I am always reading, which is why, no matter what, I always find stuff to write about.
Today I came across an article written by Jennifer Harper in the Washington Times, and while reading it I came across the following:
" The term "tea-bagger" is like uttering the "n" word, some say. Though he aspires to promote civility, evidence has surfaced that President Obama has added "tea-bagger" to his public lexicon, though it's considered a cheap and tawdry insult by "tea party" activists. Watchdogs at Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) barked when they saw the proof, tucked in a sneak peak of Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter's new book, "The Promise: President Obama, Year One," to be released May 18. Indeed, it appears the president joined certain partisan critics and the liberal media, and took the tea-bag plunge.
"This remark is the equivalent of using the 'n' word. It shows contempt for middle America, expressed knowingly, contemptuously, on purpose, and with a smirk. It is indefensible to use this word. The president knows what it means, and his people know what it means. The public thought we reached a new low of incivility during the Clinton administration. Well, the Obama administration has just outdone them," ATR president Grover Norquist tells Inside the Beltway. " [Article]
Stunning! The fact that Mr. Norquist has joined the chorus of those who choose to refuse to try and understand the seriousness of maybe not the word itself, but certainly the legacy that comes along with it.
I have news for Mr. Norquist: he has delusions of grandeur if he thinks that the "teabagger" movement represents "middle America". What it represents is a bunch of political operatives who are masquerading as independents. And some- not all- can't stand the fact that this particular man occupies the people's house. If they represent "middle America" well then A-merry-ca is in big trouble.
So his O ness refers to these wingnut hacks as "tea-baggers", what's the big deal? Have you heard how they refer to him, lately? The term tea-bagger is quite mild in comparison. So chill out Grover, this is politics. I have to co-sign with Jason Linkins when he writes the following:
"But is it the equivalent of the "n" word? Uhm... you'll notice that nobody shorthands it, "the 't' word," don't you? That should tell you something. On the spectrum of insult, "teabagger" seems to me to be the equivalent of "moonbat" or "wingnut," which are also popular shorthand insults embraced by political factions who use them as shibboleths -- a tidy signifier of groupwide self-satisfaction."
Maybe we should start shortening the "t" word. Naaaaw, they would just find something else to cry about.
First. Hello.
Some tea partiers refer to themselves as tea baggers. The feigned indignance is quite comical.
Asking a teabagger to explain issues in any substantive way is like asking a blind person to tell you what red is.
When a Tea Party person is hung while hundreds of people stand and watch while yelling "kill the tea bagger" then maybe they will have a point.
Field, wha'gwawn dread?
OK, you do realize the racial sensitivity of the term "tea-bagger" do you?
I mean, you do know that there are many white people unaccounted for, who possibly were strung up on trees for being "tea-baggers", right?
But I tell you what. If those "tea-baggers" were smart. They'd reclaim the word. Yep, take ownership of it so it doesn't have that 400yr old sting of oppression. Yep, if they were smart they'd drop the "R" at the end of the word and use an "A".
TEA-BAGGA is so much less derogatory, no?
The tea party ppl did refer refer to themselves as teabaggers until it was explained to them another meaning of the word. Rick Santelli of CNBC is usually credited with the start of the tea party movement. It's definitely grass roots compared to the what the left does. Pre-printed signs and buses to deliver the protesters, give me a break. The scope of the tea party has grown to include crazy spending that very few people even agree with. Brace yourself for November, Field.
The Tea Party is fading fast. Grover Norquist is a very wealthy pest who lives in one of the most affluent town in Massachusetts.
We'll probably look back on their defeat over health care and a string of failures before as the beginning of the end.
Once they fall to bickering amongst themselves..that's it.
Perhaps is not such a good idea to have a kid hold a sign that says tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you as they will only become the butt of of kinds of jokes full of sexual connotations. I do not understand the parallel between the term tea bagger and the word nigger, the analogy does not make sense. No one told them named themselves with a term that is used to describe a sexual act. They only have themselves to blame for such ill-conceived name. Now they are unable to change the term as it is a part of our lexicon and will always humorously refer them as teabaggers. Also people walking around wearing teabags on their hats does help with taking them seriously. I certainly wouldn't want to join an organization where people are wearing teabags on their hats, it would be difficult for me to do it. But hey, they are angry and what they angry about, I have no clue because they do not understand why they are angry.
