeMan referring to something he called "civil rights crap." Really civil rights crap! Do you see that way as well?
AB- I feel you on Obama but its not enough to criticize him we have to offer some what do we do now that we know that the black man in the White HOuse ain't gonna save us. For the record before someone says something stupid, my revolutionary minded, liberation theology advocating butt never supported nor saw Obama as a real agent for change.
Your hatred of President Obama is irrational and quite frankly, embrassing.
If he postures as favoring a "black agenda" he's toast politically and you know that.
What he is doing for the majority of blacks is cracking down on left over entrenched racism with the Justice Department.
He got the jobs package through Congress and I'd like to see more small business loans for minorities, gov contracts, etc.
He's trying to get healthcare reform enacted.
He is pushing more charter schools for the broken urban public school system.
Now what specifically would you like to see Obama do FOR BLACKS in the current economical and political environment and how do you propose he would get away with it?
What is also an issue is the ease at which we are willing to dismiss and discard the body of work by people like Jesse, Al , Travis..
Again in part some of this is based upon the legacy of being oppressed by white supremacy..It still wounds and causes community disconnects across the diaspora..
We must however move forward and understand the nature of our leadership and the people our leadership addresses..
White America does not have the same connection with white leadership as we do with Black leadership it is that simple..
The good professors data serves what audience??
was my identical hatred for his clone gwb embrassing too you racist moron???
as if i care about you any more than obama does????
YOU should be embarssed because you do NOT find the lack of a public option and black unemployment rates "embarassing" you flagrant fool!!!
you should be embarassed by your own arrogant ignorance and hoplessly unchanged blindess
as you adore obama
your psychotic delusions do not a debate make
the jobs bill and the health reform bill are blatant hoaxes!!!!
they will do nothing for any umeployed poor person!
what has obama done for ANYONE who is not rich???????
see more from cornel here:
see more on that bogus job and health bs:
like tavis
and his wesome book
i and all who despise obama/gwb 2.0 have done that
NONE of our ideas will absolve obama's apathy!!!
and NONE of us has the power he abdicates!!!
and his Awesome book:
this is a detailed list of specific ideas:
obama has given
75 bil
actually 23 tril
to bankers
a nominal idea=
1/10 to poor!
Nonsense Black Issues are American Issues..We did not as a people suffer through centuries on inhumanity to get a Black man in the white house to ignore our concerns...
It is not wrong to demand his attention to our issues and struggles
Nor is it out of order to expect him not to adress our issues, we pay taxes, we died in Iraq, we protect and serve here in the states..
Obama should expect to hear from Black folks we will never abandon him yet he will make our concerns margainal in a ghetto second..
"YOU should be embarssed because you do NOT find the lack of a public option and black unemployment rates "embarassing" you flagrant fool!!!"
How would you have Obama specifically address "black" unemployment?
BTW a $15B jobs bill was just passed on Tuesday.
"Black Issues are American Issues."
I totally agree.
Black folks are concerned with jobs, education and healthcare.
Now I'll ask you just as I asked AB.
What "black" issue would you like to see Obama specifically address and how do you propose he'll get away with it politically?
why is is that no one ever asks obama:
"got any ideas/funds for the poor besides: parent your kids
and dont ask me for *hit????"
spare me your insincere distracted bs
you should be embarassed that "jobs bill" impresses you!
Black caucus members and other Democrats in the House have complained that the scaled-back Senate version – with less than 10 percent of the money approved by the House last year and a much narrower legislative mandate – does little to address underlying problems that contribute to chronic unemployment.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0210/33475.html#ixzz0gZ4I1z9U
if it makes u feel any better/less embarassed
i hate u obama nazis MUCH more than i hate obama
obama is not your daddy or your doctor
you should be embarassed by your own confusion
The current health care "debate" shows how far gone representative government is in the United States. Members of Congress represent the powerful interest groups that fill their campaign coffers, not the people who vote for them.
The health care bill is not about health care. It is about protecting and increasing the profits of the insurance companies. The main feature of the health care bill is the "individual mandate," which requires everyone in America to buy health insurance. Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont), a recipient of millions in contributions over his career from the insurance industry, proposes to impose up to a $3,800 fine on Americans who fail to purchase health insurance.
The determination of "our" elected representatives to serve the insurance industry is so compelling that Congress is incapable of recognizing the absurdity of these proposals.
Please answer my question.
you answer mine!
you bold bastard!!
was my identical hatred for his clone gwb embrassing too you racist moron???
obama should do exactly what he did for white execs at AIG and GM and bankers etc...
fund/save jobs for poor people just like he did/does for rich ones!!!
rocket sci???...no!!!
7.5 bil solo could fund:
small business owners
after school programs
eradicate nclb
free med clinics
oh geez.
typically transparent obama naza-ish reply
obama continues to OPENLY steal from the poor to give to the rich
what is even more amazing is that poor drones like you dare to defend his elitist ruthlessness and act as if he needs some miracle help to do any modicum of the reverse!!!!
