I got an e-mail the other day (h/t to Deborah Lyn) with an article that broke my heart.
I know that these are tough times economically. And, that everyone is suffering here in A-merry-ca. But in the wealthiest country on earth there is no way in hell that any segment of our population should have a median wealth of five dollars. That was not a typo; I wrote FIVE DOLLARS.
"Women of all races bring home less income and own fewer assets, on average, than men of the same race, but for single black women the disparities are so overwhelmingly great that even in their prime working years their median wealth amounts to only $5.
In a groundbreaking report released Monday by a leading economic research group, social scientists turned a spotlight on the grave financial challenges facing an often overlooked group of women, many of whom could not take an unpaid sick day or repair a major appliance without going into debt.
"It's rather shocking," said Meizhu Lui, director of the Closing the Gap Initiative based in Oakland, Calif., who contributed to the report "Lifting as We Climb: Women of Color, Wealth and America's Future."
Racial disparities in net worth
Among the most startling revelations in the wealth data is that while single white women in the prime of their working years (ages 36 to 49) have a median wealth of $42,600 (still only 61 percent of their single white male counterparts), the median wealth for single black women is only $5. Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10068/1041225-84.stm"
This is sad, because many of these women are at home trying to hold it down while some of us brothers are out...well, doing what some brothers do. Honestly folks, if we are ever going to get serious about building as a community, stats like the one you just read are going to have to be turned around.
FIVE DOLLARS? Oh well, hold your head up my sisters. What's that saying?" The night is darkest before the dawn".
I read this today..Sad..I have 2 sisters, 1 Went to college and ultimately got her masters and is doing really well and the other went to trade school for computers, had a kid at 17 with a dead beat Dad, BUT is holding it down - barely. The upside is my nephew is going to college this fall. We have to break this cycle of kids thinking school is not cool. We have to break this cycle that's it's not OK to have a kid at 13, 14, 15, 16...you get my point. I don't know. I have a lot more to rant about but it'll come in later postings I guess...I'm just tired of black woman always getting the short end..
Sad but,yeah. well, women have always been paid less, and had to work twice as hard. And as you say, have to keep the family together through thick and thin, usually thin.
I wonder sometimes if the day will come when women will sort of go on strike, you know, just say no. No to marriage, no to children, no to housework......no more....
and the richest person in the world is a now latino mogul
so who dug the gold?
and this puts a whole new spin on the walmart barbies too!:
Is it that "living paycheck to paycheck" situation that brings up this figure? SMH!
A lot of those black women didn't have children at 13, 14, 15, 16..., but in their late 20's or early 30's married and still had a dead beat husband and one paycheck from bankruptcy. Even if they sold their house their net worth would only be $5.00. Food, childcare, gas, kid's clothes, rent or mortgage, etc. No frills or even with a hardworking husband who both make a salary totaling one white woman's can put one's net worth in the ditch.
I would venture to say that your sister who is working with computers is making half what a white male is with the same credentials. $60,000 is a typical salary for an associates degree for a white male in IT.
In my tech field (electronics)when I went on maternity leave, I found out they paid my white male replacement twice as much.
The only parity Black people can expect is in the Military or government civil service. You have to be really savvy and know the industry, the salaries and a strong negotiator not to get screwed by private employers.
see the torii hunter flap?
It's amazing how all of the so-called studies they do about us reveal negative stuff. I suppose when they do a study on us that reveals something positive they throw that one away.
As for this study, maybe Black women need to get together and found a bank. Then run it out of business and get a bailout from the government. then we could give each other millions in bonus money and we'd have some wealth.
Val, your idea is actually a really good one.. it is being practiced in many developing nations where women have even less access to resources than they do here.... micro-financing that provide loans to women to start their own businesses is lifting women out of poverty in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, SriLanka, among other places... UNIFEM has some great documentation of how these micro-financed projects are a great success for those accessing the resources... Maybe women in this country should look for some of the micro-financing grants to do the same here in this country.
ROTTNKID, you were Boasting about three week's ago about having, a German girl friend, as if that is something, some black women would like to hear from a black man, you let us know, you were with another woman from a different race, the word here is Different, someone unlike your race, someone that was a Prize, a Reward, someone that you could show off to your friend's! but, with the Black woman, you show No respect, you don't have a problem with uncovering yourself, you don't have a problem exposing your Manhood, is that all you have to offer a Black woman, your Black Flesh?
You know what? I am Sick and tired of young Black men slobbering at the mouth, with their White Trophy! yes, I said it, Slobbering! but,trust me, you are not alone!
Black women have alway's had to Fight for their Survival, this go's back to Slavery, back then, Black men were forced to give up their family's! but, let's fast forward, today, Black men will leave a Black women in a heart beat! and not to mention their little black children!
So don't tell me, Black men of today, really care about the condition of the Black woman, the majority of black woman are forced to Survive the best way they can, the Black man has moved on to the next woman, and when they get tired of that Black woman, they will find a White woman or an Oriental woman or some will marry those Kardashin women to show off on TV!
Val said "black" women. The thread is about BLACK women.
Jody and Cactusrose made sure to eliminate the word black next to WOMAN and consoled all women instead. Go fucking figure. Fuck you.
That cannot possibly be right. The authors of that study are either epically stupid or monumentally dishonest. My money's on dishonest.
Man, some people will believe anything!
Jody said: "... Maybe women in this country should look for some of the micro-financing grants to do the same here in this country."
Maybe you should be able to form a cogent thought before you give people advice. That is a brilliant fucking idea.
You want micro-financing? I've got $20 in my pocket, let's see what you can do for that.
If you had no savings or investments and liquidated your assets then paid off your debts, what would you have?
No magic, just an ordinary balance sheet.
First, "studies" say that more black women than men are graduating from college and have been for years. Now they're saying Black women have an average net worth of $5.00?? How in the hell could both statement be true?
I think something is missing here. I can believe that Black women who don't graduate high school have a net worth of $5.00 but I'm not buying this for Black women with college degrees.
Five cents? Damn.
That fact is an indictment of every black man who sits on a corner, walks out on his children, won't get a job and is a fucking bum.
As a black man, I'm embarrassed by that.
Its starts young though. It starts with middle schoolers who value shoes and clothes more than life itself, then high-school aged man-children who want to fuck first and ask questions later. Then it ends up with men who are only physically so, that can't meet a woman halfway as a partner, friend or a source of support.
I work part-time as a tutor and you can see the lack of interest in anything that can be considered important to mature adults. But we soldier on, trying to save that one child, when we can, if we can. Because no one else will or no one else can. God forbid we can't help them young and some asshole refers to them as "street pirates" later on down the road.
Granted, It's not all of us. Not even some of us. But it is enough of us to matter.
MMM you are stupid. You need to re-read the entire post, you dumb ding bat.
Based on experience, I know for sure that gov't employment is NO guarantee of "equal" pay either. You gotta scrap for what you want no matter who you work for.
I'm so tempted to say on interviews when salary discussions come up "I'll take what you're giving the white boys" !!!!!!
I saw this and really just didn't know what to say...
black demonic women like you BREED ojs
@10:58, FUCK YOU, you anonymous piece of shit! Get a fucking username you nameless troll!!
MeandMyMicroscope said...
First, "studies" say that more black women than men are graduating from college and have been for years. Now they're saying Black women have an average net worth of $5.00?? How in the hell could both statement be true?
They can't.
People with $5.00 net worth have to take out a mortgage to buy a cheesburger.
People in fucking Haiti have more money than that.
Trapped in SC said...
"Five cents? Damn.
That fact is an indictment of every black man who sits on a corner, walks out on his children, won't get a job and is a fucking bum.
As a black man, I'm embarrassed by that."
You shouldn't be, that study has to be absolute bullshit.
The answer is debt.
MeandMyMicroscope said...
"I'm so tempted to say on interviews when salary discussions come up "I'll take what you're giving the white boys" !!!!!!"
Government ain't hiring no white boys. Take your government cheese and be happy - you wouldn't make it in the private sector.
Hathor said...
"The answer is debt."
Then stop giving them dumb bitches credit cards.
Nope, gotta be more to it than just debt. I'd like to know how they stratified their debt/asset data to come to this conclusion. In other words, someone's VERY subjective bullshit agenda has to be at work here.
Anon 10:50pm, a micro-financing model in the US would be proportional... so of course $20 is a rather silly thing to suggest.
However, the model for micro financing is to provide loans to women who do not have collateral and that other traditional banks would not offer... the idea that these funds are there for women to start businesses, that in addition to funds, there be support in drawing up a business plan and assistance with business models. And where there has been micro-financing, the research shows that those women given the loans pay them back and on time, recognizing they are providing another with the opportunity they had.
I don't pretend to know if it would work but given the topic of the post, what is happening now shows something different needs to happen.
Anonymous said...
Government ain't hiring no white
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SSure they are. Recently heard about one without so much as a college degree of ANY kind get hired with a salary only 2K lower than a friend with a Master's and twice the experience. Blond hair and blue STILL go a LONG way!
Anonymous said...
you wouldn't make it in the private sector.
You're absolutely RIGHT!!! I don't suck ass which is a requirement in the private sector!
Jody said...
"Anon 10:50pm, a micro-financing model in the US would be proportional... so of course $20 is a rather silly thing to suggest."
