If they weren't the ones who blew up our buildings and killed our people in the "Big Apple" we probably wouldn't have a problem with one of them winning Ms. USA. But, it was one of them, so we do have a problem. Yup, these same folks want to build a place of worship close to that very spot. There is just so much tolerance a good A-merry-ca can take.
And, just to make sure that those of us who don't have problem see that we should, we are going to try and state our case right smack dab on the side of some city buses:
Motown has no use for the anti-Muslim ads plastered across the sides of buses in New York City.
Detroit's SMART bus system has rejected the button-pushing placards that read "Fatwa on your head? Is your community or family threatening you? Leaving Islam?" - and direct Muslims to a Web site urging them to leave the "falsity of Islam."
"It's a purely anti-Muslim hate issue," Dawud Walid of the Council on American-Islamic Relations told the Detroit News on Friday.
"It's a purely anti-Muslim hate issue," Dawud Walid of the Council on American-Islamic Relations told the Detroit News on Friday.
"The SMART bus company, or any bus company, should not be used to marginalize a minority group."
Defenders of the ads, dreamed up by Manhattan-based right wing blogger Pamela Geller and the New York-based Stop the Islamization of America, say it's a free speech issue and they have sued.
"Americans have a right to know the truth; Islam is a religion of intolerance and violence," said Michigan lawyer Richard Thompson, who filed the suit. [Article]
Yes, that's what you say Mr. Thompson; but are they alone? I am not so sure.
And finally, before I go back to watching my fly guys play soccer on ice with the boys from "The Chi." I have a couple of other things on my mind:
First, it's important to remember that it's not only conservatives and right wingnuts who struggle with prejudice and ignorance. Sometimes liberals have issues as well. The latest example is my man Bill Maher. (h/t Miranda) I usually agree with Bill on most things, but my man really needs to broaden his horizons a little bit. Bill, not all black folks like to pack gats. Lay off the MTV Raps a little bit. Wow! First Beck now this guy. This oil spill is really bringing out the worst in folks.
Second, speaking of oil spill; I see that BP's latest plan to plug the leak in the Gulf failed. Oh oh, it could be a long summer. Just remember these two words, O man: Stay engaged.
Seriously, I was walking around north philly today and I've never seen so many black people wearing hockey gear in my life.
I'll bet if I was in Germantown I would have seen an orange and black burqua or two.
I love this city.
that was me>
Mr. Field Bill Maher is a racist idiot who dates Black women so he can demean them. Did you know he dated the infamous Karinne Superhead Steffans?
Check out what she had to say about Bill:
What up Field hadn't heard about the ads but even though they are divisive(boy we need more of that) I think they are protected free speech.
Field are you just peeping Bill Maher he has been known to make some really backwards statements about black folks on occassion. You should look up the show he did with Mos Def and Cornel West. Mos Def called him out on a generalization or two about black folks. And he dates black women primarily. Go figure.
Man whats going in Jamaica I read somewhere that US troops are there can you elaborate about what that dude Dudus is really all about. Was he really doing something progressive in that neighborhood?
Bill Maher is dating a white woman.
No mel Dudus was not. He is a drug dealer and a murderer. i can say that because I never go to Tivoli when I am on the rock. Rema, maybe. He gave a lot of $ to the people in JLP strongholds, and I hear he pays his bodyguards well.
Still, given the nature of Jamaican politics, plenty of these people know that if he doesn't help them no one will. Which is quite sad.
The latest buzz is that Dudus is going to turn himself in. Not a moment too soon as far as I am concerned. Thanks to him and that politrickster PM of ours a bunch of people have lost their lives.
Yes Val, I have always viewed Maher with a jaundiced eye. And I know all about him and "Superhead".
"Seriously, I was walking around north philly today and I've never seen so many black people wearing hockey gear in my life"
And just think Brohammas, the brother plays for Chicago. Tough game tonight. :(
[quote]"Bill wants someone he can put down in an argument, tell you how ghetto you are, how big your butt is, and that you're an idiot.
Val - Thank you so much for posting this viewpoint from a person who is up close and personal.