They referred to themselves as teabaggers before they knew what the name really meant. Between that and splitting the Republican vote in most elections in November, it sucks to be them.
Gee, some people are so insensitive to the 400-year-history of oppression and discrimination that tea partiers have endured...
I thought they didn't like it because it was a sexual term...ha ha ha.
Oh Lawd! What will they think of next? I guess, next they'll be singing teabaggers spirituals.
@Rippa, stop it, you making granny's side hurt. :)
@ FN:
Did you see Mike Wise's (Phoenix Suns) jersey in the last game he wore in protest of the AZ. law...?
Los Suns....:)
He is an HFN...
Great Cinco De Mayo!
@ FN:
They picked the name and they're stuck with it...
They're just mad because they didn't have the foresight to see they were really being duped again...not only are they just a spliter group used to protest against the healthcare bill...but now they will forever be known as the party that suc...let me stop.
O M G!!!
fang fang and ally....
The "tea baggers" got their name because they brandished tea bags as a symbol of their protest, such as it was, and they mailed tea bags to their congressional representatives as a message. They have little recourse for complaint now that they have learned of other connotations to the term "tea bagging".
As for szpork, s/he is wrong. As usual. The 'baggers may have some local success but nationally they will probably be a bust. S/he probably doesn't understand the term "astro-turf", which is not the same as "grass-roots".
See you at the polls, szpork. Bring your crying towel.
The "Balls On Your Chin" Movement sets off so many alarms and red flags. Especially when you consider that many of them are republican closet homosexuals.
You got that right. Those who howl most loudly about the "homosexual agenda" are those most likely to be closet cases. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig comes to mind, but there are many others.
So, these Tea Party fucks are still upset about the name, eh?
Well, after the primary election results this week, they should be more concerned over the lack of "tea". Basically all the establishment folks won, and the Teabaggers are out of "tea".
This November the Rethug base will be energized, and the Teabaggers will be voting for them as always.
3rd party my ass- they're just the crazy wing of the Rethugs.
"This remark is the equivalent of using the 'n' word."
laughable. "Teabagger" is no where near as vile and offensive as "the n word". Hell, it's not even as bad as the words "honkey', "cracker", or "Whitey".
To take a page out of White society's book:
-"If they don't want to called [insert expletive], then they shouldn't call themselves [insert expletive]. That's a double standard!"
-"America/society/the media is being too PC!"
-'Oh, what! So now non-teabaggers are going to be punished for reciting teabagger signs/banners/chants?'
"It shows contempt for middle America, expressed knowingly, contemptuously, on purpose, and with a smirk."
Umm, no... The teabaggers represent the teabaggers. They don't represent me or any other middle class American.
many newspapers and other news orgs. around the country are laying off and folding. i have a couple of good friends whose 20-30 year careers in newspapers ended abruptly.
the times is in deep shit.
but when the washington times closes because rev. moon's millions are gone, this is one newspaper i will not mourn! they been a pox on the news industry for years and years.
good fucking riddance.
my advice? ignore, ignore, ignore.
rottnkid--being first don't mean much if you don't say anything!
Rippa is a fool. :) Val you are right, I haven't seen any teabaggers hanging from trees so I am guessing that the sting of that name is not quite the same.
agape, I saw that. H/T to the Los Sols and Steve Nash. He spoke about the new law as well.
"Gee, some people are so insensitive to the 400-year-history of oppression and discrimination that tea partiers have endured..."
Gwhizz, thanks for reminding me that they did refer to themselves as "teabaggers". Although, to be honest, some of us black folks do refer to ourselves as.....ahhh never mind.
Ya'll have such little knowledge of what grass roots means. It doesn't meant you have to live in the 19th century and take a horse and buggy to the protest, be unorganized, have 15, 11 different messages or have hand written signs. It amazing what weird talking point that all tea partiers have. This is why the movement wont last, because it takes pride in incoherence.
If it hadn't been for the printing press I doubt that the American Revolution would have gotten a start, since pamphleteering was a way of getting the message out though the colonies.
