It's still hot outside and there is no relief in sight. What's a good field Negro to do? I get tired of going from home, to car, to office. I need some sun y'all. But I guess times are tough as hell, so we might as well feel like it .
Speaking of feeling like hell: you have to feel sorry for the good folks of Cleveland tonight. King James just went all Sheila E on them and opted for the "glamorous life" on South Beach. Let's see how those championship rings work out for you LeBron, you still have to get past "Black Mamba" out on the left coast. I don't care if you have Wilt and MJ playing alongside you, if you don't have Kobe's heart you will never get to drive in that convertible down Biscayne Boulevard while Pat Riley smokes his victory cigars.
The folks over at Radio Rwanda are doing their best to make the president's life hell. Are they serious with the manufactured story about the New Black Panther Party? (Just watched the video again, and my man is a buck fifty soaking wet. The white dude standing next to him and the white female behind him sure don't look scared. But, then again, they are Philly white folks, and they aren't afraid of black people.) Still, you have got to give it them, they sure know how to pick a story to scare some white folks and get their base all fired up.
And white folks, if you really want something to be scared about, you shouldn't be worried about the New Black Panthers, you should be worried about OJ's dumb ass. It seems that he is on his way to marrying another white woman. Can you really stand to lose another young blond to this man?
Finally, to stay with the hell theme: The "Grim Sleeper" won't be making life a living hell for some residence of LA anymore. Hopefully the LAPD has finally caught this monster. If you haven't heard of him don't be embarrassed; his victims were not young white women, so I honestly wouldn't expect you to.
Stay cool people.
I'm glad LeBum picked a team because I was sick of hearing about him. I suppose now we'll have to hear about that Bret guy deciding if he's gonna keep playing football. Yawn.
And for all the loser dudes out there; if OJ, from behind bars, can get a woman then there's hope for you yet.
Oh and Mr. Firld, the cop, Johannes Mehserle, that murdered Oscar Grant in Oakland was found guilty only of involuntary manslaughter this afternoon.
There are few thousand people in downtown Oakland as I write this protesting the verdict.
People want to know why Lebron is important? Quick, why do people vacation in Cleveland? When people in Cleveland vacation they go to Detroit,(that's not a joke,Google Greektown). Now Lebron is the second most hated man in Cleveland,Art Modell is numero uno.People don't come to Cleveland/Akron for it's Polish Boys,(look it up).People in Cleveland don't go to the Rock Hall.Millions of dollars were at stake. Sorry homie effed up bigtime.
OT ,Ya'll do know that only Cleveland have those Polish Boys. Field can pick some up on his way to Dailey's(P-Boys are better than a Cheesesteak).There's nothing to do in Cleveland now.
I know you want to keep talking about those racist cretin New Black Panthers or(instead of say, the ongoing bungling of the Gulf oil spill or the weakening economy), but how about a word on Obama's new mission for NASA? (Hint: It's got nothing to do with space exploration).
Read this and tell me how the Obama administration isn’t the most incompetent ever?
I am sooo pleased that they finally caught the Grin Reaper. Im definitely interested in learning more about him,
"And for all the loser dudes out there; if OJ, from behind bars, can get a woman then there's hope for you yet."
I agree. And it's good to know that white women are available to black men whether they are in jail or not. Thanks for pointing that out, Val.
Most people probably don't know it but OJ is innocent. It was his pride that made him look guilty. Come on, the man should not be in prison for protecting his own stuff.
Anyway, I am glad OJ is still able to get married to a lovely woman who loves him very much. I knew she would be White because that's the kind of beauty that attracts him. A black woman just doesn't cut it for black men with tastes like OJ, Tiger, and many other super athletes.
Does anybody know if there will be a wedding, and can the public attend?
Read this open letter by the owner of the CAVS that slams poor LeBron:
Anonymous said...
I know you want to keep talking about those racist cretin New Black Panthers or(instead of say, the ongoing bungling of the Gulf oil spill or the weakening economy), but how about a word on Obama's new mission for NASA? (Hint: It's got nothing to do with space exploration).
Read this and tell me how the Obama administration isn’t the most incompetent ever?
