Preachers killing their wives and storing them in freezers. Preachers claiming to be literally thrown under a bus . And rodents in the White House. (I swear they can't let you Negroes live anywhere.) What the hell is the world coming to? Wait, did I mention that the soon to be country of Texas decided to teach white only his...correct that; conservative white history in their schools? (The word slavery is now a no no. (It's now "Atlantic triangular trade" or some s#&t.) Must be nice. Nothing like a little white washing of history to make the natives feel better and soothe the jingoistic fever running amok here in A-merry-ca.
And through it all Rand just keeps talking:
“The thing is that, you know, the drilling right now and the problem we’re having now is in international waters, and I think there needs to be regulation of that and always has been. I think there are hundreds of pages of regulation.
What I don’t like from the president’s administration is this sort of, you know, I’ll put my boot heel on the throat of BP. I think that sounds really un-American in his criticism of business.
I’ve heard nothing from BP about not paying for the spill. And I think it’s part of this sort of blame-game society in the sense that it’s always got to be someone’s fault instead of the fact that may be, sometimes, accidents happen.
I’ve heard nothing from BP about not paying for the spill. And I think it’s part of this sort of blame-game society in the sense that it’s always got to be someone’s fault instead of the fact that may be, sometimes, accidents happen.
I mean, we had a mining accident that was very tragic, and I’ve met a lot of these miners and their families. They’re very brave people to do a dangerous job, but then we come in and it’s always someone’s fault. Maybe, sometimes, accidents happen."
I think I am going to like this guy. He is a bloggers dream.
Rand Rand Rand. First, Obama shouldn't put his "boot heel" on BP's throat, he should demand that the federal government put its hands in their pockets. And, for the record, those hands better be long, because those pockets are deep.
"Maybe sometimes accidents happen". The problem with that statement, of course, is that this was no accident, it could have been prevented. Just like those mining accidents could have been prevented. Tragic things happen when you put profits over people, and this was a tragedy (and continues to be) on a grand scale. But, to get all legal with it, the consequences were foreseeable. So Rand, I think you put your size 8 (OK 9)in your mouth again. (Second thought, make that a 7)
My man Rand is asking for a honeymoon. Don't worry Rand, over at Radio Rwanda you will get more sex than you could have ever dream of. That's because, fortunately for you, you will be on a very long honeymoon with them. You can thank your political leanings for that. You can thank your mouth (and to a lessor extent your brain) for the other stuff.
And finally, let's have a moment of silence for this guy's 2012 presidential run.............
"He has a doctorate in the social sciences and taught briefly at the college level. He has been married three times, divorced twice and confessed to an extramarital affair. He has never served in the military and lives in one of Washington's poshest suburbs. He is the very personification of his much-reviled "cultural elite." He is Newt Gingrich, and he is out to get himself."
Mr. Cohen, he already did.
Im number one, Im number one!
I have no comment on this post. Sorry.
Field, Newt is the proto-Palin a corrupted and failed Republican politician turned right carnival barker for the corporate elites and Fox News. He just has a few more brain cells and realizes what he's saying is utter bull.
It remains quite unlikely that Obama will put his boot on anybody's throat-at least when it come to oversight. He certainly hasn't done it to BP, nor to the banks. it turns out that they must have some pull with the administration because the most helpful step in preventing another disaster-namely breaking up the "too big to fail' banks was never even on the table.
As far as libertarianism goes, its interesting as an intellectual exercise but it's highly problematic in the real world still. There's something Obama and the Democrats could steal from Rand's thinking: Put your boot on the military industrial complex; end our pointless foreign military adventures; and finally close some of our far flung military bases.
When Rand won the Kentucky primary a friend of mine claimed that it was possible that Dr. Paul could win the general given the leanings of the state in which he is running for U.S. senator. I, on the other hand, felt that Dr. Paul's political views were too myopic (and theoretical) to strike any real chord with the general population of Kentucky.
The next day the whole Civil Rights gaff came about, and I asked her if she still felt that Rand could win the general. Her response was that Paul's victory in a general election was less likely, but she wouldn't put nothing past Kentucky. When I think about Arizona and Texas (and the exercises in crazy that both states seem to be engaged in) I guess shouldn't put anything past Kentucky either.
"Preachers killing their wives and storing them in freezers. Preachers claiming to be literally thrown under a bus . And rodents in the White House. (I swear they can't let you Negroes live anywhere.)"
Maybe black preachers storing wives in freezers and rodents in the White House be a sign that Lucifer is having one of the best times of his forever life?
Thanks for your enlightening comments regarding Blacks, Field. It really stirs up the imagination about black men, black wives and rats. You are all heart.