I understand that Bill Maher and Anne Coulter are very good friends. People get fooled by the "stage fighting" that they (and several other pairs) conduct for profit.
I imagined my first in person debate with Maher would have me uttering: "Just because you screwed a few Black women doesn't make you 'down', 'Punk White Boy!!' Now say something else!!".
Another thing that makes sense to me is that my good friend Filled Negro "Usually agrees with everything that Maher says". No surprise here.
Some people are fooled into believing that Maher, Stewart, Colbert and others "call'em as they see em" and they JUST HAPPEN to go after conservatives more because the right provides more fodder.
Instead they all are bigoted leftists who use comedy and sarcasm to appeal to a crowd who believes that sneering at people makes for a legitimate position in a debate.
I recently acquired HBO to see "Treme". I wanted 2 episodes of Bill Maher and don't plan to waste my time again.
Field, I am surprised that a racism chaser like you don't know how racist Bill Maher is. He will give Hannity and Beck a good race about racism on any given day.
I think you have no right to call CF a white lover and a sell out.
As far as the O man is concerned, it's too late for him to try to engage. He's through. Anybody with any political acumen can see that BP is his Katrina. The only difference is that it is far worse because the spewing crude is going to touch the coasts of a few more states.
I wonder where praying prophet ISEEISEE is? I suppose she is busy praying, or maybe she has lost faith?
Has anyone considered the possibility that this oil leak might not be stopped and that the Gulf of Mexico will become the Oil Bed of Mexico?
thanks Field for that clarification there are some rumors being floated by some of my Miami homies, that made it appear to be more than meets the eye.
Field and others keep an eye on the Memorial Day weekend on South beach a few hundred thousand young black people from mainly the east coast but also from the West Coast and the midwest as well descend on Miami Beach and the police come out with riot gear and in large numbers and harrass the hell out of many of them. They ticket the kids that are cruising for almost anything and stop and frisk and arrest them for open containers and just about anything.
Field...I agree with you 100% of the time...I guess there is a first time for everything. Bill Maher is a comedian/satirist , in his opening monologue he says a dumb joke about a " real black president " and you take it that Maher is racist. C'mon Son!! we can't be so sensitive that we lump Maher in with a real devil like Glenn Beck. It was just a dumb joke.
[quote]we can't be so sensitive that we lump Maher in with a real devil like Glenn Beck.[/quote]
Anon #101:
Do you notice that your kinda "Racists", such as Glenn Beck all have the offense of attacking PROGRESSIVES?
I wonder if you can accept that some White liberals who want to "feed Blacks" because they see us as inferior in taking care of our ownselves are RACISTS as well?
OR does the fact that they are doing something for you cause you to look the other way?
I can understand if this is the case with you. Some people don't want to talk and mess up their "hook up".
Since bus boycotts have gone out of style. I say it's time to revive that tried and true old school call to action with a twist:
All those suspicious terrorist looking people should start importing camels into the US of A.
Yep, nothing like white folks stepping in some hot and fresh camel shit as they navigate the urban landscape to kill the religious bigotry on buses. Yep, how's that for integration and tolerance?
Now as for the Jheri Curl activator juice spewing into the Gulf? You just had to know some shit called "Top Kill" wasn't gonna work. Maybe its just me, but that shit sounded like a WWE finishing move.
So here's how BP can fix this mess:
The solution lies in Jermaine Jackson's hairdo. Surely he's not gonna turn down and extra 77,000 barrels of engine oil per day for his hair, no?
Of course if he refuses, BP can always call in Aqua-man, The A-Team, and MacGyver and his infamous duct tape. I mean at the rate this shit is going down there, Bin Laden has to be sitting in a cave saying, "Damn, I gotta step my game up after watching this BP shit."
CF said..."Instead they all are bigoted leftists who use comedy and sarcasm to appeal to a crowd who believes that sneering at people makes for a legitimate position in a debate.
"I recently acquired HBO to see "Treme". I wanted 2 episodes of Bill Maher and don't plan to waste my time again."
