What the hell is wrong with you people in New Jersey? First you throw your infants over bridges and now you leave them abandoned on top of freezing cars? You people are sick, sick I tell you.
But you are not alone. Here in Philly we caught the two scumbags who robbed that jewelry store and left their four year old child behind to make their escape. The beautiful irony in all of this is that it was the child who led the police to his sicko parents.
And speaking of sickos; it looks like the body of that missing teen out in Cali has been found (Hmmm, still no sign of Mitrice Richardson? ) and a registered sex offender has been arrested. He joins former NBA all star, Alvin Robertson, on the recently arrested sex offender's list. Robertson was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting and participating in the sexual trafficking of a 14 year old girl. If true, he should go under the jail with the rest of the scumbags in our society. Being a former NBA baller doesn't get him a pass.
This is all so sad. People who have been charged to protect the least among us and the fairer sex, acting in ways (allegedly) that is contrary to what is expected of civilized human beings.
It's getting old.
Finally, shout out to Dr. Seuss! I have mad love for the good doc and his creations. And, apparently, the first lady loves him as well.
"First lady Michelle Obama celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday Tuesday by reading "The Cat in the Hat" to a group of children wearing red-and-white-striped stovepipe hats like the book's main character's."
I can just hear Michelle reading now:
"That Sam-I-am That Sam-I-am!I do not like that Sam-I-am Do you like green eggs and ham I do not like them, Sam-I-am.I do not like green eggs and ham.Would you like them Here or there?I would not like them here or there.I would not like them anywhere.I do not like green eggs and ham.I do not like them, Sam-I-am"
Now that's classic!
I bet they don't have sex offenders in Seusville.
Man people are stupid, I guess they didn't think their 4 year old was that smart.
Btw, Rangel will be stepping down as chairman of Ways and Means Committee. Didn't Paterson disgrace himself as Govornor also?
hmmmmm. Politics might not be the place for Blacks.
Come to think of it, Obama has some big problems too....Right AB?
Sorry Agape, but Rangel had to go.
I am surprise that Fields didn't lead with this one tonight cause 'dem' black politicians are dropping like flies.
Come to think of it, robbing jewelry stores with children don't seem to work so well for Blacks, either.
This is a hideous picture of Rangel, he looks like the devil.
Michelle Obama today issued a executivess directive banning all schools from serving either green eggs or ham, as part of her War on Fat Kids. Furthermore, the CEOs of and Hamilton Beach and Eggron are being summoned to testify before the Congress as part of their investigation of childhood lard assity.
Instead of jailing our dopers...can we place our more evil citizens in a cage until they leave via pine box?
Or be very Chinese on them?
I bet they don't have sex offenders in Seusville.
Too funny.
I am shocked to see Alvin Robertson named as an alleged sexual trafficker of a fourteen year old. That is absolutely scary. Not that he was once an NBA player, but because he appeared to be a decent human being.
I guess one really never knows when it comes to sexual offenders.
I stay worried for my 12 and 10 year old daughters.
I need to check out the school principal charged with raping students link.
Thanks for sharing.
BTW, I see Iverson has possibly played his final NBA game.
I love Dr. Seuss.
Now, why did you have to go and mix up something so positive and upbeat like Dr. Seuss with all the downers about kids & kreeps & crime?
Shame on you! ;>)
I briefly checked out your blog,
"Life needs more chocolate" cause I thought the title was cute & catchy.
It looks fun ... I'll have to read more in depth tomorrow when I'm not so tired.
"Den behind dey Seuss upon you"
Is Dr. Seuss what Bob was talking about?
Great post, Field. I have a 4 year old, so I'm down with "...in a train?" or "...with a goat?"
There are some really good books for toddlers out there. I remain hopeful that more parents will get a clue about the benefits of reading to their kids, especially in this day and age.
Re: the sickos of the world. Wild west justice seems, well, easier.
By the way, got elected to the school board today. If I can do it, anyone can.
Congrats on your election to the school board. Many good wishes your way. Thanks for stepping up.
...And speaking of sickos; it looks like the body of that missing teen out in Cali has been found (Hmmm, still no sign of Mitrice Richardson? ) and a registered sex offender has been arrested.
As a parent, I can sympathize with Chelsea King's parents. However, my sympathy is qualified, because of the glaring racial disparity between missing white women and missing black women.
