This is quite a country we live in. Today a comic was testifying before Congress while in character for his comedic role. (The scary thing is he actually made more sense than the people in Washington.) Yet there is national outrage because a young lady didn't cover up enough of her body on Sesame Street. Apparently the kiddies who like to watch Bert & Ernie might catch too much cleavage and start spelling things that start with the letter B. You have got to love the A-merry-can parent.
Out in Nevada white folks are still angry and acting out in public. Imagine that, fist fights at an A-merry-can political rally. I thought that type of stuff only happened in Third World countries where the party in power literally controls who eats or not. These folks are acting like it's going to make a difference who represents their state in Washington. It won't. It will be business as usual. Wait. Maybe not. If my girl Sarah light goes to Washington there might be some changes. Come on Delaware, please help a blogger out, send this woman to Washington. I will be forever grateful.
Finally, I don't want to be messy but...OK, I am going to be messy. Because, well, I don't like hypocrites. John Boner has been allegedly having an affair with a lobbyist and the Kos folks are all over him. Republicans won't like the stories that are sure to follow about this and they will call it the "politics of personal destruction." Fair point. But ask yourselves this: If this was his O ness do you think they would change their tune? If Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi was getting their freak on with someone other than their significant other, do you think it would be looping on FOX NEWS, 24/7? Of course it would. So I don't want to hear republicans crying about the "politics of personal destruction" if another hypocrite is exposed. People in glass houses....
"Insiders on Capitol Hill are buzzing about an upcoming New York Times exposé that will detail an alleged Boehner affair. Sources say the Times is looking for the right time to drop the story in October to sway the election, similar to how the Times reported during the 2008 presidential campaign on an alleged John McCain affair that supposedly had taken place many years before and that was flatly denied by the woman in question.......
Speaker Boehner, have you been cheating with Lisbeth Lyons, the lobbyist for the American Printing Association?" Stark asks. Boehner did not respond.
Stark later contacted Lyons, the Vice President of Government Affairs at Printing Industries of America, to get a comment on the allegations. She didn't provide any.
The New York Post has since caught up with Lyons, who said the rumors were "unfounded."
"As you can imagine, I was stunned by such a question," Lyons told the Post. "I found it to be highly insulting, particularly as a female political professional, as well as unfounded. Beyond that, I have no further comment on the matter."
Out in Nevada white folks are still angry and acting out in public. Imagine that, fist fights at an A-merry-can political rally. I thought that type of stuff only happened in Third World countries where the party in power literally controls who eats or not. These folks are acting like it's going to make a difference who represents their state in Washington. It won't. It will be business as usual. Wait. Maybe not. If my girl Sarah light goes to Washington there might be some changes. Come on Delaware, please help a blogger out, send this woman to Washington. I will be forever grateful.
Finally, I don't want to be messy but...OK, I am going to be messy. Because, well, I don't like hypocrites. John Boner has been allegedly having an affair with a lobbyist and the Kos folks are all over him. Republicans won't like the stories that are sure to follow about this and they will call it the "politics of personal destruction." Fair point. But ask yourselves this: If this was his O ness do you think they would change their tune? If Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi was getting their freak on with someone other than their significant other, do you think it would be looping on FOX NEWS, 24/7? Of course it would. So I don't want to hear republicans crying about the "politics of personal destruction" if another hypocrite is exposed. People in glass houses....
"Insiders on Capitol Hill are buzzing about an upcoming New York Times exposé that will detail an alleged Boehner affair. Sources say the Times is looking for the right time to drop the story in October to sway the election, similar to how the Times reported during the 2008 presidential campaign on an alleged John McCain affair that supposedly had taken place many years before and that was flatly denied by the woman in question.......
Speaker Boehner, have you been cheating with Lisbeth Lyons, the lobbyist for the American Printing Association?" Stark asks. Boehner did not respond.
Stark later contacted Lyons, the Vice President of Government Affairs at Printing Industries of America, to get a comment on the allegations. She didn't provide any.
The New York Post has since caught up with Lyons, who said the rumors were "unfounded."
"As you can imagine, I was stunned by such a question," Lyons told the Post. "I found it to be highly insulting, particularly as a female political professional, as well as unfounded. Beyond that, I have no further comment on the matter."
Well if Ms. Lyons is insulted at the accusation that settles it: there is no affair. I wonder if she watches Sesame Street? Better yet, I wonder if she would like to be a guest? She could spell a certain word for the kids.
Perry's dress on Sesame doesn't bother me, but I do see how it would concern some parents. I don't blame them, at least the virtue of white womenhood is still being protected.
Speaking of white women, or whitish women, is that Maria in that pic above? That must be how she would look sitting amongst Steve and Mack Lyons and dem... I see she took the advice and dyed her hair blonde to compliment the dingbattness that comes out her mouth. LOL
Boner claims never to have used a tanning booth or man-tan lotion. In that context, it is hard to explain his orange-ish complexion, outside of the possibility that he might be a really really tall Ooompa Loompa.
