So the elections are over in A-merry-ca and all the pundits are out with their two cents. The general consensus seems to be-as I said in my post last night- that A-merry-cans are fed up with incumbents and the people in Washington.
Specter went down, but contrary to what you might have heard elsewhere, it was to be expected. Those of us here in Pistolvania know that the dems were ready to kick Arlen to the curb because of his history as a republican, and the stench of political opportunism that followed him everywhere he went. So there is nothing to see here A-merry-ca, move along.
The tea party folks are feeling a little full of themselves, but they shouldn't. Not after what happened in Pistolvania yesterday. Tea party wingnut, Sam Rohrer, got his ass handed to him by a guy named Tom Corbett in the republican primary for the governor's office. And the same can be said for their senate candidate, Peg Luksik, who also went down hard.
Will the teabaggers affect republican politics in the coming years? Of course they will. But only republican politics. The folks in the tea-party movement were damn near all republicans to begin with, and they weren't going to vote for the democratic candidate regardless.
I also know that the baggers are chirping over Rand Paul's win in Kentucky. But honestly, I don't know why. The guy had millions of dollars worth of free air time on Radio Rwanda and he was running against some clown who was hand picked by Mitch McConnell. Oh, and by the way, the democratic candidate, Jack Conway, had more votes in his primary than Mr. Paul.
" We have come to take our government back," he said in his victory speech, drawing thunderous applause from his supporters. "It's just a tremendous mandate for the Tea Party," he said. "It cannot be overstated that people want something new. They don't want the same old, same old politicians and I think they think the system is broken and needs new blood."
Easy there Rand, slow your roll. The people might want "something new", but there is nothing new about the tea party movement. We have seen this all before.
Finally, I want to talk about some really messed up crap going on in the Southwestern part of our country. (No, not the new Arizona law, or the beat down the Lakers gave the Suns) It involves racism against the real A-merry-cans, the only folks who can claim first dibs on this country.
"The Community Relations Commission in Farmington, New Mexico, is holding a special meeting today to discuss an incident in which a mentally challenged man from the Navajo Nation was branded with a swastika. The city started the commission in response to race-related incidents involving tribal members. The commission normally meets every month but decided to convene earlier in response to the latest case.
"I am very concerned about what has happened," Mayor Tommy Roberts told The Farmington Daily Times. Jesse Sanford, 24, William Hatch, 28, and Paul Beebe, 26, have been charged with first-degree felony kidnapping, second-degree felony conspiracy to commit kidnapping, third-degree felony aggravated battery causing great bodily harm and fourth-degree felony conspiracy to commit aggravated battery Beebe also faces fourth-degree felony tampering with evidence. The men are believed to be associated with white supremacist groups. In addition to branding a swastika on the victim and shaving a swastika into the back of his head, the men allegedly wrote "White Power" on the victim's body. " [Article]
Wait, I know I know; I should be more worried about young black thugs going to New Mexico and popping a Native A-merry-can's top over a drug deal gone bad.
Tell you what; as soon as that (or something even remotely similar ) happens, I promise I will blog about it.
h/t to Tiffany for bringing this story to my attention.
Obama does not deserve any clout to influence or carry any elections...his decision to select another white person for the SCOTUS made him forgettable for me..
Imagine that shit we waited centuries and encountered every manner of inhumanity on this soil and we get a happy negro president unwilling to shape the future...
From accepting the Nobel Peace Prize while sending more kids to die in AFT was the beginning of my lost of respect...
I would elect Obama to lead a bunch of children to the rest room..
what's more dangerous is if tea party candidates like rubio in FL get elected. one senator can't do that much damage. but a governor can wreak havoc on millions. and you are 100% right about why specter lost.
the new mexico incident is awful.
The Democrats are going to lose big in November. You can count on it.
It was a good night for the dems in the heavily democrat PA-12, but it would unwise to take it for more than what it is .
"The Democrats are going to lose big in November. You can count on it.'
And then what?
We get the Rethugs back in.
We've already seen what they'll do.
You want more?
"The Democrats are going to lose big in November. You can count on it."
More dems in office now than repubs, so yes, they are going to lose bigger than repubs.
That's not exactly breaking news.
Damn Trasher, I take it you are not an Obamaholic.
Nope.. I am a Black man in America with a memory and lots of ancestors...
It makes wanna puke knowing all the shit and my people had to confront to now have a non-white in the white house and have him ignore the legacy of Black folks....
But shit he at end of the day his father was not a Black man born in America like you FN his daddy was an Black immigrant and as I have posted many times on this site that makes a difference when race is an issue..Obama keeps fucking uo I will start calling him a halfbreed...lol,lol,lol
@ Thrasher:
My father married a pure Cherokee
My mother's people were ashamed of me
The indians said I was white by law
The White Man always called me "Indian Squaw"
Half-breed, that's all I ever heard
Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word
Half-breed, she's no good they warned
Both sides were against me since the day I was born
We never settled, went from town to town
When you're not welcome you don't hang around
The other children always laughed at me
"Give her a feather, she's a Cherokee"
Half-breed, that's all I ever heard
Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word
Half-breed, she's no good they warned
Both sides were against me since the day I was born
We weren't accepted and I felt ashamed
Nineteen I left them, tell me who's to blame
My life since then has been from man to man
But it can't run away from what I am
"Obama does not deserve any clout to influence or carry any elections...his decision to select another white person for the SCOTUS made him forgettable for me.."
Obama appointed a Puerto Rican WOMAN from the South Bronx to the SCOTUS.
He deserves no credit for THAT?
"Imagine that shit we waited centuries and encountered every manner of inhumanity on this soil and we get a happy negro president unwilling to shape the future..."
Getting a universal healthcare bill passed is not shaping the future?
Thrash you know you're my man, but what do you think in today's volatile political climate Obama could promote to satisfy the black activist agenda and get passed in Congress as well as strengthening the Democratic postion in the upcoming November elections?
We gain NOTHING from attacking BO.
He is a progressive and his statements and policies have established that.
Aside from him being black.
What is the alternative?
This is the time for black folk and progressives to be mature.
Let BO deal with the economy which is the big issue.
If he succeeds, and I think he's going in the right direction, then we all win.
THEN he can make some bold moves in social justice.
If the economy doesn't turn around, then we'll get another wingnut in to fuck everything up some more.
We're a minority in America dude.
Only white extremists can be elected to national office.
Black folks have to be moderate in order to survive and flourish.
You KNOW that.
Do you walk around at your job fist pumpin and talkin "Fight the Power"?
I don't pay attention to intellectual cowards who post under Anonymous...
You stinkin coward..Now get lost ..
Please spare me the lecture about kissin white folks ass..Sorry but I do not live like you do..I own my own company so yes I wlak around doing and saying whatever the fuck I want to 24/7..
You remind me of elder Black folks who constantly told me to be patient and wait ..I ignored that castrated half a man lecture everytime it was discussed..Why should I have to wait to live?? Why should Black folks halve to walk around whispering shit?
SO white folks hate niggers like me that is not a newsflash..Fuck being moderate that posture kept us waiting for freedom for to long..
Sorry Steve but your paradigm is obsolete..This has nothing to do with maturation but evolution...
Stop trying to act like a minority ..Why should you govern your life because you afre a minority dude..
Go ahead a be a minority..Fuck that living..This is my life right here..right now..
Kagan is not a minority!! Kagan is not a woman of color..Sotomayer is not a Black woman..The SCOTUS should have an asian, arab, native american, buddhist, muslim, pagan..
Why do Black folks like you always have to be so fucking noble..WHY???
What drives this behavior Steve?? Why do you worry so much about what you already know about white folks and being a minority..Why can't you progress? What is so progressive about being a moderate Steve??
I am a nigger than was given an inch but took a mile...
Specter had the bushTaint. Seems that pandering to the lowest gets you nothing if you aren't on the carney circuit.
Rohrer and Luksik have been selling wites-only for years...but haven't caught on that most of us don't want their version of life.
Detroit is on life support here...Obama refuses to come to Detroit!!!! he is so concerned about image of being concerned about Black folks that he refuses to come to a city in dispair and acute meltdown and you want me to nice and fuzzy and moderate..
What the fuck kind of man worries about his image and the concerns of others while people are fucking suffering????
Why do you think our people survived and live daily lives of inhumanity have to remain quiet and silent and whisper about justice and truth in 2010!!
You can be the moderate all you want just get the fuck out of my way...
I am not living like that not now not ever..I don't care if Jesus Christ was in the white house...He can kiss my Black ass as well...
Thrasher said...
"Kagan is not a minority!! Kagan is not a woman of color..Sotomayer is not a Black woman..The SCOTUS should have an asian, arab, native american, buddhist, muslim, pagan.."
Kagan is a minority; she is a lesbian. The discrimination gays suffer today is no different than the worst days of Jim Crow. And Sotomayer is a woman of color, a hispanic women who, like Kagan, faced and overcame the same barriers black women face. These women will promote the welfare of blacks as well as any possible black candidate could.
Choked on the imagery. Perfect!
Bullshit..White folks who are gay are invisible they can hide in the masses of white folks...Please spare me the phony comparisons and revisionist history...
White gays are as racist as white straights...I have many Black gay associates who constantly remind me white gays called them nigger often and in gay clubs they are very exclusionary...So please spare me the false contrasts..
Kagan is no fucking minority she is a white woman... Kagan is a privledged white person... Hispanic woman are not Black woman they do not have the same history!!!
Jim Crow had nothing to do with white gays...
Anonymous fucks are always so ignorant cowards who hide behind anonymous are always idiots..
Obama where is the fucking change??
How is selecting another white person for the SCOTUS a change??
How is selecting another jew or christian on the SCOTUS a change?
How is spending in excess of 750 Billion dollars in the DOD a change?
How is expanding war in AFG a change?
Goodnite..When I wake up I will change my sheets....
"Kagan is a minority; she is a lesbian."
It was mentioned in the media weeks ago that Kagan is not a lesbian.
In any case, we already have a black Supreme Court Justice who is the most qualified black justice we have today. In addition, we have a black Attorney General.
Thrasher, how many more do you expect? Blacks are 12% of the population... and Obama is President of all Americans. Get it?
"It was mentioned in the media weeks ago that Kagan is not a lesbian."
