You know what I love about A-merry-ca? Everybody can be somebody. All it takes is a little drive and a willingness to put yourself out there.
Unless you have been on another planet for the last couple of days, I am sure you have heard about my man Alvin Greene by now. Seems old Alvin was an unemployed military vet who was recently accused of committing a felony (one allegedly involving sex no less). Yep, Alvin, if he wins, could be sitting in the halls of power as a registered sex offender. Hey, at least, unlike the other [non registered] sex offenders in congress, we will all know who Alvin is.
But seriously, how could this happen? I told you all there is something in the water in South Carolina. Now the dems smell a rat, and they want answers. Poor Jim Clyburn is quite upset:
"COLUMBIA, S.C. — The No. 3 Democrat in the U.S. House called on federal authorities Thursday to investigate how an unemployed South Carolina military veteran entered and won the state's Democratic primary for U.S. Senate.
"Here is Alvin Greene, unemployed, he goes into the Democratic headquarters and pays $10,000. That's no little bit of money for an unemployed person," House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., said. "This guy, who is he? Where did he come from?"
Greene, 32, stunned the Democratic Party establishment Tuesday night when he handily defeated Vic Rawl, a four-term state lawmaker and former judge, for the party's nomination. Rawl, who had campaigned little but already raised $186,000, was forced to scrap a fundraiser planned for Thursday night.
Greene has not reported any fundraising, run any ads, or put up signs or a website in his challenge of Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint. He had been considered such a long shot that neither his opponent nor the media bothered to check his background, which includes a November arrest on a charge of felony obscenity.
"There are a number of things that are taking place in the South Carolina political process that I find suspicious," Clyburn said. "I believe there's a coordinated effort to circumvent state and federal laws and seriously subvert the electoral process. Something needs to be done."
Greene, who says he left the military last August after 13 years in the Army and Air Force, has said he paid the $10,440 filing fee by saving up two years of his service pay. On Thursday, Clyburn said he's skeptical Greene paid the fee himself and demanded that federal authorities investigate where the money came from. " [story]
What are you suggesting Jim? That repubs fronted the money for Alvin? Come on Jim, why would they do that? I know Alvin was unemployed, but he might have had some money saved up.
"In Washington, the head of the committee to elect Democrats to the Senate tried to distance himself from the South Carolina primary results.
'South Carolina is not a place I'm focused on a lot," said Sen. Robert Menendez, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. "I'm simply saying the DSCC is not engaged."'
'South Carolina is not a place I'm focused on a lot," said Sen. Robert Menendez, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. "I'm simply saying the DSCC is not engaged."'
Bob, I don't blame you. I would distance myself from all things South Carolina my damn self. At least until we can find out what's going on down there.
Yeah this is one story that we will be hearing for a long time.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
We have a long proud tradition of putting nobodies from left field in the forefront of South Carolina politics.
Ben Frazier has run for congress in my home district, the SC 1st, no less than 9 times. He has forced the party to pay for those primaries, yet he has never campaigned seriously, let alone been victorious in one of those primaries.
Ben Frazier lives in Maryland, yet he has a "house" here on Wadmalaw Island.
Most of the times, they are republican plants designed to siphon off black votes or to encourage republicans to vote in democratic races, since in SC you can vote across party lines in primaries, and the Republican is usually an incumbent.
This takes support away from viable democrats in order to weaken them in primaries, and to a lesser extent, the general election. The sad thing is, it usually works.
Alvin Green, on TV, looks like someone who is just now realizing that he is the punchline for a very bad joke.
I heard an interview with him on Fox, he seemed very cautious and hesitant. I think it great that he won the primary even though it won't work out? I want to root for the little guy that bucked the system, but nah...
South Carolina is like a sitcom. Ha!
I honestly don't have an issue with a "nobody" coming to the forefront and winning. With that said, somebody still forgot to do their homework. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have a suspicion that there is far more to this story that is being told.
...can't figure out why I can't post under my name. I am NOT feeling the anon status at all.
That fool was on Countdown with Keith Olberman on MSNBC about an hour and a half ago. Each time that Keith asked him a question, he looked down to the left of the cameraman to whomever was spoon feeding him answers. At one point it seemed as though he was reading his responses from a cue card or some other hastily scribbled source. At one point towards the end of the video, you could hear someone off camera verbalizing while Alvin's eyes focused that person. This shit reminded me of the Susan Smith video from a few years ago. Whoever paid $10,000 to get this fool on the ballot fucked this plot up big time by selecting this fool to be the patsy because he looks like a big fat-ass, retarded, Tracy McGrady.
What's the difference between this guy et al. and you being backed by Jewish interest?
Both are pawns, except one is in the front pocket close to the nuts.
Just follow the money.
Filled Negro:
I am hurt and disappointed to see that you are amongst the VISION-LESS.
Lets do a study of what you SAID you believe regarding SOCIAL JUSTICE and how so many of these points have been molested in the Greene Affair
1) In America one is "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY". Filled Negro - where are you on this one? There is not YET an indictment against this man. You appear to be buying his guilt.
2) The POLICE "SAID" he did as he did with respect to the pornographic pictures. How many times have you gone to court to defend a criminal based on the words of the COPS? Criminals lie, cops lie!!
3) "Pornography is in the eye of the beholder". One can't define it but "they know it when they see it". Filled Negro - you should be going to bat for Greene. Was he showing "porn" to a child or was it "Kiddie Porn"? NO. Why not argue that Greene is an ARTIST? He was merely operating at a higher level of progression than what our pious, Christian nation is ready for. Greene is ahead of us all.
4) THE BLACK MALE VOTE has been STRIPPED AWAY by all sorts of schemes in the past. Why is this no different? This BLACK MAN will be the ONLY BLACK in the Senate as Roland Buriss rides into the sunset. There is indeed some RACIAL elements to this.
5) CRIME is a relative thing - EXCEPT if you are a BLACK MAN!!!!!
* George Bush should be in jail!!
* Dick Cheney should be in jail!!
* Karl Rove should be in jail!!
* BP's CEO should be in jail!
* Wolfowitz should be in jail!
* Alan Greenberg should be in jail!
