Folks, hang with me for a minute while I take a detour into the land of the *bazaar. [that should be *bizarre] Did you all hear about the following story from Cali? (Where else?)
Seems that this lady* was all in Glenn Close mode with her ex and....well here, read it for yourself:
"BAKERSFIELD, Calif. -- A doctor involved in an "on-again, off-again" relationship apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday. Her decomposing body was found there three days later.
Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac, 49, first tried to get into the house with a shovel, then climbed a ladder to the roof last Wednesday night, removed the chimney cap and slid feet first down the flue, Bakersfield police Sgt. Mary DeGeare said.
While she was trying to break in, the man she was pursuing escaped unnoticed from another exit "to avoid a confrontation," authorities said.
DeGeare said the two were in an "on-again, off-again" relationship.
The man's identity was not revealed by police, but the man who resides in the home is William Moodie, 58.
'She made an unbelievable error in judgment and nobody understands why, and unfortunately she's passed away," Moodie told The Associated Press. "She had her issues – she had her demons – but I never lost my respect for her."' [Story]
Those are some cruel demons. What a way to go. You die while stuck in the chimney while trying to sneak into your exes home. How do you face St. Peter after that one? That's enough to make somebody ask the big guy for a do over.
Speaking of do over, I bet the people of Arizona would like one to elect a new governor. Jan Brewer? You have got to be kidding me! I still can't believe that I didn't hear about her "beheading" claim earlier this summer. That would have been a blog post for sure.
"Last month Brewer appeared on Fox News in yet another attempt to defend SB 1070 -- her anti-immigration law set to take effect in Arizona on July 28. On the show, Brewer said the law was necessary to combat the crime seen in her state, including kidnappings, extortion and BEHEADINGS?!
When questioned about her beheading accusation on a local Arizona political show, 12 News' Sunday Square-Off last week, Brewer had this to say:
"Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded," said Brewer.
One problem: officials from six county medical examiners around the state could not back Brewer's claim, saying they've never seen or heard of such attacks."
Facts? We don't need no stinkin facts! The thing is, I wouldn't have known about her absurd statement earlier this summer if it wasn't for her disastrous performance in the Ar-hate-zona gubernatorial debates last night.
"Last night, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer got down to debatin' with her opponent, Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard, and Ben Smith has video of Brewer's opening statement which could charitably be called a "complete and utter disaster." Brewer's inability to, you know -- introduce herself, thank the debate sponsors, and welcome viewers at home -- hit a snag when her train of thought derailed, leaving dead-air gaps that rival any of the ones on the Arizona-Mexico border" [Link here with video]
Man that's hard to watch. I don't like wingnuts, but I feel for her....OK, that's a lie; f&^% her!
Here is hoping that her political career ended last night.
Before I go, a couple of other news items: I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and maybe there is a god after all. I know Thomas Magill better find his ass in church really soon.
Oh, and before I forget; I saw "Takers" this weekend (it was alright, Mrs. Field wanted to see her boy Idris)and I remember thinking that if T.I. plays his cards right he could end up like my man Ice Cube. Well a funny thing happened on the way to the red carpet. Looks like the long arm of the law might be taking T.I.'s ass straight back to jail. Why? Because my man and the little Mrs. Had to go all Paris Hilton and get themselves arrested. Folks, we have got to start thinking before we toke.
Folks, hang with me for a minute while I take a detour into the land of the *bazaar. [that should be *bizarre] Did you all hear about the following story from Cali? (Where else?)
Seems that this lady* was all in Glenn Close mode with her ex and....well here, read it for yourself:
"BAKERSFIELD, Calif. -- A doctor involved in an "on-again, off-again" relationship apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday. Her decomposing body was found there three days later.
Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac, 49, first tried to get into the house with a shovel, then climbed a ladder to the roof last Wednesday night, removed the chimney cap and slid feet first down the flue, Bakersfield police Sgt. Mary DeGeare said.
While she was trying to break in, the man she was pursuing escaped unnoticed from another exit "to avoid a confrontation," authorities said.
DeGeare said the two were in an "on-again, off-again" relationship.
The man's identity was not revealed by police, but the man who resides in the home is William Moodie, 58.
'She made an unbelievable error in judgment and nobody understands why, and unfortunately she's passed away," Moodie told The Associated Press. "She had her issues – she had her demons – but I never lost my respect for her."' [Story]
Those are some cruel demons. What a way to go. You die while stuck in the chimney while trying to sneak into your exes home. How do you face St. Peter after that one? That's enough to make somebody ask the big guy for a do over.
Speaking of do over, I bet the people of Arizona would like one to elect a new governor. Jan Brewer? You have got to be kidding me! I still can't believe that I didn't hear about her "beheading" claim earlier this summer. That would have been a blog post for sure.
"Last month Brewer appeared on Fox News in yet another attempt to defend SB 1070 -- her anti-immigration law set to take effect in Arizona on July 28. On the show, Brewer said the law was necessary to combat the crime seen in her state, including kidnappings, extortion and BEHEADINGS?!
When questioned about her beheading accusation on a local Arizona political show, 12 News' Sunday Square-Off last week, Brewer had this to say:
"Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded," said Brewer.
One problem: officials from six county medical examiners around the state could not back Brewer's claim, saying they've never seen or heard of such attacks."
Facts? We don't need no stinkin facts! The thing is, I wouldn't have known about her absurd statement earlier this summer if it wasn't for her disastrous performance in the Ar-hate-zona gubernatorial debates last night.
"Last night, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer got down to debatin' with her opponent, Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard, and Ben Smith has video of Brewer's opening statement which could charitably be called a "complete and utter disaster." Brewer's inability to, you know -- introduce herself, thank the debate sponsors, and welcome viewers at home -- hit a snag when her train of thought derailed, leaving dead-air gaps that rival any of the ones on the Arizona-Mexico border" [Link here with video]
Man that's hard to watch. I don't like wingnuts, but I feel for her....OK, that's a lie; f&^% her!
Here is hoping that her political career ended last night.
Before I go, a couple of other news items: I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and maybe there is a god after all. I know Thomas Magill better find his ass in church really soon.
Oh, and before I forget; I saw "Takers" this weekend (it was alright, Mrs. Field wanted to see her boy Idris)and I remember thinking that if T.I. plays his cards right he could end up like my man Ice Cube. Well a funny thing happened on the way to the red carpet. Looks like the long arm of the law might be taking T.I.'s ass straight back to jail. Why? Because my man and the little Mrs. Had to go all Paris Hilton and get themselves arrested. Folks, we have got to start thinking before we toke.
Wow! She is almost as crazy as the diaper astronaut lady. Sorry, WAS almost as crazy.