Alright, alright, I'll go $25 and and the rest of this blunt, but that's it. So, we got a deal?
Folks, don't put too much stock in this report. It's bullshit. Of course, researchers will slant anything for a buck or for political reasons.
The problem with this is that I know homeless people who have more money than what the report is claiming.
Get real, folks.
So the average median wealth of a black woman is $5?
Dunno.....I'm calling bullshit on that. Seems there's a hidden message being sent out, but that just might be the paranoid side of me coming out.
At least this article raises the issue of assets -- or the lack thereof -- in the Black community.
Black women are on the back burner, why? because our fight is never ending, and we don't have the support of the Black man, some left us high and dry! in other word's, they FLEW the COUP! and they call us the (ANGRY BLACK WOMAN) well, yes, some are, don't they have a right to be? they are left to work and then try to raise black male's! and if they get it wrong, it is said (these woman don't love their children) which is a lie! Black inner city women do love their wayward son's and daughter's!
Cactusrose, Black women can't afford to go on Nothing! are you speaking in behalf of the Black woman, or Women in general, cause Socker Mom's, can probably go on a strike, a Black woman from the INNER CITY, has to keep pressing, no matter what! trust me, I have Lived it, and trust me, a Middle Class White woman's struggle's is no where near a Black woman's struggle!
The white woman's Movement was based on Liberty to Smoke, Work and Vote, the black woman had to clean these White women's home's as they protested, the black woman did not have the Luxury of leaving home to have the right to Smoke! they had no other choice, but to get up before the break of dawn and go to the Cotton field's, or some had to go and Clean the White woman's house, these thing's, my Mother and many other Black woman had to do, to survive!
This is how you figure your net worth:
If you sold all of your assets and paid off all of your debts, how much would you have left to live on?
White women and men will have a higher net worth because most own a home. Selling your home and other assets and only having less than $50,000 to live on isn't saying much either, other than we are all up to our asses in debt.
Home ownership really is the key to building wealth for yourself; unfortunately the whole sub-prime lending fiasco put a monkey wrench in a lot of peoples futures.
Along with having homes, 401k's, CD's, savings, and other monies are figured in. Plus, of course, married White women double that figure with their spouses income and assets.
What Black women can do is simple -no kids that she cant afford, no unemployed, useless men that don't bring anything but bills and babies into the mix; save, save, save; build - not eat - credit; and work on owning a home.
It seems like a lot, but people do it every day - and you can start to rebuild now, before retirement. It is never too late to take control.
"Oh well, hold your head up my sisters"
....That's the best you can come up with, eh Field. Knee jerking at its best, way to again shrug off responsibility of the "brothas"
I've seen stories about micro-banks and micro-loans. They are a good idea. There is an online organization that facilitates micro loans called Kiva.
Here is the link: www.kiva.org/
If we went on strike the world would shut down. We have more power than we know.
BTW, nothing that Howard and Robin said about Gabby was untrue: She was used by Oprah/Medea and Co. to yet again crank out another "po black folks" movie.
Speaking as someone that has been almost as big as her, and is now a normal 12/14, there is nothing inspiring or cute about her. She needs less "self esteem" (read:Delusional as Hell) and more "get off your ass and exercise".
Hollywood and women (especially whte women) love her not because she is revolutionary, or brave or even has talent: They love her because she is not a threat to anyone, she is not anyone's competition. Yes, she got a bone thrown at her with this next project, but unless Oprah bankrolls her from now on, she will be put on the shelf with that Thea chick from Moesha, Mimi from the Drew Carey show, and the big lady from What's eating Gilbert Grape.
Or god forbid, Soul Plane II...
Crazy reality. It seems so outlandish because it does seem like it would be the beginnings of an infomercial on a third-world country.
Mark Lyon,
The median may be the average, but it is not always so.
When you look at the definition, it may not be as many people as you are incline to believe.
Anonymous said...
ROTTNKID, you were Boasting about three week's ago about having, a German girl friend.....
I never boasted - you did, at this very moment. Like I said in a past posting, you don't me, but it's all good. Carry on.
Now Val flung in quick to soothe the feelings and reinforce the egos of Jody and Cactus.
"I'm so tempted to say on interviews when salary discussions come up "I'll take what you're giving the white boys"
Ha! If only that would work.
She wants pay like the white boys? Please they won't hire her from the minute she opens up her foul ghetto mouth.
I guess "dude" is standard English when speaking to a boss?
Good post Field I too did a double take when I first saw this until I realized they were talking about real live assets and accumulutive worth.
So Field I'll do what nobody else wants to do and that is look at this without avoiding the obvious.
The report did not say all single black women and one of the points folks seem to be missing is that black folks don't have a lot of accumulated wealth. That is wealth passed down from generation to generations.
Why is that? It is because of the road blocks put in the way of black success. Denial of equal opportunity in the work place, last hired first fired, mired in the lowest end of the pay structure sometimes long after having performed you way to the next level,failure to get the same pay for the same work, failure to get access to the promotion that you deserved, glass ceilings, inadequate or unequal education all add up to this.
Black males did not limit the ability of black women to succeed -though some indeed are trifling-- they weren't running the marketplace that was underpaying black women and women and general.
Yes we all have to take responsibility for ourselves and for our success ,but blaming this on black males who have caught just as much if not more hell from a racist system hoping to see them fail is just ludicrous.
If we are going to progress just like we did in the pass we have to look at ALL the roadblocks to our success. Talking about how racism has held us back and has been a hindrance to forward progress does in no way diminish us.
So lets be completely honest!!
She wants pay like the white boys? Please they won't hire her from the minute she opens up her foul ghetto mouth.
That's funny.
Oh yeah, Fuck you.
Field, you might post another report that says there are twice as many bw attending and graduating from college than bm.
Also, you might post about the bw who are professionals who are well off but have a problem finding bm who don't meet their high standards.
You tend to find these stories about the poor bw while you ignore the suffering of bm.
You are like Fox News: Unfair and Biased".
You also are a mamma's boy.
"black folks don't have a lot of accumulated wealth. That is wealth passed down from generation to generations.
Why is that?"
Cause they spend it all on pussy, malt liquor, and shoes.
ISEEISEE, "You know what? I am Sick and tired of young Black men slobbering at the mouth, with their White Trophy! yes, I said it, Slobbering! but,trust me, you are not alone!"
Well, if you were a bm and you had a choice between Gabby or a white woman at the awards that night, who would you choose?
Rttnkid, "I never boasted - you did, at this very moment. Like I said in a past posting, you don't me, but it's all good. Carry on."
You are mistaken, because ISEEISEE knows everyone. You also missed her point. That is, she is lonely and would like for you to come over.:)
It makes some sense. Most of us work in the service industry and those tend not to be jobs with a 401k option. Think about how much "extra" any hourly wage earner has. Think about the weight of responsibility of taking care of the kids, the elderly family, the family of extra people who are temporarily down and out... It's a mix of being disregarded and put up at the same time. It's a mix of having a heart and the need to live morally aka WWJD. It's a mixed bag with a horrible financial outcome.
"It's a mix of being disregarded and put up at the same time. It's a mix of having a heart and the need to live morally aka WWJD. It's a mixed bag with a horrible financial outcome."
Yeah, you put it in perspective and what life can be like. It is a test for most of us but especially for those of us with little income, and unappreciated.
Yet some people still have a sense of responsibility to family and to maintain faith; and to live morally and ethically as best they can.
Only a person with a great heart could live that way.
Well I guess that I am well above average because me and my girlfriends make well above the national average. Black women stop feeding in to all of this
Was anyone else familiar with this Glen Beck craziness? Field, AB I thought you guys were on it (lol) Now I understand why the racist religious hypocrites who seem to hate the poor, the oppressed and the down and out (God's children too) were so intent on calling me names and trying to disrespect my calling.
They have been listening to Glen Beck:
On his daily radio and television shows last week, Fox News personality Glenn Beck set out to convince his audience that "social justice," the term many Christian churches use to describe their efforts to address poverty and human rights, is a "code word" for communism and Nazism. Beck urged Christians to discuss the term with their priests and to leave their churches if leaders would not reconsider their emphasis on social justice.
"I'm begging you, your right to religion and freedom to exercise religion and read all of the passages of the Bible as you want to read them and as your church wants to preach them . . . are going to come under the ropes in the next year. If it lasts that long it will be the next year. I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes!"
Later, Beck held up cards, one with a hammer and sickle and other with a swastika. "Communists are on the left, and the Nazis are on the right. That's what people say. But they both subscribe to one philosophy, and they flew one banner. . . . But on each banner, read the words, here in America: 'social justice.' They talked about economic justice, rights of the workers, redistribution of wealth, and surprisingly, democracy."
Madness, madness I say
"I got an e-mail the other day (h/t to Deborah Lyn) with an article that broke my heart."
Field, do you search for off-the-wall stories that half of America wouldn't believe anyway? You must be some kind of defense lawyer. Prosecutors must love going up against you.
Anyway, if you are so heart broken, why not send her FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS TO ADD TO HER FIVE DOLLARS? That should be like a soothing balm for your broken heart.
While you are at it, show some compassion for the homeless folks in Philly. Try helping some of the brothers in Philly with no where to go and no food. I am sure they would appreciate you giving them $5 and a hot meal this time of year.
