"Just because I'm losing Doesn't mean I'm lost" ~ Coldplay~
As the latest approval ratings comes in for his O ness, he would do well to think of those lyrics from that very fine song. It has been a tough few months. The war is still raging in Afghanistan. Radio Rwanda and their right wing friends are tossing around the Socialist label. Tea Party folks are putting up billboards comparing him to Hitler. And the wingnuts are controlling the message to a vacuous and shallow nation; who, for the most part, only pay attention to politics once every four years. Yes Ms. Bachmann, we are indeed a nation of slaves. (Do you believe she said that?) But the only tyranny we live under is the tyranny of ignorance. And the wingnuts have gone from being crazy to just plain absurd. (Matt Sludge actually called one of the first lady's dresses, "Oil Spill Chic".)
"'We are determined to live free or not at all. And we are resolved that posterity shall never reproach us with having brought slaves into the world,'" Bachmann read from founding father John Jay , ending her reading with the statement, "We will talk a little bit about what has transpired in the last 18 months and would we count what has transpired into turning our country into a nation of slaves. [Source]
Oh Lawd! Somebody help us here in A-merry-ca, please.
Finally, it's nice to see that black conservatives are at least consistent in standing by their peeps:
“I have not experienced the charges of racism that the NAACP is touting,” Vernon Parker, an African-American tea party congressional candidate in Arizona, told POLITICO.
Parker, former mayor of Paradise Valley, said that he has never felt out of place at a tea party rally because of the color of his skin.
“When I go to tea party events, people don’t look at me any differently,” he said. “They didn’t judge me on the color of my skin, quite frankly, they judged me on my principles."
"The NAACP should be concerned about bringing jobs to people in depressed areas,” he added, “not the tea party.”
Tim Scott, a GOP congressional nominee in South Carolina, echoed Parker’s sentiments in a statement.
“I believe that the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference,” Scott said." [Source]
Mr. Scott, I couldn't agree more. Your time and energy is important. I can't think of anyone in A-merry-ca who doesn't want a clean house.
*Pic lifted from City Pages.
"Matt Sludge actually called one of the first lady's dresses, "Oil Spill Chic"."
Sludge, huh?
Now that's a beautiful sounding name.
It was a "a vacuous and shallow nation" that elected this pompous and malevolent President without knowing a thing about him. The more we get to know him, the more uneasy we get. A huge mistake was made handing over power to a cabal of arrogant leftists. It is the Tea Party and leaders like Michelle Bachmann that will right the course of the nation.
"The NAACP should be concerned with bringing jobs to depressed areas."
First off, the NAACP isn't capable of doing much nowadays. Secondly, how many jobs have Republicans brought to depressed areas? As I recall our last president had the worst job creation record since Herbert Hoover. In fact out of the last four presidents it was a democrat, Bill Clinton, that had the best job creations record.
"The NAACP should be concerned with bringing jobs to depressed areas."
That is exactly what the NAACP should be doing...screaming for jobs for Blacks. Instead, they are screwing around with Tea Party nuts. For the NAACP to go after the Tea Party as racists is to make Obama's job even harder.
The NAACP makes me sick. They need to fold up their tent and go away.
What Michelle Bachman has said is nothing surprising coming from her.
Her passion is to destroy Obama and the Democrats. Add in Palin, Rush, Beck, Hannity, the NBPP, Afghanistan, the economy, illegal immigration, abortion, Iran, Israel and the fact that the DNA of America contains racism...well, Bachman and the Republican sharks are probably smelling blood in the water.
Besides, that's MB's only job-and the only thing she knows to do: 'destroy Democrats'.
Mr. Field, you will just have to get used to her and not let a sexy beautiful woman like MB keep your attention all the time.
BTW, is Michelle Bachman the new replacement for Lark? I don't blame you. She is a knockout and has the kind of eyes causes you to star right into them. They are hypnotisizing. Be careful. Don't look into them too long.
It is the Tea Party and leaders like Michelle Bachmann that will right the course of the nation.
The Tea Party and leaders like Bachmann are trying to do like the Dixiecrats. Like the Dixiecrats they will not be able to stop change.
Ole Master woke up one day and his slaves were free. Many gaints have fallen and so will the wingnuts. I guarantee.
blackinalabama said...
"Many gaints have fallen and so will the wingnuts. I guarantee."
If the "wingnuts" fall, so shall those who stand on their backs.
"It is the Tea Party and leaders like Michelle Bachmann that will right the course of the nation."
The Tea Party and leaders like Bachmann are trying to do like the Dixiecrats. Like the Dixiecrats they will not be able to stop change.
Ole Master woke up one day and his slaves were free. Many gaints have fallen and so will the wingnuts. I guarantee.
"If the "wingnuts" fall, so shall those who stand on their backs."
Good, because those that stand on the wingnuts backs are blind as hell and are letting the wingnuts lead them straight into a ditch filled with shit.
Careful what you wish for, blackunlikeobama.
The President is BIRACIAL,he hear's white folk beating up on him! but, he still has WHITE BOOD in his VEIN'S! I wouldn't want to be in his shoe's! black folk try to take up for him and his other side HATE'S HIS GUT'S!
MSNBC is OUT OF THE CLOSET! DYLAN RATIAGAN called the Presdent a (little boy) if I could just be President for a day!!! I think it would take a few minute's for me to, DISMANTLE EVERY CABLE NETWORK ON TV! nothing would be standing! see, that's the type of BIRACIAL PRESIDENT i would be! you talk about a GITMO! it would be GITMO'S all over america! guess who would be occuping them? the President is LONGSUFFERING, but, for how long? that's why these white folk are GOING CRAZY! they are scared he will wake up one day and say (I GOT ALL THIS POWER AND NOW IT'S TIME TO USE IT) it's a get YOU before you get us! so white folk are forever on Guard! they have to throw everything they have at the President! he got ALL the stuff, they got WORD'S, so who got the POWER? the man with the BLACK SIDE!
isee yall
Mr. Field, you will just have to get used to her and not let a sexy beautiful woman like MB keep your attention all the time.
BTW, is Michelle Bachman the new replacement for Lark? I don't blame you. She is a knockout and has the kind of eyes causes you to star right into them. They are hypnotisizing. Be careful. Don't look into them too long.
How anyone could characterize that woman as sexy is beyond me. More like "don't look into her eyes lest she charge you like a baboon."
And Anonymous, let me save you the trouble:
"RT, you just say that because you so damn ugly and are jealous of the precious flower that is Miss Bachman and besides you prolly a lesbian man-hating feminist and I bet you can't even cook."
If that's not enough, feel free to pile it on.
Anonymous comments are not worth reading; it's tough to tell where one leaves off and another begins. If you have an opinion to expound, then IDENTIFY YOURSELF! It's real simple to "choose an identity." You don't even have to use your real name! I use a 'nym myself, it's the same one I use all over the place. I even use it at the grocery store. I use a different one at the coffee shop, one I may legally switch to.
Anyway, do us all a favor and BE SOMEBODY!
Bachmann is, technically speaking, batshit crazy. Sadly, among today's crop of wingnuts that does not make her unique.
Oh, Gregory, you are such a font of convential wisdom, oblique non sequiters, and obscure soccer references. Please regale us further with more of your casualy adopted opinions picked up watching MSNBC.
