Today was just another day here in A-merry-ca. Or was it? I mean the iPad is here. (Color me not impressed, I still like to turn the pages when I read.) Our first black prez decided to go all Sista Souljah on environmentalist and drill for black gold. And, Catholics all across A-merry-ca are having a crisis of faith for obvious reasons. (Well, most Catholics. The ones with a conscience. The other ones....not so much. )
Anywhooo, tonight I want to talk about Chris Rock.
Seems a video of my man spoofing white folks has surfaced and A-merry-ca is not too pleased.
"They say it's only racist if it's not funny, so is the previously unreleased video for "Crackers," Chris Rock's white-bashing spoof of OutKast's "Hey Ya," a case of beats for the bigoted?In what is sure to spark debate over the thin line between racism and comedy, Rock's version is called "Crackers," a not-so subtle reference to Caucasians. In the four minute clip.."
Oh ohh Chris, don't you have a new movie coming out? This is not a good time to be controversial in A-merry-ca. Nothing says sure to be broke more than a controversial Negro in A-merry-ca.
Anyway, judge for yourselves. I really need to hear from you white folks on this one. You tell us if you find it offensive. I already know what you Negroes are going to say. Double standard?
Before I go, I want to thank you all for the e-mails and comments you sent my way about the comments section on the blog. Some of it was heartfelt and sincere, and some of it was the usual "field Negro I wish you would die" type shit. I want you all to know that I heard you loud and clear and I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.
Alicia, you did much better today. :)
1 – 200 of 242 Newer› Newest»FN,
He had not one, but three lawn jockeys in his chorus:)
He kept saying the nigger too, he didn't discriminate, so what's the problem.
Disculpa, I'm not white but I want to comment!
I was just watching that video, and it reminded me a little of the rolling stones. Just set me too thinking on the great difference between white music and soul music. Between white dance (mainly jumping up and down lol) and Black and Latino dancing, which is so rhythmic.
Mr. Rock did a great job pf spoofing and as for his film, my thoughts are that he's not too worried about that,he's such a funny man, he'll do just fine wait and see!
NCIS will have better ratings with LL Cool J fledgling career than Sarah Palin's show.
I can't wait for the "Niggers" version.
As a white person, I think we deserve pretty much what we get satirically.
Anonymous said...
I can't wait for the "Niggers" version.
10:46 PM
We know.
"I can't wait for the "Niggers" version."
I am sure it's already out there. ;)
NCIS will have better ratings with LL Cool J fledgling career than Sarah Palin's show."
I don't know Hathor, those Radio Rwanda folks are pretty loyal.
Anonymous 10:46 PM said...
"I can't wait for the "Niggers" version".
I think we're seeing that version every day as they call representatives and government officials that every chance they get...
People found that offensive? WTF?
And FTR if the I-Pad wasn't so damn expensive, I would buy one. I use my I-Pod touch on my home wi-fi network to surf the web, and it ain't half bad. A bigger screen on this and the only time I would go near a PC would be for work or the occasional game of CIV.
I thought it was funny, in a stupid, edgy kinda way, but funny... but then I have usually found Chris Rock to be funny.... Not close to the line for me.
If we are doing funny, best quote I read today... also funny:
"Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist who gives away free health care. You're thinking of Jesus."
Yawn. I couldn't care less what Chris Rock, or any black person for that matter, thinks about white people. I could stand to be a little funnier though. Chris is usually more on the ball then that.
cactushose said...
"Anonymous 10:46 PM said...
"I can't wait for the "Niggers" version".
I think we're seeing that version every day as they call representatives and government officials that every chance they get..."
Now THAT'S Funny! Can you breathe and think at the same time?
"Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist who gives away free health care. You're thinking of Jesus."
Yeah, that's a good line.
George Johnson, you sound like a techie. You might have to shoot me your e-mail address. :)
"Anonymous 10:46 PM said...
"I can't wait for the "Niggers" version".
I think we're seeing that version every day as they call representatives and government officials that every chance they get..."
@ FN:
Definitely funny!
haha, grab em by the neck, shack em till they're dead. I didn't get that joke at first. What a Card! Thanks for that, Field.
Another funny thing I heard while watching the Daily Show from last night's Moment of Zen: Sarah Palin and John McCain being interviewed on Greta Van Sustren's show.. He is sitting there with her with a deer in headlights look. Sarah can't stop talking, first about what a great man McCain is and then she goes on about what a great woman Cindy McCain is.. She ends by saying "You know, behind every successful man is a surprised woman."
Yeah, funny. anon:10:53 nailed it.
"Anonymous 10:46 PM said...
"I can't wait for the "Niggers" version".
They could get a lot of white people in black face mocking black entertainers. At the end they could throw nooses around the necks of the blacks in the audience. You'd think that was funny, right? I mean, you're no hypocrite, you're always consistently fair and balanced, kind of like Fox News.
Re: the link regarding Bill Donohue. He is right...homosexuals abused those 200 deaf children. That is the problem the Catholic Church has. They should not have homosexuals as priests.
The song speaks some uncomfortable truths, and it was a little funny, I guess. As a comic device I didn't think the song worked with the message all that well-- and I think Chris Rock is real funny usually.
That being said, I think that white people who might be offended by it are just playing games. It's like the quote above by "Evil Whitey" says: white people have the luxury and privilege of "not caring what black people think." White people like him (and me, I suppose) have the luxury of shrugging off uncomfortable truths and epithets directed towards us, because we have the privilege and power to not care. It's that privilege and the way white people wield it that is at the heart of racism and inequality- not just the words.
For me, I would say that after slavery, "Separate But Equal", and Jim Crow, I'd be pretty disgusted if white people were offended just because words in a song called us names.
Take care, FN
To be funny, it needed to be more offensive. Good touches, like the blond humping Chris's leg, & the St. Patricks / Valentine / Confederate Stars & Bars / lawn jockey decor. On the whole, it doesn't pull together. He's been better.
I admire you and you remind me of my brother, who is also a Black attorney in the Midwest.
OK, it was semi-funny.
To answer Chris Rock, "What's worse than being a N*** (in America)"?
A Haitian in a camp.
Most folks in Bangladesh.
A child in the slums of India.
Perspective folks, perspective.
I can't wait to hear what my white brother Frank D thinks.
What happened to Maria? I bet she looking for some facts to determine if it is funny or not.
"White people like him (and me, I suppose) have the luxury of shrugging off uncomfortable truths and epithets directed towards us, because we have the privilege and power to not care."
You won't have the luxury to shrug it off when some "street pirate" bashes in your dumb white skull.
See, the white foks who come to this blog are enlghtened. I am not going to get a good cross section of A-merry-ca from you folks.
I need to get this post over to one of dem conservative blogs. :)
Or, maybe it's because it's Chris Rock. What if it was Paul Mooney?
Any thoughts on Obama drilling? I haven't heard from you leftist about that. I am not a strong environmental person,(not a tree hugger I guess)but I do think that it is important to look out for the planet.
Are we really running short on oil? And what do the people of Virginia think? I am so selfish. I really only blog to learn shit form other people.
"Re: the link regarding Bill Donohue. He is right...homosexuals abused those 200 deaf children. That is the problem the Catholic Church has. They should not have homosexuals as priests."
Actually, that was not one of Chris Rocks better satires. It was kinda corny. It made me smile some, but I wasn't on the floor laughing.
"To answer Chris Rock, "What's worse than being a N*** (in America)"?
A Haitian in a camp.
Most folks in Bangladesh.
A child in the slums of India."
A Cow-girls fan in Philly..
"Any thoughts on Obama drilling?"
this is a feint, a pr stunt like everything else this administration says.
prior to today's announcement, the vast majority of OCS areas were open for business. no longer. Obama may have stated his support for increased energy development in the Eastern Gulf (which requires congressional action) and the Southern Atlantic (which he'll study over the next year), he also announced that he would delay the development of the energy resources off Virginia's coast and lock up vast resources off the Alaskan coast.
so don't worry field, we still won't be developing our own energy resources. this is just to fool the dumb crackers again.
There's one I bet MTV won't put in rotation. After the incident with rep John Lewis et al this makes things almost even, for now.
What Chris Rock says or doesn't say doesn't matter much in the scheme of things. Does life suck so much for some people that what a comedian says makes that much of a difference that it would send them over the edge? People. need. to. get. a. life.
BTW, I haven't watched the video, or whatever. I like C. R. anyway, no matter whatever he could say.
I thought it was pretty funny, although I agree with Bob that Chris should have thought about making it more offensive. The dude on the couch should have had a Confederate flag t-shirt, for example. But the white (gay?) fan who fainted and "just want to fuck your daughter"- priceless.
The best part of Chris's work is when he gets white people to laugh, then think "this is actually pretty horrible, should I be laughing at it?".
Anonymous said...
"There's one I bet MTV won't put in rotation. After the incident with rep John Lewis et al this makes things almost even, for now."
"George Johnson, you sound like a techie."
Goodness, no. Just because I spend my day working with a computer it, sadly, doesn't mean I know anything.
