"If you saw Sunday's Free Press that shown Robert Bobb the emergency financial manager for Detroit Public Schools, move Mark Twain to Boynton which have three times the number seats then students and was one of the reason's he gave for closing school to many empty seats."
"Do DPS control the Foundation or outside group? If an outside group control the foundation, then what is DPS Board row with selection of is director? Our we mixing DPS and None DPS row's, and who is the watch dog?"
I know my writing style can be a mess at times, and lord knows I am no fan of you grammarians. But damn it those two paragraphs you just read above are beyond bad. And usually I wouldn't care, but those paragraphs represent copies of e-mails sent by the PRESIDENT OF THE DETROIT SCHOOL BOARD! Wait, let me repeat that for you:THE PRESIDENT OF THE DETROIT SCHOOL BOARD!
Now I know, that like clock work, certain people are going to be out to say: see, I told you so, those inner city black folks are just off the chain, and it's all the dumbocrats fault. But I submit to you that an argument like that would be totally ludicrous and disingenuous. Why? Because what is happening in Detroit should fall squarely on the shoulders of the people of Detroit. No one else. To put a man who cannot write (he said it, not me) to lead the Detroit School Board would be the equivalent of making Donald Trump the president of The Hair Club For Men.
I mean come on Motown, WTF were you all thinking? Look, I am sure that the guy is a great politician, and he probably has great political instincts. Hell the following statement confirms it:
" Mathis is liked and defended by many of his peers, who cite his collegiality, lack of defensiveness and leadership as more important than his writing skills. "
So give him another job to do within city government where he can utilize some of his other skills. I am sorry folks, sometimes perception, is reality. [Story here]
1 – 200 of 349 Newer› Newest»First, before the thread gets hijacked.
I'm no grammarian (is that anything like an Armenian?)
but at least all your links are working tonight....
Aloha from Makaii
Good luck on not having a hi jack take place within minutes. The trolls are out and about!
Nah, go easy on the boy. He just needs a secretary. Many effective men and women have this problem. But they have smart folks workin' with em.
I'm counting down the minutes till AB gets here and starts screaming about gays and "Hobama."
It sounds like a shorthand draft that accidentally went out without being fully fleshed out and edited! It could be a secretary's fault, and not his, 'cuz, damn! That's pretty bad!
Nah, I don't agree, he just needs to learn not to put his thoughts down on paper. You wouldn't say his typing was bad if he didn't have arms now?
That being said, inner city school problems are so critical for fixing our cities, I'm willing to try everything (not just anything):
So what makes a "bad" school...watched the video.
Okay, I just watched the video!
He is a mathematical wizard and aced all his math peers, which means he can think in the abstract which is a TOP quality for an effective comunicator.
What he has, as he very well explains it, is a learning disability which is a disconnect between his thoughts which are great and when he writes them.
Has nothing to do with his ability to function, as well as he is a living example to all learning disabled people. Some of the most brilliant people have dyslexia, which just makes them all more emotionally intelligent.
Amen Field, amen. We have to do better.
This is sad.
Damn, I hope you are right, cactus rose.
But it's funny that the news of his email(s) spread like wildfire in the wingnut community. It's like they were looking for evidence of something in a certain demographic as evidence of something that they can use against certain other people in that demographic........
Nah..... Can't be...... I must be imagining shit.
Gwhizz, cease fire on this one. You have a valid point. We can't let buffoons like this get access to computers. They make us all look bad.
His fail is not for writing poorly but for not finding someone (who knows how to write) to help him write.
Field, "Now I know, that like clock work, certain people are going to be out to say: see, I told you so, those inner city black folks are just off the chain, and it's all the dumbocrats fault. But I submit to you that an argument like that would be totally ludicrous and disingenuous. Why? Because what is happening in Detroit should fall squarely on the shoulders of the people of Detroit. No one else."
Correct me if I am wrong, but Detroit is predominately Black isn't it? Don't the Black dumbocrats run the city of Detroit? The Whites are gone and the Blacks have been in control for some time now.
So tell me, doesn't Mathis represent the will of the people and represent the quality of education that the people want for their children? Mathis did not walk in a take that job, the black folks of Detroit gave it to him without any concern about improved education.
But education has never been of much interest in the black community anyway. So what's the problem? 'Apathy and ignorance by Detroit dumbocrats breeds more apathy and more ignorance' by black dumbocrats...and don't forget the rampant corrupt politicians that are so likeable and collegiate!
Looks like a the same major problem in all black communities--a problem in HUMAN MANAGEMENT. I seem to have read that before on this blog but the black and white progressives, liberals, and dumbocrats attacked people for identifying the problem.
Field your last post has over 400 comments!!! That would be impressive, if only half of the comments weren't from AB and that bougie, ugly BITCH MMM. God I hate that women.
cactusrose, "What he has, as he very well explains it, is a learning disability which is a disconnect between his thoughts which are great and when he writes them."
Please, cactus, you are killing me.
I want to believe it's a learning disability, I really do...
"His fail is not for writing poorly but for not finding someone (who knows how to write) to help him write."
Point well taken Val.
ArtMaggot, why aren't you sending me pics anymore? Are you trying to get me sued for lifting other folks pictures? :)
Yes Leah, you guys really fired up my friend AB with that last post.
Oh, and to all you folks who are offended by such stuff, I apologize for some of the language etc. that was used with that thread.
I have an open door policy but....I don't know.
We will see.
"ut it's funny that the news of his email(s) spread like wildfire in the wingnut community. It's like they were looking for evidence of something in a certain demographic as evidence of something that they can use against certain other people in that demographic........"
TSC, I think I want to say Hmmmmm.
Anon 10:56 pm, yes there is a problem of human management in some urban areas, but don't fall into the trap of going all Piccaso on the entire black community.
That is what non- critical thinkers do, no?
It's funny because I went to Iowa, where its 92% white, to look and see if the projects there.
They did. And most of the people there were, you guessed it, white!
And then I went to the prisons in Wyoming, because this white guy I met there told me that they didn't have prisons there.......but they did. And your not gonna believe it, but most of the inmates were white.
Then I went to West Virginia, which is 91% white, to see all of the extravagant homes and mansions that these white people must have, but instead I found out that most those folks, even though they were white, lived below the poverty line and were on food stamps and on medicaid. I said, wash that white paint off those black people! But the paint wouldn't come off, no matter how hard they scrubbed, because it wasn't paint at all.......those poor people were white people.
Then I come back on this blog, and find a Anonymous white wingnut getting mad because of Detroit.
Fuck a wingnut. Especially a Anonymous one.
I'm looking at you, 10:56.
AB should not be barred for her language. It may have been the worst we have ever seen, such black on black evil, but she has a right to say it. Just my 2 cents.
Fuck a wingnut
Field just spoke about this language Trapped. Respect the man.
Looks more like the guy needs a secretary than anything else. If his thinking is sound, I wouldn't worry about the rest.
And if the wingnuts are indeed jumping all over this, you can be sure it's mostly to distract attention from the (white) Texas Board of Education heads - who certainly were able to read and write well enough to make proposed US history books an international laughingstock.
No anon., I don't have a problem with cursing (Lord knows I do it as well) But some of the personal attacks was ugly. And this is coming from a guy who has been in some nasty e-fights myself.
Oh well, we are all adults here, so I guess we can all "let our conscience be our guides".
"And if the wingnuts are indeed jumping all over this, you can be sure it's mostly to distract attention from the (white) Texas Board of Education heads - who certainly were able to read and write well enough to make proposed US history books an international laughingstock."
Co-sign Nanette. Why isn't that story getting more ink? For the life of me I will never understand the A-merry-can press.
@Nannette: Touche
Otis Mathis was unable to earn a degree because he couldn’t pass Wayne State’s English proficiency exam. Mathis sued unsuccessfully in 1992 to get the requirement dropped, saying repeated failure “made me feel stupid.” The requirement was abolished in 2007; Mathis collected his degree the next year.
This guy is President of the Detroit School Board, and he can hardly read. Maybe he is good dude, but man is he in the wrong job. Detroit is the most disfunctional city in the US. This is crazy.
Trapped is a racist fool.
Well, there are many people who have held jobs in which they aren't best suited. (George Bush)
Yeah, he's an ironic embarrassment, and he's black, but oh well, he's human. He does need a new job, hope he find one.
Typical response from the posters on this blog - your biggest problem with this is that wingnuts will point to it as another example of fucked up ghetto folk.