Perhaps, I am hinky. But does any black person, aside from myself, find it offensive that the media has acknowledged these people as leaders of the black community?
Oops, there I go again using that abstraction (black community).
as someone accused of using too many "facts," i'm going to keep going anyway....
AB, UTS, please take a look at the HHS website.
look specifically at the map about insurance costs and then at the recovery act funded projects.
without debating anything, it's very easy to see what the obama administration is spending money and how different all of it is from GWB.
does it embarass you that obama's brazen idea of a "small business" is only a smallER BANK??????????
like gwb
"obama does not care about black/poor people!"
tavis is the new kanye!!!
unlike obama
jesse and al have earned their titles and black fans!
"without debating anything, it's very easy to see what the obama administration is spending money and how different all of it is from GWB."
I agree.
I'm not the one attacking Obama.
His administration is a sea-change from the Bush policies on most issues.
"Perhaps, I am hinky. But does any black person, aside from myself, find it offensive that the media has acknowledged these people as leaders of the black community?"
Why should we be embarrassed?
The media should be embarassed for their ignorance.
Are Limbaugh and Beck white leaders?
i know, i just wanted to support you on that.
Of course Obama does not explicitly care about black people. It would be irresponsible for him to do that as a leader of ALL Americans.
Obama explicitly cares about the middle class, of which blacks are a part. So, incidentally, he does care about blacks and other who are members of the middle class.
We won't have to worry about Obama loading up the Federal judiciary with rightwing ideologues who want to turn back the clock on social advancement.
He'll appoint progressive judges.
Obama won't appoint hardline conservatives to the EEOC who don't even believe in the agencies purpose.
Many of us black folks have to stop the reflexive whining and start getting smart.
Destroying Obama will do nothing but help another rightwing pinhead get back in the WH.
Is that what you want AB?
denial is easier than debate
just how has obama been any less warmongering and elitist than gwb????
when did gwb buy a bank/auto co???
will you feel this same blind adoration when obama strikes pakistan/iran/nigeria anew???
no blind adoration or denial from me.
i disagree with him on war and other issues.
but you asked what he was doing to help, and i provided a link with examples.
you are a complete idiot
how will 9 judges with perm jobs help one unemploed black person????
how the hell is that progress for jobs???
obama hs already begun stacking the ct with corp wolf drones who don the same sheep skins as he does
you obama nazis have no idea what morons you are....you ought to be embaassed by that!!!!
District Attorney, lawyer for imperialist international corporations
After graduating from Yale, Sotomayor worked as a District Attorney in Manhattan, New York, serving the state in prosecuting African and oppressed people in New York. She followed this up as a corporate lawyer serving the interests of global companies against workers and oppressed people.
Having proven herself loyal to companies by defending them against liability claims, it is not surprising then that Republican President George HW Bush would choose her to serve in Southern Manhattan’s Federal District Court. Her 1998 appointment to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals by U.S. President William Clinton, was confirmed in a largely Republican Senate in a 67 to 29 vote!
I want Obama to assign Holder to address the prision rates of young black youth..I want Holder to pass federal laws releasing black youth from drug crimes where violence was not a part of the offense..
The FEDS have imprisoned to any black men for wiretap crimes, conspiracies etc..
If Obama just handled this one issue I would be pleased..Our communities are suffering from fatherless families and parents having thier kids in the house because of them being in jail
ditto t!
these obama nazis have no clue!
that is what happens to black racists who think anyone with black skin is their friend!!!
obama is a more ruthless and elitist connected enemy than his blood kin gwb!
he is indeed gwb 2.0
more evil
more abusive to ALL poor people
more elitist
more ruthless
yet beloved still....shame!!!!
the demise of atlanta and new orleans should be a wake up call to black racists in 2010/2012/2016...
do not be played by politicos/hobamas who look like you!!!
judge all by their actions not their skin!
After riding high for a generation they are unable to come up with any model for urban economic development aside from moving poorer residents out and moving richer ones in. Some of their signature projects, like the Atlanta Belt-Line, the 1996 Olympics, and the policies of the Atlanta Housing Authority, have been based around or occurred in the context of destabilization and dispersal of lower-income black neighborhoods, including Atlanta's housing projects. Like the white elite, our black leaders across the nation do not value stable black neighborhoods if the people in them have low incomes. Wherever there's a dollar to be made flipping a neighborhood, they have joined the white establishment in portraying such places as hopeless sinkholes of despair and violence for which the best medicine is gentrification.
valerie j/tony r/obama and all of his chi town posse are deep cold hard slumlords
ask poor people in chicago if they love obama!
ONLY you black obama nazis are cheering on obama as he turns america into the same massive slum that he and his cronies own in chi
and that is a gd shame!!!
