Monday, May 03, 2010


Mrs. Field and I are always throwing around different places where would consider living out the rest of our days. Jamaica: Bermuda: The Virgin Islands: South Louisiana: Florida: And on and on it goes. One of the places that Mrs. Field always mentions is the Shenandoah Valley region of Virginia. She always wanted to build one of those log homes right smack in the middle of that area. Well I have news for Mrs. Field: It ain't happening. I wish I would move to a state that elects people like Ken Cuccinelli to public office.

Just because he couldn't control his sexual urges whenever he walked into the office and saw the state seal, this clown actually ordered his staff to cover up the Roman goddess. (See what you started, Janet?)

"Virginia's attorney general Ken Cuccinelli is hard at work on the important issues of the day -- like making sure the Roman goddess depicted on his state's official seal isn't exposing herself.

The current seal shows "Virtus, the goddess of virtue, dressed as a warrior," with her foot resting "on the chest of the figure of tyranny, who is lying on the ground." She is holding a spear and her left breast is exposed.

Or at least it was exposed. At a recent meeting, Cuccinelli provided pins to his staff with a new seal on which "Virtus' bosom is covered by an armored breastplate," the Virginian-Pilot reported. These new pins were not paid for by taxpayer dollars, Cuccinelli's office insisted.
The original state seal was
designed by George Wythe, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and was first adopted in 1776, according to a Virginia state website. But so much for that.

"When you ask to be ridiculed, it usually happens. And it will happen here, nationally," University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato told the Pilot. "This is classical art, for goodness' sake."

And indeed, the mockery has already begun. "I'm outraged -- no longer can the Virginia state seal be the centerfold of the state seal magazine," leading Virginia blogger Ben Tribbett joked to HuffPost." [Article with pictures of Ken's seal. ]

OK we can all laugh about it now. But this is a serious matter. This is what happens when you put wingnuts who want to stamp their brand of morality on the rest of us in high places. I keep telling you people, A-merry-ca is looking more and more like a theocracy every day. What's next, we can't buy alcohol on Sundays? Oh wait; we can't buy alcohol on Sundays here in Pistolvania. And, I suspect, many other places as well.

Oh well, looks like Mrs. Field will have to forget that log home. I never really liked them that much anyway.

And finally, I have two more stories tonight from the Huff Po. Tell me which one you think is more likely true.

The teabagger folks says that there is no place in their movement for racist behavior. And,
a man in China died after a giant eel was inserted in his rectum by some of his friends as a joke.

If you picked the eel story you are not alone.


Anonymous said...

I live in Virginia...its really a nice place to stay...just as long as you live where there is a ton of diversity if you get my meaning...Lol

I wouldn't worry to much about the nut job elected right now run things...those kind of folks never stay in power to long.Besides their is no place in America where a nut job does not hold some power...

Unknown said...

That eel story was HORRIFIC but that's what you get when you try some shyt. I did not try to rhyme nor did I mean any "pun" to it but GAYS need to get a life! You knew they were gay and thought that slimy eel would feel good. Reminds me of slugs.

SNL calls Cuccinelli "Moochinelli".

Unknown said...

And another thing about the Eel They have two sets of teeth. Once the eel secures its prey with its first set of jaws, the the second set of teeth reach up from its throat, grabbing and pulling the prey down through its esophagus. An is like that of the movie "Alien".

Dr. Nuwang said...

Geez Arneader, thanks for the visual, LOL!!

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

About the eel story. I don't know why his friends didn't think to use a toothless, clawless, hamster.

Maybe Ken Cuccinelli got the last one.

Anonymous said...

Y'all oughta move(back) to Africa if y'all hate the White Mans so much...Might be the only place y'alls can get jobs when the Mexicans take over...

Val said...

I feel sorry for that eel. Yikes.

Gregory said...

They don't hate the "White Mans", Frank. They just hate you.

Can't say that I blame them, I don't particularly like crackers either.

Frank said...

The Cooch has given up, according to the local rag:

Unknown said...

oh my! i live in the shenandoah valley and believe me, field you don't want to move here!!!

Anonymous said...


Maybe, just maybe this Cooch guy went to the same school of law that Attorney General Ashcroft went to back in the day. A few years ago Ashcroft had some offending breasts covered with a curtain, just look up "Spirit of Justice" on Wiki.
I had no idea Virginia had the phrase Sic Semper Tyrannis on their seal. No wonder John Wilkes Booth shouted that as he jumped to stage after shooting Lincoln....and remember Tim McVeigh was wearing a T shirt with the phrase just after bombing Oklahoma City Fed Bldg. Must be a rally cry for the wingnuts.

