"Michael Steele deserves our prayers!
We must let Chairman Steele know that our prayers are with him during this difficult and contentious time. Having personally experienced firsthand the open door policy of his administration, I can truly say I appreciate his strengthening of the GOP through his emphasis on coalitions. His notable fundraising ability, especially in the present economy and with him having taken his position when so many Republicans were downhearted and disgusted can only be commended! He has been an up front leader in one of the toughest seasons of his party, and when the going is toughest, the tough keep going.
For those like Ron Bonjean, spokesman for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who think Chairman Steele will ultimately survive and that stepping down would be the wrong decision, I say “join us in praying for Chairman Steele.” Most importantly, we must keep praying for all of our leaders, no matter what their political parties are. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are a dream that must yet be realized, and now is the time to rally, and not tear down! " [Article]
Was that the niece of one of the great civil rights icons of our generation? (Oh Lawd, I think this heat is getting to me.) Yep, that's her.
If someone were to dig up brother Martin's grave I bet he would be lying on his stomach. All that turning will do that to you.
Finally, I have to give a shout out to my man Jeff Winbush for bringing this Negro to my attention. Thank you Jeff, I needed a good laugh. And right about now H.K. Edgerton (That's him in the pic.) is the closest thing to real comedy that I have. Well, him and the aforementioned Mr. Steele.
1 – 200 of 357 Newer› Newest»Youve seen that David Chapelle clip right?
Whats much more alarming than MLK's niece saying those things, or any other black person featured by Mr. Beck, is how Beck is inserting race and atempting to co-opt and distort racial history/and reality, to fit his own agenda.
More than scary.
this picture is priceless. thank you, FN.
total coonery.
Rikyrah is right; I thought that was a joke at first. Clayton Bigsby lives on!!!
The Bush administration threw the Christians a bone and she's none too happy to reciprocate or as it looks on the tube that her 15 minutes of fame exceeds all happiness and reality.
Didn't they give the slave a uniform when they fought for the Confederacy?
I swear I can't make people like this up. I am still laughing.
Isn't it rather presumptuous to assume that the relative of a civil rights leader should espouse the same political views? What happened to free speech/freedom of thought?
Should the relatives of Klansmen be held to the same ridiculous standard?
Geez, I think the lower colon as bypassed for the transverse colon to pull this one out the arse, LOL!!!
I wonder if the people from the mental hospital even know that Mr. Edgerton escaped?
Lawzy, we got to have a doctor. I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies.
Damn Field, I was hoping you found that picture on the Onion.
I was cut off in mid-comment, but that is what I imagine Mr. Edgerton to be saying.
Obviously that is a quote from the film Gone With The Wind, which perpetuated the toxic lie that the Old South was a happy land of darkies and benevolent massahs.
"There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South... Here in this pretty world Gallantry took its last bow... Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave... Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered. A Civilization gone with the wind... "
Come on Field, that wasn't right. You should have shown the OTHER PHOTO. You know the one.Let me give you a hint.
What do Dennis Rodman, Clarence , and Reggie Bush all have in common?
White women!
Show the photo of what ole Uncle Jesse Lee Peterson really was fighting for!
Didn't C.F. say he was on vacation in the Carolinas? That might be his photo Field.
LMAO Yo Field HK is out of control, thank you for finding the real Clayton Bigsby!
Kid, let's keep it real -- I don't even think Constructive Feedback would carry around a Confederate Flag and actually buckdance for Klansmen like are our man H.K. Edgerton.
And is it a surprise that a right wing coon sellout like Alvena King would pimp her late uncle's powerful legacy for fun and profit? Hell, Messy Jesse and MLK's own damn kids have been doing it for years. I guess that this trick would disgrace King's legacy by siding with bigots who believe in deporting natural born citizens makes it even more disgusting.
Wow. I bet Edgerton up there singing that "zipadi doda" song.
La♥audiobooks said...
"Wow. I bet Edgerton up there singing that "zipadi doda" song."
That's uptown steve's favorite song.
“it was better to be an African in the Southland as a slave than to be free in Africa.”
How true, how true indeed.
LOL at 12:55 am.
MeandMyMicroscope said...
Isn't it rather presumptuous to assume that the relative of a civil rights leader should espouse the same political views? What happened to free speech/freedom of thought?
Wow you really don't get it, do you?
Alveda King makes herself relevant by always referring to herself as the neice of MLK Jr.
I'm familiar with Ms. Johnny-one-note via Booker Rising and have no problem with her expressing her views but she knows that she only gets attention due to her familar relation.
She needs to get her own identity and move along.
"She needs to get her own identity and move along."
All Black Americans need to get their own identity and move along.
"Isn't it rather presumptuous to assume that the relative of a civil rights leader should espouse the same political views? What happened to free speech/freedom of thought?""
Well, if it wasn't for her uncle and many other civil rights leaders, she wouldn't have had this much freedom, much less freedom of speech as a black person today.
"Should the relatives of Klansmen be held to the same ridiculous standard?""
And I guess that analogy would make sense to a black person who doesn't see anything wrong with reducing the blood/sweat/tears and ideals of Dr. King and many others to the equal opposite of those "ridiculous standards", or comparing their ideals to the ones of the racist, raping, murdering klan.
Didn't Glenn Beck call Dr. King a racist? I think that Dr. King's brother and sister-in-law's daughter need to STFU!
The more Blacks participating in making a mockery of the Confederate flag, the better. Soon the flag will loose its original meaning and will just be an excuse for Southern Whites and Blacks to get to together and sing and dance.
Why shouldn't Dr. King's niece have been on Beck's show? Judeo-Christian values, anti-abortion, freedom of speech and the right to protest peacefully, non-violence, and the right to assemble--were all part of his show. There was nothing wrong with that. My guess is that the majority of Americans, agreed with that show.
It's time for abortions to end. And I bet there will be a huge turn out for Beck's march on Washington. Who knows. Maybe Dr. Alveda King will speak.
OMFG. Horrific!
I have no other words right now. (Field, you're messing with my blood pressure).
Anonymous said...
The more Blacks participating in making a mockery of the Confederate flag, the better. Soon the flag will loose its original meaning and will just be an excuse for Southern Whites and Blacks to get to together and sing and dance.
No the flag should be made illegal like the Nazi flag in Germany.
Anonymous said...
Why shouldn't Dr. King's niece have been on Beck's show? Judeo-Christian values, anti-abortion, freedom of speech and the right to protest peacefully, non-violence, and the right to assemble--were all part of his show. There was nothing wrong with that. My guess is that the majority of Americans, agreed with that show.
It's time for abortions to end. And I bet there will be a huge turn out for Beck's march on Washington. Who knows. Maybe Dr. Alveda King will speak.
The abortion card is getting played out. Where was mthe rights outrage on abortion when the South did it at will to black women? Some of those Judeo-Christian values included lynching.
Then you mentioned non-violence, Maybe Alveda (or as I call her Dr.King's brother's daughter and sister-in-law child)should have went ot one of those "nonviolent" Race/Tea Parties where they called the President the same names they called her Uncle.Unlike her Uncle's rallies Glenn friends BRING GUNS!
About the right to assemble ,Van Jones (who was a environmentialist) was fired/left for that reason. Now a group a probably heard about called the NAACP is being "Acorned" by Glenn and the rest of the Klan.
BTW, what is Alveda's job to applaude after Beck urinate on the memory of Dr. King who he called a racist and a socialist?
Kid, you are right. Those lynchings were a form of adult abortions, no?
"Damn Field, I was hoping you found that picture on the Onion."
Sorry CG, sometimes truth is more fun than fiction.
"Why shouldn't Dr. King's niece have been on Beck's show? Judeo-Christian values, anti-abortion, freedom of speech and the right to protest peacefully, non-violence, and the right to assemble--were all part of his show. There was nothing wrong with that. My guess is that the majority of Americans, agreed with that show."
Because Beck is pimping her uncle just like she is....well, now that I think about it; it makes perfect sense for her to be on his show. [See what Roderick said]
"Didn't C.F. say he was on vacation in the Carolinas? That might be his photo Field."
Now see.
Thanks for the shout-out, Field. In this time of trouble and turmoil (and heat), it's good to know there will still he House Knee-grows like H.N.I.C. Michael "Bojangles" Steele and H.K. (Uncle Ruckus) Edgerton fightin' for life, liberty and the inalienable rights of White people to keep a foot in our butt.
Truth & Soul
we already know the lunacy of ms. king; in march, field blogged about her dangerous campaign to stop black women from abortions by claiming they are a racist plot by whites.
Roderick said...
Alveda King makes herself relevant by always referring to herself as the neice of MLK Jr.
Well she is, isn't she????
All I'm suggesting is that being related to a famous, noble prize winning civil rights icon doesn't mean she has to agree with his politics.