Filled Negro:
I did not read the link yet. (And on a side note I just transferred the tribute to Howard Zinn from my Tivo to my computer for future observation and understanding of how you think)
I know that you and a few others on this blog have a grievance based spirit of activism. This woman is merely one of the "Least Of These" that spurn you on.
In reading your summary of the situation I had the following questions that I'll hope that you,your intellectual soul mates - Jody & Mellaneous, or some other might care to answer.
1) Can you detail the PROPORTION of Americans who's wealth is $5?
2) How does this proportion in #1 out of 306M Americans rank in regards to other nations and their population? What about in regards to the entire world of 6.6B people?
3) Thus can you say that this EXAMPLE shows that the USA is doing GOOD to have this amount of people worth $5 OR that we, yet again prove to be "the Belly Of The Beast" and should be committed to Hell?
(I miss Granny at this point. Where is she?)
4) Do you distinguish between WEALTH and INCOME? A person owning a $1M business that is $1.2M in the hole has LESSER WEALTH than does this woman. Are you offended by THEIR situation OR would you agree to SUE THEM if their sole proprietorship did something to offend you DESPITE their debt situation. Your lawsuit being the final nail in their coffin?
5) With Medicaid in place, Filled Negro along with the Earned Income Tax Credit offered to all who are the "least of these" and who live in the "Belly Of The Beast" called the United Capitalist Oppressors Of Amerri-KKKa - can you say that this woman who's NET WORTH is $5 actually LIVES like a person who's net worth is $5 in Honduras, Chad or Laos?
6)Thus can we even say that this woman should be THANKFUL that despite her $5 worth she is NOT STARVING? (For those who think this last question is an INSULT - We can do a video tour of other places where such lack of wealth and productive means IS a death sentence. I will then ask you to apply your altruistic spirit to THESE OTHER PEOPLE.)
Thank you in advance for your answers.
[quote]Now I understand why the racist religious hypocrites who seem to hate the poor, the oppressed and the down and out (God's children too) were so intent on calling me names and trying to disrespect my calling.[/quote]
For a "Man Of God" you sure are a hater.
(Side note: You see - Unlike others I don't use your self-professed religiosity to TEAR YOU DOWN, seeking to get you to shut up after having pegged you as a hypocrite. Instead, Melleneous my goal is to get you to LIVE UP TO the standard that you ascribe to. Did JESUS attack his enemies as YOU DO?)
In my view the people who are WORSE THAN those who "speak against the POOR", Mellaneous are those who's actions as they relate to the poor - function to KEEP THEM POOR!!!!!
Mellaneous - some people are themselves so portentous that they look at how they might put themselves in as the MIDDLE MAN between the POOR and the society that THEY SAY is screwing them - all the while they NEVER think of ways that they can DIRECTLY EMPOWER the "Least Of These" People. Instead they focus on how to EMPOWER the SYSTEM OF DISTRIBUTION so that the "Least Of These" might have ENTITLEMENT RIGHTS to the resources.
Let the SYSTEM collapse, Mellaneous and these same people are SCREWED - never having developed any ORGANIC SENSE OF PRODUCTIVITY. Instead they merely learned how to PROTEST AND VOTE.
You are more complicit in this than you might believe Mellaneous.
[quote]"If wealth was based on hard work, African-Americans would be the wealthiest people in our nation," she said. "It's not about behavior. It's about government policies. Who does the government help and who is it not helping?
Filled Negro, Jody, Mellaneous, others:
I will let you in on a secret - I FEAR YOU!!!
The statement above in quotes sat COMFORTABLY with you. If someone were to put this logic in place as a governing policy in America - YOU WOULD GO ALONG WITH IT.
When I read the quote I realized that there would be a CENTRALIZED AUTHORITY to whom all of our "WORK EFFORT" would go to and this same CENTRAL AUTHORITY would distribute these resources based on NEED.
I know that Filled Negro is an ADMITTED SOCIALIST so I know his game. (In the label "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser; my BFF Filled Negro told me to REMOVE "Quasi" from his outlook). At least I know who I am dealing with.
When I look at the chart that specs out the differences between White Wealth, Black and Hispanic the first thing that I THOUGHT OF was:
WHO MANY WHITE FOLKS who support CAPITALISM produced wealth that skewed the numbers and thus suppressed the WHITE FOLKS THAT ARE SOCIALIST CONFICATORS who don't have wealth?
This chart PURPORTS to show RACISM in "Wealth Distribution". The truth is that the entire notion of WEALTH DISTRIBUTION is FRAUDULENT.
Some of you believe that WEALTH is like a pie which must be CUT UP and distributed differently. A zero sum game, if you will.
This is a fraudulent analysis because it fails to notate that WEALTH IS CREATED. America's wealth (ie: the stock market) is a FIAT wealth. There is no GOLD in a personal safe at home for all billionaires. Instead the stocks that they own are crafted by the CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM.
What YOU NEED TO CONSIDER is - OF THE POOR - how many of them actively participate in the CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM against which they are EVALUATING THEM WEALTH against others who ARE engulfed within.
I say that a BETTER MEASURE for the "Least Of These" is to compare themselves against someone similarly outside of the CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM such as those who live in Guatemala, Niger or parts of India.
In some of your PERVERSION your equation says "CAPITALISM PRODUCES POVERTY". You can't even LOGICALLY walk through this claim and make it MAKE ANY DAMNED SENSE.
The truth is that the DEFAULT STATE OF MAN IS POVERTY!!!!! (Yes I am talking to you Mellaneous, Ernesto and Low & Country).
Look at a man who is UN-POOR and you will see a person who operates within a system that allows him to trade his labor, intellect or goods for MONETARY gain.
YOUR PROBLEM in 2010 is NOT that the "Evil Capitalistic System" is SCREWING YOU. Instead your problem is that YOU KNOW ALL TOO WELL THE NET BENEFIT THAT YOU RECEIVE INSIDE THE BELLY that you do not DARE detach yourself from the nutrition source of the BEAST, instead you protest to have THE BEAST increase your allotment of "Pilfered Goods" from his hegemonic activities that you PROTEST AGAINST.
(WHO is the hypocrite in this regard Mellaneous?)
I only have one question has this "study" been peer-reviewed,because if not its absolutely inflammatory to post such "data".
How was the sample selected? was it for a particular geographic area or nationwide subset?
I am not convinced this is a credible study, but as surely as the sun rises the MSM will be up pushing this rubbish bemoaning "plight" of black woman.
Hell we just had the ESSENCE Black Women's Conference recently celebrating the success of the black woman in America and this shit comes out. Yo FN mi fam look like u haffi put on the RC cape and track shoes bredren.
Is it that "living paycheck to paycheck" situation that brings up this figure? SMH"
ch55x, that's part of it. Yes.
Jody, didn't the guy who started the micro-financing concept win a Nobel Prize? (BTW, his O ness donated his prize money to charity)
"That cannot possibly be right. The authors of that study are either epically stupid or monumentally dishonest. My money's on dishonest.
Man, some people will believe anything!"
Anon. 10:44 pm, why do you say that? (See what hathor said at 10:51 pm) I am not an economist, so maybe someone who has that kind of background can explain to us how they come to these conclusions. I am guessing that the study is more accurate than not.
"First, "studies" say that more black women than men are graduating from college and have been for years. Now they're saying Black women have an average net worth of $5.00?? How in the hell could both statement be true?"
MeandMy...SINLGE BLACk WOMEN. The study talks about single black women. :(
"At least this article raises the issue of assets -- or the lack thereof -- in the Black community.
Great point Mack
Field, do you search for off-the-wall stories that half of America wouldn't believe anyway? You must be some kind of defense lawyer. Prosecutors must love going up against you."
Actually, they don't, since they always lose. ;)(Ask Jody)
"You also are a mamma's boy."
And DAMN proud of it. :)
"Oh well, hold your head up my sisters"
....That's the best you can come up with, eh Field. Knee jerking at its best, way to again shrug off responsibility of the "brothas"
Oh yeah, that's right, I am the leader of the Supreme Council Of Brothers now...give me a break.
"..Yo FN mi fam look like u haffi put on the RC cape and track shoes bredren."
from TC at the atlantic
and read the study yourself; it says all women start out with nada.
Study Finds Median Wealth For Single Black Women at $5
MAR 11 2010, 6:53 PM ET
That's the headline for an article that came out in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It's based on this study written by sociologist Mariko Chang. Before I say anymore, I want to emphasize the importance of this study, and the importance of understanding the wealth gap as we try to understand racial disparities. I have seen some really good pieces on the black-white wealth gap (Dalton Conley's book is indispensable) but this is one of the first I've seen focusing on women of color, with a specific emphasis on single women of color. I highly, highly recommend that regulars here read the study.
Do that, and you'll be ahead of almost everyone writing and twittering about the study. For the most part they're reading the Gazette story, which doesn't do the issue justice. The headline--there is no other way to say this--lazily conflates black women with black women age 36-49, while the article itself lazily conflates black women in that age group with all women of color in that age group. The headline announces, presumably, that all single black women are worth $5. The article then qualifies the claim:
Among the most startling revelations in the wealth data is that while single white women in the prime of their working years (ages 36 to 49) have a median wealth of $42,600 (still only 61 percent of their single white male counterparts), the median wealth for single black women is only $5.