Seriously, to have a year round tan like that then Washington DC would have to be located between the Tropics of Cancer or Capricorn.
Your anony freepers will say this has no bearing on anything, but their protestations will be as amusing as Boner's anomalous colouring.
the entire fiasco better known as the american government, yes, our great democracy, is a damn shame. i'm sure more civilized countries, like, um...er, NIGERIA are laughing their asses off!
As for Katy Perry, I saw the dress. Her boobs aren't big enough to create "cleavage" that would insult, affect adversely, or turn any child into..oh, i don't know...maybe a sociopath!
shut up ya bitter cunthead laa
Dear Mr. Field, once again you have misspelled another fine American's last name. First you misspell Beck's name with three k's at the end. Now you misspell Boehner with "Boner". I see nothing funny about that. In fact, it is insulting and the GOP is watching and counting your insults.
And guess what? the dems won't save your ass. they will remain silent while your ass catch hell.
Finally, Christine O'Donnell WILL be in Washington next year. COUNT ON IT...A-merry-ca needs a woman who will have the courage to enforce discipline when it comes to sex at young ages, instead of Dems encouraging teenage sex.
Blacks of all people ought to be grateful for that. Hell, you've got mothers only 14 years older than their child and grandmothers only 18 years older that is very common in the Black Community. Yep. A change is a comin' in November. Hallejuha!
Forgot to add, but the GOP and the howler monkeys over at Faux News have their tighty whiteys in a twist over the Colbert testimony. It reminds me of the Capt. Willard quote from Apocalypse Now, "I guess they didn't dig what he had to say".
I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning...
Anony the spellchecker @ 9:25 wrote:
From Wikipedia:
"Hallelujah, Halleluyah and the Latin form Alleluia are transliterations of the Hebrew word הַלְּלוּיָהּ (Standard Halleluya, Tiberian Halləlûyāh) meaning "Praise (הַלְּלוּ) Jehovah" or "Praise Yahweh" (from the first two letters of the Tetragrammaton יהוה) (יָהּ) and is similar to the Arabic phrase Alhamdulillah, used by Muslims and by Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians. Hallelujah is found primarily in the book of Psalms. The word is used in Judaism as part of the Hallel prayers, and in Christian prayer, particularly in the Catholic Mass. It has been accepted into the English language and has a similar pronunciation in many other languages."
So, fuck your concern trollage about Boner and Beckkk
Field, Boehner has not had any affair with another woman. That's Dem desperation to try to stop a GOP rout in November. You should be ashamed of yourself for engaging in such smut.
Boehner is an honorable man.
is that really Maria in the pic? dang.
Gregory, your need for attention is evident. However, there are adult ways of doing so. Your way is childish and quite blackish ghetto. Obviously, you live in the hood next to the New Black Panthers.
LAA, "Speaking of white women, or whitish women, is that Maria in that pic above? That must be how she would look sitting amongst Steve and Mack Lyons and dem... I see she took the advice and dyed her hair blonde to compliment the dingbattness that comes out her mouth. LOL"
Now see? LAA is starting shit just like her crazy sister AB. It is clear that LAA is jealous and fearful of Maria and White women in general. Hey, don't blame maria for your unhappy life.
Field said, "Yet there is national outrage because a young lady didn't cover up enough of her body on Sesame Street."
You bet there is a national outrage about her dress. This tempting lustful dressing on children's shows must stop. I can't wait until we get more O'Donnells in Congress so that this un-Christian mess will stop.
It's not surprising that black people don't think there's anything wrong with a grown woman appearing on a television show for little children dressed like a hooker. Look around at how our foul mouthed young women dress...like hookers. So Perry is in step with negro values. Pathetic.
anon9:52p, ouch! you nailed it.
I doubt if black kids watch sesame street. Surveys probably show they watch BET and MTV and Housewives.
Field, I noticed that you have been silent about the $100mil spent on the Newark educational system. could it be just more waste of money?
"Speaking of white women, or whitish women, is that Maria in that pic above? That must be how she would look sitting amongst Steve and Mack Lyons and dem..."
I wonder which one is UTS, I think he's Ernie.
You know how people get all puritanical when someone shows a little skin. Or perhaps it was the whole "Elmo can't speak to a cute girl" thing that hit too close to home for comfort. Or maybe it was the annoying pop tune with the overbearing volume that drove people nuts.
Stephen Colbert makes more sense than most people on Capitol Hill. It was wonderful seeing everyone trying to hold a straight face. This needs to happen more often.
As for the Republican indiscretions? Not interested. Conservatives have time and again shown themselves to be highly hypocritical when it comes to their so-called standards of morality. Call me when they do something truly out of the ordinary, like rob a grocery store.
