I see that there is a new poll out showing that folks are stressed out here in A-merry-ca. Maybe not as stressed as this guy. (WTF?) But stressed nevertheless. Nooo, not A-merry-ca. I thought everyone was happy here in A-merry-ca. Oh well, it just goes to show you what two active wars, money worries at home and abroad, and a Gulf full of jheri curl juice will do to you. Folks are worried about their jobs; worried about their homes; and worried about their debts:
"Cynthia Bryant, 73, feels stress from her bills - much of that heartburn related to medical expenses. ..."I need a different car. I can't afford it. I have to watch every penny that comes in," says Bryant, who worked as a purchasing agent for a computer company before she retired. Bryant, who lives in a Denver suburb, gets by on a fixed-income that hasn't budged, although her expenses - rent, groceries and other basics- have risen. "
Wow, so much for the A-merry-can dream. But Cynthia, you are 73, why are you even worried about your bills? Tell the bill collector you will pay him whenever. What's he going to do, turn you over to the credit bureau? And if you are retired, you don't need a car; walk or take a bicycle. It might do wonders for your health.
I have this uncle who still lives in the western part of the island of Jamaica. -Way Out in the country. Of all my aunts and uncles he was the least successful education and money wise. Yet I swear he is the happiest, and I am taking bets that he will outlive all of his brothers and sisters. Why? Because he has zero stress in his life. He looks younger than all of his siblings as well. Whenever the family gets together they always comment on how good he looks. Go figure. They worked all their lives to achieve success in their various fields, they have all the outward trappings of success, and yet, when it's all said and done, they aren't as happy nor do they look as good as their brother who just took it easy, mon.
We could all learn a thing or two from people like my uncle. I know I did. I work in what is supposed to be an extremely stressful job in a very stressful city, and yet, I always try to keep things in perspective. You can't get too high. (Or stuff like this and this might happen to you) And you can't get too low, either. (Or you will do stuff like this to yourself.) Suicide rates are way up in A-merry-ca. I wonder why? Life is never as bad as it might seem, there is always a silver lining somewhere, you just have to find it. That sounded hokey, but it's true. Folks living in A-merry-ca and other "developed countries" need to just slow down and smell the cannab.....I mean coffee a little bit. We would all feel so much better about ourselves and our surroundings. And I know, I know, you Negroes in A-merry-ca are feeling particularly stressed out. Hell just getting up and walking through some neighbor-hood-s is stressful. The whole urban environment is tailor made for stress. But don't let it get to you, repeat after the Field: I will make it in A-merry-ca. I will make it in A-merry-ca. I have cable television, a cell phone, and Chrysler 300 parked outside with a full tank of gas, how bad can life be?
Finally, Happy Memorial Day and shout out to all the vets out there who put their butts on the line on a regular so that folks like me can get on a blog and talk shit to a few thousand of my closest friends on a daily basis. They are the only ones in A-merry-ca who should be stressed right now, and they are stressed so that you and I don't have to be. Let's not disappoint them.
I love this post, Mr. Field! A few years ago before the recession I got tired of working just to pay bills.
So I seriously cut back. I canceled my cable, got a pay-as-you-go cell phone, etc. And the result is that I don't have too many worries. I live in a nice safe neighborhood. I have health insurance and I can travel a few times a year. What more do I need?
The way to truly have the American dream is to ignore the American dream propaganda.
Bill, not all black folks like to pack gats. Lay off the MTV Raps a little bit.
I found this history lesson to be very interesting and important:
The First Decoration Day was held by freed slaves on May 1, 1865 at the Washington Race Track in Charleston, South Carolina to honor "The Martyrs of the Race Course": Union POWs who had died in a Confederate prison camp there. Decoration Day later became known as Memorial Day.
Story here: http://www.readthespirit.com/explore/2009/5/24/the-first-memorial-day-may-1-1865-reported-in-the-charleston.html
Cool post, Field.
Hope you're having a chill weekend, everybody.
"Folks living in A-merry-ca and other "developed countries" need to just slow down and smell the cannab.....I mean coffee a little bit."