* Citibank, WellsFargo, MorganStanley (except brother O'Neil - a Black man who is NOT like Clarence Thomas), AIG, CountryWide should ALL be in jail!!
Filled Negro - as Michelle Alexander told us - we have an "American INjustice System". Everything is NEGOTIABLE if you have enough MONEY or lack of MELANIN.
What you need to do is, Filled Negro, is what Rachel Maddow has been doing - CONVINCE THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH CAROLINA that they are VOTING AGAINST THEIR BEST INTERESTS when they VOTE FOR DeMint - the evil Republicans. Get those racist Conservative whites in SC to realize that they have more in common with Trapped In South Carolina than they do with the elites at Goldman Sacs.
You are mishandling this Filled Negro. I am disappointed in you.
If Alvin Greene was a white unemployed vet and he won. There wouldn't be any media scrutiny. Instead, he would be heralded as a hero. He would have already had a book deal, a job on Fox, and a front seat on the Tea Party Express.
But no, he's Al Greene (no relation), the library pervert who's into walking up to white women and introducing them to porn sites.
Now that I think of it, maybe he is an undercover black republican brother. Of course he's not gonna win in November. But hey, he sure did a good job of creating a buzz.
Maybe someone will recognize him from his role as Simon Adebisi on Oz and do a black version of Rain Man or sumthin.
Val = Monie
That's it. No agenda behind my statement. No hateration intended.
No more references to your past persona - Val from this point forward from me. I am NOT trying to harass you in any way.
I just happened to recall what your former posting name was after seen "the eyes" a second ago.
Would it comfort you to know that when UptownSteve decided to go around his ban on BookerRising and began to post under then name "Shiek Yurbudi" I noted the common writing style and connected the dots with his two names?
Steve has called me a lot of names but never a "Dirty Old Man".
(NO reply requested. Just let it ride)
[quote]If Alvin Greene was a white unemployed vet and he won. There wouldn't be any media scrutiny. Instead, he would be heralded as a hero. He would have already had a book deal, a job on Fox, and a front seat on the Tea Party Express.[/quote]
RiPPa - you wouldn't happen to have any EVIDENCE to back up your claim, would you?
It seems that over the next few days Alvin Greene will be INFERIORIZED.
A Black man that SOLD OUT for the money.
A secret "Black Republican" no doubt.
He has denied Black and Progressive South Carolinians a CHOICE in their vote AGAINST their adversaries come November 2010.
BUT WAIT RiPPa. A few questions remain
1) What triggered those who picked up a Democratic Ballot to VOTE for a man THEY KNEW NOTHING ABOUT?
2) WHY didn't the Democratic Party do the due diligence and perform sufficient background checks on ALL of their candidates so that this type of embarrassment would not happen to the party or the state?
3) Since this is a PARTY PRIMARY - it seems that the money that Greene paid for qualification was to the PARTY. (I could be wrong). IF my mortgage company requires me to prove the source of my downpayment before approving me WHY didn't the Democratic Party of SC look into his "CAMPAIGN FINANCE" situation?
CF, I didn't know Shay banned people from BR. Just goes to show why I stopped commenting there a couple of years ago. I feel like that site has a wealth of libertarian biased information. But believe that the host administrator is somewhat bigoted. I don't like it when she pulls my posts either because usually she only picks incendiary stuff to quote me on and taken out of context.
With that said, you are a sleuth aren't you CF?! Good for you. As to the substance of this post, on its face, I don't have a problem with a regular guy getting elected, provided he knows something about the political process and the issues at stake.
I haven't seen his interview on account of I don't watch tv. BUT I might could find it on youtube if I investigated.
Field and other posters, there was a movie in the 70's called PUTNEY SWOPE. I swear on so many levels, I think that is what this guy represents.
Putney Swope was the lone token Negro on a corporate board. Due to scandal a new CEO needed to be elected by the board. Since all of the board members were self serving narcissists they wouldn't vote for anybody who could pose a threat to their position. So they ALL voted for Putney Swope. The Negro that wasn't taken seriously, the negro who was a token became the CEO of the corporation.
He summarily fired everyone except the biggest ass kisser whom he abused and degraded. Turns out Mr. Swope was just as corrupt as the guys that he replaced. ;)
BTW FN forgot to compliment you on the Brother from Another Planet motto from last post; simply brilliant and one of my favorite childhood movies:)
Deuce! Down goes Kobe!
And I bet Nate Robinson has a hard time convincing people he actually plays in the NBA.
Something smells in SC and it ain't the swamp.
This is an obvious set up. This Negro seems like he's suffering from PTSD, as he seems unable to clearly state any positions.
My arm chair analysis -- the GOP secretly put this clown up Democratic Party nomination and got a bunch of Tea Party ringers to vote for him in the Primary. So, when this guy is reveal to be a crazy mumbling homeless vet who likes to show nudie pics to random white women -- the great state of South Carolina will go all "Willy Horton" and publicly lynch this cat in the general election.
There is good reason to suspect that Mr. Greene is a GOP plant, kind of like CF.
TPMmuckraker has a post regarding his filing fee that is also interesting.
Greene's Filing Fee Check Featured Hand-Scrawled 'Alvin M. Greene For Senate'
Field, "Yep, Alvin, if he wins, could be sitting in the halls of power as a registered sex offender. Hey, at least, unlike the other [non registered] sex offenders in congress, we will all know who Alvin is."
The man has redeemed himself and no longer does such sex offenses. Besides, if sex perverts can be priests why can't Greene be a politician under the 'don't ask, don't tell act?
I am sure the man has been redeemed and is clean. Otherwise, he would not have run. He just wants to do something for his state out of gratitude.
Leave the man alone. If he were White there would be no issue.
I HOPE HE IS FOR real, if a EX WRESTLER can be a GOVERNOR, and a COMEDIAN can be a SENATOR, well, why can't a COLLEGE EDUCATED BLACK man be a Senator? I know why, he can't be that STATEGIC? NO WAY, he can be that shrewd, well, I tell you what, if a BLACK MAN is going to run for office in AMERICKLAN in this country NOWADAY'S, they better have a SUPREME GAME PLAN!