"Speaking of white women, or whitish women, is that Maria in that pic above? That must be how she would look sitting amongst Steve and Mack Lyons and dem..."
I thought you had better uses of your time than to attack me and others for the crime of having vastly different viewpoints. The only thing you managed to accomplish was for me to place you in my mental column of people here I hold in very low regard. Congratulate yourself.
"It's not surprising that black people don't think there's anything wrong with a grown woman appearing on a television show for little children dressed like a hooker. Look around at how our foul mouthed young women dress...like hookers. So Perry is in step with negro values. Pathetic."
I guess having BET on 24 hours a day has clouded your judgement.
Oh come on Anony 9:46 PM, calm down. She did the same on previous threads. Gee, I was just having fun with her, didn't you see the "LOL" at the end? :p
Hey I bet you're a guy. Maria is a big girl, she knows how to copy-n-paste her way out of anything. Now, don't you have children on a bus somewhere you need to protect instead? :)
"The only thing you managed to accomplish was for me to place you in my mental column of people here I hold in very low regard. Congratulate yourself."
Oh gee Mack, you mean all this time you didn't already throw me in your special meanie box, and I just now blew it? I damn myself.
LOL at Anony 10:24 pm.
Anonymous said...
"I doubt if black kids watch sesame street. Surveys probably show they watch BET and MTV and Housewives."
Yep. Learning the alphabet is acting white.
The Boner story is a another fake smear piece from the State Run Media just in time for the election. The New York Slimes did it to McCain last time by running a similar story that turned out (surprise!) to be a complete fabrication.
It always amazes me how these idiot politicians think they can get away with anything (unless they are a democrat, of course), but their media cohorts will come up with something even if they have to make it up. Just ask Dan Rather.
Gregory said...
Forgot to add, but the GOP and the howler monkeys
Gregory, you should be ashamed calling someone a monkey...whats wrong with you Mr Howler!! Dumbass. Whats goin on round here? Monkeyshines I tell ya, Monkeyshines.
LAA, "Oh come on Anony 9:46 PM, calm down. She did the same on previous threads. Gee, I was just having fun with her, didn't you see the "LOL" at the end? :p"
You have a point, and I am not going to make a mental note about this like MackLying has done. My mind needs the space for other matters. I swear, Mack's mind is like an old dusty warehouse where all kinds of worthless junk have been saved going back decades.
I am not that narcissistic. LOL.
Oh, oh. I think I just joined you on his shit list. Oh Lawdy, let me stop...
"Gregory, you should be ashamed calling someone a monkey...whats wrong with you Mr Howler!! Dumbass. Whats goin on round here? Monkeyshines I tell ya, Monkeyshines."
Unfortunately Gregory is not ashamed. He's too much of a chimp to know what shame is. Now why would an Obama supporter call the GOP howler monkeys when he was totally insulted about others calling Obama a monkey? Let me answer that for you...it's because he is a no-thinking ignorant dumbass. As of this moment Gregory is no longer in the black race. We don't need any more dummies in our race. Maybe the Whites will take him like they did OJ? But OJ was a lot smarter.
"Now see? LAA is starting shit just like her crazy sister AB. It is clear that LAA is jealous and fearful of Maria and White women in general. Hey, don't blame maria for your unhappy life."
I don't know what her problem is, with me, Uptownsteve or Maria. All I know is that you can't discuss anything with her unless you completely side with her point of view. Deviate from that, and she becomes as vindictive as all get out. I probably wouldn't have given two shits about anything she posted here today until she included me on her so-called shit list.
I just hope she doesn't completely go insane as time goes on. Her posts are becoming as indistinguishable as the anonymous ones.
"Now why would an Obama supporter call the GOP howler monkeys when he was totally insulted about others calling Obama a monkey? Let me answer that for you...it's because he is a no-thinking ignorant dumbass."
Why are you so up in arms over Gregory's name-calling? You wouldn't happen to be one of those "black conservatives" who feel the need to vigorously defend the honorable name of your massa, are you?
"As of this moment Gregory is no longer in the black race. We don't need any more dummies in our race. Maybe the Whites will take him like they did OJ? But OJ was a lot smarter."
Yeah. Expect him to turn in his Race Card™ on Monday morning, along with his shines, iced out bling and the keys to his standard issue candy coated whip.
MackLying, are you saying LAA and I are the same?
I don't really want to think about anyone other than hard-bellied beautiful young people having sex. The rest of us, like it or not, are somewhere on the pathetic looking scale. We should only do it with the shades down and curtains drawn. Preferably with the lights out. Then we should shut up about it.
Of course, since the blowjob heard round the world, we're forced to regularly contemplate a bunch of old politicos' flabby stretchmarked asses.
Picture this: Uptown Steve on top of Alicia Banks.
The horror, the horror.
