You know what's worse than a scumbag wingnut? A lying scumbag wingnut. Calling a fellow lawmaker a "baby killer" is bad, but trying to say that it wasn't meant for him but the bill he supported, is almost as despicable.
But such was the vitriol coming from Washington last night. The veins were popping from the those wingnuts as it looked more and more like Fatso will have to find another country to fill his illegal prescriptions. Did you see John Boehner crying? I swear his tan was about to come off. What a joke.
“Can you go home and tell your senior citizens that these cuts in Medicare will not limit their access to doctors or further weaken the program instead of strengthening it? No, you can not,” Boehner said. “And look at how this bill was written. Can you say it was done openly, with transparency and accountability without backroom deals struck behind closed doors, hidden from the people? Hell, no you can’t.”
Hey Tan-Man, I know what I can tell you; and that is that you and those insurance companies who have you and your cronies in their pockets do not represent "the people". News flash for you wingnut: nothing limits" access to doctors" like a lack of money.
So anyway, it looks likes it's not quite over, as there are still some procedural games to play. Take heart wingnuts, there is still hope. If the bill does pass and becomes law, you can run on repealing that bad boy come the next election cycle. But be careful, don't overplay your hand, because the A-merry-can people just might start to realize that his O ness isn't really a Socialist after all, and this health care reform thing just might work out. Talk about all your eggs in one basket, you repubs sure know how to go all in.
Speaking of wingnuts going all in: Seems that this conservative blogger has called for the assassination of his O ness in a tweet:
"We'll surely get over a bullet 2 Barack Obama's head!" There's more and it gets worse: "the next American with a clear shot, should drop Obama like a bad habit. Forget blacks or his claim to be black."
Oh, did I mention that this slave catcher is black? [Shout out to Lynne for this story.] Memo to black conservatives: I know you really want to impress your white conservative friends. So you have to be really over the top and do shit to get in their good graces. But enough already. We get it. You are black, but that doesn't mean that you support Obama. Good for you, you are entitled to your opinion. But don't let your wingnut friends continue to make fools of you. Frankly, the shit is embarrassing.
Take pity on this guy, he reprsents Lubbock, TX.
Enough said.
Aloha from Makaii
Did you see John Boehner crying? I swear his tan was about to come off. What a joke.
It looked to me like he was using every ounce of self control he possessed to not burst out laughing at how patently ridiculous the shit he was saying was. While many of the the back-benchers probably really believe all that "fascist totalitarian soviet destruction of freedom and installation of tyranny eleventy" gibberish, the real power dudes--like Boehner--aren't that stupid and delusional. They are just cynical power mad lying assholes.
Field, "Oh, did I mention that this slave catcher is black?"
I find that incredulous. I hope they prosecute him, ban him from twitter and google, and place a photo of him in MSM and the internet.
All of this name calling, spitting and threatening the lives of our elected officials must stop. Those who do this should be prosecuted to the max.
A-merry-ca is getting more and more dangerous each day. I pray nothing happens.
John Boehner was either displaying an exercise cynical partisan baiting or impotent rage. Either way, his outburst was a good laugh (for me anyway).
It was only a few short years ago that if you made a joke about Cheney being living proof that pacemakers are too well made, the wingnuts would be allllll over your ass, delivering sanctimonious lectures about Respecting the Office, the Cawn-sti-tu-shun, etc etc. Apparently that shit only matters if there is an (R)after your name.
How quickly things have changed and I'm thinking this isn't the change that President O had in mind. It was about this time last year that I asked my wingnut acquaintances to take me off their mailing lists, for this very reason. I told them that I would forward any email advocating assassination or the violent overthrow of the government to the Feds.
I thought things would get ugly, but I had no idea.
David Frum, W's former speech writer, said it best today in his article, "Waterloo:"
"No illusions please: This bill will not be repealed. Even if Republicans scored a 1994 style landslide in November, how many votes could we muster to re-open the “doughnut hole” and charge seniors more for prescription drugs? How many votes to re-allow insurers to rescind policies when they discover a pre-existing condition? How many votes to banish 25 year olds from their parents’ insurance coverage? And even if the votes were there – would President Obama sign such a repeal?
"We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat."
[quote]Hey Tan-Man, I know what I can tell you; and that is that you and those insurance companies who have you and your cronies in their pockets do not represent "the people".[/quote]
Filled Negro:
You have not yet considered the gravity of where you now stand.
Let's talk about what I saw with a guy named "Smitty" in West Philly. He used to live on 61st street between Haddington and Jefferson. Small but scrappy guy. He had a temper.
Filled Negro in the run up to a fight he would mouth off "Let me go. Let me go. I'm gonna kill him. Get off of me!!!".
Filled Negro - this was often a FRONT. It was his BLUFF and dramatics which was thought to cause fear in his enemy that he was crazy and the other guy should reconsider. I guess this was called "Wolf Tickets".
One time we complied and LET HIM GO. He got his behind kicked.
Filled Negro - I think that the ECONOMIC FACTS show that the Federal Democrat's WOLF TICKETS against the Insurance Companies are about to get EXPOSED.
The two facts are:
* $16 billion profits for the entire health insurance industry COMPARED WITH $100 BILLION in new spending with this bill
* The PROFIT MARGIN for the evil Insurance industry is less than 4%. It ranks 82nd (IIRC) in profit margin by industry.
Filled Negro have you thought about what happens when the Health Insurance Industry becomes a REGULATED UTILITY yet the COSTS OF HEALTH CARE DO NOT RESULT IN debt reduction as has been promised?
Do you see that the bill which tries to cut $21 billion in Medicare reimbursements - savings which were pulled into this bill's savings claims HAS BEEN PUNTED several times rather than implemented?
Think about it filled Negro - the same congress who is looking about the consequences of stripping $21B from the evil health care service provider industry is telling us that this bill is going to SAVE $1.4T over 20 years. In 10 years we will have $10T more Federal Debt regardless.
Let me ask you Filled Negro - when you bring that check to me tomorrow did you say you wanted to purchase the Walt Whitman bridge or was that the Ben Franklin Bridge? I need to know because Low & Country is coming to town to purchase the other one that you don't want.
News flash for you wingnut: nothing limits" access to doctors" like a lack of money.[/quote]
You can say that again!!!
The Southwest Atlanta Medical Center sits CLOSED TODAY. They had too many MEDICARE and MEDICAID patients to remain viable. After being in the red for years and several revival attempts - they shut down!!!
We need you and Mellaenous to team up and use the control that you have over public schools to develop a new set of Physicians that will work at a LIVING WAGE rather than a PROFIT WAGE!!!!
HEALTH CARE IS A RIGHT and the Least Of These need to tap their services for the expression of their RIGHTS.
Seriously? Get over yourself.
When they make a "Mockumentary" about the assassination of Teh Won, maybe I can get myself all "wee-wee'd" up.
As far as doing victory laps, and popping champagne, this is far from done. If it makes it through reconciliation and becomes law, then the lawsuits from all the state AG's begin to kick in.
How timely that the Stamp Act of 1765 was signed on March 22. Do people remember the "historical" legislation that the British Parliament signed, or do they remember what it wrought?
Teh Won make be making history, but not the type of "history" y'all are crowing about.
Sign me-
"Margaret Corbin"
You might note, anony, that the film in question was made in Britain, not the US. The teabagger antipathy to Obama pales in comparison to the revulsion and loathing of Bush outside the borders of 'mur-ka.
See you at the barricades, Madge.
The Republicans spew so much hyperbole that no one with any sense is listening to them. Which means all of the Tea Baggers listen to every word they say.
"I swear his tan was about to come off."
Ah, but you dismiss the gleefulness with which it was greeted here in the US. Let us also not forget the years of "BUSH-CHIMP-HITLER" and wonderful accompanying artwork.