"uptownsteve said...
We won't have to worry about Obama loading up the Federal judiciary with rightwing ideologues who want to turn back the clock on social advancement.
He'll appoint progressive judges.
Obama won't appoint hardline conservatives to the EEOC who don't even believe in the agencies purpose.
Many of us black folks have to stop the reflexive whining and start getting smart.
Destroying Obama will do nothing but help another rightwing pinhead get back in the WH.
Is that what you want AB?
11:57 AM"
Steve, I commend you for your efforts, but trying to have rational discourse with AB is like trying to hold back a bowel movement after you've contracted food poisoning at a Mexican restaurant.
you fecal fool
thanks for the kudo!
whipping racists fools like you 2 sexist racist retards is even easier than ordering tequila at any cantina!
you, your brain, and your tiny diseased penis are smaller than the avg worm in the bottom of any bottle of said tequila too boi!
How do you expect your pupils to speak English properly when you write "If he hadn't went and became president of these divided states". This is a common mistake made by dumb ass Americans. Substitute "gone" for "went" and it works fine.
" alicia banks said...
you, your brain, and your tiny diseased penis are smaller than the avg worm in the bottom of any bottle of said tequila too boi!"
Hey, dumbass...tequila doesn't have a worm in it. That would be Mezcal.
[quote]My post was directed at buckdancing headscratchin trash talkking coons like you who have nothing to say about anything expect what your white racist massas put in your mouth.
What exactly are YOU doing positive in the black community and by extension any black conservative who merely acts like a slave waiting for scraps from massas table.[/quote]
True to form as a "NEW All White Jury" member - YOU merely MOVED THE GOAL POSTS when I affirmatively met your previous threshold.
Seriously man - WHAT ABOUT those "Least Of These" Blacks makes you unwilling to ASK ANYTHING of them?
AB sure sounds cranky. Perhaps, shes not getting enough fat worm...lol.
...watching Obama school the wingnuts. A great thinker he is, that Obama.
"Seriously man - WHAT ABOUT those "Least Of These" Blacks makes you unwilling to ASK ANYTHING of them?"
Let me think like a rightwinger for a second (hard to get my head that far up my ass):
"If you ghetto blacks would just stop dropping out of wedlock babies and engaging in petty crime, you will suddenly become competitively educated and gainfully employed with a livable wage to support yourself and your offspring."
And you people wonder why no one takes you seriously?
Why is it always a feature of our culture to have public beatdowns of Black folks..From this thread by FN to countless talk shows and news accounts where Black folks tell it all about our shortcomings and internal concerns
Why? It is a result of the lost of privacy created by the oppression of slavery on this soil? Is the offspring of white supremacy made us obligated to run to master all the time and show him what, who, how,where?
The majority of white america has never been to our homes, most of our white peers have never been to our churches, the majority of whites have never been to our funerals, our hopices, our parties
Yet we bend over backwards to allow them into our most vunerable realities..Why???
White folks will run with this so-called dust up between Tavis & Al..White pundits and Black apologists and academic types will waste millions of words about the pathology of Black folks because of the different opinions of talented people like Tavis, Al, Jesse, Julian, Maxine, Sharon, etc..
I am so tired of the internal warfare we engaged in for the amusement of our egos and the entertainment of white folks...
Is the rope of white supremacy still tied to our necks even in 2010?
How can we liberate ourselves from the diease and the pathologies of white supremacy in 2010?
Are we stiil contaminated with self hate??
Trasher,I respect you,and I like how we can agree to disagree on certain issues such as this one.
Wow,AB really doesn't like his Oness very much.:)
Mellaneous,I promise I will try and answer your question later,I am on my crackberry now.
Oh lawd,as if my spelling isn't bad enough,now Anon above is killing me about my grammar as well.:)-I knew that line was going to be a problem when I wrote it.-But hey,I am not a teacher.
I will let you educated folks worry about such things.
@Thrasher. "Are we still contaminated with self hate??" Yes. I have been debating with myself whether to publish a post on "Are black folks schizo?" We tend to tear into one another like lions at a zebra kill! This is nothing but self hate. It's so wrong to think that Obama can make things right for black folks in a years time. It's crazy to be angry that he hasn't done it. This is America and America has a history! It sits right on top of black people! Black People, you better not sit on your hands and expect Obama to do for you what you must do for yourself! How did our forebears make it in a racist society? Did they wait for that society, that government to do it for them? We better get off the Obama as Saviour kick and continue to work hard and make space for ourselves. NO ONE WILL DO THAT FOR US, and Obama simply cant!
Railing against Obama does nothing but show that one is foolishly expecting him to save! He's simply a man--not Jesus! Railing will do nothing but wreck your health!
Let 'em run with it Thrasher.
Who cares?
Al and Tavis can talk and argue just like family.
