Before I post tonight, here is hoping that Slick Willie is OK. My man has had some heart issues and apparently it's acting up again. Love him or hate him, the guy is the consummate politician. I met him once a few years back and he made me feel like I was the only one in the room. I bet if I met him again he would remember my name. That's how good the guy is. So get well soon, Willie.
Now to my post: I honestly wasn't going to blog about John Mayer, in spite of all the people e-mailing me and asking me about my opinion about what he said. I have said this before, and it's worth repeating: I am actually happy when famous people (or anyone else) make their true feelings about race, religion, or whatever, known. Don't hide behind the mask of political correctness. Don't be a hypocrite. We need to know how you feel and that you are out there.
It's why when ignorant ass trolls come to this site and drop the "N" word like it's going out of style I let them. Because as ugly as it might seem to you, it's important that you understand what kind of country you live in, and how your neighbors (famous or not) really feel about you.
So that's where I stand on Mr. Mayer. And I wasn't going to blog about him until I heard the latest:
"The same day he apologized for using the N-word and blabbing about his sexcapades with Jessica Simpson in Playboy, John Mayer broke down on stage.
While performing his tune "Gravity" Wednesday at Nashville's Sommet Center, Mayer, 32, stopped playing and apologized to his bandmates.
While performing his tune "Gravity" Wednesday at Nashville's Sommet Center, Mayer, 32, stopped playing and apologized to his bandmates.
"In the quest to be clever," he began, "I completely forgot about the people that I love and that love me.".." [story]
Oh stop it! What is with famous people when they are caught dropping the "N" word or some other insensitive s#*t going on the apology tour? Watch, he is going to call Rev. Inc. next and they will absolve him of his racial sins. Trust me, once Rev. Inc. says that you are not a racist, you can assimilate back into the PC version of A-merry-can society. Now that's a gig I would love to have.
Hey Field Negro, it's me, Don Imus. Look, I think I might have f*&^#d up and called some black females some not too PC things. Anyway, can you help me? Sure Don, but depending on what you said this one is going to cost you. I called them "nappy headed hoes" on the air. Oh oh, Don, you better get your check book out....I know Don Imus, I know what's in his heart, he is not a racist. Thank you Field, your check is in the mail. What a country. But I digress.
So all of a sudden Mayer sees the folly of his ways, and poof, just like that, he is not a racist anymore.
Give me a break! The guy is disgusting on a couple of levels. And being a racist is just one of them. Fist, he kisses and tells,which makes him a zero in my book. And second, he is an opportunistic liar. All bad things. Mayer later says, in his public mea culpa, that he is going to "get it together". Translated: I am going to try to keep my big mouth shut about my true feelings in the future.
And that's where I stand on Mr. Mayer. Hopefully I won't have to blog about him ever again.
1 – 200 of 230 Newer› Newest»Damn Field, talk about the Knee-Grow callin the Kettle Black...
Is this the same William Jefferson Blythe Clinton who made a special trip back to Arkansas so that a Retarded, I mean, Mentally Handicapped Black Man could be executed, in the Electric Chair IIRC???
You don't have a hair on your Black Ass if you don't admit you're just a plain ole' House Knee-Grow...
I have been in the room with people when they thought that there was not a black person in the room. If black people only knew what people say about them behind closed doors. How naive of me...I was actually actually shocked!!!
Why did you give both of these slugs blog time?
Given Clinton's contempt for Black folks from the beginning of his public career( he refused to commute the death sentence for a mentally challenged Black man when he ran for govenor and his attack on Sista Soujai and his recent racist comments during Obama's campaign including discounting MLK etc).. Mayer's been on the edge many times..
Why give these slugs any juice???
Field, I respectfully submit that you have missed the point. John Mayer felt comfortable using the offensive language because Blacks use the offensive language. The true question is: should Blacks stop using the word so that others will know that it is not okay?
Obviously, John Mayer was so happy to be accepted that he let his non-Blackness shine through. Now do we as Blacks take heed and use names that are not degrading to our race to prevent this "mistake" in the future?
Oh yeah, the Retard that then Governor Clinton had executed was Ricky Ray Rector, or "Triple R" as his homie's called him, sentenced to death for shootin' a man just to watch him die, then killed a Cop, and almost himself, blowin away most of his frontal lobe in the process.
You might remember, he was the one who ordered some tasty Pee-Can Pie for his last meal, but saved some for later...
And I was mistaken, he was executed by Lethal Infection, allthough since it took nearly an hour for the Goons to find a vein, he'd probably have preferred the Chair, if he'd had a Brain to prefer with....
I'd never heard of that Mayer cat FN. Hell, I don't know what's going on with popular figures or anything else, then I come here and get a lesson in popular culture. Shit, you probably just got that guy some business for his music or whatever. He ain't even worth talking about.
I am a Black Activist born here on this soil the land of my family and ancestors who were subject to the depravity of white supremacy as such and I will always use the word nigger in any context I so desire..I reject any and all efforts and attempts to censor history in part becuase it offends white folks and modern day Black folks and of course Black Apologists...
FN is not a native born Black American as such I view all Blacks who do not have roots on the soil opinions on this issue with reservations..I respect thier opinions I am not compelled to agree with them....
Hey Thrasher, did you know there's a shitty NHL(thats Hockey) team named after you?? I'd be pissed off too..And good on ya with that Native Born thang...wish more y'all N-words thought like that, a few of y'all might actually get a job in the Construction biz...
I'll at least give Mr. Mayer the barest benefit of the doubt to the degree that he felt the need to have a catharsis on stage and on twitter.
Other that that, I'll vote with my wallet. That's one less John Mayer album I'll buy and one more Ledisi or Jill Scott album that I'll buy.
Hey Frank, no one likes you. Not even Jesus.
Some whites doing some good things in Haiti.
Thrasher, I respect your opinnion as well. But what difference does it make where I was born?
M. Rigmaiden, Mayer is somewhat famous. I am not into his music, myself, but I suspect that there are some folks (black and white) who are.
Jela, I disagree with you about Mayer's motivations for using the wird. I think he would have used it whether black people use that word or not. (For the record, I don't think that we should use the word so casually, either. Although I am not as offended as some folks when I hear rappers and other artists-such as writers-using the word.)I think it's a cop out that some people use when they want to use the word. See, they say it, why can't we?
Bill Clinton's in the Hospital because he's been working himself to death (almost literally) for the people of Haiti and yet some folks are no damn better than republicans. Even if you can't reconcile the things you believe to have happened, kicking someone when they're down is both dishonorable and shameful.
As to Mayer... his words are both racist and sexist. It's sort of interesting that I've read very few folks mention the sexist aspect. Good job field. One thing that I'll give him is that he recognized his use of the n-word as arrogant.
FN the orgin of one's birth makes a difference on a number of layers including if you wanted to run for president of our nation etc..
On a more serious note I find that the majority of Black folks who were not born in the USA reflect a different mindset and posture with regard to white supremacy here in the USA than Black folks who are born here in the USA
I based my perspective on emperical data and my life experience etc..
I am not discounting the views of Black folks not born in the USA on white supremacy I am just acknowledging the difference I have observed in my life experiences etc..
Because you only share skin color. You are not part of the American legacy of slavery, the evils endured etc.
I'm so tired of these unknown white entertainers using the "N" word to grab the spotlight and get their name recognized. Well, I hope gets a gig at an all black nightclub in South Central L.A.
You a mess! Smh!
I bet Obama will invite him to the white house like he did the redneck cop for a beer...
More honesty and less hypocrisy/PC is just what the good doctor ordered. Say it like it is, say it like how you really feel.
"On a more serious note I find that the majority of Black folks who were not born in the USA reflect a different mindset and posture with regard to white supremacy here in the USA than Black folks who are born here in the USA
I based my perspective on emperical data and my life experience etc.."
Fair point. But my personal experience- living in A-merry-ca on and off all of my life, being married to an A-merry-can and being from an Island where the black population was enslaved- says otherwise. But that's a debate for another time, and one that i would love to have.
To me, the black Diaspora, regardless of where you were born, is all a part of the same collective. And it should be treated as such. This "it's an American black thing and you don't understand it" never made sense to me.
"You are not part of the American legacy of slavery, the evils endured etc."
Anon. show me your whip marks and I will show you mine.
"More honesty and less hypocrisy/PC is just what the good doctor ordered. Say it like it is, say it like how you really feel."
Amedn "dukuhead"! Hey, what does that mean?
Anonymous 8:29:
You joking right? Slavery existed in the West Indies too and was just as bad. A lot of slaves were shipped from the West Indies to America. Or did you not know that many of African Americans born in the USA have West Indies roots somewhere down the line back in the past?
A lot of blacks on the East coast, in NOLA, S.C. and N.C. had ancestors or were born in the West Indies. Most of my ancestors on my dad's side originated from the West Indies that ended up in NOLA. Have you ever heard of the race riot back in the 1800's in St. John the Baptist Parish? Those slaves were from the West Indies.
Don't forget that many Africans were shipped down to South America (Brazil). There are more down there than there are up here. As for Meyer, I'm at the point where I really don't care if they're honest or not. I guess that I've become so prejudiced, I don't deal with a lot of folks to begin with...LMAO!
Your post
"This "it's an American black thing and you don't understand it" never made sense to me."
Affirms my premise and my emperical and life experiences about Black folks not born here in the USA...becuase you were not born in the USA you would make such a statement but I agree it is a chat for another day..
Yes you and I are part of the Black Diaspora nevertheless our shared collective still hase distinct cultural nuances....Again to be continued for another day...
Thanks ch555x, it slipped my mind but you right.
hi there-
FN, i, too, realized that John Mayer is a cad. kissing and telling is not gentleman behavior. how he got stuck apologizing only for the racial slur is interesting to me. he owes Washington and Simpson an apology as well.
j, i agree with you. no one mentions how sexist his comments were. his offensive spiel about Kerry Washington was very off-putting. the focus on race alone, leaves a vital half of bfolks' concerns unaddressed.
i am confused by the bw that seek to be offended because he said he was not "open" to dating bw. choosing to be offended by that assertion strikes me as silly. he did not denigrate bw, other than Kerry Washington. after he put JSimpson out there the way that he did, i am happy he is not "open" to dating bw. who needs/wants that?
i have always liked John Mayer's music. his lyrics in particular. he should only sing his song "my stupid mouth" for a period of time. lol! how fitting would that be?
as it relates to the slur, more bfolks should understand that one cannot disrespect themselves and then scream racism when others pile on. i don't like that word at all. i particularly don't like it when folks act like it is a term of endearment. it makes as much sense as lovingly calling someone a child molestor or rapist. smh. hopefully more folks will wise up soon. Field, rappers putting it in rap songs puts that word in everyone's mouth. ever been in a diverse group when popular rap songs are played and folks are rapping along? i have. it is all bad.
thanks for allowing me to share.
When I was younger I was in the BP party often we would try to recruit folks in the venue and have a rap sessions , I often found the home grown brothers more pagan and ruthless towards white supremacy than brothers from the south and those from the islands..
We all shared a common collective but our volumes were different when the rap was on...
I doubt if Mayer is a racist, he's too full of himself and that little thing that he thinks is making white chicks go nuts when its near them, when most would tell you they are faking it. Mayer spewed the n-word as I would bet the house on he has worked with these rappers and other non-singers like him who use it daily if front of white folks, not like the old days when the blacks who use it, and, not all did or do, behind closed doors or only in their areas.
The n-word has to be stopped, but, until blacks stop spewing that vile word out loud and proud in music, films, busses and trains and everywhere else, don't expect others to, even bland white boys like Mayer who think they and the word are cool and hip.
Nonsense on a number of your talking points..I define the power of nigger 24/7 wherever I am..I use it with my hoodrats and with the young og's..I will smack the shit of a white person liberal or conservative if the term is used in any manner I find offensive..