Hmmm, I may be wrong, but I'm guessing that there would be hella-to-pay if all of a sudden the opposition started in with
And let's not forget, that "Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism" if you're a Progressive,
If you're a Conservative, then "dissent" is suddenly treason.
Anytime I want to tank up on some real racial vitriol and venom, I just need to cruise by here.
Have no problems meeting you on the barricades, our team has been preparing for years. Bring it!
-M. Corbin
Constructive Wingnut, I don't know who is worse, you are John Boehner.
"Filled Negro have you thought about what happens when the Health Insurance Industry becomes a REGULATED UTILITY yet the COSTS OF HEALTH CARE DO NOT RESULT IN debt reduction as has been promised?"
With all due respect to my teabag friend (checking in from 1776) Madge, I can only hope we will find out really soon.
"The PROFIT MARGIN for the evil Insurance industry is less than 4%. It ranks 82nd (IIRC) in profit margin by industry."
Link please.
And even if that 4% figure is true, it still represents billions of dollars. Did you know that the largest health care provider here in Pistolvania (Blue Cross Blue Shield) is set up as a non-profit?Damn it, there I go with facts again. Sorry CF, i forgot that the wnignut doesn't like facts.
"All of this name calling, spitting and threatening the lives of our elected officials must stop. Those who do this should be prosecuted to the max."
Anon, not when they have apologist like CF and his friends getting their backs.
Smh! The rightwing is something else and dangerous at that. When the bill is signed into law, that's when they are really gonna show their natural crazy behind.
BTW, has Rush left the country yet? I sure hope he keeps his word but he won't. Besides no other country wants him coming to their country.
Gregory did you say "barricades" what you know bout barricades. Thats language I am familiar with.
Gregory, notice that anonymous said "our team" and not "I". Smh!
Anon said:
Hmmm, I may be wrong, but I'm guessing that there would be hella-to-pay if all of a sudden the opposition started in with
What are you talking about even when Obama was running there were pictures of him as a monkey. And where have you been the last Tea party rally had lots of pictures of Obama looking like Hitler.
I agree that we need change but shouldn't you look at the system that brought all this about and aim your fire at that?
And what racial vitriol are you referring to? Most folks on here get along fine there is name calling but its not racial hell actually its usually interacial and homophobic. The only time we see vitriol is when some anon troll comes on and starts calling folks racially deragatory names.
And we have another more sophisticated racist who comes on and always seems to find black folks shortcomings. Other than that I think you prevaricate, my friend Madge.
Which side of the barricades are you going to be on? YOu know there are only two the side that supports US imperialism with its accompanying racism,sexism and anti-people agenda or the side that wants to see a world where we all (not just the rich ruling class, incl bankers, captains of industry) can have roofs over our heads, real health care and can live and breath and walk in a warmer sun.
If the profits are so low, why aren't their stock prices. ex. WellPoint Health Networks, 64.39 today.
You are one of the more temperate and reasonable posters on FN, but I can assure you, from my perspective, there's a whole lot of race baiting going on. To wit, the continued use of the epithet "Teabagger" while demanding "respect" for any of the causes most here believe in. I find it ironic that so many here are concerned with being treated with "respect" but can not give it.
I believe as human beings, we all have shortcomings. That is not something that is race-dependent.
To answer your last line of inquiry, in keeping with the spirit of my nom de guerre, I will be on the side of the barricades that are fighting for real freedom and liberty. Freedom to choose; freedom to try and fail; Freedom to speak my mind; Freedom to spend my money as I wish and allocate my hard-earned funds as I wish, without anyone else reaching in my pocket. If I wish to participate in private charity (which I do), that is my choice and free will, not something to be an edict of government tyranny. (BTW, I noticed that Gibbels used the word "edict" today when referring to Teh Won and his management style. How appropriate!)
Anyways, my friend, that is the side of the barricades I will be on, fighting for liberty, and I wish the same for you.
It's late, and I must sign off, but wish you well.
Live free or die,
M. Corbin
watching Boehner bellow
was soothing to the soul
he is such an evil person
a nasty republican troll
could this be a death knell
echoing through the halls
time to topple the dragon
if we only had the balls
why not take the initiative
push hard for more reform
conservative aberrations
exceptions not the norm
squeeze financial institutions
let us reregulate them all
straighten out the economy
help prevent another fall
how about some stimulus
that really packs a punch
it is not all that impossible
remember FDR did it once
how about embracing history
we can recreate the past
undo the republican madness
maybe then we might just last
Constructive Feedback,
What up nigga? I got your message.
I felt the fear and failure that you embody coming through my computer screen. It smelled like Doritos.
I felt you calling out for another E-asswhoopin'.
Let's write this one "CF style".
Republicans ARE practicing seditious DEMAGOGUERY and anti-democracy OBSTRUCTIONISM intended to destabilize our economy for purposes of political exploitation.
Republicans AREN'T making a sincere effort to STOP the bleeding THEIR incompetent leadership and failed policies created. Instead, they're using inflammatory lies and accusations as a smokescreen to conceal their subversive agenda, which is to cause President Obama and America to fail so they can blame Democrats for the consequences of THEIR calamitous mismanagement.
Republicans ARE preposterously professing that THEIR disgraceful political WHORING had nothing to do with the banking, real estate, stock market and employment catastrophes that resulted.
Republicans ARE trying to hamstring Democrats to prevent them from repairing the damage caused during a Republican presidency that was irresponsibly enabled by Republican Senators and Representatives.
Republicans ARE offering ridiculous arguments meant solely to disrupt and prevent progressive change. They'd rather divide America and create political gridlock than endure the political consequences of effective Democratic governance.
Republicans AREN'T the LOYAL OPPOSITION; they ARE the ENEMY WITHIN whose mercenary personal priorities have eroded their moral and ethical standards to the point that duplicity and betrayal are their preferred modus operandi.
It's one thing to advocate their conservative beliefs; it's another thing entirely to willfully sabotage America's government because a successful Democratic presidency would not be vulnerable to the greed, fears and hatreds that have produced and sustained the radical Republican anti-government corporatism and anti-Christian faux theocracies that are poisoning and crippling American society.
The Republicans have been stirring up the crazies since Obama was nominated. Something bad is going to happen. And the Republicans will bear the blame.
As for you Feedback, You make me laugh. I like your silly posts.
Field thanks for the info.
I am not an alarmist as you probably know by now. My political perspective has kind of prepared me for what we are seeing nowadays, but I have noticed and maybe I am wrong but the threats by rightist seem to be treated with a bit of kids gloves.
I simply can't imagine an anti-war protester spitting on a US congressman and being just carted off professionally as was the guy who spit on John Lewis.
And I have been to lots of protests at the Capital and I don't remember having that kind of access to the lawn.
I don't remember as many threats or guns being allowed around other presidents. I don't ever remember as many open threats against the president as I have heard and scene.
The couple that got into the White House party uninvited as a stunt for TV feels like a trial run to me.
This has a bad feel to it. And trust me if one of these guys succeeds in knocking off Obama it will actually benefit the ruling class. Can you imagine the affect on the races?
Man you hurt CF's feelings -- he seemed truly hurt by that remark--when you asked if he would asked to be let out of heaven if its just black folks I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes.(lol)
Now that was funny!!!
Oh and in case you're wondering I am going to answer Isee Isees' question about why I protest the war in Iraq and Afghanistan I was just waiting for the appropriate time and post.
I'll give you a hint though, it has something to do with the line in the Sermon on the Mount that says,"blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God."
M. Corbin,
I'm sure you have been free all your life and the only thing that bothers you is control of your money. In matters of justice I don't see those in the Tea Party movement. The Live Free or Die applies only to yourself. This is why the Tea Party movement is so disjointed and incoherent, from the anarchist to the ultra right wing conservative.