We may agree on some things and disagree on others but ultimately we want what's best for the family.
Now notice that these black coonservatives won't come near any of these black "family" discussions if they're lives depended on it.
Nah, they'll go on O'Reilly or Hannity and talk about mean most black folks are to them or how blacks are all hooked on handouts and government cheese.
But they won't dare go in front an audience of black folks and talk that noise.
That's why they're frauds.
all wounds heal best in open air
the blind worship of obama is a gaping wound in america
kudos to tavis for exposing the fatal bleeding of al s et al!!!
assnons are worms
bottles or no
fat or thin
assnons are sterile and celibate too...
along with "the real obama", add "worms in tequilas" to this LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG list:
"COUNTLESS things that aproudfooloi is arrogantly ignorant about and too ignorant to hide that he does not know them either!!!!!!!!"
i drink red wine only
but even I know more about tequila than you do you drunken moron/impotent lush!!!
you are a rabid idiot
tavis and al began this feud as millions of black people listened in on the tjms
tavis has invited al to his chi-town tea party
a legendary event in a ideal city filled with blacks who are NOT obama nazis like u...
just like obama:
YOU LIE!!!!!
HEAR tavis and al talk to millions of black tjms fans here:
Here you go, douche bag:
why so selective???:
"Railing against Obama does nothing but show that one is foolishly expecting him to save!"
ditto re: railing FOR obama too????
funny how obama nazis who rail for obama are never called out so...
so your mama drinks tequila too???
maybe that would explain all your textbook symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome you pickled in the womb fool!
i assure you i that never expected obama to save me...
but i also never expected him to ONLY save bankers and war profiteers either!!!
why has one year been enough time for obama to ONLY helop rich people???
why MUST poor blacks ONLY wait longer than bankers?...
"alicia banks said...
2:00 PM
Did you even bother to read the link I provided?:
You know, you can lead a pig to water....but it'll just make a mud wallow out of it.
Some people just can't admit they're wrong.
And, my mama said you can kiss her dead ass, too.
Wedo not have to air our secrects in the public..Why must we be compelled to have a discourse with the world?
I do not run an tell folks when my dick is not hard
Do you tell folks when you are on your period??
My point is we define what, when, where, how not others..
all over the tv/radio news
whites call each other out daily
that is why the rule the world
while we powerlessly guard our toxic secrets
it is not your dead mama
but your dead brain that vexes me
i meant
that is why theY rule the world
while we powerlessly guard our toxic secrets
nothing ever gets fixed in whispers/hidden/ignored etc
that is why black folks are so generically broken
i am not ashamed of menses...
u and your "dick" have some hushed issue?
i am also equally unashamed about caling out obama nazis
I care and many in my tribe as well.. I am tired of defending the nonsense of black folks out of the mouths of whites..
I am tired of white people slamming me with the insanity of Black people..
When we donate our shit for white folks they have no problem being surgerical with my ass becuase of others..
In the paradigm of white culture only their singular indivual being matters with us One Lone Black man is the image of all Black folks..
One Black Fuck Up=Entire Black Community
That is my point I do care about yours or any other females menses..Sometimes your agenda is not my agenda on certian personal issues..
I am not compelled or obligated to invoke the same paradigms as white folks..Just becuase they to expose the world to reality tv and tabloid media and telling the world who fucked their kids and shit does not I have to follow suite..
My dick in my dick not yours or the general public..I do a lot in the dark cause Iam a Black man that can handle any enviorment, climate, reality..
My Black cultural defines its rules and paradigms. White folks do not rule shit in my orbit...I refused to give them more power and clout..
My premise is simple why must we tell me everything? Is it the result of being raped of our being as slaves we still suffer today from these wounds??
all who are hated are judged by the LEAST among them...women/gays/poor/ybm etc
to haters:
jeffrey dahmer reps all gays but NOT all wms...see?
i refuse to judge obama by mlk
he never has been and never will be a mlk
martin deserved and earned his nobel prize and gave every dime away to black orgs...even as his wife and kids were poor/stressed/miffed
see more:
but you also did not have millions vote for your dick like obama?
your analogy is severely flawed
obama is the dick in chief
pissing on all of us
and calling it corp green rain
we do not have to tell everything
i do not want to know what obama biys for michelle
but i demand to know what he allowed bankers to buy with my tax monies!!!!
obama and every single one of his nazis better tell me why he is only helping rich people loudly and in public every damned day until 2012!
i voted for that "transparent hope and change"
that dick bitch hobama better have my money!
