Almost 100 CHIHUAHUAS?!! WTF is going on with you people? Seems that some lady was hoarding dogs in South Philly. The neighbors could actually "smell the stench of dog urine and feces" from the street.
Hey, Citizens Bank Park is in South Philly. I bet I will never buy another hot dog at a Phillie's game. I am just sayin.
So anyhoo, speaking of dogs, tonight I was reading an excellent article about my girl Sarah, and I think it's dead on. Sarah, of course, said that the NAACP was wrong about the tea party folks; they are not racist, she declared. But like the author of this article, I have some questions:
Why the dog whistles? We all know that members of the tea party movement aren't going around yelling the "N" word at rallies (well, not all of them) and they aren't making public declarations that they hate black people. But only a fool would deny the code words to tie his O ness to all things black. Especially really scary black things like inner city organizing, and sixties style radicals standing around in sixties style radical uniforms. And let's not forget his church. That fire and brimstone preacher who touted liberation theology and hated white folks. -Was it white folks he hated or certain aspects of A-merry-ca? I forget.- It seems like such a long time ago that the msm couldn't get enough of Jeremiah Wright.
I am sorry, something isn't quite right about the tea party folks. Ask any black person in A-merry-ca (not a conservative Negro. I said black person) and they will tell you the same thing. Everything about those people say the following: We want our A-merry-ca back. Electing that Negro with the Muslim name was a bridge too far. And It's time to organize and fight back. I might be wrong but I am usually right about these things. Just call me Haley Joel Osment: "I see racist people".
1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»No shock there Field. The Tea Party isn't about real populist change from the right -- its about scaring stupid (and I emphasize stupid) White People that mild-manner Harvard educated former Law Professor is somehow a Garveyite Radical who will turn the US into Cuba 2.0.
That's why I will never trust white people.
Field, "I bet I will never buy another hot dog at a Phillie's game. I am just sayin."
Awe Field, it's too late. You've probably been eating those dogs for years and you are still alive and barking. So don't worry about about it.
I can't cover CF on this one. I just don't have his IQ and political skills to defend Sarah Palin. However, I will say that she has a great pair of legs. And maybe shining her shoes isn't such a bad job.
Anon 9:42 pm, is funny. I wonder if it's CF?
"Awe Field, it's too late. You've probably been eating those dogs for years and you are still alive and barking. So don't worry about about it."
You might be right.
I'm really sick of Sarah Palin. And now the media is trying to make me hear about her daughter's fake engagement. I wonder how much of that Tea Party money Palin had to pay Levy to marry whats her name.
Val, what am I having for breakfast tomorrow morning? I know that you know because you are reading my mind right now.
"We want our A-merry-ca back"
We want it back from these incompetent marxists. Not from the muslim-named negroes.
I must thank the Tea Party for electing Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown since he voted for the Financial Reform Bill and help the President of the United States with another legislative victory, thank you Tea Party.
The problem is this. Tea Party candidates will win a number of these congressional races because local districts are often safely partisan in nature. They can make their wild, unfounded claims, crazy accusations, etc., and win. That means not only are we likely to see an increase in Republican seats in both houses, we're likely to see more antics, more insanity, more stupidity. At the same time they're going to do everything they can to derail Obama's policies which will likely mean high unemployment, a moribund economy, and more compromises on policy positions that make no one happy.
That could literally mean that if the Republicans put up a legitimate candidate in 2012, they could win. Such a result is bad enough, but the likely response for the Democrats is to move further to the "middle" to placate voters. As we've seen over the last decade, the "middle" in American politics is basically on the verge of being an 80s Republican. Increasingly that means we'll have a political landscape of a conservative party and ratfuck insane parties. The former, given it's track record, slowly moving to the right, the latter, given it's track record, loudly screaming "socialism, communism, fascism!!!"
If we continue on this course, privatization will be socialism.
The Staggering Ignorance and Stupidity of Sheila Jackson Lee.
This woman, who believes there are still such countries as North Vietnam and South Vietnam, is a Congresswoman (D-TX).
Incredibly, this isn't the most ignorant thing she's had to say lately. Here she is raving before the execrable NAACP on the perennial favorite topic of moonbats who choose to live in another era, the KKK:
"All those who wore sheets a long time ago have now lifted them off and started wearing [applause], uh, clothing, uh, with a name, say, I am part of the tea party. Don't you be fooled." [voices: "That's right.", applause].
You can't put people of this caliber in charge of the country and expect there not to be severe consequences.
Well, I think the reason Bristol and Levi are getting married is because they fornicated and shes pregnant again. Hey, abstinence only education wotks!
Look, Sarah Palin said that there's no way the Tea Party can be racist because her husband Todd is an Eskimo, and she married that nigg... oops, my bad. But anyway, youknowhumsayinandshitright?
I just wanna know why Palin when she was governor got away with saying she doesn't have to hire black people on her staff like she did. Them damn nigg... damn, Eskimos better get it together.
Lola (doesn't) Gets said...
"Hey, abstinence only education works!"
I'm sure you experience a lot of abstinence.
@Lola: Umm, Levi Palin (that's that niggas name ain't it?) is the floating turd in Sarah's toilet bowl that just won't go away.
OFF TOPIC: Now that Rush Limbaugh has referred to George Steinbrenner as "Cracker". Does it make it OK for black people to use that word without fear of retribution from white folks? I mean, if we drop the "er" and said "Cracka" instead is it less offensive? Have white folks reclaimed "Cracker" as a term of endearment in the whole we-want-our-country-back thing?
Lola, I think you're on to something. This would be what... number three knock-up? We all know she's really Trigger or... Trip's mother. And why won't insipid Sarah just go away, I can't stand that woman. And Anony, those are not her damn legs, they're probably blue and frost bitten.
"OFF TOPIC: Now that Rush Limbaugh has referred to George Steinbrenner as "Cracker". Does it make it OK for black people to use that word without fear of retribution from white folks?"
Rippa is such a comedian. If they can use the "C" word in public then so should we. LOL
La♥audiobooks said...
"Lola, I think you're on to something. This would be what... number three knock-up? We all know she's really Trigger or... Trip's mother."
Bat-shit crazy.
Tea Party got y'all scared so we gotta throw around the race card too bad white folks an't going to buy it... you know this whitey: he rides the SEPTA with you, he might live next door, he might be your co-worker, he might even act blacker than me (but that is not too hard) however when you call him "racist" it fly over his head due to the fact its 2010 not 1964 thus Whitey know more about black people than "they sing and play sports very well" so this race card hail mary is just that... a failed hope
It was ok when Black mayors ran major American cities into the ground (see: Camden New Jersey) cuz if you had the money either black or white you: MOVED but now Liberal Democrats are running the show in Washington and there is no more places to Conservatives to run too. America has been pushed in a corner so you damm right we are going to fight back with our voices and votes! This revolution will be televised and blogged too.
anon11:05p "You can't put people of this caliber in charge of the country and expect there not to be severe consequences."
Michelle Bachman didn't know there was slavery in America, and she's been elected again and again and the country is still going despite the fact that she is an idiot. What say you about her ignorance?
Sheila Jackson might not know about Viet Nam but she certainly knows about her own country and certainly knows her country's history on slavery.
Which congresswoman would you rather have running your country? the one who is ignorant about America or the one who does- but doesn't know so much about Viet Nam?
I know your answer. It's Michelle Bachman. right? I don't blame you. Afterall, she IS the same color and has same IQ as you(10).
You don't have to look any farther than your comments to see racist whites. Some have names, most post anonymously. I assume that you can distinguish the sockpuppets by IP.