If it is all that government spending has moved you to move, why didn't it happen sooner. When the National debt doubled, that wasn't enough to slap you into action, or were you really looking to scapegoat a president you don't like. Otherwise it is okay if a white president strips you naked, but a black president can't ask for a dime.
I think some of the founders would laugh there behinds off at the pitiful movement you all have put together. And you demand that we give you respect you haven't earned.
This kind of hatred reminds me of the 60's when there was so much opposition to Medicare. Many of us Baby Boomers are thrilled that Medicare prevailed. It's my life line. Only people with money don't need healthcare. The rest of us do, even the so-called tea partyers! Wake up and recognize your situation.
Since when is "teabagger" an epithet? I'm pretty sure they chose to identify themselves as people who protest using teabags. Hence, teabaggers.
Also Field I think you should definitely follow up on this link - it's one of the strangest "reasonings" yet of why racism is over.
-random white chica
CF wrote "The PROFIT MARGIN for the evil Insurance industry is less than 4%. It ranks 82nd (IIRC) in profit margin by industry.
First, even if we believed your numbers, profit is counted AFTER salaries and bonuses.
Second, we don't believe your numbers about ANYTHING. You don't know what the numbers are, you're just getting them from some website that provides misinformation to "conservative bloggers" for exactly the sort of attack posts you bring to this blog. Protest as much as you want, but your "numbers" are taken from FOX talking points.
Trapped @11:22 PM
You tried, man. But you couldn't keep up the random capitalization. Instead you went for clarity.
Did anyone notice this dude threatening Obama life use the line "his claim to be black"....Dude sounds like a Black extremist to me and not a right wing nut. People forget that MLK first real assassination attempt was by a deranged Black woman...and Malcolm X was taking out by Black male hit men...
Its not White Tea baggars you need to worry about...everyone expects those fools to go off...It's the Black weirdos you have to worry about.
Serious, why us NANCY PELOSI not have the FIELD NEGRO award. She intentionally walked through a field of teabaggers arm-in-arm with mr. lewis after he was spat on. And she was the one that really get down to get this healthcare done.
She deserves it.
Hell, the whole of the democrat house that voted deserve field negro.
You are not leaving out nancy pelosi because she is white/italian, are you?
Or is it because she is a woman? I realize you hardly have women up as field negro.
getting this health care is a big deal. many lives, black lives will be affect for good by it.
nancy pelosi deserved field negro status
TSC, "What up nigga? I got your message."
Well, as usual he supports white racists with the N-word. Yep, a real self-hating-wannabe-White uncle tom.
Madge wrote, in regards to the film "Death of a President":
Ah, but you dismiss the gleefulness with which it was greeted here in the US. Let us also not forget the years of "BUSH-CHIMP-HITLER" and wonderful accompanying artwork.
The facts are somewhat different that our little patriot has presented them.
From the same Wikipedia link that she posted:
"Newmarket paid one million dollars for the U.S. distribution rights.[26] The total production budget for the film is estimated to have been two million dollars.[1] The film was screened in the U.S. for 14 days, showing at 143 theatres at its widest release.[1][2] Worldwide, it grossed $869,352.[2]"
IMDB Pro listed the opening weekend at $167k. That same weekend Saw III made $33.6 M, The Departed made $9.8M, Flags of Our Fathers made $6.3M, Catch a Fire made $2M, The Queen made $1.9M,
Employee of the Month (remember that POS?) made $1.2M, Jackass Number Two made $495k, Little Miss Sunshine made $405k and so on. Death of a President did not even make it into the top 30 films that weekend.
Obviously, the "gleeful enthusiasm" did not translate into ticket sales and to this date the "gleeful enthusiasm" seems to come mostly from wingnuts who derive pleasure from their victimized status.
Finally, Madge's veiled threat about her "team being ready for years" is the point of my original post. This is the same militia crowd who were babbling about Black Helicopters during the Clinton years. Idiots.
Granny, "BTW, has Rush left the country yet? I sure hope he keeps his word but he won't. Besides no other country wants him coming to their country."
Granny, stop beating up on your husband from a past lifetime.
Just because it was a marriage that didn't work out between the two of you is no reason to keep carrying a grudge against him for milleniums. Give the man a break.
The way you are always talking about him, I am beginning to think that you still have a flame in your heart for him.
You want his soft gentle arms around you and his soft round head laying on your shoulder while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, don't you? I bet you are smiling just thinking about it.
Sleep tight tonight.
The Dominican Republic would welcome Rush. They are a haven for wealthy white men who are fond of little boys. It's not like it would be his first visit there.
"Serious, why us NANCY PELOSI not have the FIELD NEGRO award. She intentionally walked through a field of teabaggers arm-in-arm with mr. lewis after he was spat on. And she was the one that really get down to get this healthcare done."
Field, I have been wondering why you have not given Pelosi the highest award on your blog. She has stood with the O man not only on the healthcare but many other issues. Not only that, she has made those GOP members whine and fear her- mainly because she obviously doesn't give a damn about them.
WHY haven't you honored her? She has earned it and deserves the HIGHEST AWARD FN blog has to offer.
IMO, she will go down in history as one of the best Dem Speaker of the House ever.
What happened to Barkley? Man, everytime I turn around there is some conservative black wanting to run the state of Ala. What the hell is going on?
have times changed that much in 'Bomb-ingham?'
[quote]The Republicans spew so much hyperbole that no one with any sense is listening to them. Which means all of the Tea Baggers listen to every word they say.[/quote]
Val (and now Anon #12 above)
Let's talk about Alabama.
When you hear that Artur Davis' seat in Alabama has more individuals receiving health care from Medicare and Medicaid than from evil private insurance companies - does this tell you that you need MORE government based care? I am trying to understand your logic.
When you hear about the impending insolvency of both of these programs are you motivated to initiate a GRASS ROOTS PROGRAM to leverage the masses of Black people who are desperate for a PURPOSE to train to become the next generation of Professional Service Providers?
Filled Negro:
Do you know why I love your blog?
Its because you have such a large assemblage of the "Neo-All White Jury".
REGARDLESS of the facts that they see - the biases that they entered into the jury box with TRUMPS any testimony that they will see regarding the "Negro" who is on trial - seeking justice by stating the facts. The "Neo-All White Jury" will merely say that they didn't like his LISP when he talked and thus ruled against him when they can't use the facts to indict him.
Note: Did Rupert Murdock purchase "US News & World Reports"?
Why Health Insurers Make Lousy Villains
Then we have people like "Bennett I Ain't In It". The ole "I don't care WHAT YOU POST - they are taking the money in high salaries and bonuses".
Bennett I Ain't In It:
The aggregate NUMBERS are damning to your claims.
We are talking about $16 billion in health care profits. Obama plans to spend about $100 billion more per year in health care.
I struggle how you are intellectually comfortable that every dollar "stolen" out of the health care pot goes into the wallets of the evil insurance company employees - to the tune of THIS SCALE of numbers that we are speaking of. In truth since YOU are watching "Sicko" and other forms of propaganda it is YOU who feel no compulsion to FACTUALLY PROVE your position. Instead you put me on trial and get me to CONVINCE YOU away from your own BIGOTED POSITION.
You are not able to look at government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid - noting their own FINANCIAL TRAVAILS and then make an inference as to how health care is an EXPENSIVE engagement.
YOU have the POWER to carry through your ideology. DEMAND THAT THE $21 BILLION in Medicare reimbursement cuts be passed!!!!!! This will STRIP the FAT from the evil hospitals!!!
When the public hospitals around the nation close (Grady in Atlanta, Killa King in LA, etc) as a result - THEN you can feel comforted that they closed because they were on the take!!!