Imagine that, fist fights at an A-merry-can political rally. I thought that type of stuff only happened in Third World countries where the party in power literally controls who eats or not.
*is dead*
Ankhesen Mié said...
Imagine that, fist fights at an A-merry-can political rally. I thought that type of stuff only happened in Third World countries where the party in power literally controls who eats or not.
You mean Like Detroit, killedelphia or Newark?
macklyons (all the time) said...
Why are you so up in arms over Gregory's name-calling? You wouldn't happen to be one of those "black conservatives" who feel the need to vigorously defend the honorable name of your massa, are you?
Make sure you remember that when someone calls you a Monkey. Make sure you call the name caller massa. At least an uncle tom aint feeble minded and gets their own, even though you aint got shit but a shitty ass cause they told you wipin your ass was tryin to be like whitey. Now whos the dumbass with a lot of shit gettin ready to be called a howler?
"Finally, I don't want to be messy but...OK, I am going to be messy. Because, well, I don't like hypocrites. John Boner has been allegedly having an affair with a lobbyist and the Kos folks are all over him. Republicans won't like the stories that are sure to follow about this and they will call it the "politics of personal destruction." Fair point. But ask yourselves this: If this was his O ness do you think they would change their tune? If Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi was getting their freak on with someone other than their significant other, do you think it would be looping on FOX NEWS, 24/7? Of course it would. So I don't want to hear republicans crying about the "politics of personal destruction" if another hypocrite is exposed. People in glass houses...."
FN, after saying THAT; why again, are you not writing about ole Muscle Shirt Eddie Long Stroke and the Longfellow Academy "spiritual sons" that keep falling out of his closet...allegedly? LOL. Negroes in the field and house need to get real!
buceta breaf laa actually has a sense of humor yay!
field, you posted:
Insiders on Capitol Hill are buzzing about an upcoming New York Times exposé that will detail an alleged Boehner affair. Sources say the Times is looking for the right time to drop the story in October to sway the election, similar to how the Times reported during the 2008 presidential campaign on an alleged John McCain affair that supposedly had taken place many years before and that was flatly denied by the woman in question...
Oh. So it's true. The NY Times is no longer in the news business. It's in the business of electioneering.
Based on the absence of a corroborating story in the National Enquirer or on Drudge Report, it appears the story about Boehner is false.
field, you wrote:
Imagine that, fist fights at an A-merry-can political rally.
No. Not a fist-fight in any real sense. A shoving match involving two women and a man.
I thought that type of stuff only happened in Third World countries where the party in power literally controls who eats or not.
No. In Third World countries there are no parties. There are just thugs and kleptocrats temporarily holding power.
Although some have staying power. Gotta love the way Robert Mugabe runs Zimbabwe.
"Field, Boehner has not had any affair with another woman. That's Dem desperation to try to stop a GOP rout in November. You should be ashamed of yourself for engaging in such smut.
Boehner is an honorable man."
If you say so.
"FN, after saying THAT; why again, are you not writing about ole Muscle Shirt Eddie Long Stroke and the Longfellow Academy "spiritual sons" that keep falling out of his closet...allegedly? LOL. Negroes in the field and house need to get real!"
That's too easy. Some things speak for themselves. :)
"Based on the absence of a corroborating story in the National Enquirer or on Drudge Report, it appears the story about Boehner is false."
n_s, I used to think that you were at least a thinking person with some smarts. (Albeit a an ignorant racist one) But the more you post the more you dissapoint me. DRUDGE!!?? Wow, you are delusional like the rest of the wingnuts.
"I doubt if black kids watch sesame street. Surveys probably show they watch BET and MTV and Housewives."
Actually, black kids love Sesame Street. White kids, on the other hand love MTV. "I want my MTV".
I am just sayin.
"It's not surprising that black people don't think there's anything wrong with a grown woman appearing on a television show for little children dressed like a hooker. Look around at how our foul mouthed young women dress...like hookers. So Perry is in step with negro values. Pathetic."
There was this little girl named Jon Benet Ramsey and.....never mind.
"Picture this: Uptown Steve on top of Alicia Banks.
The horror, the horror."
"There was this little girl named Jon Benet Ramsey and.....never mind."
Was there any justice for her? Field, you shouldn't be talking about her dressup. There was no comparison between her and girls who dress up like hookers. You know this.
field, you wrote:
n_s, I used to think that you were at least a thinking person with some smarts. (Albeit a an ignorant racist one) But the more you post the more you dissapoint me. DRUDGE!!?? Wow, you are delusional like the rest of the wingnuts.
Oh. Yeah. Maybe it's news to you that Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky story when he got a tip on about her semen-stained blue dress.
That little story launched Drudge to national media prominence.
Meanwhile, Drudge is a news aggregator. He encourages the submission of news tips.