As for her stance on abortions in the Black community, from what I've seen of the stats, that position isn't so far fetched IMHO since there are whites who would like to see blacks "exterminated". Of course, it's no coincidence that the abortion rate changed in the Black commuity as the politics changed from being conservative during my grandmothers time who was born in at the turn of the 20th century, to liberal when I was born in the 60's.
Field, I don't know why I keep coming to your page. I'm getting a serious case of whiplash from all the head-shaking I'm doing at some of the stories you blog about.
*Shaking my head even harder at H.K. Edgerton.*
See? There it goes again.
Have Constructive Feedback and H. K. Edgerton ever been seen together in the same room?
One can certainly tell when Constructive Feedback is absent.
Has he left the blog? I hope not because no one could match him. His way of thinking was brilliant and exposed the flawed thinking of liberal progressives.
alveda and bernice king are both neocon buckdancing homohating republicooning disgraces to the superior inclusive humanitarian pro-gay king agenda
they BOTH routinely disgrace martin and coretta and ALL of their regal revolutionary kin...
your bigoted "query" evinces your habitually arrogant ignorance
and your analogy is accordingly severely flawed
ideally, each generation of any clan should progress politically
people expected the children of slave owners to comprehend why they should be abolitionists...why they should not demand to own slaves too!!
ditto for the gaybashing fools in the king clan...they should ideally be even MORE humanitarian
and politically progressive/socially inclusive than their kin...
i do understand how homohating morons like you would be chronologically and morally challenged by the fundamental concepts of sanity and progression and accurate analogies etc...
carry on dumb dude
MeandMyMicroscope said...
Roderick said...
Alveda King makes herself relevant by always referring to herself as the neice of MLK Jr.
Well she is, isn't she????
All I'm suggesting is that being related to a famous, noble prize winning civil rights icon doesn't mean she has to agree with his politics.
No what I am suggesting is that this lady is using her uncle's legacy to advance her single cause which is abortion, but you have to admit that it's odd that such a relative who aligns herself with persons who held a very negative opinion of her uncle would constantly invoke him. I guess you're not familiar with irony.
As for her stance on abortions in the Black community, from what I've seen of the stats, that position isn't so far fetched IMHO since there are whites who would like to see blacks "exterminated". Of course, it's no coincidence that the abortion rate changed in the Black commuity as the politics changed from being conservative during my grandmothers time who was born in at the turn of the 20th century, to liberal when I was born in the 60's.
WTF does that have to do with anything?
You like to toy around with the word 'genecide' without understanding its meaning.
Genocide is when one group (race) of people attempt to exterminate another.
Chosing abortion is not genocide. You and your ilk like to use inflammatory language to garner attention and skew the debate and that's why I don't take you seriously--it's all hyperbole and no contex.
Furthermore we all know that the biggest difference between developed countries and 3rd world countries is the size of families.
If Pookie has five children by four different babydaddies and two of them drop out of high school and start dealing and end in jail and two of them die as a result of some foolishness known as black-on-black crime how is that different from Pookie having four abortions?
I don't see any difference because the in both cases the children are never allowed to reach their full potential.
Also white conservatives who are supposedly against abortions don't want their taxes raised so that Pookie's children can get a decent education but don't have a problem sending black men to jail indefinitely and providing with housing, food and medical care and yet they want Pookie to get off welfare. Can you say irony again?
that's the point, MMM. the "stats" are false and distorted.
to anyone who doesn't support the right to choose...against abortion? grreat don't have one.
and give out free birth control.
i am absolutely certain that if any of the kennedy clan's new generation decided to become equivalently vocal KKK or tea partiers etc...
not one HYPOCRITE clone of YOU would ever dare to defend them for one moment!!!
ditto for the kings' defective and bigoted kin
i am convinced that the entire abortion debate is about the fear of a white planet
i see white females daily who decide that being the single parent of a blackish baby is not nearly as cool as being the lover of a cute black boy...
and i see WAY too many black females with WAY too many babies by WAY too many black serial dads who are IMPOVERISHED and doomed for life... and who DOOM their bastard children to the same HORRID lives
so abortion is NOT a black issue for me ever!
i agree that abortion was originally a genocidal plan by eugenicists who founded planned parenthood etc
but today
in my world
unwanted/abused/poor children via serial births are the problem!!!!
NOT serial abortions!!!
i meant:
am convinced that the entire abortion debate is about the fear of a black/latino planet
i think that racists are simply pimping blacks/black babies on billboards to sway the abortion debate for ONLY 1 reason:
it is far easier to paste a black baby's face upon a billboard and feign "too many aborted"...
than it is to paste a white baby's face and say "too few born...please hurry and go make/save a white baby NOW!!!"
I never understood the abortion = Black genocide, since whites are even less than 12 percent of the worlds population. Even outright extermination of Black folk in this country will never make whites a majority. Whites have long ago figured out how to have power and control in this country.
Some of the civil wars in Africa, Sudan and Rwanda is where we see genocide of Black folk. If your Black consciousness think genocide is such a problem, that is where your efforts should be put.
The abortion debate has extended the issue to the right of birth control to prevent pregnancy and to even be abstinent in marriage to prevent pregnancy; in my mind that kind of thinking gives women absolutely no purpose but of procreating.
alicia banks said...
i am absolutely certain that if any of the kennedy clan's new generation decided to become equivalently vocal KKK or tea partiers etc...
not one HYPOCRITE clone of YOU would ever dare to defend them for one moment!!!
ditto for the kings' defective and bigoted kin
I have no idea WTF you're saying but that's normal.
I still don't understand why MMM was pulling out of her arse that I thought that Alveda shouldn't hold the political views that she does.
The only problem I have is that she is pimping her relationship with MLK Jr. to further her cause.
Now go take your meds.
LOL @ uptown. I think CF is more like Ruckus from the Boondocks myself.
Field check out the Natalie Holloway diary on Daily Kos.
Well said AB 9:48am and Hathor 10:25am.
"I still don't understand why MMM was pulling out of her arse that I thought that Alveda shouldn't hold the political views that she does."
the only thing worse than a bigot is a bigot who is so cowardly that he pretends he is unaware of being one
u repulse me
I aways count on you to make me SMH.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
"If Pookie has five children by four different babydaddies and two of them drop out of high school and start dealing and end in jail and two of them die as a result of some foolishness known as black-on-black crime how is that different from Pookie having four abortions?"
Female headed households are prime indicators of poverty. Look at Detroit and see what percentage of families are headed by a female. Children that are brought into non-existent families plagued by poverty have very little chance in this world. Birth control and abortion are ways to prevent people who clearly cannot take care of a child from having one.
Yet, what do the rabid anti-abortion folks do when these kids are born? They do nothing. And we all know how many of these kids will meet a violent end anyway. That's just another version of abortion.
kid said...
"Field check out the Natalie Holloway diary on Daily Kos."
Kid, that was some serious stuff. Thanks for shading light on it. Poor Mitrice and all the many lost loved ones out there.
I know that's what you'd like to believe is the real story but you wouldn't have a 70% out of wedlock birthrate among blacks if it was all about Pookie mackin' in the hood.
A lot of educated professional women are choosing to be single mothers because they haven't found a man they want to marry, in their minds the lack of "marriable" men, or the fact that no men want to marry them.
Yet they want somebody to love and somebody to love them.
(I hear that all the time).
So they choose to single parents.
"I'm going to have this baby whether you are going to be a part of it or not."
Then soon as the child is born it's off to court for child support.
How many brothers have dealt with that?
BTW buddy, 50% of white marriages end in divorce so there are a lot of white kids today growing up in so called broken families so yall really are not in any position to lecture.
Yeah, go ahead and tell me how a "white" broken family is different than a "black" broken family.
serial babies and poverty are a class issue not a racial one
the educated professional single black women you exclusively love to bash have NO place in any discussion of poverty!!!
whether they get child support as all single mothers should or they pay for their own kids as they can afford to...
poor iliiterate uneducated generational welfare drones we are speaking of...
somehow you MUST find any way to bash educated sbf always to prove that you are a true "bruh"....shame!!!!
and swf who are rich are also choosing to be solo moms...fyi
Yeah, go ahead and tell me how a "white" broken family is different than a "black" broken family.
Single black mothers are far more likely to live in poverty than are single white mothers.
"Black children's poverty rates were 2.7 times greater than white childrens. In 2000 that equaled 9 percent of white children in poverty versus 33 percent of black children living in poverty. Surely things have only gotten worse in the last decade.
Source: http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/Nov05/child.poverty.ssl.html
Wake up Steve! Come out of your jack and jill gated community!
"African-American households have lost wealth in the last decade, and now stand on the edge of widepread insolvency. The lack of assets is most evident among single parent households headed by African-American women.