Hope is fading. Folks need spirituality in their lives. Without a Spiritual Reality, what is there to live for, more stuff that won't make you happy?
It's good to see your philosophical side again, field.
Happiness is wealth, and wealth is happiness. You can have them both without spending a dime, or having a dime.
How do you define enough? I felt that when I could walk into a grocery store and not worry about the money that I spent; that then I would be "rich." I do not remember when that moment came and went, but I surely savored its passing.
I support a couple of food charities and the Red Cross. I have enough but so many don't. "They" call it food security.
The best things in life are free!
Listening to the National Memorial
Day service from D.C. on PBS, and reading my favorite blog.
I'm a lucky A-merry-can, and hope all are celebrating and remembering
and honoring all the veterans in their families and neighborhoods.
Some gave all.
from Makaii
Hi FN, great blog btw. I am a Muslim from a Muslim country who attended University in the 90's in Colorado and I have seen my fair share of bigotry on a religious basis (muslim), origin basis (I believe the terms were rag-head, camel jockey etc) and many cases n***er as I am dark skinned) but don’t get me wrong I loved the place. I have been following your blog for over a year now (without posting) and have found it to be very informative. It's a great forum for stimulating dare i say passionate verbal debates for intellectuals and non-intellectuals, including the odd troll now and then. Over the past year I have read many posts that are anti-islam, islamaphobic, etc, etc, which I found extremely entertaining as I know that they are based on narrow minded, ignorant, closeted thinking of individuals (groups) who may at some point in their lives had unpleasant experience with a Muslim. To be honest at times I wonder if they actually met a muslim, their opinion of muslims has been further exasperated by the media and the idiotic murderous acts of a group of individuals purportedly fighting in the name of Islam. They have decided group all muslims and brand them with a scarlet "T" for terrorist for the rest of time! Forgive me field for this long post, i would like address a couple of points made by no_slappz with facts (not hear say) on the earlier topic if I may. I know for sure that I will get all forms of feedback if any at all that are abusive, insulting as can be expected now a days when I muslim enters a debate; here's hoping for some positives ones though
@ no_slappz - Genital mutilation for the ladies. Near slave status for them too. First of all do not mix backward tradition with religion, unfortunately since the dawn of time the religious and traditional boundries have been blurred that one can confuse the two looking from the outside in or in many cases from inside itself. Islam as a religion has nothing to do with genital mutilation, FYE (for your education) it practiced throughout the world, with the practice concentrated most heavily in Africa and Asia; so unless you are saying that Islam rules the world I can hardly state that this is a Muslim thing! "Near slave status" common please, I would not have the nerve to compare anything close to what slaves throughout history all over the world have gone through and still do in many case in some parts of the world and neither should you. Islam teaches to respect women, a man once asked the Prophet to whom he should show the most kindness. The Prophet replied: "Your mother, next your mother, next your mother, and then your father" and as stated in the Holy Quran "And revere the wombs that bore you, for God is ever watchful over you." (4:1). Now I do agree that there cases of women being mistreated but that has nothing to do with Islam and that is not unique to Muslim men either however it is a worldwide problem and those MEN as individuals are at fault whether it be a cultural or personal mentality.
- How would those muslims at the mosque near the World Trade Center response if some Christians carrying Bibles entered and suggested a conversion to Christianity? – Now let me flip that around and ask how Christians or any religion feel if some muslims entered their place of worship with Qurans and suggested a conversion or some say reversion to Islam (as the meaning of Islam which derives from an Arabic word that mean: peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law, which I believe both Christianity and Judaism also believes in), I would assume they would be a annoyed to say the least, but anyone would welcome a healthy debate at a mutually agreed location.
-In Saudi Arabia it is a CAPITAL CRIME to attempt to convert a muslim to Christianity – Saudi Arabia is different story all together, I don’t know if it is a capital crime but I know they don’t like it. There are churches in all Muslim dominated countries that are allowed to function and worship freely, in my country in particular we even have a temple for Hindus to worship which I believe negates the following statement "Christians, Jews and other non-Muslim minorities are persecuted in every country where Islam dominates."