On the other hand, the NY Times usually stays away from the game of breaking stories about affairs of politicians. Little appeared in the NY Times about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter despite photos and stupid comments from people trying to cover for him.
The NY Times is suffering. No doubt top-dog Sulzberger decided the paper has to operate a little more like the National Enquirer or some other supermarket tabloid if it expects to keep its readers coming back for more.
Meanwhile, he probably likes the idea of becoming a latter-day William Randolph Hearst, making and breaking politicians and other public figures.
maria, i love your bangs girlfriend. good cut.
What up Field? I'm in Chicago attending a National Conference on Race. It's interesting how much times have changed in the past a conference like this would have looked at the deeper of problem of race and how intrinsically tied to racism it is. However now days the conversation centers around tweaking the system and gaining a few individual victories or fighting the resulting ills of racism without attacking at its source.
I think our community has become a bit fatalistic. I don't think folks believe any more that racism can be overcome.
Oh and did you hear about the arrests in Minneapolis? Some of those folks are friends of mine who I have worked with around opposing the war as well as working on anti -foreclosure work. In fact the folks who have been harrassed were doing some very good and very radical anti-foreclosure work. I don't think they did anything illegal but I think they are going to be used to intimidate others or make them think twice before opposing US policies overseas.
Field this government is not sitting still it is moving to squash dissent.
Speaking of the NY Times check out this little hidden story about the drug problem in the US. I don't think they are talking about black folks.
"A Wave of Addiction and Crime, with the Medicine Cabinet to Blame"
For the anony who was sooooo concerned about my term "howler monkey", try reading and quoting in full context. Nothing like a little faux wingnut rage to get the morning off to a chuckle. Was it really that dull over at FreeRepublic last night?
mellaneous said...
"What up Field? I'm in Chicago attending a National Conference on Race. It's interesting how much times have changed in the past a conference like this would have looked at the deeper of problem of race and how intrinsically tied to racism it is. However now days the conversation centers around tweaking the system and gaining a few individual victories or fighting the resulting ills of racism without attacking at its source.
I think our community has become a bit fatalistic. I don't think folks believe any more that racism can be overcome."
Did you ever think that in this day and age, when a black man is president, that maybe most blacks feel racism isn't such a big probelm anymore,and maybe that's why civil rights hangers-on are considered such a boor?
And those people arrested in Minneapolis represent the vile side of the anti-war movement. There are many honorable and laudable people who oppose the war on a sound moral foundation. But these people didn't oppose the war, just America winning it. If they are found guilty of aiding terrorist attacks against American troops, I hope they are shot like the traitorous scum they are.
here's outakes that never made it on sesame street. if you're a gervais fan, you'll love it.
$$$-nice try, but i don't have bangs.
What the hell is a G.O.P. route going to do? Not a single one of those guys has any kind of plan to create jobs--not a one! I see even they even have another bullshit contract with America... It's amazing Republicans can still themselves as fiscal conservatives when they love deficit spending even more than Democrats.
I use google reader and so I often miss updates to your sidebar - but I must say. The Field Negro, House Negro You tube vid will be favorite'd in my list.
I love that you actually commentate with some of the irrational comments on your blogs... I mean its a riot to read and wel... I guess everyone deserves some level of response.
Anyhow... Been a long time since I have commented, mostly wanted you to know i still read.
"And those people arrested in Minneapolis represent the vile side of the anti-war movement. There are many honorable and laudable people who oppose the war on a sound moral foundation. But these people didn't oppose the war, just America winning it. If they are found guilty of aiding terrorist attacks against American troops, I hope they are shot like the traitorous scum they are."
See what Amber wrote above. *shaking head*
Amber, thanks for reading. I know it can't be easy.
"I think our community has become a bit fatalistic. I don't think folks believe any more that racism can be overcome."
Mell. it can't be. You can never change what is in the hearts and minds of ignorant people. What we have to focus on is making sure that people can live and prosper inspite of racism. Let the haters hate. In the end it wont matter.
n_s, are you serious about Drudge? Didn't he just give the world an edited film clip to make his point and smear a woman in the process?
At least the NYT still has journalistic standards. I know that is foreign concept to wingnuts in the age of FOX, but they actually teach it in schools.
oh, since i usually don't read LAA i missed her comment. is that you, the grouch in the trash can? you can be so ugly.
Good point Field! As you you know I don't spend a lot of time on haters so I agree. I was making the point that folks have made some concessions to the prevelance of racism that surprises me a bit.
And of course in the meantime I do what I can with what I can.
Anon: re: protestors-
You really have no idea what you are talking about. The activists in Minneapolis indeed are committed to humanity and not just humanity in the US. If you knew them you wouldn't say what you said.
But I noticed you called them traitors. I think its incorrect to call folks traitors in a society that values free speech. And in case you weren't aware there are lots of people who disagree with US policy and surely that does not make them traitors.
