It's Friday, ( Most of you are saying TGIF) and there is too much to post about to focus on just one thing.
Let's see, where do I start? I guess I could chase the big "R",as I see my man is acting up again.
Can someone tell me what they are giving the politricksters to eat down in South Carolina? There must be something in the food. They are quite a bunch ,those South Carolina pols. No wonder the folks in their state do crazy crap like this. Of course my man Jake Knotts takes the cake. (Watch, he will win by a landslide now. ) "Raghead" huh Jake? Nice.
The thing is, I saw where republican minority leader, John Boehner, called on Paul McCartney to apologize for dissing the frat boy. Yet not a word about his fellow republican's racist and ignorant comments. Something isn't right with that. But sorry John, Paul isn't the Dixie Chicks. He has f&^k you money, so he can pretty much say what he wants.
Paul, just sing him a bar of "We Can Work It Out", and John and the rest of the republicans will be fine.
I see that poor blogger is still on trial in Kuwait for insulting the "head of state" of that country. My man has been in jail since May 1st and is looking at 18 years in prison. Wow! It's a good thing that I am blogging in A-merry-ca, because I would be looking at a life sentence by now. Hell I would be on death row.
And speaking of death row: I guess once a killer always a killer. Sorry Joran, daddy's dollars and connections won't help you now. You just f*&%#d up son.
"Joran van der Sloot told police in Chile — where he was captured on Thursday — that he did not kill Stephany Flores but did say "he met her and at some point they went to a casino," said Fernando Ovalle, a Chilean police spokesman."
Amazing! Joran, you are a really bad date.
And finally, I know that some maintenance worker at the Staples Center is kicking him/herself tonight. Seems Celtics coach, Doc Rivers, hid a stash of money in the ceiling of the Staples Center a few months back, and the only way he was going to get the money back is if the Celtics played the Lakers in the finals. Well, as luck would have it; they are baaaaack.
"Following a win over the Lakers last February, Celtics coach Doc Rivers demanded $100 each from Boston's players, coaching staff, and even team managers. He stuffed the dough in an envelope, and told his team — his entire traveling organization, really — that they can have the money back the next time they play the Lakers inside the Staples Center.
The kicker? This was after the team's only game inside the Staples Center during the regular season. They weren't going to make it back inside that locker room unless the team made it back to the NBA Finals, some 3 1/2 months later. This was the only scenario that would see Rivers being able to take his team's cash back, and at the time of the stashing, it seemed a long shot for the Celtics to even make it back to Staples within the year."
The kicker? This was after the team's only game inside the Staples Center during the regular season. They weren't going to make it back inside that locker room unless the team made it back to the NBA Finals, some 3 1/2 months later. This was the only scenario that would see Rivers being able to take his team's cash back, and at the time of the stashing, it seemed a long shot for the Celtics to even make it back to Staples within the year."
I feel your pain Mr. Maintenance man, I feel your pain. Folks, let this be a lesson to you; always look up.
Did I say finally? Wait, I have something else: Am I the only one thinking that Gary Coleman's wife, Shannon, was a little quick with the life support switch? I am just sayin.
she wanted Willis the whole time.
18 years?, that would be like one year for each one of my bogs visitors.
RE: van der Sloot
I'm sure there's a few like this kid, but come on! That privilege must be awesome...
RE: Doc
I'd be hot under the collar, too if I was a maintenance man...still Lake-Show for me!
Re: Knotts
South Carolina's finest, eh? Them sheet-wearers aren't any better...
What I can't believe is that the media is going on about this Van der Sloot idiot years after he may have killed that young White woman. And yet the media is barely interested in Mitrice Richardson,who may still be alive.
Pretty good summation on the hidden money @ always look up. The maintenance man is probably banging his head against the wall right about now.
How in the world did Doc Rivers figure the Lakers would return to the Finals?
Oh. Kobe Bryant...that dude doesn't scare, does he? Los Angeles looked tough in Game 1.
Me and a few friends were having a conversation recently, where the subject arose that if Kobe wins a few more championships and a couple Finals MVPs and/or league MVPs, then Kobe makes a strong argument towards Michael Jordan (the greatest my eyes have witnessed) being the greatest player, ever.