Take Virginia off that list of places to live and consider Hawaii, the weather is great all year round.

Aloha from Makaii

Race Traitoress said...

If you follow the trail of URLs and use Google translator when you get to the Chinese newspaper page, you'll learn that the man supposedly did not die, but in fact recovered. So the story gets weirder.

And regarding that idiot Cuccinelli, it reminds me of something a friend of mine has long maintained--that the problem with America is not enough public nude statuary. I concur.

Well, of course, not the ONLY problem, but still.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

"Well, of course, not the ONLY problem, but still."

LOL! You not kidding, and looks like we have a ton of them. They are getting bigger by the day. LOL!

BTW, how are you doing, good to see your fonts.

Anonymous said...

"As a joke"

Note to self: Yes to Chinese electronics, No to Chinese comedy.

agape2010 said...

@ FN;

I just couldn't bear to read the eel story...I feel sick just reading that visual Arneader gave...:-+


agape2010 said...

I even spelled my name wrong...why would someone allow anyone to put an eel up their azz...? That is some rea sick shiz...


agape2010 said...

@ FN:

Even if Virginia didn't have Cuccinelli it's just not the

Run these places past the Mrs.:

-Italian Riviera
-Spanish Riviera
-Riviera Beach, Florida
-Riviera Maya


finefroghair said...

as the oil oozes
finefroghair boozes
yet his conscience snoozes
as the gulf coast loses

drill baby drill
in my backyard
drill baby drill
on my credit card

clean up is a cinch
such an itty bitty coast
a few hundred miles
while tourism is toast

blame it all on BP
deny if you must
but it takes a Country
to create such a bust

now who is to blame
let's all point fingers
as the ecosystem dies
and the oily smell lingers

field negro said...

Ahhh, fine frog hair is back. !

Run these places past the Mrs.:

"-Italian Riviera
-Spanish Riviera
-Riviera Beach, Florida
-Riviera Maya"

Maybe Florida. The other places are too far away from Mrs. Field's family. Girlfriend is serious about the family thing. :) But thanks for the suggestions.

Makaii, you know your Islands are always on my list. But again, they might be a little far for Mrs. Field.

virginia, thanks for the tip.

"About the eel story. I don't know why his friends didn't think to use a toothless, clawless, hamster.

Maybe Ken Cuccinelli got the last one."

Trill, were you writing jokes for Obama the other night?

BTW, looks like Holder and Co. caught the Times Square faux bomber.

Sarge said...

Hey, Granny! How are YOU doing? I'm still troubling the world and will do so for yet a while, thanks for asking. I miss you!

I sojourned in the Shenandoah in my teen years, trained horses and did a few other things there.

Actually, Field, things have gotten better. In my childhood, in that area, I remember the racially seperate dining and sanitary facilities which were derigour in that area (now gone) the actual banishment of an inter racial couple (I met my daughter-in-law, a black woman in the same room decades later. My father was NOT in that room, so things went well) and they had the "Blue Laws".

Diaper pins-diapers. You COULD by one, but not the other. It was illegal to play sports Wednesday evenings in some places. On the other hand, you COULD by beer, but not soft drinks.

It got...confusing. Ancient Byzantium would have stood in awe of this legal gordian knot of contradictions and idiocy. As a lawyer yourself, you would have clapped your hands together, rubbed them briskly, and known you would never want for work when those were in force.

You could do worse than the Shenandoah, seriously.

Anonymous said...

f you follow the trail of URLs and use Google translator

again a 1/2 story by the FN

Speaking of eels in the ass, I think that is totally something UTS would have his wife do, he likes the butt play a little too much

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Field, you DON'T wanta retire in the Shenandoa Valley..
its the part of Virginia US Senator/Grand Klaxon Robert Byrd(D,WVA) had to abandon cause he was too progressive on racial issues...
Its the part of Virginia where slavery never really caught on, cause its hard to grow cotton on the side of a mountain...but they STILL hate y'all..
at least in the South we've come to terms that there'll never be a White Defensive Back in the NFL...

Constructive Feedback said...

Don't Eat The Chum!!!! It is laced with oil!

[quote]Mrs. Field and I are always throwing around different places where would consider living out the rest of our days. [/quote]

Filled Negro:

Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

1) WHY, oh WHY would you depart the ideological and political utopia of Philadelphia for a Red State like Virginia? You move from amongst your friends and favorable elected officials to sup with your adversaries? No way.

I realize that many "Blacks who can" move to south Jersey or perish the thought Limerick PA!!!

Limerick? Weren't no Black people living in Limerick when I was growing up in Philly, Filled Negro. Hell - we were happy when we were able to walk across 63rd Street and not have to fight the White boys as they started moving out.