That's the only endorsement I need. If Constructive Feedback is thumbs-down on Maher, then I'm going to become Maher's biggest fan.
Thanks, CF. Care to endorse anyone else?
And, again, thanks to you, I'm now feeling Stewart, and Colbert.
Maher's calling for a "real" black president is a little ironic: We've never had a black president, real or otherwise. Obama's the first; so we can't ask, "Is it real, or is it Memorex?"
Maher's description of a "real president" more closely resembles Tony Soprano, or Michael Corleone.
Yet, I'll take Maher's description any day to Rush Limbaugh's many attempts:
"You know, we were promised a messiah. All we got was the mess. We're still waiting on the -iah."
"Elena Kagan is not the next Harriet Miers. She's the next Barack Obama. This is what everybody's gotta realize: He's simply picking mirror images of himself."
I have to stop here. I could add more, but I'm out of Tums.
Just think: Rush makes millions with lines like these.
Brother Rippa....mucho,mucho :) s. History shows that the people(racist) that will hurt you, you will not know or expect. Bankers that charge my race greater-- when all things are equal. Police who give you a ticket and let others go with "a warning". Insurance cos. that charge a higher rate. Just recently I heard that banks charged Blacks a higher interest on home loans. I am not talking about the guys who allowed the known bad loans. In my small and rapidly going feeble mind I dont see why the banks that supposely "beat me and others " with highers rates can't correct these short time ago racist act. The got computers.....don't they. Again...why worry with known so called racist...it the ones under "the sheets" that do you harm. PS I DID NOT say the banks beated minority buyers. Damn sometimes we gotta just believe. Please look at "For Love Of Liberty". About some of us (Blacks) transistion in the militaries. and the love/hate relationship
"The solution lies in Jermaine Jackson's hairdo. Surely he's not gonna turn down and extra 77,000 barrels of engine oil per day for his hair, no?"
Rippa, that was classic.:)
Anon 1:50am. I understand that Maher is a satirist, and believe me, I appreciate the humor and irony he presents at times, but sometimes you have to look at a man's entire body of work. I would never say what I said a about Maher about Colbert (not yet)because his body of work doesn't give me cause to.
Now having said that; I still think that Beck and Limp-boy are far worse. IMHO. I know that the Destructive Wingnut wants to lump others in with his ideological soul mates, but again, we are talking body of work here.
Black Diaspora:
I buzzed your blog after finding the link from the AfroAmerican Clarion Call.
I think that you have a thing for Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity since what they do appear in so many of your posts.
I figured that a blog titled "People descended from Africa spread throughout the world" would be less bound to the right wing radio market in the USA. Certainly the suffering people of Jamaica are not fearing guns from Limbaugh and drugs from Hannity.
[quote]That's the only endorsement I need. If Constructive Feedback is thumbs-down on Maher, then I'm going to become Maher's biggest fan.
Thanks, CF. Care to endorse anyone else?[/quote]
Hum Zinger:
Using the reference of "people I have evaluated and have issues with" being favorable to you - YES indeed
* These 3 Street Pirates in Atlanta who yesterday shot an off duty cop in the stomach and in the arm. They were committing a robbery in daylight. All of this right near Morehouse and Spelman. I can't stand these 3 people for what they have done.
* What about the superintendent of the school district of Philadelphia, Dr Arlene Ackerman? While she has improved the drop out rate of the schools, the rate that they have "improved to" is still unacceptable.http://functionalculture.blogspot.com/2010/05/addressing-high-school-drop-out-problem.html
You see Hum Zinger - media personalities on your list do less proportional damage than the entirety of individuals each who make one of the "one thousand cuts".
In order to counter act their actions you need to confront them culturally. You appear to defend their culture and antics by remaining silent.
[quote]Now having said that; I still think that Beck and Limp-boy are far worse. IMHO. I know that the Destructive Wingnut wants to lump others in with his ideological soul mates, but again, we are talking body of work here.[/quote]
On Memorial Day Sunday you attack me Filled Negro?
I just wrote a tribute article to you and Glenn Beck. I may choose to delete it because of your slap at me.