I honestly don't have any words concerning Joran and his latest suspicion of murder. I guess it just goes to show that the truth cannot be denied. Sad that another young woman had to lose her life during the process though.
"And speaking of death row: I guess once a killer always a killer. Sorry Joran, daddy's dollars and connections won't help you now. You just f*&%#d up son."
Heaven only knows how many of those missing black women in Aruba he practiced on before anyone seemed to care. I was hoping that girls' family in Peru had found him first.
"Am I the only one thinking that Gary Coleman's wife, Shannon, was a little quick with the life support switch? I am just sayin."
LoL. Hhis kind should always get the plug. I hope its a big payout. And no wonder he was living in... um... Utah. I suspected that.
Don, i can't argue with you and Kobe. Did you see how dude was looking when Chris Rock was trying to crack jokes in the middle of him putting a beat down on the Celts.
I don't know man, I have to rep the East Coast, but I am thinking Lakers in six. But I go way back with the Lakers. (Little known fact; my daddy was EJ's pastor back in the day)It's just nice to see the big daddies of the NBA back in the finals.
Speaking of jokes; brohammas, that was too funny.
Val I feel you about Mitrice, I blogged about her and had her picture up for awhile, but still no interest from the msm. :(
"RE: Doc
I'd be hot under the collar, too if I was a maintenance man..."
ch555x, don't you think Doc should break them off?
"LoL. Hhis kind should always get the plug. I hope its a big payout. And no wonder he was living in... um... Utah. I suspected that."
Now see....
Aren't winning championships more about the team organization than a particular player?
I mean if Kobe had played in N.Y, with all the nonsense coming from that organization, would he even have won one championship?
Plus, LeBron hasn't won a championship, so does that mean that he can't even be in a conversation about being the best?
My point; I HATE Kobe and I don't want him ever to be considered the best. Lol
ditto on joran!
many people in aruba ALSO have the blood of this newest victim on their hands...
he is a serial killer and they never should have coddled and freed him after he slew natalee
at least she could have been the last one!
i think his dad and his 2 indian pals were all involved in her death...but now his dad is dead and not here to pull strings to free him...
his new victim is also very rich...that will help a lot!!!
i think gary coleman was murdered twice!
once at hm and he lived
then again at the hospital when she rushed to illegally unplug him and complete the evil deed...shame!!!
AB, that's a deep statement about Arnold. :)
"And speaking of death row: I guess once a killer always a killer. Sorry Joran, daddy's dollars and connections won't help you now. You just f*&%#d up son. "
Wow! Really Field? I thought you were one to wait until all the facts were in (Raid on a flotilla: "...I will take a wait and see attitude before I jump all in."). Without mentioning Holloway, how exactly do you know this young man is guilty [beyond a doubt] of the crime he's just been charged with? It's unfortunate that this young woman is dead, but I did not read anywhere in article where there is his DNA under the victim's nails, fingerprints on the suspected murder weapon, or scratches on his body proving without a doubt that van der Sloot killed this woman. Even though she tried to fight back, there isn't even a mention of scratches on his body from the victim defending herself against him.
Does your "wait and see attitude" apply universally or just depending on who is being accused of a heinous crime?
i hate to say that but i believe it is true...his life was so sad and tortured...his death may end up being even moreso x 2...shame!!!
hear the 911 call at my site
it speaks for itself
i have heard people sound more emotional over killing a spider...
she sounds detached and annoyed like:
"just hurry up and die gary!..and you guys hurry up and come get him!"
for real:
[quote]Joran van der Sloot[/quote]
Filled Negro, other:
Straight up question - With 2 MURDERS under his belt DO YOU support the DEATH PENALTY for the Dutch Serial Killer Joran van der Sloot?
Does he deserve to live another day on this Earth after having executed the "Death Penalty" on two people?
First of all, I'd like to say, "I hate them damn Lakers." However, I have to admit that they made the Celtics look like they play for the YMCA. How many damn times did they turn over the ball? Still GO CELTICS!!! They just have to regroup.
