What the hell is the world coming to when you can't even trust Girl Scout cookies anymore? I swear the Apocalypse is upon us.
Anyway, tonight I want to talk about every man's nightmare. (At least one of them)
Gentlemen, imagine for a minute that you are out bar hopping with your boys, and you meet a honey who is willing and able to (maybe) get her freak on with you. She leaves her girls to go and hang out with you, but her girls get pissed because she broke off from the posse. Rather than fessing up and telling her girls that she thought you were cute and she wanted to hang with you, she invents a lie that you raped her.
You are tried and convicted, and you serve four years hard time in jail.
Such was the fate of one William McCaffrey. Thankfully, the poor guy, thanks to DNA testing , is finally receiving justice.
So what should happen to his accuser? Well fortunately you won't have to wait to find out:
Calling it one of the "worst things that can happen in our criminal justice system"; Judge Charles Solomon sentenced the woman who cried rape to 1-3 years in prison for perjury.
My only problem with what the good judge did is that he should have given her four years without the possibility of parole. She should have served equal time to what the poor man she accused of raping her had to serve.
If the Judge really wanted to live up to his name [Solomon] that would have been the sentence.
Still, 1-3 is better than nothing. Hopefully Mrs. Peguero-Gonzalez will take the time to reflect-while cooling her heels in prison- on how she ruined someone else's life.
*Pic courtesy of the NY Post.
"My only problem with what the good judge did is that he should have given her four years without the possibility of parole. She should have served equal time to what the poor man she accused of raping her had to serve."
Four plus one for perjury making it five.
Oh, yes...her ass should've been thrown in jail and left to rot. This is some bull@#$%....
homegirl was bitten, and it was determined in recent dna tests that the bites did not have XY chromosomes.
I have been out partying with friends in my youth and not one of them BIT me. WTF was going on with her friends that they busted out a window and bit her?
She needs to be in jail for at least 3 years. I bet the judge has sentencing guidelines and can't put her in jail for longer.
I hope the victim of her perjury sues her into her next lifetime.
Nice to see this finally happening; I hope the lying (or at least blacked-out) bitch who put Eric Frimpong behind bars and Crystal Gayle Magnum end up in the same cell with this chick. It would make an awesome reality TV show...
And you're also all right that 1-3 years (out in 4-6 months) isn't nearly enough time; but it's a nice start.
While the judge certainly has sentencing guidelines...he should have guided his azz to the greater portion of the sentence...maybe a solid three?
She then could have at least served one year solid.
The DA's office, and the way they handled the original evidence, should be investigated too. Justice doesn't seem to have been the goal of Mr. McCaffrey's conviction.
The DA's office was hellbent on keeping up it's 99.9999% conviction rate. With as many fuckups in the justice system as there are, no DA should have any business trying to hang his hat on a 100% conviction rate.
If you have a 100% conviction rate, you fucked up somewhere along the line.
No comment on DA's I want to keep my license, but....
"I hope the victim of her perjury sues her into her next lifetime."
Yes BMW, I am guessing a civil suit will be coming at some point down the line.
You know Klay, if those Dukies had found something better to do other than entertain themselves with strippers, they may have had a better time that night.
Signed a Chapel Hill Alum!
What a bitch!
Enough said.
most rape laws should be repealed anyway. All power should be returned to the male cock where it rightfully belongs.
No the real messed up part is that when she first came forward to fess up for her lie last year she was originally trying to work out a deal so that she could confess and get him out of prison ON THE CONDITION that she get immunity from being charged/punished for perjury.
So its fine to do the right thing and come forward as long you don't have to face any real punishment.
I hope to God she gets sued out of her ass and has the money to pay that guy. He ought to sue the state for breach of justice and should be compensated because he was innocent. One thing that always pisses me off is when you hear about an innocent man serving time, and the only thing he gets is an apology and years of his life ruined. Fuck that! There needs to be a fund where the GOVERNMENT should pay those who have been unfairly prosecuted and locked up a certain number of dollars for each year they were in prison, equal to lost income potential. That figure could be calculated by looking at the labor depts stats on income across age groups etc.
Nobody should have to deal with this shit.Nobody.
^ Texas has a pretty decent wrongful conviction compensation law: $80,000 for each year spent in prison.
Link here.
Incidentally, according to the article, Texas also leads the nation in DNA exonerations.
For years, rape was not taken seriously by cops or the legal system... after many hard years of work by mostly women to push for prosecutions, to have women be believed.... this piece of shit of a woman, by her actions, undermines ALL women and real victims of rape.
Too bad that there is not a forum where true survivors of of rape could be the ones to decide her sentence... I suspect she would be under the jail if the sentence were left to them.
Fp, Why are you so silent on this? Why aren't you defending this bw, hmmmmm?
