Tonight's post is all about my sisters.
The first black woman I have to write about is Thelma Causey. Can you imagine being 86 years old and getting shot in a neighborhood you spent a great deal of your life in by some punk who you probably knew when he was just a thought? Well that's what happened to poor Ms. Causey, but she didn't let it get her down.
"Thelma Causey walked out of the hospital Monday night, several hours after a ricocheting bullet struck her leg, without so much as a Tylenol from the doctors.
She rode home in her own car, too, because she was afraid she would get charged for another ambulance ride.
She stayed home Tuesday from her job checking in students at the West Philadelphia High School cafeteria, but she plans to go to work Wednesday "if my daughter don't raise too much Cain."
"Miss Thelma" is 86 years old, and being hit by a stray bullet doesn't appear to have slowed her one bit..."
Let's just go ahead and make Ms. Causey a field Negro for life. [Story]
The next sister I want to talk about is DeNeen L. Brown from the Washington Post, who wrote a provocative article a few months back about sisters dating outside of their race. I am thinking about her because I heard her (at least I think it was her) on Michael Smerconish's radio show a couple of days ago. Smerconish, of all people, was talking about the shortage of black men, and although he admitted his discomfort with the subject, I thought it was very interesting that he would go there. (BTW Mike, you are welcome for ripping off my logo. And yes, I know you did it :)
Some excerpts from Ms. Brown's article:
"So many black women are single, she says, because they are stuck in the groove of a one-track song: sitting alone, waiting for that one "good" black man to come along and sweep them off their feet.
Waiting. Talking to girlfriends. Waiting. Going out alone. Waiting. Going to work. Waiting.
Waiting for a "good" black man, with the same education level to marry them.
Waiting. Even when they know the odds are stacked against them.
Single black women with college degrees outnumber single black men with college degrees almost 3 to 1 in major urban areas such as Washington, according to a 2008 population survey by the U.S. Census Bureau. Given those numbers, any economist would advise them to start looking elsewhere.
It's Econ 101 for the single, educated black woman.
"Black women are in market failure," says writer Karyn Langhorne Folan. "The solution is to find a new market for your commodity. And in this case, we are the commodity and the new market is men of other races..." [Article]
I sense a movie in there somewhere. But this is a complex issue. Clearly most sisters want to date within their race, but either the pool is too small or there are some unrealistic expectations out there. I suspect it might be a bit of both. (Some are even blaming it on a plethora of jump offs) When I was doing the dating scene (A long long long time ago, waaaay before Mrs. Field..) it didn't seem to be as bad as it is now. I hear this lament from my single female friends all the time. But then, I hear brothers crying a river, too.
Hey, is there an "E-Harmony" for black folks?
And finally, I want to talk about this sister.....wait, you mean that isn't a sister? Yeah I thought her "do" looked kind of fishy.
" Claudia Schiffer has been accused of racial insensitivity after appearing on a magazine cover made up as a black woman.
The 39-year-old supermodel wore dark foundation and an afro wig in the shots taken by celebrated fashion designer and photographer Karl LagerfeldRead more:
But Shevelle Rhule, fashion editor at black lifestyle magazine Pride, said the images of Miss Schiffer were tasteless.
She said: 'It shows poor taste and it's offensive.
'There are not enough women of colour featured in mainstream magazines. This just suggests you can counteract the problem by using white models.
'I don't believe they deliberately set out to offend, they obviously see it as being arty and feel that they are pushing boundaries.
'But clearly no thought has been given to the history behind what they have done and the comparisons it draws with minstrel shows.'"
I feel you Shevelle, models gotta eat too.
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Wayne aka FN you are funny you remind me of OJ after you get your ass toasted in here you run for cover under the umbrella of wonderful Black woman like Thelma..
Of course I hope she would not model your latest career of being the publicist for white jewish interests instead of Black folks..
Shit chasing down white girls in wigs is so damn important nowdays..Shucks Wayne ..lol,lol,lo
Wayne aka FN has been obessed with running pr for a foreign nation of late on this site with all types of high level subject matter and topics and then we get this tired garden variety race chasing bullshit about an irrevelant white girl in wigs playing blackface..
Damn Black folks not important enough to have high level subject matter topics on fiscal issues, foreign affairs, etc we get some driveby wig wearing bullshit about a white girl...
I'm really tired of this poor, desperate, Black woman thing. Yes there are more Black women with degrees than Black men. But what everyone fails to mention is that there are more White women with degrees than White men too.
This woman ignores that there have always been more women in the world than men, for one.
And in the African American community there has always been a shortage of Black men. Lynching was the culprit in the past.
So this isn't anything new. What's new is that we have so many people running around who are so ignorant of our history in this country.
And finally, why is it that when White women have a problem finding a man they are told to hang in there and keep trying. But a Black woman is told to look at other races of men?
Can you imagine what the push back would be if someone went around telling White women to date outside of their race? Ha, that would never happen.
And about this Blackface thing; it's been happening a lot in the last few years. There is always controversy and the response is always the same; oh my, we weren't trying to offend anyone. At this point these incidents are nothing more than publicity stunts.
Give him a break, Thrasher. He put up with it for 3 days.
I guess almost half the black folks on my street have a significant other. The one's that don't are gone pretty fast. I guess I agree that black girls want black guys, but I sense a change in their demeanor towards white guys. I'm not going to make crazy projections that won't come true, but I notice it. The culture differences outweigh the physical ones for most people. I'll stop.
Give him a break ,lol,lol,lol.. I have been very mild with Wayne..Do you advise Wayne aka FN to give the tire theme of race chasing a break??
BTW I alone decide how I post in here.. I will continue to crush Wayne aka FN until I decide otherwise...
Now add some value and stop playing hall monitor in here..Wayne aka FN can handle it shit he was prideful about his pr gig for Israel and white jewish folks in here....He has yet to post a race chasing tales about white jewish folks nor did he post about the legacy of black face roles and insults of white jewish actors ( major theme of jewish actors and entertainters in early hollywood)...
I cannot believe that people actually CARE about being included in events and businesses that don't care about them. Why are Black women so stuck on being a part of the mainstream fashion industry? This industry consistently degrades us, minimizes our beauty and then charges us exorbitant prices for Black personal care products that THEY'VE appropriated for profit!!!
Claudia is German and married to a Black man. I'm sure she is FAR from racist. However, the fashion industry IS racist. And I don't get why anyone in their right mind would want to subject themselves to that type of abuse; especially since Blacks have such strong buying power in this country.
We are still so stuck on considering that the Massa has everything that we need, we rarely consider that some of the stuff needs to be left alone. When Ebony's founding father died, I knew things would be bad but I didn't realize they'd deteriorate to this point.
Thrasher you are rude. Your ego is the size of Texas. What a shame. Apparently you have some knowledge but your own hatefulness, judgmental attitude and arrogance prevent you from engaging in meaningful dialog. So you've decided to call out the author of this blog for inconsistencies in his rationale. Fine. But you don't have to be rude and insulting to everybody. What I find interesting is your response to anyone who engages you; you demean their intelligence, say they aren't up to your level, then get mad at them for being a mediator.
Your responses sound VERY similar to another very nasty blogger who posts here from time to time. If you don't like what FN has to say, instead of setting off volleys of insults at him and his guests you could leave.
I'm really tired of this poor, desperate, Black woman thing. Yes there are more Black women with degrees than Black men. But what everyone fails to mention is that there are more White women with degrees than White men too.
That is true. Still, the percentages are much higher. In any given year since 2000, among black college degree recipients, no less than 66 percent are women. That's even higher for masters degree holders, which currently stands at 72 percent women. Calculate the extremely high number of black men in prison and you see the problem clearly for black women in the dating world.
Can I expect you to come to my aide when I get my ass toasted in here??
No need to reply.....I think I know your answer
Your also wrong about white women and black women as far as finding men goes. The two groups have different experiences. Forty-two-percent of black women have never been married, compared to 21% of white woman, according to national statistics. Within the last two generations, marriage rates for African-Americans have dropped significantly. Between 1970 and 2001, the black marriage rate dropped by 34 percent, compared to 17 percent in the general population. African-American women are also the least likely group to get married in the United States.
Thrasher, it's his blog and he changed the subject. He's done three day blogging binges on Palin, second amendment, ect... Just relax, dude. It's gonna be OK.
Bless Thelma Causey heart (I sure as heck wasn't going into work for couple more days though). As for Schiffer, what's new?
Field said "Clearly most sisters want to date within their race, but either the pool is too small or there are some unrealistic expectations out there. I suspect it might be a bit of both. "
You suspect a little of "both", but not more of the first possibility? In other words, some black women "expect" too much from black men (the only race of women who are encouraged to marry down). Therefore, more economical/academically successful black women need to lower their personal standards and give the Sanitation Technician or the average blue collar brother a break. Check.
While the average white females in IRs who have healthy self esteems are expected to pair themselves with the most successful black men. Check.
Val siad "I'm really tired of this poor, desperate, Black woman thing. "
Unfortunately, its a reality for many single black women. Some black women can not run from it. Some people just don't like to admit it, nor deal with it, or maybe its not their reality so they refuse to sympathize. Some black women view it as humiliation or a negative marginalization of black womanhood and our desirability. No one wants to talk about the pain (and not mine by the way, but I sympathize)
"And in the African American community there has always been a shortage of Black men. Lynching was the culprit in the past."
And what is the culprit now? Who's to blame?
"And finally, why is it that when White women have a problem finding a man they are told to hang in there and keep trying. But a Black woman is told to look at other races of men? "
I don't agree. I think black women are the ones told to hang in there more often, and it is the Black community and general society that expects black women to stay within their race, especially the black community. Stay away from the "evil white man", "don't give up on the brothers", "only black men will find you attractive" etc, etc, and etc. I always welcome the refreshing sight of seeing a black woman in an IR with a non-black man. There is A LOT of catching up to do for black women in IRs.