Yes, it is a stunt. But boy, what a good one. It put the republicans in the position of having to agree with Obama on something, lest they get stuck with the "obstructionist" label. And it also has the benefit of being something most of the right agrees on. And yes, Obama is being hypocritical to the environmentalists who supported his candidacy, but he's president now and he knows that high gas prices translates into low poll numbers.
And it is correct that we have to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. So he opens up offshore drilling, while at the same time, reestablishing the construction of nuclear power plants, and putting more resources into wind and solar.
Oil and natural gas are the bridges that will get us to the others. And every barrel we can drill here is one less we have to get from Theywanttokillusastan.
Hello Mr. Field,
I think what the Prez is doing is this: He said we shouldn't be dependant on foreign oil, and that we should develop alternative fuel sources---but it will take YEARS before those sources, and the auto companies, are ready, although they are getting ready now.
Meantime, it will take years to start up the drilling process (I just heard this on the news from some hoo-ha oil honcho), but probably not as long as it will take to get the alternative fuel/autos all straight.
So---the Prez is preparing to wean us off of the foreign oil tit, and securing some petroleum sources for the future. Although we may see a future with no petroleum for CARS/TRUCKS, etc, which consume quite a bit, we WILL need petroleum for other applications.
In all things, the Prez looks far ahead; he plays the long game, and I think that's what he's doing with this drilling proposal. After all, when he was campaigning, he did say it might come to this. And no, I'm not a worshipper or apologist for the Prez. I just study his moves.
"And it is correct that we have to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. So he opens up offshore drilling, while at the same time, reestablishing the construction of nuclear power plants, and putting more resources into wind and solar"
but if you look closely at what he actually said, he is still limiting most offshore oil drilling. also, a bunch of permit applications for new nuke plants were submitted during the bush administration, and a couple of projects were actually given the go ahead, but don't hold your breath waiting for a bunch of new nuke plants being built anytime soon
Oh, and another thing, ANONYMOUS 11:17...homosexuals don't necessarily molest children---PEDOPHILES do, and all PEDOPHILES are NOT homosexual. Get it straight.
but homosexual pedophiles are homosexuals and pedophiles, right?
Yes, but most pedophiles are not homosexual. Heterosexuals make up the greater number of pedophiles. Priestly or not.
@ FN;
"Any thoughts on Obama drilling?"
MHO is that it will go down as one of the greatest political maneuvers in the history of his presidency.
Just as the states...Virginia in the lead...are gearing up to file a lawsuit against the feds (which the senator from Arkansas has rightfully pointed out why it's a lost cause)...Obama comes up with this.
He ties into defense using the strategy that while we are getting new military equipment our new gear is going to be fuel efficient...
Add to that...
Who is going to complain? Certainly not the senators or the governor of Virgina...definitely not the military.
Obama can say if we are going to fight a war...we certainly cannot pay them to be at way with us...
Now everyone on the Hill has something to make deals on the side with :)
Homosexuality is not a pathology...
Pedophilia is a pathological disorder classified by the Diagnostic Statistic Manual 5 (for which there is not treatment available)...
Heterosexuality is not a pathology...
(unless you read what AB has to say about it :)
Farman said...
"Yes, but most pedophiles are not homosexual. Heterosexuals make up the greater number of pedophiles. Priestly or not."
So was the one that raped you a homo or not?
[quote]"Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist who gives away free health care. You're thinking of Jesus."[/quote]
Jody: JESUS used his powers of Christ to return the people in question to their previous healthy state. OBAMA is making use of higher taxes upon the rich and his war on Health Insurance companies.
I think we're seeing that version every day as they call representatives and government officials that every chance they get...
Funny how you avoided the far more abundant source of the N-word: The Tuesday album release of several Hip Hop acts. This provides content for White folks to LIP SYNC the "N-word" than any other source in the nation.
[quote]It put the republicans in the position of having to agree with Obama on something, lest they get stuck with the "obstructionist" label. And it also has the benefit of being something most of the right agrees on. And yes, Obama is being hypocritical to the environmentalists who supported his candidacy, but he's president now and he knows that high gas prices translates into low poll numbers. [/quote]
Low & Country: Help me translate Rachael Maddow. I realize that she has an "Anti-Republican show". I get it. However she asked "What did Obama GET from yielding to the GOP?"
For some reason she couldn't see that the NATION GETS MORE ENERGY SUPPLIES IN LINE WITH THE GROWING DEMANDS. Why is this a REPUBLICAN position?
I get the sense that had Obama refused to drill but instead offered 10 M new miniture windmills to be mounted on top of every new car - Maddow (and you) would use this plan to fight the evil GOP criticism.
I simply don't understand you all some times.
Is it possible that the PAINFUL FACTS were presented before Obama and as PRESIDENT rather than unteathered ideologue - he was forced to put forth a realistic strategy?
[quote]MHO is that it will go down as one of the greatest political maneuvers in the history of his presidency.[/quote]
Is it possible that Obama looked at this chart and figured that he had better meet the oil consumption demands rather than propagandize:
Oil Consumption by Country:
I look forward to the day when people like Mellaneous and other capitalism fighters would disconnect from the grid and stop consuming oil-based products
"Is it possible that the PAINFUL FACTS were presented before Obama and as PRESIDENT rather than unteathered ideologue - he was forced to put forth a realistic strategy?"
This is the case with both a lot of intarweb liberals and conservatives - they mistake The President as who he is for who they want him to be. Liberals see Obama as some sort of left of center guy and act surprised when he governs mostly from the center right. Conservatives see himas the second coming of Joseph Stalin and end up looking teh stupid when he does so.
Why this is, I don't know, but there you go.
[quote]act surprised when he governs mostly from the center right[/quote]
George Johnson:
Can you articulate the means by which Obama is governing from the "center-right"?
The only way this can be is if LEFT means that he use the Nuclear weapons that he has taken aim away from Russia and instead use them to blow up the White House as a means of symbolically repudiating the American government's imperialist, repressive past.
Barack Obama holds up LEFT-WING meat just out of reach of the right wing and pokes a stick at them to taunt them. The first year of his presidency saw a well paced strategy of UNDOING some "Bush-era" policies. Every time he "steps in it" with the left (by retaining the institutional standards - what YOU CALL "right of center") he merely throws out some CHUM that Rachael Maddow, et al, can cleave upon and use to continue their fight against the evil, racist GOP.
I still can't figure how a man who attacks the "evil Insurance companies" then tells his enemies "What are you guys worrying about? I just gave you 30 million new customers". AS IF he did so based upon gratis. Once the NUMBERS come in long after the "union contract" was signed - THEN we will see if the "Death Panels" was indeed the "biggest lie" being told in the debate.
SUECITYSUE, "Oh, and another thing, ANONYMOUS 11:17...homosexuals don't necessarily molest children---PEDOPHILES do, and all PEDOPHILES are NOT homosexual. Get it straight."
Those PEDOPHILES were HOMOSEXUAL PRIESTS in the Catholic Church who sexually abused, molested and raped those boys. Is that straight enough for you?
Constructive Feedback said...
Funny how you avoided the far more abundant source of the N-word: The Tuesday album release of several Hip Hop acts. This provides content for White folks to LIP SYNC the "N-word" than any other source in the nation."
I guess really funny woulda been if instead of lipsynching it, they would have yelled it at you while spattering your face with God knows what bacteria laden saliva!
Real funny right? Hahaha
"I still can't figure how a man who attacks the "evil Insurance companies" then tells his enemies "What are you guys worrying about? I just gave you 30 million new customers". AS IF he did so based upon gratis."
You are obviously are unfamiliar with the time honored tradition of politicians saying different things to different audiences.
"Can you articulate the means by which Obama is governing from the "center-right"?"
I think it might be better if you goggled "hippie punching" frankly. I'd probably lose most of it's flavor trying to explain it.
I think the lesson here is the "We, the People..." is somewhat incapable of grappling with who the President actually is. FWIW, I don't think it's ALL because he's black. Bill Clinton had the same thing about him. Reagan to an extent too....
"Homosexuality is not a pathology...
Pedophilia is a pathological disorder classified by the Diagnostic Statistic Manual 5 (for which there is not treatment available)..."
You can use the DSM to cover for homosexuals if you want- but it STILL remains a obvious problem when all of the priests who abused and molested those deaf boys were homosexuals!
The obvious bottom line of "safety" is this: NO HOMOSEXUALS should be around children. Period.
Homosexual priests have lustful preying instincts for boys, instead of healthy protective paternal instincts for them. They also shouldn't be priests, because apparently from their behaviors they are atheists. What they have done to God's innocent vulnerable children in HUGE numbers is blatant proof.
It's scary and even worse, you won't hear ONE gay/lesbian outraged by it!
Btw, the DSM has been wrong before and has had significant revisions over the years to correct erroneous diagnoses of humans and treatment. Science has been wrong a lot. When it comes to the human mind science knows very little. It is still ignorant about it.
I'd also add Nixon to that list of presidents that we can't seem to come to grips with, because he's often seen as having been conservative (the EPA, for example, was created under Nixon), but he's more widely seen as being a dishonest self serving prick.
Which I'd argue is accurate.
Maybe I'm not the typical white guy (PhD in political science, wife is a lawyer, and black) but this was hilarious.
