White folks, please don't read this post. This is going to be one of those family discussions. I will give you time to leave, you you can come back to the fields later..... thank you.
OK, so it's time to attack black. It seems that our friends over at the CBC are at it again. There is nothing worse than some of you black folks who have a way too high opinon of yourselves and thus you put yourselves before the collective. You all know who I am talking about, you see these Negroes all the time. If you have ever been to one of these fancy black tie affairs that the Urban League and the NAACP likes to throw, you will see them strutting like peacocks all over the joint. They get the most expensive hotels, the fanciest caterers, and they are always dressed to the nines. Some black folks just love to let the rest of us know how much they have or how impo-tant they are.
So is it any surprise when we hear disgusting stories like the latest coming out of Washington about the members of the CBC and all their enablers?
"In 2008, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation spent more on the caterer for its signature legislative dinner and conference — nearly $700,000 for an event one organizer called “Hollywood on the Potomac” — than it gave out in scholarships, federal tax records show.Read more at Wonkette:"
That is a f*&^%$g disgrace! And it makes me angry just thinking about it. People elected (mostly from poor districts) to serve in Washington, acting as if we sent them there to have fancy parties and live (literally)like fat cats off of lobbyist and their money. I wouldn't mind them enjoying themselves and throwing nice parties if they were actually doing what we sent them to Washington to do: Work. But we know that they are not. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.
".. All eight open House investigations involve caucus members, and most center on accusations of improper ties to private businesses.
You cannot swing a dead cat without hitting a major corporate donor to the Congressional Black Caucus. And if you do manage not to hit a major corporate donor with that dead cat, chances are you will hit some important piece of legislation sponsored by a member of the CBC that happens to benefit that corporate donor, but that is purely coincidental!
On a visit to Washington, Larry Carrico, then president of the rent-to-own trade association, offered to donate computers and other equipment to a nonprofit job-training group in Chicago named in honor of Mr. Davis, the Illinois congressman who in 2002 voted in favor of tough restrictions on the industry.
Mr. Davis switched sides. [...]
While some caucus members still oppose the industry, 13 are co-sponsors of the industry-backed legislation that would ward off tough regulatory restrictions — an alliance that has infuriated consumer advocates."
The members of the CBC get away with stuff because black folks are just glad to have a seat at the table. And most black folks don't know -or care-how the sausage is made in Washington. So we send them back every time so that they can raise money for their next election. They do it by keeping their hands out and sucking at the tits of lobbyist. And the end results are sordid tales like the one you have been reading from Wonkette. Or, every now and then one of them gets caught with their hands in the refrigerator.
Look, we all now that the CBC is awash with money, but would it hurt them to use some of it to help the people who put them there once in awhile? (Oh field, don't turn on your own. That's what the republicans and conservatives want you to do. These are your people.) They ain't my people. If every one of those clowns were beaten tomorrow by a white man who would do a better job of serving the needs of the community that sent those CBC members to Washington, I would be all for it. There would be no CBC tomorrow. What's in a name? Who gives a damn if we can say that we have a bunch of African American elected officials if they don't do shit?
"From 2004 to 2008, the Congressional Black Caucus’s political and charitable wings took in at least $55 million in corporate and union contributions, according to an analysis by The New York Times, an impressive amount even by the standards of a Washington awash in cash. Only $1 million of that went to the caucus’s political action committee; the rest poured into the largely unregulated nonprofit network. (Data for 2009 is not available.)
The caucus says its nonprofit groups are intended to help disadvantaged African-Americans by providing scholarships and internships to students, researching policy and holding seminars on topics like healthy living.
But the bulk of the money has been spent on elaborate conventions that have become a high point of the Washington social season, as well as the headquarters building, golf outings by members of Congress and an annual visit to a Mississippi casino resort."
I would say "throw the bums out", but there ain't no "bums" in the CBC.
if we're going to talk about some Folk who spend more on themselves than helping those of us less fortunate, i'd rather talk about churchies. but that's just me.
there was an interesting post, some time ago, about the voting and spending records of the CBC broken down by gender. i forget who wrote it now, but the bottom line: women are more serious about helping people then men, in the CBC. might have been Black Agenda Report, iirc. this likely isn't news to you.
and i love the "pouting FN cause it's snowing more in philly" pic in the sidebar, my friend. heh.
[quote]White folks, please don't read this post. This is going to be one of those family discussions. I will give you time to leave, you you can come back to the fields later..... thank you.[/quote]
Hey JODY!!!
Do you find it strange that Filled Negro had no problem with RiPPa calling Brother Michael Steele a "Coon" - just as racist White folks used to call Blacks - yet he is asking YOU to leave the room while there is a discussion "just between us Chickens".
I would like for you to stand up and tell Filled Negro how ridiculous he is being.
You, no doubt, have been working with enough Black Street Pirates to know EXACTLY what you are dealing with. You know all of the "skin marks" that the Black community has in our laundry. You and other "White patrons" of this blog should be offended that my friend Filled Negro has asked you all to step away for a second. (As if you can't read all of this stuff on the open Internet anyway. Just as the arrest records of the Street Pirates are public record at the courthouse as well)
Some of these young black folks need to step up to the plate and run for those in the CBC's position who are not doing what they should be doing for the black community. It must be time for some fresh faces and new ideas. Truthfully speaking, it's time for all of those old politicians black and white to go. We need young people in office who are not puppets to Corporations and lobbyist. That's the bottom line!
Seems as though giving money directly to organizations that really help young blacks achieve rather than to the CBC would be the obvious next step for those dismayed by these numbers.
Another front page post for Filled Negro.
KKK plans rally in Nahunta, Ga.
Here is the map for you all to use for the caravan to wage the counter-protest:
Where you been Field? Civil Rights organizations have been holding big time affairs at the D.C. Shoreham Hotel for years. The NAACP, the Urban League, etc. Them banquets back in the day was huge!! An' talk about sponsors, they lined up to get their name and posters in on the banguet and dance. Philip Morris would be handing out shopping bag size "goodie bags". Each bag would contain a free carton of cigs and stuffed with free-bees consisting of everything from bars of soap, perfume, toothpaste, candy bars, coffee, coffe mugs, handkerchiefs, gloves, and cigarette lighters. Some of the delegates would make several trips to their cars to squirrel away extra unclaimed "goodie bags".
I remember one banquet that I attended, was hosted by XXON Mobil. They had four buffet serving stations located at equi-distant spots around the periphery around the dance floor. Each serving station had three butchers providing various cuts of beef right off the bone for each delegate. It was the late 60's to early 70's when I attended as a delegate, so nothing much has changed over the decades. O' yes even back then folks were issuing press releases heralding how their fundraisers were for scholarships and to provide financial aid to historically black colleges. So nothing's changed....
It seems like master is putting them all on notice.
Just read "The Politican" by Andrew Young. It gives an insightful look at how the crooked politican really operate they ain't no different.
CF, you and Steele are baracoon Negroes.
The CBC, fieldnegro, d'em yo' peephfulz!
Yo' colour and your kind.
http://video.aol.com/aolvideo/AOL News/more-charges-for-ala-prof-accused-of-killings/66569427001
http://video.aol.com/aolvideo/AOL News/more-charges-for-ala-prof-accused-of-killings/66569427001
The CBC is the the same as every other caucus on the hill, with one notable exception: They are expected to advocate, inspire, and teach the rest of us that we should trust the people in the halls of power, that they should return the faith to the people that has been to sent with them to DC. We have been and are so happy with seeing a black face representing us sometimes that we fail to hold their feet to the fire as we would a comparable white pol.
I know that CF will be posting a manifesto soon, but on this point, he might actually have some merit.
How many of us actually look at the management aspect, or the monetary inflow/outflow, or campaign finance apparatus of our local, state and federal representatives, white or black? How do we know that they have our needs, as constituents, at the center of their universe as our agents?
Most of us don't.
If we did, we would find that most of them have sold out for a few pieces of silver.
In this regard, they are no better that the right-wingers who keep "working-class whites" voting against their interests.
If you really wanted to affect real change, put some term limits on that ass.
Or vote them out.
Those assholes work for us.
Anon 8:39pm, I know all aobut them, trust me. Been to a few. But her eis the thing: I have no problem having parties and fundraisers if the money is going to a worthy cause. And I have no problem with folks shaking a leg every now and then. But the CBC has been dragging their feet for a minute now. That s&*t is getting old.
"It seems like master is putting them all on notice."
And watch how you talk about "master" we don't want to offend certain people on the blog.
Sorry [un]constructive one, I won't bite. That's par for the course here in A-merry-ca. Who cares if the Klan holds a rally? As long as they have a permit and they aren't breaking any laws I know I don't. I want them out in the open. I like the fact that they don't cover their faces with their hoods anymore. That's how it should be.
"if we're going to talk about some Folk who spend more on themselves than helping those of us less fortunate, i'd rather talk about churchies. but that's just me."
Trapped.., I co-sign with you 100% Even the part about the[un]constructive one. :)
This is something that I have talked about on my site a couple 2-3 posts back. Everyone of these bastards come from the poorest communities in the country, yet they throw the biggest parties in DC? Give me a fucking break!! This shit right here is why I am not a Democrap. But don't get a hard on Constructive, I am not a rethug either.
Chicago Dyke, that's not nice. I have to shovel that bad boy. But it's been raining tonight, so hopefully we won't get as much snow.
isn't this just a story about charities raising money and spending in wrong? how is this a story about race that white people aren't even supposed to READ? come on, now, field. i'm assuming you aren't serious.
you can thank the "white" mainstream press for breaking this story, btw.
FWIW--harold ford was a darling of the CBC, which held fundraisers for him.
Field why don't you run for Congress? I dare you too, you wouldn't last a day!
You are complaining about BLACK POLITICIAN'S being unjust? please! I wish I would come on this post and AGREE with you!
I wish I would beat down on the Black Caucus, at least they are still Standing! and I wonder why something called the Black Caucus) had to be created to begin with! could it be that a Group of Black men and women decided to Unite for a common Cause! that being the Cause of their Own People!
The Black Caucus can Dismantle! they don't have to exist! they don't have to be in Washington trying to fight for a bunch of Forgetful black men and women! they can go home to their State's and forget about black folk! but, yet for some reason they chose to stay in Washington and try to stay United! and for what and for who? is it Mandatory to be a member of the Black Caucus?
Field, yes, they found a Black Politician with money in his freezer, well, he forgot, he wasn't smart, if you are going to be like the white man, you must and you should be more Deceitful!
Maxine Water's is from my State, she has been around for a long time, well known in this State, I don't think, the Black folk here would like to see her really really Messed with! oh, seem like Republican's have been coming after the Black politician's with influence in Washington since OBAMA became President! I wonder why?
"If every one of those clowns were beaten tomorrow by a white man who would do a better job of serving the needs of the community that sent those CBC members to Washington, I would be all for it. There would be no CBC tomorrow. What's in a name? Who gives a damn if we can say that we have a bunch of African American elected officials if they don't do shit?"
Hey Field, haven't been here in awhile, but these are my sentiments exactly.
Nothing short of a coup in the African-American community will address these sorts of leadership problems.
How do i send an email
Those clowns have the best jobs in the world because they don't have to answer to anybody. The biggest amount of effort they have ever done has been to make sure their money gets to their bank account.
Field, what name do you have for the CBC? Don't tell me House Negro because that is too nice for them.
You should come up with something that will resound throughout the Black blogosphere because those folks are evil jackasses.
Maria, have heard the song "Maria"?
Someone loves you.