And Janet Napolitano has a crush on George Clooney.
Thrasher, "Obama does not deserve any clout to influence or carry any elections...his decision to select another white person for the SCOTUS made him forgettable for me..
Imagine that shit we waited centuries and encountered every manner of inhumanity on this soil and we get a happy negro president unwilling to shape the future..."
Why does he have to pick what a self-pitying racist genius like want? It is heartening to know that you won't be voting for Obama next time around.
That way, you won't have any more expectations that lead to your all consuming resentments. In the next election, you can fritter your vote away on Palin or some tea bagger where your expectations will be met.
Filled Negro:
Instead of worrying about the branding of a Swastika upon a person in New Mexico YOU NEED to be worried about the "brand" that Street Pirates are leaving upon people in the places where Tea Party people have no pull.
(Damn. In the background I am watching the news where about 4 Street Pirates broke into a sports bar that opened last week and are stealing flat screen televisions off of the wall in the cover of night.)
"And Janet Napolitano has a crush on George Clooney."
Oh, are you an expert on gays and lesbians? Do you know about Kagan's personal love life?
"Oh, are you an expert on gays and lesbians? Do you know about Kagan's personal love life?"
Yes. Unfortunately, I saw a video, grainy though it was, of a sweaty, grunting encounter between Elena Kagan and Janet Napolitano - in the Lincoln bedroom no less! I swear, I thought I was watching a wrestling match between Ed Asner Fred Flintstone. The hair! My God, I don't think I'll ever be the same. Damn that Rahm Emmanuel an his webcams!
I think the 'baggers get more media attention than they warrant because they are generally batshit crazy. And batshit crazy makes for good television. I think "reality TV" proves this point.
As a political movement, the teabaggers have a math problem that they probably cannot overcome. They appeal very strongly to a base of support that is, even by conservative standards, a bit looney. I think it would be realistic to say that they are fervently supported by 15-20% of the national electorate. It may be higher or lower in some localities, but the key word in that estimate is "realistic".
I'm sure that my comment will be followed by the usual anonymous sockpuppets full of anecdotal evidence about how all their friends are 'baggers. Fair play to them and many of them are probably sincere. I am reminded of the Ron Paul devotees who were predicting a rEVOLution in 08.
It seems to me that what will kill the 'bagger's movement will be the GOP. They will wake up and realize that while the 'baggers may whip up enthusiasm, they will ultimately field candidates that will split the GOP vote. This violates the 11th Commandment, as laid down by St. Ronnie Raygun.
This November should be interesting but now, despite the spin from Faux News, I think we will look back on 2010 and wonder why we were so concerned about the 'baggers in the first place.
White supremacy in the 21st century United States is alive and well.
What these Neo Nazis did to this mentally-ill indian man is disgraceful. This should be national news. Instead the media is too busy trying to make us worry about the "threat" of illegal immigrants from Mexico. God forbid we notice the terrorism already taking place in our midst.
"What these Neo Nazis did to this mentally-ill indian man is disgraceful. This should be national news. Instead the media is too busy trying to make us worry about the "threat" of illegal immigrants from Mexico. God forbid we notice the terrorism already taking place in our midst."
Amen persimmom!
Trasher, do you feel empathy for that Native American man in the story?
Gregory, I think 15-20% is too generous.
"nstead of worrying about the branding of a Swastika upon a person in New Mexico YOU NEED to be worried about the "brand" that Street Pirates are leaving upon people in the places where Tea Party people have no pull.."
*yawn* Ponies should have more than just one trick
Brothers... a small tale about time. I think in life there will always be a moment in time where we can have an impact on our enviroment and people. During the transition when America was struggling with total integration of all people, The Black Panther Party had it's greatest impact during the early years of it's existence. This show of new strength was very powerful and neede to get us off our knees. American Blacks finally had somebody that stood up to the oppressive system. American whites were suprised that we no longer bowed our heads when they were around. So they lost power and we gained a sense pride and no longer felt that when the ""Man" came around we had a witness and support from other Blacks if anything went down.I am thinking that there have been other events that will shape our history/journey in America. President Obama will be seen in a different manner when you get to the period in your life when you will reflect your brief moments. As a Panther I have worked in America for 40 years and it wasn't what I was, it was how I carried myself. No, I did not go into the hospitals (nurse/PA) with a beret or espousing my motivations, The experiances in 1966 (as a 16 y.o) allowed me to give service to my communities for the next 45 years. Today I only wear my beret when the police have a beatdown (at the protest..old habit?) and furnerals for other Brothers of the time. This rambling was only to try and show that just because we have polar difference we still can relate and not have such acrimony. Then again I may be old and fail to understand that this bite may be a game that people play. By the way I am impressed that there are some Brothers/Sisters on this site that have been affected by that brief moment of the BPP. Keep with the passion. We can do things around us that Brother Obama can't do.(Fist in air) Twenty years from now you will reflect on Brother Obama in different way. StillaPanther2
Hey Filled Negro!!!!
Two Points:
1) I heard yesterday that the Democrat who won the Murtha/ Pennsylvania House Seat is a CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRAT. In the next high stakes vote will your mirth turn to anger if he sticks to his conservative principles?
2) I joined the "NetRoots" mailing list last week. Could you distinguish for me the differences between "NetRoots" and the "Tea Party"?
(Note - I have noticed that Democrats and Republicans often use the same antics against their adversaries. EXCEPT the Democrats have more Blacks [and Snarling Fox White Liberals] in their camp to call what the GOP does "RACIST")
the more the tea baggers open their mouths, the more they will alienate people. i love it.
just see this:
and then those blacks who post here and else where and anyone else who believes in civil rights that thinks they also support the tea party try to defend that now.
hating obama isn't a reason to embrace lunatics who exist only to do you harm and keep you oppressed. the tea party is about white supremacy!
also, thrasher, i really have sympathy for your wife and anyone else unlucky enough to have to deal with you on a regular basis.
my guess is you don't have a single, productive, positive or healthy relationship with anyone who isn't black, and within that, anyone who doesn't meet your standard of black.
i think part of your rage has to do with how powerless you really are among your peers.
And yet, the more things change in the immediate political landscape, the more they will remain the same.
Except the man in the street's accelerated pace toward the "prole" ghetto.
Thrasher wrote:
Please spare me the lecture about kissin white folks ass..Sorry but I do not live like you do..I own my own company so yes I wlak around doing and saying whatever the fuck I want to 24/7..
You remind me of elder Black folks who constantly told me to be patient and wait ..I ignored that castrated half a man lecture everytime it was discussed..Why should I have to wait to live?? Why should Black folks halve to walk around whispering shit?"
To that I say:
To Maria I say:
Thanks for revealing you are a true "Wigger" or a "Wigger Wanna be".
Thrasher wrote:
Detroit is on life support here...Obama refuses to come to Detroit!!!! he is so concerned about image of being concerned about Black folks that he refuses to come to a city in dispair and acute meltdown and you want me to nice and fuzzy and moderate..
What the fuck kind of man worries about his image and the concerns of others while people are fucking suffering????
Why do you think our people survived and live daily lives of inhumanity have to remain quiet and silent and whisper about justice and truth in 2010!!"
To that I say:
Speak the Truth brother!
As for how the Native American victim mentioned in Field's story was treated, that is an absolute shame.
Hopefully the no good ba_tards responsible will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including the Death Penalty.
what makes me a wigger?
because i believe in civl rights?
because i believe in equality?
because i post on a blog--to which all are invited--that is maintained by a black man?
i don't want to be anything that who i am. and i am not pretending to be anyone other than who i am.
i can't say the same for you.
A "Wigger" is a Caucasian who pretends to want to be Black except....when they are around other Caucasian folks.
In other words they enjoy playing both sides when it benefits them.
For the record I personally know of several Caucasian folk (well-educated) who support Civil Rights and Equal Rights but have no desire to be a "Wiggers".
They also worked as diligent volunteers on Obama's presidential campaign.
In fact one of them is married to a Black man.
He isn't trying to be White and she isn't trying to be Black yet they are very happy.
What about you?
i asked you what makes ME a wigger. as you well know, this is a derogatory term.
you still haven't answered that because you can't.
yes, not that this is any of your business, but i worked for obama; i did phone banking, i gave money, i was fundraising and canvassed in VA on several occasions.
doesn't make a a wigger.
i'm a liberal democrat active in political causes on the micro and macro level. i have no need to prove anything to you.
still not a wigger...
Made you pause and think about it didn't I?
Now you are my therapist!!! Please spare me your phony bullshit analysis ..You don't know me..I am the most respected activist in the metro detroit region...
Who the fuck are you?? BTW some of my best friends are white, asian, arab and native americans..
Your need to define me as with your fear reveals your shallow realtionship with people of color..We are fine when we stay in our place with white folks like you..Again you reval why David did not respect shallow people like you..
Regarding your question I have mad respect for the any person who is attacked by hate including white people..
I reject all inhumanity toward any human being..
My native american people have suffered to much on thier own soil...We had 2 holocuasts here in America Slavery & Genocide of Native Americans
laurel, not at all. i don't need to ponder my identity.
i simply gave you the courtesy of answering your questions, which you have not done yourself with me or others here.
i don't care what you think of me or who you think i am. but i guess i made YOU think. and again...still not a wigger, and you're still a phony.
nice try, tho. can we move on?
Like I said your a "Wigger" or a "Wigger Wanna be".
Your comments and the tone of your comments have revealed as much.
Even "Wiggers" have their place in American society and I respect your right to be a "Wigger".
Now we can move on.
By the way have a blessed, wonderful day my "Wigger":)
whatever, laurel. as you said of me the other day, you just love to hear the sound of your own voice.
blah, blah, blah.
Laurel and Thrasher
Both are of you are talking big shit and carrying slingshots.
It's all mouth.
tee hee hee
ha ha
Let me grab some tissues because I'm laughing too hard right about now.
Uptownsteve wrote:
"Laurel and Thrasher
Both are of you are talking big shit and carrying slingshots.
It's all mouth".
At least we aren't "Uncle Toms".
At least we have the Courage to say what we truly believe.
NOT just on Field's Blog!
You have a track record or should I say history of disrespecting Black women who don't agree with your wack, "Uncle Tom" Ideology.