This is alarming. But it's also inaccurate. From the study:
Young women ages 18-35, whether white or non-white, are beginning their adult years with a median wealth of zero, meaning that at least half of women in this age group had no wealth or had debts greater than the value of their assets (see Table 3). However, while white women in the prime working years of ages 36-49 have a median wealth of $42,600 (still only 61% of their white male counterparts), the median wealth for women of color is only $5.
This is still really alarming. But obviously, conclusions about women of color--all nonwhite women and Latinas of all races, according to the study-- of a certain age, are very different than conclusions about black women in particular. Professor Chang was kind enough to talk to me this evening and verified that $5 dollar stat applied to women of color as a whole, and not just black women.
I understand the urge to dismiss this as a relatively minor error in a story, and to go to the central core truth--the wealth gap between black women and white women is, sprawling and horrifying. If we forget to dot a few I's while making that point, who cares? The problems with this kind of logic are many. It trades on the credibility of those of us who are legitimately concerned about the issue, in hopes of raising the alarm. But the discerning reader knows that if we'll fudge minor facts for a few page views, why not bigger ones? Teenage pregnancy is a problem. But it doesn't follow that we should then tell teens that sex will kill you.
Second this kind of reporting turns a serious problem into a kind of show which people from all political points of view use to graphically (if erroneously) drive home their point--mainly, it sucks to be a single black woman. Which leads to the third problem, the entire framing fits into a narrative of single black female tragedy that's been everywhere of late. If you think about it, there's really no reason why this story couldn't have gone in another (though equally erroneous) direction and declared "Study Finds Median Wealth For Single Latinas At $5." Why didn't it? Latinos are this country's largest minority. Until they are not.
I've seen this story floating around the net all day today, with all kinds of reactions of horror and no sense that something is amiss. We're all customers here. We deserve to have the wealth gap--arguably the preeminent racial issue of our time--discussed seriously. In that endeavor we should reject articles that turn stats into porn.
Read the study yourself. And suffer only the essential proxies.
two previous posts quoting TC; not my words.
field negro said..
MeandMy...SINLGE BLACk WOMEN. The study talks about single black women. :(
I guess living near PG County Maryland in addition to having PLENTY of single sista' friends clocking six figures, tends to "distort" ones view !!!
Oh yeah, and my guess is that folks like Donald Trump have "negative" wealth as well. Where's the headline?
[quote]I want to emphasize the importance of this study, and the importance of understanding the wealth gap as we try to understand racial disparities. I have seen some really good pieces on the black-white wealth gap [/quote]
Have you kicked around the CONTRADICTION that this study exposes?
The same Quasi-Socialists who have contempt for the material aggregation of the CAPITALISTS are shown a report and then are ANGERED that those who practice CAPITALISM have more material items and wealth aggregated than those who support policies that are COLLECTIVIST and CONFISCATORY in nature.
OF COURSE - the magic bullet is the claim of RACISM!!!!
The "Racism Chaser's Creed" says: "We were walking down the street, minding our business - FOLLOWING ALL OF THE RULES..........the RACIST CAPITALIST came up from behind and CLUBBED THEM OVER THE HEAD - robbing them of all of the "Social Justice Currency" that was in their wallets. (Note some members on this board have already posted that RACISM can't be dispensed of until CAPITALISM is destroyed. Right Mellaneous and Ernesto?)
The sad part about it is that if we were to take the White population and parse it based upon the economic theories that are prevailing in a given sub-population - the bar chart would be far different between the 2 or 3 groups of WHITE FOLKS that support the Quasi-Socialist theories that are popular among the Collectivist Confiscators.
Today despite having your local eco-systems being controlled by people you favor - you STILL can't manage to engage and employ your people despite them having CONTROL OVER THEIR BODIES - able to engage in A WORK EFFORT or to HOLD OUT until a CONSUMER OF LABOR pays them the price that they desire.
TC talked to the study author and her comment was that stat is for ALL single women of color.
CF, i didn't write that, TC did. at the atlantic.
i can tell you that i am white and i probably have no net worth, due to the financial hardships of raising three kids, college costs, mortgage, etc. divorce did that to me. and the single parent angle is probably the greatest contributor.
Maria, I keep telling you to use quotes, see what happens? You other dumb dingy.
nd, that everyone is suffering here in A-merry-ca.
Bro, you are an attorney, I doubt you are suffering too much.
there are so many fat women and MEN of all races in hollywood...and NONE of them in ANY era have EVER been degraded and disrespected and libeled and slandered as this fat black ebony skinned female gabby s...and we all know why!!!
racism sexism and colorism rule all around me
that is why i adore the beautiful monique and how she honored the fat black regal legend hattie mcdaniel...
all of you euro evil rabidly sexist ignorant dogs CLASSIC AFRICAN MFS hve lost your souls and minds long ago...
you are even worse than howard stern!!!
Sorry about that Maria. It was hard to tell when the quote ended and your comments started.
[quote]NONE of them in ANY era have EVER been degraded and disrespected and libeled and slandered as this fat black ebony skinned female gabby s...and we all know why!!!
racism sexism and colorism rule all around me[/quote]
AB (I know you know this already but):
The most shameful of them all are the Black people who have for years been attacking Hollywood for their lack of diversity with regards to the type of people that they show.
With Gabby on the scene it is clear that these people merely wanted a Black person added who lived up to BLACK standards of beauty. Those Black activists were not LESS Judgmental. They merely had a different set of characteristics to base their judgment on.
I am not saying for once second that I find Gabby physically attractive. She indeed needs to lose some weight. I DO believe, however that she is one of the most beautiful people - personality-wise that I have heard being interviewed in a long time.
Despite this there are many Black people who feel threatened. They are saying to her "Get your BLACK, fat azz off of the red carpet - YOU DON'T BELONG THERE!!! You snuck past our filters".
and WHITE people who are renowned for their own racism and colorism and anorexia... are able to see her talent beyond her physique and give her the kudos and respect that her NOVICE TALENTS earned!!!...
which is yet again (like black gaybashers) evidence of how blacks are often FAR more evil and colorist and cold than even whites...shame!!!!
the same black hatred was shown for the THIN but black skinned star of the film color purple...the actress who played nettie as a child...she too was a gifted actress and NOT fat but also NOT a clone of halle berry...
so her star also faded...shame!!!
Since we're discussing bad news about black women, I'm wondering when (or if) the field negro will do a thread about the recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) report that says that 48% of black women have GENITAL HERPES.
Talk about "branding" a group of people - in this case black women. That shocking statistic means if you put 100 black women in a room, approximately 50 of them have GENITAL HERPES. Yikes!
" Hathor said...
Mark Lyon,
The median may be the average, but it is not always so.
When you look at the definition, it may not be as many people as you are incline to believe."
Wouldn't it mean that exactly half of black single women in the U.S. have LESS than $5?
i do not believe the herpes report.
i see far too many nasty wfs and diseased bm having far too much more sex than any bfs...
and the bm and wf are usually transmitting swirled stds together.
i despise glenn beck because he is more than a racist and a fool as rush l....gb is actually genetically insane and a lush.
i love fox..but i hate gb
if gb was a bm, he would be a perm resident in a mental ward...
Italian does not equal white. We don't claim you.
I suggest watching the film/documentary called Race-The Power of an Illusion. It discusses the root of the wealth gap between black/white Americans.
Ive included a bit of the transcript here:
Search (wealth) within the text to find the appropriate passages.
Damn, I thought black women were doing better than black men.
Isn't that why so many of them are single?
Because they can't find a guy on their level?
Make up your minds.
Whoops! Here it is!
That other link is for a WHOLE other discussion...(It has been a stressful day in my blog land)
the bfs who cannot find a bm on their levels are the DROVES of bfs making EVEN MORE than the wfs who make 42K!!!
as always you are clueless & exaggerating etc...
all of these VERY young educated professional goegeous single black women make MUCH more than 42K/YOU/wfs etc!:
"Despite this there are many Black people who feel threatened. They are saying to her "Get your BLACK, fat azz off of the red carpet - YOU DON'T BELONG THERE!!! You snuck past our filters"."
This is all projection on your part.
Just like you black righties despise Barack Obama because you swore that a black conservative would be the first black with nationwide multiracial support.
Gabby was on the cover of Ebony Magazine.
What the hell are you talking about?
you have missed TONS of horrid posts degrading gabby herein since sunday that PROVE all cf said!!!
fix that!
They haven't been coming from the black posters.
If I'm wrong QUOTE ONE.
why would any black republican despise the blackish hobama?
he has been more republican than anyone i know!!!
scan up
try 11:44 THIS MORNING!!!
yes, but if it was an average, it could mean there would many more women pretty close to $5.00, that is if the distribution was normal. Using the median, would account for Black women doing very well, because their wealth isn't averaged in.
For that anon, who thinks only of credit card debt, if I didn't have a pension, my net worth would be pretty much the same, since I have student loan debt. There are a lot of white folk in that bind, because school debt is never forgiven, even in bankruptcy. You only get a little forgiveness, if you teach.
then scan TONS more posted yesterday...ie all by a
Mellaneous: I have to agree with Beck on the concept of "social justice." There really can be no such thing as social justice.
Justice is a concept that only applies to individuals. Once you start applying it to groups, you inevitably create injustice for the individuals involved.