And the reason the Arizona Governor ever agreed to debate at all is because she had to, under Arizona's fresh air election law. Do you think she'll do what she can to get it voted out?
i did read that story (yes, i attracted to stories of jilted women but i never did anything to get my x back...she can have him...)
anyway, it's very sad. apparently she was a beloved doc. i can't imagine how horrible her death must have been. she might really have suffered. all her patients now left without a doctor...
big fan of idris from the wire and #1 ladies detective agency...so how was it?
Thanks for the nod to nutty Californians. I'll ignore that and refer you to a story that's right up your alley. It's about Wal Mart segregating books according to the color of the author
Yes, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. I wonder if she was a better doctor than she was a fictional holiday character.
Cali Girl, didn't you folks get the post racial memo out there?
Gregory......let me shut up.
maria, I agree, she must have died a horrible death, and I don't want to make light of it. But....
Gregory....brohammas, you too.
Sophia, do you live in Arizona?
Hi Field, I just like to feel persecuted once in a while like Fantasia.
I just read through your last five posts. Learning alot from your opinions. And btw, I've been an East Coaster for a long time.
"Hi Field, I just like to feel persecuted once in a while like Fantasia."
Maria, you will have to ask the Mrs that one. Judging from the way she squeezed my chair everytime he was in a scene, I am guessing he was good. :)
The beautiful doctor died a tragic death. Love addiction will make you do crazy things. It is sort of like being like an alcoholic who will do whatever is necessary to get a drink. It's a terrible disease but treatable eith good therapy. Ask some of the women on this blog.
Field, why didn't you go see a wholesome movie like "Eat Pray Love" to help you spiritually find your agnostic lost ass? Or at least go see a 'real' movie with great actors like Clooney in "The American"?
I don't know about you in filli field, but here in cali I always told my female> male dv/stalker victims to run like the wind from those crazy b****s, because even catching a bullet might not let THEM off the hook with johnny law.
Christine O'Donnell will win in Delaware. Go Tea Party! A change is a commin'. HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND FAITH.
Sorry Mr. Field, I'll quietly go back to my seat...
Oooh, ooh, speaking of T.I. going to jail... Why do I like watching Ice Cube, but want to slap Ice-T?
Hmmm... I'll bet if Tupac were still alive he could answer that one (I kept it Cali to go along with your post here)
Did the guy know she was in the chimney and left her there?
read about the bakersfield doctor a night or two ago. i'm interested in what they'll determine was the cause of death. being trapped for 3 days isn't long enough to actually kill you. maybe the space was extremely tight and didn't allow for proper lung expansion. if that's the case, she probably suffocated.
love...especially crazy love is a bitch!
part 2
i watched the arizona's governors painful implosion. this chick has no business running a state!
I think the gov should be given a break, considering how she has been traumatized by so many Mexican immigrants. She'll be all right. Vote for her.
It seems our nation has entered a period where everything is being shoveled at us (lies that would make O.J. Simpson blush), where rooftop ambitions rule (over-the-top claims that are not based in fact), and down the chimney excuses are commonplace for practically any and all missteps.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's claim of decapitated bodies in the desert was not that hard to verify, or to debunk.
And, guess what: she'll probably still keep her lead over her opponent, and won't suffer at the polls for telling this obvious whopper.
And she's not the only politician willing to stretch the truth, embellish the facts, or play loose with reality.
One such politician cooked up a story that had him working undercover, and being fired when his investigation turned up the supposed wrongdoings of the rich and powerful.
Did he blush when we learned that he lied, and there was proof?
I doubt it.
Lying is expected from our political candidates. How else can they stand out from the crowd? They are a reality show that artificially pumps up the drama, but in their case not to entertain, but to gin up their reputation.
Another politician stole military honors that he didn't earn. And Glenn Beck went so far as to claim that he handled a rare historical artifact, something belonging to George Washington:
"I went to the National Archives, and I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."
After a fact check, this, too, came up a colossal lie.
Is our national integrity on hiatus, or has it come to an ignoble end, and was buried in an unmarked grave, with no one there to mourn its passing?
Anon.10:48 pm,"The American" is next on my movie list. As for that other one, I won't even watch that when it comes to television.
"Oooh, ooh, speaking of T.I. going to jail... Why do I like watching Ice Cube, but want to slap Ice-T?"
Because T is a real pimp. :)
Roschelle, I co-sign with the last part of your comments.
Which is a good lead into Anon 11:00pm. Clearly they have not been reading about Ms. Brewer.
"I think the gov should be given a break, considering how she has been traumatized by so many Mexican immigrants. She'll be all right. Vote for her."
Somebody has jokes this morning. :)
hathor--the ex BF did NOT know she was in the chimmney. he supposedly saw her coming toward the house and left through a side door.
he was away and a someone checking on his fish smelled a bad odor and tracked it to the chimney, where she saw "fluids" leaking, looked up and saw the doctor's body. this was on sat. apparently she had gone there wednesday night.
her car was spotted in the neighborhood. her office reported her missing on thursday.
One dumb doctor. Well that's what she gets for stalking somebody..
Yeah Field, and damn Field, you did take us to the land of Bazaar, but I've figured it all out.
See, it's a women thang. Yelp, they're all going crazy... well except Mrs field of course... I just watched (last night) my first three episodes of No1 detective agency (DVD). Yep, don't watch much TV but ol'girl brought it in the house.
Anyway, this madness is a women's thang... Fantasia, T.I's ooooh PP, Mad love in a chimney, crippled mouth lady in the desert and... Drumroll... your lawn jockey Alveda King.
"whats this whole world coming to, thangs just ain't the same, anytime the hunter gets captured by the game" - Old School Slow Jam.
Man, is this stuff spreading in your neck of the woods?
I feel sorry for the boyfriend. They had to pretty much tear up his house to get her out.
The doctor got what she deserved for stalking him. Would ANYBODY feel sorry for a man if he did to a woman what the good doctor did to her boyfriend? Being stalked is not fun.
A crazy lady syndrome. hmmmm. Just what produces that.
My favorite scene, when Angela Basset's character sets fire to her husbands clothes and Mercedes in the movie Waiting to Exhale.
An on again, off again, relationship doesn't happen with one person.
ref side bar HNOD
Another of the 101st keyboarders. He was young enough to volunteer if he believed so much in the mission.
At least once a year there's a story of some hapless clown who gets wedged in a chimney and dies.
Clearly these boneheads know nothing about chimney design, probably because they have some nutty idea they're built for the arrival of Santa Claus.
Beheadings? I seem to recall some stories of beheadings over the border in Mexico. Messages from one battling drug cartel to another. It's even possible some Mexican police were among the beheaded.
the boyfriend's chimney was removed from the outside. his home was not destroyed.
i don't feel sorry for him. of course, what she did was stupid, but it doesn't qualify as stalking. if she used to live there--that's what the stories said--maybe she wanted to get in, for whatever reason. that's unlawful entry, not stalking.
but he'll live with the guilt of her death the rest of his life. if he had stayed and talked to her, she'd be alive today.
if she hadn't climbed in the chimney, she'd also be alive. i am not defending her actions.
california girl, you wrote:
It's about Wal Mart segregating books according to the color of the author
So does Barnes & Noble, and probably every other politically correct bookstore.