NASA's new mission: Building ties to Muslim world
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
July 6, 2010
So what's your point? BTW, the Washington Examiner is not a real newspaper.Look what the former editor did:
Bill Sammon
From Wikipedia,
Bill Sammon is Fox News Washington Managing Editor and a Vice President for the network. He's the author of four New York Times bestsellers: At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election; Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism from Inside the White House; Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, Media Bias and the Bush Haters; and Strategery: How George W. Bush Is Defeating Terrorists, Outwitting Democrats, and Confounding the Mainstream Media.
BTW, we NEED people who can speak Arabic so that they can translate for us.Why are you pissing them off?
Regarding Hell, I would refer to Sartre. "Hell is other people". My only addition would be, "especially when it is this feckin' hot.".
I was going to bring up the same point about the Washington Examiner but you beat me to it. The irony of Sammon accusing any administration of incompetence almost certainly escapes Anony.
Queen James has lost a lot of respect from me.
OJ's new bride to be probably figures she's safe because he's behind bars.
I'm glad they caught this Grim sleeper guy (while not being surprised that his crimes have not gain greater notoriety with the American media).
As for Fox News...well HATERS GONNA HATE!
"BTW, the Washington Examiner is not a real newspaper"
So what?, Are you denying that the new director of NASA Charles Bolden did not say his foremost mission as directed by President Obama was "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."?
That's NASA's "foremost" mission, not to adavance space technology, but to make Muslims feel better about themselves? That's not fucking crazy?
Field, this weather is preparing you for the 'real' Hell, which is a whole lot hotter. So consider it as training for the future.
Don't worry, you will have plenty of company. And you won't have to do any more racism chasing in Hell because down there everybody is the same color!
Obama's Re-Election Promise
The promise of "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" can be traced to Hoover's 1928 Presidential campaign.
Well, Obama has twisted these words and is promising that if he is re-elected there will be "a chick in every car and some pot in every garage!" (LOL)
Seriously, to see some forbidden views inside King Barack's monarchy, Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity" and also Google "Obama...destined to become a black-slavery avenger."
Seriously, anonymous, you are an idiot.
True dat.
Anonymous said...
Field, this weather is preparing you for the 'real' Hell, which is a whole lot hotter. So consider it as training for the future.
Don't worry, you will have plenty of company. And you won't have to do any more racism chasing in Hell because down there everybody is the same color!
Oh my God, now I'm worried about my white friends. I heard that Ronald Reagan is President down there.
"Field, this weather is preparing you for the 'real' Hell, which is a whole lot hotter. So consider it as training for the future."
Sorry, I have already been to Texas.
"The promise of "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" can be traced to Hoover's 1928 Presidential campaign.
Well, Obama has twisted these words and is promising that if he is re-elected there will be "a chick in every car and some pot in every garage!"
What's wrong with that? I know you republicans all have a chicken in your pants that you like to...ahem ahem, hold from time to time. So I see where the anger is coming from. ;)
And I co-sign with Kid: That paper is not real. Just like Radio Rwanda is an entertainment station, not news.
"And for all the loser dudes out there; if OJ, from behind bars, can get a woman then there's hope for you yet."
Val, that's cold.
The heat is up here in Maine as well and the Heat will also have to get past that team in green.
Isn't it scary how many people actually believe the unbelievable.
Hi Webster, welcome to the blog!
Don't worry, you will have plenty of company. And you won't have to do any more racism chasing in Hell because down there everybody is the same color!
1:48 AM
You'll probably will be holding the door, so don't flatter yourself.
oj is a wf masochist bimbo magnet...eternally
this is surreal...no?
like hobama becoming prez of another country in 2012 and betraying millions of new black fools who will masochistically worship him anew until they are homeless and jobless and starving...
there was nothing involuntary about oscar grant's public execution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no justice....just us
as always
Oh God, here we go, Orca is back!!!
oj illegally hid all of "his stuff" and then the thieves who hid it for him stole it...then he tried to steal it back
karma is real
good riddance!
i guess u and orca have heard that new robin thicke cut
"sex in the morning?"
your bestiality is expanding species i see?...
LeBron James is set to release his own line of headphones.
The sound quality is amazing as it has no ring.
alicia shut up and stop talking gibberish. You sound like a rambling drunk.