What a douche.
I see that anony is annoyed. LOL.
BTW, I don't watch MSNBC or any other US news network. I leave that to those who chose to post anonymously.
OK, the BBC then. Same thing.
Fuck yourself sideways.
How articulate. Now wipe the spittle from the screen.
That's the butler's job. Does your mum know your on the computer again?
"you're", not "your".
You're welcome.
Part I
The Hijacking of the Black Experience
Does anything belong to blacks any more? It's not that we had that much to begin with, but what little we did have--once it was borrowed, and transformed--we were, at least, given credit.
For example, no one disputes that American composer George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," a piano and orchestral triumph, drew its inspiration from Jazz, a black American musical art style.
And no one denies "rock 'n' roll's" eclectic origin: a blending of several musical styles--gospel, rhythm and blues, and country.
Not so well known, however, are the many inventions attributed to blacks that improved the lives of blacks and whites alike--that the almanac was not the brain-child of Benjamin Franklin, but another Benjamin, Benjamin Banneker, also a "famous 18th-century astronomer, mathematician and surveyor;" and that the "traffic light," that regulator of traffic, sprung forth from the mind of Garrett Morgan; and the lowly, but essential, "spark plug" the heart of an automobile's engine, took form in the fertile mind of Edmond Berger; but, notwithstanding, every school kid, black or white, know that George Washington Carver invented Peanut Butter, no greater culinary delight between two slices of wheat bread.
Although some whites who came to this county came as indentured servants, it would be a real stretch to suggest that their "contract labor," usually no longer than a period of five years, approached anything close to the slavery that Africans endured upon arriving in the colonies, and which became their lifelong lot.
So when I read these words attributed to Michele Bachmann, "We will talk a little bit about what has transpired in the last 18 months and would we count what has transpired into turning our country into a nation of slaves," I'm more than amused.
I see this as another attempt by whites to take, rip off, as it were, that which does not belong to them--either by right of experience, or by virtue of the historical record.
And when I hear Glenn Beck utter these words: "This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."
And when I hear these utterances, "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. He has a -- this guy is, I believe, a racist," then, I'm not the least bit amused.
Part II
Were it not that these words came from the Devil's Workshop which is Glenn Beck's mind, who thrives as much on "flipping the script," as the man he envies, the incomparably stupid, Rush Limbaugh, I'd be astonished.
This refrain, that blacks are racist, and that whites, especially white men, are the new victims of this racism, has taken victimology to an unbelievably new height.
And to a level this claim against President Obama, himself biracial, and to say that his biracialism is the reason for his racism, as though to suggest that within his psyche, the clash of white and black is of Titan proportions, is not only to misspeak, but to lie.
This hijacking of the black experience is disturbing: It casts a minimalizing pall over a soul-annihilating chapter in American history.
This white revisionist fervor, to co-opt the suffering of a people, and make it their own, for the purpose of blunting those acts that were done in the name of racism, and to declaw the lion of condemnation that has been unleashed upon them--does great harm both to history, and truth.
What follows is this: The harshness of slavery is suddenly not so harsh, and the pangs, and travails of racism become lashes that leave no scars.
At bottom, it creates a new entitlement: That whites, not blacks, should be the ones who take umbrage at the outrageous misfortunes that the efforts of government, imagined or otherwise, foisted upon them, as it seeks to narrow, or close, the racial divide that stubbornly resists all efforts to do so.
" Anonymous said...
It was a "a vacuous and shallow nation" that elected this pompous and malevolent President without knowing a thing about him. The more we get to know him, the more uneasy we get. A huge mistake was made handing over power to a cabal of arrogant leftists. It is the Tea Party and leaders like Michelle Bachmann that will right the course of the nation."
10:08 PM
wow. the animals have left their cages and the trains have left the station. poor soul.
"RT, you just say that because you so damn ugly and are jealous of the precious flower that is Miss Bachman and besides you prolly a lesbian man-hating feminist and I bet you can't even cook."
I would never say that about you, RT. I admire and respect your comments.
BD-"Not so well known, however, are the many inventions attributed to blacks that improved the lives of blacks and whites alike--that the almanac was not the brain-child of Benjamin Franklin, but another Benjamin, Benjamin Banneker, also a "famous 18th-century astronomer, mathematician and surveyor;" and that the "traffic light," that regulator of traffic, sprung forth from the mind of Garrett Morgan; and the lowly, but essential, "spark plug" the heart of an automobile's engine, took form in the fertile mind of Edmond Berger; but, notwithstanding, every school kid, black or white, know that George Washington Carver invented Peanut Butter, no greater culinary delight between two slices of wheat bread."
I thought George Washington Carver invented a lot more from the peanut other than peanut butter.
And Elvis Presley took Rock n Roll to its highest level.
BD-"I see this as another attempt by whites to take, rip off, as it were, that which does not belong to them--either by right of experience, or by virtue of the historical record."
Whites do it because they can. They have the power to do it. It's a jungle out there and only the strong survive...
It seems that Blacks are on their way out. Not only because Whites are stronger, but because Blacks are so fragmented and politically weak, they have become their own worse enemies.
But you are right. History will eventually wipe away just about everything positive Blacks have done, and record everything negative. Why? because Whites control what's written in history.
Considering humans are full of themselves, it is only natural that Whites will lift themselves up by putting others down. The Indians are practically gone because Whites wanted them gone. It looks like we are next.
"Mr. Field, you will just have to get used to her and not let a sexy beautiful woman like MB keep your attention all the time.
BTW, is Michelle Bachman the new replacement for Lark? I don't blame you. She is a knockout and has the kind of eyes causes you to star right into them. They are hypnotisizing. Be careful. Don't look into them too long."
Now that was funny. :)
No big fan of the NAACP of late, but I think they are right about some of the teabagger folks. I don't think anyone would argue with that. Except, of course, the teabaggers, and folks like Mikey Steele.
Whites such as Michelle Bachman, Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, and many others want a pure white nation. They see America as the land of Whites created by their forefathers.
Apparently, Blacks are here by the 'grace' of Whites. But the future is looking pretty dim.
Whoopi Goldberg sees nothing racist about the Tea Party. Beck is no worse than Mel Gibson and therefore is not a racist....and neither is Limbaugh.
Yep. Blacks are doing everything possible to accelerate our doom. But hey, maybe we end up living in peace on a reservation like the Indians.
Here's a thought for black conservatives..
What's stopping YOU from filling the void you claim is left by groups like the NAACP...etc..?
What's stopping black conservatives from marching against inner city crime, creating jobs, improving schools and all the other things that they claim black liberals are NOT doing?
If they did maybe they'd get some respect from black people.
Ya think?
I'll tell you what's stopping them.
They're full of $hit.
They hate being black and they hate black people.
You'd sooner see Glenn Beck bicycling through North Philly than see a black conservative doing grassroots work in the hood.
They live to grin, shuffle and perform for white bigots.
Just like these two coons Parker and Scott alias "Skillet and Leroy".
Going in front of a bunch of nigga hatin rednecks and attacking the NAACP.
black diaspora, you wrote:
...every school kid, black or white, know that George Washington Carver invented Peanut Butter, no greater culinary delight between two slices of wheat bread.
Not quite:
Carver's Reputed inventions
George Washington Carver reputedly discovered three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes.