Anon. 4:17 am. I have two problems with you: One, you believe in some fictional character named lucifer. And two, you are ignorant to boot. I never said anything about a "rat",and that is not what was at the white house. Stop projecting, and give Terminix a call.
Mr. Noface, with all due respect to Coach Cal; I think Rand's views on civil rights is EXACTLTY why he wil win in Kentucky.
"As far as libertarianism goes, its interesting as an intellectual exercise but it's highly problematic in the real world still. There's something Obama and the Democrats could steal from Rand's thinking: Put your boot on the military industrial complex; end our pointless foreign military adventures; and finally close some of our far flung military bases."
Overdog, I co-sign with that part of your comments 100%.
Lola, you are always first in my book. Now about that car. :)
[quote]The problem with that statement, of course, is that this was no accident, it could have been prevented. Just like those mining accidents could have been prevented. Tragic things happen when you put profits over people, and this was a tragedy (and continues to be) on a grand scale. [/quote]
Filled Negro:
With your credibility on the line - CAN YOU SPECIFICALLY DETAIL FOR THE BOARD - "How could have the explosion on the rig been prevented?"
* The Remote Acoustic Switch? NOPE. The workmen flipped the switch to close the valve BEFORE they abandoned the platform. The switch merely closes the same valve. The methane explosion damaged the valve.
* Halliburton failed to pour the cement properly?
PROVE IT. Which "more competent" firm was out there, but due to "no bid contracts" didn't get the job? Oh sorry that's the attack used against Halliburton in government contracts. BP is a private firm.
So tell us Filled Negro - HOW COULD IT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED? You might want to go and ask Robert Kennedy Jr for some talking points.
I am always in awe of your posts.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
fn, you wrote:
The problem with that statement, of course, is that this was no accident, it could have been prevented.
Says you and others with zero knowledge of the oil drilling industry.
Tragic things happen when you put profits over people, and this was a tragedy (and continues to be) on a grand scale.
BP was operating according to Department of the Interior MMS regulations. BUT -- MMS inspectors seemed to have shirked their duties by failing to enforce a few rules.
You know, like the Fire Department failing to cite a building owner for having dead batteries in his smoke detectors.
You wrote:
But, to get all legal with it, the consequences were foreseeable.
Which consequences? The explosion? The leak? The failure of the first round of leak-sealing efforts?
Let's get serious. Eleven people were killed in the explosion. Some marine life will die as a result of the oil in the water. But BP will plug the leak and the water will recover.
Even though there is resistance to admitting it, the impact of the Exxon Valdez spill is long past. Now it is a rallying point for people in the business of peddling scare stories.
Now hear the oil industry expert!
Rand is the oucome of populism as such like a jack in the box top folks like Rand come and go...
The issue for our community is not the rand pauls of the world...The rand pauls of the world exists for the chatter class talking heads like steve, granny, mack and to a small degree FN cause he likes to chase down racists..
I just cannot work up a sweat or concern over yet another cracker even if he has credentials
Nothing new here..
Whether or not it was an accident or on purpose it does not matter. BP is still responsible for cleaning it up. When accidents happen it is up to the person or company who caused the accident to clean it up. So yes the administration should be in their pockets to clean it up. They need to practice corporate responsibility and if they don't then put a boot to their neck!
Yet the Black chatter class wants to have a fix over a nobody crazy cracker and have a hot tub party with Kagan an unknown with a life time job to shape our future..
It makes zero sense instead of boxing with Kagan another privledge white woman that apparently has no Black professionals in her life, no lawyers, insurance agents, doctors, housekeepers nobody to validate her from the real world we are running scared over a cracker...
Makes you wanna hollar and throw up everything..
I say hit em'e where it hurts! NO MORE BP gas for me EVER!!!!
[quote]BP is still responsible for cleaning it up. When accidents happen it is up to the person or company who caused the accident to clean it up. So yes the administration should be in their pockets to clean it up. They need to practice corporate responsibility and if they don't then put a boot to their neck![/quote]
Miss EV:
Can you provide detailed examples where BP has REFUSED to take responsibility for cleaning up the oil?
At the same time since this environmental issue is of national importance - can you tell us why "this administration" should NOT BE EXPECTED TO deploy whatever federal resources it can marshal and then send BP the invoice for services rendered after the fact?
While I don't agree with Rand Paul's "Unamerican" editorial I do believe that for some people the sound of Obama and certain members of congress bashing corporations IS an adequate response per their own ideological proclivities.
[quote]NO MORE BP gas for me EVER!!!![/quote]
Did you see the Citgo refinery that was on fire in Texas last week? The fire released pollutants into the air. Any plans to boycott Citgo?
I cannot control who you purchase your carbon based fuels from. That's your call. I can question the line of thinking though.
