Forget college basketball; the real March Madness is taking place down in Washington. (BTW, I love your picks O man) Poor republicans, they are acting downright apocalyptic these days. If you hear them tell it, A-merry-ca, as we know it, will be over in a few days. Come Sunday night, Socialism will have taken over A-merry-ca, and darkness will fall over our republic. Why? Well it's all because of that beige man with the African daddy and the mother from Kansas. He decided to upset the apple cart.
It's so bad that Michelle Bachmann, an elected Representative from the land of the great lakes(I think all that cold up there might have chilled the brains of some of the voters in the land of Prince), is calling for the impeachment of Nancy Pelosi. Glenn Beck is calling this the most traumatic event in A-merry-ca since the civil war, and he has all but told his O ness to watch his back. I just watched Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, (real nice guy that John Boehner) and a bunch of angry white men declare war on this health care bill, and you could just tell from the looks on their faces that if this thing passes they will all have to be put on suicide watch. Over at Radio Rwanda they are taking calls from republican operatives live on the air and telling their viewers that the bill could still die. The wingnut web sites are beside themselves with rage. They are accusing the dumbocrats of lying and cheating to get their way. Oh what a difference a few years make.
Still, the votes are going to be close. I am hearing that this bill might pass by just one vote. Imagine that? One vote! I am still seeing images of all those people in Grant Park and I am hearing those chants of "Yes We Can" in my ears, and I can't believe that if his O ness passes his signature legislation- one that he has damn near staked his entire presidency on- it will only pass by one stinking vote.
I see Dennis Kucininich switched. Good for him. ( Now there is a guy who married up. Literally.) Hey, I am not crazy about this watered down version of a bill, either. But hell, I guess it's better than nothing. In a way, I might have switched my thinking as well. I didn't know how much passing this bad boy meant to his O ness. He canceled his trip to Australia and Indonesia, he went on Radio Rwanda, and he has been literally begging fence sitters for votes. Damn it O man, all you had to do was ask. I would have gotten your back a lot sooner.
I want to know what the wingnuts will do if the bill does pass. They have been threatening all kinds of shit. It should be interesting. Will they storm the people's house and pull the beige man and his family out? Will there be rioting and looting in the streets? Will the teabaggers have a sit down in the middle of Washington D.C and shut down the city? Man they have a lot of options. And, they might have to use them. I see the CBO report just came out and it should give some of those cowardly dumbocratic politicians some cover. As a result, look for a couple of more yes votes flipping for his O ness.
Hang on folks, this should be more fun than a buzzer beater.
*Pic courtesy of Ehow.com
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»1st. Great post, I was just chuckling about the hot mess.
If Obama pulls this one off, he'll have enough political capital do damn near anything. If he doesn't, he mind as well resign because he won't be able to passing anything other increases in war spending and naming a street or two.
Its gonna be a real buzzer beater for sure.
I really want to see what happens, 5 years from now when all those Tea Party folks are lining up for the public option when their job gets shipped to Bangladesh.
If passed, it will be a start. I'm sure you'll hear neo-con heads zapping into alternate universes...
Heads are exploding. I love it.
"I really want to see what happens, 5 years from now when all those Tea Party folks are lining up for the public option when their job gets shipped to Bangladesh."
And there you have it! I would prefer if we concentrated on healthcare reform via other means. However the bottom line is that people are more important that fealty to an ideology. When my conservative husband got laid off a few years ago and his health insurance was terminated, both of us with the big sense of pride declared that we would NOT take any government programme for shit because we didn't believe in that. Uh huh....Then I found out I was pregnant. Oh shit hit the fan! All of my conservative ideology went out of the window because my BABY was the most important being in the home. So my husband promptly signed us up for a county programme and we applied for Medi-cal.
Now, my husband got a job before the Medi-cal caseworkers ever got back to us. And he ended up working for a NON PROFIT INSURANCE COMPANY that has tried to push universal healthcare in California.
Bottom line is that critisizing safety nets makes very little sense because they are there for all of us. I once asked a GOPer buddy of mine how she could be such a staunch member of the GOP when her husband was laid off and they were threatening to cut social services in her state, she has four kids with disabilities and her husband is in a profession that is heavily union oriented.
I asked how she could support the GOP when it was effectively against her well being. She could never really answer the question.
It is not the best bill, but it is a start towards Health Care reform after 40 something odd years of trying to reform the United States Health Care industry. I definitely hope it passes, because for the Republicans it is more about Obama failing than the Health Care bill itself.
"I really want to see what happens, 5 years from now when all those Tea Party folks are lining up for the public option when their job gets shipped to Bangladesh."
La..these are people of principles, they will turn it down...yeah right!
It's not perfect and is no where near what is needed. However, perfect is the enemy of good and this is a good start.
Don't bother with logic or stats, wingnuts are impervious. The fact that the US is alone amongst economic superpowers without national health care doesn't bode well for the nation's future. The US lags behind every developed nation in key indicators of public health but you can scare the 'baggers with words like "socialism" (even if they don't know what it means).
It is little wonder that the rest of the world thinks 'Mur-ka is a land of crazy people.
OBAMA TO KUCINICH: "Fool, you betta' come on in!"
Oh those poor people on the right wing. I feel so bad for them right now. This thing passes and its the nail in the coffin of Ronald Reagan.
Let's not get too happy yet though. The people who were cock-blockers in high school have all grown up to be Republicans.
I am retired Healthcare! People really need to wake up and smell the roses...
The only thing between reconstruction and now is that Brown skin made it to the "White House" this time..
"...Let's not get too happy yet though. The people who were cock-blockers in high school have all grown up to be Republicans."
Rippa, you still got it, I see. ))))))LOL((((
The opposition to Healthcare is not about Obama and his being black. When Clinton tried to pass healthcare the Republicans launched the war machine against the President's policies and himself personally. The Republicans have been against healthcare for along time. Hell, Reagan didn't even like social security or medicare.
All of this really goes back to the New Deal. After the FDR revolution the Republicans spent decades trying to roll back the social safety nets of America. This is just a continuation of that.
"I definitely hope it passes, because for the Republicans it is more about Obama failing than the Health Care bill itself."
That's it in a nutshell.
There are competing realities here. One reality is that if this happens, after 40-plus years, after 6 presidents, republican and democrat alike, it will be historic. Not George W. Bush richest 1% tax cut historic, but G.I. Bill historic.
Before this happened, about 12 months ago, the Republicans pointed to the possible negative consequences of a CBO scoring as a reason not to proceed with health care.
Not that the CBO scoring did not come out favorably, they are questioning the accuracy and the very impartiality of the CBO scoring system.
But it's deeper than that.
When have any of us on this board received notice from our collective insurance companies that the rates we pay for services were being reduced, or that our health care options have been expanded? Te cost of health care trends upward still, while at the same time the profits of these same companies, as listed on the DJIA, Nasdaq, and S&P 500, has been growing at an astronomical rate.
Insurance companies operate with a near monopoly status, so it is in their best interest for you not to be able as do something as simple as cross state lines to compare and contrast coverages. In many states, especially in the south and west, Blue Cross and Blue Shield subsidiaries have nearly 85% of the health care market in those states.
But the republicans know, as they should, that if Obama gets this done, two things will happen. There will be critical mass of people, who, regardless of their stance on the bill, will parse the new law for things that can help them, like the preexisting conditions clauses. This will cause support for the legislation to go up, not down. This in turn, will cause the public to trust the judgment of the President more, ergo, his approval ratings will go up. As his approval goes up, he will have the impetus to actually move forward on financial reform, immigration reform and many other of the issues that are before this country, with less republican or conservative resistance.
The second thing is that the moderates in this country, the ones who effectively sway elections, will see the far right wing of the republican party for what it is, a group of obstructionists who plans are self-serving and provide only for their own political expediency, nothing more.
That's why the wingnuts are scared shitless right now.
Republican opposition to health care is not about Obama and his being black. The Republicans pulled out the same bag of trick against the Clinton Health care plan. The big difference now is they have Fox News and other party organs that they didn't have then.
The real heart of this though is the Republican fear that the big government of New Deal Democrats could be making a come back. Ever since Reagan, they've been attempting to roll back the idea of social safety nets that was implicit in the New Deal. Hopefully, the Democrats can pull this off.
When have any of us on this board received notice from our collective insurance companies that the rates we pay for services were being reduced, or that our health care options have been expanded? Te cost of health care trends upward still, while at the same time the profits of these same companies, as listed on the DJIA, Nasdaq, and S&P 500, has been growing at an astronomical rate."
TSC, that's a great point. But hold on, the wingnuts are getting their talking points together from Radio Rwanda, they will be here in a minute to refute your claim.
The wingnuts will rant about the cost of healthcare reform and not utter a whisper over the cost of not reforming our system.
They will pay $800-1200 per month in premiums to an insurance company rather than $2000 per year in taxes for the same thing. It lays bare their claims to financial acumen.
"They will pay $800-1200 per month in premiums to an insurance company rather than $2000 per year in taxes for the same thing. It lays bare their claims to financial acumen."
Good point. I gotta use that one when arguing with a "nut".
"Come to my side, wingnut. Join me, and I will complete your training"
It's too bad we don't have real media in this country. If we did then they would tell us how much insurance companies have paid the Republicans to oppose health-care reform.
I just want it to pass so that Rush Limbaugh will LEAVE the country. But that fat ass will never leave his compound;his corporate masters pay him too much.
LAC: "I really want to see what happens, 5 years from now when all those Tea Party folks are lining up for the public option when their job gets shipped to Bangladesh."
Well, I'll tell you, dumbass. No one will any goddamn healthcare if the people who pay taxes are out of work.
The lack of basic economic understanding among you people is astounding.
field negro said...
"I really want to see what happens, 5 years from now when all those Tea Party folks are lining up for the public option when their job gets shipped to Bangladesh."
La..these are people of principles, they will turn it down...yeah right!
You're one to speak of principles, you low down POS. Let me tell your dumb ass what will happen once the people who pay taxes are out of work: No one will get any goddamn healthcare.
The lack of basic economic understanding among liberal do-nothings is astounding. Field is an intellectual phony who peddles opinions he doesn't understand in the vaguest way. Celebrate this diphit, affirmative action presidents trashing of the country all you want. The fun times aint going to last.
It is gonna pass and I am going to toast it's passing. Finally, after decades of pushing, we are moving in the right direction on health care. And, 20 years from now, access to health care will be seen in the same way as medicare or social security... people will rise up to fight any efforts to end it...
If people go back and look at the rhetoric around the passage of social security and medicare, there were many of the same accusations.. this is socialism, country going to hell, communists, it will ruin us, blah, blah, blah...
As for those who vote No, I also predict 20 years from now they will be declaring they were wrong... much like those that voted against the Civil Rights Act now declare they were wrong.
Finally, President Obama is about to do what many have tried and failed... for that, on this issue, he has my appreciation and respect.
field negro said...
"I really want to see what happens, 5 years from now when all those Tea Party folks are lining up for the public option when their job gets shipped to Bangladesh."