Among the listed items that he suggested to southern farmers to help them economically were adhesives, axle grease, bleach, buttermilk, chili sauce, fuel briquettes (a biofuel), ink, instant coffee, linoleum, mayonnaise, meat tenderizer, metal polish, paper, plastic, pavement, shaving cream, shoe polish, synthetic rubber, talcum powder and wood stain.
Three patents (one for cosmetics; patent number 1,522,176, and two for paints and stains; patent numbers 1,541,478 and 1,632,365) were issued to George Washington Carver in the years 1925 to 1927; however, they were not commercially successful in the end [37].
Aside from these patents and some recipes for food, he left no formulae or procedures for making his products.[38] He did not keep a laboratory notebook.
It is a common misconception that Carver's research on products that could be made by small farmers for their own use led to commercial successes that revolutionized Southern agriculture,[39][40] but these products were intended as adequate replacements for commercial products that were outside the budget of the small one-horse farmer.
Carver's work to apply the scientific method to sustain small farmers and to provide them with the resources to be as independent of the cash economy as possible foreshadowed the "appropriate technology" work of E.F. Schumacher.
Peanut products
Dennis Keeney, director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, wrote in the Leopold Letter newsletter:
Carver worked on improving soils, growing crops with low inputs, and using species that fixed nitrogen (hence, the work on the cowpea and the peanut).
Carver wrote in The Need of Scientific Agriculture in the South: "The virgin fertility of our soils and the vast amount of unskilled labor have been more of a curse than a blessing to agriculture. This exhaustive system for cultivation, the destruction of forest, the rapid and almost constant decomposition of organic matter, have made our agricultural problem one requiring more brains than of the North, East or West."[41]
Carver did market a few of his peanut products. The Carver Penol Company sold a mixture of creosote and peanuts as a patent medicine for respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis.
Other ventures were The Carver Products Company and the Carvoline Company. Carvoline Antiseptic Hair Dressing was a mix of peanut oil and lanolin. Carvoline Rubbing Oil was a peanut oil for massages.
black diaspora, you wrote:
Benjamin Banneker, also a "famous 18th-century astronomer, mathematician and surveyor...
Seems he was a smart guy with some accomplishments to his name. BUT, the mythmaking has gotten out of hand. It appears that Black History needs some content. Thus, it was easy to embroider and manufacture some achievements for Banneker.
It boils down to this: A substantial mythology exaggerating Banneker's accomplishments has developed during the two centuries since he lived. Several urban legends describe Banneker's alleged activities in the Washington area around the time he participated in the federal district boundary survey. Other urban legends involve his clock and his almanacs. All lack support by historical evidence. Some are contradicted by such evidence.
The real question is why there are so few effective black thinkers/inventors/scientists today.
For about 40 years blacks have had access to the best schools in the US. What has that opportunity wrought?
No Slappz
What have you invented?
Do you even have a job?
did she lie???
we are all slaves under one nation ruled by banksters
and hobama is the rabid lead dog helping them to enslave and
devour us all as NO prez ever before!!!
"Going in front of a bunch of nigga hatin rednecks and attacking the NAACP."
Uptown is projecting again.
The hate is in your heart, Jughead.
The hallmark of the Great Obama Recession is a business environment moping listlessly in an apprehensive, wait-and-see-mode -- that "jobless recovery" that could go "double-dip" before the year is out. Why ever could this be? Victor Davis Hanson tried to pin down a businessman to explain exactly what Obama has done to him that prevents him from hiring and expanding. The guy couldn't name any one thing -- only a sense of doom. Of course, the one thing is simply that BHO has constructed an environment of fear -- fear built up gradually over the last 18 months (24 months, if you count the final stretch of campaign '08) that is quite obvious if you assemble the jigsaw puzzle pieces left by The One and key players in his regime. What results is a "disturbingly coherent picture" of the America to which Chairman Zero aspires.
"First, there are the appointees and their various public statements -- again, insignificant in isolation, but telling in their totality.
Why would any executive hire the self-avowed Communist gadfly Van Jones as his adviser for "green" jobs? Regulation is one thing, but an interior secretary promising a "boot on the neck" of a company is quite another.
Why does a labor secretary reassure, gratuitously, illegal aliens that they are not really subject to lawful enforcement of the laws?
What is California agribusiness to make of the energy secretary's prediction that Golden State farms will soon dry up and blow away? Is that a promise or a prediction? If the latter, is it lamented or welcomed?
Was not Mao the world's most lethal Communist? Why then would a White House communications director see him as an inspirational figure?
NASA historically marries private enterprise and government purpose to study and explore space; why then would President Obama direct its head to put "foremost" the use of our resources to make Muslims feel good about their scientific past?
Why ram through on a recess appointment a new health-care czar who has repeatedly warned that good health care is synonymous with redistribution of resources and wealth?"
And, of course, there is Obama himself.
"Second, there is Obama's own history, which suggests that his subordinates are competing in parroting the world view of the man at the top. On the campaign trail, Obama touched upon the need for "redistributive change," a desire for "skyrocketing" energy prices, and the imperative of "spreading the wealth" in a fashion that sounded like a refined version of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's crude liberationist socialism. But the reversal of the payout to Chrysler creditors, the absorption of large insolvent private companies, and the promises for intrusive cap-and-trade energy legislation only seem to confirm that the president has no understanding of the historical role of entrepreneurship and businesses in creating the sort of wealth that he takes for granted can be redistributed. Obama, past and present, seems always to talk of how someone else's money should be spent, dispersed, and redistributed, but never to worry about how it can be made in the first place."
The third facet squelching investment in the future is fear of taxation, which is obvious alone given the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Add to that mentions -- mere mentions -- here and there of possible new FICA taxes, inheritance taxes, income tax schedules, VATs, and healthcare surcharges, and the economic picture is beyond bleak.
"It does not matter whether all or some of these [tax] proposals are merely trial balloons. They still have a depressing effect in reminding the productive classes that the government is going to take a much larger percentage of their rewards and spend it for purposes that might just make things worse still. That notion kills rather than spurs investment."
This is exactly what you'd want as President, if your over-arching aim was to utterly ruin American business -- indeed, to fundamentally change America as we know it. Given how utterly brilliant President Obama is (and he is no fool), his crocodile tears over job losses and reduced economic output must only mean one thing: that he is the most cruel and cynical and power-thirsty man ever elected to our nation's highest office, whose job will not be finished until he reduces the once-proud American economic machine to twisted wreckage.
Did you not notice that there was a jobless recovery after the 2001 recession too? What did George Bush do to reverse that? How many hundreds of thousands of jobs were being lost a month when he left office?
Furthermore, what is the Republican strategy for jump starting job growth? What statistical or historical models, if any, is it based on?
anon554 "Considering humans are full of themselves, it is only natural that Whites will lift themselves up by putting others down. The Indians are practically gone because Whites wanted them gone. It looks like we are next."
Being full of oneself, an ordinary human trait, always leads to a lot of hurt, pain and suffering. Resentment and trouble follows.
Some Whites are so full of themselves, they have lost all sense of human decency and their connection to the human race. Some have concluded that they are superior to all others and even have manipulated research data to prove it.
There is no need to blame Michelle Bachman, Glen Beck, or Rush Limbaugh. They are merely 'mirroring' the collective conscious of the white race.
