Congrats to you folks in Newark for having your first murder free month since 1966. Hmmm, maybe "the times they are a changing." Here in Philly we would settle for a murder free weekend.
Damn! They are trying to put bloggers to death in Iran. That is not cool. Fortunately in the land of the the [some are] free it's nice to know that I can get on my computer and write what's on my mind every night. I think I will enjoy it while I can. I sense a wingnut wave getting ready to sweep over Washington. There is no telling what those clowns will do when they wrestle power from the dumbocrats.
They have already made their "Pledge to America" in anticipation of their takeover.
I guess this is a variation of their "Contract on America" which they put out when Newt was literally running wild down there.
"The "Pledge to America," circulated to GOP lawmakers Wednesday, emphasizes job creation and spending control, as well as changing the way Congress does business. It steered clear of controversial issues such as Social Security and Medicare, big drivers of deficit spending.
It pairs some familiar Republican ideas – such as deep spending cuts, medical liability reform and stricter border enforcement – with an anti-government call to action that draws on tea party themes and echoes voters' disgruntlement with the economy and Obama's leadership.
"Regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent," reads a preamble to the agenda. "An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many."
I swear these people are delusional. An "arrogant and out-of-touch government"? That sounds a lot like the one we just had for the past eight years. "Deep spending cuts" from where? I bet that isn't in the pledge. What will they cut? And how much of it will they cut out?
But A-merry-ca needs a pledge. (Pledge has such a nice pietistic sound to it.) She needs to be reassured. We are lurching too much to the left. We are becoming a lot like one of those European countries we despise so much. A pledge coming from those types of faces that we know and trust will make us feel a whole lot better. (Hint hint.)
“It is a document that outlines not just the direction and our intent but how we will stand together and move this country forward together.”
They have already made their "Pledge to America" in anticipation of their takeover.
I guess this is a variation of their "Contract on America" which they put out when Newt was literally running wild down there.
"The "Pledge to America," circulated to GOP lawmakers Wednesday, emphasizes job creation and spending control, as well as changing the way Congress does business. It steered clear of controversial issues such as Social Security and Medicare, big drivers of deficit spending.
It pairs some familiar Republican ideas – such as deep spending cuts, medical liability reform and stricter border enforcement – with an anti-government call to action that draws on tea party themes and echoes voters' disgruntlement with the economy and Obama's leadership.
"Regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent," reads a preamble to the agenda. "An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many."
I swear these people are delusional. An "arrogant and out-of-touch government"? That sounds a lot like the one we just had for the past eight years. "Deep spending cuts" from where? I bet that isn't in the pledge. What will they cut? And how much of it will they cut out?
But A-merry-ca needs a pledge. (Pledge has such a nice pietistic sound to it.) She needs to be reassured. We are lurching too much to the left. We are becoming a lot like one of those European countries we despise so much. A pledge coming from those types of faces that we know and trust will make us feel a whole lot better. (Hint hint.)
“It is a document that outlines not just the direction and our intent but how we will stand together and move this country forward together.”
His O ness will be glad to hear that. He was, after all, the change candidate.
"Damn! They are trying to put bloggers to death in Iran. That is not cool. Fortunately in the land of the the [some are] free..."
Why the [some are]? Who is not free in America?
" ... it's nice to know that I can get on my computer and write what's on my mind every night. I think I will enjoy it while I can. I sense a wingnut wave getting ready to sweep over Washington. There is no telling what those clowns will do when they wrestle power from the dumbocrats."
Excuse me Field, but which party has tried to reinstitute the "Fairness" Doctrine for media? Which party is pushing for "net neutrality"?
Not the wingnut Republicans. Republicans are many shades of stupid, but it is the "dumbocrats" that want so bad to limit speech, and if they are thrown out in November, if will be a victory for the rights of all of us, moonbat bloggers like yourself, included.
Equating net neutrality and the fairness doctrine with death is a real stretch.You don't think the internet is fine the way it is? The GOP is ok with outsourcing jobs and not taxing millionaires and billionaires even though we need the money. Strange.