When I employ the word I do not give a fuck about white folks impressions of me nor when I used the term doI feel I am disrespecting myself..I pay zero concern to such fictional black apologist conventions..
It is the eternal penalty that white culture must pay for thier depraved legacy of white supremacy..As I posted earlier I have zero intentions of censoring history and words so not to offend white folks and others..
I alone reserve the right to define how I deal with evil etc..Because of my Black cultural DNA I will respect Black folks in my orbit who have issues with the word but my circle of people know I will always reserve the right to say nigger 24/7 whenever/wherever cause I can as a Black man on this soil where my people lived and died becuase they were niggers..
I define what is matters in my world...
Then whites will have to use that word in peril 24/7 in my orbit ..
"It is the eternal penalty that white culture must pay for their depraved legacy of white supremacy..
Damn, that was good.
@Trapped in SC,
Feeling Ya..Thanks
John Mayer is a famous musican and I brought his Continuum four years and my niece created a dance piece using his song Gravity from the CD. My musical tastes varies from Sade to Renee Fleming to Sugarland to John Legend to the Mighty Clouds of Joy. I am not the kind of person who pays what is popular, but what my ears hear and if the music touches me emotionally. John Mayer had changed the direction of his music with more of a blues rock, but unfortunately, he could use a personality adjustment.
John Mayer has no class and this could be reason that Jennifer Aniston stop seeing him. I think of him more as a punk and socially inept. I will not be purchasing another CD of his again. And could someone tell me what is a hood card? Field I am not one of those people who uses the term nigger and not the n-word. I will tell you this I do not refer to any as a nigger, and the word was simply not used in my house. In fact, the only time I use the word is when a discussion such as this one. I find writing or saying the n-word gives it more credence thus giving it more power. The word is not going away. Nothing distrubs more than reading an article and a forbidden word like f_ _k appears, and I ask what is this hangman. I am an adult, and I can take it.
I have music recommendation, buy Sade's new CD.
Frank, "You might remember, he was the one who ordered some tasty Pee-Can Pie for his last meal, but saved some for later..."
LOL...was he saving it for "after" the execution? ROFLMAO!
"A lot of blacks on the East coast, in NOLA, S.C. and N.C. had ancestors or were born in the West Indies. Most of my ancestors on my dad's side originated from the West Indies that ended up in NOLA. Have you ever heard of the race riot back in the 1800's in St. John the Baptist Parish? Those slaves were from the West Indies."
Thank you Granny. You are starting the debate sooner than I anticipated. But yes, those are some of my talking points.
"It is the eternal penalty that white culture must pay for thier depraved legacy of white supremacy..As I posted earlier I have zero intentions of censoring history and words so not to offend white folks and others..
I alone reserve the right to define how I deal with evil etc..Because of my Black cultural DNA I will respect Black folks in my orbit who have issues with the word but my circle of people know I will always reserve the right to say nigger 24/7 whenever/wherever cause I can as a Black man on this soil where my people lived and died becuase they were niggers..
I define what is matters in my world..."
Trasher, that was profound. I don't agree with you 100% But it was a deep statement nevertheless.It's how you feel and you are expressing it.
"When I was younger I was in the BP party often we would try to recruit folks in the venue and have a rap sessions , I often found the home grown brothers more pagan and ruthless towards white supremacy than brothers from the south and those from the islands.."
You never met my sister. Back in the day she put the Angela in Davis. :)
"I have music recommendation, buy Sade's new CD."
Thrasher "I am a Black Activist born here on this soil the land of my family and ancestors who were subject to the depravity of white supremacy as such and I will always use the word nigger in any context I so desire..I reject any and all efforts and attempts to censor history in part becuase it offends white folks and modern day Black folks and of course Black Apologists..."
Good thinking you idiot. Malcolm X would be proud of your "Black Activist" ass. Since we are not censoring words, may I say that "you are one dumb jungle bunny?" In the interest of past history is that ok with you, bro?
That would have been wonderful and my privledge of course..
Thanks again for allowing me to be at home in your house..
Have a good nite:-)
Your post reflect the usual nothingness I encounter from white posters with penis envy now run along and wait for my next bitch slap post directed at your cowardly ass for posting under an alias you wimp..
Now go and report me to homeland security white boy....tee hee..
Wake me up in the morning when you show up wih them..lol,lol,lol
I'm a lurker and enjoy your site, dropping by every once in a while to educate myself on what's happening in the black community.
While googling today the topic I was requesting came up in a thread on a website called "Niggermania".
At first, I thought that this might be a spoof site and sardonic, much like "What White People Like", etc so clicked on it, expecting tongue-in-cheek sarcastic commentary much like Dave Chappelle.
Instead, this site is filled with so much irrational hate and venom, it literally emanates from the screen and filled me with cold dread and revulsion.
While I admire the fact that you keep an Open Door Policy and believe in letting people spew what they will, so that they can be exposed for who they are, this goes well beyond thoughtless, reflexive slurs.
I'm not even sure how one begins to reach someone with this mindset, before they teach their children to hate and perpetuate the cycle. Somehow, this type of invective should be brought to the attention of the ISP.
Check it out for yourself, but be warned, it is offensive.
Field, "To me, the black Diaspora, regardless of where you were born, is all a part of the same collective. And it should be treated as such. This "it's an American black thing and you don't understand it" never made sense to me."
I co-sign 100%. Blacks who claim their suffering as slaves in America to something unique and exclusive to others in the Western Hemisphere are full of it.
i don't like that word at all. i particularly don't like it when folks act like it is a term of endearment.
I see this a lot among high school/college aged young people. My son is "white" and his closest friend is Black. The other young people he hangs with have family members from Samoa, Pakistan, Iran and Mexico. In this predominantly white, very conservative state, kids who are "non-white" stick together for the most part; racial tensions between different groups are minimized in their solidarity against the conservative white majority.
Within this closely knit circle of friends, there is much friendly joking and all the kids of color throw terms like "my nig" around casually. My white son, who has been raised with an understanding of the power and nuance of words and the knowledge that some terms are just not his to use, told me about the time his friend granted him "permission" to use this "term of endearment."
He was somewhat flattered but also ambivalent and cautiously tentative; he eventually decided he wasn't really comfortable using even a derivative of such an incendiary term.
I don't mean to excuse John Mayer in the least--just to comment that the diversity of opinion on this term is wide. Perhaps he perceived his "hood pass" gave him permission to us this word with impunity. But even my son realizes that what might fly within a group of close friends won't necessarily fly in public, and might just get your ass kicked.
Off Topic:
But what is wrong with people nowadays? I read today in the newspaper that a 63 year old woman was raped. Smh!
There too many people with diseased minds in our society. You never know from day to day what will come up next. This world is in bad shape. Smh!
Field I was thinking like you on the John Mayer thing. Its not that surprising anymore when a famous person lets out the N word. I think what is noteworthy is how they respond to what they have done and the criticism they get. I mean are they really going to look at their behavior or jus try to clean it up.Personally, I will allow for folks to say they're sorry and try to forgive and forget. Now after they apologize we can watch and see if they mean it.
Trapped in SC- "Hey Frank no one likes you even Jesus"
I have to disagree with you on that one my friend. There are definitely some bizarre interpretations of Jesus these days (read Pat Robertson, fundamentalist Christians and some evangelicals)but the idea of Jesus not loving someone or forgiving someone would lead the pack. Fortunately for most of us Jesus loves us all.
Field - I aint feeling the Slickster for the reasons already given and the fact that he did what the conservatives and even the Reagan administration couldn't do and that is cut out welfare as we know it. He called it welfare reform. And before anybody starts yelping about folks need to get a job. The purpose of welfare is to deal with the reality that even in the best of times for the many there are simply not enough jobs to go around. And folks shouldn't starve and even if they are inept and lazy the children shouldn't suffer. And besides that Slick Willie didn't cut back on the corporate hustlers feeding from the corporate welfare trough.
And Slick guy began the economic blockade of Iraq -before Bush finished the job by invading-keeping them from getting medicines and baby food including milk indirectly causing the deaths of thousands of Iraqi infants. Look it up.
Thrasher-- I am feeling what you said to some extent. But it does seem a bit off putting to hear young people screaming the N word all over the place when you are on public transportation or out in public in general.
Since words have meaning I suspect that the real reason the word won't die in our community is because deep down inside many of us --and I suspect especially many young people-- feel like niggers in the sense that there is a gnawing sense of inferiority or haunting us.
On the other hand I give props to our folks who took a word meant to degrade us and use it like we wanted to sometimes good as in 'thats my nigger' and sometimes familiar as in 'nigger please', and sometimes just a plain old negative as in that 'nigger ain't nothing.'
Black folks who say that black folks using the term nigger give white folks justification or an excuse to use it, are either a bit naive or purposely missing the fact that the word nigger has a different connotation when aimed at a black person from a white mouth. Its comparing apples to oranges. Black folks using the word nigger has nothing to do with white folks calling black folks nigger.
I mean it wasn't black folks who invented the term!
Oh and thanks Granny for the history reminder and others who added to it. Talking about ways to keep black folks divided. Lawd have mercy the island versus US Negro foolishness has got to stop.And so does the African born vs US born black foolishness have to end. The white folks who discriminate.. the white folks who discriminate don't stop to differentiate between black folks born in Jamiaca and black folks born in the US. Yes I am aware of the exception to that as well.
In Miami there was a company that sought to fulfill their EEOC committment by hiring only and I mean only West Indian Blacks.(In Minneapolis/St.Paul the favored blacks are Somalian, How is the game played in your town?) Some of the managers in the company made a point of saying the West Indians worked better, and were just better than American blacks. This was great until his butt got sued for discriminating against these better class of blacks. And to the credit of a few West Indians, when they got in position to hire, they broke the pattern and went out of their way to hire American born blacks.
I guess Mayer will be checking into racist pig rehab?
And those Black people in his band have def earned house negro status.
Not only is John C. Mayer a racist, but he is also a sexist, a misogynist and a homophobe. And yet, men and women, both Black and White, miss/ignore/deny these aspects of his comments. It isn't just about the N-word; the issues go much deeper than that. Not saying if John C. Mayer only stopped at the N-word that it wouldn't be bad enough, but he *doesn't* stop there, and that, to me, makes him the lowest form of humanity.
I'm with Field on this one. It is always nice to know how people truly feel.
I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he's wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil.
-Malcolm X
This wasn't him making a mistake or slipping up because he was trying to be "clever" and prove a point. This is white privilage and entitlement. This is why many white people can never understand why they cannot use the word. They're not used to not being able to do or say something.
As far as Bill Clinton, to me he is in the same boat as Mayer. But I wish him well and hope he gets better. I wouldn't wish harm on anyone, not even racists.
About the comments concerning the differentiation amongst blacks in this country and the West Indies:
The West Indies had more black slaves than in most parts of what we now know as the United States. Therefore, their historical slave experience will naturally be different than those slaves in the (now) US.
The white slave owners were actually afraid of the slaves in the Indies because they were outnumbered, so they were treated with a different respect than the slaves in the US.
When you grow up in a society where your skin color is the majority and not the minority your outlook on life will be different, which you will pass along to your children's children.
The reasoning behind the different ways of expression between blacks in the deep south and blacks in northern cities, with respect to how they deal with race issues, has more to do with the experiences of the south historically; which were much more tumultuous than what blacks experienced in the north.
That is not to discount the urban ghettos in the north where they were entirely segregated from all normal, healthy amenities. It is simply a different experience.
Blacks in the south are not as vocal about how they will go about an action plan...too many of their family members have been lynched and come up missing. Silence is sometimes the order of the day.
But you must remember that the first Black Panther party began in Lowndes County, Alabama. Still one of, if not the, poorest county in the nation.
@ Trasher:
I have a lot of respect for what you stated about the use of the word nigg*r. I felt the exact same way for most of my life...until I went to the deep south and used it in front of some elders. Needless to say they were highly offended.
However, I have used to word in front of elders in the north and for some it did not bother them.