"La..these are people of principles, they will turn it down...yeah right!"
Let me tell you what will happen you low down POS. When the people who pay taxes lose their jobs, no one will get any godddamn healthcare.
Field is an intellectual poser who doesn't have the vaguest understanding of the opinions he promotes. Celebrate this dipshit affirmative action president's trashing of the country all you want, the fun times ain't going to last.
Field, I'm just lucky to still have it. I've been offline and M.I.A. for a couple of weeks. See, I'm one of those pre-existing condition having, insulin injecting, high blood pressure having Negroes. The last 2 weeks I've been literally blind due to what's known as Vitreous Hemorrhaging.
Yeah, everybody is saying "take care of yourself Ripp." But that's kinda hard to do after losing coverage due to loss of employment last year, and being unable to afford the increase in premiums on my wife's uppity negro-like job. Bro, sometimes I laugh just to keep myself from crying.
Like you, I know the bill isn't the best and even so, given my circumstances, I hope it gets passed. With it being a close call as it is right now. I wonder how come Obama didn't give Arkansas Democrat Blanche Lincoln like he did Kucinich. They need all the votes they can get.
"You're one to speak of principles, you low down POS. Let me tell your dumb ass what will happen once the people who pay taxes are out of work: No one will get any goddamn healthcare.
The lack of basic economic understanding among liberal do-nothings is astounding. Field is an intellectual phony who peddles opinions he doesn't understand in the vaguest way. Celebrate this diphit, affirmative action presidents trashing of the country all you want. The fun times aint going to last."
So a wingnut who can't even spell the word "dipshit" is one to talk.
Guess what, If you count yourself lucky enough to be in a room where this "diphit, affirmative action president" happens to walk into, you will get your teabagging ass to your feet, just like you did for the frat boy, who probably put your toothless ass in the trailer park in the first place.
Get off your mom's computer, Cooter.
I don't want no government
taking care of me
will not accept a hand out
I have got my dignity
government run health care
means we're gonna die
let the private insurance
divvy up the pie
the CEO's on wall street
give excellent health care
gonna protect your interests
they always treat you fair
these people have high morals
they would never let you down
they'll stick with you forever
as the walls come tumbling down
this all sounds so lovely
except not one word is true
health care is big business
either you pay or you are thru
must be fun to be a wingnut
to live life without a care
to begrudge without a conscience
deny others what is fair
this country must come together
it is time, yes that is true
we need to fix our health care
tell me what would Jesus do
Have you ever felt that you were in the same room with people, watching the very same series of events and yet you feel that the other person is mentally in a DIFFERENT UNIVERSE?
This is how I feel about Progressive-Fundamentalists.
Here is my fundamental challenge for all of you:
At present we are at a more than 50 year end run of PROGRESSIVISM, particularly at the periphery (our communities and municipal governments).
1) You control the schools - are you generating more medical professionals per your alignment of the people's NEEDS with your CONTROL?
2) You control the local economic policies AND have it where the people have a choice to enter their labor in the labor market per their choice - Can you show us that you are any more capable to order these HUMAN RESOURCES so that they are capable of funding the STANDARD OF LIVING that they desire?
3) I was watching the adversary of Michele Bachaman on "Democracy Now" - Alan Grason. Filled Negro he really wanted MEDICARE FOR ALL!!!!!
I had to vow to stop drinking at night after hearing that one. I went back to the USA Today from Wednesday in which they (the editorial board) stated that the 3 programs that are eating a hole in the budget are:
* Medicare
* Social Security
* Medicaid
Rest comfortably Mellaneous and Jody. The article said that if we SHUT DOWN THE PENTAGON TO-DAMNED-DAY............this STILL WOULD NOT CLOSE THE MASSIVE BUDGET HOLE that these 3 programs are burning out.
YOU tell ME, Filled Negro. It seems that your VICTORIES don't quite turn out as you had sold us on during the run up.
Mellaneous - what happens when the same CAPITALISM THAT YOU HATE but you use to sell the DEBT that you run up per your SOCIAL JUSTICE ENTITLEMENTS is no longer purchased by CAPITALISTS and the system collapses?
YOU ARE NOW ON YOUR OWN but you have failed to build up the COMPETENCIES OF THE PEOPLE.
They are freed from the BELLY - yet they desperately attempt to REVIVE THE BEAST because it had been feeding them "laundered" gastric juices, filled with nutrients that comforted them greatly.
[quote]If Obama pulls this one off, he'll have enough political capital do damn near anything.[/quote]
LAC - I am not understanding your logic here.
You keep focusing (supposed) POLITICAL CAPITAL when you NEED TO BE looking at CAPITAL.
The first 10 years are full of accounting gimmicks. Pay taxes next year - actual benefits don't start in earnest in 2014.
The next 10 years is supposed to save over $1T. They don't mention TAX INCREASES and apply all of this in the context of our present MALAISE and the expected insolvency of Medicare (2020), the burden of Medicaid and the expected insolvency of Social Security between 2035 and 2042.
The key difference is between DEMAND SIDE ECONOMICS (what the Leftist Statists focus upon) and SUPPLY SIDE Economies what those who are looking at long term economic viability look toward.
What good is it LAC for you to have the RIGHT to health care but the fiscal system is unable to provide for it?
If Guatemala mandated UNLIMITED HEALTH CARE FOR ALL - would it mean anything?
What did "Obama Pull Off" again?
LA Audio books:
Is the USA Today owned by Rupert Murdock?
Wednesday March 17, 2010:
You can't balance the budget unless both sides give ground
Our view: Rigid positions on taxes, spending undermine deficit reduction panel.
President Obama created a bipartisan commission last month and gave it until December to come up with a plan to begin balancing the federal budget by 2015. Already, though, some members are drawing lines in the sand, warning that they're opposed to raising taxes or cutting big social benefit programs.
In other words, the only real effort to solve one of the nation's most urgent problems is already in danger of paralysis. Every successful attempt to cut the deficit has required partisans on both sides to meet in the middle. There's just no other realistic way to make this work.
Don't take our word for it. That's the conclusion of another bipartisan group that has already worked on the nation's deficit and debt crisis for much of the last year. Its study demolishes the notion that there's any easy fix, or that any of the budget's sacred cows can be easily spared.
You might not have heard much about the Choosing the Nation's Fiscal Future report by the National Research Council and the National Academy of Public Administration. It came out the same day as the Haiti earthquake, and it's 338 pages of pretty wonky prose. But the committee's 24 members included liberals, conservatives and three former directors of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. That makes their study an invaluable reality check on the partisan rhetoric and self delusion that typically undermine the deficit debate.
Among the key conclusions:
•We're in big trouble. Economic recovery alone won't help. "No reasonably foreseeable rate of economic growth" will shrink deficits enough to stop the debt from growing dangerously large, the report says. Without action, the national debt will grow so big that the foreign creditors who now own about half our debt and finance our budget deficits could conclude we're no longer a good investment risk, sending interest rates soaring.
•Popular solutions such as banning "earmarks," ending all foreign aid or attacking "waste, fraud and abuse" are relatively meaningless. (In fact, getting rid of all defense spending would eliminate less than half of this year's $1.6 trillion deficit. That's how out of whack the budget is.) Saving significant amounts of money will require curbing the growth of the programs most responsible for driving spending out of control: Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
•Partisans on both sides, whose views are reflected in the opposing views that accompany this editorial, are living in a dream world. Walling off benefit programs, as many Democrats demand, would require tax increases so big that the U.S. tax burden would ultimately exceed those of most European countries. And avoiding any tax increases (or even cutting taxes), as many Republicans insist, could require health rationing plus defense cuts so deep that the U.S. could no longer invest in most new weapons systems or fight wars such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There's no secret about what has to be done. It's the same sort of realistic combination of spending cuts and tax increases that saved Social Security in 1983 and helped produce four years of budget surpluses in 1998 to 2001. What's needed is the political will to do it, bolstered by popular backlash against practitioners of something-for-nothing politics.
Obama's deficit commission is off to an unpromising start, with members on both sides saying what they won't do to produce a solution. Several GOP appointees have signed anti-tax pledges; at least one Democratic appointee is vowing to protect benefit programs. We hope that's just posturing. The commission's job is to provide a road map for solving a real and dangerous problem, not to preserve its members' ideological purity.
So, CF do you believe that Social Security should be invested in stocks like the Enron employee invested theirs in a stock investment retirement plan?
If they end Social Security, what do you propose that elderly people who have already retired? Should they try and pull themselves back up by their bootstraps?
BTW, Social Security and other entitlements were only a sliver of the budgets of the past. More was spent on imports, military, etc.
What I don't understand though is why Corporations and rich folks complain about taxes since they never paid any.
I'm so sick of these folks that think they know so much about "Affirmative Action" and are really ignorant as to what Affirmative Action was about. They go by false hearsay and take it as the hope to God so help me truth, but it is a falsehood and a lie made up to end Affirmative Action.
If the President did go to school on Affirmative Action he has nothing to be ashamed of, nor does any other person of color or female who took advantage of it. Affirmative Action did not study long hours for them, do their homework, or give them anything but an equal opportunity to get an education where they once were denied and a job where they once were denied. People who lack knowledge of what affirmative action really was make me sick with their lack of knowledge of what exactly it really was. It was an end to discrimination and that's it, that's all, and is the bottom line. It was nothing more than that. Affirmative Action didn't pass their interviews either or earn that degree.
cf you broken record
always spinning round
pounding the same issues
not sure if you're profound
you say that the progressives
have been running the machine
they control the throttle
and supply the gasoline
we both know this is bullshit
how do you account for Bush
he certainly was no progressive
his agenda was fucking mush
by every single standard
any metric you might apply
conservatives run this country
it's a fact you can't deny
under the auspices of Obama
the conservatives still hold sway
how else explain Wall Street
and the bonuses that they pay
sure the pendulums swinging
and hopefully just in time
we need a social adjustment
to end this conservative decline
BTW, if anyone should be ashamed of Affirmative Action it should be those who denied people jobs and an education because of the color of their skin and their sex.
[quote]So, CF do you believe that Social Security should be invested in stocks like the Enron employee invested theirs in a stock investment retirement plan?
Granny: I NO LONGER AM GOING TO TAKE THE WITNESS STAND and receive YOUR cross examination.
I gave you FACTS on:
* Social Security
* Medicare
* Medicaid
IF I AM LYING - please detail!!!
I owe you NO SOLUTION!!!
The course that we have followed which was STILL NOT LEFT ENOUGH FOR YOU - has documented effects.
When you can do an "Economics Rap" that encapsulates econometrics - then you will have credibility.
Goodnight good people,blessings, and peaceful dreams.
I know that my friend CF is writing me another five page essay right about now about something entirely different from what I asked him. So, I am gonna spare myself of the energy it takes to drudge through them to see if he answers my question because I know he won't. Oh yeah, and I love you too CF and there is nothing you can do about it. *sigh*
ANON:11:07, don't get mad at Field or the rest of these Black men, on this BLOG, now you need to calm down and look at the full picture, Black men hand's are Clean, they didn't create this MESS, your Greedy Ancestor's did, and now look, the White Middle Class are REAPING the fruit of their SELFISHNESS! and what are they receiving, lost of Home's, Job's and Health Care!