I laughed harder than I have in a while. Then again, I hate white people, what can I say.
It's satire, brilliant as always, and frankly on the lighthearted side for Rock. Chris Rock's an artist, he has a point of view, he challenges the audience. Some art gets in your face. Good. However, I have yet to hear Rock dehumanize anyone, and I've caught most of his work.
He does exactly what artists are supposed to do, so yes, double standard. It's fairly dense to claim that satire about racism must be racism itself.
(For census purposes on this subject: I'm white)
It was a funny spoof. Shake'em! Shake'em! Shake'em! And I agree with someup up thread that people of non-color are in position to whine. I also really like the lawn jockey's as Cracker Haters. I think I have seen Chris Rock be funnier--I am not sure if the dragged to death and raped grandmothers, can just not ever be that "funny" or if he should have been more outrageous.
I pretty much keep up with your posts Field, but I gave up reading the comments some weeks ago. However, looking at the low number of comments, I realized that there were no warring elements so I read this one and commented.
It's a little tired, unimaginative, moderately amusing, and not even vaguely racist.
Rock's problem is that the old cliche is true - by and large white Americans just don't get irony.
I'm not offended by the video and I enjoy satire...although this was not as witty as Rock can be.
Then this thread evolved over to priests and the molesting of children. My two cents: the sexual abuse of children is not an issue of one's sexuality (married men do it, straight single men do it...grandfathers, brothers, stepfathers...priests, coaches...well you get the picture)...but more about one's sense of masculinity folded in to the social context.
Field Negro,
I noticed you have an admiration for the marxist dirtbag Howard Zinn. That is all I needed to see. This is a red flag that I can now safely ignore this website as devoid of any intelligent thought or substance. Good day.
Did people even listen to the lyrics?
It's satire.
Anonymous said...
"Field Negro,
I noticed you have an admiration for the marxist dirtbag Howard Zinn. That is all I needed to see. This is a red flag that I can now safely ignore this website as devoid of any intelligent thought or substance. Good day."
Well, anon, your comments here didn't enhance the quality of "intelligent thought or substance," either. Good riddance!
Hey, Field, I'm gonna need a direct link if you can do it (and I really want to see it!)--my computer here at home is no longer allowing me to access embedded video--only directly from their posted locations--and i get NO video from ANYWHERE on my school computer--you know, gotta protect all our little childrens form absolutely EVERYTHING!.
And I also want to say that I really appreciated the tone here yesterday; because it was so much less caustic than it had been, I read every comment--and we all write to be READ, right?
Yeah, just another 'content-free-insult-rich' post from a creepy little far-right sleazeball, not fit to lick Howard Zinn's boots.
Please close the door on your way out, anonny.
"Field Negro,
I noticed you have an admiration for the marxist dirtbag Howard Zinn. That is all I needed to see. This is a red flag that I can now safely ignore this website as devoid of any intelligent thought or substance. Good day."
Yes I do. And he would appreciate the fact that my blog
chased off yet another wingnut. Good day to you as well.
LOL@ George Johnson. Well I tried.
You guys really put it down about O and his drilling. I learned something. It makes sense from a poltical standpoint.
Destructive Wingut, I have a serious question: Why do you pretend not to be a republican operative? You and I both know that it is your party, yet you pretend to be this independent thinker. Folks like Jody, Mell,TSC, and UTS are far more independent than you are because I have read where the slammed the dumbocratic party. Not you. You would never say a bad word about your repukelican friends.
"I guess really funny woulda been if instead of lipsynching it, they would have yelled it at you while spattering your face with God knows what bacteria laden saliva!
Real funny right? Hahaha"
Ha ha ha, cactusrose, I am laughing as well.
"Yes, but most pedophiles are not homosexual. Heterosexuals make up the greater number of pedophiles. Priestly or not."
Farman I think that would be correct.
Ol' Chris... not bad, not bad, but I still prefer Paul Mooney. Moms Mabley bot some pretty good, wicked clouts in, too.
Mr. Mooney has more of a Mort Sahl with rougher edges, makes you have to use a bit of thought, but he's generally on the nose in his assessments.
But, some of us got our education of the "broader view" of race/class in a more demonstable way.
In 1968, right about this time of year, we were in a situation where we came under "friendly fire", and I was one of about a half dozen that made it out on their feet, or even had any feet at all.
Our CO was incensed, knew it was "accidently on purpose" and complained to two staff officers who had caused this to be done, he was told, "Aw, hell, there's plenty more niggers and rednecks where they came from".
Officialdoms view of race kind of woke me up a bit.
Chris Rock is too funny! Sometimes I get tired of racial humor but he is funny. His movie Good Hair was a masterpiece. He is awesome.
To answer your question about off-shore drilling... it is more of a political stunt than a real solution.... Read up on Peak Oil... Drilling for oil is not a solution to our energy problems... it just feeds a bad habit v investing in research and development for sustainable alternatives. Even worse than the idea of drilling, Obama says he supports nuclear power.... that pisses me off more.... these two "solutions" move us further down the road to environmental oblivion.
This white guy thinks it's pretty funny.
Jody nuclear power needn't be all bad. There are ways to use it and keep reusing the spent fuel so that the waste leaked into the environment is damner negligible.
I'm guessing you are talking about nuclear fission reactors because fusion reactors would produce almost no waste at all.
Terrapower, I think you'll appreciate this.
All in all, I'd put it in the top half of CR's stuff: definitely not tripe, but definitely not fall out gut buster material. Regarding the content, maybe I'm just not awake yet or just a typical self-loathing white liberal, but I couldn't find anything that crossed over into hate land. I felt Chris kept everything in reasonable Satireland.
This link is even better!
And what is interesting is that they actually do use fission process in the Terrapower design and waste is negligible.
Have you also heard about Plasma gassification?
Alicia, you did much better today. :) field
she wont comment today cuz its thursday watch
Who knew Chris Rock was that pissed off? Frankly, I think the video shows that he's getting old. From the selection of the song- How long ago was "Hey Ya" released? Six years? To the same old history -lynching, dragging. (Not that I'm saying we aren't reminded everyday. He could have gone with the teabagger who spit on Rep. Emmanuel.)It just strikes me as a dollar late and a day short.
As for the pedophile priests, why is anyone surprised that the people who join an all male organization which requires that they NEVER have sex for the rest of their lives, including masturbation, are people with issues? The priesthood was a refuge for men with sexual issues that they couldn't work out in real life. Not to say that there aren't people who joined because they want to serve God, but the priesthood was rife with damaged souls running from the world. And if you can't deal with the complexities of women and making a pass at a man might get you a beat down, who's left? Children. They're innocent. They are easily intimidated and and you can use their own guilt against them so that they don't tell. I'm stunned that anyone is surprised by this.
lAin't nothing wrong with wearing the shoe on the other foot.
"His movie Good Hair was a masterpiece."
Yes, my wife got me to watch it with her the other night, and it was kind of sad to see so much self hatred and low self esteem among some of us.
Some parts of it were funny, but it was a thought-provoking documentary for many, I'm sure.
Sorry for the hijack!
For the record, I'm a dread, and my wife is natural (no weave), the way nature and God intended it to be.
anon@1:57 said: "It's scary and even worse, you won't hear ONE gay/lesbian outraged by it!"
Anon@1:57, you obviously don't even know ONE homosexual to make such a unabashedly ridiculous statement.
Topic at hand: The video was kind of funny in a depressing sort of way.
The sad part of it is the circumstances that led up to the making of this video.
Or maybe I'm getting old.
"To answer Chris Rock, "What's worse than being a N*** (in America)"?
A Haitian in a camp.
Most folks in Bangladesh.
A child in the slums of India.
Perspective folks, perspective."
I think a black person in New Orleans or hell Brownsville, Brooklyn might argue with you.
And you added the (in America) part, right?
Stax I wear a natural now but am thinking of putting in braids for a change. The problem is that the synthetic hair is like plastic and has an adverse environmental impact and the human hair comes from sacreligious sources nine times out of ten.
As to Chris Rock, he went through a preachy phase when he was in DOGMA that time frame and since then he's lightened his step a little bit. His voice makes me laugh. He is just funny!
"khia213 said...
As for the pedophile priests, why is anyone surprised that the people who join an all male organization which requires that they NEVER have sex for the rest of their lives, including masturbation, are people with issues? The priesthood was a refuge for men with sexual issues that they couldn't work out in real life. Not to say that there aren't people who joined because they want to serve God, but the priesthood was rife with damaged souls running from the world. And if you can't deal with the complexities of women and making a pass at a man might get you a beat down, who's left? Children. They're innocent. They are easily intimidated and and you can use their own guilt against them so that they don't tell. I'm stunned that anyone is surprised by this.
That's pretty close to what I wnated to say, khia123. The Catholic church was getting desperate for males to serve as priests. They sort of went with a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, accepting any male who would join the priesthood.
The thing was, to be a Priest, you are supposed to be CELIBATE. PERIOD. No matter which way you swing. They thought it would be the same, hetero or homo. They were wrong. You don't hear that many stories about priests abusing young girls. Seems like you hear more about that in the Protestant realm.
A lot of homo's found a "safe" haven in the priesthood.