As you stated, this is a word that all people will wrestle with for a very long time. It was actually instituted in th 1500's. An Englishman went to Africa and saw blacks for the first time. He termed the word to describe the poorest and least intellectual of the Africans in the tribes.
Please see see the book: White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812.
This is the 2nd time I have mentioned this book on this blog. It is an important book that should be in every library and home.
@ FN:
I have no love for any of the Clintons. His ability to make you think you're the only person in the room is a practiced act.
He was for "tough on crime" when he ran for Gov. in Arkansas...which is code for lock the black men up and throw away the key.
After he fooled blacks into thinking he was on their side, he instituted the 3 strikes law...just for crack cocaine thought...another way to fill the prisons up with black men. And now they have to let out the non-violent offenders because of overcrowding. (I'm surprised at you FN for falling for this shyster! Shame on you!)
And he got head in OUR TAXPAYING CITIZEN'S Oval Office while ON THE JOB WE PAY HIM for...disgracing the Oval Office for the sake of some head... just a blazing idiot.
I never once jigged when he played his saxophone. Got no love for any of the Clintons...no white skin privelege here.
Having staff take documents (in plain sight) out of the White House for that scam he and Shrillary pulled (Whitewater). And the dead guy got moved so he could be found under a tree, he died elsewhere.
I think they are thieving, lying treacherous, murderers who love lust and perversion (yeah I said it).
His wife go the job because sometimes you have to keep your friends close and your enemies closer...Obama knows that...he came out of Chicago politics.
And he developed his heart issues because he has a piss poor diet and was the President of the United States.
I wonder how much money he plans to make off the black folks in Haiti...talking about making a pact with the devil...
Your hatred for the Clintons is off the charts. You must be a Republican and don't know it yet.
Michael Steele might want to embrace you.
@ annon:
If you are referring to me - agape2010, I do not hate anyone. I leave that to hate mongers.
I have both repub and dem leanings...I am like the majority of Americans, and I don't choose to have party affiliations.
Michael Steele and I have chatted and he did hug me...and I still think he's dumb as a rock.
Clinton, on the other hand, turned his head when he saw me...I guess he knew what I knew about him.
Carter has hugged me, Johnson shook my hand, Ford hugged me and Nixon has hugged me. I don't remember Reagan hugging me, but he may have way before he was pres.
I have chatted with Obama - but no hugs. However, the First lady did hug me.
So I guess I get embraced when the feeling hits them.
It matters less whether I get embraced by whomever. The Clintons brought in "gotcha" politics. Hence the way the mainstream media is today.
"Some whites doing some good things in Haiti."
Ofcourse Whites are always doing good things in Black countries.
*Rolling eyes*
Now we have the "I helped Haiti " card after the "I voted for Obama" card.
I actually just heard about this. Idk it was wrong for him to say it, but we live in a connected society so black people have to take responsibility for using it so much they make it appear ok
Although I respect every black person's right to find his or her own center of gravity where the use of the word, "nigga," is concern, I don't use the word casually, or often, and, when I do, it's not in a context of endearment, nor disparagement, but because it's a topic under discussion, as in this case.
Here's why: too many blacks have died, and the last word that they heard was the word, "nigga," chanted by whites, just before they were hanged, or tarred and feathered, and then hanged, or brutally killed in some other fashion.
"As to Mayer... his words are both racist and sexist. It's sort of interesting that I've read very few folks mention the sexist aspect. Good job field. One thing that I'll give him is that he recognized his use of the n-word as arrogant."
Actually I was more offended by the sexist part. The way he treats women in his life is totally unacceptable.
But I think we should come up with a name for the combination of racism and sexism directed at Black women by practically all men including Black ones. I don't take issue with him not dating Black women, but to say
"I don't think I open myself to it. My d*ck is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a f*ckin' David Duke c*ck. I'm going to start dating separately from my d*ck."
You get the sense that Black women to him are these creatures from another planet that one has to be out of their mind to date.
You don't find black women attractive, fine, to each his own but no need to be so disparaging.
Its like someone going to great lengths to prove their heterosexuality by abusing homos. Totally unnecessary and offensive.
Also I just learnt that he is half Jewish yet he goes on to claim white Supremacy for his little bit. The irony. You would think he would know better.
He sounds like those almost White people all over blogosphere who have to be racist to prove their Whiteness. We all know the kind. Or the minority that has to prove his disdain for Blacks to gain acceptance from whites.
Whenever someone says something disparaging about Blacks look very closely at their heritage, they may be trying to "assimilate
Mayer is probably racist but what else is new. It's okay for him to have a preference about women-that's not racist. The racial slur was referencing what some people indeed call a n***** pass but he says he doesn't have one. The real ugly stuff is making comments about what he would do with specific women (Kerry Washington).
Anyway, he's not the first white musician to suddenly have an attack of honesty. Eric Clapton got drunk and told everyone to vote for Enoch Powell (white supremacist), saying "get the wogs out, get the foreigners out, get the coons out". Elvis Costello called Ray Charles "a blind ignorant n*****" and said similar things about James Brown. Ted Nugent calls Detroit and New Orleans "Planet of the Apes". Some of the Rolling Stones' most loved songs talk about whipping slave women at midnight or that black women just want to be f**** all night. These folks all have or have had massive careers and with the exception of Costello have never apologized or retracted.
So compared to this stuff, it's hard to get outraged by Mayer.
"I have no love for any of the Clintons. His ability to make you think you're the only person in the room is a practiced act."
True. And guess what? I knew it was practiced at the tme, and he still came off as sincere. That's what poli-tricksters do.
agape and mellanious, great points, and you both are really making me think. I love getting my brain stimulated early in the morning.
Co-sign with Grata & missincognegro abou the sexism part of my man's rant.
"Here's why: too many blacks have died, and the last word that they heard was the word, "nigga," chanted by whites, just before they were hanged, or tarred and feathered, and then hanged, or brutally killed in some other fashion."
BD, great counter-point to Traasher. I hope he/she responds
I say "Nigga Pleeze" all the time,,
at the Popeye's drive through...i.e.
"Nigga Pleeze get me some more hot sauce"
any ya'll comin to the A-T-L for "Fraknick"? its supposed to be sorta the Nigger version of Spring Break, where instead of getting drunk and arrested in Florida you get drunk and arrested in Atlanta...
Frank "Sieg Heil" Drackman
I am not, nor will I ever be a fan of Mayer, but the combo attack on the black female was harsh, and totally unnecessary. Mayer was clearly trading in his 'hood pass' for the tea party/kkk card, do'nt leave home without it John.
Thanks 'Thrasher' and 'agape2010'.
I attended Howard University and was almost run out of there by my island and continental African brothers and sisters. I would speak strongly on things concerning white supremacy and would be soundly chided for being the Black American rebel without a cause. yikes! lol! I kept turning the proverbial 'other cheek' to my island and African cousins and paid for it dearly. Be that as it may, I appreciate your work here 'Mr. Field', as it's going to take all of the 'African diasporan 'village' to keep 'us' going.
I'm sorry Field, you my man 50 grand and all, but you're off on this one.
Real talk?
What Mayer said by referencing a "nigger pass," was indeed very profound. His point (I wish you provided readers with the quote to judge for themselves) was that people are of the assumption that he has a "ghetto pass" because of the Hip Hop artists he's worked with over the years. His response was:
"Someone asked me the other day, “What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?” And by the way, it’s sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, “I can’t really have a hood pass. I’ve never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, ‘We’re full.’"
Now, anyone any sense can see that what he said holds much weight and refutes the claim of him being a racist.
Now, as for his "white supremacist" dick? Goddamn can a mu'fucka tell a joke every now and then? Hell, NIGGAS (yeah I said it bitches) were mad because of this, but yet they laughed their asses off at Dave Chappelle's skit on "The Niggar Family" a few years ago?
See, that's that silly double standard. And in this case all this talk was media driven to get Negroes worked up in a frenzy. Half the people I know who are upset about this haven't even read the entire interview as I have.
So no, I see no racism here. And I also think it's sad that we spent two days talking about John Mayer at the water cooler and in the media instead of the 20th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's release from prison - which was yesterday.
If you wanna talk about racism? Or get mad about racism. How about the story about the white cop who shot and killed 73yr old Bernard Monroe in Louisiana last February? Yeah, how about the decision to not take that white cop to trial by a white grand jury?
So What John Mayer's Penis is Racist! Black Women Won't Sleep with Him Anyway!!
To many Black folks have died with the word Jesus on thier lips as well BTW the same religious belief that slave owners and other were worshipped while castrating, lynching and raping woman and children..
Again I have no problem with how Black folks handle white oppression and the pathologies of the diease of same many of us surrender, many become militant some just do not care, some used the words whites demonized with to enpowered themselves..Again my personhood and cultural dna can handle the currency of the word nigger in any marketplace....
With regard to the impact of slavery in the Black Diasporathe range of impact and our reactions to white oppression simply confirms the spectrum of its lethal nature...Black folks regardless of origin developed a number of paradigms to live and develop even today in this century with a passive one black man in the white house our postures to white oppression requires calibration . I know my cultural dna has the intellectual and social capital to navigate..
One final note the Black band members of Mayer's band should have made him pay for his racism, we have today to many Black actors and offers wearing the uniform of compliance and being conduits of white privledge and saying nothing just going along..Sacrifice is in order if history is at stake
you can read the whole thing here.
it's long. do a word search for "hood" and it will bring you to it.
IMHO, the n word conversation is one that needs to be had within the black community.
Who the hell cares what white people think about it? How long are we going to allow them to decide what we say, or when and how we say it?
Personally, I don't like the word, but I'm with Thrasher in that I'll be damned if I'm going to let white people be any kind of factor in my choice, one way or the other.
It's simply illogical to believe white people will magically stop saying it when black people do. That's like the people who say, "all this talking about race is what's keeping racism alive! If we all just stop seeing color...". I'm sure you've all heard that one.
Anyway, as far as Mayer goes...I'm a black woman who likes a couple of his songs, but I wouldn't have let him do me with Idris Elba's penis, and that's saying a lot. The man is a misogynist and a homophobe.
His comments about black women don't bother me because I know far too many black women who express similar sentiments about "pink penis". In other words, ain't nan one of us checkin' for him anyway.
My issue is that open season on black women continues. He (and the rest of the media) needs to keep our name out his mouth. Once again, the "black women aren't desirable" mantra is front and center in the media. It's old and tired.
h"Here's why: too many blacks have died, and the last word that they heard was the word, "nigga," chanted by whites, just before they were hanged, or tarred and feathered, and then hanged, or brutally killed in some other fashion."
BD, great counter-point to Traasher. I hope he/she responds
Please respond as well, you cosigned with using it, differently perhaps, but it's use as well.
oh maria, stop fooling, you probably have a scription to the mag.
Off Topic: This white woman kills her husband, why? Chick was scared.
The killing drew the FBI’s attention after Nazi mementos, radioactive materials and instructions on how to build a ‘dirty bomb’ were found in their home. ….Her husband was angered by Barack Obama’s election as president and the bomb-making materials were discovered near the time of Obama’s inauguration… “
Thanks to Maria, I just read the full interview. Folks, I what I see is JM calling out the coded power of language. "Hood Pass" is used by Whites as a nice way of saying Nigger Pass. He was calling it as it is. He was not agreeing with the negative connotation of the term. Sexist--check. But racist, not in this interview. Calling reality what it is, in somewhat challenging manner I think, does not racist make. Kuddos to the white folks who see how language is coded by their own and to those who call it out. Read it again folks. He did us the term nigger, but see how it's contextualized, see how it's used as a quote of sorts by others. There is nothing wrong with that. My white prof the other day was talking about racism and quoted a line from a racist and used the term. I didn't cry racism. Those of you who truly are activists know that we must call things what they are, regardless of who does the calling.
Off Topic: This white woman kills her husband, why? Chick was scared.