What are you Black men waiting for? go and run for a Political office, you sit back and complain about the NO GOOD for Nothing behavior of the Black Caucus, so why don't you, hide behind the (BLOG'S) black men MAN UP!
Maxine Water's and the rest of those so called (GOOD for NOTHING) politician's that you are referring to, were trying to fight for Equality when some of you didn't know that the Black Caucus existed! and you want to pass Judgement on them? please! you Black men in today's society have it too easy! YOU get to sit back and write BLOG'S! while the Black men in congress, have to make sure you are being treated JUST and EQUAL!
Field, you told the White Poster to step away for a second, for what? they know how you flow, they know you, why do you think they come to your Blog? they know for a fact, they can have their way, you call it (oh, we should know what they are thinking) No, they want to know, what we are thinking! they want to know how many Faithful Field Negro's come to your Blog! and trust me, they are far and few between, it doesn't take much to turn the tide!
I don't have a problem with what you post, but, why do you have feel you need to Persecute the Black Caucus? is it to prove you don't stand for No wrong doing from No race? if so, what do you owe White folk? oh, they love to HEAR BLACK folk criticize other Black folk, they really love it when Black men do it!
I am Ashamed, not at the Black Caucus, but, at Black men on this Blog! who made you men the Watchmen of the Black Caucus! this is POLITIC'S! for everything the Black Caucus has did wrong, White Politician's have did thing's a Hundred time's worse!
If the Black Caucus were to dismantle today, all of the (Impoverished Black Neighborhood's would go into utter KAOS! are any of you Black men going to go to Washington and demand the Government support the Black community? NO! are you men, going to go to the Wealthy Black's and demand they support the school system? NO!!!
Someone said something about the Church, do you attend church? do you pay Tithe's or give a Offering? well I do and so should you, Black people have lost Job's! many church's have to pay the rent for some of their Church member's! many church's have Apartment building's for the Elderly to live! most Church's give out food clothing and Scholarship's to the Youth! most Black Church's have Gang prevention program's as well as drug prevention program's, the LIST go's on! Now do you think, if the Black Caucus were to be dismantled today, the Church would be able to meet the entire need of the Black community? NO!
THINKER, you should count your Blessing a Black Caucus even exist! so get some place and THINK! I mean really THINK! that is if you are Black!
I don't know Field, maybe it's just me, and I did read the NYT article this morning first thing. But this sounds like some backlash for the fact that the CBC negotiated with the Finance Committee and said to hell with helping Wall Street and secured $6 billion in federal funds for urban programs in economically disadvantaged areas. Areas that just so happen to be populated by people of color; you know, the people that are forgotten when nit comes to policy making?
(See ColorLines: Race and Economic Recovery)
But let's be real and look at this for what it is. Are they doing any different than any of the caucuses or any other greasy palmed politico elected to serve the American people? Former member Barack Obama was on the take from Wall Street before he was even a frontrunner in the presidential campaign in 2007!
Don't believe me, check out this interview with Jeff Cohen where he talks about the corporatization of the democratic party and how they've been shifting to the right.
Pay attention:
Progressives and the Democratic Party
So now, ask yourself why is it that when it's black folks doing the same as it always has on The Hill, that it becomes scrutinized?
Field you nailed it we should throw the bums out. No doubt there are some Black Caucus members with some integrity, but the ones doing the obvious money grabbing make them all look bad.
I'm with you, I wouldn't mind the partying if they actually fought to pass legislation that they know would really help their constituents. They seem to be more into grandstanding. Though I did like the fact that they challenged Obama a little while ago. You should look up his response to their challenge it was really interesting.
None of these folks are representing their constituents whether they are black or white. They all represent the interest of the ruling class. The Tea Party folks and the other right wingers are growing because they have been making this point and they are right, their solution however may be worse.
We have to take a chance and begin to consider third party candidates of our own choosing. The folks on the other side can teach us a thing or two. We need to find about 5 to 10 issues that are the most important in every community and caucus around them. Out of these caucuses we should select folks to represent us rather than just voting for the first carpet bagger that shows up and says vote for me and I'll set you free.
What do you think?
Trapped in SC- "Those ass holes work for us."
Are you really that naive? If they worked for us then they would be doing our biding. They work for the system and for whatever benefit that they can secure for themselves. With all the problems our community alone struggles with you would think that at least one or two of them would be constantly haranguing Congress.
Field you nailed it we should throw the bums out. No doubt there are some Black Caucus members with some integrity, but the ones doing the obvious money grabbing make them all look bad.
I'm with you, I wouldn't mind the partying if they actually fought to pass legislation that they know would really help their constituents. They seem to be more into grandstanding. Though I did like the fact that they challenged Obama a little while ago. You should look up his response to their challenge it was really interesting.
None of these folks are representing their constituents whether they are black or white. They all represent the interest of the ruling class. The Tea Party folks and the other right wingers are growing because they have been making this point and they are right, their solution however may be worse.
We have to take a chance and begin to consider third party candidates of our own choosing. The folks on the other side can teach us a thing or two. We need to find about 5 to 10 issues that are the most important in every community and caucus around them. Out of these caucuses we should select folks to represent us rather than just voting for the first carpet bagger that shows up and says vote for me and I'll set you free.
What do you think?
Trapped in SC- "Those ass holes work for us."
Are you really that naive? If they worked for us then they would be doing our biding. They work for the system and for whatever benefit that they can secure for themselves. With all the problems our community alone struggles with you would think that at least one or two of them would be constantly haranguing Congress.
This is not shocking -- Black politicians have longed filled their coffers while their people starved. No different than Black preachers or powerful people in general. You know that you won't get more than lip service on living wage laws when you're suckling at the breast of Walmart. Its gonna be hard to argue for net neutrality when you're in AT&T's back pocket.
That being said -- we only have ourselves to blame. Unlike, say, a mega church preacher, Black politicians are appointed for life. We can vote them out! I don't support term limits, primarily because it feeds into the main reason why these bums stay in office -- apathy. Unlike Black people care more about taxes, police brutality, civil rights the environment and a myriad of other issues to get off our asses and get involved, we get what we deserve. This is where CF and I agree.
But this goes to the Black militant elites -- the cats who read the Black Agenda report, or quite frankly folks like us who write and post to political blogs. Its easy to talk trash if you're not willing to get off your duff and challenge these folks in a real tangible manner. And if you don't check your ego at the door and avoid the trappings of 'Hollywood for Ugly People', or you'll be no better than the bums there.
@Mellaneous, "Nobody denies that young black folks killing each other is a problem. I think that the solution lies partly in giving everyone equal opportunity to succeed. Once everyone has equal opportunity and a chance to really thrive and enter the real pursuit of happiness then this street violence would subside."
Mellaneous, do you REALLY think that is HOW the solution is going to happen in A-merry-ca FOR BLACKS? Is that what you are WAITING FOR…EQUALITY? That is like waiting for the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST to make all things right. Until that day, Mellaneous, don't wait around- and expect Whites to act as agents of Christ. Surely by now you must know they can’t and won’t? But maybe you don’t know.
How about standing up, and taking responsibility with the goal of actually holding our black politicians ACCOUNTABLE for making lives better in the black community? IMHO, that ‘problem and solution’ is SPECIFICALLY tailored to something WE can do, ‘IF’ we have the WILL AND DESIRE to do so. But our WILL AND DESIRE is questionable: thus far, our lack of action and behavior show otherwise.
That ought to TELL you something about the depth of our problems as a race, MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND SPIRITUALLY. But you keep talking about, and waiting for, 'EQUALITY' to show up. By doing so, you unconsciously help the saboteurs to continue BLOCKING any possibility of things getting better.
Would we be talking about Black politician's if we didn't have a Black President? No, it seem's funny how all of a sudden the focus is on Black politician's, and who brought all this to the table? Republican's!
You know what, some of you people say you are Minister's, really, what level of SIGHT are you operating in, in the Body of Christ? cause from what I read, I cannot see Depth! I see Carnal, but, not Depth, it is one thing to agree with Wrong doing, but, it is another thing to allow yourself to be drawn into Man's Simplicity!
A Christian with Depth, will never access the situation with a Worldly view point, as a Christian we are to show the Enemy's TRUE motive's for their ACTION'S. that is, the reason as to why a certain thing came about, now, maybe some Christian's on this POST have not reached their full potential as far as Spiritual growth, if that be the case, well, seek God the more so. for Christian's cannot afford to be Blind sighted!
Negro (South Carolina) Please!
Here is an accurate rewrite of your words. The translations that you like.
They are expected to advocate Grievance Based Politics where the rest of the Congress is told about the plight of LEAST OF THESE, inspire marginalized people to join the Progressive Coalition, and teach the rest of us that we should trust the Democratic Party because per our contract we have a certain quota of people to bring into the polls and vote for the Democrats and thus keep us in the halls of power, that they should return the tax money paid by rich people to its RIGHTFUL OWNERS - left-leaning, marginalized coalitions of Americans. We have expressed a large amount of loyalty and faith to the people of the Democratic party who know the language that we want to hear that we might keep their power growing and not ask for any earnest money in the way of proof of their effectiveness. Instead the money that has been to sent with them to DC was the money raised through private funding of the Obama campaign that we paid in $10 at a time. We wanted HOPE and we got it - one Paypal payment at a time that we commissioned. We have been and are so happy with seeing a black Democrat and Progressive face representing the Democratic and progressive forces that have been feed to us. We appreciate blogs like Filled Negro and AfroSpear and news sources like MSNBC, HuffPo, DailyKOS and activists like Color of Change and MoveOn.org and how they feed our lusts against our enemies that sometimes that we fail to hold their feet to the fire as by doing so we allow the REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVES to get into power if we are critical of our beloved Progressive. IF we believed in the total equality of all Politicians who purport to represent our PERMANENT INTERESTS we would manage a Black or Hispanic politician who failed to deliver upon these interests as we would a comparable white pol and Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Condi Rice, JC Watts, Lynne Swann. They get MORE PRESS than the Congressional Black Democrat Caucus DESPITE the fact that none of them hold elective positions today.[/quote]
This is what South Carolina was THINKING when he wrote the piece. He merely needed to remain in line with his audience. I have no such bound.
[quote]Would we be talking about Black politician's if we didn't have a Black President? No, it seem's funny how all of a sudden the focus is on Black politician's, and who brought all this to the table? Republican's![/quote]
Please stay sane on us. JESUS can't help you out of this one as you seek to obfuscate away to your favorite subject.
The New York Times is HARDLY a "Republican journal". THEY are the ones who broke the story.
Please tell us what the Evil Republicans have to do with any of this?
I am forced to DEFEND my long time ideological adversaries in the "Congressional Black Democratic Caucus".
Putting aside their $700,000 catering bill which cannot be justified. In this case they have operated like a cold calling charitable organization that gives only 20% of the proceeds raised to the charitable organization in question.
For some of you this incident will provide you with yet another opportunity to PUT YOUR FAIRYTALE TO THE SIDE and deal with REALITY.
You all seek to keep evil corporations under the thumb of the government and you all strongly disliked the Supreme Court ruling on corporate campaign financing because - as you said - CORPORATIONS HAVE A LOT OF MONEY.
It is IRONIC that some of you operate upon the notion that EVEN THE POOREST MAN in the nation has the EQUALITY OF ONE VOTE. You use this to get your favored Grievance Based Politician into office. Yet you can't apply this same reasoning to the 42 members of the Congressional Black Democrat Caucus and see that Special Interest Groups see them as ONE EQUAL VOTE as well.
You admit that many of them come from "broke assed districts" (BADs) and yet you try to hold them to some Buddhist Monk vow of poverty. They have a SEAT OF POWER.
