This is what his O ness allegedly told his aides while venting frustration over this whole BP mess.
O man, I am sorry, but just giving your aides a piece of your mind ain't gonna cut it. Not now. We are way past the "just plug the damn hole" stage.
When wingnuts first started saying with glee that this could be your Katrina, I was one of the first people to say that they are full of s*&t and just trying to score cheap political points. (Which, by the way, they were.) But now, as this crisis grows, I am starting to think that it very well could be. Not because of what the wingnuts think, they will never be with you. But some of your liberal friends are starting to get restless as well. They want to know, and rightfully so, why the hell the Army Corp of Engineers are dragging their feet in granting permits to start building channels to protect the Louisiana marshland. Boby Jindal is going to start crying like Ray Nagin any day now, and when he does, you are going to be toast O man. I don't care how much BP is at fault. Ken Salazar will be your Mike Brown. You remember him, don't you O man? "Brownie you are doing a heck of a job". Yeah, that guy. Salazar has been posturing and fuming at BP for days now, but the oil is still coming, and we are no closer to a resolution today than when that rig exploded what seemed like an eternity ago.
And I know I know, this is an oil company problem. They have the expertise, and they should know how to cap the hole. (Which reminds me, why aren't more companies coming together to try and solve this problem?) I have heard some folks say that if the government tried to step in and do something it could only make matters worse. So we can only sit around and wait and hope that the clowns at BP get it right. They will be using something called the "Top Kill Method", (somehow that name seems fitting) and the poor folks down in South Louisiana all have their fingers crossed. Their entire way of life and livelihood is being threatened.
But back to his O ness, because while Rome burns......just remember O man, the folks over at BP don't have to get elected. Yes, that brit with the cute accent might be the most hated man in A-merry-ca now, but he has become infamous under your watch.
And O, I hear you are going to a fund raiser out in Cali tonight. I know it's probably too late, but please don't go. Tell Barbara you will get her the next time. The stuff happening in the gulf could be life altering for A-merry-cans. Just like Katrina was. Imagery O man, imagery.
I hear that if BP messes this up the oil could be spilling into the Gulf Of Mexico for the rest of our lives. That's how much oil we are talking about. That, my friends, is some scary stuff. Most of us are far away from where this is happening, and we could care less about a bunch of Cajuns on the Bayou. Well, unfortunately, you are not as far away as you think. This tragedy will touch you in some way.
And if you are an Obamaholic, you will only have to wait until November 6, 2012, to feel it.
So much for putting his mighty "O" ness and Socialism on a pedestal.
Like I said before they tried to use this Oil spill tragedy for Political gain against the right but it backfired.
Oh well better luck next time.
Well, the bloom is off the rose. This is Obama's screw up, and he needs to man up and take the bull by the horns. Admit your screw-ups, clean the mess and clean house within your cabinet.
Quite frankly, Obama should have stepped in more aggressively to begin with. But, this shows a weakness in Obama -- an innate instinct to compromise can cost dearly when the chips are down. If you're constantly looking for compromises all parties to work together you risk gridlock, which is what we're getting from BP.
This isn't to say the O-man did nothing, which isn't entirely true. But Obama should just have the government clean up the mess and send BP the bill with interest. And then Obama should demand Salazar's resignation. If he can throw a lightweight like Van Jones to the wolves, he should dump the cowboy as soon as the hole is plugged up.
Although I'd like to make one caveat, the oil spill is tough to clean up because we've never had an oil spill that's springing a mile deep under the ocean. The leak is almost a mile under water. That's really deep in the table....I'm talking fun with physics deep where a man body would crushed and most instruments would freeze. Our subs don't go that deep.
If anything, Obama should back out on the off shore drilling stuff too after this nightmare. We're "lucky" this is about 30 miles outside of LA and is only hitting the cost now. Could you imagine this type of spill 3 miles from the Jersey Shore or Miami Beach?
Wow, as an aside, I realize that my typing it terrible on blogs. Sheesh, I look as if I never attended 4th grade English with all the grammatical errors.
@ FN:
"Their entire way of live and livelihood is being threatened."
No...it has been snatched away.
And now for your viewing entertainment (BP thinks everyone is stupid):
Peace(but not for the marine life)
I think the idea that Obama is too 'weak' to act on important issues is a common misconception. Perhaps it is optimism among those on the left who still want to believe that deep down Obama is one of the good guys, and that his actions are to do with cowardice rather than ideology. I have no love for Obama so I see the situation a little differently; he is a man who is funded primarily by corporate scumbags, including those who run BP, so it is in his best interests to look the other way when they do something bad or give them little more than a slap on the wrist when they do something horrific. He is treating BP with the same kid gloves that he treats goldman sachs and I don't think that it is coincidence that these are two of his major backers. Obama is not principled but weak, he is just another amoral empty suit in a long line of empty suits that have run the U.S since its inception, or as it was succinctly put in an article I read today: Obama is just Reagan's 8th term.
I just wish as I alwast have, that Obama would have ran for Prez in 2012.................
I respect you LA, I'd have said they same thing...
[quote]And I know I know, this is an oil company problem. They have the expertise, and they should know how to cap the hole.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
I realize that YOU believe that a government bureaucrat has more technical competency than does the large team of engineers and geologists from BP who are working around the clock to address this problem.
If only life mirrored the movies. IronMan would swoop out of the sky and go down 5000 feet in the water and plug the hole with his energy ray.
Then he would surface and scoop up some of the oil to apply to his suit to prevent rusting. You realize that salt water does quite a bit of oxidation damage on iron.
IF there was ever a time that I'd like to see the face of Jesse Jackson standing in front of a large team of MEN wearing ORANGE JUMPSUITS it would be from his choice to gather up a large team of unemployed laborers and handed out orange jumpsuits that are OIL PROOF instead of handed out by the Department of Corrections - his usual forte'.
Then he would bypass the federal government and have these laborers begin to set up the sand barriers that the governor is complaining about.
With Jesse Jackson having procured a highly detailed "punch card system" to record the laborer's TIME AND ATTENDANCE he drives to the BP command center and hands in the stack of cards for payment along with a 10% markup for administrative services rendered.
I WOULD SUPPORT JESSE JACKSON if he "butted in" as such.
Filled Negro:
I realize that YOU believe that a government bureaucrat has more technical competency than does the large team of engineers and geologists from BP who are working around the clock to address this problem.
If only life mirrored the movies. IronMan would swoop out of the sky and go down 5000 feet in the water and plug the hole with his energy ray.
Then he would surface and scoop up some of the oil to apply to his suit to prevent rusting. You realize that salt water does quite a bit of oxidation damage on iron.
Well, CF, Iron Man's suit ain't been 'iron' in a long time, its primarily a crystalline titanium alloy. But that's the comic book nerd in me.
But we do agree on this caveat -- this whole isn't going to get plugged over night and its a lot more complex than pundits make it sound.
Obama is not principled but weak, he is just another amoral empty suit in a long line of empty suits that have run the U.S since its inception, or as it was succinctly put in an article I read today: Obama is just Reagan's 8th term.
George, I'm with that Obama was never a liberal Messiah, but saying he's Ray-Gun part VIII is really cynical. Though so far, I'm glad I voted for John Edwards in the primary.
[quote]I just wish as I alwast have, that Obama would have ran for Prez in 2012.................[/quote]
This would mean that an EVIL REPUBLICAN would have won in 2008 (or Cynthia McKinney from the Green Party)
What about this present time makes you skittish about Obama being president?
Is it your "racial maternalism" that has you HOPEing that you don't have to judge a "President Obama 44" harshly as an incumbent in 2012 BASED ON THE FACTS of the past 4 years as you did the 43 White men who preceded him?
Why stop at the Presidential Level? This machine controls every single institution in the Black community already. Surely Obama did not do all that you are critical for alone. This is an ARCHITECTURE at work.
If White folks were asked to "Not Not Vote for Obama BECAUSE he is Black".........is it any more justifiable for Black people to practice Voter Nullification of their PERMANENT INTERESTS in 2012 and vote to protect his honor because he is Black?
[quote]Though so far, I'm glad I voted for John Edwards in the primary.[/quote]
"Glad" despite the "Baby Mama" drama?
Do you realize that when Edwards went to New Orleans to kick off his campaign using the "Black stage props" he stayed the night before at the city's most expensive hotel.
Then he had Andrew Young - the guy he originally attempted to pin the baby upon to find him a pair of beat up jeans for purchase so that he can look the part for the kick off.
This same handler was asked to:
* Remove the tags from a $5000 Italian made suit and replace them with "Union Made In America" tags by a tailor
* Used paid staffers (government employees) to sweep the hotel room to insure that no condoms, rappers or other incriminating evidence was left behind.
LAC - both YOU and Publisher George Curry owe our community an explanation as to WHY you all tried to get more Black folks to go with Edwards as he had our "best interests" in mind.
You don't even know what the hell socialism is.
"Obama is not principled but weak, he is just another amoral empty suit in a long line of empty suits that have run the U.S since its inception"
Yeah...There's been so many bad presidents that the US managed to become the most powerful country in the world...
telling truths beg no ulterior motives
hobama is deeply complicit in this
he is no victim
he is slow and inept and deeply tied to bp oil...so is dick c
hobama is mute and guilty by association not accident!
u will see...long before nov
this is hobama's katrina & katrina is his too!!!
see more:
"Why stop at the Presidential Level? This machine controls every single institution in the Black community already. Surely Obama did not do all that you are critical for alone. This is an ARCHITECTURE at work.
If White folks were asked to "Not Not Vote for Obama BECAUSE he is Black".........is it any more justifiable for Black people to practice Voter Nullification of their PERMANENT INTERESTS in 2012 and vote to protect his honor because he is Black?"
Destructive Wingnut, WTF are you talking about?
George, aren't we being a bit harsh on his O ness? If not him, who should it have been in 2008?
Certainly not Mr. Morton and Sarah. 0:
"Although I'd like to make one caveat, the oil spill is tough to clean up because we've never had an oil spill that's springing a mile deep under the ocean. The leak is almost a mile under water. That's really deep in the table....I'm talking fun with physics deep where a man body would crushed and most instruments would freeze. Our subs don't go that deep.