Well it is an example of fucked up ghetto folk, and just because there are stupid white people in West Virginia or Iowa or wherever, doesn't excuse Detroit having their school board run by a functional illiterate, or their city council being run by Monica Conyers (before she goes off to prison). Detroit is in ruins and the people who run it are a collection of criminals and incompetents.
[quote]Now I know, that like clock work, certain people are going to be out to say: see, I told you so, those inner city black folks are just off the chain, and it's all the dumbocrats fault. But I submit to you that an argument like that would be totally ludicrous and disingenuous. Why? Because what is happening in Detroit should fall squarely on the shoulders of the people of Detroit. No one else.[/quote]
Filled Negro - I have to admit. When I did the mouse-over on your link about 'certain people' I did a big "LOL". Thanks man. I needed that one.
You know Filled Negro I am going to take a different tact with you on this one.
I'll first ask that you don't pass this off on Detroit alone. You know as well as I do that when it comes to the SOUTH you and Rachel Maddow have no intention what so ever to not connect certain conditions within with your broader agenda.
Let's just be intellectually honest with this one.
BUT I DO AGREE with you on the basic point that Detroit must choose the leadership and the policies in line with what their permanent interests are.
I just ask you to remain consistent per your typically centralized statism on so many other points yet you go "local" on this one.
Leah Rose said...
Field your last post has over 400 comments!!! That would be impressive, if only half of the comments weren't from AB and that bougie, ugly BITCH MMM. God I hate that women.
Looks like your dumb ass never learned how to count, asshole. I may have posted 10 times in that 400+ blog post.
And what kind of man has a user name like Leah Rose anyway? Yeah I know, one that's a fruitcake!
You know the ONLY thing that fucks up this blog are shitheads like YOU who start shit for no fuckin' reason, so get life you jealous, hateful shrew!
Okay, on a second thought...he can probably write better than george bush that was elected to be president.
I give you niggers that.
Work & Family comes first, will be back in the groove soon I hope.
Cactusrose said:
What he has, as he very well explains it, is a learning disability which is a disconnect between his thoughts which are great and when he writes them.
I'm slightly dyslexic too, so I'm quite familiar with his writing struggles. But between a talking computer and/or a Sec'y, there's really no excuse for sending out a memo like this one.
Ok. As a graduate/survivor of Detroit Public Schools, I have to say, if his little tirade there is any indication of his ability to govern the school board, I'm absolutely amazed I managed to get out of there with the ability to put together a full sentence.
It looks like I have one more reason to weep for my home town. This is why I don't read Detroit papers anymore. Too much heartbreak for one little woman to handle.
In defense of the Bowery Boy, that is The President of The Detroit School Board, John John "Slip Mahoney" Mathis,I have to give him the benefit of doubt.
See, I write, and talk, in a colloguial manner. So, I understand his stumble bumble. I mean, I believe the mistakes lay at the feet of a computor generated e-mail. Well, when I took a gander at his sentence structure, I noticed a few glaring mis-steps. Aside from a few missing commas and periods, we all received his message, right? Okay, maybe we all didn't catch his drift? But...
Anyway, check this out.
Computor operator: City please?
Mathis: Detroit
Operator: Okay, you said Beliot?
Mathis: NO! slow your roll.
Operator: Okay, that's row, R. O. W.
Mathis: NO! It's none of that.
Operator: You are correct. "None DPS row's and who is the watch dog"
Mathis: This is a shame! 3 times you've committed an error.
computor operator: Okay, gotcha... "Move Mark Twain to Boynton which have 3 times the number seats"
Mathis: Do me one favor so I can regroup
Computor: Right, final words. "Do DPS control the Foundation or outside group"
***sending e-mail***
It's not Billy Bob's fault! Yawl need to stop hatin on a brotha. It's the robots fault. Come on now, the school system lacks funds, right. So you can't blame them for using a revamped R2D2 & c3po. :-)
TSC, "Fuck a wingnut. Especially a Anonymous one.
I'm looking at you, 10:56."
It takes a person with a low IQ and a profane conscience to stay "trapped in SC".
So continue to practice your country-based low profanity. I am sure it gives your stained mind a false sense of empowerment.
Btw, I am a long way from being a wingnut, but I am someone who wants to see better qualified people in positions in our school system and the black communtity-esp in EDUCATION.
Otherwise, our children might end up like you: class-less, un-dignified, and a shameless 'liar'.
CF, "I just ask you to remain consistent per your typically centralized statism on so many other points yet you go "local" on this one."
Field, this is a very good point. Why the switch up?
My impression is that he has a learning disability. The problem is that he doesn't know what the disability is. He was placed in special ed, but apparently not tested & diagnosed, & therefore not taught appropriate compensational skills. He was elected to the Board, not appointed. I'm inclined to cut him a break. But he should not be doing his own typing. He should be dictating it.
Mathis graduated from HS with a 0.98 GPA. He took 15 years to graduate from college because in part he could not pass an English proficiency exam. He sued to have that requirement overturned but lost.
He only graduated because the college dropped the requirement. Mathis was only admitted to college in the first place via a program for "academically unqualified" students.
It was stories such as Mathis' which were the catalyst for Michigan's adoption of a constitutional amendment to ban affirmative action in the public sector, specifically college admissions.
Mathis may be a nice fellow but he is not qualified for his job. The leader must be the best. He is in his mid fifties. That is more than enough time to have addressed his issue. Ironically he is leading a fight against state takeover of the Detroit School Board academic program.
Go figure...
Yeah, he should have had a secretary proof read his memos before he sends them out; that is professionalism 101.
"CF, "I just ask you to remain consistent per your typically centralized statism on so many other points yet you go "local" on this one."
Field, this is a very good point. Why the switch up?"
No "switch up.". I am big on a centralized government, but come on, it's a local school board. Even the [un]constructive one should be able to figure that one out.
[quote]It looks like I have one more reason to weep for my home town. This is why I don't read Detroit papers anymore. Too much heartbreak for one little woman to handle.
Ms Iman:
I understand how a person from Detroit and from cities on my list (Newark, Philly, Chicago, Cleveland, Baltimore, DC, Rochester, St Louis etc) might be frustrated with the issues in their school. Out of a need to keep a positive mental outlook YOU have chosen to cover your eyes and not look in that direction. Believe me I understand.
UNFORTUNATELY I can't accept this as an EFFECTIVE, long term strategy IF your goal is to MANAGE your community's way out of its present condition.
You have to understand Ms Iman - the people who now RUN THESE VALUABLE COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS were PUT THERE by the community.
These are the people who are part of the machine that campaigned decades ago AGAINST the machine back then who THEY SAID were failing them. Now that THEY are in power - it is time for CONSISTENCY.
This is the very same advice that I have for my BFF Filled Negro as it relates to the damage done in Philadelphia schools.
It is a must that you lean against the "favorable people" that are now in office just as the community leaned against their adversaries - who have now departed.
TO FAIL to do this, yet continue your grievances toward the STATE and FEDS - you functionally allow the PROGRESSIVE EXPANSIONISM that I am so critical of. This has people looking PAST LOCAL INCOMPETENCE as they "GO NATIONAL" - seeking to gain their SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHTS from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
The truth is that they are UNABLE to order their LOCAL HUMAN RESOURCES to DELIVER "Social Justice" among THEMSELVES therefore they take up the "Struggle For S.J." from some EXTERNAL force - just as most Progressive-Fundamentalists are most comfortable with.
"You have to understand Ms Iman - the people who now RUN THESE VALUABLE COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS were PUT THERE by the community.
These are the people who are part of the machine that campaigned decades ago AGAINST the machine back then who THEY SAID were failing them. Now that THEY are in power - it is time for CONSISTENCY.
This is the very same advice that I have for my BFF Filled Negro as it relates to the damage done in Philadelphia schools.
It is a must that you lean against the "favorable people" that are now in office just as the community leaned against their adversaries - who have now departed.
TO FAIL to do this, yet continue your grievances toward the STATE and FEDS - you functionally allow the PROGRESSIVE EXPANSIONISM that I am so critical of..." BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Translation: Please vote republican.
[quote]I am big on a centralized government, but come on, it's a local school board[/quote]
My BFF Filled Negro:
Little Rock, Birmingham, Selma, Charlotte, New Orleans were all LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS when they struggled with their issues with ACCESS TO QUALITY SCHOOLS. WHY didn't YOU defend the actions and incompetencies of the LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS despite the fact that the OUTCOMES WERE THE SAME:
I can't allow you to shift your vision from BROAD to NARROW when it is to your advantage Filled Negro.