You look at the CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS upon Tavis Smiley events, Maya Angelou's 80th birthday party, Tom Joyner events, etc. Hell you even GO ALONG WITH THEM when they complain that certain evil corporations have "NO URBAN MANDATE" and thus don't ADVERTISE ON THEIR SHOWS. So what do you do? YOU team with "Color Of Change" to PROTEST AGAINST THE CORPORATION that failed to PAY MONEY to the connected celebrity in question.
After receiving PRESSURE from YOU - they cut a check to this media operative. He puts on the logo. YOU feel VICTORIOUS that you have "SPOKEN TRUTH TO POWER"......they receive a PAYCHECK and thank you profusely for being "Too Black/Too Strong".
Let's be honest my Progressive Friends: This is merely evidence of YOUR OWN SELECTIVE STANDARDS on Capitalism and Money that influences POLITICS.
When candidate Obama was carpet bombing McCain with television commercials paid by you AND CORPORATE campaign dollars - you were happy because YOUR GUY was receiving the benefit.
If you want to take this "vow of celibacy" you are not allowed to HAVE SEX when YOUR GUY stands to benefit from the goods that you put out EITHER.
I defend the CBDC in this one case BECAUSE it shows that they see what I see in the way of FINANCES. They merely have to maintain a FRONT for the "unsophisticated people" who NEVER ASK TO SEE THE BOOKS and are smitten by their 'UNBOUGHT/UNSOLD', ANGRY disposition that they put on as their plane lands coming from DC as they head home to their home district.
I know that LAC, Ernesto, Gregory (not Greg L), Jody, Black Girl#1, Black Diaspora and Purple Cow like their politicians with the war paint permanently tattooed to their face like Tyson.
ISEEISEE, "A Christian with Depth, will never access the situation with a Worldly view point, as a Christian we are to show the Enemy's TRUE motive's for their ACTION'S. that is, the reason as to why a certain thing came about, now, maybe some Christian's on this POST have not reached their full potential as far as Spiritual growth, if that be the case, well, seek God the more so. for Christian's cannot afford to be Blind sighted!"
Ok, you got me. I am guilty. But I am not as bad off as Mellaneous, Rippa, and Field. Those three are hopeless. Mellaneous goes to church every week and he still doesn't know shit.
And Field, don't even get me started. All I can say is you are going to have to put more punch in your prayers if you are going to help him.
I actually think Rippa might have a chance to get by St Peter, if he can distract him with a joke.
The only one that I know for sure who will sail through with flying colors is CF. I know that pisses some of you off, but hey, that's the way the mop flops.
Btw, ISEEISEE, who are the ENEMIES, pray tell?
Personally, I think the BEST way to effect change beneficial to black communities is to get involved at the LOCAL level. And no I don't mean by participating in local politics. I mean by volunteering at a black nursing home, tutoring kids at a predominately black school, offering to clean up a Black neighborhood, ect.
I recognized a LONG time ago that staying lined up with ANY political party wasn't going to solve "our" problems. Which is why I don't depend on groups like the CBC anymore. Maybe at one time they were relevant but I think that time has long since passed.
The problem as I see it is that so many of us "arrive", then forget where we came from and who provided the foundation for us the get there. So as Director, I made it a point to tell my Supv. that when summer lab positions came up this summer, that at least one of those 2 slots would be filled by an underrepresented minority (URM) student. I also volunteer at one of the local predominately Black high schools, assisting kids at with their science projects.
Finally, I feel that if you're one of those folks complaining about the CBC but aren't doing anything to help in communities that need it, you're no different any other ineffective politician out there.
"None of these folks are representing their constituents whether they are black or white. They all represent the interest of the ruling class. The Tea Party folks and the other right wingers are growing because they have been making this point.."
Bing bing bing!
ISEEISEE, Please pray for me.
Rippa and others who would excuse these clowns, why should we expect less from black elected poli-tricksters just because white poli-tricksters do it?
BTW, some of the folks in the CBC get cool points. (Maxine Waters and (Chaka Fattah comes to mind.)But a few good apples in a bad bunch still makes for a bad bunch of apples.
maria, he's serious, go away
Hey Field.. Can I nominated someone for HFN status...?
Now that the cat's out of the bag,who's ready and able to do the dirty work?
Field knows psychology. Reading that abuse of power by a subset of our elected officials is not given a free pass, no matter the historic baggage brought to the table, is always refreshing.
White, brown, yellow, red. All of the folks we sent to DC need to be reminded that we are watching, and that's the point of this post.
It needs to get done, and all citizens should applaud the furor raised when abuse and pocket-lining shows up. Granted, it's hard to find a representative that actually adheres to their moral convictions, but they are out there. This to has nothing to do with genetic background or skin shade, and these rare individuals need to hear from us as well. Cheer loudly when you spot an honest pol!
The problem is the American political system itself which is run by money and special interest..
Greggie, you really don't believe that your beloved black Republicans would be any different regarding partying and banquets, do you?
you're on point, FN.
you'd think those fools would sit down and say -well, we need to have a high percentage of this dough going to scholarships, but I guess that never occurred to them.
i trust NO politico...
elitism & greed trump race once again
"Finally, I feel that if you're one of those folks complaining about the CBC but aren't doing anything to help in communities that need it, you're no different any other ineffective politician out there."
"Now that the cat's out of the bag,who's ready and able to do the dirty work?"
Exhibit A.
All mouth and isn't doing jack.
BTW, is there a black congressman in Pittsburgh?
I know the Mayor is white.
"Finally, I feel that if you're one of those folks complaining about the CBC but aren't doing anything to help in communities that need it, you're no different any other ineffective politician out there."
"Now that the cat's out of the bag,who's ready and able to do the dirty work?"
Exhibit A.
All mouth and isn't doing jack.
BTW, is there a black congressman in Pittsburgh?
I know the Mayor is white.
The members of the CBC are no different than anybody else in congress. The problem is we are dealing with career politicians. When be stay in congress for years they no longer are working for the people they are working for themselves, and thus we need term limits. Presidents can only serve 2 terms and we need similar laws in place for the greedy, self-centered peacocks that populate Congress. Stop by my site:
Exactly right.
I was born in an era when the HOLOCAUST OF SLAVERY no longer existed, but the stench of SEGREGATION was left behind, and the fight to eradicate that stench began.
Over the years, I have seen how as people we have become distracted and sidetracked from the main issues that confront Blacks in America. Economics, proper historical representation through education, community understanding and the unification of Black people, regardless of what ship brought them here or where they were dropped off, are only a few of the things that we should be concentrating on.
I have seen the self-righteousness and indignation that others have had for Black people, regardless of where they were born. To energize or give voice to the ruthless thoughts of those who without understanding, feel that their cultural (European) heritage is being threatened, only diverts our attention and will never change an ignorant mind. Allowing the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and American history to be clouded with subterfuge and unsubstantiated facts, only shows their fears.
By association, we have allowed others to compete with and compare the American HOLOCAUST OF SLAVERY AND SEGREGATION to their plight. This is a complete misrepresentation of a true historical fact. History has shown us that once we have deviated from our struggle, ours has become the weaker, while others have moved ahead. They look back and wonder why we can’t do it, forgetting who assisted in their progress. Even within our own race, plantation thinking still exists. Although we have understood the plight of others, we as people must not be sidetracked by the plight of others.
There has been no other race of people within this American society (with the exception of the indigenous people of the land), that have endured and still endure the HOLOCAUST that has been heaped upon us. Blacks have ascended from the lowest to the highest in all areas of the country, and at the same time have not been recognized for their achievements, nor their love of America. With advancements in the internet, we must learn to use it properly for the communication of strong voices to a vast audience, for example your blog.
In an attempt to gain acceptance, we’re losing Pride and Justice. We are drowning in a sea of materialism and self-indulgence, at most achieving only a false sense of acceptance. Our children are being mis-educated as to the importance of a word (n…..r), believing that its usage is okay, and taking pride in it. They desire to leave their communities because they do not have the pride to rebuild them. They are relying and depending on others to give them direction, that in most cases, is not in their best interest
We must universally teach that the ability to become a critical thinker requires education and recognition of the past in order for the future to be secure. Although I do not typically quote from the Bible, Matthew 7:24-27 states:
24"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash
In a speech given before the Republican State convention, June 16, 1858, in which they chose Abraham Lincoln to represent the State of Illinois in U. S. Senate, Lincoln stated, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”.
I have chosen these two examples because I believe that they best exemplify what we must do in order to survive. We must connect the dots between Black Americans, Caribbeans, Brazilians and Africans in order to build a strong house.
As Americans, we must take the lead and use our experience and expertise to build bridges by example. Beginning with Haiti, we should assemble a force of 5,000 men and women to send to the country. This assembly should consist of doctors, nurses, lawyers, accountants, architects, construction workers, etc., to assist in the rebuilding of the country.
Certainly this can be viewed as idealistic, but if we stay focused and concentrate on our needs, it could become a reality. We can finally eradicate the stench of the holocaust and segregation through community understanding and the unification of Black people.
CBC validates the racist stereotype that politicians of color are all kleptocrats. Think that makes it easier for some folks to sneer at govt programs to help the 'hood?
"Think that makes it easier for some folks to sneer at govt programs to help the 'hood"
Such as what, for instance?
Anything resembling the New Homestead Act (to revitalize the lilly white Plains States) and the kleptocrats who are shepherding that boondoggle through Congress?
@Field: I think you missed my point. Which was, them being courted by special interest groups is nothing new - all politicians in DC are subjected to that. Now, of course the instance of them spending more on catering than scholarships in one year stands out. But, the question here is: how did they get that money? Did they do something illegal to do just that. The answer would be a resounding NO.
You read my comment as an "excuse", when in fact it explained that what you're rallying or angered by is nothing new - it's more of the same. What, did you think by them being black they were somehow different?
My thing is, this timely news piece just happens to be a triggered backlash. Backlash to them securing $6 billion a couple of months ago for urban communities in defiance of what was happening with the continued Corporate Welfare and support of Wall Street as opposed to working class people.
Now, you can say what you want about the CBC, but it cannot be denied that they stood up and got those funds for the people. They did what they were supposed to do especially in a time when nothing was being done for the black and brown people who fell victim to predatory lending practices. Well, $4 billion of the federal funds they secured is going towards that effort.
I am saying that shit from DC doesn't become news on accident or without ulterior motives. I'm also saying don't be quick to indict them without giving critical thought to what I'm saying. Per the article they use non-profits to be able to secure some of these corporate funds and there's nothing wrong with that. Sounds like to me that somebody white is hatin at the fact that those Niggers are able to pull something off that otherwise they shouldn't be able to do. Either that or they feel like they deserve a piece of the pie as well.
Think about it.
Its funny how almost all of us are whining about the CBC being corporate whores while promoting voter apathy.
AB and the the other so-called radicals, not all politicians are corrupt. And the only reason why the crooks stick around is because we simply don't care enough to act. If people in NOLA cared enough to vet their candidates -- an empty suit like Ray Naggin would have never been elected and 'Dollar Bill' Jefferson would have been gone a long time ago.
Charlie Rangel should have been challenged years ago in my former home of New York. But, as usual, the so-called radical types bitched on WLIB's Global Mind Flight and WBAI and did, well, nothing of substance. And regular folks simply towed the Democratic line or stayed home.
MAMM, its great to volunteer, and more folks should do it. In fact, 2010 would be the first time in 12 years that I've not worked in a soup kitchen or tutored children.