The new data, culled from the 2007 edition of the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, reveals how inequalities in wealth between white and black households have grown since 2004.
African-American women that are the sole head of households have a median net worth (MNW) of five ($5) dollars during their prime earning years – ages 36 to 49. The same subset of single white women have a MNW of more than $42,000."
You are an ignorant racist who is not nearly smart enough to pull the okey doke.
The poverty rate for blacks is twice as high the white rate.
That is not disputed.
But show me where your assertion
"Single black mothers are far more likely to live in poverty than are single white mothers."
is proven anywhere.
thank u well said indeed!!!
poverty is not a uniquely black issue
but PERVASIVE black poverty is
blind brazen sexist elitists in denial like uts refuse to believe that rich blacks & rich whites are NOT the majority of america's increasingly hopelessly multiracial masses who are poorer than ever and poorer each day!!!
The American middle class has lost wealth in the last decade.
Well, you're not going to convince me that you're superior so forget it.
I've got goobers like you cleaning my sump pump.
wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"but PERVASIVE black poverty is"
24% is "pervasive"?
You know what kills me though.
After the great Civil rights legislation, black poverty rates went from 65% down to 25% during the 80s and stayed at that rate till the mid 90s.
The only time it dipped below 20% wqas during the Clinton administration where it went as low as 18% in 1999.
Then of course over the last decade it shot back up to the 25% number it had been under Reagan and Bush Sr.
See a pattern?
24% of blacks do NOT live in gated communities similar to your own!!!
u have lost 100% of your mind and eyesight and soul
I don't the issue of serial baby making pertains to single middle class women who chose to have a child rather than waiting for Mr. Right. Even though they may take a man to court for child support, which I think is right, they have the means to still provide for their child.
If a man doesn't want children he should get a vasectomy. Cost a little money and not an easy procedure, but it can be reversed. Those men who think that they are always tricked, take responsibility. But I guess that would take away their lame ass excuses.
uptownsteve said...
"but PERVASIVE black poverty is"
24% is "pervasive"?
For epidemiologists, any adverse behavior or disease present within a society at over 3-5% is considered an epidemic. So pervasive might be too weak a word. So AB has a point....of sorts.
But I've got to agree with you one point-- any Black people of conscious know that our folks suffer the worse in economic turnaround and lag behind whites in terms of wealth.
That's right, the middle class has taken a huge beating. Blacks have taken a far worse one as a group. Just look at those numbers in regards to single black mothers. it's staggering beyond imagination. We are truly a failed society in many ways.
"I don't the issue of serial baby making pertains to single middle class women who chose to have a child rather than waiting for Mr. Right."
I didn't say it did. However it is a part of the 70% black OOW birth rate.
"Those men who think that they are always tricked, take responsibility. But I guess that would take away their lame ass excuses."
That goes both ways.
Why would a woman choose to have a baby with a man who has not made a commitment to her?
There is no excuse for a man not being responsible for a child he sired however I always had a problem with the notion that having the baby is solely the woman's decision but the man pays.
You speak as if men really do pay.
Every one I know does.
got a thesaurus??
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: extensive
Synonyms: all over the place, can't get away from, common, general, inescapable, omnipresent, permeating, pervading, prevalent, rife, ubiquitous, universal, wall-to-wall, widespread..."
abject black poverty is as PERVASIVE as black trifling/trickery/envy/evil/bs/backhanded compliments/divisiveness/misogyny/generic bitch assedness etc
YOU demo all of the aforementioned pervasively and superbly each day!
MOST BLACK PEOPLE ARE POOR AND DO NOT live/sleep/eat/escape/orbit in elite space etc LIKE UTS...GLOBALLY!!!
Hathor said...
You speak as if men really do pay.
1:46 PM
You want to see my pay stub? Do you have that problem not receiving any support? If you do, take it up with the courts or get a Street Pirate to get your cake but please don't assume or you make stupid assumptions like I just did. In other words - don't play yourself.
And on top of PAYING CHILD SUPPORT, I get my kid 3-4 times a week, buy his clothes, take him on trips, make sure his hair is cut and so on and so on and NO it doesn't count towards what i pay a month in CS, which is compared to the average mortgage payment here in Richmond. Now excuse ME while I PAY his $100 biweekly bill to the Boy's and Girls club so he will not be LEFT ALONE home to practice becoming a Street Pirate.
it truly astounds me that i see white and blacks FAR richer than you daily lamenting the complete death of a a global middle class....
then there is you...one lone black neocon uncle tom lost in space and time just cheering on a mythical magical robust usa like the ford motor co just began hiring a booming brand NEW black middle class work force last monday...
The gap between Black and white household wealth quadrupled from 1984 to 2007, totally discrediting the conventional wisdom that the U.S. is slowly and fitfully moving towards racial equality, or some rough economic parity between the races. Like most American myths, it’s the direct opposite of the truth. When measured over decades, Blacks are being propelled economically downward relative to whites at quickening speed, according to a new study by Brandeis University.
The gap between Black and white households ballooned during the 23-year study period, as white families went from a median of about $22,000 in wealth to $100,000 – a gain of $78,000. In the same period, Black household wealth inched up from a base of $2,000 per family to only $5,000. The sweat and toil of an entire generation had netted Black families only $3,000 additional dollars, while white families emerged from the period with a net worth of 100 grand that can be used to send a couple of kids to college, make investments, help out other family members, or contribute to the larger (white) community. The typical Black family has no such options.
Viewed another way, the median white family was 11 times richer than the median Black family in 1984 ($2,000 vs. $22,000). By 2007, the white household had become 20 times richer than its Black counterpart($5,000 vs. $100,000).
"And on top of PAYING CHILD SUPPORT, I get my kid 3-4 times a week, buy his clothes, take him on trips, make sure his hair is cut and so on and so on and NO it doesn't count towards what i pay a month in CS, which is compared to the average mortgage payment here in Richmond. Now excuse ME while I PAY his $100 biweekly bill to the Boy's and Girls club so he will not be LEFT ALONE home to practice becoming a Street Pirate."
I am so sick and tired of hearing white racists and black protofemmes extrapolating the oow birth rates in the black community into "black men abandoning families."
It's a pile of $hit (no offense Hathor).
I have friends and family members who are paying big child support and breaking their necks to be part of their childrens lives.
And a lot of times it's because SHE decided that she wanted to have a baby and he had no decision in it at all.
I was speaking in the context that UTS spoke of, as if all women want to trick men so they can have that baby. Then on the other hand, look at the courts, look whose there and what they actually pay. Some of these women are there because they didn't have a decent divorce lawyer, one doesn't have to be poor to be a dead beat dad.
I know men get real sensitive when you speak of vasectomies. I wonder if they would take the pill if they were made for men.
You know I didn't call you name when I spoke to UTS. What are you trying to prove?
As far as my child support, I am old enough to be your grandmother.
You shouldn't worry about women's bitterness, but the children who grow up under those circumstances, they aren't fools.
the very best thing i can say about hobama is that he will soon awaken even blind lethargic hallucinating hobama nazi deep sleepers like you...
uptown steve said...
"Yeah, go ahead and tell me how a "white" broken family is different than a "black" broken family."
Broken families of course come in all races, but in my experience as a teacher, blacks are more likely to be unsupportive, neglectful, and abusive parents than any other racial group. It's not even close.
i am black and a teacher and it pains me deeply to admit that you are telling the truth
and ALL statistical racial gaps in academic achievement at every academic level prove that
And a lot of times it's because SHE decided that she wanted to have a baby and he had no decision in it at all.
This must be the number one lame ass excuse.
I say again, then don't put yourself in that position. Don't depend upon the woman to says she taking birth control or that she only want you as a sperm donor. if she wants a sperm donor, she doesn't have to involve you at all. Birth control can also fail. For some women there medical conditions that make birth control less reliable. Using a condom just might also reduce her chance of getting pregnant. If she go for that, move on.
I am a feminist not a proto-feminist, I have probably been one since I heard the story of the creation of Eve.
"then there is you...one lone black neocon uncle tom lost in space and time just cheering on a mythical magical robust usa like the ford motor co just began hiring a booming brand NEW black middle class work force last monday..."
Exactly. Uncle Toms come in different shapes and sizes. None are more repugnant than those who close their eyes to the devastating problems in the community (UTS) blame women for oow birth rates (UTS-btw-aren't men supposed to shoulder the responsibility in a given community?) and folks who compare everything to what whites are doing (UTS again.)
Rottn said to Hathor: "You want to see my pay stub? Do you have that problem not receiving any support? If you do, take it up with the courts or get a Street Pirate to get your cake but please don't assume or you make stupid assumptions like I just did. In other words - don't play yourself.'
LOL. You and your white baby mama drama. You know it's black men like you who fertilize the rainbow, it seems everyone is just out to get your money. LOL.