It appears that an enormous amount of resources were deployed to learn King's fate. I do not recall the same deployment of resources to determine Richardson's fate.
Yeah, people will mention that she was intoxicated. I guess that played a factor in the level of concern and sense of urgency (or lack thereof) displayed.
I am just calling it like I see it.
got to love it
when the doctor is in
Suess is a classic
he is a win win
pick any story
Horton hears a Who
filled with a moral
lessons thru and thru
the Grinch stole Christmas
he was evil and mean
by the end of the story
he was no longer obscene
hope and redemption
Geisel's everlasting theme
his humor uplifting
his poetry a dream
my favorite The Lorax
tells a simple tale
kill all the trees
and your planet will fail
the man was a genius
so here's to the Suess
an Amerry Can legend
a poet on the loose
So much bad news...here's a laugh for all (well maybe not ALL :)
@ annon:
I think Rangel did some things that were just plain in your face dumb (the renovations to his house in the islands w/o claiming taxes, the renovations to the Appolo Theater and pocketing some money etc)
But I still stand on what I said...blacks WILL NOT BE BETTER OFF with someone in that senior position that does not have even a hint of interst for blacks in America.
HW&M is the MOST important position on the Hill. WE CANNOT AFFORD to have anyone in that senior position that will work against us.
I frankly care less who makes their money off the top, as long as we get ours. This trickle down effect we are experiencing from Reaganomics allows us to see that the trickle down effect from whites to blacks NEVER works.
Add to that, how many politicians can you name that have done far worse than Rangel? They were out to get him and they did. They want control of how the money is dished out. And it could be that something deeper going on...(perhaps whites are salty about our black pres?)
It's a sad day for all blacks in America (unless the next senior person is concerned about a black agenda.
I can't think about that now because it's my birthday month!
Great comments. Except, of course, the usual stuff from the likes of Anon. 11:45 pm. (I gues he missed the link to the folks leaving their toddler out to freeze to death. :(
Tiffany, I co-sign with Karen, I will have to check out your blog more often.
Bennett, congrats! That is serious (h)FNB.
"Den behind dey Seuss upon you"
Is Dr. Seuss what Bob was talking about?"
LOL! No, Bob meant they talk about you behind your back. Seuss is chat in Yawdie lingo. But I bet brohammas knew that.:) Which is whay you are one of the funniest cats posting here. :)
finefroghair, you are going to be the next Dr. Seuss. You heard it here first.
"BTW, I see Iverson has possibly played his final NBA game."
Yes Don, it might be over for the "crossover King". Speaking of kids; his daughter is very sick.:(
The scond Anon 11:45pm comments were funny.:) I sure hope it's not the same as the first Anon 11:45. Funny people should not be racist.
Not_RJ, let me say it with you:Hmmmmmmm
Your posts have some very compelling first lines that keep me reading. I'm guessing you write, primarily, to express your feelings about the state of particular situations so perhaps the writing process is secondary but you do it well.
Hey FN,
You hear about Sophia Stewart? That's the original writer of Matrix Trilogy and Terminator movies. The Wachowski Bros are thieves. It's amazing how our justice system works. It protects the rich and enslave the poor. Even though she's getting her just due, she was still robbed by these gentlemen. Nothing will be done. Let a guy steal food to feed his family and his life is over. These guys are getting away with a crime with no time.
It makes me sick to my stomach to see all this violemce perpetrated against women.
Why all the hatred against women, are they not the givers and nurturesrs of life???
What went wrong???
"serious (h)FNB" Wow, thanks man. You made my week.
Karen, Thanks for the kind encouraging words. It's going to be a lot of learning, but I'll do my best.
so tragic!
this evil world has never been safe for children...
because of toxic parents, who once protected children far better, children today are LESS safe than ever before
hobama's brutal elitist abuses of poor parents and all family svcs programs will only make life MORE hellish for poor children...
may god bless us all
"I am surprise that Fields didn't lead with this one tonight cause 'dem' black politicians are dropping like flies."
2 out of 10,000 and we're dropping like flies eh?
Shall I list the number of white pols under indictment, forced to resign, etc....
