Negroes who are not responsible enough to have children should not be allowed to own handguns.
"A 4-year-old boy fatally shot a 3-year-old girl at a home on Indianapolis' west side Thursday, leading police to arrest the girl's mother on child neglect and drug charges in what officers termed a very tragic incident.
Fiona Lee.... 26, faces one count of felony child neglect, along with charges of possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana, after police were called to the home in the 200 block of North Sheffield Avenue just before 1 p.m.
Investigators found that the child, Aunesti Lee Allen, had been shot in the head.
Don't let that pic that goes along with this post fool you, this isn't one of my typical bash NRA posts; because, honestly, this one is all on Fiona Lee.
"Indianapolis police Lt. Jeff Duhamell said that Lee was upstairs and that four children were downstairs -- three of them hers, along with her boyfriend's 4-year-old son.
"She heard a shot, and she ran downstairs, and … the 4-year-old … had picked up the gun and pointed it at the 3-year-old, pulling the trigger," Duhamell said.
The gun had been left unattended on a kitchen counter, investigators said.
"(The gun) was easily accessible to the children," Duhamell said. "The mother had walked by it several times, however did not secure it."
Neighbors told police that Lee came out of the house yelling for help, saying that the girl had been shot.
"She was screaming. She was out of her mind crying," said neighbor Robert Tremblay. "She was losing it."' [Article]
"A 4-year-old boy fatally shot a 3-year-old girl at a home on Indianapolis' west side Thursday, leading police to arrest the girl's mother on child neglect and drug charges in what officers termed a very tragic incident.
Fiona Lee.... 26, faces one count of felony child neglect, along with charges of possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana, after police were called to the home in the 200 block of North Sheffield Avenue just before 1 p.m.
Investigators found that the child, Aunesti Lee Allen, had been shot in the head.
Don't let that pic that goes along with this post fool you, this isn't one of my typical bash NRA posts; because, honestly, this one is all on Fiona Lee.
"Indianapolis police Lt. Jeff Duhamell said that Lee was upstairs and that four children were downstairs -- three of them hers, along with her boyfriend's 4-year-old son.
"She heard a shot, and she ran downstairs, and … the 4-year-old … had picked up the gun and pointed it at the 3-year-old, pulling the trigger," Duhamell said.
The gun had been left unattended on a kitchen counter, investigators said.
"(The gun) was easily accessible to the children," Duhamell said. "The mother had walked by it several times, however did not secure it."
Neighbors told police that Lee came out of the house yelling for help, saying that the girl had been shot.
"She was screaming. She was out of her mind crying," said neighbor Robert Tremblay. "She was losing it."' [Article]
Sorry, she was "out of her mind" when she failed to secure that gun in a safe place with young children in the house.
*Pic courtesy of Newsone.com
This crap will never end. Maybe.
Just watched a memorial to David Lewis on PBS's "Need to Know" right now. A great tribute.
what a very sad story:(
That is such a sad story, I hear so many of them. I don't like guns period.
La thinking to herself... (That woman looks half something, I'll bet she's carrying her "Asian" mother's last name and while her father was obviously a dead-beat she was probably raised by her non-black mother. Now she's been placed under the category of reckless "black" mother to put yet another strike against black women).
But that's a way out thought, so I'm going to keep it to myself.
Now see La~Audio...
Farman, what time was that on? I am on the East Coast.
And you know what Field, imagine the guilt that poor four year old will always have knowing what he did to another.
I sometimes wonder why people with small children keep guns at all (I know this tragedy was more to it that that), but even responsible and law abiding parents hide their guns, one would be surprised how some children still become aware of it. And as an adult, when you hide the gun at far reach, that only slows you down when you really need it. Why bother.
As tragic and heart rending as this story is, why do you say that "Negroes who are not responsible enough to have children should not be allowed to own handguns", rather than anyone, any race, any ethnic, religious or political background? Why do you only single out Negroes? Moreover, why does anyone own a gun? They are shameful and cowardly instruments of hate and destruction.
The problem isn't that people with small children should have guns. The is is, irresponsible people shouldn't have guns. The weapon should have been unloaded and put away in a place that 1) the children don't know about and 2) is too high for them to reach.