2) If you do move away from Philly can we add you to the list of Blacks who you have previously taunted as having "Turned their backs upon the Black community"?

Or is it that you are feeling the consequences of your "Criminal Release Efforts", using the system against it self to free a man who "Don't give a what about the system, his community or you?". At least with the new US Census his head count will be among the community that he assaulted rather than added to the county where Greaterford Prison resides.

3) What do you fear about Virginia? The Conservative guy who has a problem with the coat of arms?

Filled Negro what STATISTICAL DATA SET can you point to that shows in 2010 that a Black man living in Virginia has to worry about physical harm or terrorism from the "nut jobs" that a poster had mentioned as compared to a Black man living at 52nd and Market Street?

Do you recall about 2 years ago on this august blog one of your posters told the crew back then "Come to Virginia....its becoming BLUER ever year". I remember that one. It was a female poster. Why didn't she sell Virginia by pointing to the benefits in the EXISTING blue areas from which her ideological friends are coming from? Its as if the Progressive-Fundamentalist of today sees himself as the American Pioneers of yesteryear but this time the "savages" are uncouth conservatives and thus they deserve to be slaughtered. Right Filled Negro?

Why is it that no one else challenged you on your narrative?
Its as if they were waiting for your daily chum feeding,giving them a subject by which to beat upon the pinata.

YourFridayDiversityLinks said...

But wait, Field! It only gets better!

Cooch's using a seal from the Civil War! No shit, Rachel Maddow has it on her blog.....


How tone deaf is this nutter?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]as the oil oozes
finefroghair boozes
yet his conscience snoozes
as the gulf coast loses

drill baby drill
in my backyard
drill baby drill
on my credit card


NOW THAT YOU KNOW how deadly man's quest for oil can be among your amphibian friends who have the misfortune to share the same water space as he - how is this going to impact your personal CONSUMPTION habits when it comes to Oil?

Don't you know that you are housed within a nation that consumes more OIL than any other? That pollutes the Earth more?

Do you have any propensity to lead the way, reducing your consumption habits long before the Democrats in Congress and Obama slay the evil Republicans and their Oil buddies in passing REGULATION to make us "Green People"? Why do you require government sanction to drive your own personal consumption? Shouldn't it be YOUR consciousness doing this whereas REGULATION is for the rest who are UNCONSCIOUS and selfish?

Certainly blog poets are unselfish as they share their art with the world without any digital rights management system to receive financial benefit for their effort.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Cooch's using a seal from the Civil War! No shit, Rachel Maddow has it on her blog.....

Virginia - I need your help. Since I stopped recording Maddow on a daily basis and instead record the "Ed Show" maybe I missed it.

If Maddow is covering VIRGINIA do you know if she said anything a few weeks ago about the National Guard in Chicago to protect the residents of the Southside?

I kinda noticed a pattern with her.
You see she'll point out how the South with their government policies leave Black people vulnerable with regard to medical care. Her goal being to attack the government in these "red states".

However she shows that her interests are not really BLACK PEOPLE when we see issues such as the National Guard debate for Chicago - specifically the Southside of Chicago.

To be honest with you - I don't blame her. I mean WHY should she stick her nose into free standing "Black issues" where there is on leftist ideological gain for her to make?

If she does an expose on "Who is killing the Black people in the Southside and why are they quasi-Tea Baggers" when her camera is trained upon the real killers - she might get attacked for profiling.

But if she LEAVES THE ENTIRE SUBJECT ALONE, instead going after issues that the White Snarling Fox Liberal and the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser can both agree upon - REPUBLICANS - then she maintains her standing among the Blacks.

You do see what's going on, right?

Rottnkid said...

Anonymous said...
I live in Virginia...its really a nice place to stay...just as long as you live where there is a ton of diversity if you get my meaning...Lol

8:48 PM


2 UP, 2 DOWN..I lived in Richmond, VA since '95 and I have to agree with you - it is a nice place to live. Convenient to a lot of different areas on the east coast.

Anonymous said...

VA, like PA, has the delightful meme of being incredibly wonderful around the major metros...and Heeyuckian everywhere else.

Just an hour from the diverse and eclectic DC is the Land that Thought Forgot.


Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Danville, VA... right in the middle of pittsylvania county "pistolvania" lol. the attorney general is an idiot much like the state governor. My town was the last capitol of the confedereacy before it fell and we have that damn confederate flag still flying downtown, if he wants something to put his time into, then maybe he shoudl focus on that

Anonymous said...

"If you picked the eel story you are not alone."