And its your brownish babies who also get counted in the black OOW birth stats which get wrongfully pinned on black mothers on top of everything else. Zip it so you don't have to pay for it.
Musicologist have said this is Prince's most adult song.He's on some Franz Fanon stuff. It's called ,"The Colonized Mind".
Download the Revolution:
Upload: the evolution principal
U c a rock on the shore and say
"it's always been there"
Download: no responsibility
Do what you want nobody cares
Upload: the master race idea
Genetically disposed 2 rule the world
Download: a future full of isolated
Full of isolated boys and girls
Upload: a 2-party system
The lesser of 2 dangers
Illusion of choice
Download: a veiled form of fascism
Nothing really ever changes
U never had a voice
If you look, ur sure gonna find
Thruout mankind's history
A colonized mind
The one in power makes law
Under which the colonized fall
But without god it's just the blind leading the blind
Upload: a joint venture record deal
It's just another way 4 the man 2 steal
While he's sticking you with the bill
Download: the temporary acquisition of fleeting fame and fortune
Nothing 2 leave in ur will
Upload: a child with no father
Download: no respect 4 authority
Upload: a child with no mother
Download: a hard time showing love
If you look, ur sure gonna find
Thruout mankind's history
A colonized mind
The one in power makes laws
Under which the colonized fall
But without god
It's just the blind leading the blind
AB - so I essentially agree with you but because I suggest that pervasive may not be a strong enough word, you rip my head off? Hell, cellphone usage is pervasive. Black poverty is a freaking pandemic! SMH.
As for the whole child support thing (where did that come from?), Hathor is right -- it takes two to Tango and if you're not gonna discussion birth control, condoms and that surefire pregnancy prevention, abstinence -- you're rolling weighted dice. It only takes one drip of semen or busted condom to turn a one night stand to a long term tax deduction.
Now, that being said, there are many (not most, so please don't start huffing ladies) who will use children to 'trap' men for whatever reason. And there are also many man (again, not most) who do not take care of their children and are determine to repopulate the earth as if we just stepped of Noah's Ark.
Again, I don't like anecdotes, I prefer provable facts and figures. Its the engineer in me.
ditto kid & hathor:
it is impossible for any woman to
have a baby all by herself unless she visits a sperm bank...
and i do agree that child support law is horridly abusive to men/iron clad cases proving its rabid reverse sexism abound...
all wise men need to wear 3 condoms and all wise women need to take 3 birth control pills before any sex these days
making babies has become a blood sport for both sexes...
even we who are sterile/childless by choice suffer for the bloody games...eternally so
"This must be the number one lame ass excuse."
Excuse for WHAT?
The men I am referencing are paying child support and fulfilling their responsibilities as parents.
But they weren't prepared to make a lifelong commitment to these females and in many cases just considered it a booty call.
Why didn't she protect HERSELF?
After all she is the one who is going to be stuck with the baby.
At what point are you females ever going to accept responsibility for anything?
Do you really belive that men are ALWAYS in the wrong????
"I say again, then don't put yourself in that position."
One of the reasons why I don't have any oow children is because before I was married I always protected myself.
So I hear what you're saying in that regard.
I just believe that self-responsibility extends to both parties and sisters don't discuss theirs nearly enough.
"and i do agree that child support law is horridly abusive to men/iron clad cases proving its rabid reverse sexism abound..."
ABUSIVE TO MEN? ! maybe in the dark ages. not now and not where i live...it's women who suffer with extremely low child support and absent/hateful fathers who won't pay what they should and act with impunity, knowing we don't have the resources to fight back. that's my experience, anyway.
"ignoring the devastating problems in the community (UTS)"
Show me one problem that exists in the black community that doesn't exist among any other community..
"blame women for oow birth rates (UTS-btw-aren't men supposed to shoulder the responsibility in a given community?)"
Show me where white men are exclusively "shouldering" the responsibility for their communities
"and folks who compare everything to what whites are doing (UTS again.)"
Well partner, if you're going to stigmatize a race with dysfunction you damn sure better be able to show how other groups are better adjusted.
"...it's women who suffer with extremely low child support and absent/hateful fathers who won't pay what they should and act with impunity, knowing we don't have the resources to fight back."
Don't have a man's baby without a commitment to help raise it. It's the central lesson of civilzation.
prince is indeed an expert on a colonized mind for sure....and has been for decades
with his rabid colorism/gay amnesia/eurocentrism/fictionally mixed race bio etc/marilyn monroe obsessions etc....
no films have ever been more colonized than
"under the cherry moon"/"purple rain"!!!
uts: "Well partner, if you're going to stigmatize a race with dysfunction you damn sure better be able to show how other groups are better adjusted."
If you can't see something this obvious, there is no hope for you.
spare me the feigned innocence.
your erroneous and blatant diss caused your decapitation.
deal with that...headlessly.
Steve, you are one sexist mess.
"If you can't see something this obvious, there is no hope for you."
You're inbred ass just can't deal with the fact that there are so many black folks more successful and accomplished than you while dealing with more obstacles.
Anonymous said...
"...it's women who suffer with extremely low child support and absent/hateful fathers who won't pay what they should and act with impunity, knowing we don't have the resources to fight back."
Don't have a man's baby without a commitment to help raise it. It's the central lesson of civilzation.
2:53 PM
a "man's baby?" without a commitment to raise it?
what a load of BS. i had my children with my husband while MARRIED. he chose to cheat and divorce me, and now i am stuck raising my kids alone on puny ass CS.
there ain't no virgin births, asshole.
Your welcome UTS and this is mostly for Hathor or for whoever cares to read this - I'm not gonna front, I didn't want kids and yes I did ask her to have an abortion and "supposedly" she was on the pill and yeah I felt I was tricked but I didn't fight her on it, I just rolled with it. What was I supposed to do? Kill her? Nope, not an option. With that being said, I wouldn't trade that lil dude in for anything or anyone and I was determined make sure he knew who I am and also my side of the family, which he does. I don't get sensitive about Vasectomies, (Hell, I'm getting one next month to partly to celebrate my 40th Bday in October) I get sensitive on the subject of Child Support. Period. I could go onto a whole spiel about why I think the government being involved should revaluate on how and why they enforce it. Yeah I said it, ENFORCE. Did you know that individual states get a kick back from the federal government for every non custodial person getting thrown on the books? $1 for $1, states are getting paid. You know what happens when you don't pay or your in arrears for WHATEVER reason (i.e. the economy)? Usually the first thing that goes is your drivers license, then it's your income tax check. Still can't pay? YOUR ASS GOES TO JAIL!! Then what? Mostly more BLACK MEN in jail or maybe prison for non violent crime and causing states to spend more money for that person then that person would have to actully had to pay in CS, I can gaurentee you it's more than $500 per month. 55% is taken out AFTER taxes of your take home pay. Then on top of that you got MOST woman taking the Dad back to court to get more money. For what? Nas got his ASS handed to him - $50k per month for a child???!!!! That's not including spousal support either. A lawyer can't save your ass on CS payments - it's usually a state law on what you are ENFORCED to pay. And Hathor, you didn't have to call my name when you referenced child support with you saying "UTS, You speak as if men really do pay.", that was enough.
"Steve, you are one sexist mess."
On the contrary I am the ultimate feminist and that's what a lot of sisters can't deal with.
I consider women my equals.
Equally capable, equally responsible and equally culpable.
For all the chest beating and claims of being "strong black women" a lot of sisters are emotionally stunted little girls longing to sit on daddy's lap.
55% AFTER taxes?
my x pays 10% of gross and his income is double mine. in my state the CS amounts haven't been adjusted in 30 years.
La♥audiobooks said...
Rottn said to Hathor: "You want to see my pay stub? Do you have that problem not receiving any support? If you do, take it up with the courts or get a Street Pirate to get your cake but please don't assume or you make stupid assumptions like I just did. In other words - don't play yourself.'
LOL. You and your white baby mama drama. You know it's black men like you who fertilize the rainbow, it seems everyone is just out to get your money. LOL.
And its your brownish babies who also get counted in the black OOW birth stats which get wrongfully pinned on black mothers on top of everything else. Zip it so you don't have to pay for it.
2:40 PM
Now I can be an asshole and say this, "She don't bring me to court on a monthly basis" She didn't "Nas" me. Again people assuming. Go finish rubbing your white cat.
maria said...
55% AFTER taxes?
my x pays 10% of gross and his income is double mine. in my state the CS amounts haven't been adjusted in 30
VA, 55% - They don't play.
Maria said...