Off topic, but speaking of anonymous jackasses, whatever happened to szpork? Did s/he go away or is s/he just posting without the addendum of a moniker?
I'm taking a wait and see approach to the elections this November. I think that the 'baggers are going to be disappointed. On the other hand, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
"I must thank the Tea Party for electing Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown since he voted for the Financial Reform Bill and help the President of the United States with another legislative victory, thank you Tea Party."
Everytime someone talks about Scott Brown and the Tea Party the title of the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" comes to my mind.
Laa-"And Anony, those are not her damn legs, they're probably blue and frost bitten."
Well, not you have me curious. Whose legs are they?
Well, "now" you have me curious.
Sen Brown bailed on the Financial Reform Bill and he is from Mass
"Everytime someone talks about Scott Brown and the Tea Party the title of the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" comes to my mind.'
i like that! I should do a post one day and have people come up with different movie titles for different elected pols.
Dogmeat, I loved that analysis.
Yeah, I hope you guys didn't scare off szpork. You all can be so hard at times.
Anon 11:05, ask Sarah where Russia is? And please see what anon. 1:35 am said.
Field, I think you are being too hard on Whoopi in your sidebar. As a bw she ought to know from experience whether Mel Gibson is a racist or just a drunk. One thing for sure, the disease of alcoholism is consuming him. Alcoholism is a terrible disease.
I hope he gets help soon before his life hits bottom. I also hope Lindsay Lohan gets help too. Both of them are headed to a very dark dark place in their lives.
Anon 11:05p, you are a disgrace to the family of anons. We were a smart bunch until you showed up. Get an ID and join UTS and others with names. Ane stop ruining the esteemed reputation of anons.
RiPPa, you're of da' hook! The article about Whoopi, you forgot that she had on her talk show the head of the Aryan Nation Tom Metzer.
yes fn
there are racists in the tea party
racists are everywhere!
especially in the congress and the house!
it is horridly wrong for any org like the naacp to degrade an entire org because of what some fools do...
if americans had jobs and homes, we would not care if hobama was striped purple and orange!
at some pt, history will prove that the hatred and failures of hobama had NOTHING to do with his race, and EVERYTHING to do with his rabidly elitist warmongering inept policies as gwb 2.0
ditto on levi!!!
that rude boy would never marry my daughter ever after all he has done to disgrace and slander etc....shame!!!
a real "pit bull in lipstick" would have fatally mauled that punk long ago!!!
black in al:
ditto for hobama and blacks!!!
"He's Just Not That Into You"
Field Negro blog and ab
"We're Just Not That Into You"
blacks need to stop bashing and start brewing our own tea...
especially since hobama has given us his MOST bitter libations...
ditto weak beta "male" mfs who dare to speak for fn
ditto for keystone kkkops in nigger blackface on fn's blog
Yet more of that synchronized lawn jockey buckdancing on the lawn by the usual conservanegro suspects!
With the overwhelming evidence that Tea Party events have become a recruiting ground for white supremacists groups, that racist organizations like the Council of Conservative Citizens have sponsored near 100 Tea Party rallies, and Tea Party founder, Ron Paul's long close association with white supremacists...
Conservanegro attacks on the NAACP, mis-characterization of what the NAACP actually said, and attempts a keeping white Massa's family jewel (racism) covered have moved them from the lawn ornament position...
to being black jock straps.
The plain truth is, if the Tea Party weren't racist to the core, there wouldn't be this brouhaha. There wouldn't be any need for the ridiculous projection. the diaphanous denials, to trot out the always reliable black conservajockstrap squad, or to outright lie.
The continued defense, and attacks on the NAACP for stating the documented truth - says more about the racist underpinnings of the Tea Party than all the liberal media could say in a year.
There would be a simple statement from the Sno' Ho' -
Yes, some people affiliated with the Tea Party have been guilty of racism and racist associations, further - because the Tea Party is a disorganized, grass roots movement. some racist organizations have taken advantage of our name, to sponsor and attempt to organize groups supporting their nefarious ends. We, as the Tea party wholeheartedly, and categorically reject racism, and hate groups which have attempted to misuse our name and manipulate our agenda to their ends.
End of story. End of crisis. The fact that the Tea Party hasn't had the cajones to do that, reveals the fact that racism is a core belief set.
u missed many formal denouncements by the tea party etc....and millions of blacks who agree with them too!
i am an ultra liberal independent
i depise democrats and repubs!
no one has been more republican than hobama!!!
Ron Paul with Don Black, ex Klansman and Stormfront.org founder
Mississippi Tea Party sponsored by CofCC.
senator byrd was KKK and was just lauded in the halls of congress\
the KKK is all over the corps who run america
rupert muroch is a bona fide nazi who runs all media
ahnold s is a goc who is the blood son of a bona fide nazi
the british royal family is run by prince phil as a bona fide nazi too
gwb was a kkk cowboy
racists are everywhere
even black racists/colorists like YOU on this blog!!!
ab said...".and millions of blacks who agree with them too!"
this is BS. millions? not even thousands...or hundreds.
you and MR.
rupert murDoch is a bona fide nazi who runs all media
ahnold s is a goV who is the blood son of a bona fide nazi
if we destroy orgs because they contain racist...NO orgs will be left...including the naacp!!!
your denial clearly is pervasive...FAR beyongd homohatred.
your denial will never stop any tea partier of any race...
as long as the naacp fakes a fight with the tea party dissenting patriots
they distract us from the real issue:
why are they not fighting the blackish hobama as he slays poor adoring suicidal black people????
There are real fights and there are fake fights, engineered to distract attention away from the real deal. The shouting match between Obama's Dems and the Tea party Repubs is one of those fake fights. The health care legislation passed by the Obama Democrats is incomparably worse than anything they could have passed right after the presidential election, and significantly worse than anything Democrats could have passed at midyear 2009. The president and his minions have delayed as long as possible to guarantee the worst, not the best bill for patients, and the best deal possible for Big Insurance, Big Pharma and Big Medicine.
Word, AB, WORD!!!
welcome back
i hope cf is next
So lemme get this "logic" straight.
Black folks aren't supposed to associate with groups that may have racists factions within them, right???
So then why 'da f*ck are the majority of Black folks Democrats??? Hell, let's take it further than that, why do any of us live in the neighborhoods we live in (not your black ass UTS)?? Let's all quit our jobs because I KNOW I'm not the only one who works around a few racists. Let's not stop there, let's all move back to Africa or wherever the hell the Black "uptopia" is located??
Anyone that knows anything knows that you can't truly learn about your enemy from the "outside". So while it's "fun" for some of you to make fun of the house nigga, trust that MANY a runaway slave made it to freedom based on info acquired from that very house nigga' because SOMETIMES what looks like a house nigga may ain't always so.
alicia banks said...
welcome back
Yeah, I'm still around but having to scroll past all those assonon cpmments everyday/ALL day takes a TON of the enjoyment from participating/reading the blog these days.
And quite frankly, I've got better things to do with my precious little free time than scroll through bull$hit!
mostly rabid/assnons are vulgar vapid incessant
peace sista warrior!
It sounds like your not up on your liberation theology, Field. A central point of it was the renunciation of white christianity and the embracing of black Christianity. At the same time, Con made it pretty clear that whites were the enemy and could not be reformed. perhaps he was right.
Anonymous said...