-And let's be honest -- muslims DO NOT believe in plurality. They do believe that government should be based in islam. They deeply oppose "the separation of church and state." For that reason alone they are a menace to democracy, freedom, capitalism, plurality and the advancement of all knowledge. Oh dear roflmao, where to start? Firstly there is a viable government structure that can exist in Islam that works with democracy, freedom, capitalism (in a controlled manner) plurality and the advancement of all knowledge; however many believe there is none in the modern day that is even close to that due to the very nature of humans. Secondly from what I see the USA system is flawed in many ways itself as I believe the very beliefs that you hold dear may have put you in the situation that you are in and will continue to do so unless people understand that one cannot and should not advance and the expense of others (my personal opinion).
-The wide-eyed and innocent should realize that islam is the path backwards to the 7th century.Islam is anti-intellectual, which is why there is no need for patent offices in muslim countries– I am sorry but you are mistaken, this information can be easily googled, and I quote "Firstly: Trade names, trademarks, copyright and patents are all rights which belong exclusively to their owners. In modern times they have come to have a considerable financial value. These rights are recognized according to sharee’ah, and they should not be violated. Secondly: It is permissible to buy or sell a trade name or a trademark, and to transfer any of them in return for monetary compensation, so long as there is no cheating or deception. Thirdly: Copyright and patents are protected by sharee’ah. Their owners have the right to buy or sell them and nobody has the right to violate these rights. And Allaah knows best." In my country we do not have a specific "patent office" in the same form you do in the states, here it is performed the Ministry of Finance or Ministry of Commerce and facilitated by lawyers should the patent need to be registered with an international patent office.
- Nothing is invented in those countries because islam cannot tolerate anything that appears to contradict, exceed or overshadow the thoughts and rantings of Muhammad . I think this link should give you some insight into some inventioins that is public knowledge had you looked for it. http://www.wikiislam.com/wiki/20_Islamic_Inventions
Once again I hopefully shed some light on some of the misunderstandings out there and wish you all the best, sorry for such a long post.
Apologies the above link is incorrect as it is yet to be verified (as is the usual case with wikipedia) - however i found another one that briefly talks about discoveries in Islam
http://islam.about.com/library/weekly/aa050600a.htm as well as an exhibit that is currently taking place in London which was turned into a movie http://www.1001inventions.com/ (i have yet to see it so i hope it is a good reflection, anyways here you go)
We are not all bad...thanks for commenting, and for giving your views. I am glad you are here to balance out the n_s of the world.
Amen Granny & BD, the best things in life are free. We don't pay a dime for the air we breathe. At least not yet.:)
Sophia, thanks for the 411 on Memorial Day. That was really informative.
Val and LC, sounds like you both have found the formula.
Happy Memorial Day weekend to you too Farman.
Wassup Makaii?
This would have been a great weekend to visit you, but I am stuck here holding it down. Mrs. Field is out of town and I have to make the picnic rounds on behalf of the family. :)
When Modern Rome(US) begin to fall apart, life is going to become even more difficult. Crime will increase in affluent areas.
This is why many white Americans are moving away from the rat race and buying homes in places like Panama and Costa Rica.
Quality of life is much better in a less stressful environment where people know what truly is the source of happiness.
It is simple: a loving family,good friends ,a beautiful environment where nature is still bliss and a peaceful mind and healthy body.
Field, your uncle is a wise man.
Field, don't make light of bill collectors and the implications of ignoring them. I'm sure your civil courts are inundated with debt collector suits, despite the fact that your state is consumer friendly.
Sadly, over the past couple of years these types of lawsuits have exploded and are used to extort money from normal Godfearing people who are down on their luck.
We ought to pray and support charities as one of your other posters suggested above. Also write letters and vote on measures that will dismantle this debt peonage.
Memorial Day appreciation to all of the men and women over time who have given their lives in service to this nation so that we have the option of being stressed as to whether it will rain today and screw up our planned cookout or not. Their sacrifices have allowed us to stand tall.