Will they give OJ and his new bimbo conjugal visits? Gee, even when he's in prison a white woman is still at risk.
i am convinced that is why he wed...
he can do the time
but he can never do any time without a wf fool
serial killers and armed robbers like oj can legally wed...but great peacefeul educated citizens who are gays can not
would some alcohol give u the courage to show your face/use your name?
intelligence always sounds like ignorance to fools drunken on ignorance as u...fyi
"It seems that he is on his way to marrying another white woman. Can you really stand to lose another young blond to this man?"
I think it's a commentary on the quality of available white guys.
tee hee
u r a humorless fool
robin thicke is a quality wm
and he did well
the white bimbos who date oj do not even see ANY white guys...just as you do not see black women who are not yellow...
Right AB
Rush to the defense of white men.
You bm hatin sisters are a total trip.
All projection.
when did oj get black????
like u rush to bash black women and white men?
racist foolish bm like u make wm very easy to defend
i adore black men like tavis smiley and huey newton and malcolm x and mumia abu jamal and oscar grant and sean bell and mlk and mike dyson etc...
i just loathe feces colored perps like YOU!!!
field negro said...
"And I co-sign with Kid: That paper is not real."
So watch the video, and then deny it again.
You are pathetic.
AB "oj illegally hid all of "his stuff" and then the thieves who hid it for him stole it...then he tried to steal it back"
That's right and he did not deserve to go to jail. He was innocent. you are jealous because you can't get a ww. too bad, that's life...you'll have to settle for what you got. ha!
anon @ 10:40a is called anon1040, who is twice as smart as AB, and a great warrior and slayer of AB.
spoken just like the euro moron clone of oj that youu are...thanks!
i have naver wanted a wf
i know that it akin to u hearing someone saying "i do not want life/air/food/water"
unlike u
i adore myself
i adore my gorgeous african queen wife/clone
i adore my regal ebony goddess mom
and grandmoms
and i adore the karma that has oj in a cell at this very moment
he is a liar
a brute
a thief
a fool
and a convict
thank god for that!
all assnons are all cowardly fools at all times in all posts herein
oj is a serial killer
and so are u
u kill logic and sanity with each post
How much space do you have for troll alerts?
Anonymous said...
field negro said...
"And I co-sign with Kid: That paper is not real."
So watch the video, and then deny it again.
You are pathetic.
My God you are correct. The Washington Examiner is made out of trees, which means that it is made from paper.I stand corrected.It's made out of paper but it is not a credible news source.
AB, "u kill logic and sanity with each post"
Keep it up and I'm going to wax your butt in front of everybody. You are no match for me. you have no proof that oj is guilty. you are mad because he likes ww. u are soooo jealous and insecure.
i bet u couldn't get a ww but uts can whenever he wants. u are such a sore loser.
kid said.....
"I am an idiot who agressively defends my ignorance! Nothing to see here! Help me Gregory!"
How true.
i adore many real bm who wed real wf...
like ellis cose and harry belafonte too
they also hate moronic demonic blacks like u oj and uts and the wf reject bimbos you covet intimately and incessantly disgrace them all even MORE!!!!
they also hate moronic demonic blacks like u oj and uts and the wf reject bimbos you covet
as all of YOU intimately and incessantly disgrace them all even MORE!!!!
see tons of proof that oj is a sloppy dumb serial killer and an armed robbing fool here!!!
bar features a huge tribute to YOU and your american utopia today!
2 tributes!
double kudos dude!!!
I love the way OJ is always portrayed as guilty of killing his ex wife, even though the evidence was tampered with and he was exonerated. The court of public opinion and media bias is so strong and clearly stacked up against positive expositions of Black men.
Everybody needs some loving. I am pleased that he's found someone to love him. Whatever his issues, I know his soul is hurting and that pain can be mitigated with love, kindness and compassion.
Anyone who thinks OJ is innocent is a retard. End of story.
I thought of you when I read about the Grim Sleeper arrest in this morning's paper. Being the legally trained mind here, what is your opinion of the use of family DNA? Some have protested that it will lead to racial profiling. CA and CO have specifically written policies for using DNA checks. Your thoughts?