Just as Los Angles' ban against Arizona just so happens to exclude the 25% of its electricity that it receives from the "New Jim Crow State" it shows that beyond the symbolism of a boycott they are not really interested in SACRIFICING in order to show that they are serious about their commitment.
It is quite apparent you have zero legal training and reasoning in your reply to MaMM...
Your inability to apply logic also is revealing in thebulf of your posts...
Backward thinkers like you who think by connecting some remote linkages to an issue that act makes them logical is what I have observed in a lot of backward and underdeveloped thinkers like you in the chatter class..I bet when you put your clothes on in the morning you tryto match the color of your socks with your underwear for the visuals and linkage optics....lol,lol,lol
MeandMyMicroscope said...
"I say hit em'e where it hurts! NO MORE BP gas for me EVER!!!!"
Were you even using BP gas to begin with? You just wanted something to say.
Well, I see the Rand issue differently. He doesn't take money from a certain lobby which makes him and his father outlaws. While Obama and Michelle are members of CFR, father and son are not. I am of the opinion that they took Rand's words out of context. Rand and his father want the Fed Reserve audited and controlled, the media (working for those in charge) does not. He wants US borders controlled like that other country we take care of. That's not what the media wants. He and his father want us out of other nations and the media on the other hand wants us to bomb those slant eyes (North Korea), kill those disrespectful ragheads (Iran, Palestine, Yemeni, etc), maim those damn Pakistanis, etc. Now whose more racist?
Damn it I hate when facts get in the way of a good argument, but yes n_s and Destructive Wingnut, it could have been prevented.
And my credibility is not on the line Destructive Wingnut, BP's is. They lied about how much oil was leaking into the gulf and they are already pointing fingers.
Actually CF, I've found that Shell works best in my Benz. Should they too decide to create the worst man made environmental disaster in human history, I'll guess I'll try some other brand, LOL!!
BTW, I've heard that Citgo doesn't run well in high end cars, .
@ 11:42 Assnon/Maria who obviously never grew up from having a junior high mindset, FUCK you and the horse you rode in on, and for translational purposes, that would be your Mammy bitch!.
he's a democrats' dream, too, just like sarah palin. just keep `em both talking. we couldn't invent people this stupid if we tried.
Rand Paul is not a newsflash for Black folks we have encountered crackers like him forever and a day..
What is more revelant is for us to count the degree of his followers and then what is more important than knowing Rand's extent of support is for Black folks and toher progressives to continue to create and develop our own forces of liberation ....
We need to create orbits of progressive civility within our communities so we can foster and harvest our nation..
I am just not going to stop living becuase of another cracker has been revealed...We need to be occupied on nation building instead..
I just noticed the photograph - must've seen that one a hundred times, but never noticed the black EMPLOYEE before. Is that right? Blacks in the 60's sitting in at a lunch counter that HIRED blacks to staff it? Unbe!@#$%^$#!lievable. What a screwed-up nation we were. As if we're not still.
Wonder if everybody knows that Rand Paul was named after Ayn Rand. (Isn't he cute? Let's name him after a rabid anti-communist!)
Great Observation!!!!
Good post brother Field:
I can't help but wonder whats wrong with people like no slapz who always has something backward to say and is incredibly trying to defend BP.
What ever happened to personal responsibility? Thats what you conservatives yell at individuals and groups you don't like but when corporations are obviously irresponsible you head for the excuse box.
Frankly you and your insensitive always defending business, narrow, racist, inhuman attitude makes me sick.
CF- Don't you have sense enough to take your lumps. When you nail Field he even gives you credit when you one up me I admit it.
The flaws of capitalism are in full sight for everyone to see. Just admit that there was no real plan to clean this up and they didn't do all theat they could to make sure this didn't happen and that there was no real serious contingency plan to clean up if a mess was indeed made.
NO matter how you and other capitalist ideologues try to spin this it stinks.Lives have been loss because of carelessness at best and negligence at worst.
You can't defend this crap just say so and move on.
Talk about losing credibility. How can you come to this blog day and day and complain about violence from folks who primarily feel left out of society and hopeless. They definitely are Ivy league grads or college grads. So we have limited expectations. But these (BP,Massey and yes Haliburton and the rest of the crooks)folks have degrees from the finest schools and are supposed to be respectable and they do stuff like this. They are expected to know better and thus do better yet they do things that street criminals wouldn't do.
Really,are you guys such ideologues that you are this clueless and willing to defend the indefensible? Have you guys no sense of shame/propriety?
Hey Field the commentary on the rodent the MSNBC folks said it was a Vole? was pretty funny. Did you hear my man say that the secret service mice called each other on thier ear pieces and then wrestled it to the ground.
The picture of that thing running past was pretty funny and I think it could be symbolic, who knows.