If anything, Obama should back out on the off shore drilling stuff too after this nightmare. We're "lucky" this is about 30 miles outside of LA and is only hitting the cost now"
La~Coin...that's a good point. I know very little about this stuff, (What I do know I learned from Mrs. Field, this is her area of expertise) but I do know that this is no ordinary spill.
Destructive Wingnut, I am curious: you say you are not political, yet I have never read where you wrote something critical of a republican politrickster. Always the bad dems.
Could you explain that to me?
What is it that everybody wants from the President? For him to walk on water and lay his hands over the spill.
One can act tough all they want, but that will not produce a technical solution to a technical problem.
If the liberals want what the conservatives got from Reagan speech to the Soviets, they should remember that the Soviet Union was in its last days.
I think liberals should be smart enough to help the public differentiate this spill from the actions after Katrina. No one asked Bush to stop the hurricane.
There must be a lack of real men if Machismo is a acceptable replacement.
I highly recommend 'The Oil Drum' website for actual useful information about this.
The real blame lies with each and every one of us who must have cars.
Oil may well be going away as there is only so much of it unless the Russian Abiotic Oil theory proves to be true.
The remaining oil is in ever more difficult and menacing places. The depth pressure at the sea level Macondo wellhead will crush a nuclear submarine like an egg.
We have the imbecile drill baby drill chorus to thank and O man's biggest problem was to try and reason with them instead of telling us our spoiled rotten fool car lives are unlikely to be doable much longer.
The Ixtapa well blowout in 1979 off of Mexico was in shallower water and made a bigger mess but little remains of it now. The Piper Alpha explosion in the North Sea killed 167 oil crew workers around the same time.
The big problem with deep drilling is that we've been winging it all along and there may not be a plan b fix, unlike a category 7 hurricane which could be seen forming days before it hit land. There is no comparison.
Think about that the next time you gas up a Sport Utility Vehicle or some other fossil fuel sucking metal pig, assuming you own one.
This mess has long been a toxic brew that corporations and "unfettered capitalist industries are the solution to everything and they can do no wrong. We have ALL contributed to this mess. Someone asked a very good question... would you all be so upset with this deep water drilling if there had not been a spill? Would you be screaming that something bad COULD happen? and stop it??? Have you stopped driving your cars in protest of this fucking mess???
This mess is because of decades of politicians of BOTH parties being bought by the BPs of the world. This mess is because the corporations have convinced EVERYONE, you fucking included, that oversight and regulation is bad. That they know best. That all you give a good god damn about is if your gas is cheap and your heat is on and cheap.
And now we are dealing with a mess we ALL have contributed to making. This is BPS making, but we, government, citizens, the hyper consuming fucks that we ALL are, have created this. So everyone needs to shut the fuck up and start looking at what we, WE, ALL OF US, need to do to create a sustainable lifestyle... and OIL AINT IT!
Shame on you. Shame on me. If we are lucky, we have not completely lost the gulf coast because of this. But, if we do nothing to change the way we live, we deserve every last nasty, dirty, smelly, toxic drop of oil that will suck the life out of this planet.
This mess is not worse because Obama didn't act enough, or fast enough, or strong enough. This mess is because an oil company, with the blessing of the regulators, cut corners and engaged in a type of drilling with no contingency plan for this kind of accident. Because they deluded themselves and us into believing it wouldn't, couldn't happen. This mess is getting worse because nobody, including the best damned minds on this planet can figure out how to stop it. It is easy to be an arm chair quarterback and blame somebody else... but bottom line.. who is to blame. BP, the government and you and me.
"This mess is not worse because Obama didn't act enough, or fast enough, or strong enough. This mess is because an oil company, with the blessing of the regulators, cut corners and engaged in a type of drilling with no contingency plan for this kind of accident. Because they deluded themselves and us into believing it wouldn't, couldn't happen. This mess is getting worse because nobody, including the best damned minds on this planet can figure out how to stop it. It is easy to be an arm chair quarterback and blame somebody else... but bottom line.. who is to blame. BP, the government and you and me."
I just wish they'd tell BP to stop dumping dispersant in the gulf. That's a disaster on top of a disaster.
And yeah, Obama is toast in 2012 unless his people can pull off a miracle in the gulf. Or unless he's running against Sarah Palin.
I feel especially bad for the underpaid clean up crews as the most toxic and volatile elements of the crude are vaporizing in the 90 degree heat. I wouldn't want to light a cigarette near it.
If you've ever used oil based paint to paint in a closed room in winter and walked away after feeling woozy, this is worse by a factor of ten.
It is sort of strange that it happened in the very area where right wing politicians sang the drill baby drill song the loudest. If there is a God, I imagine she's probably irate at the mess we've made of her little gem.
WTF do you want the president to do; this is the price America pays for off shore drilling; I hope America learn a BIG lesson; don't drill off shore; don't expect the president to become super man and cap this oil spill. All I read is a lot of BITCHING, AND Crying; I don't see any solutions. We want gas and oil; this is the price we pay. After Louisanna coast line become a tar pit: It will be Drill Baby Drill; I hear that oil field is worth 7 Trillion dollars.
there is MUCH hobama and bo could be doing
bailing out fishermen/families now!
they are losing millions each day!
make bp stop dumping chems!
help kevin costner with his miracle machines
collect more human hair etc
it is easier to pretend he is helpless and innocent than admit he is helping bp be inept and irresponsible!!!...and he and eric will cover their pending billions in legit lawsuits too ...bet!!!
there is MUCH hobama and BP could be doing
and it is taking hobama way too long to do or say or demand anything!!!!
"Yeah...There's been so many bad presidents that the US managed to become the most powerful country in the world..."
I didn't say the ruling classes were incompetent, I said they were amoral. Its interesting that you consider power and goodness to be the same thing.
on a slightly related topic, the idea that America is powerful depends on how you define America; sure the ruling elites in the U.S are among the most powerful people in the world but they make up less 1% of the population. Is the rest of the country powerful because of these elites? no, definately not. Nothing that the ruling class does is for the benefit of the country as a whole but for themselves and their own class, so the concentration of power in the U.S actually makes the average American less powerful than they would be in a multi-polar international order because the ruling class are able to engage in more intense class oppression.
Anyway, nationalism is a very childish idea, you only have to look around to see that a nation is not a single cohesive unit.
@ Chris Rich:
"The real blame lies with each and every one of us who must have cars."
Some people do not have any type of transportation at their disposal other than a car, bicycle or walk. The majority of these people live in the rural south...those who will be most effected by this disaster.
And I agree with you on everything else. Why would people in the city drive (by themselves) back and forth to work every day when they could easily use another form of transportation...?
@ Jody:
"This mess is not worse because Obama didn't act enough, or fast enough, or strong enough. This mess is because an oil company, with the blessing of the regulators, cut corners and engaged in a type of drilling with no contingency plan for this kind of accident. Because they deluded themselves and us into believing it wouldn't, couldn't happen. This mess is getting worse because nobody, including the best damned minds on this planet can figure out how to stop it. It is easy to be an arm chair quarterback and blame somebody else... but bottom line.. who is to blame. BP, the government and you and me."
Standing ovation!
If Bush can be blamed for the weather, then Obama can be blamed for an industrial accident.
Both premises are ridiculous, but the turnabout is fair play.
Both incidents become catalysts for unleashing frustrations with general incompetence.
Obama is doing the impossible: making Bush look not so bad
My dear friend Jody:
It seems like you are wanting to socialize the blame for oil spill by looking at our national consumption of an "unsustainable energy".
I wonder if YOU are willing to disconnect from the benefit that you receive from oil consumption BEFORE THE GOVERNMENT comes in and makes any all encompassing sanction upon oil use?
In essence Jody I am asking if YOU are willing to take a voluntary reduction in your own STANDARD OF LIVING without looking around to what others are doing as a precondition?
[quote]Destructive Wingnut, I am curious: you say you are not political, yet I have never read where you wrote something critical of a republican politrickster. Always the bad dems.
Could you explain that to me?[/quote]
My friend Filled Negro:
I never said that I was NOT a "political person". I told you that I don't have any loyalties to any of the mainstream political parties in the "American Political Domain".
With that said it would be foolish of me to ignore the fact that when it comes to the space known as the "Black Consciousness Nucleus" that we have operating a bunch of parasites who are inside of this protected space yet working on BEHALF OF an external entity - their ideology and party - thus using Black people in the process.
It seems that you would rather me be SILENT and not call them out merely because they are POPULAR. Instead I choose to push these operatives out to the periphery of this protected zone. Yes they are allowed to enter in but not without a "visitors badge" and an escort.
[quote]If Bush can be blamed for the weather, then Obama can be blamed for an industrial accident.
Anon #77:
If you were among the group that were calling the "Bush's Airplane Caused Katrina When He Flew Too Close To The Ocean Crowd" as dishonest and fraudulent then WHY do you seek payback by doing the same thing as they?
(Listen and learn about my Politics- Filled Negro)
Partisan bigotry at a time when our nation is in crisis is the consequence of the loyalty to our parties/ideology over our nation's health. With our President and BP laying on the beach, covered with oil because they were successfully attacked but the PROBLEM NOT SOLVED is not a benefit for anyone BUT OUR ENEMIES.
I am not for "shut your mouth you are not allowed to criticize" type of fake unity. At the same time the people who are in this for nothing more than political sabotage will one day find that the nation that they have "won" political advantage over is closer to collapse than ever.
As much as I love Obama, this wouldn't have gone down on the Republican watch. There's too much money being lost. They would've jumped in the Gulf with boxers and a giant cork to plug that thing by now. It worries me that it's taking so long. Living here in the south it's affecting our seafood industry. Restaurants prices will be sky high, tourism in Florida and LA will be dead, and fishing with my uncle down in the Gulf is over. I don't need grease to fry fish anymore. Just catch one out the Gulf and throw some flower on that bad boy, and I'm good to go.
I keep watching oil spew and it really scares me. This affect the whole southeast!!!!
Taking my hat off to Chris Rich & Jody. That s&^t was profound!
"I didn't say the ruling classes were incompetent, I said they were amoral. Its interesting that you consider power and goodness to be the same thing."