I don't know what's going on, but, if he is for real, I hope he doe's a ROPE A DOPE on FOLK'S! I hope he will go into the HARVARD TALKING, YALE, PRINCTON MODE! cause if this BLACK MAN won the DEMOCRATIC election in RACIST CAROLINA, well, he deserve's to run for PRESIDENT in 2012! but, if not, well, he deserve's to get what is coming to him, that being a TELEVISED BLACK MAN BEATDOWN! and YALL know, WHITE FOLK can't wait to do it, oh, and let's not forget, their ever FAITHFUL CONFUSED FILLED HAND CONSTRUCTION FEEDBACK!
The first thing I said was "where did he get $10K?" Money is hard to come by especially in these economic times. An unemployed person DOES NOT pay $10K to run for office. This guy can't even complete his sentences. He's going to jail for more then NASTY pictures and going to that 17 year old's dorm room. SC is a TRIP! Talk about DIRTY POLITICS! I think it's AWFUL that REPUBLICANS will stoop this low.
I thought he seemed a little slow.
Trapped...I was hoping you would drop a few insights. Thanks for the 411 on SC politics. From the looks of it, it's a lot like we do things here in Philly.
Destructive one, you are pathetic. You are NOT defending that man because he is a black man, you are defending him because you think that he IS a republican plant. If, as some have stated, my man Alvin seemed to be on top of his game, you would be all over him. But because he comes across as someone of a joke, you support him. Go figure.
BTW, I saw the Olbermann interview, and I have to co-sign with Anon 10:08 pm.
"Field and other posters, there was a movie in the 70's called PUTNEY SWOPE. I swear on so many levels, I think that is what this guy represents."
LOL @ M. I have never heard of Putney. You have got to give me more.
"Maybe someone will recognize him from his role as Simon Adebisi on Oz and do a black version of Rain Man or sumthin."
Rippa, you so crazy. :)
"I am sure the man has been redeemed and is clean. Otherwise, he would not have run. He just wants to do something for his state out of gratitude.
Leave the man alone. If he were White there would be no issue."
Alvin, why don't you post under your real name? :)
Heheheh FN that is a funny movie, just look at the IMDB link I provided. Robert Downey Sr. directed it; it is a worthwhile movie to see, especially nowadays...
As to the topic of this post, I saw the interview on some website and he did seem a bit slow and uncoordinated. But in truth he was about as evasive as Sarah Palin was with the Katy Couric interview; he's just not as charismatic.
If they get him charisma lessons, he might could have a chance.
And so what if he's a plant? Seems like all national scale politicians are plants/fronts for special interests.
If lobbying was made illegal, I believe that the entire process would be changed for the better.
it's pretty obvious he's a stooge. i feel sorry for the guy, i'm sure he got paid a pittance and had no idea what national media attention would mean. the republicans are openly mocking how weak the dem party really is. structurally, this is what happens when most of the money is sucked up by expensive television campaigns favored by the DLC and party leadership. instead of real party building, you get a few local folks who spend most of their time doing really lame fundraisers, usually with the same set of regular donors. it's all very in bred and undemocratic and people shouldn't be surprised that we have ~50% of the citizenry that doesn't bother to vote, and much higher in primaries.
republicans raise money from corporations and ratfuckers and rich people in buckets, and they use it on stunts like this. and over and over again, the party leadership acts surprised when it happens. "we're not concerned with a state party matter" is so lame. you'd almost think they were in on it. it's like a business owner watching an employee walk out with a wad of cash from the till and saying, "that's the night shift manager's problem, not mine."
the local folks say the whole primary stank and several candidates were plants. i guess we don't care that democracy is dead in this country and voting is mostly a joke, resulting in Kabuki instead of governance. anyone who takes this guy seriously needs a course in basic critical thinking skills. there are many reasons why a person like this could've been elected. voter ignorance always plays a role in situations like this. however, some have asked "where are these voters?" i've yet to read or see any of them. i'd also be asking about voting machines. i am confident that in time, and not much at that, the money trail will reveal this guy's ties to some republican ratfucker.
The bigger question is why S.C. Democrats are so stupid they pulled the lever next to his name without knowing who he is. Let this be a lesson for all Democrats running for office.....change your last name to Acme so it's first on the list; that's how Democrats choose their candidates.
The country is laughing.
[quote]My arm chair analysis -- the GOP secretly put this clown up Democratic Party nomination and got a bunch of Tea Party ringers to vote for him in the Primary. [/quote]
LAC King:
Can I ask you a question?
Do YOU think that there is any possible scenario in which Alvin King - THE BLACK MAN who was duly elected as the Democratic Party representative for the South Carolina senatorial race will come out of this situation "UN-Inferiorized" per the scenario that you, Filled-Negro, RiPPa and others have concocted.
* HE was "put up to it"
* HE was "paid of"
* THEY were trying to throw the election
Do you see that in all of these bullet points it is the EXTERNAL REFERENCE that is SUPERIOR.
The "equal human being" with EQUAL THOUGHT and capacity to UNDERSTAND the gravity of his actions gets demoted to a lesser being that is manipulated like putty.
1) Did they KNOW who they were voting for?
2) Did they just pick the first person on the list?
3) Did they think that singer Al Green had moved from Memphis over to South Carolina and they thought that it would be cool for a celebrity to represent them?
What are you all so curiously silent about the REAL REASON why this future felon will be on the general election ticket in November? HE WAS VOTED INTO PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY WhiteBowieSteve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly a Maryland State Trooper was murdered last night in Forestville Maryland while working extra hours at an Appleby's to feed his family during these times.
Will YOU agree to attend any protest march against this MURDER of this public servant?
Forestville is only 15 miles away from Bowie. Less than one gallon of gas away.
I'm off to my local, for opening ceremonies. It may be the last time we see Madiba on such an occasion. Today I will be cheering for Bafana Bafana.
The answer (and who can't guess it) lies in the $10,000. He claimed—following the obligatory pause—that it was his money, something he had saved up. Any half-assed researcher can (and, I am sure, will) trace it.
Then there is plain old-fashioned reasoning. Who would take his savings and (while unemployed, mind you) spend it to get on a ballot, and not do any campaigning? A fool (possibility) or a pawn (probability).