"he chose to cheat and divorce me"
Probably a wise choice, considering your toxic combination of opinionated stupidity and vacuous loquaciousness.
you will never be "equal" to a woman until you can mate like a male sea lion
when he mates with a female they BOTH leave pregnant
until you can be "equally" abandoned AND impregnated, stfu
"Now I can be an asshole and say this, "She don't bring me to court on a monthly basis" She didn't "Nas" me. Again people assuming. Go finish rubbing your white cat."
That's either because you're one of those brothers who eagerly pay up to make the white woman happy, or its a situation where her white family helps her take care of you child.
That's either because you're one of those brothers who eagerly pay up to make the white woman happy, or its a situation where her white family helps her take care of you child.
Nope, again your assuming. It might be different in your state but in VA that's how their laws work concerning child support - Black, white, purple, whatever. And to be honest my BLACK family does more for him than her WHITE family. LA - just quit, you're not gonna win. I promise.
Using your logic you won't be equal to man until you are packing ten inches of meat complete with joyjuice.
So until you can fuck yourself and then pay child support, give it a rest.
omg, LAB.
i can't believe the things you're saying!
maria said...
omg, LAB.
i can't believe the things you're saying!
3:29 PM
Don't sweat it, I'm not. To me she seems to like getting people riled up with her words. I work with all women in my office on the daily, I can handle her.
Rottnkid, you stated she may not take you to court for CS every month, but you still fail to establish if you even pay her child support at all. And I doubt that's your only child, but he seems to be the preferred, even for an avatar. Go figure.
I'm just warming up boo.
this is a rare moment when your sexual ignorance is MORE glaring than your rabid sexism
u r making my day!
the female clitoris is the ONLY human organ designed expressly for SEXUAL pleasure and it is FAR more sensitive than your impotent lil pud
all humans masturbate but that is ALSO a sterile act
many rich moms DO pay child support to many single dads with LESS income but SOLE custody
women who are impregnated solo in sperm banks NEVER win child support...is that news to you retard???
how does it feel to incessantly BRAG about how intensely ignorant you really are...you QUASI-illiterate foolish mf???
hey dumbo uts:
when you are not vainly jacking off for a junior...i suggest a good book!
"I'm just warming up boo."
Yeah watch out kid. she's got a bunch of 'em.
Next she's going to say that you ignore your own black mother but support your white baby mama's mother.
"until you can be "equally" abandoned AND impregnated, stfu'
Exactly. And I can tell Steve doesn't have any daughters.
uts is a complete gd foaming at the mouth sexist dog idiot!!!
i guess that silly bastard needs to talk to britney spears if he ever heard of her huh?
she is paying child support for 18yrs to a wm serial baby daddy who pimped her and simultaneously gets NOT to share with with his other bf baby mama whom he similarly dogged while she was pregnant to woo and dog britney...
La♥audiobooks said...
Rottnkid, you stated she may not take you to court for CS every month, but you still fail to establish if you even pay her child support at all. And I doubt that's your only child, but he seems to be the preferred, even for an avatar. Go figure.
I'm just warming up boo.
"You want to see my pay stub?" Twice a month, the 15th and the 31st - never been late out of 9 yrs - I'm allergic to jail and I'm not a big fan of Greyhound. And yep, he's the only one but thanks for assuming - again.
Yeah watch out kid. she's got a bunch of 'em.
Next she's going to say that you ignore your own black mother but support your white baby mama's mother.
lol..UTS, I'm damn near 40 been through all this before, she's a little late.
"Exactly. And I can tell Steve doesn't have any daughters."
If I did I'd be talking sexual responsibility to her just as I have with my sons.
Therein lies the problem.
Ya'll always position women as victims when it's hardly that way in reality.
The out of wedlock birth rates would decrease by half in one year if black women would tell their daughters, "Don't settle for being a baby mama. Protect yourself or make sure that before a man enters YOUR BODY that he is protected."
Women are the bosses of their own bodies.
Nah, it's so much easier and convenient to say "He took ma stuff and left me wit a baby."
have any bastard grandkids?
that u know of?
real feminists raise wise daughters AND sons!!!!
"You want to see my pay stub?" Twice a month, the 15th and the 31st - never been late out of 9 yrs -"
Yet you don't seem bitter towards white women in general. I'm curious to know what your entire take would have been if the mother was black. Anyway...
"I'm allergic to jail and I'm not a big fan of Greyhound. And yep, he's the only one but thanks for assuming - again."
Well it's a good thing, because I bet if you get another child elsewhere, her child's CS might reduce and you'll see how "Naz" she'll get with you - little do black men like you know. But good pro-active thinking, enjoy your vasectomy!
u do realize that you just fuc*ed yourself publicly and did not make a junior...right?
Yet you don't seem bitter towards white women in general.
Bitter towards white woman for what? I'll leave that emotion up to people that think like you.
I'm curious to know what your entire take would have been if the mother was black. Anyway...
We'll never know that answer.
her child's CS might reduce and you'll see how "Naz" she'll get with you - little do black men like you know.
I don't what black men you know but THIS black man knows how the state can hit your pockets up. It's called research. But anyways, I am looking forward to getting the "line" cut.
anon 2:53
Don't have a man's baby without a commitment to help raise it. It's the central lesson of civilzation.
Since when is that a guarantee.
u r truly a fool
isn't "paying child support to themselves" precisely what single moms do?
especially the rich solo educated ones you love to hate and slander???
in uts' psycho imaginary universe
any lie that he wishes to be true is a guarantee....he is truly twisted that way
The out of wedlock birth rates would decrease by half in one year if black women would tell their daughters, "Don't settle for being a baby mama. Protect yourself or make sure that before a man enters YOUR BODY that he is protected."
The ignorance keeps pouring from UTS's mouth. So, women are ultimately responsible? Even though they grow up in a patriarchial community where violence is regularly leveled against them by men? What kind of man blames women for the overriding problems of the community? It's a man world; yet, women are to blame. SMDH
AB, take note how Steve is one of those men who thinks paying CS is the only obligation of the non-custodial parent, and many of them also see the child as an extension of the mother, never an extension of themselves. That's why they could care less if the child eats.
You don't seem to have much regard for women.
It is not the mother's per se, but the Black community that conspires to keep young women misinformed. when my son was a teenager I couldn't believe all the myths and ignorance that still existed. Some that existed when I was a teen. The sexual revolution missed Black folk. A lot stuff that would help young ladies keep from having PIV sex is considered dirty (think of the backlash that Joycelyn Elders got as Surgeon General) and the church still pushes abstinence while many in the congregation have children out of wedlock. Some churches even equate birth control to abortion. The Black community expect its young women to be aesthetics, have no libido and if they do, pray it away. Another thing, when I notice when some one's mentions Planned parenthood we always get some that speaks of genocide. That is one of the places where young women can get information. Many of their mothers are no more knowledgeable than their children.
Our just say no approach has been as successful for sex as it has been for drugs. We also never equate self esteem builders or young girls having goals as a prevention of pregnancy.
So, women are ultimately responsible?"
Actually they are.
They obviously get stuck raising the child and the evidence is all around you.
So it seems to me at some point anyone with operating gray matter would have a self-preservation moment.
If having a child without a commitment from a man generally means struggle and hardship for both you and the child, why would you set yourself up for the experience?
I'll ask AB or L*A, why WOULDN'T black mothers hammer it home to their daughters that there is little upside to being a baby mama. Why wouldn't they insist that their sexually active daughters are on the pill or carrying around boxes of condoms??
It's so easy to blame men and claim victimhood, isn't it?
It requires some courage and fortitude to take responsibility for your own damn body.
(BTW AB, I know this is another one of your alter-egos)
Let me go slow.
Woman are the bosses of their own bodies.
Well said .."The ignorance keeps pouring from UTS's mouth. So, women are ultimately responsible? Even though they grow up in a patriarchial community where violence is regularly leveled against them by men? What kind of man blames women for the overriding problems of the community? It's a man world; yet, women are to blame. SMDH"
It also tickles me how he's always comparing the functions of men to the emotions of women folk.
Most females are emotional than men, and they tend to feel more pressure for the acceptance of their male partner. Most females engage in intimacy through emotions, while most males do it through mere function.
notice how when sorry bois like uts get their asses beaten in sucession herein they always assume that only one woman can achieve such serial ass whippings?
they start that juvenile silly bs about "assnons/alter egos"?...
they assume we have to play at what they always pretend to do even as we actually do it so skillfully and as actual individual slayers???
that weak pseudo beta male bitchiness is sooooooo tired and trifling!
"You don't seem to have much regard for women."
Oh please don't go there.
AB and LA come on this board and talk about black men as if they are barely domesticated animals and I"M the one who doesn't have regard for women?????
What I don't subscribe to and never will is this incessant black woman good/black men evil discussion we constantly seem to be having in the community.
At what point are black women willing to accept some responsibility in failed relationships, out of wedlock births, interracial dating, you name it.