Now, I could care less about your RANT'S! you should rant, I would RANT too if I had to pay for my Ancestor's Crime's against HUMANITY! that being, CRIME'S against Black's and other people of color in America!
I will be watching as well as Praying, without a doubt, the Racist have Trick's up their sleeve's! during the time, the Social Security Bill was to pass, the KKK came out in FULL BLAST! ANGRY WHITE MEN! has anything changed? NO! they have found a way to infiltrate Washington and say NO to HEALTH CARE!
Wait till Field see's this thread. WOW.
CF (and the foul mouth anon), you want capital and economics, then lets play.
I have several friends who own their own business -- my running partner whose an interior decorator, my former colleague who is a healthcare IT consultant and my old drinking buddy who owns a shipping company.
All of these guys are hard-working, tax-paying educated citizens. And my consultant buddy is a staunch Republican. And they are all, in some way getting screwed by our current insurance system:
My co-worker had to pay $400 out of pocket to get regular check up. My training partner is shopping for Canadian medicine online and is looking for a good free clinic. Any my trucking buddy walked around with a broken toe for 4 months because he couldn't afford the out of pocket expense of the X-rays and resetting it.
Is this just? Does this make any economic sense that people pursuing the American Dream of self-employment and entrepreneurship go bankrupt because they can't afford to go to the doctor?
And lets get away from the personal and lets talk about the macro-economic. Because we have this jacked up, overpriced, crap shoot we call private Health care, we pay more than any other industrialization and get crappier results. 1/6 of the American economy just to keep a fraction of us healthy? And my former stomping grounds of the Bronx have a higher infant mortality rate than Cuba?
So please, please give me the great 'free market alternative' ensuring our fellow Americans get can affordable access to healthcare?
What exactly is the conservative plan to help my friends, other folks like them and lower costs that are crippling out economy, Mr. Constructive Feedback?
Silence? Stupid faux intellectual non-sequitors? ALL CAPS FOR REAL REASON?
I have a friend who had serious heart issue and would have been 40% more likely to die if he and his partner didn't have insurance. Again, CF, before you start claiming I don't know what I'm talking about come with a clear, concrete alternative or how the status quo is somehow working.
I hope they have those votes lined up, because if they don't, it'll more or less be the end of Obama's presidency.
White people should be Ashamed, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION had to be brought about, to begin with! this is another Scar for them to try to get rid of! they want to deny their Injustice toward Black people! as if, our people were given half a chance, to prove we were just as cable or better as the White worker to get the job done, they LIED about us as usual! and said (we were Slow, in other word's, our Mind's had a minor Defect)in other word's, we didn't have the Intelligence of the White man! another LIE!
Black's were NOT treated FAIR by White's, so a LAW had to be passed to FORCE White folk to do right! this is a pattern! these people know right from wrong, but, they chose to do Wrong! or maybe, they just don't know Right from Wrong! now if that be the case, well they deserve our Sympathy!!!
Black's were NOT treated FAIR by White's, so a LAW had to be passed to FORCE White folk to do right
Yeah, and the first two presidents to embrace affirmitive action were white.
now cf you are really blowing smoke, if this country today, quit expending money on our bloated wasteful military industrial complex, and instead returned this money toward fruitful, thoughtful tangible, beneficial, productive endeavors, the effect I dare say would be astounding. You have certainly heard of the multiplier effect, that is when money is expended in the creation of a sound, practical,useful business or employment it will multiply through the economic system. For every dollar pissed into the maw of the military you get a 1:1 ratio yet if same dollar is spent say for transportaion infrastructure there is a ratio as high as 1:8 this dollar resonates through the system and it multplies you build a bomb you are done no one gains you build a road, subway, tunnel, bridge, etc it becomes a useful productive tangible asset. Hey lets play a game do you know what has the largest multiplier effect in our current economy? Sure isn't the military and you might as well forget wall street, okay I'll let you know you won't like the answer but it is food stamps turns out feeding people is good business. Think about all the people who reap the benefits from a simple food stamp follow the money. first you have the farmer (republican) how is that for irony then you get the the immigrant that picks the crop(probably an alien maybe illegal) they still pay social security by the way, the trucker who hauls the produce, the warehouse that stores and packs product, the trucker who hauls the product to store, the store owner, the stock boy, the sales clerk, the local community etc... hey 1:16how do you like those apples one dollar in food stamps creates sixteen in mutiplier effect don't believe me look it up as for social security and medical entitlements that dog won't hunt either The social security fund is filled with IOUs they stole it blind replace those and it is solvent, the cost of medical coverage would appear to be daunting but can this upward curve continue forever right now the system is littered with fifty dollar aspirins once you corral waste of this magnitude level off the spiraling profits and check the exoribant greed (Billion dollar CEO paychecks)it will become manageable and remember health care has a big multiplier effect a heathy society is a productive society it becomes a win win.
I noticed today that health stocks were on fire. That's not a good sign for the passage of Obama's healthcare bill.
I hope the bill passes, but I am not so sure it will.
The campaign for some form of universal government-funded health care goes back to at minimum, to POTUS Theodore Roosevelt not POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt. This has been a +100 year effort.
Of course, a clarion call has always been: do duh Niggers get it too?
[Middle English clarioun, a clarion, from Old French clarion, from Medieval Latin clāriō, clāriōn-, from Latin clārus, clear; see clear.]
The republicans and their slave catching Negroes, Constructive Feedback et alia, are still issuing that call.
The campaign for some form of universal government-funded health care goes back to at minimum, to POTUS Theodore Roosevelt not POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt. This has been a +100 year effort.
Of course, one clarion call has always been: do duh Niggers get it too?
[Middle English clarioun, a clarion, from Old French clarion, from Medieval Latin clāriō, clāriōn-, from Latin clārus, clear; see clear.]
The republicans and their slave catching Negroes, Constructive Feedback et alia, are still issuing that call.
Obama is "a day late and a dollar short" but I am glad he has arrived. Artur Davis Dem-Alabama is down as a firm no vote. It is clear Davis is only thinking about himself. (Ole Boy got his eyes on the Alabama Mansion). A no vote on healthcare is a no vote for Davis as governor.
@CF__"what happens when the same CAPITALISM THAT YOU HATE but you use to sell the DEBT that you run up per your SOCIAL JUSTICE ENTITLEMENTS is no longer purchased by CAPITALISTS and the system collapses?"
Where have you been for the last several years? Those CAPITALISTS that you referenced, and appear so proud of, have already collapsed the system.
They are Robin Hood in reverse. They've stolen from the poor and the middleclass, and have given to themselves, and their other rich friends, vast fortunes in bonuses, and access to other lucrative deals.
From where I stand, it seems capitalism is for the rich, and the well-connected.
Capitalism has revealed its ugly side. Left to its own devices, it will bring down the national economy to benefit a few.
Oh, sure, capitalism throws us a few crumbs to keep us happy, while stealing the lion's share for itself.
If we don't clean it up, it's going to take us all down. And that hole into which we will all descend, my wily friend, is called a depression.
Finefroghair, I like your poem,
And you need not worry,
It'll do us no harm,
Except maybe a certain CF,
Who lives a different story,
And can buy himself good health.
"The lack of basic economic understanding among you people is astounding."
"YOU PEOPLE"? What do you mean when you say "you people"?.....oh, never mind.:)
Rippa, sorry to hear that you have been ill my man. Hang in there you are in my thoughts.
"@CF__"what happens when the same CAPITALISM THAT YOU HATE but you use to sell the DEBT that you run up per your SOCIAL JUSTICE ENTITLEMENTS is no longer purchased by CAPITALISTS and the system collapses?"
Damn it Tersi, there you go with inconvenient truths again.
"Granny: I NO LONGER AM GOING TO TAKE THE WITNESS STAND and receive YOUR cross examination.
I gave you FACTS on:
* Social Security
* Medicare
* Medicaid"
Ahhh, no you didn't you gave us wingnut talking points.
finefroghair, La-Coincidental, and Tersi gave us facts.
"You might not have heard much about the Choosing the Nation's Fiscal Future report by the National Research Council and the National Academy of Public Administration. It came out the same day as the Haiti earthquake, and it's 338 pages of pretty wonky prose. But the committee's 24 members included liberals, conservatives and three former directors of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. That makes their study an invaluable reality check on the partisan rhetoric and self delusion that typically undermine the deficit debate." Blah blah blah
Yeah, paying for those wars can be a bitch can't they? Where were you five years ago. Don't answer that, I already know the answer: waving your flag with the rest of the wingnuts.
Artur Davis, huh? Alright, I am getting his room ready in the house now. :)
[quote]Field, I'm just lucky to still have it. I've been offline and M.I.A. for a couple of weeks. See, I'm one of those pre-existing condition having, insulin injecting, high blood pressure having Negroes. The last 2 weeks I've been literally blind due to what's known as Vitreous Hemorrhaging.[/quote]
Brother RiPPa - I am sorry to hear about your medical troubles.
Though we disagree on many things ideologically - I would not wish any harm upon you bro.
I hope you get better soon so I can have more content from your blog to assist me in understanding how leftists think.
(Boy this is going to be a busy day.
HEY FILLED NEGRO!! What distinguishes a TROLL on your blog from the other posts? Is it merely a matter who those you disagree with?)
M. Rigmaiden said...
I asked how she could support the GOP when it was effectively against her well being. She could never really answer the question.
Bottom line is that critisizing safety nets makes very little sense because they are there for all of us[/quote]
Do you see how misguided your statements are?
You likely see a spider's web as a "Safety Net" and then when the spider, noting the movement on her web, comes out and ensnares the "meal" with more web you call this a "PRIVATE CARE HOSPITAL ROOM" in the form of a "protective cocoon".
M.R. - The people who are VOTING AGAINST THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND WELL BEING are housed in the FAILING CITIES in which they saw their VOTES OVER THE LAST SEVERAL DECADES AS "VICTORIES". Look at the present state of their INTERESTS in these same places for the truth.
I don't understand how you can look at the various people who have received the "progressive treatment" after years of living in various government housing projects, failing to note the state of their CONSCIOUSNESS after a change in GOVERNMENT POLICY causes them to venture out into the REAL WORLD. Recent removal of such housing in New Orleans, Atlanta, Chicago and others places showed CLEARLY that after decades of living in this SAFETY NET - the people had no COMPETENCY to live in the real world.
Sadly M.R. - the new normal for all Americans will be as an entry in the government entitlement database.
Do we see a pattern of COMPETENCY GROWTH as one's SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHTS are enhanced?
I am convinced more than ever that you leftists are grossly mistaken as you see "BEING IN RECEIPT OF A BENEFIT" (Serviced) and ORDERING THE ECO-SYSTEM WITHIN WHICH THE HUMAN RESOURCE THAT YOU HAVE INFLUENCE OVER LIVES so that this network of people can ORGANICALLY produce the STANDARD OF LIVING THEY DESIRE.