Regarding George Washington Carver: He invented hundreds of uses from the peanut.
It is 'amusing' that BD would not know such an IMPORTANT piece of information, while complaining how Whites are minimizing and taking everything away that Blacks have done.
It is 'amusing' that no_slappz spoke up for poor GWC and the great things he has done. It's a bit embarrassing, considering no_slappz is a common proud White who is totally full of himself- enjoys proving the inferiority of Blacks to Whites.
Actually, it's hilarious. Me thinks Michelle Bachman and Glen Beck are laughing.
Anon-"The hallmark of the Great Obama Recession is a business environment moping listlessly in an apprehensive, wait-and-see-mode -- that "jobless recovery" that could go "double-dip" before the year is out. Why ever could this be? Victor Davis Hanson tried to pin down a businessman to explain exactly what Obama has done to him that prevents him from hiring and expanding. The guy couldn't name any one thing -- only a sense of doom. Of course, the one thing is simply that BHO has constructed an environment of fear -- fear built up gradually over the last 18 months (24 months, if you count the final stretch of campaign '08) that is quite obvious if you assemble the jigsaw puzzle pieces left by The One and key players in his regime. What results is a "disturbingly coherent picture" of the America to which Chairman Zero aspires."
It's not all doom and gloom. Many corporations are reporting quarterly much higher than expected, and some are reporting outstanding earnings- the best ever!
BTW, Wall Street has been hiring. That's a good sign of economic recovery. You just hate BHO and want him to fail. Are you an admirer of Rush? His condo in NYC is on the market...GO FOR IT!
this is vernon parker
Moron Society Declares War on Whites.
This is what Obama wants. He needs continuous crisis to force his agenda.
and george w carver was gay too!
gay kids need to know this about this positive hero!
true hobama nazis will never wake up...
they will ride and die with the tanking hobama like adoring kamikazes!...tragic!!!
Funny how all these 'South Park Conservative' lurkers are flooding the net (and this includes the Anon and other conservatives trolls on this blog). They're think they're savvy, but have little concept of macroeconomics or history.
I'll sum it up in a few sentences -- historically, liberal hippie types tend to have a better batting average than conservatives in fixing problems.
Regulation, social safety nets, environmental laws, public utilities and civil rights have worked out great for the majority of American people. If not for that evil FDR, many of your grandparents would have died during the Great Depression and your grandfather would have been completed screwed after WWII. If not for that god awful LBJ (warts and all) grandma wouldn't be alive today because nobody could afford the doctors fee. And if not for that commie Harry Truman, largest corporate entity on Earth, the US military wouldn't have been integrated. And not for those turncoat Republicans, Teddy Roosevelt, Nixon and Eisenhower, we'd have no national parks or highways and would have aspirin and drinking water laced with lead. Oh, and one corporation would own the phone lines.
Oh and my favorite -- the government, not the telecom industry, invented the internet. And yes, Al Gore and John McCain worked to make it available to everyone, not just military folks and techies.
Remember that as you drink you government regulated water, drive on your public roads and surf an Internet invented by and largely propped up by tax dollars.
And they also tend to be right about war, economics and other policies. Name one major issue that liberals weren't right about. Unless you only listen to Limbaugh and his clones, the answer is next to none. Liberals sometimes suck at running things, but their analysis is almost always spot on.
LACoincidental said...
"I'll sum it up in a few sentences -- historically, liberal hippie types tend to have a better batting average than conservatives in fixing problems."
Ivy League education: $200,000
Rent for a shity apartment in LA: $2,500
Writing something this stupid on a blog comment section: Priceless.
Anonymous said...
LACoincidental said...
"I'll sum it up in a few sentences -- historically, liberal hippie types tend to have a better batting average than conservatives in fixing problems."
Ivy League education: $200,000
Rent for a shity apartment in LA: $2,500
Writing something this stupid on a blog comment section: Priceless.
Oh, I'm weeping. Look at my tears
Seriously, make all the snide remarks you want. My point still stands -- prove me wrong.
The problem, you can't.
BD's lack of awareness of George Washington Carver is priceless. Even Whites know more about GWC. LOL.
And that nut UTS, with his overly inflated ego has crawled under a rock in embarrassment. I guess BD is not so wise, afterall, huh? LOL.
BTW, looks like CF won't be back. That is terrible news for this blog and POC. You cannot attack another black man. Now you must face the real perpetrator, which you are afraid of mentally and emotionally.
As long as CF was around you were viciously attacking him. Now that he is gone, what will you do? You wouldn't dare attack the source.
So, will all of you CF haters go away also? AB, you have stood tall and completely unbiased, which is the direct opposite of UTS, LAC, and Kid.
warriors never quit...
i hope cf is just resting and will return asap to slay all anew...
As long as CF was around you were viciously attacking him. Now that he is gone, what will you do? You wouldn't dare attack the source.
1:59 PM
"You wouldn't dare attack the source."
"You wouldn't dare attack the source."
"You wouldn't dare attack the source."
"You wouldn't dare attack the source."
Take your own advice and why don't YOU "go away" until your nuts drop and you can think of a nice handle for yourself YOU can use to Identify YOURSELF. Come on man/woman/it - MAN UP!! - Unless your scared...
anonymous stop ur ass licking of that
disgusting troll fool
we miss cf because he wasnt a boorish
churl of a fuck like her
where are ur uiuc diploma pics
where r ur iq test results lying bitch
mostly rabid stalker on speed:
you are an ironic idiot
as you are a vicious oral sex basher with a vapid oral fixation...weird!!!
you really are deeply fixated within a lot of pain about being "lickless"....how sad!!!
it is thursday already!
how is your tiger's jungle this week?
mostly rabid uneducated hater:
which is most excrutiating?
no stimulation?
no education?
i feel your intense pain x 2
may your exhausted germy hubby and a local ged program ease both of your intense pains asap
AB stop talking to yourself.
uts/mostly rabid/assnons:
stop pretending that i EVER
follow your MO silly lil nigger boy
cc that trifling selective fake shit to mostly rabid
I don't knock the next mans or womans hustle BUT Field, is there anyway you can disable the "Annon" status? Honestly, I don't see the point in using "Annon" status especially when everyone uses a "Superhero" name anyways. Plus it might make the Annons feel better about themselves. If you don't do it, cool with me, just thought I would ask.
but the selective sexist dog uts is even more amoral and ignorant than the assnons...
as he pretends the bs they post is as invisible as their cowardly names & faces...!
you are an ironic idiot
as you are a vicious oral sex basher with a foul appearance and stinky smelling vagina...weird!!!
you really are deeply fixated within a lot of pain about being "lickless"....how sad!!!
it is thursday already!
how is your cheating wife on the verge of kicking ur ugly ass out this week?
uts/mostly rabid/assnons:
stop pretending that i EVER
follow your MO silly lil nigger boy abitch
wait i thought u was into helping
black folks thru positivity
fucking hypocrite calling people
niggers all the time
ure a damn fool
where is ur uiuc diploma
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got sidis cunt?
which is most excrutiating?
having to wear a paper bag to get laid?
no bonafide education?
i feel your intense pain x 2
may your exhausted germy cheating wife and a local support group for ocd and grandiosity will ease both of your intense pain asap
"I'll sum it up in a few sentences -- historically, liberal hippie types tend to have a better batting average than conservatives in fixing problems." crackhead
but the selective heterohating dog ab is even more amoral and ignorant than the assnons...
as she pretends the bs she posts is as relevant or that anyone cares what she thinks!
mostly rabid:
you have taken "loser" to a NEW cosmic level when you are incapable of insulting me even by proving that you are too illiterate and inept to repeat my own words to me....
how niggerish is that???
my mom taught me to call out people exactly as i see them
you are a "textbook nigger"
tuebo breeder
too bad my mom did not teach u the same...
she would have taught u to call your magic monogamy pills "placebos"
and your own pvt tiger "pimp"
u "bottom bitch nigger ho"
"the obama deception", check it people, get off obama's dick cuz he got in there. he's only there cuz they allowed him to be. he's just another puppet president like all the rest.
ditto and amen!!!!
seen this?