Detroit's public schools post worst scores on record in national assessment
* How much POTENTIAL of young Black kids need to be STOLEN from them before you will coordinate your focus LOCALLY?
* How many GENERATIONAL CYCLES will be continued in which the Prison Industrial Complex will be the "CONTINUING EDUCATION" centers for these kids after their GOVERNMENT OPERATED SCHOOLS have failed them Filled Negro?
I keep reading LIP SERVICE in which various Negro leaders tell us that "EDUCATION IS A GAME CHANGER....."("and that's why we loyally support our president").
Filled Negro - we have clear evidence which exposes this entire charade.
You choose to FOLLOW your preferences instead of your INSTINCTS.
You told us that you went to the "Congressional Black Democrat Caucus Weekend" where you hobnobbed with the "important Negroes" from around the nation as they STRATEGIZED for our people's SALVATION.
Did they talk about "Failed Urban Education" or was this all about fancy catering at the events and vocal flexing?
Filled Negro I am NOT talking about a strategy from them that has the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT coming in and centrally directing these failed urban schools initiatives.
I am talking about INTROSPECTION. There is NOT ONE OF THESE FAILED SCHOOL SYSTEMS which are controlled by an ENEMY to the Black Establishment powers as represented by the CBDC, the NAACPP, Rainbow/PUSH and others.
We now must ask ourselves, Filled Negro: "Since there is no HOSTILITY between these actor-vist groups and those who are MATERIALLY FAILING OUR CHILDREN"..............maybe it is these ACTOR-VIST GROUPS that are ACTUALLY HOSTILE to the interests to the Black Community and its key PERMANENT INTEREST:
QUALITY EDUCATION - So that our children can be trained up to provide the PROFESSIONAL SERVICES that our community needs to live up to the high STANDARD OF LIVING that we desire.
Filled Negro - your dream of UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE resides in fixing these PUBLIC SCHOOLS - not by what you can get the Federal Legislature to do for you.
You appear to be SILENT as the squandering continues. Are you sure that you have your "chasing
activities" properly attuned?
"We know that you are working hard. We need to know WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?"
[quote]Translation: Please vote republican.[/quote]
If you say so Filled Negro.
Ironically more damning to you (in your mind) than ME asking you to "Vote Republican" (when I am not even a Republican) is when I express the AUDACITY to expect that you will GO BACK TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE A PART OF THE MACHINE THAT YOU HAVE ASSISTED IN ASSEMBLING WITH THE PROMISES OF CERTAIN BENEFIT.......LEANING UPON THEM TO ACTUALLY PRODUCE WHAT THEY PROMISED.
Filled Negro Exposed!!!
(Send me some pictures of you so that I can post them)
Oh Snap. You mean be accoutable. C;mon not many of us negroes wan that. Rock on CF.
i have been unable to find out when this guy got elected and how, and how long his term is. i don't understand why these basic facts aren't in any of the news stories.
the time to have been aware of his writing difficulties would have been DURING THE CAMPAIGN. why didn't this come out before? was it hidden?
i ran a successful BOE campaign. in some regions being the "president" of the board is a largely ceremonial position. he's not the superintendent. boards are typically part-time.
what's more disturbing is he is also a substitute teacher
one conservative blogger says mathis is a liar:
Dear Detroit Parents:
Your school system ranks at the bottom in literacy and has a dropout rate of 60%. Your school board president is “borderline illiterate”. Otis Mathis cannot spell or put together a simple sentence. You really should consider upgrading your school board. Your children deserve better.
One more thing. Mr. Mathis is also a liar. In the Detroit News article below, “He credits a high school English teacher with encouraging him to graduate, getting him to attend school “once a week instead of every two weeks” by giving him an audio version of Alex Haley’s “Roots,” one vinyl record at a time.”
There is only one problem with Mr. Mathis’ touching “Roots” story: Mr. Mathis graduated from high school in 1973. Alex Haley’s “Roots” was published in 1976, and was televised in 1977.- Mayrant
I am dyslexic and it takes a while to get things organised to read, write, and make sense of what is written and read. Has nothing to do with mentaloty or edumucashun.
But I think you are quite correct in your thoughts on the appearances, and the effects, though, are on the money.
Our own local district (the "Clown College")was in an uproar over retention and achievement some years back, and my father-in-law, one of the smartest men I ever knew, observed:
"If you put half-assed people in charge of kids, don't be surprised if you wind up with quarter-assed kids".
When one observes some of the
1/64th assed individuals that resulted from time frame, you can't say he's wrong.
The secretary thing is probably not a bad idea for the individual who is the subject of your blog today.
Nelson Rockefeller was very severely dyslexic and literally memorised all his speaches and had to have a lot of the communiques to his office read to him, and no one knew until he admitted it. He also memorised faces, names, and places, never forgot a one. My father had a lot of fun with him on that one!
"And if the wingnuts are indeed jumping all over this, you can be sure it's mostly to distract attention from the (white) Texas Board of Education heads - who certainly were able to read and write well enough to make proposed US history books an international laughingstock."
Right on Nanette.
Now where is CF and Gwhizz to defend massa and yelp "we're not worried about what white people do".
"Ironically more damning to you (in your mind) than ME asking you to "Vote Republican" (when I am not even a Republican)"
Oh puh-leeze negro.
You practically break into tears over the slightest criticism of Bush and Cheney.
Tell us CF.
What Democrat have you ever voted for?
Have you ever voted a black candidate for public office?
Who did you vote for in the last Presidential election?
it is an inexcusable shocking embarassment that proves his illiteracy and inadequacy!
who really hired him and why???
he will be used to scapegoat admin/teachers again...
tragic that this one ignorant inept man will be used as yet one more HUGE smoke screen to mask MILLIONS of horrid lazy wild and even MORE illiterate students and worse toxic parents!!!....shame!!!
and MOST tragically, this lone fool will be used to help hobama WORSEN AND MORE DEEPLY SECURE THE ACADEMIC GENOCIDE OF NCLB...SHAME!!!
assnons live for me...and adore me enough to admit that publicly...wow!...
uptownsteve said...
"And if the wingnuts are indeed jumping all over this, you can be sure it's mostly to distract attention from the (white) Texas Board of Education heads - who certainly were able to read and write well enough to make proposed US history books an international laughingstock."
Right on Nanette"
And what kind of laughingstock is Detroit? Should we be laughing? Education is a serious subject, and UTS is a profoundly unserious
man. It is mindsets like steve's who put racial solidarity above all else that doom these kids to failure. And so we go, straight to hell.
"leah rose" sounds like a man to me...whoever the coward is..it is clear they envy u, your fans, and your blog!
where is YOUR blog??? where are YOUR fans???...never fret, i will NEVER post there!
"And what kind of laughingstock is Detroit? Should we be laughing? Education is a serious subject, and UTS is a profoundly unserious
man. It is mindsets like steve's who put racial solidarity above all else that doom these kids to failure. And so we go, straight to hell."
Who said anything about racial solidarity?
The Detroit school situation is abysmal which is why Bobb and Mayor Bing are committed to blowing the whole thing up and starting from scratch..
But people like you (are you the racist ANON or the Tom?) could care less about Detroit schoolchildren or black folks in general.
You just look for any incident or occurence which supports your "black failure" mindset.
"And so we go, straight to hell."
Speak for yourself fool.
I've got a son who recieved his MBA from GWU last year and is working at a K St investment firm.
My 14 year old just received his acceptance letter to DeMatha HS, one of the most presitigous and renown prep schools in the DC area.
If your kids are failing the reason is propabably in your mirror.
If your kids are failing the reason is propabably in your mirror
is that the reason so many black students are failing, their parents?
What are you yapping about?
Your parents obviously failed.
You can't even spell your name.
uptownsteve said...
If your kids are failing the reason is propabably in your mirror.
But this is only one part of the story IMHO.
I taught high school chemistry in an inner city school and I'd like to think that my abilities as a teacher picked up the slack where my kid's parents left off.
In other words a "can do" attitude repeated enough to ANY child by ANYONE one soon becomes a self fulfilling prophesy in that child.
thank u
u r a great man/african king
i love u
and i undestand you have just one daughter/princess right?
i know your are a great dad
as all real men are...
well, if you ever decide to adopt another child, LOTS of immature whiny morons/bitches/bitch made male fools who ask you to help them endure the whippings they BEG for would LOVE for you to be their daddy!!!
i am a fiery leo who hates all bullies...especially rabid adults who bully children of any race!!!..i will always be fired up when i see racist black gaybashers abuse white lesbians like mr and her fans herein have...shame!!!!