The killing drew the FBI’s attention after Nazi mementos, radioactive materials and instructions on how to build a ‘dirty bomb’ were found in their home. ….Her husband was angered by Barack Obama’s election as president and the bomb-making materials were discovered near the time of Obama’s inauguration… “
Also the "best part":
James Cummings, then, gets added to the growing list of white people – mostly white men – who are so angered by the election of black president that they are contemplating resorting to violence. Amber Cummings reported feeling an “escalating sense of doom” about her husband’s plans to set off large scale destruction and his increasing abuse of her and their daughter.
There's a section on Jon Mayers ass too in this article.
FN, poor reporting man. You should have done a little more research and reading.
Slow down, read up a little more, perhaps pay less attention to all "those emails" you get and get back to the good reporting you used to to.
One of the biggest components of racism chasing is actually chasing issues that you really have not even issued a critical gaze to, or jump on before before reading it etc.
I love ya bro, and will be around in the future. Just some input from a mostly silent follower who wants only the best for this site. We all have to tighten up a bit.
He digs our music not our women. Good, one less cracker we have to worry about polluting the gene pool.
I'm not going to read to much into Mayer's remark.
From all I've read and seen, he's a pretty cool guy with black friends and associates.
He made a remark that should remain private in a magazine interview.
I grew up in the Bronx and the white kids I went to high school with and partied with called each other niggas.
So did some Puerto Ricans.
Some of us blacks called each other schmucks and maricons.
It was a cross-pollinated atmosphere and we all absorbed each others vernacular.
Well said Steve. It's a very contextual topic.
@Rippa, thanks for your comment. It's amazing how the use of that ugly word can lead to so much off the chart accusations and useless mental gymnastics. What a waste.
@Thraser, Do you feel pride when you use a racist word that diminishes Blacks?
Where's your dignity for yourself and your race?
Before you 'declare' YOUR right to degrade so many Blacks with a historically depraved word that has dehumanized thousands of black Americans, maybe you should develop some compassion and self-worth for yourself and your race.
Using the n-word wasn't the only problematic remark he made with regards to race. What about his remarks on Kerry Washington and other black women? They're sexist and racist. Moreover, he's made racist statements in public before (his stand-up routine, his Asian jokes, etc.). I have a hard time believing he was intellectualizing anything. He's not exactly known for his social consciousness.
I agree with mellaneous that equating Blacks who use the term and Whites who use the term is problematic (I say this as someone who never uses the word and wishes it would disappear). It's one of those arguments that always leads back to the dangers of rap music! I'm only half-kidding, but I reject this notion that minorities have to be faultless/blameless (or bear the added burden of the actions of Whites). Racists don't need an excuse to be racist. Just because some Black people are okay with his behavior doesn't give him - or anyone else - permission to demean others. Some of the excuses for him skate way too close to the "He can't be racist. He has Black friends" argument.
On another note, I know he plays blues music and has been on Chappelle's Show. But, I'm seriously questioning this idea that he had this great credibility with Black people. I'm doubting he interacts with any who aren't sometimes-collaborators (Kanye West) or depending on him for a paycheck (his band). I doubt West or Chappelle consider him close friends.
He's a waste of space, plain and simple.
Rippan,I love you too,bro but I did read the entire Playboy interview,and I stand by my post.
Read my post again;I said I was not going to post about Mayer until I saw his apology.Now I tend to think logically-it is a requirement of my profession-and my man would not be apologizing if he did not think he did something wrong.And besides being an ignorant racist(my opinion)he is a sexist as some of the posters above pointed out as-as well.
And speaking of opinions;that's what I do here,give my opinion.THIS IS A BLOG not CNN.If you want journalism read the NY Times.
As for the "N" word,anon.I have given my opinions on it countless times before.You might have to jump on Google,I am in the middle of something else right now.Maybe later.
"What is with famous people when they are caught dropping the "N" word or some other insensitive s#*t going on the apology tour? Watch, he is going to call Rev. Inc. next and they will absolve him of his racial sins. Trust me, once Rev. Inc. says that you are not a racist, you can assimilate back into the PC version of A-merry-can society. Now that's a gig I would love to have."
For once in my life I will give CF some dap.
I alway wondered why Jesse and Al were so quick to meet with racists like Duane Dog Chapman and Michael Richards after their public rants.
Well it seems that the Revs for hire meet the racists, publicly forgive them and then receive hefty donations to PUSH and National Action Network respectively.
If that ain't peddling in flesh, I don't know what is.
Dr. King and Brother Malcolm must be rolling in their graves.
Good thing John votes democrat.
If he voted republican his career would be over.
It's that democrat double standard.
Great points ASHLEY, maybe we should ALL read the article again.
Sorry for my more than usual typos folks,I am on my crackberry.
I am a white guy. I like everybody black, white, blue and purple. Me and my homies use the word nigger all the time and I reserve the right to define the power of that word wherever I am 24/7 and I will smack the shit out of anybody (white, black, blue or purple) who tells me I can't use it 24/7 wherever I am. I decide what matters in MY WORLD and no one else, whether they be white, black, blue or purple. If it makes other white people who are racists uneasy, then good, that's what the racists deserve.
Btw (and not essential to my point), why should I give a shyte if it offends some black people if all the black people who use it don't give a shtye if it offends some black people.
white anon,
I love my race
I love my peeps
but i agree so much with your post
i hope your place comes from a pure heart
Because nothing's more empowering than using and defining a racial slur that was never personally used to demean me!
Anon and Marie
"Nigger" It's just a word. I don't use it to demean anybody and none of my friends white Asian or Black use it to demean anybody. We define its meaning and I'll use it like I like, where I like, when I like, regardless of how it was used in the past.
I'm no better or worse than anybody else on this planet and I'll not be held to any standard other than being as fair to everyone else as everyone else is to me.
This conversation about the use of the term "nigger" reminds me of the conversation that Oprah and JayZ had on her show. He basically said that rappers feel like they have given power to the word. If it has been given power, then anyone would be able to use it without reprocussion. I think its a false sense of power that Blacks have fill they obtained. Its a "If you cant beat them, join them" mentality. Thats why they KKK isnt as prominent as they use to be, they dont have to kill us; we are killing ourselves physically and mentally. Lets through off all the chains of the past and start to create our own destiny.
Anonymous said...
Anon and Marie
"Nigger" It's just a word. I don't use it to demean anybody and none of my friends white Asian or Black use it to demean anybody. We define its meaning and I'll use it like I like, where I like, when I like, regardless of how it was used in the past.
I'm no better or worse than anybody else on this planet and I'll not be held to any standard other than being as fair to everyone else as everyone else is to me.
1:10 PM
i am not "marie" but i think you are speaking to me. i said nothing other than posting the link to the article.
i don't think white people should use the n-word in ANY context and it is stupid beyond belief to use it when you are being taped by a reporter.
anon at 12:36--you sound like a racist, braggart POS. i wonder how much time you even spend with black people. i doubt they like you very much. as a white person, i don't like you, either.
sorry, but it's not "just a word," and probably never will be.
maria stop pretending to be black...it's quite tiresome to those of us who come here for a place of safe refuge.
consider you true reasons for coming her. consider that many of us have not black only spaces.
you seem to forget you are white and benefit greatly from those privilges on a daily basis.
It looks like there have been a few cases of mistaken identity!
Hi Maria, I'm Marie. I think the anonymous poster may have been referring to my comment at 12:56. However, you said everything I was thinking anyway. So thank you for that!
Anonymous at 1:25, Maria wasn't the one exhibiting White privilege. She was quoting a poster from above.
I'm the anon@12:36 and 1:10.
You can think what you want, of course. And you can believe me or not when I say I'm not a racist, braggart POS. I am not a racist, braggart POS.
Believe it or not (again, your choice) there are people in this world who don't fit into nice neat little boxes according to their use of a freakin word. If I'm a racist then so are the black and Asian people I hang out with. Just so you know, they are not. WE use the word all the time and WE know we are not demeaning each other. WE know we are not racist toward each other. WE know we are not racist toward ANYBODY because both our actions AND language clearly say so. YOU don't know us and YOU can't tell us who we are or what words we can use.
And it is just a word. We don't use it to demean, to empower or to do anything else. It's just a part of the language of today. Who gives a flea fluck what other people do or have done with it before.
maria and marie
sorry for the confusion
Maria--the Vanguard of Blacks everywhere
We don't need you.
i don't think white people should use the n-word in ANY context
Then you are retarded. Your limited mind could not comprehend all contexts. I am not going to judge a white person who uses the term in quoting rather than copping out and saying the "N Word". As a black academic, I have heard it used in non-threatening contexts. But you sit on your fat ass on a couch, monitoring this site and think you, as a white person have a right to that type of statement on this board is quite...retarded.
To each a place, to each his/her own.
The word is used in university classrooms all over the country as race and white privilege are dissected and exposed, and you cannot say that "white folks" should not use that work in ANY context.
"My issue is that open season on black women continues. He (and the rest of the media) needs to keep our name out his mouth. Once again, the "black women aren't desirable" mantra is front and center in the media. It's old and tired."
Anon girl,
Actually the context in which he used the N word is pretty debateable and one can convincingly argue that it wasn't racist. But its when he went after Black women that his racism starts becoming clear. Simply saying "I am not attracted to them" would have made a simple point. But his words were heavily coded and any white person or anti BW peson knows what he meant.
Anonymous said:
The word is used in university classrooms all over the country as race and white privilege are dissected and exposed, and you cannot say that "white folks" should not use that work in ANY context.
AGREED! It is used in academic contexts all the time. And how about other cultural contexts? Are white people never to recite the latest Nas or Kanye or Jay-Z verse that uses the word nigger? Are they racists for using it in that context? Or can they recite the verses; just not in front of black people? Could they recite the verse back to Nas (or Kanye or Jay-Z) without being called a racist?
Wait. I got it. I ain't saying she's a gold digger; but she aint messing with no broke n-worders! Dope!
Anonymous said...
Maria--the Vanguard of Blacks everywhere
We don't need you.
i don't think white people should use the n-word in ANY context
Then you are retarded. Your limited mind could not comprehend all contexts. I am not going to judge a white person who uses the term in quoting rather than copping out and saying the "N Word". As a black academic, I have heard it used in non-threatening contexts. But you sit on your fat ass on a couch, monitoring this site and think you, as a white person have a right to that type of statement on this board is quite...retarded.
To each a place, to each his/her own.
The word is used in university classrooms all over the country as race and white privilege are dissected and exposed, and you cannot say that "white folks" should not use that work in ANY context.
1:54 PM
you're a black academic? appalling. i feel sorry for your students, with your hateful manner. you think it's ok to call someone retarded and personally insult them because they state an opinion you don't agree with?
you're a piece of work, i gotta say. and as i have explained before, i do not have a fat as and i am not sitting on a couch.
i am permitted to say that i don't think white people should use the n-word. i am stating my opinion. regardless of how it is used by white people it is always going to be questioned. in my opinion it is better not to. when you know this is a word that is hurtful to most black people, it just should not be used by white people. period.
you'd better check into whether your "academic" institution has a classes on race relations and anger management. you need both.
Thrasher said...
To many Black folks have died with the word Jesus on thier lips as well BTW the same religious belief that slave owners and other were worshipped while castrating, lynching and raping woman and children."
Strange rebuttal. Okay, I'll go along with it: slave owners, and others who supported slavery, or the oppression of blacks, were Christians in name only. They neither practiced Christianity, nor worshiped a Christian God, if they were also able to enslave, or castrate, lynch, and rape women, and children.
The fact that these suppose Christians were also able to perform such heinous acts against humanity, doesn't make them representative of Christianity, anymore than al-Qaeda represents the heart and soul of Islam, or the Muslim faith.
"Again I have no problem with how Black folks handle white oppression and the pathologies of the diease of same many of us surrender...."
We have common ground on this one. Each person must walk his or her own path as he or she sees the road ahead of him.