However, as I found when I was also volunteering, politics kicks you in the groin whether you like it or not. Non-profits and church groups often have to broker deals with pols for funding, zoning privileges etc. You don't want to know how many good non-profits are bleeding cash because some slick talking 'pastor' or land developer has sucked the city coffers dry.
This is just me trying to jump start my brain before work, but honestly, if we ignore politics, the politicians will ignore us.
Rangel's District today isn't nearly as "black" as it used to be.
As a matter of fact the largest ethnic demographic in the NY 15th Congressional District are Hispanics at 47%. Blacks are 34% and whites are 25%.
Anon: why do you say I don't know anything? I think it would be more accurate to say you disagree with what I know. I think my posts have more than accounted for the fact that I am an astute and learned individual with my own ideas of how a just world should look.
And BTW I have never implied that anyone should wait for equality nor do I live my life "waiting" for equality. I have spent a lot of my life fighting for human rights. Or haven't you read anything of what I write.
I not only go to church I try to live out Jesus teaching by trying to love my neighbor as myself. I take seriously the challenge of Micah 6:8 which says that what God requires is that we do justice, love mercy(charity) and walk humbly with God. This is how I live my life. Now if you disagree with that thats find but please don't judge me because you don't know what I do or have been doing. I have tried to tell you on this blog but you have to pay attention.
Isee Isee- I am not sure where you were going in your last post. I am a minister though I have spent most of my life fighting for social justice
Isee I see- speaking
you said
"You know what, some of you people say you are Minister's, really, what level of SIGHT are you operating in, in the Body of Christ? cause from what I read, I cannot see Depth! I see Carnal, but, not Depth, it is one thing to agree with Wrong doing, but, it is another thing to allow yourself to be drawn into Man's Simplicity!
A Christian with Depth, will never access the situation with a Worldly view point, as a Christian we are to show the Enemy's TRUE motive's for their ACTION'S. that is, the reason as to why a certain thing came about, now, maybe some Christian's on this POST have not reached their full potential as far as Spiritual growth, if that be the case, well, seek God the more so. for Christian's cannot afford to be Blind sighted!"
I am not sure exactly what you are getting at but this Christian has plenty of depth. It is because of my spirituality that I fight for social justice. The New Testament writers suggested that we be in the world but not of the world. Jesus was always doing something, healing preaching, even condemning the system of exploitation in his day that existed in Judaism and in Rome. That is what I am doing I can't speak for anyone else. I believe that God is a God of love and justice and so I try to emulate it the best I know how.
So thats why I am calling out the system because it is the source of much evil in the world but my reading of Jesus and the scriptures is that we are not only supposed to call out evil, but do something about it and that is why fight for justice.
Please explain more clearly what you meant by the above. I don't have much time now but later this evening I would be more than willing to discuss my perspective or least what God has revealed to me the Christians responsibility in the world.
to be honest until this post I had no idea that you were a Christian, or are you throwing this out as a way of saying that from your perspecitive I have not been Christian like.
From what position to you sit in judgement of what others are or are not doing or are living or are not living?
As I told Anon I see this forum as a way to put your ideas out there and the point is to take on the ideas and not necessarily what one "believes" or "conjures up"the about the posters character.
UTS - fair enough, Rangel's district is highly diverse now. Its doesn't let the lethargic netroots and so-called 'community activists' off the hook for just letting this guy abuse power, if we're all so mad about it.
I agree.
However people like CF like to rant about "black leadership" and this amorphous "black establishment" and how they have failed black people.
Through redistricting and gerrymandering, many CBC seats are extremely diverse.
Moreso than the average Republican seat which tends to be lilly white.
Take my area for instance.
As PG County Maryland became blacker Congressional leaders became worried about Steny Hoyer's electability.
So they shifted his 5th district eastward covering eastern PG County (the whitest Area of PG), western Anne Arundel and norther Charles.
Meanwhile the 4th district which has had a black Representative in Congress for the past 18 years has absorbed some of Southern Montgomery County which is heavily hispanic as well as Takoma Park which is very white, bohemian and leftwing.
[quote]Personally, I think the BEST way to effect change beneficial to black communities is to get involved at the LOCAL level. And no I don't mean by participating in local politics. I mean by volunteering at a black nursing home, tutoring kids at a predominately black school, offering to clean up a Black neighborhood, ect.[/quote]
Do you mind if I replay for you want I have been "ranting" about on this blog for a while? (Or at least that's what the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers have called what I am doing).
After doing my own bit of "Scientific Research" upon the Negro and where he lives - I have identified TWO DOMAINS of consciousness that abound:
1) The "American Political Domain" - where the good guy Democrats and the evil, racist, hate-filled Republican under every rock lives
2) The "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competence Domain". This is the set of prevailing thoughts that are WITHIN our local communities. These are the rules about how we interact with each other. These are the LAWS that are present at the layer below the laws that the "White man in the Legislature have created to 'lock a brother up' and thus profit the P.I.C. . When the laws in the CCC&C domain are broken - you in effect slap our community and our ancestors in the face.
Sadly the CCC&C is suffering from a state of benign neglect because the bulk of the PARTISAN PASSION and IDEOLOGICAL LUST possessed by the Negro is focused in the "APD". All the while we Negroes are focused on this external domain - someone else PROFITS from our loyal and unpaid support. In turn our basic community competence is never developed.
Thus when problems occur our CONDITIONING has us running far OUTSIDE of our community to address problems WITHIN. (Example about 2 years ago in response to the high murder rate in Philadelphia - despite the strong influence over the seats of POWER in the city - the "Black Establishment" saw fit to travel 117 miles to Harrisburg and plead their case for gun control".
FUNCTIONALLY they argued before the overwhelmingly WHITE PA Legislature: PLEASE pass a law in which you use your enforcement powers to KEEP THESE DEADLY WEAPONS out of the hands of our BLACK SONS. We need for you to work with the ORGANIZED system of Gun Dealers and have them limit their sales to our BLACK SONS. Despite the fact that WE are the 'hands that rocked their cradle' - we are at our wits end regarding instilling a sense of value for the life of other Black people in them. THUS we need for you, the legislature to set up an enforcement regime upon the brick and mortar GUN SHOPS and thus control those who GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR LAWS, forcing them to limit the quantity of guns that are available to those who sell their guns out of the trunk of their cars".
WhiteBowieSteve - If I have mischaracterized ANY of the facts on the ground - please detail where.
An important but unrelated point: Though you have a good blog here Field, the theme of your blog is off. The idea posited by Malcolm X about the house slave and the field slave is historically inaccurate.
Sure enough, some house negros identified with the master, but most did not.
House servants and field hands regularly married.
On most farms house slaves worked in the fields as well. Only on the largest plantations was it possible to have a real division between house and field slaves; even then, it didn't always happen.
House slaves and field slaves did not compromise separate and antagonistic groups. The shared abuse they both suffered could not have made it otherwise.
House servants in many ways had it worse than field slaves. They never could escape attentions from the whites; they were often harshly abused for even the smallest infractions; they were usually required to work every day of the week and were always on call.
House slaves often helped field hands run away. During the Civil War field hands relied on house slaves for information about union troop movements. The many desertions to the union lines could not have happened without house slaves.
Jefferson Davis's house slaves were actually spying on him for the union.
From the available evidence we have, house slaves were extremely sympathetic to cruelty directed at field hands.
I just felt it necessary to correct the inaccurate legend of house slaves-many of whom were fine people who have their memories inaccurately dismissed.
LA confidential I read with interest your posts and probably have a fundamental political disagreement with you so I thought I would ask you why you referred to people who call themselves radical and otherwise are radical "so-called radicals". What would make them so-called? I don't understand your denigration of those who used it to describe themselves.
Just wondering
i am proudly radical
and i will remain so eternally
your own selective "so called radicalism" is as amusing as it is sporadic
why does ray nagin's empty suit vex you so...yet obama's HUGE EMPTIER suit inspire you so????
for the record,
i do not doubt your glaring "political" schizophrenia as you do my radicalism...fot it is indeed routinely certified herein.
further evidence of the HUGE LOOSE suit donned by obama and what stuffs it fuller each day:
obama's grift makes the cbc look like peasant paupers!!!
Anon 2:06--
Good point about the House slave, Field slave relationship, but depending on which history you read the House Slaves for the most part identified with Master more than the Field slave. You are right about the exceptions, but Malcolm's point was about the rule not the exception and that the House slave's problem was identifying with their oppressors the slave masters.
Much like many blacks today identify with capitalism in spite of the misery it causes the majority of black folks in this country. However many of them are charitable and contribute to black causes and are otherwise philanthropic.
But Malcolm was trying to make the point that charity wasn't enough and that the system that causes the problems (racism, sexism, unequal opportunity, poverty, etc)in the first place should be done away with. MLK put it another way, " an edifice which produces beggars needs to be restructured."
Anon 2:06--
Good point about the House slave, Field slave relationship, but depending on which history you read the House Slaves for the most part identified with Master more than the Field slave. You are right about the exceptions, but Malcolm's point was about the rule not the exception and that the House slave's problem was identifying with their oppressors the slave masters.
Much like many blacks today identify with capitalism in spite of the misery it causes the majority of black folks in this country. However many of them are charitable and contribute to black causes and are otherwise philanthropic.
But Malcolm was trying to make the point that charity wasn't enough and that the system that causes the problems (racism, sexism, unequal opportunity, poverty, etc)in the first place should be done away with. MLK put it another way, " an edifice which produces beggars needs to be restructured."
lac is too ignorant and catty to mask her curious increasing aversion to radicals...
in an unjust world filled with evil liars like obama, radicals are noble and revolutionary!
"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative."
Martin Luther King Jr.
CBC deserves to be called on this..I support even criminal indictments of evidence exists..
i agree
as i said, i trust NO politicos
but i also agree with my bro rippa!
why exclusively lambast the cbc so valiantly for a mere pittance of what obama is doing as he is being suicidally praised????
why the selective scrutiny and sinister hypocrisy???
i see the cbc as wrong, but far less so and far less fatally so than obama inc!
"the "Black Establishment" saw fit to travel 117 miles to Harrisburg and plead their case for gun control".
"WhiteBowieSteve - If I have mischaracterized ANY of the facts on the ground - please detail where."
CF you idiot
The bills main impetus came fromas Diane Edbril a white lawyer from goddamned RADNOR, PA and the head of Ceasefire PA, an anti-gun lobbying organization.
Who exactly were these "black establishment" members you refer to and where did utter anything close to the drivel you posted?
However people like CF like to rant about "black leadership" and this amorphous "black establishment" and how they have failed black people.[/quote]
Instead of putting 2 & 2 together with respect to MANAGING the resources that you have put into POWER - you merely allow them to step from behind their desks and LEAD A PROTEST MARCH against the next highest layer of government.
Steve: MANAGEMENT is about defining the BOUNDARIES of your problem space and CONTROLLING AS MANY OF THE VARIABLES that impact you inside this "plot of land" that you wish to grow into a "Prize Winning Garden" AND to keep the external forces at bay as much as you can. YOU and others have a near total EXTERNAL ADVOCACY strategy. Thus your OCEAN WILL NEVER BE BOILED with the "Bic Lighter" that you use. The worst FEAR that you have is that you will be all alone in the ROPED OFF GARDEN that you now have responsibility to produce YIELD from.
Through redistricting and gerrymandering, many CBC seats are extremely diverse.[/quote]
Steve: We are going to see if the Black/Brown alliance was a good strategy. Maxine Waters and the retiring Rep Watson now have MAJORITY HISPANIC districts. With them all having to run every 2 years IT IS A MATTER OF TIME before a Hispanic politician runs a "Memphis Willie Herenton" campaign which asks: "WHY CAN'T WE HAVE OUR 'OWN KIND' Representing us?"