I won't speak to this gentleman's problem with writing, that's already been addressed by other comments, but there is a need to be vigilant with our kids. My brother has daughter who's an honors student, yet when she is with her friends she peppers her speech with "like" and "y'know", a la "valley girl talk". He insists that when she comes in the door, she drops all that nonsense and talk in standard adult English. It's been a battle at times.
We are all capable of having two language sets. One for hangin' with our friends, and one for interviews and other times when it's important to communicate in an educated fashion. This was pointed out by the new linguist for the NY Times on NPR yesterday, and it's something we ALL should keep in mind. It's OK for your kids to fit in to the crowd with local speech patterns and dialect, so long as they're able to switch to proper English when the situation dictates.
uptownsteve said...
What are you yapping about?
Your parents obviously failed.
You can't even spell your name.
What are you yapping about?
Okay CF, I mean UTS. Evade and avoid.
ou practically break into tears over the slightest criticism of Bush and Cheney.
You do the very same when someone criticizes the black community, but you don't even see it.
Which is the sad part.
"In other words a "can do" attitude repeated enough to ANY child by ANYONE one soon becomes a self fulfilling prophesy in that child."
I totally agree.
The young men at Chicago's Urban Prep Academy are living testaments to that.
I was just given ass-non-wipe some grief.
I'd like to think that my abilities as a teacher picked up the slack where my kid's parents left off.
wow if everyone were like you, then there would be more black males going to college and not the pen.
Ab knows how hard teachers try to reach these toxic youth/parents. She lived it daily. As do mnay of us.
amen to all who are looking at this with their third eye:
"destroyt/detroit" is a local horror that will be pimped to "destroy" public schools via NCLB 2.0 NATIONALLY by
elite pvt schools were never decimated by NCLB and they never will be
and hobama will make it WORSE as he has made everything his cuz gwb began WORSE...shame!!!
we are being tag teamed in this evil empire yet again:
watch and see...
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government."
The young men at Chicago's Urban Prep Academy are living testaments to that.
it's sad you can claim only a few successes.
asswipe? stop talking about your wife again.
"You do the very same when someone criticizes the black community, but you don't even see it."
This is the problem that doesn't penetrate your skull.
Why is it that whenever ONE black person or neighborhood fucks up, people like you try to make it an indictment of the black COMMUNITY?
Why when a white person or institution does the same shit, it's a refelection of THAT INDIVIDUAL?
Can you answer THAT or will you evade?
i have been unable to find out when this guy got elected and how, and how long his term is. i don't understand why these basic facts aren't in any of the news stories.
He was elected to the board by district voters in 2008. It's a four year term. He was elected President of the School Board in January of this year. That position has a two year term.
thank you...
my heart will be forever broken because i formally left a profession i adore to get the rivers of blood of NCLB off of my hands!
congrats on your budding scholar!
it begins at home always....kudos to you!
see 9:40
thank YOU!!!
Why when a white person or institution does the same shit, it's a refelection of THAT INDIVIDUAL?
UTS I totally agree with you. However, there are systemic issues within the black community you choose to ignore (as many call you out on daily on this blog). That's all I am saying. Your mindset is the same, but a polar opposite of CF's. I just don't think you can see it. Easy there boy, not trying to fight.
"then there would be more black males going to college and not the pen."
Still peddling that lie, eh?
Time to school you AGAIN.
all who are hated are always judged by the LEAST among them...blacks/womens/gays/poor/
ghetto dwellers/muslims/etc
ALL who are considered OTHERS are abused this precise same way to PROVE that ALL hatreds are EQUALLY wrong
and "special rights" are ONLY equal rignts for "unequal people"...always!!!
UTS is right...that is a lie. however it's still a disproportionate amount.
Everybody acknowledges that incarceration rates among young black males are much higher than among whites or Hispanics. An August 2003 Bureau of Justice Statistics analysis shows that 32 percent of black males born in 2001 can expect to spend time in prison over the course of their lifetime. That is up from 13.4 percent in 1974 and 29.4 percent in 1991. By contrast, 17.2 percent of Hispanics and 5.9 percent of whites born in 2001 are likely to end up in prison.
"However, there are systemic issues within the black community you choose to ignore (as many call you out on daily on this blog)."
I live in a community of black folks where the average household income is in excess of 6 figures, two parent families, there is at least 1 college graduate in the home and just about every kid in the area who has graduated HS has gone on to college in the 10 years I've been here.
The majority of black America is working to middle class.
The ghetto underclass is at the extreme.
Now tell me about those "ystemic problems that affect me as a black man" that I'm denying.
I just love it when clowns like you try to tell me what my reality is.
Thanks for the kind words.
all who are hated are always judged by the LEAST among them...blacks/womens/gays/poor/
ghetto dwellers/muslims/etc
AGREED...all groups in all ways!!!
Muslims = extremist killers
Gays = Sex addicted flaming sluts
the list goes on and on, it's not just in the black cummunity
community...guess that shows where my mind is today.
UnConn.... you are a funny dude... you spend volumes of posts castigating Field for not focusing on the local and being critical... and then when he does... you castigate that..... too much!
I honestly can't imagine anyone thinking this is ok. Even if he was special ed... that is no excuse.. as others have pointed out, there are ways to get out communications without this kind of embarrassment being the result. For pete's sake, there is spell and grammar check on every computer.... just in writing this post, I was "spell and grammar checked" in the process!
The majority of black America is working to middle class.
Proof please...I would love to see this. Is it true AB? I hope so, but I am not sure. And I trust AB's research because of her lessened agenda.
You are looking at an institutional/systemic issue through an individual lens my friend. It does not work that way.
An August 2003 Bureau of Justice Statistics analysis shows that 32 percent of black males born in 2001 can expect to spend time in prison over the course of their lifetime.
And it's highlighting bullshit stats like THIS one that ALWAYS prove useless to the Black community as a whole. Why do I call bullshit? Because a person's future is in THEIR hands not the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
More whites than Black are arrested simply because THERE ARE MORE OF THEM!!!! But I don't see a headline about that shit!!
"Proof please...I would love to see this."
This idiot actually believes most blacks are in the ghetto.
"You are looking at an institutional/systemic issue through an individual lens my friend. It does not work that way."
Then why don't you explain it works then?
So I guess the black community has no more/less issues than others.
Thank you for the link UTS.
But my name is not Jee-Zus.
shady, i read both those pieces already and neither had the information you cited. how much did he win by? who was his opponent?
uptownsteve said...
The majority of black America is working to middle class.
You know I always thought the Cosby Show was more popular in white households than Good Times, but apparently I got it all wrong!
NO...it is not and never has been true!!
elites pretend it is true to sleep at night!...and stay detached and uninvolved from
"angry unstable" pverty activists!!
most people of all races are VERY poor in america!
hobama inc has defined "middle class" as those who garner income of 250K plus...
my wife and i make les than half of that combined...as 2 veteran white collar professionals with master's degrees!!!
and most people make much less than we do!!
even rich people are using food stamps in NYC
and the poverty will INTENSIFY if hobama pulls off that health care hoax this week!
see many links here:
mathis bio. note typo in phone number. i read somewhere he was a vietnam vet. isn't he too young? and he wrote this in 2009, was already retired?
was a school teacher...with a GED? but had a BS?
Thank you AB.
america pretends to be the land of the free and the home of the rich...
this keeps the disaster/relief agencies in business and keeps foreign babies being adopted like exotic accessories...
but there are children who live like poor haitians and africans right in the usa
most people in american make less than 20k per yr...they live in apts off of min wage jobs with no benefits...OF ALL RACES...
do the math:
law firms v. mcdonalds?
cheap apts v. gated communities
police jobs v. jail cells
the american dream has become an unattainable myth!!!
hobama was selected to slay the dream 4ever!!!
"So I guess the black community has no more/less issues than others."
If you look at it rationally that is true.
There is a disproportionate level of underclass poverty within the black community (about 24%) and you will find that THAT is where most of the dysfunction lies.
Black middle class people have the same values and behavior of the peers of any hue.
"You know I always thought the Cosby Show was more popular in white households than Good Times, but apparently I got it all wrong!"
The Cosbys were not middle class but upper class.
The other extreme from the ghetto.
But I would venture that there are far more black Americans today who resemble "Family Matters" than "Good Times".