"Again my personhood and cultural dna can handle the currency of the word nigger in any marketplace...."
I have no preference as to how others perceive, or use the word.
I can only speak for myself.
For myself, I will selectively use the word, so as not to dishonor the horrific experience of those blacks that died under a barrage of the word, "nigga," as they died being brutalized by an angry mob of whites.
It's just not in my "cultural DNA."
White folks already know when and where to drop the word nigger..In chat forums it is easy to be a coward and employ the term in a the real world those who do insert the world do it at thir own peril..
Again my premise remains the same in my orbit if a white person inserts the word and I am offended they will get fucked up it is that simple..
I make the rules in my world..I am the arbiter of my universe those who enter enter under my auspices..
White folks understand this truth when they are around Black folks like me who bring presence..they are not fools..
However I think a more interesting issue is Black folks like Mayer's band who give white guys passes for engaging in racist assaults on Black being..
I do not tolerate mistrels or Black conduits who give quarter to white racist pathologies..
This truth is pervasive in the entertainment venues and educational and religious venues..
I hear what you are saying but Mayer and his bandmates are friends and probably use all kind of salty language toward each other.
Hell, I use racial slurs all the time.
Toward African-Americans, Jamaicans, Africans, Hispanics, Jews, Italians you name it.
I don't it to their faces (unless joking with a friend) and I wouldn't use them in public or around people I don't know.
I think alot of people do the same.
Black culture is not monolithic I worship many gods..I have a global personality and my flow comes in many incarnations..
I see no connection when I used the word nigger and the horrors of slavery..My very essence affirms the being of my ancestors and my community nothing I do dishonors them becuase I am in part a sum of thier souls .. I can engage in the darkness aspect of humanity and be principled not becuase I avoided it but because I confronted it and gave it value..I give value to words I use not white folks..I create my footprints..I define me..
My cultural DNA has the capacity to handle any and all of the underdeveloped behaviors and practices any being on the planet..
My personhood is never challenged by white racism or the impotent posturing of Black apologists..
I am
Your explanation is not the same Mayer offered up an apology to his Black band which clearly denotes a disconnect took place between what was friendly chatter to now a racist rant..
Mayer apparently did not allow his Black band to comment and from my perspective they should have pubically responded ..They gave this penis envy coward a pass.I don't have to..
Once I went to a civil war renactment and I confronted some black actors for being in the skit..I asked then did they get permission from the dead or thier hiers to protray good niggers and slaves in the reenactment of course they did not so why did they think they had license to dehumanize Black folks for a few bucks just to entertain white folks on the weekend..
Again as I posted earlier Sarifice is required when dignity is in play..
Field speaking of Pirates and issues and life and death issues affecting us right now, do these statements from todays NY Times article on the war in Afghanistan imply what I think they do? Anyone else have any thoughts?
"More than at any time since 2001, American and NATO soldiers will focus less on killing Taliban insurgents than on sparing Afghan civilians and building an Afghan state."
“The population is not the enemy,” Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, the commander of the Marines in southern Afghanistan, told a group of troops this week. “The population is the prize — they are why we are going in.”
I agree with this post. I prefer when people say it like they feel it instead of masking their true feelings in political correctness. I also think people give certain terms way too much power. I'm not saying we should allow people to disrespect us, but why give people such an easy tool to get us upset.
IMO the kissing and telling was the most offensive part of his interview....it's just rude to put someone's business out in the streets like that.
@ anon who called me a liar:
Don't hate...it's so eighties...and just not a good look.
@Candor: I DID read the entire article and fully understood the context of what Mayer meant...I don't know who gave him his "hood pass" but it was not me and my crew...so he is denied the use of using the word nigg*r.
@anaon who said he is a white guy:
make sure you stay in your chosen hood with your chosen purple, blue and black friends...if you come to my hood using that word I promise you, with a guarantee, that you will get smoked...My hood is more on the line of thinking like Thrasher...
LMBAO about if you want journalism read the Times...:)
Just wow man. Are you living in the 1950s? White people use the word nigger all the time in front of black people. So do other black people and other groups of people. We all do. And NOBODY is getting "fucked up" for it because we all know its just a word we use. It's a part of our cultural lexicon.
We know racists used it to back in the day and yeah there are still some today who use it to demean people; but we grew up hearing the word used in a totally different and non-racial context and that's how we use it. We can say "what's up my nigga" or we can chill to Nas and recite each lyric verbatim without there being anything mean or racial behind it.
The word is just a part of the lingo of today. Fluck the racists and those who let them control what words they can use.
@Thrasher: "I see no connection when I used the word nigger and the horrors of slavery..My very essence affirms the being of my ancestors and my community nothing I do dishonors them becuase I am in part a sum of thier souls .."
Fine, as you see your place within the black experience. I have no quarrel with your stance.
But would you not say, too, that I have a right, indeed, a duty, to preserve my own vision, to affirm my own truth, and to "honor" blackness as I see fit, and in a way that defines my unique experience within the larger black experience?
You said:
make sure you stay in your chosen hood with your chosen purple, blue and black friends...if you come to my hood using that word I promise you, with a guarantee, that you will get smoked...My hood is more on the line of thinking like Thrasher...
That's cool man. I try to stay away from people who "smoke" other people over words, anyway. I'll just stay here getting sm(t)oked with my purple friends.
Maria, you funny little white bitch.
I work in a African American Studies dept, so hmm....I think we do.
As for anger, yes, many of us black folks have anger. But if you were such a white savior you would know that.
Save your breathe sweetie, it's wasted on me. Blanket statements such as yours are wasted on everyone.
Now get those doritos out of your white trash mouth and get on the EFX machine. You may want to put on some Beyonce, and pretend.
To those that sat in classes of higher learning listening to the word nigg*r by their professor's:
Shame on you! I did not and would not EVER let a white professor use the word nigg*r for any reason encoded in "learning".
I stated upfront, before the scheduled class that I would not tolerate hearing that word from a white man/woman. I also stated that I would be in class to see if the used the word. They did not, out of respect for my feelings and thoughts on whites using the word. And the class still learned the subject matter. Go figure!
My cultural DNA could not, would not stomach it (and I did not watch the Dave Chappelle show for the same reasons Mr. Chappelle decided to stop his show).
I am in full agreement with Thrasher...if you are not prepared to stand up straight...then be prepared to give a white person a piggy back ride.
Good post for the most part.
Your kindness to President Clinton was gracious and more heartfelt than most might appreciate.
I agree that Mr. Mayer demonstrated poor judgment and hope that his remorse becomes more sincere as time passes.
Everything happens for a reason and maybe this will lead him to appreciate the differences in human beings more positively.
Have a great weekend and Valentines Day with your lovely wife,
PS Maria
as for the retarded comment, if it quacks like a duck...
sometimes I feel sorry for my students too, because I push their asses to think. and I teach them that there are some spaces they should not be in (IE this blog).
But as a full prof. with tenure I can do what I want. However, fat armchair wiggers like you are pretty powerless and cannot do what yo want.
Now, enough of this chit chat, it's been fun, but happy hour at the local vodka bar is almost nigh and it's an all black gathering, so please don't crash that party too.
agape = stupid
i am a black professor
Okay idiots, for example:
A local issue is that that occurred recently is that 3 "white guys" called a black guy a nigger as they attached him.
A white professor has every right to state something like:
"The hate crime entailed an act of verbal and physical violence as the 3 Caucasians beat up an African American while changing the term nigger"
The white professor SHOULD NOT SUBSTITUTE "the N word" for Nigger.
Argue it if you will.
@ anon:
What is this post about again...? That's right! The WORD nigg*r!!
Yeah, better you stay high and don't ever come down :)
@Thrasher: "Once I went to a civil war renactment and I confronted some black actors for being in the skit...."
Although you're within your right as a soverign being to do so, I wouldn't have confronted these players, just as I wouldn't challenge those black actors who participated in Gone With the Wind, or Glory, or any other reenactment of black/white history.
And I'll use your own words as to why I wouldn't have:
"My personhood is never challenged by white racism..."
in my rush to blast out of here, I made many typos
changing should read chanting
Are there any other folks on here in academia? I hope so, please chime in whether you agree or not.
@Thrasher: If you are not challenged by white racism, why would you act so violently to a word that comes out of someones mouth? And if YOU have the right to react in such a way, then
EVERYONE has the same right.
ps "prof" -- even tenured profs can get taken down, and your philly dept. head is about to hear about you.
ok, idiot prof--we were talking about in conversation, not in a classroom setting in a discussion about race.
you are an unmitigated asshole.
"It's why when ignorant ass trolls come to this site and drop the "N" word like it's going out of style I let them. Because as ugly as it might seem to you, it's important that you understand what kind of country you live in, and how your neighbors (famous or not) really feel about you. "
It's unfair to say the Mayers (or Mike Richards or the trolls on yor site say anything about how white america (or your neighbors) feel about black people. There is as much, if not more, nasty comments by African Americans (including some famous ones, and some "civil rights" leaders) towards gays, Jews, women, etc.... yet if I said this showed what Black people REALLY felt I would be called a bigot. I get sick of being told that people like Mayers or the trolls on your site reflect badly on white america, they don't- or not any more so that black mysogyny, homophobia, and anti-semitism says anything about African Americans as a whole. We all only speak for ourselves as hatred and ignorance goes in all directions. I have good reason to believe African Americans are no less bigoted than anyone else- and black folks do the same thing Imus and Mayers do to- they make their Mea Cupla's then move on as though their "slip up" doesn't reflect anything about them. Jesse Jackson, Jerimiah Wright, Isaiah Washington, Cynthea Mckiiney (and her daddy) and Isaih Thomas are a few that come to mind who just give some flippant apology for revealing their bigotry... then are shocked if someone think it actually reflects badly on them. At least Mayer and Imus have the decency not to be bigots who claim to be the victim of bigotry- unlike many of the people I listed above who, ironically enough, complain that they are victims of bigotry while they are also the perpetratos of it towards others
I don't know who has Cable on this comment form, but, if you do, turn on Demand and look under Black History, Linda Ellerby is doing a interview with teenager's of all race's, did anyone know during Slavery, little Black children were called little Piggy's! yes, I said it, PIGGY! and they were made to eat in something that looked like a PIG'S PEN!
So how do you like that name? how doe's that name sound to you? or maybe some of you people already knew this! because I Didn't!!!
I watched a movie on Cable last night called (PINKY) go and watch it, if you have cable, it was made in the FORTY'S, White woman playing the part of a black woman, this White actress had to spend time amongst Black people in order to play this part, the way she did, at time's I looked beyond her White Skin and saw what it must have been like to be a Biracial woman during that time! in my opinion this White Woman played her part well, now, that's just my opinion as a Black Woman.
John Mayer doe's NOT know us! these people do NOT know anything about Pain and Suffering! this young man was born with a PASS! did someone say he has Black Musician's? and you want these people to Quit their job's and then what? the reality is, most Black Musician's and Actor's are not concerned about RACISM! why do you think most, but, not all, Marry out of their RACE, look at HALLE BARRY! baby by a White man!
People we cannot take on every person that was given the Right to call us the N word! the question should be, whether or Not, John Mayer support David Duke in his Ideology!
There are many of White performer's that have come out of the wood work in the last two year's, and if someone would have told me these WHITE PEOPLE were RACIST! I would NOT, have believed it! but, keep in mind, these people are Performer's, which mean's, they know how to give a good Performance in the Public!
@~agape2010~ - First, you might like this: ἀγάπη That's your name in the original Koine with accent marks if you don't already have it stashed away somewhere now you can cut and paste it if you like without having to deal with using special keys. :-)
Agape is one of my favorite concepts. And I love (lol) the distinctions made between ἀγάπη (Agape), Philos (φιλία/φίλος) and Eros (ἔρως) in Ancient Greek notions of love. English is one of the best languages as far as having a lot of words to choose from but it often comes up short on certain concepts that are best understood in other languages -- Word/Logos (λόγος) being one example 'word'/concept everyone who studies Christianity should learn the Greek meanings behind.