This, I think, is a transparent set-up in a state that seems to embrace such arrangements. The man is inarticulate and uninformed.
Yes, this is kinda funny, but really not.
In fairness, could the guy do any worse than the turds floating at the top of the punchbowl now?
We've got...what? Me-firsters who want to grab everything in reach and wouldn't know a scruple if it bit their ass, and people who'd piss their pants in a men's room with more than one urinal if they didn't have a staffer with money telling them which one to use.
I guess that the saying, "...anyone can become a/the..." is only true if you are aceeptable to the "right" people. And that isn't necessarily "the people" hinted at in the founding documents.
[quote] Who would take his savings and (while unemployed, mind you) spend it to get on a ballot, and not do any campaigning? [/quote]
If we were to go back to the summer of 2008 do you think that we could find a large set of individuals who donated to the Obama campaign despite their financial condition at the time?
I just heard on the news that organized labor spent $10M in Arkansas to get rid of Blanche Lincoln. Why is it that you and others never second guess them - noting the vast number of other things that money could have been used for?
"Will YOU agree to attend any protest march against this MURDER of this public servant?"
You know that you are one pathetic negro for trying to exploit the senseless murder of this young officer to advance your Uncle Tom agenda.
In case you didn't notice, the murder of the state trooper has been all over the news since it happended last night.
Every law enforcement agency in the DC area is on high alert.
On my way to work this morning there were patrol cars EVERYWHERE.
So what now CF?
We at FN shouldn't discuss anything but the murder of the state trooper.
Or just not mention anything about white racism?
looks like they found another brother with his soul for sale...just like hobama...
Can I ask you a question?
Do YOU think that there is any possible scenario in which Alvin King - THE BLACK MAN who was duly elected as the Democratic Party representative for the South Carolina senatorial race will come out of this situation "UN-Inferiorized" per the scenario that you, Filled-Negro, RiPPa and others have concocted.
* HE was "put up to it"
* HE was "paid of"
* THEY were trying to throw the election
Do you see that in all of these bullet points it is the EXTERNAL REFERENCE that is SUPERIOR.
Negro, please!!! American politics is a blood sport and you don't through a championship match for a few duckets.
What would it gain the Dems to run a political non-entity with a shady personal record, no discernible campaign strategy and no political experience for the Senate? Why would they even risk the brass ring on a guy who literally came out of no where?
CF - As someone whose worked with a regular guy who ran for Senate, I can honestly say that this dude is a plant. Why may you ask? Because when most unknowns run for office, they put some foot to pavement. They make campaign posters, talk to people travel around state. My boy changed himself to city hall and spent months getting as many newspaper interviews as possible.
This Alvin Greene dude did nothing. Nobody in the political press knows who he is. He doesn't even have a campaign sign. He tried to to pay for the campaign with a personal check (which is illegal in a SC primary, because you know, they want to make sure you're legit.)
CF, stop being a partisan hack. This is an obvious set up by the GOP or somebody. The only people who win from this doofus running is the Republican candidate. Running against a guy who is practically a cipher is almost as good as running unopposed.
This is how it works in boxing and pro wrestling -- the champ wants to defend his title but not risk it on a real contender, so the promoter puts up a 'journey men' or a 'ringer' -- a patsy -- for the champ to smack around for 4 or 5 rounds. The champ keeps his title, the jobber gets a nice paycheck for his bloodied lip and black eye and only the most discerning fans are any wiser.
This guy, in fighting terms, is an absolute ringer. Dig deep enough and they are going to be Tea Party/GOP hackery fingerprints all over Alan Greene's "campaign"
LAC, "What would it gain the Dems to run a political non-entity with a shady personal record, no discernible campaign strategy and no political experience for the Senate? Why would they even risk the brass ring on a guy who literally came out of no where?"
That's the point, it wouldn't. But don't blame someone else with excuses such as:
1. He was put up to do it by Repubs.
2. He was paid off to do it by Repubs.
3. The Repubs were trying to throw the election.
I didn't know that Republicans had that kind of political power over Democrats. It seems that Dems are weak and vulnerable to Republicans power. I don't know of a political party who would show its weakness and irresponsibility to voters in SC.
If the Dems had merely done a 'cursory' check, they could have prevented it. But the problem with liberal progressive Dems is that they lack the maturity and moral potency to be accountable for their own mistakes- It's always the Repubs fault. Dems are a joke.
@ Chicago Dyke
Do you know that a dyke also does mean lesbian?
I think you will like to know this! hehe!
steve, i just heard a story about the murder on NPR. perhaps CF will be glad to know that even the gov. of our great state was quoted as being outraged. apparently he confronted someone in the parking lot over non-payment of a bill.
but what does this have to do with alvin greene? cf, can you EVER stay on topic?
what's race got to do with this--anything? was the perp white? the assailant white?
btw, the dead trooper was only 24. and don't forget what sometimes the white police do to black women who don't pay their bill--mitrice richardson, still missing.
oh, but CF won't talk about that, i'm sure.
Hearing that Repubs can cross party lines to vote Democratic did it for me: the missing piece of the puzzle. It's clear who voted for Alvin--the special cadres of S.C. Republicans.
This sounds really sick, in a 19th century way. Pawns who don't realize they're pawns, or who are so cynical they don't care. So Reconstruction.
here is more:
Anonymous said...
LAC, "What would it gain the Dems to run a political non-entity with a shady personal record, no discernible campaign strategy and no political experience for the Senate? Why would they even risk the brass ring on a guy who literally came out of no where?"
That's the point, it wouldn't. But don't blame someone else with excuses such as:
1. He was put up to do it by Repubs.
2. He was paid off to do it by Repubs.
3. The Repubs were trying to throw the election.
I didn't know that Republicans had that kind of political power over Democrats. It seems that Dems are weak and vulnerable to Republicans power. I don't know of a political party who would show its weakness and irresponsibility to voters in SC.
If the Dems had merely done a 'cursory' check, they could have prevented it. But the problem with liberal progressive Dems is that they lack the maturity and moral potency to be accountable for their own mistakes- It's always the Repubs fault. Dems are a joke.