Thanks for the good humor, brother.
And that guy Rand doesn't know how to be a politician. Doesn't he know that nothing is utopian. Pure Libertarianism does not exist. Its like believing in the goodness of capitalism. Or like somebody on this post said that after the crisis is over in the country the social stuff will just work its way out. Kind of like the old trickle down economics only this was coming from one of the liberal Democrats among your commentors.
His remarks about the Civil Rights Acts and his doubts about whether private business should give up racist practices should be enough to guarantee a loss in November.
"What ever happened to personal responsibility? Thats what you conservatives yell at individuals and groups you don't like but when corporations are obviously irresponsible you head for the excuse box."
Ding ding ding!
anotherbozo,co-sign w/Trasher, that's a great observation.
MMM--as i told you--i do not post as anyone but me--ask field to check the ip address of my posts vs. anons. why would i bother commenting about you? you're a loser and a phony. you have a lot of haters on the blog.
Field I just ran into this by the libertarian John Stossel being interviewed by Megyn Kelly of America Live.
Fossel says that private businesses should be given the right to discriminate. He covers his tracks by saying he wouldn't patronize those who did discriminate and would call them out. He also suggests that the Free market would have cleaned the clocks of those who continued to discriminate.
Its incredible that this guy would hold onto his hole filled ideology and overlook the social impact of allowing people whether public or private enterprise to continue to treat a part of the population as second class and allowing for a de facto caste system.
We are seeing the face of respectable racism hiding behind so-called political philosophy.
Field are these people really that out of touch, are they naive and haven't considered the implications of what they are saying or do they just not care?
BTW Kelly actually does a good job of making the point why allowing private business to discriminate.
here is the you tube address for the conversation with Stossel.
"Now hear the oil industry expert!"
My sistah, you and I were on the same page because my thoughts when I read no_slappz's comment were identical. He insist that he is a legal, oil, education, physics, you name it expert, and that real experts in those field's never know what they are talking about. LOL!
And the oil expert said this:
"Let's get serious. Eleven people were killed in the explosion. Some marine life will die as a result of the oil in the water. But BP will plug the leak and the water will recover."
I guess the oil expert does not value human or marine life, eleven people killed no big deal in his book even though it was caused by BP's negligence and cutting corners to save money with all those billions it makes yearly.
"BP was operating according to Department of the Interior MMS regulations. BUT -- MMS inspectors seemed to have shirked their duties by failing to enforce a few rules."
That wouldn't have anything to do with Bush and Cheney's deregulation policies that are still in effect though now would it now.
A voice like Stossel's would have only gotten him called "nigger lover" and "good riddance" to his patronage.
I remember this strategy trying to be applied to a Greek immigrant who owned a restaurant, which discriminated, as he was saying he wasn't a racist. circa 1962.
@CF: "Filled Negro:
"With your credibility on the line - CAN YOU SPECIFICALLY DETAIL FOR THE BOARD - 'How could have the explosion on the rig been prevented?'"
CF, let me take a crack at this one. Of all people, I thought you'd have answers as to how this disaster that killed 11, and is now spewing toxic oil in the Gulf threatening the ecosystem, could have been prevented.
On second thought, I think I'm giving you too much credit.
The answer to the question you posed to Field: Don't drill in the Gulf, especially deep waters!
An environmental impact report, had one been conducted, would have reached this conclusion.
A review of systems to shut down an oil leak in the likelihood of such a disaster (We do war games, but not disaster scenarios?), would have reached this conclusion.
The commonsense of a six year old would have reached this conclusion.
Yet, BP's reason for yielding to the drill, baby, drill impulse, bypassed the area of their brain devoted to critical thinking, and they threw caution to the wind, and gave thumbs-up to this ill fated enterprise.
Don't bother to reply, I already know your answer.
[quote]It is quite apparent you have zero legal training and reasoning in your reply to MaMM...
Your inability to apply logic also is revealing in thebulf of your posts...[/quote]
Thank you Thrasher.
You really thrashed me on that one.
It would be grand if you were to actually make use of my words to point out my "illogic".
[quote]for Black folks and toher progressives to continue to create and develop our own forces of liberation ....[/quote]
If I said "Bluejays and other birds" or "cobras and other snakes" then it would be understood by all that:
* All Bluejays are BIRDS
* All Cobras are SNAKES
With this in mind can you tell us by what authority you have decided that all Blacks are Progressive-Leftists?
Amazingly enough even when I agree that: "You are right the PROGRESSIVES have their finger prints all over the controls of the Black community"......this admission is not enough for there to be any notions of ACCOUNTABILITY rendered upon your ideology and how it is impacting us.