The gross irony is that among the pages where ANTI-CAPITALISM can be found are the people who are growing their DEPENDENCE upon the very CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM that they hate.
Further ironic is the fact that as their feeding on the CENTRALIZED TROUGH puts more stress on this evil capitalistic system, forcing it to go to the CAPITAL MARKETS TO SERVICE ITS GROWING DEBT - their own entitlement becomes more perilous. IF AND WHEN the system collapses - their own choice to NOT DEVELOP COMPETENCY in financing and delivering the services that they desire will result in the GREATEST POPULATION CULLING EXPERIMENT that they have ever witnessed.
Since the system that they used to ABSTRACT their STANDARD OF LIVING from their COMPETENCY to deliver it has vanished WHAT OTHER CONCLUSION CAN THERE BE?
They only have their APPETITE to be satisfied, choosing to hand themselves away to the first who offers them food, not looking at the terms upon which they sup.
Tersi - you swear you have me drawn out as a hypocrite don't you?
If you read my blog I have noted that there ARE TWO sides to the CONFISCATORS at the PUBLIC TROUGH. Both are equally dangerous.
You keep focusing on my comments about the "Demand Side Economist" who's SOCIAL JUSTICE visions about what the government OWES the masses is their primary source of collateral for drawing upon the CENTRAL treasury.
I speak specifically about the WALL STREET Raiders upon the treasury as well. They are no different from ACORN in their will to jack the money from the bank.
I expressly note that the job of the GOVERNMENT - the people we elect is to GUARD OUR INTERESTS.
Tersi - when you look at your credit card statement and see that you have only $10 left to spend and THIS is going to be taken up next month by the INTEREST CHARGES that accrue - even if you DID NOTHING.......do you look back and find solace that 80% of the debt that you have came from GROCERIES and TOILETRIES and thus are JUSTIFIED or does your MAXED OUT CREDIT DEBT and thus insolvency MAKE IT ALL A MOOT POINT?
I laugh as some of you all show your debating skill. IF you get something to pin on BUSH and the GOP - your adversaries SILENCE back then has a masturbatory effect upon you. "I shut that fool up!!".
We both know the truth. Your argument is ONLY an attempt to "Shut your adversary UP......so that you can SPEND MORE DEBT MONEY without being HATED UPON". You DO NOT SPEAK out of FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. You only speak out of GAMESMANSHIP!!!!
I look out today at the:
* College Students Protesting government cuts in State College Spending
* Parents protesting about cuts in local school spending
* Working Poor protesting cuts in transit spending
* Home owners protesting foreclosures and DEMANDING government monetary intervention
* Large and Small businesses and banks demanding GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE
and I see a FINANCIAL SYSTEM that is indeed based upon a FIAT CURRENCY.
On the front end it will ATTEMPT TO BE "everything to EVERYBODY" who can plead a good case.
Unfortunately with its FIAT form it is merely a CONFIDENCE GAME per the CAPITALIST INVESTORS around the world. When they see that a nation who's DEBT is exploding is going to pay them back in FIAT MONEY which is depreciated in value - they are going to start becoming RISK AVERSE with respect to adding new money after bad.
I DON'T NEED TO HAVE ONE BIT OF CREDIBILITY WITH YOU. If I am secretly GEORGE BUSH - typing all of this: NONE OF IT MATTERS per your indictments.
Sadly we only need to look at the places where your ideology has already "won" to see that NOTHING about your competency has been accentuated. ONLY your ability to voice your RIGHTS to entitlements have been enhanced via the machine that you have erected.
Your machine turns out to have a large void in its BELLY for you to fit in - just as the BEAST who's belly you fought to get out of was vacuous inside.
We see that it is true that you don't mind riding in a BELLY. You merely want it to be a BEAST that is FAVORABLE TO YOU.
Your SLAVERY and DEPENDENCY upon it merely has changed TITLE.
inally, after decades of pushing, we are moving in the right direction on health care. And, 20 years from now, access to health care will be seen in the same way as medicare or social security... people will rise up to fight any efforts to end it...
As for those who vote No, I also predict 20 years from now they will be declaring they were wrong... much like those that voted against the Civil Rights Act now declare they were wrong.[/quote]
Jody - I like you. I really do.
YOU are already looking out 20 YEARS AHEAD. The only problem is that you are looking out ON YOUR DAMNED TERMS!!!!
The view that you have is limited to the framing that is to YOUR UNDERSTANDING ONLY.
You see Social Security and Medicare as your CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT!!! "Look at the number of people who have been kept off of the streets because of these two programs!!! Pat ME on the back as a progressive"
The truth is that the NUMBERS show that THESE TWO PROGRAMS that bring you most pride per their "Ponzi effect" are going to be the two key lead weights that cause you to drown.
Jody "20 years from now will be the year 2030".
The Earth will still be rotating but the
* Insolvency of Medicare and Medicaid will be upon us
* We will be about 12 years into the mass retirement of the Baby Boomers who were PROMISED certain retirement entitlements that the smaller work force of THAT TIME will be paying for.
* The next "Incoming" will be SOCIAL SECURITY in the year 2036 through 2042
Do you see the difference Jody?
YOU look at walls and imagine the PORTRAIT that you will glow with pride upon looking at the fancy gold leaf frame and back lighting that makes it visible in the dim light.
I AM REPEATING what even DEMOCRATIC Senators are saying about our future finances:
If the Democrats pull this off I'll personally pay for 50 of y'alls abortions...
and there not that expensive, you'll pay more for LASIK...how come y'all aren't pissed about that?? You can abort umm about 6 black babies for 1 astigmatic correction...
And I like the Over-Confidence...just like the "Challenger" crew had when they said "Go with Throttle Up"...
no one is going to line up for the public option because there isn't one.
what is going to happen will be a big disappointment to people who haven't been paying close attention. most of the biggest changes won't take place til 2014 or later, and in the meantime, republicans will run with this saying how the dems "reformed" healthcare and yet nothing has improved.
unfortunately, as a complex issue, this lends itself well to distortions based on negative talking points (ala death panels).
states such as VA already passed a law saying if this passes they immediately file suit requesting an injunction. so this could get stalled in court by certain states and possibly interest groups, like AHIP (association of health plans).
i used to respect dennis k
...never again!!!
did you hear dennis say why he switched his vote?
dennis hates this bogus bill as much as anyone sane does
he switched ONLY "to save obama's presidency"
why should we save this blackish clone of gwb who is doing EVERYTHING to destroy us???
how can ANYONE not be offended that obama is now talking about "saving our wallets" when he has PERSONALLY ALREADY EMPTIED our wallets expressly to fatten those of his wall st. owners/posse????
how can hobama stroll so boldly in the 11th hoir when his SAME obamacare bs will ONLY fleece our wallets even more!!!???
when will america wake up?????
since obama announced his run, millions have been acting like this is american idol!!!
a football game between repubs and dems...THE REPUBS ARE THE DEMS * VICE VERSA!...
will they cheer when this passes like some superbowl victory????
the ONLY game being played is on us and we lost it long ago!!!
we lost it in 2000 when gwb vegan plotting for 4 stolen terms...16 yrs of endless wars and manchurian prezes including his very own retarded self!!!
our final official sudden death blow came the day hobama signed that swindleus pkg...and obama care will rob us more and eternally!
when obamacare nullifies my pvt insurance that i adore...the insulin i now pay 60.00 per mo for will cost me 950.00 per mo.
obamacare will not cover it and i pay cash for it or die...that is reality!!!!
and poor people who are diabetic will just KEEP dying in the streets as always!!!
read jesse's book above
it will give u sleepless nights
it documents in detail how obama was owned by wall st and how they run his entire regime and how he and gwb made sure the bailouts were a pre presidential pkg deal!!!
hobama was paid for and groomed to be gwb 2.0 b4 we ever met him
also see how osama b laden was an employee of the usa...had NOTHING to do with 9/11..and PROOF that all of the bldgs were bombed by dick c et al to start these endless iraq/iran wars....
obamacare is the official start of ww3...the america we all knew is gone 4ever...our dreams and lives will never ever be the same...
did gwb not prove to u the fatal danger in allowing ANYONE to have any absolute power...including hobama?????
wake up!!!
only someone who is completely clueless blind & illiterate would ever even begin to describe obamacare as a "safety net"...wtf????
obamacare is much more accurately described as a fish net... and we are all the dead fish trapped in it!!!
has mike moore ever lied???
and he actually loveD obama!!!:
Within days, the House of Representatives will vote to pass the Senate health-care "reform" bill. This bill is a joke. It has NOTHING to do with "health-care reform." It has EVERYTHING to do with lining the pockets of the health insurance industry. It forces, by law, every American who isn't old or destitute to buy health insurance if their boss doesn't provide it. What company wouldn't love the government forcing the public to buy that company's product?! Imagine a bill that ordered every citizen to buy the extended warranty on all their appliances? Imagine a law that made it illegal not to own an iPhone? Or how 'bout I get a law passed that makes it compulsory for every American to go see my next movie? Woo-hoo! Who wouldn't love a sweet set-up like this windfall?
Well, the insurance companies—get this—don't like the Democrats' bill! That alone should be reason enough to vote for it.
Now, you would think these thieves would love this bill—but they are actually fighting it. Why? Because it doesn't give them ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of what they want. It only gives them... 90%! YOU SEE, pure greed demands all or nothing.
The insurance industry hates this bill because it puts a few minor restrictions on them. Six months after its passage they won't be able to deny children coverage if they have a pre-existing condition. How awful! Government interference! SOCIALISM!
But, hey, they'll still be able to deny these children's parents coverage until 2014! So if a parent gets sick and dies in the next four years, I'm sure someone will step in and raise these already-insured orphans.
And how big will the fines be if the insurance companies do deny someone coverage for having a pre-existing condition? Are you sitting down? A hundred dollars a day! That's it! So if you're the insurance company, and Judy is a customer of yours, and Judy needs an operation that will cost $100,000, what do you do? You take the fine! Let's say Judy lives another year after you've sentenced her to death, your $100-a-day fine will only cost you $36,500! That's a savings of $63,500! And trust me, my friends, that's EXACTLY what's going to happen.
AB -
We as progressive have to stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Its cliche and yes the O-man says it too much, but we have to speak the truth and shame the devil.
What would the alternative, fight for single payer and get nothing? DK is voting for the bill not because its perfect, because quite frankly, he realizes that doing nothing will leave him unemployed, as every Tea Bag nut job west of the Mississippi River will smell blood in the water the form of Congressional challenges.
I know we all believe in 'power to the people' and 'Medicare for All'. But this is American politics, where are electorate is so ill-informed that they think a living will -- which we all need -- is the equivalent of a death panel. This is the country where this watered-down is the equivalent of socialism. And that's not including the lobbyist battle he'll have to contend with from insurance and big pharma.
Frankly, Obama and Pelosi can barely drag along the Blue Dogs kicking and screaming to vote for this bill. And despite what it looks like on the board, there are far more moderate-conservative folks in the country than flaming Lefties.