What say you?
u r welcome
i live in il and ar
and i have always taught in poor urban and rural schools
i see the HUGE income gaps each day
poor whites do NOT have to deal with PTSSD(post traumatic slavery stress disorder)/racial profiling/insititional racism/serial turbo breeding as SLAVERY remnant etc/the toxins of black thug life/the pervasiveness of gang life (only latinos endure worse)/absent male role models and dads as the norm
so yes
no race is without dysfunction
but poor blacks DO have the most
many poor blacks are ex cons/felons who cannot even rent apts in the own name
many poor whites own their own trailers
are ills are worse!
that is why we MUST have a blck agenda from hobama!!!
rushing always:
many poor blacks are ex cons/felons who cannot even rent apts in THEIR own names
OUR ills are worse!
that is why we MUST have a BLACK agenda from hobama!!!
there have always been fewer huxtables
but today
family matters fams have become the huxtables!
that is what u r missing
the middle class has been decimated
most are POORER than good times ie
on good times:
2 parents worked
2 parents were wed
all of the kids had the same dad
even just those 3 things are now RARE for most people!!!
"but poor blacks DO have the most"
That's a pile of shit.
Most ex-felons can't rent or own regardless of race.
And yes, there is a difference in urban poverty and rural poverty.
Most poor whites in America are rural, most black and hispanic poor are urban.
And with urban poverty comes street violence, open drug dealing, street crime and jail.
Have you been paying attention to the violence in Acapulco and Caracas these days?
Dozens of young hispanic men gunned down in broad daylight from drug wars.
Are you telling me that's not as bad as Detroit?
This one is funny! The hypocrisy of the functionally illiterate Porch Simian (AKA CF) trying to criticize someone who can't write a sentence!
As to the criticism that Mathis should hire a secretary - the emails in question apparently came off his Blackberry instead of from a more formal communications media. Unless the City is going to hire a secretary to follow him around to send his Blackberry messages for him - they will have to tolerate Mathis's disability.
Unlike the Porch Simian, Mathis has a disability - he isn't stupid.
There are a lot of people in this country who have managed to get degrees who can't effectively put words to paper, compose a sentence, a paragraph, or even a 3 paragraph formal argument. Many of the foreign students who come here from countries where the native language isn't English, never become proficient - yet they graduate from our colleges and Universities - and often matriculate through post-grad studies. A lot of guys sitting in boardrooms in this country struggle to write above the level of a 7th grader.
In Mathis' defense, our public education system is designed around educating everyone. That includes students with disabilities. That is one of the reasons public school test scores may appear lower than some private or charter schools who don't have to take kids with disabilities. The goal of that education of kids with learning disabilities is to allow them to participate as full citizens. That doesn't mean producing perfect little Stepford Clones with education degrees from all the "right" schools.
LD doesn't mean dumb. Indeed, many kids who have dyslexia have an IQ an order of magnitude higher than some of the most proficient trolls who frequent this board.
In that view - why should we discriminate against the very same population, and exclude them from positions of responsibility in our School governing bodies? The goal here is to provide everyone with an opportunity to participate in the government. Mr Mathis represents a segment of our population with disabilities...
Denying his an opportunity to hold a job based on those disabilities stinks to me of denying someone a job because their "disability" is being black.
visit any jail or prison
most of the felons are black ONLY because the wm are FREE criminals who get arrested less
i stated that latinos endure MORE babies as catholic religion and MORE gangs as culture
but the only man richer than bill gates is a latino too...not a bro!
and latino cartels are ERASING rich black drug dealers in atlanta
blacks are getting EVEN poorer than latinos uts!
Maria, I don't remember who were the persons or people running against Mathis for election in District 2 for the Detroit School Board election in 2008. I do know that board members serve four year terms. The President of the Board serves a two year term. As the Laura Berman article I sent pointed out, this past January Mathis was elected to President by a 10-1 margin over his opponent, Tyrone Winfrey, an University of Michigan academic officer.
This is also likely in all the bylaws of the board website that I posted earlier.
do the math
black and latino women are the poorest
MORE single latino girls will soon lead MOST american homes
black females have been solo heads of housholds for yrs
fewer poor people will ever afford college
nclb destroys college prep for poor kids bored to death in horrid schools
YOU do the math!!!
"visit any jail or prison
most of the felons are black ONLY because the wm are FREE criminals who get arrested less"
AB you're gonna tell me that a prison in New Mexico, Utah and Arizona is going to house mainly BLACK INMATES?????
My Uncle just retired from the NYC Prison at Rikers Island where most of the criminals are from Manhattan and the Bronx and guess WHAT????
The prison population at Rikers is predominately hispanic.
Same with LA County.
Poverty is poverty and ghettoes are ghettoes and I am sick and tired of people suggesting that it's always "worse" for blacks.
I can produce a link which proved that when Jews were predominately the inner city poor in NYC, THEY were over 50% of the inmates in NY jails.
"but the only man richer than bill gates is a latino too...not a bro!"
AB Carlos Slim Helu is a white man.
You are aware that there are white people who speak Spanish, right?
also consider the poverty of regentrification
what has been done to most urban enclaves in america is now being done globally!
global poverty is rapidly worsening by design via hobama inc
hobama is regentrifying the globe!!!
teachers teach more homeless teens each day!
uptownsteve said...
The Cosbys were not middle class but upper class.
I disagree, I think they were upper middle class, but certainly NOT upper class.
How are you defining upper class by education, income, or both?
Well, this is no surprise -- inner city schools are often ran by incompetent cronies who luck their way to the top. But this is just, well, sad. The head of the school board being functionality illiterate is akin to finding out that your health club was founded by Rosanne Barr and Kevin Smith.
Now I know that many folks are hating the new education reforms that Obama is proposing, but damn after reading this nonsense, the government has to do something!!
In the information age, education is vital for a healthy democracy but also a healthy economy and national security. No business are going to move to Detroit when schools are this piss-poor. And how exactly are we going to gather intelligence on the latest middle east crackpot waiting to blow us up if the lieutenants can't write the reports?
My main issue with the Obama plan is that it focuses too much on teachers. Yes, teachers hold some of the blame, but its primarily the city school boards that really screw up local education. Its usually some bean-counter crony of the mayor or PhD egghead creating half-baked education policies and forcing them on your kids.
If anything, the new education policy should be if that your school district is screwed up, the entire school board is fired immediately and replaced by a federally appointed administrator. Also, the Fed would take over funding the school system for 3 years.
Yes, I know its not the typical Left flower-child 'parent teacher solution', but kill that noise. First of all, if the parents truly cared about this foolishness these bums would have been gone years ago. And the parents who do care typically take their kids out of these schools if they can afford it (which is as idiotic as buying only bottled water, but I'll rant about that one later)
And second, these local bureaucrats have had decades to get things right and have done little to nothing. This is where Alicia and I agree in part -- why should teachers be blamed for failing schools when its usually ignorant fools like Otis Mathis who write policy?
he is a mexican man
he is not white
u r in deep denial
please wake up
he is an ethnic mexican!!!!
AB Carlos Slim Helu is a white man.
What the fuck? White Man? Are you smoking crack homeboy?
"In that view - why should we discriminate against the very same population, and exclude them from positions of responsibility in our School governing bodies? The goal here is to provide everyone with an opportunity to participate in the government. Mr Mathis represents a segment of our population with disabilities...
Denying his an opportunity to hold a job based on those disabilities stinks to me of denying someone a job because their "disability" is being black."
I don't want people that can't communicate effectively in positions of leadership.
I don't want people that take fifteen years to graduate college in positions of leadership.
If someone has a 0.98 GPA in high school then maybe college is not the place for him.
Michigan's voters eliminated affirmative action in college admissions and public contracting. They did so not only out of racism but also because they believed that stories like that of Mr. Mathis were common.
This makes people like Shelby Steele or Ward Connerly be able to say "I told you so".
Having someone that cannot read or write effectively as an image of leadership for a city school system that just posted the lowest scores ever recorded is tragic. It sends the wrong message. It makes defending or promoting affirmative action that much more difficult and undercuts the Board's argument against state takeover of local academic standards. If Mathis is the best, then it's not suprising that only 25% of students even graduate high school.
There are plenty of careers or positions where Mathis' drawbacks would be minor. But education isn't one of them. I don't want a surgeon with cerebral palsy and I certainly don't want a school board President who communicates only marginally better than a smart German Shepherd.
No one is questioning Mathis' ability to vote, own property or enjoy any of his other rights and privileges as a citizen. I am questioning the wisdom of having an educational leader who has trouble composing a coherent sentence.