Gosh, is CF posting anonymously now?
The anons think they will get read, because they don't have a persona. They should think again.
you have taken "loser" to a NEW cosmic level when you are incapable of insulting me even by proving that you are too illiterate and inept to repeat my own words to me..
wheres that uiuc degree and iq score again fucking liar?
but the selective heterohating dog ab is even more amoral and ignorant than the assnons...
as she pretends the bs she posts is as relevant or that anyone cares what she thinks!
which is most excrutiating?
having to wear a paper bag to get laid?
no bonafide education?
i feel your intense pain x 2
may your exhausted germy cheating wife and a local support group for ocd and grandiosity will ease both of your intense pain asap
AB stop talking to yourself.
ditto UTS bitch is creating all those comments to
cause controversy
its getting old nobody cares about that sow
she should go away
just go away!!!
mostly rabid textbook nigger:
you are prototypically:
pathological liar
incessantly trifling
proudly peasant
arrogantly ignorant
hopelessly eternally uneducated
fertile defective breeder
sidis and others with high iqs all
have tried to help the world with
some meaningful contribution
if u r as smart as u say what the
fuck have u done
positively NOTHING
waste of space
newsflash ab blogged all day
insulting people like a ten year
old at almost fifty because she
realized that her life was void
she hadnt done shit with that high
iq of hers but down other people
with that in mind she decided to
become good at trolling
problem is somebody else was
better at trolling than her
she was summarily slayed this week
only remnants of her torn form
make pidley appearances now
she will soon be gone
AB stop talking to yourself.
ditto UTS bitch is creating all those comments to
cause controversy
its getting old nobody cares about that sow
she should go away
just go away!!!
mostly rabid textbook nigger/ assnon:
one thing is even more certain that your eternal lack of education:
YOU will never ever make me go away!!!
especially since you are too powerless to even show your own name and face!
you are prototypically:
pathological liar
incessantly trifling
proudly peasant
arrogantly ignorant
hopelessly eternally uneducated
defective human hater
u will soon be gone
AB stop talking to yourself.
ditto UTS bitch is creating all those comments to
cause controversy
its getting old nobody cares about that sow
she should go away
just go away!!!
mostly rabid ghost:
you are a boo-less bitch
you have:
no licker
no power
no education
no life
no face
no name
no blog
nothing but your haunting hilarious obsessions with me!!!
you are caspar the nigger shrew...on crack
YOU will never ever make me go away!!!
especially since you are too powerless to even show your own name and face!
oh shucks that bothers u doesnt it
eye guess ure a visual learner
cannot effectively engage without
a picture
part of ur arsenal of childish
insults huh?
fatal flaw number fifty bazillion
ur obvious tragic life is spilling over into ur blogging
arent u more creative than that
to ease ur nerves here is a picture u find fitting
you are a boo-less bitch
you have:
no licker cuz that snatch stinks too damn bad
no power otherwise why write on a blog all day cunt
no education thats obvious u never
went or graduated from uiuc u
fucking loser
no life cuz otherwise why r u
acting like a ten year old saying
'my dick is better than urs'
you are angry the nigger lesbian
shrew...on crack
you are angry the nigger lesbian
shrew...on crack
angry rabid animal give it up already
u will not win at this
ur inability to get the last word has
been shown already
cretinous sow rug munching idiot!
where is ur iq test scores showing u got 250
where is a copy of ur diploma from
where is proof that u ever worked
for a private non public acess
radio station lol!
u ought to be nominated for the
fifty year old cunt loser
la coincidental, you wrote:
I'll sum it up in a few sentences -- historically, liberal hippie types tend to have a better batting average than conservatives in fixing problems.
Regulation, social safety nets, environmental laws, public utilities and civil rights have worked out great for the majority of American people.
Worked out great? Wrong again. Worked out okay is some cases, and disastrouslly in others? Yes.
If not for that evil FDR, many of your grandparents would have died during the Great Depression and your grandfather would have been completed screwed after WWII.
Depression? Bad. Were people starving to death? No.
After WWII? If you're referring to the GI Bill, you should factor in a dose of reality. First, college was dirt cheap in those days. Why? No such thing as student loans or all the give-aways that exist today. Colleges had to draw in paying customers, customers paying out of their own pockets.
Second, at that time a high school diploma was good enough to get a person in the door at many of the growing corporations that were suddenly dealing with a surging number of customers.
If not for that god awful LBJ (warts and all) grandma wouldn't be alive today because nobody could afford the doctors fee.
There's a lot going in favor of the original Medicare. But, as we have learned, it has now grown into a cash-consuming beast that is on track to bankrupt the nation.
By adding Medicaid to Medicare, the nation will bankrupt itself sooner rather than later. The combined programs serve a huge percentage of the population demanding medical services that cost more than taxpayers can afford.
And if not for that commie Harry Truman, largest corporate entity on Earth, the US military wouldn't have been integrated.
While it was the right thing to do, it was merely evolutionary. If integration of the military had not happened when it did, it would have happened under Eisenhower.
On the other hand, when the Brooklyn Dodgers fielded Jackie Robinson, that was big. Major League Baseball is, with respect to ownership, a private club of white guys. O'Malley risked a lot by bringing up Robinson.
And not for those turncoat Republicans, Teddy Roosevelt, Nixon and Eisenhower, we'd have no national parks or highways and would have aspirin and drinking water laced with lead.
The Rockefellers donated a lot of the land that became our major national parks. The party in power had little impact on parks.
Meanwhile, a government -- if it's any good -- is supposed to create a fair playing field for all. That means opening the doors to transportation venues -- highways, railroads, seas, rivers, lakes, airways, seas and space.
It also means tackling public health. Chiefly, drinking water. As for drugs, well, inasmuch as it's possible to sue drug companies out of existence, they are plenty worried about putting bad medicine into consumers. Of course we need a functional FDA. But there are additional free-market forces that discipline the drug industry.
Oh, and one corporation would own the phone lines.
The break-up of AT&T was completed in 1984, during the Reagan administration. But the court battle had been underway for about two decades. I'm not sure who was in office when the Justice Department began its assault. Not that it matters.
Oh and my favorite -- the government, not the telecom industry, invented the internet.
The Internet was NOT an invention. It is merely a way of using existing telephone and telecommunication capacity. Since the early days of the Internet, a lot of fiber-optic cable has gone into the ground. But almost all Internet expansion was funded by Junk Bonds.
la coincidental, you wrote:
And yes, Al Gore and John McCain worked to make it available to everyone, not just military folks and techies.