Next, there's no telling how many women Joran Vandersloot killed. I think when he allegedly killed Natalie Holloway, he just got sloppy. Now that his dad is dead, I doubt he'd get off. After a few days in a Peruvian prison, I think he just may off himself.
Finally, Gary Coleman's wife's actions seem a bit shifty to me. She didn't even try to sound upset on the 911 tapes.
Whattup Mr. Field, long time no see!
I was surprised to see that no-one else in the fields mentioned the latest display of ignorance in Arizona:
"A group of artists has been asked to lighten the faces of children depicted in a giant public mural at a Prescott school.
The project's leader says he was ordered to lighten the skin tone after complaints about the children's ethnicity. But the school's principal says the request was only to fix shading and had nothing to do with political pressure.
R.E. Wall, director of Prescott's Downtown Mural Project, said he and other artists were subjected to slurs from motorists as they worked on the painting at one of the town's most prominent intersections.
"We consistently, for two months, had people shouting racial slander from their cars," Wall said. "We had children painting with us, and here come these yells of (epithet for Blacks) and (epithet for Hispanics)."
City Councilman Steve Blair spearheaded a public campaign on his talk show at Prescott radio station KYCA-AM (1490) to remove the mural.
In a broadcast last month, according to the Daily Courier in Prescott, Blair mistakenly complained that the most prominent child in the painting is African-American, saying: "To depict the biggest picture on the building as a Black person, I would have to ask the question: Why?"
Blair could not be reached for comment Thursday. In audio archives of his radio show, Blair discusses the mural. He insists the controversy isn't about racism but says the mural is intended to create racial controversy where none existed before.
"Personally, I think it's pathetic," he says. "You have changed the ambience of that building to excite some kind of diversity power struggle that doesn't exist in Prescott, Arizona. And I'm ashamed of that."
Yeah, iim sure AB has been in a lotta shit, face-first.
Vander Slut is toast, & hope they kill him, as I wish they would immediately do a DNA test on all prisoners on Death Row in the US, and hang them two days later, and televise it.
"Straight up question - With 2 MURDERS under his belt DO YOU support the DEATH PENALTY for the Dutch Serial Killer Joran van der Sloot?"
No. Life to rot away in a South American prison.
Wow! Really Field? I thought you were one to wait until all the facts were in (Raid on a flotilla: "...I will take a wait and see attitude before I jump all in."). Without mentioning Holloway, how exactly do you know this young man is guilty [beyond a doubt] of the crime he's just been charged with? It's unfortunate that this young woman is dead, but I did not read anywhere in article where there is his DNA under the victim's nails, fingerprints on the suspected murder weapon, or scratches on his body proving without a doubt that van der Sloot killed this woman.."
Top of the morning to you Mr. van der Sloot,sorry to hear about your son. My apologies; I should have said ALLEGED.
Yes Swiff, that story is a trip. But I can't keep up with the big R these days. Especially when he hs entire states in his pocket. :)
[quote]No. Life to rot away in a South American prison.
Wow Filled Negro - you are a "true believer", regardless of how contemptible some of your positions are.
I figure that Fulton County (Atlanta) is full of district attorneys and jury pools who think like you.
* The other day a Street Pirate who WAS CAUGHT ON VIDEO TAPE red handed SHOOTING and MURDERING a passenger on the transit system as he demanded his iPod got LIFE!!! LIFE!!!!
So much for "I am against the death penalty because they might get the WRONG guy".
* Byran Nichols the "Court House Killer" who murdered FOUR PEOPLE - was subject to a hung jury on his "Secondary Death Penalty" sentencing. HE did the first 4 Death Sentences. The JUSTICE system was going to do the secondary death penalty. 2 jurors derailed JUSTICE. Now this fool will be in jail. If he murders a fellow death row inmate in jail over time then the jury will have blood on... HEY WAIT A MINUTE.
Lets give all death row inmates large knives and put them into one mass room where they have to constantly watch their backs. Throw food into a pile where they have to take turns eating like a pack of wolves.