Again - my argument. With the insurance companies soon to be REGULATED UTILITIES per this bill - DRACULA's blood will be drained down to a point that he needs to survive only.
Do any of your Progressive-Fundamentalists believe that in 10 to 15 years that you STILL won't be using your grievances against health care and other points as your unifying force?
At some point you have to accept the analysis of yourselves. YOU are a GRIEVANCE BASED ideology.
[quote]Did you know that the largest health care provider here in Pistolvania (Blue Cross Blue Shield) is set up as a non-profit?Damn it, there I go with facts again. Sorry CF, i forgot that the wnignut doesn't like facts. [/quote]
Filled Negro - I am sure that you read my friend Black Disapora's desire for NON-PROFITS as a means of checking FOR-PROFIT entities.
I am not sure what your statement above proves.
I argued that the opposite of "Profit" is "Debt/Deficit".
She argued that the opposite of "Profit" is "NOT For Profit".
Now that you are making an indictment against a Non-Profit it clarifies what you and others are really debating.
You are arguing against NON-GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION OF HEALTH CARE (be it via a For-Profit or Not-For-Profit) versus GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION of care.
Think about it:
1) You are critical of fraud and profiteering in Medicare/Medicaid. Non-government entities are still profiting in these SINGLE PAYER Government plans
2) You are critical of private Health Insurance as profiteers - taking money from individuals and raising their rates while handing big cash to their executives for their good work in denying care
3) Your goal is "Multiple Taxpayer Paid Health Care" where the government cuts the check to everyone. Again why then are you complaining about Medicare and Medicaid? Single Payer systems already?
Can we conclude that there is NOTHING that is going to make you happy?
Red Devil and anon,
Maybe you should get your facts straight.
John Lewis was not the congressman spat on, it was Emanuel Cleaver.
Where did you get this info, "She intentionally walked through a field of teabaggers arm-in-arm with mr. lewis after he was spat on. "
I didn't see this in any of the articles I read.
Republicans ARE practicing seditious DEMAGOGUERY and anti-democracy OBSTRUCTIONISM intended to destabilize our economy for purposes of political exploitation.
Republicans AREN'T making a sincere effort to STOP the bleeding THEIR incompetent leadership and failed policies created. Instead, they're using inflammatory lies and accusations as a smokescreen to conceal their subversive agenda, which is to cause President Obama and America to fail so they can blame Democrats for the consequences of THEIR calamitous mismanagement.[/quote]
Let's see - how do I nullify Low & Country? What can I do?
I know!!
I can point to places where the GOOD GUYS WON!!!!! They slayed the evil adversaries, took control over institutions in the place.
I will need the assistance of Filled Negro to help me out.
Can you help me explain to Low & Country the state of affairs in Yeadon PA?
Can you tell him that in Yeadon PA - the Democrats run everything. Despite all of the promises about how things would be wonderful once we got people who "have our best interests in mind and who care about us" - this particular city is in shambles.
You gotta help me out on this one. Low & Country is killing me. He is building up several straw men and then beating the hell out of me with his fake scenarios. I need for you to vouch for me using a real city in which you have WON.
After years of inspecting the tricks of the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers - I realize that the best way to debate you all is to,ironically, keep you focused on the areas that you PURPORT to be working on behalf of: THE BLACK COMMUNITY.
The painful thing for me to see is that the biggest INDICTMENT against you all is to force you to own up to the conditions that remain DESPITE your claims of PROGRESSION. In doing so it forces all to see that since the Democrats are STRONGEST in these areas while our PERMANENT INTERESTS are most molested there - YOU CLEARLY are achieving what your PURPOSE REALLY IS:
A strong Democratic Party
A strong PROGRESSIVE base
All the while the PEOPLE are no more capable of using the institutions that they control to develop the people.
Mellaneous - WHAT are they PROGRESSING toward?
[quote]If it is all that government spending has moved you to move, why didn't it happen sooner. When the National debt doubled, that wasn't enough to slap you into action, or were you really looking to scapegoat a president you don't like. Otherwise it is okay if a white president strips you naked, but a black president can't ask for a dime.[/quote]
Using your logic - can we conclude that the Anti-Bush-War Protesters have STOPPED THEIR PROTESTS despite the continuation of the wars BECAUSE they as White Liberals see a BLACK PRESIDENT?
You see Hathor - just as it is the case that a Street Pirate's gun will NEVER be able to kill a Black person as dead as the gun of a White racist..................the US Military munitions under the control by a BLACK COMMANDER IN CHIEF will never be able to kill Muslims like the White man who sat in the commander's chair immediately prior to him.
Where are the protests Hathor?
Regarding your debt argument - lets talk about this. YOU don't hold this position as a call for responsible spending. You merely want to SHUT UP your debate adversary to allow your type of debt spending to continue.
BUT WAIT - Hathor - as you see the signs of what the growing debt is having - even OBAMA is saying that we need to stop spending - what does this have upon your defensive position? It is clear that your goal is to debate your adversary. The actual debt is separate and distinct.
This is why I keep coming back to the Aurtur Davis seat. With more people in his poor district receiving their care from the government - what does government insolvency mean to THEM?
I am not sure where you live but I see how these $100M+ deficits in school budgets is causing them to cut back services and close schools that would have been UNTHINKABLE just a few years ago.
Hathor - what happens to our national entitlements as this nation gets constrained by its debt?
If I was seeing actual COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT and PROGRESSION rather than MAINTENANCE and ENTITLEMENT out of the progressive movement I would be a bit more comforted with the direction.
Yo, Margaret Corbin--what's treasonous is not dissent, but rather fomenting vitriol that destabilizes our nation whilst encouraging the commission of illegal acts which threaten the health and happiness of fellow citizens. That shit should not fly.
I'm inviting all of you to come on over and read my comments on this topic, posted at my blog yesterday. Yeah, trolls and all--my students (for whom the blog exists) could really stand to see some of this discussion up close and personal...It would likely help them form their own opinions and philosophies, which is always my goal.
"Can we conclude that there is NOTHING that is going to make you happy?"
No. A single payor system
would make me very happy.
Mrs. C, I read that over at your blog, well done.
Red Devil, that statement is just flat out wrong. I have had as much (if not more) female FNOTD as men. Go back and check the archives.
M.Corbin said:
"To answer your last line of inquiry, in keeping with the spirit of my nom de guerre, I will be on the side of the barricades that are fighting for real freedom and liberty. Freedom to choose; freedom to try and fail; Freedom to speak my mind; Freedom to spend my money as I wish and allocate my hard-earned funds as I wish, without anyone else reaching in my pocket. If I wish to participate in private charity (which I do), that is my choice and free will, not something to be an edict of government tyranny. (BTW, I noticed that Gibbels used the word "edict" today when referring to Teh Won and his management style. How appropriate!)"
With all due respect, you do not live in an anarchist state. You live in the United States, in a country that has, over the years, through government, created a social contract to reflect a more "civilized society." We have collectively agreed that there are things for which we will share the financial burden through taxes, to create a common good. We have agreed that public education, mass transportation, public roads, fire departments, police departments, defense of country, medicare, social security, parks, clean air, public drinking water, trash collection,etc.. ALL are worth funding for the greater public good of all.
You are free to think, say, try and fail all to your selfish little heart's content... but you are being dishonest if you are trying to suggest that we do not benefit, both personally and collectively from the social contract that is called the United States of America. And, insuring that the citizens of this country have access to health care, ultimately benefits us all....
Again, no one is taking away your right to speech, freedom of movement, freedom to succeed or fail in your personal or professional life.... But, if you are going to live in a civilized society, with those rights come responsibilities, collective responsibilities.
Since you didn't see it, it cannot be true.
All I asked for was a source.
I love the smell of crushed wingnuts in the morning.