Also--when Field writes interesting and provocative entries in the blog, can we please conduct a higher quality dialogue? All of the anger and name-calling in comments is mind-numbingly boring. Bring up ideas, facts, cogent arguments and make the comments worth reading!
The court of public opinion and media bias is so strong and clearly stacked up against positive expositions of Black men.
Will that be your opinion in the Grim Sleeper case too? Just trying to put a good black man away, right?
Anonymous, from what I gather the Grim Sleeper case the guy was guilty as sin without tampering. If you could say the same about OJ then okay, but you cant because they tampered with the evidence.
"Also--when Field writes interesting and provocative entries in the blog, can we please conduct a higher quality dialogue?"
When that actually happens, ok.
Anonymous said...
"BTW, the Washington Examiner is not a real newspaper"
So what?, Are you denying that the new director of NASA Charles Bolden did not say his foremost mission as directed by President Obama was "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."?
That's NASA's "foremost" mission, not to adavance space technology, but to make Muslims feel better about themselves? That's not fucking crazy?
You say so what which means you acknowledge that it's bullshit. We wouldn't have to do this stuff if Bush officials would stop putting Bible verses on the machine guns. We're trying to prove that we're not on a Crusade. It hard to do when Pat Robertson say that Muslims pray to the Devil. That's the kind thing that makes terrorist and makes it hard to get people to translate for us.
Kid I agree with you. And Charles Bolden is actually a VERY good, intelligent, morally upstanding man. I had the pleasure of knowing his daughter as a very very young woman. I met him once. His wife is as beautiful as a statue with style and grace and a nice voice, and he is strong, muscular and very meticulous in his mannerisms and overall behavior.
During the Bush years, the role of Muslims contributions to the sciences was rhetorically minimized. I heard people talk about Muslims not being shit and not contributing anything positive. Charles Bolden SHOULD have made that statement.
Knowledge is universal and doesn't depend upon someone's political ideology or religion. If you read any predominately Muslim country's science journals, you'd be floored! They do some very hard science and contribute to the world's body of knowledge in the sciences.
It's funny how people forget that algebra is an Moorish word!
M. Rigmaiden said...
It's funny how people forget that algebra is an Moorish word!
MR -
Good point, the Islamic and Asian world were making strides in science back when Europeans were dying of the plague because they didn't take a bath more than once a year.
mostly rabid is retarded
and clearly she has not studied the DROVES of evidence in the oj case
the same evidence that SLEW him in the civil trial
they did not tamper with his STILL missing bruno mali shoes he claimed he never owned etc...
they did not tamper with the 13 fresh cuts n his hands...
they did not tamper with his own THREE alibis etc....
Yeah LAC I don't understand how the right and ultra Christian conservatives have minimized their accomplishments it doesn't jibe with history.
Another thing is that the contributions of sub Saharan Africans is NEVER really discussed in depth in Math or physics courses. Everything seems to start with Greek, Rome or Euro ruled Egypt. That really does a disservice to the massive body of mathematical knowledge out there.
A few years back, an old Professor of mine was working on a translation on ancient African geometries with a guy named Theophile Obenga. I don't know if they finished the project but hopefully they did. Obenga is pretty prolific as a Black studies analyst in his own right.
Another thing is that since so many countries in Africa are French and some Portugeuse, we should learn those languages to acquire information normally unavailable to us via language barriers.
I've been working on my Brazilian Portuguese lately in addition to the GRE study for Math. My brain will explode soon;) heh!
mostly rabid:
have u seen the film
"the pursuit of happyness?"
why is it that all of your blatantly fake refs to your alleged academic pursuits make me think of that line from thandi newton:
"on really...why stop there?....why not go fo astronaut?"
What Field and others. Yall have got to read what Dan Gilbert the owner of the Cavaliers said about Lebron James departure.
I can't remember the last time I have read something so hyprocitical. This guy sells 5.00 hot dogs makes millions and has never thought twice about underpaying his staff or firing somebody. And has been willing to do almost anything to make a buck.
I can't believe this big business owner is crying about loyalty . This is nothing more than propaganda.
Here is the letter below:
" Dear Cleveland, All Of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland Cavaliers Supporters Wherever You May Be Tonight; As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier.