Moreover, the massive Brooklyn Public Library also devotes a section to books by black authors.
Is this wrong? Bad? Sad? What?
Yeah Slapz, you caught that (book thing) before I remembered to comment.
That's been going on for years. And, to tell you the truth, it has it's good points and bad points.
I don't know if you read black literature, but I do. Over the last 10 years, novels by black writers has increased tremendously. Well, correction... as of lately, print publications around the board are taking a hit because of jitter-twitter-go get her- Internet connects. But anyway, since books by black authors were hard to find, it was nice to be able to go to a section and look a all the black faces looking back at me. I mean, because I belong to an on-line book club, I knew what was out, but it was nice to find them in one spot.
Now, the down side. Some white folks do not want to be caught dead in the "black section", so a great book may be over-looked (no look, less money). Also, because of the "black only" section, some authors were over-looked because they were not in a "topic" section. You know (maybe you don't) black folks do more things besides run this country and shot basketballs.
ditto to all
but the beheadings are routine
does splitting hairs over their location really even matter?
Posting stories about goofy whites who get killed in chimneys or embarrassed by saying dumb things about beheadings in Arizona takes attention away from stories like the following. One that happened near me here in Brooklyn.
A four-year-old girl weighing 15 pounds was found dead in her crib. Apparently she was tied to the crib.
I'm betting the mother will face murder charges. Meanwhile, her father, who does not live with the mother and child, was "shocked" to hear about his child. Even though he lives in Brooklyn, he knew nothing.
Oh. Then there were the drugs cops found on mom.
Second, you wrote:
Folks, hang with me for a minute while I take a detour into the land of the bazaar.
Bazaar? Unless you're shopping -- No. Bizarre.
tupac was framed up via cointelpro/illuminati
he was never charged with rape
TI is just stupid!
TI may have fatally mistaken the racist used-to-celeb LAPD for the colorist starstruck ATL PD...
Jan Brewer is toast in the general election..
Unless the voters of Arizona are total morons.
tupac was framed by jacques agnant/"haitian jack"
a renowned extra dirty CIA dog CIA akin to the dirty dog bros who infiltrated and destroyed the BPP...whom uts reveres so...
i wonder if jack ever hung with hobama?...
most parents who do drugs and abuse their kids are white
careycarey, you wrote:
Some white folks do not want to be caught dead in the "black section", so a great book may be over-looked (no look, less money).
Caught dead? Your belief that you -- and other blacks -- can read white minds, or any minds, is hysterical and sad.
Also, because of the "black only" section, some authors were over-looked because they were not in a "topic" section.
Nonsense. At Barnes & Noble books are found on more than one shelf. Bookstores want to SELL books, which means the stores do all they can to lead people to their desired book. Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man will appear on the shelves for black authors and in the general Fiction and Lit section located beside other books written by authors whose last names being with "E".
You know (maybe you don't) black folks do more things besides run this country and shot basketballs.
My personal library contains work by Ralph Ellison, Donald Goines, Chester Himes, Charles Chestnutt, Lorraine Hansberry, Ann Petry, Iola Leroy, Jesse Fauset, Cornel West, Alex Haley (Malcolm X), Colson Whitehead, Frederick Douglass, Booker T Washington, WEB Dubois, James Baldwin, Eljah Muhammad and others.
ab, if anyone ever checked out 1% of the inane links you post, they'd realize they do not support the stupid claims you make, as i just did.
a link to the caylee anthony case is in florida does not prove or disprove that "most people who abuse their children are white."
i refuse to waste any more time on you. (and of COURSE you brought obama into this!!)
also, there's NO evidence that anthony's mother did drugs.
do you and uts ever research anything????
my rushed links are your sole fodder????
you are arrogantly ignorant as always
casey was at the club drugging when she fatally drugged her baby to get her to sleep
hobama was added to feed yor jungle fevered fury
thanks for letting me know it worked!
hey uts/oj:
notice how your girl maria went off over casey and hobama?
but did not say a peep over that totally unrelated racist bs ns posted about that black mom?
more proof that racism trumps jungle fever always!
check nicole boy!
AB -- by calling me nicole, are you implying that i should be viciously murdered by a black man who will be acquited of the crime?
as a medical reporter, i'm curious about how a mind as deranged as yours tries to "think" and process information.
i don't respond to anything NS says.
and i've never checked any of your links until now, and won't again. i noticed somehow it wasn't a self-link so i decided to view it. as i said, a waste of time.
simple math AND INDEPENDENT RESEARCH proves that most parents are white and most parents are toxic today etc...
and casey is WORSE than the black mom you dared to ignore and makes it even with the bs ns posted!!!
this is a running list of toxic parents of all races and classes!!!
you are deranged and racist...heal thyself!!!
as most american morons, you have an aversion to study/research/books/links/truths
i get that a lot from lazy clueless fools like u
your aversion to intellect and info is is glaringly evident in all u post
i call u nicole because u are always rushing to die for uts
just as u r dying now!!!!!
Beheadings are actually quite a common occurence where Mexican gangs are involved:
And if you don't like that link, just Google it....there are tons more. It's no big secret.
Nothing that Brewer said is any crazier than Obama or Biden telling us what a great "recovery summer" we've been having.
When the shit hits the fan, (and it will), I wouldn't want to be in their sorry shoes.
like apoi said:
what recovery????
Well, Bless you too, AB.
you lying sexist dog
what if it not a "woman thing"?
what if it is a "perfect psycho male murder" thing?
what if he killed her and made it look really good?
what is a cavebitch?
mareallyaboldbrazencavebith buceta breaf
hows that iq treatin u genius? ure awful good at spelling and such aint cha?
more on white parents for maria and ns
headline new stoday:
ab, if anyone ever checked out 1% of the inane links you post, they'd realize they do not support the stupid claims you make, as i just did.
a link to the caylee anthony case is in florida does not prove or disprove that "most people who abuse their children are white."
i refuse to waste any more time on you. (and of COURSE you brought obama into this!!)maria
keep it coming maria this 'bith' is full of shyt! ude think a *cough* 250 iqer would be smarter than that oh well just goes to show that iq tests dont mean shyt! muah muah muah
"but did not say a peep over that totally unrelated racist bs ns posted about that black mom?"
You are such a phony.
You've been kissing no slappz butt for weeks.
As long he was crapping on black men and the amorphous "black community" you had his back.
But, and maybe some of you angry black femininsts will realize it one day, to people like no slappz a nigger is nigger whether male or female.
So when he trashes a bw (and they always do) you get mad.