You all should ask, what would Thomas Paine do.
Black people ALLOW ourselves to be called "Nigga" in commercial speech found upon various CDs that are stocked on the shelves at Best Buy. YOUR POINT is what?
Chris Rich: IF "the Tea Parties are fading fast" then WHY is news of their exploits more frequently found on Progressive-Fundamentalist blogs like this than what their power and presence justifies?
Clearly the Tea Parties evoke some sort of concern that the long list of other items that are a measurable threat yet Filled Negro doesn't address.
[quote]Asking a teabagger to explain issues in any substantive way is like asking a blind person to tell you what red is.[/quote]
Low & Country - Its quite interesting how you traffic in the "they are stupid" game. About 50 years ago during the civil rights protests a WHITE MAN was featured in the role that you now play. I am just glad that we as a society have advanced enough to the point where there is little outrage when a Black man plays the part of a hater, a role that has been traditionally been reserved for a bigoted White.
[quote]I haven't seen any teabaggers hanging from trees so I am guessing that the sting of that name is not quite the same.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
Are you really satisfied with your statement above? Or are you comfortable that since you are mostly among "Fellow Travelers" that few would bother to tell you about how ridiculous the statement is?
You are alleging the LYNCHING is some type of BADGE OF DISTINCTION for Black people. The truth is that in the history of this nation LYNCHING WAS NOT JUST RESERVED FOR BLACK PEOPLE.
Secondly, and most ironically, when it comes to Jesse and Al MISUSING civil rights comparisons - you are silent. ("Arizona is like Selma", "Arizona just implemented a Jim Crow law").
Filled Negro why didn't YOU SAY: "Ain't no Mexicans being strung up to a cactus in Arizona. Stop misappropriating our misery!!!!"
The truth is clear Filled Negro.
It is YOU who gets to choose the authenticity of the comparison to the Black struggle. And in as much as you and others focus as the "Neo-All White Jury" - it is your "GUT FEEL" that renders guilt or innocence. Guilt that always seems to be placed upon those who you disagree with.
Are you going to do pro bono work in support of the Black students at South Philly High to defend against the 14th Amendment case that the Asian students have filed?
"Ya'll stop talkin' bad 'bout Massa!"
Tea-baggers? Yeah, pretty much a media creation that journalists, bloggers and other gas-bags exploit for any handy reason.
Inasmuch as there is no official Tea-bag organization that keeps membership rolls and accepts donations, it's tough to quantify and identify who's who.
Thus, this amorphous group serves many media purposes, all of which are somewhat misleading. Well, that's politics.
Meanwhile, Obama is on his way to becoming the next Jimmy Carter, and he's morphing into Carter by wrestling with the same issues -- finance, energy and Iran -- by following the same defective plan.
"Obama is on his way to becoming the next Jimmy Carter, and he's morphing into Carter by wrestling with the same issues -- finance, energy and Iran -- by following the same defective plan."
What's the Republican plan?
Can you point to any Republican successes over the last decade?
Watch, he's not going to answer.
Why is it that the right thinks the left feels that Jimmy Carter was a good president. Do they take polls or somthin or just pull it out their asses? Nobody asked me.
"I have news for Mr. Norquist: he has delusions of grandeur if he thinks that the "teabagger" movement represents "middle America". What it represents is a bunch of political operatives who are masquerading as independents."
If you believe this Field, you are a fool. Deride them all you want, but the Tea Party movement is a legitimate grass roots effort that certainly does represent the interests of the middle class.
Obama is the one with big money behind him, the favorite of bilionaires and Wall Street who ran a $750 million campaign cheered on by the business-media establishment. You serve the Man by disparaging those who resist the elimination of American liberties. Maybe you'll get yourself a biscuit.
I was thinking about this after I posted last night. To be the tea bagger means you would be the giver, right? And they receiver would be a tea baggee. Assuming that teabag were a actual verb, that is. Where's Jim these days? We could ask him...
Grass roots means spontaneous, unorganized political action with the intention of influencing others. That's my take on it anyhow.
Obviously the n-word is more offensive. The term teabagger currently is viewed as snarky and mean spirited though, pretty shitty that Oman has sunk to level of Keith Olberman and has begun using the term himself.