This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his "decision" unlike anything ever "witnessed" in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment.
Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing to all of us.
The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor NEVER will betray you.
There is so much more to tell you about the events of the recent past and our more than exciting future. Over the next several days and weeks, we will be communicating much of that to you.
You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal.
You have given so much and deserve so much more.
In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:
You can take it to the bank.
If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels.
Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there.
Sorry, but that's simply not how it works.
This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown "chosen one" sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And "who" we would want them to grow-up to become.
But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.
The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma.
Just watch.
Sleep well, Cleveland.
Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day....
I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:
DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue....
Dan Gilbert
Majority Owner
Cleveland Cavaliers
Anonymous said...
"Read this and tell me how the Obama administration isn’t the most incompetent ever?"
On your, or their word, alone. I read your post and I'm still regretting that decision.
A zinger from Zing...
Stop while you're behind. Intelligence may be gaining on you.
piece of shit, nobody feels the need to lie about their academic experience except possibly YOU.
You are trying to get me involved in your lies. It won't work. I've never felt the need to exaggerate anything I've done because I am secure in myself.
mostly rabid:
u have such...fecal themes?...
unlike u,
every academic claim i have made can be documented in any public library/newspaper/magazine/radio fan etc
i have listed them all in detail all over the net...even specific universities which you curiously never mention....hmmmmmmm
even my fluency in french is public info
but you?....NOT at all!!!!
your handwritten flea market receipt for that used math workbook notwithstanding...
(your vulgar juvenile vocab/slurs truly amuse me....collegiate curses???....NOT!!!)
mostly rabid:
"I've never felt the need to exaggerate anything I've done because I am secure in myself."
oh really now?
is that why you are so INSISTENTLY exaggerating the security of those magic monogamy pills/your own private tiger's taming???...
Cleveland smells like Dirty Gym Socks.
And Field, your about as much a real Field Nigger as Dick Chaney, home-office-car? Y'all think THIS is Hot??? It's this hot all the time down South you Massuh-Suckin-Up-To-Uncle-Tom. And you just try and wear one of those Gay Beret's down in the Dirty South, They'll string you up so fast even Robert Byrd would say "Dayum, that was Fast".
The REAL Field Niggers would string you up I mean.
We're afraid of y'all.
kid sputtered....
"You say so what which means you acknowledge that it's bullshit. We wouldn't have to do this stuff if Bush officials would stop putting Bible verses on the machine guns. We're trying to prove that we're not on a Crusade. It hard to do when Pat Robertson say that Muslims pray to the Devil. That's the kind thing that makes terrorist and makes it hard to get people to translate for us."
You are, an idiot.
"Good point, the Islamic and Asian world were making strides in science back when Europeans were dying of the plague because they didn't take a bath more than once a year."
False. Islam is the most intellectually retrogade ideology the world has ever known. The Islamic world had a brief golden age as they digested the knowledge acquired from the conquest of the Eastern (Greek) Christian world, but soon degenerated into the ignorant backwater that the Moslem world has inhabited for a thousand years.
Islam captured the entire developed world of its time and place and controlled its wealth. In the process they monopolized any form of patronage and thus the livelihoods of scholars. Scholarship advanced largely in spite of this form of civilization rather than because of it.
The Islamic world numbers 1.6 billion people, yet produces fewer fewer scientific publications than Israel (7 million people) alone, and translate fewer books than Greece (11 million people).
If openly promoting ignorance, poverty, abuse of human rights, hate and murder is evil, then Islam is evil.
You don't know what you're talking about Anon. Read the Morrocan Journal of Physics, Algerian, Iranian etc if they're available for viewing now. I used to read the Iranian Journal of Physics but strangely we cannot access the journal as Americans anymore.
If you care about knowledge you won't mind where it came from. The Source is not as important as the TRUTH.
As to that fecalith troll above, well if the only accomplishments you cite are from about two decades ago, then you really have some problems. Hopefully your therapist can help you out on that.
Anyway I gotta tend to my boy.
Have a fucked up weekend ab.
And a good weekend to everyone else.
alicia banks said...
why is it that all of your blatantly fake refs to your alleged academic pursuits make me think of that line from thandi newton:
"on really...why stop there?....why not go fo astronaut?"