So why don't you and zaida tell us again how you're leaving bm and exploring "other options"?
reasoned debate means people show evidence to support their contentions this buceta eater only chooses links that are tangentially related to her *cough* contentions she aint shyt just like that link that showed she had a 250 iq lol it dont exist all the 'bith' gots is smoke and mirrors nothing of substance ever!
what a chrifilin chrick!
and i've never checked any of your links until now, and won't again. i noticed somehow it wasn't a self-link so i decided to view it. as i said, a waste of time.maria
thats cuz self aggrandizing morons r always a waste of time!
But, and maybe some of you angry black femininsts will realize it one day, to people like no slappz a nigger is nigger whether male or female.
So when he trashes a bw (and they always do) you get mad.uts
'bithes' like buceta breaf never have consistency to what they r sayin cuz bithes like that just blow hot air with nothing real behind it!
YOU have been attacking ns for being racist and then YOU ignored what he said about a black female mom????
i have always attacked ns when he deserved it
unlike you who use him to bash all jews like the bigoted beta male buffoon that you are!!!
i am the most consistent anti-racist hobama hater on this blog
and mostly rabid is the most consistent dl stalker/always off topic moron herein too!!!
steve said: AB "angry black femininst"
she is angry and black, for sure, but no way is she a feminist. i haven't ever read anything here where she supports women. never.
each of my links direct intellectuals to THOROUGH databases at my blog
lazy morons like maria and uts and mostly rabid could not care less about research or brevity
instead they brag about ignoring those links
the loss is theirs
and that loss is AUDIBLE in the clueless bigoted psycho bs they post to this blog daily!!!!!!
Did someone mention Beheadings?
Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician
Fri Sep 3, 2010
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – A well-known Australian Muslim cleric has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, a newspaper said on Friday.
Wilders' Freedom Party scored the biggest gains in June 9 polls and is currently negotiating to form a new minority government with the Liberals and Christian Democrats. Polls show Wilders would win a new election if one were called now.
Wilders demanded to know why he had learnt about the threat from the newspaper and not from Dutch authorities who are guarding him after a film and remarks he made angered Muslims around the world.
De Telegraaf, the Netherlands' largest newspaper, led its front page on Friday with a story on the speech by Feiz Muhammad.
The Sydney-born Muhammad has gained notoriety for, among other things, calling on young children to be radicalized and blaming rape victims for their own attacks.
The paper posted an English-language audio clip in which he refers to Wilders as "this Satan, this devil, this politician in Holland" and explains that anyone who talks about Islam like Wilders does should be executed by beheading.
The Freedom Party leader made a film in 2008 which accused the Koran of inciting violence and mixed images of terrorist attacks with quotations from the Islamic holy book.
Wilders was also charged because of outspoken remarks in the media, such as an opinion piece in a Dutch daily in which he compared Islam to fascism and the Koran to Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf."
Of late he has been in the news for plans to speak out against a planned mosque in New York City on September 11, the ninth anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.
But his views have also made him extremely popular with a segment of the country uneasy about the Netherlands' commitment to multiculturalism.
you are a pathological liar and a rabid jungle fevered cave bitch in heat
my feminist scholarship is renowned and all over my blog
see feminist wisdom all over my blog
what would a cave bitch like you know about women and feminism anyway????
alicia banks,
Statistics about whites, drug abuse and child abuse are always suspect.
The game played by blacks is to claim the white problem is equal to, or worse than the black problem without examining the circumstances.
Drug-addicted white mothers are far more likely to fall into the Rush Limbaugh OxyContin category of drug abuse rather than the down-and-out crack mom category.
White children are rarely, almost never killed by their parents, no matter how idiotic the parents.
Yeah, there's some crystal meth-addicted white parents out there. Some heavy boozers. But when it comes to the cases that bring in state and city investigators, the largest number and worst cases involve -- guess who?
please keep posting such blatantly racist denials and delusions
you are only proving that you are even more racist and igorant that i knew!!!!
cc your racist bs to
susan smith
joel steinberg
count the black parents here
you whine incessantly about the black women herein who post the truth about black men...
but you are quiet as a mouse when
ns posts what he just did
i despise you mongrel!!!!
more on feminism:
you and uts are the two most dishonest troll herein
how can u say
"i never ever read your links or blog"
then ALSO say
"alicia never posts anything about feminists"
how the hell would you know wigga??????
ns i'm guessing you're talking out of your ass yet again. just because you say something doesnt make it so sweetheart. provide the evidence that statistics about white mothers and drug abuse mainly relate to oxycontin, and how this differs between drug abuse among black mothers in the same social class. would love to see it. funny how negative statistics to do with the white community are "suspect" yet negative statistics to do with the black community are always 100% representative. and who does it involve ns? enlighten us. just provide credible evidence instead of a bullshit claim. i'm guessing you can't.
by the way the above anon was me
more on feminism and righteous anger
no slappz
"Statistics about whites, drug abuse and child abuse are always suspect."
That's only because your sorry racist ass doesn't WANT to believe it.
The bottom line pal, and this is confirmed by the Center for Disease Control, that whites are 3 times mor likely to use or deal illicit drugs yet blacks are 3 times more likely to be jailed for drug offenses.
One more question slappy.
Why are white drugs stats suspect but black violence stats are not?
more on that jewish dad joel
alicia banks, you mentioned:
Susan Smith and Joel Steinberg. Yeah, you're making my point.
Susan Smith? Ten years ago? More? Joel Steinberg? 20 Years ago?
Meanwhile, here in the real world, black and hispanic kids come to bad ends at the hands of a parent or mom's boyfriend way too often.
The boyfriend problem is big. You know how it goes. A little kid cries too much so the boyfriend give the kid a good shot or two. The kid cries more, so he hits harder and keeps hitting till the kid is quiet, and dead.
I do make a distinction between parents like Susan Smith and Andrea Yates who outrightly murder their kids and other psychos who abuse them over time.
By the way, did not a black woman recently murder her two kids? A story like that is rattling around my head.
Anyway, here in Brooklyn is the added danger of gunshots. A day or two ago a 10-year-old black boy was hit by bullets fired by some clown who was a horribly bad shot.
AB--i didn't say i don't read your blog. i said i didn't read the links you post on this blog, except the orlando sentinel one today.
i didn't say i don't read your blog because THAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING!!
and when i say i have never read anything that indicates you are a feminist, i meant ON THIS BLOG, because, IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING, that i don't read your "blog."
on this blog, you have never written anything that shows you support women.
uptownsteve, you asked:
Why are white drugs stats suspect but black violence stats are not?
Very simple. When it comes to illegal drug abuse, whites are far, far more likely to abuse legal drugs (Oxycontin) by the Rush Limbaugh method of "doctor shopping" -- getting precriptions they should not get. They are addicts and their gambit for getting the prescriptions is a crime.
Yes, there are plenty of white coke sniffers, some white crackheads and white crystal meth users.
But illegally obtaining legal drugs is a much lower crime than trading in outrightly illegal substances.