To stand up to black feminists is to have contempt for them?
Sorry I don't accept that and won't be intimidated by it.
ditto laa!
it is that emotion that is abused by sexist dogs in heat like uts
it is why so many women wake up pregnant when they only wanted and needed to be held...
it is why boys are breaking hearts while girls are making babies
girls are loving the boys while boys are only loving the sex...that is why girls keep the babies that boys swifly abandon to make new ones...
it is that emotional imbalance that dooms us all
until we teach boys that their love and sex should be equally sacred as we teach girls...nothing will change for the better!
i have know many actual canines that were superior to u in every way
they had empathy for female peers
they shared food with poorer dogs etc
how dare u degrade canines like that u sexist dog!!!!
Yeah, they're all massing now and trying to reassure each other.
But not one of these sisters will ever accept ANY responsibility in the problems of the community.
no one ever debates in a more polarizeed fashion than YOU u liar
YOU are the one always saying
"rich sbf = bad"
scan up!
just today u have dared to say:
"sbf =
child support flipper
unfit mom
doomer of fertile daughters
gold diggers
then u try to blame us for correcting your sexist bs!!!
u r a lying sexist fool!
u r a blatant sloppy liar
and everyone paying attn knows it
i have called out many ills today and always
child support laws
but you and your arrogant sexism/ignorance/lack of an iota of integrity/ethics are the most toxic ills of all as always!!!
AB, thank you for spelling it out. I don't have the energy anymore for Steve. Well said at 4:59pm.
Steve brags about being such a good father, but I'm convinced if his wife had left him years ago while those boys were young, he would have been finding ways to spite and f- her over financially, and deliberately leave her to the vices of being a single black mother. Men who think like Steve, usually spite their children just to spite the mothers, then they talk smack about "a woman is the boss of her own body".
Then he wonders why so many upward thinking black women choose not to waste their time or share their bodies with men who think like him. These men come in all shapes, sizes and colors, but too many of them are in the sexist black communities.
Two black women without men but are experts on all things black and male.
What an interesting set of comments on tangential issues. Rottnkid, you sure are dealing with a lot! You are a good man for rolling with the punches and being there for your son. Father is a verb and a noun and you seem like you're doing it. Your son should be proud.
As to all this other chatter, it is very apparent that some of these posters really have issues with Black men. And I said this before, God truly forbid if ANY of these persons are in a mentor capacity to a Black boy because he might come out irreparably damaged!
And I've seen the child support payments and court trials in these types of cases. It ain't pretty. One of my uncles got straight up railroaded by his ex wife. She brainwashed the kids against him, filled them with lies about our side of the family to where the kids didn't want to see us anymore. Then she refused to let him buy her out of their property out of spite so it went into foreclosure I believe.
I have seen women do the most horrible and wretched things to men who have pissed them off, and using kids as a pawn is foul but used as a device for control and manipulation a lot of the time.
In this day and age with all the reproductive technology available to procreate and to prevent procreation, women have no excuse when they say 'Oh I came up pregnant.' This woman WANTED to have a baby.
I agree with Well in this regard. We have to teach our girls to not settle for being a baby mama. Marriage is the key; successful relationships are the building blocks of a stable society. But when the family unit is in a shambles...we see the results in all areas of our society to this day.
For all the talk about out of wedlock births among Blacks, the rate for other ethnic groups has dramatically increased. I look at this as a breakdown in the fibre of our country.
A country cannot thrive if all the citizen's primary relationships are screwed up.
"Then he wonders why so many upward thinking black women choose not to waste their time or share their bodies with men who think like him."
I've got a beautiful accomplished black wife who loves my black ass.
You two are the ones without anybody and will never accept the real reason why.
my rich femme wife is more man than a weak wicked bitch like you will ever be...
and she has dedicated her life to the wild sown abandoned children of sexist dogs like you!
believe that!!!
notice how it is never african kings who curse and slander women?
only court jesters like uts?
it is your wife that has a defective tiny piece of an excuse for a real man
it is her who should be pitied as all women cursed to be legally bound to sexist dogs like you!!!
Did you really take note of the rest of my comment?
If its only the women responsibility why have men? They can be sent to another place in the world and mail in their sperm.
M Rig
"I agree with Well in this regard. We have to teach our girls to not settle for being a baby mama. Marriage is the key; successful relationships are the building blocks of a stable society. But when the family unit is in a shambles...we see the results in all areas of our society to this day."
I'm the one who made this statement.
AB(Well) and La*A had a major problem with it because the statement doesn't demonize black men.
Anonymous said...
Maria said...
"he chose to cheat and divorce me"
Probably a wise choice, considering your toxic combination of opinionated stupidity and vacuous loquaciousness.
3:17 PM
clearly you've never met me, my x or his psychowife-- who even publicly blogs about how miserable she is and what a mistake she made. believe, he did NOT trade up. meanwhile, i am much happier and my children are thriving.
No Steve, I have more than just a "man" or a booty caller. I have a loving and respectable man who wants to marry me in the near future. He doesn't always agree with my feminist stance because he comes from a strict Carib-hispanic background, but he has proven to be much more reasonable and fair in our deep conversations than you ever will.
mosty rabid:
i am certain your husband is as sexist as uts because only a bimbo clone of his wife would dare defend his rabidly sexist bs
i am proud to mentor countless boys who grow up to be wonderful feminsist men like michael eric dyson/malcolm x/phil donahue etc
real women are ideal mentors for real men
we are queens who birth/fashion the kings we need
Steve your comment above is the truth on so many levels.
How did people who obviously hate Black men so much obtain expert status on the inner workings of Black male psychology? lol!
But it goes to what I've been saying to young men lately; 'Watch out who you lay with. Ask yourself, would she be a good MOTHER to my child?'
And one feature that's particularly important is the condition of her family life. If she comes from a stable family background with parents who love each other, she is likely to be well adjusted. But if she came from a family where the man was unfaithful and or the Mother was irresponsible, she will have a twisted view on marriage, family and relationships.
I've been discussing this issue with my brother who lives in another state right now, that is very white. He mentioned that he might date a white woman and I told him that so long as she comes from a good family, is intelligent, kind and good looking that should not be a problem.
Nowadays, my hope for any young person is for them to get into a STABLE and loving relationship. Family background is usually a better indicator of relationship success...
u r blatantly lying again u lying bastard
u r like an old aging rae caruth!!!
i have staunchly encouraged women and girls to stop turbo breeding/being baby mama's
it is YOU who pretend those same women get pregnant in magical forests solo
In a classic essay entitled, “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities” [Burst of Light. 1988. Firebrand Books: Ithaca, NY], renown scholar, poet, and author Audre Lorde wrote:
“When I say I am a Black Lesbian, I mean I am a woman whose primary focus of loving, physical as well as emotional, is directed to women. It does not mean I hate men. Far from it. The harshest attacks I have ever heard against Black men come from those women who are emotionally bound to them and cannot free themselves from a subservient and silent position. I would never presume to speak about Black men the way I have heard some of my straight sisters talk about the men they are attracted to. And of course that concerns me, because it reflects a situation of noncommunication in the heterosexual community that is far more truly threatening than the existence of Black Lesbians.”
Clearly, gender wars are bloodier than ever. There is a hatred between heterosexual men and women that is tangible in every arena. The intensity of such hatred was epitomized by 26 year old Rae Caruth’s murder of a pregnant 24 year old acquaintance, Cherica Adams. Cherica is most accurately referred to as his expectant “baby mama”. This unique hatred has spawned its own vocabulary. Baby mama is a common noun used to describe an emotionally detached incubator that is unloved and uncommitted. Baby daddy describes a biological sperm donor that is rarely a father. It is profound that both terms seem to be deliberately incorrect grammatically. They imply no formal possession. Even a mere apostrophe s is forbidden as an implicit suggestion of any iota of ownership or attachment.
We live in an insane world...Only very strong persons can retain their sanity within it. Clearly, Rae was weak and insane. His trial was like a parade of random boy toys. His friends were a posse of drug dealers, thugs, and fools. Rae’s pathetic attempt to flee police was so inept that it was comical.
Steve, pardon me for mis-attributing your earlier statement to Well.
Apparently some people confuse the God given act of having children within marriage with being baby mama. The two are not the same. I don't care if someone has ten kids or fifteen kids or whatever, IF THEY ARE MARRIED to the FATHER of these children.The Earth cannot maintain a stable human population if people don't breed. For some reason a lot of these academic ultra man hating feminists (and I've taken a few courses by such professors at SFSU)believe that having children is bad, having sex with a HUSBAND is bad because men cannot be trusted etc.
People who have this orientation do not have a healthy view of the world and of healthy human relationships between the sexes.