[quote]We need to create orbits of progressive civility within our communities so we can foster and harvest our nation..[/quote]
Thrasher - does it ring upon you that TO-DAMNED-DAY we are living in the "SOLUTION" that you and other progressives have lead us to for the past 50 years?
How is it that YOU now get to define the terms of the NEXT INTERVAL - "harvesting CIVILITY"?
To underscore the point - the most INCIVIL and anarchical genre of music which also works counter to our interests: "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" is not REPUDIATED by the progressive.
Instead we see attempts to fuse this music of grievance and capitalistic exploits INTO the political operations of various Democratic operatives who set themselves us as if they are supporters of actual Black progression.
When the COMMUNIST country of Russia had the massive nuclear accident at Chernobyl several decades ago were they being CAPITALISTIC?
With respect to the various oil operations and pipelines that they have built - no doubt SPILLING oil....did this COMMUNIST NATION put on a CAPITALISTIC hat?
Do you see that in playing the role of a "Yoda-like figure" your advanced age has reduced your range of peripheral vision that would allow you to see more examples that refute your claims. That plus the myopia is really doing a number on you.
response to CF above:
So let me be clear you low down insensitive, one issue having,nothing to conserve impish conservative, shell of a human being. You are implying that I am a communist, which you and everyone that comes to this blog knows that I am not. I simply oppose unfettered and unplanned capitalism and believe that socialism does have its benefits but have never subscribed to it as the utopian answer to our (black folks, working folks and hell humanities) problems.
At bottom I believe that society would better be served by something more egalitarian. At bottom I am a revolutionary minded liberationist minister of the Almighty God, doing all that I can in this world to bring about some kind of justice and equality.
And if anybody is suffering from bad eyesight or vision it is you.
And who is more myopic than you.
- The government is depriving folks of their rights (what about the street criminals) -
-folks are organizing in the street saying racist and bigoted things(what about the street criminals)
-Haiti is hit by an earthquake and needs help(what about the street criminals)
- Folks need real health care options (what about the street criminals)
-police shoot a 7 year old for no good reason( what about the street criminals)
- black folks are losing their housing (what about the street criminals)
You are the demogogue that consistently defends the wrongs of industry no matter what they do. It seems you always find an excuse for the inexcusable. And notice nobody tries to excuse your beloved street criminals. Most folks are simply at their wits end about what to do short of changing the system that nurtures street criminals to begin with.
response to CF cont.
"Do you see that in playing the role of a "Yoda-like figure" your advanced age has reduced your range of peripheral vision that would allow you to see more examples that refute your claims."
So to answer your silly straw manish assertion CF first you need to know that the Soviet Union was Stalinist not communist, but you don't have time for facts you are so busy trying to make foolish points.
And as far as refuting claims. What is there pray tell to refute CF? The evils of capitalism are on full display. It condemns itself. I can just look at todays headlines for a condemnation.
But most of their apologists are sitting the BP disaster out. BP is about the only outfit that is trying to minimize what they have done. Only you and the guy who should be slapped are trying to defend it.
So what are you talking about?
But let me say this if I was a Stalinist I would have the decency to admit that Chernobyl was an awful, terrible tragic occurrence. And thats what it was and I wouldn't dare defend it like you attempt to defend the more obvious ills of capitalism.
I have never insinuated that I supported the Soviet experiment or was an apologist for them. It really ticks me off when you make up stuff, which just proves your inauthenticity.
Unlike you I may have my shortcomings but I always care about what happens to my fellow human beings.
And don't try to red bait me again, it doesn't work and it won't work, it just proves how little ammunition you really have in your philosophical arsenal, despite all your bravado and constant saber rattling.
[quote]You are implying that I am a communist, which you and everyone that comes to this blog knows that I am not.[/quote]
You join LAC in assuming that I meant something that I DID NOT.
This was not about YOU!!!
I drew upon the system most opposite of "capitalism" to make the point that they too explore for oil and/or make use of energy that has is potentially dangerous.
YOU are the one attempting to apply certain attributes that are unique and thus a flaw of capitalism.
For the record - in the communist/Marxist nation of Cuba they are "bout it bout it" when it comes to the cash money as well. At the transactional level there is a great amount of capitalistic motivations at play.
There are some HUMAN attributes that no economic system can cover over.
You are for "egalitarianism".
I am for having any group of people to use their FREE WILL and order themselves so that they strategically utilize the resources that they have at their disposal for the purposes of obtaining advantage of their directed efforts.
I REJECT the notion that there should be an overlay force that seeks to CREATE EQUAL, even for those "Equal Human Beings" who have chosen to live their lives holding on to thoughts and actions that have proven to be counter productive.