Tiger Woods had a problem with Vicodin and maybe Ambien. Will he get prosecuted for his obvious abuse of those drugs? NO. He went to rehab. But getting out of trouble was one reason he went to rehab.
nice try
your black buck uts attacks all the feminists in this blog always including me!!!!
you incessant lying troll
every single time uts has posted any post re: sexism
i have posted my feminist take
check the archives nicole!!!!
where is your blog!??
i am very proud of mine!!!
each time an envious illiterate shrew like you insults or ignores my blog...i get prouder!!!!
thanks for that!!!!
further proof of your FAILURE:
are you really so ignorant to think that any blog chat herein would ever cover the entire spectrum of my expansive blog???
all of my writings and musings???
do u think i am as vapid and limited as u and uts????
you are a racist fool
and that makes you blind as all racists
like black racist hobama fans
many toxic young WF moms are clones of maria with black boyfriends like UTS.
your point it moot
more white parents slay their kids daily.
raists like you only see the black ones.
just as you refuse to see how few blacks are listed at the crime library.
racists like you only see black iils!
here is an elite white 2010 parent slayer for u:
see droves of white parents who slay their children every yr all over the internet
got google?
that wf mayors's bullet fired to her own child was not a stray one...
Not only is no slappz a racist but he's stupid.
White kids are far more likely to have used and deal illegal drugs than blacks and that's been proven by law enforcement agencies.
I remember when I went away to college in 1978. The most drug use I and my black friends had done was smoke weed.
Many of the white kids on campus as freshmen had already experimented with cocaine, LSD, amphetemines and barbituates.
Which most of the blacks had never heard of let alone tried.
And I challenge your racist ass to prove that child abuse is a larger problem among minorities than it is amongst whites.
It's all in your mind.
alicia banks,
When I want sensational stories about white mischief, I'll gladly go to TrueTV.
But when I want legitimate statistics on crime or other sociological issues, I go to credible sources. Like the DOJ.
Meanwhile, with respect to the Jon Benet Ramsay murder -- 15 years ago?
I think the Jon Benet's brother killed her. He was 9 at the time. Based on everything that happened, it looks like the parents tried to cover up his act.
sorry, although many would like me to have a blog, i don't have, need or want a blog.
instead, unlike you, i have a LIFE, where i make a positive difference to my children, my friends and my community, including elected officials, non-profits and others that i serve and who welcome, and need my contributions.
you, in comparison, are a shit schmear in the world who lives in her own mind only and helps no one!
save yourself before it's too late.
every decade
MORE white parents slay their children...
FAR more than black and hispanic ones too!!!
your unending blatant lies about my blessed and charmed life do not mask your envy!!!
you are a blatant liar
who is always here lying whenever i am
that makes you a hypocrite in addition to a hater!!!
as expected, your denial is evident.
you ignore that there are NO blacks there.
and we all know why.
check the DOJ stats!
you will ignore the blacks missing there also!
your bigoted delusions will save no white child from their murderous parents...fyi
ignore much more on white killer parents here:
patsy ramsey killed jonbenet
in a fit of rage by accident over bedwetting due to being molested by her white dad and possible other police pedophiles
as always
you are clueless
fix that!!!
more on feminism and jonbenet
this book proved patsy did it
but rich whites rarely ever go to jail for slaying their children
instead, unlike you, i have a LIFE, where i make a positive difference to my children, my friends and my community, including elected officials, non-profits and others that i serve and who welcome, and need my contributions.maria the get up stand up gurl
just a few weeks ago u was mad thinkin that people was pissed at chu cuz u was italian or white or whateva now u done got the fire inside ya cuz u aint takin no prisoners and ya know this makes me respect u in a serious way go head on gurl and dont let these cat buceta breaf haters get to u apparently ure getting to THEM!
see the mongrel moron at 1:06
this is why jews rule the world and blacks never will...shame!!!
one thing i will give u is this ns:
there is a new young breed of black mongrel moron turbo breeders like the fertile moron at 1:06
they may just change those stats and make your delusions reality someday and that is truly tragic!!!
the toxic parents listed at my blog are clones of her and maria
But, and maybe some of you angry black femininsts will realize it one day, to people like no slappz a nigger is nigger whether male or female.
So when he trashes a bw (and they always do) you get mad.uts
'bithes' like buceta breaf never have consistency to what they r sayin cuz bithes like that just blow hot air with nothing real behind it!
the rich white kids i know always smoke and drug and drink more than poor black kids who cannot even afford the stashes rich kids keep!!!
except for the moron mongrel mr...
i bet she can drink more yak and smoke more yayo than any rich kids ever!!!!
driving while black is a crime solo
wake up
and the internet allows rich white kids to stash and abuse more drugs via their amex cards....
alicia banks, you wrote:
every decade
MORE white parents slay their children...
Considering in the US there are EIGHT times as many whites as blacks, it's possible the NUMBER of white kids killed by their parents is higher than the NUMBER of black kids killed by a parent.
But, it's a slim possibility. Why? Because blacks, despite their percentage of the population commit OVER 50% of all murders.
I doubt kids, as victims, get a free pass.
Or maybe, when the kid is killed by mom's boyfriend, being killed by an unrelated perpetrator alters the category of the homicide statistic.
you are playing with math as shamelessly as you are playing with truth...
there is not one white child's corpse felled by white parents that cares.
alicia banks, you wrote:
this book proved patsy did it...but rich whites rarely ever go to jail for slaying their children
There are books that "prove" a vast conspiracy came together to assassinate JFK and there are books that "prove" 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by the Bush administration. So what?
It makes no difference to me if Patsy Ramsay or her son killed Jon Benet. She's dead, so that's that for her.
Meanwhile, I believe her son -- Jon Benet's brother -- is the killer and now he's free as a bird. OJ Lite.
u r wrong as always
free to believe as u wish
and like that book,
many books do also prove those bona fide conspiracies!!!
Maria, "i don't respond to anything NS says."
You lie. You have responded to ns on a number of threads. You should not box yourself in with rules that work against you.
And stop letting AB slay you. I know you can beat her if you have a mind to. But it seems you succumb to her verbal lashings. Can't you defend yourself? Whip her ass!
uptownsteve, you wrote:
White kids are far more likely to have used and deal illegal drugs than blacks and that's been proven by law enforcement agencies.
It's always nitwits like you who are desperate to find a way to slice the data to get the glare off blacks.
If you want to argue that white kids experiment with some drugs at slightly younger ages than black kids, you might be right. So what?
The problem is not that kids experiment -- it's their continuing and escalating involvement.
If I want to buy drugs, all I have to do is go to a black neighborhood and I'll get whispered offers from blacks passing me on the sidewalk.
Happens to me all the time. Whispers offering smoke, weed.
I've actually had the experience of crack dealers chasing my slow-moving car down the street, catching up to me and two or three jostling to get in front of my side window. None were white guys.
"on this blog, you have never written anything that shows you support women."