"I think I will enjoy it while I can. I sense a wingnut wave getting ready to sweep over Washington. There is no telling what those clowns will do when they wrestle power from the dumbocrats."
Well, if the dumbocrats had higher IQs then the Republicans wouldn't be in such great shape. The dems are famous for shooting themselves in the foot. Dems aren't very good politicians, and they lack the persistence and determination of Repubs and Tea partiers. More Blacks need to move over to Repubs.
@ PilotX: The comparison was about freedom of speech.
And I do like the internet like it is. I don't want the government to regulate speech on the web, which is what "net neutrlity" is all about.
How you go from there to taxes is just weird. BTW, the top 1% of earners already pay 40% of all income taxes. That's the way to outsource prosperity.
"How you go from there to taxes is just weird. BTW, the top 1% of earners already pay 40% of all income taxes. That's the way to outsource prosperity."
So, how much do you want them to pay? 30%? 20%? Zero? You conservatives are so up on cutting taxes -- how come the lower and middle classes are the least likely to see any of the supposed advantages? Keep in mind the top 1% had a 90% tax rate during the Eisenhower administration and that was at the height of American economic power.
Why should a person who worked his butt off to become rich or wealthy have to suffer because of people like MackLyings? That is totally unfair and we won't have it! Everyone should pay their fair share of taxes but don't dump on the poor rich.
Dear Mr. Field, I have noticed that your posters who comment here have a deep prejudice against the rich. Is it because they are Black and poor and hate Whites?
Fyi, even the rich and the elite have a right to exist on this earth and enjoy the fruits of their money. We live in a capitalist society, not a socialist country.
"Well, if the dumbocrats had higher IQs"
Hahahaha, I tell you some people are so doggone full of dung and misguided.
Nevertheless, I happen to drop by and read that asinine comment and well...I just couldn't resist throwing my little two cents in regarding those FOR the RICH and SPECIAL INTEREST ONLY PARTY, BACKWARDS Republicans who are stuck in the 50s time zone. No I take that back the 1800s time warped zone.
The LOVE of money is something else. Those darn not very bright upstairs, devious Republicans would sell their momma down the river if they thought they could keep their beloved tax cuts for the rich to make Americans work for pauper's wages while the rich folk's coffers grow.
It's amazing how they praise someone like that little dumb bunny Palin and act as if she is all that and a bag of chips when in reality she is nothing more than the bottom of the barrel after scraping up the residue from it. And Newt should go somewhere and sit his adulterous, cruel behind down somewhere...get a rocking chair maybe or go find his next victim...I mean wife.
I can't help but wonder what would those Koch brothers with their greedy self do if middleclass and poor people teamed up and were to go on a total strike and discontinue buying their products completely and totally as well as those who like to ship jobs overseas. Hit them where it hurts in their fat overblown pockets. If people were to begin buying and only dealing with small businesses I wonder what effect that would have on those rich, greedy blood suckers.
BTW, the Republicans are persistent in lying and they are determined to finish robbing America blind. Yup!
As a black woman I would never move over to the Republican's side because that would be like sleeping with the enemy. Because they have already let us black folks know how they feel about us. Frankly speaking, I am not into the antebellum era or into jigging for Mister Charlie. That would be like cutting my nose off to spite my face and sorry but I love me too much to do that.
Oh yeah, I used to work for Internal Revenue and the rich do not pay any taxes. That is straight up BS! The average worker...middleclass and the low income folks are the ones that foot the bill. Yeah, you right, everyone should pay their fair share, so now when are the rich gonna start paying theirs?
The 'plan' is what they call a nothing sandwich in economics blogs.
Lots of fat platitudes for tea bags.
No specifics.
This country needs a viable third party bad and soon! The Republicans and Democrats just do the same stuff over and over again.
What will they cut?
The usual- funding for education, medicare, social security, head start, just about any program of social good.
Same old bullshit. Funny thing is they said of the 21 pages in the Pledge manifesto book- many of them are full pages of pictures!