Second, re: gotcha politics. The Clintons didn't bring that to D.C. or really invent much of anything. Our modern negative politics stems from pretty much Tennessee's 1970 US Senate race of Al Gore Sr. Senate vs. Bill Brock. In that race, Nixon launched the first trial run of the Southern Strategy. Nixon sent consultants and even channeled millions to Brock (this came out during Watergate) all to defeat Al Gore Sr. It was the most negative campaign of its time and launched the modern era of negative politics in many ways.
There is a wonderful book called Going Dirty: The Art of Negative Campaigning by David Mark. It traces the major points of negative poltics and campaigns --the ones that changed things-- in our history. It's both informative and fun to read and I highly recommend it to everyone. There's a lot of stuff on tactics that really surprised me.
Dear Maria,
Good luck, bigger white woman have tried. And tell me which tenured profs who have been "take down". I can think of one. And this person took themsevles down. But , from your couch, you may know more than me.
Just showed your post to my colleagues here (I know, Crackberry is addicting) and they are all laughing at your ignorance.
Stupid statement number 1) A dept. head has no more "power" and much less than many profs. There is no linear power scale as you supposed.
2) I cannot even tell you who the dept. head is. You wouldn't believe me if I tried.
Thanks for providing my brothas and sistas some laughter. BTW, none of them were familar with this site until today. I am sure Field thanks you too.
Peace out trailer trash.
my dear, thank god for google, or your wouldn't have much to stand on would you? Just like when you are being a B*TCH to Fly, all you can do is cut and paste.
now really, back to some GGoose and Cran.
@anon 4.54 -- I can vouch for what you're saying regarding AA studies. In fact, it reminds me of one of the most hilarious moments I witnessed as a grad student. There was a TA in my group who had to order the book "N" (you know the rest) for his professor. Well, he was the whitest white kid ever so much so he frequently made fun of his whiteness and he was panicked. He said, how do I get on the phone to the bookstore and tell them I need 50 N's? Poor kid almost had a heart attack.
At any rate, the term is used in classroom settings all the time at the college and university level -- where it is a subject rather than a slur. Learning about it in context of our collective racial history is important. And for those of you who don't like white professors saying it even it that context, you need to consider this: white students learning WHY the word is powerful and the history behind it start to get things. When they 'get things' they don't use the word, they raise educated children, and educate their friends on why one group can say it but why it's so hurtful for white folks to say it in almost all contexts. Black students learning the history of the informs them to make better decisions regarding the use of the word and what it means. The benefit of this is to everyone.
@ anon:
I have had this screen name for a few years now...and I am happy that you know the word, the origination of the word and what it means...it beats explaining it to you!
I go beyond the Greek meaning of the term/use of words that I use which have an attachment to spirituality and the concept thereof.
I first do Ethiopic and Arabic then I go to Hebraic and Coptic (same time), I then turn to Greek and I also use French, German and Spanish (Spain) to formulate and understand what I read. I also do a historical/geographical background to understand the "why" of what is written.
I applaud you on your knowledge!
Peace. (please translate that for your viewers as well :)
Anon, beautifully said. I hate the word, and won't even use it or let my kids use it. Their friends aren't even allowed to say "my nigga" in my house.
But I had not (until today) thought about academic settings.
I hope Maria reads all of these and rethinks her crazy statement (which I wonder if she just said for our benefit).
@ anon:
anonymous = just plain old anonymous.
Why are you telling me about your profession? I don't remember asking you anything...professor of African American Studies. (are you the same anon that gets high as well? If so I understand...)
I'm done.
You should read and understand the full nature and context of my posts and not employ your interpetation of my words..I alone reserve that right to define me and my personhood....
I challenged the ignorance of the Black Actors!! My personhood was never in play because I would never become a actor or engaged in such ignorance..
Let me reiterate" My personhood is never challenged by white racism?
You can of course bring me more examples so I can have another teachable moment with you..
my statement wasn't crazy.
i didn't say it for anyone's benefit. i am not pandering or patronizing.
isn't this thread about whether white people should use the word and whether john mayer using it makes him a racist?
i made my statement with truth, honesty and sincerity. i don't use it, my kids don't use it, i don't like to hear it. i don't think white people should use it. why am i not allowed to express an opinion without being attacked?
maybe in a classroom setting. i haven't been on a campus in 30 years so i have no idea what is said and what is acceptable and what isn't. to narrow this and say, oh, but what about in my classroom...is ridiculous in the extreme. ok, have it.
but not in other settings, as i said. more of you agree with me than not. one particularly vile person chooses to make me the target of his misplaced anger and call me names. whatever.
and i wouldn't be bragging about using racial slurs "all the time."
I am not responsible for the missteps of white folks who insert nigger around me ..I will not regret my reactions in any event..
Just reading the past few posts:
Maria stop whining.
Agape, don't all of us get high from time to time?
Thrasher, hold on their big daddy.
Now some seriousness. How do I get an account so I don't have to type in my name every time.
I am not technologically oriented. Any help would be appreciated.
Shame on you! I did not and would not EVER let a white professor use the word nigg*r for any reason encoded in "learning".
I stated upfront, before the scheduled class that I would not tolerate hearing that word from a white man/woman. I also stated that I would be in class to see if the used the word.
I'm curious as to how you would have "not tolerated" a white professor who chose to use this word.
I've taught the Countee Cullen poem "Incident" which includes the epithet. Under your rules for white academics, could I not teach this poem? Could I not recite or read aloud poetry, lyrics or literature which included this specific racially charged language?
Had the professors you challenged not ceded to your threats, what would have been your next step?
@agape -- Haha! I love it. Glad to have found a fellow traveler so to speak. Are you doing Kabbalistic stuff with Spanish? Outside of Maimondes/Rambam and a few others like Cordovera I haven't found much use for spanish which is sad because I really like it. :( I'm in the ancient world anyways but Maimondes gives me an excuse to step out of the 2nd century every once in a while.
tina said...
Just reading the past few posts:
Maria stop whining.
tina--STFU. read more than the past few posts. i'm not whining.
I just read the entirety of your discourse today. Oh may, you are one dumb broad.
i am warming up the bottle for you now...
In summary this is simple cultural rule and as Black folks in this nation we must have cultural rules for others:
1. No disrepect of Black Woman by other ethic groups
2. The usage of nigger is at your peril if you are part of another enthic group
3. There will be more rules..
tina, see my first post to you.
dumb is a 5 letter word...MARIA
milks done!
Anon "Save your breathe sweetie, it's wasted on me. Blanket statements such as yours are wasted on everyone."
Her words are not wasted on 'everyone', Anon. So don't lump everyone into your way of thinking. Do you make your students to ALL think like you? If you are a teacher, you are a disgrace to your profession.
Let's face it. You are not a teacher at all, and you probably don't even have a degree.
People are also sick of useless old farts who post on the same internet blog all day with nothing substantive to say. You are the fat mammy stereotype, has Eddie Murphy called you for a role yet? OH Lawd Mercah Hauleehluah!!
My Black Menseses!
Nothing is funnier than overly sensitive people.
Some people don't even look at the context in which things are said, they're just perpetually whiny, useless victim-card types who look for anything to be offended about. Get a Life, contribute something to society other than your shit-brain, useless backward mentality.
Guess What?? This happens so much NO ONE CARES by societal bottom-feeders who have nothing else to do. Grow up.
Anon 6:32 and 6:46
I hope you feel better now. I enjoyed the posts by the prof and I enjoy Granny's posts.
My only problem with Granny is she really wants everyone to like her...she's kinda insecure.
You know what, John Mayer is given a pass by some Black's on this Blog because, they REFUSE to beleive it is NO such thing as a POST RACIAL AMERICA! they would like to believe this young man was just joking around! well, I have new's for you Elitist Black FOLK! while some of you are buying his CD'S, he is laughing all the way to the bank! and that serve's you ALL RIGHT! or he could be donating Black folk money to SPONSOR THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT!
Now we do have a few men on this post that will STAND no matter what, Good, it's good to know you are out there, cause trust me, this new Generation of Black men and women are selling us down the river! or have sold us down the river!
I'm not trying to figure out if what this man said was RACIST! I already know! why did he have to bring up DAVID DUKE'S name to begin with? this may be 2010, but, I don't trust some of these young White men as far as I can THROW THEM, and at this point, I can throw all of them in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN! now you figure that one out!
It will be all kind's of people coming out into the open, so how will we deal with it? we LISTEN! and don't dismiss what is being said! since when did Black folk try to Rationalize Racism? these people are out in the open Not behind closed door's, and now all of a sudden we are PERPLEXED, SHOCKED and in DISBELIEF! I guess you thought cause he SANG SONG'S that we like, he was NOT really really a WHITE MAN!
People we are NOT in the ERA of POST RACIAL AMERICA! and we never will be! so we need to STOP being NAIVE and pay attention!
Agape, I am glad the FIRST LADY gave you a HUG!!! good!
What bugs me about Meyer, as a white man myself, isn't that his dropping the n-bomb infers his thoughts and beliefs, but his absence of them. I submit that any white person who has thought about them approaches racial words with the deepest humility from the knowledge that we, being immune to their power, are NEVER in a position to make light of them.
Thrasher said...
1. No disrepect of Black Woman by other ethic groups
2. The usage of nigger is at your peril if you are part of another enthic group
But, that means no more rap or r&b music and videos! Oh wait, you're only prohibiting "other ethnic groups". My bad.
"Other ethnics" prohibited from disrespecting black women or using the n-word can still live vicariously by listening to the radio or watching BET and MTV, though, right?
Is this like FN using the word Queer? Oh, he never apologized for that.
@Thrasher: "I challenged the ignorance of the Black Actors!! My personhood was never in play because I would never become a actor or engaged in such ignorance.."
On what grounds did you presume their "ignorance"?
Because you felt that the black Civil War reenactors (Let me make sure I quote, and represent your position, accurately.) didn't have "permission from the dead," you said the following:
"why did they think they had license to dehumanize Black folks for a few bucks just to entertain white folks on the weekend.."
They had "license," as you call it, because you have "license" to conduct your affairs according to conscience.
I don't presume to dictate to others how they should behave, or how they should act, or react, to whatever impinge upon their senses, or their sensibilities. And just as I believe you had a right to speak on your own behalf, they, too, had a right to tell you to get lost, and to mind your own business.
I'm always concerned when I hear blacks (or whites for that matter) suggest that their way is the right way, the only way, and all others are lacking, and should be confronted.
I say concerned, although, at the same time, I recognize your right to do as you please.
"My personhood was never in play because I would never become a actor or engaged in such ignorance.."
And that's your prerogative, as well, and to characterize it as you see fit.
I recognize everyman's sovereignty to live according to the precepts of his own soul, without my interference, unless there's some "clear and present danger" against me or another.
I was on a black blog recently, where the thrust of that blog was to educate blacks, to confront what was seen as black practices that are inimical to blacks in particular, and to the black community in general.
Although I recognized that person's right to use the blog in any manner that suited, I was nonplussed that that person presumed to project a whole panoply of acceptable behaviors, mindsets, and sets of actions upon the black community.
With my current experience in mind, I applauded your saying:
"I have no problem with how Black folks handle white oppression and the pathologies of the diease of same many of us surrender, many become militant some just do not care, some used the words whites demonized with to enpowered themselves...."
"Let me reiterate" My personhood is never challenged by white racism?"
Your assertion is your assertion. I have no desire to refute, or to support it.
Frankly, I have no desire to prove you right, or wrong. You are, just as I am, entitled to your own worldview.
"You can of course bring me more examples so I can have another teachable moment with you.."
Further, I have nothing to learn. I know all I need to know. My challenge is not to learn more, but to manifest that which I already know.
"I AM"
Now, isn't that strange, I, too, can say that. Does that make us kin, members of the same family.