Its time you finally learned.
Have a blessed day my "brother".
@ Gregory @ 2:45;
What a font of conventional wisdom you are.
"At least we have the Courage to say what we truly believe"
The only thing you believe in is your right to clutter up other people's blog with self-indulgent bullshit.
"You have a track record or should I say history of disrespecting Black women who don't agree with your wack, "Uncle Tom" Ideology."
Wrong again dearie.
I will not hesitate to check a fraud, phony or headcase whether they be male, female, black or white.
Some of you black protofemmes are as strident and delusional as white bigots.
You feel that you have the right to go off on anyone in your path but when there is pushback then you whine you're being picked on because you're a "black woman".
Everyone sees through that game.
BTW, what do you know about my so-called "history"??
I figured that you were either AB's alter-ego or the new incarnation of "Flyinmy40s" or "Focusedpurpose".
Some of you sistas really need to expand your social horizons.
Using the TEXT THAT IS CONTAINED IN THE ARTICLE as the ONLY BASIS FOR OUR DISCUSSION.......can you tell me what is racist/radical/offensive about what Rand Paul said?
It seems to me that you are one of those people who believe that no one can say anything critical of "Martin Luther King Jr, the INTENTIONS of the NAACP or make observations that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had some flaws - like most other legislation has".
Again - in the first exchange Maddow tried to produce a "Gotcha", Paul articulated his opposition to discrimination and made note of the rights of a PRIVATE CLUB as the issue.
In the second exchange she again tried to get him on the issue of racism by bringing up the lunch counters. They are having TWO DIFFERENT CONVERSATIONS. He is talking about the GOVERNMENT IMPOSING ITS WILL UPON PRIVATE OWNERS - she needed to find RACISM as the TRUMP CARD to afford the government the right to do as it pleases in the name of "civil rights".
You see Maria - As I watch how Progressive-Fundamentalists work - you all live upon the INDICTMENT.
Now let us fast forward to TO-DAMNED-DAY. In a lily White suburb of Atlanta a new sports bar opened up 2 months ago. It had 15 flat screen televisions STOLEN off of the wall the other night. The Street Pirates were BLACK. I assure you that the Civil Rights Actor-vists around Atlanta will be silent on this as with so many other assaults.
UNTIL, that is, the Sandy Springs police department DARES to stop a carload of Black males who they believe are 'casing restaurants', appearing to plot out their next target.
How does it feel to be apparently so strong in making indictments yet expecting that PROPERTY OWNERS just grin and bear when on a daily basis (at least around hear) there is some SMASH AND GRAB assault on businesses but WE ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO PRETEND that the PROFILE that was captured on the VIDEO TAPES that are shown on the news did not signify the RACE of the Street Pirates?
I would love to see you own a Lunch Counter with 6 flat screen televisions Maria.
[quote]You have a track record or should I say history of disrespecting Black women who don't agree with your wack, "Uncle Tom" Ideology.[/quote]
For the record:
Uptown Steve has been banned from the blogs of TWO BLACK FEMALES who are Conservative. (Booker Rising and [the Black female with the natural hair])
He has tussled with "Conservative Black Woman" on her blog.
He has returned to BookerRising under the assumed name "Sheik YurBeuty"
YES INDEED WhiteBowieSteve has an issue with Black Woman with strong opinions that run awry to HIS OWN.
Hey White Bowie Steve!!!
How far is Aspen Hill, MD from the slice of heaven on Earth known as Bowie MD?
I hope these Street Pirates don't make it over your way:
Caught on Tape: Aspen Hill Mob Robbery
i guess this will be one of my laughs for the day (i have almost stopped laughing over laurel's poser interrogation of me)
CF said
I would love to see you own a Lunch Counter with 6 flat screen televisions Maria.
9:35 AM
i don't even know what this means, but i don't own any flat screens (even one). i have one 15 year old tv and one 7, and they are both 15 inches or so.
i'll be your punching bag today if you want to pile on with laurel, but don't expect me to return the attacks.
Thanks for the heads up.
I just think Uptown "Uncle Tom" Steve has problem with Black Women expressing themselves period.
Notice he doesn't seem to have a problem with White Women expressing themselves, just Black Women because he wants to "keep us in our place".
Me thinks he needs to read his Bible because God placed Woman (ALL Women) beside Men NOT underneath them.
excuse me "NOT beneath them"
I have already forgotten about you dear.
CF as I mentioned above hopefully those White Supremacist thugs who murdered that Native American guy will be quickly prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
ditto on az fn!
many blacks suffer from severe political amnesia...they dare to forget that blacks were once outlawed and abused far more than gays and mexicans combined!...
beware to all who continue to dog the tea party!!!...
i will never deflate or degrade or dismiss any dissenters against
our evil empire or our nazi puppet hobama...it is akin to burning a flag or dissing nat turner/malcolm x/mlk/harriet tubman/fannie lou hamer etc...
and howard zinn would never do so either
they are patriots to me...and no more racist than any other american factions!
MANY MORE tea parties are OVERDUE from blacks!!!
Laurel, "For the record I personally know of several Caucasian folk (well-educated) who support Civil Rights and Equal Rights but have no desire to be a "Wiggers"."
Maria is not a wigger. You are projecting your own wishy-washy thinking.
yes we want more of LESS evil/abject poverty/banker rulers/
bloody endless wars/corp lackey atty stacked supreme ct/al sharpton as veep etc!!!!!!!
because your negro dem god hobama in and his banker regime have been WORSE than than the repubs and gwb
hobama is gwb 2.0!!!!
wake up!!!!
gays of all races are still lynched daily
i despise kagan
but not because she is a dl gay like hobama
because she is a banker drone whore like hobama
sotomayor is a better qualified clone kagan
she is also a corp drone whore
wake up!!!!
are u lying on yourself now too???
"I will not hesitate to check a fraud, phony or headcase whether they be male, female, black or white."
so what is hobama to you...a genderless raceless alien???
this is akin to snoop dogg saying:
"i will not hesistate to resist smoking any blunt"
knee grow pleez!!!!
uts is a an oj neocon uncle tom...he hates any intelligent strong women...
but he especially hates intelligent women who look like him or his mama...
is is the worst kind of self hatred and misogyny combined...it is the root of his lethal dual dementia
and he especially faers black femme lesbians like me because we are closer to ideal men than he will ever be
meshell ndegeocello made a great cd title inspired by uts:
"the world has made me the man of my dreams"
and another elder classic slogan was inspired by weak pathetic misogynist clones of uts:
"i am the man my mother wanted me to marry"
You may be right, 15-20% is a high side estimate.
ab said, "many blacks suffer from severe political amnesia...they dare to forget that blacks were once outlawed and abused far more than gays and mexicans combined!..."
Yes, very true. Unfortunately, Blacks have joined in with the rest of America and have forgotten and marginalized those who fought and died for our civil rights. Blacks need more sense of honor and decency. Not only for themselves, but for those who are being treated inhumanly like the Native American. Of all the races on the planet, American Blacks should be outraged at what happened to that poor defenseless man.
It looks as though White Supremists and Jim Crow are trying to make a mighty come back. And Blacks--blinded by their own pomp, fears and ignorance, are inadvertently helping.
and that is why we would rather bash ALL dissenters rather than
fashion superior dissent!...
that is why tavis smiley is even more abused than white tea partiers...
blacks are proudly politically suicidal!!!
we minor in the major and major in the minor and lose all games!!!
we divide and conquer ourselves and our allies even better than our enemies do....tragic!!!
being banned from a blog can be a badge of honor. FN started this blog because he got banned. you can get banned for stupid reasons, good reasons or no reasons.
i don't read anything bad into UTS being banned.
anyone here who hasn't been banned at least once from somewhere is a pussy.
Alicia wrote:
meshell ndegeocello made a great cd title inspired by uts:
"the world has made me the man of my dreams"
"i am the man my mother wanted me to marry"
tee hee hee
Glad to see you back. Girl you are too much for me.
Yep! those phrases just about sums up "Uncle Tom" Steve's ego and attitude towards Black Women.
For the record just because a Black Man chooses to marry a Black Woman doesn't mean he respects Black Women.
tee hee hee
I have to go.
tee hee hee ha ha
Alicia you are too funny.
ike turner loved black women....to death!
i would not even hit uts with my fist...i would slap him with my open hand beacuse he is a weak trick!!!
i would not want uts or anyone else banned...even the anons.
but i am down for banning all assnons as i always do!!!
"How far is Aspen Hill, MD from the slice of heaven on Earth known as Bowie MD?"
About 20 miles away.
You know, the one that shares the same land mass as PG but has a lot less crime because it's more white as you once stated.
"being banned from a blog can be a badge of honor. FN started this blog because he got banned. you can get banned for stupid reasons, good reasons or no reasons."
What Uncle CF didn't tell you was why I got banned from BR.
He once lied and said I called Shay Riley out of her name.
When I challenged him to state what I supposedly called her, he slank back under the floorboards like the roach he is.
As you stated sometimes being banned from blogs is a badge of honor.
Anyone whose been around the web long enough knows that rightwing blogs are famous for censorship whereas liberal blogs take all comers.
BR, Baldilocks, and CBW happily welcome white supremacists, Uncle Toms and spamming trolls.
But for God sake don't be a vocal liberated black.
[QUOTE]many blacks suffer from severe political amnesia...they dare to forget that blacks were once outlawed and abused far more than gays and mexicans combined!...[/quote]
1) Prior to the war in which the land that we now call "Texas" was called the state of "Coahuila y Tejas". The President of Mexico President Anastasio Bustamante BANNED ALL IMMIGRATION OF EUROPEAN SETTLERS when they outnumbered the Mexicans. The land broke off from Mexico and became "The Republic" of Texas.
2) Where do you get this idea of "racial solidarity" with the Mexicans? Go to PRISON and you will see that YOUR RACE IS YOUR GANG. In California BLACKS vs BROWN gang battles are the most frequent.
My prediction is that in 50 years the fake "Brown/Black Alliance" as hoisted upon us by the Leftist Black Leadership will prove to be one of the nails in the coffin of Black economic power. The BIGGEST issue, however, is that incompetent leadership FAILED to build up the infrastructure by which we could prosper as a community.