It smells like VICTORY.......
with a touch of rat turd.
It's laughable, but silly. Neugebauer must be one of those wimpy, hard-core cons to be yelling out "baby killaz" or whatever at Stupak, who I thought was anti-abortion anyway...o_O
Boehner & Co., let's hope* their heads don't explode in their next rants...
I guess the teabaggers are trying to jump ahead of the train, even though this bill is mainly about insurance reform...for now!
As for that blogger soiling his britches, toss him in the teabag pile. He'll get a wake-up call soon enough!
that crush you smell is the crushed will of the people who will now be POORER/FINED/JAILED/MORE UNEMPLOYED/MORE JOBLESS/MORE HOMELESS DUE TO OBAMACARE
only masochistic fools like you enjoy such stenches...
So, I wonder which conserva-scum active on this site posted it. It sounds a little like Constructive Feedback's work. Or maybe it was Alicia Banks.
Or maybe the twitterturd and the other twitterturd Jay Martin were just fans of their work.
Nonetheless, this is why conservative writers should be banned from the internet, media, airwaves and thought waves, and the only free speech relegated to them should be cardboard signs they can wear around their necks while they walk disheveled down the street. Quite clearly, all these people ever write is signs that post that advertise for assassins.
Constructive Feedback and other conservative scum like Jay Martin are agents provocateurs and should be treated the same way we dealt with Nazi 5th columnists during the war.
It's time for the Secret Service to swing the hammer hard on Beck, Limbaugh, and the Bin Laden-aligned conservative blogsphere who trawl the internet looking for the Scott Roeders of the world. Last I checked, we were at war (sort of).
Low profit margins do not equal low profitability. There is much research on the internet (instead of taking Fox News as a great reliable resource) there are other many other things, like ROE, to take into consideration.
i never post anything anywhere unless i post it in my name
i am not a neocon
i am an ultral liberal independent
i hate dems and repubs just as i hate all of u obama nazis
only niggers with chronic historical amnesia support censorship of any kind by anyone...even necons.
What a chicken shit to not come forward.
The rep from SC has opened the flood banks for this kind of behaviour which I'm afraid we're bound to see with greater frequency.
that crush you smell is ALSO the curshed souls of a generation of grandchildren who have been dumped onto elders/grandparents who will now suffer even more as hobama will gut 455 billion from medicare to fuind hobamacare
and only masochistic fools would consider that aroma anything other than the putrid smell of rotting elders' flesh!!
that crush you smell is also the crush of tons of doctors ofc staffers/docs looking for new jobs as their profits decrease drastically due to the admin chaos/brutal cuts of hobamacare/erasure of medicare
elders will soon be forced to choose between buying cans of cat food to eat and forced hobamacare premiums...shame!!!
only obama nazis are cheering on these dominos of med doom that loom over us all!!!
The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome. Why won't it go away? Why?!
The thread was decent before the troll emerged from under it's bridge.
It's deranged assshits like you that are the reason this country is going to hell faster than a prostitute with a heroin addiction.
(and a psychiatrist.)
assnons are pond scum crusted underneath bridges.
assnons have nothing intelligent to say ever.
assnons think that hobama is a bridge to paradise even as he crushes them into hell!!
will u make me???
run up on me you kufi clad fake muslim goon bitch made mf
I know I will regret this, but...
the link you posted (dated 1 March) does not relate to the healthcare reform bill. It is about Medicare funding that is independent of the bill that passed on Sunday. From your link:
"The Medicare cuts are the consequence of a 1990s deficit reduction measure that Congress has routinely waived for years. But every time the cuts are postponed, they only get bigger in percentage terms, making a permanent fix more costly and difficult.
Funding to temporarily stave off the cuts was part of a bill passed last week by the House. But the Senate failed to act on the one-month fix because Republican Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky objected that the $10 billion measure would add to the deficit."
You will also note that the obstruction to funding came from a Republican.
Word verification: Menti. LOL
u need a therapist and a prof.
they may help u grow a spine and a point!
where is your blog!????
go police that!
Yeah, I would LOVE to make you you fat diseased turd!
Fuck you and the hole (hoe) you skeeted out of!
that was a projection for cuts that will increase even more now that hobamacare is law!
since u sweat the small stuff like dates rather than omens/facts..try this one from 3/20/10:
If they take effect, physicians' fees will be slashed 21 percent and hospital reimbursements for Medicare patients will be cut by $1.3 billion. Tens of thousands of doctors and thousands of health care institutions -- hospitals, hospices, outpatient clinics and such -- will refuse to treat Medicare patients.
Entire cities will be without one doctor in important specialties who will take care of the elderly on Medicare. Particularly in fields like G.I. care or arthritic and joint pain, doctors will simply refuse to accept the low reimbursement rates they are being offered and hospitals will refuse all but emergency care to Medicare patients. In effect, the elderly will experience a doctors' strike against Medicare patients.
And these cuts will take place against a backdrop of continuing increases in health insurance premiums, no expansion of coverage (it doesn't kick in until 2013) and no tangible benefit from the Obama bill.
This is the prospect the House and Senate Democrats who vote for Obamacare will face in the fall of 2010. This is the record they will have to defend.
You stupid troll bitch why don't you kill yourself and make us all happy?
AB You Lie!!!
i see you have not been reading any dictionaries since you have been lurking you cowardly vulgar retard!
i have seen 6 yr olds with more expansive vocabs!
you spew juvenile insults like a cross between yosemite sam and a retarded muslim...stomping up and down smashing a bean pie you moron!!!
but you never have a valid thing to say because u r too illiterate to actually study a topic you kufi klad keystone kkkop clown!!!!
you wish you could be happy for a day you miserable punk bitch!!!
assnons deny truths and call them lies because it easier than researching reality.
assnons are unrealistic fools!!!
"assnons are unrealistic fools!!!"
Like you?
Don't you have a JOB or something?
Why do you spend so much time trolling here when Clearly nobody takes you seriously?
Your need for attachment is sad.
I feel sorry for you.
assnons prove that no one takes me seriously by seriously stalking me herein...ha!
assnons envy my jobs that allow me to live online because their own fast food posts offer no such tech flexibility!!!
assnons are the sorriest most spineless morons in creation always claiming to be sorry for others!!!
assnons are so stupid that they pretend to be silencing me by giving me MORE posts to PERSONALLY respond to!!
assnons are supreme masochists!!
You neglected to include the byline from your RCP quote. It was written by Dick Morris. Remember him?
that crush you smell is also the crush of the powerbrokers at IRS who have now become our medical ceo's via hobamacare
only a suicidal fool would cheer on the IRS as our PCPs!!!
i love dick morris
he has never lied on obama
like tavis and cornel, he has been clairvoyant about obama
see daily sanity from dm here:
more sanity and prophecy from dm today...fyi:
The anger of the voters at this total disregard of public opinion will power Republican candidates throughout the nation and will impel one of the greatest reversals of Congressional alignment in history.
But the aftershock of this political earthquake is yet to come. It will be upon us in the fall when Congress must decide whether to proceed with the Medicare cuts (particularly to cut in doctors’ reimbursement rates) or to postpone or cancel them and add the cost to the federal deficit.
Either they will make a shambles of Medicare or a mockery of their pretense of fiscal responsibility. The cuts would force broad swaths of the medical community - physicians and institutions - to refuse to treat Medicare patients. Their cancellation of postponement would swell the deficit and underscore the cynicism with which President Obama characterized the plan as a great deficit reduction measure.
This vote transforms the political landscape in a way that we have not seen in our lifetimes and the results will be cataclysmic for the Democratic Party. One hopes that the deals that the various members cut with the leadership to sell their votes included generous retirement packages. They’re going to need them!