The Plague on America's a joke of a governing document. This should show the Wingbaggers that the GOP hold them in as much contempt as they do the rest of us, but somehow I don't see that happening.
granny, "It's amazing how they praise someone like that little dumb bunny Palin and act as if she is all that and a bag of chips when in reality she is nothing more than the bottom of the barrel after scraping up the residue from it. And Newt should go somewhere and sit his adulterous, cruel behind down somewhere...get a rocking chair maybe or go find his next victim...I mean wife."
What has Palin ever done to you? She is a good person with class who is a devoted Mother, wife, and Christian, unlike you.
Why must you get personal? What kind of person are you? You are definitely from the hood.
You aren't the only one who has worked for the IRS. Additionally, just because you "claim" that you worked for the IRS doesn't necessarily qualify you as an 'expert' on who pays taxes and who doesn't. You have lied many times on this blog before.
For all we know you were one of the janitors that cleaned up the offices. You certainly talk and think like one.
President Obama does not get the backing from his own party like some white guy would. It is that same old attitude of not wanting to be under the leadership of heaven forbid...a black person. If he were white they would be falling all over him to help him get good policies passed that would help all Americans.
Instead, like I've said before and I'll say it again. There are some in his own party that are backstabbing, betraying, undermining, and do not want him in the White House. Not only that, everything he tries to do, those that have that attitude are blocking it at the state levels. Oh their playing a game right now in a serious effort to bring him down so that no other black person will ever slip through and get into that "sacred whites only house" ever again.
MSM is one of the tools they've been using forever since television and radio came into play. You don't have to take my word for it though, just open your eyes and see! They were instrumental in running obstruction with the Health Care bill and they've been running obstruction on just about everything good he proposes to do.
Nevertheless, I don't think President Obama even wants to run for another term. He is sick of dealing with so-called grown folks who act like little petty ass children in jr high school that believe and fall for hearsay...he say,they say mess. Can't say that I blame him. I wish Michelle would have been the one to run instead of him. I betcha she would have put a clamp on their mouth and BS.
Granny said, "As a black woman I would never move over to the Republican's side because that would be like sleeping with the enemy."
You lack aspiration and vision.
Granny, "Instead, like I've said before and I'll say it again. There are some in his own party that are backstabbing, betraying, undermining, and do not want him in the White House. Not only that, everything he tries to do, those that have that attitude are blocking it at the state levels. Oh their playing a game right now in a serious effort to bring him down so that no other black person will ever slip through and get into that "sacred whites only house" ever again."
Well, if 'they' are trying to bring him down, then don't expect him to run in 2012. And you are right. There won't be another black President. The country can't be bothered by Blacks like you accusing Whites of something they aren't doing.
You have a bad case of paranoia and need to see a psychiatrist.
I've been waiting for you to bring up that Christian argument. Tell you what I'm gonna do, I am gonna switch to the Nation of Islam for a few minutes so that I can really get down and dirty with you.
I hate to beg your pardon but Palin is a piece of trash and the worst excuse for a mom that I've ever seen in my life! I've seen better moms than that on drugs. Palin is not worth two dead flies.
Hood??? Would you like for me to go hood on you? I can!
You calling me a lie....hahahaha. Coming from someone beneath me like you that is hilarious with your FAKE ass. Now was that hood enough for you or would like me to get more hood than that? Or do we need to make it one of those pulling off the earrings moment, because I can get real nasty and insulting in my remarks too. I know how to play the dozens and I'm real skilled in it as well as experienced.
However, if I were you, I would think about it because today might be the day you get your feelings hurt real bad. I kid you not!
"As a black woman I would never move over to the Republican's side because that would be like sleeping with the enemy."
Back in the evil days of segregation black businesses and institutions flourished, and then they died with integration. Back in the days before liberalism bloomed in America's mind like an algae plague, blacks ran a thriving parallel society that served them well. And then blacks made the disastrous choice to give up their freedom and move onto the liberal plantation and chop grievance cotton. Pity. Oh, what might have been.
It's never too late to change course. Join America.together we cannot be beat.
"Back in the evil days of segregation black businesses and institutions flourished, and then they died with integration."