What's the old NAMBLA motto? "Sex before eight, or it's too late".
i adore chris rock
his political comedy is always rooted in afrocentric truths
racist whites like dara cannot handle black truths
but i bet they find jackie mason and don rickles and frank hilarious...
chris is the heir to richard pryor as the most gifted brutally honest comical racial sage of our time
i also love how honest chris is about male whores like tiger who cheat until they die
see more:
my pleasure bro
i promise to do better each day!
regal sexy smart chocolate authentic alpha male kings like you never have a problem taming any lionesses...
it is just all these wimpy lying illiterate court jesters and mangy rabid "raging" hyenas herein that set me off bro
you and your blog rock!
so keep shaking the blogless haters off as i do
*chris rock is a comedic genius *but he will have to come up with other shit as time goes on
*that black white schstick gets played out after a while
*ab Dara is not racist and u know it u r just trying to piss ppl off
*u r stuck in old ways of thinking
*prolly cant tell ur ass frum a hole in the ground
*ppl like u perpetuate racism
*u r a bully and a cunt
Chris Rock also said about serial cheaters:
"A man is only as faithful as his options."
I think Chris Rock is a brilliant man and what I really love about him is that he's impossible to pigeonhole politically.
Conservatives tried to claim him after his "I hate niggers" and "violence on MLK Blvd" routines.
But "Crackers" is definitely going to get many righties' shorts in a knott.
What Chris is about is helping people find truth through laughter.
Speak the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
The thing was, to be a Priest, you are supposed to be CELIBATE. PERIOD. No matter which way you swing. They thought it would be the same, hetero or homo. They were wrong. You don't hear that many stories about priests abusing young girls. Seems like you hear more about that in the Protestant realm.
A lot of homo's found a "safe" haven in the priesthood.
What's the old NAMBLA motto? "Sex before eight, or it's too late".
@person of interest
*this is serious shit
*the pc brigade prevents us from being honest about this shit
*men who aint never been laid cannot be celibate cuz they aint no what they missing
*therefore i dont trust any man who never got fucked befo
*celibacy only makes sense if u know what u missing and can put it in perspective
*i trust st pirates turned preacher or priest befo i trust some virginal young male who never seen the world and now deprive himself of it
*how cum nuns dont molest like priests
"Speak the truth and let the chips fall where they may."
just as i do herein!
chris is my hero!
reginaynay = sick and tired:
i see you ghetto assnons are upping your game straight like dat...
sex is way more complex than nail polish shades
u hood rats are life support systems for your sex organs
i get that
ghetto culture is ruled by rampant sex that has your brain on lock
you got it real twisted
real talk:
celibacy is forced religious torture than breeds dementia
many nuns do molest and abuse children
men and women in all professions abuse children
get that real *hit/sex ed here:
chris rock is an intellectual
intellectuals know that racism is not a relic and never will be...
his racial comic genius will always be timely
true dat!
*ab u r crazy
*celibacy is not forced torture
*how many buddhist monks u hear molesting boys
*they celibate
*many cultures wnat holy men to be celibate
*it can lead to spirtual purity
*ask the dailai llama
i'm white... its bloody hilarious...
child molesters are global predators
east indian cultures do not demonize homosexuality the way that western religions do
swamis are not forced to take vows of celibacy...they do so voluntarily...MAJOR dif
one catholic priest famously chose to wed a female too
some people are naturally asexual
study your religions
there are NO religions as abusive to homos as the organzied western religions that have consumed your own homohating miseducation
the vast differences shine
as you spew glaring sexual nonsense directly from your grossly overused vagina
it would help you greatly to stop calling me "cunt"
i'm just sayin'
i say this before the blind whiners start lying about ME dissing you
"bully" = battle champ
i be dat
always herein
"alicia banks said...
celibacy is forced religious torture than breeds dementia"
No religion I know of, unless it's some lunatic fringe, can FORCE you to be celibate. It is a personal choice.
You can always say no, and walk away. Unless, you're chained to a wall, or are just a complete idiot.
Some people think homosexuality is dementia & perversion personified, nahmean?
"I think a black person in New Orleans or hell Brownsville, Brooklyn might argue with you."
Yes UTS, I grew up in brownsville in the 80's, and it was memorable.
visit any catholic church
ask any priest if they can join you and your plastic doll...
his answer will be no
homosexuality is natural in every living species even in plants
only human retards like you demonize homos and then pen than into your demonic religions
to each holy psycho their own...enjoy!
The gift that keeps on giving, congressional representatives from the 4th district of Georgia.
Yesterday, the successor to Cynthia Mckinney, Rep. Hank Johnson questioned Admiral Robert Willard about the Navy's plans to relocate 8,000 personnel and their families to Guam. Johnson noted at some length that the island is narrow; Johnson reviews the island's dimensions from its "widest level" to its "smallest level," "from shore to shore."
Johnson observes that the island is only seven miles wide at the "least widest place on the island." Johnson inquires into the island's total area given its widest and narrowest dimensions. I think we might be missing the necessary variables, but Admiral Willard helps the congressman. He concedes that Guam is a small island.
Johnson then gives voice to his deep fear regarding the Navy's plans: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated it will tip over and capsize."
Admiral Willard manfully responds: "We don't anticipate that." He deserves some kind of decoration for his gentle handling of Rep. Johnson.
Hank is a graduate of Texas Southern University's Thurgood Marshall School of Law. Is that where you went, Field?
*to be a buddhist monk u must be celibate no matter what sect
*swamis are from hindi sects
*get it straight
*homosexuals r not advised to become monks because they behavior is damaging to the soul
*buddhists do not condemn gays though
*different sects of hinduism have different rules on sexual relations
*u r mixing up ur facts
*accept when u r wrong
*oh ur elitist ass cant accept truth from a hoodrat
*u r the problem in our communites cuz u thik u better then everyone else and only think u teaching whereas u the one that needs to be learning
Don't start with me, cunt. I said nothing derogatory to you, until you goaded me to return fire.
If anyone here thinks I provoked AB, speak up. I simply stated what I believed.
I think you did LEAVE HER ALONE!!!
where are all those blog police when these vaginally obsessed morons are wilding in stereo now???
Oh God, here comes the hijack...
"homosexuals r not advised to become monks because they behavior is damaging to the soul"
you are deeply confused and blinded by the homohatred that nullifies your very existence as a "cunt" with legs...
never bring a knife to a gat fight
you STUDY all religions
especially east indian ones!!!!
then holla back!
person of interest u did not bother her
she put ur name in her mouth to bother u and now has tried to hijack the thred when she got showd wrong
she try to front like she nos so much byotch dont know the difference tween a buddhist monk and a hindu swami
u still think u smarter byotch think again
for the record
the hijack came via aperpetualmoronoi & his tag teaming homohating hoodrat reginaynay at
u didn't admit u was wrong about things the dalai llama himself said that gays commit sexual misconduct
u will never be smarter or better or wiser then anyone cuz u cannot admit when u wrong
and u wrong about lots of stuff
talk about a gat fite their is none u came iwth a impotent water moccasin for a weapon i came with some facts and sum cobra venom byotch
which u ignored facts when they dont suit u
dishonest cunt
note that reginaynay is also
sick and tired
assnon 10:46
shame how she do!!!
[quote]I noticed you have an admiration for the marxist dirtbag Howard Zinn. [/quote]
You dun did it now!!!
You just attacked their JESUS!!!
And he didn't even get to rise from the grave yet.
Couldn't you have at least waited until May Day?
As my friend Purple Cow said - You are not even worthy to lick Zinn's BOOT. But hell - at least you would be paid a "Living Wage" for your work effort in cleaning his boot and thus would profit greatly from the experience.
"Yes UTS, I grew up in brownsville in the 80's, and it was memorable."
Yeah, I just love these righties who claim that the poor in America have it so good compared to other countries yet these same people never spent one day in the hood and have no idea what life is like there.
Being cold, sick and hungry is the same whether you're in Bangladesh, Port a Prince or Browsnville.
pick yo face up here:
"When the Dalai Lama has been asked whether homosexuality is a sin, for instance, he has explained that according to the holy writings, it is. He doesn't go for revisionism. But then he is likely to add that we all have sins, and in the eyes of Buddhism, all sins are equal".
Even if the Buddha thought homosexuality is a sin it is time that we made revisions to it, because the Buddha himself taught us not to accept any teachings without first questioning its validity.
World Congress. In the interim, as he stated during his visit with LGBT Buddhists in 1997, I believe he reflected on several of the supposed methods of committing “sexual misconduct” and realized, as he hinted at that time, that they may have been shaped by their culture and point in history. I also believe that he followed through on his desire to learn more about LGBT people through scientific study.
It seems to me that the DL has done/is doing exactly what LGBT Christians of all faith traditions want their leadership to do–come into the 21st Century and realize that the Bible should be referenced in the context of place, time and culture. I’m surprised no one has mentioned that it has gone through several translations into its current form and many things could easily have been mistranslated “accidentally on purpose.”
"You just attacked their JESUS!!!"