I'd just like to know, when we're already almost 12 TRILLION dollars in debt, how this is all going to be paid for. NO ONE has been able to successfully (or honestly) explain that. You can't just keep printing money.
China is gonna own us one day...when they decide to call in all their markers. Hope you likey eating dog.
Rippa: get well and give up smoking
AB you really buy into the conspiracy theories don't you.
Dog is good. I have had it.
the sheeple are cheering their own fleecing and slaughter...the uninsured are STILL uninsured and those who were insured are soon doomed to even MORE RECORD expenses/fines/jail...
ONLY the pharmacorp elitists and cronies like hobam win now... which is why this bill also makes sure that ONLY politicos will evade it...
we are doomed and slain already and cheering our own demise only because our executionar has a blackish face...shame!!!
history will prove that we were all racist and suicidal and duped by hobama EVEN more than we were lied to by gwb....THAT is the real gd shame!!
Yeah, but I'll bet it wasn't your dog.
i have mentioned the alterntives endlessly...why bother again??
our deaths are done
so is hobama's win in 2012
all set in 2000
no matter what
free clinics
free medical cards
all of which would cost much less than 1/10 of what hobama handed to his banker pals
the lesser of 2 evils is still evil
obamacare will be the greatest evil of all
obamacare will cost us all more than we can even imagine...more than the endless wars even
got bless u bro
we will all get LESS from obamcare...it will abuse us all MORE than our insurers do now...
i am not a conspiracy theorist
i am a conspiracy scholar
conspiracy = documented paranoia
wake up!
u have missed MUCH documentation!!!
the 9/11 site was swiftly cleaned faster than the jfk murder site!
and all debris was shipped OUT of the usa
the evidence and soil were filled with scientific PROOF of explosives
2 planes could never have erased 3bldgs!!!
not to mention that 1000s of people at the scene heard saw smelled the bombs...
wake up!!!
dumb assnon:
should i believe your flag waving illiterate blindly patriotic moronic ass about 9/11?
or should i believe the actual firefighters who were there on the scene that bloody day????
did u miss it when guliani recently slipped and said there had been no FOREIGN attack on the usa while gwb was in ofc?...it was not foreign!!!
"The people who were cock-blockers in high school have all grown up to be Republicans."
Can't you just see CF running interference while some brutha tries to get his swerve on?
it took decades for the us govt to admit what the "wingnuts" claimed about vietnam
gulf on tonkin hoac
heroin shipped inside corpses of us soldiers
agent orange to kill rice bowl
ALL of that has been PROVEN as fact now
it will also be proven that 9/11 was a hoax by hobama's cuz dick c et al
CF sez to Granny
"Granny: I NO LONGER AM GOING TO TAKE THE WITNESS STAND and receive YOUR cross examination."
"I cannot answer your questions Granny because that requires thought and reasoning.
I will return to my time honored rant:
Republicans: Good
Democrats: Bad
Where de white women at?"
gulf oF tonkin hoaX
Not getting any, alicia banks? You and your Chi-town girlfriend http://afrocityblog.wordpress.com/
seem to have some serious POTUS Obama issues. Who has been gittin dat kitty?
Chicago fellahs, you are supposedly notorious for laying pipe. In the future when you get a-hold of these sistuhs, stay in the cut until they achieve orgasm. That should end their Obama derangement syndrome.
dumb dimwitted dickless niggers like you are fretting over dicks that lesbians do not need or want...
while hobama and his pals are slicing your OWN useless tiny dicks off...
and the unborn dicks of your future eunuch heathen spawn dumbass dommed demon seed progeny too!!!
now THAT is some demented derangement for your dumb dickless ass!!!....bet!!!
[quote]what is going to happen will be a big disappointment to people who haven't been paying close attention. most of the biggest changes won't take place til 2014 or later, and in the meantime, republicans will run with this saying how the dems "reformed" healthcare and yet nothing has improved.[/quote]
Help me out with something here.
IN YOUR MIND there is a greater indictment against the REPUBLICANS for blaming Obama and the Democrats for "reforming health care" and yet NOTHING HAS CHANGED
BUT NO INDICTMENT To.....................
The MACHINE that:
* Got into POWER because of people's GRIEVANCES
* Who now Educates our children
* Who now control the ECONOMIC POLICY where the aggrieved people live
What supersedes DEMOCRAT vs REPUBLICAN in the mind of Maria and WhiteBowieSteve?
Please don't say HUMANITY because if this were the case we would have seen more evidence of this taking place ORGANICALLY as your power grew.
dick jokes on your own dickless death bed...now that is truly some suicidally impotent eunuch bs!!
AB -
Again, you want to shoot for the moon and get nothing. Its easy (and frankly legitimate) to criticize the White House & Congress for the habitual horse trading. Its annoying and shows how little power Nancy Pelosi actually has. Blue Dog Democrats simply don't fear Pelosi and Obama the way the last Congress feared Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.
And for the long term, we should adapt a form of universal coverage. We need a public option, only so people don't die because they can't pay for a hospital bed.
But, other than the fact that the Obama administration have to absorb (or simply crash) 1/6 of the nation's economy with the 'magic bullet ' of single payer (nobody can do it all in one fell swoop) there are simply not enough progressives on the Hill to push it through.
Its easy to purport idealist political remedies for our problems when you're not the one who has to sign it into law and worry about how to pay for it.
And not to inflame you more AB -- but the 9/11 Truth Movement have been proven wrong so many times and by so many sources that anyone who bought that stupid 'Loose Change' movie should demand their money back. My favorite debunking is when the producers of that BS movie got their behinds handed to them by a civil engineer (a person who actual, you know, designs buildings) from Popular Mechanics on "Democracy Now!". And those two clowns had the nerve to attack Amy Goodman for not putting her credibility as a journalist on the line to back their nonsense in blogs. SMDH
UptownClarence; "Where de white women at?"
Settle down, jughead.
whenever i hear limp dicked bitch made mfs like you whining about lesbians being raped by dicks they do not want...
it makes me think about ALL those het women out there who really do want dick and cannot even find one who can do them any better than you...
sad that so many sorry dickless niggers are out here dreaming about giving orgasms to happy lesbians
while so many het women would be happy to get just one real orgasm from these same 2 minute dickless mfs...nahmean???
unlike you weak sorry soft pud mfs,
we lesbians master female orgasms...got notes??
got envy?
alicia banks said...
dick jokes on your own dickless death bed...now that is truly some suicidally impotent eunuch bs!!"
Looks like the lithium wore off.
this is not about hobama
this is about the end of our lives as we knew them
endless wars
endless fleecing
endless govt lies
the death of the american dream
the death of options by employers who wish to insure their employees
the love of hobama as a blackish man/icon has surpassed all sanity now...
they knew it would when they selected him
we have been charmed into oblivion
AB, it figures you would frequent Shakespearessister / Shakesville.com . It's like a fucked-up version of you x 200. A bunch of butch dykes, and the faggot guys who seem to relate to them, since they both like "taking" it. Most of them sit around talking about all the mental deficiencies they have, or how fat they are, and how proud they are of those "attributes". I'm sure you fit in quite nicely there. Most of them love to recount their numerous "rape" stories, when the closest they pobably ever got to a dick in their life was their dildos.
Make me puke.
assnons wish their being morons wore off...too bad!
[quote]I know we all believe in 'power to the people' and 'Medicare for All'. But this is American politics, where are electorate is so ill-informed that they think a living will -- which we all need -- is the equivalent of a death panel.[/quote]
I am struggling to understand who you choose to "Stupid-ify" in your attacks.
Far worse than the claims about the "Death Panels" are the incessant talk about COST SAVINGS that people buy into.
Thus when they are given a 10 year TAXING PROPOSAL with 6 years of key spending - they indeed can show that these 4 years equal SAVINGS!!!
Tell me this LAC - have you been following the "Medicare Reimbursement Reduction" legislation? The bill mandates that the reimbursement paid to physicians be REDUCED so that the NUMBERS for Medicare will look good. The only problem is that "congress after congress" has PUNTED on this.
They all are rationale beings and realize that IF they were to slash the payouts that MORE DOCTORS would drop Medicare patients and or would leave the business.
On a related note - evil, racist Glenn Beck noted that Walgreens in the state of Washington no longer accepts Medicare drug refills because their rates have been slashed.
The frustrating part about talking with some of you is that you all are focused on:
* Obama Win vs Republican Loss
* Democrats vs Republicans
* Progressives vs Hate-Filled Tea Party
ALL OF THIS IS masturabory "Self-Chumming" which affords you the ability to avoid some painful truths.
You have merely gotten MORE DEPENDENT in your Lifestyle upon a system that by most accounts won't sustain you.
Your SHORT TERM VICTORY which has you partying in the "election after party" has no mandate for being an ENDURING solution for your needs.
When I hear you and Jody referring to Medicare as reference of "Social Justice" while either dismissing the documented financial strain or worse yet asking "Why Bush did not do anything about it" as a sufficient pacifier for you - I fear what such a desperate person might be willing to do in the future in exchange for the continuance of their methadone treatments.
the only great thing about the genocide that looms is that useless trolls like you will be slain too...hopefully before you breed.
like me, were you not a moron and able to research...you too would respect the truth from any source!
“The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.”
Winston Churchill
i find it immensely amusing that you have NEVER contributed a single intelligent pt to this blog but dare to "fact check" others?
how do you have such balls when you have no dick??? such bravado and no brain?...
just nice to see your fat foolish ass stop smashing that sex doll for a spell anyway...
CF -
Since I work in healthcare, I actually have been following it. What you also don't realize is that the HITECH ACT (which funds and mandates Electronic Medical Records) actually increases Medicare reimbursements post implementation.
And most MDs still take Medicare because the government pays, its the Insurance industry that plays complex shell games for reimbursement -- while jacking up patient rates. You get reimbursed higher for insurance, but they nickel and dime both the patient and the physician.
i see more doctors are refusing healthcare daily...all over the usa
hobama will now bilk it to fund his hobamare and make it worse
the elderly will be the FIRST slain by medicare...even before employed insured
CF--i said they will SAY nothing has changed because it won't be changed fast enough for some.
don't get me wrong--i'm with LAC. we need to do something and this is GOOD ENOUGH for now.
and LAC, the hitech act did not MANDATE electronic medical records. it made billions available in grants/loans. no mandates (i've been covering healthcare business, specializing in medical privacy and research compliance for 10 years). if your hospital is telling you that, it's pure spin. you can read it yourself.
and i was happy to seek DK change is mind.
all i gotta say is the insurance companies HATE THIS bill.
that's good enough for me to like it.
obamacare is nothing good!
it is not just "shooting for the moon" it is realizing that
obamcare is a cosmic hoax!
wake up!
I will return to my time honored rant:
Republicans: Good
Democrats: Bad
Steve, stop it. You have your time honored rant just as CF does, very little separates you.
Blacks: We are equal to whites in every way. Man up, pull up your bootstraps, black women are lousy, we have college presidents, remove that yoke.
alicia banks said...