Yes, that's about the only role "the government" had with respect to the development of the Internet. Yeah, sending invitations to everyone, asking them if they want to join the party.
Remember that as you drink you government regulated water, drive on your public roads and surf an Internet invented by and largely propped up by tax dollars.
You should read about water companies. Lots of them are owned by stockholders -- no government in sight, except for setting water-quality standards.
Meanwhile, the Internet is NOT propped up by tax dollars. It is supported by users paying their phone bills, their cable bills, and their wireless bills. A huge portion of Internet traffic travels over UUNET, which was Worldcom, and before Worldcom was Worldcom, it was MCI.
And they also tend to be right about war, economics and other policies. Name one major issue that liberals weren't right about.
Let's start with Vietnam. Kennedy and Johnson were wrong.
Next is public housing and HUD. After Johnson the nation took a break from naive liberals until 1976 when the hopelessly naive Jimmy Carter was elected.
He gave us the Community Reinvestment Act which put us on the slppery slope leading to the current financial crisis. But he also ended Regulation Q, which set the Savings & Loan Crisis in motion. He also nailed oil companies with the Windfall Profits Tax, which went a long way toward increasing our dependence on foreign oil supplies.
Then he made an international fool of himself by acting wimpy when the Iranians took 60 American hostages and held them for 444 days.
Furthermore, during Carter's administration, gold soared to $800 an ounce, a reflection of extreme fear.
Skipping ahead to Clinton, one of his first acts was to have Janet Reno order the slaughter of the Branch Davidian outside Waco, Texas. Then he ignored the obvious al-Qaeda threat when muslim terrorists set off a bomb in the World Trade Center in 1993. The Justice Department under Clinton claimed that Microsoft was a monopoly and attempted to dismantle the company.
Unless you only listen to Limbaugh and his clones, the answer is next to none.
Yeah. Sure. Right.
Liberals sometimes suck at running things, but their analysis is almost always spot on.
Unfortunately, our socialist, ex-muslim president not only sucks at running things, he sucks at analysis.
LaCoincidental, I think no_slappz gave you an unmerciful ass-whipping. You asked for it and you got it. You and BD should avoid no_slappz at all costs...he is too much for you.
BTW, I recall that you claimed to have graduated from a school far more prestigious than Colgate. What school was that??? Were they giving out free diplomas to dumb-asses to fulfill their liberal quota of non-scholastic dumb-asses?
You are such a loser. Like I said earlier: 'today is a terrible day for Blacks... thanks to you and BD.' Both of you could not have set yourselves up better-with your unnecessary mindless unresearched stupid comments.
Please take a Long...Long...Long.. vacation for a couple of years.
And take UTS with you.
Glen Beck is now dismanteling Black Liberation Theology. One thing BD might be right about: they are taking away what little Blacks have...
Please watch and listen to the video...it could impact a large segment of Black America:
Oh, No_Slappz, once again putting up right wing straw men for us to knock them down.
Depression? Bad. Were people starving to death? No.
People weren't starving? Ask someone in their 80's and 90's about the Great Depression if starvation wasn't a reality.
Meanwhile, a government -- if it's any good -- is supposed to create a fair playing field for all. That means opening the doors to transportation venues -- highways, railroads, seas, rivers, lakes, airways, seas and space.
And private sector would have done that when?
It also means tackling public health. Chiefly, drinking water. As for drugs, well, inasmuch as it's possible to sue drug companies out of existence, they are plenty worried about putting bad medicine into consumers. Of course we need a functional FDA. But there are additional free-market forces that discipline the drug industry.
Yes, because making some empty suit pay a few million for killing grandma because safety was 'cost ineffective' is so wrong.
Here's a reality from someone who worked for a year in the drug industry -- the industry doesn't pay for most of its own research and development. They shove the bill off to the NIH or other government institutions.
The Internet was NOT an invention. It is merely a way of using existing telephone and telecommunication capacity. Since the early days of the Internet, a lot of fiber-optic cable has gone into the ground. But almost all Internet expansion was funded by Junk Bonds.
Wow, you are dense. The internet was invented by DARPA 1969. You claim that the concept of moving data over a decentralized networking using existing technology isn't an invention because the backbone it uses already existed. That's like saying water pumps aren't inventions because groundwater have existed for eons.
And BTW, most internet expansion was driven by the government, not corporations. But like most publicly funded ventures, private interests swoop in and make a killing because of it.
My advice, take a technology and public policy course sometime. Its eye-opening.
You should read about water companies. Lots of them are owned by stockholders -- no government in sight, except for setting water-quality standards.
Again, take a class on tech policy. Most municipalities until recently had public water works. Water and electricity were run by local bean counters, not some corporate suit. Why? Because privatized water is typically a failure. When was the last time a corporation build an municipal aqueduct or reservoir?
Then [Carter] made an international fool of himself by acting wimpy when the Iranians took 60 American hostages and held them for 444 days.
Two words -- October Surprise.
I could go on, but this is getting boring, like shooting ducks in a barrel.
Oh, and anon, no_slappz didn't take me to school -- because like a well-read person I can counter most right wing bullshit.
And please get off of my degree, your drool is showing. I only mentioned it to make a point about some rich kid was an ungrateful brat.
Frankly, I rarely mention it. I graduate 10 years and have a great career as a systems engineer. I've got nothing to prove.
If anything, the fact that you keep bringing up the degree only shows you're the typical envious working class white dude who can't grasp the fact there are Black and brown people that are a lot smarter than you.
Sorry Anon. If this was a boxing match I would have stopped it by now. La_Coincidental by a TKO. :)
"Glen Beck is now dismanteling Black Liberation Theology. One thing BD might be right about: they are taking away what little Blacks have..."
That's funny, I am not missing anything.
Field, "Sorry Anon. If this was a boxing match I would have stopped it by now. La_Coincidental by a TKO. :)"
It is obvious that you are blinded by your own bias. Go ahead, just once admit the obvious truth...you are prejudiced.
Thank goodness most criminals are Black. Otherwise, a white dude would be in a heap of trouble having you as his defense attorney.
LAC did win that one
anon is a punk ass who takes pot
shots at educated Black men
what an asshole!
as to that ab troll she left cuz she cant justify her lies anymore
got 250 iq anyone!
LAC-"Frankly, I rarely mention it. I graduate 10 years and have a great career as a systems engineer. I've got nothing to prove."
10 years ago? you are a systems engineer? Everybody is a systems engineer these days. BTW, that's a dubious title.
LAC, "And please get off of my degree, your drool is showing. I only mentioned it to make a point about some rich kid was an ungrateful brat."
That's the point, the kid comes from a rich family and doesn't need a 40K job as a lousy insurance adjuster. GET IT? Probably not because you have no idea what its like growing up in a rich family.
And you still haven't said a thing about the prestigious school you finished from. Why don't you admit the truth about the unaccredited school you attended, and your job?
I will be glad when CF comes back because I am tired of covering for him with you clowns.
Philip Emeagwali will shut no slapz up for now what a loser!
Dr. Emeagwali truly IS the father of the internet in many ways. Read and weep for this example shows your lack of intellectual curiosity and obtuse attitudes..
no slapz is so ignorant he tried to play off that he'd never heard of Wole Soyinka so his work was devoid of impact.