It makes a lot more sense than a negro who has a picture of Ronald Reagan on his wall.
back to the point u said celibacy is forced torture
i said it aint ask the buddhists
u said swamis only volutarily celibate
but i wasn't talking about swamis u dishonest lying cunt
no matter the sect buddhist monks must be celibate
so why dont u hear about lots of buddhist monks molesting boys ro girls
u got ur head stuck up ur ass so far u refuse to admit defeat
go head on and act an ass
go head on and let ur words
when potential employers google ur name and they see these comments
u will be out of a prayer of any job
go ahead keep riting foul ass shit
make urself appear to be the idiot that u really r
u r only educating urself in 1997 the dalai llama said that it is misconduct then he backtracked after the pc brigade attacked him
u need to read the links u provided u will not change the topic at hand
why don't celebate buddhist monks molest boys like catholic priests
u avoid this question cuz u know it will make ur house of card fall quick
unlike u,
my potential employers know me as a fierce media star
i slew haters like you live on the air WORSE than i do online
my life is an open book
my media slayings come with the pkg...and even my lovely locks...so how fierce must my resumes be to top that?
big grin.
u can hate me now
"Shabazz said...
I think you did LEAVE HER ALONE!!!
10:34 AM"
I guess you may be right, Shabazz. Responding to anything she says could be construed as "provoking" her.
Unless, of course, you want to agree with her about something.
"why don't celebate buddhist monks molest boys like catholic priests"
intelligent people never post such moronic blanketed assumptions as valid questions
"It makes a lot more sense than a negro who has a picture of Ronald Reagan on his wall."
I thought of Carlton Banks when you said that!
I wonder if the two are related?
study bhuddism!
stop playing yourself!
do not go out like this!
it ain't werf it!
The sayings of the Buddha, as recorded in the Pali Canon, do not I believe include any explicit reference to homosexuality or to homosexual acts. This has been taken to mean that the Buddha did not consider that one's sexual orientation was relevant to his message, which was how to escape from suffering and achieve enlightenment. If it was not important enough to mention, homosexuality could not have been considered a barrier to one's moral and spiritual development.
On the other hand, the Buddha's teachings in no way exhort us to a life of hedonistic pursuit of pleasure, sexual or otherwise. While the Buddha did not deny the existence of enjoyment in this world, he pointed out that all worldly pleasure is bound up with suffering, and enslavement to our cravings will keep us spinning in a vortex of disappointment and satiation. The Buddhist's objective is not to eliminate sensual pleasures but to see them as they are through the systematic practice of mindfulness.
One feature of Buddhism which may interest gays and lesbians is that the teachings place no particular value on procreation. Marriage and the raising of children are seen as positive but are by no means compulsory. On the contrary, celibacy is in most traditions considered to be a requirement for those seeking higher levels of development as Buddhists. Monks and nuns take vows of strict celibacy, and even pious lay people undertake to be celibate at certain times in order to pursue their mental and spiritual development. This means that from the religious perspective there is no stigma which is necessarily attached to being unmarried and childless, although there may of course be social and cultural pressures which override this.
I laughed. I'm not sure why I laughed, but Chris Rock is funny. Period.
unlike u,
my potential employers know me as a fierce media star
u mean a media star who hangs out of public access channels that dont nobody look at anyway or channels on the far left end of the fm or am channels
nucka please
or is it a media star that insults ppl all day on the internet like u
i dont hate u cuz i think u r sick i wish the yd give u mor meds
[quote]Destructive Wingut, I have a serious question: Why do you pretend not to be a republican operative? You and I both know that it is your party, yet you pretend to be this independent thinker. Folks like Jody, Mell,TSC, and UTS are far more independent than you are because I have read where the slammed the dumbocratic party. Not you. You would never say a bad word about your repukelican friends[/quote]
My Dear Philly Friend Filled Negro:
I am trying to understand the framework of your evaluation.
You say that a measure of INDEPENDENCE is by the degree to which you CRITICIZE a party?
Please note that - without even reading these qualifying posts from Jody, Mellaneous, Low & Country and WhiteBowieSteve - I can assure you that they were CRITICISM against the Democrats for NOT BEING LEFTIST ENOUGH.
You don't seem to be able to contextualize the critique of Cornel West, Dyson and Smiley against Obama.
They are NOT seeking to shoot his presidency out of the sky as they did with evil Bush. They are ONLY seeking to NUDGE HIM LEFTWARD!!!
Do you see Filled Negro - my goal is NOT to get you to become a Republican. IT WOULD NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. You would merely be a "Sold Out Republican" then, with elephants on your shirt cuffs.
Instead I am working to PUT PROGRESSIVISM ON TRIAL!!!!! Make it JUSTIFY its own EXISTENCE among the "Least of These".
I am not quite sure why you necessitate my criticism of the evil, racist Republicans. What YOU call "my defense of Republicans" is actually my EXPOSE' OF YOU!!!!
There is no way in HELL that Sarah Palin and Michael Steele should be more popular topics in AfroSpear blogs that PURPORT TO represent the best interests of our community. Instead it is YOU who show who you really are: "Democrats In Blackface"!!!
Not even my admission that YOU HAVE WON THE BATTLE!!! You stand ALONE, in control over the institutions of the Black community - afford you the ability to ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES and ACCOUNTABILITY of the results that have been rendered while you are in control.
The reasons for my disposition is clear, Filled Negro.
You and others occupy UNCHECKED SPACE within the secret space of our "Community Consciousness Nucleus". The bulk of your efforts are on the behalf of the EXTERNAL forces of PROGRESSIVISM and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.
I have the audacity to demand that YOU wear a VISITORS BADGE and require an ESCORT where ever you walk in this secure space.
When it comes to you an escort for you to go to the bathroom - I'll let Steve hold your appendage as you relieve yourself. We can't be too careful with security in this protected space.
If you can find where I ADVOCATE FOR the GOP rather than CHECK YOU when you OBFUSCATE toward them as a means of looking past the INTERNAL ISSUES - please find it.
I have found, Filled Negro that the WORST indictment against you is for me to focus upon the land that you CLAIM to be working to improve via your antics.
When I do WhiteBowieSteve, MR and Low & Country accuse me of "showing the worst of the Black community".
In truth you are merely acting as those who sought to protect the WHITE ESTABLISHMENT in the past have done. They want to showcase the "good" that they have done while blowing off the presence of the "Dead Negroes" that serve as "scars in the underbelly".
Ida B Wells was a hero for exposing these scars.
Today Ida B Wells would be looking INTO the Black community and would be called "Aunt Jemimah" for her "disloyalty".
Are you Progressing or running a PROTECTION RACKET - Filled Negro?
in thailand where sum of my ppls r from they tyring to kick out all the faggots from the monestaries
sexual misconduct
buddhists disagree on this just like any other religion
u aint gonna get me to cosign on shit ignoramus cunt head
where is ur google link to the molesing buddhist monks
u change the subject cuz u cant find any
Anonymous said...
"I laughed. I'm not sure why I laughed, but Chris Rock is funny. Period."
Not as funny as that Hank Johnson video. LMFAO.
Yeah apoi, that cunt is a real loon, watch it now, she's going to "slay" us with her "lioness" attacks.
BTW APOI, I hope you're not an "Obama Nazi", 'cause that'll really have her bane at the moon!
[quote]Yeah, I just love these righties who claim that the poor in America have it so good compared to other countries yet these same people never spent one day in the hood and have no idea what life is like there.[/quote]
Steve fails to see that he is marketing the notion that the way one can get CONNECTED with the world of Black people is to GO TO THE HOOD and "emotionally connect with our POVERTY".
Again - For Steve and others who think like him - it matters not that there is an image of the "Black Poor" that is used for political purposes. As long as it is put in terms of a TRANSACTION where Steve stands to benefit as a consequence - he is willing to "assume the position" as a poster child.
If someone makes the MISTAKE of characterizing Black people as "The Least of These", in an UNSOLICITED FASHION and thus it is used to IMPUGN - Steve and others will feign OFFENSE, seeking out "Poor White People" as a means of blunting the attack.
Getty Pictures could take the same photo of the "Black poor" and market it to both left and right. It matters not to Steve. It ONLY matters the context of the TRANSACTION and how he can politically benefit.
yeah lioness slay dungeons dragons pscyh ward=crazy byotch
leave it up to ab to degenerate any thread into faggotry
I'll state my point ONCE AGAIN for the cognitively challenged like yourself.
"Being cold, sick and hungry is the same whether you're in Bangladesh, Port a Prince or Browsnville."
I could add Hurricane, West Virgina to that list if it will make you feel better.
Unlike you, I know that there is no "one way" for black folks, particularly in America.
We have highly cultured bourgeousie, emerging black professional class, salt of the earth working class and the poor underclass.
People like you want to divide our people into the "black conservatives who believe in responsibility and capitalism and the rest of us liberal fools who are either criminals or making excuses for criminals.
And you wonder so few take you seriously.
CF also crazy he talkin loud aint saying shit
@Steve 9:20 AM
I did add the (in America). I like Cris Rock and find his work brilliantly disturbing. The "Who's more prejudiced" routine is just that. As a social critic he's #1.
I just wanted to add a bit of perspective to the depressing biz that people of color face every day in the USA. "It's a hell of a lot worse in other places" may not be the best salve for the wound, but it's all I got (as far as words go).