Any application of social (group) justice, no matter how benign or how justified by the experiences of the individuals in that group, will result in unjust outcomes for some.
The Communists and Nazis were both anti-christian and ant-capatalist totalitarians; the main difference was the communist system was based on class hatred, and the Nazi system was based on race hatred. Each resulted in the deaths of millions. We revile the Nazis more because of our society's history and our need to repudiate racism, but both were identical in their use of "social justice" to provide rationlization for the murder and enslavement of millions of people.
black female poverty and isolation are real!
Anon said:
"The Communists and Nazis were both anti-christian and ant-capatalist totalitarians; the main difference was the communist system was based on class hatred, and the Nazi system was based on race hatred. Each resulted in the deaths of millions. We revile the Nazis more because of our society's history and our need to repudiate racism, but both were identical in their use of "social justice" to provide rationlization for the murder and enslavement of millions of people."
Anon where do you get these inaccurate and ahistorical ideas. Have you actually studied the history and origin of fascism or fascisms rise in Germany. There really is a real history of what it was about and what they believed, and why it came to be, especially in Nazi Germany.
Communism also has a history. You are correct about it being opposed to the ruling class dominating the working class. However they didn't talk about it in terms of "hatred"
You are right that the Nazis used the idea of social justice or specifically promising to put Germans to work, offering free education to party loyalists etc, to lure them into the web of what they called National Socialism.
But the Nazis were enabled by the capitalists and supported by them. Fascism is always the last depserate attempt of the capitalist to hold on to power and extort profits by shutting down all efforts by workers to bargain and shutting down all free expression.
The Nazis were not anti-Christian their ideas were actually adopted by the State church, which fully cooperated with Nazism. The Nazis were not anti-Christian but supported and used Christians to promote their ideas.
It is the reason that people like Dietrich Bonehoffer and others had to start what they called the "Confessing Church" one untainted by fascism and Nazi propaganda, but recognized Christ as Lord.
What you are referring to when you mention communism above is actually Stalinism, which you would be correct to call totalitarian and Stalin and his minions did indeed cause the death of millions directly and indirectly.
But they were not communist in the real sense of the word or Bolsheviks the communist/Bolsheviks were murdered by Stalin. One of the most famous of which was Leon Trotsky who was a pain in Stalins side denouncing him and his bastardized version of communism at every opportunity.
Stalin eventually had his intelligence service murder Trotsky in Mexico.
anon said;
"Mellaneous: I have to agree with Beck on the concept of "social justice." There really can be no such thing as social justice.
Justice is a concept that only applies to individuals. Once you start applying it to groups, you inevitably create injustice for the individuals involved."
This is one of the most absurd statements that I have ever read. It makes me wonder what is happening to folks that think social justice is a bad thing. And that it doesn't exist for groups.
I am exasperated what are you talking about?
Anon doesn't even know what he's talking about.
This is some bull$hit he heard on a rightwing talk show by some racist who is still offended by Civil Rights legislation and "anon" is repeating it.
What up AB:
The folks who would misinform folks primarily for attention and profit are as dangerous as the folks who love their oppressors and all the awful stuff they are doing in the world -esp the developing world--and the folks that hate others just because of their differences and their deeper fear of having to compete for financial resources.
What Glen Beck is tapping into is the all the hating being directed at poor people, immigrants, people of color, Muslims, Arabs,women, gays and anyone who is different-- or who they think is encroaching on what they have --that is the little that they have. Whats really crazy is they think they want unfettered capitalism an unregulated free market, which excludes the black and the brown and the "other without realizing that capitalism will make them the "other" and some of them already are the other -as in plain old worker- which capitalism has no love for.
They really don't want a society that has no unemployment benefits, no medicare, no social security, no social welfare programs and no labor regulations.
And the irony is that folks keep running around talking about Fascism, but many of them desire a society that would in essence be fascist and which would turn on them.
This feels really sick. There is definitely a turn, a sea change slowly occuring.
And black folks who think they can continue sitting on the fence, while hoping against hope and deprecating protest and denigrating those who try to sound the clarion call to defend our hard earned gains, are going to wake up one morning to a very unfamiliar, yet very familiar set of circumstances.
These are times that ought to encourage more praying and action. I am going to go pray.
"The Nazis were not anti-Christian their ideas were actually adopted by the State church"
Untrue. The Nazis promoted paganism. Hitler believed Chrisitiainty to be an extension of Jewish culture, and his goal was to eradicate Christianity form Europe.
"What you are referring to when you mention communism above is actually Stalinism, which you would be correct to call totalitarian and Stalin and his minions did indeed cause the death of millions directly and indirectly."
It was not just Stalin, but also Mao, Kim, Castro -everywhere communism was established resulted in a totalitarian state that killed it's own citizens. Therefore, communism = totalitarianism. And for the record, communist states have caused far more deaths than Nazi's ever did. The communist death toll for the 20th century stands in excess of 100 million people.
Uptown Steve;
I think you are right I think anon is repeating something he has read or heard. He of course is not the only guilty one as you well know.
Steve you realize that the fact that people won't think for themselves is a direct product of an education system - and yes some folks upbringing-- that didn't encourage nor teach folks how to think for themselves.
And since our society encourages intellectual laziness folks who lean toward bigoted thinking find it easy to just copy down things that some rich guy --who uses them to continue to enrich himself by pitting them against their fellow human beings and brothers and sisters-- has to say.
Now you know why the folks who run things really aren't that keen on really educating everyone's kids. And of course the other side of that are the folks educated at Harvard or Yale law school who are educated into the lies of the system.
I can't forget that John Yoo was a graduate of Magna Cum Laude graduate of Yale law school and the other guy Bybee was a graduate of law school graduating Summa Cum Laude as well.
But neither of them could acknowledge what a 3rd grader knows that if you beat me, slap me push me into walls, keep me from sleeping for 10 days in a row, throw up against a wall, make me stand in one place with my arms outstretched without moving, or continually attempt to drown me you are indeed guilty of TORTURING ME!!
uptownsteve said...
"Anon doesn't even know what he's talking about.
This is some bull$hit he heard on a rightwing talk show by some racist who is still offended by Civil Rights legislation and "anon" is repeating it."
You are a fool who jealously guards his own ignorance. You reject any facts that do not support your world view. You embrace hatred over knowledge. You are exactly the kind of person totalitarianism is made of.
anon said:
"The Nazis were not anti-Christian their ideas were actually adopted by the State church"
"Untrue. The Nazis promoted paganism. Hitler believed Chrisitiainty to be an extension of Jewish culture, and his goal was to eradicate Christianity form Europe."
We have all these scholars reading this blog will somebody help correct this guy who keeps throwing out ideas about history that have no basis in fact.
Somebody, Anybody please speak up!!
mellaneous said...
"Uptown Steve;
I think you are right I think anon is repeating something he has read or heard. He of course is not the only guilty one as you well know."
Uh yes, dipshit, as opposed to you guys who just make shit up on your own.
Try reading a book once in a while. Something besides Howard Zinn or the Autobiography of Malcolm X.
Okay anonymous
Please explain how social justice harms "the individuals involved" as you asserted.
Anon said:
It was not just Stalin, but also Mao, Kim, Castro -everywhere communism was established resulted in a totalitarian state that killed it's own citizens. Therefore, communism = totalitarianism. And for the record, communist states have caused far more deaths than Nazi's ever did. The communist death toll for the 20th century stands in excess of 100 million people.
Who told you this? Where did you get this from. If you want to compare death tolls add Hitlers atrocities to the atrocities of class society just start at oh say the dawn of the capitalist age right around the time when the Portugese first set foot in Africa and lets count from there.
But seriously are you a right wing computer program?
"Steve you realize that the fact that people won't think for themselves is a direct product of an education system - and yes some folks upbringing-- that didn't encourage nor teach folks how to think for themselves."
That's a good one. You are as about as consistent a parroter of liberal conventional wisdom as I ever had the misfortune to converse with.
glenn b feeds on hate because truth is less popular and garners far less ratings!
this is why wm neocons rule all media...they lie on the radio and pimp hatreds all day
sean h and bill o at fox too!
elitist colorists hate oprah for precious which is just a film!
they love her for the elitist obama whom she placed into their real lives with her own colorist worship and green cash and white media power!
self hatred and ignorance are suicidal indeed
go figure!
uptownsteve said...
"Okay anonymous
Please explain how social justice harms "the individuals involved" as you asserted."
OK. Steve. Injustice occurs when one or more people abrogate and/or derogate the rights of one or more people. The test in rights lies in the injury caused to others. If by asserting ones right that person treads on the rights of another or others then it is not a right.
Womens rights, and gay rights and minority rights and immigration rights or labor rights or taxpayer rights are all illusions created by people of dubious intentions who seek to force a political agenda onto the people. This is not to criticize women or gay people, minorities or immigrants. Each one of these groups of people are all filled with people---individuals! A womans right to equal protection under the law is just as personal as is her right to choose. The so called "Equal Rights Amendment" proposed is unnecessary because woman have the same rights as anybody else.
Every time you seek to impose some penalty on one group in favor of another, or some benefit to one group at the expense of another, there will be some individuals in those groups unjustly punished or unjustly compensated.