"Can you imagine what the push back would be if someone went around telling White women to date outside of their race? "
Why would they? Apart from a smaller percentage of white males dating Asian/Latin/black women, white men are proven to be more race loyal than black men. No need for white women to date out at the rate that black women may have to.
"Claudia is German and married to a Black man. I'm sure she is FAR from racist. '
MR, I just want to politely point out that simply marrying someone of another race doesn't automatically exclude you from being a possible racist. That does not fly with me.
Get the fuck out of my grill with that shit..You are one of the most spiteful yahoos in here..This is a chat forum full of intellectual cowards and shallow people like you..Do not ever lecture me on how to act in a fucking chat forum or tell me I need to leave..Fuck you I leave and go whenever I desire...I will fuck with anybody in here I so desire now go report my Black ass to homeland security or Jesus ..
Wayne had no problem for 3 days being a mouthpiece with pride for a racist nation ..I will get off his neck when I am feel like it..Sorry ass low self esteem people like you fuel me...
Not get lost and do not ever come at me again..
Great post, LA audiobooks,
Black women are not undesirable. They are simply caught in a very bad situation. However, for those who choose to include men of ALL races, the situation isn't nearly so bad. The larger your dating pool, the better your chances.
Relax wHy I having fun..You relax and stop playing hall monitor..
Furthermore. I am not trying to blame the blatant IR disparity for the main reason why there are more single black women (successful or not), and why there is a shortage of marriageable black men. I am aware there are other issues and indoctrinations at play, especially within the black communities.
Why must we go down this tired ass subject matter about the plight of Black woman?? Why is this always an out for hosts like Wayne aka FN??
Black woman are more worthy of better topics than some cheazy chatter in a blog site by a host who was been obessed by white folks in another nation..
Wayne aka FN clearly does not rank the issues of Black woman high in his ranking of topics...That is quite apparent
Thanks 11:39 pm. I think more black women are realizing they can't change the situation around them, so they need to find ways to explore more options. They are out there.
OK, Thrasher. Let's talk about the Muslim Women, physically altered for their men and unable to drive a car or be anywhere outside their home with a man other than their husband. And God help them if they wear colorful clothing, makeup, or show their ankle cleavage. You Idiot.
Please educate me on why this topic is always generated in this manner?
Why is it always have a negative specter to it??
Why are Black woman often view as some negative woman in dispair and angst?
No you slug I will not entertain your fixation to dehumanize any woman anywhere..
Now do me a favor take your hall monitor act to another site..
@Anonymous 11:12PM/ La♥audiobooks
All of your points are duly noted. I don't want to debate really. Yes, we can all find statistics to back our points but really I'm just exasperated with the desperate Black woman thing.
I think a lot of it is propaganda. Also I think that some women become self-fulfilling prophecies. We are fed this over and over until we become those desperate and lonely woman.
I would rather have a positive attitude. I've never had a problem finding educated, nice, etc, Black men. And I just wish that Black woman would stop buying into all of this.
Our supposed desperation is even becoming an industry. And when you have goofballs like Steve Harvey writing books for us then it's just out of hand.
You post like a coward hiding behind Wayne aka FN as he does his pr work for a racist white nation i.e. Israel....
Shalom you pussy..Get some balls.. My white jewish friends are not ashamed of being jewish nor do they need a black man to be thier mouthpiece..
Thrasher, do you agree that we should all convert to Islam or die?
"What I find interesting is your response to anyone who engages you; you demean their intelligence, say they aren't up to your level, then get mad at them for being a mediator.
Your responses sound VERY similar to another very nasty blogger who posts here from time to time. If you don't like what FN has to say, instead of setting off volleys of insults at him and his guests you could leave".M. Rigmaiden
I am quoting myself because it is appropriate for the situation. Thrasher, I hate sounding like a broken record, so decided to cut and paste. It is more efficient. My opinion of you has not changed AND I will continue to say whatever I wish to you WHEN I wish. You are a bully and a meanie so I stick my tongue in my cheek then out at you hurrrah!
YOUR hostility towards me has shown your instability and it is pathetic, but somewhat funny. Again I stick my tongue out at you and laugh at your pitiful nature! Hurrah and hehehehehheheheheheheheh
Take Szpork's advice and take a breather; it will be alright. This is a blog; nothing more. At the end of the day people are simply airing their opinions here. BTW the term 'intellectual coward' is also a term that another very nasty poster uses here; rather frequently in fact.
Your fugue states are taking over methinks your med dosage should be increased.
Wayne aka FN has never post 3 days on Riwanda, Gabon, Liberia, Niger, yet he has no problem with a mouth full of shiney teeth smacking his lips for a white middle east nation...Shit Wayne aka FN only posted about his homeland cause he was embrassed and in shame about the insanity taking place in Kingston, JA
Good nite all...Peace and Love
Laaudiobooks, well it certainly is true that a white person who marries a black person willingly is not an OVERT racist. Everyone has prejudices and baggage that they may or may not consciously internalize. But certainly I think we can agree that Claudia Schiffer is NOT a KKK skinhead type racist.
The racism to which you allude is very slippery and might be at a subconscious level, but since I don't know much about psychology AND I'm not a mind reader, I don't know what is in her heart.
I have met some white women who date black men due to serious insecurities with themselves then I've met some white women who date black men because they'll date anybody who pays them attention. You can't blame them for that;)
Fuck you and your need to diagnose my Black ass in a chat forum..You are a joke...Imagine you thinking I give a fuck about your opinons on anything...Remember this is a chat forum..
Instead of sticking your tongue in your cheek best to get it out of your ass so you can put your head in there...lol,lol,lol
I love dominating forums ..I really do..Now run this post by your therapist..Lol,LOl,LOl
Get the fuck out of my grill with that shit..Fuck you..."11:38 PMThrasher
Good nite all...Peace and Love
Now who looks like a lunatic?
Thrasher, your emotions have consumed you and you've managed somehow to make less sense than you were. I leave it upto someone else to point out your absurdity. Goodnight, szpork
"Why are Black woman often view as some negative woman in dispair and angst?'
Thrasher, please don't pretend to be so concerned about the image/feelings of black women. Based on the disrespect and sexism you've displayed on this blog, I suspect you view this topic with angst because of your own lack of interest in the overall betterment of black women. Topics such as these inevitably end up highlighting the transgressions and failures of black men, not black women as some people want to think. I'm inclined to believe that is the only "negative specter" you actually care about, and want silenced.
Val, your point is taken. I also agree.
MR, I've met those as well. They are just happy to be loved by somebody. :)
I am a pagan so I worship many gods so I give less than a fuck about your need to convert to anything...You are an idiot to worship any religion from my perspective..
Now run and report me to your rabbi....Have him perform an ritual on me...lol,lol,lo
You post like a coward hiding behind Wayne aka FN as he does his pr work for a racist white nation i.e. Israel....
Shalom you pussy..Get some balls.. My white jewish friends are not ashamed of being jewish nor do they need a black man to be thier mouthpiece..
12:02 AM"Thrasher
Fuck you and your need to diagnose my Black ass in a chat forum..You are a joke...Imagine you thinking I give a fuck about your opinons on anything...Remember this is a chat forum..
Instead of sticking your tongue in your cheek best to get it out of your ass so you can put your head in there...lol,lol,lol
I love dominating forums ..I really do..Now run this post by your therapist..Lol,LOl,LOl"12:18 AMThrasher
"Good nite all...Peace and Love
Dominating a chat forum? Well this is a blog for one. For two you don't dominate anyone. You're just some sociopath behind a keyboard. Nothing more. But the desire to been seen as a 'thrasher' and a 'one who dominates' is very interesting to me. I mean another poster who is very nasty indeed routinely talks about 'slaying' posters who disagree with her assertions.
You are nothing but a troll with nothing but teenage insults to toss. Get over yourself.
Please refrain from defining my posture towards woman..You don't know shit about me remember you phony wounded soul this is a chat forum..
My relationship with Black woman apparently is superior to yours unlike you I am not in a chat forum latmenting about it in the week am hours..
Woman like you are tragic pn so many levels I simply refuse to spend my time on lonely souls like you..Please peddle your Black woman in crisis saga with another shallow skirt like yours...I love all the Black woman in my orbit..How could I not I came out of one..;-)
Yes Laaudiobooks; there are more people like that than we realize. Some people ain't the pick of the litter but need some loving you know? Who can blame them for dating out of their ethnic group or race?
Sometimes I think that these types of relationships can be over analyzed because at the end of the day, we all need to be close to other people in some way. No use being upset about something I cannot change because if I was single, I wouldn't waste my time on being upset at Black men who don't date Black women. If I desired a relationship with someone, it has to be a mutual like based upon various factors and ethnicity is only one of them.
Who designated you the arbiter of anything in here?? Who made you the moral oracle in here?
Get over me..You are making me blush...Yes I know I have the skill set to unleash emotional reactions in chat forums..But shit I am not going to stop being special just becuase you cannot measure up and are envious of my ability..Please give me all of your therapist names now I am a sociopath??Shit whats next a Savant idiot??
Laughing out Loud at Thrasher.
An 86 year old woman drives herself home after being discharged from the hospital with a gunshot wound because she doesn't want to be charged for an ambulance ride. Simply mind boggling.
That is a stinging indictment of the state of health care in 'Mur-ka.
Please refrain from words like 'slaying' in your venom towards me...I will not allow you to invoke such wicked and lethal terms about me..
Remember this is a chat forum Please get a grip...If you lack the skill set to articulate your distain for me than just call me a nigger that should work for ya..
Is MR riding shotgun with you..WTF..lol,lol,lol
"Good nite all...Peace and Love
"Dominating a chat forum? Well this is a blog for one. For two you don't dominate anyone. You're just some sociopath behind a keyboard. Nothing more. But the desire to been seen as a 'thrasher' and a 'one who dominates' is very interesting to me. I mean another poster who is very nasty indeed routinely talks about 'slaying' posters who disagree with her assertions.
You are nothing but a troll with nothing but teenage insults to toss. Get over yourself.