"Michelle Bachman didn't know there was slavery in America, and she's been elected again and again and the country is still going despite the fact that she is an idiot. What say you about her ignorance? Sheila Jackson might not know about Viet Nam but she certainly knows about her own country and certainly knows her country's history on slavery. "
Michelle Bachman didn't know there was slavery in America? Where do you get this nonsense from?
Sheila Jackson Lee is the one who, taking a tour of NASA during the Mars pathfinder mission, asked if they could drive it by where Neil Armstrong landed and take a picture of the flag.
Like I said before, you can't elect people of this caliber without suffering severe consequences.
uptownsteve said...
Ron Paul with Don Black, ex Klansman and Stormfront.org founder"
So uptown you must agree, according to the EVIDENCE, that Obama is a racist by his association with Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan?
ditto weak beta "female" mfs who
to speak cuz they think their
ditto for angry white man hating
feminists in
blackface on fn's blog
I think the overall point is Anon and others is that we shouldn't hire incompetents to high office. But seeing as the right wanted to elect a mountain woman who thinks that seeing the tip of Siberia is a qualifier for foreign policy experience is rather disturbing.
assnon/mostly rabid:
hyenas bark with their own original yaps.
so, do better retarded repeating bitch...
LAC: " the right wanted to elect a mountain woman who thinks that seeing the tip of Siberia is a qualifier for foreign policy experience is rather disturbing."
That's a myth and you should know that. Most liberals confuse Sarah Palin with Tina Fey.
and ditto for the empty suit/manchurian/legendarily inept hobama
Ab quips u missed many formal denouncements by the tea party etc....and millions of blacks who agree with them too!
The TEA Party has a problem, Alicia - which is the lack of a identifiable leadership outside of that of the Republican Party. The founder of the Tea Party is Ron Paul, who has extensive problems with his close ties to white supremacist and racist groups. The next best person to put this to rest would be Sarah Palin, who unfortunately, with the IQ of a Kumquat, chose a truly stupid response.
And while you a right, individual Tea Party groups at the local and even state level (Florida) have moved to exclude racist and white supremacist groups - nothing is happening at the national level except to deny, obfuscate, and project...
Providing plenty of ammunition that the Tea Party is racist, by their refusal to take a stand and piss off racist elements within their group.
As to there being "million of black folks"in the Tea Party...
Whatever that shit is you are smoking...
Could you pass it over?
"So uptown you must agree, according to the EVIDENCE, that Obama is a racist by his association with Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan?"
What was Obama's association with Farrakhan and I disagree with Wright being characterized as a racist.
What's your evidence?
"So then why 'da f*ck are the majority of Black folks Democrats???"
Because we're not bootlickin, white ass-kissin self-hatin Toms like you who grin in the faces of those who hate us.
Clear enough Sapphire?
hyenas bark with their own original yaps.
so, do better retarded repeating bitch...
i have never smoked anything in 46 yrs of my drug free life...not even 1 cigarette ever...
so u can keep the insults/jokes...ok?
this is the reality:
MILLIONS of americans agree with the tea partiers of all races who will NEVER be on parade...not until elections days
do stand by...
and ditto for the empty
suit/manchurian/legendarily inept
lying about accomplishments ab
got sidis or vos savant?
MMM said: So lemme get this "logic" straight.
"Black folks aren't supposed to associate with groups that may have racists factions within them, right???
So then why 'da f*ck are the majority of Black folks Democrats???"
because democrats are not racists, and the tea party is FULL of racists--and they're anti-gay, also. they want to return america to all all-white ruling class. they cannot accept that we have a black president, and that they will soon be in the minority.
the naacp is 100% correct and i'm glad they did that resolution.
steve--did you feel the earthquake? i did and i thought that's what it was but then it seemed impossible. i never woke up fully, tho.
the ONLY thing that i can think of that is MORE hypocritical than any black person bashing the tea party for dissent
is bashing them because they do not have one formal national leader!
like we do???
even the blackish hobama runs from us and betrays us!
maybe you can smoke something to help you wake up???
i have never accomplished anything in 46 yrs of my work free life...not even 1 job ever...
so u can keep the insults/jokes...ok?
u r asking for mercy cuz u cant stand the heat
ignorance is exposed
lies r shown
do stand by...
even the black ab runs from us and
betrays u with her rabid lies
got iq scores cunt?
mostly rabid/assnon:
we all know that you could never be intelligent enough to compose the sheer poetry that i do...
what can u do but repeat...really???
carry on vulgar ventriloquist dummy
you are a witless wooden wannabee
Anonymous said...
uptownsteve said...
Ron Paul with Don Black, ex Klansman and Stormfront.org founder"
So uptown you must agree, according to the EVIDENCE, that Obama is a racist by his association with Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan?
Actually, the Paul family (Ron and his son) have always been rather cozy with the "String A Nigger Up" Right -- if only because they view Civil Rights and Affirmative Action policies as a hindrance to individual and corporate rights. Paul has published several articles and opinion pieces in right wing segregationist journals.
I don't think that Con. Paul or his son are racist. I just think that like many out-of-touch, well heeled libertarian types, they're so insulated from the realities of racism and classism that these thing simply don't dawn on them.
And btw, anon, there's no evidence that Obama is a radical leftist simply because he knows Farrakhan or was in Wright's church.
Wright is a standard, old school progressive Black preacher of the 1960's and 70's -- he's no more and no less radical than the preachers in my church. Any church outside of the TD Jakes/Creflo Dollar universe you'll find plenty of Black preachers who offer even more fiery rhetoric than that sermon snippet.
And Obama and Farrakhan know each other for the same reason Obama knows Messy Jesse -- they're members of the Chicago Black Elite. If I remember correctly, Farrakhan, Oprah, Jackson and Obama live a few blocks from each other in the Chi. They're rich Black people in the same city -- they're going to know each other.
Thomas Sowell, Skip Gates and Cornell West probably know each other, they're high flying Ivy League academics. Does that make every Black conservative's favorite intellectual a secret neo-Marxist or Pan-Africanist? Is Cornell West a closet Republic? Does Skip Gates take back his views that we should all sing Kumbaya? Hardly. They know and probably respect each other -- but they don't agree on everything or in Sowell's case, anything.
Hell, Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchannan are actually quite chummy -- they're two big time policy wonks and MSNBC hosts. That doesn't mean Maddow's a Holocaust denier or that Buchannan supports gay marriage.
Simply knowing people in political circles doesn't mean you share identical philosophies. Only in our polarized hyper-sensitive political culture do we think that merely knowing people automatically means you agree with them.
Two of favorite co-workers (i.e. I'd hanging out with these guys after work) are both staunch conservatives. I'm as flaming lefty as one can be and still be a functioning member of society. We don't agree - but I enjoy their company because they're good people.
"steve--did you feel the earthquake? i did and i thought that's what it was but then it seemed impossible. i never woke up fully, tho."
I must have been the only one in Maryland who didn't.
I got to work today and everyone in the office was talking about it.
The epicenter was Rockville/Bethesda.
"and the tea party is FULL of racists--and they're anti-gay, also. they want to return america to all all-white ruling class. they cannot accept that we have a black president, and that they will soon be in the minority."
Evidently MMM and AB don't have a problem with this.
You know I often heard that not having a man drives some women crazy but this is ridiculous :-)
uptownsteve said...
Because we're not bootlickin, white ass-kissin self-hatin Toms like you who grin in the faces of those who hate us.
Damn baby, that was kinda hard wasn't it, LOL??
I know you don't anymore believe that shit you posted about me that you believe you married a white woman, LOL!!! I think you say that shit to get a rise out of me, but if that's the case, you have failed MISERABLY!!!!