Good point Field! As you you know I don't spend a lot of time on haters so I agree. I was making the point that folks have made some concessions to the prevelance of racism that surprises me a bit.
And of course in the meantime I do what I can with what I can.
Anon: re: protestors-
You really have no idea what you are talking about. The activists in Minneapolis indeed are committed to humanity and not just humanity in the US. If you knew them you wouldn't say what you said.
But I noticed you called them traitors. I think its incorrect to call folks traitors in a society that values free speech. And in case you weren't aware there are lots of people who disagree with US policy and surely that does not make them traitors.
Anon those who say racism isn't a big problem anymore say it from the comfort of whiteness behind gated and guarded private communities in pretend worlds and don't have any idea what it is like in the real world.
At bottom any talk about post racialism or minimizing the very real problem of racism even during the days of Obama is just plain ole DISHONEST!
"And those people arrested in Minneapolis represent the vile side of the anti-war movement. There are many honorable and laudable people who oppose the war on a sound moral foundation. But these people didn't oppose the war, just America winning it. If they are found guilty of aiding terrorist attacks against American troops, I hope they are shot like the traitorous scum they are."
You sound like the type of guy who thought Kent State was a good idea.
"You have a point, and I am not going to make a mental note about this like MackLying has done. My mind needs the space for other matters. I swear, Mack's mind is like an old dusty warehouse where all kinds of worthless junk have been saved going back decades.
I am not that narcissistic. LOL.
Oh, oh. I think I just joined you on his shit list. Oh Lawdy, let me stop..."
Damn. I know better to fire back at an anon comment, especially one that's parked all up in someone's Amen corner.
My mind's like an "old dusty warehouse"? Well gee....yours must be the equivalent of a hole in the ground a dog digs when he wants to bury a bone. Only it doesn't have a bone in it. It's just a dusty ass hole.
Yeah, come back from that one. I dare ya.
maria said...
"is that you, the grouch in the trash can? you can be so ugly."
Um Maria, Oscar is a boy, and I am a girl, see? Now, if it was his girlfriend Grundgetta in the can, that would make sense. But I can't blame you for that oversight, dying your hair blonde gives you that advantage, I told you.
But anyway, don't hate on Grundgetta, at least she has a man. :)
Mack, you seem like a very sensitive touchy kind of guy. So I'm going to speak in general terms here.
I always find it interesting how black males are in the highest statistic group that can't seem to finish school. Yet when anyone disagrees or challenges most of you (especially black women), many of you seem to magically acquire some sort of license or degree in psychosis. Strange phenom.
And don't worry your little mental column about me being any of those Anonys, I am way too arrogant (and don't give a shit either) to not identify myself to my personal thoughts. :)
Maria wait.... I meant to say "dyeing" not dying. I don't want you to run tell the authorities that a black woman threatened to harm you. We know how you get. Ok.
i would really like it if you'd stop being such an asshole to me. i know you're a better person than this.
Mellaneous said.."But I noticed you called them traitors. I think its incorrect to call folks traitors in a society that values free speech. And in case you weren't aware there are lots of people who disagree with US policy and surely that does not make them traitors."
I didn't call them traitors because they disagreed with policy, I called them traitors because they were arrested for aiding and abetting terrorism against US troops! Isn't that traitorous?
And Field, isn't shooting traitors the thing to do?
macklyons said...
"You sound like the type of guy who thought Kent State was a good idea."
Uh, how? At Kent State, innocent protesters, expressing their right of free speech, were killed because some national guardsmen over reacted to a few violent protesters.
How is that equivalent to arresting people after what the FBI described as an "investigation into activities concerning the material support of terrorism."
Kent State was a national tragedy. I do not think these deaths were "a good idea".
If these Twin Cities activists are found guilty of aiding and abetting terrorism, they should face the full force of the law. I think shooting them would be a good idea.
"Mack, you seem like a very sensitive touchy kind of guy. So I'm going to speak in general terms here.
I always find it interesting how black males are in the highest statistic group that can't seem to finish school. Yet when anyone disagrees or challenges most of you (especially black women), many of you seem to magically acquire some sort of license or degree in psychosis. Strange phenom.
And don't worry your little mental column about me being any of those Anonys, I am way too arrogant (and don't give a shit either) to not identify myself to my personal thoughts. :)"
You seem to have a lot of these little insults on hand to dole out. Now here you are trying to simultaneously put down black men in general while attempting to insult me by suggesting that I never finished high school. Not that it should be any concern of yours, but I'm among the few who have not only possess a college degree, but I'm set to work on my graduate studies.
I seem to wonder about women like you who find joy in berating and demeaning black men, becoming downright estatic when those very men end up falling prey to statistics, either by their own hands or by circumstances beyond their control. You think your "strength" lies in your hateful vindictiveness. It looks like you have a lot of problems to resolve and instead of wasting your time lashing out at me, you should be asking yourself why you choose to carry on in such a meanspirited and hateful manner.