"the only great thing about the genocide that looms is that useless trolls like you will be slain too...hopefully before you breed."
Too late, already bred. You see, I use my dick the way a dick was intended to be used.
Now....just what "genocide" are we referring to?
Are you suggesting blacks AREN'T equal to whites?
the ONLY reason insurance cos hate obama care is because the med cos will fleece us even more than they can!
it is envy...not nobility!
the only thing that keeps rabid ruthless capitalism in check is choice....obamacare will soon be a health insurance monopoly BY DESIGN!
shun Western medicine in favor of alternative medicines - not covered by insurance - to buy expensive, corporate, health insurance from the very corporations the health conscious have long avoided, with threats of huge fines and prison time. In other words, Obamacare will not cover the purchase of vitamins, minerals, homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopathic, or chiropractic care, but will force health enlightened citizens to buy into the cut, burn, and poison rackets of corporate drugs and bloody surgeries.
Mr. President, would it not have been better to have concentrated your health care legislation on real care, by curbing the abuses and malpractices of the medical/pharmaceutical combine, that kills so many of us? Tell us, Sir ... when will you begin delivering on your promise of "change we can believe in?"
obamacare will NULLIFY all other insurance and be worse in every way!!!
Additionally, Obamacare will require Americans who shun Western medicine in favor of alternative medicines - not covered by insurance - to buy expensive, corporate, health insurance from the very corporations the health conscious have long avoided, with threats of huge fines and prison time. In other words, Obamacare will not cover the purchase of vitamins, minerals, homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopathic, or chiropractic care, but will force health enlightened citizens to buy into the cut, burn, and poison rackets of corporate drugs and bloody surgeries.
obama was busted on tape pre-prez:
"BUT NO INDICTMENT To.....................
The MACHINE that:
* Got into POWER because of people's GRIEVANCES
* Who now Educates our children
* Who now control the ECONOMIC POLICY where the aggrieved people live"
CF who or what is this black MACHINE that you keep referring to?
The black politicians of today like Obama, Cory Booker, Mike Nutter, Ike Leggett and Adrian Fenty bear little resemblence to the clergyman and activists who were the first generation of black political leadership.
Tell the truth.
You just want to replace black Democrats with white conservatives so they can continue the national buttfuck they started 10 years ago.
u r in my prayers bro
yet another reason i despise hater fools like mr bashing our eyes etc...
i have an intensive eye exam every 3 mos...so far i am blessed...that could change anyday...and now it will change under obamacare...petrifying!
may god bless us all bro
not counting the batteries that fell out of your sex toy doll??
oh well...too late!
your dick was "used" to make more proper retards...it is lots of tiny co...shame
a fenty is the man!
huey would love him!
Rense...this is the guy who is always blogging about UFO's, Alien Lizards living amongst us, and six-eyed lesbians?....(oh, maybe that was a lesbo "sandwich").
You post some of the most stupid crap on here, with all your idiotic links, and criticize others because they don't take you seriously enough to have a rational discourse?
nigger nincompoop:
you are unfit to shine rense's shoes!
ufos are so real that many real scholars believe jfk was killed for prepping to release tons of ufo info to the public
only YOU think your arrogant ignorance, cowrdice, delusions and denial ARE relevant
dumbass niggers like you FEAR the info you ignore and unable to read!
i wish your scared ass could be abducted by aliens and take your fecal foolishness with ya!
"huey would love him!"
Huey was a crackhead.
Fenty is a leader.
i know colorist darky fools like you envied huey's yellow beauty...but you will never erase his legacy.
huey was a leader even GREATER than fenty once
onlu euro niggers like u deny that
but the BPP's legacy lingers eternally
funny you bash huey who did nothing to ever hurt you
but you praise obama and suck him harder than any crackhead sucks a pipe even as he chokes the life our of yuor entire country!!!
notice how u dared to attack rense rather than the truth he told about hobamcare ETC?
notice how you blatantly IGNOREDd former hobama fan mike moore who has SLAIN obamacare far WORSE
than rense?
this is why i despise you obama nazi niggers who are faker than the plastic sex doll your fat ass steady smashes!!!
you can evade the truth
but you will never evade the coming genocide of obamcare...bet!
Hey, AB, you dumbass. See my post at 10:13 AM, and answer that.
But then, YOU explain to me how that translates to "genocide"...though I doubt you fully even understand the true meaning of that word. It's just a word you have co-opted for your own convenience.
maria: "all i gotta say is the insurance companies HATE THIS bill.
that's good enough for me to like it."
Because insurance companies are evil instittutions run by evil people, right? The idiots are about to get their way.
(ps: i forgot to ask you how you know sooooooooo very much about tha gay site????...dyam.)
that was almost intelligent...kudos!
but the real scholars know that AIG is rooted in china!
they too will gain from hobama's deceptions!
the NWO is global genocide
only morons like u do not ALSO know that china has a pivotal role in perfecting the prison labor hobama just funded too fool!
check the label on your toy doll
like hobama/aig/captive slave labor...i bet that trick was made in china too!!!
"i know colorist darky fools like you envied huey's yellow beauty...but you will never erase his legacy."
Ain't dat a trip?
So much for the black revolutionary lioness.
You ain't nothin but a jigaboo wannabe!
BTW Fenty is as light as Newton so as usual you make no sense.
Good post Field;Looking at comments, indicates the power of blogs.
yuo are dumber that all the teabags in chine!
wake up!!!
this lioness loves all real men in every hue...even the pale john brown!!
and each time you bash huey, you just prove you are a feces colored nigger!
yuU are dumber thaN all the teabags in chinA!
yes..i know fenty is yellow and beautiful just like huey.
that is why your fugly darky sexist gayabshing colorist ass hates on them both!
he is also a secure het who is very pro-gay!
something else feces colored insecure mfs like u cannot fathom!
The news says that congress is being bombarded by phone calls for and against
health care reform.
If there were ever a time when we should stand up & be counted it's now. We can't live any longer with one health care insurance CEOs making
$127 million off their company's stock options--money made on the backs of the
poor & the uninsured, etc., by jacking up premiums and denying coverage to the
most needy & vulnerable.
That phone # in WashDC is:
It will get you all 535 of 'em. It may take 5 or 6 tries, so use your "Redial" function
if you're using your home phone.
Maria, you're right there's no actual mandate per se. Healthcare IT is my field and my passion, I actually have a copy of HITEC on my work desktop.
But here are few things.
a) Smaller hospitals and local physicians get grants for implementation of EMR. That's a big deal -- even a the rink-dink start-up I worked for would cost a doctor about $50,000 for implementation. That's a big deal for, say, a local physician in the 'hood.
b) If you don't implement EMR's, you lose money in the long term.
you are blatantly lying about the obamacare mandate as all of your fellow obama nazis do...
you will not be able to lie your way out of its fines/jail time though
Mandate Penalty Increase Consumers who refuse to buy health insurance would be penalized under all the plans. But Obama has raised the penalty from 2% of annual income to 2.5%. Liberal blogger Jane Hamsher warns, "But for months now, polling has shown that a mandate with no public option is an extremely unpopular combination. The annual penalty for failure to comply makes it even more unpopular in swing districts."
No Public Option The much-debated provision championed by liberals is out. Think Progress's Igor Volsky worries this could cause some House Democrats to drop their support.
Excise Tax in 2018 The tax on the most expensive tier of health care plans has been especially controversial among labor unions, which say it will disproportionally effect workers with dangerous jobs. Obama's plan "keeps excise tax, but does not implement it until 2018. Labor is still studying the proposal, and has not endorsed it yet," writes Open Left's Chris Bowers.
In a desperate scramble to pay for the soaring costs of President Obama's health care plan, the Senate Finance Committee is contemplating taxing for the first time the health insurance benefits workers get from their employers. One approach would tax the benefits only of workers earning over $100,000. An alternate proposal would tax the value of health care benefits that exceed a cap.
But the taxes wouldn't be applied equally. Union members serving under collective bargaining agreements would be exempt, even though they often have the richest and most extensive packages of benefits. Union officials have told Democratic leaders of Congress that because collective bargaining agreements can last several years, they should be exempt from any tax because contracts can't be changed quickly enough to avoid it.
AB, i didn't lie about anything.
did i say there were no mandates? there are. do you know when they go into effect, and do you know that there will be subsidies for people who can't afford healthcare?
i know what the bill says. and what it doesn't. i know what the goals are and i know the strategies to each them.
beyond that, i'm not going to debate anything other than someone showing me sections of the bill they think are wrong and why.
most go into effect in 2013
but the bilkings will begin immediately in 2010...from medicare etc!
so why are we ignoring homes and jobs now????
i pasted details above
Listening to the Ralph Nader vs. Dennis Kuicinich debate on Democracy Now! which highlights the classic Netroot Dogmatic Lefty vs. a Progressive Politician with a job to do.
Nader, like many on the Net Roots, can spit out the top of his lungs for his pie in the sky ideal.
Kuicinich's point, it isn't perfect, far from it. But he's got a job to do and we can't just do anything.
And of course, Nader is screaming and bullying DK.
nader is a hero
he would never have sold out to save a geb clone/hobama as dennis k just did!
we will all die...but i will die saying: i told u obama nazis so!!!
2013 is a long way off. It's two election cycles down, past the 2010 mid-terms and beyond the 2012 presidential contest. Hope is a heady drug, but it's hard to imagine how the crack pipe can be kept hot that long. Between now and the time the illusion of Obamacare, if we can call it that, unravels, thousands more will die because they cannot get medical care, and hundreds of thousands will go bankrupt. The differences between the promises and the facts are multiplying, and could cost the Democrats control of Congress as soon as next year.
nader is more of a bro than u and hobama combined will ever be!
wise persons in america are mourning...NOT cheering obamcare on!
Obama has come under withering attacks from right-wing politicians, pundits and Tea Party throwers. But the Glenn Becks of the world could learn a few things from Ralph Nader when it comes to criticizing the President.
Here's a sample of what the famed consumer advocate and former Green Party presidential candidate says of Obama in the accompanying video:
His early months in office have been "very disappointing."
Obama is "a frightened man," who won't take on corporate power.
Obama is "conflict averse" - and a "harmony ideology type," who's being taken advantage of by the sharks in Congress, of both parties.
He's "Bush-Cheney redux" when it comes to military and foreign policy, "albeit with better speeches" to the Muslim world. Given Obama's handling of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Nader wonders in amazement: "And they gave him the [Nobel] Peace Prize?"
Nader's main gripe is that Obama has "turned his back on the very people" who voted him into office, imploring the President to invite representatives of consumer, environmental and worker groups to the White House -- "as they elbow their way between the hordes of corporate execs, speculators and criminals that have received invitations there."
more real scholars prove 9/11 was an inside job by dick c etc here:
more on the fines and mandates in obamacare:
A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee minority staff estimates up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the ‘reconciliation’ bill being taken up by the U.S. House of Representatives this weekend. ...