You're a damn genius, I tell ya.
drugs and toxic single moms have bred generations of abusive addicts who are hated by their sons who grow up to hate all women...
we are also dealing with media generations reared on INCESSANT violent misogyny as entertainment/rapes as sport...from gangsta rap to slasher films to sadistic porno etc...
ted bundy was a porno addict who hated his "sister" (who was acually his mom) too...
"Why all the hatred against women"
You haven't read any of fp's posts, have you?
teachers suffer the same gender abuse from boys of all ages too
many 6 yr olds today are literally the "men" of their homes
they run their houses and expect to run our classes too
we need millions of male teachers
and i also believe in gender separated ed...
most boys behave better with most men
see more:
this is why this superbowl ad was so controversial
i adored it
i see boys and "moms' dudes" like this daily
UTS "You're a damn genius, I tell ya."
Thanks for the compliment.
agape2010: "I frankly care less who makes their money off the top, as long as we get ours."
Perfect illustration of the difference between democrats and republicans. A republican caught in a scandal is done politically; a democrat can go on and on as his voters will never hold him accountable.
Democrats are zero-summers. They see the economy as a fixed size pie, and the only question who gets what piece. As long as they feel their guy will grab them more than the other side, they don't care if he is lining his own pockets. This is how corrupt socialist goverments function all over the world, from Venezuela to Brooklyn.
Making the pie bigger means more for everyone.
Making the pie bigger means more for everyone.
That's not true at all. since about 1979 the pie has indeed gotten bigger but that has not meant more for everyone. The richest 1 percent of Americans currently hold wealth worth $16.8 trillion, nearly $2 trillion more than the bottom 90 percent. A worker making $10 an hour would have to labor for more than 10,000 years to earn what one of the 400 richest Americans pocketed in 2005.
Wages have been stagnating now for a decade. Worker productivity has gone up, but pay has not.
Field, "The scond Anon 11:45pm comments were funny.:) I sure hope it's not the same as the first Anon 11:45. Funny people should not be racist."
I am not racist, you just don't appreciate my wry sense of humor.
Btw, I am a fan of your blog, and Mr. CF-and his impeccable logic, which poor Karen has trouble understanding. But most folks in the DC area have trouble understanding "what's going on". But they are not as bad as the folks in Bowie.
Field, "Great comments. Except, of course, the usual stuff from the likes of Anon. 11:45 pm. (I gues he missed the link to the folks leaving their toddler out to freeze to death. :("
Now why you want to come down on me for commenting on what you posted? I didn't read the link about any white person because YOU did not indicate that it was about white parents.
Now that I have read it, you are only partially right. Has it occurred to your legal mind that the white baby might have been left out in the cold by mistake? It wasn't intentional, the parents just forgot.
I swear, they don't make Philly lawyers like they used to.
Hey Field,
What you got against us New Jersey-ites? You know for a fact that all NJ criminals originally hail from Philly or New York. Don't put that mess on us.. LOL
Seriously speaking though, I have stopped watching the evening news for a few months now... my soul just can't take that steady diet of violence and hatred.
AB, "because of toxic parents, who once protected children far better, children today are LESS safe than ever before"
All of this non-caring callous attitude of mind started with Roe vs. Wade. With wholesale abortions of children, it has come to this today. It is very sick.
"Seriously speaking though, I have stopped watching the evening news for a few months now... my soul just can't take that steady diet of violence and hatred."
I once went 6 months without reading or watching any news. When I started back, I realized that it was the same old news. The only difference was the names and places were different. But theft, killings, abandonment of children, racism, infidelity, genocide, and wars were the same.
Welcome to earth and humanity!
what does abortion have to do with kids who are actually born and then abused???
Cactusrose "Why all the hatred against women"
UTs "You haven't read any of fp's posts, have you?"
Amen. You forgot to include her sidekick, La.
@Phil4Real, you may wanna read this:
"This is all so sad. People who have been charged to protect the least among us and the fairer sex, acting in ways (allegedly) that is contrary to what is expected of civilized human beings."
Here's some more evidence on how democrats are "different":
•Democrat Representative Gerry Studds molested an underage House Page. Re-Elected nine times by the Democrat voters of Massachusetts.
•Democrat Representative Mel Reynolds, removed from office after molesting a 16 year old campaign worker and planning a threesome with her 15 year old niece, pardoned by fellow Democrat sex offender Bill Clinton(rapist), and given a job by philanderer Jesse Jackson.