It scares me that people like this are teachers brainwashing our kids with such misanthropic bullshit.
u lying bitch
my problems were:
u slandering rich sbf who choose to be solo moms
u slandering the process of impregnation as if it is solely a female reponsibility
u pretending u can EVER be equal to any real woman or man in any way!!!
mostly rabid:
if it makes u feel any better
i have never hated any man the way i hate dizzy fertile lobotomized bitches like you
and never fret
i would never teach your retarded demon seed ever!!!
i teach only gifted kids with intelligent parents
u lose out x 2!!!
garbage in = garbage out
mostly rabid:
who are u slandering now???
i love many real men who bear no semblance to foolish pansies like uts and i love many intelligent married feminists like laa...
i do deeply despise all deluded bimbo doormats like you
and i do not think any defective bitches like you and your own private tiger woodses should breed
but that extends to droves of legally married intelligent het parents in NO way...
that hatred is reserved for fertile human rejects like YOU and the defective clan u bred
be clear!
If you are a teacher of gifted kids, then answer this question that I posed in another post. You avoided it because you lack the intellectual fluidity and and capacity to do so. I know the solution and have reasoned it out. Do you? Because the answer is what you are composed of...
F(x)= {1 if x is rational and exp(x) if x is irrational)
On what set of numbers is F(x) continuous?
a the empty set
b {0}
c {1}
d the set of rational numbers
e the set of irrational numbers
Thanks M.R. but nah, it's not too much too deal with because I actually TALK to my Son's Mom because it ain't about just me and her. But if she were black, I'm sure I would be accused of NOT TALKING to my Son's Mom and I wouldn't be making my CS payments on time and oh yeah, I'd be a first rate Street Pirate who sells drugs with 4 "baby mamas" with our kids in tow on MLK Blvd, while I'm stabbing somebody with my fur coat on, with my gold fronts shining hard as I'm smiling. Yeah, I would be that guy.
mostly rabid:
waht you copy out of a book
does nothing to mask the open book that is your triply tragic life!
mostly rabid:
get an education before you dare to be a tester
find a quiz for yor cheating hubby before you become tested like elin
Rottonkid that is cool that you and the Mother of your child have a working relationship. This obviously makes your son a more well adjusted person. It's such a shame when the Mothers use the children to talk shit about the Dad but apparently you aren't dealing with that crap. Good!
And 55%? Damn! That is a large percentage! How can anyone get ahead if this shit comes out post tax? Geesh!
Your lack of intellectual curiousity, coupled to your vapid arrogance is pathetic ab.
You are so stupid and your ignorance is clear for all to see. So you brag about being a child genius and how you only teach 'gifted' kids. You cannot even answer a simple math question, that any 'genius' should be able to consider immediately.
Your irrationality, coupled to your bravado just shows you are a small, insecure, disgusting piece of shit.
Oh and more interested in saving face that acknowledging truth. The children you mentor are in dire straits. I hope the damage you've caused doesn't scar them for life.
M.R., I can tell you some stories I hear from men, especially young men, who have a hard time just trying to live - literally. $800 a mo in rent for a decent apartment might as well be a million $'s. Your forced into situations just to make money to eat and have a roof over your head. Finding 2nd jobs that pay under the table, selling drugs, hustle/rob whoever you can, etc...You get the point. It doesn't take a rocket science to figure out having kids out of wedlock sometimes just isn't worth it. I framed my first paycheck with CS taken out and it's hanging in my "man room". My kid asked what was that and I told him straight up, "Your future if you don't do right by yourself" He doesn't fully understand now but he will eventually.
You want to see my pay stub? Do you have that problem not receiving any support? If you do, take it up with the courts or get a Street Pirate to get your cake but please don't assume or you make stupid assumptions like I just did. In other words - don't play yourself.
It amazing your response to my comments, no one implied any such thing. I don't even know you. Nor do you know anything about me.
You are still continuing to whine. Actually your relationship or child support isn't any of our business. It makes me think "doth protest too much".
I'm waiting for a response. It is actually a yes or no question.
Spouting platitudes won't answer the question.
You are still continuing to whine.
I don't whine. Don't have time to, life is to short. And don't be "amazed", I'm not worth that emotion to you, it's only a comment. With that being said, tell CF I said "HI". Going to play Warcraft Footy Frenzy, my handle is Street_Pirate with a 94% win rate (I'm good!). I'll be in the Azeroth portal for a little while.
Rottnkid clearly has some unresolved issues with that chunk of child support coming out of his check, I bet she doesn't feel sorry for you though. LOL.
Like I said get another child and that portion she's getting will get smaller, I don't care what state you live in. Then you'll see how friendly she is after that. LOL
And stay-at-home mommy housewives shouldn't be so quick to throw stones and venom towards other women when they are just a pinky swear away from being a jilted wife/baby mama in divorce court themselves. They never think it could happen to them, LOL. I wonder what tune they'll be singing then.
La♥audiobooks said...
Rottnkid clearly has some unresolved issues with that chunk of child support coming out of his check, I bet she doesn't feel sorry for you though. LOL
Ok, Omarosa, nah, I can't say that, I actually like her - you should check out her show, she's a beast with words and she's good looking. And nope, it doesn't bother me. The issue was resolved the day my kid was born. You can't beat the government on that issue but thanks for being concerned.
Anything else LAB?
RK practices the fine art of being teflon coated; everything rolls off. Good attitude;)
M.R. lol..When you tell the truth you don't let people like that get to you. They'll dig themselves in a hole. And Thank you!
Rottnkid, shoot me an e-mail when you get a chance. Which state do you live in?
uptownsteve said...
But they weren't prepared to make a lifelong commitment to these females and in many cases just considered it a booty call.
Steve, Steve, Steve, PLEASE give it up!!! You lost this debate a LONG time ago, LOL!!!
So you have friends that did the booty call thing without a condom? Thats' some stupid a$$ Shit!!! Who in the hell is STUPID enough to sex a booty call without a condom? No wonder the AIDS rate is so high in Metro DC!!!!
And to think you and you're upper class/educated friends/neighbors are suppose to be the cream of the black crop, LOL!!!
alicia banks said...
mostly rabid:
waht you copy out of a book
does nothing to mask the open book that is your triply tragic life!
Folks are cutting and pasting shit trying to make up for the fact that they don't do a damn thing all day but wipe noses/asses and cook/clean.
So why don't the REAL women here, those of us supporting ourselves and families by working, why don't we cut and paste some pay stubs and show the world that our minds work as well as our V-Jay-Jays, LOL!!!
Lemme hear you say "Pay Stub"!!!!!
Field where did you get that picture? Incredible!
It is a shame that the neice and yes the children of Martin King are polar opposites of the great man politically. What is really hard to grasp is that they seem to have learned nothing from Martins life but are instead opportunists at worst and mediocre hustlers at best.
Steve sounds like you are a good father and are doing your thing. Keep up the good work.
Rottnkid- you are right about the child support dilemma. It definitely has made the temptation to do something illegal just to continue to keep your head above water even more tempting. I have heard the stories and lived some myself. I paid my child support and somehow my son's mother kept him on the clock into his 20's and I didn't know about it until I moved back to where I lived formerly got a license and then promptly had it suspended,even though it had been paid. And this happened to someone who had paid his child support dutifully.
Hang in there man. The money is still ultimately going to a good cause.
LA Audio I am curious and correct me if I have this wrong (and also I say this without caring who folks choose to date or marry because find someone to love you is a good thing), but tell me didn't you make a big deal about lighter skinned blacks being preferred over darker skinned blacks by blacks themselves, greater society and Hollywood?
How dark is your Carib Hispanic beau? I am from an area filled with Carib Hispanics and they are definitely lighter skinned. And they aint always feeling their darker brothers, if you get my drift.
Well said-
"We are truly a failed society in many ways. WEll said my friend right on the money."
u rock!!!
mostly rabid:
how does it feel to have mamm so perfectly describe your typical day as the drone to your own private tiger?
and again in one brief line?
what came first the chickens or the eggs?
chickens =
deadbeat dads
cheating men for centuries
horrid serial sperm donors
your chaste monk like hubby...
eggs =
women choosing to be superior dads and moms as solo parents
women who decide why bother living a monogamous lie with a clone of your
own whorish private tiger
those magic pills u covet for your hubby's daily dosage of eternal sainthood!!!...
copy that???
M. Rigmaiden said...
If you are a teacher of gifted kids, then answer this question that I posed in another post. You avoided it because you lack the intellectual fluidity and and capacity to do so. I know the solution and have reasoned it out. Do you? Because the answer is what you are composed of...