George, most A-merry-cans do. See the Destructive Wingnut as exhibit A.
"I never said that I was NOT a "political person". I told you that I don't have any loyalties to any of the mainstream political parties in the "American Political Domain".
With that said it would be foolish of me to ignore the fact that when it comes to the space known as the "Black Consciousness Nucleus" that we have operating a bunch of parasites who are inside of this protected space yet working on BEHALF OF an external entity - their ideology and party - thus using Black people in the process."
So, in other words, you are a republican.
Phil4Real, I am with you. Louisiana is my favorite state in these divded states, and I would hate for something like this to destroy it. Lord knows those people have been through enough.
[quote]"I didn't say the ruling classes were incompetent, I said they were amoral. Its interesting that you consider power and goodness to be the same thing."[/quote]
Filled Negro:
I would be more impressed IF YOU provided a detailed list of WHO are the "Ruling Classes" that you have in mind that are AMORAL?
* Barack Obama AND George W Bush OR Bush but NOT Obama - who made his way through the maze as an individual - not counting the help from the Leftists in the Chicago Crew?
* Mayor Nutter? He is in a "ruling capacity" in the Institutions over Philly but I am not quite sure that YOU see him as the "Ruling Class"
* What about Alexis Herman or Anne Fudge? Corporate-type Black Females that are Democratic Party loyalists and who are on a number of different corporate boards. Ruling?
* Oprah Winfrey? Ruling Class? She is certainly a "King Maker". If she was to say on her national show "Filled Negro offers the best legal defense in the Tri-state Region" - Your phones would be blowing off of the hook.
[quote]So, in other words, you are a republican.[/quote]
Filled Negro - both you and WhiteBowieSteve assume that you bother me by tarring and feathering me as a Republican.
I told you previously that I can't control what YOU think and that it is folly to try and change the mind of a bigot.
What is more interesting is the power that you think you have in casting me as a Republican - the party that has little POWER over the key institutions serving our communities YET one has no particular indictment for being a "Democrat who is Black" - despite having absolute control over these same institutions THEY are not attacked regarding the continuing grievances that the masses of people have despite their control.
As I consider the 2 Taser related deaths in Dekalb County last month and no PROTEST MARCHES by the Civil Rights groups (or AfroSpear's Atlanta Branch) I am forced to ask you why you and others no longer PROTEST AGAINST the seats of power who injure you......once a FAVORABLE PERSON is the occupant?
Phil said
As much as I love Obama, this wouldn't have gone down on the Republican watch. There's too much money being lost."
sorry, i think that's bullshit. the regulations that allowed this accident to happen were in place long before obama came in. trace it back and see who is really responsible.
i work from home and use very little gasoline. i don't accept that i am "to blame." i keep my cars tuned up; they are small and fuel efficient. i have never owned a gas guzzler and never would.
i use public transportation when traveling outside my area. i purposely have crafted a lifestyle that has as little impact on the environment as possible within the confines of a suburban life, which i am stuck having for now.
i don't accept that obama is to blame, either, and i think that too few people are taking enough time to understand what is going on. the positions you are staking out are easy and superficial, for a problem that is anything but.
i'm really shocked that people have turned on obama so quickly--the same people who purport to have hated bush and all he stood for. the man is not amoral and a corporate shill--that's just bullshit and you know it.
i'll tell you what--if obama loses in 2012, you all are to blame.
sure he's gotten some shit wrong, but he's a far better than the alternatives.
Phil4Real said:" As much as I love Obama, this wouldn't have gone down on the Republican watch. There's too much money being lost. They would've jumped in the Gulf with boxers and a giant cork to plug that thing by now."
Seriously? Need I remind you that the Oil Industry sat down behind closed doors with Cheney to develop our energy policy. They pushed, with republican support ACROSS THE FUCKING BOARD to deregulate and cut funding to the EPA, the energy department. They hired industry insiders to do the regulating. The permit for this fucking well was given out under the Bush Admin. Just YESTERDAY, a Republican Senators blocked legislation to raise the cap on liability for BP.
As I said earlier, this mess is not one party's fault, but if you think for one minute the Repubs would handle this better, think... the operative word, THINK, again.
nothing has been slower than how LONG it has taken the media and the masses to BEGIN to start FAIRLY calling out obama as he deserves!!!
BP oil bought hobama's silence long before we ever voted for him
the govt has coddled big oil/BP for decades
dick c and halluburton have made millions from BP!
money buys amoral COMPLICITY for all oil...
this oily sludge soils many hands in DC...hobama included!
and the media is STILL slow in telling us all just how HORRID this spill actually is...
So much for "less government" and let the free market run it's course.
BP causes an oil spill and the righties are calling this Obama's Katrina???
This was not a hurricane or a natural disaster.
There was no advanced warning as there was witk Katrina.
There is NO comparison between the two.
And for those yelling for Obama to do something, what should he do?
Mobilize the Navy or Coast Guard to clean up the oil?
What happens then to the search and rescue, maritime law enforcement and aids to navigation missions????
who blamed bush for the hurricane??? who???
we blamed gwb for his storm of apathy and ineptitude afterward!!!
i detailed what he could be doing last pm
scan up!!!!
for once i agree with u
thank u for your honesty
and i now see that uts is a far more drunken hobama nazi than u
"i'm really shocked that people have turned on obama so quickly--the same people who purport to have hated bush and all he stood for. the man is not amoral and a corporate shill--that's just bullshit and you know it."
hobama is MORE of a corp shill than bush ever was...bush had his daddy's dusty political power and his own family's oil money to become selected as prez...
hobama relied on cold hard cash from bp and other corps!
corp baking cartels RUN hobama like dick d and daddy bush ran gwb
wake up!!!
corp baNking cartels RUN hobama like dick C and daddy bush ran gwb!!!
"There was no advanced warning as there was with Katrina."
blind gullible partiots like u said the same thing about 9/11:
"there was no advance warning of9/11"
that did not stop gwb from pimping nyc to become a global hero
because hobama is so blindly beloved, he had the power to rally volunteers/fishermen etc...he has done nothing!!!
This is what AB recommends Obama do?
"bailing out fishermen/families now!
they are losing millions each day!"
Already doing it.
"make bp stop dumping chems!"
I agree that BP officials should be prosecuted for ignoring the EPA order.
"help kevin costner with his miracle machines"
What happended to the "free market and it's wonders?"
"collect more human hair etc"
I will agree that Obama needs to wrap his arms around this problem very quickly or it will sink him politically.
But face it AB, nothing Obama will do will satisfy people like you.
you are a liar and a fool
and in deep denial
none of that will help hobama in 2012
james carville adores hobama
and he is slamming hobama worse than me
he was "satisfied!"
as always you are "debating" with delusions and distractions and arrogant ignorance
real workers (unlike u and hobama)
are now using dog hair too
as usual u r late
fix that asap
"But face it AB, nothing Obama will do will satisfy people like you."
germans who bashed hitler even as he gassed jews in oven were told the exact same thing...
they were just as stupid and dead wrong then as u r now
at some pt, all of you hobama nazis will have to come up with something more than "u hate hobama"....
to explain hobama's hateful genocide of the poor/oceans/credit card holders/bank patrons/endless war corpses/insane debts/global slavery etc
even u will someday realize that lame retort is moot!!!
"to explain hobama's hateful genocide of the poor/oceans/credit card holders/bank patrons/endless war corpses/insane debts/global slavery etc"
Okay she's off the meds again.
Talk to you later AB.
Whole - Comprising the full quantity, amount, extent, number, etc.
Hole - An opening in a solid.
Which word were you referring to?
As for Obama's ineptness on this BP Oil Spill issue, he will be a one-term president just like Jimmy Carter.
Even Black voters are finally beginning to wake up and see where his heart lies....BIG MONEY NOT them!
Barack's days of receiving a "pass" from the MSM just because he was our nation's first Black prez. are gone.
He intentionally moved too slowly on the Oil spill for three reasons:
1) Obama (like the Right) has his hands in the deep pockets of Oil companies and Wall Street because both helped to fund his campaign back in 2008.
2) He didn't want to offend the Brits (his Marxist/Socialist "homeboys") or the Middle East (his Muslim "homeboys").
3) He delayed stepping in to address this incident perhaps thinking that he would use it to his Political Advantage against the Repubs.
To his surprise it spiraled out of control, backfired against him and has become a Tragedy.
This Oil Spill in fact Obama's "Katrina"!
He talked about GWB like a dog and now he's being criticized in the same exact manner.
I wasn't a huge supporter of Bush but a lot of that negative rhetoric wasn't necessary.
It's easy to talk smack or boast about doing a better job than someone else until...you are given the opportunity to walk in their shoes.
When Obama was given the opportunity, he couldn't deliver either.
Just because I'm a registered Democrat doesn't mean I have to agree with everything the Democratic Party does.
I was born a Free, Legal African-American citizen.
I wasn't born a Democrat!
Here's a little relevant Biblical knowledge:
Haman (a Prime Minister) plotted to destroy Queen Esther and her Uncle Mordecai just because he didn't like them and thought they were beneath him.
In the end his devious plan failed and he was destroyed by his own devices.
Esther 6:4
Esther 7:1-10
What can be learned from this story?
God is real.
God doesn't like ugly.
People (regardless of how Arrogant or Cunning) ALWAYS reap what they sow...sooner or later.
In Obama's case it was sooner.
The bigger someone is (Leadership roles, Super Wealthy), the harder they will fall if their hearts aren't right towards mankind or when they use their power to harm or hold down other human beings.
(This includes the less fortunate, Black Voters, Senior Citizens, Jews, White Men, etc., whomever you don't agree with or doesn't agree with you.)
So much for putting his mighty "O" ness on a pedestal.
Only God belongs up there.
Have a Blessed and Productive day:)
First off, you use the term "empty suit" incorrectly. An empty suit is someone who is viewed as having an exaggerated sense of importance. Empty suits are often seen as incompetent, someone with no real skills.
We did have presidents of conscious. Roosevelt himself disproves your assumption of rampant amorality. He did more than anyone before or since to really compress economic inequality in this country.
You truly have to be one of the dumbest people on here. Do you even read? I don't know weather to laugh or cry at the drivel that come out of your mouth. The Brits are Marxist socialists? Give me a break...