•Democrat Governor of Ohio Ted Strickland, employed a convicted sex offender as a campaign manager and vacationed in Italy with him.
•Democrat Representative Barney Frank, allowed a paramour to run a prostitution ring from the condo they shared.
•Thirteen Democrats voted present on a bill condemning the American Psychological Association's endorsement of "adult-child sex." (PC-speak for child molesting.) Including Barney Frank and Ted Strickland.
•Democrat Mayor of Portland Sam Adams, molested an underage dude. Still in office.
•Jeff Rosato, an aide to Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer, arrested for distribution of child pronography.
•Democrat Mayor of Racine Wisconsin Gary Becker will be sentenced today for sex crimes involving child pornography, and soliciting sex from underage girls.
•Pervert runs "Sex Ed" workshop where dangerous sex practices are taught to middle schoolers, facilitates sexual abuse of a minor... then is elevated to Safe School Czar under a Democrat President.
I suppose this is all balanced by Republican Mark Foley sending dirty text messages or Larry Craig toe tapping in the bathroom. Wallow in your relatavism. I agree, it's getting old.
"Now that I have read it, you are only partially right. Has it occurred to your legal mind that the white baby might have been left out in the cold by mistake? It wasn't intentional, the parents just forgot."
People always leave their kids out in cold by accident.
It's illegal to leave a child under 10 in the HOUSE by themselves in many states.
Oh Lawd you people are relentless.
This is like black people loot and white people "find things".
You really don't want to go there.
@ the anon (11:06 am) that knows what's up:
"That's not true at all. since about 1979 the pie has indeed gotten bigger but that has not meant more for everyone. The richest 1 percent of Americans currently hold wealth worth $16.8 trillion, nearly $2 trillion more than the bottom 90 percent. A worker making $10 an hour would have to labor for more than 10,000 years to earn what one of the 400 richest Americans pocketed in 2005.
Wages have been stagnating now for a decade. Worker productivity has gone up, but pay has not."
First off, thank you putting this info up. I never have the time to write all that I need to to prove my points.
This information, for me, is common knowledge and I suppose I am remiss by thinkiing that it is for everyone.(How could it not be?)
I hope this helps people who think that the socioecnomic problems in this country have very little to do with party politics.
@ anaon that is unaware at 10:59 am:
"Perfect illustration of the difference between democrats and republicans. A republican caught in a scandal is done politically; a democrat can go on and on as his voters will never hold him accountable.
Democrats are zero-summers. They see the economy as a fixed size pie, and the only question who gets what piece. As long as they feel their guy will grab them more than the other side, they don't care if he is lining his own pockets. This is how corrupt socialist goverments function all over the world, from Venezuela to Brooklyn."
Annon - I feel your pain. However, I use the vantage point that I've been given, which is: work with the systems as they stand in place NOW.
You would do well to read what annon @ 11:09 am stated above.
I am going to quote a man (again) that has been brought up in a polital arena that is not only disturbing, but continues the same thought process that he knows:
"You have to expect a little corruption in the government."
-Mayor Richard M. Daley-
It is what it is.
I do not adhere to a political party. I am an independent thinker and do not belong to ANY political party.
I say that to you because I perceived (hopefully wrongly) that you thought I did, based on my statement(s). If that be the case...
Never try to do me. Do you.
If not...lol :)
new stats
they prove that allowing hobama to ignore the black poor is suicidal
as blacks are STILL the poorest of the poor...and getting poor each day due to turbo breeding/toxic young black parents
and getting poorER each day due to turbo breeding/toxic young black parents
@ annon @ 12:02 pm:
"Welcome to earth and humanity!"
I would like a rewrite on that and say:
"Welcome to a mostly wretched earth infested with inhumanity!"
seen this?
whites are actually calling paula patton "the new halle"
but she is too cool and afrocentric to play along
also check the gallery of wm wed to bw
uptownsteve said...
You really don't want to go there."
Wow, I guess a list from the Daily Kos of perverts (most of whom no one has ever heard of) proves your point! You are a hoot!