Around here, all the Oman bumper stickers have disappeared and the yard signs are 20-1 Conservative. Purely anecdotal, I know. He may need to call up the Panther Party for support again. Maybe that's why they weren't prosecuted last January even though they pleaded guilty.
obama hasn't sunk to any level. notice the photo with this post--they use it themselves.
also, "obamacare" is the right-wing's name for healthcare reform. they hoped the allusion to "hillarycare" would cause it to meet the same fate.
they're dopes.
Wow, the wing nuts know now limits. Equating Keith Olbermann and net roots bloggers mocking the self-title of 'teabagger' to the word 'nigger' shows just how insensitive, naive and down-right mean these people really are.
Between threatening congressmen for passing insurance regulation carrying guns to a DC protest and re-instituting Jim Crow in AZ, I could call them a lot worse.
No, LA. Obama was quoted in a book recently as having said that. I'll look it up. szpork
There's an Obama quote there that Jonathan Alter recorded of Obama using the word teabaggers. Is that OK? Shouldn't the leader of the US be above that??? Go ahead and call Alter a right wing extremist, I double dare you.
Anon @11:26
You're wrong if you think the Tea Party is a grassroots movement of angry people protesting bailouts. This is more of an 'astro-turf' movement, entrenched corporate interests largely ginning up regular folks to fight for ideas and policy that may or may not benefit them (more so the latter). In this case, most of the tea party folks aren't 'regular working stiffs'. Its usually the weasely middle managers that the working stiffs make fun of.
The Tea party isn't Joe-Bob running his tiny auto shop in Nebraska for 60K/yr. Its more like Preston, the account executive making 120K/yr or George the retired middle manager who's worried about his stock portfolio and 401(k).
This is no different than the Florida Recount of 2000 - GOP power brokers & their corporate paymasters disperse an army of well paid middle managers to give the appears that middle America is up in arms.
A better name for the Tea Party is the 'Khaki Brigade', a bunch of brokers and salesmen ticked off that they may have to pay $200 more in annual taxes (which they won't) and the Black guy being President. Pathetic.
If Obama said teabagger, fine he was wrong. If not merely offensive it plays into the overall Right Wing Meme that 'Obama hates Whitey'.
But lets not forget the fact that these 'average Americans' have threatened an armed insurrection against the Federal government. And have called Obama everything but a child of God on television.
This is the very term they used to describe themselves.
Many had more than a chuckle over their adoption of a term to describe a sex act. That the teabaggers shot themselves in the foot over the adoption of that name is their own fault. They have only themselves to blame.
And regarding the comparison to the n-word? Please.
If they represent "middle America" well then A-merry-ca is in big trouble.
Isn't this the truth? Nevertheless, I believe America is still in big trouble. Eventually all of this hatred is going to come to a boil and years and years of 'whatever fuels the hate and anger' will erupt.
Agreed - the manner in which President Barack Obama is often referred. I heard some New York magazine has experienced recent fallout from depicting Barack and Michelle as Sanford and Son characters.
"the manner in which President Barack Obama is often referred. I heard some New York magazine has experienced recent fallout from depicting Barack and Michelle as Sanford and Son characters."
Yes, that is true, in fact that is what the topic on my blog is about. I'm sick of them denigrating black people and then turning around and giving an empty apology for something they meant in the first place. Two can play that game.
Sharon from WI and Trapped SC:
Glad to see your fonts again, I missed both of you. Trapped SC, for a minute I thought I was gonna have to send out missing person's report on you. :) I love reading your analysis on this blog because you are on point and never fail to hit the bulleye.
I don't call what the "teabaggers" are doing a grassroots movement, it is more like a "denigrating" movement. Grassroots movements of the pass don't go around carrying denigrating signs with derogatory pictures of people. I wouldn't exactly call pictures of President Obama as Witchdoctor, or Hitler, etc. a grassroots movements. Silly!
szpork "The term teabagger currently is viewed as snarky and mean spirited though, pretty shitty that Oman has sunk to level of Keith Olberman and has begun using the term himself."
Are you outraged because you're a tea party type, or just generally outraged because of the incivility of using the term, Teabagger?