We will have to agree to differ. You find Morris a reliable source, I don't.
that is always cool
i never agree with anyone 100% of the time and even my own opinions change
i once believed the dems were better then the repubs...no more
i agree with 99% of what FN says but i disagree with 100% of what he says about the vast majority of tea partiers...i see them as great dissenters
i respect the truth from ALL sources
but please tell me why you find dm unreliable?...thanks!
more sanity from mike moore:
If it's any consolation, the thieves who run the health-insurance companies will still get to deny coverage to adults with pre-existing conditions for the next four years. They'll also get to cap an individual's annual health-care reimbursements for the next four years. And if they break the pre-existing ban that was passed Sunday night, they'll only be fined $100 a day! And, the best part? The law will require all citizens who aren't poor or old to write a check to a private insurance company. It's truly a banner day for these corporations.
So don't feel too bad. We're a long way from universal health care. Over 15 million Americans will still be uncovered—and that means about 15,000 will still lose their lives each year because they won't be able to afford to see a doctor or get an operation. But another 30,000 will live. I hope that's OK with you.
Briefly, I discount Morris for two reasons. First, he has a terrible track record with his predictions, being wrong far more often than he has been right.
Second, he is a sleazeball, both personally and professionally. Even the highly sanitized bio on Wikipedia is bad enough. He represents the worst kind of political punditry in the US, something that becomes apparent if you spend enough time outside the US looking in.
@Field Negro
I hope you will post a review of Tom Burrell's book when you're done reading it.
we agree to disagree
i have missed all of his missed predictions
dm was dead on about hc even as i was angry at him for helping to slay her....
and he has been dead on on hobama too
when dm said the republicans would come back after gwb, i thought he was insane
now i agree...hobama has now made the repubs stronger than ever...shame!
Hi Field
What do you make of this?Seems more complex than meets the eye.You need to go into it with an open mind.
read for yourself.
michael moore was PRAISING THE BILL.
omg...he was taunting repubs
he has NEVER praised this bill!
wake up!!!!!!!
he was taunting repubs
he has NEVER praised this bill!
more from mike m:
But don't insult me and 300 million Americans by calling this "health-care reform." At least you've stopped calling it "universal health care." We will not have universal health care or anything close to it. I wish the president and the Democratic leadership would just stand up and say, "We're sorry, America. We didn't get the job done you sent us here to do. We're weak and scared and unable to communicate the simplest of messages to the American people. Therefore, our bill will guarantee that 12 million of you will still have NO health insurance. And that's because we have decided to leave the greedy, private insurance industry in charge of our system. Forgive us for this and for continuing to allow profit to be the determining factor as to whether a patient gets the help she or he needs."
Please, Democrats—just say that—then pass this poor excuse of a bill.
Pass it because, if President Obama takes a fall on this one, I don't know if he'll be able to get back up. And then NOTHING will get done. We can't have that. (And thank you Dennis Kucinich for hanging in there right up to the end and being the only one out of the 435 members to speak the awful truth.)
On the front page of Tuesday’s New York Times, the dateline was, sadly, once again, "Flint, Michigan." The story was about how doctors are no longer accepting Medicaid patients. Which means tens of thousands of poor can no longer go to the doctor. Last year, the State of Michigan also prohibited doctors from accepting Medicaid patients who had anything wrong with their vision, their hearing, their feet or their teeth. In a 16-county area northwest of Flint, there will soon be not one single hospital that will allow you to give birth there if you're on Medicaid. The official unemployment rate in Flint is 27 percent (unofficially, closer to 40 percent).
Now, you would think these thieves would love this bill—but they are actually fighting it. Why? Because it doesn't give them ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of what they want. It only gives them... 90%! YOU SEE, pure greed demands all or nothing.
The insurance industry hates this bill because it puts a few minor restrictions on them. Six months after its passage they won't be able to deny children coverage if they have a pre-existing condition. How awful! Government interference! SOCIALISM!
But, hey, they'll still be able to deny these children's parents coverage until 2014! So if a parent gets sick and dies in the next four years, I'm sure someone will step in and raise these already-insured orphans.
And how big will the fines be if the insurance companies do deny someone coverage for having a pre-existing condition? Are you sitting down? A hundred dollars a day! That's it! So if you're the insurance company, and Judy is a customer of yours, and Judy needs an operation that will cost $100,000, what do you do? You take the fine! Let's say Judy lives another year after you've sentenced her to death, your $100-a-day fine will only cost you $36,500! That's a savings of $63,500! And trust me, my friends, that's EXACTLY what's going to happen.
read this
u really need it
Just came across your blog today and currently inhaling it! Thanks for adding one more voice to the cause of anti-foolishness!
Now, I'm certainly not a Rush Limbaugh fan, but I keep hearing over and over that Limbaugh said he would "leave the U.S. if Obamacare passed".
It's my understanding that's NOT what he said. He said, "If Obamacare was passed, he would go outside the U.S. to seek any major medical treatments". Like the Prime Minister of Canada came to the U.S. for some type of heart treatment.
I'm paraphrasing what Limbaugh said, but when you're wrong, you're wrong.
Unless, you can prove me wrong, that is.
Limbaugh: "I'll just tell you this, if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented, I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."
Damn, that was easy.
Maybe not:
“It is not clear if Limbaugh was making a joke, if he was saying he would leaving the country permanently, or if he was saying he would leave just for health care.
The radio host was responding to a caller who asked, "If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself?"
He's going to Costa fuckin Rica for HEALTHCARE????
C'mon Anonymous, you're not that dumb.
Are you?
No. But maybe HE is.
FWIW, Costa Rica ranks #36 on the widely quoted World Health Organization's ranking of world health systems.
The US ranks #37.
Maybe the universal health coverage will move the US a bit up the rankings now.
According to the WHO, that's why France is number #1.
[quote]I simply can't imagine an anti-war protester spitting on a US congressman and being just carted off professionally as was the guy who spit on John Lewis.[/quote]
You should thank AB.
Between the time that I read the words above, copied them and then scrolled through the postings I had calmed down.
I then thought to contrast your protectionism of JOHN LEWIS from ASSAULT of being SPAT UPON (no clubbing to the head) with that which happened IN HIS DISTRICT BACK IN ATLANTA LAST NIGHT!!!
NO Klansmen!!!
NO TeaBaggers!!!
NO REPUBLICANS riding in the middle of the night - KILLING BLACKS and TERRORIZING the community;
STREET PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black woman
Head Cut off in 2010
Arms cut off in 2010
Dumped in the Bushes like trash in 2010
You are focused on John Lewis' respect.
I am worried about the LACK OF RESPECT that Street Pirates show!!
Will this news appear on the Black Anti-Republican sites? Not likely they have "NO Urban Mandate" for their coverage.
Mellaneous - John Lewis should be HAPPY that he is still alive after receiving his beating from BACK IN THE DAY that he TALKED ABOUT every time I have seen him in person over the last 20 years (which is about 15 times). He knows that THIS STILL WORKS for people like you. (and Black Diaspora)
This decapitated Black lady?
She had no protection in JOHN LEWIS' district.
The MOST DEADLY BLOCK IN ATLANTA: The corner of "Rev Joseph E Lowery Blvd and Rev Joseph E Boone Blvd
(But of course I hate Black people - so carry on)
WHY does it make more of an impression upon you that ONE WHITE MAN who is a multiple millionaire is going to Costa Rica to get his health care............................but not the fact that more than half of the people in Artur Davis' district receive their health care from government programs?
He has the option to go anywhere in the world for his care.
The people in this one district, however, have few options. While YOU are inclined to point to their SLAVE ANCESTRY and proclaim that THIS is what has prevented those among them who were born in 1978 from getting their medical degree and providing professional services to address the needs of the community - you can rest assure that in 2028 - the balance of organic competency to provide these services will not have change in this district and SO MANY OTHERS in which the balance of the people have the CONSCIOUSNESS that you have.