How do you have the right to sue a company if they will not accept your advertising? How is this a free speech issue?
If it is so important to get there message out, no one is stopping them from renting a bill board or standing at a bus stop with the sign on their backs. Forming a protest would make them actually act like citizens, which is hard work.
Has anyone posting here ever visited Mecca? Medina? Unless you are a muslim, you cannot.
As usual, muslims exploit and pervert freedom in other countries to advance their own agenda of backwardness and denial of almost every basic right that defines America.
Genital mutilation for the ladies. Near slave status for them too.
How would those muslims at the mosque near the World Trade Center response if some Christians carrying Bibles entered and suggested a conversion to Christianity?
In Saudi Arabia it is a CAPITAL CRIME to attempt to convert a muslim to Christianity.
Meanwhile, muslims, seeing the world as they do, believe Obama's muslim roots tell a far larger story than gullible Americans realize.
Moreover, the imam behind the development of the NY City mosque heads a questionable charity. It looks as though its finances are somewhere between disastrous and phony. In other words, the source of the money for the mosque is unknown, which means it is likely to come from all the wrong places.
And let's be honest -- muslims DO NOT believe in plurality. They do believe that government should be based in islam. They deeply oppose "the separation of church and state."
For that reason alone they are a menace to democracy, freedom, capitalism, plurality and the advancement of all knowledge.
hathor, you wrote:
How do you have the right to sue a company if they will not accept your advertising? How is this a free speech issue?
Easy. The buses of NY City are GOVERNMENT property. Not a private company.
Thus, the government bus company must recognize and respect the First Amendment. Therefore, the government's capacity to refuse ads is limited.
The wide-eyed and innocent should realize that islam is the path backwards to the 7th century.
Islam is anti-intellectual, which is why there is no need for patent offices in muslim countries. Nothing is invented in those countries because islam cannot tolerate anything that appears to contradict, exceed or overshadow the thoughts and rantings of muhammad.
So if Ashley-Madison wanted to advertise on buses and the Smart bus company refused to let them, will they be violating Ashley-Madison's right to free speech?
hail I greetins from yard ,,,just wanted to make certain you saw this,,,for all the hyprocrites trying to downplay the links between politricksters and gangs in jamaica,,,
look at this article in jamaica observer
MILITARY and police personnel Friday said that copies of the extradition documents filed by the United States Government against Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke were found in his Presidential Click office in Tivoli Gardens after the community was secured by the authorities.
At the same time, they painted Coke as a coward who, after importing at least 400 gunmen from outside Tivoli to fight in his defence, fled the community shortly after the security forces began their operation last Monday to arrest him and restore order to the area.
Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke (centre), the man around which the activities shown here were centred.
On Friday, two attorneys with whom the Sunday Observer shared the information about the documents expressed surprise, as they said it was not the practice for the subject of an extradition to be in possession of the papers supporting that request.
“It would be very unusual,” said one of the attorneys, whom the Sunday Observer will not name.
“My antennae would go up on getting that information,” said the other lawyer who explained that extradition documents would only be shared with the subject’s attorney after the subject was arrested.
The first attorney also questioned the Judicial Review filed by Coke’s lawyers in relation to Justice Minister Dorothy Lightbourne’s decision to sign the extradition request, a move that would put Coke before a Resident Magistrate to determine whether he has a case to answer in the US.
The US Government indicted Coke on arms and drugtrafficking charges last August but the Jamaican Government had refused to sign the document to begin the extradition process.
The Judicial Review is scheduled to come before the High Court tomorrow. Coke’s lawyers are arguing that the minister had contended for the past nine months that the US had illegally obtained wire-tap information against their client.
“The reason given for the challenge at this stage is highly unusual,” said the attorney.
According to members of the security forces, they also found other sensitive documents relating to the extradition in Coke’s office, from which he ran his entertainment company.
They declined to reveal more but were obviously peeved at the discovery which suggested that Coke was the beneficiary of assistance from influential circles.
cocoa goddess,
The following is from Detroit's SMART bus website:
Public Notices
Recently SMART was required to post advertisements on some of its buses. The ads state, “Don’t believe in God? You’re not alone.”