Either way, are you equally outraged when Obama is cast as Hitler, the Joker, and called an "illegal alien"?
Or are you selectively outraged, that is, only outraged when your side is attacked.
And on what level is Keith Olbermann (and Olbermann is spelled with to n's)?
How does he rate on the civility meter alongside the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck?
"He may need to call up the Panther Party for support again. Maybe that's why they weren't prosecuted last January even though they pleaded guilty."
Now you're into pushing conspiracy theories, as an attempt to tarnish Obama's reputation, and character.
How civil is that?
I think this so-called President Obama (the moslem who was not in America born) should admits his lies and leave his office.
Let him one time do what is the right thing to do!
Ok, does wikipedia allow these photos? I have to admit I'm a little surprised since younger students might also want to google "Tea Baggers", and Wikipedia has grown so much in popularity. (If you're at work, be warned).
[quote]Can you point to any Republican successes over the last decade?[/quote]
(Not that he won't be asking the very same question in 2 months:
In the face of an intractable disagreement with Progressives over SCARCE RESOURCES the GOP has been successful in:
* Moving out of Chicago and leaving it all to the Democrats to run as they see fit
* Moving out of Detroit....
* Moving out of Philly
* Moving out of Newark...
* Baltimore
* DC
* Rochester
* Trenton
* Camden
* Milwaukee
* East St Louis
* St Louis
* Atlanta
* Miami
I hope that gives you some guidence.
For me it shows that NO MATTER HOW MUCH POWER you have with "favorable people" controlling the key institutions that provide you with the key civic services - YOU will always be CHASING after your adversary, claiming that it was RACIST and/or a violation of the SOCIAL CONTRACT that they left you all by yourself to run things as you see fit as they guarded their wallets and private property from YOU.
Hope this helps.
I think this so-called President Obama (the moslem who was not in America born) should admits his lies and leave his office.
Let him one time do what is the right thing to do!<<
Obama's mother was an American. He was born in Hawaii. He is an American citizen who apparently has a better handle on the English language than you do.
Constructive, one time you told me you were not republican. Are you being paid then? I hope you at least file taxes on it.
"Are you outraged because you're a tea party type, or just generally outraged because of the incivility of using the term, Teabagger?"
"Either way, are you equally outraged when Obama is cast as Hitler, the Joker, and called an "illegal alien"?"
Not really, the President has a different standard for discourse, don't you think?
"Or are you selectively outraged, that is, only outraged when your side is attacked."
I didn't get outraged when Bush was criticized. He certainly deserved some of it. I try to be objective but also realize the futility.
And on what level is Keith Olbermann (and Olbermann is spelled with to n's)?
A person's ideology flavors what you hear from these guys. It reaffirms or repulses. They provide easy answers in this manner. Not really an answer but I hope you see what I'm getting at.
"He may need to call up the Panther Party for support again. Maybe that's why they weren't prosecuted last January even though they pleaded guilty."
Now you're into pushing conspiracy theories, as an attempt to tarnish Obama's reputation, and character.
How civil is that?
I thought it easy to identify that as joke. I still want to know why Holder dropped the case, though. Obama did a DNC video recently urging the base to get out and vote in November and he only mentioned young people, latino's, and African Americans. I'm not suggesting anything sinister, but he has a long run of unforced errors.
You have to be an idiot to fall for the clumsy smear campaign the democrats have orchestrated against the Tea Party movement, something along the line of "Ignore what they are saying, they're just RACISTS!"
Judging by the comments here, most of you are idiots.
"You have to be an idiot to fall for the clumsy smear campaign the democrats have orchestrated against the Tea Party movement, something along the line of "Ignore what they are saying, they're just RACISTS!"
Okay, I get it now, damage control! So, did the democrats put those racist signs in the teabaggers' hands, or write Tancredo's and the rest of those teabagger's leader's speeches?
The teabaggers can try to clean up the mess they've made if they want, but the damage has been done. It won't work! I said in the beginning let them do what they do because it was going to backfire on them and looks like it is coming to pass. Couldn't have happened to a meaner-spirited, racist bunch if you ask me. Yeah, looks like the chickens is coming home to roost.