Anon, fair enough the Dems kind of said 'whatever' and let this clown run. But Republicans and Democrats love to pass blame and equally 'lack the maturity adn moral potency to be accountable for their own mistakes'. Or were you just asleep during Katrina and 9/11 -- two obvious incidents of GOP leadership being asleep at the wheel?
But this is old school Tamney Hall style politics. And the fact that the Dems aren't bothering to even prop this guy up shows they didn't put him there.
And the SC Greens and Libertarians don't have enough cash to by my '87 Mirage, let alone 10K to get this guy on a ballot. So this isn't a third party stalking horse.
So that leaves the GOP -- who are the only people who gain from this straw man candidate in the general. This man is a ringer.
Now what would be funny is that this guy pulls off a Putney Swopes and wins big (good looking, MR for an old school pre-Blackplotation art film).
"but what does this have to do with alvin greene? cf, can you EVER stay on topic?"
He's a clown.
His rightwing massas have schooled him thoroughly.
He waves the "street crime" issue around like kryptonite to shut down any conversation he doesn't want to have, especially racial injustice.
it is a horrible story, tho irrelevant to this thread.
This is not a case of a man who just wanted to run in my opinion. This has been happening for decades in the South according to my parents. Most recently in 2004, three black men jumped out of a SUV with a Bush/Cheney sticker on the car in South Carolina and all three plunked down $10,000 dollars in cash to sign up for the democratic ticket. This is fraud, rogue politics, and should be investigated. Here's an article that mentions just this.
[quote]What would it gain the Dems to run a political non-entity with a shady personal record, no discernible campaign strategy and no political experience for the Senate? Why would they even risk the brass ring on a guy who literally came out of no where? [/quote]
LAC King:
Again - you seem to have a problem with the all important FACT!!!!
It appears that you are FOR a FILTERING PROCESS by which a "Ballot Tax" which is too high for an average Joe to put his name upon the ballot be used as a dissuasion device for ballot access.
You appear to be too bothered to consider the reasons why the state Democratic Party, KNOWING the threat from a last minute embarrassment has failed to do a CANDIDATE BACKGROUND CHECK on ANYONE who has a "(D)" behind his name and runs as their party nominee.
I bet that you would be far more pleased if the state Democrats did background checks on the evil Republicans in the race, the goal being to EXPOSE their dirty laundry than you even thought to ponder the impact of such a faux pax as we are seeing now.
When Ed Schultz attacks a State Democrat organization for their failings YOU KNOW they have really stepped in it.
Let me ask you LAC King - in your history as a VOTER have you ever voted for someone for no other reason that he had a "D" after his name, not knowing much about his track record but his being of the "right party" was enough to win you over?
[quote]steve, i just heard a story about the murder on NPR. perhaps CF will be glad to know that even the gov. of our great state was quoted as being outraged. apparently he confronted someone in the parking lot over non-payment of a bill.[/quote]
With all due respect - Gov O'Malley used to preside over a "murder capital" city. A place that was so bad - they modeled a police/Street Pirate drama after it. He was a character within. I am not sure that his "outrage" runs deep.
Did he say he was going to "Kick the Street Pirate Murders azz?" during his press event?
[quote]but what does this have to do with alvin greene? cf, can you EVER stay on topic?[/quote]
Maria - this KILLER of the MD Trooper might get charged with something less than MURDER per his defense attorney's ability to draw upon the sentiments of the jury empaneled from MD. Thus HE might one day be out on the streets again, having served his time and thus seeking to VOTE. I brought this up for two reasons:
1) To bring awareness of this murderer's right to vote in an election once he "serves his time to society".
2) Hathor mentioned that Philly was too far for Steve to go to and protest. I figured that a crime scene that is only 15 miles away from the palatial estates of "Bowie" is close enough for Steve to attend a "Take Back Forestville MD" rally on behalf of the 24 year old HUMAN BEING who wore the uniform of a state trooper.
what's race got to do with this--anything? was the perp white? the assailant white?
you know i know everyone is speculating about whether or not this idiot is a plant (& judging from his IQ displayed at his interviews this might very well be true), but shouldn't the discussion also be about how in the SAME HELL Rep. Clyburn, one of the highest ranking Democrats, ALLOWED for the current state of affairs w/in SC State Democratic Party to produce this idiot?!
while i'm ALL for the underdog this guy can barely run a cold much less a statewide political campaign. given his 'performance' on Olbermann last night it's clear that he's VERY overwhelmed w/ the spotlight on his life.
Clyburn shouldn't be outraged he should be embarrassed! as for the national DNC-- i FIRMLY believe that part of the reason the South is allowed to revel in its racist culture, thereby supporting elected officials who exemplify these ideologies because the Dems put forth so little effort in raising up the significant number of African-Americans, leadership development that doesn't look like corrupt Negroes like former Rep. Cunningham or delusional AL Gubernatorial candidate Arthur Davis--no instead they're too busy supporting Big-Corporation icons like Blanche Lincoln.
Curious Tom...I mean...CF
When was the last time you participated in a "Stop the Violence, Take back the Streets Protest."
Where and when was it.
Who was killed?
CF said:
Maria - this KILLER of the MD Trooper might get charged with something less than MURDER per his defense attorney's ability to draw upon the sentiments of the jury empaneled from MD. Thus HE might one day be out on the streets again, having served his time and thus seeking to VOTE."
aren't you getting a WEE bit ahead of yourself?
i still don't see how this relates to alvin greene. so this alleged "cop killer" (black) might have a "jury" (your implication is the jury is black?) and thus serve less time and get out and then vote...huh?!
like vote for a guy like greene?
i have since read the the suspect is also black. what does that do to your theories?
so you are saying a black jury--because, of course, you suspect that the jury would be black based on the area (?) would go easier on a black man accused of killing a black cop, then a white jury would? so only a white jury would deliver "real" justice in your opinion?
what is your point about o`malley? my point was you were, as usual, doing your diversionary thing by saying, yeah, this post is about a weird election, but there was just a cop shooting!--and i wanted to point out that NO ONE was ignoring the cop shooting. not the governor, either, who i haven't heard quoted on murders much.
his tenure in baltimore is totally and completely irrelevant.
scary thing is, i'm starting to see how your mind works, and it's a whiter yet darker place than i could have imagined.