Only an individual can have "rights", therefore the concept of justice can only be applied to the individual.
You can answer anytime anonymous.
"Womens rights, and gay rights and minority rights and immigration rights or labor rights or taxpayer rights are all illusions created by people of dubious intentions who seek to force a political agenda onto the people."
What absolute nonsense.
First of all and what you rightards will never accept is that the women, gay and minority right movements were motivated by the fact these groups did not have the same rights and freedom as white men.
That's it.
There were no special rights or privileges demanded.
All these groups want were the rights afforded to any other adult American citizen.
"The so called "Equal Rights Amendment" proposed is unnecessary because woman have the same rights as anybody else."
That's bull$hit.
It is a quantifiable fact that women earn less than men doing the same job.
"First of all and what you rightards will never accept is that the women, gay and minority right movements were motivated by the fact these groups did not have the same rights and freedom as white men."
WRONG. These movements were motivated (and legitimized) by the fact that individuals in these groups were denied their rights.
It is true to say that blacks, for example, were on the whole denied rights they were due. But these were their rights as individuals. that they collectivley shared the same injustice did not create some collective right.
"It is a quantifiable fact that women earn less than men doing the same job."
No, it is not. When adjusted for age, experience, and level of education, there is practically no demonstable difference between the wages of men and women. The 75% number that is always quoted is a statisitcal misrepresentation, that counts a 55 year old CEO and a 19 year old housekeeper the same.
If a woman is being paid less than an identically qualified and perfoming man, then that is an individual injustice being perpetrated on her, and has no bearing on what any other woman is being paid.
You are also wrong in assuming someone has a "right" to be paid what they are worth. They have right to work where they want to, and may take their talent eleswhere if they feel they are being underpaid. They should expect equal compensation, and demand this as a condition of their continued employment, but it certainly is not a "right".
"These movements were motivated (and legitimized) by the fact that individuals in these groups were denied their rights."
You're playing semantic games.
Gays cannot get married in most states.
As individuals or as groups.
"It is true to say that blacks, for example, were on the whole denied rights they were due. But these were their rights as individuals. that they collectivley shared the same injustice did not create some collective right."
This is downright dumb.
First off any black individual until 40 some years was subjected to overt discrimination in housing, employment, the justice system etc....
And what is this "right" that you conservatives keep referring to?
How is it any different than the rights that you have as a white male?
"You are also wrong in assuming someone has a "right" to be paid what they are worth. They have right to work where they want to, and may take their talent eleswhere if they feel they are being underpaid. They should expect equal compensation, and demand this as a condition of their continued employment, but it certainly is not a "right"."
Discrimination or unequal treatment on the basis of race or sex is not only wrong but illegal.
You righties seem to have a real problem with that.
you are slaying assnon
political quailty is like pregnancy
you are pregnant or not.
equality is identical politically or not.
no semantics or delusions change that fact!
i think assnon is glenn beck
the sexist racist homohating fantasies he is posting are truly insane!!!
"And what is this "right" that you conservatives keep referring to?"
What doesn't hurt others and benefits the individual is a natural right. A natural right is one that is not conferred to the individual by any government, but
one that is inherent in being a human being.
You are correct that it is against the law to discrminate in employment based on race or gender, but this is not a fundamental (natural) right. This is a statutory enforcement of decent behavior, one that abrogrates the naural right of an employer to discrminate as he sees fit. I think it is proper if a community decides to enforce certain standards of behavior, but that his should be limited due the fact that such laws often diminish natural rights. And this should be up to the the people of that community, not the federal government, which is specifically prevented from abrogating natural rights by the Constitution.
Of course irrational discrimination is wrong, and an employer who practices it not only treats people badly but in the long wrong hurts his business by denying it access to the best talent available. So I'm cool with the enforcement of basic level of common decency, but the fact remains that a government can only legitmately act to ensure that individuals are guarenteed their natural rights.
and glenn beck
like all holy haters
pretends to be godly/religious!!!
so...jesus was anti-social justice?...and god and the bible both revere the poor and condemn the rich incessantly but..they are anti-social justice to??
shame on those hypochristians who hate so many and so much in the cursed name of god!!!
'Anonymous is one of the non-thinking drones that demogogues like Beck manipulate.
They convince these dummies that any advancement on the part of blacks, women or gays is at the expense of "real Americans".
If it wasn't so pathetic it would be funny."
Look, I'm no fan a Glenn Beck - I think he is seriously around the bend mentally. I write these things because I believe them. I believe that America as conceived at it's founding, as forged by it's Cvil War, and as brought into accordance with it's principles by the Civil Rights movement is the best hope for all mankind.
I come to this site because there is some serious, intelligent and honest discussion of things by people (a certain crazy lesbian excluded) who have a much different perspective tahn my own. If you all you do is converse with people who share your preconceptions, then you are done growing intellectually.
the reason i hate so many people like tom joyner and al sharpton is because they judge their friends by color and race etc...
they see obama only by his one black parent!...how insane is that???
i love u when we agree
like today
or when we bash assnons
i hate u when we do not
like when i truly feel u r being unfairly sexist/elitits/colorist/slurring me etc
that bs u said about gabby being a clone of me etc
i think gabby is big and beautiful
but we look nothing alike
and u know it
i would never wish death upon u like i do dicedicyicy or aperpetualwasteofoxygenoi
and you anger me sooooo deeply because i am always your friend
even when u really piss me off
i feel the same way about maria
and cf
and mamm who my own colorism pissed off re harold f once
see that bs assnon just posted!
it irks me when assnons speak about the great founding fathers of the usa as if they were NOT slave owners who slew native americans and stole the entire country from native americans and latinos!!!
wake up in aztlan!
why is it ONLY ok to brutally slay each other in meaningless football games or boxing matches?
but not ok when we are brawling to save our very own real political lives????
i will always get as angry about the real world as others do about sports!!!
"they see obama only by his one black parent!...how insane is that???"
No they don't. I'm sorry I disagree with this.
You think that rightwing white Americans see Obama by his white mother? Are you kidding?
Race is a social construct in America.
Most of us have mixed race ancestry and are as different from black Africans as we are from Filipinos.
It's all about culture and community and Obama in my opinion clearly identifies himself as a black man.
As did Colin Powell.
I don't understand why that should offend or alarm anyone.
anon 3:12
an employer who practices it not only treats people badly but in the long wrong hurts his business by denying it access to the best talent available.
Since when.
blacks see him as a black man
so do whites
but anyone who truly looks at his policies can ONLY see him as whiter and greener than gwb
obama is gwb 2.0
i am penning a new col on that now which i will post asap this pm
sasha malia and michelle are his family
they are black
his personal life is black
his prez policies are NOT!
rush limbaugh has superb taste in black music
next to me
he has the best bumper music ever on radio
almost all very clssic soul etc
but he is a racist dog
do not confuse the personal with the political
obama has fatally destroyed blacks while they fawn over his pimp stroll/black family/suits/shades etc
this is as insane as gb!
colon powell was the whitest house nigger on the planet
until even he swooned over obama's blackish skin...
and his son destroyed black radio single handedly...he slew the fcc with his own new jack jim crow legal changes
i despise them both just as i do obama
colon was also a notorious public gaybasher even as he had gay pals and bi pals like obama...
he has swooned over obama's blackish skin so until he has even renegged on his own hard dadt stance
neither of these 3 race traitors will ever get one iota of respect from me
@Alicia Banks
Actually it was Bill Clinton that killed radio, Black or White, with the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
alicia banks said...
I would never wish death upon u like i do dicedicyicy or aperpetualwasteofoxygenoi
Well, damn. That just ruined my weekend!
bill clinton played a role
he was never a racial saint
he dogged sista souljah/lani guinier and killed ricky ray rector too
mike p did ALL of the dirty work as fcc ceo!
like hobama and rahm
bill c was the good cop 4 mike p
but they slew black radio like dual dirty harry's
i forgot to mention bubba slew jocelyn elders too!
a shero
as a warrior/a surgeon and a sage on the bio of gender and sex/an intersex surgery specialist etc
this is why i will always hate anyone who called bubba a "bro"
ie due to his lewd antics...it was racist and untrue
but what is MOST tragic is that all who called him a bro got amnesia when they fell i love with obama who has ALREADY proven to throw blacks under the bus at will and may indeed be less black than bubba!!!
u flatter me
your fat ass and your sweaty blow up doll will still have a great weekend as always!...enjoy!!
bubba funded the racist crime bill
but it pales by comparison to how
hobama is gifting the prison industrial complex in 2011!!!
great take on all the bogus bf studies
Thanks, AB.
Just to show there's no hard feelings, I'm going to start calling my doll Alicia.
[quote]But the Nazis were enabled by the capitalists and supported by them. [/quote]
Mellaneous - it is frustrating to read your claptrap.
Do YOU THINK that capitalists are ENABLING YOU?
When do YOU THINK that you will benefit from that Super charged Cisco Router that they announced on Wednesday? Certainly some capitalist Internet backbone provider will go to the CAPITAL MARKETS for financing and then implement it into their Internet trunks - there by allowing your misaligned propaganda to flow through the Internet 3 times as fast as it does right now.