Filled-Negro - you have to put everything into proper context. Indeed there are individuals who are over their head in bills and are struggling. There are individual businesses that are in a rough patch and had to lay off people in order to stay afloat.
HOWEVER - when you live in a CITY that is broke and its very future is in question the problems are taken to a greater level. Now everybody suffers from the contagion.
Such is the case with Detroit, Harrisburg PA and Jefferson County Al (Birmingham).
We are not all bad !:
I agree with some of your points. Disagree with others.
However, I ask that you take a step back and ask yourself a few questions.
Would it be worthwhile to talk to Bill Maher to defend your religion and making the occasional hypothetical against the Christian or Jew (asking "What would they do if.......)
For the Bill Maher-like character he has an indictment AGAINST the Christian, the Jew and the Muslim. Thus in your attempts to convince him about your religion you merely fortify his views that RELIGION ITSELF is the basis of dissension among man. If he had it his way he would strip it from all of you all.
Luckily i have had the privilege to have met and befriended people various faiths, hindus, buddhists, christians, people of the jewish faith as well as the parsi (fire worshipers) and agnostics. Many a conversation has been had from political to religious views which enabled us to get better insight into each others view points concluding in "we agree to disagree" which is perfectly fine, "to each his/her own". Such a discussion with Bill Maher-like character types cannot not be avoided and should be embraced as he may not agree but the possibility that someone else would for which i avoided such a discussion is too dear a price to pay imho as it further perpetuates the very dissension he believes in; the classic "damned if you, damned if you dont" - When it comes to religious, political or even social issues engagement is key in today's diverse world - We are all bound to bump into each other eventually, one cannot escape the globalization phenomena as we are all interdependent on one another for survival. I hope i worded my response clearly, at times i do lose track of my train of thought.
Ps. Happy Memorial Day to you all
hey field, why not a black soldier for your thank you. Remember we have been fighting the "MAN" Wars for centuries. Plenty of thanks is due our way.
my husband - desert storm, my father WWII, Korean & my grandfather WWI..
Enjoy your day
I am very happy to read your articles, more useful for me especially
I have the same thing with you. I am so very petrified of this in my lectures.
Duchess Dee, I am not sure what you mean. The soldier on my sidebar is Mrs. Field's brother in law. He died a couple of years ago after serving in Iraq. He was not only family but a friend as well. (Read the post with the picture)
And, for the record, he is very much black.
M. Rigmaiden, I hear what you are saying; but isn't the actions of the bill collectors one of the things that adds to our stress? So why let them bother you? Especially if you are 73 years old.Just sayin.
Destructive Wingnut never fails. No matter what I post about it always comes back to the evil Democrats and their cities. Sad.
Maybe you should read what Larissa said, it's not only urban areas it's all of A-merry-ca. Why don't you go to Costa Rica and join certain people who retired there? I am sure you would be much more comfortable. ;)
i'm dry, so this post has me jonesing. but you're right, life is much better with mari-, i mean "coffee." and Nina Simone, but never mind that right now. /listening to internet radio/
i let go of the consumerist/corporate ladder/ratrace several years ago. not by choice, mind you, but i know i'm better for it. people know i'm balanced, happy and have my priorities in line. and they envy me. honestly, the thing that keeps most a-merry-kuns from getting off the treadmill is fear of what "the neighbors/family will say." i look people right in the eye and say, "i work for myself," because it's true. i work on what i want to work on, when i want. i don't have a lot of money, but i don't mind that i don't have the latest bling or car or whatever. and i tell my creditors (actually my ex's creditors, mostly, but you know how that whole "joint" things goes wrt debt) to fuck off when i don't hang up on them instantly. i laugh at the ones who manage to get thru, and tell them to find another, better job. "can't get blood from a stone, sucker."
less really can be more, and our society is sick, sick sick with overconsumption. not to mention life in other countries, and the people there who shame most a-merry-kuns as they live and love and survive on 1% of what your typical US citizen consumers, often under repressive or violent living conditions.
let go. it's easier than you think, consumers. you need so little, in truth. and people will respect you, and not detract you, for getting off the grid and breaking with the cycle of consumption.