Seriously Steve - I know that you are very familiar with the notion of "Sold Out Consciousness". My challenge to you (and others) is to ask: ARE YOU ANY LESS OF A SELLOUT IF WHAT YOU ARE SOLD OUT TO IS MERELY A POPULAR FORCE TO BE SOLD OUT TO?
It might just be that the main people who are inclined to analyze your behavior and call you as such are standing right beside you and thus you are not called out.
Don't you get tired of yourself?
"but not the fact that more than half of the people in Artur Davis' district receive their health care from government programs?"
Where'd you get this from CF?
You wouldn't be LYING AGAIN, would you?
steve, this bill definitely does NOT qualify as universal health coverage. that would imply everyone is covered and there's a single payer--the govt.
this isn't that. you would be madated to buy coverage and pay for it youself, with subsidies at certain income levels. if everyone who could enroll did, it is estimated it would cover 32 million of 41 uninsured, still leaving almost 10 million out (mostly undocumented who could not even buy on exchanges w/their own $$).
CF come on man read what I wrote again. When you write posts like your earlier one you just seem silly or contrarian. And it seems to me that you really want to be respected by folks on the blog, and considered to be intelligent, even if they disagree with you.
If you keep this up folks will neither pay attention to you, respect you, nor agree with you.
BTW in the paragraph you mentioned about John Lewis, I was comparing the kids glove treatment of right wing protesters as compared to the treatment of those protesting the U
S wars or those protesting police brutality or student protestors like the ones who were roughed up in Cali recently.
I was also making the point that security seems to be a bit laxer these days or I don't remember folks being able to carry guns near presidential contenders as happended in the last election.
During the Bush presidency folks were roughed up and frisked for just having signs that his people didn't like.
Maria I wasn't ignoring you I was trying to figure out why you said there was no truth to my proposition that this Health Care fiasco was actually used to get folks to fight against their own best interest.
I just am not sure where you're coming from.
I see in your last post you say the Health Care Bill is problematic, I agree with you.
Why is it a stretch to see what all this hoopla has brought about.
The genie is not going back into the bottle!
Constructive Feedback said...
NO Klansmen!!!
NO TeaBaggers!!!
NO REPUBLICANS riding in the middle of the night - KILLING BLACKS and
TERRORIZING the community;
STREET PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black woman
Head Cut off in 2010
Arms cut off in 2010
Dumped in the Bushes like trash in 2010
On the real - That wasn't a "Street Pirate" (Love that name! I use it on WC3 as a handle now)- that is one sick person. I seriously don't know how John Lewis could have helped her in that situation, he doesn't have a cape or Spidey senses. The way I see it, is that it was most likely premeditated. Whoever killed that person wanted her DEAD and they were probably sending a message.
yes, i've said all along it had problems.
but i give people credit who supported the bill--they were not working against their own interests. they will benefit and they knew what they were doing. they're not sheep.
i wanted you to explain more why you thought they somehow were swayed into screwing themselves. and why you thought they didn't know any better.
CF did you know the lady that was decapitated? How do you know it was street criminals? How do you know it was someone from the neighborhood? Are you five O?
Since this happened in your neck of the woods have you sent her family a condolence card?
What are you going to do to make sure no one is decapitated or victimized by local crime again?
Do you really care?
Or was this just something you brought up to change the subject?
CF cont.
And you are right there is a lot of violence going on right now.
Just recently:
-Someone threatened the president on Twitter,
-someone will die if they don't get the insurance provider to allow them to have a needed operation,
-someone was put out of their house because they couldn't pay the mortgage that suddenly doubled,
-someone was laid off not because the company couldn't afford them but because it was more profitable to lay them off,
-some old person had their medicare denied,
-the police beat the crap out of someone and somebody else was shot by the cops who wasn't threatning them,
-a young boy nearly beat a young girl to death supposedly because of a text message,
-the Cali cops are still lying about poor missing Matrice and the heartless restaurant owner slept well last night,
-family members in Pakistan are mourning the death of loved ones who were killed when a US drone dropped a bomb on them,
-some folks in Iraq were obliterated because someone thought they were the "enemy,"
-the Afghan drug enforcement chief is scratching his head because the US doesn't want the Afghan opium crop destroyed.
-speaking of Aghanistan they are afraid to have wedding parties since the US military sees them as threats having bombed by conservative count 5 wedding parties,
-somebody's mother got a flag in return for their son or daughter,
-some kid joined a gang cause whats the use if I go to school and graduate I may not even qualify to work at McDonalds
-somebody in the Third World died because they drank filthy diseased water, from a preventable disease, hunger or from some foolish conflict
But you are only concerned about violence in the neighborhood. How does that jibe with Christianity and the Biblical mandate to,"love your neighbor as yourself"?
But of course CF who is your neighbor?
When you ask the STREET PIRATE MURDERER If He Cared before cutting the woman's head off!!! then I will take your question of ME more seriously.
I did not say that John Lewis (one man) could have done anything to stop this Murderous Street Pirate.
I am saying that the MACHINE that he is apart of that runs the ECO-SYSTEM within which this happened DO have culpability.
If John Lewis can exploit the past when a RACIST Sheriff told his peers "We cannot assure the safety of the Nigras that travel through these parts" and thus the sheriff is damned then MOST CERTAILY - 50+ years later the PEOPLE WHO NOW HOLD THESE SAME SEATS OF POWER TO-DAMNED-DAY should bear some responsibility.
GET THIS Mellaneous - Imagine it is 1940 in this same area of Vine City Atlanta (it is a White area at this time).
The community leader of the WHITE FOLKS, upon seeing that this is the most DEADLY STREET FOR BLACK PEOPLE to walk upon is asked about what he is going to do about the LITTLE KLAN BOYS who keep killing and assaulting Black people.
This community leader says: "Well these young men feel MARGINALIZED by society. They strike out at the Nigra because they are the only people who are LOWER and thus human psychology says that it gives these poor White trash a bit of dignity.
If the Nigra would join in and help us DEMAND more funding from the rich Whites at the state level - our Klan boys will have something to do with their time and the Nigras will stop getting kilt as a result. It is thus in the Nigra's best interests to put aside their anger at this one lynching. They go so many more of them they are going to miss him. Help us to get this funding so that no more of them are lynched".
Can you tell me how this logic RADICALLY differs from what is commonly heard from Black Progressive-Fundamentalists and their Snarling White Fox enablers today?
You see the difference between me and Black Diaspora?
She sees HER JOB as being to accentuate the Black politicians in power.
I SEE MY JOB as TREATING THEM just like the WHITE MAN who used to sit in the same damned SEAT - both in praise and ATTACK.
[quote]Where'd you get this from CF?You wouldn't be LYING AGAIN, would you?[/quote]
WhiteBowieSteve - you are an idiot.
Alabama's Davis represents the only majority black congressional district in Alabama. The 7th District, which includes parts of Birmingham and west Alabama, also is one of the poorest in the country.
Davis said he has more constituents living on Medicare and Medicaid than private health insurance,
Maria this is the statement that I made that you said was false.
"But back to the health care ballyhoo. In the end it did allow the ruling class to galvanize a bunch of working class folks to work against their own best interests."
What I was saying was that the people who were organized into Tea Partys (and of course not all of them some seem to have some interesting ideas) were organized to oppose the idea of Universal Health Care. They wound up opposing the Health Care Reform but what actually got them all riled up was the idea of Socialized medicine, which on the face of it is a good thing. But they have been lead to believe and God knows how that Socialism is a bad thing. So anything with the word socialism is a bad thing.
Its why they keep calling Obama a socialist even the watered down Health Care option without a public option to them is a form of socialism because it means that everyone may have to share something.