I know something you obviously don't and that is education and excellence is the only REAL way to trump racism. So since my work related shit IS ALL that to the tune of a 30% raise recently, and I'm the proverbial "degree collector", I know that at the end of the day, I'll be the one laughing ALL the way to the bank AND the ladder of success!!!
Unlike YOU, I don't need to waste my damn time with whatever stupidity SOME of the tea party members got going on, because I'll exert my personal payback in the voting booth this November. And while I'm doing that, you'll be on the sidelines talking shit and whining about the right wing!!!
ron paul and jr are racists
but no more so than any fellow racist elitist bankster in hobama's regime/inner circle
larry summers etc
uptownsteve said...
You know I often heard that not having a man drives some women crazy but this is ridiculous :-)
And NO ONE knows this better than YOUR black ass, LOL!!!!
we all know that you could never be intelligent enough to compose the sheer poetry that i do...
what can u do but repeat...really???
carry on vulgar ventriloquist dummy
you are a witless wooden wannabee
mostly rabid assed bitch/assnon:
imitation is the greatest form of flattery
thank you for incessantly and flagrantly flattering me by stalking herein!!!
you are like a rabid hyena with tourette's syndrome...u stay in earshot and keep the twisted kudos coming!....ha!!!!!!!
thank you defective jungle retard!
having my own pvt retarded understudy/stalker shadow is some new nigger shit 4 real!!!
i have never accomplished anything in 46 yrs of my work free life...not even 1 job ever...
so u can keep the insults/jokes...ok?
u r asking for mercy cuz u cant stand the heat
ignorance is exposed
lies r shown
do stand by...
where is ur iq test results?
250 iq? cunt
i have never accomplished anything in 46 yrs of my work free life...not even 1 job ever...
so u can keep the insults/jokes...ok?
you are like a rabid hyena with tourette's syndrome...u stay in earshot and keep the twisted kudos coming!....ha!!!!!!!
uptownsteve said...
I must have been the only one in Maryland who didn't.
Maybe if you lost a few pounds you could hear something through all that snoring, LOL!!!
u can throw insults to people but in
the end u look like a fool
u brag and boast about non existent
then u abuse other posters for
disagreeing with u
u deserve to be drawn quartered and
tarred and feathered!
now u ask for mercy that u show no body else
cunt get over urself
"I know something you obviously don't and that is education and excellence is the only REAL way to trump racism."
Well Barack Obama is head and shoulders above Palin and 99% of the Tea Partiers in intelligence, education and accomplishment yet that doesn't stop those goobers from breaking their necks trying to get that "nigger" out of the White House.
Wake up willya?
You sound like one of those fools who claims that Affirmative Action caused white racism.
Mack Lyons said...
And in regard to the person posting under the name of Alicia Banks.....well, I don't think there's enough Prozac or Xanax in this world to better his or her mental condition. That's generally true of trolls who take their mission too seriously -- it turns them into raving, frothing loonies in real life :D
5:10 PM
i have never accomplished anything in 46 yrs of my work free life...not even 1 job ever...
so u can keep the insults/jokes...ok?
uptownsteve said...
You sound like one of those fools who claims that Affirmative Action caused white racism.
I SUPPORT affirmnative action, so you can get the hell outta here with that dumb shit!!!
Ab squirts is bashing them because they do not have one formal national leader!
like we do???
AB - that was my first and last attempt at engaging in a intelligent conversation. I have no desire to engage in another flame war - simply because the lawsuits by insurance companies complaining about the rising cost of removing my Made in the USA, steel toed, size 13 brogans from conservative assess has threatened to exceed the national debt.
There is a video of a Roland Martin interview this morning on CNN of an "official" Tea Party Spokesperson. That person chose to take the Sno' Ho' route, and accuse the NAACP instead of the high road.
The bottom line simply is - Tea Party leadership is afraid to confront the racists in their midst - because without them...
There wouldn't be any Tea Party.
u missed the pts:
we have national black leader
racists are everywhere!
is it honest to bash the tea party for the very same sin???
mostly rabid/fiercely faded fuming slack lying/retarded assnons et al:
you all proudly have no vocabs and no IQs...
it is crystal clear why you hate those of us who do have both simply because you glaringly have neither
you all are dually demented mental gimps and stalker goons
carry on you witless wanton wannabees!!!
mostly rabid:
your own pvt tiger may have a used english work book to match that math one u quote?
he may let you borrow it?
it may help you and your illiterate hater posse fathom some original "compositions" herein...maybe?
u r welcome!
u missed the pts:
we have NO national black leader
broke black racists loom all over this hobama loving blog...
uptownsteve said...
"Well Barack Obama is head and shoulders above Palin and 99% of the Tea Partiers in intelligence, education and accomplishment yet that doesn't stop those goobers from breaking their necks trying to get that "nigger" out of the White House."
First, it's not saying a lot to be head and shoulders above Sarah Palin, who simply is not presidential material.
But what of Barack Obama? Why (unlike past presidents) are all of his academic records sealed? Why did he never produce any scholary publications? His first autobography was written with considerable help from Bill Ayers, and his second sucked in comparison. While campaiging, he didn't know how many states there are (he thought 57). He displays an ignorance of basic economics. The previous president was an idiot too, but at least he knew it.
PLEASE quote anything that even remotely hinted at the initiation of a flame war with you even after you implied i was using ganja...
the lesser of evils is still evil and hobama has become flagrantly and blatantly more evil each day!!!
You are doing your little FAUX News shuffle with aplomb.
As far as scholarly papers are concerned I would love to see McCain's (5th from the bottom of his class), Reagan's (The wonders of the incredible edible jellybean) or Geroge W. Bush (Are there blacks in Brazil Condi)
Palin is too much of an imbecile to discuss.
As far as your questioning of Obama's economic prowess, it was conservative voodoo economics that caused the current crisis and I'd love to see your evidence that Ayers wrote "Dreams of My Father" which was a great read.
You sound like another resentful goober who can't accept that there are plenty of blacks out here smarter and more capable than you.
Where do you get off questioning Obama sealing his records.
You can't even come up with a forum name.
malcolm x was speaking about hobama nazi masochistic house niggers like uts when he said:
"You can't drive a knife into a man's back nine inches, pull it out six inches, and call it progress."
people who adore hobama are suicidally satisfied with his falsely described "lesser evils"...
in the real world, NO prez has been more evil to poor people of all races than the rabidly elitist bankster hoax hobama
when did gwb ever work his voodoo on huge bailout checks/auto co's ETC like hobama!?!
hobama's blackish magic TRUMPS every root gwb ever worked!!!
I promised myself that I would not get into an exchange with you anymore but I can't resist this.
What would you had done about the banking and crisis and the Detroit fiasco were you the President?
Don't get hysterical, just answer the question.
how would my answer decrease the actual prez hobama's ineptitude?
Hey Field,
I think CF and szpork are at Disneyland together, it is summer vacation time for them.
Did you feel the earthquake this morning in Philly? or were you still asleep?
aloha from Makaii
uptownsteve said...
"You sound like another resentful goober who can't accept that there are plenty of blacks out here smarter and more capable than you."
Not at all; there are plenty of commenters on this blog who are smarter than me, but you aren't one of them.
ab u have so much hot air steam is
coming out of ur puss filled disease
ridden vagina
all the hot air has to push out that
hot dog water!
u sound like another resentful goober
who can't accept that there are
plenty of blacks out here smarter and
more capable than u
alicia banks said...
how would my answer decrease the actual prez hobama's ineptitude?