12:24 AM"M. Rigmaiden
I quote myself again because it is appropriate once more. YOU ought to check your reading comprehension because YOU are using terms invoking the one who says she 'slays' and 'dominates' on this blog. It is not a chat forum; it is a comment section of a blog where people comment at their leisure.
Your ire is quite telling and similarly motivated to another very nasty poster who seems to be absent when you come around.
Being laughed AT is not the same as being laughed with. Alas your desire to be seen as a 'dominator' and 'slayer' keep you from getting your beauty rest. After all, didn't you tell everyone goodnight and send peace and love to us less than one hour ago? Is your desire to have the last word so great that you stay up past your bedtime to engage anonymous people on the internet?
Like I said before you are funny in a pitiful sort of way.
Folks I think Thrasher needs to be relegated to troll status. DNFTT.
Ms. Thelma comes from the dust yourself off--do what you gotta do--keep it movin' era... I like her style!
Lonely Single Black Educated Woman meme is ti-errrrrd! I think a good majority of singleness today is more of a conscious choice due to low expectations of finding a lasting commitment because women and men just don't trust each other anymore. I mean take a look at any tabloid to see what people are willing to do for a dollar these days.
People excusing the offense every time a white person does something that is clearly R-A-C-I-S-T is the reason why they keep doing it. Karl Lagerfield (78) and Claudia Schiffer (37) knew good-and-damn well that putting her ass in an Afro wig and dark makeup was all kinds of WRONG and OFFENSIVE... THEY GET NO PASS!!! Call it what it is...white privilege thinking an "I'm sorry I meant no harm" will suffice when ignorance prevails!
Why doesn't Thrasher and AB get together via eHarmony????
Sounds like they would "get along"
Good night all.....
We anon. will continue to visit the
Field simply because he informs, entertains, and contributes ideas everyday and doesn't block the comments no matter how stupid some become................
One more thing, as for the Black Face routine recently I've notice that people around the world have a very different attitude regarding race and since Schiffer is not American born this may explain her not thinking it a racist silly act on her part and Lagerfeld is German born as well from a different generation. When I see what the Japanese do I'm astounded with their racist believes but we Americans don't realize the difference in cultures around the world.
Wayne aka FN has never post 3 days on Riwanda, Gabon, Liberia, Niger, yet he has no problem with a mouth full of shiney teeth smacking his lips for a white middle east nation...Shit Wayne aka FN only posted about his homeland cause he was embrassed and in shame about the insanity taking place in Kingston, JA
Good nite all...Peace and Love
Few years ago while Googling Malcom X speeches I come across HOUSE NEGRO blog I was a fan until the attack on Gaza thats when I realize that the Negro was a FAKE.
I admire you for standing for justice not personal gain I just want to urge you to let it go.
Thrasher said...
"My relationship with Black woman apparently is superior to yours unlike you I am not in a chat forum latmenting about it in the week am hours.."
I'll bet Trasher has not had a relationship outside of his right hand. What a weak-ass MF.
Val, I agree with most of what you posted. This:
"And finally, why is it that when White women have a problem finding a man they are told to hang in there and keep trying. But a Black woman is told to look at other races of men?"
Is an interesting comment. But why do you think that so many women have made this an issue of late? Particularly educated BW. I see the articls, the books, and now conservative talk radio for crying out loud. Surely there must be some there there. @what Anon 11:09 pm said.
M. Rgmaiden, you know what I love about you; we fight over issues (like cats and dogs) but we move on and may agree on the next one. I think it started with Clarence Thomas. You would make a great lawyer, because nothing is personal, and that's how it should be. (Now tomorrow we will disagree on something else and snap at each other. :) But it's all good.
LOL@ Gregory. Damn you speak truth. Why didn't I notice that?
"You suspect a little of "both", but not more of the first possibility? In other words, some black women "expect" too much from black men (the only race of women who are encouraged to marry down). Therefore, more economical/academically successful black women need to lower their personal standards and give the Sanitation Technician or the average blue collar brother a break. Check. "
Not true La~Audio, that is not what am saying. Hey, I live in Philly, a very blue collar city. Please believe that there are more white women here with blue collar husbands working in some of the jobs you mentioned than the so called high end jobs. So, yes, I think it's a fair question to ask, of any woman (or man) looking for a mate. Are there too many things on the check-list?
@ what Black Blck Butterfly said on this subject. I am co-signing with her comments on this:
"Lonely Single Black Educated Woman meme is ti-errrrrd! I think a good majority of singleness today is more of a conscious choice due to low expectations of finding a lasting commitment because women and men just don't trust each other anymore.."
I am going to do a brothers post for Father's Day: Why we can't build wealth- Someone remind me, please. I don't need my own personal Media Matters (you know who you are) sending me e-mails and telling me that I lied about what I was going to post. *shhhsh*
I'm gonna say mine and trust it's offensive.
1. Who gives a toss about Israel or Turkey. This is a never ending conflict that benefits elite war profiteers. The media is so pro-Israel, that most people are afraid to say that this boat and blockade was/is murder. But again, let's talk about issues our own people need to resolve. Let's talk about the Sudan and other places. I don't apologize for it, but I'm mainly concerned about the plight of Black people of African descent. Israel can well take care of itself and needs to take it's hand out of the U.S. taxpayer's pocket As for the UN, the only thing it's supposed to do is act as a police force or colonial guard for global elitists.
2. When did we become afraid of our kids. Enough of the black liberalism. It's time to crack skulls. The local governments and its popo has no interest in protecting the citizens. Time to protect ourselves, the good kids, and elders. Excessive "Christian" forgiveness of the community's ne'er do wells has gotten us to this point. We have a right to defend ourselves.
3. And we have the right to defend ourselves against the medical "treatment" this woman received. The white media looks its nose down upon non white "underdeveloped" countries but at least there the woman would have been treated and the bunk would be bought to justice. Most of the time in ERs delays are from the Doctos and RNs playing grabass. I'm saying this from experience and observations.
4. Shortage of Black men...nope. I agree with whoever said it's propaganda. Smile, have confidence in yourself, relfect what you want to attract, stop believing the media's lies about your supposed ugliness, fatness etc, and the men WILL come. It you want a good man, be a good women and hang out where good men are. (BTW, not having tons of out of wedlock children helps...that tip is for men and women.) We can also look to the motherland for fine men. Just my personal experience, I don't think, in 70% of cases, dating white men is the answer or even feasible long term.
5. I look mainly at fashion mags for Black women and Karl Lagerfeld, Vouge, whatever is not very relevant to my fashion sense. That said, I just don't think Claudia was being disrespectful. Blackface has a dehumanizing, disrespectful, and disfiguring element to it. Some people say the Afro was part of the stereotype and disrespect. I say look at the minstrel cartoons or youtube an old minstrel show. The photos didn't strike me as mockery. I honesty thought she was some one else.
In the interest of accuracy,Claudia Schiffer is married to WHITE lawyer Matthew Vaughn. It's Heidi Klum who's married to BLACK singer Seal;you've confused the two blonde German super models :-).
[quote]Good nite all...Peace and Love[/quote]
Are you now seeing that at times when dealing with an azzhole (be it an individual or a large collection of people) it is appropriate to have a BIG STICK and "thrash them" lest they keep coming at you like "Freddy Kruger".
I can't bring myself into feeling sorry for Filled Negro. I just can't. At the same time The Long-billed Brown Thrasher needs to get back on his meds.
If Israel is a "racist nation" I wonder what this fool thinks about its neighbors.
field negro said...
Val, I agree with most of what you posted. This:
"And finally, why is it that when White women have a problem finding a man they are told to hang in there and keep trying. But a Black woman is told to look at other races of men?"
speaking as a white woman for the last five years, not one person has ever told me to date outside my race--i am assumed to date any man of any race who suits my fancy.
it's not even an issue that we talk about. not at all. the double standard might be among black women, not white women, to themselves.
why even talk about it is my feeling--just go for it.
LOL--speaking as a single white woman for the last five year--i've been white longer than that!
Bless Ms. Thelma Causey
She lived such a long life and does not need to have to put up with this CRAP in her community.
To have Street Pirates with such little respect for the community and the people they put at risk with their violent and reckless actions.
The ignorant actions of two Street Pirates cause a reign of terror upon the innocent people in the rest of the community. From this comes the death spirals that we see in these communities as people choose to vacate to SAFETY.
This is why when I see the ABSTRACTIONS by some people on this blog who functionally DEFEND the Street Pirate Defendants, giving them the FULL BENEFIT OF THE LAW and release them on the smallest technicality.
When you all get the STREET PIRATES to respect the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS that their VICTIMS have - then I will be impressed.
Ms Thelma Causey needs to be allowed to TAKE A SWITCH to the bear backside of the Street Pirate that shot her. Clearly someone didn't do it in his formative years.
Smashed by the Tiny Black Box said:
It you want a good man, be a good women and hang out where good men are.
BTW: Claudia looks alot better in the afro and blackface. Just my opinion.
Ms. Causey may have saved the cost of the ambulance, but did she save the cost of the emergency care?
FYI Black single non-professional women have the same problems.
It is not just a problem with having a degree. There are also many Black couples where the man has less education than the woman. I think that is a fake issue. I think it is more a matter of the number of eligible men, location and age.
Well, I hate to say it, but I have to admit with Thrasher/AB/Grinder or whoever that person is. When I first saw the beginning sentences of this post I thought, here we go, setting out some good chum to get the sisters on board...
Tiresome FN. Tiresome.
OT, but....Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha....
Hey, even AB says so!
Come to think of it, can anyone name a former girlfriend of his O-ness?
Sooner or later, the dirt is gonna catch up to this clown.
FN: "Clearly most sisters want to date within their race, but either the pool is too small or there are some unrealistic expectations out there."
The question, for me, is what would create the greater possibility for an unhappy couplehood? An inequality between minds and intellects or the difference in skin colour and culture?
Here we go again.