"My Black cultural defines its rules and paradigms. White folks do not rule shit in my orbit...I refused to give them more power and clout.."
i think this is really dishonest
were it really true
would you even care what whites heard u say where?
and would you slay yourself in silence to keep whites out out of earshot???
why is gangsta rap "our cnn"
but bill c "airing dirty laundry in mixed co"
this is bs bro
anyone who does not call obama out is a co-conspirator in his geonocide of ALL poor people of all races
i am a realist
i will always tell the truth on all politicos
i do not give a damn who hears me!!!
malcolm x never censored his public...neither will i
one more new reality check for obama and his nazis from the cbc
Here is some airing:
AB, my dick is hard. How are we going to deal with this dilemma?
assnons have no dicks
they are invisible eunuchs
hear mlk and malcolm on that evil dick obama:
You are trying to define my Black Cultural DNA from your perspective not mine..
You think I care about white validation..You are making interferences not me..
I care about my people's shortcomings not how whites interpet them.. My cultural dna is not like yours I do not need an open air stage..I can operate in the dark, cold, wind, sea, fire whatever
What is dishonest is your failure and inability to value your own personhood and being ..What is dishonest is your inability to connect with those who support you ..
You can follow me...You can seek me out for help..All is not on you...You are not my god..
My Black cultural DNA can share the world with you..I do not need to wage war with you because your reality is not mine..
I respect me first and then you...
My dick is my dick not yours..Your menses is yours not mine..
I define what crimes I have commited ..I reserve the right to be me .. I live with and becuase ofmy Black Cultural DNA
You are trying to define my Black Cultural DNA from your perspective not mine..
You think I care about white validation..You are making interferences not me..
I care about my people's shortcomings not how whites interpet them.. My cultural dna is not like yours I do not need an open air stage..I can operate in the dark, cold, wind, sea, fire whatever
What is dishonest is your failure and inability to value your own personhood and being ..What is dishonest is your inability to connect with those who support you ..
You can follow me...You can seek me out for help..All is not on you...You are not my god..
My Black cultural DNA can share the world with you..I do not need to wage war with you because your reality is not mine..
I respect me first and then you...
My dick is my dick not yours..Your menses is yours not mine..
I define what crimes I have commited ..I reserve the right to be me .. I live with and becuase ofmy Black Cultural DNA
the dick thing is extra
you brought that flawed analogy re dicks and menses into this
not me!
i agree with most of what you say...
but NONE of it has anything to do with obama and his public selling of his dick as prez
i do not think anyone who is blogging is hiding except assnons...that includes u
i never need any help herein...
as evinced in our own exchanges always
i am blessed with many stages
my life is charmed and blessed
but coddling/defending/excusing obama...will NEVER be in any of my shows
"anyone who does not call obama out is a co-conspirator in his geonocide of ALL poor people of all races"
Who made you my arbiter? Who annoited you my warden? Who gavce you the power to define my relationship or ommisions with others?
Please refrain from being my god..my master, my human checker...
I will ride with you until you you begin to ride against me...
Please continue to share your incredible insigts and knowledge in here but do not ever define me or seek to control me..I am a Black man with a collective Black DNA based upon the souls and ftures of my ancestors and people yet to be born..
I fear no nothing..I am a human element a devine part of the universe..
I am at war not with you but those who seek to dehumanize me..
u lost me here
"What is dishonest is your failure and inability to value your own personhood and being ..What is dishonest is your inability to connect with those who support you .."
i have a uniquely strong and renowned sense of self
very secure ego
and legions of fellow rebel fans
No you had an issue with my regard to privacy and secrecy in the Black community..You seek to have all in the open and I stated no all does not need to be inthe open including folks personal issueslike i.e my dick issue ans your menses ..
I agree wit the bulk of your posts..I think you are a brillant but also fucked up whicj is not a problem with me ..A part of me can handle the rythm of the universe..I can work with genius and crazy at same time..Not a problem..So bring all your shit into play...I can roll with it..
Now if that is what you mean by being open and public than I agree with you..
I offer than phrase as an example of why you in my opinon react the way you do to tose who question you..
Again from my vantage point you are a genius but also fuckig crazy which is a snergy that I can handle and enjoy actually..
Creative people like you however often have themes of insecurity and self loathing co-existing at same time..
Again not a problem..I have large optics..
if you scan up
you will see that it was you who defined me...and grossly inaccurately so as well!
i have never claimed to be anyone's god....even as i stand by that generic directive/opinion to all godless black obama nazis
all did seem to be divine between you and i
until i called you on your deeply flawed macho analogies and dishonest claims above
i stand by those as well
we agree to disagree
dicks and menses and that bloody brutal dick hobama notwithstanding
like all responsible patriots/voters
i am indeed at war with obama and all of his nazis
and all of us leos are fearless
obama is a leo too
that is why he is so fiercely wilding on poor people of all races...
thanks for the backhanded kudos
i am only called insane when i slay others as i have slain u bro
there is a fine line between genius and insanity for all...no?
it is truly classic comedy that you continue to brazenly and erroneously define me even as you whine and blatantly lie about me defining you
just as i need no helpers as i slay you and all others herein who post racist sexist bs, i also have no use for your amusing inept and inaccurate "analyses"
i have no insecurities
that is why i have no problem kicking asses herien....