By the way, the word you're looking for is "psychiatry". The study and treatment of affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual disorders. I don't have much desire to venture into that field. I just find it amusing to unravel the personalities of some of our more unbalanced commentators here.
MackLying, you are a very sensitive bm. Or, I should say you are like an overly sensitive child. That means you are a very weak man...no substance. LOL
And no, LAA didn't write this. Any fool can tell the difference. In fact, if you had half a brain, you'd recognize me as the anon who rips into your dumb ass everyday. Wake up slow poke!
Field, I can't believe that you are calling a fine person like Ala. Congressman Artur Davis a slave catcher!
What has happened to you? You used to be a lot more fair and balanced. Now you are just unbalanced in your judgments against black conservatives. We deserve better.
You need to go see "Wall Street" as I have recommended. You have no idea what people climbing the rich ladder of capitalism have to go through. It's very stressful and has cost lives. It's ten times worse than being poor.
Go see the movie. You will leave appreciating the hearts of the rich.
Field, "n_s, I used to think that you were at least a thinking person with some smarts. (Albeit a an ignorant racist one) But the more you post the more you dissapoint me. DRUDGE!!?? Wow, you are delusional like the rest of the wingnuts."
Mr. Field, I think you have misjudged no_slappz's intelligence. He has repeatedly, AT WILL, destroyed his opponents on FN blog on a daily basis. Now, if yu think he is a non-thinker what does that make others like MackLying, Gregory, UTS, Hathor, Mell, Granny, and others who try to take him/her on? It's been so painful that even Granny stays away.
You must admit that he/she has CONSISTENTLY beat the hell out of all of them. What makes it even sadder, he beats them all together in one day! It's quite embarrassing.
This is just a note that is off topic, but I wonder why you give that idiot Elder, a drop of ink. Those who have either read his books or heard him speak know that he is a blowhard from beginning to end.
Anon: 7:02
As I was there, the protesters were not violent, they were angry.
Because the National Guard was untrained as to crowd control, fear to control and a terrible tragedy was the end result.
"I didn't call them traitors because they disagreed with policy, I called them traitors because they were arrested for aiding and abetting terrorism against US troops! Isn't that traitorous?"
Anon. I must be missing something; Were they tried and conviced?
You did miss something.
My original quote was : "If they are found guilty of aiding terrorist attacks against American troops, I hope they are shot like the traitorous scum they are."
IF they are found guilty.
MackLying, "By the way, the word you're looking for is "psychiatry". The study and treatment of affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual disorders. I don't have much desire to venture into that field. I just find it amusing to unravel the personalities of some of our more unbalanced commentators here."
Well, you shouldn't try to become a psychiatrist, but you should go see one. While you have been busy "unraveling" the personalities of commentators you missed your own 'unbalanced' narcissistic personality disorder.
"You must admit that he/she has CONSISTENTLY beat the hell out of all of them. What makes it even sadder, he beats them all together in one day!"
Well he/she must have taken a day off.In fact, he/she seems to be on a very long vacation. :)
"This is just a note that is off topic, but I wonder why you give that idiot Elder, a drop of ink. Those who have either read his books or heard him speak know that he is a blowhard from beginning to end."
Anon. You might be right.
Anon 8:33 pm, you shouldn't be so quick to judge. How do you know what my experiences are? Maybe I can look at this objectively from both sides. Have you ever thought of that? I, as I am sure everyone here, know what it is like to work hard to achieve success. I have a business, just like your rich friends. So cut us lefties some slack. :)
Mack said..."Not that it should be any concern of yours, but I'm among the few who have not only possess a college degree, but I'm set to work on my graduate studies."
And I could be the man on the moon in his underwear eating cheese...
Oh come on Mack, you have lashed at black women several times before. It's all good.
"By the way, the word you're looking for is "psychiatry". "
Nah, I meant the term psychosis for a reason, based on the "going insane" inference and that anon sock-puppet insinuation you made. One just sits under the other. Go look it up. I was correct about you wasn't I.
LOL at Anony 8:16 pm. Mack might be suffering from Anonymous-paranoias-psychosis (relax Mack, I just made that up, maybe).
Maria, you and Mack could never survive six months where I live, I'm like "Asshole" light. Old people say, "what yo put in, is what yo take out". (And no Maria, that was not a threat. You seem to process things oddly, so I have to spell this out and reiterate to make sure).
Americans who complain about a slightly low cut dress on Sesame Street, should pay a trip to the Netherlands where I have seen full-frontal nudity on children's T.V. shows pass without comment.