That's it. I AM AGAINST THE "SECONDARY DEATH PENALTY" but only if my above plan is adopted. Despite all of the Automatic Appeals and checks that the Anti-Justice Left have put into the process to MAKE IT MORE EXPENSIVE to execute than to let them spend their life in prison (lawyers getting paid) - you all STILL complain about that "1 innocent man" getting executed. You fail to look at those 10 GUILTY MEN that you let free to kill someone else.
(Wow - watching the news in the background. A Street Pirate did a "smash and grab" on a coin laundry last night, STEALING the ATM. Good thing no one got killed)
Gary Coleman was a troubled soul, who might easily have caused whatever made him fall. I get what you're saying, but I doubt that it matters. He is, for the first time, at rest.
Name another country you could blog as you do, and not get thrown in jail.
Maybe you, and i mean personally you, ssshold layy off all the A-merry-ca stuff, and just call it the U.S.
BTW....whatever happened to all those violent Hutaree people? One day a thret to National Security, Home-Grown terrorists. My prediction: they might lose their deer camp.
They all got let out, because a LIBERAL judge found out that the BATF planted some guy among them, paid for the liquor, and got a bunch of white rednecks to start talking some shit, and recorded it. Hell, you could do worse on this blog, on some days. Those goobers couldn't have raided a sun-tan parlor without taking casualties.
I believe Gary was too big for his stature. What yt wanted was the little boy who said "Whachu talking about Willis." That's who they wanted. What they got was an outspoken disabled grown man who did whatever was necessary to survive.
I'm not on Joran's side, but it did cross my mind that Holloway's people might have had a hand in this. I mean the body was discovered on the day of Natalee's death. Aw, come on! Daddy's dead but who got the money Joran?
Interesting to observe Wayne aka FN has moved on from his bias fixated preferential obession with Israel and white jewish instrests at the expense of Black concerns..
I hope he will never travel down that offensive path again of course if he does I will crush his island sugar cane race chasing paradigm except for white jewish racism ass..
I will now recalibrate my posts in here and return to just FN instead of Wayne...It was nice shutting down FN and observing his apologists try to defend his weak shit this week..
I will also step back from beating down CF now that I know FN wears the same Black apologist stripe of I need to affirm white jewish interest mantra in here..
Sorry about that CF...
Enjoy the week end all..
"He has f&^k you money"
HA! Love it! Especially because it's true and Senator Orange Glo is such a phony hypocrite.
And yes, the former Mrs. Coleman might want to run to Peru.
"Avoid loud and aggresseive persons, they are vexations to the spirit" ~ Gibran~
Agreed, FN.
I am a diehard Knick fan myself since '92. Over the past few seasons (mainly after Kobe became humbled through playoff losses) I began to see the guy in a different light.
So, for the sake of good solid basketball and his pursuit of greatness, I developed an appreciation for his game and (as you stated) for great NBA teams, period.
Kobe Bryant definitely appeared possessed while Chris Rock and David Spade were being comedians. Too funny.
"LoL. Hhis kind should always get the plug. I hope its a big payout. And no wonder he was living in... um... Utah. I suspected that."
How cold and sick can you be about a good warm-hearted soul? You need to pray for forgiveness.
Field, ""Avoid loud and aggresseive persons, they are vexations to the spirit" ~ Gibran~"
What a wise saying. I think I will apply that one to Thrasher the Trasher, manager of sewer Inc.
Avoid loud and aggresseive persons, they are vexations to the spirit" ~ Gibran
Avoid people who are not consistent they will betray you in a New York minute.
"How cold and sick can you be about a good warm-hearted soul? You need to pray for forgiveness."
Where is ISEEISEE when you need her?
you are nasty and repulsively twisted.
but your most vulgar asset is your proudly and increasingly ignorant "posts"..ick!
increase your iq asap:
jvs is a serial killer!
but aruban officials had the chance to make natalee his last corpse...FAIL!
LOL! If they lose or get swept, I'm sure Doc will never bring it up again!
"Interesting to observe Wayne aka FN has moved on from his bias fixated preferential obession with Israel and white jewish instrests at the expense of Black concerns..