Let me ask you LAC King - in your history as a VOTER have you ever voted for someone for no other reason that he had a "D" after his name, not knowing much about his track record but his being of the "right party" was enough to win you over?
No, because I research candidates. I was an intern and campaign organizer dude -- next to IT and biomedical research, this is what I live and breathe.
Have there been times when there was a single candidate running? Sure. But lets be honest, are South Carolina Democrats that dumb that they'd vote for some dude who no one ever heard of because his name was the top of the ballot?
CF -- join us in reality. I've worked with grassroots dark horse candidates. Those dudes hustle to get theirs. I'm talking Master P "selling DVD out of the trunk" type hustling. This guy didn't even strike me as an idiot -- he struck me as someone who was on serious anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. He could barely put a coherent sentence together.
black grl #1 said...
Clyburn shouldn't be outraged he should be embarrassed! as for the national DNC-- i FIRMLY believe that part of the reason the South is allowed to revel in its racist culture, thereby supporting elected officials who exemplify these ideologies because the Dems put forth so little effort in raising up the significant number of African-Americans, leadership development that doesn't look like corrupt Negroes like former Rep. Cunningham or delusional AL Gubernatorial candidate Arthur Davis--no instead they're too busy supporting Big-Corporation icons like Blanche Lincoln.
Black girl, you're right. The repubs couldn't pull this type of bull if the Dems weren't such chumps in the South.
You can be damn certain the GOP wouldn't go for that.
Alvin Greene is a special needs person.
The felony (showing porn) is a classic example of someone with special needs not understanding the implication of such an act.
I now believe he is a plant and whoever played such a dirty trick should pay big.
Let's see his birth certificate...
Oh yeah. Its "Black Girl #1". Now I understand the line of thinking.
[quote]i FIRMLY believe that part of the reason the South is allowed to revel in its racist culture,[/quote]
BlackGirl #1:
You know as I listen to people like YOU it has become clear that when you talk about "Racist Southern Culture" you are only talking about WHITE FOLKS!!!
This is why you and others indict the 89% of White folks in Albama who voted for John McCain YET when someone mentions that 96% of Black people ALL THROUGHOUT AMERICA voted for the same man - this is not analyzed as "racialist".
I listened to a man on the radio today that was the closest approximation to WhiteBowieSteve that I can imagine, never having heard Steves voice before. In his logic - with sky high Black unemployment rates today it is GREAT that a Black man like Barack Obama can be inspirational to so many Black people who are unemployed......due to RACISM. There is not one brain cell in this poor chap's head that ever stopped to notice that:
* Where Black folks are in our highest concentrations in this nation - THE DEMOCRAT run things.
* These are also the places where there is the highest unemployment rates.
In summary he looked past the machine that runs these places and PRAISED Obama as a spark in this darkness.
[quote] thereby supporting elected officials who exemplify these ideologies because the Dems put forth so little effort in raising up the significant number of African-Americans, leadership development[/quote]
Excuse me "SistaGirl #1" - I take it that you don't know it but THE SOUTH HAS FAR MORE BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS in power than does the NORTH!!!!!!!
Look at your logic and reasoning. You complain about the "Farm Team" of Black Elected officials that are in the pipeline YET instead of making note of the BLACK QUASI-SOCICALIST PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALIST RACISM CHASER MACHINE that is developing them you blame it on - get this "Racist Southern Culture"???
Does not compute SistaGirl #1.
[quote] that doesn't look like corrupt Negroes like former Rep. Cunningham or delusional AL Gubernatorial candidate Arthur Davis--no instead they're too busy supporting Big-Corporation icons like Blanche Lincoln.[/quote]
* Rep Cunningham?
You have:
* Langford in Birmingham
* William Jefferson in N.O.
* Dixon in Baltimore - along with the Baltimore County board member that got locked up
* The "Street/Ron White" corruption in Philly
* Felon Mayor Campbell in Atlanta
* Dekalb County GA just had 4 insiders on the school board get indicted
* Sharpe James in Newark
* No need to talk about DETROIT. It is easier to talk about who DIDN'T get locked up
Do you see, Sista Girl#1 - despite the failure to deliver AND the corruption this machine that controls our institutions continue to dominate because of people like you who get it all wrong.
Instead of worrying about "Big-Corporate Icons" it would do good for you to focus upon POST-CORPORATE desolation and collapse of cities once people that you favor WIN.
* Trenton
* Camden
* Baltimore
* Detroit
* Milwaukee
* Akron
* Rochester
* Buffalo
the list goes on and on.
[quote]When was the last time you participated in a "Stop the Violence, Take back the Streets Protest."
Where and when was it.[/quote]
Each time I participate in my weekly reading program for Black boys.
Each session insure that they will not use VIOLENCE to settle conflict.
Instead their strengthened literacy will open their minds to other options.
Do you mind if I write your question down so I can ask these boy's FATHERS - who never seem to come to these gatherings?
[quote]so you are saying a black jury--because, of course, you suspect that the jury would be black based on the area (?) would go easier on a black man accused of killing a black cop, then a white jury would? so only a white jury would deliver "real" justice in your opinion? [/quote]
Please detail where I said anything about the RACIAL MAKE UP of the jury? It is not "Black Juries" that are problematic for me. LEFTIST jury members who believe that they are going to "change the world by throwing a monkey wrench in the RULING BEFORE THEM are the problem.
This is why "Court House Killer" Brian Nichols in Atlanta is still alive DESPITE having MURDERED 4 PEOPLE. There is NO CHANCE that "the WRONG MAN" might be executed.
He executed the "right people" as they had no chance of appeal.
scary thing is, i'm starting to see how your mind works, and it's a whiter yet darker place than i could have imagined.[/quote]
Let me get this one Maria.
YOU, a White Italian female is telling ME a Black Man that "I have a mind that works like A WHITE PERSON"?
Does this qualify YOU for "Self Hatred"?
LAC why do you think the guy is on psych meds? His affect seemed somewhat flat, but I've seen that in people that aren't on meds.