Yes she has. On this blog she has always shown her support for women, black women in particular. However, it doesn't surprise me how you would see it that way. In the heart of a phony dimwitted meddlesome white feminist like you, "black women" are not counted as "women" either way.
anon 2:03 u aint nothin but an a buceta clone its so obvious when people start calling that nasty chrick on her bullshit out of thin air anons show up to support her but are silent otherwise u pathetic piece of cat shyt u aint foolin nobody especially cuz she the only one using the word slay to describe her infantile interactions with posters here
maria called her out, lac, uts and countless others have kilt the 'bith' muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
maria slammed that 'bith' today!
Field, "Anon.10:48 pm,"The American" is next on my movie list. As for that other one, I won't even watch that when it comes to television.
Now see? the movie you refuse to watch shows just how closed minded you are. You won't even watch what's good for you spiritually. And God knows you need some religion- as ISEEISEE, Granny, and now the awakened Glenn Beck know you do. But Beck won't hold it against you but the others might. Pray Field, Pray.
laa u r a liar too that nasty cat buceta has not supported other women unless they agree with her if any woman disagree she will take pot shots at they families she will insult their appearance and she will insult their religion and or other beliefs like theyre politics dont be so quick to defend her actions and insult maria when it is clear that u r biased towards that nasty piece of cat shyt and eye wonder y u r so supportive of her? oh wait its cuz u both share a hatred of other women; thats it!
anon, "she the only one using the word slay to describe her infantile interactions with posters here
maria called her out, lac, uts and countless others have kilt the 'bith' muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
maria slammed that 'bith' today!"
No way. maria didn't even come close to slaying AB. AB is the great warrior of this blog. No one can defeat her god-given talents and mastery of words you ghetto-ized buceta.
Btw, I notice no one really came out and called this obviously deranged entitled-thinking psychotic white female doctor any derogatory names. Now picture her black.
AB has always stood up for BW, you ghetto buceta. u r pissed because she slays the folks you worship. n don't be messin wit laa, you big ignorant dinosaur turd.
LAA, "Btw, I notice no one really came out and called this obviously deranged entitled-thinking psychotic white female doctor any derogatory names. Now picture her black."
Where is your compassion? This incident was different. She was a victim of the disease called love addiction which is a desperate attempt to be loved. BW don't seem to have that problem. They seem to be more desperate for something else.
"She was a victim of the disease called love addiction which is a desperate attempt to be loved. BW don't seem to have that problem. They seem to be more desperate for something else."
LIke what?
yes anon troll the fact that ure licking that buceta breafs ass just goes to show that u r her ya idgit!
maria called out the 'bith' and so have many others she still hold onto the lie that she gots a 250 iq, which nobody has ever had! she a liar so u r worshiping a liar and a fool but birds of a feather flock together so this is no surprise idgit
and u didnt dispute what i said above laa cuz u know eyem rite about that nasty sack of cat bucetas! she will only support bw who agree with her and otherwise she treats them worse then a overseer on a plantation and u know it u r just defending her cuz u both hate other women and uve said it as much on this blog many a time
notice how uts just let maria be torched within the flames of her own blatant serial lies herein?
he never runs into the flames for her as she always does for him....shame!!!
and yes
uts would be slaying this doctor if she was a bf!
just as he would have slain ns if he posted that tangential racism about an abusive black dad rather than a black mom
shame how the selective inept star trolls blatantly lie herein daily!!!!!
i am feminist and a lesbian.
only a TRULY retarded SUPER lying mongrel moron would ever dare claim i hate women.
yet, see the resident dl stalker vulgar fool do so above...
La♥audiobooks said...
Btw, I notice no one really came out and called this obviously deranged entitled-thinking psychotic white female doctor any derogatory names. Now picture her black.
Not true.
The terms "crazy", "dumb","nutty", "bonehead", "mad", "hapless" were all used to describe her as well as questions raised about what kind of doctor is so stupid that she doesn't know the difference between being a doctor and being Santa Claus. If she were black the same language would have been used. Stupid is stupid.
If you want to play a what if game what if a man were trying to break into a woman's house and killed himself via his own stupidity. Would some of the women commenters here have sympathy? Nah....
someone daring to dismiss my IQ by proving prescisely how LOW their own IQ herein is each day.
see the moron mongrel above whose IQ is VISIBLY -250 at BEST!!!
mr & maria:
speaking of flocking birds
you 2 chickenheads are now officially featherless!!!
flap away!!!
NS is right it should be bizarre not bazaar. I won't call you a broken clock,but.... I must have been thinking about crass commercialism again.
I see AB and anon. are at it again:(
Shady Grady, that same "gentle" descriptive language and the level of compassion/benefit would not have been given to a black female doctor behaving in such manner, it would have been far worse, especially from the the black community. Her actions alone would have also been a inditement on ALL black women. And you well know this.
As for your lopsided comparison. Statistically, a male behaving in such manner as the doctor would most like be geared in doing physical harm, especially in a domestic confrontation, oppose to a woman who most likely intended to snoop or hysterically beg for some sort of affection. This is statistically speaking, and yes, there is always exceptions.
However, It goes to show how black males like you are still mentally castrated, only you would view men folk with having the same emotions or intentions of women folk.
the double standards herein are astounding!
resident trolls here actually
brag about sexism and illiteracy like they are wonderful assets rather than wicked amoralities!
shit smear, have not heard that one in a while
ab is the most feminist on this blog
maria, it's not about you getting killed by oj it's about you loving the black men from your white horse of salvation
if the doctor were black it would be a very different story
FN let's not try to shame anyone into not arguing, it won't work, but good try and also how about we don't toke to begin with you fool
uts thanks for the black/white drugs link
preach on nicole!!!!
this books reminds of maria and all wiggas who play the fray:
Blogger La♥audiobooks said...
"on this blog, you have never written anything that shows you support women."
Yes she has. On this blog she has always shown her support for women, black women in particular. However, it doesn't surprise me how you would see it that way. In the heart of a phony dimwitted meddlesome white feminist like you, "black women" are not counted as "women" either way.
2:09 PM
I was surprised myself that Maria said that about Alicia, it's laughable, esp. for a "journalist".
i have been radically afrocentric feminist and intellectual all of my life
and no one ever doubted that
until i refused to be a racist fawning hobama nazi
that is an ongoing joke!!!
a buceta breaf fool is a liar notice how she decided to insult other bloggers rather than admit that shes lied about almost everything she said about herself all that is self aggrandizing lies made up in her own sick twisted chriflin mind
so hows that 250 iq workin for u genius?
on gp alone u ought to be ashamed to still post here cuz everyone knows ure a phukking lying sack of shyt
*parola chrick*
more on feminism and racism
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
and no one ever doubted that
until i refused to be a racist fawning hobama nazi
that is an ongoing joke!!!buceta breaf
aint nobody heard of u except on blogs u visit u cretinous sow! and as carey carey said yesterday u dont suggest anything for change or to better society all u do is talk shit about the president and people u disagree with like a spoiled naughty mentally ill forty seven year old going on four u immature phukk!