"I think black women are the ones told to hang in there more often, and it is the Black community and general society that expects black women to stay within their race, especially the black community. Stay away from the "evil white man", "don't give up on the brothers", "only black men will find you attractive" etc, etc, and etc."
TOLD BY WHOM??????????
This is a creation of your mind.
Any black man who isn't a celebrity and has dated a white woman knows the venom and grief you'll get from black women.
"I always welcome the refreshing sight of seeing a black woman in an IR with a non-black man. There is A LOT of catching up to do for black women in IRs."
Well what's stopping you?
I'll tell you what's stopping you but you'll never admit it.
Non-black men don't ask black women out often for whatever reasons one cares to postulate.
If they did we wouldn't be having this conversation.
You yourself confess to being pleased when you see a black woman with a non-black man so where is all the resistance?
anonymous bitch @8:49am, nice photoshop propaganda you stupid hick
shouldn't you be out teabagging?
ditto x 3 fn:
the elder warrior is a shero for life!!!...reminds me of how rosa parks was assaulted by a violent thug who probably never read/heard about her...none of us are safe!
millions of black women ARE dating latinos/whites and millions ARE happy single...i am sick of the overkill as part of the ongoing assault on ALL black females!!!
models and actors in blackface are the new endless minstrel shows...all part of the serially surreal "post-racial" hobama
"On August 30, 1994, Joseph Skipper, an African-American drug addict, attacked 81-year-old Parks in her home. The incident sparked outrage throughout the United States. After his arrest, Skipper said that he had not known he was in Parks' home but recognized her after entering. Skipper asked, "Hey, aren't you Rosa Parks?" to which she replied, "Yes." She handed him $3 when he demanded money, and an additional $50 when he demanded more. Before fleeing, Skipper struck Parks in the face.[38] Skipper was arrested and charged with various breaking and entering offenses against Parks and other neighborhood victims. He admitted guilt and, on August 8, 1995, was sentenced to eight to 15 years in prison.[39] Suffering anxiety upon returning to her two small central Detroit house following the ordeal, she moved into Riverfront Towers, a secure high rise apartment building where she lived for the rest of her life."
Back in the saddle....I was just hoping I go to this site this morning and Wayne aka FN had the integrity and intellecual courage to open up another narrative that had nothing to do with race chasing, the plight of hopeless single black woman...yada,yada,yada..
I will keep hope alive perhaps sometimes during the day Wayne aka FN will take my advice or maybe not..
I guess I did hurt his tough field negro feelings of late...But hell he can handle it with all the sugar cane slave shit in his dna..
To be continued...
Please spare me your rants and angst about Black woman..Your post about Rosa Parks is the shit I expect for rednecks..Go back to hating on Obama at least that was interesting...lol,lol,lol
Yeah I will be fucking with your tired ass today
but wf have brazenly chased black men as their indiscreet option of choice for decades!
i see young bm get nearly raped by wfs daily...
hobama was openly gay/bi for decades and this is why his DL spouse was murdered in chicago...
how can anyone doubt hobama is selected and protected when this OPEN SECRET has been washed and ignored so????
i often have this convo often with bf het friends and 2 have wed wm...
white men love themselves and their looks....that is why they do not rush to wed and breed with black women
they chase us for sex only...whereas many black men rush to erase their own black faces from those of their progeny...
essence mag did a great feature once on wm who had wed bf and had black sons...they spoke about watching their sons become blacker as the sons aged and fearing them as tall virile blacker men etc...it was deep!!!
i love women who are clones of me in every way because i love myself...ditto for afro bros who love their own hair/moms/skin etc
wm are more loyal to their race but NOT wf!...they adore chase & prefer black men and black babies often...especially those 30 and under
i hear wf teens daily speak of wanting babies who look like halle berry/shemar moore...
once in atlanta a bf set off my radio show by calling in to seal this topic: "the bm and the wf adore each other MUTUALLY...weakest links in both races...this fueled lynching etc"
hard truths...but she was dead on!
and farrakhan said the same recently:
jill scott recently dropped sci on the same phenom:
dl thrassion:
i am convinced you are a racist wm/wf posing and playong on this blog
have you noticed that i am not the only one ignoring you?
shoo fly!!!
Man, I dunno, is it me or are folks at each other's throats a bit more than usual these days? Not just talking about this blog, I am seeing it on many other forums and blogs. The anger has intensified recently. At least it seems so to me.
Anyway, the mother of my best friend since forever is from Louisiana, was raised in Tuskegee and is now living in Austin for the last couple of decades.
She is degreed, single, beautiful (inside and out) and of course a wonderful cook, not to mention her sweet lilting voice. She's had the worst luck finding a decent guy just to date one time, much less get serious with. I really think it has her seriously depressed and we're both very worried about her. I really do wish there were a dating site she could employ.
What is up with these magazines these days. First they were making black women look white now they're doing the reverse. WTF?
I don't think, when I'm 86 that I'll be driving much less driving with a wounded leg like that. Mrs. Causey is one tough lady!
you are the man!
i admire the bs you have taken from dl thrassion for days!
that fool would have been banned from my blog long ago!
i have 0 tolerance for arrogantly ignorant fools who never debate just agitate....shame!!!
i expect him to diss and pester intellectuals...but i NEVER expected him to diss and harass YOU!
i will never be as patient with such toxic fools as you are...life is too short!
"4. Shortage of Black men...nope. I agree with whoever said it's propaganda."
Well its obvious you're also counting the ones in the prison system as well.
"Smile, have confidence in yourself, reflect what you want to attract, "
But isn't that what many of these black women are trying to do? Not only smiling and taking care of themselves, but by furthering their educational aspirations and gearing towards a successful career/lifestyle isn't showing a reflection of what they expect or want to attract in a partner? So what's the problem?
Why do we expect them to settle for the school bus driver because he's a good black man? Are there no good black men who are just as upwardly mobile in carrers, accademically versed and overall successful in compatibility? I think there are, but we all know who most of those black males attract or choose to seek out.
And why try to aim black women (particularly black American women) towards African black men? Yes, its also an option, but don't you think it will be, or there's already similar scenarios for black African women in the same pot? Furthermore, I want to believe more black American women might have more in common socially with white American males oppose to being compatible with most African black males.
If some people could only show this much covert interest in keeping black males from searching outside the black race, a percentage of this problem would be appeased.
And Field, I don't want anyone to think there is something wrong with the blue collar worker. I don't necessarily file myself under that mantra of being a "professionally successful" black woman yadda yadda, but my significant other is a blue collar worker, but he's also the owner of the business. Therefore I found that security and substance I was looking for in a loving man. There are many successful and non-successful black women who are more than practical with their expectations on finding a loving, respectful and marriageable blue collar working black man, or non-black man, but how many of these black men are available to accommodate the numbers of single black women?
A black woman can hang out all day long where high end successful or successful blue collar black men lounge, black men who are actually single and actually want to date black women. You better believe the numbers of single black women buzzing around will be significantly higher! That's also the problem. Why stick around for that mock? Without having to bash black men, one of the best things for black women to do is to BROADEN their horizons and choices and move on just the same. Since it has now come to this, period.
ps fn:
i expect gamer tricks like dl thrassion m to diss and pester intellectuals and to agitate other posters etc
but i NEVER expected him to diss and harass YOU as the BLOG HOST!
dl thrassion is uniquely moronic and toxic in that respect!!!!
Steve, I am not going to drain myself repeating the same things over and over and over and over for you today. We go through this all the time, you seem to relish on the pain of single black women.
re: uts elation at bf pain ALWAYS:
it is perverse...he comes off as sadistic!
lou dobbs and jeb bush are wed to latinas and they are rabid bigots
ditto for racist slave owners who bred black women for centuries and enslaved their own progenty...
most men never politicize their penises..
Like I said earlier, you just can't accept the truth.
"Why do we expect them to settle for the school bus driver because he's a good black man?
And what makes you assume a black woman is "good" just because she has a degree???
I know from personal experience that there are alot of professional black women out here who are certfied nutcases.
Are there no good black men who are just as upwardly mobile in carrers, accademically versed and overall successful in compatibility? I think there are, but we all know who most of those black males attract or choose to seek out."
This is ridiculous.
There are plenty of upwardly mobile brothers out here and the over whelming majority of them are with black women.
The sisters who have not been able to consummate meaningful relationships in their lives are looking for rationalizations instead of looking where the problem actually lies..
The mirror.
"We go through this all the time, you seem to relish on the pain of single black women."
Absolutely not true.
This issue resonates with me because of my personal situation.
When I first met my wife she was in law school and I was in the service and going to college at night.
Some of her girlfriends sneered and they are still single today.
After we had been married for a few years one of my wife's girlfriends asked me did I have any friends "like me" that I could introduce her to.
I introduced her to one of my closests buddies who was an IT tech.
He told me later that it was the worst date he ever had. She was disagreeable, hyper-critical, pompous and aloof.
The next time I saw HER she had the nerve to ask me "How come your friend won't call me?"
One of the greatest misconceptions in existence is that interracial sex proves liberalism. No persons have ever had more interracial sex or could ever have more interracial sex than white slave masters and their black concubine. They literally owned every black body they laid.
To date, the most racist persons I know are obsessed with interracial sex. The most radical and liberal persons I know all love people who look like them. They do not sexualize their revolution. They do not reduce liberation to their libidos. They do not taint their sincere social activism with sexual lust. The fever we share comes from a passion for justice not “the jungle”. We share a hunger for the abolition of global oppression, not apolitical global orgasms. "
dennis hopper on the moors...
millions of sbfs are not your wife's friend and are nothing like her!
millions of single WHITE women are also chooing NOT to wed and have babies solo!
wake up!!!
millions of EDUCATED single WHITE women are also CHOOSING NOT to wed and CHOOSING have babies solo!
it is both amusing and revealing how deluded rabid sexists like you never blame MEN for the women who reject THEM!!!!...only vice versa
millions of single WHITE women are also chooSing NOT to wed and have babies solo!
not to mention the horrid increase in white women/teachers wooing teens rather than adult men etc!!!