As a governmental agency that receives state and federal funds, SMART is mandated to comply with federal and state laws.
First Amendment free speech rights require that SMART not censor free speech and because of that, SMART is required to provide equal access to advertising on our vehicles.
In this case, the advertising does not violate the content restriction policy in the contract or the law.
While SMART is required to post this material, advertising posted on SMART property may not reflect the views or opinions of SMART, its employees or riders.
This advertising campaign is not unique to the SMART system. It began in 2009 in the form of billboards and has been posted as public transit ads across the country.
Please know that we take the rights and views of all of our riders and our communities very seriously. For information on the SMART Bus Advertising program or to purchase advertising on SMART buses, click here.
So you wouldn't have a problem with them allowing for Ashley-Madison to advertise or Rent-a-Boy. Good to know.
I thought we were speaking of a bus company in Michigan.
But is it the law? That is why my first question was directed to FN. SMART's lawyers may have worded that disclaimer and allowed the advertising because going to court too costly.
Thompson is the former prosecutor that went after Dr. Kevorkian. He has since hooked up with very right-wing religious groups.
People should also be aware of who Pamela Geller is and what she believes.
hathor, you asked:
But is it the law?
Is the First Amendment the law? Do you have to ask?
The ads that offended a few muslims appeared on buses in NY City. I believe the SMART Bus, the Detroit bus system, refused to run the same ads.
However, the refusal is not surprising considering that Detroit and Dearborn are home to a large muslim population. Therefore, it will not surprise me if we learn the SMART bus employee who refused the ads is a muslim.
Even if that is not the case, the First Amendment matters. As the public notice from SMART bus stated, the company must give ALL advertisers equal access. That is the law. The government cannot censor free speech.
"It's a purely anti-Muslim hate issue," Dawud Walid of the Council on American-Islamic Relations told the Detroit News on Friday.
The SMART bus company, or any bus company, should not be used to marginalize a minority group."
Walid attempts to convert this issue into anti-muslim hate from what it really is -- a First Amendment issue in which speech that offends Walid is permitted because the US government is not allowed to censor speech.
As a muslim, Walid cannot tolerate the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the fact that our rule of law transcends the nonsense that defines islam.
Defenders of the ads, dreamed up by Manhattan-based right wing blogger Pamela Geller and the New York-based Stop the Islamization of America, say it's a free speech issue and they have sued.
Geller, among other activities, runs a webiste -- Jihad Watch.
"Americans have a right to know the truth; Islam is a religion of intolerance and violence," said Michigan lawyer Richard Thompson, who filed the suit.
"Christians, Jews and other non-Muslim minorities are persecuted in every country where Islam dominates."
The threat of islam is on full display in every islamic nation.
I guess the SMART company was stupid enough to not want to lose patrons. Boycotting is freedom of speech, too.
It's my understanding that if you leave Islam you are labeled an apostate and the Kor@n says he should be killed, aka fatwa. There's a city in Michigan that had a large Muslim population too. Maybe that has something to do with it also.
I read somewhere that people from Yemen and Somalia have been entering the US from Mexico. That would be really bad PR for the no wall crowd if they were terror!$ts.
I don't think either ad could be posted on any Federal property.
no_slappz: this is not about free speech.
this is about deciding whether to run an ad.
happens all the time. i support those who won't run it.
you want to go and stand in the street and yell stupid shit like this, you got a right.
but you should know that you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater--that's not protected as free speech.
this could be seen the same way.
In order to carry off cross cultural humor, you have to be self deprecating. Billy Crystal and Robin Williams can pull it off because they poke plenty of sticks in their own eyes. Richard Pryor got away with talking about white folks because he talked about himself worse. Jon Stewart can say whatever the hell he wants because he will always rag on his Jewish heritage as much if not more.
Bill Maher does not have an ounce of self deprecation in his body. He is smug, arrogant, and I believe a racist. I stopped watching him a long time ago. I also think he is a mysogynist pig to the core. Even when I was watching the show, I skipped his unfunny self centered monologue.