"Fp, Why are you so silent on this? Why aren't you defending this bw, hmmmmm?"
Ok, let me bite the bait. That woman is not a black female, and I'm sure you knew that, You're becoming more irrational. Why are you always trying to molest women on this blog? Your self-inflicted emotional castration should not be our dilemma.
Anyway, I agree with the sentiments of Jody and a couple others. I have no mercy for this woman.
On a side note, why are men only getting "four" years for rape?
Wow that is crazy, she should have to pay him for the time he spent in prison. That is horrible.
he got 4-20, served 4. he has long prior record of "violent crimes," according to one story i read. apparently his character was an issue in the wrongful conviction.
"No the real messed up part is that when she first came forward to fess up for her lie last year she was originally trying to work out a deal so that she could confess and get him out of prison ON THE CONDITION that she get immunity from being charged/punished for perjury."
Didn't know that. Yep, that would be shameful.
La~~,maria is right, he got 4-20, but only served 4. I am not sure about his past and how it came out at trial. Maria give e a link so that I can check that out.
Jackson Brown, it's nice to see that Texas gets some things right.
there's a short mention only in the link to the post you already provided:
Her lie -- blurted out as her girlfriends were slapping her around -- took on a life of its own, fueled in part by McCaffrey's long rap sheet of violent arrests.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/bronx/justice_happened_things_system_solomon_JyyLFVitMM4bx63gpD1ouI#ixzz0gqU3IdXX
Thanks maria, I will check out that link you provided.
I will also have to see how much of his past was brought out at the trial. I think he had a jury trial, so we will see.
Field, you know that the only way that his priors were introduced to the jury is if he testified and said something like, I would never commit a crime like this...or something that would open the door. And, I don't know if he testified.. given that he had priors, I doubt it.
I think the "fueling" was meant that the DA was determined to take him down, he mentioned that it was especially the ADA the contributed to his wrongful conviction. And, you know how some in the DAs office can become zealots in the sex crimes unit, refusing to consider that anyone is lying....
Maria, usually prior convictions are inadmissable at trial, unless the defense opens the door. Where priors come in is at sentencing. Judges get sentencing reports that are prepared for them with a persons' criminal history as a part of the report.
well, what i said was his character was an issue at the the trial. that was a supposition of mine. could be incorrect. i was only basing my statement on that one line. i'm not an attorney...clearly at trial one side was more believable than the other to the jury. or whatever the reasons were for the conviction. i haven't seen any stories about the rape trial, which i assume would not have been covered anyway.
the whole thing stinks--she gives all women a bad name. we have a right to protect ourselves and cry rape when it happens--so many are unreported now.
so people will remember this case and think we're crying wolf.
look at what just brought down patterson in ny--women need more support to bring legitimate cases to court, and folks like her do us harm.
How did this ever come to trial? There was none of his DNA obtained. I can't imagine that the hospital staff found any proof of rape at all. This should have been a no brainer.
"Ok, let me bite the bait. That woman is not a black female, and I'm sure you knew that, You're becoming more irrational. Why are you always trying to molest women on this blog? Your self-inflicted emotional castration should not be our dilemma."
A true Fp disciple and bm basher.
Strange cause black women who falsely cry rape aren't charged with purpery- Crystal Mangum, Tawana Brawley. Hmmm
I guess having a powerful black men support you gets you off the hook at Ms Perez
I meant perjury :.)
No comment on DA's I want to keep my license, but....
Maria, "..well, what i said was his character was an issue at the the trial. that was a supposition of mine..."
why do yu speak about another's character when your own character is in question?
a number people have asked u an honest question about ur "praying hard" but u denounce the catholic church and deny the existence God.
so who do yu pray to?
@MeandMyMicroscope - cosign on time better spent. . .
The trolls are getting laughable these days.
Good call on this. I'm glad this woman had a second thought, and I'm glad that though she didn't get off with no penalty, she still came forward with maybe a smidgen of guilt for what she brought on this man. Her "cry of wolf" puts all women's claims in doubt.
RT, "The trolls are getting laughable these days."
Oh, stop it, just STOP IT! You are hurting feelings of some serious folks who are bringing some serious dialogue to the conversation.
ASSnon said...
Strange cause black women who falsely cry rape aren't charged with purpery- Crystal Mangum, Tawana Brawley. Hmmm
I guess having a powerful black men support you gets you off the hook
Yet Black women have for centuries had their cries of rape fall on deaf ears or worse be considered not rape-able, especially in the US.
So when another I'd guess 5 million or so Black women falsely claim to have been raped, THEN things will be "even". Until then, SHUT THE FUCK UP about these 2 Black women because they don't have jack shit to do with the fact that White women have been pulling this shit, particularly on Black men, since the beginning of time!!!!
i hope this is a new trend for all liars
there are too many real rapes each day that such coddled liars nullify!
i hope "corrective rapists" are similarly smashed next!
prison rapists should be smashed too!
how many white women have cried false rape and caused countless innocent black men to be lynched!