"millions of single WHITE women are also chooing NOT to wed and have babies"
I'll agree that millions of white women are remaining single.
And guess what?
They say the same things single professional black women say.
"Shortage of good men", "too many gays", "can't find anybody good enough for me"....blah blah, blah.
The smart ladies (and men) know what it takes achieve meaningful and lasting relationships.
And it's not about looking for someone to acknowledge your greatness.
so why are you ONLY bashing the single bfs who are doing precisely the same as their white peers??????????????????????
excuse the typos
VERY distracted today
would you have shared that SINGULAR story about your wife's SOLE reject friend had she been WHITE rather than a bf???????
rabid retarded assnon:
i am happily married to a black queen and i despise dl thrassion...
i am nothing like him/her
i NEVER attack anyone for the sake of attacking
i ALWAYS slay at actual debate
pay attn!!!
got adhd???
save the matchmaking for someone who needs it...ie U???
Wayne aka FN was not going to do anything to me because he knows my entire narrative these last 3days was right on point..
Wayne like many other hosts have no problem indicting others yet once the finger is pointed at them they get silent and hope others come to thier defense..
Yeah I deliberately issued ton of posts directly at FN in part becuase I respected him and this site for having the courage and honesty to confront the barrage of issues that assualt our essence, dignity and basic humanity as Black folks 24/7.
Yet to then observe FN with vigor and boastful pride take on thisbravado posturing for a nation that has a truly offensive history with regard to humanity a nation where even nelson mandela often commented was a problem during aparthied..
To have FN declare with arrogance who he is going to defend jewish people no matter what despite the legacy of strained relations between us and them in our nation of late I felt betrayed ( stupid me ) and then to have FN retreat to the tired theme of the pitiful Black female yada, yada, yada ..My respect and regard for him has soured ..
But like him I am a flawed mortal just a brother off the block trying to live a life and make a difference it will pass and really who gives a fuck this is just a chat forum..
But until that passion wears off I am going to come correct right at Wayne aka FN and anybody else that gets in my way or seeks to be his apologist..That is how I am going to roll so feel free to ignore me..I am a Black man in America I have encountered interactions..
@Wayne aka FN,
The correct spelling of my name is THRASHER for to many months you have intentionally mispelled my name.. I am a Black man in America I expect disrespect from others I don't respect it from another Black man..
Respect ME and I will Respect YOU
Why is it that it has to pathologies that keep many Black women from finding a partner? If every person were perfect there would be some that wouldn't be in a relationship.
These Black woman are not interested in your perspective.They cannot handle strong Black men..
Why aren't white, Asian, Indian women etc. told to start looking at blue collar men? Now that black women are earning 66 percent of college degrees among African Americans and 72 percent of masters degrees, how compatible will they be with non-college educated black men? What will those men bring to the table financially and emotionally?
Secondly,the incarceration rate for black males is about 4,618 per 100,000. That doesn't include those on parole or those with felony records. To give that some perspective, Hispanic males are incarcerated at a rate of 1,747 per 100,000. White males are in prison at a rate of 773 per 100,000.
You think that doesn't have an effect on the dating pool?
Since black women bring so much more to the plate nowadays, many don't want a patriarchal relationship anymore; they want a partnership, one where a man recognizes the equal worth of the woman.
Thrasher's comment at 11:34 about sums it up. Today's black woman doesn't want any of that Eldridge Cleaver crap anymore. They want a man who really knows what strength AND sensitivity is. Gone are the days of black men having free rein over black women.
anon 11:37,
I don't equate patriarchy with money or education, I equate it with custom and bigotry.
My point is that women want more from a man nowadays. An educated woman wants and educated man; an educated and independent woman doesn't want a chauvinist man either.
dl thrassion:
we love strong black men....do you and uts happen to know any?
it is strong misogyny and stronger lies/double standards for wf peers that we loathe
What days are you talking about?? What does EC and Black Panthers reference have to do with this issue??
You post like a angry gay person upset over the fact you could never appeal to a man..
Wear some makeup, perfume, become attractive..All of that would help..lol,lol,lol
Black men are not that demanding..
June 3, 2010
Black Women See Fewer Black Men at the Altar
It is a familiar lament of single African-American women: where are the “good” black men to marry?
A new study shows that more and more black men are marrying women of other races. In fact, more than 1 in 5 black men who wed (22 percent) married a nonblack woman in 2008. This compares with about 9 percent of black women, and represents a significant increase for black men — from 15.7 percent in 2000 and 7.9 percent in 1980.
Sociologists said the rate of black men marrying women of other races further reduces the already-shrunken pool of potential partners for black women seeking a black husband.
“When you add in the prison population,” said Prof. Steven Ruggles, director of the Minnesota Population Center, “it pretty well explains the extraordinarily low marriage rates of black women.”
Among all married African-Americans in 2008, 13 percent of men and 6 percent of women had a nonblack spouse. This compares with nearly half of American-born Asians choosing non-Asian spouses.
“The continuing imbalance in the rates for black men and black women could be making it even harder for black women to find a husband,” said Prof. Andrew J. Cherlin, director of the population center at Johns Hopkins University.
The study, to be released Friday by the Pew Research Center, found that intermarriage among Asian, black, Hispanic and white people now accounts for a record 1 in 6 new marriages in the United States. Tellingly, blacks and whites remain the least-common variety of interracial pairing. Still, black-white unions make up 1 in 60 new marriages today, compared with fewer than 1 in 1,000 back when Barack Obama’s parents wed a half-century ago.
While the increased rate of intermarriage reflects demographic changes in the American population — a more diverse pool of available spouses — as well as changing social mores, they may presage a redefinition of America’s evolving concepts of race and ethnicity.
These Black woman are not interested in your perspective.They cannot handle strong Black men."
That's certainly the case with a lot of sisters unfortunately.
They can't deal with a brother who will stand up to them intellectually.
You'll be called "arrogant" so fast your head will spin.
"Gone are the days of black men having free rein over black women."
I must of missed that period.
When was it?
“The lines dividing these groups are getting blurrier and blurrier,” said Jeffrey S. Passel, an author of the Pew analysis.
For instance, of the 2.7 million American children with a black parent, about 10 percent also have one nonblack parent today. Because many mixed-race African- Americans still choose to identify as being black — as Mr. Obama did when he filled out the 2010 census — the number of multiracial African-Americans could actually be higher.
How children of the expanding share of mixed marriages identify themselves — and how they are identified by the rest of society — could blur a benchmark that the nation will approach within a few decades when American Indian, Asian, black and Hispanic Americans and people of mixed race become a majority of the population.
More precise estimates of the number of people who identify themselves as mixed race will be available from the 2010 census. Other census estimates found a 32 percent increase in the mixed-race population (to 5.2 million, from 3.9 million) from 2000 to 2008.
Still, the “blending” of America could be overstated, especially given the relatively low rate of black-white intermarriage compared with other groups, and continuing racial perceptions and divisions, according to some sociologists.
“Children of white-Asian and white-Hispanic parents will have no problems calling themselves white, if that’s their choice,” said Andrew Hacker, a political scientist at Queens College of the City University of New York and the author of a book about race.
“But offspring of black and another ethnic parent won’t have that option,” Professor Hacker said. “They’ll be black because that’s the way they’re seen. Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Halle Berry, have all known that. Will that change? Don’t hold your breath.”
The Pew analysis found that among newly married couples, 14.6 percent were mixed in 2008, compared with 11.2 percent in 2000 and 8.3 percent in 1990. (Among all people currently married, 8 percent of marriages were mixed in 2008, compared with 6.8 percent in 2000 and 4.5 percent in 1990.)
Of all 3.8 million adults who married in 2008, 31 percent of Asians, 26 percent of Hispanic people, 16 percent of blacks and 9 percent of whites married a person whose race or ethnicity was different from their own. Those were all record highs.
every bf i know thinks that eldridge cleaver was a colorist rapist psycho and a disgrace to the bpp...
they are queens who want kings like fn/mell/rippa etc
Please spare me the tired soundbites and dogma..Just read my last post..
Relationships not always adversary encounters ...
NOW was never about Black woman..White feminist give less than a fuck about the plight of Black woman..Privledge white woman often trying to get fuck by a Black man while playing the game of sistahood with Black woman..
Please keep this simple..some make up, perfume, short dress, cleavage..all that works fine
i have never called you arrogant because you have mirages about being strong...
ONLY because you are maniacally sexist and colorist and routinely ORGASM over bf pain just as laa called u out!!!!...
how many queries have you invaded about wfs????
scan up!!!!
dl thrassion:
intellectual black women are never silenced by tangential bs about wf feminists
we see the color of the men who abuse US daily!!!
"Please keep this simple..some make up, perfume, short dress, cleavage..all that works fine"
because u don a perpetual clown suit, you think clothing is id...i get that!
your arrogant sexist ignorance is shining more brightly than your clown suit!!!
how many queries have you EVADED about wfs????
u and dl thrassion are 2 woman hating/bonding court jesters
a disgrace to all black kings
they never have to control a woman in any way...they do not have to tell women what to think or wear to be regal...
u 2 clueless morons are a joke in stereo!!!!
dl thrassion:
funny how tiny court jesters like you try to be big men by dividing and conquering women by race/sexuality etc....and all in vain as we tend to ignore you!!!
while real black men effortlessly make us all swoon and respect them because they earn it!
they make women feel natural and regal even when naked...another rare experience for sexless clueless misogynist morons jester bastards like you and uts!!!
u 2 are the resident dumb and dumber!!!
Gone are the days of black men having free rein over black women."
I must of missed that period.
When was it?
Ohh.. mostly during the civil rights and black power days, where women were shunted into the background and expected to be quiet and meek while the men lead. Just like when Elaine Brown was basically ran out of the Black Panthers.