Anonymous, do you really think that blacks are that stupid to fall for that crock of BS you just laid out? Or did you forget that I am an older person who does not have milk on my breath?
Black businesses died because of redevelopment, eminent domain, and greedy contractors building shopping malls all over the place while forcing blacks out of business. It's called you know...capitalism and greed at its finest.
@Granny: Businesses died because of capitalism? Are you daft?
Anonymous, didn't corporations invest in shopping mall to make a profit? Doesn't profits and investments fall under capitalism?
You are hopeless.
"You are hopeless."
Speak for yourself Anonymous!
Please don't vote.
BTW, anonymouse, I've never seen any janitors wear suits to work in before. Where do you work at that janitors come to work in suits? It must be one of those wasteful Corporations like Enron was or Haliburton where they are stealing taxpayer's money and for some reason the money just disappears into thin air and no one can give account of what happened to it.
Is that a voter intimidation threat? Or are you just saying something dumb and silly like you always do?
No, I am merely imploring you, for the good of the country, leave the decisions to the mentally competent. I'll bring you a cookie.
The Republicans are at it again. The technique is called "voter caging", the result stopping people from voting.
From Daily Kos:
Despite firm denials by Tim Dake, leader of Wisconsin's Tea Party organizations, the voter caging plot between the Tea Party, Americans for Prosperity and the Republican Party of Wisconsin exposed this week by One Wisconsin Now, is directly targeting university students - most notably voters at UW-Milwaukee Sandburg Hall, which made up 95 percent of the ward's 2008 vote total.
One Wisconsin Now's diary :: ::
Earlier this week, the GrandSons of Liberty website, run by Dake, posted a "revised draft plan" in response to One Wisconsin Now's release of audio recordings, transcripts and strategy documents it obtained which detail a possibly-illegal voter caging plan. The document, whose properties indicate it was created last night at 9:56 p.m., says "AFP has mailed first 500 to Milwaukee districts 39, 60 and 62. Additional mailing as funding is obtained."
Ward 39 is the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In 2008, 1,891 of the 1,966 votes cast in that ward came from 3400 Maryland Avenue, the Sandburg Residence Hall, which houses 2,700 students.
Anonymous what is your malfunction? Are you a little slow or what? For some reason, you can't seem to get it through your head when people say they are not down with your kiddie "SHIT" today they really mean it and are serious as a heart attack.
Now see what you made me type... the "S" word. That should really be a signal for you to run along and play before I really go ballistic on you. However, I don't think you have enough common sense to take a hint and recognize that I am not playing with you. Nevertheless, let me warn you one more time. Today is not the day for you to keep trying to push buttons with me.
BTW, I do not accept cookies from strangers.
"Pledge" no wax buildup, smear and smudge proof.
For inquiring minds....e
I was thinking that has been their strategy all along. And I believe that they've been planning it since the day that the President took office. Look at how they've hammered away at the people's confidence in President Obama.
And if people would really stop and think its like they've used subliminal messages which now have people repeating their message as if they are in a stupor. And people are overlooking the fact that the GOP and teabaggers are telling us all the time that they want to continue with the same Bush policies that got us into the mess we're into in the first place. Although, the teabaggers want to take it a step further out in the far extreme zone.
"An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many."
This theme of an alleged elite American ruling class is one we see ever more frequently. The Republicans have recruited the poor and the middle class not by using economic issues, but rather what they refer to as ‘Red Button’ social issues, such as abortion, gay rights, flag burning etc. And yet, despite twenty years of Regan and Bush government, abortion is still legal, gay marriage is increasingly legal, there is no constitutional clause against burning flags, and average American wages continue to fall.
How to explain to explain this manifest failure to their conservative core voters?
Simple. Invent a "liberal elite" straw man, representing everything that conservatives are not - people who are well educated, probably speak French and drink latte grande. They ignore any economic reasons for failure, and blame their own inability to enact change on the red-button issues by blaming all on this alleged America-hating American social elite.
This meme of an American ruling caste that hates middle-class Americans is increasingly common in conservative literature. It is merely a device to cover their own abject failure to better the lives of those they claim to represent.
