Sorry, I didn't catch "The View" today, so you will have to tell me how his O ness did. I heard he called us black folks "mongrels", (I am still trying to figure that one out.) I know the description is accurate for most of us, but...and he didn't know who Snooki was? How could he be an A-merry-can president and not know Snooki? *rolling eyes*
Still, I did hear some of his speech to The Urban League. (Drum roll please!) And, I actually agreed with him and not the teacher's unions and civil rights gate keepers. Sorry, I have heard that song before, and it's no longer a hit.
"WASHINGTON — Challenging civil rights organizations and teachers' unions that have criticized his education policies, President Barack Obama said Thursday that minority students have the most to gain from overhauling the nation's schools.
"We have an obligation to lift up every child in every school in this country, especially those who are starting out furthest behind," Obama told the centennial convention of the National Urban League.
The Urban League has been a vocal critic of Obama's education policies, most notably the $4.35 billion "Race to the Top" program that awards grants to states based on their plans for innovative education reforms. A report released earlier this week by eight civil rights groups, including the Urban League, says federal data shows that just 3 percent of the nation's black students and less than 1 percent of Latino students are affected by the first round of the administration's "Race to the Top" competition.
Obama pushed back Thursday, arguing that minority students are the ones who have been hurt the most by the status quo."
I agree. Let's give this program some time, the status quo is not working.
Now this might cause a rift in the dumbocratic party, but it's only politics; our children's future is more important.
Speaking of our future, there won't be one if folks like Glenn Beck and the wackos he continues to incite have their way.
"So yes, Beck has done all he can to scare the hell out of people about the Tides Foundation and "turn the light of day" onto an organization that actually facilitates non-profit giving.
And guess what? Everybody in America would have found out about the Tides Foundation last week if Byron Williams had had his way. He's the right-wing, government-hating, gun-toting nut who strapped on his body armor, stocked a pickup truck with guns and ammo, and set off up the California coast to San Francisco in order to start killing employees at the previously obscure Tides Foundation in hopes of sparking a political revolution.
Thankfully, the planned domestic terrorist attack never came to pass because California Highway Patrol officers pulled Williams over for drunk driving on his way to his killing spree. Williams quickly opened fire, wounding two officers during a lengthy shootout. Luckily, Williams wasn't able to act out the ultimate goal of his dark anger -- fueled by the TV news he watched -- about how "Congress was railroading through all these left-wing agenda items," as his mother put it. Williams wasn't able to open fire inside the offices of the Tides Foundation, an organization "nobody knew" about until Glenn Beck started targeting it.
And thankfully, Williams wasn't able to take his place alongside a growing list of domestic, anti-government terrorists, such as the recent Pentagon shooter, the Holocaust Museum gunman, the kamikaze pilot who flew his plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas, and the Pittsburgh cop-killer who set up an ambush because he was convinced Obama was going to take away his guns." [Article]
The sad thing about all of this is that the fear is manufactured, and it's really just making a few people rich. "We The People" my ass.
On the same day the would-be-revolutionary was taken out, not far away in Oakland, a father of four was shot and killed by two urban terrorists after they took 17 dollars off him. There have been no marches and no public outcry from the Oakland community. I'm also still waiting for the good people of Oakland to protest the police who killed Byron William- and why not? They had protest marches when Lovelle Mixon was killed, despite the fact that he killed four police officers and was the suspect in the rape of a twelve year old girl.
I've heard people use a lot of names, most not so nice, to describe African Americans but never, "mongrels".
If Barack Obama was African American, he's Black but not African American, he would have never called African Americans, "mongrels".
true val and eyeve heard birracial people say that they are 'mutts' though so eye guess mongrel is the same thing
his cultural identity seems to be a far cry different from most black americans but eye guess hes still black though;)
Obama is NOT African American. Surely you have awakened to this by now?
Mongrel definition:
1 : an individual resulting from the interbreeding of diverse breeds or strains; especially : one of unknown ancestry
2 : a cross between types of persons or things
OK, I didn't know who "Snooki" was until I read your post. Since I live on the Left Coast when I'm in 'Murka, I'm guessing that this is an East Coast reference.