[quote]You know, the one that shares the same land mass as PG but has a lot less crime because it's more white as you once stated.[/quote]
Agreed. Montgomery County seems to have their share of Street Pirate Thugs. I just hope they don't start PROFILING.
WhiteBowieSteve - YOU ARE A LIAR.
Do you want to go over to "BookerRising", unmask your true identity and then ask Shay is YOU got banned for calling her out of her name?
"The BIGGEST issue, however, is that incompetent leadership FAILED to build up the infrastructure by which we could prosper as a community."
I thought it was the people themselves that had to build up the infrastructure and not rely on politicians and government.
I guess it depends on the conversation at the time, huh CF?
You and AB (Laurel) deserve each other.
Two cyberspace clowns.
"WhiteBowieSteve - YOU ARE A LIAR.
Do you want to go over to "BookerRising", unmask your true identity and then ask Shay is YOU got banned for calling her out of her name?"
Boy you really are sad.
You know if you want to tell Shay who I really am go right ahead.
Unlike you I don't live or die for these boards.
But PLEASE, tell me RIGHT HERE what name did I call her?
CF-- paul said he personally is against discrimination, but a private property owner has the right to say i won't serve you because you're black.
but, really, that's a free speech issue?
jesus, you can't be serious!
That's the libertarian position.
The right to discriminate precludes the individual's humanity.
That's why black libertarians are.........well I'm not going say.
you calling anyone anywhere a clown is akin to the ethereally bleached michael jackson calling the white women you covet "pale faces"....spare us!!!
it just keeps getting better!
who needs the civil rights law when you've got TIGER WOODS!
now paul is trying to rewrite what he said last night.
just wait--his handlers are going to mussel him from this day forward so all his reactionary views stop coming out.
"And in an interview on “Good Morning America” on ABC, Mr. Paul argued that his decision to hold his election night celebration at a fancy country club was not in any way at variance with the grass-roots movement he has now come to epitomize. And in the process of explaining his decision, Mr. Paul invoked Tiger Woods, the golfer.
“I think at one time, people used to think of golf and golf clubs and golf courses as being exclusive,” Mr. Paul said, adding, “Tiger Woods has helped to broaden that, in the sense that he’s brought golf to a lot of the cities and to city youth.”
I know me and I could care less about others misinterpetation of me...
I respect those who respect me I also reserve the right to disagree with anyone 24/7.....
Steve's logic is backward on certain issues but I still respect him...
I heard wanda sykes yesterday attack black stars I was like this bitch is insane she was just like them she got her a white girlfriend and then adopted white children not Black but white kids..
Again many of my friends who are gay have been attacked by white gays RACE trumps everything in America
Steve wants black folks to be nice and noble negroes while we are getting fucked by Obama's obession with everybody's agenda but ours...
Obama needs to step it up big time this year or folks like me are going to bring all kind of drama...
Kagan was an insult and a slapp in the face to Black folks....Kagan has zero street cred with Black law students from Harvard..It is amusing observing Ogletree ran around defending this empty skirt...
Black folks should stop that shit..Where was Kagan when Obama blew off the UN Racist Convention in South Africa....Where was Uncle Charlie Ogletree as well
"Steve wants black folks to be nice and noble negroes while we are getting fucked by Obama's obession with everybody's agenda but ours..."
Nope, I'd just like to hear what your suggestions are for what we as a people should do vis-a-vis Obama.
Just what is the "black" agenda BTW?
Yeah I knew Arlen wasn't coming back.
On another note with your comments, "WTH?"
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Uptownsteve wrote:
"Just what is the black agenda BTW?"
Allow me to respond on this one.
The American Black Agenda should consist of:
1) Black Voters thinking for themselves when its time to cast their ballots versus supporting Black candidates via Straight Ticket Voting, without researching what those Black candidates' perspectives are on issues pertinent to the Black community.
I mean come on at least check to see if they have done anything at all to help support the Black Community. Even on a small Grassroots level.
Instead of running in "Packs" (going along to get along) learn to think for yourself! Isn't that why God Almighty gave each person born on Planet Earth a Brain and a Mind??
2) Black Voters should expect their elected Black officials to actually represent them versus just sitting in Public Office as silent, Token Politicians rubber stamping bills for the purpose of getting their palms greased.
What are you voting for True Representation or a Lame Sitting Duck??
3) Black Voters should expect their Black Leaders to lead by example by publicly Speaking up when it comes to blatant, obvious Racism in areas such as: Business (ex. Bank Loans for businesses), Education, Employment, Fair Housing, Health Care, Taxation, etc., instead of behaving like scared "Uncle Toms".
4) Black Voters should expect their elected Black Officials & Leaders to take ACTION against blatant, obvious Racist policies in such areas as: Business (ex. Bank Loans for businesses), Education, Employment, Fair Housing, Health Care, Taxation, etc., instead of behaving like scared "Uncle Toms".
5) Black Voters should STOP electing Black candidates who don't give a darn about them unless...they run in tight knit, Elite circles. (Fraternities, Sororities, Freemasons, etc.,)
"I prefer Liberty with danger than Peace with Slavery". - Jean
Jaqueas Rousseau
"A Slave is one who waits for someone else to Free him". - Rosellen
Or course you must be the only free thinker among Blacks.
And one more thing...
Whatever happened to Black Leaders who were Free Thinkers like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X?
Oh that's right they were assassinated!
Well...if your NOT willing to lay down your life for your Brother or Sister, than don't run for Public Office.
If you can't take the heat, get out or stay away!
Want to get rich?
Than do your research (supply & demand), draft a good Business plan, start the Business, Work hard and spend your money wisely.
Don't get involved in Politics just to fatten your pockets.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends".
John 15:13
"Or course you must be the only free thinker among Blacks."
Some of these folks remind me of the winos who used to mount the empty bandshell in Central Park and sing showtunes into their bottles.
In their own little private worlds.
And Uptown "Uncle Tom" Steve your world probably consist of doing absolutely NOTHING but trying to berate other people on someone else's Blog.
Wake up people The Struggle isn't over!
superb detailed response!
i second that with brevity:
that black agenda is the one your negro god hobama so brazenly, flagrantly, exclusively, and incessantly ignores!!!!
neocon fools like uts think the struggle ended when a wm came to hook up his cable tv
Laurel I agree with you. I think you nailed what black folks should expect from their politicians. Black communities all over have been getting ripped off by folks who look like them but don't have their best interest at heart.
Laurel wrote:
"Black Voters should expect their elected Black officials to actually represent them versus just sitting in Public Office as silent, Token Politicians rubber stamping bills for the purpose of getting their palms greased.
3) Black Voters should expect their Black Leaders to lead by example by publicly Speaking up when it comes to blatant, obvious Racism in areas such as: Business (ex. Bank Loans for businesses), Education, Employment, Fair Housing, Health Care, Taxation, etc., instead of behaving like scared "Uncle Toms".
5) Black Voters should STOP electing Black candidates who don't give a darn about them unless...they run in tight knit, Elite circles. (Fraternities, Sororities, Freemasons, etc.,)"
Your struggle is between your ears.
"Laurel I agree with you. I think you nailed what black folks should expect from their politicians. Black communities all over have been getting ripped off by folks who look like them but don't have their best interest at heart."
And that makes them different from any other group of Americans in what way?
I ask the middle class white Americans I work with who vote Republican religiously what have they gotten in return for their loyalty and they can never answer.
They'll hand you some drivel about "National Security" and when I remind them that the jihadists attacked us under a Republican Administration and Bush's incursions into Iraq and Afghanistan actually made us less secure, they stomp off in a huff.
AB/Laurel's stigmatization of black folks' supposed lack of political sophistication is just another manifestion of her intense self-loathing.
Laurel I think what happened to real radical black leaders is that most black folks have bought into the rugged individualism paradigm and everybody is going for what they know, taking care of themselves.
Most black folks don't want to struggle anymore. There is a real class divide in our community. There always has been its just more obvious nowadays. From their perspective the Negroes on the bottom are on their own.
Many black folks disagreed with Martin and Malcolm. Looking back we look more united and radical than we actually were. But in truth many black folks were just concerned about integrating into this system and getting their piece of the pie. They weren't concerned with the fact that the pie is rotten, as Martin tried to warn over and over.
Black folks esp middle class black folks, said just let me get mine.
So now anyone with a radical agenda that calls for a more egalitarian and just society are frowned upon, because black folks know instinctively that it will cost them something.
Its why black churches don't do more than what they do in the struggle for justice and human rights. It might cost them some members and they might have to accept a lower standard of living.
You should see pastors squirm when I take my radical behind to them with a proposal to get their church more involved in the community around real issues affecting brothers and sisters everyday.
Now let us fast forward to TO-DAMNED-DAY. In a lily White suburb of Atlanta a new sports bar opened up 2 months ago. It had 15 flat screen televisions STOLEN off of the wall the other night. The Street Pirates were BLACK. I assure you that the Civil Rights Actor-vists around Atlanta will be silent on this as with so many other assaults.
UNTIL, that is, the Sandy Springs police department DARES to stop a carload of Black males who they believe are 'casing restaurants', appearing to plot out their next target.
How does it feel to be apparently so strong in making indictments yet expecting that PROPERTY OWNERS just grin and bear when on a daily basis (at least around hear) there is some SMASH AND GRAB assault on businesses but WE ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO PRETEND that the PROFILE that was captured on the VIDEO TAPES that are shown on the news did not signify the RACE of the Street Pirates?
I would love to see you own a Lunch Counter with 6 flat screen televisions Maria.
So the above not only justifies racial profiling as practiced by LEOs, but also highlights why Blacks should surrender their civil rights just so that the least among them can be corralled?
So Blacks should not only refrain from voicing their concerns about racial mistreatment until “their own house is put in order”, but they should also allow Whites free reign in how order is restored in that house?
Meanwhile, I feel for the bar owner who has to go out of his way to replace those flat screen TVs, but he more than likely has enough insurance coverage to replace those TVs without having to deal with a bunch of out of pocket costs. Granted his premiums will go up some, but chances are he’ll end up offsetting those costs by raising the price of drinks some. If he knows what he’s doing, he can do so without pissing off the clientele and drum up new business at the same time.