I think the point is that all of us can see that 'he a lil' off' that's what the old folks used to say about mentally ill people in the neighborhood back in the day.
Whatever the case, I hope that the fact he won will put those Dems on blast as well as the GOPers. After all, perhaps folks voted for him precisely because they'd not heard of him. Sometimes fresh perspective is better than the bullshit we have now folks saying they represent public interest but only care about self aggrandizement...
[quote]Black girl, you're right. The repubs couldn't pull this type of bull if the Dems weren't such chumps in the South.
Can you detail for me how the NORTHERN Democrats are "not chumps" in the same way?
Better yet - instead of making reference to the Democrats/ Republicans - lets talk about the ORIGINAL PURPOSE that you and I claim to have: Translating our political activism into BENEFITS BACK ON THE STREETS.
If we do a zipcode level inspection, shamefully, the Northern -Democratic dominated areas for Black folks fare little better than those with the same profile in the South. (16th district of NYC has the highest rate of poverty of any district in the nation. 8th Ward of DC ain't too far behind).
WHEN will you and others start doing more AFFIRMATIVE evaluations of the "Blue Pill" that you are addicted to LACking. Does your question have to conclude with "If we cleans our bodies of the 'blue pill', THE RED PILL is the only alternative?
Why not a more natural/alternative medicine remedy?
For Filled Negro and Steve - they'd say "IF we stop voting Democrat - the Republicans will take over. DON'T BE FOOLISH PEOPLE!!!!"
As IF Trenton would be WORSE if the GOP took over.
Maybe there is a domain beyond POLITICS that exists in your community's development?
cf, please don't mention that i'm white, you'll make some folks mad.
i didn't imply that have a "white" mindset was worthy of hatred. it's that uncle tom thing, you know.
but really, are you a black man? i think that's what people have been wondering for years...
CF, "Let me get this one Maria.
YOU, a White Italian female is telling ME a Black Man that "I have a mind that works like A WHITE PERSON"?
Does this qualify YOU for "Self Hatred"?"
Whoa! Ouch!
not an ouch, at all. read my response.
[quote]but really, are you a black man? i think that's what people have been wondering for years...[/quote]
My dear friend Maria.
Some of the very same people who wonder about my "race" (or at least "racial loyalties") are the same people who:
1) Seek "Klan-like" MURDER of Black people in our own communities today yet go out and find other grievances that can better "UNIFY" Black folks where no one inside gets their toes stepped upon.
2) Have done their part to get the insiders that today control their local public schools yet say little about the gross damage that continues to be done with respect to their community's interests.
I think that the biggest DEVILS around are those who seemingly never have their "racial loyalties" questioned, mostly because the typical "Questioners" are standing right beside them - doing the same thing.
"If Alvin Greene was a white unemployed vet and he won. There wouldn't be any media scrutiny. Instead, he would be heralded as a hero. He would have already had a book deal, a job on Fox, and a front seat on the Tea Party Express."
Of course. But then again, there wouldn't be any need to use him as a plant for not only siphoning off black votes that would more than likely go to the Dem candidate, but also make Black candidates look bad in general, just because of this particular Negro.
BTW, I've been gone for far too long. Just had a lot of things on my plate and coming here kinda took a backseat to other things. So I read up on everything, including the whole Israel debate that usually turns sensible people into raving lunatics and closeted anti-Semetics. And I also see CF's still being CF and Thrasher's still being an egotisical cuntstain. *shrugs*
CF "Maybe there is a domain beyond POLITICS that exists in your community's development?"
I am afraid not, CF. It's depressing but judging from the comments on FN POLITICS IS the only thing. How many years of being attacked and judged wrongly is it going to take for you to "accept" this?
Hell, even the Italians on this blog is throwing punches at you.
Field, are you aware that the Gulf is a huge disaster? Do you know that sometime in the near future when it rains there will be oil in those rain drops? Better wear oil repellent clothes next time you visit LA.
I just wanted to say this:
If George W. Bush, could somehow dupe numbnut voters to elect him as President of the United States...twice...then why are all the numbnuts in the mainstream media wasting their time trying to figure out how an unemployed U.S Army Veteran, won a primary for a senate seat that the Democrats would never realistically have a chance of winning in the end?
Mr. Greene probably suffers from PTSD and is not "all there"...if you know what i mean. I honestly believe that he used $10,000 of his own money to register as a primary candidate, AND I also believe that the South Carolina Democratic Party thought they saw a "sucker" who they could get 10 grand from with ease.
In the end, Mr.Greene got the last laugh (though i think he needs *help* a.k.a meds), and the longer the SC Democratic Party tries to bury this guy, the worse they will look to the electorate.
TJeezy, I think you are on to something. I hope the truth comes out on those crooked Dems and LAC and the entire Field flock has to eat crow. Of course, they will make something else up about the Repubs setting that up too.
Alvin Greene is Obama without a teleprompter.
"Alvin Greene is Obama without a teleprompter."
Alvin Greene is Sarah Palin when she forgets to write her Homer Simpson-esque crib notes on the palm of her hand.
So let me get this straight cause maybe I'm always a little shit-faced and silly on saturday mornings...But...................
We finally vote for one of y'all and y'all are still pissed??? Shit, he's got more military experience than the Muslim in Chief(Oil be upon Him), Martin Lucifer King, and Eric Holder combined...
Of course the N-word won, its a Democratic primary in South Carolina, and the white guy looks like a Pedophile, HE's the one who shouldn't have let people see what he looks like.
Heck, I even voted for Green, and I live in Georgia,
[quote]Of course. But then again, there wouldn't be any need to use him as a plant for not only siphoning off black votes that would more than likely go to the Dem candidate, but also make Black candidates look bad in general, just because of this particular Negro.
Mack Is Lying:
Help me out on your line of reasoning.
You see while YOU and others are looking at Alvin Greene - I am looking at the "White Liberal Snarling Fox Bigots" and the "Black Inferiorists" and how they relate to him.
Did you see the Keith Olbermann interview? WHAT YOU NEED to be asking is "Would Keith Olbermann, upon having a WHITE IDIOT in front of him - NOT ATTACK HIM?".