That is too sad and depressing for me. It is hard for me to deal with tragedy that involves children and it grieves my spirit. My heart goes out both of the children as well as my prayer.
This is sad on so many levels. The loss of this child was made all the worse because the loss was unnecessary and caused by parental negligence.
@123: Ha! Dare to dream. Gun safety is not happening on an institutional level, so I don't think responsible gun ownership will trickle down to individuals as long as the culture remains the same.
If it's permissible in this country for people on the terror watch list to own handguns, then I doubt irresponsible people will think twice about waving one around wildly because "the constutooshin says so." After all, what's a negligent parent to a terrorist. It's a real shame.
I hope someone makes sure 4 year-old gets therapy. He's really going to be messed up unless he gets some help.
Tragic story. Irresponsible adults.
"People who are not responsible enough to have children should not be allowed to own handguns."
I know that was said tongue-in-cheek, but irresponsibility isn't limited to any one group of people.
And if anyone's wondering, it takes me just as long to post under the Name/URL option as it does via Wordpress, so I'm not bothering with that mess anymore.
Hey Field, it was on at 9 pm CST.
"As tragic and heart rending as this story is, why do you say that "Negroes who are not responsible enough to have children should not be allowed to own handguns",
Because I am trying to reach Negroes on this site. :)
Thanks Farman.
Interesting that the four-year-old knew exactly what to do with the weapon. He knew you were supposed to point it at someone and pull the trigger. I wonder if he hollered "Boooya!" when he did it?
Here in NY City, another day goes by and one or two more blacks are intentionally shot to death by one or two other blacks armed with handguns.
With respect to the posted homicide, a few questions arise. What are the gun laws of Indiana? Was this weapon legally owned? Inasmuch as the woman is a drug abuser, I'd say NO, she was not legally entitled to own the weapon.
Was it her weapon? Or did it belong the the father of the 4-year-old who pulled the trigger?
Since it appears drug-dealing activities were part of household life, the handgun was probably part of that, which suggests the woman has a drug-dealing boyfriend.
A house with guns and drugs is a house were murderous fatal violence is imminent. Maybe there was a threat that rival dealers or just plain thugs would burst in to rob and shoot the occupants. Maybe the paranoid woman and her paranoid boyfriend thought they might return fire.
Amazingly, some people believe the answer is to legalize recreational drugs. Yeah, that'll work.
Then there is the record-setting nature of this case. It is possible the 4-year-old is the youngest person to ever deliberately point and fire a handgun at another person and kill the victim.
false 1,
What's interesting about it? Every since there have been TV's in the home or I should say Saturday afternoon matinees, a four year old has know what to do with a gun. That would be 90 years of instruction.
field, you wrote:
Because I am trying to reach Negroes on this site.
In other words, you know when it comes to guns and drugs, the problems are greatest in the black community.
As I have said, of all the homicides in NY City this year, almost every victim and almost every killer has been black or hispanic. I have not seen a news item identifying either party in a homicide as white.
Maybe the race of a few participants has escaped me, but the way the media is in this town, if a killer or victim were white, the media would let that fact slip into the coverage.
When it comes to parents, children and guns, what comes to my mind is the white eight year old who shot and killed himself at a gun show while his father supervised.
Two weeks ago in my west coast neighborhood, a 7 year old boy fatally shot his 9 year old brother by accident.
They were white.
Get this, the gun BELONGED to the 7 year old.
There are no charges pending.
The angry letters in the newspaper mostly criticized anyone who would speak ill of the parents because every 7 year old should have his own gun.
Just food for thought.
hathor, your interpretation of the incident you cited suggests you considered it a suicide. Clearly, it was an accident, and clearly the adults on the scene were morons to have allowed the kid to fire an automatic weapon in the manner he fired it.
In short, I have firearms experience. At the very least an instructor should have stood behind the kid and held the weapon while the kid pulled the trigger.
"The firearm instructor prepped the weapon for him, and once it was ready he handed it to the child," Westfield Police Lt. Hipolito Nunez told ABCNews.com today. Christopher then pulled the trigger, and the gun's recoil pulled the barrel upward, causing a round to hit him on the right side of his head, according Nunez.
There was nothing unusual or unexpected about the behavior of the weapon.
But the fatality proves that even when people are given proper gun-handling instruction and knowledgeable personnel are standing by, things can go wrong.