It still goes on today though. The black church is a great example; women are routinely absent from top leadership positions, though women make up the majority of those in the pews.
elaine's tome is a classic!
all of the greatest bros ARE feminists!
like huey newton and mike dyson etc
huey made many sexists enemies of weak dogs like uts and dl thrassion when he appointed elaine BPP leader...much to their rabidly sexist chagrin!!!
another classic book on sexists and feminists in the civil rights era
@Mr Field
I think a lot of people are profiteering of of this issue. I'm sure there are plenty of Black woman who have a hard time finding a mate but why is it being made into some sort of Black pathology?
My answer is because the media and others have struck a nerve and they're going to keep this going as long as possible so they can keep making money off of this issue.
"Ohh.. mostly during the civil rights and black power days, where women were shunted into the background and expected to be quiet and meek while the men lead."
Like I said, I missed those days.
I've never known black women as a whole to be meek and quiet.
As far as the black church is concerned, it's no different from churches in general as far as the patriarchal aspect.
I'm not very religious anyway and think many churches, especially these megachurches, are a total sham.
real men do not define womanhood/fellow warriors as "meek and quiet"
only bold weak loud court jesters do...fyi
First, that old black woman is a true field negro! Even though she was shot, she still gets up and tries to do her job. A true example of the courage of a black woman from that generation!
But now from that to the sorry example of some black women in this generation that go around on every talk show, tv show, radio show..etc, crying about how they cannot find a good black man. First, notice that no other race of woman does this. Hell, if people would travel, there are countries were women have it far worse but yet they do not hop on TV shows crying about how there men are no good and that they cannot find a man. Talk to a woman from any african nation, or any asian women, hell european women could tell you some things.
Second, the media loves playing on ANY ONE that will put down black men. Now they have just found black women to do it.
Third, if you actually look at the stats, the same amount of unmarried for the first time black women = the amount of unmarried black men. But the media does not tell that stat because it does not jive with the whole black men aint shit role that black women are helping perpetrate.
Lastly, how can any woman get up in front of anyone and say that the reason she is not married is because she has not met a good man in years? So you mean to say that for over 10+ years, black women have not met 1 good black man for marriage? Hell, those odds are worse than going to vegas and hitting it big!! And of course, it was nothing that black woman did, its not her fault, its someone else..aka black mans fault. Is that not the sorriest excuse for self pity!!
"real men do not define womanhood/fellow warriors as "meek and quiet"
I never suggested that I wished black women to be meek and quiet.
Only that I don't ever recall them being that way as Overdog suggests.
We will continue to agree to disagree on this issue.
What I see from sistas like you and La*Audio is a fierce anger toward and resentment of black men.
Especially those black men who will argue with you.
It's obvious that you want your men to be meek and quiet.
you are typically in denial and deceitfully pretending to be debating my ignoring your very own claims...that is your standard MO herein!
scan up!
there is nothing meek or quiet about ANY of the real men i listed/admire
and i am certain that huey chose
elaine brown to lead the BPP precisely because she was NOT meek and quiet!!!
i have not one iota of anger towards a single king...but i do deeply despise all rabidly sexist woman hating court jesters like you
you hate women so openly that it is is vulgar to witness...even as you SIMULTANEOUSLY dare to whine about me????
nigger pleeeez!!!!
u r the most transparent hypcrite herein!!!!
Field hats off to the 86 year old sister my mother is 87 and she reminds me of this woman. She had to stop working in the school cafeteria several years ago when she came down with breast cancer. When the doctor told her that they might have to take her breast she didn't blink and said Doc do what you have to I aint using these things anyway. She didn't loose her breast and she beat the cancer and now she babysits kids in the neighborhood. She is no nonsense so everyone in the hood and church gives her respect.
Field Gregory makes a good point our health care system is crap and even the Obama bandaid solution is far from the solution and a far cry from universal healthcare. But of course we can't have that we have been brainwashed to believe that if the private sector can't be the profiteer it won't work. What a shame!
During my mothers illness the public health care (medicare) she recieved was just fine. We did get soaked when she needed an ambulance ride however.
why are you being so meek and quiet as you perpetually ignore my valid queries about your hateful double standards for wf peers of the very same bfs you love to hate/rejoice when they hurt etc???????
i disagree with cf and fn often...
i respectfully debate with many kings daily....even herein
NONE of them bear ANY resemblance to ANY fact of YOU!!!
you are not in their tribe
and i despise hobama because he is a GLOBAL court jester!!!!
like you, he is NO reflection on ANY real BM!!!!!!!
Val you again are the voice of clarity. This black woman crying about lack of men is old and you are right women have always outnumbered men.And you are right its not done by others. But black folks feel they have a stake in preserving the race especially black women (well at least in comparison)
I think that Michelle Alexander has put much of this in perspective in her book "The New Jim Crow:"Mass Incarceration in the age of Color blindness"
Field you MUST read this book. I highly recommend this to everyone reading this blog.
Ms Alexander makes the very well documented point that many of our men have been swept up in the judicial system. Yes some justifiably so but many others not so justifiable.
And she makes the larger point that once black men are released they become a caste because most can no longer vote, they are disqualified from holding licenses for many professions, they are discriminated against while trying to obtain housing, public benefits and even monies for college which would help them turn their lives around.
Selective drug law enforcement, draconian sentencing and legal discrimination of black men coming out of the system also play their part in limiting the supply of black men who would be seen as elgible by many college educated black women.
Has anyone noticed that TV is featuring lots more black women in their commercials and definitely lighter skinned black women? I think on the positive side its the recognition of the beauty and variety in beauty of black women. On the negative side it almost seems as an advertisement to white men, saying check out these black women.
And Hollywood features more interacial couplings in which there is a black woman and a white man.(Sanaa Lathan tried "Something New" the latest version of Guess who's coming to dinner featuring Ms.Zoe.)
Just wondering aloud.
Off subject, Field have you seen the strutting sister with the red dress and the boots in the Palm mobile phone commercial!
BTW that sister's name that I was referring from the Palm commercil is Michelle Vander Water.
I think she may give your dream girl a run. And I know I risk being ostracized by those who think that finding anyone attractive other than dark skinned sisters,is somehow incorrect. But that sister exudes sophistication, style, her walk is classically a black womans and even the way she tilts her head and her shapeliness, just projects black femininity.
Lesson Learned:
It matters not that a person recognizes and appreciates the "authoritative force" that stands behind him which can exhibit VIOLENCE as a means of defending the person in question's interests and "non-violent" disposition as they perpetually pursue justice afar.
As long as he doesn't depart from the sphere of protection that this contemptible force of violence which backs him - he will not be devoured by an opposing force that DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN about unenforced LAWS OF JUSTICE and who sees him as a DINNER MEAL!!!
Oh how I long to be an abstract theorist.
more wisdom from a real black man
take notes uts!!!
hill harper is another black man i adore even tho he is a hobama nazi
and hill's fiance is a bf single mom divorcee
she kissed a frog like u before she found her prince
See what I meant whenever Wayne aka FN takes a beating he resorts to this tired Black female pity me Black men are worthless rant..
Now until this slug AB runs out of hot air this site is fucked for the rest of the day...
Braindead topic kep alive by some DL alleged gay chick who really ants to get fuck by a real man..
Makes you wanna holla and throw up both your hands...
dl thrassion:
you are less than the scum trail that an avg slug leaves behind...
and a weak illiterate inept fool like you better wait...because there is not one other damned thing you can do as i slay you with ease!!!
keep waiting you slimy fool!!!
it is not just black women being libeled and slandered as lonely and sad and diseased incessantly
the racist sexist media are doing the same to asian women too!
Part of the job of a model is to blend and take on the appearance of many different things. It is about being a chameleon, changing one thing to another and having them all be beautiful. I see what they were trying to do.
Also, if it is wrong in this instance I hope there were complaints when Tyra did the same thing on ANTM. She made black girls white, white girls Indian, black girls Japanese, what have you. If it is wrong for Schiffer and Lagerfield I hope she also complained about Tyra. Lack of consistency makes you looks stupid.
dl thrassion:
there u go again boi..getting your mythical obsessions about me mixed up with your own sadistic gay bottom fantasies....shame!!!
Do all of us a favor take off your wig and let some air get to your brain...
Unlike you and to many others in here I don't pander to FN or anybody..
Now run along and go wish you could find a Black man like me..
dl thrassion:
i bet you are a phallic bald butterball of a dl cad...
hating on my long flowing soft natural locks bitch?
got rogaine?
get over me!
finding a man like you would be triply redundant as i am not looking, i am a lesban and you are not a man...
follow the folly fool???
You are woman in drag get off that lesbian bullshit...You are on the DL playing like you love muff but in truth dick is what your really desire..
Your "I am the baddest bitch on the block is not foolin me"..I am a pedigree hood rat from way back..
Now run along and stop leaving messages of my phone girlfriend...lol,lol,lol
AB aka Ms.Muffy is now your new handle in here..lol,lol,lol
Thrasher, 5 bucks says your DL dick sucker bro. Just sayin...
dl thrassion:
u r a juvenile joke!!!
got ANY new ammo since you flunked out of high school?
your tired bubble gun banter does nothing to mask the fact that you have been slain herein today!!!
i an nothing like fn... i admire how he ignores rodents like you...i prefer to smash you into bloody gray pulps more brutally than any rat trap!!!!
thanks for the back handed kudos though!!!....
u have indeed endured a "bad" day herein today!!!
See what I meant whenever Wayne aka FN takes a beating he resorts to this tired Black female pity me Black men are worthless rant.."
Thrasher my brother I don't understand why you are being so rough on FN.
As far as AB and a couple of others are concerned, they're just egotists.
I see the type all the time and, I'll be honest, I get a kick out of delating their balloons.
They're convinced that as black females they are flawless virtuous creatures who are need of no adjustments.
It is our goal as black men to elevate ourselves to their lofty stature.
You'll understand if I reject that ideology.
While snickering.
how nelly are his "retorts"????
his sorry sissified barbs are parade gay!!!!
what you call "ego" i call "habitual defeat"
i feel your pain!
my rep is as well earned as your disgrace!