Keep your eyes shut tight Stevie!.
poor kids are also unsafe due to environmental racism
they are poisoned by designed
and hobama will also poison them more with his blackish nuke bs
i really do hate obama
even more than i hated gwb
as obama is crueler to blacks
as all humane people should
they are poisoned by designed toxic dumps etc
i guess they will paint a mural of obama on the next toxic nuke dump site and all of his fans will be literally aglow
agape said:I do not adhere to a political party. I am an independent thinker and do not belong to ANY political party.
i am a democrat and an independent thinker. i do not "adhere" to the party; i have some shared beliefs and some not. i would vote for a non-democrat if i thought he or she was the better candidate.
sometimes independent is slug around like a badge of honor, when in reality it often simply means uninformed and unengaged, tho i am not saying this applies in your case.
many people NEVER vote because they consider themselves independents and independent thinkers.
"independent" is often also code for tea bagger and libertarian.
Well I guess some of you so called (FIELD NEGRO'S are happy now! Charlie Rangel is stepping down from his position! isn't that what some of you SELF RIGHTEOUS, AFRICAN AMERICAN'S wanted?
Charlie Rangel was around, before some of you College Educated Negro's knew you were Black!
He is not a perfect Black man, but, he never once, strayed away from his Root's! he was OUT SPOKEN and he was not afraid to be BLACK! you see, we don't have too many FAITHFUL BLACK LEADER'S around anymore, the few that are left, are being Persecuted, by their own people!
Field, you did a piece on the Black Caucus, and your Faithful Butcher's, Chopped up the Member's of the Black Caucus, as you knew they would! for you know YOUR people! most will not Stray from the Pact! they go with the flow, if the Leader of the pact say's(it's time to take off the Field Negro ATTIRE) they will listen to that leader and change into the (Snobby, stuck up, looking down on your people ATTIRE)!
The wrong Mr Rangel was accused of doing, will never ever compare, to the Wrong doing of the White Male Republican's, that came after him with a Vengeance! I remember the face's of the TWO WHITE MALE Republican's, they were determined to Punish Charlie Rangel for supporting the President! well, they have put in back in the Field with!
2.Desiree ROGER'S
3.Soon to be Governor Paterson!
Someone said, the Black Politician's are dropping like fly's! well, you can't keep fly's from Swarming around filth, can you? guess who the FILTH is?
I do not condone what Rangel did, but,if we are going to Persecute his behavior, we need to ask the question, why was a BLACK CAUCUS needed to begin with? was it because of the Wrong doing of WHITE men in Power? was it because of Injustice toward's Negro's! cause that's what we were called, when Charlie Rangel stepped up to the plate!
With respect to Rangel, let's wait for the investigation to conclude.
The only person Rangel has to blame for this mess is Rangel.
Let's not interject facts that are not germane to the issue.
and he is only stepping aside temporarily.
what color is amorality?
what color is rabid elitism?
what color is brazen serial wilding by any politico of any color?
i will not cry for charlie or any of his peers ever
i will cry for the poor black babies that hobama planned fry even as he ate fried chicken in ga
i will ONLY cry for the poor black babies that hobama planned TO fry even as he ate fried chicken in ga!
@ marie:
I respect your opinion and your right to voice it; however...
Independent thinking is something I learned well before I was able to vote...
I come from a two parent household (meaning very traditional) where one of my parents was/is a republican and one was/is a democrat.
Both highly intelligent, independent thinkers, who made all of their children (myself and my siblings) understand the political process and its meaning to us (individually) our community (the approach and outcome) and the United States (at large).
They also demanded that we participate in its process long before we could vote by making us volunteer with both political parties at different events and campaigns.
I learned to think critically during my formal educational years.
Therefore, my use of the word "independent" (as you duly noted) has less to do with political persuasions and more to do with my personal upbringing :)
As an aside, I know that new terms and buzzwords are going to be invented as this year progresses...I used to tell people that I am a Christian...but it has taken on such a negative connotation that its lost it true meaning and therefore value...now I simply say that I TRY to follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ :)
agape, there's nothing we disagree on. no need to say "however."
independent and critical thinking, outside of politics, as well as inside, is VIP. i'm teaching that to my children as well...that old, if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you...kind of thing.
my children have also seen me volunteer in campaigns (state, national and city) and testify many times before elected officials. i have never made them participate, tho.
i was raised in a two-parent household as well and both are republicans.
agape2010-"As an aside, I know that new terms and buzzwords are going to be invented as this year progresses...I used to tell people that I am a Christian...but it has taken on such a negative connotation that its lost it true meaning and therefore value...now I simply say that I TRY to follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ :)"
You are weak in your faith, and one of the many who have allowed Christianity to be hijacked by people like Maria.