What an asshole! BTW FN, that picture with Palin and the President is degrading and foul yet funny all at once.
Anonymous just because you disagree with LAC's assertions doesn't mean that you attack his educational level or where he attended school. Attack the merits of his arguments or lack thereof.
Aside from your cheesy insults, you have somewhat of a point in that some jobs really do drag down a person's resume and shows potential employers that someone is a desperado who will do ANYTHING. These applicants are treated like shit on the job because they will bow down and take abuse under the guise of paying dues.
If the guy was thinking straight, however, he would have taken that job and set up his career path to get an MBA and learn the insurance business and climb up that ladder. It really doesn't take all that much to succeed in that field provided you are diligent and have attention to detail with an analytical mind. It will be one of the few businesses around in a few years as our economy continues to contract.
freeatlast said, "anon is a punk ass who takes pot
shots at educated Black men
what an asshole!"
You have no idea what an educated black man is. Much like Field, you are blinded by your racial bias. So, I am not surprised at your 'wishful' fearful remarks.
And you should stop demeaning black women like AB. You show your disdain and lack of respect for black women. But most irresponsible ignorant cussin' bm do.
No slappz is a freeper clown heckling black folks who he knows in his heart are his betters.
I can see him now in his piss smelling one room apartment, lit only by the light of his computer screen, dog eared copy of the "Turner Diaries", a half filled bottle of Boones Farm, and a meth pipe by his side, ranting about being a member of the master race.
Just laugh at him.
And you should stop demeaning black women like AB troll
that cretinous sow is nothing like
a woman
the sow is a fat ugly coarse
churlish boar boor bore with
nothing to show that shes done
shit in her life
she cant prove up her lies anymore
got 250 iq anyone! lets talk to
marilyn vos savant about that one!
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
she is a liar liar with her nasty
disease ridden crotch on fire
I can see u now in ur piss
smelling one room apartment, lit
only by the light of ur computer
screen, dog eared copy of the
"The Lesbian Avengers", a
half filled bottle of soya milk,
and a tube of lubel (for the
dildo cuz she aint have no woman) by her side, ranting
about being a member of the master
got vagisil?
You have no idea what an educated black man is. Much like Field, you are blinded by your racial bias. So, I am not surprised at your 'wishful' fearful remarks.
u might be rite about that and da
field is biased which is why we
him to conform to our own biases
but he still makes sense sometimes
cut him some slack.
UTS said..."Just laugh at him."
That's exactly what I do now. He's not worth the roll of CyberTolietPaper he writes on.
LAC seems like a decent guy, and smarter than the anon he was arguing with, but I gotta say, he's completely clueless regarding both economic theory and economic history.
If you tax or regulate something, you get less of it (e.g. income, wealth, or healthcare supply).
If you subisdize something, you get more of it (e.g. not working, debt, or healthcare demand).
Bush's failures were not the failures of fiscal conservatism. His tax cuts did provide a great stimulus to the economy, but he did not stand in the way of any spending. Things really started to head south when the democrats took congress in 2006. To quote Jonah Goldberg: "Perhaps voters don't remember the Bush years as a time of "market fundamentalism" so much as a time when "big government" conservatism in the White House and cronyism in Congress set the kindling for the bonfire Obama ignited."
"LACoincidental said...
"I'll sum it up in a few sentences -- historically, liberal hippie types tend to have a better batting average than conservatives in fixing problems."
Ivy League education: $200,000
Rent for a shity apartment in LA: $2,500
Writing something this stupid on a blog comment section: Priceless."
Notice how Anonymous had to conjure up a strawman that had nothing to do with the topic after being intellectually checkmated. But that's just the nature of trollservatives -- if you can't win on one front, invoke the Chewbacca defense and amp up the volume until you've either drowned everyone else out or everyone leaves shaking their damned heads. Then declare yourself the victor.
Speaking of which, where's CF in all this? One would think that he would have dispensed some of his "knowledge" right about now. Or perhaps he had to take a different approach under a different nom de plume after the Field kept dismissing him, very much in the same way Thrasher went on "hiatus" after the Field kept treating him as though he didn't exist during the Israel posts.
These trolls must be getting paid some serious overtime, for all the hard work they're putting in!
MR-"Aside from your cheesy insults, you have somewhat of a point in that some jobs really do drag down a person's resume and shows potential employers that someone is a desperado who will do ANYTHING. These applicants are treated like shit on the job because they will bow down and take abuse under the guise of paying dues."
Thanks MR. Why are you attacking me for striking back at LAC when he put down the kid's school in a previous post? Please go back and check out his comments.
You might think no_slappz is stupid, but BD called him smart and well read. So who's speaking the truth here? no_slappz has been trashing black folks here for the past two days. Where have you been while this has been going on?
If you think he is so stupid it seems to me you would have put him in his place. But you were no where to be found.
I DO agree with you that the photo of Obama shining Palin's shoes is 'over the top'. It shows a lack of respect for Obama and it insults Blacks. It's as if Field is trying to gain the favor of tea partiers, wingnuts, Beck, Bachman and the GOP. That was a degrading photo of our President...he doesn't need anymore insults, esp. from Blacks.
yes mack u are good at calling out
the troll bullshit remember this?
Mack Lyons said...
And in regard to the person posting under the name of Alicia Banks.....well, I don't think there's enough Prozac or Xanax in this world to better his or her mental condition. That's generally true of trolls who take their mission too seriously -- it turns them into raving, frothing loonies in real life :D
5:10 PM
ure da man!
Macklyons, "Speaking of which, where's CF in all this? One would think that he would have dispensed some of his "knowledge" right about now. Or perhaps he had to take a different approach under a different nom de plume after the Field kept dismissing him, very much in the same way Thrasher went on "hiatus" after the Field kept treating him as though he didn't exist during the Israel posts."
CF won't be back. What's the matter, you miss him?
anon 9:44, 9:48p you must hate AB. show some compassion and cut her some slack. she's been hurt and is just trying to make it like everyone else.
Obama should have never taken the job. God Himself couldn't fix the mess left by the Republicans.
Well, Palin and Beck will get a chance in 2012 to fix things.
mack b lyin: "Notice how Anonymous had to conjure up a strawman that had nothing to do with the topic after being intellectually checkmated"
A strawman named LAC. You are an idiot.
Wow, its amazing how I raised the ire of the dingbat right by simply showing them how most of their economic theories fizzle.
That's the point, the kid comes from a rich family and doesn't need a 40K job as a lousy insurance adjuster. GET IT? Probably not because you have no idea what its like growing up in a rich family.
And you still haven't said a thing about the prestigious school you finished from. Why don't you admit the truth about the unaccredited school you attended, and your job?
Oh, the faceless right wing trolls on the boards tonight.
First of all, you made my point -- This dumb rich kid is an ungrateful insulated spoiled brat who doesn't understand how the real world works. His own father started taking what would be considered a rather low-level management job in manufacturing and built a solid upper middle class life.
As I and MR pointed out, if this kid had a real world sense -- he'd work that job for a year to get his feet wet then move on to something else. Like I said, I would be a systems engineer (or Clinical Informaticist, to clarify) if I didn't work in the IT salt mines for 2.5 years.