Folks need spirituality in their lives.
no, they don't. /atheist/
Dead on with this one.
@ FN:
Everyone has to determine what is important to having a stress free lifestyle. While no one can completely be stress free we can limit the amount.
Number one on my list is that I refuse to have people problems. I surround myself with loving, caring people. That does not mean that we will not disagree, but when we do it's over quickly and we move on.
I aslo need to hear the birds everyday. When I wake up I want to know that thwe birds are still alive and talking to each other. Now I have incorporated that into feeding the ducks at the lake just a few yaards from where I live.
A great bottle of wine makes me happy as does gourmet cheese, crackers, grapes and strawberries. Sharing it is even better.
And believe it or not, your blog brings happiness. I can come here and learn (shout out to Sophia for the Memorial Day clarity) and laugh and blow off a little steam as well.
Bad stress is a killer and should be avoided at all costs.
Time to open the wine...:)
The thing about the rat race is that even if you win, you are still a rat.
I hope your Memorial Day holiday is going well.
[quote]Destructive Wingnut never fails. No matter what I post about it always comes back to the evil Democrats and their cities. Sad.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
I said nothing about DEMOCRATS.
I said that certain cities are failing.
If you are so self conscious to note that all of these places have "Mission Accomplished" banners upon them as placed there by the Democrats, that's your call.
Are you that self conscious?
Happy Memorial Day Field. By the way, there is no reasoning with someone with bipolar disorder when they decide to go off their meds. I'm just sayin'. . .
I find it amusing how the wingnuts are using Bush's defining moments of failure (Mission Accomplished, My Pet Goat, Katrina, etc) for describing Obama. It is a tacit admission on their part that Bush was every bit the fuckup that we said he was.
Particularly amusing is CF, who has said that he never criticized Bush. "Biting the hand that fed him" was the term he used, IIRC. Yet he mocks Bush everytime he uses his Mission Accomplished metaphor. I suspect that CF has been keeping clinicians busy for years with his schizophrenic behaviour.
Chicago Dyke, "Folks need spirituality in their lives.
no, they don't. /atheist/"
You are absolutely right. People don't need any kind of Spirituality in their lives. They need to get rid of that bs and follow the path of atheists like you.
We all just need to smoke pot, listen to music, drink alcohol, stop being consumerists and everything will be alright.
Yeah, that's the ticket to happiness. Thanks for the lead to happiness, Chicago dyke.
Field, thank you for recognizing and honoring our vets on Memorial Day. I live in the Bay Area where few honor much of anything.
Field, I know you are a big supporter and Israel and thought you'd be interested this video about Israel's good-will and fairness toward Palestinians in the Gaza.
BTW, Israel killed a few innocent Palestinians on the high seas.
When will you post another post defending and justifying Israel's murderous actions? Considering the entire international community has had it with Israel they could use a little support from you.
Before you post your DAILY SELF CHUM this evening I would like to provide you with a point of RACISM for you to consider.
From our friends at Univision.
Conservative calls out the HYPOCRISY over Progressive-Fundamentalists
Univision Apologizes For RACIST Skit
Earl Ofari Hutchenson & Huffington Post
Just ONE TIME Filled Negro. Don't disappoint me.
You posted the story about the White cop who shot himself at 56th and Lancaster a day after I posted it on your blog. That didn't count because it is right up your alley.
Here is an opportunity for you to come clean.
Is the "Brown/Black" coalition as sound as you think?
"When will you post another post defending and justifying Israel's murderous actions? Considering the entire international community has had it with Israel they could use a little support from you."
Hold on, one is coming soon. I have to get the FACTS first. You know that five letter word that so many people seem to hate.
I think Destructive Wingnut is stressed because of street pirates.
Thanks Gregory, it went well. Hung out with a bunch of Jamaicans in a Bucks County park and played dominos.
"W all just need to smoke pot, listen to music, drink alcohol, stop being consumerists and everything will be alright.."