I hope he will never travel down that offensive path again of course if he does I will crush his island sugar cane race chasing paradigm except for white jewish racism ass..
I will now recalibrate my posts in here and return to just FN instead of Wayne...It was nice shutting down FN and observing his apologists try to defend his weak shit this week..
I will also step back from beating down CF now that I know FN wears the same Black apologist stripe of I need to affirm white jewish interest mantra in here..
Sorry about that CF...
Enjoy the week end all..
Nah. He can't really be this desperate.
It's like a whore trying to get her pimp's attention.
It's like Whitney trying to get Bobby to let her take another hit.
It's like Rihanna trying to get Chris to let her back in the damn car.
You don't get why Field won't give you the time of day anymore. And it isn't because of the reasons you're thinking of.
Not only did I dominate and own this space this week but my verve compelled FN to resort to one of the finest philosopher's in life to acknowledge my impact on him...
It is you that does not understand what transpired this week..When those take on the chase and forget they are in the chase as well then the hunt becomes dangerous for the hunter...FN deserved the calibration I performed on his perhaps instead of running to the cover of dead philosopher he will revisit my words and be humbled....
"Niggers running from the truth always trip over themselves'
Willie the Pimp
A Person of Interest wrote:
"Name another country you could blog as you do, and not get thrown in jail.?"
Do you want just one or the whole list? Is it just the English speaking blogs that you are after or can you converse in other languages? Of course, your question can easily be answered by a simple Google search if you don't have first hand experience through travel.
The US is not the only nation in the world that allows a rough and tumble online conversation.
LOL at the Trasher dude who thinks he owning field on his own blog.... Really I'm LMAO. This dude must have a small dick in his mighty big britches. It would be okay if he came across like CF. Yes we all don't have to share the same opinion but to be rude & crass makes people want to school you instead of listening to you.
I don't agree with 1/2 the sh*t CF is spouting but I will take time to read it because I believe that he is 100% behind his words.
Trasher there are ways to voice your opinion w/o coming off like an ass. No matter how bad ass you may think you sound on this board, for those of us reading and following this blog we are wondering WTF are you a troll or a real person who just has a case of Tourettes?
Its great to have an opinion and stick by it, but stop trying to force us to agree with your childish behavior its not becoming of you.
I am not forcing you to agree with anything???? My posture is directed soley at FN..
Please get a grip... WHy are you acting like a child?
For years FN has been race chasing yet when he gets indicted a for a couple of day slugs like you get a nigger fit..
FN is revealing he is a hypocrite and an intellectual cowards..I am just race chasing on him....lol,lol,lol
Field, "Where is ISEEISEE when you need her?"
Like Jesus Christ, she is praying "Lord, why have you forsaken me on Obama?"
J- "Its great to have an opinion and stick by it, but stop trying to force us to agree with your childish behavior its not becoming of you."
Are you attacking Trasher, the "new" American Idol judge?
I can't stand people who think more of themselves then they ought! Oh well, I guess I'll run out and buy some more popcorn so that I can finish watching the little monkey show his ass.
"FN is revealing he is a hypocrite and an intellectual cowards"Trash
You are perilously close to revealing your identity. But trolls are none too smart; they are comprised of pitiful, small people who aren't worth a damn in real life so they demean others online.
Who else uses that type of language and spacing? Who also posts multiple times in a row like this jerk?
There is a time for all things. Now is the time to say "FUCK YOU TRASH".
Not only did I dominate and own this space this week but my verve compelled FN to resort to one of the finest philosopher's in life to acknowledge my impact on him..."Trash
Now you've let it be known who you are. You idiotic malignant narcissistic bully!
RM, "You are perilously close to revealing your identity. But trolls are none too smart; they are comprised of pitiful, small people who aren't worth a damn in real life so they demean others online."
Ouch! that hurt.
Joran van der Sloot is a mysogynist pig. And, I believe he killed Natalie Halloway. They should put him under the jail.
I'm sure there's a few like this kid, but come on! That privilege must be awesome...
RE: Doc
I'd be hot under the collar, too if I was a maintenance man...still Lake-Show for me!
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