As a person who at one point wanted to be an Astronaut and received an appointment to the Air Force Academy back in the day, let me help you with this one.
EVERY Astronaut is a college graduate, so that eliminates the paycheckless one right off the bat. Second, women who become Astronauts are ambitious beyond with their ovaries/vagina's can do, often flexing their ovaries AND their brain simultaneously. Third, given that MANY of them have graduate degrees, it's unlikely the would be inclined to quote questions from the GRE the took to get admitted to grad school in the first place.
So there you have it, and in the future, PLEASE refrain from insulting the Astronaut profession, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!
u surgically swiftly superbly slaughter that lying bitch mostly rabid herein daily....thanks!!!!
and i love how she evades my CURRENT 2011 AWARDS & all of my KUDOS from every year that SPAN decades....
as if she can ever compare/catch up in ANY decade to boot!!!
she needs to hate on those monogamy pills the way she hates on my careers!
have a stellar weekend mamm!
i will...my wife's birthday is monday and i will spoil her for 7 days as always starting now!
MMM said....
"As a person who at one point wanted to be an Astronaut and received an appointment to the Air Force Academy back in the day"
Ha! Can you say....Affirmative Action!
AB writes:
Are you living in the future or just anticipating the kudos of invisible friends?
M. Rigmaiden said...
"You don't know what you're talking about Anon. Read the Morrocan Journal of Physics, Algerian, Iranian etc if they're available for viewing now."
Uh, no Miss Riggy, it is you who don't know what you are talking about. According to data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Bank, a group of 20 representative Organization of the Islamic Conference(OIC) countries spent 0.34% of their overall gross domestic product on scientific research between 1996 and 2003 – just one-seventh of the global average of 2.36%. Muslim countries also have fewer than 10 scientists, engineers and technicians per 1000 of the population, compared with the world average of 40, and 140 for the developed world. Between them they contribute only about 1% of the world's published scientific papers. Indeed, the Royal Society's Atlas of Islamic-World Science and Innovation reveals that scientists in the Arab world (comprising 17 of the OIC countries) produced a total of 13,444 scientific publications in 2005 – some 2,000 fewer than the 15,455 achieved by Harvard University alone.
But it is the quality of basic scientific research in the Muslim world that is of more concern. One way of measuring the international prominence of a nation's published scientific literature is via its relative citation index (RCI): this is the number of cited papers by a nation's scientists as a fraction of all cited papers, divided by its own share of total papers published, with all citations of its own literature excluded to prevent bias. Thus, if a country produces 10% of the world's scientific literature but receives only 5% of all citations in the rest of the world, its index will be 0.5. In a league table compiled in 2006 by the US National Science Board of the world's top 45 nations ranked by their RCI in physics, only two OIC countries even register – Turkey with 0.344 and Iran with 0.484 – and only the latter shows a marked improvement between 1995 and 2003.
These bald statistics reveal how far scientists in Muslim nations are languishing behind the rest of the world.
where is your profile/resume????
where are your awards from any year???
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2010
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
u do not even have a bio on this blog????
A bit touchy, are we?
MR, "I love the way OJ is always portrayed as guilty of killing his ex wife, even though the evidence was tampered with and he was exonerated. The court of public opinion and media bias is so strong and clearly stacked up against positive expositions of Black men."
Amen. Thanks MR. That hellish hound AB does not know what the hell she is talking about. Obviously she knows nothing about OJ and how he was found innocent. He also had the finest lawyer EVER!
Of course, no one acknowledges that part. In fact, they ignore it all together, like AB does. All House Negroes like AB know how to do is kiss the massa's white ass and agree with the massa that OJ was guilty- DESPITE THE FACT that the jury found him innocent.
They sent him to prison for on a bullshit charge of stealing his own stuff... and HNs like AB think it was ok because her white massas were pissed off because OJ beat them at their own game the first time.
AB, you are a ass-kissing massa moron.
And you have the nerve to talk about OJ not being Black because he likes ww? GET REAL!!!