As for Williams, I think we were lucky this time. Not all wingnuts are likely to be as incompetent. Despite the noise coming from your resident racist trolls (N_S leaps to mind), the political violence that we are likely to see this summer is going to come from the right wing.
Gregory, "the political violence that we are likely to see this summer is going to come from the right wing."
of course political violence is going to come from the right. where else would it come from during Obama's tenure?
Exactly Anon 12:08.
The president was asked why did he consider himself African American and not biracial and his answer was basically because most of the black people in America are mixed with other races aka are mongrels. There was a scientific study that came out in December ago that found over 80% of African Americans have European ancestry. Also a lot of us claim some sort of Native American ancestry. Most of us blacks knew this already.
Bob Marley had a white father, Tyson Beckford is part Chinese and volleyball player / model Gabrielle Reece has a black grandfather.
Anony 12:45--
If I were to believe Faux News then I would be concerned about the New Black Panther Party, rather than the various "patriot" militias. The latter, of course, present a greater threat of armed terrorism but you won't hear that from Beck, et al.
Gregory, "If I were to believe Faux News then I would be concerned about the New Black Panther Party, rather than the various "patriot" militias. The latter, of course, present a greater threat of armed terrorism but you won't hear that from Beck, et al."
Of course Beck sees the NBP as a threat very much like he sees Obama as a racist who hates Whites. In Beck's world, the "patriot" militias protect Whites while the NBP hates Whites.
Considering Beck has big ratings, my guress is that there are a substantial number of people who agree with him.
Anony 1:19--
You are making my point for me. The violence will come from the Beckerheads. Where are we disagreeing?
There is no disagreement. I agree with everything you have said.
Check this out, you might find it interesting, though not on topic for today's post.
The End of (Military) History? The United States, Israel, and the Failure of the Western Way of War
Anony, it would seem that we are in violent agreement. My bad.
Black people refer to each other as mutts all the time. The President basically said what my friends say to each other all the time.
As to the reforms going on, I'm with you field. This comes from a guy whose somewhat leery of most Charter schools. Too many teacher's unions have become a protective bubble for crappy teachers.
Mongrels... really I'm sorry Field but I have to give the President a "fail" on that one. Just thank God no one on the right said something like that because they would of been Sherrodded by now out of town
I have no idea who Snooki is an since so many other black people know who this person is, I really don't want to know.
Stop trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. President Obama did not use the word "mongrel" in a derogratory way. I more of you read a book or two now and then, you would know what the word is.
And as for any of you who who are black calling yourselves African, you are about as African as the sun is the moon. Most of you could not find Africa on a GPS if it were glued to your noses.
There are millions of black people in this country who are not from Africa. Black people come from all over the world.
So cut the crap. You were born in this country? Your skin is black? You are American and you skin is black.
"On the same day the would-be-revolutionary was taken out, not far away in Oakland, a father of four was shot and killed by two urban terrorists after they took 17 dollars off him. There have been no marches and no public outcry from the Oakland community. I'm also still waiting for the good people of Oakland to protest the police who killed Byron William- and why not? They had protest marches when Lovelle Mixon was killed, despite the fact that he killed four police officers and was the suspect in the rape of a twelve year old girl."
In other words, "clean out your own nests before you worry about others".
As though Blacks have no moral standing to complain about injustices until their "house" was a pillar of crime-free morality. Funny that whites don't have the same problem. Or most other ethnicities, for that matter.
Posters have come and gone with the same train of though. Notably Thrasher. Wonder if he's decided to cut his "sabatical" early and do a few test runs...
Apparently, your attempt to redirect the conversation into some form of self-flagelating introspection didn't work out so well, as people are stepping over your comment to continue on with the discussion at hand. Just thought I'd bring that up with you.
"Snooki"? I thought that was just a cute word for Nookie. At least until I was clued into a video of her being clocked in the snoz.
Jersey Shore isn't my thing. Nor is most "reality TV". Come to think of it, TV's been sucking lately -- the only TV show I've really be interested in was The Wire and that's not even on network TV.