Someone ought to shove an eel up your ass, field, for continuing to parrot the demo-statist misinformation on tea partiers. You are feckless and stupid and an enemy of the truth.

Gregory said...

Maybe on the next version Cuccinelli will have Virtus dressed in a hillbilly burqa. That should keep the Talibaptists happy.

Anonymous @ 1:23-- Spoken like a true 'bagger.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


"Anonymous @ 1:23-- Spoken like a true 'bagger."

Amen, amen, and amen again!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


It took me awhile to get used to the country environment-red ants, watching for snake tracks or holes, poisonous trees, the heat, those huge flying bugs, waving at complete strangers passing by in their cars, and a few other things. After I got used to it though, I enjoyed the peace, serenity, and the people who lived there. I lived out there for awhile, and used to visit in the summer or other occasions. They do have some beautiful, spacious, and cheaper homes in the country. You could buy twelve homes in the country compared to what it takes to buy one out this way in CA, but then the cost of living is higher out this way too.

But I am a city girl at heart. I like a place that is alive with sounds, people walking around more than every once in a blue moon, and conveniences.

It depends on what you and the Mrs. are looking for and want when you retire.

Anonymous said...

I live in Virginia.I didn't vote for Ken.We do have some lawmakers here who are just so anal.

Anonymous said...

Granny, did you ever read that Arizona bill?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I've never been to Virginia, but I do know a few people that live there. One of them I know likes it and seem to be doing okay out that way because they don't talk about moving back here. In fact, they were trying to get my babysister to move out there. However, I have heard others say they don't like it. So, I guess it depends like everywhere else you stay, what area you live in.

Usually, diverse neighborhoods tend to be more mellow and friendlier.

Something I've observed in life is that anywhere you go in the United States, the railroad tracks for some reason seem to be a black and white boundary line with blacks living on one side and whites on the other. When traveling in a car out of state to visit family or friends, if you got lost you'd look for the railroad tracks,and always find what part of town you wanted to go to. The railroad tracks are like a compass. Strange but true!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


"at least in the South we've come to terms that there'll never be a White Defensive Back in the NFL..."

Frank you is a mess. LOL!

field negro said...

"Just an hour from the diverse and eclectic DC is the Land that Thought Forgot.

Mold, I like that. :)

Why don't I hate Frank?

Anonymous said...

Rottnkid, you like taking pictures of little boys you don't know?

Anonymous said...

I think it's one of them kids he's got with his white baby mama.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


You got to read this. I tell you this world is slowly but surely coming to an end.

field negro said...

Oh Lawd granny! "Crack on duty"?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


I don't even know what to say, this is one time granny is speechless!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

The thing is she works for the police department. People who arrest drug addicts on a daily basis and you mean to tell me none of her fellow officers recognized she was one too? That code of silence goes a little bit too far. In fact, further than we think.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Did you read the part "off on paid administrative leave"? Her adminstrative paid time off is gonna be one of those Johnny Guitar Watson
moments--> "Look At All That Money Just Going Up In Smoke"

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they put her pic up, cause people would swear that heifer was black, but she's not! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Gregory said...

Perhaps you don't hate Frank D because his flamebaiting is pathetic rather than infuriating.

Or it could be that Frank is an attention whore who will say anything to get noticed, like a four year old who makes adults laugh by saying "poo poo".

Wandering farther afield, could it be that Frank doesn't merit "hate" because he is a sad case with delusions of hillbilly grandeur, that his fabled $600k mansion is in fact a doublewide next to the auto salvage yard?

On the positive side, you obviously irritate him enough to warrant his daily visits, so you must be doing something right.

Anonymous said...

Usually, diverse neighborhoods tend to be more mellow and friendlier.

Does this include mostly black neighborhoods?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Anonymous 9:13:

I was referring to mixed neighborhoods, you know the kind that have different color groups of people.

Although, since you asked that question, all black neighborhoods are not bad. They have good ones just like any other group. And they have ghettos in each color group. The different ghetto are called by different names but they all the same. Color has nothing to do with it. Or didn't you know that extreme poverty creates jungle like atmospheres?

People are people where ever you go. There is no difference. It is called human nature and blacks are human too!

NegroDandy said...

Didn't they elect David Duke to some office down there in South Louisiana? In any even I'd still love living down there.

Anonymous said...

its 689K,if your interested.
and sorry, you gotta be Asian to live in my neighborhood, or at least make your eyes squinty and speak in a fake Asian accent.
I know, I know, discrimination in housing is illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1965, tell that to the Koreans...
They hate y'all worse than David Duke after he's waited 30 minutes in the KFC drivethrough waitin for a carload of y'all to figure out which one of the Colonel's selections you want...