Anyone else think all this outrage about Lebron going to Miami is just a bunch of envious, bitter white guys hating on a black athlete because he can do things they can't and is making the kind of money they can only dream of? They are just going off on the press conference but didn't the $5 million go to the Boys and Girls Club? And then what was up with the Cavs owner? If Lebron mouthed back, he would be labeled another "gangsta player right.
mellaneous said...
What Field and others. Yall have got to read what Dan Gilbert the owner of the Cavaliers said about Lebron James departure.
I can't remember the last time I have read something so hyprocitical. This guy sells 5.00 hot dogs makes millions and has never thought twice about underpaying his staff or firing somebody. And has been willing to do almost anything to make a buck.
I can't believe this big business owner is crying about loyalty . This is nothing more than propaganda.
We love Dan Gilbeert here. He moved his headquarters from Michigan and moved it to Cleveland. He brought jobs here. He's bringing a casino next.People that worked Downtown near the Arena will lose their jobs.People in Akron will lose their jobs thanks to Lebron. The team already lose $100 million in value.Who vacations in Cleveland? Lebron went to Florida so he wouldn't have to pay taxes.He could have gotten more money and anything he wanted.
AB, seeing how you ignore the fact that OJ was found innocent of murder, will you ignore what happened in Georgia by massa Hodges of Georgia?
He let those white cops go free for shooting this mother's son in the head twice. And now he is running for attorney general in Georgia!
Watch this ad campaign by the mother:
How about a post on the economy?
kid said...
mellaneous said...
What Field and others. Yall have got to read what Dan Gilbert the owner of the Cavaliers said about Lebron James departure.
I can't remember the last time I have read something so hyprocitical. This guy sells 5.00 hot dogs makes millions and has never thought twice about underpaying his staff or firing somebody. And has been willing to do almost anything to make a buck.
I can't believe this big business owner is crying about loyalty . This is nothing more than propaganda.
We love Dan Gilbeert here. He moved his headquarters from Michigan and moved it to Cleveland. He brought jobs here. He's bringing a casino next.People that worked Downtown near the Arena will lose their jobs.People in Akron will lose their jobs thanks to Lebron. The team already lose $100 million in value.Who vacations in Cleveland? Lebron went to Florida so he wouldn't have to pay taxes.He could have gotten more money and anything he wanted.
I cant understand this post, can you? What is the point being made?
hey assnon:
if that karmic brain rotted johnny cockran was so special
why did he let geronimo jg/pratt rot in prison for decades when gp was blatantly framed?
why did jc beat his own black wife while he wooed his owm walmart version of nicole?
jc had no competition in ct!!!
and a brain dead jury to boot!
and ito was starstruck moron
the inept "prosecution" would have made any 1st yr law student look like a genius!
marcia and chris were too busy doing each other to focus
that was superbly and easily proven in the civil trial
when u finish talking bs about 3 trials you clearly do not know anything about,
picture oj in his cell on his belly!....
the lint beneath is wiser than u!
oj was white long before he wed nicole
he became white when he betrayed all of his black fans/kids/events/peers/kin etc
read up fool...u r way late!!!
hey assnon:
oj got whitEST after he pimped niggers like u on his way OUT of his 1st trial...
and he has been whitER ever since
u keep loving tiger/oj/hobama
they are a trinity for lost niggers like you who never even heard of
mumia abu-jamal or the move 9!!!
AB, you prove my point about your negative attitude toward highly competent professionals like Cochran. Here he is dead from brain cancer and you pounce on him like some house "N".
You are a traitor to your race and know nothing about OJ's blackness or whiteness. It is clear he is Black. Whether he or Tiger or any other bm chooses a bw or ww does not change the fact that he is Black. Like it or not, OJ IS BLACK. So was MJ, and so is the MJ who is alive. You are not God and you do not define who is Black or not.
You sound like a lost-ass imbecile with an identity crisis. Go see a Freudian psychoanalyst with a specialty in race identity. u need it.
LOL, Field, with the Glamorous Life reference!
I'm absolutely captivated by the Grim Sleeper story and the way they caught him. I just hope that familial DNA will hold up in court. I read it'll be the first case in the US where the defendant will be tried using it.