*parola idgit*
that slug moron mongrel has confused my bio with her own blog slime trails...shame!!!!
4 the mongrel moron with the lowly bio and the lowER IQ!!!:
In 1976, I began attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, at the age of 12. I was admitted due to my superior intelligence and my acceptance into a university preparatory school program. In order to be admitted to that adult curriculum as a pre-teen, I endured several days of intensely competitive testing with predominately white students. My parents and I were interviewed extensively. My IQ was tested and my parents were instructed to keep my bona fide genius score a secret....
I was the only black girl in my class for three years. And, each year I graduated at the top of my class. In 1980, I proceeded to become a formal undergraduate student at that same university. In 1984, after extensive extra-curricular pursuits (including paraprofessional peer consulting, becoming an honorary mock attorney, attending formal conferences to speak for faculty members, ad hoc membership on chancellors' committees, numerous afrocentric student organizational actions and protests, managing the award winning campus newspaper office, and founding a black campus radio station etc...), I graduated as a member of Who's Who in American Universities & Colleges. In a graduating class of 7500, I earned a selection as a member of 100 Honorary Seniors. In 1984, I began a fifteen year quadruple career as a corporate staffer, a radio producer/host, and a columnist. Now, at 37, I am currently completing a graduate degree at the top of my class with a 4.0 cumulative grade point average.
i have seen people lie on blogs before
but never ever as blatantly as they do on this blog!
"i am not a feminist?
i am unknown?
i hate women?..."
every single thing that hobama has touched has been an abject failure or he has made horribly worse!
afghan war
iraq war
all fail!!!
yet they laud him...why????
and hobama nazis call ME blind????
lying on me and calling me names will not help hobama!!!
where are all those summer jobs????
has hobama kept any promise to his adoring black homeless jobless fans????
any at all?????
"Btw, I notice no one really came out and called this obviously deranged entitled-thinking psychotic white female doctor any derogatory names. Now picture her black."
Thinking thinking thinking.....*hand on chin*
"FN let's not try to shame anyone into not arguing, it won't work, but good try and also how about we don't toke to begin with you fool"
Of course it won't work. Certainly not with you. And there is nothing wrong with arguing, but do you want to end up like the woman in the chimney? AB do you have a chimney in your house? :)
Hey AB, I know you can defend yourself just fine, but that comment she made was too stupid and false to let go.
Now let her run and log on to her facebook to complain us to that other "save-a-mandingo" applicant of hers. Yeah, I've been reading up on the previous blog comments. Unbelievable. SMH.
yes i do
and the first thing i did was check for mostly rabid when i heard this story...
then i stopped myself when i recalled her IQ is too low to use a ladder!
but she should starve her jungle book buck this evening 4 letting her die solo...he made no effort to rescue her from her blatant lies...shame.
that is worthy of revoking sex rations!
interesting that u continue to hold onto the same lies over and over again once again uve evaded the truth of the matter that u don't have a 250 iq if u were in such a program they would have reported the results to the federal government and your results would be public by now up to this point NOBODY has tested at 250 iq at all in the world u cant seem to let this pesky fact go but it makes everything u say suspicious especially since most links u post r not even relevant to the points ure trying to make u dumb stupid idiotic fool and chimneys r for santa claus
as to laa ure just a bitter hateful angry woman who is just an ab clone like the pet fly mmm its so phukking obvious u dumb idgits!
mongrel moron adults really do not know that millions of gifted children are intelligent because they are so extremely ignorant themselves...tragic!!!!
and if ure so smart buceta breaf where r ur publications in j stor and how come none of the information uve said about urself can be verified through back issues of those magazines? why? cuz ure just a phukking liar liar liar pants on fire along with ur anonymous supporters and pieces of shyt like laa
so keep on lying if u want to but everybody here has seen that ure an immature stupid lying sack of cat bucetas who cant even let their lies jibe with reality u idgit!
notice buceta breaf that u continue to evade the Gawdhonest truth; uve never tested 250 on an iq test NOBODY has get over it liar no amount of quasi witty comments can get u out of the lies uve spun u idgit!
iq too low to use a ladder
hey mongrel moron:
tell "the feds" they are missing "reports" a LONG list of gifted kids here:
and where r ur scholarly publications, posters or talks? havent seen narry a one authored by u in jstor
quasi illiterate mongrel moron:
thanks for the backhanded compliment!
AB do you have a chimney in your house? :)
Blogger alicia banks said...
yes i do
and the first thing i did was check for mostly rabid when i heard this story...
so how is ur link relevant u dumbass? again who has tested 250 on an iq test ever? nobody idgit u can link to studies that are tangential at best all u want or even kids who r smart but it means nothing cuz u r the liar and r not smart enough to be consistent with ur lies
so u idgit where r ur scholarly publications outside of blog rants? answer the question u self proclaimed genius otherwise it is even more apparent that ure a phukking liar!
uneducated mongrel moron adults brag about their inability to access all public academic records with one phone call...shame!!!!
LAB, you really are an idiot. You made a statement of fact that was untrue. When this was pointed out to you , instead of conceding the point as any halfway rational person would do you retreat to even more mindless bleating about how bad black women have it and insist that the language which was used to describe the dead white doctor was "gentle".
Ok. So the next time some black woman does something stupid or criminal, I hope you will not mind if people call her stupid, boneheaded, hapless, nutty etc.. for after all that language is "gentle" compared to what could be written. But in your world I guess no black woman can ever be criticized for anything.
If someone no matter their gender is trying to break into someone's house the homeowner is not required to wait and see what happens next and hope that they are not assaulted or murdered. The fact that you don't see this in this case shows that you are just a bigot and chauvinist. But I'm sure that's not news to you or anyone here. AFAIK no black man did anything wrong in this case and yet you still have to spew your hatred at black males. Pathetic.
Let me type this very slowly so that you and anyone else of more limited intelligence can understand it. ...Breaking into people's homes is not a good idea no matter your gender or race. People that do it have a good chance of ending up in jail or like this dumb female, dead. Your reasoning skills leave much to be desired. Is it because you're a black woman or because you're just not very smart?
sorry chrick u still aint answered the question where is proof that U tested in the 250 iq range,given that nobody has ever tested that high? ur tangential links do nothing to prove what uve said at all chrick and again where r ur scholarly publications genius?
watch nancy grace on cnn
she showcases brand new white killer parents weekly
sorry chrick u still aint answered the question where is proof that U tested in the 250 iq range,given that nobody has ever tested that high? ur tangential links do nothing to prove what uve said at all chrick and again where r ur scholarly publications genius?
and if u really was a scholar ude know about jstor ya idgit
if the woman had been black, LAB, you would say she deserved it because her boyfriend was white. and so would "feminist" AB.
she climbed in a man's chimney and died as a result. she didn't hurt anyone but herself. how much derision do you think she deserves? she was stupid. period.
oh ure trying to divert the discussion by talking about nancy grace genius? interesting most anyone eyeve ever met who published a paper wanted the world to know so they get more grant monies or whatever other perks go with publication aint seen links to any papers, journal articles, posters or talks uve ever done and since u have yet to post anything uve authored as a scholar its dubious uve accomplished anything academically u coohole!
maria since ure a reporter can u verify that a buceta breaf moron is a liar and has never tested 250 iq cuz NOBODY has ever tested that high? she still is lying and needs to be outted for her bullshyt
guess troll inc is letting their folks go early tonite or is it that buceta breaf cannot figure out how to answer legit questions posed to her about her *cough* credentials? phukking pathetic!