Meanwhile, your average Black bar or lunch counter won’t have 6 flat screen TVs. They’ll be good ol’ CRTs bought from discount outlets and thrift stores. The ones that do have them probably bought $300 Vizios from Wal-Mart. Most, mind you. Not ALL.
Uptown that is indeed a good point. I was just seconding what Laurel wrote about the failure of black politicians. Now keep in mind that I am the resident radical/revolutionary minded one on this thread so you know I understand that working class white folks are ill served by their politicians as well.
Steve you ought to know that I think the whole thing ought to be changed so that we all can thrive and be able to feed ourselves and our children and be free from harrassment racist and otherwise.
And I don't believe we make that changed by continuing to play footsie with the twin parties of US Capitalism.
Thrasher and Laurel are probably two of the most toxic personalities on this blog to date. Even AB pales in comparison. And CF becomes a rather quaint and hilarious afterthought. Debating with those who seek only to poison the discussion gets tiring rather quickly, but I do have to take issue with the following:
Kagan was an insult and a slapp in the face to Black folks....Kagan has zero street cred with Black law students from Harvard..It is amusing observing Ogletree ran around defending this empty skirt...
Black folks should stop that shit..Where was Kagan when Obama blew off the UN Racist Convention in South Africa....Where was Uncle Charlie Ogletree as well
You’re so hard up on Obama not putting a Black face on the USSC. Me? I’m not worried. Why?
Two words.
Clarence Thomas.
The last thing we need is Black people hounding Obama to put someone Black on the USSC, only for that Black man (or woman) to turn out to be a complete ideological Uncle Tom or Ruckus, maybe even more so than Mr. Pubic Hair Coke Can Man. Too bad you can’t see that bit of forest for the whitewashed trees.
On second thought....about AB, I find it interesting that she dropped in midway in the comments as a way to "neutralize" the poisonous discourse that Thrasher and Laurel were keeping up. Once upon a time, I thought Thrasher and AB were two sides of the same IP. I'm not sure if that's still the case, but I will keep close watch on them from here on out.
none of what laurel wrote would be considered an agenda.
an agenda would be shit you want to get DONE like job creation and educational funding.
the rest is just conservative pol BS.
"Steve you ought to know that I think the whole thing ought to be changed so that we all can thrive and be able to feed ourselves and our children and be free from harrassment racist and otherwise."
I totally agree.
However I have a major problem with armchair revolutionaries like Thrasher and AB/Laurel who want to gundeck the first black President because he doesn't embrace a radical black agenda in a time of domestic economic crisis and foreign conflict.
I have asked them several times:
"What exactly would they like to see Obama do specifically for black folks that could get through an extremely divided and partisan Congress?"
They never answer.
Gratuitous bitching, just for it's own sake, really gets on my nerves.
Mack on some occassions CF is so absurd that its better to just ignore him.
Think about it,the Wall Street gang has robbed folks with impunity and they aren't even remorseful about it.
BP may have ruined a part of our country for decades and is responsible for the deaths of nearly a dozen workers, but all CF wants to talk about are the folks who have been left behind and left to make it by any means necessary.
Sometimes he is just silly and you have to call him that, or not even respond. Its like saying I am not going to dignify that with a response.
CF sometimes is just foolish and I am amazed at the folks who try to assign brilliance to his ramblings.Of course he does make good points on occassion, but who in their right mind thinks that street crime somehow trumps the crimes of multinational corporations, the banks and the murderous invasions by imperialist countries.
Many black folks disagreed with Martin and Malcolm. Looking back we look more united and radical than we actually were. But in truth many black folks were just concerned about integrating into this system and getting their piece of the pie. They weren't concerned with the fact that the pie is rotten, as Martin tried to warn over and over.
Black folks esp middle class black folks, said just let me get mine.
Well, they got their slice of the American pie. Too bad that slice turned out to be rotten and stale. Now how will middle class Blacks respond to the walls closing in all around them? We have a resurgence of racial antagonism from Whites who feel they are losing their privilege and superiority. These people are scared of losing that and the current stories, movements and laws being passed here and there are manifestations of scared people acting out of fear. Fear of the White man having to be subservient to a bunch of Brown and Black peoples.
Middle class Blacks don’t want anything to do with being on the front lines in the fight against racism and bigoted terrorism. They just want to be left alone to get their slice of the American pie. Once again, what will they do when they come to realize that the pie they were ready and willing to chow down on is rotten and putrid? Will they still want to eat that? How will they respond once they finally realized that they’d integrated into a system where they were never wanted in the first place?
Mellaneous wrote:
"Laurel I think what happened to real radical black leaders is that most black folks have bought into the rugged individualism paradigm and everybody is going for what they know, taking care of themselves.
Most black folks don't want to struggle anymore. There is a real class divide in our community. There always has been its just more obvious nowadays. From their perspective the Negroes on the bottom are on their own".
I totally agree with everything you stated in that comment 100%.
Thanks Alicia,
I really appreciate your support:)
If only we can do something to really light a fire under the feet of today's so-called "Black Leaders".
Rev. Al can't do it alone and Obama isn't the Messiah.
This is why my prayers don't cease.
But...the good Lord also said that Faith without works is dead!
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
Brother Field almost forgot to thank you for exposing the swatiska branding story. I hadn't seen it anywhere else.
Wish I had more time to hang out with you here these days, but I been working on a program/project that if it is embraced may hold down youth violence in my area as well as keep people more informed about some Transportation projects headed our way. Trying to wrest some community benefits (business, contracts, jobs long term and short term) is going to be a challenge. Also trying to see if we can get our community leaders to agree to go in one direction in spite of their various politics.
However I have a major problem with armchair revolutionaries like Thrasher and AB/Laurel who want to gundeck the first black President because he doesn't embrace a radical black agenda in a time of domestic economic crisis and foreign conflict.
I have asked them several times:
"What exactly would they like to see Obama do specifically for black folks that could get through an extremely divided and partisan Congress?"
They remain silent because they know that once Obama adopts the radical stance they long for, it’s a fucking wrap.
Any and all legislation from then on out will be cockblocked by the legislature. Obama will finally earn that “radical” moniker that the GOP and teabaggers tried to hang on him earlier. He’ll be a one-termer, and he’ll be replaced by an ultra-conservative who’ll proceed to undo or marginalize everything Obama managed to get accomplished. GOPers and teabaggers will rejoice as they finally “take their country back from the spics and niggers” and Blacks, Latinos and other minorities will end up bearing the brunt of whatever backlash that comes from having Obama in office.
So the “radical pro-Black” agenda that Thrasher and Laurel want will end up wrecking Obama’s political career. Why? Because he has to cater to ALL AMERICANS. That is what being the President of the United States is all about, right? Being a “Blacks only” kind of guy in any arena won’t work in such a position. Isn’t that why Jesse Jackson didn’t do well in his bid for the presidency in the first place?
Uptown "Uncle Tom" Steve wrote:
"AB/Laurel's stigmatization of black folks' supposed lack of political sophistication is just another manifestion of her intense self-loathing".
Alicia on Tuesday I told UTS that his comments reveal his Self-Hatred.
Today (Thursday) he attempts to use that label on me.
See people this is further proof UTS is truly an "Uncle Tom" because he has NO original thoughts of his own.
tee hee hee ha ha
poor baby :(
What exactly are you doing for "de struggle"?
I don't even know why I ask.
Oh brother,
I see that UTS decided to invite his buddy Mack Lyons to join today's thread.
Further proof Small minds think alike.
I respect their opinions.
Excuse me while I grab some Kleenex because I'm laughing so hard.
Kagan is not a minority!! Kagan is not a woman of color..Sotomayer is not a Black woman..The SCOTUS should have an asian, arab, native american, buddhist, muslim, pagan..
Why do Black folks like you always have to be so fucking noble..WHY???
Because being “noble” was the only way Blacks could get their agendas advanced. Otherwise, arrests, lynchings and death were all that was on the table for “unnoble” negros.
Even today, Blacks can’t act a fool if they want the ears of the rest of America in most cases. Not even Obama’s immune to such a thing. It’s bad enough he has to work with a divided legislature with the winds of racial antagonism whirling outside of the Capitol.
fn, you posted:
Jesse Sanford, 24, William Hatch, 28, and Paul Beebe, 26, have been charged with first-degree felony kidnapping, second-degree felony conspiracy to commit kidnapping, third-degree felony aggravated battery causing great bodily harm and fourth-degree felony conspiracy to commit aggravated battery Beebe also faces fourth-degree felony tampering with evidence.
That's a lot serious charges adding up to potentially long jail terms. Here's to hoping you post a follow-up item after they are sentenced.
The men are believed to be associated with white supremacist groups. In addition to branding a swastika on the victim and shaving a swastika into the back of his head, the men allegedly wrote "White Power" on the victim's body.
Their actual crimes resemble the crimes Tawana Brawley lied about. Minus the lie about the rape.
Meanwhile, the victim is alive, fortunately, which a black male who lived near me is not. Yesterday, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, he was found shot to death.
Why don't you answer my question you friggin phony?
Mack Lyons
Preach brother!
That's right let it all hang out.
Vent Baby Vent!
poor darlings
Did you have a bad day at work?
This is getting too good.
ha ha ha tee hee hee
I need to go and compose myself.
[quote]CF-- paul said he personally is against discrimination, but a private property owner has the right to say i won't serve you because you're black.[/quote]
You and Rachel Maddow are good with the "gotcha" hypotheticals that are immaterial and also hide the large segment of societal problems that you are SILENT upon because they don't fit your forte (Stay tuned for my response to Mack Is Lying).
You are Puerto Rican as I recall. I wonder what your response would be if in a private Puerto Rican organization you saw "too many American White people" joining and thus altering the political policies of the organization beyond your original goal. When the Puerto Rican's work to expel them YOU get sued for racism.
I wonder how much You will like government intervention into private organizations when YOU are the one who must yield.
Again - Rachael Maddow, while always seeking to INDICT someone as a bigot shows her own ideological bigotry as she is strangely silent about the forces in America that are;
* Killing
* Raining Fear and Terror
* Taking Justice Into Their own Hands
* Performing Witness Tampering
In her own RACIAL PROFILING - since these Hispanic and Black Gangs are not "Right Wing Militias" she has no particular use to go after them as passionately as she does with her "Conservative Chasing".