Classy BF show you right; Heidi Klum is married to Seal;) See I have always confused the blonde beauties for some reason; not that they look alike but that I don't keep up with enough fashion and TV stuff to distinguish them! Thanks for the correction!
FN, thanks for the compliment. And arguing like cats and dogs? Naw. I'm nice over here:) Heh! In terms of being a lawyer, is that a compliment? heheheheheh In all seriousness I've considered it from time to time, especially last year when I helped a friend win a debt collection lawsuit. But I have so many other interests, it would be nice if I could go to law school online and do the courses at night while my son is sleeping;)
I use Medscape to get continuing education credits for medical school, even though I am not a doctor;) All of this for the sake of knowledge and understanding.
And yes, I rarely take these types of spats personally. But in the case of the nasty trolls who come to your board, they take away from important discourse and I engage them from time to time:)
I am sadden and disappointed by FN's posture of late..I had no idea he had such a low regard for our issues at the expense of the white jewish community..
His arrogant pride and boastful posturing was truly offensive...I have never observed him spending 3 days on Black nations in Africa..Yet he loved spending 3 days playing a publicist for a racist nation like Israel..
In truth I feel bad about trashing CF for his low self esteem Black apologist profile in here when in truth FN's display on behalf of Israel and his bravado about defending jewish people was an insult..
I decided this morning to move on but I will not forget this..I come here for years now because this is the best Black site on the internet to now discover the host is a fraud fucks me up..
dl thrassion:
u blaming fn for being the authentic nightmare that you are is like hobama blaming the bilderbergs for the razor thin depth of his own resume...
u calling him a fraud is like uts calling oj eurocentric!
spare us your drama you vulgar disrespectful wannabee!!!!
we know exactly why court jesters like you hate on kings like fn!!!
And Maria, I must say that you are a mystery here. For a blog centered on the internal issues with Blacks of the Diaspora, you claim your 'whiteness' in almost every post. But a few weeks ago provided us a link to show that Italians were victimized by the worst recorded lynching in Louisiana precisely DUE TO PREJUDICE.
Can you have it both ways? That is call yourself white to benefit from so called white privilege, then align yourself with the plight of oppressed minorities because Italians were victimized by prejudice?
I've never known an Italian who was so proud of being 'white'. ALL Italians I've ever met are proud to be Italian because you guys have a rich cultural heritage. But white? That's why you guys had to live with the coloreds in Louisiana and Arkansas and Texas and why the Sicilians had to work alongside the Blacks in the fields, because Sicilians are white?
I think you embody the bs contradictions and silliness of our fucked up racial society with your comments. Feel free to label yourself however you wish,but just know that you are inconsistent in your self labeling.
I would ignore MS this clown thinks she is a therapist...
AB aka Ms.Muffy,
Bite me...lol,lol,lol
dl thrassion:
WAY tmi!
we do not care to know about the gory details of your gay s&m playtime...
Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll check it out.
And I agree about the visibility of Black women in TV ads. I have also noticed that a lot of times Black women in these ads are paired with White men. Which would be okay except that these couples are way over represented in these commercials.
So it doesn't seem that they are advertising to Black women that are in IR relationships but it seems that these advertisers are engaging in some sort of social engineering.
Also I love that Palm spot where she's walking down the street.
m. rigmaiden
"I've never known an Italian who was so proud of being 'white'."
I disagree.
Italians definitely identify with being white.
Granted they may be proud of their ethnic history but they regard themselves as white folks.
Exhibit A.
Tom Tancredo who appointed himself America's spokesman against immigration.
You'd think his forefathers came over on the Mayflower instead of landing on Ellis Island.
Exhibit B.
Rudy Giuliani
Without a doubt the most bellicose anti-black demogogic politician in NYC over the last century.
Refused to even speak to NY's black political leadership while Mayor.
Unleashe his police force on NYC black community to commit wanton acts of brutality and civil liberty violations.
To be candid with you I observed this machiavellian theme months ago when I posted about how blacks from the islands often posture at our expense to appease white folks and the clue to them they are not like niggers from America..it has been a long theme with them..
So FN's posturing for white jewish interests and Israel reveals this cultural nexus...
Again I have posted many times in here how the pathology of white racism and white supremacy continues to stain and wound anf the holocaust we suffered truly altered our culture's entire future...We are still dealing with the residual fallout..
Ditto every ethic groups wants the privledge of being white..from latinos to asians..It is wicked the pathology of white supremacy...
Ed Koch was a ruthless jewish bigot as mayor of NYC just as lethal as Rudy G..
RM, you must be having an bad day. i really disappointed that you didn't bother to take the time to read what i wrote.
i am not PROUD to be white!
futhermore, i never SAID i was proud to be white!
i don't have pride in something i was born with. i did not work at being white nor consider myself superior to anyone! that's like saying i am proud of having brown hair. what's to proud of?
i was responding the comment that what would happen if white women were told to date outside their race, i said speaking as a white woman, that no one has ever talked race and dating to me. i said it was assumed i would date outside my race if i wanted to. that it wasn't an issue.
i said speaking as white woman for five years, and i left out the word single, so i wrote a second post saying that obviously i had been white longer than five years. i meant say speaking as a single woman for five years.
how you came up with what you came up with is just beyond me.
Mellaneous said "Has anyone noticed that TV is featuring lots more black women in their commercials and definitely lighter skinned black women? "
Then you said....
"I think on the positive side its the recognition of the beauty and variety in beauty of black women. "
They have ALWAYS recognized and preferred lighter skinned black women over darker skinned black women if and when they choose to recognize black women in such medias, especially if its in a positive/feminine role. So how the fuck did you find this positive as a way of recognizing the "variety" and beauty of black women? How is practicing blatant colorism displaying the "variety" in black women? And only NOW we are starting to see more pairings of black women and non-black men trickling in the media. It's about damn time. And no, I am not dark skinned so save your complexion complex analysis for the man on the moon.
"And Hollywood features more interacial couplings in which there is a black woman and a white man.(Sanaa Lathan tried "Something New" the latest version of Guess who's coming to dinner featuring Ms.Zoe.)"
You are one piece of work, and you have been working my nerve for some time now with your "covert" black male hierarchy conscious bullshit talk. Of all the movies, sitcoms, commercials etc, that many of us have seen where the representation of an IR couple have mostly been black men paired with non-black women, you want to sit here and get things twisted with that bullshit Jedi mind trick? I always try to be fair, but I refuse to be one of those blind-mission-fighting black women who support forked tongue black men like you just for a pat on the back.
Anony said..."Third, if you actually look at the stats, the same amount of unmarried for the first time black women = the amount of unmarried black men. "
Again, you too must be counting the ones in the prison system. Even so, you think that sounds any better? That only proves the amount of black men who are NOT monogamist, who can not commit to a relationship at the rate as other races of men, BUT yet black men who prefer to sex up and fertilize all the women in every fucking race without commitment and loyalty to familyhood.
And before you start comparing the complaints of black women on the air ways to non-black women who don't, you need to compare the actions and race loyalty between black men and other non-black men as to why their women don't have that NEED. Then you might find your fucking answer.
This is really getting old, people are too dishonest and lopsided. More black women really need to bail the fuck out and don't look back at this sinking ship of forked tongue lying sexist oppressors. I've had enough.
"More black women really need to bail the fuck out and don't look back at this sinking ship of forked tongue lying sexist oppressors. I've had enough."
Best of luck to you.
BTW, where you goin'?
Actually Maria you say that you are 'white' in almost every other post you place here.
And Steve, I've longed since this identification might be regional in nature. Because as I said before, they had to live under segregation in parts of the South and didn't get privileges that other 'whites' had. My Grandparents grew up in Lake Charles Louisiana in the 1920's and 1930's and they had Italian neighbors who HAD to live in the colored part of town.
I also realize this is a contentious issue and people can label themselves however they wish. But this labeling should make sense in the context of our history. And there are many examples of racists who are also ethnic minorities.
And Thrasher is right in this, many ethnic groups want the pleasure of claiming that they are 'white'. I've heard Indians from India claim that they are 'technically white', Japanese American princesses claim that 'they are pretty much like white' and so forth. It's a damned shame.
Where I live there were a lot of Portugeuse immigrants from the Azores. They are often darker hued with frizzy curly hair. Some of them are pretty racist, but it doesn't mean they are 'white'. Other white people used to call them 'dirty Black Portugee' and they were victims of hate crimes because their culture is different and they ARE dark!
Hell, I've even heard some Mexican mestizos claim that they are 'white'.
Maria, in a normal every day conversation do you claim that you are 'white' as much as you do here?
And do not take my comments as offensive. They are not meant to be.
"They have ALWAYS recognized and preferred lighter skinned black women over darker skinned black women if and when they choose to recognize black women in such medias"
This is nuts.
The first black women in TV roles for instance that weren't mammies were Diahann Carroll (Julia), Teresa Graves (Get Christy Love) and Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhuru of Star Trek).
You see exactly what you want to see.
bm like you would NEVER have hired those tv stars!!!!
as always you conveniently ignore the facts...
the first black MALE film pioneers exclusively cast octaroons who made lena horne look dark in their own BLACK films
the entire oscar micheaux era must have evaded you???...typically!!!
LONG before ANY bf tv stars their was lena horne and dorothy dandridge ONLY!!!
only euro nf haters like us pose such "queries":
"BTW, where you goin'?"
hear his signature sadistic glee as he pretends there are not DROVES of options????
only euro BF haters like us pose such "queries":
only euro BF haters like UTS pose such "queries":
"bm like you would NEVER have hired those tv stars!!!!"
Why do you say silly stuff like this?
Teresa Graves along with Judy Pace
were the objects of many of my adolescent fantasies.
What sisters like you have to understand is that the problems that you have had getting or keeping meaningful relationships have little to do with being dark (I LOVE DARK WOMEN) and everything to do with your attitudes.
One day you'll figure it out.