If I may interject AB, UTS's point is that like many on the embitter Netroots left, you're criticizing the current policy but haven't presented a viable alternative that has shown to work.
As for those talking about Obama's records and so-called 'secrecy', Barak Hussein Obama is the most over-analyzed and scrutinized politician in American history. If Obama had any real secrets beyond the tinfoil Birther craziness, we'd know by now. His biggest flaw we know so far is that he smokes sometimes and doesn't pick up his socks.
The real shocker is that an American politician is this squeaky clean. Anyone who thinks they're some great conspiracy to hide 'the real Obama' is nuts beyond comparison. No dead hookers, live boys, coke addictions, or kickbacks. And despite the screwball theories floated on the web (i.e. Alicia Banks' who homo-obama hang up), the media and his political enemies have found nothing.
That's why the Right (and the purely crazy) are pulling things out of their collective rears. Obama. Because beyond his race and sheer policy differences, there's nothing personal they can stick to Obama. Does this man even have an overdue library book?
your own pvt idaho may have a used textbook on personal hygeine to match the Fox news u quote?
she may let you borrow it?
it may help you and your illiterate hater posse fathom some way to keep ur hot dog pussy clean from infection herein...maybe?
u r welcome!
ab/fiercely faded fuming slack lying/retards et al:
you all proudly have no vocabs and no IQs...
it is crystal clear why you hate those of us who do have both simply because you glaringly have neither
you all are dually demented mental gimps and stalker goons
carry on you witless wanton wannabees!!!
eye could use more extensive
vocabulary to insult u, but in the
end, u are the same, a dirty
stinkin cunt
but wait its okay because u have a
250 iq, an iq that hasn't been
recorded for any human on the
molotov trick
u can throw insults to people but in
the end u look like a fool
u brag and boast about non existent
then u abuse other posters for
disagreeing with u
u deserve to be drawn quartered and
tarred and feathered!
now u ask for mercy that u show no body else
cunt get over urself
Pure hilarity!
I am glad to see that obnoxious self-aggrandizing cretin get her just desserts! Well done anon 6:21!
You so-called Field Negroes are like an out-of-control mob seeking to hang one of your own. Why would ALL of you shamelessly join in the filthy mob against AB? You seem to love it. You also tried to do it to CF and MMM.
Yet, with Whites like no_slappz, szpork and Frank D, you say very little. I've watched some of you-like Hathor and Granny- try to be kind and reasonable to an obvious racist like szpork. In fact, you make allowances for him and carry on conversation with him as if he was a relative. Yet, you make no allowances for your black brothers and sisters who may even be sick.
There is no logic or reason or heart to the outlandish stuff you do to Blacks but make exceptions for racist Whites as though they are ok. But maybe your 'real' hatred is against yourselves..and that is why you are so ragingly fierce toward other Blacks.
I don't blame CF for leaving. You should be ashamed of yourselves for not at least giving the consideration you have given Whites like szpork and Frank D. She IS human and deserves more, especially since so many of you believe that she is mentally sick. This leads me to suspect that you each hate your own sick family members.
But maybe that's the point. You feel shame with them around.
UTS always uses the world "Goober".... hmmm
Anon 9:26 is indirectly calling AB a sicko.... hahahahaha
"Anon 9:26 is indirectly calling AB a sicko.... hahahahaha"
Yeah, so are you cause you missed the point, brother.
u called the dirty bankster bush clan cloned hobama "squeaky clean"???
further cold hard proof that you are THE most hopeless hobama nazi on this blog
no one has to be prez in order to critique the prez
u do not have to be a gourmet chef to reject a gourmet meal
u r truly pathetic
i answered u on my blog
see all here:
mostly rabid vulgar foaming-at-the-blog fool:
we know you have chronic dated VD that has caused your severe retardation and XXX tourette's etc...
pleeeeeez keep all the gory details on the dl...yuk!!!!
niggers hate the truth
that is why they adore that liar hobama
it does nor faze me at all
have a great weekend
TONS of people in dc knew marion barry was a crackhead long before his fbi sting made national news
ditto for the dl flamer and openly bi hobama
u r way late
your denial will never give his a "squeaky clean" revisionist macho washing in the chi
do u really deny the het vera baker ho too???
do u deny his slumlord posse hat helped him buy his own chi hm too???
do u deny blago too??
droves of dirt has been documented on hobama from his policies to to his fabricated past...yet u deny all
from his razor thin resume to his banker wf granny
i will save this
it is a textbook case of nazi denial
it is the type of things germans spoke about hitler even as he was gassing jews and burying them in mass graves
very very scary stuff dude...4 real!!!
"The real shocker is that an American politician is this squeaky clean. Anyone who thinks they're some great conspiracy to hide 'the real Obama' is nuts beyond comparison. No dead hookers, live boys, coke addictions, or kickbacks. And despite the screwball theories floated on the web (i.e. Alicia Banks' who homo-obama hang up), the media and his political enemies have found nothing."
Yes, Miss Alicia Bank, Obama is a boy scout compared the freaks and crooks we've had in the white house. If you could get out your John Birch/Coked out Ex-Panther fantasy island, you'd realize that.
He's a Black man whose the most powerful single human being on planet earth. You think White people were going to let that happen if that man had so much as traffic ticket? Hell, they tried to use his pastor and some guy he met at his daughters' PTA meeting against him. Nothing stuck -- because it was all bullshit.
I've read your 'sources' and they're your typical inane, conspiracy laced lunacy that we've come to expect from the Tea Baggers and well, you.
Disagreeing with Obama on policy is one thing. Sure go at it, we need health political debate.
But your irrational, hyperbolic statements of venom and hysteria -- some of which even the most ardent Faux News acolyte couldn't swallow is what takes you out of the realm of rational debate and into the world of foam padded rooms, dirty bathrooms and sedative laced Jell-O.
Oh, and you're 10 points of what Obama could do better are good, but its the typical Pacifica-listening Netroots clap-trap which has no basis in history or political science.
Yes Alicia, I agree with some of your ideas, such as forcing lending restructuring before the bailouts. Others are just batshit crazy -- you can't force parents to attend mandatory parenting classes because no one wants a bureaucrat telling you how how raise your kids. Next you'll require parenting licenses or forced abortions. Good on paper, downright unworkable in reality.
The main point is this, neither Obama, Nader, Gore or any other lefty messiah is going to change a damn thing so long as we have a system of government that protects special interests and populace who know more about American Idol than Glass-Steagal.
If you want Obama to create a progressive mecca (or just catch us up to Europe and Canada in terms of civil society), you'll need to clean up Congress -- and that doesn't mena replace them with Tea Part twats. The last thing we need are a bunch of ignorant race-baiters who think that farm workers and gay people are the biggest problems in society.
Want to make Obama govern better? Sweep in a new class of hardcore progressives to hold his feet to the fire. And I didn't say Democrats, I said die-in-the wool liberals of any stripe, Dem, Republican, Socialist or Green Party. Hell, Nixon passed some of the most liberal policies in the last 30 years, because there was a progressive congress pushing.
Otherwise, Obama would have to be a complete dictator to do half the stuff you're talking about.
just like he dictated to us that he was giving our cash to the very rich bankers who are STILL bilking us!
this is about GREEN money
hobama has given NONE to blacks/any poor people of any race!!!
you can never excuse or deny or dream that away...no matter how hard y try
and just like he dictated to us that obamacare would be forced upon us and
with ZILCH for public options etc
he has dictated MUCH
bit he has dictated nothing to help poor people
no one can excuse the inexcusable hobama!!!