RACIST! that's what the President should have said, and trust me, he has proof, and so doe's the media!
The TEA PARTY MOVEMENT did BLACK people a favor, they told black folk they will forever be our Adversary's, and they brought their children to participate in their WHITE POWER MOVEMENT! they couldn't use those word's, so they used strategy, they came up with something that sounded AMERICAN, the word's, The T(EA PARTY MOVEMENT) sound's innocent, but, they couldn't hold back, they had to let their true nature come forth! that being, their RACIST NATURE!
A Righteous Movement is composed of all people, they come together to unite for what is FAIR and JUST! what is taking place in ARIZONA, will have a trickle up affect, first the HISPANIC'S, then the BLACK'S! let's not fool ourselve's, this is all about BLACK FOLK! if they can get LAW'S to pass to bring down the HISPANIC community, trust me, we are NEXT! the WHITE MOVEMENT is alive and well, it just use's the name, TEA PARTY MOVEMENT!
IseeIsee, where have you been and did you get my e-mail? You had been on my mind, and I pray that all is well with you.
BTW, IseeIsee, I have to run an errand right quick, but will be back shortly.
He said, "Uncle Tom was a hero".
All this discussion forgets the important fact that only negros can make jazz music. It is a false mistake to call any music made by non negros "jazz" in my humble opinion.
You can use all the candles and sugar in the world to wish this to go away. But it is a fact.
More jazz insights at my blogsite.
Bruno Leicht
"Constructive, one time you told me you were not republican. Are you being paid then? I hope you at least file taxes on it."
La~audio, don't fall for the okey doke.The Destructive Wingnut has always been a republican. Note his anger over his party moving out of the cities and leavint them to the dems. As if when his people were in control it was any better. *shaking head*
He said, "Uncle Tom was a hero".'
Well Granny, there you have it.:)
Sharon, why do you even bother with Bruno?
I swear it's got to be water. Remember back a few years ago they said the water was contaminated with drugs. :)
Granny-->scratching her head in perplexity.
Re: Bruno
Field, this is the first post of his I've seen. I wasn't aware he's a resident pest, a la Frank Drackman.
Sharon, don't compare anyone else to Frank. He will get mad.
szpork "Either way, are you equally outraged when Obama is cast as Hitler, the Joker, and called an "illegal alien"?"
Not really, the President has a different standard for discourse, don't you think?
I'm perplexed! I didn't know discourse came ready-made. What "standards" are you referring to, that're unique to the president, but can be flouted by others?
And on what level is Keith Olbermann (and Olbermann is spelled with to n's)?
A person's ideology flavors what you hear from these guys. It reaffirms or repulses. They provide easy answers in this manner. Not really an answer but I hope you see what I'm getting at.
No. Again, I'm perplexed. Perhaps you need to probe deeper into why you react as you do.
An ideological bias shouldn't be the source of a visceral reaction, unless that bias is presented unfairly, or has questionable merit.
For example: I can't hear the Tea Party folks, who I'm sure have meritorious points to offer, because of the dissonance with which they surround their message.
With them, they've made the message and the messenger one and the same.
And that's unfortunate, but then it was their choice to present themselves as a political caricature of the Right.
"Obama did a DNC video recently urging the base to get out and vote in November and he only mentioned young people, latino's, and African Americans. I'm not suggesting anything sinister, but he has a long run of unforced errors."
And somehow his oversight, if you can it that, offended you in some way?
If those are some his base, and he's appealing to them, why would you suggest that somehow this was a misstep?
You're not buying into the "racist angle" promoted by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, are you?
Could it be, Obama's targeting groups that traditionally turn out for national elections, and wanted to stress the importance of voting for state Representatives to the congress, if he's to have a realistic chance to advance his agenda, because he knows that Republicans are more obstructionist as this point, and overly-partisan?
Could it it be, that, by characterizing Obama's efforts to galvanize his base to get out and vote as "racist," the GOP are playing the "race card," the card that they're always accusing the Democrats of playing, and blacks in particular?
Could it be that Republicans are doing it (calling his statement racist), because it plays so well to their own base, and that winning is more important to them, than how it's done?