would it not have been a whole lot easier just to admit defeat about YOUR OWM
insecurities so glaring herein?
misogynystic menstrual fears/curious unrelated phallic refs/paranoia re white audiences/ etc...
i only get called "fucked up"
when i f up lesser debaters
i'll be that
"No you had an issue with my regard to privacy and secrecy in the Black community.."
and you had no issue with me being "fucked up/crazy/insecure" etc until i slew you on that issue too
i do stand by that issue
and i also patiently await your rsvp to my valid query re cosby/gangsta rappers/elected politico "dicks"...etc
I want to know if Sharpton ever made it to Haiti, after Mayor Bloomberg told him to sit his ass at home, and don't go to Haiti you would just get in the way.
I feel ya but your blindspots are pulling in the wrong negro..I defined me and you instead felt the need to cover my words with your myopic interpetation of me..I am not a short story or a snap shot..My personhood is a full classic movie thats interactive and live and in color..
I will never apologize to anyone about my dick I am sure you will not about your menses..lol,lol,lol
BTW none of compliments to you are backhanded, I did not use code or hid them between posts..
I feel your genius and I acknowledge you..I also acknowledge your crazy vibe and I fear no one and I will never silence me or allow others to as well.
Your words define you..Your inability to articulate your understanding of my prose and genius defined you..I simply open the space ot for you to see yourself..You are the one who affirms the model of open air and the rewards of open wounds..Do not retreat now because I have use your coventions to feel you
Your claims that my analysis is inaccurate actually only confirms that my analysis is on target becuase you felt the need to check me and acknowledge that I performed a vebal protrait of you in a chat forum..
Understand this before you begin to think you have slayed me requires you to belief I gave you the power to slay me..I define my existence.. I can only kill me ..
I Am....
not of that EVER has to do with me
or what i direct to u or anyone else ever
never has
never will
NONE of that EVER has to do with me or what i direct to u or anyone else ever
nor with your evasions of my valid queries re white audiences...
i would never "kill" you!
i just killed your bogus racist argument and sexist flawed analogies
nothing personal
just better debating
i never need permission for that herein...it's what i do...smile
Damn.....looks like someone kicked over the ant pile today........
I never engaged in racist and sexist arguments my Black cultural DNA does not allow for such shortcomings..
Come on shorty toss some better darts than those at my protrait..
Most posters in here are tired of ya and dismiss your value and genius not me I love when folks come at me with thier flow it makes my flow ..flow..nahmean..
You go some good skills but I am an authentic Black man not a creature of the chatter class..Your skills simply reflect some chapters of my DNA many moons ago that is why in part I like your flow..
I see me in them..Of course since your flow is often a derivative of my orginal genius sometimes I get bored with your elemental constructs becuase been there done that..
Yet I like how you have evolved..I will evolve with ya..I am never in fear of giving another props...
nahmean..Now give it to me shorty..lol,lol
Okay so, we are suppose to be Ashamed of AL and Tavis, cause they are making BLACK FOLK look bad! well, at least they are Brave enough to show their BLACK FACE'S! they may be DEBATING, but, at least, they are NOT hiding out like a BUNCH of SHUFFLING MOUTH NEGRO'S!
Shuffle mouth NEGRO'S are the one's that talk STUFF, but, hide out behind Black Blog's! these people will Criticize other black folk, but, yet, they will Not be caught dead in the INNER CITY! but, AL SHARPTON will, he will be all over AMERICA in the Trench's! TAVIS is the Elite Black man in the Battle Field, I think TAVIS is a bit, VAIN, but, at least he is NOT hiding OUT! he is OUT in the Open, showing his BLACK FACE! these two BLACK MEN may be different in their thinking, but, they are TWO BLACK MEN telling RACIST AMERICA (we are BLACK MEN and we are yet HERE) so if some of YOU SHUFFLING MOUTH NEGRO'S don't GET it, then, you are beyond help from the so call DROP SQUAD!
This is NOT about two BLACK MEN, this is about BLACK FOLK in general, have some of you BLACK FOLK gone STARK RAVING MAD! WHITE FOLK in AMERICA are going CRAZY and you want AL and TAVIS to SHUTUP! WHITE FOLK want to divide this COUNTRY UP! what do you think the word's, STATE'S RIGHT'S mean? it mean's, if they have BLACK FOLK in their STATE, they can implement JIM CROW LAW'S!