There's a reason we do not let kids do many things. Like flying planes and driving cars. Shooting automatic weapons should go on that list. Firing a single-shot 22 caliber rifle at a rifle range is okay. Maybe even shooting a BB gun in the back yard is allowable. But shooting automatic weapons and shooting handguns -- no.
Meanwhile, here in NY City, there were several shootings yesterday. Luckily, none of them were fatal -- yet.
As usual, none of the shootings involved whites or asians.
chris pagani, you wrote:
Two weeks ago in my west coast neighborhood, a 7 year old boy fatally shot his 9 year old brother by accident. They were white.
I see. So in the middle of the daily parade of homicides, you find an example of one that was the result of mindlessness.
It's interesting that you focus on a case where and adult was at least attempting to instruct a kid in the proper use of a weapon. If we were to tally the deaths occurring under that circumstance, it's likely we would find there are less than 10 a year. Maybe less than 5.
Conceptually, it's like the number of fatal car accidents occurring when kids are taking a class in Driver's Ed.
Get this, the gun BELONGED to the 7 year old.
Get this. NO, the gun did not BELONG to the kid. He was not old enough to purchase it. He's not old enough to OWN anything. Yes, it was probably given to him by a family member, and there is no doubt it was FAMILY property, but the gun was not the child's legal property.
There are no charges pending.
There no criminal statutes by which those involved in accidents are prosecuted.
However, if the 7-year-old had been driving a car while his father sat in the passenger seat and the car had run over and killed a person, then criminal prosecution of the father might follow.
Why? There are laws restricting the operation of cars on roads.
The angry letters in the newspaper mostly criticized anyone who would speak ill of the parents because every 7 year old should have his own gun.
Believe what you like, but in this case the step-father was attempting to give the kid some proper instructions. Thus, the precipitating factors in this tragedy are as different as they can be from the drug addled mother who left the loaded handgun on the kitchen table for the amusement of the kids.
Anyway, as I've said, there's a reason we do not allow kids to fly planes and drive cars until they are at least 16.
The reason is along the lines of why we do not attempt to teach 7-year-olds calculus. Their little brains are not ready. Adults should know this.
If you look at how guns are actually used, (aside from targets and hunting) you will see they are most dangerous for the owner, family, and friends.
#1 use suicide.
#2 use, to shoot spouse or significant other.
#3 use- to shoot other family member.
#4 use- to shoot friends..
Less than 2% of people shot in the US are shot by strangers during a crime (this is includes perps and victims).
If you own a gun, it (excuse passive voice) is far more likely to be against someone you care about than against a criminal in self-defense.
anonymous, you wrote:
#1 use suicide.
#2 use, to shoot spouse or significant other.
#3 use- to shoot other family member.
#4 use- to shoot friends..
Your skewed list ignores the factors of motivation.
# 1 -- Suicide. I think there are about 25,000 a year, but I am not sure of the percentage committed with a gun. It is high.
#2 -- Intentionally killing spouse or significant other? Yes, a favorite among blacks and hispanics. And almost always with illegally owned weapons.
#3 -- Intentionally shooting other family members? Yes. It happens.
#4 -- Intentionally shooting friends? Yep, that happens too.
Meanwhile, in recent years the annual toll of homicides has been about 17,000. About 10,000 are committed with guns. Somewhat more than half of all homicides are committed by blacks.
Less than 2% of people shot in the US are shot by strangers during a crime (this is includes perps and victims).
The preceding is a statement meant to cloud the issue.
Less than 2% of people shot? Shot and KILLED? Or shot and WOUNDED? Or both?
Meanwhile, a huge percentage of crimes committed in minority neighborhoods are committed by residents of the neighborhood. Thus, the notion that someone is a "stranger" goes out the window.
Too often the perpetrator is a locally recognized thug. Thus, not a stranger.
Meanwhile, whether or not the perpetrator is known to his victims is irrelevant. What matters is the nature of the crime.
If a shooting is truly an accident -- the dog's paw moved the trigger -- that's one thing. But an intentional discharge of a weapon is something else.
You might want to check on the number of NRA members who are parties to shootings. The anser -- very few. Almost all intentional shootings involve untrained shooters using illegally obtained weapons.