I fear YOUR notions of "egalitarianism" because it, at least in my interpretation, will leave a greater mark upon that which it TAKES from those who are productive than that which it creates in the way of ORGANIC COMPETENCIES in 'THE LEAST OF THESE'.
After several decades the "Least Of These" are left standing no more closely aligned to their reference model for creation than when they started.
- The government is depriving folks of their rights[/quote]
Which branch of government?
How are their RIGHTS as compared to other nations?
What nation on this Earth is your reference model for expression of one's RIGHTS?
-folks are organizing in the street saying racist and bigoted things
That's not fair. The people of Greece are not here to defend themselves.
Ironically I read that the anarchists and unionists who MURDERED 3 people (including one pregnant woman) a few weeks ago, triggered by the news that their entitlements would be cut have triggered some reconsideration among their partners on the left. The most recent protests drew a fraction of the people after the violence from a few weeks ago.
-Haiti is hit by an earthquake and needs help
Funny how the big EVIL EMPIRE to the west of the isle of Hispaniola was by far the largest provider of aid to this nation in need.
After all this the magazine "International Socialist Review" had an issue entitled "The Pirates of The Caribbean", detailing how the evil empire plans to use the tragedy to take over the land. Those meanies!!!
- Folks need real health care options
I figured that after all of the years of STRUGGLE to take over the education and government where they lived that by this time the "Permanent Strugglers" would have fulfilled their PROMISES to those who supported them for so long, providing them with the needed care. We now see that all of this was a ruse.
-police shoot a 7 year old for no good reason( what about the street criminals)
Police were GOING AFTER a Street Pirate who was holed up in this house.
These police are the ONLY force standing between civility and chaos in many of these places. THEY have a thankless job.
What expectations do you have of the Street Pirate to evaluate the danger that his presence around his family would cause to them and have him VOLUNTARILY come forward in the name of JUSTICE?
YOU more than anyone else around here needs to purchase all 5 seasons of "The First 48" to see that the LACK OF CHARACTER AND INTEGRITY of the "Street Pirate" is the initiating force behind all of these other issues.
- black folks are losing their housing
Indeed you are right, particularly in Detroit. Unfortunately for YOU - in your ideological bigotry you are unable to attach the "HEY DAYS" in Detroit with what FORCE was present which ordered the activities of the Equal Human Beings - turning them into WORKERS with a purpose.
Now that this ENEMY is gone but the GOVERNMENT remains -you are grieving once again.
We can say that an accident is preventable, but no process is error-free. Therefore, in the real world we have to accept that accidents will happen. Obviously there are very few -- almmost zero -- big oil spills.
With respect to the actual prevention of this BP/Gulf oil spill, the path to prevention should have included proper government follow-up after inspections that cited needed repairs. BP bears the ultimate responsibility, but government inspectors and the MMS share a portion of it.
It is worth mentioning that the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 taught some important lessons. More lessons were learned in the Anchorage quake of 1964(?).
When the next big quake hit San Fran in 1989, the city was a far more complex place than its 1906 version -- but far better designed. Nevertheless, despite the best efforts of engineers and builders, roads collapsed and people were killed.
Then there were the two Space Shuttle disasters and a third NASA disaster involving a training mishap that killed Gus Grissom and two other astronauts.
In every case, smart people attempted to reduce risk as much as possible. But zero risk is beyond reach.
Rand is David Dukes' cousin. Being facetious. But, they may as well be related.
The issue for our community is not the rand pauls of the world...The rand pauls of the world exists for the chatter class talking heads like steve, granny, mack and to a small degree FN cause he likes to chase down racists..
For you, it may not be the issue. But until Blacks have firm control over the levers of our legislative and socioeconomic engines, Blacks should still be concerned about how people like Rand Paul can influence our current legislative and societal structures.
no_slappz said...."We can say that an accident is preventable, but no process is error-free. Therefore, in the real world we have to accept that accidents will happen. Obviously there are very few -- almmost zero -- big oil spills."
One is too many, but then you say "almost zero," because most haven't happened here at home. I count 15 worldwide.
At what point will you admit that drilling for oil that far out in the Gulf is ill advised, and fools gold?
You make an insurmountable case for not drilling in deep waters, but then you allow some ideological bent to override your commonsense.
That override is what caused this spill. That override will convince you that drilling at any cost is not only prudent, but indispensable to our society.
Oil is not what is in short supply, commonsense is.
[quote]But until Blacks have firm control over the levers of our legislative and socioeconomic engines, Blacks should still be concerned about how people like Rand Paul can influence our current legislative and societal structures.[/quote]
Mack Is Lying:
ME as a Black Man is far less concerned about Rand Paul as he has 99 OTHER senators to potentially check him and at most 6 years in which he with 1/100 force of POWER to execute his diabolical plan.