I tried to raise my 2 step kids with some understanding of how freaking lucky they are to be alive at this moment in history, in a place that nobody's dropping bombs on.
I read the news and know that millions of people in the world would trade up to be a N*** in America, and add their left nut as part of the bargain.
uptwn steven u r correct. they alway try to distance themselves from regulr folks
little do they no regular folks cld have they back when necessary cuz we all folks my ppl is black and from thailand
i seen poverty of the worst sort in thailand where children are prostitutes to give money to they families
i seen poverty in the usa that hurts the condition of poverty affects the world not just black folsk
poverty is universal but in the us u hve to admit the strong relaton tween race and class tht still exist to this day
so we got emerging upper class but yet and still there is problems with racism in the minds of the peopel adn this tricke down to how we treat poverty ad crime cycles
uts - you don't even have a job!
As a person of 1/4 Irish descent (grandmother) all I can say is thank you to Chris Rock for his I'm Turning Gaelic video homage. I haven't seen that much green since, well since two weeks ago.
Steven D
Anonymous said...
uts - you don't even have a job!
Neither do you. What are you doing home?
Late to the discussion, as usual for, but LMFAO. Chris Rock is a genius. He's one of the few people out there who can take the truth and make it both painful and funny.
Any white person who finds it offensive needs to get a life -- or at least work on developing a sense of humor.
I wanted to get my comment in before the magic number (50) but my evening was hijacked.
I found this funny but humour is often a matter of taste. Offensive? Puh-leeze. The anonymous crackers who claim to be offended are probably the same people who couldn't wait to email everybody in their trailerpark the "Obama the Magic Negro" song.
Chris uses humour to examine racial attitudes, which places him squarely in a rich tradition of American comedy. That some of his other routines were funnier is beside the point. "Born Suspect" still makes me laugh after all these years.
True, "Crackers" doesn't approach the brilliance of Dave Chappelle's character, Clayton Bigsby, but it is still worthy in its own right.
UTS wrote "Being cold, sick and hungry is the same whether you're in Bangladesh, Port a Prince or Browsnville."
I could add Hurricane, West Virgina to that list if it will make you feel better."
You'll get no argument from me on that, but still there is an opportunity here that can't be denied. If you live in one of the social armpits of the country, you can move to somewhere better. It may not be easy, but it can be done without being smuggled or shot at.
Sadly, no such opportunity exists for much of humanity.
True Bennett, but it doesn't make our troubles any less valid.
"I read the news and know that millions of people in the world would trade up to be a N*** in America, and add their left nut as part of the bargain."
I totally disagree.
Millions of people may want to trade places with your kids or other upwardly mobile folks.
However there ain't nothing desirable about life in Barry Farms in DC, Soundview in the Bronx, or Overtown in Miami.
Indeed it's very third-world like.
I'd like to hear how it's different.
And anybody who says they all have big screen tvs and wearing $200 sneakers doesn't know what the f they're talking about.
"If you live in one of the social armpits of the country, you can move to somewhere better."
HOW, if you have no money or skills?
Where will you live if you don't know anybody?
How will you eat?
"However there ain't nothing desirable about life in Barry Farms in DC, Soundview in the Bronx, or Overtown in Miami."
I lived in soundview as well, near hunts point in the 90's. Half of the building I lived in was condemned.
How can you condemn just half of a building?
"HOW, if you have no money or skills?"
Everybody has skills, even if all it amounts to is washing dishes or cleaning bathrooms.
When things get really bad, people.just.go. My grandparents left Hungary before Hitler came in, and they didn't speak English or know anybody in the States. But the options were to leave, or probably get killed. So they left.
I try and visualize what I would do in their situation, or just being broke, homeless, and unemployed. I hope I would have enough sense to seek help where ever it was available and then do whatever it took to turn my life around.
I hope I never have to find out, but I know that it happens, regardless of ethnicity or skin color.
"When things get really bad, people.just.go. My grandparents left Hungary before Hitler came in, and they didn't speak English or know anybody in the States. But the options were to leave, or probably get killed. So they left."
Back then American industry was clamoring for the "tired, poor huddles masses yearning to be free" to work in the coal mines, steel mills, factories and docks.
That's what motivated my grandparents and their cousins to leave rural James Island, SC and move to Harlem.
There was UPWARD MOBILITY for the poor.
Those jobs are gone now.
As a matter of fact, speaking of Soundview and the South Bronx....the first job my grandpa had up arrival in NYC was as a longshoreman at the Hunts Point docks.
Hunts Point Market was the lifeblood of the neighborhood and it employed thousands of people at the docks, the fish, fruit and meat markets.
The docks closed down in the 70s and the market eventually shut down in the mid eighties.
And what you have in the South Bronx today is the result.
Poverty and depravity.
[quote]And you wonder so few take you seriously.[/quote]
TRUST ME when I say this.
It is far less problematic to our community that bigots like YOU fail to "take me serious" than it is for us all to consider......................WHO YOU SUPPORT and thus who is entrenched within all of the key institutions that provide us our civic services and guidance.
When you connect the PREVAILING favorable inclinations with the OUTCOMES that have been rendered THEN you'll get a clue.
Should we tell Field that we're all White?
"Yes, but most pedophiles are not homosexual. Heterosexuals make up the greater number of pedophiles. Priestly or not."
Farmer and Field...the Post and the recent shocking news is about the "CATHOLIC CHURCH". We are talking about the "Catholic Church"...can you hear that?
There have been "unconscionable" abuses of deaf boys/alter boys in the Catholic Church over decades BY HOMOSEXUALS. Yeah, those deaf boys were preyed upon by pedophiles.
But it is also true that they were 100% homosexuals, and it would be foolish for the Church to deny, minimize, avoid or ignore that obvious fact.
To continue to have homosexual priests around vulnerable boys is like letting the fox guard the chicken house. Foxes do what foxes do, no matter how we may wish them to be different.
Farman, "Anon@1:57, you obviously don't even know ONE homosexual to make such a unabashedly ridiculous statement."
Farman, I know a host of homosexuals. Where I live it is impossible to NOT know many. Does that clarify your wrong assumption?
All you wrote is accurate. So I'm wondering what you see as a solution to the mess we're in?
If there is one.
Ha! Word verification? ever vt
AB, "u hood rats are life support systems for your sex organs
i get that
ghetto culture is ruled by rampant sex that has your brain on lock"
Preach it, sista!
And God Created Virginia ..
God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day.
He inquired, "Where have you been?"
God smiled deeply and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, "Look, Michael. Look what I've made."
Archangel Michael looked puzzled, and said, "What is it?"
"It's a planet," replied God, and I've put life on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a place to test Balance."
"Balance?" inquired Michael, "I'm still confused."
God explained, pointing to different parts of Earth. "For example, northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while southern Europe is going to be poor. Over here I've placed a continent of white people, and over there is a continent of black people. Balance in all things..
God continued pointing to different countries. "This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice."
The Archangel , impressed by God's work, then pointed to a land area and said, "What's that one?"
"That's Virginia , the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful mountains, rivers and streams, lakes, forests, hills, and plains. The people from Virginia are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to travel the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking, high achieving, carriers of peace, and producers of good things"
Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then asked, "But what about balance, God? You said there would be balance...
God smiled, "Right next to Virginia is Washington , DC . Wait till you see the idiots I put there."
There have been "unconscionable" abuses of deaf boys/alter boys in the Catholic Church over decades BY HOMOSEXUALS. Yeah, those deaf boys were preyed upon by pedophiles.
But it is also true that they were 100% homosexuals, and it would be foolish for the Church to deny, minimize, avoid or ignore that obvious fact.
u rite no doubt about it ppl refuse to see the TRUTH
if we dont speak the truth we will not have meaningful discussions
it is epidemilogy is the field of study
there is an EPIDEMIC of Catholic priest SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST BOYS
IT is a gotdamn lie and outright bullshit to deny that men who fuck around wit boys is gay molesters
men who fuck with girls is hetero molesters we cant study the mindstate unless we call it for wat it is
that is dsmiv is wack in 1950 we called faggots homosexual deviants
not thru any new research but lobbying all of a sudden they supposed to be normal and not sick
my azz!
another example of the pc brigade changing pppls minds wit no evidence but some hurt feelingz
phuk em
how many gays called black folks niggers
then want to chum up like they get a gold medal for ass piracy and carpet licking lke its the same thing as being black
nuckas pleeze
God smiled, "Right next to Virginia is Washington , DC . Wait till you see the idiots I put there."
Nucka u funny!
If you were a heterosexual male in the military, would you enjoy showering next to a guy who you knew got a kick out of sucking dick?
If that's OK, why not make the women shower with the men? What's the difference? Heck, those women are supposed to have had the same military training as the men, and we all know men & women are equal in everything, so I'm sure those girls could take care of their badassed selves, should the need arise. (If you know what I mean).
Yeah. Equality. As long as some are more equal when it suits them to be.