Father = Lebanese
Mother = Mexican
HMMMM....White man this not make. UTS you are losing cred quickly.
MeandMyMicroscope said...
uptownsteve said...
The Cosbys were not middle class but upper class.
I disagree, I think they were upper middle class, but certainly NOT upper class.
How are you defining upper class by education, income, or both?
MMM, its both. The Huxtables were highly educated professionals. Cliff was an OB-GYN in private practice. Working in medicine, I can tell you those guys typically make more than $200K a year. Hell, a regular internist makes about $120K. And Claire was a partner in a large law firm -- another $200K. So, their annual income was at least $400K in current dollars. The large Manhattan brownstone alone indicates that they were pulling crazy bank. They weren't millionaires, but they were definitely upper middle class.
thank u for always being the consummate voice of obama nazis:
"but damn after reading this nonsense, the government has to do something!!"
this is what has slain america...
trusting the govt!
the govt has already given us nclb 1.0...that is the problem!!!
hobama's govt nclb 2.0 will slay us even more!
this week if obamacare passes we will all be MORE doomed than kids by nclb
Steve is correct that more black folks are working and middle class than poor. The black poor in this country shrunk to about 19.5% during the economic boom under Clinton. With the current economic meltdown engendered by the Bushit Wall Street Ponzi fiasco, and the "Money for nothing" mortgage scam - that is up to about 25% due to massive under- and unemployment..
Further, the fastest growing ethnic segment in America the last 10 years of families with combined incomes over $150k - have been black families. That segment has shown a 55% jump since 2000, and shows signs of making greater gains, as more second generation black middle class matriculate through college.
The percentage of the black population with high school degrees has shot up from 66% in 1990 to over 83% today, college graduate rates increased 42% between 1990 and 1995, and continue to increase at a substantially higher rate than the population in general, Almost 1/3 of all African Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 are in enrolled in higher education - that is up from 20% in 1990. Blacks who do achieve a degree, are 3 times more likely than their white counterparts to get a post-grad. 12% of the black population between 25 and 35 is pursuing higher education, vs. 9.8% of whites.
Yes there are problems, and there is plenty of dysfunction in urban environments - however, the vast majority of black folks in this country...
Don't live in that environment anymore.
"he is a mexican man
he is not white"
This sounds like Anonymous idiot who said that "Obama's father wasn't black. He was Kenyan."
Are you actually saying that there are no white Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Argentinians or Columbians?
The mere act of speaking Spanish makes one non-white?
What color are the majority of the citizens of Spain?
What color was former Mexican President Vicente Fox?
LACoincidental said...
.They weren't millionaires, but they were definitely upper middle class.
I already stated they were upper middle class in a previous post (which you quoted) so I'm not sure what your point is.
FYI, a lone OB/Gyn in private practice isn't making much money due to the cost of their liability insurance. Furthermore, not every partner in a law firm is clocking 200K either.
If they were truly making 400K my guess is that they would have lived in a brownstone in Manhattan
Thank you btx.
As you can see some of these folks have major problems with facts.
all i can fathom (even for uts) abuot why anyone would deny that this man is latino is this:
most blacks suffer so that they fear the idea of even latinos surpassing us in any way...
but it is already happening in every arena...
i never let ANY fear blind me
most people LIVE blinded by fear of anyone or anything that is not a clone of them
most blacks have no problem admitting that gangs/teen pregnancy are worse for latinos
but they ignore all the latino lawyers/judges/techies... who may soon surpass them
the racists in the tea party hate mexicans even more than hobama/gays!
i love ALL diversity and latinos...so i have no reason to lie about carlos being white!
he is a mexican man
he is not white
u r in deep denial
please wake up
he is an ethnic mexican!!!!
Carlos is of almost 100% Lebanese extraction - not Mexican Indian.
He is, by any definition used in this country, or Mexico - a white guy.
uptownsteve said...
The mere act of speaking Spanish makes one non-white?
I'n with you on this one UTS. Never quite understood the logic that only brown people speak Spanish.
u r changing the subject
all we are saying is one fact about this one richest man who is a MEXICAN by blood!
this man is NOT white at all!
I am a stakeholder in Detroit aka the "D" and this tale about Mathis is a media driven tatic to remove the 'elected school board" from the city voters in Detroit..
I wish FN would have done some homework to comprehend and understand the politics of this story...
It is all about the right to elect a school board and Black voting rights in the 'D'
"all we are saying is one fact about this one richest man who is a MEXICAN by blood!"
Mexico is a country, not a race!!!!
AB - Good morning to you. As usual, you can't see beyond your own craziness to realize we're on the same side and that I actually agree with you that we need reforms in our education system.
The government shouldn't step in to manage failing public schools? Are you freaking high?! Its their damn job, that's why the Department of Education exists. I guess you think the EPA has no responsibility if your water is contaminated. Or the DOT shouldn't fund high ways.
These are public schools i.e. the tax-payer funded "guv'mint" schools. Whether its the city, the state or as a last resort the fed, its our political leaders job to manage and maintain the public welfare -- ie fix the damn schools we pay taxes to run.
Call me a Corporate-Green Obama-Nazi. But can we at least agree that BS like this needs to end before we raise a generation of little Black hooligans who do the Souljah Boy but can't do basic Algebra? I mean hooligans because without a proper education, that's what they'll be. Even today's trade jobs require a high-level of education. Most trades schools and community colleges demand a GED just to become a plumber or an electrician. Trust me, my father has been an auto mechanic and draftsman for over 40 years and he has to ask me about resetting computers in new cars. Short of janitors, picking fruit, cannon fodder for our ridiculous wars and Wal-mart greeters, there are no jobs for anyone without a basic education.
Hell, call me Susan if it makes your nutty ass happy. But please, use your 'towering intellect' to think before you blog.
Shady Grady @11:01am... I completely agree.
lebanese + MEXICAN = latino
even when documented in american schools
as always
the brits do the best news:
Rise of the son of a poverty-stricken Mexican shopkeeper: £35.7bn Carlos Slim knocks Bill Gates off top Forbes rich list
Read more:
Carlos Slim Helu was born the fifth of six children to Lebanese-Mexicans who ran successful small businesses in Mexico City. His mother, Linda Helu, came from a distinguished famil of Lebanese origin who had brought the first Arabic printing press to Mexico in the 19th century. His father, Julian Slim Haddad, was more of a classic immigrant-on-the-make who had arrived in the country in 1902 in order to avoid conscription into the Ottoman army.
go inside any cali prison
tell the gang bangers that they are "NOT MEXICANS"
then holla back
MMM, I meant to say 'upper class'. I know where in NYC that the Cosby house was. Its in the western most part Greenwich Village. A Greenwich village brownstone, in the 80's? You were either the biggest pop artist this side of Rick James or you were seriously paid.
Sorry for the typo.
your personal obsessions with me make you loonier each day
please read your post above
and fix that
why would you ever trust NCLB to repair schools again????
UTS said.."Obama's father wasn't black. He was Kenyan."
Almost, upppy. He was a Muslim Lao tribesman from Kenya.
"Black" refers to Americans of African ancestry. They don't call each other black there, because they are all pretty much the same shade. They prefer to go by tribe.
Affirmative-action beneficiaries like you should just take your fake degrees and cushy porn-surfing jobs and shut the hell up. Opening your mouth just exposes your ignorance.
Jody and Shady Grady
Isn't Mathis an elected official?
If so, what does AA have to do with anything?
I can remember when Frank Rizzo was Mayor of Philadelphia.
That moron barely graduated High School, wore nightsticks in his tuxedo cumberbund, adn butchered the English language regularly at press conferences.
I never heard anyone mention AA for Italians.
""Black" refers to Americans of African ancestry"
Oh reallY?
Don't worry assnon, I'm gonna leave you alone now.
I'm not a sadist and am getting a little bored making you look even more stupid than you actually are.
Alicia, as usual you're missing the point. I didn't say NCLB was great policy. My point is that its up to our elected officials to fix public schools we pay them to manage. Particular policies we can push for, but the highest level letting the DOE and state education official off the hook for failing school districts is just plain foolish and lazy.
these are local schools
the feds use them to destroy black children by design
nclb is the feds' demolition tool of choice
only local admin (with fed funds UNECUMBERED by bs like nclb) and teachers will ever fix local schools
as usual, u r so blinded by your hatred for me that you missed my point...shame
hobama could not care less as his kids attend elite private schools that ignore nclb:
only local admin
with fed funds UNEMCUMBERED by bs like nclb)
and teachers will ever fix local schools
public schools are customized more each day as academic genocide for the poor masses
Everybody knows Mexicans don't speak Spanish. They speak Mexican. Sort of like the Creoles in Louisiana. Spanish Ebonics, maybe? Mexonics?
is that your photo on your bio
if so, you are a gorgeous 10...kudos!
omg...have u seen this philly story yet?