"Why should a person who worked his butt off to become rich or wealthy have to suffer because of people like MackLyings? That is totally unfair and we won't have it! Everyone should pay their fair share of taxes but don't dump on the poor rich."
You never did answer my question. Exactly how much do the rich have to pay in order to be fair by your standards? Given the leanings of most corporate conservatives, they would very well reduce the tax rate of the wealthy to zero and let the lower and middle classes eat the whole meal.
"Instead, like I've said before and I'll say it again. There are some in his own party that are backstabbing, betraying, undermining, and do not want him in the White House. Not only that, everything he tries to do, those that have that attitude are blocking it at the state levels. Oh their playing a game right now in a serious effort to bring him down so that no other black person will ever slip through and get into that "sacred whites only house" ever again."
Thank you, Granny. You've pretty much said what was on my mind.
"Back in the evil days of segregation black businesses and institutions flourished, and then they died with integration. Back in the days before liberalism bloomed in America's mind like an algae plague, blacks ran a thriving parallel society that served them well. And then blacks made the disastrous choice to give up their freedom and move onto the liberal plantation and chop grievance cotton. Pity. Oh, what might have been."
Nah. You can't be this fucking stupid. You have to be pulling people's legs, here.
And to think that people who think on your wavelength are chomping at the bit to lead this country back to the dark ages. If these people win, America is fucked.
Amen, MackLyons and Purple Cow!
I plan to do my part and to make sure that the GOP do not get back in power come November. I am well rested, rejuvenated, focused, and ready for the fight. I'm in my campaigning mode now.
I've been awful busy lately working on my book and doing a few other things. Nevertheless, I'm used to doing more than one thing at a time, so that's not a problem. Besides which, they've pissed me off with their arrogance and devious ways and being pissed has only energized me more.
I have been looking and looking Field. Any Idea what the Dems agenda is? You know if they stay in power what do they plan to accomplish for the next few years?
GrannyStandingForRacism Said
Is that a voter intimidation threat? Or are you just saying something dumb and silly like you always do?
Ya mean like the Black Panthers and DOJ type of voter intimidation threat? Naw that cookie is getting crumbled in a public hearing this morning at 10. Be sure to tune in so you can see racism at its finest get exposed.
Budget Cuts??
I've got a few ideas
1:Close Git-Mo, umm like wasn't it supposed to be closed during Barak's(Peace be upon Him) first year?
2:Bring the 50,000 troops home from Iraq, and the 100,000+ home from Afghanistan, I mean WTF, is McCain doing the Vulcan Mind-Meld or something...And
3:Military/Civillians serving in Iraq/Afghanistan don't have to pay Federal Income Taxex, what the fucks up with THAT??? I mean you get to kill A-rabs AND not pay taxes??? How did THAT sneak through Congress.
4:Repeal "Don't ask Don't Smell" OK, that wont really save any money, I just love watchin you Homos get your panties in a wad over a policy that was implemented by a Democrat President AND Congress...
5: Dig up Martin Lucifer King and sell tickets to "Shake Hands with the King" for $50 a pop, heck its cheaper than goin to an NBA game...
I'd like to know where was this love of fiscal responsibility when Bush--who started off with a surplus, thanks to Clinton--for the past eight years?
Not the wingnut Republicans. Republicans are many shades of stupid, but it is the "dumbocrats" that want so bad to limit speech, and if they are thrown out in November, if will be a victory for the rights of all of us, moonbat bloggers like yourself, included.<<
Obama has stated that he is not in support of the Fairness Doctrine. Among all of the concerns of this administration, it's not even on the table. Red herring.
She is a good person with class who is a devoted Mother, wife, and Christian, unlike you.<<
Granny is more of a woman than airheaded Palin will *ever* be. At the very least, Granny can communicate without given her readers the feeling they are on some drug. I am certain the same can be said when she speaks.