As for the mongrel comment.....I probably wouldn't have used that to describe myself. Poor choice of words for the president.
"As though Blacks have no moral standing to complain about injustices until their "house" was a pillar of crime-free morality. Funny that whites don't have the same problem. Or most other ethnicities, for that matter."
Mack, didn't you know? That is a common theme among most folks.
My apologies to all you folks who actually have a life for not knowing who Snooki is. She is just another A-merry-can created celebrity with zero talent.
"So cut the crap. You were born in this country? Your skin is black? You are American and you skin is black."
Gregory, thanks for that link. I actually read something about that earlier. Interesting stuff!
Believe it or not, wingery has challenged Obama's fore knowledge of Snooki.
NYT profiled snooki. not very flattering to say the least. dumb as a door knob, incapable of introspection.
also, she's not even italian, tho she and her cabal give us all a bad name. she's actually chilean.
LOL. All my life I've heard many black biracials and black people who are descendants of African Slaves announce to everyone with such pride how much White, Native Amer., Asian, Indian, cat, gerbil and ET blood they have running through their veins in effort to play-down their Africanism.
Did it ever occur to some of you how you were describing yourselves to others at the time? Now that someone “adequately” defines what you’ve been gleefully claiming all these years, you want to get up in arms. I am no fan of Obama, but you can’t have it both ways.
And who the hell is this Snooki? Who cares, she looks weird looking. Must I have to go and read about her now?
If you want to get "technical" about people's actual skin color, then we should be called brown right? Aren't most of us shades of brown? There are people from India darker than most African-Americans are they black, too? Also, while I've seen some pretty pale white people, none of them were actually "white" in color. Honestly, I never understood why people give a rat's ass about what another group of people chose to call themselves. It's beyond petty.
i love u
but u and hobama are dead wrong on this nclb madness
firing veteran beloved teachers and hiring young novice, detached, amoral, inept, teachers at a time when teaching is more grueling and abusive than ever before is a toxic mix
it will lead ONLY to more crowded classes, even more extreme teacher shortages, faster revolving doors as younger teachers quit sooner,
more abusive students, and more lost brilliant babies who really want to learn who will be lost in the hellish frays
may god bless them all
hobama is deliberately destroying public ed because it is a part of his master genocidal plan for the new world order
this is what cowards like hobama evade and pimp to desrtoy ALL public ed....shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hobama is a pathological liar
especially when his teleprompter is not there to tell him what to say
hobama even lied about knowing of/previously speaking about
maybe hobama is senile early?
i hate snooki and the entire cast of the show...
conceited dimwitted celebutants on crack...all
i do see occasional clips on line...like when a huge man" at a bar punched snooki in the face like he was boxing for a belt...
this is a mindless show for uneducated clones of the allegedly "young" mostly rabid...i pass
field, you wrote:
Obama pushed back Thursday, arguing that minority students are the ones who have been hurt the most by the status quo.
Here in NY City, in Brooklyn where I live, the student bodies of grade schools are racially mixed. Thus, black, hispanic, asian and white students are in the same classes from kindergarten through 5th grade.
They are together at the same schools, with the same classmates, taught by the same teachers.
Nevertheless, a big gap developes by the end of 5th grade.
Though it is standard procedure for blacks to claim the schools their kids attend are somehow substandard, they attend the same schools as white and asian kids. The kids have the same teachers.
Yet the gulf grows. Why?
Chief reason -- everything that happens outside of school. Poorly educated mothers who are weak role models. Absent fathers.
Then, within school, there is the aversion and avoidance of science and math that arises among blacks at a far higher rate than among whites and asians.
Inasmuch as the study of science and math from grade school through college depends on absorbing a lot of facts and understanding a lot of abstract concepts, to show what they've learned, students must meet quantifiable and objective milestones.
The same is true for English.
Surprise, surprise, standardized testing is focused on math and English. While the results do not reveal a student's fullest potential, the results do reveal what a kid knows at every stage.
The results in NY City are painfully clear. The city, state and federal tests all show the same racial gap. Maybe the size of the gap varies, but it is large by every measure.