F(x)= {1 if x is rational and exp(x) if x is irrational)
On what set of numbers is F(x) continuous?
a the empty set
b {0}
c {1}
d the set of rational numbers
e the set of irrational numbers
MR, I know you posed that as an inside math joke/jab at AB but damn that equation took me back. But those who don't know, the answers are a&d as any number within sets b,c & e would give you 1. Or, at least that's what I remember from freshman calculus. ;-)
mostly rabid:
your envy is showing again
do u want to be a math teacher too???
go for it!
do u u trifling hater fool!
it is never too late and millions are needed now!!!!
yes lack!
u and your headless moron twin soulmate mostly rabid know all about those jabs at me...
your mutual and detailed wisdom of my lethal counter jabs is pervasive and renowned herein...
the only thing more pathetic than that silly bitch mostly rabid masturbating by playing teacher/tester solo and d pasting special ed pop quizzes herein is that her twin dork lack was mutually trifling, bored, and lifeless enough to actually respond...
got cable?
alicia banks said...
yes lack!
u and your headless moron twin soulmate mostly rabid know all about those jabs at me...
your mutual and detailed wisdom of my lethal counter jabs is pervasive and renowned herein...
"your mutual and detailed wisdom of my lethal counter jabs is pervasive and renowned herein..."? WTF?!
Alicia, to quote the great lyricist of hip-hop absurdity, Ol Dirty Bastard, Negro Please!!
Next you'll be telling about your Shaolin Finger Jab.
Are you mad that she made a jab at you or that the joke went over your head?
is it not supreme irony that you are referring to a head when yours was admittedly removed long ago!
scan up!
thanks again for a second back handed compliment...duly noted dude!
i am indeed a natural mystic as i naturally slay your stupid headless bitchy ass!!!
alicia banks said...
is it not supreme irony that you are referring to a head when yours was admittedly removed long ago!
scan up!
alicia banks said...
thanks again for a second back handed compliment...duly noted dude!
i am indeed a natural mystic as i naturally slay your stupid headless bitchy ass!!!
Do you honestly think that you inane spew from whatever you call a mind actually insults people. Offensive, sure. Complete irrational, absolutely. Insulted, hardly sweetheart -- its just fun to bait your nutty behind.
From your typically ravings, I say you're mad because someone called you out for your typical craziness (again) and went waay over your head (again). Tootles.
LAC the answer is neither of those. This is not from freshman calculus; it is a question from real analysis, which is why its on the math gre. Only about 55% of respondents answer it correctly btw.
The math gre has tricky questions like that. But you've never claimed to be a mathematics 'master' nor a genius. So I am not tripping on your guesses;)
However, it is apparent that a b lacks the capacity to answer that question and thus goes to the usual insult tossing. MMM with her unstable self has inserted herself into this discussion but does not add anything of relevance or substance...as if a posting of a pay stub proves worth in any way. Puleeze.
Here is a hint; where on the real number line does the function have the exact same limit from the left and right? It is only at one point.
Those types of problems are deceptively simple. But the answer is unique AND equivalent to ab and mmm's worth as humans. Heh!
MR - Ah, I get it. Again, that's why I'm a systems engineer and got out of physics. I can do discrete transforms and language theorem all day. Real Analysis -- uhm, I'll have to grab my old math books for that. ;-)
But as I said, I got the joke. I was just getting flashbacks of pimples and musty linear algebra books.
is the joke that you flubbed the answer?
ok...i get it now too...
mostly rabid:
YOU are a joke!!!
but not as funny as the one that is your hubby's super human monogamy!
and your teacher/tester envy is the punchline!!!
bitch! boo! bye!!!
Mell asked..."but tell me didn't you make a big deal about lighter skinned blacks being preferred over darker skinned blacks by blacks themselves, greater society and Hollywood?"
No, I usually point out the various colorism choices and love interest discrimination against most darker skinned black women, amongst blacks, non-blacks, Hollywood/media, and especially via black men.
"How dark is your Carib Hispanic beau?"
He's probably a shade lighter than myself, we are both brown skinned, but he usually appears darker because he mostly works outdoors (he's not a pirata de calle). And yes many Carib-hispanic blacks are the worse colorist on the face of this planet, especially the men. His mother who is very light skinned only accepts me because I had a Puerto Rican grandmother and I had a white Danish grandfather. And her son was sure to fill her in from day one. Shame.
And I'm sure you are aware that many black Islanders and particularly black carib hispanics are usually darker in the Islands because of the climate, but when they go abroad to multi climate regions, their complexion lightens. Apart from the US dollar that alone is a big motive for many of them.
Heehheee LAC I figured you'd get it on second examination. Musty old linear algebra books? I think of the musty old linear algebra professors! lol!
Sadly the nasty foul troll beast doesn't understand that the joke is on her!
ab is a liar prone to exaggerate its own accomplishments.
FYI, I've been tutoring children and young adults on and off for well over fifteen years. I don't envy you in any capacity because there's absolutely nothing to envy.
You got on LAC because he didn't get the answer correct, but like a true scientist with a logical mind, he took a guess. You are too immature, unintelligent, dogmatic and rigid to hazard a guess because you'd be incorrect and reveal your OBVIOUS incompetence to yourself.
Honey you really need to quit while you're ahead. Your pimply, puss filled booty cheeks are exposed now.
Lemme hear you say "pay stubb", ROTFLMBAO!!!
Urinade get a pay stubb then you'll be qualified to talk shit to someone who obviously mastered the GRE into Two, count em' bitch, two Master's degrees!!
So continue your cutting and pasting of GRE problems, doing so doesn't give you either a paycheck or admissions to graduate school. Dumb ass!!!
Now without cutting and pasting do you know why you're at significant I increased risk to have your cervical dysplasia progress to cervical cancer? And your stupidity is part of the answer.
MMM you are such a loser. Your incompetence has been laid bare for all to see. You don't have the ability to think critically which is why you couldn't even try to answer the question I posed to you earlier and instead chose to insult me.
BTW you're trying to make a dig at me because of the link between unprotected sex and cervical dysplasia. It won't work though. Condoms have been shown to be harmful to users over time. Now for your assignment I'll leave you to cite the study that came out last month about that issue.
But I suspect you'll just incoherently ramble at me again.
So, this is what Constructive Feedback does to get laid- masquerade around as a Rebel fan to hook up with single ladies (read the article)!
oh, CF, you dirty dog you!
and tonight I leave you with another adventure of: I was taught the Civil War In Public School so I don't really know about the Civil War other than the South was the "bad guys" and the North was the "good guys"
i don't like the tone of these CS comments at all. they're gross and sexist. and racist. only white mothers get good child support. (except mrs. nas, of course) and black fathers only pay on time when the mother is white?
CS is set by guidelines are guidelines. they deal with income. period.
so all that a man owes his child and the mother is $$? RK loves his son is a real father and this isn't his issue. but it sure seems to be mel's.
money well spent? you make it sound like a home improvement rather than your own flesh and blood.
and all that the mom wants also is $$? that's a moral duty regardless of what the LAW says.
but a child conceived by two should have both parents in his or her life. so long as both are good influences. she shouldn't have to beg for what is right.
"u r like an old aging rae caruth!!!"
Speaking of Carruth......he's a selfish, disgusting, murdering piece of slime who should never enjoy a day of freedom again.
But the cold hard truth is that if Cherica Adams wasn't a greedy, calculating goldigger, she'd be alive today.
where's the proof to that, and oh...so she deserved to be murdered?
man, i sure hope people pile on you, steve.
you have proven yet again that you are a rabidly sexist dog devoid of a soul....thanks!
she was a rich young sbf real estate agent too...bet u missed that
unlike his other drone whores, she refused to have an abortion on demand because she COULD afford to take care of her baby solo
may cherica rest in eternal peace
peace is
something a demonic mf like u will never ever know
i am absolutely convinced that mostly rabid is a hs drop out who bought a math with answer pages at a flea market....
her glaring envy and blatant lies evince that daily
Maria stop being so defensive, this isn't about you.
My comments and observations were directed to black men like Rottnkid who claims he's being milked 55% (yeah right) child support for one child (from that I initially assumed he had more children). Yet he also insinuated to having some sort of shared custody and spends money on other child care expenses which he doesn't seem to contest with in court.
And while he should be concentrating on his own affairs, he's harping over a black woman who's receiving child support from a millionaire. And mind you, this black woman is probably receiving a smaller percentage (much less than 55%) from the millionaire as compared to what Rottnkid claims to be dishing out to his white baby mama.
It almost seems when its a black woman, they got tricked, it's her fault and she's greedy. When its a white woman, its the system's fault. These black men love their brownish children so much they don't want to ruffle the white baby mama's feathers. In the mean while, they'll feel sorry for poor Naz the millionaire. Check. LOL.
i am absolutely convinced that mostly rabid is a hs drop out who bought a used math WORKBOOK with answer pages at a flea market....
and real tutors have MUCH more to do than "test" failing fools like lack on blogs all day...
Steve is showing more and more his butt everyday.
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