Just keep being you.
God loves you and when he created you he knew exactly what he was doing.
You were created for his Divine purpose so screw all those who think they have the right to judge you.
Only God can judge you.
Stand Beautiful Beautiful Queen.
Jesus is Lord!
Stand Tall Beautiful Queen:)
ditto to u my regal sista warrior!
and i know that god is not a racist like these black hobama nazis who never gave hobama's wm moron clone gwb a single iota of mercy...
yet they torture all of us who are black but refuse to judge hobama by his skin
i know that god judges us all ONLY by our actions
ditto for me and tavis and hobama etc
Laurel is off her meds too.
the only med that laurel and i share is reality
get your dose asap!
if you had been president, what would you have done regarding the oil gush that obama has failed to do?
be specific, please.
anyone else is free to jump in as well.
As I read some of the comments, I am stunned by some of your defeatist attitudes. Surely you knew the minute the oil spill happened, President BOB was going to be blamed. The Left tends to fall prey to the narrative from Mainstream Media, which by the way, is typically from a conservative point of view. You certainly know they’re no friend of the public it serves. It specially has nothing but disdain for the Left. May I also remind you, this is the same bunch that sat idly by while elections were stolen, and Bush destroyed the country? Those massive crowds during the Obama campaign would be completely ignored 3 months into his presidency. In other words, the media switched to Nigger treatment mode. The Teabaggers however, a small band of racist nut jobs have received press since August 2009. It is a movement that was strictly encouraged and elevated by Mainstream Media.
Look, I’m simply trying to say, I support President BOB entirely. Why? Well since we have sat on our asses for 30 years and allowed that putrescence pusbag of conservatism to infect the country, we don’t have much of a choice. Besides President BOB is about the best we’re going to get in this political climate. That is, unless you’re ready for a revolution. As a matter of fact, he is probably the smartest president the United States has had. The problem is a lazy, pop-culture entranced public, and a corporate owned congress. Therefore, if I were you, I wouldn’t entertain discouragement about this president. We can’t afford it. God forbid if the Republicans should win the house or the presidency again. Believe me, if they do, they’ve got plans for us. I hope you’all have passports.
the lesser of 2 evils is still evil and hobama gets more evil each day
as always, u r a liar
hobama has hired no one!
bo has hired some fisherman and they are LYING to them and killing them too!!!
BP has hired some fisherman and they are LYING to them and killing them too!!!
"Therefore, if I were you, I wouldn’t entertain discouragement about this president. We can’t afford it. God forbid if the Republicans should win the house or the presidency again"
hobama has been more republican than any prez ever!!!
as the bankers!!!
ask the bankers!!!
ask a soldier!!!
ask detroit!!!!
[quote]if you had been president, what would you have done regarding the oil gush that obama has failed to do?
My Dear Friend Maria:
Do you mind if I take a stab at it?
What is going on 100 miles off shore is ultimately going to be handled by BP.
1) Assemble a team of Government Scientists and Industry experts to validate BP's plan of action
With the knowledge that BP (and the industry) is going to be forced to PAY -
1) I would be amassing a LARGE LABOR FORCE To-Damned-Day to erect Sand Barriers and Booms around these various islands that line the coast.
SCREW PROTOCOL!!! Do it NOW. I hope that Gov. Jindal does this.
2) I would coordinate the use of the marine vessels owned by the fisher men who have been knocked out of business to be used to shuttle various laborers to the appropriate locations
MAKE THIS A "WAR AGAINST THE OIL FLOW" rather than a "WAITING GAME" where frustration and anger is brewing.
It is far better to "OVER DO IT" with BP's money than it is to RESPOND.
3)I would be running the LOGISTICS
3A) Making sure that the boom manufacturers are supplying these barriers as rapidly as possible
3B) I would make sure that Sand Dredges, cranes and barges are lined up and ready to build the sand barriers.
Obama, like Bush is failing in his actions "away from the ball" in this crisis..
There is NO REASON TO WAIT when you know the oil coming in is. eminent .
i am an everyday lurker who enjoys your blog. i liked your post today, especially the sense of urgency and danger for the prez if he does not a) publicize more about what he is doing and b) step up bringing people (and as you so cogently put) corporate creativity together to solve this problem (a la man on the moon engagement from my youth).
i also liked this link to dailykos (which i rarely read, unless someone points me that way) diary that documents what president obama HAS done --- quite a lot --- and for me it balances out some of the critique.
"Laurel is off her meds too."
Laurel IS AB.
This is some real sick $hit working here.
no what is sick is that you have reduced one of the worst eco nightmares in history...and one of the worst prez responses to any HUGE disaster.... to petty lies and silly jokes about meds and "satisfaction"...
it gets no sicker than that!!!
except maybe that festering sick revolt looming at the polls in 2012
i am not laurel
and hobama is not a victim
and u r not debating
carry on...
George W. Bush's Katrina tragedy took place where?
Obama's Oil Spill tragedy took place where?
Wake up Blind ones!
Its not a coincidence!
Its also not because of Obama's ethnicity.
He criticized GWBush now he's experiencing the same level of criticism.
Regardless of high you climb or what you accomplish in life, always keep your heart in check.
Always remember were it not for God's help, you wouldn't have achieved anything for it was he who blessed you with your Intelligence.
The people you step on the way to the top while achieving your own selfish aspirations today, will mostly be the same ones you face on your way down tomorrow.
President Bush wasn't perfect but than neither is Barack Obama.
"Be not Deceived; God is not Mocked: for whatsoever a Man soweth, that shall he also Reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting".
Galatians 6:7-8
The South deserves a comeuppance
now it's knocking at their door
an oily, smelly, greasy mess
befouls their saintly shore
those words must now ring hollow
resounding, discordant and shrill
they must cringe with apprehension
" Let us Drill Baby Drill ! "
our greed has reached an apex
a pinnacle has been achieved
the thirst for Corporate gluttony
a whole nation is now aggrieved
Southerners and corporate Mantra
Free Markets for one and all
the dissolution of sound regulation
straight to the bottom we must fall
the fault can't lie with Obama
cozy as he apparently seems
the oil companies and their cronies
with their fucking get rich schemes
they say the South is backwards
mired in ignorance, stuck in the past
let us hope that this situation
pulls their heads, out of ASS, real fast!
ditto laurel!
both men are human
hobama is no god no matter how many black fools worship him like a messiah and torture those who dare to blaspheme him by refusing to do so!
and per uts:
and the dually adoring until now
james carville and the homoerotically obsessed chris m/antoine are suddenly "sick" too???
or just us????
the denial is played out like soon to be extinct marine life in the gulf!!!!
Ditto Alicia!
Isn't it Ironic how Human Beings of other ethnic groups are allowed to think as individuals, but African-Americans are expected to think alike?
Show me proof that God wants all African-Americans to think and behave alike.
Show me proof!
What's that I hear? Crickets?
Human Beings are not animals. We are NOT supposed to run in packs!
Per the First Amendment since I was born in this country, I have been granted the right to Freedom of Speech.
I don't have to agree with your personal opinion and you don't have to agree with mine.
We should all know how to disagree agreeably.
However if not than kick rocks!
ditto laurel!!!!!!!
that is why black republicans will win like reconstrution era redux in 2012...just as blacks who dare to prove that we are not a monolith...and to prove that they can be no more republican than hobama has been as a "dem"...
I'm from Brooklyn, NY but now reside in the South.
Ignorance shines its ugly face in the North, South, East and West.
Only a fool (regardless of their region) would damn another Human Being just because they are exercising their God-given right to be an Individual and express themselves.
Per the First Amendment since I was born in this country, I have been granted the right to Freedom of Speech.
I don't have to agree with your personal opinion and you don't have to agree with mine.
We should all know how to disagree agreeably.
However if not than kick rocks!
"the fault can't lie with Obama
cozy as he apparently seems
the oil companies and their cronies
with their fucking get rich schemes"
why no fault?
hobama has been muzzled by the millions he has taken from BP and plans to take again for 2012?
dirty money in = soiled hands out!
why no fault???
Ditto Alicia!
Whether the Democratic Party wishes to face reality or not, unless they get their act together including eliminating Elitism, Mind Control and other Foolishness....The Republican Party will experience a HUGE Victory in 2012!
i dogged gwb for 8 yrs
and i will do the very same for his clone hobama as long as he is a blackish repeat of the same corp/war mongering/genocidal/elitist bs!
every single day thru 2016!!!
Laurel said...
Just keep being you.
God loves you and when he created you he knew exactly what he was doing."
Uh, creating a fat deranged dyke?????
This includes many Democrats and Independent Voters casting their ballots for Republicans.
Democrats need to stop using the "Race Card" to their advantage.
No one is falling for that empty rhetoric anymore, including the MSM.
Its not about Obama's ethnicity!
Its not about "different Leadership styles".
He's NOT Leading period!
At this stage in Obama's presidency the lesser of two evils are Republicans.
Unless he steps up, its going to be another Republican Victory in 2012!
thanks, CF. i appreciate your thoughts.
as usual, laurel is refusing to stay on point or actually debate with information or facts.
making personal attacks, broad-brush comments, side issues, etc. is her way...
cf -- i think a lot of what you ask IS going on, and the feds are trying to coordinate jurisdictional issues. if it is state land the feds just can't come in and do whatever they want.
it's a balancing act of responsibilities and accountability. i haven't seen any evidence that obama is waiting. i've heard eric holder speak and i understand their strategy.
the times picayune is on the ground:
i'd still like to know what he did wrong.
from anyone who thinks they would have done it differently.
it's so easy for people to criticize without coming up with solutions. there is absolutely no relevance to the argument that this is obama's katrina. none.
An N-Word elected politician is corrupt and incompetent??? Who'd a thunk it? Next you'll be telling me they like Basketball, Malt Liquor, and Loose Shoes, hmm seems like I'm forgettin sumthin...
Oh yeah, women with straight hair..