For me as a Black man I am more concerned with the MACHINE that now is in place to take its THEORIES and put them into ACTION within our COMMUNITIES!!!!!
The machine that controls:
* Our schools
* The news media that targets us
* The syndicated radio talkshows
* Civil Rights Organizations
* The Humanities Professors/Public Intellectuals
* Lyrically oriented performing artists
* the Elected Politicians that control all of the institutions in the Black Community
THIS MACHINE has more PRESENT POWER over your interests than Rand Paul could EVER hope to have.
In Fulton County Georgia the county board that is SILENT over the CRIME SPREE found their voice to condemn Arizona this past week.
THESE are the folks you need to be watching as the CHERRIES that they PICK are rather bitter.
I don't think you can compare space exploration to drilling off shore. It is assume the space travel is much more risky and the astronauts would go on missions if the odds were fifty fifty. I doubt the an oil rig worker would expect the same risk as traveling in space.
Then when one looks at risk there has to be an assessment of the probability of that kind of accident happening. I wonder if there any assessment since they really don't know how to stop it. It trial and error now. NASA did a much better risk assessment than the oil industry did. There were situations in which they were able to prevent a major accident. Even though they had accidents they were not unexpected, much like the recurring earthquakes and everyone involved were willing to take those risk.
The NASA failures also did not threaten a major catastrophe, much like Chernobyl.
"Mack Is Lying"
"ME as a Black Man is far less concerned about Rand Paul as he has 99 OTHER senators to potentially check him and at most 6 years in which he with 1/100 force of POWER to execute his diabolical plan."
Nah, Mack Lyons is not lying. You as a black man? Sometimes I wonder about that since you are such a staunch defender of those who are should I say are not fond of black people. As for the other 99 Senators to potentially check Rand...well...that's a joke right, because a lot of them agree with Rand, not All, but more than you think. They are just not coming out in the open saying it and are subtle with it.
When one of the teabaggers called that Representative the "N" word, and Barney Frank the "F" word. How many of those Senators and Representatives stood up and spoke out against it. When the GOP party was bombarding us with racist pamphlets of the President and his wife how many stood up and spoke out against it? I bet you can count them on one hand and still have one hand left over. The ones against it spoke up and spoke out.
I just wanted to share these simple nuggets of truth. Perhaps someone will be encouraged after reading them.
Today Roland Martin wrote on his Facebook page:
"Peter had to stick his hand out. He had to do some work. It wasn't Jesus doing all the work! If u pray and do nothing, God will ignore u!"
"Pray for a job, but keep looking. Pray for a spouse, but keep working on yourself until u meet him/her. Pray for wealth, but save a $1 2day!"
Field, I think you agree with the premise that if I do something that doesn't negatively affect someone else, it should be legal. I also think you agree that we need fewer laws.
Regulations and high taxes mostly separate the parties on the home front.
*clapping*@ what mellaneous said @5:49 p.m..
n_s, you cannot be serious with that logic. The space shuttle?
"We can say that an accident is preventable, but no process is error-free. Therefore, in the real world we have to accept that accidents will happen. Obviously there are very few -- almmost zero -- big oil spills."
Yes we can. But this specific accident WAS preventable. They increased the risk of an accident by their actions. In all the examples you gave the players did not act in a way that increased the risk before the accident. That was not the case here.
And please read what The Fire Next Time said. If you work in a high risk industry you should act accordingly. Again, they did not.
I love when you right wingers
try use pretzel logic to defend big business.
Field, "Anon. 4:17 am. I have two problems with you: One, you believe in some fictional character named lucifer. And two, you are ignorant to boot. I never said anything about a "rat",and that is not what was at the white house. Stop projecting, and give Terminix a call."
Dear Field, why all the animosity?
FYI: Lucifer might not be a fictional character. Wise men have said, "the greatest trick the devil has ever played on humans is to make them think he doesn't exist."
In any case, I hope for your sake Lucifer doesn't exist, esp. when it's your turn to die.
I called Terminix. Unfortunatedly, they don't exterminate humans. So I guess I have a reprieve, and must continue living until God(He's the other 'fictional character') decides when it is time for me to die. Besides, I doubt God will exterminate me over a comment on a blog...
I know; I know. I am such an 'ignorant' fool. Well, everyone can't be as omniscient as you.
Did you mean for me to call "The Terminator?" Is he listed?
Field, are you happy?
"Field, are you happy?"
""Field, are you happy?"
Most Americans are unhappy and have a list of people, close family members, politicians and institutions they hate.
Field, you are quite fortunate. You are definitely in the minority..no pun intended.
[quote]Sometimes I wonder about that since you are such a staunch defender of those who are should I say are not fond of black people. [/quote]
Dear Granny -
Can you articulate who the people who are "NOT FOND OF BLACK PEOPLE" are?