LONG before ANY bf tv stars THERE was lena horne and dorothy dandridge ONLY!!!
and even in 2010, no bf star is as visible or revered as halle berry and paula patton
and the most famouts black females on tv are the women in basketball wives...almost all exclusively yellow and weaved!
i love the show...but that is fact!
Alicia you are behaving as a disengenuous LIAR! How dare you take Donald Bogle's work and bastardize it to suit your twisted world views!
Bogle makes IT VERY CLEAR in that book, when discussing Freddie Washington, Lena Horne and other redbones that they didn't benefit from their light complexions.
Hattie McDaniel made more money then they ever did in Hollywood and so did Eddie Rochester Anderson and so did Stepin Fetchit. They were all DARK BROWN SKINNED.
If you read carefully you'll see that many fair skinned women were either used only as eye candy in chorus lines or had VERY limited roles. Mae C. Johnson who sings 'Left My Heart in Salt Lake City' in Stormy Weather was another redbone who never got that far in Hollywood because they didn't know WHAT to do with light skinned women.
Dorothy Dandridge was also very fair complexioned and her roles were similarly limited until she started fucking around with Otto preminger and he abused her. They put darkening makeup on her because they were afraid she was 'too light'.
Get your facts straight.
Read Bogle's book again you liar.
what do their fans have to do with the white men who hired them????
have u ever had an honest debate a day in your life????
Steve, she's just another malignant narcissist looking for a fan club. She ain't saying nothing but the sameole sameole bullshit.
I'm dark and have been victimized by homo haters and light skinned people...poor little me
She even uses the work of scholars like Donald Bogle to suit her twisted views. It is obvious that she is unstable and unattractive. This is why she's so bitter.
Screw you Alicia and your bitterness. Take it somewhere else.
Alicia because your reading comprehension and ability to read in context clues is limited, let me make it plain for you.
You are a liar, a neurotic and a fool who takes up too much space in the world and on this blog.
Unless you can back up what you are saying, you'd be better off shutting the fuck up.
You are a bully and a fool and I am sick and tired of your disgusting presence.
If you knew anything you'd know that Dark Skinned Blacks who played sterotypical roles were the ones who dominated film even over whites when it came to getting paid.
Your neuroticism prevents you from acknowledging truth even when it hits you in the head. Look up Eddie Rochester you idiot.
No you stupid idiot, she was darkened in the black and white movie when she played a teacher because they didn't want to confuse the white audiences with her ethnic ambiguity.
Again sit down and shut the fuck up your damned self.
Anyway I gotta tend to my boy. I've got other things to do than argue with a malignant narcissist who routinely skews discussions to discuss their repetitious talking points and disgusting twisted and untruthful worldview.
M. Rigmaiden
Have a great weekend.
You are crude and posting like a sociopath..lol,lol
AB aka Ms.Muffy,
Stop pissin off MR she is coming do her therapist act on you..
Of course you are a crazy soul...But I like ya....lol,lol
i am not your twisted fantasies and neither is donald bogle's scholarship
the movie u refer to u piss colored buffonish bitch is called
"bright road"
she was darkened so she would not look like a wf licking all over harry belofonte
got a library card?
i am a film scholar
catch up shrew!!!
dumb and dumber/utterly useless and dl thrassion:
lose the pom poms u nelly nincompoop transies!
u r cheering for the losing illiterate team!!!
go tend to your bastard demon seed
then take him to the library and re-read donald bogle's work
with a note pad and a calendar mf!!!
i read more books in any wk that u have in your entire life u moronic mindless bitch
i post more proof and ref to this blog than ANY poster
especially a dimwit who cannot even accurately quote one scholarly work like u
you are worse than a fool
you are a fool wirh an attitude and 2 transie retarded cheerleaders!!!
i know i have slain bullies when i get called one
i slay bullies like u with such ease that i get mistaken for your clones
AB aka Ms.Muffy,
Now that is the crazy yahoo I like you dizzy fuck...lol,lol
if you were a blond..I would call you a dizzy wacky dame..lol,lol
uts' tangents and evasions are fatally infectious
your salary convo is solo
carry on
i am speaking of skin tones and stardom
not black dark maids and extras
you proudly illiterate brazenly arrogantly ignorant mfs get dumber each day
they need that gaping hole in your 3 skulls in the gulf to suck some of that oil up
get your 3 stooges asses down there pronto!!!!
AB aka MS.Muffy,
You go girl...Crazy fuck...lol,lol,lol
It's a damn shame that a 86 year old woman has to put being hit by stray bullets on her shortlist of things to worry about at her age. Not letting it stop her from going back to doing her daily routine IS Field Negro behavior.
Meanwhile, I'm seeing the media encourage Black women to look outside of their race for dates, mates, etc. Now here I am wondering why the recent push for all of this? Then I figure if the White Man™ can't bleed out the Negros, then he can try to breed them out. Melting pot, anyone?
And I don't agree with folks asking for Black women to lower their standards. Asking a successful Black woman to shack herself up with Pookie because "it's all that's out there" is just asking for trouble. But that doesn't justify ignoring scores of Black men who are doing their damndest to move on up under their own steam. The brother with the $700 car who's struggling to finish up his law studies shouldn't be scoffed at just because his ride ain't like the BMW Dontrelious got from slinging yay all week.
Now let's look at the photo in the link of the "sister".......damn, Claudia makes for a pretty convincing sistah. Too bad she's got that right eye cocked up like some sort of bad Foxy Brown/Cleopatra Jones impression. As for the fashion industry, it'll remain the way it is as long as the blonde haired and blue eyed Anglo-Saxon (German) remains the archetype for beauty standards all over the globe. Time to pull a Reagan on this shit -- pick up a hammer and tear this archetype down!
RM, you just wish you were white now leave Maria alone and go back a few months when you confessed you would not stoop to the argumentative name calling and then gravelled to your daddy FN that you would do better...nigga please.
Hi everyone, not been in the thick a lot lately -- at an engineering conference. MR, we should really talk, the world of imaging informatics could really use smart people like you.
The Grandmother being shot -- thank God she's alive and the Negroes who shot her should be locked for at least 10-20. Sorry, but shooting old ladies is pure evil.
Claudia in Blackface -- meh, no different than LeBron James pulling a King-Kong with Giselle. The problem is that we don't stand up as a people. Is is the most important thing for us right now? No, its rather trivial in the grand scheme of things. But, try portraying models in Nazi SS uniforms and see if Jewish folks don't get into your ass.
As for the 'lack of good black men' thing -- as a Black male I can say two things about the women I've dealt with (all sistas) before I met my current woman. I had two realities, either these sisters utterly ignored me or heaped all of their man-hating, self-loathing issue on me.
But did I think that all Black women were self absorbed divas or maniacal man-killers? No.
Just as I am working on improving me, I think many Black women who believe all this "Black men don't want us" meme need to work on themselves -- not just going to gym, but being happy enough to be alone while open enough to let someone else in your life.
That's my two cents. Networking to do, have a great weekend.
mr/mistaken "reader":
"bright road" is about dd bonding with a bad seed dark black boy who is in love with a girl peer who is yellowER than dd...
so u messy moron
it is hardly the film to quote to disprove the colorism u ignore just as brazenly as u ignore the fact that fair is not a color...u trifling trick!!!
mis read:
and just like paula p and lena h, dorothy was NOTHING like pissy piss colored bitches like you!!!
she was WAY cool and anti-colorist!
she preferred the term "tan"
to the retarded "fair"
get educated here too u dumb bitch!:
LAC, imaging informatics is interesting. I messed with the field just a little bit a few years back. I recall using Jmol, Cryomol and a whole bunch of other informatics and molecular dynamics tools. The goal was to look at the physics of ammonia channels.
Send me a note if you wish. My email is on my profile page. Hope you had a good time!
messy retard:
i am listening to this tan rebel brother drop sci on u and hobama and other pissy UN"fair" fools who disgrace tan sages like him now!!!!
And to the substance of this post, the elderly woman drove herself home for pragmatic reasons. That is pretty sad. She should NOT have had to do that but when everything has a cost associated with it, I fully expect some corporation to put a patent on air pretty soon and we will have to pay to breathe.
It just goes to show how bad things are right now.
Anyway, hope you guys have a nice weekend. I just popped in between playing:)
DNFTT. My bad for doing so earlier.
Yeah, I remember RM spouting all that we need to join hands and not name call yadda too. Guess she lost it somewhere along the way. How embarrassing.
szpork, "Give him a break, Thrasher. He put up with it for 3 days."
He gets a break when he mans up to his mistake, which he will not, and never in the history of FN blog. But he has never hesitated to put down and demean others for their mistakes.
BTW, that sick azz murderous state called Israel is now going to do the same thing to the next Flotilla. The world needs to do something about that Nazi racist minded country.
This post has brought back AB, UTS, and LA audiobooks. They love talking about the same ole tired self-pitying bw who are suffer from lack of educated bm.
Why not just marry other educated bw? It's legal.
stupid assnon:
i did wed an educated bf queen
and court jesters like u major in the minor
what i major in is slaying sexist woman hating fools like uts...fyi
let me see if i can keep this straight, RM.
in your mind i:
1)constantly "claim" to be white:
2)but really am not "white"
3)am prouder to be white than anyone you know?
in conclusion, what are we to make of any of this?
it's funny because MMM always said i wasn't white and used ethic slurs to describe me.
and then "laurel" tried to get me to leave by calling me a wigger, and refusing to respond to comments when i had used up the alloted tim she had set aside for "wiggers" each day.
it's also funny, because despite the fact that you say i constantly "claim" to be white, CF, as of yesterday, said i was puerto rican. maybe you are referring to my post when i explained to him that i was italian?
i guess i can't win, as they say. and i guess you'd win if i never posted here again, which would seem to be your goal for me.
and i shouldn't taken offensive at your offensive comments? just how passive aggressive are you?
so this is the treatment that one of the few regular
"white" commenters on this blig is subject to.
oh damn, i did it again, mentioning i'm "white."
stupid me.
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