Don't you know better than to try to explain your faith about Christianity or Jesus Christ to Maria, "THE PRAYING ATHEIST"? :)
You were on fire with your comments until you tried to reason with her. It's a waste of time.:D
the poster
I am not racist, you just don't appreciate my wry sense of humor.
Btw, I am a fan of your blog, and Mr. CF-and his impeccable logic,"
Anon. you lost me with your last seven words. :)
Anon 12:55 pm for every dem scumbag you give me, I will give you a repub and raise you one.
SheCodes, nothing against you folks over the bridge. I am over there all the time. :)
Cali Girl, thanks for the kind words.
poor kids are also unsafe due to environmental racism
they are poisoned by designed"
AB, I agree with you about the environmental racism argument, but I don't think we can blame his O ness for this one. Let's blame the $$$
"Well I guess some of you so called (FIELD NEGRO'S are happy now! Charlie Rangel is stepping down from his position! isn't that what some of you SELF RIGHTEOUS, AFRICAN AMERICAN'S wanted?"
A Banks said: "drugs and toxic single moms have bred generations of abusive addicts who are hated by their sons who grow up to hate all women..."
"we are also dealing with media generations reared on INCESSANT violent misogyny as entertainment/rapes as sport...from gangsta rap to slasher films to sadistic porno etc...
ted bundy was a porno addict who hated his "sister" (who was acually his mom) too..."
teachers suffer the same gender abuse from boys of all ages too
many 6 yr olds today are literally the "men" of their homes
they run their houses and expect to run our classes too
we need millions of male teachers
and i also believe in gender separated ed...
most boys behave better with most men"
I totally agree with youon all counts! If only we made policy!!!
but hobama is the cashier in chief now...signing bailout checks for all but us etc
AB, "but hobama is the cashier in chief now...signing bailout checks for all but us etc"
How many times must I tell you to lay off Obama? Oh, I get it. You are a bm hater, you chunky cheese nazi.
"With respect to Rangel, let's wait for the investigation to conclude."
When Pelosi has no comment about Rangel's innocence, HE'S GUILTY and should not only step down as HW&M chairman, but should retire. He's used the people's money for his personal use long enough.
assnons are corny cowards with tiny chunks of cheese where their brains should be!
assnons boss no one...why who would follow orders from cheesy freaks too afraid to show their own fat chunky faces???
assnons make their cowardly god hobama look humane and honest...scared rotten cheesy reeking tricks!
agape2010, "HW&M is the MOST important position on the Hill. WE CANNOT AFFORD to have anyone in that senior position that will work against us."
Whether Blacks can afford it or not, the position is gone and a dem from CA will be taking over. White politicians from CA don't think much of Blacks, so prepare yourself.
stop calling obama names!
you are jealous of me because i love obama as my Prez and you don't.
go get yourself a rodent to love and gnaw on your fat ass at night while you sleep, you JIVE TURKEY!
Independent thinking is something I learned well before I was able to vote...
And never apologize to anyone for who you are. Your Christian faith is important to your outlook.
"But I still stand on what I said...blacks WILL NOT BE BETTER OFF with someone in that senior position that does not have even a hint of interst for blacks in America."
I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out.
I'm glad he stepped down.
The whole thing with Pelosi when the Dems took control how this was going to be "the most ethical Congress ever", and then the same shameless stuff went on as before.
The Repub's weren't any better, but she made this one of the big things about her assumption of control as Speaker.
So. If she's going to get on a soapbox and preach, she needs follow through.
That being said, I think they're ALL serial ethical violators.
@Uptown Steve:
"This is like black people loot and white people "find things".
Yep! I'm laughing as I type this.
We have a very large pantry in our basement, because, when we lived in a really rural area, we would get snowed in for days at a time and lose power, so you had to be prepared. And that's something FEMA's always saying -- have enough food, water, supplies to get yourself through the first 48-72 hours of an emergency. We also have our "life in a box" with extra meds, etc always ready to go, a habit we can't shake, even though we no longer live in a major hurricane area.