Scores of new federal mandates and fifteen different tax increases totaling $400 billion are imposed under the Democratic House bill. In addition to more complicated tax returns, families and small businesses will be forced to reveal further tax information to the IRS, provide proof of ‘government approved’ health care and submit detailed sales information to comply with new excise taxes.
as always,
we will all ONLY know the worst after it is law!!!
My fingers are crossed. I just hope it passes and we see a lot of Republicans imploding on themselves. A complete overhaul is the only answer. I'm your new followe...maybe you would like to follow me too?
http://darkmoneyside.blogspot.com/ Thanks!
and like NADER said....a new bill by new COMPOSERS who do not have trillions of vested interests was the only way...
it is a done deal now though!
the corps are our only real prez
and have been since 2000
ONLY niggers just like you infilitrated the BPP as undercover feces colored fbu agents and destroyed it from within...
ONLY niggers just like you sabotaged the legacies of huey with their cowardice slander and libel and betrayal....
ONLY niggers just like you reduce his heroism to the addict that such massive dejections by niggers just like you caused him to become
now, ONLY feces colored niggers just like you bash huey beying his tragic rebel grave...shame!!!!!!!
ONLY niggers just like you infiltrated the BPP as undercover feces colored fbi agents and destroyed it from within...
now, ONLY feces colored niggers just like you bash huey EVEN BEYOND his tragic rebel grave...shame!!!!!!!
"LACoincidental said...
And of course, Nader is screaming and bullying DK."
Quite frankly, LAC, my neighbor has a fifteen year-old, three-legged Chihuahua that could bully that pussy Kucinich.
Steve, I though you & AB had kissed and made-up.
each day is a new day
i am never controlled by anything on any day...
no kiss will ever tame me...esepcially one by any colorist obama nazi!
you need to learn how to talk to a lady...if someone spoke to your mom or wife that way would be upset...you need a lesson in manhood boy.
Tersi said: "Where have you been for the last several years? Those CAPITALISTS that you referenced, and appear so proud of, have already collapsed the system."
"Capitalists" did not collapse the system. The democrat sub-prime mortgage boondoggle did.
Capatalism does not force banks to loan to people they kow can't afford the loan - government does (helped along with short sighted greed). Capitalism does not bail out gamblers who deserve to fail - government does.
Capatilism is not the problem. When the goose has been cooked, don't be looking for any more golden eggs.
Anonymous said...
Quite frankly, LAC, my neighbor has a fifteen year-old, three-legged Chihuahua that could bully that pussy Kucinich.
LOL!! Fair enough, Anon. Kuicinich is no heavyweight.
And AB, you're right, Nader speaks out about big issues. But frankly, he's a typically Lefty loudmouth -- he can talk a good game but he would never put himself in a real position to change things.
If Nader wants to earn my respect -- actually engage in a real campaign like Al Franken, get in office and put his money (which is quite long) where his mouth is.
And the BPP was partially destroyed by COINTELPRO. But lets keep it real -- a lot of the failures of the Black Militant movement of the 70's can be laid squarely at the feet of activists.
Using violence, their lack of support of women's right, the top down structure of the organizations and incorporation of gang members without the benefits of reeducation are just few of the mistakes that the Panthers made. (The Crips and Bloods were the bastard offspring of the political turf wars between Karengas' Us Organization and the Panthers).
"Steve, I though you & AB had kissed and made-up."
Nah, she's mad at me because I recognize the fact women who are angry and alone are not that way because of a shortage of men but an abundance of ugly.
What do you know about manhood?
I heard you once tried to pick up a girl by saying, "I'd like to get in your underwear."
She said "That's alright. I already have a pussy in there."
A Person of Interest said...
I'd just like to know, when we're already almost 12 TRILLION dollars in debt, how this is all going to be paid for. NO ONE has been able to successfully (or honestly) explain that. You can't just keep printing money.
China is gonna own us one day...when they decide to call in all their markers. Hope you likey eating dog.
10:13 AM
Think what you wanna think, but the USA will tell China to kiss our broke asses. We won't bow down to them - I don't care how much we owe. Too many Rednecks and Street Pirates in this country for that to go down.
" but the USA will, in my opinion, to tell China to kiss or broke asses."
That's not how international financial obligations work. There no chapter 11, and you have to pay your debt. Obama's plan must be to hyperinflate the currency, thus letting us pay back our debts with worthless money. Unfortunately, you'll need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
Blogger Rottnkid said...
maria said...
states such as VA already passed a law saying if this passes they immediately file suit requesting an injunction. so this could get stalled in court by certain states and possibly interest groups, like AHIP (association of health plans).
9:41 AM
That isn't the only thing that our new governor is fucking up. Guns - You can go into Chuck E Cheese with your gat, hope the kids don't piss u off. Expanding the death penalty to include on duty Fire Marshals - basically if that dude dies trying to save your ass and you started the fire...well...your going to "Hell" too. Also they're doing something about shifting public school dollars to PRIVATE charter schools and I can guarantee you, you won't see the school near Whitcomb Court ..nevermind - you get the point.
Anonymous said...
" but the USA will, in my opinion, to tell China to kiss or broke asses."
That's not how international financial obligations work.
I know, I know, it sounded good though. Russia ran through it and so did Germany. I just don't like owing THAT much money to THAT country.. Sorry.
"alicia banks said...
i am never controlled by anything on any day..."
2:03 PM
Yeah, I've heard Schizo's are like that. But, I've always suspected homos had some deep-seated mental abnormalities anyway, so I guess that makes sense. In a crazy sort of way.
a wimp like you would know nothing about ethics and courage that can never be felled by a kiss...
a vulgar dog like you only kisses platic dolls anyway...
schizo: a pereptual fat fool who defends hobama while bashing hobama's chinese owners while wed to a plastic china doll...
uts is a rabid sexist colorist
he is in denial about all women and all elitism and all white supremacy and everything else
i hate him because he thinks he is not!!!
that is why he does not know how to talk to any lady...even the yellow/white ones he lusts after...
trifling knee grows like you who never did anything for any revolution always have something to say about the BPP
what have YOU done to make anyone's life better?
any single black person's life better?
you are unfil to remove one iota of lint from huey's beret!
you are a rabid flag waving blind patriot...the BPP would have stomped your sniveling whiny punk ass to the ground as practice for defending themselves from killer cops...
i bet even nader could stomp your weak ass!
AB, I'll bet anybody that tried to stomp on your ass would bounce about 20 yards straight up into the air.
ditto re deliberate hyperinflation!!
this is what the pvt fed reserve lives for...they also control obama and his wall st posse
THAT has been the combined shady aim since the banks wilded on poor homeowners and then blamed them for being their very own prey
the mortgage predators bilked the poor...then they invested the dual bounty...then the insane investing collapsed...then obama gave them more bounties as rewards for the shady wilding they had already done to poor...and he did this with the poor's own tax money....shame!!!!
and that clueless ignorant gaybashing legally retarded bitch mr et al are ONLY fretting about imaginary gay orgies???
the fed reserve and wall st and hobama have had us all locked down inside this REAL LIFE money orgy for years...and obama is padlocking the new romps via obamacare!!!
An Alternative Plan
What plan would work to alleviate the current forclosure crisis? The 13 trillion dollars of tax payer's money that the government has given to the Wall Street bankers is far more than it would take for the government to pay off ALL “bad” mortgages for private homeowners.
Imagine the boost to the economy when people's money no longer went to mortgage payments! And this would eliminate all the “bad” mortgages plaging the banks books. It would inject lots of money into the economy and create prosperity and economic development in many previously devastated African communities. So why not?
It is simple. The banks make their unreasonably high profits based on interest paid over a very long time. The higher the interest and the longer the payment period, the greater the profit made. Paying off people's mortgages would serve to stabilize the economy and serve the welfare of the vast majority of people in the US. It would help reverse the harm done by subprime lenders who have leeched unreasonable profits to serve their lavish lifestyles at the expense of African and poor communities.
that only happens with the literal plastic beach balls you screw moron!
maybe if your fat ass did not pump her so hard you would not know as much about said flying as you do about surfing gay sites!!!!
steve i am sure your wife and kids are so proud of you.
i found you online!!!
your sex doll is even more banana colored than i knew!
i FINALLY found you online!!!
your sex doll is even more banana colored than i knew!
"steve i am sure your wife and kids are so proud of you."
Of course they are. Didn't you see that picture of him yesterday with his wife holding his hand? Steve sure looked happy!
as i said, i know full well what the bill says. i know what the cost estimates are, the savings, etc. i analyze this stuff for my clients for a LIVING.
AB, if you could put aside your hatred of obama--who, btw, was criticized for staying OUT of the bill writing process--i think you'd have to see how you personally could benefit.
you have private health insurance. you are at the mercy of your health plan, which can double your rates if it wants to, kick you out (pre-existing diabetes), cap the annual and lifetime benefits it will pay out on you. if you are buying in the individual vs group market you are exactly who the insurance reforms would protect. you're a black woman with a chronic condition--not exactly the sort of person that gets a good insurance rate.
you are discriminated against--yet you defend the system.
your coverage probably is very expensive and has a high deductible--most do. do you have dental, vision? if so -- count your blessings.
for those of us in the small group market, the choice is one health plan that we change EVERY year because the costs increase. pretty soon we'll have no benefits.
second, we have a moral duty to cover the unisured. period. this bill is estimated to over 32 of 41 million uninsured.
third, good, cut medicare. it's bloated, unmanaged, pays for shit that isn't necessary and is bankrupt. not only will it NOT be there for me and you, it probably won't even be there for my mother in 10 years because of how she uses it and how her doctors rape it.
fourth, much of the medicare cuts are coming from the for profit hmos. want to defend them? by my guest (i mean that rhetorically).
fifth--jobs ARE THE POINT. employers are laying people off for many reasons, including the cost of benefits.
you go ape boy with that plastic banana yo!!!
like all obamabots and drones who believe hobama's lies
u r way off base:
because i am diabetic i MUST have ONLY employer insurance
because i am educated and a techie admin i have supreme insurance that is shockingly affordable
when obama FORCES all employers to drop ALL employer insurance, then i must pay cash for what i get or die.
obamacare will EXCLUDE MORE medicines/care/surgery/...not less
just as medicare and medicaid do NOW....but there will be no choices as there are now!!!
it is not rocket sci
obamacare is not a fix/reform
it is a NEW mandatory insurance soon to be the ONLY one available to all...
wake up!!!
my designer insulins...i take 2...
cost more than one of my mortgages!
why do u think obamacare covers anyone who is unemployed or uninsured???
it does neither...we will all be forced to buy it!
me whenever my employer eventually dumps us all off its health tabs...and poor people who can eek it out to avoid fines and jails immediately...
which pt of that do u not get????
AB: "my designer insulins...i take 2...cost more than one of my mortgages!"