* Are they the people who call us "The Least Of These", never having evaluated our individual character and economic condition but instead lump us all under the veil of inferiority?
* What about the people who distribute million selling records laced with threats to "Kill any Black man that steps to him and disrespects him"? With Life Imitating Art - do you ever wonder why these people are accepted into our community media events despite their hateful words?
* If you dare tune to the Fox News Channel this week and watch "The Journal Editorial Report" you will see the forces who stand AGAINST educational excellence for Black kids. They seek to protect the STATUS QUO while opposing charter schools.
Two schools that are right across from each other in Harlem NY. One school has only 17% of their kids reading at grade level. The other school has 71% who are proficient. YET, for some reason the factoid that "the average Black and Hispanic kid in the 12th grade in NYC reads at the same level that a White 8th grader does" is proof of RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We should not make note of some key facts that say otherwise.
Granny - I love you BUT I am not sure that you are ready to call out ALL PEOPLE who STAND AGAINST THE INTERESTS OF BLACK PEOPLE, especially if you like their ideology.
[quote]I love when you right wingers
try use pretzel logic to defend big business.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
You should articulate the difference between "Defending big business" versus the sin that you commit which is "JUSTIFY WHAT THEY DO PER YOUR CONSUMPTION HABITS".
You see Filled Negro - the biggest indictment that I have against you is that beyond your rhetoric you "receipt folder file" looks strangely similar to mine.
* Sunoco
* BP
* Chevron
* Mobil
* Phila Gas Co
* Verizon
* Phila Electric Co
You should consider these pieces of paper as your BALLOT receipt. You cast this ballot when you consume these services provided by these evil corporations that allow you retain the STANDARD OF LIVING that you desire. You cast your ballot with the MONEY that you spend.
You need to take the short drive to Camden or Trenton to see the negative results of a group of people who hated the "consumers of labor" so much while they were present decades ago ONLY to have a serious amount of regret NOW THAT THEY ARE GONE.
"You need to take the short drive to Camden or Trenton to see the negative results of a group of people who hated the "consumers of labor" so much while they were present decades ago ONLY to have a serious amount of regret NOW THAT THEY ARE GONE."
While Rand Paul may have started this outrage, he can be taken care of at the ballot box — FOX News can't.
HHNB Stossel's position is an affront to Black America and everyone in this country who believes in racial progress. It's one thing to be a candidate with backwards views. It's another to be employed by a supposed news network and to use that platform to push hateful ideas that our nation repudiated decades ago.
It's time that FOX drop Stossel. It's why I've joined ColorOfChange.org in demanding Fox do so immediately. If after hearing from thousands of people like you and I, FOX refuses to act, it will make clear that FOX stands with Stossel and his values, and ColorOfChange has pledged to go directly after the network with a major public campaign.
Can you take a moment to add your voice to the call to fire Stossel? After you do, please ask your friends and family to do the same:
Anon 4:49 pm, I am all over it.
Thanks for the link.
Destructive Wingnut, your logic is foolish. We all have to use and consume things to survive. If there were alternatives we would use them, but there is not. Just because these companies perform essential services does not mean that they do not have to be responsibile.
The people of Camden and Trenton use them as well.They have to.
And these corporations do not allow me to maintain my "STANDARD OF LIVING", my hard work does.... Oh yea, that's right, you don't believe that black people work hard.
What are you talking about? Are you just pulling stuff out the hat now? I am not into rap, I listen to gospel and R&B. Heavy metal causes violence and all sorts of behavior disorders too, but I never hear you rant about it. Shouldn't you be applying equal rants to both.
What are you talking about?"
Granny, I don't even think he knows the answer to that question. :)
CF needs to take a vacation and rest up or something because he is beginning to sound burned out. You know we all need a vacation every now and then. :)
it is neither protocoal or weakness that silences hobama on BP...it is tall stacks of green dollar bills...BO owns hobama!
revisionist historians can only be overcome by parents who teach their children to read accurate books AT HOME
rev w has never lied!!!
see chapter 15 of "the bridge"
to see how hobama betrayed rev w
and pimped the tucc
hobama and his banker posse are all rats too!
psycho preachers rule all hypochristians!
BP owns hobama!
chapter 15 proves that hobama did not only throw rev w under a bus...but ran over him again and again until he was a think veneer of bloody road kill...
& hobama pimped the tucc just as ruthlessly
If, as you claim, the BP oil spill was "preventable", then you must believe every murder is also "preventable."
Though I do not expect you to have the slightest knowledge of the oil industry -- you might have some theories on the prevention of murder and other violent crime.
What are they? What tells you your ideas on crime prevention actually work?
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