Moreso than the average Republican seat which tends to be lilly white.[/quote]
Steve: In the Georgia General Assembly the ONLY time you see Black Democrats split ways from White Liberal Democrats and instead partner with White Conservative Republicans is when it comes to REDISTRICTING.
The more districts that are drawn to CONCENTRATE BLACKS thus assuring a Black Democrat victory - the more LILY WHITE districts that trend GOP there are.
When then see the true colors of the White Liberal Snarling Fox Democrats as they fight against the Black Caucus seeking to protect the seats of the White Liberal Democrats who are made vulnerable by the concentration of "Black Democrats" (sorry for repeating myself).
FEW Black Conscious People take a step back and ask "What have we MATERIALLY GAINED from this horse trading"?
AB - you are welcome! You should know you are going to hear crickets on the Obama criticism. But he has earned it.
UCN- why I am not surprised that you support the corporations that have been trying to buy CBC members. Why is it Okay for Rent-a Center to continue to rake poor folks over the coals? Why is it cool that they would be paying Congresspeople to prevent them from putting sensible controls on their outrageous ability to rip people off.
I know I know its the way of the good old free market. Overcharging old ladies and poor folks is just good business, right? And of course they are always free to not rent the trinckets that every ad and everybody says you just gotta have.
Help me understand how this leads the human race forward forget about black folks for a second how is this good for humanity?
[quote]Who exactly were these "black establishment" members you refer to and where did utter anything close to the drivel you posted?
Filled Negro:
Though you were likely in the march to Harrisburg - choosing to drive instead of marching - will you VOUCH FOR ME that the group of Community Activists from around Market Street organized the Gun Control March to Harrisburg about 2 years ago?
OR do I need to go back through the records and find it to shut Steve up?
as long as corps rule all
true justice/democracy will never thrive
corps run obama/the govt/the net/the globe...shame!!!
Expose those lousy, pompous, bling-blingin' house negroes. Fry like pigs on an iron skillet with your truth.
The CBC, mega-churches, and the Civil Rights Aristocracy need to GO!
i find it VERY suspect that toyotas were renowned as supreme autos until obama bought GM...
the cbc's typical sins were silently kept hidden until they dared to radically call out obama...
there is a method to the dual madness
obama's empty suit harbors no jobs...but it sure will be stuffed with MANY more jails...
see obama/gwb 2.0's "radical" crime schemes here:
I am a Black man with rythm ...I have no problem with indicting both CBC and Obama with regard to campaign funding issues..
I also have no problem calling out Michelle for wasting her political capital on obesity when our Blacck venues are in economic holocaust..
My rythm as a Black man allows me to multitask and focus on a number of issues..It is part of my Black Culural DNA the ability to be so global and flexible and talented all while in the flow and harmony of the natural laws of the universe....lol,lol,lol
neither do i
but whenever i see a spotlight in DC, i must also see who is shining it and why...
i am certain that the cbc has been exposed not for their similar sins but because of their unique honesty regarding obama!
ditto t!
i am dejected by michelle's fluffy choice of an agenda!
as if so many children are not NEWLY thin due to starvation!
"Though you were likely in the march to Harrisburg - choosing to drive instead of marching - will you VOUCH FOR ME that the group of Community Activists from around Market Street organized the Gun Control March to Harrisburg about 2 years ago?
OR do I need to go back through the records and find it to shut Steve up?"
OH PUH-LEEZE shut me up!
These activists are such "establishment members" that you don't even know their names!
The problem is the American political system itself which is run by money and special interest..
Greggie, you really don't believe that your beloved black Republicans would be any different regarding partying and banquets, do you?
Actually, UTS, I'd agree with you that the entire political/economic system is corrupt. However that doesn't absolve the CBC from its corruptness and ineptitude. That's like saying that someone should get exempted from jail time after robbing a store just because other folks are doing it and didn't get caught.
With the problems Black folks have, we can ill afford these fools running around partying while the communities they represent are in distress. But to be honest, I fault them less than I fault us. It's our fault that they get away with it because accountability mechanisms within the black community are woefully absent.
Well Greg,
All blacks don't have the same problems nor are all black communities in distress.
I will also dispute the notion that the level of corruption and ineptitude among black congressmen is greater than any other congressional demographic.
Now being a black conservative could you explain how anything would be different or better for black folks in general or the congress in particular if the CBC was dominated by Republicans?
Especially since you guys have such examples of virtue like Claude Allen, Gary Franks and Michael Steele to reference.
Um, could we stop it with the silly talk about the CBC being currupt. To my knowledge and from reading the article, it has yet to be shown where ANYTHING they did as far as fund-raising was illegal.
Stop it with this silly reactionary language, folks. They procured funds from some big wigs and funneled them to non-profit orgs. Do you know how hard non-profits are having it right now in this economy especially staying afloat?
Here's more food for thought:
These non-profits do more work in our communities than any of you side-neck talking Negroes on this thread. But nah, that's not important. What's important is the notion that niggers are being bought and sold by "the man".
@AB: You're right, nobody is giving any consideration to the timing of this press release what so ever. Yep, let's talk shit about the CBC, the only real lobbying body for black folks while Obama showed his hand and how he gets down.
Negroes foolishly defended Obama's claim that he cannot specifically do anything for Black folks in America. But then he invited Black leaders to talk about fixing the economic woes of said folks in urban communities.
ditto rippa!
how can anyone hate gwb but adore his turbo clone obama?
if the cbc is the only org speaking up for poor blacks, how can we muzzle them for any typical political infraction?
blacks are famous for being politically masochistic as they adore those who despise them and despise those who adore them...ie mumia v. mj...shame!!!!
obama has blatantly said to black america
"i can ONLY help rich white bankers"...and that has been accepted with glee!!!
Well if there can be New Homestead Act on the table to revitalize the Plains States why can't there be an Inner City Act to revitalize the ghetto not just gentrify it?
obama gave 75+ bil to banks
1/10th could have worked miracles for svcs to poor
empty food banks
free med clinics staffed by volunteers/med students
mentoring programs
day care
jobs programs
black sba projects
obama gave nothing to the poor
and he boldly says "do not ask me for anything unless you own a bank/nuke plant etc"
more on the sins of the cbc:
Excellent piece. You spoke righteously because it was the right thing to say regardless of the racial backlash.
I commend your strength and integrity my brother.
CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, can you please enlighten me, what is your definition of Sane as opposed to INSANE? go back and look at your post, for when you post, it's as if you can't Stop! you give statistic's, but, where is your own personal opininion?
Mellaneous, I walk in the office of a APOSTLE,PROPHETESS, as well as an EVANGELIST! well, you ask, why would I come to a BLOG called the (THE FIELD NEGRO) well, because I am a Black Radical, ACTIVIST CHRISTIAN) why? because I need to hear what my people are thinking on both side's of the Spiritual REALM! remember Christ was all over the place, he never stayed in one place, he traveled Amongst the people! Christ put himself in the midst of Sin, Unbelief and Betrayal!
I write in my FIFTH SIGHT, when I post at this BLOG! I seek to see who amongst these people are Watchful! and I must admit, the MAJORITY of the Black people that post here are One sighted, in that I mean, they tend to Digest what is before them, they tend to bypass the ROOT and go for what is at the Top, they tend to be satisfied with what is given to them, they tend to Eat the Fruit that is NOT beneficial to their well being! they tend to over look the Obvious! in other word's they are Spiritually and Naturally Blind, but, we do have a few that are WATCHFUL! and trust me, they are few!
The TEA PARTY MOVEMENT exist because of WHITE SURVIVAL, if you were being told, Your RACE was decreasing, what would you do? would you use something that has been around for year's, as a CRUTCH, to cover your BLATANT RACIST behavior, that being TAX'S! so yes, the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT exist because these people have NOTHING else to use! they can't use RACISM, though they try to, they can't use Injustice, so what can they use to get the attention of other WHITE'S to UNITE against Black's? oh and some of you people thought this was really really about TAX'S? well, of course you did!
Did someone say the NEW YORK POST put this story out about the CBC, well, of course they did, for they wanted to put the Black Caucus on FRONT STREET! will the NAACP be next, will the Urban League be next, what Black Organization will be next! oh, and I know some of you people really want the BLACK CHURCH to be called out! well, all I will say is well, and I will leave it at that!
"activist christians" do not bash gays
nor do they condone those like obama who betray and slay the poor!!!
dear jesus: please deliver us from all these buybull toting hypochristians who DISGRACE your holy name!!!!
Well Greg,
All blacks don't have the same problems nor are all black communities in distress.
I will also dispute the notion that the level of corruption and ineptitude among black congressmen is greater than any other congressional demographic.
Now being a black conservative could you explain how anything would be different or better for black folks in general or the congress in particular if the CBC was dominated by Republicans?
Especially since you guys have such examples of virtue like Claude Allen, Gary Franks and Michael Steele to reference
Please don't throw me in your liberal vs. conservative debate. I happen to think that if you don't hold folks to account, no matter who they are, you're gonna get jerked.
So black folks should be okay with corruptness and ineptitude just because some other community is okay with it? I don't think so. Someone else's "standards",or lack thereof, should not establish a standard for African-Americans.
To be sure, there are some African-American communities that aren't distressed. Similarly, there are individual black folks who aren't distressed, but that has nothing to do with the lack of accountability mechanisms that are sorely needed. If anything, those in a better economic station should be on the forefront of raising hell about this.
The bottom line is that we as black folks rarely mete out punishment when it's needed nor to we exert power over those who purportedly represent us. Consequently, we get what we get---SCLC squabbling over who stole money and the CBC sitting around getting paid and having parties. It's a little like Nero fiddling while Rome burns.
Um, could we stop it with the silly talk about the CBC being currupt. To my knowledge and from reading the article, it has yet to be shown where ANYTHING they did as far as fund-raising was illegal.
Stop it with this silly reactionary language, folks. They procured funds from some big wigs and funneled them to non-profit orgs. Do you know how hard non-profits are having it right now in this economy especially staying afloat?
Here's more food for thought:
These non-profits do more work in our communities than any of you side-neck talking Negroes on this thread. But nah, that's not important. What's important is the notion that niggers are being bought and sold by "the man".
Legality, while germane in a court of law, is semantics in this discussion here. I consider is corrupt for anyone to purport to represent my interests when they've been bought and paid for by someone else as it's clear that they're more accountable to those who've paid the money. That's a problem in the system generally with aggrandized effect in the African-American community.
No they don't get a pass. Moreover, I'd really like to see what exactly these non-profits actually did. What are their programs and how effective were they? I hope it's not like SCLC spending $ 400,000 on non violent conflict resolution when the board itself is fighting.
There is a need for clear expectations and standards that come from the commmunity that folks get measured against. The day of anyone coming up with any old thing and trying to pass it off as "doing something" when they did nothing needs to end.
But again, as much as I criticize CBC, SCLC and etc. I can't fault them as much as I fault us. It's the people that need to establish and communicate the expectations. Those expectations have to be far more substantive than voting for someone because he's or she's a "member".
Rippa - are you the only one who actually read Obama's response to the CBC when they attempted to call him out.
AB- I know you have the Obama response to the CBC somewhere can you please post it I tried to get conversation started about it but got no takers. I had it and I am going to google it. I really want to know what folks think about his response.
Field are you hip to this?
[quote]UCN- why I am not surprised that you support the corporations that have been trying to buy CBC members. [/quote]
WHY DO YOU "INFERIORIZE" the 42 members of the Congressional Black Caucus?