Funny still - if you talk to SOME Black Nationalists (Malcolm X) they will point to INTEGRATION and note how after decades of EATING AT DA MAN'S RESTAURANTS, handing over our money now that he "LET US" in - we have little to show for it in our communities.
Mack I think you are being a bit hard on folks here. I don't think that people are necessarily asking for Obama to carry out a Black agenda, but a just agenda.
-If Obama would do more to address the foreclosure crisis it would go a long way toward helping black folks.
-If Obama would at least lead a campaign against the discriminatory drug laws and the long sentences that affect black folks dispropotionately that would be advancing a helpful agenda to blacks.
-If Obama advocated for more drug treatment facilities that would go a long way toward advancing an agenda that would be helpful to black folks.
-If Obama declared we are going to take the national will and apply it to public education and do all thats possible to make sure that all children receive a quality education that would be helpful to black folks.
-And if Obama declared that he is going to create jobs and decrease the military spending to do it and make sure that everyone got a piece of his stimulus dollars that would be helpful to black folks.
Its not just about what can or cannot be passed. Because no doubt the capitalist parties have as their main interest advancing the needs of the ruling class and the corporatists and the Banks.
But I think that black folks are truly dissapointed that he won't even talk about the issues that he knows affects us as a people. Its obvious he knows there are some struggles because he has no problem criticizing poor blacks publicly.
Obama has proven to be just another bourgeoise politician, but that's who he is and he never said he was a radical or progressive. He just let folks think that with his rhetoric.And everytime I hear someone let him off the hook by saying he is not the president for just black people I wonder do they know how condescending and patronizing that sounds?
Great post last night Field.
Keep it up.
ha ha tee hee oh boy I'm laughing so hard.
Oh brother,
I see that UTS decided to invite his buddy Mack Lyons to join today's thread.
Further proof Small minds think alike.
I respect their opinions.
Excuse me while I grab some Kleenex because I'm laughing so hard.
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
A genuinely small mind such as yours would resort to ridicule in order to marginalize someone’s opinion, especially when they have no opinion of their own to fire back with. At least not one that would hold up during a debate.
Other than your rampant criticism of so called “Toms” and others who don’t share your views of Radical Blackness, what have you brought to the table? From what I see, the setting’s as bare as it was before you came into the room. All you did was lay a napkin on the table and have the nerve to call it a tablecloth, while criticizing anyone who called your “setting” out for what it actually was.
God is smiling on you right about now.
Thank God for Intelligent folk like you and AB who are not afraid to think for themselves.
CF you too:)
Mack Lyons wrote:
"Other than your rampant criticism of so called “Toms” and others who don’t share your views of Radical Blackness, what have you brought to the table? From what I see, the setting’s as bare as it was before you came into the room. All you did was lay a napkin on the table and have the nerve to call it a tablecloth, while criticizing anyone who called your “setting” out for what it actually was".
ML Since you don't know me or what I actually do in my OWN Community, I'll just allow you to continue to rant loudly.
Obviously you enjoy hearing the sound of your keys.
One thing I'm not and will NEVER be is a Scared, Hypocritical "Uncle Tom" negro.
I'm from Brooklyn baby and we don't play that!
I'm also a Child of the Most High God and he has my back because my heart is right as it relates to helping Underprivileged Children.
Well folks gotta go.
CF said:
Rachael Maddow, is....strangely silent about the forces in America that are;
* Killing
* Raining Fear and Terror
* Taking Justice Into Their own Hands
* Performing Witness Tampering
CF you do realize that what you described was not street gang activity so much as the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the daily unmanned rocket attacks on Pakistan.
Whenever they have been called on their indiscriminate killing US forces have tampered with witnesses by threatening.
But here is the real problem this murder and mayhem and uncivilized behaviour is somehow legitimate. And its performed without apology or conscience. Most street criminals have more heart and conscience than do the well dressed folks who make decisions that cause thousands of folks to lose their lives and their livelihoods. When they are called out they never show remorse or regret at least street thugs have been known to say I'm sorry and to have real regret.
You swallow whole camels straining at fleas.
"But I think that black folks are truly dissapointed that he won't even talk about the issues that he knows affects us as a people. Its obvious he knows there are some struggles because he has no problem criticizing poor blacks publicly."
I disagree with you.
I think most black people realize that Obama has priorities and political limitations.
He won a major victory with universal healthcare which will definitely help a lot of blacks.
The next big issue is the economy and if that turns around the social justice issues will fall into place.
I just recieved this link regarding Government assistance with forclosures in my email yesterday.
Mack is exactly right.
You let Obama start talking a radical black agenda and the righties will paint him a communist mau-mau, the Dems will lose both Houses of Congress in 2010 and the Presidency in 2012.
Then we're back in the hole with another wingnut.
Is THAT what you want?
Steve I think I clearly said in my post above that few people are stupid enough to think that Obama can push a Black Agenda. And who would expect him to? Its a dishonest question in my mind, but whatever.
Lets be honest here Steve, Obama has always acted like black folks are not a priority of his.
And why do you keep asking me the same question I already told you what I think of US capitalism I don't buy into either party I believe we do need a radical restructuring.
I believe that whoever leads this thing will make it worse or better by degrees. It really doesn't matter who is president. They will always carry out the agenda of the ruling class over and against the interests of poor and working class folks and the Third World for that matter.
I am not the person to aim that question at I don't think its relevant black folks working folks catch hell under Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Kennedy etc,
Its the system that is the problem from my perspective. How many times do you need me to say it.
Got to run Steve so if you have more questions I am not ducking but busy doing some organizing/activist work.
Excuse me Uptown "Uncle Tom" Steve,
But are you functioning as a paid Obama "Operative" or something to that effect?
You know one of those "Operatives" who visits strong Political websites or Blogs (like Field's) so that you can create havoc on threads like this one and report back to Obama's people what's being said about him?
Just curious because your comments and responses are ludicrous.
You sound like a brainwashed, programmed robot.
[quote]Mack on some occassions CF is so absurd that its better to just ignore him.[/quote]
Mellaneous - is there a Christian way to go tell you to screw yourself?
I won't even bother to quote your words and bring them forth.
* I can imagine YOU as the "Tom character" in the 1950's telling the Black family - "Sorry that your husband got LYNCHED - but at least you guys took a healthy life insurance policy on him"
* What you fail to understand is that as the Left brings up the POTENTIAL "Racial Profiling".........their silence about:
* The Bloody Summer 2010 In {Fill In The Blank City}
* The "Civil Rights Violations" that aren't labeled as such BECAUSE a "Least Of These" Person committed it (example - young Black male - shot in the back of the head in his car, CAR SET ON FIRE about 2 weeks ago in Atlanta)
You see Mack Is Lying - you, Jesse Jackson, NAACP, others are CHERRY PICKERS. You show FAKE OUTRAGE about when the authorities POTENTIALLY will profile YET on a constant daily basis those who watch the news are not allowed to note the RACE of the Street Pirates who make up 80% of the crime/murder stories and form an opinion about:
* The area of town
* Opening your front door when they ask to use your phone
* Etc, etc, etc
You see MACK Is Lying if Racial Profiling is evidence of "Lazy Policing" then we need to look at the METAMORPHOSIS of a Fine Young Man into a STREET PIRATE as evidence of FLAWED AND ABSTRACT "Human Resource Management" in the COMMUNITY where he came from.
With the level of BIGOTRY that is resident within some of you THERE IS NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE that could ever be rendered per the actions of these people to prove to you that there is a need for YOU to change your theories.
In the world of Mellaneous the main TOLERANCE that society is expected to render is when someone pulls their pants down and asks you to KISS HIS AZZ and then has a tattoo of the "Social Contract" on his right and left cheeks that both YOU and HE are bound to.
[quote]Excuse me Uptown "Uncle Tom" Steve, [/quote]
Laurel - I take offense to you calling UptownSteve out of his proper name.
His name is "WhiteBowieSteve".
Ask him to tell you about that little slice of heaven that fell into Prince Georges County Maryland.
Despite being a majority Black County, WhiteBowieSteve just happens to live in the majority White city of Bowie which is inside of PGC.
His saving grace is that the actual subdivision that he lives in in majority Black. Thus on a relative basis he indeed lives in a "Black community" - just not on the side of PGC nearest to WashingTON DC.
Constructive Feedback
I think it's safe to say that you've both been exposed as the obnoxious, tiresome, buckdancing buffoons that you are.
It's pretty much a forum consensus.
Carry on with your pathetic display.
We'll just shake our heads and laugh.
ta ta
ah ha!
So you are a paid Obama "Operative"! I knew it!
"Despite being a majority Black County, WhiteBowieSteve just happens to live in the majority White city of Bowie which is inside of PGC."
I must have really got your goat today because you're just pulling turds out of your rear end and tossing them to see what sticks.
What this Tom doesn't tell you is that while Bowie is presently majority white, it is rapidly becoming black.
In fact the black Bowie population has DOUBLED in the last decade.
And the area that I live in which is known as South Bowie, which was incorporated in 1990 (South of Rt. 50, North of of Central Ave, East of 197 and West of Rt 424 is 90% black with a preponderance of Bowie's black population.
CF talks this nonsense after he brags about moving to Clayton County, GA to get away from the niggas.
Sad. Just pathetic.
"What this Tom doesn't tell you is that while Bowie is presently majority white, it is rapidly becoming black."
There goes the neighborhood.....
Policy changes are not run from the white house, they are run from the agencies. Unfortunately most of the agencies have not been appointed or after tried several candidates, Bush's appointee's left in place.
There are some subjects that you have mentioned that Obama has made some policy changes, which do not require any changes in the law, thus does not seem as any effort has been made. If the bureaucrats in those agencies are following those changes, it should be left of the watchdogs to make a fuss. Most time I only see criticism, I don't see active engagement from Black group. The government is influenced by lobbyist and interest groups, which are not always just pushing money into the politicians hand. There are those that hang out to get access, petition, brow beat and generally be a pain in the ass.They go where the politicians are. It take more than just the vote and having expectations, it takes actively being a citizen.
mellaneous, you wrote:
-If Obama would at least lead a campaign against the discriminatory drug laws and the long sentences that affect black folks dispropotionately that would be advancing a helpful agenda to blacks.