Sounds like a typical day at every Amerry-cam college to me.
"Time to open the wine...:)"
agape, would that be Merlot or Zinfandel? Somehow I take you for a Merlot drinker.
yeah I always knew APEgape was a drunk.
[quote]I think Destructive Wingnut is stressed because of street pirates. [/quote]
Say it ain't so Filled Negro.
Are you telling me that the Israeli incursion against the ships that killed 10 people is more worthy than what transpired on Univision?
* World Cup
* South Africa
* Spears!!!!
* Savages????
Come on man. Just one time man. Have your "self-chum" be flavored in a way that really means something to the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists and the Black Conservatives?
OK. What about a compromise position?
In the last 2 days in Atlanta TWO POLICE OFFICERS have suffered two "Street Pirate Attacks", with the officers of the law being sent to the same hospital that the street pirates were sent to? Come on man. Give me a break. Its' Memorial Day.
Street Pirate Beats A Female Cop
Civilians Beat The Hell Out Of Street Pirates Who Shot And Then Beat Up An Atlanta Cop
Do you realize how much gun powder has been burned and how many slugs have pierced the bodies of those that the American Government told the fighting soldiers were "OUR ENEMIES" in order to get recognized this glorious day?
Check out the YouTube link, for at least for a minute or so, that CF provided. They guy looks just like CF's avatar. He is about as coherent as well, so, who knows? Maybe this is the face of your favorite wingnut stalker.
[quote]I aslo need to hear the birds everyday. When I wake up I want to know that thwe birds are still alive and talking to each other. Now I have incorporated that into feeding the ducks at the lake just a few yaards from where I live.[/quote]
Agape - Tell it girl!!!
Tell the blog about the wonders of the South.
Where I live I have deer, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks and birds in my backyard. I am more pissed that the above critters STEAL the fruit off of my tree than I have to worry about Street Pirates stealing from my house.
The South Rocks!!!!
A great bottle of wine makes me happy as does gourmet cheese, crackers, grapes and strawberries. Sharing it is even better.[/quote]
You should host a "Atlanta Field-Negro Club" with Alicia Banks and others. Pop open some wine and share the merriment.
"M. Rigmaiden, I hear what you are saying; but isn't the actions of the bill collectors one of the things that adds to our stress? So why let them bother you? Especially if you are 73 years old.Just sayin."FN
Field, they can bother you when they levy your bank account, freeze your assets and blow up your phone day and night. I can tell this is not your area of law practice;) These lawsuits are truly ruining people's lives FN and poor and lower middle class folks are the most affected by this, especially in states where deficiency judgments are allowed for foreclosures.
A 73 year old should be very worried indeed if she gets sued and all the money is emptied from her account due to a default judgment.
money is the one thing most people probably do need to worry about.
happiness comes from within and it's a real skill to try and keep the rest of the world from getting you down.
glad you got a strategy, field!
Gregory, I am scared to watch that video. :)
Destructive Wingnut, see what I mean? I can tell you are stressed from that last post. Repeat after me: I will not let the "street pirates" get to me.
Wrong M. Rigmaiden, I am quite familiar with credit laws (at least here in Pa.)I have defended quite a few folks against the credit card companies and their collectors. Yes, they have various methods of trying to collect their debts (some of them very draconian) but you also h
have ways to fight them as well.
Bill collectors just can't call you whenever they want to. That's why we have "The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act"....Oh lawd, why am I even talking about this stuff? This is too much like work. See M. Rigmaiden, you are getting me stressed. Not cool. :)
"You should host a "Atlanta Field-Negro Club" with Alicia Banks and others. Pop open some wine and share the merriment"
Stop encouraging those alcoholics to drink.