I wish Michelle would have been the one to run instead of him. I betcha she would have put a clamp on their mouth and BS<<
And no surprise here -- Rush and his fellow wingnuts are slamming her for her concern over childhood obesity. http://tiny.cc/3ndhl
They falsely claim that people will be locked away for downing a cheeseburger and fries and go after her for eating ice cream while on vacation.
If she were promoting literacy and education, a la Nancy Reagan and Laura Bush, they would advance illiteracy and ignorance.
Back in the evil days of segregation black businesses and institutions flourished, and then they died with integration. <<
Ah, for the days of Jim Crow. You just wish. People were lynched with impunity if they got "too uppity." Google Tulsa, OK riots or the Rosewood massacre and see how flourishing black businesses, as you call them, were regarded by people like you.
field, you wrote:
"The "Pledge to America,"...It steered clear of controversial issues such as Social Security and Medicare, big drivers of deficit spending.
As I've said, you and virtually every reader and poster here at this blog needs a solid course in economics.
Social Security and Medicare DO NOT lead to Deficit Spending. As you should know, government auditors maintain multi-year and multi-decade estimates for the cost of both programs. Projections for the TAX REVENUE necessary to fund both entitlement programs are made.
Deficit spending involves extra spending on a TEMPORARY basis.
The "idea" behind Obama's Stimulus nonsense boils down to pumping BORROWED (deficit) money into the economy NOW, so the economy can grow and REPAY the temporarily borrowed amounts.
Wars are funded with deficit spending. But wars always end, therefore, war funding is always temporary. Assuming Iraq becomes an important and growing capitalistic economy selling oil into the world market, the US will recover some of the money spent.
As of now, the government expects to sell its 61%-share of General Motors in a stock offering later this year. The government expects the value of its shares to repay the $50 billion used to save GM.
However, for this to work, the stock must go to $134 a share. As usual, Obama is absurdly optimistic about the value of this company.
But A-merry-ca needs a pledge. (Pledge has such a nice pietistic sound to it.)
Pietistic? What the heck is that? How about "pious"?
sharon from wi writes:
I'd like to know where was this love of fiscal responsibility when Bush--who started off with a surplus, thanks to Clinton--for the past eight years?
Bush started off with a world that seemed to be in a relatively peaceful state.
Bush, America, and the world were blindsided by 9/11.
If you think there was a low-cost bargain strategy to handle a military assault on the US, let me know.
When Japan made its move, we destroyed the nation and rebuilt its society from the ground up. Germany too. And South Korea. Freedom is never cheap.
Those talking points are OLD.
Speaking of net neutrality, watch who Google and Verizon contribute to.
"Ya mean like the Black Panthers and DOJ type of voter intimidation threat? Naw that cookie is getting crumbled in a public hearing this morning at 10. Be sure to tune in so you can see racism at its finest get exposed."
Black Panthers? You mean the "New Black Panthers" who don't have any affiliation with the original Black Panthers? You mean those rasta lookin' fellas who were standing outside the polls looking goofy as all get out? I know you white people are easily intimidated by even ONE sufficiently black person, so seeing a whole bunch of them looking rather defiant and uncowed must have been just pure hell on you.
"I'd like to know where was this love of fiscal responsibility when Bush--who started off with a surplus, thanks to Clinton--for the past eight years?"
Most people were probably too busy buying jet skis and new trucks with their second mortgages, refinanced with time-bomb ARMs and insane APR rates. The people were more than happy to share in the government's fiscal stupidity and it cost them big time. Now people are bitching about Obama's efforts to save the sinking ship.
"When Japan made its move, we destroyed the nation and rebuilt its society from the ground up. Germany too. And South Korea. Freedom is never cheap."
"Freedom" comes with a pretty big price tag, these days. Perhaps we should stop exporting "Freedom" and focus on saving our own asses. The whole military-industrial economic machine can wait.
Co sign with sharon about granny over sarah.
how much do you want to bet most people in the fields earn more and pay more in taxes than the anon above who was defending rich folks and their tax breaks.
If you think there was a low-cost bargain strategy to handle a military assault on the US, let me know.<<
No Slap,
How about not starting a war with country that:
A)Had no weapons of mass destruction
B)Had nothing to do with 9/11
That would have been a prudent start.