My point was that they were organizing against their own best interests. What they were really opposed to was the raising of their taxes which according to many of them would go to help pay someone else's medical bills. And to them that was anathema. And to be more precise they were even more opposed to idea that someone with black, brown, red or yellow skin getting something they don't think they deserve.
This of course works against their best interest because working class people catch the same hell. And working class women and people of color catch even more but they still have in common the fact that Big Business seeks to exploit them all.
But now all of these folks who are opposed to government interference which is a good thing when applied to civil rights and domestic surveilance.
But at bottom they are not opposed to the agressive policies of US imperialism, as noted by the fact that while they scream and holler they never complain about the oversized defense budget or the adventurous wars overseas.
These folks will be used against the rest of us when the capitalist can no longer dazzle us with their lies and we see finally that the system indeed does not work and we have to tear it down and build a new one.
All you have to do is study the history of fascism. Just read the many works about pre-Nazi Germany or fascist Spain.
You are hopeless Mellaneous.
[quote]CF did you know the lady that was decapitated? How do you know it was street criminals? How do you know it was someone from the neighborhood? Are you five O?[/quote]
Click on the link that I provided. Go to www.wsbtv.com
It only requires you to not be bigoted in your assessment.
Since this happened in your neck of the woods have you sent her family a condolence card?
See Mellaneous - THERE IS ONE PROBLEM!!!!
The carcass has NO HEAD (no dental records) and no HANDS - (no finger prints).
Why don't YOU tell us what the authorities should use to identify this carcass - thrown away so the ants and the carrion can devour this human like she was road kill?
I WILL take you up on your challenge. IF this woman (20 to 30 years old Black female) is ever identified I will obtain a sympathy card and sent it to the family.
WHAT do you ask of the Street Pirate who MURDERED her Mellaneous? I will go to his court case and deliver your message personally.
CF actually unlike you I have worked with the folks you speak of and have tried to get them to change their ways. And you....?
But as Rotnkid pointed out and I pointed out already YOU DON'T KNOW WHO KILLED THIS WOMAN!! So cut it out, because it doesn't fit your usual crap. Just admit it was a bad example and move on.
And admit you don't give a crap its just something to beat up on folks who haven't gotten lucky as you.
You really should be counting your blessings rather than simply trying to make black folks look bad at every turn.
You know the phrase, (you go to church at least you keep implying it)there but for the grace of God go I.
I am not as arrogant as you so yes I do indeed count my blessings everyday.
Steve said... "He's going to Costa fuckin Rica for HEALTHCARE???'
Nope. Not healthcare. There are still lots of impoverished young brown children roaming the streets. It'll be a vacation paradise. Excuses, excuses, soon he'll blame Obama for making him do that too.
Mell asked CF... "What are you going to do to make sure no one is decapitated or victimized by local crime again?
Do you really care? "
I wonder all the time. CF, I hope you do care and you're not just exploiting the tragedy of this black female yet again.
BTW CF, I might be mistaken, but why are you supporting Plaxico Burrees on your blog sidebar? What makes him and his actions so different from the average street pirates, the ones you so despise? A sports career and a large bank account?
Don't get me wrong, I don't like street pirates either.
mell-- i must have misread what you said. i didn't realize you were talking about the tea party people--i agree! sorry.
"WHAT do you ask of the Street Pirate who MURDERED her Mellaneous? I will go to his court case and deliver your message personally."
What message was that CF? There you go making up things again. But if you were to give this murderer who you don't know a message give them this one God loves even them and even they can be forgiven and experience the love of God.
Malcolm X was taking out by Black male hit men...
Its not White Tea baggars you need to worry about...everyone expects those fools to go off...It's the Black weirdos you have to worry about.
Strange you mention that...One of the assassins of Malcolm X was Just released on parole.
CF said:
"I WILL take you up on your challenge. IF this woman (20 to 30 years old Black female) is ever identified I will obtain a sympathy card and sent it to the family."
CF I don't believe you I don't think you give a darn.
-I don't believe that you will send that women a sympathy card. You have not shown anyone that you are capable of sympathy.
-You don't care about this woman. You killed her spirit all over again. You just used her as a stat to say," look you Negroes a black person did again"
-When you posted that information I didn't get any sense that you were concerned about what happened to her, but were more interested in what happened, just so you could try to prove a point.
-There was no emotion no sense of empathy or sympathy. You should save your SYMPATHY CARD because in order to give someone a sympathy card you would have to have sympathy. And if she lives in the poor part of town, you would probably look down your nose at her family.
-There has always been something that bothered me about your posts and I finally figured it out.
-They lack any real emotion, no passion because you don't give a darn!
-Jody comes on and you feel whats she's talking about. Uptown, Trapped, Nsongoma, Maria,MR, granny even some of the anons all come across as being concerned and AB blasts folks, but you know she feels something. You on the other hand, just play the unempathetic, unsympathetic cad rushing to make a point, which is usually not a point at all!
- When Field posts about some tragedy that has happened to someone, either at the hands of a racist or the racist system instead of acknowledging it and showing a modicum of sympathy for their plight, you instead quickly point to some wrong a black person has done, as if its a game!
-Are you aware that doing that is callous and hard hearted? Okay to be fair it seems callous and cold.
-I notice that folks will stop to acknowledge the hurts of others on this blog, but you a self confessing Christian do nothing of the sort.
-And I don't trust you. I don't trust you to actually bring that woman's family a card. Why should I believe you, when you even lie or mischaracterize or represent what folks say to "make a point."
-You go out of your way to manipulate the truth to bad mouth Field or contradict his posts (hell its his blog he can post what he wants)
-I have been suspicious for some time about why you would continuously insult the intelligence of the folks who visit this blog, by pretending that they are not aggreieved about crime in the inner city as every black person I know.
-And its my belief that the vast majority of white folks who visit the blog are also concerned about crime in the inner city.
-And these folks through what they do and through this blog seem to be genuinely interested in finding ways to make sure everyone (especially black folks since we are talking primarily about black folks on this blog) can thrive.
-And I don't think that you are stupid enough to believe that the answer to the problem of inner city violence lies partially with a system that has allowed and encouraged the conditions that mitigate to produce what we see in the inner cities of the US. And the problem also lies partly in lack of opportunity, hopelessness and self-hatred.
-Denying this truth makes you dishonest and to be honest,pitiful.
Don't send that woman's family a card CF because she was just a statistic to you know you don't care.
"There are still lots of impoverished young brown children roaming the streets. It'll be a vacation paradise. "
Wher did you lefties get this crap from, Rush isn't a child molester, you people would slander your mother if she stoped you from getting your welfare.
"Rush isn't a child molester, "
No cause he likes the grown boys in Santo domingo.
"Wher did you lefties get this crap from, Rush isn't a child molester, you people would slander your mother if she stoped you from getting your welfare."
How do you know? Do you follow Rush around when he goes down south? Que pasa Senor Rush.:)
CF cares as much about that woman he is talking about as I do about Rush. Please!
To the person up thread who asked about that book "Brainwashed", it's a nice read so far. I am in the middle of it.
CF sez
"WhiteBowieSteve - you are an idiot."
To that I say "You're a Tom and a fraud"
Your link doesn't work.
These people are so full of hate, lies, irrational fears and shit! Where can I find the insurance to 'kill babies'? If it existed, why wouldn't every male, and every woman that can't or doesn't want children elect not yo gave it? If you have insurance you are already paying for those that choose to abort. Stupid idiots! And in case you live in a dream like state, Medicare and Medicaid are Government programs. These people are unstable, hopefully with this reform they can now afford to obtain and take their meds!
Field, there have been several requests for you to honor Nancy Pelosi as an Honorary Field Negro. Yet, you have ignored all requests.
Could you at least give your reason WHY she does not qualify?
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