If you own a gun, it (excuse passive voice) is far more likely to be against someone you care about than against a criminal in self-defense.
Another useless set-up.
Here in Brooklyn, where I live, armed robberies occur daily. The armed robber is hoping his victim is not armed. However, every once in a while, an armed robber makes the mistake of trying to rob an armed, out-of-uniform cop. In those cases, the armed robber generally fares badly.
Bottom line -- kids should have NO access to guns. That seems easy enough. Unfortunately, there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
Negro, seriously? She walked by the thing several times and it never occurred to her to put that shit out of her babies' reach?
Seriously, I have never seen such horrific reading comprehension skills in my life! What exactly did you read in Hathor's reply that even suggested she thought it was a suicide and NOT an accident? Please highlight, underline or copy the part of that post that says she thought the boy committed suicide.
cocoa goddess, hathor wrote:
When it comes to parents, children and guns, what comes to my mind is...the white eight year old who shot and killed himself...at a gun show while his father supervised.
The expression "who shot and killed himself" is another way of saying "committed suicide."
That both you and Hathor are unfamiliar with the nuance of this phrase is hardly a surprise.
Well, Maxine Waters is being charged with unethical practices in her job, much like Charles Range. At this rate, there won't be any Blacks left in Congress. It's very sad.
You are such a moron. Shot and killed himself means he shot and killed himself. It doesn't mean she THOUGHT he did it on purpose.
That was your interpretation of what you think she meant. You didn't even have the humility to ask if that was what she meant and before you went on another one of your tirades based on ERRONEOUS interpretations of what someone else wrote. Only someone as DELUSIONAL as you would continuously make assumption based on "nuances" that aren't even there.
1) The article Field posted was about a tragic accident that was caused by someone being careless with a gun in the house.
2) The article Hathor posted was about a tragic death of a boy who accidentally shot himself after he was carelessly handling a gun at a gun show with supposed gun experts watching him.
MY GOD! I'm so glad you keep exposing your stupidity on this page on a daily basis. Field is right to not block your pathetic, lonely, disgruntled, insecure, dumb ass. Negative attention is better than no attention.
Let the record show that No_Sacz will constantly misinterpret what you write in order to make it fit his warped mental construct of black people. If wasn't able to do this he'd have a cognitive dissonance meltdown.
cocoa goddess,
Inasmuch as I have written published material -- publsihed in recognized media venues -- and have edited the published work of others, I can say you, as usual, have no idea what yoou're blabbing about.
The phrase who shot and killed himself implies willful intent. If the phrase had been written as who accidently shot and killed himself I would agree with you.
Even the context suggests the phrase implies suicide. But all that flies right by you.
"Inasmuch as I have written published material -- publsihed [sic] in recognized media venues -- and have edited the published work of others, I can say you, as usual, have no idea what yoou're [sic] blabbing about."
Smh! Now, no_slappz is claiming to have been a publisher and editor in the publishing business with written works. I know, I know no_slappz, next you'll be telling us that you were President of USA before too.
no_slappz are you by any chance having some LSD flashbacks from the past? Your delusions are so transparent and getting to be a serious problem, until I am recommending that you get some help at a mental health institution as soon as possible. You need help! I am not joking.
I gave a link so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding what the allusion was. I didn't expect anyone to necessarily remember the incident.
What you mentioned, "who shot and killed himself," is a colloquialism and is not necessarily used in every part of the country or community?
Being published does not imply that one understands grammar, usage or linguistics.
Amen, Hathor!
Well, we all know that no_slappz tends to see the world through bigoted, fogged covered lenses and lacks omprehension skills. Why he would even consider commenting on any type of blog white or black is beyond me. He has been kicked off of so many blogs and the majority of them have been white blogs. That right there tells us a lot about no_slappz and that interpersonal communication is not one of his strong suits. Some of the stuff a lot of white bloggers have shared with me about no_slappz is an embarrassment and insult to humanity. When a person cannot even get along with their own people, it is something seriously wrong with them. And to think, that he has the nerve to see himself as above others and that we're beneath him. Smh!
It did not seem to me that with her word choice Hathor was implying the child committed suicide, especially considering the venue and that he was with his father.
I think some of you are being too hard on no_sappz. He is just trying to communicate with you.
Granny and Hathor, Did you know that gossip is not good for the mind?
no_slappz said...