You see, Mack Is Lying - you, LACking and many others ARE UNABLE TO ASK the "Next Logical Question". Why not ask why Olbermann saw a BLACK MAN and acted differently.
Mack Is Lying - pay attention to how the Black Inferirorists are TALKING AROUND Greene and focusing on "WHO put him up to this?".
Its as if he is a brain damaged INFERIOR who lacks the capacity to understand what he is doing. He is a front man for some other agenda.
Maybe this is so Mack Is Lying. I don't know.
The point is that upon seeing the face of a BLACK MAN - this is the FIRST thing that the "Snarling White Fox" and "The Black Inferiorists" went to.
this hoax gets better each day!
This is Gail Collins' view today, from the New York Times. She favors the voters are dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers theory:
...The state has open primaries, and it’s possible that thousands of Republicans cannily crossed over to give DeMint a pathetic opponent. But voters generally aren’t that sneaky. It’s more likely that Democrats drew a blank, then flipped a mental coin. The exception was in neighborhoods where local party leaders passed out sample ballots with their recommended candidates, and helped people avoid voting to turn a clearly troubled guy with large legal problems into a U.S. Senate nominee...
Last word?
Sorry anotherbozo, not quite the last word.
Trapped in SC, your comments made it into the Christian Science Monitor."
"Alvin Greene, on TV, looks like someone who is just now realizing that he is the punchline for a very bad joke," writes Trapped in SC on the Field Negro blog, which looks at black societal issues."
When field hands speak people listen. :)
Do you know that a dyke also does mean lesbian?
you're not very bright, or english isn't your first language, B.
Field, "Trapped in SC, your comments made it into the Christian Science Monitor."
Wow. I am really proud of TSC. Congratulations! What is the Christian Science Monitor?
Way to go Trapped in SC!
By the way, I saw a telephone interview T.J. Holmes did with Alvin Greene and it was the sorriest thing I've ever heard. Greene's speech was stilted like he was listening to someone tell him what to say and repeating it. Pitiful!
It seem like a mantra with everyone calling the guy dumb. They sound like sheeps following the leader and not saying anything original. South Carolina economy need Greene. You notice that Greene always wear something Greene. OF COURE he does not sound like a house negro. Even Black people is stunned by a field negro coming into power. see www.pyramidoftruth.com
I have never visited this blog before, and this is thus the first FN message board that I have read through.
I have only one thing to say.
Constructive Feedback, you are a damn moron. It's clear that you think you're incredibly clever, but you have yet to show much more than an inane ability to unnecessarily capitalize words. I don't think you realize the degree to which other readers see you as a buffoon, rather than a legitimate member of the debate. And yet you soldier on. Perhaps there is something to admire in such obliviousness...
"Wow. I am really proud of TSC. Congratulations! What is the Christian Science Monitor?"
Anon 9:46 am, welcome to the fields. Please excuse the comments avbove from another anon. Most people posting here actually have a clue. :)
As for Destructive Wingnut; well, he is an acquired taste. I guess he has just grown on the rest of us.:)
Anon, "Constructive Feedback, you are a damn moron. It's clear that you think you're incredibly clever, but you have yet to show much more than an inane ability to unnecessarily capitalize words. I don't think you realize the degree to which other readers see you as a buffoon, rather than a legitimate member of the debate. And yet you soldier on. Perhaps there is something to admire in such obliviousness..."
Anon, with comments like yours it is clear that YOU are the moron. We ALL appreciate CF, because this blog would be much LESS without his views and opinions.
Therefore, you have disqualified yourself as part of the elite class of Anons. Get your own ID and stop ruining our good name, you idiot.
"Got My Back Anon": Thank you for making me aware of "Neo-All White Jury Anon's" comments.
[quote]Constructive Feedback, you are a damn moron. It's clear that you think you're incredibly clever, but you have yet to show much more than an inane ability to unnecessarily capitalize words.[/quote]
N.A.W.J. Anon:
Do you mind if I give you a HINT along with the CLUE that I am about to impart upon you?
When I listen to criticism that which is not substantive about my thoughts I view as about as legitimate as a state drivers license found on a person walking in the Arizona border area: FRAUDULENT!!
Since I am such a lightweight why don't you pull out some of my choice comments and shred them?
[quote] I don't think you realize the degree to which other readers see you as a buffoon, rather than a legitimate member of the debate. And yet you soldier on. Perhaps there is something to admire in such obliviousness...[/quote]
Neo-All White Jury Anon:
Do you mind if I deconstruct your words?
You just placed the issue of the QUALITY of my views into the hands of OTHERS who evaluate me. You have no particular reference that you can point to which can transparently evaluate my views as well as those that you agree with against some standard reference and thus confirm the VERACITY of either.
Like the original "All White Jury" you depend upon UNIFIED BIGOTRY to rue the day for you. As long as you and your fellow jurors are in agreement about me - you could care less to go deeper and consider if your present perpetual GRIEVANCES have anything to do with your bigoted and entrenched positions.
Do you realize that on your very first visit and post to the Filled Negro Blog - out of all of the subjects that you could have written about - YOU CHOSE ME!!!
You see N.A.W.J. Anon - I like being the "Salt on the snail's back", making those who are comfortable in their shell of entrenchment made to squirm a bit.
I am glad that I stood out enough in your mind that I triggered a response from you. Maybe Gregory or LAC will one day write something that causes you to make note of the distinctiveness of their views - at a time of your grievance as you look for answers but only tolerate COMPLICITY with your leftist preferences.
Damn. Jim Clyburn is NOT the man I thought he was. Good post. His cooning ass will never get another dime from me.
Jim Demint has probably never thrown a boomerang, much less learned how to use a gun to "protect and serve."
"Sorry Jimbo", but we Negroes here in SC have enough enemies that don't look like us. Your inclusion isn't needed.
What's up with the anonymous sycophants??? Their breath probably smells like ass.
Hey man, great name for the blog, and I love your outlook. Keep up the good work.
Middle aged white boy
Alvin Greene has the IQ of a turnip. He did show that he was very good at avoiding the reporters and could dance around the room like a spider monkey. Stick to those comic books Al, you make us proud!
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