Thus, Obama is just another excuse-maker willing to pretend that students and their families are free of responsibility for succeeding in school. It's the schools. It's the teachers. It's something other than the student and the student's family that accounts for the achievement gap. Yeah. Sure.
if nclb is so great...why do private schools and charter schools evade it like ebola?
why do they allow their teachers to engage/challenge/inspire/tailor/excite/teach while public school teachers are ONLY boring rigid testers and wardens????
nclb = perfected strategic academic genocide
hobama = public school killer czar
Excerpts from The Shame of a Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America by Jonathan Kozol:
Pediatricians and psychiatrists may be disturbed to hear of schools where recess is truncated or abolished by the desperation to carve out a bit more time for drilling children for exams.
I thought the tests-and-standards movement had been loaded with a coarse utilitarian toxicity and a demeaning anti-human view of childhood right from the start.
By giving every particle of learning an official name, we strip it of its uniqueness.
Fascination and delight, no matter what lip-service we may pay to them, become irrelevant distractions.
Teachers who come into elementary education with some literary background tell me that they sometimes feel they are engaging in a complicated kind of treachery, when they are forced repeatedly to excavate a piece of poetry, or any other literary work of charm or value, to extract examples of official skills that have some testable utility. Nothing could be less efficient than this misappropriation of a teacher’s energy and hours.
The difference in too many schools like P. S. 65 is that nearly the entire school day comes to be a matter of unnatural theatrics that cannot be improvised to any degree without the risk of teachers being criticized by their superiors.
Leaving these kids so utterly adrift in time and place seemed like an act of state-determined cognitive decapitation.
In a nation in which fairness was respected, children of the poorest and least educated mothers would receive the most expensive and most costly pre-school preparation, not the least and cheapest, because children in these families need it so much more than those whose educated parents can deliver the same benefits of early learning to them in their home.
The inequities in educational provisions that we give, or do not give, these children from the starting gate are given less attention.
The look of tortured dignity in the eyes of many [educators] who had welcomed me remained as one of the most stirring memories of that experience.
hobama is funding prisons
nclb is killing public ed
uneducated people like mostly rabid become poor and criminal..
nclb = prison fodder
hitler would be proud of hobama and his nazis!!!
do teachers teach is some bubble/vacuum?
so why are ONLY teachers blamed for ALL that is wrong in schools?
someday, some real politico may come along and dare to blame parents the very same way cowards like hobama exclusively blame teachers
ONLY then will public ed be fixed
until then we are ALL doomed by what teachers KNOW and politicos ignore....shame!!!
Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible
Students who never behave will never learn. Students who are never taught to revere education at home will never excel in schools. Students who torture teachers will never encourage superior educators to remain in classrooms.
irony = a lipless faceless coward daring to silence anyone
shut up bully buceta u aint
contributed shit to the board just
ur rampant bullshit so yeah shut up
ude think someone with a 250 iq
would be more creative AND
with their posts
a buceta:
how much u get paid per troll post?
guess u tryin to make rent today huh?
LOSER buceta
a buceta = attention whore
a buceta if ure so busy using ur
genius *cough* to change the world
how do u have time to blog all day
watch tv and insult people on the
oh wait being in an asylum does have
its perks after all eh? did u say
u was a linguist?
beacause hobama is a rabid elitist
he has one motivation always:
ditto for ALL of his ruthless genocidal nclb bs
As Chicagoans know, and the rest of the USA is about to learn, when a Chicago politicians talks about "underperforming" schools, he is slipping into that weasel wording that Chicago came to know from Arne Duncan. Just as he did in Chicago, Duncan talked about "underperforming" schools — not "failing" ones. Why? Because Duncan wanted to obfuscate, not illuminate, the complex issues arising from the use of biased so-called "standardized" tests to rank and sort schools and children. By using terms out of the corporate world — "underperforming" stocks, for example, should probably be dumped from your "portfoliio" — Duncan evades reality, rather than illuminates it. And that's how Chicago's corporate school reform wants it. "The administration wants to spend $5 billion to facilitate school turnarounds," the AP article went on. "[This] could translate to $1 billion for every school that is closed and reopened. Much of the money is already approved: The federal school turnaround program gets about $500 million a year, and the stimulus legislation boosted funding to $3.5 billion."
chicago knows hobama as deeply as mostly rabid knows envy...
take notes!!!