LaAudiobooks-""Fp, Why are you so silent on this? Why aren't you defending this bw, hmmmmm?"
Ok, let me bite the bait. That woman is not a black female, and I'm sure you knew that, You're becoming more irrational. Why are you always trying to molest women on this blog? Your self-inflicted emotional castration should not be our dilemma.”
Speak for yourself. I am a woman and I don’t feel molested by what anon said, but obviously you do- even though he was talking to another woman.
You have some emotional castrating issues yourself, girlfriend. At the very least, you are so enmeshed with Fp that you don’t know yourself from her.
Or maybe you are jealous and want his attention?
To be truly Solomonic, she should have gotten four years plus she should have been sentenced to being raped.
"To be truly Solomonic, she should have gotten four years plus she should have been sentenced to being raped."
Now ur thinkin like Solomon. Great wisdom.
to even suggest raping her reveals an attitude of disrespect and hatred of women. great wisdom or more abuse of women? my guess is you're one of those guys who think women who are raped really wanted it, right? where's the crime, right?
and women who are victims of domestic violence, too. it's their fault.
also, this does not appear to be a case of a white woman crying rape by a black man.
Maria, "to even suggest raping her reveals an attitude of disrespect and hatred of women. great wisdom or more abuse of women? my guess is you're one of those guys who think women who are raped really wanted it, right? where's the crime, right?"
No. But people like who claim to be atheists and speak out against God and the Catholic Church are guilty liars!
Preach it, anon! During Lent, the "praying atheists" show up and criticize everyone.LOL.LOL
thanks for the info I hadn't heard about this, but this sounds like real justice or at least closer to it than we usually see.
I am still curious did I miss it or did anyone explain how he was convicted with so little evidence in the first place.
I hope that stat about Texas and its compensation for those who spent time wrongfully. This should be a national law. In the state of Florida the legislature has decide ones just compensation for wrongful imprisonment.
And can someone give me more info on that Rhode Island school firing.
Anony at 1:55 pm,
I know it's you, LOL. Now you're pretending to be a black woman. I knew this was coming eventually. Only you, Chester the molesting eunuch would ever have the desire to pull this off on a Sunday.
Thanks Field and Maria for the 4 to 20 explanation. I've always felt all rapist who are proven guilty should be given life, period. It's just unfortunate when there are women like Gonzalez.
Even so, I sometimes wonder if there might be a grain of truth in the accusations from these type "lying" women. Don't be surprised if some sort of violence really did go down, but these women embellish their story to full rape as the only way they know to get the male punished.
good point, LA, and i believe i read that one story said this woman was sexually abused in her childhood and teen years. she may have been projecting true accusations on the wrong prep.
Maybe they ought to let him rape her and then call it even. Seriously though, what year is this? I thought that "White" looking women blaming "Brothas" for their stupid decision went out in the 1920's. This $hit pisses me off that a "White" chick can claim rape and the community rolls with it, but when a black chick cries rape, if its anyone but a "Black" looking dude, shit get investigated up the ass. This shit stinks to high fuckin heaven.
To be fair, maybe she should have served twice the time he did. After all, he did nothing wrong so why should they get what and what?!?
La "I know it's you, LOL. Now you're pretending to be a black woman. I knew this was coming eventually. Only you, Chester the molesting eunuch would ever have the desire to pull this off on a Sunday."
I don't know who "you" may be, but I am not who you think i am. But you continue to grace this blog with your issues and denials.
"Her "cry of wolf" puts all women's claims in doubt"
Just like all those black people who "cry wolf" put all claims of racism in doubt, right?
"Maybe they ought to let him rape her and then call it even. Seriously though, what year is this? I thought that "White" looking women blaming "Brothas" for their stupid decision went out in the 1920's. This $hit pisses me off that a "White" chick can claim rape and the community rolls with it, but when a black chick cries rape, if its anyone but a "Black" looking dude, shit get investigated up the ass. This shit stinks to high fuckin heaven."
why should it be any different for the bm when a bw does it? the sooner they can eliminate bm through lack of fair investigation in the so-called justice system, the sooner they can have a fair justice system for all.
I want to know what kind of 'friends' does/did this female have that would be so hateful to get angry that she had a hookup.
"Seriously though, what year is this? I thought that "White" looking women blaming "Brothas" for their stupid decision went out in the 1920's."
Why was messing around with a 'white' looking woman in the first place?
Re : "the district attorney’s office refused to agree to additional testing or to release the samples. "
If that's not "obstructing justice" it damn well should be .
DA'S who stand in the way of justice -need to suffer the consequence.
Prosecuting crime and seeking justice should never be mutually exclusive aims- either philosophically or procedurally.