Here in NY City, another day goes by and one or two more blacks are intentionally shot to death by one or two other blacks armed with handguns.
So what's your solution, to put us in a oven? You don't have any solutions, just complaints.We know you hate black people,grow up. Your point is that blacks are more savage than whites. You probably get your information from the Conservative Citizens Council, which was the White Citizens Council a registered hate group with the SPLC.The books they offer have material such as blacks not contributing anything to science.
You are a hate filled bigot that want blacks to fail.You need to grow up and be a man instead of a punk.
When you have some solutions , I will listen.
Field Negro, you should be trying to reach the White community, they are the one's that, take there small children to the Shooting range! as a matter of fact, White kid's are killed all the time,20/20 did a special on kid's being killed with gun's, and would you believe, the kid's were White!
The MSM will make the black parent's, look like a bunch of Ghetto careless parent's, and some Black blogger's will fall in line, behind them! of course they NEVER EVER do their own research, no, they just eat, what the White media give's them! yes, it was irresponsible, of the black parent's! white father took his five year old son to a NRA meeting, put a gun in his son's hand, the child was about to pull the trigger, low and behold, the gun backfired and shot the child in the face and Killed him! this stuff is basiclly kept a secret until, a Documentary expose's it!
Do your homework field negro, you put stuff up, beat up on black people, then, these CRAZED WHITE FOLK, who you cater too! will come along and back you up! note to ALL you White FOLK, you don't have a leg to stand on, when it come's to VIOLENCE! you CRAVE for Violence! why do you think there is a NRA? you want to SLAUGHTER INNOCENT ANIMAL'S and HUMAN BEING'S! you wrote the book on VIOLENCE! you people cannot survive without VIOLENCE! now prove me wrong!
Field I seen that the only media to broadcast the Breitbart address as Fox. Philly .com had three articles dedicated to it. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so worried about this. Only 300 showed up.If they couldn't energize their base with two brothers dress as 98 lbs Panthers, nothing will. People are getting tired of this, it has become a joke.I seen You Tubes of the blacks on stage in front of a all white audience. It looked like a minstrel version of "We are the World". When you have conservatives telling Beck to shut up , you have reached the point of oversatuation.
ISEEISEE, what I like about you is that you stay on Field's ass. Unlike the others like Granny and Kid, you speak and stand for truth. You are a true prophet.
I can tell that you have become very wise. When you speak, everybody listens...
PREACH ON, SISTER....and pray for Field. People in the justice system who don't believe in God need a lot of prayers to help them do the right thing. Humans left to their own devices with no higher authority will rarely do the right thing.
"Field Negro, you should be trying to reach the White community.."
ISEE..will they listen to me?
Kid, 300, huh? Well let's see how many of them show up on 08/28.
Oh Lawd, the games some people play. Some folks really think that people cannot see through their BS.
Field, "ISEE..will they listen to me?"
You bet they will listen. FN is known throughout the world. Why do you think no_slappz, Frank, Grinder, and a host of Stormfront bloggers visit your blog? You are famous, Field. This is better than the View and Snooki.
Stop being so negative when it comes to Whites. Be hopeful, positive and willing to love your white brother. Let go of your anxiety and trust white folks. Don't be like Kid.
The color green is destructive in more ways than one. Oh yes, it is!
Granny, "The color green is destructive in more ways than one. Oh yes, it is!"
What are you talking about? And where have you been this summer?
Anonymous 11:05:
Excuse me?
"Stop being so negative when it comes to Whites. Be hopeful, positive and willing to love your white brother"
Who am I supposed to be? Obama? :)
Field, what do you think of the WikiLeaks on the Afghan War? Why haven't you posted about those schmucks putting our nation and the lives of our troops and other NATO troops at risk?
I swear. Americans are a sick lot. Totally self-destructive and selfish. I hope they catch everyone involved and try them for treason.
The military needs to ban the entire media. They are irresponsible and a distraction and added misery for our troops, NATO and our nation.
BTW, Anonymous 9:38, there is a difference between communicate and insults.
Anony @ 11:2O
Since when did NATO become synonymous with US national interests? Presumably you are flame baiting because no one could be this stupid without intent.
Gregory, "Since when did NATO become synonymous with US national interests? Presumably you are flame baiting because no one could be this stupid without intent."