What if I MAKE THE EQUAL STATEMENT:"Why I am not surprised that the CBC MEMBERS realize the VALUE of the POWER that they have in occupying 42 of the 435 Seats in the US House and 1 Seat of 100 in the US Senate and they go to where THE MONEY IS - the CORPORATIONS, leveraging this POWER to PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE ON THE CBC HEADQUARTERS and other benefits to THEIR AGENDA!!!!!!
WHY do you focus on the CORPORATION'S INTENT but not the CBDC?
Think about it Mellaneous - Obama didn't live up to your "Revolutionary Progressive Theory" as you were prompted to write personal checks and purchase "Obama Commemorative Plates" for your mantle.
DID HE "sell out" OR did your leftist-progressive THEORY not endure as it went from ABSTRACT into REAL WORLD as he had to actually GOVERN/MANAGE the nation? Even a 60 seat MAJORITY in the Senate and a House Majority did not cause a Zamboni to ride down your street and pave it with a sheet of gold laden ice.
WHY THEN do you seek to define the CBDC in terms that are different than what OTHER EQUAL HUMAN ELECTIVE REPRESENTATIVES conspire to do?
I bet that IF the CORPORATIONS stayed away from the CBDC that YOU (and a few others on this board) would claim that it is RACIST that these evil corporations FAILED to offer the CBDC money because their vote was worth 3/5ths of White people sitting in the same seat. You would likely hear Tom Joyner/Harvey/Baisden/Ballentine/Sharpton/Jackson/Martin/Bev Smith use their radio programs to get YOU to DEMAND that these evil corporations OFFER MONEY to the CBDC and thus PROVE they don't have a "No Urban Legislator Mandate".
[quote]Why is it Okay for Rent-a Center to continue to rake poor folks over the coals?[/quote]
Mellaneous - I get the strong feeling that you and others see a BLACK MAN WITH AN INK PEN and a CONTRACT in front of him like you do a Blindfolded, 6 year old boy with a pair of scissors and a staircase to play on.
Mellaneous -
*Tax Refund Loans
*Mortgage Brokers giving the "hook up" to get folks into a house
*Pyramid Schemes
*Title Loans/Payday Loans
ALL OF THEM will be around among certain people who
* FAIL to understand the fair market price because they did not research
* Who's "Eyes are bigger than their stomach" - focusing more upon being in RECEIPT OF the BENEFIT that is IN FRONT OF THEM than they
do about the FINANCIAL BURDEN that they have WILLINGLY agreed to
* Believed that their CASH FLOW will magically be augmented some time in the future.
Mellaneous - in the past a BLACK MAN was not a FULL CITIZEN enough to SIGN A CONTRACT. This is what JIM CROW had suppressed us into.
I get the strange feeling (and I realize that you would never admit it) that you have the same PATERNALISM/ASSUMED INFERIORITY cast upon some people for THEIR OWN GOOD. This is the kissing cousin of those who felt the same for these people but for nefarious reasons.
[quote] Why is it cool that they would be paying Congresspeople to prevent them from putting sensible controls on their outrageous ability to rip people off[/quote]
Mellaneous - I SUGGEST that you hand out $0.79 calculators from the closest Big Lot, Dollar General, or Aldi and HAND THEM OUT to as many "potential VICTIMS" as you can.
At some point, Mellaneous - YOU NEED TO ALLOW A BIRD TO FLY.
You are a walking, talking violation of the words of the great Fredrick Douglass. (Do I need to go and get the full quote for you?) "“If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, … let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature’s plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also.”
We used to be BEATEN WITH BATS.
Now you are fearing a CONTRACT and an INK PEN!!!!
Jody and Filled Negro are EXPERT at contract law. Have them make a YOUTUBE VIDEO for training purposes!!!
[quote]CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, can you please enlighten me, what is your definition of Sane as opposed to INSANE? go back and look at your post, for when you post, it's as if you can't Stop! you give statistic's, but, where is your own personal opininion?[/quote]
I would be more impressed if YOU were to challenge those people who have more OPINION in their posts than STATISTICS and thus are free to "Make Shyt UP" - to PROVE WHAT THEY CLAIM!!!
My opinion is worth NOTHING.
I keep giving it and then UptownSteve merely asks me the same damned question again in about 2 months.
Oh Field almost forgot to give you BIG UPS for posting about the plight of the black farmers and John Boyd and their fight to get just recompense from the govt for all the land that was stolen and for failing to give black farmers the same access to credit that white farmers got.
I was involved with these guys years ago. I went to the Senate hearings and stood with them as a rep of a human rights organization. I also worked with them along with some fellow travelers helping them spread the word around the country. I have attended their conferences and marched with them in the MLK Day march held annually in ATL.
I hope you post more about them. A lot of folks don't know about the skullduggery that went into defrauding thousands of black farmers. It is an absolutely unbelievable history. Yes black folks owned lots of land at one time before they were systematically dispossessed.
Anybody notice the very white Jesus in the NY Times Sunday Magazine article about whether this is a Christian nation. The picture of the white Jesus seemed to imply that this is a white Christian nation.
Somebody take a look at this and tell me what you think, Field, AB, Granny, Uptown, SC trap somebody
UCN said;
Mellaneous - in the past a BLACK MAN was not a FULL CITIZEN enough to SIGN A CONTRACT. This is what JIM CROW had suppressed us into.
I get the strange feeling (and I realize that you would never admit it) that you have the same PATERNALISM/ASSUMED INFERIORITY cast upon some people for THEIR OWN GOOD. This is the kissing cousin of those who felt the same for these people but for nefarious reasons.
I believe that you get that "strange feeling" from the same place you get all of your other silly ideas. Why do you continue to try to imput ideas upon me rather argue what my positions. I have never nor would in a million years consider black folks inferior. Is it because I can't stand the evil system that you have so much love for? Sometimes you're just plain silly.
When I have nothing to say I just stay silent. Good advice for you
GregL said:
"The bottom line is that we as black folks rarely mete out punishment when it's needed nor to we exert power over those who purportedly represent us. Consequently, we get what we get---SCLC squabbling over who stole money and the CBC sitting around getting paid and having parties. It's a little like Nero fiddling while Rome burns."
Greg, we may not agree politically, but that was my point this morning as I was being bored to death on my testing script t-con. We get what we get when we don't get involved.
As to the 'so-called radicals' comment, its rather simple. So-called radicals may talk the talk, but when it comes down lets get things done, lets get a plan together, they're mute.
Back in the day when I was really active in the Green Party, I ran into these folks all the time:
Activist -'The system is corrupt man!! They're going to close down XYZ community center to build a strip mall. Corporations are taking over our city!'
Me - 'I agree, lets do something about it. There's a city council has open forum to discuss. I've got the names and numbers of 10 key council members. We can lobby to stop this foolishness.'
Activist - 'No, its too corrupt, we can't change anything!! We gotta fight the system.'
Me - 'OK, we've got the tools. We can call their offices, organize sit-ins. I'm down for whatever.'
Activist - 'No, its too corrupt, we can't change anything!! We gotta fight the system.'
Me- 'OK, do you want to actual change anything, or simply sit around and complain about how nothing works? How about this, your city councilmen's retiring -- you can take his seat.'
Activist - 'No, its too corrupt, we can't change anything!! We gotta fight the system.'
Wash, rinse, repeat.
If I sound rather bitter, well, its because I spent most of my teens and twenties dealing with these types of people to the point, now, in my early 30's, I'm ready to through up my hands and quit.
So, to those who some how think I'm an Obamaholic
a) Don't be so presumptive, or myopic. Just because I'm not screaming 'OBAMA IS SATAN!!', doesn't mean I don't vocally disagree with many of his policies. I'm not 'ride or die' with this cat. He's a politician, a relatively clean one, but a politician nonetheless. I don't agree with the war, I want to see a 'green collar' Marshall Plan for the inner city and I think the administration were too timid in healthcare reform and the stimulus. If anything, its like reliving Clinton -- just with no chubby girls under the Lincoln desk. Disappointed, yes. But, I've learned what to expect a long time ago. Besides, GI Jerk and Caribou Barbie would have been much worse.
b) My real challenge isn't that people don't like Obama -- its that too many on the left have resided themselves to sitting on the sidelines and whining about things instead of working with others to really change things.
I give the Tea Party props -- they're united in their utter distrust of government and in many parts of the movement, the skinny brown person leading it.
CF "Filled Negro:
Though you were likely in the march to Harrisburg - choosing to drive instead of marching"
LOL. CF, why are you so hard on Field? I thought you liked him.
Mellaneous "I not only go to church I try to live out Jesus teaching by trying to love my neighbor as myself. I take seriously the challenge of Micah 6:8 which says that what God requires is that we do justice, love mercy(charity) and walk humbly with God."
I apologize. I was trying to be funny when I replied to ISEEISEE's comment about everyone's lack of spiritual DEPTH.
ab, ""activist christians" do not bash gays
nor do they condone those like obama who betray and slay the poor!!!
dear jesus: please deliver us from all these buybull toting hypochristians who DISGRACE your holy name!!!!"
How dare you make a judgment on a prophet? Your prejudice is absolutely shockingly idiotic!
You know nothing about the bible and Revelations. At least Field knows something about it even though it is very obscure in his mind. But you AB-lostone knows NOTHING!
you probably don't even know what a bible looks like, you fool.
humm, reminds me of something el Haji el Malik once said...
now, you know why i dont participate in the banquet bankruptcy of your fake bi partisan undemocracy electoral system... ticking chats for fooles up on the hill and the po man is still poorer for their own slimy non representation... but
that is good money if you con game is on hit!
Greg, we may not agree politically, but that was my point this morning as I was being bored to death on my testing script t-con. We get what we get when we don't get involved.
As to the 'so-called radicals' comment, its rather simple. So-called radicals may talk the talk, but when it comes down lets get things done, lets get a plan together, they're mute.
LA, it is not necessary that we agree politically when acknowledging there's a gap between talk and action in our communities. This gap is evident across the board regardless of political persuasion.
Why is there a gap? Real revolution takes work, skill and vision, all of which are in short supply in our community. The people with those skills are generally not in the community but are generally employed or engaged elsewhere. Due to this, our best feet are not forward. For example, no one can convince me that someone like Al Sharpton is the best we got--not by a long shot, but people like him are the default selection because they're the "best" of what's left. This brain drain forms the primary basis for the lack of vision, leadership and skill within.
So quite naturally, that leaves us with folks who believe things are too "corrupt" to get involved and change things, yet some of these same folks have no problem getting engaged with some nefarious endeavor that is even more corrupt. IMO, that's what their "skills" lend themselves to.
The primary difference between the activists of the civil rights era and can be nearly entirely explained by this skills gap. This is why a similiar movement can not occur today except in echoes. Why does it seem that it's easier to get folks to come out and march than to engage in sustained long term planning and action? Organizing a protest march doesn't require much in the way of skills while strategic planning/action requires a far higher level of skills.
Unfortunately, those with the skills are rarely free to deploy them without fear of economic consequence (i.e. loss of job and etc), because their economic situation is not tied to the community. This is the main reason why we have so many preachers heading up this or that--they're among the rare few who are economically tied to the community, but unfortunately, many don't have the vision or skills.
There's a whole bunch of reasons why things are as they are in the black community and the situation with the CBC is really just a reflection of a lot of this stuff.
If every one of those clowns were beaten tomorrow by a white man who would do a better job of serving the needs of the community that sent those CBC members to Washington, I would be all for it.