And from what I've heard on AlGores Internets the President(Peace be upon Him) has alot of experience plugging Holes,
"relevant" is subjective in all political debate
hobama's black absentee dad is irrelevant to me ALWAYS!!!
we agree to disagree
i see a precise analogy with katrina
1. gwb was apathetic and inept after the hurricane
2. nola's poor are still suffering due to that apathy and ineptitude even today
ditto x 2 for hobama and the bp spill
it is not rocket sci...
the black fishermen in the gulf will soon be the new black farmers...bet!
watch and see
a rainbow of races of fishermen live from their bounties in the gulf
the first black one who dares to blast hobama will be crucified
by racist black hobama nazis!
unlike theie vietnamese peers free to blaspheme the god hobama!...shame!!!!
Obama is loving this oil spill. No one's gonna be saying "drill baby drill" during this year's campaigns. This will give him an excuse to nationalize another part of the economy.
Our Commander in Chief is going golfing in Chicago this weekend, blowing off the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington cemetery. He's not just incompetent, he's completely oblivious.
Obama is loving this oil spill. No one's gonna be saying "drill baby drill" during this year's campaigns. This will give him an excuse to nationalize another part of the economy.
Our Commander in Chief is going golfing in Chicago this weekend, blowing off the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington cemetery. He's not just incompetent, he's completely oblivious.
As I stated on yesterday, "Wiggers" on this Blog are only allowed about 1 hour per day of my time.
I've read many of your comments on Field's Blog.
NOT once have you ever provided ANY evidence or proof to substantiate what YOU believe when expressing YOUR opinion.
YOUR opinion is NOT God.
YOUR opinion is NOT the U.S. Constitution.
No one has to accept YOUR opinion but YOU.
If you don't wish to accept MY opinion, fine.
However if you choose not to disagree agreeably, than kick rocks!
Now that you've been allotted your sliver of my time please don't bother me again today.
Any further requests from you to me will be ignored until...tomorrow.
Make it a great day:)
Last but certainly not least,
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall" doesn't imply that ALL Blacks and ALL Democrats think alike, talk alike, etc.,
Instead it means learning to work together to achieve a common cause.
The focus of that cause should be to help ALL Human Beings, not just those who run in our own little cliques.
In the mean time while Democrats are fighting one another and creating Class Wars, Republicans (for the most part) are pulling together and laser-focused on regaining control of the U.S. House & Senate.
amazingly chris m and james c are slaying hobama re: bp....but i bet they will never be exiled by their wm peers as tavis...shame!!!
Barack Obama has compromised everything before he sat at any table, just look what he did to health care. Everything he has done was for bipartianship, when the reality is that those GOP Gangsters will NEVER vote for anything with your name attached.
But we should not be surprised at this performance. Look what happened during the campaign and with Brother Jeremiah Wright. It took him to see his POLL NUMBERS dropping like a rock before he even addressed this. Obama does not move until his eyebrows are on fire.
He is moving too slow.
Lastly, when news organizations start putting the day and # since the oil spill with each news piece, brother you should know where this is going. POTUS presser tomorrow better be full of substance because people out here are made at the slow response of the government to this FOREIGN COMPANY calling the shots.
Just listen to this from CNN: http://cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2010/05/26/ac.bp.presidential.challenge.cnn
uptownsteve said...
Laurel IS AB.
You're correct. They have the same style of writting. Everything is double-spaced and sometimes only a single word on a line.
Damn it was so peaceful while Alicia was on vacation. *yawn*
maria said...
laurel said:
"Instead it means learning to work together to achieve a common cause."
right. which you refuse to do.
i asked that you validate your criticisms of obama's handling of the oil disaster by suggesting what he has done wrong, and what he should have done instead, and what he should be doing now.
simple enough request.
instead of replying, you label me a wigger and go off your favorite tangent about how everyone has his or her own opinion.
I see a lot of White boys there down in the Gulf running things.
Why are you avoiding discussing their competence?
You are a "Mall Cop" - so stuck on your own bigotry that you focus on those who you think are robbing you blind while you assist the thief with an arm-full of stolen merchandise by holding the door for him.
[quote]i liked your post today, especially the sense of urgency and danger for the prez if he does not a) publicize more about what he is doing and b) step up bringing people (and as you so cogently put) corporate creativity together to solve this problem (a la man on the moon engagement from my youth). [/quote]
DailyKOS giving some BALANCE to what Obama has done? What a surprise!!
Let me ask you Susan - Do you have a point in your mind at which DESPITE you having full knowledge of what the Obama led Federal government is doing and yet it STILL falls short of that which is needed to EFFECTIVELY protect these vulnerable areas where you agree that what had previously appeased you as "satisfactory" was not enough?
I guess my point is - are you more interested in having a "fair" notation of What Obama is doing more than you want the results?
Second question - Did the DailyKOS provide a FAIR assessment of all that BP has done thus far - or is this beyond their scope of interest and protection?
Laurel said...
As I stated on yesterday, "Wiggers" on this Blog are only allowed about 1 hour per day of my time.
Explain to me what a "wigger" is please. And evidently you do have more than hour to spend with..what's that word.."wigger"
"Laurel IS AB.
You're correct. They have the same style of writting. Everything is double-spaced and sometimes only a single word on a line."
I don't know who she thinks she's fooling.
Plus this isn't the first time she's created an alter-ego cheerleader on this board.
It's kinda sad.
[quote]At this stage in Obama's presidency the lesser of two evils are Republicans.
I disagree with you on the one Laurel.
The "Lesser of Two Evils" with regard to 95% of the things that I have to deal with on a daily basis is more LOCAL to me than what is going on in Washington DC.
My goal, first and foremost is to get the responsible adults in my community to do their part so that my community has a high standard of living. Beyond that we can share our best practices with other adults in different communities who are struggling to keep their community ship afloat.
We have given the federal government in this nation too much power because too many adults have outsourced the "business" that they should have been "handling" more locally. Notice I did not say "Shut down all government". I only said address our issues more locally.
Despite what my good friend from Jamaica, Filled Negro attempts to paint me as - a Republican victory is not going to change the collision course that this nation is on any more than Obama cloning himself and then replacing Joe Biden with his second copy. If he ran a "Double Dose Of Hope In 2012" campaign this is not going to change anything.
People are looking for magic when they need to look inside themselves and provide management and leadership over the resources that they have most control over.
UTS, Ive been thinking about that, who was the other alter ego, FoucusPoucus? hahaha
No seriously who was it?
uts and rod:
only delusional retards like you have and need imaginary fans herein...
i understand your disbelief that 2women who both slay u actually do exist...
what i do not understand is how hallucinating in stereo defends hobama or saves even one seagull or shrimp or fish in the gulf!
i KNOW that u 2 clowns in stereo are NOT The same...endless fools abound individually!!!!
warriors like me never sleep or vacation or die!!!
i am certain i am slaying morons herein when they start posting as assnon and hallucinating in teams...ha!
a wigger = white nigger
a whooty = wf with a booty
read all about them here:
u r an evil ignorant colorist liar
oj sans prozac with a pc in lieu of a hunting knife/football/coke etc...
"Plus this isn't the first time she's created an alter-ego cheerleader on this board."
we all know this is your ancient MO herein nigger...
unlike u
i have a spine
and courage...the courage of my convictions
i have never needed an alter ego
i have always used by birth name even on the air
some of us do not need to hide the rocks we dare to throw as u do u hidden handed hypocrite/cowardly lying clown!!!
u r a liar also
i see the nirvana and "peace" here even when i "vacation"
only in your slain delusional mind am i the only one here who is not angelic and meek
uts is the same lying sexist dog moron colorist oj clone even when i am lurking...
Both AB & Laurel are insane but such is life they still have right to an opinion....
dl thrassion:
kudos boi
insane = refusal to endure bs from sexist crazy male bullies
i will wear that description as a badge of honor...thanks boi!!!
just like harriet tubman did when slurred by your bitch assed cousins too scared to run away...
Another train wreck blog by AB and her new friend Laurel.
People are looking for magic when they need to look inside themselves and provide management and leadership over the resources that they have most control over.
Wow, I actually agree with you, CF. Well, stranger things have happened in life.
u r being far too kind not hogging the blame for your own bs again
rottn kid knows what a wigger is. and he knows i am not one.
for those who think obama isn't holding BP accountable, here's a petition. how many sign it?
Tell EPA: Take away BP's billions in federal contracts
BP continues to stonewall the American people about the growing Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf, even while the company is reaping millions of dollars in profits a day from its other federal leases.
The White House, the Department of Interior, and Congress are all crying foul, but they are not taking action to hold BP accountable. If the Obama administration is serious about making BP pay, there is a very simple and powerful tool at its disposal: the EPA can take away BP's billions in federal contracts.
The Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to bar BP from receiving U.S. government contracts. Suspension of BP contracts would mean the loss of billions of dollars and effectively stop the company from drilling in federally controlled oil fields both on and offshore.
Discretionary debarment is among the most serious actions EPA can take. EPA's own regulations allow the agency to ban BP from future contracts after considering "the frequency and pattern of the incidents, corporate attitude both before and after the incidents, changes in policies, procedures, and practices."
Prior to the current Gulf spill, EPA had linked BP to at least four instances of criminal misconduct, and BP has paid tens of millions in fines for environmental crimes. According to the public interest investigative journalists at Pro Publica, the EPA is considering re-evaluating BP and determining whether the company's actions leading up to and following the Deep Horizon spill are evidence of an institutional problem inside BP that would qualify for debarment action.
If BP is hit with discretionary debarment, the company would lose valuable contracts for selling fuel to the military and would be prohibited from obtaining or renewing drilling leases on federal land. EPA could also cancel BP's current federal leases. The impact on BP's bottom line could be in the billions of dollars.
Neither Congress, nor President Obama, nor Interior Secretary Salazar have taken steps to truly hold BP accountable. It's up to EPA to use the regulatory tools at its disposal to make BP pay.
The American people are outraged by the politicians' inaction in the face of an exponentially growing economic and environmental disaster in the Gulf. It's time for EPA to take immediate and decisive action.
i signed it...thanks!
Your suggestion of barring BP from operating in the US is brilliant. Brilliant if you want to ensure higher oil prices for Americans and an increase in consumption of imported oil.
Thus, employing your ideas, Americans can pay more while jobs leave the country. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
it was not my suggestion.
all i posted was the petition from credo.
i never said whether i supported it or not.