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA did NOT cause the economy to go CRAZY! GREEDY WHITE MEN did! let me repeat myself! GREEDY WHITE MEN are responsible for the down fall of AMERICA! so, what do we have? BLACK MEN out of JOB'S, as if any Sound minded BLACK person, would blame a BLACK PRESIDENT for the condition of AMERICA!
that was even more sexist than your previous post!!!
i am not a "shorty"
i am a lean mean 5'9" amazon warrior...with spears!
i would much rather talk about bill c etc...
if i ever publish a dictonary
your photo will appear beside:
"black obama nazi/buybull toting bama fool"!!!!
the blackish obama is a whiter man than gwb!
and tavis is blacker than al!
"Anonymous said...
Damn.....looks like someone kicked over the ant pile today........
4:14 PM"
Nah, it's just Princess Big Booty hijacking another thread. Nothing new.
you never have anything intelligent to say
but you always find a way to work your anus and feces into every post
how lewd and homoerotic is that??????
"BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA did NOT cause the economy to go CRAZY! GREEDY WHITE MEN did! let me repeat myself! GREEDY WHITE MEN are responsible for the down fall of AMERICA! so, what do we have? BLACK MEN out of JOB'S, as if any Sound minded BLACK person, would blame a BLACK PRESIDENT for the condition of AMERICA!"
**Tongue in cheek** ISEEISEE, and all this time I thought it was us (black folks) buying more house than we could afford that led to the collapse of the economy!
On a serious note, good point you've made.
in that same dictionary
your fat sloppy photo will be beside:
& then you and that same definition will appear again in a dual shot beside:
you vulgar twisted dl ass
"Your claims that my analysis is inaccurate actually only confirms that my analysis is on target becuase you felt the need to check me and acknowledge that I performed a vebal protrait of you in a chat forum.."
so if i did not call you out on your blatant lies as i do obama...i would be a better "shorty"???
if i let you paint a portrait of me that is as flawed as your analogies/arguments
then i would be "secure"???
"Most posters in here are tired of ya and dismiss your value and genius not me I love when folks come at me with thier flow it makes my flow ..flow..nahmean.."
what was that about playing god?
i thought fn was the only god here...no?
if i kick your ass no matter who is tired of watching me do so, the ass kicking does still count though...right?
"alicia banks said...
in that same dictionary
your fat sloppy photo will be beside:
& then you and that same definition will appear again in a dual shot beside:
And one day, they'll stuff your ass, (if that's possible), and put you on display in the Smithsonian as the only know example of Skankapotamus Horribilus.
beside "stuffing":
a picture of your fat sloppy carcass and your fav dl top...deep in the throes of the passion you clearly covet so....
please help me
think fast:
name one white man who ever gave bankers 75 bil/23 trillion dollars???
name one wm prez who ever bought a bank/auto co???
name one wm prez who promised to end the wars he only escalated???
name one wm who promised to end nclb and then ignored that promise as he entrenched it...
"But let me challenge you on the idea that Camden and Detroit can only solve their problems locally. That is true to only a certain extent. Just like corporations and the the Big Banks look to government when they get in trouble the folks trapped in impoverished and underdeveloped"
Great point Mel. Try telling that to our conservative friends. Somehow when busineses get bailed out it's different for them. The only bad people in A-merry-ca are poor people.
Now here is my thing on civil rights. I will use a football analogy: We needed civil rights to get down the field and get into the red zone. Now that we are there we have to get into the end zone. (Damn I sound like Jesse) The old methods of civil rights are no longer practical. (New laws etc.) Now we have to score a touchdown by finding new ways of gaining economic empowerment.
The most important thing that I think is needed is working to improve the educational system for our children. All the Tavis Smileys and Al Sharptons in the world won't make that happen. It starts with each individual.
[quote]We won't have to worry about Obama loading up the Federal judiciary with rightwing ideologues who want to turn back the clock on social advancement.
He'll appoint progressive judges.
Out of all of the things that I worry about possibly happening it is NOT having "The Clock Turned Back".
Instead I wonder if Barack Obama is commited to promoting judiciary candidates who don't see Black folks as THEY LEAST OF THESE but instead viewing us EQUALLY under the law.
I challenge you to list the rulings of CLARENCE THOMAS that has done HARM TO any Black people who BELIEVE THAT WE ARE EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS.
NO I am not talking about those who assumed our DAMAGED STATE and thus are pissed at him for terminating a government program.
I will then make a list of rulings by Ruth Bader Ginsburg in which SHE MADE IT CLEAR - "Black people are INFERIOR" and thus should not be EXPECTED to be held to the same standard as WHITE FOLKS.
Did you see how she refered to the "Duke Energy" case in which their new policy that ALL SUPERVISORY PROMOTIONS require a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? This ruling in the early 70's created the notion of "Disparate Outcome" because while 32% of the WHITE FOLKS had a HS Diploma, ONLY 12% of the Blacks had one. This was RACIST in her view.
Let's talk about her support for "Urban Renew" projects. (Negro Renual Projects).
[quote]these people will Criticize other black folk, but, yet, they will Not be caught dead in the INNER CITY![/quote]
You know I love you right?