Speaking of getting beaten by white men, here's one for the books: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQJFv9SMSMQ
Disturbing....until you notice that "I AM A MOTHERFUCKER" t-shirt. Kind of a warning sign right then and there that shit wasn't gonna be all peaches and creme.
Hey Field Unconstructive dropped a real stink bomb on us with that Frederick Douglass quote. He took it completely out of context. Douglass was making the point that the freed slaves would succeed if there were no racist interference and no phoney efforts to help him which were actually tricks to hurt him. Douglass was appealing for the ballot, justice and equal opportunity.
This was a real dishonest move by UCN. It was a part of a great speech which you and everyone else can read for themselves an excerpt with the quote "in context."
"What I ask for the Negro is not benevolence, not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice. [Applause.] The American people have always been anxious to know what they shall do with us. Gen. Banks was distressed with solicitude as to what he should do with the Negro. Everybody has asked the question, and they learned to ask it early of the abolitionists, "What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! If you see him on his way to school, let him alone, don't disturb him! If you see him going to the dinner table at a hotel, let him go! If you see him going to the ballot- box, let him alone, don't disturb him! [Applause.] If you see him going into a work-shop, just let him alone,—your interference is doing him a positive injury. Gen. Banks' "preparation" is of a piece with this attempt to prop up the Negro. Let him fall if he cannot stand alone! If the Negro cannot live by the line of eternal justice, so beautifully pictured to you in the illustration used by Mr. Phillips, the fault will not be yours, it will be his who made the Negro, and established that line for his government. [Applause.] Let him live or die by that. If you will only untie his hands, and give him a chance, I think he will live. He will work as readily for himself as the white man."
FIELD NEGRO, so are you calling member's of the BLACK CAUCUS (BUM'S)? for if so, you should call your WHITE POSTER'S back, for they should read what a wanna be FIELD NEGRO really feel's about his people! as if he has a right to throw stone's at the BLACK CAUCUS! as if he would have the gut's to stand before Congress and try to get a Bill Passed that would benefit the Poor Black's in his District!
This is to, all you Pathetic BLACK FOLK on this comment form that are calling the BLACK CAUCUS every name in the book! you Negro's are as bad as RACIST WHITE FOLK! you are down with BLACK when you think they have done No Harm, but, when the WHITE MAN go's out and look for dirt on them, you are the first one's to Persecute them! and we wonder why OUR people are more divided than ever.
The white man will stick together no matter what, look at the REPUBLICAN'S, they are trying to Destroy this country and if God almighty don't step forth they will! you Slow minded Black folk need to take a look at what is really taking place in this country, the White man is trying to SHUT everything DOWN! look at TOYOTA! who do you think is behind all this?
The car industry was beginning to THRIVE, and who do you think, would get the Credit for trying to keep the AUTO INDUSTRY from going down completely? the President! now all of a sudden, TOYOTA is having problem's, think all this is a accident? TOYOTA was THRIVING when all the other AUTO INDUSTRY'S was about to fall, and now look! they are trying to bring TOYOTA down! these people go from ONE thing to the NEXT! if the President is getting a little credit, well, let's go over here and try to bring this down! let's make sure he FAIL'S no matter what! we can't let this BLACK MAN prosper!
LACoincidental said @ 6:22 PM:
Truth. Plain and simple.
The followup question is, do you email your rep with a link to this post? Do you use this post's energy to take a step that makes a difference, however small?
You can add your voice to the chorus if you want. You can be part of the solution.
It's what a FN does. Even us white ones.
[quote]I have never nor would in a million years consider black folks inferior. Is it because I can't stand the evil system that you have so much love for?[/quote]
Hey Melaneous - YOUR ANCESTORS might have been "Freed Slaves" (if you are Black) (A NOUN)
MY ANCESTORS were "ENSLAVED". (A CONDITION that "Equal Human Beings" were placed in)
Mellaneous - I don't judge you by what you SAY. I make note of a PATTERN. It is interesting that to you this SYSTEM IS EVIL yet it would reach a "LESS EVIL" state if the BEAST with the ravenous appetite would merely take what it ingests and direct more "booty" in a manner that is favorable to YOU.
Question Mellaneous:
* IS the land that was "STOLEN" from the Black Farmers THEIRS in the first place since it was STOLEN from the Native Americans in the first place?
* If the "Buffalo Soldiers" used "war chants" in Cuba in which they made loud noises as they advanced through the jungle, making the Spanish enemy think that they were more numerous than they actually were and thus causing them to retreat. Since the Buffalo Soldiers credited this tactic to the Native Americans AND they were wearing the uniforms of the United States....would you say that there was a good chance that the Buffalo Soldiers faught AGAINST the Native Americans - taking their lands along with the White Soldiers?
I struggle to understand how you figure that I have molested the meaning of Fredrick Douglass' words. YOU are not calling for JUSTICE. You are calling for FOOD - today.
Please show me where YOU ask for JUSTICE AND FOR THE NEGRO TO STAND in 2010?
@ FN:
About this post..No comment. :)
And you're right...Rangel was wrong. But we still need him at HW&M. Think of what it was like before him...and what it will be like if they take him down...
Dang, I got cold just thinking about it.
@ FN:
OK... I changed my mind. Leave Ice Cube Jefferson alone! lol
Jeezuz Christ CF, do you think people are stupid?
Douglass was talking about American barricades to black advancement.
Denial of the right to education, to own property, to vote, to reach your potential.
The Buffalo soldiers were displaying loyalty to the American government by fighting the designated enemy hoping that this sacrifice would grant them full acceptance as first classed citizens.
You really are a psychologically stunted self hating negro, aren't ya?
According to you, black folks are gonna be wrong as long as we don't accept the notion that we were saved from barbarism by the slave catchers that brought us to civilization, right?
My God.
CF, "Mellaneous - I don't judge you by what you SAY. I make note of a PATTERN. It is interesting that to you this SYSTEM IS EVIL yet it would reach a "LESS EVIL" state if the BEAST with the ravenous appetite would merely take what it ingests and direct more "booty" in a manner that is favorable to YOU."
How profound. CF you nailed it, thanks brother.
ISEEISEE, "I write in my FIFTH SIGHT, when I post at this BLOG! I seek to see who amongst these people are Watchful! and I must admit, the MAJORITY of the Black people that post here are One sighted, in that I mean, they tend to Digest what is before them, they tend to bypass the ROOT and go for what is at the Top, they tend to be satisfied with what is given to them, they tend to Eat the Fruit that is NOT beneficial to their well being! they tend to over look the Obvious! in other word's they are Spiritually and Naturally Blind, but, we do have a few that are WATCHFUL! and trust me, they are few"
ISEEISEE, thanks for this insight, but what is a FIFTH SIGHT and how did you develop it and what has it done for you, other than to 'see' but has left you helpless to do anything about what you 'see' happening to your people?
I DO agree, that most Blacks are 'Spiritually Blind'. They have tunnel vision and seek everything from the very worldly white man who once enslaved them. Blacks have yet to AWAKEN and to transcend their petty self-centered egos.
But this is nothing new for humanity. Even Jesus noticed this among his people. It was because of the worldly sinful nature of most humans that HE was crucified.
But again, what good is it doing you to see your people going over the cliff? You already know that they are spiritually blind and deaf.
The Prophet
My Rep, Donald Payne, was just elected chairman of CBC. This district is 57% black. It's gerrymandered to make it blacker, by including only the African-American sections of several towns. But if it included only entire towns, it would still be overwhelmingly Democrat. I don't think Payne even had an opponent last time. Since he has about as liberal a record as can be measured, Nobody pays much attention to the fine print he might insert in bills, or his votes on corporate donor friendly legislation. To his credit, he does speak out on important matters involving Africa, which hardly rate a blip in media radar unless a ship is hijacked.
I will not allow YOU to molest my views and intentions of posting the Frederick Douglass piece in which YOU make the claim that I have molested Douglass' view point.
I will start from the midpoint with you and state:
* OF COURSE Douglass was fighting against White Supremacy and Oppression.
* OF COURSE he realized the injustice of Slavery and how an EQUAL HUMAN BEING could be legally treated like an animal, thus denying all of the abundant evidence that he is EQUAL.
* OF COURSE he realized the damning state to Black people when the laws of the land were against his people and the ENFORCEMENT of their rights was arbitrary.
Thus I struggle to understand your claim that I have taken Douglass out of context.
What you don't seem to get is that there is a DUOPOLY when it comes to equality. You and others focus upon the "Equal Treatment" portion of the equation where the greater society must prove that it sees you as an equal based on how it treats you. Certainly this is the basis for everything. It matters not that an enslaved person is brilliant. He remains a slave and thus subjected to the whims of another who seek to use his labor instead of his brains.
At the same time - Douglass tapped upon the other element of EQUALITY: The demand that people PROJECT it into the public space. His reference to STAND UP or LET FALL is in line with this.
This is the point that you appear to have problems with - back then as well as TO-DAMNED-DAY.
I believe that it is important that each of us build a MODEL OF THE WORLD that captures all of the forces and with proper PROPORTIONS. My sense from you is that you are "too heavy on the salt". You see the dysfunction in today's Black community as residue of the stain that history has passed forward.
I see an increasing amount of ABANDONMENT in the MANAGEMENT of the prodigy that come out of the womb which FAILS to inculcate them into citizens within the community that serve a net productive role WITHIN the community.
In your stance you are more inclined to lobby the GOVERNMENT.
In my stance I am more inclined to demand that the people who will RECEIVE THE BENEFIT from the management and change be the primary people to SEE THE BENEFIT and regulate the change within the people they have most control over: THEMSELVES.
I am NOT dismissing the importance of the external government. What I am saying is that to focus too much on that while abandoning the local lends to the BOIL THE OCEAN effect that is present today among many people. It is done only for retained unity and to cover their own management incompetence toward affecting change.
[quote] It's gerrymandered to make it blacker, by including only the African-American sections of several towns. But if it included only entire towns, it would still be overwhelmingly Democrat.[/quote]
I wrote about an article that focused on the morphing districts of Chicago.
It seems that as Blacks began to move out of the Southside the majority balance was threatened. Those in the legislature who had the power to draw the lines merely RE-ENSNARED the Blacks who moved out to the suburbs BACK into the district that they sought to escape.
Here is my argument:
IF the people "who can" are moving out to greener pastures, seeking out land that is governed differently than their original AND which has a better lifestyle - WHY don't the people flip their thinking?
Why not redraw the districts in which the salient consciousness of the FAVORABLE LANDS that are being cherry picked apart are used to carve up the districts where MISERY is abundant?
It is my view that the extremists on both ends need to be neutralized by removing these concentrated districts and making them BATTLE in more balanced districts and thus be forced to moderate their divisive antics. (See Willie Herenton in Memphis)
Callin' a spade a spade! Pass me some a that there cav-ee-ar.
We are truly equal, power corrupts.
busy week...please excuse my belated reply
thanks for proving that only those who incessantly coddle and praise obama evoke endless convos...
obama typically blatantly ignored the cbc as he does all blacks
unless they are worshipping him....
but here is more info on his tepid response to the cbc
unlike mindless illiterate holy haters
whose buybulls are EXCLUSIVELY thick dust covered accessories for sunday fashion shows/uncracked clubs for gays' ...
i am a biblical scholar
see more
Bennett said
LACoincidental said @ 6:22 PM:
Truth. Plain and simple.
The followup question is, do you email your rep with a link to this post? Do you use this post's energy to take a step that makes a difference, however small?
You can add your voice to the chorus if you want. You can be part of the solution.
It's what a FN does. Even us white ones.
Fair enough. I've got a rule -- don't involve yourself in politics into you can find your way home without a GPS.