What do those parents think is going to happen to three year olds that view a woman in a low(ish) cut dress? Do they think the kids will even notice? Do they think the country will be filled with sex-crazed toddlers waddling into orgies at the kindergarten? Do they think that kids should not be allowed to know that women have things called breasts?
Perhaps the critics believe that all women on kids T.V. shows should be made to wear a burqha? Then children's minds will be protected from such rampant displays of lust-inspiring flesh.
America is an increasingly weird place. It's true what they say, the American Right is the new taliban.
maybe where you live has made you into an asshole, and for that i am sorry. but like you said, if you're an asshole to people where you live, that could be why it's so hard for you...you need to look in your own mirror.
i never thought the virgin islands was so tough. LOL
you have no idea how or where i live, and what i put up with on a daily basis and the struggles and causes i am involved in. what my strengths are, my talents...who i am. you hate me because i am white...and because i call you on your stupid uninformed comments...period.
you are simply like annoying pebble in my shoe--and consider yourself tossed back out from here on.
you think tearing me down with personal insults makes you stronger, in fact, it only makes you look more pathetic.
you wouldn't last one month were i live. you're too much of a racist, colorist and classist. you don't know how to get along with people who aren't like you. the comments you make, such as about hispanics and never helping people who wouldn't help you, reinforce this on a daily basis.
good luck--you need it.
PC said, "What do those parents think is going to happen to three year olds that view a woman in a low(ish) cut dress? Do they think the kids will even notice? Do they think the country will be filled with sex-crazed toddlers waddling into orgies at the kindergarten? Do they think that kids should not be allowed to know that women have things called breasts?"
American kids should not see some woman with a low cut dress on Sesame Street. You folks in the Netherlands need to get some religion and read the Bible, instead of living like you are the alpha and the omega of the universe. No wonder you have the highest rate of drug addicts on the planet.
America has its own culture and "right" way of living..something you wouldn't know anything about. Go back to your weed, sex and drugs. America is a place for the pure in heart.
maria, "i never thought the virgin islands was so tough. LOL"
I used to take a vacation to the VIs every year. It was a great wonderful gentle place. But maybe it's changed, and that's too bad.
maria said, "you think tearing me down with personal insults makes you stronger, in fact, it only makes you look more pathetic."
'Putting others down doesn't make you any better nor does it make you what you are not...'
--old Negro proverb
And I could be the man on the moon in his underwear eating cheese...
Oh come on Mack, you have lashed at black women several times before. It's all good. "
LAA, you've got some underlying issues to take care of. And I hope you do get that straightened out soon.
In the meantime, I'll let you think I'm the man on the moon in his underwear eating cheese. Whatever makes you happy.
Was that the best maria could do?
No wonder you have the highest rate of drug addicts on the planet.
FYI, the rate of drug addiction in the Netherlands is one of the lowest in the industrialised world. The rate of heroin and cocaine us in the USA is three times that of The Netherlands.
But hey, let's not let anything as inconvenient as 'the truth' get in the way of a good bigoted rant, shall we?
America has its own culture and "right" way of living..something you wouldn't know anything about. Go back to your weed, sex and drugs. America is a place for the pure in heart.
Oh yeah, I forgot. There's no such thing as sex or drugs in America.
Uh anon 2:26 pm i may be wrong but from what i recall the netherlands have some of the LOWEST numbers of drug addicts in the western world.
Mack said"LAA, you've got some underlying issues to take care of. And I hope you do get that straightened out soon."
Ok. Thanks.
Anony Said"I used to take a vacation to the VIs every year. It was a great wonderful gentle place. But maybe it's changed, and that's too bad."
It's still a gentle place, but it can be gentle based on the color of your skin, or by the weight of your wallet. Not all of us are are grin face, sitting back drinking coconuts out of straws and shooting the breeze.
Maria, I should have been more specific, I primarily meant in the working environment (my error). If you can't handle a little mischief or adverse correspondence on a blog platform, how will you survive when it's in a small saturated insular type governed society. Cost of living is high, wages are low, people are just as frustrated as the US mainlanders. However, there is no mental escape, not even a physical escape for the weekend. You can't jump in your car and drive to another state to let off some steam.
Squidward, (the charector from Spongebob) works in the office next to me. If I go to the mall or the movies, I risk seeing this person on my precious weekends. Luckily, I still have some sort of financial means to catch a ferry/plane to Puerto Rico and stay in a motel.
Maria, where I live, people will ride you just for kicks seeing how feisty you try to be, but yet sensitive and vulnerable which you really are. You won't be able to take all of it in. (And no Maria, I am not talking about having sex and getting your groove back with island men, let us just be clear). And you know, for someone who scrambles to negate other people's feelings of victimization, you sure love to play that white victim ad nauseam.
Anyway, you've been fun. And I don't hate you because you are white. My cats are white, and so are my kitchen cabinets.
Sorry Field for the duplicates, but the google fairy has it out for me because I'm black.
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