Mathis is indeed an elected official. However he was admitted to college in the first place under a GI bill for "academically unqualified" students. He ended up suing the college because the college had an English proficiency exam which he could not pass.
So his story fits seamlessly into a very ugly right wing meme about black people's IQ, education and ambition.
I don't think Mathis was on the board when Michigan made public affirmative action illegal but apocryphal stories about people that looked just like Mathis were what drove support for the ban. Stories such as Mathis' make it more difficult to rally support for overturning the ban.
I agree, it is not fair that the negative white is considered an individual problem while the negative black is considered representative of his/her group. That is logically and factually incorrect but that is the world we live in.
Unfortunate implications aside, looking at this just from an individual point of view Mr. Mathis should have recognized his need for help. He either should have corrected the problem or ensured that every professional message he sent out was checked for grammar, spelling and coherence. A typo here or there is one thing. But his messages were way beyond that.
SG: "I agree, it is not fair that the negative white is considered an individual problem while the negative black is considered representative of his/her group. That is logically and factually incorrect but that is the world we live in."
A world perpetuated by UTS and everyone else who refers to the "black community" in the first place. If racial identity trumps individualism, then success or failure is ascribed to the group, not the individual. If blacks (like most other "groups") associated on the basis of personal interest rather than group interest, there would be little need to generalize about blacks. There are black rotary club members, math professors, country music fans, and cattle ranchers, yet this diversity of personalities is swamped by a rigidly conformist idea of what is is to be "black". People like UTS are out there all the time enforcing this conformity of thought, calling out anyone who tries to express any diversity of opinion.
Shady Grady
You have a bunch of rightwing yahoos polluting the airwaves who didn't even graduate from college!
Rush and Hannity come immediately to mind.
As far as AA in Michigan is concerned, there were 1250 white students admitted to Univ of Michigan with lower test scores than Jennifer Gratz yet she and her rightwing patrons blamed her lack of admission on AA blacks.
So the whole debate is based on lies, propoganda and white resentment with little basis in fact.
And I'll ask once again, if Mathis was elected by the citizens of Detroit then what does AA have to do with anything?
"People like UTS are out there all the time enforcing this conformity of thought, calling out anyone who tries to express any diversity of opinion."
Anon I know that your booty is still hurting from the kickin I gave it this morning but I will challenge you to present one statement from me that would suggest I oppose diversity of opinion.
I have made no secret that I believe that black conservatives are the biggest phonies and liars on earth and I will continue to expose you every time you open your lying mouths.
But you have every right to be wrong and stupid.
Upton: "But you have every right to be wrong and stupid."
See what I mean.
Mathis can always get a job at Mickey-D's flipping burgers. Maybe he can help that fat-assed woman from the previous thread break the world's record.
Speaking of jobs...I wonder how much Mathis is being paid. Anybody know?
Stupid gets to peel potatos and wash the deck of a boat...
the huxtables were, without a doubt, upper class.
on detroit--is that where greg thrasher hails from? where is he?
oh--thrasher. you're here.
please say more.
As far as AA in Michigan is concerned, there were 1250 white students admitted to Univ of Michigan with lower test scores than Jennifer Gratz yet she and her rightwing patrons blamed her lack of admission on AA blacks.
So the whole debate is based on lies, propoganda and white resentment with little basis in fact.
Yes, yes and yes but that did not change the simple idea which resonated DEEPLY with many white Michiganders, that race should no longer be a factor in college admissions.
It's one thing to talk in general of some blacks entering college with lower grades or test scores. It's another for people to hold up Otis Mathis as an example of what happens when affirmative action is allowed. There are plenty of sites/newspapers GLEEFULLY doing just that right now. Now they not only have dry stats but a face to put on them. And Connerly and Steele will be coming soon to a town near you if they haven't done so already. Things like this will energize an anti-affirmative action campaign.
The reason AA comes to mind is because the first question that people have is how did Mr. Mathis get the job in the first place. Then they find out that he was admitted to college on an scholarship for academically unqualified students. Wheels start to turn.
In Michigan, at least, at the margins the future Otis Mathises of the world will find it harder to get admitted to college.
If we are going to argue, as we did in Michigan, that test scores or grades don't necessarily give the full measure of a student's capacity, we can't have as exhibit A, a man like Otis Mathis, who did benefit from affirmative action but still has trouble writing. It blows holes in the argument.
People don't just respond to reasoned argument or stats. They also respond to symbols. Otis Mathis allows some people an easy symbol to use. Were some of these people racist already? Well, heck yeah. But why make it easy for them?
"It's another for people to hold up Otis Mathis as an example of what happens when affirmative action is allowed."
Mathis was elected by the voters of Detroit to the school board.
He wasn't appointed to anything.
Everytime AA was put to a voter referendum it has been defeated.
It never had any significant white support from the beginning.
And so what?
Is any silverware missing at your house?
AA was a very modest program that didn't affect that many people white or black in 40 years.
It's main purpose was as a wedge issue used to encite racial resentment.
UTS: "I have made no secret that I believe that black conservatives are the biggest phonies and liars on earth and I will continue to expose you every time you open your lying mouths."
Black conservatives are about the only thing left that can save this country. This is the moment where real, positive “change” can be effected by the emergence of strong conservative voices whose credibility isn’t questioned by racist motives. Most of us are pawns in a struggle between the business and academic classes. The difference is that the business class wants to exploit us, and the academic class wants to enslave us. Exploitation can be moderated; slavery cannot. The economist Joseph Schumpeter predicted in 1942 that capitalism couldn't survive because capitalist prosperity would feed a new intellectual caste that would declare war on the bourgeois values and institutions that generate prosperity in the first place. When you hear that conservatives are anti-elitist, you should think they're really anti-new class.
Obama doesn’t represent black interests so much as new class interests, and the backlash we are seeing as manifested by the Tea Party movement is reaction to the attack on the essence of what makes America great. Blacks who are disappointed in Obama’s direction so far should ask themselves if continued support of the first Black President is worth the consequences of the economic destruction currently being wrought by his policies. America has come a long way, and today I am proud of being an American. Proud enough to stand up with people, black or white, who are willing to defend its core institutions against those who would “fundamentally transform” it into the USSA.
What rightwing rag did you plagiarize this bull$hit from assnon?
You know I'll find it, so you might as well come clean.
"The majority of black America is working to middle class."
The majority of white Americans are not middle class. So the majority of blacks are not middle class either. The vast majority of Americans are working class, or increasingly, they are the working poor.
uptownsteve said...
"What rightwing rag did you plagiarize this bull$hit from assnon?
You know I'll find it, so you might as well come clean"
Start looking genius, if you can pull yourself away from www.bigbutts.com.
What are you commited to steve? Apartheid?
ditto uts:
affirmative action is STILL mandatory for ongoing affirmative discrimination!
and clearly white females have always benefitted MOST from afffirmative action...
aff act actually secures MOST positions for non-whites!
but the white supremacy that is CURRENTLY ruling racial census labels today will only make neocons slander libel and skewer aff act more!
Neoconservatives paint affirmative action as a program that favors the hiring of community college graduates over Ivy League graduates. It does no such thing. It does INCLUDE Black Ivy Leaguers in otherwise exclusively white Ivy League personnel pools. Racism forces most Black college graduates to be academically superior to their white peers. Whatever we do, racist professors force us to do it better than white students to achieve the same grades. Fortunately, we excel with habitual ease.
Masterfully, neocons are revamping affirmative action programs to benefit white South Africans and conservative white, female Americans exclusively. Actually, it has always benefitted whites more than Blacks, as “quotas” are always predominately white numerically. Sexism is still more rampant than racism. Black men still earn more than Black women in similar jobs. White women fare better than all Blacks in every occupational arena.
Damn, I'm gonna have to check out that bigbutts.com site. Who knows, I may find someone there we all know!
"Black conservatives are about the only thing left that can save this country."
You think they'd have to win some kind of election before they can save the country, huh?
Ever think about why you won't see any black conservative holding a political office above the rank of dogcatcher?
Might be that the same white righties you grin and jig for aren't going to vote for you because you're just another nigger.
Just one they don't fear.
They laugh at you.