I read a book many years ago, where the author asked the question: What do we all have in common with all people living; what do we all do, all at the same time, regardless of distance, or preoccupation?
The answer: We're all conscious, all at the same time, everywhere, regardless of distance, or preoccupation.
The ability to express I AM is proof of that consciousness.
hi Thrasher-
has no one ever told you how impolite, disrespectful and ungentlemanly it is to address women with profanity? it is offensive. yet another something more folks need to work on. this fact notwithstanding, i will respond to the comment you addressed to me, this time.
those that anger you, control you.
if you are walking around smacking folks that anger and control you, you run the risk of landing in jail. should that happen, you will have only yourself to blame. it is assault. for this reason i find it to be a bad idea and urge you to re-think your position.
if you spend time around young folks, all colors, rap music has put that word in their mouths. they refer to each other with this word, and will argue themselves breathless swearing that the term has nothing to do with race. i was foolish enough to engage such silliness. once.
i don't do that anymore. i very politely and swiftly put space between me and those souls that lack the ability to understand how offensive this term is to quite a few folks.
you are entitled to disagree with me. we can agree to disagree. if everyone were saying the same thing, quite a few folks would be irrelevant.
a point i do agree with you on is this one:
"I define what is matters in my world..."
as do i. in my world, there is only room for those that demonstrate that they understand the importance of self respect. in the absence of it, respecting others becomes exceedingly difficult. when this word is thrown around freely, it belies a lack of self respect. it dishonors our ancestors, us, as well as our descendants. pretending otherwise is just that...pretending.
Hey Field, post your thoughts on this one: Captain America
You can thank me later.
you said:
"1. No disrepect of Black Woman by other ethic groups"
i give you one good guess as to who disrespects, rapes, brutalizes, and murder BW/BG more than anyone else at this point? (and before anyone starts with the "bashing" whine, peruse the stats and take a chill pill)
your statement should read something like this in order for more BW to get a reprieve from the disrespect and violence:
1. No disrepect of Black Woman
and ANYONE in violation of that rule should feel the wrath.
lol! can you dig it?
Now some seriousness. How do I get an account so I don't have to type in my name every time.
I am not technologically oriented. Any help would be appreciated.
and you're calling ME a dumb broad. LOL! i doubt you're even a woman--no woman uses the term "broad." and that question proves your stupidity.
Race Traitoress-
yes. i kindda mentioned what i, too, have observed among quite a few younger people, when i responded to Thrasher.
as i said, i actually opened dialogue with one group of folks that included:
they were using that slur and swore that it had nothing to do with race. i, too, warned the non black folks that they ran the risk of sustaining bodily injury if they took that behavior into certain settings.
i also asked the blacks if they felt they were disrespecting their ancestors and themselves, while inviting others to disrespect them? i was told that i was "bougie". lol! so, i shook the dust from my feet and kept it moving. at the very least the seed was planted.
Maria, are you still here.
THat is the second blanket statement you made today..."no woman..."
You were clearly identified as a moron earlier for making a blanket statement about white folks using the word nigger.
You really are a trip. And THIS woman uses that term. Now move on, stop whining, and stop making yourself look stupid. At least I admit I am technologically challenged, however, as was noted earlier, you are simply retarded. But cannot even see it.
Go back to your teet and suckle little baby.
And stop with those silly blanket statements about all people or no people and shit like that. Unless you truly are that dumb. If so, I don't know how you keep from getting hit by a bus or something. Prof in Philly, you are correct, we got a dumb one on our hands.
"and i wouldn't be bragging about using racial slurs "all the time.""
I wasn't bragging, just being honest.
Which is why I don't get excited by language as much as I do with emotion and intent.
I laugh at some of things that Frank Drackman says on this board because it's often funny and I think he's just trying to get a rise out of people.
I bet he'd never say the things he says here publicly.
Grinder on the other hand, while never using epithets, expresses extreme anti-black hostility and resentment.
And feels totally self-righteous doing it.
Which is worse, really?
Which is why I don't get excited by language as much as I do with emotion and intent.
Interesting statement.
As a person heavily involved in academe, I'm first gonna have a to give a HUGE shot out to AnonProf. Tenure ain't the easiest thing in the world to get!!! And thanks for the laughs! I really needed it after a hard day in the lab!
Now for Maria. Tis, tis, tis, you STILL haven't learned that educated Black women have made tearing in your ass sport around here, LOL!!! And for the one millionth time, NO ONE SEES YOUR ITALIAN ASS AS WHITE, N*gga with a pizza was the slur I've heard, LOL!!!!
As for Myers comments, blah, blah, blah, I don't think he's racist but I do think his penis comment was foul. Someone said it was open season on defaming Black women and I agree. But lifting Black women up is the job of the Black man and to a lesser degree, Black women themselves.
Finally, I obviously don't have any problem with the written N-word, but don't use the term otherwise.
"bougie," eh? lol.
Because they were, presumably, "keepin' it real," and didn't have the leisure to worry about the subtleties. I think bougie is another way of saying, "you think too much." Sort of an anti-intellectual dismissal.
Sometimes planting the seed is the best you can hope for.
desto said...
"BD, great counter-point to Traasher. I hope he/she responds
"Please respond as well, you cosigned with using it, differently perhaps, but it's use as well."
I didn't actually co-sign, but said this: "I don't use the word casually, or often, and, when I do, it's not in a context of endearment, nor disparagement, but because it's a topic under discussion, as in this case."
I limited its use, so that it might be discussed without resorting to the use of some verbal construction, or mis-construction, as a replacement for it.
Because I detest hypocrisy. I'd choose not to use it at all, but there are times when the word should be scrutinized and discussed.
At those times, why not just come right out and use it, rather than pussyfoot around it using a host of inventions, as though the word is an evil incantation.
True: The word disrespects our ancestors, and dishonors their memory.
That's my take. I don't ask others to subscribe to it.
Whether we resort to ni**er, or the "N" word, or some other construct, we all know what is being said. We fill in the blanks. Surely, for clinical, or educational purposes, we can all put such inventions aside, remaining keenly aware, and respectful of its usual, but not always, demeaning value, and purpose, so that it might be discussed openly as to why it's offensive.
The word, itself, is neutral. To be sure, it's emotionally and psychologically charged, because of how it's been used historically, and currently.
The word has an energy around it, and that energy shouldn't be taken lightly. We put that energy there, and we can take it away. But that won't happen in my lifetime.
I believe, even in a discursive discussion on race, it should be used sparingly, and only when necessary.
But, then, I would say that for all words that are racially demeaning, and emotionally and negatively charged
I won't use them casually, because I know the pain that others have suffered at the hand of such words.
But I won't carp if others use an abundance of caution, and use a construct that won't unleash the nuclear energy inherent in the word.
Therefore, If I were to label the word, I'd label it, thusly: "Handle With Care."
You see, it can be done: I discussed the word at length, and didn't use it once, merely pointed out some occasional constructions for it, to avoid the use of it.
Fly is in the house! Happy Friday!
I love a woman who knows how to make an entrance Fly ;)
Race Traitoress-
i strongly believe that "keeping it real" is code for keeping it real ignorant. lol!
seed planting is the best that any of us can do i think. at the end of the day, life is about choices. folks have to choose for themselves which path they will take in this life.
thanks for the exchange.
blessings to you in abundance,
"i strongly believe that "keeping it real" is code for keeping it real ignorant. lol!"
But isn't "keepin it real" how you rationalize your anti-black male vitriol?
@BD & fp -- You are on roll! Keep preaching.
As to younger folks... it's hard to relate to a past you never felt or experienced. In a lot of ways, 1960 is just as alien as 1860. The split between those of us who grew up taking Civil Rights for granted in places where busing was never an issue, where cities didn't have irrevocable scars and ethnic ghettos, and friendships regularly crossed color lines and those who grew up experiencing one or all of those things couldn't be more different. Personal experience shapes so much of how we relate to the world and those from different backgrounds.
I'm afraid what young people, especially young white males, need to learn most is that though the past is past for them and their set of friends, it's not past but memory for a whole lot of others. IOW, people who are on the outside of a group or culture (race/gender/sexuality etc.) need to be told that even when you're given permission by your friends to play around with a word like the N-word or F-g that when you use it outside or in public you're evoking painful memories for other people who are still alive and grew up in a different time. Most people, even young people, wouldn't go around talking about rape every time they saw a rape victim they knew because they understand the impact and cruelty of doing that. If they understood that using the n-word did the same thing -- that it is a word that evokes trauma and painful memories for so many black people -- I doubt they'd be so free with using it.
John Mayer isn't unknown. If he was, you wouldn't have heard about this story. Sure, he is unknown to old geezers like yourself, but having read a few of your posts, you don't know much to begin with.
Brothers and Sisters... just wondering if the kids that use the N word also use the words "camel driver" "wop" "gook" '"dago" "peker-wood" "slant-eyed" also in such a jovial and loving manner or just the degrading N word special for the African-Americans.. and the the special ones they allow to use it. I dont hide behind no anons. Request my name and address and I will gladly give it . I was just wonering because I hear one but not the others. What's wrong, are you scared to lose the love and adoration of your non-AA friends? StillaPanther2
after reading the rest of the comments i must note that the nonsense that some bfolks like to spread about who bw find desirable is at play here.
so what if JMayer doesn't date bw? i don't particularly open myself to the idea of dating small people, formerly known as midgets. so? what was offensive about his comments was the all out attack KWashington. did he ever apologize for THAT?
there are bw that find wm attractive just as there are non bm that find bw attractive. the whole bw would never date so and so...could we just stop that already? what other group of women on the planet engage in that nonsense in public?
why don't you go ahead and find someone else to fixate on? i am neither flattered by nor interested in the unwanted attention. you know full well that what i say/write about quite a few bm is actual and factual. the fact that you get offended by it, does NOT change the truth of the matter. and guess what? it is not a secret. so while you are using racist slurs other folks are talking about the large segment of bm that can't seem to figure out the simplest things.
furthermore, IF you are this good, upstanding, righteous bm, why on earth are you so offended? if the shoes doesn't fit bro, STOP trying to wear it!
i will not engage you further. you may name call and do whatever males like you do to feel more manly. i have no interest in dialoguing with you. we don't think alike at all. you are lacking in self respect, obviously, and incapable of respecting others. your contributions to the convos are not enlightening to me and do not enrich me at all. if we were to meet offline i would politely excuse myself and put distance between us. here, i have done the same thing many posts ago and yet here you are addressing me again. wtheck?!??? didn't you say you were happily married? go talk to her!
i don't know how i could possibly say that in any clearer of a way.
i will see how many more times you will mention me, attack me, and refuse to accept the fact that i control me. if you don't like the truth i tell, go be righteous and do your part to change it.
i apologize for saying, many posts ago, that your better educated wife married down when she married you. hopefully THAT will help you move on.
geesh! lol!
NO ONE SEES YOUR ITALIAN ASS AS WHITE, N*gga with a pizza was the slur I've heard, LOL!!!!
This is the best!
still a panther-
NO! other races despite being cool do not allow others to refer to them as racist slurs. other races don't have to be bombarded in music and the media with racist slurs. only bfolks have to deal with this non stop disrespect. quite a few bfolks pretend that by embracing it they are "empowered".
still a panther-
NO! other races despite being cool do not allow others to refer to them as racist slurs. other races don't have to be bombarded in music and the media with racist slurs. only bfolks have to deal with this non stop disrespect. quite a few bfolks pretend that by embracing it they are "empowered".
HEY JODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama Justice Dept. wants phone locales without warrant
With regard to the backward Black actors they did not tell me to get lost in fact they admitted to me they did not like what they were doing ..I told them to let me handle it I challenged mgt( I got into a deliberate nigger mode) and the drama made them tell the Black actors to stop..
They unlike me did not excerise thier personhood they did not employ thier license to tell the park to fuck off..