How much does all that Thorazine cost?
do u see how u just proved my pt?
why should hobama run ANYTHING that is even close to the CLONE fof medicaid/medicare that hobamacare is???
why will employers keempaying for my supreme pvt group rates when they can evade fines and just dump me into obamacare too???
your post actually proves EVERY reason why hobamacare is a hoax!
see this video and wake up!
assnons think that insulin is thorazine because they think that urinals are big white mints!!!
assnons are medicated "mint" munching morons!!!
i would LOVE to see every american with health care...especially diabetics who are literally left to JUST DIE when unemployed like rippa and me
but i would LOVE it even more if obama nazis awoke to see that
i want apoi's fat snoring sweaty ass to perish asleep upon on that plastic sex doll...
but i DO hope u wake up!
Filmmaker Michael Moore urged President Obama on Tuesday to abandon the split-the-difference strategy he has pursued on health-care reform and to take up arms with liberals who are pushing to create a government-run health-care plan which would be open to all Americans.
“You are one of us. You come from us. It is not the time to desert us. This is not the time to be the representative of the private health insurance industry,” said Moore. “We need you to stand up. Stand up. Be bold. Be brave. Be strong. We’ve got your back. And we want universal health care for every single American and we want it controlled in a single payer system, like the Medicare and the V.A., and all the other ‘socialized medicine’ that we have in this country.”
I read this blog and the posts usually the night the blog is written and early the next morning for some meaningful discussion. Then as soon as the two letters "AB" show up, I know it's time to hit the small "x" up in the right hand corner.
"steve i am sure your wife and kids are so proud of you."
You can bet that they are.
Whereas your family is probably so ashamed of you that you're not allowed to even use your name.
what is taking you so long today????
the rampant fraud and deadly delays and endless red tape of medicaid/medicare will look like expedient precision inside obamacare....bet!
From a memo the Democratic party sent to their health and communcations staff yesterday:
"We cannot emphasize enough: do not allow yourself (or your boss) to get into a discussion of the details of the CBO scores and textual narrative. Instead, focus only on the deficit reduction and the number of Americans covered. ... These anti-reform extremists [Ed.: That would be the American people.] are making a last-ditch effort to derail reform. Do not give them ground by debating details."
Why would that be? Because taking even a quick look at the CBO's numbers reveals, as anyone with sense could realize, that adding a trillion dollars in expenses cannot reduce the deficit.
These peopel are lying to us, and we are lambs to the Slaughter.
thank u!!!
we have seen NO umemployment like what we will see AFTER obamacare...ALL costs will rise and more JOBS will bleed!!!
millions of doctors will quit too...do the math!
they became docs to get rich
they hate medicare
they will not go broke waiting for all their patients to be forced into medicare redux!
CF to respond to your earlier statement, don't choose me to grandstand. You can obfuscate all you want but clearly if your ass gets broke and you have children you WILL use a government safety net. All other talk is merely conversation. And don't call me a leftist that label doesn't apply to me.
Alicia Banks said ....
trifling knee grows like you who never did anything for any revolution always have something to say about the BPP
what have YOU done to make anyone's life better?
any single black person's life better?
you are unfil to remove one iota of lint from huey's beret!
you are a rabid flag waving blind patriot...the BPP would have stomped your sniveling whiny punk ass to the ground as practice for defending themselves from killer cops...
i bet even nader could stomp your weak ass!
Funny, I actually know Nader personally. Bet your weren't expecting that one, were you?
I don't hate Nader and have been an admirer for years. He was a frequent Connecticut fixture during my days in state Green Party. You'd probably be surprised on what we agree on politically.
I just make the point that its easy for Nader, Chomsky, me or you to sit on our perches and declare "Corporate Democratic obama-bot Nazi cabal", "sellouts" or whatever. Its a whole other thing to do what DK did -- do what you gotta do to achieve the greater good.
As to answer your questions:
I've tutored several children over the last 10 years, Black girl who eventually made it out of the joke called 'special ed'. Her mother was dyslexic so in turn, she had trouble learning read initially. And I still council young teenagers from my old church.
I've fought against the laying of giant power cable across the Long Island Sound.
I'm running to raise funds to support AIDS patients.
And now I'm a member of a local mentoring network.
Oh, and my mother was active in the local Panther chapter during the New Haven trial in 1970. So its not as if I know nothing about Panthers history.
I'm done. Gotta go, have fun kids!!
IOU an apology.
you are NOT the most dishonest debater herein.
it is that legally retarded amora hypochristian shrew mr who KNOWS she needs to scan up and see where she DID say obamacare was a safety net!!!
u sexist dogs like uts just have no respect for ANY female!
you are a dead legally retarded fish smashed inside obama's fish net.
jesus told me so!!!
show nader the bs uposted about him here today...
and stop dissing your own mama by talking amerikkkan drone bs about the BPP!!!
The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome. Why won't it go away? Why?!
LA Unconsequential:
"I've fought against the laying of giant power cable across the Long Island Sound."
Why? It's idiots like you that keep electric bills so high in the northeast. Stopping energy project for no real reason, just so you can feel good about yourself. You are sand in the bearings of human progress. what a gasbag.
i hate obama BECAUSE of his lies
not as an aside
his whole being is one big lie
see more of hobama's lies about hobamacare here
If this healthcare bill passes, Obama will not only be the first balck president, he'll be the last.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
LA Unconsequential:
"I've fought against the laying of giant power cable across the Long Island Sound."
Why? It's idiots like you that keep electric bills so high in the northeast. Stopping energy project for no real reason, just so you can feel good about yourself. You are sand in the bearings of human progress. what a gasbag.
Actually, I worked against it because it was increasing pollution and greenhouse gases in my hometown of New Haven, CT (which already has a high asthma rate amongst Black and Latino children) while giving cheap energy to rich yuppies and trust fund babies in Northern Nassau County and yield no increase in electricity or economic benefits to my community.
Environmental Justice and Racism are near and dear to me. I've been protesting against pollution since High School. I've also worked with to sue Olin Corporation and the State of CT for building Post-WWII working class communities on a municipal dumping ground without telling the residence.
of New Haven, CT (which already has a high asthma rate amongst Black and Latino children
are the white kids immune to asthma there?
hobama's most loyal fans will wake up really soon
assnons are troll who cannot banish those they cannot debate
god i hate crying chanting clueless assnons!
seen this?
i told u so!...ellie was just another obama nazi hoax!
millions more layoffs loom EXPRESSLY due to obamacare:
Anonymous said...
of New Haven, CT (which already has a high asthma rate amongst Black and Latino children
are the white kids immune to asthma there?
No, dumbass, white children have asthma too. However, New Haven, despite being home to one of Yale, is a predominantly Black and Latino city. And epidemiologists tend to break these types of stats down by age and ethnicity. Hence the stat.
Why do I bother with ignorant people?
Whoa LAC you certainly put your money where your mouth is. Rather than talking bullshit and spewing unfounded accusations on folks you are out there getting your hands dirty and working. Your actions are commendable. Everything else said to you is simply bullshit by insecure mentally ill chump assholes with nothing better to do.
LACoincidental said...
Anonymous said...
of New Haven, CT (which already has a high asthma rate amongst Black and Latino children
are the white kids immune to asthma there?
No, dumbass, white children have asthma too. However, New Haven, despite being home to one of Yale, is a predominantly Black and Latino city. And epidemiologists tend to break these types of stats down by age and ethnicity. Hence the stat.
And beer is expensive as hell to at the club. (Sorry, I had to add that too)
"you are NOT the most dishonest debater herein."
Gee thanks.
However there is no doubt that you're the biggest nut herein.
I leave you with two words.
Have a great weekend folks!
fuck u u fugly colorstruck sexist darky dog!!!
and i hope your daughter does more than grow up to be an educated fool/lost feces colored neocon like u!
fuck u too u piss colored trick
jesus and me both know you are a lying envious holy dog!
i will hold my rebel resume up beside u and that nerdy punk assed bitch lac anytime
your incessant lies will never be a safety net herein!!!... neither is obamacare bitch!
see more:
see more PROOF that hobama is NOT a socialist and that hobamacare is not the sefty net that stupid bulbous nosed piss colored bitch mr thinks it is here:
The real agenda of the Obama administration can be seen in the forced bankruptcies of General Motors and Chrysler, where hundreds of thousands of retirees and their families were stripped of their dental and optical care and forced to pay increased premiums and co-pays. The restructured corporations will be largely relieved of their “legacy” costs, i.e., the health care obligations owed to workers who labored their entire lives for these companies.
In his speech, Obama said he would impose a fee or tax on health insurance companies for “their most expensive policies,” in order to help pay for his plan. He presented this as a means by which the public could recoup some of the vast profits these companies would receive from the wave of new customers who would be compelled to buy insurance under the plan. In reality, the measure is actually an incentive for corporations to drop employer-paid benefits or sharply curtail them because the cost of the fee will be passed on to corporations in the form of higher premiums.
mf uts:
u earned a pern new name from me today boy:
LA SelfComplimental: "Actually, I worked against it because it was increasing pollution and greenhouse gases in my hometown of New Haven, CT "
No it wasn't. You emit more pollution on the way home from Taco Bell than that plant does. And, in case you haven't been following the news, the whole global warming hoax has been debunked. So all your pretentious protesting has done nothing but cause problems for people trying to provide something people want. and the parents of kids with asthma have to pay more for their electric bill. Thanks douchebag.
M. Pigmaiden said...
"Whoa LAC I'll put my money where your mouth is. "
AB, don't keep telling me to wake up. i would bet i know more about this than you--because i have read the stuff and have been writing about this for literally years.
you're simply not dealing in facts. and i only assumed you had individual health insurance--so i was wrong about that. you're lucky,
why do i think "obamacare" would cover the unemployed and uninsured? BECAUSE THAT'S IN HE BILL.
and if you tried getting health insurance on the individual market, you'd be appalled and maybe get why this is needed.
then again, probably not. let's pretend this is hillary's plan. do you like it now? because it's not far from what she proposed during the campaign.
got glasses?
look at all the facts i posted here today
u hobama nazis are blinded by yuor love for hobama
you cannot see that he and his agenda are WORSE than gwb
hobama = gwb the sequel!!!
@CF__"look out today at the:
* College Students Protesting government cuts in State College Spending
* Parents protesting about cuts in local school spending
* Working Poor protesting cuts in transit spending
* Home owners protesting foreclosures and DEMANDING government monetary intervention
* Large and Small businesses and banks demanding GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE
and I see a FINANCIAL SYSTEM that is indeed based upon a FIAT CURRENCY."
What pray tell does this have to do with a Wall Street financial system that has over the years lobbied to remove those checks that would have prevented our current economic meltdown?
The shadow banking system is over 600 trillion dollars strong. You heard me: 600 trillion U.S. dollars strong.
Wall Street (and too big to fail) is a bigger threat to our national economic security than Al Queda, or run-away government spending.
But lobbyists are working hard on behalf of Wall Street to discourage regulatory reform of financial markets, and maintain the status quo.
Your rant pales alongside this threat.
Unless we reform the financial system, and do it quickly, what you have to say is "moot."
I encourage all readers here to click the link I've provided above to get a feel for the threat, and for what these wonderful capitalists have done to our great nation.
u missed:
ditto t!
The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome. Why won't go away? Why?!
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