"The fired veteran teachers are being replaced by a much younger, much whiter and much less experienced corps of instructors."
They are forced to work longer hours. They are reluctant to stand up for themselves or their students and tend to be fearful of participating in union and other activities. A high percentage of them burn out or are not asked to stick around after their first year,” according to Jackson Potter, another CORE teacher....
The widening craters of collateral damage caused by these misguided policies extend well beyond the affected students, families and their immediate neighborhoods, into the broader communities that teachers live in. These experienced black teachers were part of the bedrock of stable African American communities. Up till now, they could buy homes, raise their families, send their own children to college and play active roles in their churches, sororities and a wide variety of local and civic affairs. Dispersing and dispossessing hundreds of such teachers in Chicago, and tens of thousands nationally of their livelihoods and agency in mid-career will be a severe blow to African American communities across the country. For the nation's first black president - a former community organizer at that - to embrace such a socially destructive policy is puzzling indeed....
a buceta if ure so busy using ur
genius *cough* to change the world
how do u have time to blog all day
watch tv and insult people on the
oh wait being in an asylum does have
its perks after all eh? did u say
u was a linguist?
a buceta if ure so busy using ur
genius *cough* to change the world
how do u have time to blog all day
watch tv and insult people on the
oh wait being in an asylum does have
its perks after all eh? did u say
u was a linguist?
hows that 250 iq treating u genius?
chicago knows hobama as deeply as ab
knows delusions...this is obvious
takes a trick to know a trick huh
wheres proof of that 250 iq again genius?
hobama hates uneducated fans like mostly rabid.
but he loves the money he and his elite cronies will make via destroying public ed as much as mostly rabid loves choking on envy green haterade!!!
corp cash is hobama's ONLY game!!!
and he is playing uneducated blind adoring hobama nazis like mostly rabid like she plays EBT cards for cash to buy that horse hair at the hair sto'!!!
As hedge funds spin their financial webs to spur charter school expansion and President Obama bullies states to lift caps on charters, "right-wing foundations are attempting to swallow whole the entire school district of Washington, DC." For a $65 million donation, the Wal-Mart family and other fat cats demand DC schools drop union rules - and threaten to take back the money if the voters change administrations.
Obama and the Charter School Sugar Daddies
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
"Hedge funds and bankers have become the Sugar Daddies of charter schools."
When it comes to the public schools, the Obama administration is allied with the most rapacious sectors of Wall Street and far-right foundations. That political reality is most evident in the administration's campaign to establish a parallel national network of charter schools, with a heavy emphasis on inner cities. Obama and his education chief, Arne Duncan, have spent their first year and a half in office coercing states to expand charters or lose out on more than $4 billion in federal education moneys. Obama's allies on Wall Street invest heavily in charter schools, tapping into the public money stream to build their own vision of corporate education.
Historically, Wall Street is to Democrats what Big Oil is to Republicans. Hedge funds and bankers have become the Sugar Daddies of charter schools, using their clout with big city Democrats to give charters every advantage over conventional public schools.
a buceta:
how do u have time to blog all day
watch tv and insult people on the
oh wait eye forgot ure in the nuthouse
hobama hates uneducated fans like a
buceta cuz she has nothing upstairs
except thoughts of achievements that
never happened.
hows that 250 iq again?
a buceta if ure so busy using ur
genius *cough* to change the world
how do u have time to blog all day
watch tv and insult people on the
oh wait being in an asylum does have
its perks after all eh? did u say
u was a linguist?
abuceta nobody cares about ur
u r a stupid loser liar buceta
buceta buceta buceta buceta buceta
*cough* genius
hows that self control treating u? u
had to stop bothering noodles and
stop saying the n word ur bubble
must be burst hnoggard
This thread has gone to shit so early in the day. shame.
We all have that sow ab to thank for that. She's even brought that retarded anonymous commenter with her just to bring attention to herself.