"u hood rats are life support systems for your sex organs
i get that
ghetto culture is ruled by rampant sex that has your brain on lock"
dats the only cum back u have to insult were u think im from
my pls is thai and black and ive lived all around the world
i kix it wit my folks my black and asian family and dont give a damn wit how i speak that dont mean im ghetto
as to sexualizing my comments only a buzzard brain carpetlicker wld do dat
u ran out a ammunition so u cum wit dat bullshit
byotch pleeez
Yeah, I just love these righties who claim that the poor in America have it so good compared to other countries yet these same people never spent one day in the hood and have no idea what life is like there.
Just because every time the liberal media talk about poverty and welfare they trot out some black people, it's not true that only blacks are poor and needing government assistance. There are many many many more poor whites than blacks.
"It is far less problematic to our community that bigots like YOU fail to "take me serious" than it is for us all to consider......................WHO YOU SUPPORT and thus who is entrenched within all of the key institutions that provide us our civic services and guidance.
When you connect the PREVAILING favorable inclinations with the OUTCOMES that have been rendered THEN you'll get a clue."
CF, you're becoming clinically boring.
Didn't I just finish explaining to you that there is no "one way" with black people in America.
Many of us are doing extremely well.
Which begs the question.
Why do you think the black upper and middle class still does not support Republicans?
And if the people of the urban ghettoes start supporting people who you support politically, how will things change?
Especially considering the bangup job they did nationally from 2000 thru 2006.
"*how many buddhist monks u hear molesting boys
*they celibate"
The majority of Buddhist monks are heterosexual men who live by Buddhist precepts and spend their lives purifying their minds. For a monk to 'even' consider molesting a child would be quite disturbing and shameful to his own conscience and mind.
Pastors, ministers, and priests in Western religions see their profession as just another job to make a living like everybody else.
However, there are Christian monks in monasteries away from the cities who have the same mindset and conscience as many Buddhist monks.
"If you were a heterosexual male in the military, would you enjoy showering next to a guy who you knew got a kick out of sucking dick?"
If you were ever in the military, or a member of fitness club for that matter, chances are that you already have.
As long as that person doesn't invade your space in any way, there is no problem.
And if the people of the urban ghettoes start supporting people who you support politically, how will things change?
If you don't mind me asking, what have democrats done for the black community?
AB, "where are all those blog police when these vaginally obsessed morons are wilding in stereo now???"
You are right, AB. Where are they??? Where is Jody, and others who ALWAYS complain about you, but ALWAYS remain silent when others call you offensive names?
" PM
uptownsteve said...
"If you were a heterosexual male in the military, would you enjoy showering next to a guy who you knew got a kick out of sucking dick?"
If you were ever in the military, or a member of fitness club for that matter, chances are that you already have.
As long as that person doesn't invade your space in any way, there is no problem.
1:17 PM"
OK...fair enough.
So, why not make the showers & restroom facilities co-ed? Men & women, hetero & homo all together, being treated equally?
As long as no one invades anyone else's space, no big deal, right?
Grab a woman's boob, you get six month's hard labor at Leavenworth. How many witnesses will you need?
You dun did it now!!!
You just attacked their JESUS!!!
And he didn't even get to rise from the grave yet.
Couldn't you have at least waited until May Day?"
POI ur points is valid
a suggestion is to put the gay men in showers with women and put lesbian women in showers with men
that way e rybody is hapy
"sick said...
POI ur points is valid
a suggestion is to put the gay men in showers with women and put lesbian women in showers with men
that way e rybody is hapy
1:35 PM"
Makes as much or more sense than "separate, but equal".
anon & dwhwb:
only men like aperpetualpervoi who sexually harass and degrade women fear gays in the military
karma and guilt are haunting!!!
Thought it was pretty funny, but then again I love Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle. Satire is a good way to pick the scabs off and force the healing.
Altho' ...err... I couldn't catch most of the lyrics .. I need a transcript...then again, someone sent me a link about Pastor Manning screeching about Teh Won being a "Mack Daddy" and I had no idea what THAT was either. Thx to Urban Dictionary. ;)
The double standard still stands tho' ...if this was a SNL skit, Sharpton and his posse would be foaming at the mouth and demanding "someone" be fired and a payoff in it somewhere. It's getting old.
But then again, it's pretty self-evident the black grievance community has no intention of living up to the standards of conduct they themselves set.
The rest of us just want to get along and try and heal our communities, with solutions, not shakedowns or accusations.
sexually secure sane adults in france share co-ed public restrooms with privacy and respect always
"Don't be surprised by unisex bathrooms, or men's and women's rooms with a common lobby. The French are not nearly as hung up about separate restrooms as, say, the Americans."
seen this?
what recovery????
I thought the video was pretty funny.
Some people need to get a sense of humor.
"Why do you think the black upper and middle class still does not support Republicans?
And if the people of the urban ghettoes start supporting people who you support politically, how will things change?
Especially considering the bangup job they did nationally from 2000 thru 2006."
Black social conservatives can't answer that question truthfully. They don't understand why or how that the majority of blacks find their views abhorrent.
Even if most blacks are upwardly mobile, WE STILL DO NOT FORGET FROM WHENCE WE CAME.
Black social conservatives disavow our shared history at the first opportunity, especially if a white person feels uncomfortable with it.
"If you don't mind me asking, what have democrats done for the black community?"
Well let's see.
There is the Civil Rights Act, The Voting Rights Act, the Fair Employment Act and Affirmative Action.
What have Republicans done for white folks?
And if you don't mind answer the question I put to CF cause he never does.....
"If the people of the urban ghettoes start supporting people who you support politically, how will things change
You are one of the commenters here that I sincerely enjoy reading, and I always learn much from your viewpoint.
However, I must disagree with everything you post:
""Any thoughts on Obama drilling?"
"MHO is that it will go down as one of the greatest political maneuvers in the history of his presidency."
Or not. Most of his opposition rightly views this as cynical opportunism, and already the RW blogs are mocking him for it.
MHO is one of the greatest political maneuvers in the history of his presidency is how he demolished all his good will and majorities in both houses in an astonishingly short period of time, vis-a-vis his open mocking of Middle America and jamming through of O-care, and contributed to the banishment of the Dem party to the fringes of the far left Progressives and the extreme elements of the AA community, destroying the unified Tent strategy that served the Dems so well.
"Just as the states...Virginia in the lead...are gearing up to file a lawsuit against the feds (which the senator from Arkansas has rightfully pointed out why it's a lost cause)...Obama comes up with this."
Stating that the lawsuit from VA is a "lost cause" is wishful thinking on the part of Progressives who want to convince those who oppose O-Care to accept it as a fait accompli and move on.
Given the current make-up of SCOTUS, I would give a bookie money to play any side.
The VA case is being handled by Judge Hudson, a conservative republican appointee to the bench.
There is just as much, if not more, commentary on the right that the lawsuit does make a good case for over reach by the Fed govt.
He ties into defense using the strategy that while we are getting new military equipment our new gear is going to be fuel efficient..."
Well, no one on the right is buying that, and it's not a good case.
I predict that if the R's win big in 2010, you are going to see lots of funding battles over the military.
And Teh Won is going to try and cancel military upgrades to pay for his pet projects .... just like the F-22 decision. The same arguments made about the F-35 were made about the F-18, that a single platform can be all things to all people. As I have heard quipped more than once, the F-18 is universal -- it universally sucks at all the missions they try and build it for. The idea that you can stuff at the countermeasure and jamming techie stuff from a 4 man Prowler into a 2 man smaller F-18 is foolish for example.... The same can be said of the F-35. You can have excellence in all areas of air missions with the same platform aircraft.... it's just not possible.
"Add to that...
Who is going to complain? Certainly not the senators or the governor of Virgina...definitely not the military."
Wrong on all counts !
Obama can say if we are going to fight a war...we certainly cannot pay them to be at way with us...
Now everyone on the Hill has something to make deals on the side with :)
I still think you're a great lady, Agape!
You are right, AB. Where are they??? Where is Jody, and others who ALWAYS complain about you, but ALWAYS remain silent when others call you offensive names?
keep jody name out yo mouth she aint done nuthin to nobody she cool
she prolly working rite now she dont post very much cuz she gots a life
she aint caling nobody no names so leave her out of dis shit
ab bought dis on herself
she alway harass ppl and say cuz they bother her
she deserve all the nastiness she gave others
it is called karma
but im gone stop dis shit rite now cuz dis shit aint me
i just seen she messed wit all those posters and it made me mad
all they was doin was tellin how they see things
they got strate up abused cuz of dat
she wrong and she no it
u aint herd her 2day cuz on thursdays she dont post a lot
dont fool urself to think she being cool
its a ruse
she a liar
but ill leave dis alone s
sorry field i wont do dis shit again but dat byotch piss me off
Trapped in SC
What they will never admit to is that today's Republican party is grounded in white resentment.
Exactly why you didn't hear shit from tea partiers when Bush expanded Medicare, blew up the federal deficit and got us into the invasion and occupation of Iraq with an outright lie.
They're hysterical because a black man is in the White House.
That's why they say that "their country" has been taken and they're going to get it back even if takes some killing in the process.
And black conservativism is grounded in self-hatred.
Which is why they will never attract more than the 8% of the handkerchief heads and buckdancers they've had for 40 years.