He is also an intolerant sow about religion (and I am not religious in any way and have big issues with organized religion but I respect people's right to their beliefs as long as no one is dying over it). He extends his disdain for religion to anyone who is religious. When I see anyone speak out with venom about a large segment of the world's population because of the nutty actions of some, I have to look at that person sideways and wonder what their problem is. With people like this, I wonder if a particular ethnicity is interchangable with religion. When he and Christopher Hitchens, whom I used to respect, get started on religion, you wonder when the brown shirts will show up.
He is also a self avowed pot head and I wonder if he even knows what he is saying from one minute to next.
Tank yu fi de update yawdie @ 10:05am.
Anon 3:49 pm, I understand some of what you are saying. I have issues with religion as well, but Maher does go after those folks with some serious venom. Not cool.
It's kind of like n_s goes after the Muslims. And I bet HE is a Christian.Issues.
Yep, I have heard some things about Ms. Geller. Let's just leave it at that for now. :)
anon said:
With people like this, I wonder if a particular ethnicity is interchangable with religion. When he and Christopher Hitchens, whom I used to respect, get started on religion, you wonder when the brown shirts will show up.
He is also a self avowed pot head and I wonder if he even knows what he is saying from one minute to next."
of course, he knows what he's saying from minute to minute. have you really watched his show? i have seen him be far more articulate than anyone i've ever seen on fox or cnbc...beck, o'reilly and palin come to mind. do you really think HBO would keep someone on the air who is impaired? he obviously is not.
his take on religion is purely from an academic perspective--you can't prove any of the bible stories and organized religion has corrupted mankind. that's his take. i happen to agree. it's rather an informed opinion.
i respect hitchen's intellect but disliked his shameless promotion of the invasion or iraq, which i believe he has finally repudiated.
I've watched Bill Maher from his Comedy Central days to HBO. He was never particularly funny but he had good guests which made his shows interesting because they were topical. Somewhere during his trek to HBO, he believed he was the First Amendment Messiah. From his unfunny opening monologue to his sophomoric New Rules, he comes off as a smug, arrogant, billious narcissist. I tried only watching the panel discussions but I could no longer stomach that.
Stewart and Colbert have far greater political depth which is reflected in their blistering and hysterically amusing comedy.
Stewart is quoted daily. Maher rarely.
Maher is a pretender. And yes, if Maher is bringing bags of cash to HBO, his impairment would not matter. Rush was a junkie for years and he still got game.
Americans are very stupid people. very stupid.
btw, field, i well know your policy on banning folks, but you need to make an exception for
"bruno leicht."
read on:
"Maher is a pretender. And yes, if Maher is bringing bags of cash to HBO, his impairment would not matter. Rush was a junkie for years and he still got game."
Amen, anon.
Yes Maria, and he is a stalker to boot. He is not the other Bruno Leicht who has been communicating with me via e-mail. Seems this Bruno is an Internet stalker.
The other Bruno is talking legal action against him (I think) I am not sure what the laws in Germany are like, so we will have to wait and see.
In the mean time, nope, I won't ban him/her. And, for the record, I don't think we will have a hard time telling the two apart from now on. The real Bruno is on my side bar. He is somewhat of a jazz aficionado in Germany.
Constructive Feedback said...
Black Diaspora:
I buzzed your blog after finding the link from the AfroAmerican Clarion Call.
I think that you have a thing for Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity since what they do appear in so many of your posts.
Don't let my preoccupation become your preoccupation.
CF or SEE 'F' said..."You see Hum Zinger - media personalities on your list do less proportional damage than the entirety of individuals each who make one of the "one thousand cuts".
In order to counter act their actions you need to confront them culturally. You appear to defend their culture and antics by remaining silent"
I see you're a zingerphile. Those media personalities represent the voice of white America.
They broadcast one message to our black youth, "This is not your country. You're not wanted here."
Many have internalized that message, to the point of not caring about you, me, or anyone else.