I love the way OJ is always portrayed as guilty of killing his ex wife, even though the evidence was tampered with and he was exonerated. The court of public opinion and media bias is so strong and clearly stacked up against positive expositions of Black men.
I have my own opinions on that.
I remember OJ had a temper that he'd occasionally take out on his first wife. Yes, he married, divorced, then remarried.
I always figured that Nicole and Ron were "friends with benefits", and when OJ finally caught them, he went ballistic and.......
The LAPD and prosecutors were so busy trying to destroy yet another famous black man that they ended up essentially framing a guilty man. Black folks figured seeing OJ walk scot free would be a thumb in the eye of the largely white justice system and white people in general.
And then there was the civil case that revealed Fred Goldman to be a greedy fuck who tried to "punish" OJ by financially ruining him.
Just some thoughts.
"And then there was the civil case that revealed Fred Goldman to be a greedy fuck who tried to "punish" OJ by financially ruining him."
No, Fred Goldman wanted justice for the murder of his daughter whom he loved. Is there a price tag on that? I don't think so.
Anonymous, you can tell someone who cares about advancing human kind by what they say. If all they do is disparage others without ever contributing anything constructive, then their words speak for themselves.
I find it interesting that in the midst of disparaging somebody who was clearly abused by the legal process, the same trolls are questioning things I've said about my life.
When people have a limited vision on what is possible, they say this type of shit.
It's kind of funny but sad all at once.
I'm happy OJ found somebody to love him. Lord knows he needs it!
Ooh lest I forget, mmm and ab's incoherent rantings are there for all to see. I never said I was in an astronaut program. I got to meet Charles Bolden many years ago because his daughter and me were in an academic program together for a spell. Last I heard, she was a medical doctor which is good for her. As to the GRE, I am practicing for the Math GRE now. And have never said otherwise.
Both of you loser assholes have nothing of merit to say so you just toss about insults. This mmm thing with correlating worth to a paycheck is a laughable remnant from material 80's culture that is obsolete. Oh that way of thinking just shows that she's an aging sea wench without a clue of why people take on fields of STUDY in the first place.
But that's okay. This peanut gallery talk just goes to show the broken net that used to be our collective consciousness as women, particularly Black women.
They can continue to live their man hating cloth chewing lives and I'll continue to live my life separate from their negativity and foulness.
"How about a post on the economy?"
Dow up over 10,000.00. Unemployment holding steady at 9%.
The GDP is at 14.6 trillion. More jobs are being outsourced due to globalization,and Wall Street and big banks need to be regulated.
You are welcome.
field negro said...
Dow up over 10,000.00. Unemployment holding steady at 9%.
The GDP is at 14.6 trillion. More jobs are being outsourced due to globalization,and Wall Street and big banks need to be regulated.
You are welcome.
field you need to read some history because all of bongo's economic plans have been tried before with disastrous results.government regulation and the community reinvestment act caused the affirmative action market melt down.the sub prime mortagage scam plus not paying their bills means we tax payers pick up the bill.the o.j. evidence was not tampered with the jury was just to stupid to understand it.i think that cop needs jail time, but i do not think he shot that man on purpose because he is a dumb ass cop and they are very bad gun handlers.look it up you will see that cops accidently shoot more people than civilians do.you have to get off your hate whitey kick because it really makes you look like a dumb ass.
"you have to get off your hate whitey kick because it really makes you look like a dumb ass."
Let's see now, you are waisting your time reading my blog and you are calling me a "dumb ass"?
To quote the "Queen Of Soul": "Who's Zoomin Who"?
BTW, you need to brush up on your reading comprehension, I made no mention of the officer's guilt or innocence. Me thinks you project too much.
i got your amoral soulless dead hero jc right here!
he WAS oj with a briefcase rather than a football...right down to the knots he left on his own wife's head!!!
oj was exposed and destroyed in the civil case...surgically by hos own lies!!!
from shoes to beatings...oj LOST!!
and he hid the stolen property that finally nabbed him just to evade paying them for slaughtering ron g...
sheer poetry/poetic justice
may he die in jail and may ron and nicole be waiting to tag team his serial killing armed robbing ass!!!
oj was exposed and destroyed in the civil case...surgically by HIS own lies!!!
the same lies that finally played out in his last trial!!!
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