Pure hilarity!
I am glad to see that obnoxious self-aggrandizing cretin get her just desserts! Well done anon 6:21!
baby u aint seen nothin yet lol!
she thank she can harm others
she deserves to be shamed and exposed for her incessant lies
for her abusive behavior
eye dont give a fuck if shes sick
or not people who are sick have a
choice to be nice or mean
hot dog waterin bitch chooses to be mean
therefore she deserve erythang
that come to her in a bad way
lies: 250 iq, graduated uiuc in 1984
awards: who's who in America can be BOUGHT!!!
exaggerations: radio personality on PUBLIC ACCESS channels where my pet dog can have his own show
synopsis: LOSER
humiliation of a troll cunt bully? fucking priceless!!!
no one can excuse the inexcusable ab and her trashy behavior!!!
"So then why 'da f*ck are the majority of Black folks Democrats???"
Because it's hard to stay loyal to a party that openly declares that they DO NOT have your best interests at heart.
And yes, I do realize that the Democrat party was once home to the "Dixiecrats" and "States Righters" and other bigoted entities. Too bad the GOP managed to co-op them all as a part of Nixon's "Southern Strategy". Remember the Dixiecrats threw a hissy fit over the signing of the Civil Rights Act and defected en mass into the loving arms of the GOP. Apparently Black folk knew which side of the toast was still buttered and moved accordingly.
Which is why the "BUT WE WERE THE PARTY OF LINCOLN" argument never works. Except on the Toms, perhaps.
this is about ur lack money cuz u
aint have no job
ab has given NOTHING WHATSOEVER to blacks/any poor people of any race!!! (Except a headache and a night of regret after waking up next to her in the morning...)
u can never excuse or deny or dream that away...no matter how hard u try
Which is why the "BUT WE WERE THE PARTY OF LINCOLN" argument never works. Except on the Toms, perhaps.mack l.
yep toms like ur friend ab the lying
incessant narcissistic self important mentally unstable abusive
loser with a 250 iq huh?
got sidis?
BTW, there's so much wrong in this pic.
First off, no woman worth her stockings would have her shoes shined. Period. If they get scuffed or dull, they buy new ones.
If that's really what Palin would do (have her shoes shined), then that alone confirms that this woman ain't exactly.....there.
Secondly, this pic harkens back to the time when black...ahem..."coloreds" were in their "rightful place" in society. As I said before, most of these Teabaggers were born around the late 40s to early 60s and they largely want their childhoods back. Which includes putting those scary black folk back into the servile positions that whites were most comfortable with during those times. I bet some of these people didn't see, much less interact with blacks until they went to college or moved away from home.
And btx3 is right. Without racism, there is no Tea Party. The implicit and covert dislike of being lead by a man of color is the glue that holds the Teabaggers together. Take that away from them and the whole shebang comes apart like a cheap pair of shoes.
That could literally mean that if the Republicans put up a legitimate candidate in 2012, they could win. Such a result is bad enough, but the likely response for the Democrats is to move further to the "middle" to placate voters. As we've seen over the last decade, the "middle" in American politics is basically on the verge of being an 80s Republican. Increasingly that means we'll have a political landscape of a conservative party and ratfuck insane parties. The former, given it's track record, slowly moving to the right, the latter, given it's track record, loudly screaming "socialism, communism, fascism!!!"
If that happens, the Dems might pull themselves so far towards the right that any of these things can happen, if not all of them:
* - Some Dems become so right-wing that they end up defecting to the GOP, especially if the GOP is looking attractive or resilliant enough for them.
* - The Dems get muscled out of their traditional left-of-center positions by the Libertarians or any number of third parties.
* - And heaven help them if they get so far to the right that they end up losing most of the Black vote.
The Dems end up going out of business because they tried to be GOP-lite when most people would rather have the real thing, nuts and all.
As for those talking about Obama's records and so-called 'secrecy', Barak Hussein Obama is the most over-analyzed and scrutinized politician in American history. If Obama had any real secrets beyond the tinfoil Birther craziness, we'd know by now. His biggest flaw we know so far is that he smokes sometimes and doesn't pick up his socks.
And White America can thank themselves for that. Because in order to be a sucessful black politician, you've REALLY gotta keep your nose clean, because even the smallest thing can kill your career.
Which makes me wonder about Marion Barry. Of course, I've concluded that White America simply doesn't care about him, since he posed no threat to them in any way. I might be wrong on that one, but for what it's worth...
ni**s like u hate the truth
that is why they continue to lie
about their non existent
achievements in life
even when called on it
pathetic pizzlefucks!
obama clean nose? hahaha u r funny!
lies: 250 iq, graduated uiuc in 1984
awards: who's who in America can be BOUGHT!!!
exaggerations: radio personality on PUBLIC ACCESS channels where my pet dog can have his own show
synopsis: LOSER
humiliation of a troll cunt bully? fucking priceless!!!
Pure hilarity!
I am glad to see that obnoxious self-aggrandizing cretin get her just desserts! Well done anon 6:21!
join in
the more posters join in to expose
and humiliate
this foul beast
the sooner she will go away else
stay tied to the computer even
more defending her 'honor'
either way that beast will get
slayed in mono stereo and hi def!
each time you demand that someone become the prez...you are proving that hobama is indefensible
mostly rabid hater assnon:
no real academic award can be bought
ALL of my awards are real
niggers like you know nothing about real awards
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
how is hobama's blackish magical wall street "reform" looking for u?
cunt troll loser:
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
bought so called awards
fucking idiot
u buy a whos who award because u r
solicited in the mail for a fee
to get a plaque and ur name in a
book but u must pay!
stupid lying idiot!
whos who awards are NOT academic awards
they r called vanity awards cuz
they stroke the egos of poor
insecure saps like ur dumb ass
got hubris?
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011 cunt troll
how do u know what awards ule get in 2011?
u have a crystal ball no?
oh wait they r vanity awards u prolly
paid ur fee already that's why u know ule get one next year yes?
no real academic award can be bought
ALL of ur awards are vanity awards
niggers like you know nothing about real awards
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
these are not academic awards either
u dumb fool!
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
potential leadership?
howd that work out for u dumbass?
what leadership skills have u
shown in
ur community ?
ranting on the internet about
things u dont like hardly
qualifies u as a community activist
u dumb sack of catshit!
how strange!
the ab troll lists her so called
achievements on her blog profile
page. Many of these awards can be
bought and likely sold as well lol!
when asked for proof of her so
called accomplishments she simply
repeats the list on her profile
imagine that?
ever heard of vetting?
what a sore disgusting loser!!!
niggers like you know nothing about real awards
hmmm lets see there are countless legitimate academic awards that u could have listed on ur profile page but since ure just a liar and a fool ure unaware of them let me let u in on a little secret:
Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society is a legitimate club where if ur name is part of the organization it shows uve worked hard and diligently in school
uve not listed anything of the sort except whos who awards
my God ure not just a loser u haven't researched ur own back story well enough to know that people think whos who awards r a fucking joke!
oh no anon 10:00! dont give her any ideas!
next thing u know she'll have been a member of phi beta kappa for like twenty years or something
thats how delusional fucktards act
lets go over ur resume shall we? u listed these radio stations where u were the cats meow supposedly
we all know ure a liar but to give u the benefit of the dout let us see
uiuc COLLEGE radio station any student with half a brain can put on a show this is no real achievement at all
another uiuc radio station uh huh yeah right u were as big as rush limbaugh at uiuc huh?