Well, that's one way to look at the problem. The other way is for blacks to stop indulging in drug use.
What would happen if penalties for drug use were reduced? Would the black world benefit from shorter sentences? Would drug abuse decline?
-If Obama advocated for more drug treatment facilities, that would go a long way toward advancing an agenda that would be helpful to black folks.
Really? Drinking, smoking and drugs are bad for you. Stop it. Frankly, the only point you make is this: you want recreational drugs at least decriminalized, and possibly legalized.
-If Obama declared we are going to take the national will and apply it to public education and do all thats possible to make sure that all children receive a quality education that would be helpful to black folks.
All the money in the world cannot replace the impact of two caring parents. Neither can all the money in the world overcome the pathologies that afflict too many blacks and too many black communities.
-And if Obama declared that he is going to create jobs and decrease the military spending to do it and make sure that everyone got a piece of his stimulus dollars that would be helpful to black folks.
Are you claiming military spending does not create jobs? On what is our military budget spent?
The answer: Manpower, Equipment, Education and much more. Who designs and builds military equipment? The same people who design and build cars, commercial aircraft and ships.
If it's jobs you want to create, then all we have to do is open up all oil-bearing territory to drilling. Even with extra expenses for drilling/environmental safety, at current prices, US oil companies would sink wells in many places around the country -- employing more Americans while reducing imports.
[quote]Most street criminals have more heart and conscience than do the well dressed folks who make decisions that cause thousands of folks to lose their lives and their livelihoods.[/quote]
Mellaneous -
You do realize that I have all of your talking points documented as I do with UptownSteve and Filled Negro - right?
For some reason the AUTHORITY that has the power to wage war is a worthy point of obfuscation for you.
Its interesting that in your personal efforts that you speak about in Detroit and Benton Harbor - you were more motivated to reach out to "Street Pirates", hoping to formulate a partnership with them by which they can swing to "your side" and join with you to protest aGAINST THE real KILLERS - those who were an American Soldier's uniform. They don't get locked up if they KILL as an agent for America - within the "Rules of Engagement".
So now that I am willing to agree with you that "Murder" is a contextual offense - how about noting that one's SELF INTERESTS is the greater determining factor?
Funny how THESE ACTUAL RESIDENTS OF DETROIT did not focus upon the US Military as their main THREAT. Are you sure you live there Mellaneous?
uptownsteve said...
"AB/Laurel, Constructive Feedback
I think it's safe to say that you've both been exposed as the obnoxious, tiresome, buckdancing buffoons that you are.
It's pretty much a forum consensus."
No need to be humble Steve, you a pretty good buckdancer yourself.
[quote]CF talks this nonsense after he brags about moving to Clayton County, GA to get away from the niggas.[quote]
Clueless as usual.
I don't live in Clayton County.
However in the "2nd Wealthiest Black Majority In America Behind PGC" - Dekalb County GA:
1) The former police chief (Black Democrat) who was fired is now suiting the CEO of the county (Black Democrat). In a television interview the former chief said "They slandered me and now I resolve to stand my ground" (Paraphrase). This was viewed as a threat of VIOLENCE. So in this county which about 10 years ago saw its first Black sheriff ASSASSINATE the new sheriff - they posted a 24 hour police watch in front of the CEOs HOUSE.
This waste of resource as "Bloody Summer 2010" kicks in around Dekalb and other places
2) Yesterday a Deputy Chief from Dekalb was arrested for bribery. (Black male Democrat)
3) 2 recent Taser involved deaths in Dekalb over the past 3 weeks. NO CIVIL RIGHTS PROTESTS YET.
4) I told you the tale about a Black female who spent the weekend in jail due to bad record keeping in Dekalb.
She was:
* Arrested by a Black officer
* Who is commanded by a Black chief
* Who reports to the Black Public Safety Commissioner
* Who reports to a Black Democrat CEO
* The Court system records manager - a Black woman - who screwed up the woman's records said that they are spending $1M to upgrade the system so this will stop HAPPENING
*The Black Democrat County Board member who was on tv saying that this is not acceptable was enough to KEEP THE CIVIL RIGHTS PROTESTERS AT BAY.
Do you see, WhiteBowieSteve - despite S.S.D.D. those who used to PROTEST when their Permanent interests where being violated now are SILENT because their PERMANENT FRIENDS are in power and they don't want to make them upset.
I get the feeling that the same thing goes on in PGC. You do recall the inmate that the PGC sheriffs beat up after he ran over their co-worker? The NAACP held a JOINT PRESS CONFERENCE with their friend on the county board rather than a CIVIL RIGHTS PROTEST.
hey uts/uncle remus:
who died and made you king of the porch on fn's plantation you psycho monkey????
is it also safe to say that you are too illiterate to have read this????
* I can imagine YOU as the "Tom character" in the 1950's telling the Black family - "Sorry that your husband got LYNCHED - but at least you guys took a healthy life insurance policy on him"
* What you fail to understand is that as the Left brings up the POTENTIAL "Racial Profiling".........their silence about:
* The Bloody Summer 2010 In {Fill In The Blank City}
* The "Civil Rights Violations" that aren't labeled as such BECAUSE a "Least Of These" Person committed it (example - young Black male - shot in the back of the head in his car, CAR SET ON FIRE about 2 weeks ago in Atlanta)
You see Mack Is Lying - you, Jesse Jackson, NAACP, others are CHERRY PICKERS. You show FAKE OUTRAGE about when the authorities POTENTIALLY will profile YET on a constant daily basis those who watch the news are not allowed to note the RACE of the Street Pirates who make up 80% of the crime/murder stories and form an opinion about:
* The area of town
* Opening your front door when they ask to use your phone
* Etc, etc, etc
You never did answer my original questions. Of course that’s par for the course in your case. You continue to push on about how the “street pirates” should warrant 100% of the Black community’s attention, at the detriment of other issues that have the potential to affect us all adversely. You never answered my question about if you felt it was OK for LEOs to do everything in their power, and then some, to neutralize your “street pirate” threats.
We see what that will lead up to. Remember the 7 year old girl who got her head blown off in her sleep by a SWAT team? Yeah, that.
You want Blacks to totally focus 100% on the “street pirates” at the exclusion of everything else. You also seem to want them to give LEOs card blanche on how to best “solve” the “street pirate problem”. And then you call me a “Tom” when I explain how there are other things Blacks should be worried about that could adversely affect them as a whole. You’re Side A of a bad vinyl record. There is no Side B – ain’t no grooves on that one.
CF talks this nonsense after he brags about moving to Clayton County, GA to get away from the niggas.
I thought Clayton County, GA was also inundated with Negros. He would have done better moving to Forsyth County. Of course, he’d probably wouldn’t be all that welcome there…..
On your last post, CF, you’re saying that Blacks are incompetent when placed in leadership positions. The Black chief, commissioner and CEO are in leadership positions, while the officer is in a position of public servitude and trust. If all of these people happened to be White, I highly doubt that you would have brought that story up.
If the City of Detroit happened to be a majority white city that was in the same state of disorder, you wouldn’t have anything to say about it.
If the Republicans were the ones “enabling” so-called “incompetent” Blacks into high positions, you would have very little to say about such a thing.
You only have a lot to say when it fits your Modus Operandi of devaluing the Black community. In so many words, you continue to call the community an incompetent band of peoples who are naturally violent and thusly need the firm guiding hand of Whites in order to successfully thrive. I bet you believe that Blacks were in their natural element when Slavery was in full force.
Mack Is Lying:
1) I just recorded from the news the SECOND robbery of a bank in Hiram GA (Near Forsyth County). I said to myself 'This is a White boy this time'. NOPE!!!! Stay tuned for the video. When these WHITE FOLKS start "profiling" you will know why
What you and WhiteBowieSteve like to do is to enshroud your fraudulent ideological hijinx in your RACE and thus anyone who points out FRAUD per the purposeful acts of these operatives is said to be hating them because they are BLACK.
I merely point out that in Dekalb with all of the "Mission Accomplished" signs that are plastered - the same B.S. continues.
3) To answer your question about PROFILING!!!!!!!! (Which I did - you just didn't "GET IT"
The present actions of these young men who have MORPHED INTO "Street Pirates" per their BEHAVIOR AND THOUGHTS is a function of the FAILURE of those Adults in their community who have FAILED to manage these young Human Resources (Oh wait. As I listen to the news right now in the back ground - ANOTHER SMASH AND GRAB at a Pawn Shop in Dekalb County. A car driven through the door. Oh my. Good thing they have insurance.)
The direct answer is that these FAILURES years ago now Have the COMMUNITY SUFFERING. The only force that can maintain CIVILITY in the place are the DAMNED POLICE!!!
The choices are:
1) Remain on your high horse, executing "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" where you are SILENT about the Street Pirates, only speaking when THE AUTHORITIES dare form a profile who who is doing these crimes and then cry foul. Allowing the COMMUNITY to spiral downward into lawlessness.
2) Open your damned mind to allow the visual signals that you see regarding WHO is doing this and MANAGE THE POLICE and the thankless job that they have. Spread the message to HARDWORKING PEOPLE of the community that they deserve to be safe in their homes and thus as a community they along with the police and elected officials will do what it is necessary
3) Realize that THE STREET PIRATES OF TO-DAMNED-DAY were once little boys crawling around on the floor and injected with MESSAGES by adults who were charged with raising them.
In as much as you want a LONG TERM SOLUTION - you begin to REDEFINE the CULTURE that is present within your community. You note that the music in which "threats to kill any Black man that 'steps to' the rapper is oddly "Art Imitating Life". The same response that you have to "The Birth of a Nation" should be applied.
Did you see this article Mack Is Lying?
Rapper Killed in Griffin GA - 5 year old little girl injured
[quote]you’re saying that Blacks are incompetent when placed in leadership positions. The Black chief, commissioner and CEO are in leadership positions, while the officer is in a position of public servitude and trust. If all of these people happened to be White, I highly doubt that you would have brought that story up.[/quote]
Mack Is Lying:
Dekalb County Georgia, like Chicago IL is LIVING IN THE "SOLUTION" that we as a people were sold as the CURE for what ails us if we STUCK TOGETHER, stayed silent and VOTED our way into control over our communities.