OK, seriously, as of March, I'd been in LA for one year, so phase 2 is to get more involved. I'm running the LA Marathon to raise money for AIDS care, but after that I'm attending the daily round table in South Central (La Meirt Park).
Just found out who my congressman is (Xavier Becerra). I'll check the Greenpeace and other progressive score sheet to see if this guy is worth watching. There are also a few city reps in LA who are just downright trifling, but again, its only been a year.
So, Bennet, I'm true to my word. I also like to be methodical.
you are a liar. i have never said that ALL politicos are corrupt
i do say that i trust NO politico
i trust that you and all of your fellow obama nazis will never see the LEGENDARY corruption inside obama and his BLOODY blackish regime
your amusingly incessant obsession with bashing radicals reeks of fear and envy...
my renowned radical life in media/politics/academia... is its own defense
get your life!
alicia banks said...
you are a liar. i have never said that ALL politicos are corrupt
i do say that i trust NO politico and i trust that you and all of your fellow obama nazis will never see the LEGENDARY corruption inside obama and his BLOODY blackish regime your amusingly incessant obsession with bashing radicals reeks of fear and envy...
my renowned radical life in media/politics/academia... is its own defense get your life!
Ah, Alicia, Happy Ash Wednesday. Its interesting how I don't make things personal with you, but you tend to denegrate me if I happen to disagree with you. As usual you're going to out of control hyperbole based upon your own narrow point of view. As I have a regular 9-5, I only post sporadically, but here is my response to your many erroneous, self-important claims:
1. Please stop calling me a liar just because I don't agree with you. I tend to back up what I say with facts and numbers -- I'm an computer analyst, that's my job. As been shown by others on this blog, you tend to play fast and loose with the truth -- often quoting things about Obama that are out of context or have been disproven months ago.
2. Yes, you're educated but frankly, no more educated and no less educated than I am. I keep my accomplishment in context of a discussion, but frankly, I stop giving a crap about running down my accomplishments years ago. When I would rattle off where I went to school or who I know, it only pointed to internal unhappiness. From my personal experience, people who tend to want to know pedigree are also rather vapid and/or lonely. As my father once said "Having a Harvard degree or mopping a floor doesn't show the measure of man."
Here's a scope -- when you graduated from college I was 6. Therefore, I hope you've done more with your life than I have. Oh, I hosted a local radio show and two public access TV specials before I was legally able to drive. See, I can pump myself up too.
3. For the last time, I AM NOT AN OBAMA-HOLIC. As I stated, I disagree with Obama on many things, not the least of which is building the first new American nuclear reactor in my lifetime. However, I also don't think he's the Devil. My problem with many of Obama's critics on the left and the right is that many of these folks were up in arms when he was a nobody. Like 9/11 Truthers & Birthers, a lot Obama haters tend to point to any piece of 'news' that fulfills their idea that he's evil incarnate. AB, you have regularly used debunked Birther talking points to support your claims about Obama.
4. You have claimed that you don't trust any politicians because you feel that the entire system is corrupt. Since politics and government are merely systems of technicians and officials -- ie, people, you feel all politicians are corrupt. That's call reductive logic. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but don't back away from your own words.
5. I don't fear so-called 'radicals' any more than I fear the Klan running through Inglewood. If anything, I'm frustrated with the Left's utter lack of organization or clear objectives. When people are screaming for alternatives, the Left whining to each other about how radical and brilliant they are, fighting each other for political turf instead of working together (Black and Latino pols in LA, for example) or simply rehashing incoherent nonsense and calling it 'policy analysis.' The Tea Party movement took off because progressives left a political vaccuum.
In short, you can disagree with me, but don't insult me.
I think the name "Black Congressional Caucus" is outdated. They need to get with the time and add some "Bling Bling" to their name denoting who they really are!
I vote for the new name to be..........
"The Strutting Negro Congressional Peacock Caucus"
ANON: 12:52AM For ye must be BORN AGAIN!
Definition of SIGHT!
2.For YE must be BORN AGAIN!
3.Awakening SIGHT when BORN AGAIN!
4.Seeking to obtain Greater SIGHT, after your Spiritual Awakening/ given from God, you seek a Greater understanding of the Natural WORLD and SPIRITUAL WORLD/ in other word's/ a Born AGAIN CHRISTIAN reside in TWO REALM'S!/NATURAL REALM, WORLD in which our NATURAL'S eye's witness from day to day!
5.FIFTH SIGHT/ Total Spiritual SIGHT into the Spiritual REALM of the UNSEEN WORLD! in this world, the FORCE'S of EVIL OPERATE! these FORCE'S control the EVIL intention's of MAN! this is a WORLD of NEVER ENDING DEMONIAC ACTIVITY! this WORLD is controlled by SATAN! this is his WORLD, his DOMAIN! in order to understand this WORLD, you must and should be BORN AGAIN! the EVIL FORCE'S that come forth out of this unseen WORLD/REALM has MULTIPLIED TENFOLD in the last two year's! these are the FORCE'S, that GROUP together and are WAGING SPIRITUAL Battle against the President! think this is not taking place, well, why would BLACK PEOPLE on a BLOG, GROUP together all of a sudden, and want the BLACK CAUCUS to be Dismantled! POWERFUL UNSEEN FORCE'S!
i am 46 and thank god for each day...why does that vex you so???
i began college at 12...were you even born? drooling then as you do herein now???
do you really read what you post??????????? really??????
(try it now...please)
if so, then why do each of your silly slurs about "radicals" include my "personal" name?????
why is each post a personal and DETAILED list of precisely what you envy about me from my age to my resume??????????
each of your posts INCREASINGLY expose your rabid insecurities, political schizophrenia, and patholohical LYING!!!!
you are comically clear...thanks for the guffaws as you make my day!!!
no one bosses me
especially insecure disrespectful shrew haters like you
stop compulsively insulting "radicals" before you whine about being "insulted"...ok?
respect begets respect...ONLY!!!
i define sight as:
what cold evil BLIND buybull toting blaspheming hypochristians like you NEVER have/fathom/know etc
AB, "icyicy:
i define sight as:
what cold evil BLIND buybull toting blaspheming hypochristians like you NEVER have/fathom/know etc"
Why are you attacking a messenger of God you sinful witch? I don't appreciate you insulting my Christian sister, you nut. You are going to rot in hell!!!
assnons = dwellers who rule in hell and obsessively seek overcrowding!
holy hating hypochristians like icyicy et al = "messengers of god" who blaspheme god's supreme ability to acquire FAR SUPERIOR PR staffs!!!!!!!
AB, why do you attack anons who love you? do you hate yourself so much that yu refuse true Christian love from anons and ISEEISEE?
IS THERE A MESSIAH IN THE HOUSE? Is this a question that African-Americans should be asking, or should they be looking at themselves for leadership? Individually we as people sometimes place too much responsibility on those we think are going to lead us to the promise land. It should be understood that it is a collective effort that brings about strong solutions. Remembering the accomplishments of the past along with the memory of those who came before us(Meager, Martin, Malcolm, Fannie along with others of my generation) we can feel the PRIDE of a job well done and the feeling, that there is no mountain that is too high for us to climb.
The year 2008, we elected a young African-American man as President of the United States, regardless of the fact that the seeds of racism are still being sewn into the fabric of our society; the needle does not pass through as easy.
Looking towards the future, we should not set the bar of our expectations so high that the weight is heavy on the shoulders of one individual; thereby playing into the hands of those whose rhetoric keeps us divided.
As people, we should support the countries choice not just because of his ethnicity but because the best person qualified for the position was elected PRESIDENT OF THIS UNITED STATES. Furthermore, we must understand that the person has to govern for all the people and not just one segment of the population.
To many times we have placed our trust with local politicians that have taken us for granted, and in the end; they have only served their own needs and not the needs of the community. This is what leads to the disillusionment and disappointed.
Understanding the importance of independence and being mindful of our political choices; while noticing that those politicians at the community, local and state levels are the politicians that will directly influence our communities.
Not since Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., in my opinion, has there been a politician so dedicated to his constituency and the plight of the African American as he was.
Now the question is. How will we receive the new President, because the pressure that he is going to face is going to be insurmountable, and although I feel that he will handle it. The bigger question is how we as people will handle it?
IS THERE A MESSIAH IN THE HOUSE? Is this a question that African-Americans should be asking, or should they be looking at themselves for leadership? Individually we as people sometimes place too much responsibility on those we think are going to lead us to the promise land. It should be understood that it is a collective effort that brings about strong solutions. Remembering the accomplishments of the past along with the memory of those who came before us(Meager, Martin, Malcolm, Fannie along with others of my generation) we can feel the PRIDE of a job well done and the feeling, that there is no mountain that is too high for us to climb.
The year 2008, we elected a young African-American man as President of the United States, regardless of the fact that the seeds of racism are still being sewn into the fabric of our society; the needle does not pass through as easy.
Looking towards the future, we should not set the bar of our expectations so high that the weight is heavy on the shoulders of one individual; thereby playing into the hands of those whose rhetoric keeps us divided.
As people, we should support the countries choice not just because of his ethnicity but because the best person qualified for the position was elected PRESIDENT OF THIS UNITED STATES. Furthermore, we must understand that the person has to govern for all the people and not just one segment of the population.
To many times we have placed our trust with local politicians that have taken us for granted, and in the end; they have only served their own needs and not the needs of the community. This is what leads to the disillusionment and disappointed.
Understanding the importance of independence and being mindful of our political choices; while noticing that those politicians at the community, local and state levels are the politicians that will directly influence our communities.
Not since Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., in my opinion, has there been a politician so dedicated to his constituency and the plight of the African American as he was.
Now the question is. How will we receive the new President, because the pressure that he is going to face is going to be insurmountable, and although I feel that he will handle it. The bigger question is how we as people will handle it?
IS THERE A MESSIAH IN THE HOUSE? Is this a question that African-Americans should be asking, or should they be looking at themselves for leadership? Individually we as people sometimes place too much responsibility on those we think are going to lead us to the promise land. It should be understood that it is a collective effort that brings about strong solutions. Remembering the accomplishments of the past along with the memory of those who came before us(Meager, Martin, Malcolm, Fannie along with others of my generation) we can feel the PRIDE of a job well done and the feeling, that there is no mountain that is too high for us to climb.
The year 2008, we elected a young African-American man as President of the United States, regardless of the fact that the seeds of racism are still being sewn into the fabric of our society; the needle does not pass through as easy.
Looking towards the future, we should not set the bar of our expectations so high that the weight is heavy on the shoulders of one individual; thereby playing into the hands of those whose rhetoric keeps us divided.
As people, we should support the countries choice not just because of his ethnicity but because the best person qualified for the position was elected PRESIDENT OF THIS UNITED STATES. Furthermore, we must understand that the person has to govern for all the people and not just one segment of the population.
To many times we have placed our trust with local politicians that have taken us for granted, and in the end; they have only served their own needs and not the needs of the community. This is what leads to the disillusionment and disappointed.
Understanding the importance of independence and being mindful of our political choices; while noticing that those politicians at the community, local and state levels are the politicians that will directly influence our communities.
Not since Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., in my opinion, has there been a politician so dedicated to his constituency and the plight of the African American as he was.
Now the question is. How will we receive the new President, because the pressure that he is going to face is going to be insurmountable, and although I feel that he will handle it. The bigger question is how we as people will handle it?
yeah, i think that Nobody denies that young black folks killing each other is a problem. I think that the solution lies partly in giving everyone equal opportunity to succeed. Once everyone has equal opportunity and a chance to really thrive and enter the real pursuit of happiness then this street violence would subside
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