But now, with Nanny Napalitano, I am sure the fact that I've ordered on the internet #10 cans of freeze dried food, extra batteries, etc as a crazy white person (my husband owns a gun!, and sometimes he orders ammunition!) I'm now on some OTHER list as a "domestic terrorist".
FWIW, if I didn't have my emergency pantry ready to go, and we had an earthquake/flood/whatever, I'd be "finding stuff" too in the local businesses if my kids were hungry or in true need. In a real emergency, you have to do what you have to do -- isn't the key specifically to survive those first few days, even if it means "finding stuff" and sorting out the logistics LATER??
@ annon @ 6:48 pm:
Precisely the reason why I do not like telling people whom I have no real Connection with that I am a Christian...because they have run into people like you who have discounted their humanity based on what you believe.
And when I DO SAY THAT I AM A FOLLOWER OF THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS THE CHRIST they get it (why didn't you????)
The God I serve gives everybody an equal chance to discover the Spirit...you got a chance didn't you???
Further, I am not going to dicount maria as a person in any way, shape or form. PART OF MY JOB AS A CHRISTIAN IS TO LOVE EVERYONE. I don't have to LIKE anyone!(and I'm not feeling YOU right now)
If YOU are what YOU say YOU are... then start walkin it and stop talkin it!!
JUDGEMENTAL HYPOCRITS!! Precisely the reason why Christ was murdered for your sorry butt (and mine too).
Now go pick up the book and read it again! This time from front to back! Start at the beginning and don't skip over Numbers!
Peace my brother in Christ.
"Further, I am not going to dicount maria as a person in any way, shape or form. PART OF MY JOB AS A CHRISTIAN IS TO LOVE EVERYONE. I don't have to LIKE anyone!(and I'm not feeling YOU right now)"
Amen. I hear you, and I wish I could be as strong as you in your convictions, and I gather a lot of strength from reading your posts..and AB....and Granny Standing For Truth ...where is she these days?
I'm doing my best but I usually fall short.
Studmuffin says that's the Viking in me ... always ready to rumble and scorch the earth...
My prediction about Rangel...
He WILL get a slap on the wrist and may have to pay back some money...and he WILL GET HIS CHAIRMANSHIP BACK and stay on the Committee.
Just about ALL previous Chariman's (and some Committee members) of HW&M get into trouble...even Wilber Mills...and that Polish guy from Chicago (he's just got out of jail not too long ago).
Don't forget Rangel used to be one of the Assistant Prosecuter's in the US Attorney's Office...which means HE KNOWS THE SYSTEM INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY.
Charlie Rangel has not defended himself and he probably stepped aside to prepare his own defense.
Too many people owe him anyway. The Clinton's certainly ARE NOT going to let Rangel go down.
There are always TWO sets of facts!
To FN: You of ALL people should know this! Why are you hatin on Rangel because he's playing the cards he was dealt with in the deck???
Why don't you talk about Artur Davis asking Rangel to step aside (trying to court the white vote or because he wants the position on HW&M??? You tell me. Unless he and Rangel have cut a deal it was HN behavior.)
I'm on Team Rangle until the system changes!
agape2010, "If YOU are what YOU say YOU are... then start walkin it and stop talkin it!!
JUDGEMENTAL HYPOCRITS!! Precisely the reason why Christ was murdered for your sorry butt (and mine too).
Now go pick up the book and read it again! This time from front to back! Start at the beginning and don't skip over Numbers!
Peace my brother in Christ."
You should go back and read my comment again. I merely tried to support you in your statement to Maria, who has said she does not believe in God, and hates the Catholic Church.
Yet, you criticizeme for being judgmental when everyone of your comments are judgmental not only about me, but others? Get Real. You aren't that advanced nor do you have a monopoly on Christian values. Your comments indicate YOU need to step back and look at your own damn self about what a Christian is because it YOU who is projecting your own shit onto me.
AS far as your "peace brother in Christ" KEEP IT ...
@ karen:
Thank you! I take all compliments:)
Yeah the walk is tougher than the talk. I am a fighter as well...some people are just meant to be warriors...no apology needed.
The wonderful thing about being a Christian is that all we have to do is love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind.
Then the hard part comes...and love one another as we are so loved.