Its quite funny to me that you seek to "Put me on trial", claiming that their incompetence is BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK - when I keep pointing out that the ONLY reason why:
* Concerned Black Clergy
* Oh yeah "New Order" - the upstart Black Civil Rights Group that is more active on the street (I saw them on the news today DEFENDING the Mexican illegal alien girl who is in college but got caught driving without a license)
NONE OF THEM have said a DAMNED THING about all of the series of events going on in Dekalb ONLY BECAUSE the people in power are BLACK AND DEMOCRAT.
* If they were Black Conservatives - ATTACK
* If they were WHITE, regardless of the ideology - ATTACK
So I ask you Mack Is Lying - pound for pound which INDICTMENT is hurting Black people more?
* Me pointing out the FRAUD of these groups for being silent over their friends, the absence of pressure allowing the FOOLISHNESS to continue?
* THEY being silent because they don't want to piss off their permanent friends in pursuit of their permanent interests?
"If your afraid say your afraid, than go somewhere, sit down and let someone else take over".
Spoken by the Rev. Al Sharpton at a Civil Rights Rally in Charlotte, NC December 2007
Mack Lyons said...
"If the City of Detroit happened to be a majority white city that was in the same state of disorder, you wouldn’t have anything to say about it."
If Detroit were majority white, it wouldn't be in the same state of disorder.
In fact, Detroit used to be majority white, and when it was, it was the manufacturing capital of the world.
Lots of things have changed since then, but the one thing that matters most is who lives there.
Bullshit posturing by Steve is all he ever does on this site always trying to be the noble negro talking in circles about nothing often..
Black Agenda=American Agenda..
I want Obama to dump kagan and select a Black woman or asian or arab or native american to the SCOTUS..
I want Obama to withdraw tonight from 2 global wars
I want Obama tonite to cut our defense budget by 75% this week
I want Obama to issue a Restoration/Marshall Plan for all urban venues..
I want Obama to legalize drugs
I want Obama to make college free for all children of parents in prision..
To be continued...
I am tried of noble ass kissin negroes like Steve who always feel the need to put Black niggers like me in place instead of dealing with his weak shit..
mack is an intellectual coward who lacks the presence and skills to influence people like I do so ..
petty envious people like him fuel me...
Thrasher: "I want Obama to make college free for all children of parents in prision.."
Where do I sign up? I got two kids in college. Does this mean if I put a cap in your ass, college is free? What a country!
I feel like this--Holder is no better than Obama. There have been two espionage cases that had to be dropped when its his job to investigate them. If I were a black man with his position, and some white bitch was making deals with a foreign country to drop espionage charges in return for an chairmanship on an intelligence committeee, my foot would have been all up her ass for making me look incompentent. It seems like we still have to walk on the street when AIPAC members do their shit. That whole affair was right out of Robert Ludlum or Tom Clancy Holder's job is to protect the US from shit like that. 2) Mr. Obama despite talking all that ying yang about regular folks donating money to his campaign, he'll take the money but not hire them. Practically all of the jobs (besides the negro personal servants) are filled with AIPAC like folks who are ALREADY WORKING! He won't be finding applicants for the minerals job or the Fed Reserve jobs from USA.gov!3) Rev. Creme de Nature is a hypocrit because in every black neighborhood we all have to carry ID. Some of these gangs comprised of drug cartels and former jail inmates are deliberately killing our children and us. I guess only blacks need to carry ID to identify the bodies later. DW Griffith (Birth of a Nation) couldn't have written a better script for these black clowns. I want to see one black man that whitey hires that they cannot emasculate. 4)I am from NYC, I don't remember if Ms. Sotomayor considers herself a woman of color, sometimes my P.R. sisters are very very color struck.
I feel like this--Holder is no better than Obama. There have been two espionage cases that had to be dropped when its his job to investigate them. If I were a black man with his position, and some white bitch was making deals with a foreign country to drop espionage charges in return for an chairmanship on an intelligence committeee, my foot would have been all up her ass for making me look incompentent. It seems like we still have to walk on the street when AIPAC members do their shit. That whole affair was right out of Robert Ludlum or Tom Clancy Holder's job is to protect the US from shit like that. 2) Mr. Obama despite talking all that ying yang about regular folks donating money to his campaign, he'll take the money but not hire them. Practically all of the jobs (besides the negro personal servants) are filled with AIPAC like folks who are ALREADY WORKING! He won't be finding applicants for the minerals job or the Fed Reserve jobs from USA.gov!3) Rev. Creme de Nature is a hypocrit because in every black neighborhood we all have to carry ID. Some of these gangs comprised of drug cartels and former jail inmates are deliberately killing our children and us. I guess only blacks need to carry ID to identify the bodies later. DW Griffith (Birth of a Nation) couldn't have written a better script for these black clowns. I want to see one black man that whitey hires that they cannot emasculate. 4)I am from NYC, I don't remember if Ms. Sotomayor considers herself a woman of color, sometimes my P.R. sisters are very very color struck.
Intellectual coward, a nobody who hides behind an alias...Imagine being a worthless piece of shit that is afraid of his own name..
Lol,Lol,Lol....I bet I know your wife..I bet her breath smells like me...lol,lol,lol
I wonder if she still has that yeast infection....lol,lol,lol
Steve wants Black folks to be nice and moderate and wait for our turn..Steve does not want to press Obama for anything he wants Obama to grow into being a Black man..
Obama resents Obama having to confront Black issues noble negroes like Steve lack the balls to be bold..They fear niggers that matter...Steve would make excuses for white cops frisking his wife...
mack is an intellectual coward who lacks the presence and skills to influence people like I do so ..
petty envious people like him fuel me...
I see your ego has it's own voice...
Report me to homeland security you little nobody that resents your own skin..
Black folks like you make it easy for white folks to have contempt for Black people..
Weak Black nothings like you enjoy being doormats for white folks..You make live for Black folks more harder than it should be..Stinky enabler..lol,lol,lol
[quote]Lots of things have changed since then, but the one thing that matters most is who lives there.[/quote]
Anon: WHO lives this is not the relevant point.
Just allow the people from Greece or Portugal to move into Detroit and watch as it remains the SAME beyond "Greek Salads" and Lisbon stew.
Detroit is a product of a HOSTILE IDEOLOGY that "ate its young", "bit the hand that fed it", "cut the goose open in order to get more eggs" and any other old saying you can think of.
THERE IS NOTHING "RACIAL' ABOUT IT beyond the fact that indeed the group on POWER who are Black chose to STICK TOGETHER. There is no INTRINSIC "BLACK" CHARACTERISTIC that made Detroit what it is today.
Drive through Upstate NY, Middle PA and large parts of Ohio to see majority WHITE towns that are hollowed out shells of themselves just the same.
Everytime I come in here I will crush you because I can.....lol,lol,lol
Report me to homeland security you wimp enabler...lol,lol,lol
@ Rottnkid:
I fell you.
I thought CF was the ultimate idiot in here but I now know it is a tie between Mack & CF..
Two nobodies that want to matter...lol,lol,lol
To be continue...
[quote]Mr. Obama despite talking all that ying yang about regular folks donating money to his campaign, he'll take the money but not hire them. Practically all of the jobs (besides the negro personal servants) are filled with AIPAC like folks who are ALREADY WORKING![/quote]
Sorry Trickster - I am not buying the "Obama fooled us" game.
Let's take a walk through any URBAN MALL in America now (and 20 months ago).
There was a veritable bizzare going on:
* Obama Plates
* Obama T-Shirts that displaced "Lil Wayne" and "Young Jeezy" gear
* Obama Calendars
* Obama wall portraits
* Obama with a figure standing for you to put your head through to get a picture taken.
Speaking of TAKEN.......the real question, TRICKSTER is WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR "SELLING" what was PURCHASED by the Negro?
Watch this video and note this WOMAN in order to understand how some people entered the game with a bunch of unrealistic and unattainable expectations.
www.withintheblackcommunity.com/videos/Chicago Lady 216 - Murder In Chicago.flv
You know as well as I do that in about 24 months from now the Kneegrow leaders are going to be asking "Don't you want to be MADE HAPPY AGAIN via an Obama victory?"
[quote]I thought CF was the ultimate idiot in here but I now know it is a tie between Mack & CF[/quote]
Why thank you Thrasher.
That's what I've always respected about you. You went to law school right?
Your ability to TAKE THE "IDIOTIC" portions of my work, highlight it for everyone and then DISASSEMBLE them with your counterpoint.
Forcing me to retreat feeling beaten, ashamed and unmotivated to post any more until I an ready to "come off of the porch".
I posted on your blog one time then I realized how much of a waste of time it was.
HEY PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If a tree falls in the forest but THERE ARE NO ANTI-WAR PROTESTS and the NEWS MEDIA OPERATIVES don't pound the DRUMS fearing that they might hurt the PRESIDENT...........
CF - I can't open the file.
Replace spaces as follows:
i am teaching black babies not to grow up to be colorist cowardly misogynist elitist euro clueless hobama boot licking clowns like u!!!!
So do you want me to cry because you posted on my log and now you regret it....lol,lol,lol
Now you know why I called you an idiot..lol,lol,lol
i am also teaching black babies and adults to do more than sit behind elite gates and pretend they are free because they have amex cards you suicidal drone fool!
Thrasher said...
..They fear niggers that matter...
Like Thrasher!
Hey, Thrash, I reported you to Homeland Security, but Janet didn't care. She said you were just some crazy homeless mf from Detroit who asked people for money and then cussed them out. You must of picked up that yeast infection last night when you got raped in jail.
Also, you ain't smart enough to mop CF's or Mack Lyon's floors!
You are one dumb fuck ..it is easy to bait you..Now stop making me blush with all of your obession over all my posts....lol,lol,lol
Everytime I come in here I will crush you because I can.....lol,lol,lol
Report me to homeland security you wimp enabler...lol,lol,lol
Oh crap, it's started again. You left your Ritalin pills at the house and now you wanna act a damn fool in the Wal-Mart.
No one's gonna call Homeland Security on you. That don't fit your current condition. What we could do is have you committed to the nearest asylum for the mentally insane. That should give you enough pause to take your fucking pills and come back to some degree of normalcy.
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