During the final hours of Gulf War I, after the US military destroyed the forces of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi forces, while running for their lives, set fire to over 700 Kuwaiti oil wells.
The fires burned for EIGHT MONTHS.
Every day the wells spewed SIX MILLION barrels of oil into the flames.
Bottom line -- BP will plug the leaking well and the impact of the oil will fade as time and tide do what they always do.
Though Obama is not to blame, the lax efforts of the MMS section of the Interior Department are at the center of this problem. If inspectors had been inspecting and seeing to it that proper standards were maintained, the leak might have been prevented.
However, if Obama decides to "get tough" he will only help muslim oil shieks.
no_slappz said...
Your suggestion of barring BP from operating in the US is brilliant. Brilliant if you want to ensure higher oil prices for Americans and an increase in consumption of imported oil.
Thus, employing your ideas, Americans can pay more while jobs leave the country. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
Or it would demand that the US to invest in renewable energy, modern infrastructure and conservation. Crisis precipitate change.
i am saving BP cash from their reduced operation cost funds to be retained for the lawsuits that hobama will shield them from...
it is all relatove rebellion
it is all relatIve rebellion
AB -- you're welcome!
LAC--yup--and they aren't the only company doing business in the U.S. no_slappz has been entirely dismissive of this entire crisis so it is no wonder he/she choose to draw wrong conclusions from the strategy.
CF--here's your call to action!
St. Bernard Parish president asks people to contact Congress to push for barrier islands plan
By The Times-Picayune
May 26, 2010, 2:47PM
St. Bernard Parish President Craig Taffaro, Jr. is asking people to lobby their federal representatives to push for quick approval of the barrier islands plan Gov. Bobby Jindal and some coastal elected officials say will help protect the state's wetlands from the oil gushing from a damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico.
"If anybody has friends or relatives outside of Louisiana tell them to call their delegates to push for the approval of the barrier island plan," Taffaro said during a radio interview today, according to a St. Bernard Parish news release.
Under the plan pushed by Jindal and others, dredges would create nearly 90 miles of sand barriers along stretches of the state's coast. The state applied for the necessary federal environmental permits for the work more than two weeks ago and is also pushing the Coast Guard to require BP to pick up the estimated $350 million cost as part of the company's cleanup plan.
BP is responsible for cleaning up the oil spreading in the Gulf.
Jindal and other local officials say the oil would be easier to clean off sand barriers rather than the fragile marshes. Oil has washed up on several shorelines across the state, including the Chandeleur Islands, Grand Isle and in some marshes in the Pass a Loutre Wildlife Management Area in Plaquemines Parish. Jindal and others have complained that it's taking the Corps of Engineers and Coast Guard too long to decide the plan's fate. Earlier today the Jefferson Parish Council endorsed the barrier islands plan.
The federal officials have said they are still evaluating the plan in terms of short- and long-term impact. Some critics have said building the barrier islands will take much longer than the state thinks. They also worry how they will impact the tidal movements from the Gulf of Mexico into the coastal marshes.
[quote]BP continues to stonewall the American people about the growing Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf, even while the company is reaping millions of dollars in profits a day from its other federal leases.[/quote]
With all due respect - I WOULD NOT SIGN THIS PETITION!!!
1) With the facts of the oil leak as is - can you or any other leftist operative detail what BP SHOULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY on the LEAK?
2) I just heard Bill Maher argue that "BP doesn't want to blow up the well because they want to TAP THE OIL THERE IN THE FUTURE".
Maria - My eyes nearly welled up with tears as I heard for myself someone communicating such IGNORANCE.
The billion dollar platform by which they would tap this area IS DESTROYED!!!!! It sits as the bottom of the ocean after sinking. WHAT THE HELL are they going to use to hit the exact same hole? The new platform that they rented from Hertz?
I don't believe that some of you all THINK YOUR WAY THROUGH certain issues. If they are already drilling a RELIEF WELL to stop the flow of the oil then WHY WOULDN'T THEY DRILL A BRAND NEW WELL if they were ever allowed to drill again in the same spot?
For some of you it doesn't matter. You want to wage your attacks against your selected villains, even if it doesn't make sense.
IF BP is going to be forced to pay BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO EVERYONE - why would you seek to strip income from them?
I bet that more of you are worried that Kwame Kilpatrick being locked up and can't pay his fines to the court than you are able to apply the same reasoning to BP.
Constructive Feedback said...
[quote]Destructive Wingnut, I am curious: you say you are not political, yet I have never read where you wrote something critical of a republican politrickster. Always the bad dems.
Could you explain that to me?[/quote]
My friend Filled Negro:
You sidestepped the question!
Who are the operatives behind Maria's petition?
See their mission statement:
[quote]CREDO Mobile Action is a network of activists utilizing the power, convenience and speed of mobile phones to make social change. With a progressive president in the White House and progressive majorities in both the House and Senate, we may think our work is going to be easy.
But rightwing obstructionists are gearing up to stop progress in its tracks, and we have to be prepared to fight back.[/quote]
Maria - is there ANY SURPRISE that Credo is attacking BP rather than the Federal government that is run by FAVORABLE PEOPLE?
Notice that they put "right wing obstructionists" but are ill-prepared to evaluate the EFFECTIVENESS of the PROGRESSIVES that are in control.
If the RESULTS of our nation fall short of their expectations in 2 or 4 years - then, per their bigotry - the fault is because THE RIGHT WING OBSTRUCTIONISTS have stopped us. We need to keep TRYING HARDER.
Hey Filled Negro!!!
Are their any "right wing obstructionists" left around in Philly or Camden to cause the problems?
WhiteBowieSteve - what about Baltimore?
[quote] I am curious: you say you are not political, yet I have never read where you wrote something critical of a republican politrickster. Always the bad dems. [/quote]
My good friend Tersi - how are you doing?
The answer is clear.
1) I start from the INSIDE and project OUTWARD.
2) In regard to the communities who's fate that I am most interested in I focus on THOSE WHO HAVE ACTUAL POWER over the INSTITUTIONS.
(Example - In Dekalb County Ga - the news today is that the School Superintendent who resigned about 5 weeks ago has been INDICTED for corruption today. WHY should I focus on a REPUBLICAN in Dekalb when THERE AREN'T ANY in power?)
3) I note that many of these people who are presently in power gained power by selling our community on the notion "Things will be better when WE ARE IN CONTROL and can advance an agenda that has our community's best interests in mind".
Tersi - I have the audacity to INSPECT THEM upon the affirmative prescription that they sold to us.
By comparison some of YOU look at the PICTURES ON THE WALL and you fall for those in power as they ask you: "Doesn't the HUE in this picture MAKE YOU PROUD? Vote for us the next go round and we can make you PROUDER!!!"
You see Tersi - they don't want us to evaluate them according to the PERMANENT INTERESTS that we have obtained under their WATCH.
(Oh wait - the news is talking about the indictments in Dekalb once again.
I see. The District Attorney in Dekalb is a Black Democrat. She is the one who is bringing down these 4 other Democrats in the county's school system)
Do you see Tersi - when there is an EVIL, RACIST REPUBLICAN that has power over these key institutions I will be hammering them just as well when anyone else.
credo isn't attacking BP. it is actually criticizing the federal government.
kind of funny, because so is the right wing.
Is that foto real? With the steamgas escaping from his ears? Can this be? I think it is a tricky foto.
Do you see Tersi - when there is an EVIL, RACIST REPUBLICAN that has power over these key institutions I will be hammering them just as well when anyone else.
Our congress is one of those key institutions. When the Republicans and George Bush ran this country, did you criticize them for anything.
And if so, what?
Just for the moment, think outward.
CF said...2) I just heard Bill Maher argue that "BP doesn't want to blow up the well because they want to TAP THE OIL THERE IN THE FUTURE".
Maria - My eyes nearly welled up with tears as I heard for myself someone communicating such IGNORANCE.
Slow down!
Maher's more right than not. The Top Hat device was designed to do just that, salvage the oil gushing into the Gulf.
"Warm seawater from the surface also is going to be pumped along the riser bringing the collected oil and gas to the surface where it will go into Transocean’s Discoverer Enterprise drillship for processing and storage."
BP wishes to do whatever it can, short of "bombing" the riser, which would stop the leak altogether, so that they can continue to extract oil from the site.
Greed vs. need.
The need of the moment is to stop the leak. The greed of the moment is to do everthing short of utter failure--the non-extraction of oil and gas at this site.
Would a bomb make a bigger hole? Would the pressure of the ocean push out even more oil?
CF said..."Do you see Tersi - when there is an EVIL, RACIST REPUBLICAN that has power over these key institutions I will be hammering them just as well when anyone else."
CF, we'd believe that if just once you would criticize a Republican for anything.
Are Republicans so infallible that they're above criticism, or is it that you're more politically aligned with them than Democrats?
Enquiring minds are eager to know!
Hey Field what up brother BTW it was me that said Amen to your post yesterday I was Anon at 6:15. I was rushing and somehow the tag line didn't appear.
Like I said yesterday isn't absolutely amazing how hamstrung the government is because of its almost complete reliance on this private industry to be able to handle this contingency.
I think you could be right if this new attempt fails.
Laurel said:
"So much for putting his mighty "O" ness and Socialism on a pedestal."
Who was it beside some misinformed right winger that equated Obama with Socialism? I know Field hasn't done it. And for the record Obama is not even close to being a Socialist.
laconfidential, you wrote:
Or it would demand that the US to invest in renewable energy, modern infrastructure and conservation. Crisis precipitate change.
Only people who know absolutely NOTHING about science, engineering and energy make such profoundly and dangerously uninformed statements.
In short, there is NO alternative energy source with the low cost and easy use of oil.
However, it is true that one day we will run out of oil. Before that day arrives, the price of oil will rise enough to force us to rely of other sources -- coal, natural gas and nuclear.
No matter how badly you want to believe it, the cost and limitations of solar and wind power guarantee they will never provide more than a small percentage of our total energy.
Meanwhile, when the oil runs out, aircraft will stop flying. No other energy source can put planes in the air and allow them to carry passengers and/or freight.
You will never see a battery-powered airplane.