Your presupposition is far off the mark. However, they do have interests when it comes to secret information regarding the war. And the wikiLeaks have hurt the US worldwide when it comes to secret classified information.
'Presumably', you consider yourself a very intelligent person who takes the time to tell others how stupid they are. Are by any chance a bm and does it make you feel better about yourself to put others down?
You show to the world the nature of your character. You must be very proud.
Kid, I believe that they have reached the point of oversaturation from what I read in the comments section regarding that number they tried to do on Sherrod. There were a lot of Republicans that did not sound to pleased over those false accusations towards her and they were letting them have it with both barrels. A lot of them are fed up with their parties deceptive ways and were letting them know it.
Anony @ 11:45
Which particular leaks have put US or allied troops in danger? Be specific please.
Kid, you must be mistaken. A lot more than a few hundred must have shown up. There must have been thousands.
Field, your troll icon on the sidebar is missing. Do you need to borrow mine?
Gregory, "Anony @ 11:45
Which particular leaks have put US or allied troops in danger? Be specific please."
You have already called me stupid. So why would you ask me such a question? It makes you look like a hypocrite.
Smart people don't waste their time beating up on stupid people. It just isn't challenging. Maybe you aren't as intelligent as you want to be?
Diversity Is In The Eye Of The Beholder: A Day At Uni-Tea
"It was billed as the most diverse tea party rally ever. For three hours Saturday afternoon, we waited for the diversity to show up.
Was Saturday's Uni-Tea rally in Philadelphia a success? Well, it depends on your definition of "epic fail". If you're more on the defensive end of the tea party spectrum, you would have left the rally this afternoon even more convinced that the movement is not now about race and never has been. If you're the kind of tea partier who'd like to see that abounding not-racism result in some actual demographic diversity in the movement, the Uni-Tea rally appeared to be a borderline disaster."
Fewer than 500 attended this event, included the press corps covering the event. Yeah, those 'baggers know how to throw a party.
Anony @ 12:00
So you have no idea? Out of 93,000 documents, you can't name one?
Dance, little troll, dance. LOL.
You can tell when Granny is back. She speaks in tongues and riddles. That's the third time today that she has not made much sense.
Guess she has a problem of being direct. Granny, you should take some lessons from ISEEISEE on how to speak to the person you don't like. You need a summer vacation.:) PEACE..
Gregory, "Anony @ 12:00
So you have no idea? Out of 93,000 documents, you can't name one?"
Oh, Gregory...there are 93,000 documents and 93,000 breaches of security. Pick one yourself. If you can't try the media...they will give you plenty.
You aren't very bright, are you? Are you one of those maintenance men of a building in Watts who has lost his job?
Is that really the best you can do, anony?
Field, could you put up a "resident" troll alert? Between the Granny and Gregory I can't decide which troll is worse. No I am lying....it's Gregory by a long shot.
It just goes from sad to pathetic, with our nameless little friend.
Anonymous 12:04:
I just had a summer vacation, unless your planning on coming out of your pocket to pay for me another one. IseeIsee and I are two different people with different styles of communicating. We're not trying to be identical twins, nor are we trying to compete with one another. She has her mission, and I have mine.
Granny, I didn't know you had been on vacation. that explains why your absence for a few weeks. I hope it was a vacation to remember. You must have taken a long one...I guess folks with money can do that.
I wish the hell Gregory would take a hunting vacation with Cheney. Maybe Cheney would mistaken him for daffy the duck put a few buckshots in his ass.
Anonymous 1:02:
Well, I don't know about it being a vacation I'd like to remember. It was a vacation away from civilization. Yup, out in the deep, deep woods with Bambi, bugs, snakes, Wylie Coyote, the regular wildlife inhabitants, and no television or radio.
"Well, I don't know about it being a vacation I'd like to remember. It was a vacation away from civilization. Yup, out in the deep, deep woods with Bambi, bugs, snakes, Wylie Coyote, the regular wildlife inhabitants, and no television or radio."
Whoa. What was a city woman like you doing out in the wild life, looking for God? Well at least you found some new friends to 'bug' you.
toxic parenting is a fatal ill more deadly than any gun in the lives of countless children...
may god bless them all
ur existence is toxic u stupid cow
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