She should be ashamed.
mostly rabid is making a fecal stew in stereo herein again...see what toilet training by the schizo faceless uneducated breeds?
has she ever posted on topic ever????
hows that self control treating u? u
had to stop bothering noodles and
stop saying the n word ur bubble
must be burst hnoggard
u just cant help urself can u always
trying to have the last word even if
u aint said shit
just to fuck with u hnoggr buceta
eyem saying u r a loser liar liar
liar pants on fire
abuceta is making a fecal stew in stereo herein again...see what toilet training by the schizo embellishment prone uneducated breeds?
last word buceta
hows that 250 iq again?
Anonymous said...
This thread has gone to shit so early in the day. shame.
12:52 PM
so true!
linguini is on a roll today calling
out the bullshit! lol!
again, stop with the ethnic slurs. i don't need you defending me and not in that way. move alone, please.
He called black and white people mongrels. Get over it. Read the whole farking quote. Talk about getting half a piece of info and running with it.
Black people are fine with calling each other niggers, bitches and ho's (Oh My!) every day and twice on Sunday but you are going to have a baby because he called black folks and WHITE folks mongrels?
As for the Snookie snafu, am I supposed to seriously care about this?
You people have too much free time and need some real problems in your life to deal with.
maria what does move alone please
mean? having trouble using English?
use Italian then eyel understand
maybe its easier to express urself
in ur native tongue fare enuff
i know this is MMM.
mareally dead wrong as always:
it is not mamm!!!
that is mostly rabid/mr r. etc
mamm is beautiful and educated and has a pretty face and lovely hair...
unlike the insecure uneducated fugly mostly rabid.
who is so gruesome and fat and bald/horse hair hoarding that she is faceless herein...that lye-ing loon!!!!
mamm is no retarded ghost like mostly rabid!!!
and mamm ALWAYS posts on topic as mostly rabid never does because she can ONLY stalk/post about me!!!
mostsly rabid is a dl stalker!!!
Moving on...
mareally dead wrong as alwaysloser
once again u take this opportunity
to harass maria and talk about
bloggers loser loser loser loser
loser hows that 250 iq treating u
*cough cough sneeze sneeze buceta*
eye must say this thread was made
ultra wack earlier this morning with
a bucetas barrage of posts insulting
maria that wasnt very nice! since then its been stupid today just
*throat hack with mucus*
whose 'mostly rabid' again?
mamm is beautiful and educated and has a pretty face and lovely hair...a buceta
sounds like sumbody gots a crush on sumbody else
watch ur back mmm Magilla mite just find her way close to u
*gagging sound of sheer disgust*
A small correction:
Mr Williams went from Groveland, CA, which is in the interior of California to Oakland which is near the coast. He did not go up the coast as you reported.
Field I have to tell you this. On Saturday the BIGGEST Uncle Tom and Mammy convention is happening in Philly. The main ass to be kissed Andrew Breitbart. They're calling it Uni-Tea. Please keep Samir Shabazz and the other black militants in Philly away from the Toms and Breitbart.
Field, I finally watched that Snookie video, that man is a phys ed teacher, he should not to be around other people's children.
LAA, "Field, I finally watched that Snookie video, that man is a phys ed teacher, he should not to be around other people's children."
Who the hell is Snooki? Is Snooki somebody important that Blacks should know about?
Field, Please tell me that Snooki is someone worth knowing instead of useless junk.
useless junk
"Field, Please tell me that Snooki is someone worth knowing instead of useless junk."
She isn't. But MTV, Viacom and her PR handlers want you and everyone else to think otherwise.
"Field, Please tell me that Snooki is someone worth knowing instead of useless junk."
Sorry Anon. I can't. She is "useless junk". She was arrested again yesterday at the Jersey Shore.
His O ness did good by saying he doesn't know who she is. We shouldn't,either.
Stupid fucks, he didn't use that word.
This blog is a sad example of the blind leading the blind. FN referred to anotehr post about the term mongrel, and you niggers were like, no he din't without even knowing what the conversation was about. freaks. watch the damn clip and figure out what he said, not what someone blogs about someone's blog. c'mon field, as a leader, these babies are hanging on your every word, give them real milk, not something sour, cause they believe what you write.