"Hey Filled Negro!!!
Are their any "right wing obstructionists" left around in Philly or Camden to cause the problems?"
Tersi, you and Bill Maher are correct. The Destructive Wingnut, as usual, is wrong.
"The fires burned for EIGHT MONTHS.
Every day the wells spewed SIX MILLION barrels of oil into the flames.
Bottom line -- BP will plug the leaking well and the impact of the oil will fade as time and tide do what they always do."
Stunning! Do you people see why we cannot let wingnuts run this country?
Let's pretend that you "Owned Sh**" for a second.
You have a $10 billion + set of liabilities ahead of you.
You just lost your billion dollar oil rig which sits at the bottom of the sea. You will likely be forced to recover it to remove the toxic waste contained on it.
DO YOU REALLY THINK that the powers that be in BP are plotting for a future in which a ship will be permanently parked over the wreckage - scooping up oil per their desire for PROFITS?
As if the Environmentalists are going to agree to allowing the ship to park there.
Get real man.
George said:
"Obama is not principled but weak, he is just another amoral empty suit in a long line of empty suits that have run the U.S since its inception, or as it was succinctly put in an article I read today: Obama is just Reagan's 8th term."
George thats a little harsh but it is accurate. I hear black folks esp all the time trying to convince me of Obama's good intentions while there is little evidence than he is more than what he acts like and says he is which is a bourgeosie politician no more, no less.
Folks keep saying," they (Congress, the ruling class) won't let Obama do what he wants to do." When I ask what is it they think Obama wants to do it always is something that Obama has an opposite position than they assign him. Its hard for folks to face the truth that Obama primary interest is in maintaining this system of inequality and equity. He simply looks more humane doing it.
Hathor said...
"Would a bomb make a bigger hole? Would the pressure of the ocean push out even more oil?"
Hator, the experts don't think so. Blowing up the well has worked before, and there's no reason to believe that it won't again.
BP is reluctant to do it. As one observer noted:
"Countering one explosion with another won't fly, I presume, because collapsing the well would render future production impossible, something I'm sure owners find abhorrent."
The person who develops a battery that recharges in as little time as it takes to fill a car's gas tank will become richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffett combined.
There is more profit in a cheap non-hydrocarbon power supply than anything else humans can develop. Therefore, you can be sure that students at MIT, CalTech, etc are buzzing -- as they have been for decades.
But the realities of physics and chemistry trump everything else.
And Amen again JODY who said:
This mess is not worse because Obama didn't act enough, or fast enough, or strong enough. This mess is because an oil company, with the blessing of the regulators, cut corners and engaged in a type of drilling with no contingency plan for this kind of accident. Because they deluded themselves and us into believing it wouldn't, couldn't happen. This mess is getting worse because nobody, including the best damned minds on this planet can figure out how to stop it. It is easy to be an arm chair quarterback and blame somebody else... but bottom line.. who is to blame. BP, the government
[quote]Our congress is one of those key institutions. When the Republicans and George Bush ran this country, did you criticize them for anything.[/quote]
1) Unlike the communities that I was talking about - THE REPUBLICANS got booted out of power as the masses got disappointed with their performance in Congress and the Executive. The Democrats are on their 4th straight congressional session in which they have majorities over BOTH HOUSES.
(Ask Filled Negro WHEN he expects the GOP to take back over the City Council in Philly as the residents of West Philly are "Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired" and thus are ready for a CHANGE)
2) Do you recall ever asking any of our Left-leaning posters WHEN they have attacked Democrats? Not just attacking them in an attempt to have them GO LEFT but attacking them with the question "Is PROGRESSIVISM able to DELIVER as promised"?
3) I am on record for criticizing the Federal Republicans for blowing a hole in the budget while they were in power. This nation is on an unsustainable course financially.
Ultimately Tersi - it won't be an evil racist Republican that takes away your social entitlements. The FISCAL INSOLVENCY of the USA is going to FORCE all who care about saving the nation to do so.
The question that I have for you and other Progressive-Fundamentalists is: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO INCREASE THE COMPETENCY OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUBJECT TO YOUR POLICIES?
After 20 years are their skills ENHANCED enough to sustain their desired standard of living? Or are they less capable than ever to maintain this?
BP does NOT own the drilling rig that exploded. It was RENTED, like all drilling rigs, from another company. In this case the other company is Transocean.
As for the wreckage, if there's a good reason to remove it, then removal will occur.
Otherwise drillers will drill new wells in the same oil field in nearly locations. That's how it works.
BP does NOT own the drilling rig that exploded. It was RENTED, like all drilling rigs, from another company. In this case the other company is Transocean.
As for the wreckage, if there's a good reason to remove it, then removal will occur.
Otherwise drillers will drill new wells in the same oil field in nearly locations. That's how it works.
CF said...DO YOU REALLY THINK that the powers that be in BP are plotting for a future in which a ship will be permanently parked over the wreckage - scooping up oil per their desire for PROFITS?
As if the Environmentalists are going to agree to allowing the ship to park there.
Get real man.
Real man speaking: The environmentalist, if they had their way, would have opposed drilling in these waters in the first place. Obviously, they didn't have there way. [That's real!]
Second, an oil platform would remain in the Gulf for as long as oil could have been extracted, and is a more or less permanent fixture.
[That's real!]
Ships would come and go, for as long as the oil was in demand, had value, and could be extracted. [That's real.]
BP's hope is to keep the site open, and not to seal it with an explosion. Extraction is their overriding concern, not sealing the well. [That's real!]
As it stands, BP is losing its initial investment, and its long-term prospects for profits, if the well is rendered inoperable, or the government withdraws its lease, and stop all deepwater drilling. [That, too, is real!]
All this talk and nobody comes up with possible solutions to the hole problem. For some reason, plugging up holes never seems to work; pressure builds up and fissures show up elsewhere. There has to be another viable solution that isn't based upon lack of scientific understanding.
And all this troll talk is bothersome; you have to wade through it to see that there are some people who DO have something to say.
no_slappz said...
laconfidential, you wrote:
Or it would demand that the US to invest in renewable energy, modern infrastructure and conservation. Crisis precipitate change."
Only people who know absolutely NOTHING about science, engineering and energy make such profoundly and dangerously uninformed statements.
In short, there is NO alternative energy source with the low cost and easy use of oil.
However, it is true that one day we will run out of oil. Before that day arrives, the price of oil will rise enough to force us to rely of other sources -- coal, natural gas and nuclear.
No matter how badly you want to believe it, the cost and limitations of solar and wind power guarantee they will never provide more than a small percentage of our total energy.
Meanwhile, when the oil runs out, aircraft will stop flying. No other energy source can put planes in the air and allow them to carry passengers and/or freight.
You will never see a battery-powered airplane.
Funny, I'm off to my professional engineering conference for 5 days next week. No_slappz, you're putting up a strawman. You're right, but you are so wrong at the same time.
Yeah, we probably won't have a solar-powered jumbo jet in the next ten years. But we can certainly build a modern railway (which uses alot less fuel than our air transport system) and encourage more people to take buses and bikes. More people could weather proof and install solar panels on their homes. We can modernize our electrical grid such that electricity generate from green sources can be distributed and that we don't waste so electricity much on transmission. We can definitely encourage people through tax incentives to stop driving gas-guzzling SUV's for hybrids and clean diesels. We can also turn off our TVs and turn down the thermostat.
No_slappz, the problem with your analysis is that you're taking the tree-hugger parody from Glenn Beck to represent reality. Most mainstream environmentalists don't take wacky folks like PETA or Earth First seriously. But some how, conservatives like you think the represent the bulk of the conservationist movement.
Most sane, rational adults realize that we're not going to stop using fossil fuels for energy in the near future. But, that doesn't mean a) we'll never find alternative energy sources and b)that we can't do a lot right now to conserve energy.
So put down your straw men and join the rest of us in reality.
MR, welcome back girl, long time no see. Yeah, this is a much more complex problem than most of the general public realizes. Its the equivalent of trying to cork a garden hose on full blast and thinking it won't start burst some where else. Right now, the relief well is the only real shot at shutting this thing off. Anything else is just the scientific equivalent of wishful thinking.
more hobama should do!
My views on energy are based on my background -- a degree in mechanical engineering, experience as a corporate energy analyst looking for and experimenting with alternative energy sources and supplies, and as a Wall Street analyst following energy companies.
Like most people who comment on energy issues -- even though you suggest you have an engineering background -- your comments show you do not understand the overall energy equation.
Moreover, like it or not, no one is going to tell Americans they cannot drive their cars. Oh sure, ranting and raving will fill the air, but only a handful of people will buy electric vehicles and I expect the Chevy Volt to become the Edsel of the current car generation.
Railroads -- major freight lines -- use locomotives that have diesel engines that run generators. It is the electricity from the generators that actually moves freight trains.
Trains are the most energy-efficient form of transportation. But there is no chance the government will seize large tracts of land to run tracks through backyards, town centers, or other areas where private citizens will use the courts to stop the intrusion.
Meanwhile, the population of Earth is growing rapidly. The population is becoming more prosperous.
That means more and more people will buy cars. Even if new cars get double the mileage of today's cars, AGGREGATE gasoline consumption will rise.
As for electricity lost during transmission, well, like all forms of waste, it is a relatively small part of the overall consumption. Hence, even if losses were reduced to ZERO, the relentless increase in demand will exceed all possible savings.
Moreover, energy is well understood. We know the energy content of every energy source on the planet or shining light on it. As I said, energy limits have been imposed by Nature. Physics and chemistry.
What you say about BP may be true, but has any well that deep in the ocean ever been blown up to stop its flow.
Its all speculation, although I am not saying don't try it. The nation just has to be prepared to accept failure, if it doesn't work.
When the oil dries up, the earth will continue until the sun becomes a white dwarf, regardless of what you think.
Hathor said...
What you say about BP may be true, but has any well that deep in the ocean ever been blown up to stop its flow.
Frankly, I can't say, but my guess is--probably not, although a couple of experts on television earlier in the day felt strongly that it would work.
The Rachel Maddow Show reviewed a previous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The more spills change, the more they stay the same
May 26: Rachel Maddow shares NBC News reports on from 1979 on the Ixtoc I oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the near mirror impotence and ineptitude in addressing the spill.