leftist community radio where any ranting lunatic can get a show
cant u do better? ur hypocrisy abounds how does a rush limbaugh faux news ball licker show up on a leftist radio station? lack of integrity. cunt.
a christian radio station in atlanta? for someone who calls the bible buy bull and hates christians ur hypocrisy is obvious u piece of trailer trash!
another local radio station eyem sure u were on the station in the 'the mic is hot' open mike program lying cunt
community radio where any old fucktard can say whatever he wants this is not an achievement at all
another dog ass shitty station where any fucktard can say what they will and its also a front for ACORN that hardly makes u a radio personality douchebag also shows ur hypocrisy cunt
another community radio station in fucking fresno? fresno? and ure bragging about that? u incorrigible idiotic confusticated fuck!
this so called list of accomplishments is nothing more than an embellished set of fantasies
there is zilch to brag about in ur pathetically small bleak life
ure almost fifty years old and the only thing u have to show 4 urself is that u were a dj at community radio stations at one point and ur desire 4 fame is so great that u
abandoned ur pagan ideology to be at a christian radio station and u call the bible 'buy bull'?
and to make matters worse u have the audacity to brag about being a dj in fresno? fucking fresno? u need help!
u r a
fame seeking
ego stricken
embellishment prone
hot dog water smelling
disease infested
bad breath having
piece of shit!
mostly rabid/assnon:
name ANYTHING or ANY radio station where you have done ANYTHING...
we are all waiting!!!
my corporate and media resumes would blow your tiny mind u envious troll
got a time warp to go with those defective research skills and comical endless envy?
wigo was the first commercial radical political 24 hr AM talk station in atlanta long before it was sold out to tame evil apolitical church niggers like u....i was the original superstar of the original wigo...correct your homewk
kpfa was once the most radical legendary and the FIRST community radio station in the nation...i am eternally proud to be therE...
i FOUNDED WBML and was its original general mngr and pd and superstar dj...it is why i won a campus award in 1996 for what we achieved from 1982-1984...thanks for allowing me more kudos herein!!!
smile (this is way too much fuin!!)
wgst is STILL one of the top talk stations in america...and it rules the atl mkt to this date
thanks for helping me to brag in even more detail...
i am very proud to be a lifetime leader in academia/gay activism/feminism...u????
have u lead anything other than your man to his side pcs???
have u lead anything other than this blog into a x rated ghetto trash can??? "hot dogs water" and all? ie
do u boil top ramen to go with your escalating blood pressure you filthy psycho mf???
you have this really vulgar weird obsession with "diseased vaginas" that is almost as glaring as your obsession with envying me...
but you are supposed to be het/wed to a saint/your own pvt medicated monogamous tiger? wtf?
so research this:
how have you sniffed so many reeking vaginas other than your own?
do you have a lot of reeking dl lesbian dreg lovers to match the side pc stable of your own pvt tiger?
are you just toiling over too many reeking vaginal remnants in your own private tiger's dirty undies/laundry??
what is your motivation for your XXX reeking posts???
you are a reekingn envious inept icky trick!!!
mostly rabid assnon:
where do u live?
i lived in oakland
my stellar show was simulcast from kpfa's studio in berkeley
kpfa/kpfb/kpfc always are
your "research" skills reek even more than your self confessed diseased vagina...ick!!!!
mostly rabid assnon:
i would never pimp or disgrace myself by working for any hypochristian radio station
i evade holy hating niggers like you in ALL arenas like you evade reality/those side pcs'svaginal germs in your man's undies/vaginal hygiene etc...
mostly rabid hater assnon:
i understand why losers like you hate great leaders like me....thanks!
and thanks for reminding me that
i was also a manager at the daily illini while i was simultaneously making that 5.0 and founding/starring at wbml and wpgu....
dyam i am great huh?
how old are u you immature moronic mf?
i am 46 not 50
each day is a blessing and i am sure i look younger than you!
but you ARE:
50 times uglier than your own pvt tiger's ugliest side pc
50 times more vulgar than any other poster on this blog
50 times more invisible than any other
ugly mf posting as assnon herein
etc x 50...
as you flaunt your inept research skills, your DECREASING IQ is now
-50 to date and counting!!!
mostly rabid maid/assnon:
see 3:11?
i would bet $50.00 on this one:
are you just toiling over too many reeking vaginal remnants in your own private tiger's dirty undies/laundry??
AB-"how old are u you immature moronic mf?
i am 46 not 50
each day is a blessing and i am sure i look younger than you!
but you ARE:
50 times uglier than your own pvt tiger's ugliest side pc
50 times more vulgar than any other poster on this blog
50 times more invisible than any other
ugly mf posting as assnon herein
etc x 50...
as you flaunt your inept research skills, your DECREASING IQ is now
-50 to date and counting!!!"
Whoa! a slam dunk!
mostly rabid never-seen-a-campus assnon:
u r making my sunday u illiterate shrew...grin
phi beta kappa is an academic greek org that invites scholars per gpa
i was invited to join pbk many times
even in grad school as a 4.0 summa cum laude scholar grad
but i am famously anti-greek
seen school daze?
i was the larry f of my campus
i would never sell out after bashing the divisive apolitical bs of black greeks and then join a white greek org
not even an academic one
but again:
uneducated unethical inexperienced niggers like you would know nothing about greek racism on a major campus like uiuc as i do
u envious hater liar
keep giving me more kudos to detail!!!!...smile
each new brag u solicit like a masochistic fool is 50 x more orgasmic than the last one...
mostly rabid awardless assnon:
all of my awards are real and earned
and any 8 yr old with a libary card can find them all at any public library
rejects like you may buy awards...so why have u not done so since you clearly covet them so??????
that would be why you have NO awards of ANY kind...bet???
i totally understand why cowards like you and hobama ignore toxic parenting as you scapegoat all teachers...
i also know that is why public ed is permanently doomed!
hobama is no saint
he is a blue blood prez select who CHOSE his own posse of banksters to rule and slay YOU...
your disney hero sainthood of hobama will never change that fact
do not hate me because i am really the "lefty" that hobama pretended to be to pimp votes
hobama as "left" us all in doom!
mostly rabid arrogantly clueless assnon:
all REAL awardees are always selected a year in advance
we all know u never knew that
and we all know why...
u r welcome.
this so called list of accomplishments is nothing more than an embellished set of fantasies
there is zilch to brag about in ur pathetically small bleak life
ure almost fifty years old and the only thing u have to show 4 urself is that u were a dj at community radio stations at one point and ur desire 4 fame is so great that u
abandoned ur pagan ideology to be at a christian radio station and u call the bible 'buy bull'?
and to make matters worse u have the audacity to brag about being a dj in fresno? fucking fresno? u need help!
u r a
fame seeking
ego stricken
embellishment prone
hot dog water smelling
disease infested
bad breath having
piece of shit!
this so called list of accomplishments is nothing more than an embellished set of fantasies
all REAL awardees are always selected a year in advance when paying fees for vanity awards
we all know u never knew that
and we all know why...
u r too stupid to realize that a whos who award means absolutely nothing
but you ARE:
50 times uglier than your own ur own degeneres side piece
50 times more vulgar than any other poster on this blog
50 times more full of shit than any other
ugly mf posting as assnon herein
etc x 50...
as you flaunt your inept research skills, your DECREASING IQ is now
-50 to date and counting!!!"
yes ur iq really is quite low isn't it?
u cannot win
u r a loser
all u have is embellishments from a bygone era
u r a fool and a liar and a retard
mostly rabid uneducated fool:
"pagan" = worshipper of female gods
you are a goddamned disgrace to all women
each one teach one...u r welcome.