UTS and AB always shows up at the same time.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
Callin’ you Tom is just how I play
See’in me naked made Alicia Banks gay
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
u too now have your very own private stalker assnon...
He's a clown.
Whenever you expose him or corner him with a question he can't answer, he goes into rant/insult mode.
I'm just passing time toying with him.
"I'm just passing time toying with him."
You been owned, Uptown!
UTS, Mathis would not have been admitted to college in the first place were it not for an affirmative action program. That's the affirmative action to which I refer.
If you believe, as some people do, that Blacks are generally less intelligent or capable than whites, Mathis' inability to write intelligibly feeds those misconceptions. I can't make it any more clear than that. If you like you can search several other blogs, newspapers or websites to see just how several self-identified whites make a connection between Mathis, affirmative action and presumed black incompetence.
As far as white support for affirmative action it depends on how the question is worded. But it's untrue that affirmative action has lost on every voter referendum. Ward Connerly LOST the 2008 vote in Colorado, a state that I believe has less of a black population than Michigan. In 2008 in three other states Connerly couldn't get enough support to put his anti-AA measure on the ballot.
And one can quibble about the word "significant" but exit polling in Michigan showed that 41% of white women actually opposed a ban on affirmative action and 30% of white men opposed the ban.
AA was and is pretty important in helping to create and build the black middle class as well as help black businesses in contracting. The contracting issue is just as important than the educational ban because the workplace does not have the "objective" metrics of merit that the educational system can claim.
"If you believe, as some people do, that Blacks are generally less intelligent or capable than whites, Mathis' inability to write intelligibly feeds those misconceptions"
Then all you have to do is produce an example of a white in a position of power who can neither write or speak intelligbly.
George W. Bush anyone?
You give me the impression of being one of these "those ghetto negroes are embarrassing me" folks.
Cast off the yolk brother and know who YOU are.
White folks don't define you.
YOU define you.
My favorite is that Mathis wanted his college to eliminate its English proficiency requirement because his inability to satisfy it made him feel stupid. Excuse me, guy, but that's what you are: stupid.
All that, plus rapes in Haiti too.
All in all, not the best week for blacks, was it?
Black conservatives are the last hope for this country? You mean like Hip-Hop Mike whose such a token clown that even his own GOP puppet masters don't even pretend to care what he says anymore? Or JC Watts who finally got fed up with being a token and left? Or Clarence Thomas whose autobiography reveal a man who is so bitter and self loathing he actually wanted to throw away his Yale Law Degree? Or Armstrong Williams who sold his journalistic opinion to Bush? Or Ward Connelly, whose entire 'pull himself up by the bootstrap without AA' is a flat out lie? That those self-loathing freaks over at FOX? Or the Black woman on Pat Robertson show who sat by while uncle Pat claimed that Haiti was decimated by an earthquake because God was pissed off about Voodoo? The only Black conservative I've seen of any real substance is Colin Powell and Juan Williams (though that's stretching it, too).
Anon -- I have no problem with Black conservatism. We need all legitimate voices at the table. And frankly, many on the so-called Black left have failed to lead or make change. But if this the best is the Black conservatives have to offer, I'll stick with Messy Jesse and Rev. Al.
Most Black conservatives I've seen simply parrot whatever ignorant buffoonery that comes out Rush or Glen Beck's mouths -- often not realizing that they're are insulting themselves in the process. Or, they're more self serving snake oil salesmen than Jesse Jackson could ever be.
the only think you yokin' is that little black one eyed monkey between yo legs.
All that, plus rapes in Haiti too.
Animals...but UTS is not one of them or related to them...his boys are smarts.
LAC: " the best is the Black conservatives have to offer"
...is yet to come.
Well, UTS that's a misconception on your part and that's all I can say about that. I never had a yoke in the first place.
This is about competence. If the argument is that affirmative action is about getting qualified people a shot that they aren't getting because of unfair standards or prejudice you can't have a Mathis front and center.
For those of you who are in a position to hire people or promote people: if you saw a cover letter that looked like something that you've seen from Mathis would that person get a callback?
UTS DON"T hang out wif them there niggers shady...he only likes the uptown ones...he forgot his bros here in the hood.
"the best is the Black conservatives have to offer"
...is yet to come."
They must be planning a tapdance competition and minstrel show at the next RNC convention.
"They must be planning a tapdance competition and minstrel show at the next RNC convention."
Man, you are a one-note Remuis.
Shady_Grady, Mathis was elected -- so if anything he got his job threw cronyism and general voter apathy.
But I agree, guys like Mathis undermine the whole principle of Affirmative Action.
why do blacks tip so poorly?
"See’in me naked made Alicia Banks gay"
That explians AB - post traumatic stress syndrome from seeing UTS's ass!
Any ideas ??
i have no idea...it is embarassing!
and i OVERtip because of it!
Anon - The best Black Conservatism had to offer was Booker T Washington, and he died over 90 years ago.
"But I agree, guys like Mathis undermine the whole principle of Affirmative Action."
It's all over anyway so what's the beef?
So despite the examples of Colin Powell, RADM Steve Rochon (Chief White House Usher) Clarence Thomas, Milton Coleman, Harvard's Stephen Carter and countless others....one Otis Mathis makes the case for dismantling AA.
AB me too!! Some of my friends think I am crazy.
sorry i was late on the walmart sidebar fn
but walmart is a 24 hour ritual in ar...often the only thing open past 10pm...
it is beyond shopping...it is like a club event/ritual
ditto anon:
they tease me too...BUT then they hate on me for the superb svc and greetings i get in all my fav spots...
i even penned a bit about that in my eulogy for sakia...
I feel you, but we know how the enemies of AA think. For the dozens of cats like Powell, Obama, Kenneth Chenault(CEO of American Express) and Deborah Wright (CEO of Carver Bancorp), the Rush Limbaughs of the world will harp on this clown as an example of the government oppressing the white man.
i am so confused by your new avatar...
are u a male or female?
never mind
i clicked on a blog u follow...rather than your own blog
my bad
thanks for the photo!
i wish everyone would post a name and photo herein...it would make this so much easier!
my fav black conservative was
w. e. b dubois...because he died a black liberal radical in voluntary exile from america!
and even when he and booker t w were conservative peers...they NEVER agreed!
Colin Powell was not a conservative. He was a moderate who was strong proponent of Affirmative Action.
He also was an idealist who felt that through his personal excellence and high position that he could attract more blacks to the GOP as well showing the GOP how they could appeal to blacks.
He found out quickly that the GOP wasn't interested in attracting large numbers of blacks and only had use for blacks who slandered their own people and followed directions from the GOP leadership.
And I disagree with you about Juan Williams.
A bottom dwelling hustler of the lowest order.
Was an advisor to Jesse Jackson back in the 80s when THAT was fashionable.
Then he perused the landscape and the emergence of Fox TV and realized that there were many riches to be had for an artful black conservative.
So he assumed that persona.
obama fans are waking up!
even mike moore is back on my side!!
10 avg mins of recess have moved to 10 mins of sheer torture!
more doom for school kids!
AB:i wish everyone would post a name and photo herein...it would make this so much easier!
Careful what you wish for, here's Uptown's shot at celebrity:
AB: my fav black conservative was
w. e. b dubois...because he
was gay!
not only that, williams is guilty of workplace sexual harassment, which the wapo, where he worked at the time tried to cover up.
That booty must still be hurtin' eh?
we know you downlow brothers like booty, but c'mon man take it off the board...bone the bitch instead.
um, i am confused, other folks provided contrary information than what you posted...but you must be white...i mean right uts.
Upwipe Steve:
"So he assumed that persona."
Would that be an UNCLE TOM?
Learn a new trick, Jughead!
"not only that, williams is guilty of workplace sexual harassment, which the wapo, where he worked at the time tried to cover up."
Yeah I know. A real scumbag.
Then he thought he could piggyback on Bill Cosby's "poundcake" speech by writing that pathetic anti-black screed "Enough".
The sorry ass Tom couldn't sell ten copies of that nonsense at his own family reunion.
because saggin pants is cool right uts
dubois was het
i adore many hets
but i do hate ALL assnons
& there are lots of other great black gays that gaybashing morons like you have no clue about...
fix that
"The sorry ass Tom couldn't sell ten copies of that nonsense at his own family reunion"
right cause Juan Williams has got nothing on Upwipe!
ditto uts
i despise juan w and colin and his son mike...i am penning a column about the powells and how they destroyed radio that i will post asap
see more on jw here:
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