But...there is nothing in there about LIKING everyone :) It's a geeat job if you can get it... lol
I am sure you read my remarks about Rangel...
Wht I don't get is why is everyone so up in arms about a politician who is the Chairman of HW&M making some oney on the side????
That is the ONLY reason Congress persons sit on that Committee...and it's a tough seat to get. Some people wait for years...because it is a money making Committee (taxes).
I am NEVER shocked when people steal..people have been stealing since they were on the earth...and they don't have to be politicins :)
I am not jaded...just deal with reality and don't live ina cloud, la la land or a vacume.
It is what it is.
@ the annon who does not know me:
You proved my point in your response! I NEVER cussed you and yet...very unChrist like...
I never stated I had a monopoly on anything (I don't even own the game).
I KNOW what MY duties are...because MY GOD is watching ME...Therefore, all I have to do is be straight with MY GOD and that's it!
I am still not going to discount maria or anyone else because...IT'S NOT MY JOB TO JUDGE (I do read the book :)
I don't need any perpetrators on my side...who/what/where were YOU before you knew Christ??? (rhetorical)
I was raised as a Catholic and I think it's an ill gotten religion...
I am against YOUR TYPE of religion as Christ was...they are meant to divide.
Reference: Jas1:26&27
That's James in case you aint seen it in awhile.(matter of fact read the whole first chapter...it talks about true religion)
Since I am a Christian (which is not a religion) I wish you still...
Yes, I understand your position on Rangel.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree :)
I'd like to try and hold ALL politicians to a higher standard.
But...I agree with you... too many times people rush to judgment. Let the process work out.
But I'm glad he stepped aside.
@ Karen:
I hate it for us all...but the system is what it is...
When I had prisoner re-entry program I used to tell my clients that they worked the prison sysytem and made it out alive...and that if they learn and work this system they can have what they need, some of their wants, and stay out of prison.
It's sad but I still say:
It is what it is. We have to work with what we have until we get what we want and need.
Wow. That was powerful and true.
God Bless you.
The "Justice" system isn't "just".
It's patriarchal, gamed, and biased.
Lady Justice may be blind, but she still likes to count greenbacks.
Thanks for the work you do and the hope you give.
agape2010, "Wht I don't get is why is everyone so up in arms about a politician who is the Chairman of HW&M making some oney on the side????"
The reason you don't get it is because you don't see the importance and value of "honesty", "integrity", "truthfulness" and "trustworthiness". I guess your brand of Christianity and God don't put much value on things like that. You hypocrite.
Also, there is a commandment that says, "Thou shalt not steal." That money that Charlie allegedly used to beef up his standard of living did not belong to him. It belonged to the people. GET IT?
As far as YOUR judgment of what kind of Christian I am, I never said anything about even being a Christian. That is your own prejudice against a brand of religion that you are carrying in your own heart that you want to put on me. As I said before, "KEEP IT", because I don't want it.
You are right about one thing. In the final analysis it is going to be between you and God. It never is/was between anybody else.
As you can tell, I am not feeling anything about you either.
"You are right about one thing. In the final analysis it is going to be between you and God. It never is/was between anybody else."
If your going to use any one else's words it's only right that you quote them and give them credit...that's integrity!
"...In the final analysis it was never between you and them anyway."
Mother Teresa
Whether or not any of us like it..people steal...(you just tried to steal Mother Teresa's words :)
Nite. Try to get some rest sweetie. You seem to be so tense...and based on what FN has been posting alot of people may be suffering from drapetomania :)
And as always...
agape2010 "If your going to use any one else's words it's only right that you quote them and give them credit...that's integrity!"
I know nothing of about what Mother Teresa said. Those were my own words not hers. It's from my own life experience. If Mother Teresa said it, all the better.
agape-"Whether or not any of us like it..people steal...(you just tried to steal Mother Teresa's words :)"
Think what you like, but I don't steal.
I see you failed to address your own Christian ethics and tried to throw them back on me. It won't work. You are a phony.
agape2010 who does not know me "I KNOW what MY duties are...because MY GOD is watching ME...Therefore, all I have to do is be straight with MY GOD and that's it!"
You might consider being honest with his children also.
I forgot to post this last night, got distracted.
Loved your poem, that one was particularly cute & topical.
Go Dr Seuss and Michelle Obama!
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