Sometimes you go off the deep end.
Why do you worry about ME "going into THESE COMMUNITIES" more than you speak about the DAMNED PEOPLE WHO ARE ALREADY WITHIN?
Is there TWO TIERS OF BLACK FOLKS in your view?
WHAT do you ask of ME that you don't feel quite confident in asking of THE RESIDENTS WITHIN?
DO I have a greater obligation to the BLACK RACE as compared to them?
When Al Sharpton is done with them are they made EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS or are they merely APPRECIATIVE and thus more inclined to VOTE for those who SHARPTON tell them to?
I listened to his show today. He said that "if Black folks don't stay UNIFIED - our ENEMIES might get back into POWER".
I wondered WHO is "OUR ENEMY"? Who are our FRIENDS?
Surely NOT the people running the school system of Philadelpia.
I really amazes me how CF and AB can be so prolific. One of the first post I wrote, took me two weeks to write and I believe it is shorter than either of their entire comments on each of FN's post.
u r far too kind
cf is far more prolific than i am...
Hathor said...
I really amazes me how CF and AB can be so prolific. One of the first post I wrote, took me two weeks to write and I believe it is shorter than either of their entire comments on each of FN's post.
I, too, am amazed. Although, I do not like much of what CF has to say. I do admire his ability to write.
I agree that President Obama shouldn't get a pass from black people. We do need to hold him accountable. I think Tavis should also be held accountable, because if this is just his little vendetta against Obama then he doesn't really have black peoples interests at heart either.He has never criticized the Clintons,the Bushes, Michael Steele or Ward Connelly like he has the President.
back in the flow..where were you..you still trying to lionize yourself in here??
making allegations that you are a god and me just a pawn..lol,lol,lol
I mean you been rightously co-signing for awhile course I love it
Tavis and others should check Obama on whatever..he gets no free pass...
For centuries we have to deal with inhumanity on this soil and to now get a person of color in the white house to act like a paleface to pander to white folks is insane
CF is more prolific than everyone on this entire blog, LOL!!!
Great point Mel. Try telling that to our conservative friends. Somehow when busineses get bailed out it's different for them. The only bad people in A-merry-ca are poor people.
Come on now Field, this is a serious stretch, LOL!!!
Wow, this a hot mess!!! Listening to these coons cuss each other out on national radio is just disturbing. This only proves my point that Black leadership has been in disarray long before Obama got to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
UTS, as usual we're along the same lines -- just because Obama doesn't rock a dashiki and spout the Black Panther 10 Point Agenda doesn't mean that his agenda is not aligned with our interests. In other words, what middle Black person would not benefit from health care reform or a jobs bill?
There are some regular posters who quite frankly, are driven by narrow agendas that don't allow for objectivity. Honestly, if someone said that Obama was a secretly a Martian Killer Cyborg, there are some regular bloggers who start demanding proof that he's completely human. ;-)
The problem is that Black folks keep waiting on these millionaire motormouths to do something other than talk.
The difference between Obama and these two jigs is that Obama can be held accountable for doing nothing. Voters, the Congress and the gun-toting (and plane crashing) tea bagger crowd make sure of that. Guys like Sharpton and Smiley simply have to get out TV and get paid to yammer with Bill O'reilly.
One of my many gripes with these so-called leaders and leaders on the 'left' in general is that they've been almost all talk for most of my lifetime. Nader, Smiley, Chomsky and the like have chattered my ears off for years. Now, they have a golden opportunity to make real change.
We have a President who does listen to all sides and isn't a complete idiot. Democrats run the congress. Most the country support progressives ideas on LGBT rights, health care, financial regulation and the environment. The country is hungry for real ideas and real plans for implementation.
Now, the Naders, Sharptons and Smileys of the world can't simply complain about 'the man' -- they actually have to do something.
Its about time that we hold guys like Smiley and Sharpton (and West, Dyson, the CBC, the Black Church, etc) to the same standards everyone's holding the President to -- put up or shut up.
I really wish that I had as much time as CF to post.
"I challenge you to list the rulings of CLARENCE THOMAS that has done HARM TO any Black people who BELIEVE THAT WE ARE EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS."
This link tells us all we need to know about Justice Slappy.
"NO I am not talking about those who assumed our DAMAGED STATE and thus are pissed at him for terminating a government program."
As the link shows, nobody has benefited more from "government" than Clarence Thomas.
"Let's talk about her (Ruth Ginsburg's) support for "Urban Renew" projects. (Negro Renual Projects)."
And what's wrong with that?
We've had the government finance white flight from the inner city and we also have the "New Homestead Act" to revitalize and renew the economies of the plains states which are almost all lilly white.
Yeah black folks are treated differently alright and you don't seem to have a problem with that.
shame on you!
obama has betrayed EVERYONE!!!
especially poor/blacks/gays!!!
a song for tavis:
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