We both know that Obama's statement wasn't racist, nor was it designed to offend any voter, black, white, yellow or brown, Democrat, Republican, or Independent.
We both know, before they push a button, or pull a lever, or draw a line to the candidate of their choice in the voting booth, all voters are Independent.
The leader of the US should have a higher standard of discourse. He should never stoop to the pundit level. Obama is making history. Seems obvious to me, not sure why you're contesting it.
As for Olbermann, Rush, etc... They offer opinions. When they make a false claim, I guess you could measure that otherwise it's useless mush.
Could it be, Obama's targeting groups that traditionally turn out for national elections, and wanted to stress the importance of voting for state Representatives to the congress, if he's to have a realistic chance to advance his agenda, because he knows that Republicans are more obstructionist as this point, and overly-partisan?
Not really... I'm assuming you know about turn out in off year..
Could it it be, that, by characterizing Obama's efforts to galvanize his base to get out and vote as "racist," the GOP are playing the "race card," the card that they're always accusing the Democrats of playing, and blacks in particular?
Really, that sort of reasoning works best as a reinforcement measure. Hope you know what I mean. I won't change people's minds in other words.
Obama made the video. I don't know what the target audience was.
I do think Obama's approach to governance is a vast departure from the past and here's hoping it will change.
[quote]Constructive, one time you told me you were not republican. Are you being paid then? I hope you at least file taxes on it.[/quote]
La Audio:
Just curious - what about my post makes me a Republican?
Just because I CALL OUT those who have used their credentials to enter into the secret space of the "Black Cultural Consciousness" yet they operate on behalf an an EXTERNAL ENTITY? Our consciousness is infected by the onchocerca volvulus larvae one that produces river blindness. I have the audacity to seek to EXPEL THIS INVADER - forcing it out to the periphery.
Is this what bothers you so?
"Just because I CALL OUT those who have used their credentials to enter into the secret space of the "Black Cultural Consciousness" yet they operate on behalf an an EXTERNAL ENTITY?"
And what "external entity" are you speaking of? Forgive me, but I need this in layman's, please be specific so there won't be any misunderstanding. Thanks.
Uncle Tom was a hero.
Go shrink some heads in Africa you fuckin Niggers.
You realize how many more Niggers there'd be if it wasn't for Roe V Wade?
Don't get pissed, its just a word.
[quote]Uncle Tom was a hero.[/quote]
In the context of what slavery had limited him in his ability to apply his brilliance - YES. We must remember, however, Tom was a fictional character.
Unfortunately today - Sambo and Quimbo have the RECORDING CONTRACT and get on television more than does Tom.
[quote]Go shrink some heads in Africa you fuckin Niggers.[/quote]
Frank - Africa is a big continent. For example the culture of Canada is grossly different than that of Mexico. Are you saying that ALL Africans were head shrinkers. In fact I'd like for you to show where this happened in Africa. YES this was done in some Polynesian nations. Please document Africa for us.
You realize how many more Niggers there'd be if it wasn't for Roe V Wade?[/quote]
And what about WHITE FOLKS?
There are a lot of fetuses that would have grown into your IDEAL - blonde hair, blue eyed Aryan model of perfection that didn't survive the vacuum treatment. About this you say WHAT?
[quote]And what "external entity" are you speaking of? Forgive me, but I need this in layman's, please be specific so there won't be any misunderstanding. Thanks.[/quote]
My Dear Friend LA Audio - this is an easy one.
First let's list the INTERNAL interests
* Quality Education
* Safe Streets
* Thriving Local Economies
* Healthy Lifestyle Outcomes
Now keep in mind that of these people who I speak of - bringing AWARENESS through PROTESTS and RHETORIC is a critical part of their ACTIVISM.
Indeed, LaAudio they are outspoken against the "Police Threat" to the Black community. The police are external.
When it comes to them going after the favorable political leaders that THEY PUT IN PLACE and then noting the pattern that THEY ALL belong to ONE PARTY and have the same IDEOLOGY that they favor - THIS IS WHERE MY INDICTMENTS SHOW CLEARLY.