Wow! This comment section has been interesting to say the least! My goodness, this is ridiculous! Sickwidit, I could understand you feeling the need to equalize matters but you reduced yourself to an infant with the language you used. I daresay you hurled abuse on AB today and that isn't cool. And please, I don't want to be your next target. You've proven your point I guess...
Can't we all just get along?
Karen, what you say has merit. What I don't understand is why they are continuously trying to reduce the importance of the Tenth Amendment in the media. How in tarnation could a Tenth Amendment lawsuit NOT have merit? This is why we are the United States. Locales have culture, mores, things that separate them from each other. The needs of differing locales vary depending on a wide variety of factors and the problem with one size fits all FEDERAL legislation is that it tends to negate the will and the particular needs of the people.
Healthcare reform should have been the feds giving the states monies and the states giving the monies to the counties to best use it for their populations.
Some beaurocrat in San Francisco may not know what my needs are in Modesto even, so that is why the power of the locale is important...
OK I'm rambling. Good post.
Let the church say Amen, UTS.
my schedule is the same m-f
it is not set by weekly swap meets like yours....
you are a blatant liar and fire engine red hot ghetto mess!!!
scan up and read your own gang graffiti tagging drivel herein!!!
and, i think i found you online:
dyam!...do u boo...4 real tho!!!
"alicia banks said...
only men like aperpetualpervoi who sexually harass and degrade women fear gays in the military
karma and guilt are haunting!!!
1:39 PM
I'm going to do my best to be civil here, AB, purely out of respect for fn.
If you would notice, I never said gays should not serve in the military. I was really wondering why women are allowed separate restrooms & bathing facilities, and if you think that is equality?
Me? I have no problem showering with women.
If you can't answer the question honestly, or without calling names & getting nasty, don't bother to reply. My tolerance for you, as I've said, is purely out of respect for fn. But, my tolerance only goes so far.
wow mr:
you can be fair i see...kudos!
UTS, "If you were ever in the military, or a member of fitness club for that matter, chances are that you already have.
As long as that person doesn't invade your space in any way, there is no problem."
Maybe for you, it's ok. But for many heterosexuals in the military, it is not ok to be showering or bunking with a homosexual. It is quite disturbing to the mind and you can't run a military in the US with men in that frame of mind.
It might be a nice to dream or idea to exclaim, "straight men shouldn't feel that way!" But many do, and that is a fact.
Why would you want to weaken or risk the nation's defense over some impractical idea? Isn't it enough that they are willing to fight and die for you?
Why must you pressure and stress them more?
Healthcare reform should have been the feds giving the states monies and the states giving the monies to the counties to best use it for their populations.
They tried that with welfare reform in the 1990's as part of Newt's Contract with America.
For that to work:
There would have to be rules written that would specify that the monies only be used for health care. No payments into the general fund to offset tax relief, no creative accounting, none of that shit.
The amount distributed to the states would have to adjusted based on inflation as well as economical trending; Also that would have been ideal had a true public option passed that would have limited the amount of money used for low-income recipients as well as providing a floor for fees and out of pocket costs.
But still a good idea, though.
Karen, "Altho' ...err... I couldn't catch most of the lyrics .. I need a transcript...then again, someone sent me a link about Pastor Manning screeching about Teh Won being a "Mack Daddy" and I had no idea what THAT was either. Thx to Urban Dictionary. ;)"
What does Teh Won mean? I wish you would not speak in code.
I've been reading this blog since late summer of 2007 and have always enjoyed reading most of the perspectives here.
I've also been thankful to the new places that the blog has taken me: I love reading Agape's insight, RM's sincerity, Black Diaspora's comments are always beautifully crafted, and now I have a new blog to read and enjoy - Redbone Girl's. And a friendship with AB -- who says cats and dogs can't leave together?
That being said, I'm one of those that FN is proud to run off his blog. There is no enjoyment to being here anymore, the circular logic is too much for me to take, and I don't feel most here are sincerely interested in considering any viewpoints outside of the narrowly accepted memes from your community.
I came over today because of a message from AB -- girl, you've done good holding your own -- I wouldn't worry.
However, as a final parting statement, I think all of you truly fail to realize that the double standards that you polish and hoard is going to come back and bite you --- hard.
There is overwhelming -- and I mean, overwhelming -- bipartisan opposition to Obama and his agenda. I am seeing incredible alliances and coalitions here in my own community between groups that were barely on speaking terms with each other before this.
I think overall that is a healthy thing.
Alicia you get on me for all types of shit, but in truth my Christian mandate says to treat others with respect. This is why it isn't cool to call names and push peoples buttons even if they disagree on subjects that you are passionate about.
I am not your enemy. I am your sister. This is real and true. We all come from God/Universe/Earth. Whatever you believe is immaterial to being civil to one another.
Lets just agree to disagree on specific topics. You need to know that I have never had it in for you. I have my opinions just as you have yours.
I gotta go tend to my boy again.
Take care.
i have 0 tolerance for LIARS!!!
the only thing worse than a rabid vulgar homohating sexist dog...is a LYING one:
see what YOU posted at:
as always, there is not one iota of sanity/"tolerance"/respect/
decency therein
and even a lewd loony letch like you knows so!!!
"Teh Won" is a cynical reference to Obama's snide and disrespectful remark that he doesn't have to include the minority party in any policy making, because "he won", that you will see in reference on most blogs that aren't riding Unicorns powered by rainbow energy.
Love the scorched earth policy Teh Won's got going. That's not going to come back and bite y'all. Nope, not.at.all.
i just do not see condoning any hatred againast any children even wf lesbians ones... or posting your imaginations about my "diseased body odor"...evading valid questions about racial hate laws...etc....as "christian"
but i respect you today because SO many people on this blog pretend that i am the only person who is ever less than angelic herein...
they are pretending that reginaynay and aperpetualfooloi did not make hijack this topic and morph it into a homohating thread etc...
but today you have NOT done so!
for that, i sincerely thank u!
i do agree to disagree
and i never stay mad at anyone from oakland too long...
it is my fav city in america...
Karen, "Love the scorched earth policy Teh Won's got going. That's not going to come back and bite y'all. Nope, not.at.all."
Thanks for clearing up what Teh Won means. Now one other question I have for you...what is Teh One's scorched earth policy?
You sound like you are powered by some wayout energy yourself. :D
"But for many heterosexuals in the military, it is not ok to be showering or bunking with a homosexual. It is quite disturbing to the mind and you can't run a military in the US with men in that frame of mind."
Well quite frankly that's YOUR problem, not the homosexual's.
"Feelings" are not a valid reason to discriminate.
And as I pointed out, you've probably already bunked, showered and or dressed with a homosexual, just didn't know it because it wasn't an issue.
As long as he (or she) does not harrass or assault you, who should it be?
And before somebody goes the "you must be gay" route, let me say that I am a heterosexual black male born and raised in the inner city.
According to studies I am supposed to be the most virulent homophobe alive.
And as a teenager and young adult, although I was never a hater, I did make fun of effeminate men and used the "f" word profusely as an insult.
About 20 years ago a very close relative of mine came out of the closet and with that went every ugly stereotype for me.
Nobody "recruited" this person, they were not promiscous, they were not flamboyant or any other "gay" label.
I've grown up on this issue and I'm proud of that.
Although I get ribbed from time to time from some of my more macho friends whenever this issue comes up.
"Yo Steve I noticed you been wearin a lot of bright colors lately"
Shit like that.
hey karen!
welcome back!
see hobama's scorched leather here:
AB, "but i respect you today because SO many people on this blog pretend that i am the only person who is ever less than angelic herein...
they are pretending that reginaynay and aperpetualfooloi did not make hijack this topic and morph it into a homohating thread etc..."
You are right, ab. There has been a double standard by some of the posters. Thank goodness Field has played fair.
I guess there are a select few of 'good' people in the legal profession after all. :)
wow uts:
that is why i wish every homo had the courage to fight haters as i do and come out
when ALL of the haters see that they ALL already love someone who is secretly homo and a buff macho man/femme woman...our torture might end
fn is a fierce king in all arenas...legal ones too
i will miss u every day
and please do not give up on millions of silent blacks who DO see that hobama is a blackish clone of gwb!
they just fear the same rejection and slaughter by hobama nazis that germans who hid jews felt....shame!!!
Exactly why you didn't hear shit from tea partiers when Bush expanded Medicare, blew up the federal deficit and got us into the invasion and occupation of Iraq with an outright lie.
Didn't democrats also lie us into war? Google "Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that."
Why do you refuse to accept the facts that the leaders of both parties lied us into war?
Using your logic...
What happened to all the war protesters?
What happened to all those democrats so concerned about the patriot act.
What happened to all those democrats concerned about bush and his spending?
It seems like those on the left flip-flop on every issue as soon as a democrat gets in the white house.
If bush lied, who said this bragging about their experience on the intel committee-
"I come to this debate, Mr. Speaker, as one at the end of 10 years in office on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction was one of my top priorities. I applaud the President on focusing on this issue and on taking the lead to disarm Saddam Hussein. ... Others have talked about this threat that is posed by Saddam Hussein. Yes, he has chemical weapons, he has biological weapons, he is trying to get nuclear weapons."
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