Shady_Grady said...
'LAB, you really are an idiot. You made a statement of fact that was untrue. instead of conceding the point as any halfway rational person would do you retreat to even more mindless bleating"
And as usual, when your manhood is questioned or you're unable to refute or concede your own bias contempt, you resort to name calling, questioning ones mental acumen and displaying of that innate aggression. Not to mention you go off on a tirade about "breaking and entering" as if that was somehow germane to the initial point I was making. You can not silence me, even with you being in state of mental confusion.
"AFAIK no black man did anything wrong in this case and yet you still have to spew your hatred at black males. Pathetic."
And yet I wasn't blaming nor condemning black men, but look how you couldn't wait to jump at the chance to negate and bark at my supposition on the treatment of a black woman in the identical situation. What made you so defensive? What made you yelp?
And the next time you whine and complain on this blog about the lack of compassion for a young black boy being killed over his $2,000 pair of sunglasses, I will remind you that a young white boy would be getting the same accusations and lack of compassion just the same. If I had hated black men so much, I would not have stood up for that boy's tragic honor. Stupid will be stupid for everyone from this point.
Maria said...'if the woman had been black, LAB, you would say she deserved it because her boyfriend was white. and so would "feminist" AB."
Maria, you are always putting yourself all up in the Mustard and the Mayo and you can't even Ketchup.
Based on my continuous support for black women being receptive to date white and non-black men, even Steve would have accused me of doing the opposite to what you've just stated. Yet, you managed to come up with that doat-ish birdbrain accusation and displayed it on "national internet".
Why don't you take sister anony's advice and hurry dye your hair blonde as she suggested? If this is some temporary comprehension blockage (we all have them) then I suggest you get a blonde wig and keep it handy for days like this. Let it be your own friendly signal to warn people and let them prepare for the foolishness abound.
how the phukk does dying her hair blonde have any relevance here? only in the dense twisted forest of ur prejudiced and evil brain coohole!
AB, "someone daring to dismiss my IQ by proving prescisely how LOW their own IQ herein is each day.
see the moron mongrel above whose IQ is VISIBLY -250 at BEST!!!"
ROFLMAO! You are terrific and your quick wit, intelligence proves you have a very high IQ. I like the way you easily chop up those anon trolls who try in vain to discredit you. You are the greatest!
"Based on my continuous support for black women being receptive to date white and non-black men, even Steve would have accused me of doing the opposite to what you've just stated. Yet, you managed to come up with that doat-ish birdbrain accusation and displayed it on "national internet"."
I was waiting for you to deny maria's statement. Maria has said many times that she is an 'investigative' journalist who checks out everything before she makes a statement on FN or any other blog. There is no way that what she writes, could ever be wrong.... It's impossible.
Now, what is this mandingo application about and where can I get one?
"sorry chrick u still aint answered the question where is proof that U tested in the 250 iq range,given that nobody has ever tested that high?"
I can vouch for AB's IQ and her impeccable resume. Now, will you stop repeating yourself and STFU about it?
sorry 8:03 anon u can't vouch for shyt cuz the stats don't measure up it would be one thing if the highest recorded iq of the korean wasn't the highest in the world at 210 but she insists upon holding onto this gottdam lie the only person who can vouch for her alleged credentials is Miss IDummo cuz aint nothing there! and ure a dam fool a buceta if u dont think we know this anon commentator is u ya coohole! u magically disappear then have somebody defend ur chriflin ass idgit u aint foolin nobody!
same for u 7:49 its obvious ure an ab clone buceta licking fool!
803 show us links that r legit if u can vouch for her record beating nobody in the world having iq
AB is not going to admit what you anon trolls think she should admit. Why should she admit ANYTHING to a bunch of anons who use filthy demeaning shameless language on this blog?
FN would be better off without your childish clowns cause you have nothing to offer but a bunch of whining about AB. All you do is empower her even more. You are a bunch of dumb shits and some of us anons are getting sich and tired of your bullshit.
Field, I saw "The American" today. It was a great love story.
these are the times that try aons souls
"Field, I saw "The American" today. It was a great love story."
Huh? I might have to pass.I was hoping for a thinking man's Bourne.
Where is the leader of the Anons when you need him?
"Nothing that Brewer said is any crazier than Obama or Biden telling us what a great "recovery summer" we've been having."
Problem is that Brewer didn't (or couldn't) say jack for almost 20 seconds during her turn in a televised debate.
Her brain went into neutral.
I guess that does make her a typical righty.
Shady Grady 5:48 PM
So true.
I'm actually tired of this bm/bw war with LAB and others that I give up.
They are so consumed with anger and self-righteous victimhood that they're totally irrational.
So sad.
"if the woman had been black, LAB, you would say she deserved it because her boyfriend was white."
No she wouldn't.
She would say that evil black men who never recognized her innate beauty and perfection forced her to jump into that chimney in a desperate pursuit of love and acceptance from "other sources".
uts-"She would say that evil black men who never recognized her innate beauty and perfection forced her to jump into that chimney in a desperate pursuit of love and acceptance from "other sources"."
Are you sure fp or Grata wouldn't have said it as well? I find it interesting that the vocal ones against bm cause all of the other bw to go spineless. Hathor, Granny, Val, MMM, MR, Zaida, AB, and a host of others who are ALWAYS have an opinion-suddenly go silent when hatred is thrown at bm. I wonder why?
maria you are a blatant liar and a fool
i never said nicole deserved to die because she was as much of a suicidal fool for oj as you are for uts...
and i have never trashed this dead doctor as you and others have done brutally herein...not once!
i did say she may have been expertly killed by her boyfriend...
Field, there's plenty of action and suspense in the movie, "The American". There is a priest who is the conscience of Clooney. You should go see it. It just might transform you. Still, in the end, it all was about love, and being loved....loosen up, man and leave that cave man mentality behind-this is the 21st century and post-racial era.
C'mon, Field. You don't seriously believe the old "I smelled marijuana" probable cause BS. How come they always smellin' marijuana but never findin' any???
Are you sure fp or Grata wouldn't have said it as well? I find it interesting that the vocal ones against bm cause all of the other bw to go spineless.myefox
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