They are not going to protest against the favorable mayor demanding that he PROTECT THEM......from young males who COME FROM THEIR OWN COMMUNITY. To take THIS MAYOR DOWN has them fearing two things
1) That they will sound just like their CONSERVATIVE enemies in their attacks - so they remain silent
2) That if they DID SPEAK UP against those who are failing - this might hurt THEIR PARTY, causing it to lose LOCALLY, REGIONALLY and NATIONALLY
Functionally the masses are made to look past their own LOCAL interests and perpetually fight the progressive vs conservative battle - EVEN WHEN there are no LOCAL CONSERVATIVES to speak of to fail them.
In summary the EXTERNALITY is the "MALCOLM X FOOTBALL GAME" that he spoke of about 50 years ago.
The key difference today is that many Black folks now have starting positions on them team.
outa-town-steve wrote:
What's the Republican plan?
Regarding energy -- more nuclear plants, more domestic drilling for oil and gas, and greater use of coal.
Iran -- stop Iran's nuclear program through military intervention.
Finance -- give credit to borrowers who are creditworthy.
You wrote:
Can you point to any Republican successes over the last decade?
A small matter, perhaps, but we seem to have won the war in Iraq and it appears we are witnessing the quickening of a democratic capitalistic nation in the middle of the middle east, which is a development that scares the crap out of the neighboring nations.
On the other hand, Republicans were unable to stop the Democrats from loosening credit standards and setting the stage for the recent financial debacle.
Barney Frank put a lot of effort into legislating new lower credit standards for mortgages purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Thus, he successfully leveraged the risks for taxpayers who are now stuck for the bill arising from defaulted mortgages.
We can thank Jimmy Carter for starting the credit problem by giving America the Community Reinvestment Act, which made it possible to give a mortgage to any deadbeat who asked for one.
You wrote:
Watch, he's not going to answer.
As always -- you are wrong.
I am a tea bagger, but it is not a political thing here in Germany nevertheless.
Here is it a romantic activity
@ GrannyForTruth: This, I gotta see. headed to your blog now.
re: Yes, that is true, in fact that is what the topic on my blog is about. I'm sick of them denigrating black people and then turning around and giving an empty apology for something they meant in the first place. Two can play that game.
I always thought "tea-bagging" was the act of one man licking and sucking on another man's scrotum. Maybe the word has two meanings now, depending on the subculture that uses it.
They get on my dayumn nerves trying to equate words with the "n" word. I've even read some of them who claim to call someone racist is as bad as the "n" word. *SMH*
They're running from themselves.
"Bruno" is a deranged guy in Bound Brook New Jersey impersonating a German music educator in Cologne, Germany.
His real fake name is "Rab Hines." As best as we can tell, he lives with his relatives and makes a pest of himself with his strange Bruno infatuation.
He spammed dozens of Jazz Sites, tried to get Bruno killed by posting inflammatory comments about Islam on Islamic web sites and is now stuck flailing around in foreign help forums for Google and You Tube.
It's my fault he showed up here as I've been assisting the real Bruno with the ongoing investigation that we believe will lead to Hines prosecution for impersonation, libel and slander and spamming.
Google 'Rab Hines' and you'll find all the weird details.
Yeah, Chris, I can see that. Very interesting fact: Just click on each fake "Bruno", and you will notice that the impersonator uses three different accounts.
How insecure and scared this obviously paranoid person must be, that it needs three ID's for its stupid 'comments'.
"It"? Just because this person is subhuman, and no real "man".
"Racist"? Yes, this "man" aka "Rab Hines" aka "Gabor Rosza" aka "Carlita" aka etc. etc. is in fact a racist.
It is really no enhancement to this fine blog. It should get removed.
(For learning more about this pathetic loser, feel free to click on my name.)
Yeah, just want to back up what Chris & Jeff Healey are saying, that Bruno Leicht is a sick doggy and has been a notorious internet troll for a few years. Just ignore his ass.
Compatible quote from his delicious channel at UTube:
Call It Anything
"Also, it is delightful to see you again dancing the blogger dance! Let us thank God for the many Utube links!!
Nevertheless I am to be found here there and everywhere. Utube is now passé -- do you not agree?
Get out of that rocking chair and dance!!!
Jeff Healy f*ck you! I am not a rascist and I am not impersonating Bruno Leicht!
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