And by the way, I'm Yale class of 2000. Why do I not make a big deal about? Because it was freaking 10 years ago. Who cares? I don't brag about the fact that a I ran a 2:05 half mile in high school either.
Enough, of this silliness. Good night.
[quoteLaC:I ran a 2:05 half mile in high school[/quote]
Jeeeze LaC, you guys are just so 19th century.
You still run in 'miles'??
It's kilometers now man, kilometers. Get with the program.
The NAACP are right to be concerned about the Tea Party, because the tea-partiers are just the Ku Klux Klan in Wal-Mart t-shirts.
Racism is the Tea Party's ONLY reason for existence, it has no other cause, nothing else that unites them. If the NAACP were not concerned about that then they should consider the reason for their own existence.
PC, I know its the 800 m long sprint, but that would require an explanation of the conversion to the metric system to the silly anons.
And the whole 'Klan in Wal-Mart T-Shirts' is true and hilarious.
You have a very interesting blog. I love blogs reading about negros and the negro agenda.
There's actually a great negro movie I just found called "Affirmative Blacktion" You should check it out. It goes along with what your blog is trying to do.
faded slack lying:
pray tell:
what drugs make YOU selectively ignore vulgar fools like mostly rabid/uts et al????
LAC-"I don't brag about the fact that a I ran a 2:05 half mile in high school either."
That's slow. And you are bragging? Hell, they were breaking 2 mins in highschool during the 'early' sixties!
And you went to Yale? Pray tell, what did you major in?
BTW, it DOES matter what school you graduated from in 2000 or any other year, esp. if you are a Yale graduate. Your reasoning that it doesn't matter exposes you as a bullshit artist.
Anonymous said...
LAC-"I don't brag about the fact that a I ran a 2:05 half mile in high school either."
That's slow. And you are bragging? Hell, they were breaking 2 mins in highschool during the 'early' sixties!
And you went to Yale? Pray tell, what did you major in?
BTW, it DOES matter what school you graduated from in 2000 or any other year, esp. if you are a Yale graduate. Your reasoning that it doesn't matter exposes you as a bullshit artist.
Actually, a 2:02 was required for unseated at states. And I ran the mile in 4:25, 5 seconds shy of the 4:20 requirements (no pun intended). So no, running a half in little over 2 minutes isn't slow -- just not great. I never said I was state champ material.
And as for my degree, I have a physics degree. Again, its been 10 years since I graduated from college. If my biggest achievement was 10 years ago at 22, then I've lived a sad life indeed.
Yes, Yale U makes people say 'wow' initially, but its really my knowledge of my field that matters. It doesn't matter because 10 years out, employers look at my experience and not what sheepskin I've got over the fireplace.
Run along now, you're still drooling over the keyboard.
LAC, "Yes, Yale U makes people say 'wow' initially, but its really my knowledge of my field that matters. It doesn't matter because 10 years out, employers look at my experience and not what sheepskin I've got over the fireplace."
Well, many Yale and Harvard grads would disagree with you. They are some of the most successful graduates in the world. As a head hunter I KNOW that graduates from Yale or Harvard make a difference. Obviously, you don't know that, which leads me to be quite suspicious of you.
If you knew 2:05 was not a great time, why bother to mention it? do you deal in mediocrity? If so, why even bother go to Yale when any school would do?
And what are doing on FN blog? why aren't you on the Root? you will find many of your colleagues there. They aren't here.
Actually, a fellow Yalie hooked me up to this blog, thanks for asking.
So, because you're a head hunter you somehow no more about the Ivy League than an actual graduate? Man, please!! Again, your envy is showing.
First of all, unless you want to be some wall street analyst, an Ivy League degree doesn't prep you for the real working world, that's what actual work is for. In fact, I learned the most of how an IT shop should (and shouldn't) run from the crappiest jobs I ever had.
Yes people are impressed when they learned where I went to school. Frankly, my family colleagues care more about it than I do. I purposely never mention it unless someone asks.
Here's a newsflash -- when you're poor and Black with no connections, a fancy degree is only going to get you so far. I had plenty of doors slammed in my face. And not amount of Bulldog pride mattered. Yale didn't get me to where I am, God did. The sons of Eli never paid my rent and no amount of alumni parties ever got my resume reviewed. I got to where I am the same I got through college -- busting my behind and prayer.
Yale only exemplifies my overall abilities -- but its not the be all or end all of my career.
pray tell:
what drugs make YOU selectively bother sane and reasonable individuals like mostly rabid/uts et al????
I can see u now in ur piss
smelling one room apartment, lit
only by the light of ur computer
screen, dog eared copy of the
"The Lesbian Avengers", a
half filled bottle of soya milk,
and a tube of lubel (for the
dildo cuz she aint have no woman) by her side, ranting
about being a member of the master
got vagisil?
And you should stop demeaning black women like AB troll
that cretinous sow is nothing like
a woman
the sow is a fat ugly coarse
churlish boar boor bore with
nothing to show that shes done
shit in her life
she cant prove up her lies anymore
got 250 iq anyone! lets talk to
marilyn vos savant about that one!
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
she is a liar liar with her nasty
disease ridden crotch on fire
LAC..."I got to where I am the same I got through college -- busting my behind and prayer."
It works every time!
yes proll it do work erytime
the good Lord is alive and well!
mostly rabid awardless vulgar blind deluded hater:
where are ANY of your awards from ANY year???
count the 2011 awards and weep...do so over the washer and you can save on your waterbill as you launder your own pvt tiger's reeking undies!!!:
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/57 2004
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in
American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association
Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
churlish boar boor bore with
nothing to show that shes done
shit in her life
she cant prove up her lies anymore
got 250 iq anyone! lets talk to
marilyn vos savant about that one!
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
she is a liar liar with her nasty
disease ridden crotch on fire
keep repeating the same ole bullshit
and ure liable to actually believe ur concocted lies!
uve brainwashed urself to believe that u r a person of worth
sorry to break this to u but u aint worth fecal tainted ground water
u insufferable sow!
whos who? ure fucking kidding right?
just like all those community radio
stations u were a lackey at? like the
one in fresno? fucking fresno?
ure out of ur mind!
ur alleged 250 iq recorded in 1976 is an outright lie considering
the guiness book of world records
listed child prodigy Kim Ung Yong age
14 as having the highest iq at 210 in
1977 AFTER u took ur supposed iq
tests u fucking liar!!! Yes TIME
magazine is a valid source unlike the
twisted lies u call a brain
got vos savant u lying sack of
cat waste?
*got a hankie for the shit smeared all over ur disgusting mouth?*
la coincidental, you wrote:
As I said, the Internet was merely an adaptation of existing technology. It was made possible by the invention of some devices that enabled the adaptation to work. But the Internet was/is an extension of something we already had.
And BTW, most internet expansion was driven by the government, not corporations. But like most publicly funded ventures, private interests swoop in and make a killing because of it.
YOu obviously know nothing about finance or the financing of the Internet.
As I said, the expansion of the Internet was financed with junk bonds in the 1990s. As a Wall Streeter in the junk bond business, I was part of that financing.
My advice, take a technology and public policy course sometime. Its eye-opening.
Obviously it is your eyes that need opening.
You are also wrong about water companies. If you're interested, you can easily get the facts.
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