"When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: 'We are sort of a MONGREL people.'
"'I mean we're all kinds of mixed up,' Obama said. 'That's actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it.'
Anon."in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king". In the land of the seeing the one eyed man is at a disadvantage.
field, you posted:
I mean we're all kinds of mixed up,' Obama said. 'That's actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it.
My forefathers were English, Swedish and Austrian. The facts are mildly interesting. But they have no impact on my daily life. Never have. Never will.
Isn't Reality TV amusing?
A friend of mine was part of the original production crew for "Jersey Shore".
He told me the show and the people it showcased were appalling. He is Italian. Because he thought so little of the show and the actors I had to look. He was right. For me, in minutes the show was unwatchable.
But, knowing it's impossible to underestimate the bad taste of media audiences, the relative success of the show is hardly a surprise.
It's nothing more than the raw modern version of Saturday Night Fever without the talent, heart and cultural backdrop. Idiots reveling in their self-conscious guido-ness. Even worse than Growing Up Gotti.
Sometimes a bell is rung when something reaches its peak. By commenting as he did, Obama rang the bell on Jersey Shore. As far as the show and its cast go, it's all downhill from here.
Field, you gotta love it when the Anons come on and don't know what in the hell they're talking about.
no_slappz, I see why you hold so much hatred and contempt in your heart for people of color, it is your blood. Nevertheless, I bet you have some darkies in your family tree that you don't want anyone to know about. In fact, you might be another J Edgar Hoover trying to hide your black roots. Is that why you fabricated that story of being adopted? So, which one was black, was it your mother or your father? You undercover darkie!
Granny, don't tell him that. He might break out into hives.
Regardless, what Snooki's status is in life on the American class system totem pole, she is still another human being and does not deserve to be punched in the face by a grown man. After all, that is still considered assault in a court of law. Had that teacher been a black man they would have made it out of a international offense and been trying to change the laws to make it out an offense equal to first degree murder and tack on a death sentence as punishment.
I have to agree with AB for once. Testing can't replace teaching.
The main problem with poor school performance is lack of parental involvement followed by the fact that students aren't very self-motivated.
Furthermore the buracracy in the educational system consumes a disproportionately large part of the education budget.
Fire some of those administrative officials and use the money to pay the teachers.
I totally agree with everything you've said at 9:00, Roderick. We had a school superintendent out this way that was using part of the educational budget to pay her housing expenses, mine you she lived in an upper class neighborhood, and she was giving out large monetary awards to certain ones while the children did without books and different accademic programs were being slashed and cut. Oh yeah, if I remember correctly, she even got a raise in her paycheck. Folks acted like they were scared of her and scared to speak up. I couldn't understand or relate to that.
rodman try not to encourage that disgusting trash a buceta.
No slappz said "My forefathers were English, Swedish and Austrian. The facts are mildly interesting. But they have no impact on my daily life. Never have. Never will."
Of course your white forefathers have impacted your daily life today, where else do you think your white privileges, arrogance, and racist ignorance comes from?
Granny, "We had a school superintendent out this way that was using part of the educational budget to pay her housing expenses, mine you she lived in an upper class neighborhood, and she was giving out large monetary awards to certain ones while the children did without books and different accademic programs were being slashed and cut. Oh yeah, if I remember correctly, she even got a raise in her paycheck. Folks acted like they were scared of her and scared to speak up. I couldn't understand or relate to that."
I think I heard about that. Was she Black?
"No slappz said "My forefathers were English, Swedish and Austrian. The facts are mildly interesting. But they have no impact on my daily life. Never have. Never will."
You forgot the German Nazi side of your family. Statistically those genes have impacted you greatly.
Anonymous 7:05:
Nah, she had blond hair, blue eyes, and pale white skin. She was a white woman!
black ..african americans have it so easy today. you dont know what black people 40 years ago had to endure...stop your whining! white people ..everyone ...are getting tired of it!@...no one likes a whiner..a bitch..enough!
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