This is one of the most absurd statements that I have ever read. It makes me wonder what is happening to folks that think social justice is a bad thing. And that it doesn't exist for groups.[/quote]
After its molestation and over use we who have an eye out for you know that the problem is not with "justice" from society. Instead the issue is with how YOU plan to implement and enforce it.
the folks who love their oppressors and all the awful stuff they are doing in the world[/quote]
Would you reject Universal Health Care from the BEAST if you were offered it?
What Glen Beck is tapping into is the all the hating being directed at poor people, immigrants, people of color, Muslims, Arabs,women, gays and anyone who is different[/quote]
YOUR IDEOLOGY taps into THE HATRED WITHIN THIS GROUP. You merely are fighting using the same tactics except that YOU have the mistaken belief that your cause is more just than theirs.
And black folks who think they can continue sitting on the fence, while hoping against hope and deprecating protest and denigrating those who try to sound the clarion call to defend our hard earned gains, are going to wake up one morning to a very unfamiliar, yet very familiar set of circumstances.[/quote]
Hey Mellaneous - when Black people see that they have MORE PEOPLE IN CONTROL OVER THEIR LOCAL INSTITUTIONS than ever before yet their COMPETENCY to deliver the desired standard of living VIA THEIR OWN HUMAN RESOURCES is this MORE OF A CONTEMPTIBLE point than what you raise?
When instead the functional result of this local POWER which has been unleashed at a time where they now have total control over their own bodies, able to insert themselves into the LABOR MARKET today as they never have before........does the notion that DESPITE THIS CONDITION they STILL are not able to organize the people to deliver the STANDARD OF LIVING that they have long struggled for not PROBLEMATIC with you?
Instead you have them protesting against the BEAST, demanding that the BEAST redistribute entitlements to them. Yet you have the audacity to QUESTION GLEN BECK'S sanity and agenda?
What friggin entitlements are black people asking for?
It is just the same old head- scratchin, ass-kissin buckdancin baseless Tom bull$hit from this clown every day.
great truth on gabby from a bm who actually mentions all the fat men like apoi in hollywood!
u are such a psycho charmer
u KNOW u have been calling her that ever since you became obsessed with my butt no?
life imitates art
u flatter me
and now
your fat ass flattens "me"
CF said:
[quote Mellaneous]
What Glen Beck is tapping into is the all the hating being directed at poor people, immigrants, people of color, Muslims, Arabs,women, gays and anyone who is different[/quote]
"YOUR IDEOLOGY taps into THE HATRED WITHIN THIS GROUP. You merely are fighting using the same tactics except that YOU have the mistaken belief that your cause is more just than theirs."
Exactly. This is the circle of resentment prescribed by leftist thought.
CF, I am impressed.
"CF, I am impressed."
You would be.
Neither one of you makes an ounce of sense.
You just rant the same mindless drivel that's fed to you from the rightwing media.
Conservative ideology is predicated on hatred, resentment, and scapegoating.
"The real Americans (Christian white folks)are being shafted because all those blacks and hispanics are getting welfare."
"You "mr white guy" didn't get a promotion because they had to hire a women."
"Univeral healthcare is the new form of reparations."
As if black folks don't pay taxes and white folks won't get free healthcare.
And on and on the bull$hit flies and the perversity of the whole thing is that now you have confused negroes like CF co-signing,
Uptown, you're hell on a Strawman. You can't refute substantive arguments, so you make up words I never said.
You, sir, are hopeless. I hope the next generation breaks the mental chains you are shackled with.
I think the article and study makes a statement, but most young people, whether it be generational or not, have negative wealth. Most of my professional coworkers are due to student loans, car loans, and credit cards. I would like to see the break down of these statistics for individuals 40 and older, where hopefully, it does not look so dramatic and gives me hope that I won't die with nothing to leave for my family.
And I'll take CF over AB any day. Talk about pathetic, asking her for help!
"You, sir, are hopeless. I hope the next generation breaks the mental chains you are shackled with."
I've got goobers like you working in my yard.
The Black Community gets stronger every day and people like you can't stand it.
assnons love to attack and BLTANTLY lie on me even when i silently surf shame!!!
assnons hate that i am a superb debater with superior links and they are NOT and have nothing EVER!!!
I have a PhD, earned a few years ago at age 52. I teach at a reputable university, but I earn less than many secretaries and staff assistants at the same school. I've been trying to rectify my dire financial situation for a long time now. Plus, I have over twenty years of teaching experience. Many of my male co-workers, have only masters' degrees, make more than I do. I've written to all of the powers at the university, but nothing has happened so far. It's not only unfair, it's downright wrong. It's been an ongoing battle. But I keep fighting, because I know somewhere along the line, someone with a conscience will do the right thing. Oh, yes, I sued the school a few years back, but that didn't work out in my favor either. I was told to "get your doctorate," which I was in the process of doing, and so now that I've finished, well, there are only more excuses. I'm contemplating a lawsuit again, but do not relish the stress of undergoing this all over again.
[quote]You just rant the same mindless drivel that's fed to you from the rightwing media.[/quote]
Make note of the various stories that Filled Negro tees up on his propaganda blog.
I am connected with enough other left wing blogs, e-mail broadcasts and magazines to make a good prediction of WHAT will make the story of the day on the Filled Negro Blog.
For YOU it matters not that HuffPo, DailyKOS or MediaMatters are the frequent source of syndication for so many blogs that PURPORT to represent the BLACK COMMUNITY PERMANENT INTERESTS.
Instead what we have are White Liberal Racist Snarling Foxes merely packaging up news for sold out Negroes like YOU to chomp upon each day.
The ironic thing is that despite your attacks that the Black Conservative is merely echoing his "White Conservative" sponsors there is far, far, far more evidence that this is what YOU DO. The key difference is that YOU accept your position as "Authentically Black".
Use these policies to FIX Baltimore, Philly, DC and Camden AND THEN WE'LL TALK about AUTHENTICITY.
[quote]Conservative ideology is predicated on hatred, resentment, and scapegoating.[/quote]
You are a freeking IDIOT!!!
* Hatred
* Resentment
* Scapegoating?
Let's use Maxine Waters as a reference.
Can you detail the POLICY initiatives in her history that were keyed upon:
* Engagement with those she disagrees with based on REASONED argument and negotiation? Where she argues that despite being in disagreement with them they are not considered to be driven by evil, hatred or racism?
* Acceptance that a community that fails to make full use of their HUMAN RESOURCES should ACCEPT that they have done everything necessary to remain as they are in 2010.
* Asking that the People who are LOOKING FOR a HIGHER STANDARD OF LIVING be able to reconcile their day to day actions with this END; where they are to look at THEIR OWN SELVES to close the gap?
Negro Please Go Sit Down!!!
You and many others are a VIOLATION of all know Human Resource Management Principles known to man.
"Use these policies to FIX Baltimore, Philly, DC and Camden AND THEN WE'LL TALK about AUTHENTICITY."
Or Detroit, for that matter. You'd think the Monica Conyers going to jail story would be a topic of discussion here. Nope....
Leave it to Constructive Wingnut to give us perspective.
Listening to him rant about Black issues is like listening to a man talk about his period.
And talking about black communities getting stronger, here's Monica leading a Detroit City council meeting:
With leadership like that, no wonder Detroit is doing so well.
Or this one:
Anon and CF, I hear you representing the individual vs. the collevtive. And it's an argument I hear often from conservatives. But I have a serious question for you: When someone has to make a judgment about an individual who happens to look a certain way, -like those in a certain group- how do you insure that others don't view that individual as they would the group that he or/she belongs to?
If you can honestly answer that question by saying that others won't view that individual as they would the group he/she belongs to, well then you win the argument.
(Please note that I said HONESTLY)
"Let's use Maxine Waters as a reference."
"Make note of the various stories that Filled Negro tees up on his propaganda blog.
I am connected with enough other left wing blogs, e-mail broadcasts and magazines to make a good prediction of WHAT will make the story of the day on the Filled Negro Blog."
Let's see how good you are? Quick, what will I blog about next?
FN: "When someone has to make a judgment about an individual who happens to look a certain way, -like those in a certain group- how do you insure that others don't view that individual as they would the group that he or/she belongs to?"
How people view one another is a function of their own experiences, preconceptions, and yes prejudices.
When you first meet someone, to be honest, you will make some assumptions based on their gender, race, the way they are dressed, the way they speak. For most people, whether someone is black, or from Russia, or whatever, recedes in signficance as you get to know them.
Can I ensure people don't hold group prejudices? Of course not. It's not my business for one thing. People have the right to believe whatever they want, and it is of no consequence unless they infringe on the rights of others. But I will tell you that I live my life as best I can judging people as individuals. The only way out of society's race problems as to stop legitimizing racist, or racialist thought as a rationlization to "fix" things. You cannot fix a wound with a knife.
You are either for a society where one is free to pursue life as an individual or you are for a society where one is constrained from birth by membership in a group. It's our call.
Gabby looks like king kong in drag,yuck!!!
"ROTTNKID, you were Boasting about three week's ago about having, a German girl friend, as if that is something, some black women would like to hear from a black man, you let us know, you were with another woman from a different race, the word here is Different, someone unlike your race, someone that was a Prize, a Reward, someone that you could show off to your friend's! but, with the Black woman, you show No respect, you don't have a problem with uncovering yourself, you don't have a problem exposing your Manhood, is that all you have to offer a Black woman, your Black Flesh?