fix that
i see you are back to botching my quotes huh?
those original embarassing lies just did not work out so well for u herein huh?
u pathetic vulgar illiterate uneducated awardless pleeb troll???...
i feel your shame shrew
bet even your own private vaginal germed undied tiger would blush at the fool you look like now?...
got more of his laundry to sniff?
awardless rabid assnon
all of my awards are authentic and earned
shame that you are too uneducated to know the difference...
and you missed many OTHER national and uiuc awards that are not authentic who's who
scan up!
u dont earn a whos who award u buy it for a fee u r a fucking idiot
ur hypocrisy and vanity r pathetic
eye see you are back to botching my quotes huh?
those original embarassing lies just did not work out so well for u herein huh?
u pathetic vulgar illiterate uneducated awardless pleeb troll???...
i feel your shame cunt
bet even your own cheating degeneres germed undied wife would blush at the fool you look like now?...
got more of his laundry to sniff?
nobody in their rite mind would not join an honor society
yet brag about getting a whos who award
u r a fucking joke!!!
ab the uneducated fool:
"pagan" does not equal worshipper of female gods
u cheapen its complexity with ur ignorant rants
you are a goddamned disgrace to all women
'buybull' is not consistent with being some lackey at a christian radio station
ur lack of scruples betrays u
each one teach one...u r welcome.
fix that
mostly rabid awardless assnon:
since u have no education...
got money?
buy ANY award now!
it may work better than valium...
good luck with that asap!!!
rabid lying assnon:
buybull toting bitches like you ruined and silenced the revolutionary radical wigo that i ruled
that is what you evil miseducated missionary mfs do all over the globe
carry on...
mostly rapid very simple bitch:
"complexity" = sanity for the uneducated...always
we know...
mostly rabid buybull moron:
is this your buybull club/church home?
r u in vegas?
your own "words" = no winners!!!!
mostly rabid obsessed hater assnon:
bygone =
your false buybull god
your sanity
your dignity
your soul
your chance to be educated and win any award EVER!!!
your chronological denial
your fugly faceless empty invisible head herein...
got laundry?
go wash those reeking vaginal germs out of your own
pvt tigers undies now!!!
mostly rabid assnon:
you owe me 50 dollars u broke busted buffoonish bitch!!
you owe me 50 dollars u broke busted buffoonish bitch!!
aint u supposed to be out with ur
lovely cheating wife living a
glorious life
why r u sitting in front of the
lying and arguing with an
anonymous commenter
ur pathetic nature is showing and it
aint pretty
fifty year old loser!
oh wait forty six going on forty seven year old loser!
ab the uneducated fool:
"pagan" does not equal worshipper of female gods
u cheapen its complexity with ur ignorant rants
you are a goddamned disgrace to all women
'buybull' is not consistent with being some lackey at a christian radio station
ur lack of scruples betrays u
each one teach one...u r welcome.
fix that
hot dog water smelling fool
ur lies r obvious for all to see
uve never earned a legitimate honor in ur life
ur pathetic need to brag simply shows
ur inadequacy as a person
and ur deflection into insults is
even more of a testament to ur lies!
if u r so great where r ur
publications in scholarly journals?
there r none but ur rants on blogs
u r a joke
*crickets cunt*
bygone =
your false rugmunching pagan gods
your sanity
your dignity
your soul
your chance to be educated and win any award EVER!!!
your chronological denial
your fugly insectoid empty head herein...
got laundry?
go wash those reeking vaginal germs out of your own
paper bag now!!!
u know ur wife is sleeping around
with other people
u couldnt keep anybody satisfied
in a relationship due to ur
obsessive and vain nature
got relationship counseling?
yes mostly rabid 24/7 stalker online:
if i were you and being slain by me as i am slaying u
i would encourage you not to stay online with me also...
u slain silly hypocrite!!!!
vaginal obsessed mostly rabid assnon:
got clorox for your man's vaginally germed undies?
they may get as white as your fugly whited out egg filled face herein!
lying ab:
ignorant angry rug munching
like you tried to ruin
and silence the woman who actually
that is what you evil miseducated
radical feminist man hating
lesbian mfs do all over the globe
carry on...
yes ab cunt troll:
if i were you and being slain by me as i am slaying u
i would encourage you not to stay online with me also...
u slain silly hypocrite!!!!
fifty year old loser
where is proof of ur uiuc diploma
where is proof of anything u say
there is none
carry on u idiotic fool
Anonymous Anonymous said...
bygone =
your false rugmunching pagan gods
your sanity
your dignity
your soul
your chance to be educated and win any award EVER!!!
your chronological denial
your fugly insectoid empty head herein...
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
potential leadership?
howd that work out for u dumbass?
what leadership skills have u
shown in
ur community ?
ranting on the internet about
things u dont like hardly
qualifies u as a community activist
u dumb sack of catshit!
if u r so great where r ur
publications in scholarly journals?
there r none but ur rants on blogs
u r a joke
*crickets cunt*
got clorox for your woman's vaginally germed undies?
they may get as dark as your fugly blackened feces colored face herein!
u cretinous sow r nothing like
a woman
the sow is a fat ugly coarse
churlish boar boor bore with
nothing to show that shes done
shit in her life
she cant prove up her lies anymore
got 250 iq anyone! lets talk to
marilyn vos savant about that one!
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
she is a liar liar with her nasty
disease ridden crotch on fire
mostly rabid illiterate amusing assnon:
what is even more hilarious than your being way too retarded to compose your own insults even after your inferior research...
is that you incessanlty botch and paste my own lethal prose with tangible actual PRIDE???
wtf????...THAT is THE most new niggerish retarded bs i have ever seen
further proof that you are the most reeking moron on this blog...
mostly rabid uneducated awardless resumeless wannabe:
where are YOUR reviews from ANY source/era/mag/paper/year etc??????
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..."HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
mostly rabid lifeless careerless hater:
not only am i still receiving real 2011 awards for my legendary radio work
but also for my ongoing kudos in academia and corp america
and u?????
are there any awards for manic maids who sniff/bleaching the VD from their man's vaginal undies as u do???
maybe sponosored by clorox???
mostly rabid lifeless careerless hater:
not only am i still receiving real 2011 awards for my legendary radio work
but also for my ongoing kudos in academia and corp america
and u?????
are there any awards for manic maids who sniff/bleach the VD germs from their man's vaginal germ laced undies as u do???
maybe sponosored by clorox???
ps mostly rabid witless wannabee:
(shhhhh: educated people call that retarded "plagiarism"....fyi)
carry on moron...
u cretinous sow r nothing like
a woman
the sow is a fat ugly coarse
churlish boar boor bore with
nothing to show that shes done
shit in her life
she cant prove up her lies anymore
got 250 iq anyone! lets talk to
marilyn vos savant about that one!
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
she is a liar liar with her nasty
disease ridden crotch on fire
ure such a loser uve been on this
blog all day trying to come up
with zingers
there is only one zing here and u
aint him
no amount of cutting and pasting
from community magazines written
by mentally ill shills shows that
uve done shit in ur life
u r nothing more than an insecure
almost fifty year old fuck with
nothing better 2 do then talk mess
on the internet
got a big L for LOSER?
its so easy to bait u cuz ure such
an insecure rugmunching loser
eye spent 10 minutes on this blog
today while u spent HOURS arguing
with some anonymous poster on the
who is the used up lying fool now?
all just to save the feces from coating 2 much of ur face
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