I gotta say, following the ins and outs of the conversation is made more difficult by folks too lazy to make up a name to post under.
Call yourself "Ward" or "Beverly", or "Beaver" for that matter.
The rest of us would appreciate it.
Hey Field thanks for that UCSD post on your sidebar. The website was pretty informative. It was also very revealing you could see the real pain on those kids faces.
There was a link to the kid who made racists comments on a campus TV station saying that, niggers ought not be complaining they should feel lucky to be there.
He made some other statements as well. He was interviewed by a local columnist and he said that his goal was to piss everyone off. But he missed the point of satire and he is an example of the dishonesty of folks who pretend they don't know that racist and prejudiced attacks are hurtful. He also talked about free speech rights as a defense but actually the article just proved that he is a socio path hiding under the cover of just having fun.
The protests were a sight to see. It was a real coalition of black brown and yellow and native. It gave me hope while it made me sad.
And for those conservative black folks who keep downplaying the damage of racist attacks they should look at the hurt on the faces of not just the black kids but many of others as well.
There slogan was "real pain, real action" and they asked for things from the administration that get to the bottom of some of the problems such as too few students of color. That is the case thanks to proposition 209 and Ward Connerly and his gang. These conservatives do real harm make no mistake about it.
Mellaneous .."These conservatives do real harm make no mistake about it."
Hey Mellaneous, are you talking about conservatives or are you talking about racists who do real harm? They are not the same.
Refresh my memory on something.
WHAT WAS YOUR VIEW about what should have happened in the DUKE RAPE CASE........to the DANCER who claimed RAPE?
I don't recall hearing this unsolicited sentencing recommendation in THAT case.
But maybe I am wrong.
Please explain.
Thank you in advance.
I just listened to your Malcolm X "House Negro" speech.
Do you mind documenting for us WHO most typifies the "House Negro" today in the way of examples?
* When Jesse Jackson, immediately after the 2004 election loss to evil George W Bush called up John Kerry and demanded that he WITHDRAW his concession - was this "House Negro Behavior"? It seemed that Jesse Jackson NEEDED John Kerry and the Democrats to win more than Kerry wanted to win.
* Malcolm X referred to "OUR Astronauts". When I hear Progressive-Fundamentalists talk about OUR TAX MONEY is being wasted on CORPORATIONS and the RICH - do you see them doing anything to REMOVE their contribution of money from this pot and CREATING THEIR OWN POT so that their funds won't be misappropriated?
OR is it understood by all that because they get BACK more than they PUT IN - they, in their right mind, would not DARE disconnect their umbilical cord from the stomach lining of the beast.
* ARE YOU "RUNNING FROM THE WHITE MAN" Filled Negro? Or does the warmth that radiates from his body and your close proximity prove comforting to you?
WHY would you want him to give you HEALTH CARE, thus injecting unknown substances from Pharmaceutical Corporations into your body in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHTS?
With you now in control over the schools - WHY haven't you trained up more BLACK DOCTORS and CHEMISTS who could inspect these concoctions and determine their fitness?
Are you sure that you are a Malcolm X-ists or are you merely wearing the t-shirt because it is "cool" to do so?
"Strange cause black women who falsely cry rape aren't charged with purpery- Crystal Mangum, Tawana Brawley."
Might be because the white boys they accused never went to trial or were unjustly punished.
Come to think of it, where are the FPs of the world on this issue
"Do you mind documenting for us WHO most typifies the "House Negro" today in the way of examples?"
Oh please.
You have really been tomming it up lately.
As a matter of fact, I have a clip of you from a recent tea party.
Chuck Berry had a lot of WHITE WOMEN screaming for his music.
Their WHITE MALE date who took them to the show PAID Berry money out of their pocket.
Notice to Filled Negro: The "Word Verification" that I am being asked to type in is "APEshot".
I am offended. We need to protest against Google Blogger.
uts "Come to think of it, where are the FPs of the world on this issue"
yeah, where are they? probably preparing for a counterattack.
don't you think she's sociopathic to do that? can you do that and still have a conscience? i don't think so.
"Do you mind documenting for us WHO most typifies the "House Negro" today in the way of examples?"
Glad to help CF. Any mirrors in your house?
CF "Do you mind documenting for us WHO most typifies the "House Negro" today in the way of examples?"
Field, "Glad to help CF. Any mirrors in your house?"
LOL. that's cold.
Yes, this is definitely a man's worse nightmare and possibly every evil woman's threat.
DNA makes a world of a difference. I second the motion for the judge to give the woman the same amount of time as the man.
any time a field negro goes to negro college it is a good thing as you are all sub-human criminals.sooner or later all negroes will chimp out and show your uncivilized side.
these days both women and men must take care when going out to bars and now you can not trust anyone and you can be the victim of a violation.
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