@ FN:
I do like a merlot but I much prefer a good German wine from the Mosel Valley...preferably something in the mid 1960's or any really rainy season in the last 10 years...:)
@ FN:
I do like a merlot but I much prefer a good German wine from the Mosel Valley...preferably something in the mid 1960's or any really rainy season in the last 10 years...:)
@ CF:
Hosting an ATL/Field connection might be dangerous with both you and AB in the room (and add wine???) I don't know if I am up for that job...:)
However, if we can come up with a fund raising theme and help people I am down for that (although we will be in a venue :) We can theme it "Help From the Fields"...;)
"Wow, so much for the A-merry-can dream. But Cynthia, you are 73, why are you even worried about your bills? Tell the bill collector you will pay him whenever. What's he going to do, turn you over to the credit bureau? And if you are retired, you don't need a car; walk or take a bicycle. It might do wonders for your health."FN
FN you said that you shouldn't let bill collectors worry you above. If you 'don't let them worry you' and ignore them then they can get a default judgment against you and garnish your wages, levy your bank account etc. But you already know this.
Not everyone is familiar with the FDCPA and how they can use it to their advantage if/when things get bad with their debts but even still it doesn't seem to apply to original creditors in many locales.
And what if the original creditor never violated laws trying to collect on the debt? Then you can be sued and if you ignore it, then you're screwed because you have no recourse for the default judgment. Now they can pull you in for a debtors examination etc.
I know your state has consumer friendly laws but others aren't so lucky. Missouri and Ohio have very long statute of limitations periods for consumer debt of almost any type. This is slavery.
This is something that is taking the money out of the pockets of good hardworking people and the so called justice system is complicit.
This is close to my heart because I helped a friend get out of a debt lawsuit with the original creditor last year. I think your statement, although flippant is misleading.
They can take all of the money out of the 73 year old lady's bank account via a levy, place a lien on her property (if she owns any) take ownership of the title of her car and or any other object of worth in her possession to satisfy the debt. She has a reason to be worried indeed. And if she's stressed and ignorant of the law, even if she ought to claim exemptions and act to protect SSI, pension money etc she likely won't and will join the estimated 95% of ALL debtors that have gotten hosed by the so called legal system.
FN, this isn't a topic to joke about. Like I said, not every state has the Cleventstine opinion to back up consumers;)
[quote]They guy looks just like CF's avatar. He is about as coherent as well, so, who knows? Maybe this is the face of your favorite wingnut stalker.[/quote]
Gregorian Chant:
You do realize that you are developing an observable pattern, right?
When I put forth something that would ordinarily force you to respond in kind, YOU attempt to "make it all about ME". You need to "put me on trial" as part of your debate antics.
[quote]Hosting an ATL/Field connection might be dangerous with both you and AB in the room (and add wine???) I don't know if I am up for that job...:)[/quote]
My dear friend AB and I get along better than you may think. Indeed while we might be in line with our demand for critical inspection of Obama and the establishment machine over our community, there is no doubt that we are drawing from distinctly different ideological underpinnings.
At least for me - I work to avoid hitting upon the fissures that exist between me and AB. This will only allow many of the others on this blog who need to be put into check to sit back and watch popcorn. (UptownSteve, etc).
Give me a bit of wine and I become "drunk with liberalism". :-)
ditto to all fn!
hope u had a happy holiday
kudos to your uncle!
the essence of life is overcoming affluenza...the addiction to THINGS!
happiness = avoiding debts and learning to be happy with what we have!
i was blessed to learn that long ago...
and yes ONLY soldiers know real stress...
god bless them all in hobama's endless wars!
hey cf:
i have not lived in atlanta since 1996...????
i do adore red rose french wine though i rarely drink
u lost me
Somehow I don't believe Cynthia is going to take your advice. *insert sarcasm*
It appears that every day there is a new person who becomes stressed and on the verge of not being able to deal with the stress. The everyday problems have definitely become magnified.
Life is never as bad as it might seem, there is always a silver lining somewhere, you just have to find it. That sounded hokey, but it's true.
Agreed. If a person simply looked back upon past stressful moments and realized what could have been done differently, it would have perhaps prevented the added pressure.
So, I came to the conclusion, the trick is to take into account the fact that it can also be accomplished in the present.
Your uncles has the right idea. I imagine his particular location far away from the madness doesn't hurt, either.
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