I then told the Black actors how they can change any situation like I just did for them..I also explained to them sometimes sacrifice is required for dignity to take hold ( min wage job not worth losing one's dignity)
Again I never allow white racism to define my personhood in any venue of situation..
My Black cultural DNA has no logic for such a personhood..
Once my son and I entered into a book store and the Charles Murray ( Belle Curve)Book had a HUGH set of posters plastered all over the store with the verbiage" BLACK PEOPLE ARE INFERIOR" I told my son this was racist propaganda and he nor I and other Black folks did not have to accept this any time any where in our lives..
I told my son to wait in the car I am going to remove the signs so no other Black person will be assaulted by this hate speech today...I removed the signs and I told my son lets sit in the car and watch becuase the white store manager will send the police to protect thier oppression and racist propaganda of course within 3 minutes 3 police cars came I got out of the car and told the police my son was offended by these signs and I was glad they were removed since the cops nor store owner observed me removing them the cops took the signs and went away..
I show my son by example how to make change and not fear the actions of your own doing..
Now every time afterwards I would go into the store the manager would smile and bend over backwards for me of course never again were posters of hate speech posted in the store..
I did the same thing for those Black actors and they value my intervention...
Do you burn books too Thrasher?
MeandMyMicroscope said... lifting Black women up is the job of the Black man and to a lesser degree, Black women themselves.
Now THAT explains a lot. You think men are supposed to lift you up? Sad. Hope you don't have any daughters (or any sons for that matter. What a terrible false burden and victim mentality).
"i am neither flattered by nor interested in the unwanted attention."
I'm quite sure that you uncomfortable with my challenges to your anti-black male venom.
"you know full well that what i say/write about quite a few bm is actual and factual. the fact that you get offended by it, does NOT change the truth of the matter."
I'll agree that some bm fit the descriptions you've articulated on this board. However you've asserted that pathology, violence and irresponsibility are bm characteristics which I of course reject.
While accepting no criticism or culpapability on the part of bw in the problems of black relationships.
"so while you are using racist slurs other folks are talking about the large segment of bm that can't seem to figure out the simplest things."
Jeez, I thought you said it was bw who were the objects of ridicule and demonization.
Make up your mind.
"furthermore, IF you are this good, upstanding, righteous bm, why on earth are you so offended? if the shoes doesn't fit bro, STOP trying to wear it!"
I'll stop being offended when you stop complaining about being described as angry, bitter, unattractive and alone.
If the shoe doesn't fit, stop trying to wear it my sista!
I am a person who has a certain level of humility, unlike you.
I realize that I am flawed and my life is a work in progress.
However, like most brothers I know, I try every day to be a better man, husband, father, professional, friend and citizen.
You, on the other hand, seem to think you have the pill for the positive black experience and that's what offends me.
How about you get with us mere mortals and try to to figure this thing out honestly?
Anonymous said...
Now THAT explains a lot. You think men are supposed to lift you up? Sad. Hope you don't have any daughters (or any sons for that matter. What a terrible false burden and victim mentality)
OF COURSE, Black men should lift us up, mentally, physically (watch out there now, LOL) and spiritually. This ain't got shit to do with being a victim thats simply a cop out for why YOU may have failed when it comes to love and relationships.
I KNOW what's it's like to be well loved by Black men, yeah that's plural and what can I say, I've had options, LOL!! More than that, I KNOW how the love from a Black man manifests itself with the same "perks" other women enjoy which include being "lifted" up!!!
What I think is sad, particularity if you are a Black woman, is that your standards for how you should be treated are so damn low. Yet, so many Black women wonder why they aren't treated well by Black men? Start by changing your attitude and add a HUGE dose of self-esteem!!!!
So if there's anyone I'm hoping doesn't have double X chromosomes as offspring, it's folks like yourself! Matter of fact, which don't you just get your tubes tied!!!
Still waters, I'm watching you, LOL!!!
uptownsteve said...
However, like most brothers I know, I try every day to be a better man, husband, father, professional, friend and citizen.
All kidding aside, I think UTS is a decent enough brother to "write home about". And here's the real news flash, HE ISN"T THE ONLY DECENT BROTHER OUT HERE!!!!
Refuse to believe the media hype which is tearing our communities apart!
My standards are not low, yours are. I've said nothing of my attitude to indicate it needs to "change." You need to stand on your own. YOU are responsible for yourself. No one else--and you're the definition of low self-esteem.
You must have been referring to the New Black Panthers because the original Black Panthers was started in Oakland by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton and that was the first Black Panther Party. They came up with the idea at Merritt College in Oakland. :)
"...I think UTS is a decent enough brother to "write home about". And here's the real news flash, HE ISN"T THE ONLY DECENT BROTHER OUT HERE!!!!"
"Refuse to believe the media hype which is tearing our communities apart!"
I co-sign with you especially the last comment. There are a many decent black men out there.
Anonymous 9:41 & 6:46:
I read your comments and see where you've been calling me out and trying to pick a fight with me. I must really get under your skin. You seem to be losing sleep thinking about me 24/7.
Your momma has been grieving for a long time now. I would be grieving too if I delivered afterbirth instead of a human being. You are a scotumless piece of afterbirth at that. I bet you abused your grandmother because face it you don't have what it takes or the nerve to confront a man, a real man with your mess face to face. That's why you hide behind a screen and choose to verbally abuse old women.
granny, remember what you told me:
ignore, ignore, ignore. they're not worth your time!
LOL! yeah, you right!
You raised a very good point. They don't do that.
Speaking for myself, I have a name that my parents gave me at birth and that is what my friends or anyone else who wishes to address me calls me by. If I can address them by their name I expect the same in return. I don't answer to the "N" word and wouldn't take to kindly to anyone I don't care who it is referring to me as that.
MeandMyMicroscope, "All kidding aside, I think UTS is a decent enough brother to "write home about". And here's the real news flash, HE ISN"T THE ONLY DECENT BROTHER OUT HERE!!!!
Refuse to believe the media hype which is tearing our communities apart!"
I totally agree. It's good to hear a sister appreciate bm and say something positive about bm on this blog. Thank you.
@Granny, "I co-sign with you especially the last comment. There are a many decent black men out there."
Thank you, Granny.
The n-word isn't only used to insult and describe blacks in America. Especially considering how the word has long been coined and used globally before slavery was even "abolished". Thrasher, how does being born on "US soil" gives you the authority to decide on the 'acceptance' of the n-word for other black people who are just as subjected to it's racist implications? I was born as an "American" citizen in the actual Caribbean, should I apply for an opinion?
I co-sign with BD and FP. As for Mayer, I'm not surprised, though, most have already stated my sentiments. Field, I too prefer to know up front on who, or what I'm dealing with.
agape2010 said... The white slave owners were actually afraid of the slaves in the Indies because they were outnumbered, so they were treated with a different respect than the slaves in the US.
With all due respect, I find this to be a gross misconception. The white tyrants may have been outnumbered, but they were not "afraid" of African slaves in the Carib. Diaspora. They were more cautioned because of it, and therefore enforced more cruelty, fear tactics and tyranny over Caribbean slaves to "keep order". However, it may have been advantageous for African slaves in the Caribbean to overthrow due to the numbers, island terrains and location distance from Europe and America.
Btw Thrasher, many times I have worked with professional black Americans who relocated to my parts of the Carib. In my observation, most of them are usually the ones who openly spew apologetic ideals about white supremacy, and, or they tend to display docile and submissive behaviors towards the very white minorities on the island. Just my observation.
@ Granny Truth:
I would love to just sit with you one time and learn...I tell you this argument has been going since the BP Party started.
If you talk to someone in Cali they give you the Bobby Seale story...and if you talk to anyone in Alabama they give you the "we fed us first" story.
I remember listening to a panel a few years back about the Party but for the life of me I can't remember much...it was one of those "pregnant with information" panels :)
I remember when the Black Panther Party started because one of their youngest members, Bobby Hutton, who was unarmed and murdered, brother was a friend of mine.
Ronald Reagan was governor of our state at that time. It was during the 60's. There was so much going on back during the sixties, just about every where you went there was some type of movement going on. People were throwing up peace signs with their two fingers. But the strange thing about it is that there was no peace no where in the land.
Vietnam was going on, the Civil Rights Movement was going on, Malcolm X, the Feminist movement, the hippie movement, so-called kidnapping of Patty Hearst, Angela Davis, and every other revolutionary movement a person could think of and even the murder of those college students at Kent University. There were so many going on and the people were rebelling against the establishment. The majority of those movements took place right here in the Bay Area, with the exception of the Civil Rights Movement and Malcolm X. Berkeley University was the center of a lot of the revolutionary movements. Telegraph in Berkeley was the place to be and so was Oakland.
agape2010, "If you talk to someone in Cali they give you the Bobby Seale story...and if you talk to anyone in Alabama they give you the "we fed us first" story."
agape, why don't you read a little bit about the history of the panthers? or google about them? You won't find anything about founders in Alabama.
Where is StillaPanther?
Stokely Carmichael, Rap Brown, and many others used to speak at the Oakland Auditorium to a crowd of standing room only. You can watch them on Youtube. Or read about them in old Jet Magazines.
Hey FP. I agree with you on the statement about John Mayer's dating preference... However, HE has been considered a cross cultured "sex symbol" through the media. The fact that he said it without having regards for the black female fan base does have cause for some concern.
However I was wondering, what if a popular white female artist said things to the same nature towards not dating black men? How would black males or people in general interpret that statement? Would she be considered a racist then?
Or what if a popular black male artist said the same about his penis not preferring white females etc? How would that statement also be interpreted by various societies?
What if Mayer made that statement when asked about Hispanic or even Muslim women? Do you believe he would suffer the ramifications of it then?
The sexism and bias acceptance would be further Interesting to observe.
"Stokely Carmichael, Rap Brown, and many others used to speak at the Oakland Auditorium to a crowd of standing room only. You can watch them on Youtube. Or read about them in old Jet Magazines."
Yeah, I know. I thought all Blacks knew where the Panthers started. It was all over the news during that time.
A story that the Panthers started in Alabama is outlandish. They could have made up a better lie than that one.
I am amazed that some Blacks would make something like that up.
@constructive feedback
this is but one of the many reasons I don't use cell phones.
The white slave owners were actually afraid of the slaves in the Indies because they were outnumbered, so they were treated with a different respect than the slaves in the US.
I've actually just been reading Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," and he claims that in 1763 African slaves made up half the population of Virginia, and that, in fact, there was much consternation among plantation owners that white indentured servants and Black slaves would join forces to overthrow the white elites.
By that time anti-miscegenation laws had been on the books for nearly 80 years to curb consensual relations between Blacks and poor whites.
He also claims, however, that slave conditions in colonial America were historically unprecedented in their brutality, especially in that slavery was a lifelong sentence and families were torn apart with impunity, which wasn't typical of other cultures that enslaved humans.
"He also claims, however, that slave conditions in colonial America were historically unprecedented in their brutality, especially in that slavery was a lifelong sentence and families were torn apart with impunity, which wasn't typical of other cultures that enslaved humans."
The living conditions and food were atrocious also. All total, it was an evil that left an evil stain upon the conscience of America for centuries to come.
The effects of it still goes on.
Race Traitoress said..."America were historically unprecedented in their brutality, especially in that slavery was a lifelong sentence and families were torn apart with impunity, which wasn't typical of other cultures that enslaved humans."
It's a fact that is rarely stated, and not widely known.
"America were historically unprecedented in their brutality, especially in that slavery was a lifelong sentence and families were torn apart with impunity, which wasn't typical of other cultures that enslaved humans."
This is very true.
For the record, the "other cultures" who enslaved humans is worthy in comparison to be the historical treatment of Asian slaves in Asia, African slaves in Africa, and white European slaves in Europe. I doubt Zinn was comparing African slaves in America with any "better" treatment of African slaves in the Caribbean. I just wanted to clear this up since RT's statement came following the quote of Agape's misconstrued statement.
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