I believe the spill lasted 9 months, and ended only after relief wells were drilled.
no_slappz, how can you argue that making public transportation more appealing and widespread would not decrease our carbon footprint? Yes a commuter use more energy overall than say a car. But because a train can carry several hundred people, you've eliminated the need for several hundred cars on the road. Thus, a city's carbon footprint shrinks. Why would installing solar panels for heating and offsetting an electric bill not make a positive impact on global warming? Your house is warmer and you require less electricity from the local coal plant.
And what you do mean 'no one can get Americans out their cars'? If your logic held, we'd have more and not less adults smoking.
Europeans use more public transportation and walk more because they have to. When gas is up to 5 euros a liter (about 10 dollars/ gallon), you'd be more than happy to take the 40 miles/gallon clean diesel or the bus. If gas got up to 8/gallon, we'd all be walking a lot more. And if cities like Atlanta, Los Angeles and Dallas has decent public transportation systems (i.e. high speed commuter rail), you wouldn't have smog induce gridlock.
(Funny thing about LA, it once had the second best public transportation system in America. An LA trolley could get you to anywhere in Los Angeles. The trolleys were rapidly dismantle through collusion with the auto industry and the expansion of federal highways).
We could also discourage building McMasion enclaves in the middle of Nowhere, USA -- give tax incentives for people to live closer to established downtown centers instead of driving out to the boonies.
Your points are not so much scientific as they are corporate talking points.
LAC all this carbon footprint talk is madness. However, making public transit more accessible makes sense. However, we ought to to go MAGLEV technology. That releases zero emissions. Period. It's almost as though people have forgotten that the technology exists in these types of discussions. The theory has been around for a long time and I think they have some trains in Japan, China and England I believe.
@ et al:
AllI'm saying is that we need to do two things:
1) Start making pictures of marine life to show the Millenia generation and those behind it what used to live in that ugly, stinking gunk we used to call water (be prepared to explain what water means)
2) Start aquiring a taste for tainted Chinese fish products...because that's all you're going to see in the grocery stores.
I am loving the last few comments.
I love to learn when I read.
Now I will process what I read, read some more, and see who is making more sense.
The U.S.S. Arizona's been leaking oil for almost 70 years, and its only a few hundred feet deep.
That oil spill also happened with a Democrat controlled WhiteHouse/House/Senate, who started a war to draw attention away from their incompetence...
Surprised y'all haven't blamed it on the Jews yet,
Frank,"I have a Scheme" Drackman
lacoincidental, you wrote:
no_slappz, how can you argue that making public transportation more appealing and widespread would not decrease our carbon footprint?
Easy. Mass transit will NEVER offer the travel options most people need most of the time. Even in NY City, where I live, the subway does not serve large segments of Brooklyn (my borough) and Queens. Buses fill in some of the gaps, but total commuting times can become unacceptable to people who want a few hours to sleep at night.
Meanwhile, mass transit projects are insanely expensive. Thus, vast sums are spent over several years before the first passenger gets a ride.
You wrote:
But because a train can carry several hundred people, you've eliminated the need for several hundred cars on the road.
As I said, trains are okay if they get you within walking distance of your destination. That is often the case in NY City. But not always. Plenty of offices and apartments are located far enough from mass transit that people drive their cars instead.
You wrote:
Why would installing solar panels for heating and offsetting an electric bill not make a positive impact on global warming? Your house is warmer and you require less electricity from the local coal plant.
Your comment is naive and amusing. Like I have said, you do not understand the overall energy equation, which means you ignore the energy and expense needed to manufacture and maintain equipment that only functions when the sun is shining.
By the way, if you believe the silliness about global warming, then you are also ignoring the notion that a warmer planet means less need for heating in winter.
You wrote:
And what you do mean 'no one can get Americans out their cars'? If your logic held, we'd have more and not less adults smoking.
Really. First, smoking accomplishes only one thing -- it kills your lungs. Second, even though smoking is only good for killing smokers, our government relies heavily on tax revenue extracted from tobacco addicts.
If you really believe the people of the US want to legislate good health, then you should demand laws making smoking illegal, laws that force smokers to quit, forcing them to go to health re-education prison and pay severe fines for their tobacco crimes.
But America's 50 million smokers kick in big tax revenue. So we know how politicians will handle this issue.
lacoincidental II,
You wrote:
Europeans use more public transportation and walk more because they have to.
Too bad for them. But so what? Europe is small. America is big.
By the way, Europeans have the same options as Americans. If they want to spend money on cars and gas, they can. Car-makers sell high-mileage cars that fill the roads. Are the streets of European cities pedestrian malls? Or are they jammed with cars?
You wrote:
When gas is up to 5 euros a liter (about 10 dollars/ gallon), you'd be more than happy to take the 40 miles/gallon clean diesel or the bus. If gas got up to 8/gallon, we'd all be walking a lot more.
I'm all for building better cars and engines. But arbitrarily piling on huge taxes to gasoline guarantees more people will default on mortgages when their gasoline bills leave them unable afford their commutes. Moreover raising gasoline prices through heavy taxes means houses not near public transportation will lose value, another reason an owner will choose to default.
You wrote:
And if cities like Atlanta, Los Angeles and Dallas has decent public transportation systems (i.e. high speed commuter rail), you wouldn't have smog induce gridlock.
Are taxpayers in those cities ready to pay the bill for the development of major mass transit systems? Obviously the answer is NO.
You wrote:
We could also discourage building McMasion enclaves in the middle of Nowhere, USA -- give tax incentives for people to live closer to established downtown centers instead of driving out to the boonies.
Wow. So you want the government to dictate where you live and how you live. At the same time, you want the government to destroy real estate markets located in places that violate your sense of commutability.
It is thinking like yours that make Cuba and North Korea the garden spots they are.
You need to learn a lot about energy and the realities of mass transit. You know nothing.
m rigmaiden, you wrote:
we ought to to go MAGLEV technology. That releases zero emissions. Period. It's almost as though people have forgotten that the technology exists in these types of discussions.
You suggest that MAGLEV is a magic carpet. How much electricity do you think it takes to lift an entire train off its track bed and then propel it at super high speed?
It's an easy energy equation. In short, the amount of power is huge.
But the real problem is objections from people who refuse to let the state run rail beds through their property.
I live a block from a stop on the NY City subway. In my part of Brooklyn, the subway runs at ground level. A renovation project is underway and it includes the rebuilding of my nearby subway station. The rebuild includes a new station house set on a piece of Metro Transit property that had been an unused open lot for the last 100 years.
Unfortunately, the lot is next door to a beautiful Victorian house. When the building is completed, the homeowners will look at the wall of the station house -- about 15 feet from their window -- instead of the green empty lot that had been there. But that was the risk they took when they bought the house.
Building new track systems in America requires obtaining vast rights-of-way. Forget it. Never happen.
But the real problem is objections from people who refuse to let the state run rail beds through their property.
I live a block from a stop on the NY City subway. In my part of Brooklyn, the subway runs at ground level. A renovation project is underway and it includes the rebuilding of my nearby subway station. The rebuild includes a new station house set on a piece of Metro Transit property that had been an unused open lot for the last 100 years.
Unfortunately, the lot is next door to a beautiful Victorian house. When the building is completed, the homeowners will look at the wall of the station house -- about 15 feet from their window -- instead of the green empty lot that had been there. But that was the risk they took when they bought the house.
Hmmm....so the government can seize people's homes for Wal-Mart but are scared crapless about some NIMBY yuppies don't want a train station behind their house? And they're probably the same hipsters who shop at Whole Foods and drive a Prius. Unbelievable.
As Memorial Day quickly approaches, we pause to reflect on the state of our union, especially with President Obama at the helm. This week on Basic Black, we will be examining the presidency of our current commander-in-chief, especially his role in shaping the outcome of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and his role with the recent oil spill. Our panelists will explore the issues faced by men and women of color in the military. For this episode, our panel will include: Callie Crossley, host of The Callie Crossley Show on WGBH Radio, Philip Martin, Senior Investigative Reporter, 89.7,Latoyia Edwards, anchor for New England Cable News, and Lionel McPherson, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Tufts University. You can watch this Thursday, May 27, at 7:30 on WGBH (Channel 2) or online at www.basicblack.org (where you can also tell us your thoughts on our live chat).
NoSlapz, MAGLEV is a lot cleaner than what we have going now and your comment makes little sense. To which energy equation are you referring? It's my understanding that MAGLEV's require less electricity to operate than conventional trains because they use the back EMF generated from current to do the 'magnetic work'. Understanding the the back EMF sources the B field. NS you don't know what you are talking about.
"we ought to to go MAGLEV technology. That releases zero emissions. Period."
What do you power the MAGLEV system with, pixie dust? MAGLEV runs on electricity, which we make (for the most part) by burning coal. There is no "zero emission" technology. Even your unicorn fart solutions smell.
This enviro-bullshit persists only because of the technical illiteracy of precious little proto-fascists like LACoincidental who don't let their ignorance get in the way of their deciding how and where everyone should live. The only choice progressives believe in is abortion; everything else should be dictated according to the sensibilities of the NYT editorial staff. Get a fucking real job, get a life, and stop telling everyone else how to live.
Maglev runs off of electricity and that is understood from my comment above. However it still doesn't put for the emissions problems that other forms of technology. As to using coal to power a maglev train, YOU are really showing your ignorance here. There are various ways to power maglevs from superconductors to bar magnets on the tracks. You don't know what you're talking about. But on abortion you're right.
m rigmaiden,
Clearly you know nothing about magnetism or how it is used to move a mass. However, you seem so convinced that your ignorance is fact that you will believe any story about magic carpets and Star Trek transporter rooms.
No matter how badly you want to believe otherwise, Force = Mass X Acceleration.
And a train operating on the principles of Magnetism and Levitation (MAGLEV) requires enough power to LIFT the train off the track so that it travels in a frictionless manner.
But based on your comments, you think a Superconductor is itself a magnet rather than a Conductor of energy coming from another source.
MAGLEV motion depends on huge electromagnets, which require lots of electricity. Much more electricity than is used to power the NY City subway system.
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