So who has the greatest offense?
[quote]Those media personalities represent the voice of white America.
They broadcast one message to our black youth, "This is not your country. You're not wanted here."[/quote]
Hum Zinger:
I can't force you to change your ways.
I can only evaluate your claims for veracity.
"This is not your country. You are not wanted here"
Let's look at two people - Sean Hannity and Armen Tsaturyan of West Chester PA. (Note: I went to Philly.com and picked the first victim of a crime that I found. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20100530_Shooting_victim_in_W__Phila__was_W__Chester_man.html)
Hum Zinger - Sean Hannity has never shot a Black person - at least not to my knowledge.
The people murdered Armen Tsaturya have done far more to prove that they did not want Tsaturya "around here", murdering him to make that point.
Do you see Hum Zinger that destructive behavior and physical assault on a person is a far better indicator of contempt than those who have views that you disagree with.
Szpork, the Koran doesn't say you are an apostate and that you should be killed..it says that apostates will suffer in the hereafter.
Death for an apostate is found in a hadith, and sharia law supports it. Most muslims regard things like this as christians would regard some things written in the the old testament.
"And let's be honest -- muslims DO NOT believe in plurality. They do believe that government should be based in islam. They deeply oppose "the separation of church and state."
For that reason alone they are a menace to democracy, freedom, capitalism, plurality and the advancement of all knowledge."
N-S you are so full of shit.
heres a fact for you, in turkey-a 99% muslim country-headscarves are banned in all public places, including universities and government buildings. Is this not extremely secular? It means that the current prime ministers wife, who wears a headscarf, is not allowed to enter government offices with him. When the right wing government tried to repeal this ban a couple of years ago, there were mass protests on the street. Although they passed a law to allow headscarves, the highest court in turkey rejected it citing that it attacks turkeys secular tradition.
Instead of focusing on saudi arabia; why dont you focus on turkey, mali, senegal, chad, lebanon, azerbajain, kosovo, turkmenistan, bosnia, krykryztan, albania etc..all majority muslim countries, yet all pluralistic and secular.
The only muslim majority country in this world that does not allow churches is saudi arabia-an absolute monarchy that follows the extremist wahhabi interpretation of islam. so please spare the crap.
You don't get bashed from the criminal because you very wisely (or rather opportunistically) decided to support him. He really needs every friend he can get, and so he is abusing you, his willing tool.
No bullshit here, just plain and simple facts, only a blind and stupid "man" wouldn't understand.
BTW, maria, why are you permanently supporting a pedophile and nazi against better knowledge? Are you in love with anal fixated morons?
Christians sure have some nerve to call Muslims violent. Project much?
All gods are lies; all religions are cons and tax dodges, not just the fringey ones like Fred Phelp's sick sect or the seditious Huttarees, but the mainstream ones as well. None of them have cornered the marked on Truth-with-a-capital-T but they would all have us believe that their way is the only way.
None of them should be advertising their snake oil and fairy stories on the sides of public transportation.
Butch, I can rest easily tonight with the sure knowledge that you have indisputable information that "All gods are lies; all religions are cons...."
Now, Butch, please give us that vital information, please show us why we should believe as you do, and why your Truth is any more compelling than the other hawkers of "snake oil and fairy stories."
don't talk your nonsense to me, troll; i ain't listening.
coffee and cigarettes,
Sadly and unfortunately, your knowledge of islam, of Turkey and the muslim world approaches zero.
Based on your comments, you are yet another person who has been bamboozled by people who practice a religion that removes every right that defines America and made it the world's leading nation.
Despite what you think, Turkey is about to become a nation under sharia law. As it is, Turkey is desperately poor BECAUSE it is a nation in which about 100% of its citizens practice islam in one way or another.
The other muslim nations on your list are also desperately poor and headed for the same end point of submitting entirely to the law of the Koran.
Islamization of America? Really? Muslims make up less than 2% of the US population, I dont see them taking over the US anytime soon.
As for Maher, I agree with you there. I love the show but I feel as though he thinks he has a "hood pass" because he dates black women.
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