You know what? I am Sick and tired of young Black men slobbering at the mouth, with their White Trophy! yes, I said it, Slobbering! but,trust me, you are not alone!
Black women have alway's had to Fight for their Survival, this go's back to Slavery, back then, Black men were forced to give up their family's! but, let's fast forward, today, Black men will leave a Black women in a heart beat! and not to mention their little black children!
So don't tell me, Black men of today, really care about the condition of the Black woman, the majority of black woman are forced to Survive the best way they can, the Black man has moved on to the next woman, and when they get tired of that Black woman, they will find a White woman or an Oriental woman or some will marry those Kardashin women to show off on TV!
That's a cheap shot. The man cited facts about his sisters and you attack him about whom he chooses to be with.
Alas, the contention between the black man and black woman continues.
Worry about you love life, not that of others.
Before you jump to conclusions, I married black.
"Since we're discussing bad news about black women, I'm wondering when (or if) the field negro will do a thread about the recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) report that says that 48% of black women have GENITAL HERPES.
Talk about "branding" a group of people - in this case black women. That shocking statistic means if you put 100 black women in a room, approximately 50 of them have GENITAL HERPES. Yikes!"
I doubt that the CDC tested all black women. So, I believe you meant to say that 48% of all cases of genital herpes were black females.
Let me guess. You are a GED graduate, right?
Can I ensure people don't hold group prejudices? Of course not. It's not my business for one thing"
What if they hold positions of power, and their prejudices affect others in a negative way? What if, for instance, that a family is trying to rent a home, and the landlord won't rent to them because of how they look? -Assuming, of course, that they meet all the initial criterias that the landlord set forth.- Is it your "business" to care about that?
"You are either for a society where one is free to pursue life as an individual or you are for a society where one is constrained from birth by membership in a group. It's our call."
I am sure that many would love to make the call, but "the beast" won't let them. :)
field, how about tavis smiley's summit on the black agenda-march 20!
"field, how about tavis smiley's summit on the black agenda-march 20!"
Damn it maria, I think am going to miss it. I have a dental appointment that day.
"Since we're discussing bad news about black women, I'm wondering when (or if) the field negro will do a thread about the recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) report that says that 48% of black women have GENITAL HERPES.
Talk about "branding" a group of people - in this case black women. That shocking statistic means if you put 100 black women in a room, approximately 50 of them have GENITAL HERPES. Yikes!"
I doubt that the CDC tested all black women. So, I believe you meant to say that 48% of all cases of genital herpes were black females.
Let me guess. You are a GED graduate, right?"
Not_RJ, you are far too generous. I think you have to take a test to get a GED. :)
[quote]When someone has to make a judgment about an individual who happens to look a certain way, -like those in a certain group- how do you insure that others don't view that individual as they would the group that he or/she belongs to?[/quote]
IF ONLY you were consistent:
1) The old and tired claim is that BLACK PEOPLE CAN'T BE RACIST because we have NO POWER.
This needs to be applied to the OLD WHITE MAN who wears tube socks and lives in MONTANA. If HE HAS NO POWER and yet calls Barack Obama a "Nigra" on his MySpace page HE DOES NOT DESERVE AN ENTRY ON THE FILLED NEGRO blog page, displacing a Street Pirate who shot 3 Blacks in the face a few days earlier.
Summary: APPRAISE THE WORTH of the person who is JUDGING YOU before you build up frequent flier miles, traveling the nation seeking to CONFRONT them when they have NO MATERIAL POWER OVER YOU
2) Your second point of CONSISTENCY that is needed has to do with your inclination to ENFORCE CERTAIN STANDARD OF BEHAVIOR AMONG BLACKS.
Don't IGNORE your personal standards of behavior as you COVER FOR certain behaviors that fall below YOUR STANDARDS only to get defensive when a "Bill O'Reilly" makes note of certain behavior that is abhorrent. YOU end up going on the DEFENSE against him EVEN WHEN THE BEHAVIOR IN QUESTION IS BELOW YOUR OWN STANDARD.
Your CREDIBILITY and INTEGRITY of your own standards resides on how much YOU enforce them when there are no other people around to call you on them.
I feel that I have sufficiently answered your question but, as usual - you'll feel that I did not because I didn't answer as YOU wanted me to.
CF is the man!
CF@ 10:57p I think your quote belongs to Field, not uts.
Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Field should thank you for being a regular on his blog.
cf is a dick!
Street Pirate
@Not RJ & field negro
The article I read on "The Root" blog on 3-9-10 is entitled "Nearly Half of Black Women Have Herpes". The first two sentences of the article reads as follows: "The latest news out of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is very troubling, to say the least.
A jaw-dropping 48 percent of black women between ages 14 and 49 have the virus which causes genital herpes, says the federal agency."
Take it for what it's worth. My earlier comment indicated that 48% of black women had genital herpes. My bad. I should have said 48% of black females between the ages of 14 and 49 have genital herpes. Is that better?
BTW, don't get upset with me. Get upset with the CDC. Maybe they don't have their GEDs. Maybe the people at "The Root" don't have their GEDs and misquoted the CDC report.
CDC Release is here.
CNN Summary/other facts
"While African-Americans make up 12 percent of the U.S. population, that population accounts for nearly half of all reported syphilis and chlamydia cases, more than 70 percent of all reported gonorrhea cases and about half of all new HIV infections."
Wow. No wonder so many on this blog are angry. no one wants to face reality.
field, why not do a post about these monstrous FACTS in the bc? or is this too painfully embarrassing?
"While African-Americans make up 12 percent of the U.S. population, that population accounts for nearly half of all reported syphilis and chlamydia cases, more than 70 percent of all reported gonorrhea cases and about half of all new HIV infections."
And what percentage of the African-American population do these cases consist of?
People like you use these stats to justify your hate.
If you bother to look you'll find that this pathology is mainly concentrated amongst the inner city underclass which, admittedly is predominately African-American.
However they do not represent the majority of African-Americans.
Middle class and professional black folks have no reason to be "embarassed" by these stats because they aren't indicative of our lives.
The "anonymous pussies" of the world wave this data in order to give themselves a cheap feeling of security and superiority in the thought that no matter how meaningless and unfullfiling their lives are, at least they aren't a "nigger."
I, for one, will continue to laugh at you.
"Use these policies to FIX Baltimore, Philly, DC and Camden AND THEN WE'LL TALK about AUTHENTICITY."
Let me guess. Your FIX is to replace the largely Black government figures with White faces.
Strangely enough, that seems to be the same FIX offered to my old stomping grounds (The Magic City). None of the underlying issues solved, just some new pigment-absent faces added in to make the suburb dwellers in the next county over feel more comfortable. Never did happen, though.
Let's hear of some GENUINE ideas for fixing these cities. And yeah, Detroit has taken the right step, by getting rid of the fools who were selling themselves for 2 pieces and a biscuit (Conyers, et al).
The "anonymous pussies" of the world wave this data in order to give themselves a cheap feeling of security and superiority in the thought that no matter how meaningless and unfullfiling their lives are, at least they aren't a "nigger."
Sounds a lot like what a poor white person in Appalachia says to himself in the mirror every morning:
"I may be poor, I may be white trash, but THANK GAWD I'M NOT A NIGGER!"
And these areas continue to lag in terms of education and income. But hey, at least they're not niggers. No siree.
Point of information, the Nazis were indeed Christians. That's why the S.S. had "Gott Mit Uns" engraved on their belt buckles. In exterminating the Jews the Nazis thought they ere doing God's work.
The holocaust grew out of what is essentially Christian fundamentalism.
"Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars. Only from this fanatical intolerance could its apodictic faith take form; this intolerance is, in fact, its absolute presupposition."
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
Some Christian fundamentalists have since tried to play down this connection by spreading the lie that the Nazis where pagans. However this is what Hitler (a Catholic, incidentally) said about that.
"“National Socialism is not a cult-movement-- a movement for worship; it is exclusively a ‘volkic’ political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship... We will not allow mystically- minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else-- in any case something which has nothing to do with us. At the head of our programme there stand no secret surmisings but clear-cut perception and straightforward profession of belief. But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will-- not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord… Our worship is exclusively the cultivation of the natural, and for that reason, because natural, therefore God-willed. Our humility is the unconditional submission before the divine laws of existence so far as they are known to us men.”
Adolf Hitler - Nuremberg - 6 Sept.1938.
Other will try to claim that Hitler was an atheist. again Hitler's own words destroy that theory.
“We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”
Adolf Hitler - Berlin - 24 Oct. 1933
“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”
Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf
Incidentally it is by no means clear that Joseph Stalin was an atheist, as anyone who has ever read Simon Sebag-Montifiore's excellent Stalin biography.
Stalin studied at a religious college for seven years in preparation to becoming a Russian Orthodox priest, only leaving after the early death of his first wife caused him to have a mental breakdown. He later had a small Russian Orthodox chapel built inside the Kremlin near to his office.
From the way the media covers black women, one would think every sista is a college grad driving a Lexus. 5$ and they try to pretend our women are too "succesful" for us. This is why I laugh
Instead of feeling sorry for us sisters please know that these women have inherited wealth from the MEN in their families. THEIR MEN rule the world so of course they have vast inherited wealth. Also, I would love to see white men's wealth compared to black men.
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