You mean the "New Black Panthers" who don't have any affiliation with the original Black Panthers? <<
And whose founding member of the group from the 1960's would just as soon see these "New Black Panthers" get a different name.
Those talking points are OLD.
Speaking of net neutrality, watch who Google and Verizon contribute to."
I'm still researching the whole net neutrality issue -- it can get confusing at times. The gist of it is about telecom companies and ISPs restricting certain types of traffic while giving other types extra privileges (more pipe to push specific content through). If you want a overly simplistic summary of it, it's essentially going back to the days of AOL, circa 1996 or so.
I remember those days. AOL had it's own walled garden browser featuring content provided largely by AOL. Then there was the rest of the World Wide Web, courtesy of Internet Explorer (or my personal favorite then, Netscape Navigator). Now imagine that walled garden turning into a labyrinth, where you are constantly steered towards the content that the telecoms want you to see while being blocked from "unauthorized content" at every turn. There is no Internet Explorer to help you break out of the walled garden this time (unless you count various schemes to create what is essentially an "underground" internet.
Certain packets of data getting slowed down in favor of others. Imagine Worldstarhiphop.com being relegated to the slow lane in favor of Youtube. Imagine not being able to upload pictures to Facebook with reasonable speed unless you upgrade to the Facebook/Myspace high speed package. Comcast would love using this to finally kill P2P filesharing.
Imagine this very blog and others of similar political bent being relegated to a 56k connection speed, while you're able to zip back and forth any website that's Rushbo/Palin/Teabagger friendly.
"Co sign with sharon about granny over sarah.
how much do you want to bet most people in the fields earn more and pay more in taxes than the anon above who was defending rich folks and their tax breaks."
I don't know why these guys ardently defend rich folks. Maybe because some day they want to be rich. Either that, or they expect rich people to reward their tireless work by throwing a few meager crumbs their way. That's what the whole tax cut situation seems like to me. Rich people getting deluded conservative middle classers to support their schemes by promising them meager morsels of cake. And boy does that cake look delicious.
September 23, 2010
NPR's Robert Siegel talks to Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California about the GOP's new "Pledge to America."
Copyright © 2010 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.
Joining us now from Capitol Hill is Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy of California. He is the chief deputy Republican whip in the House, and he's the author of the "Pledge to America." Welcome to the program.
Representative KEVIN McCARTHY (Republican, California): Thanks for having me.
SIEGEL: And first, this point, you proposed keeping all of the Bush tax cuts but also spending more money on missile defense. How can you afford to do something like that while adding to the deficit?
Rep. McCARTHY: Well, the one thing we say here is that you do not raise taxes in a recession. The other things we go through is to help small business because that's where 80 percent of all the jobs are created, those businesses that have less than 500 employees. We go through and say we will fully fund missile defense. There's other places to find the money, but more importantly, we go through and roll back the funding of government, whereas we roll it back to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout - that's a hundred billion dollars in the first year, a trillion over 10.
Rep. McCARTHY: We put a discretionary cap on money. The discretionary money in Congress has gone up 88 percent in the last three years. There has been no household or small business that has done that.
SIEGEL: But if you actually were to freeze non-defense discretionary spending, assuming that that would cause some federal projects simply to end, what is something that's being done now by Washington that you would say - Republicans say - stop it and eliminate that agency, stop that function?
Rep. McCARTHY: Well, I wouldn't go into agencies, but I can give you play-by-play. I can show you a study they went through to see if people voted in Congress on the health care bill just based upon race.
SIEGEL: But...
Rep. McCARTHY: I'll show you a study where they do malt liquor.
SIEGEL: But when you're saying you wouldn't talk about agencies, you're saying...
Rep. McCARTHY: Well, no...
SIEGEL: ...you wouldn't...
Rep. McCARTHY: ...you asked me whether I would...
SIEGEL: ...everything would...
Rep. McCARTHY: ...eliminate the entire agency.
SIEGEL: Well, yes, would any agency...
Rep. McCARTHY: But what I would tell you, you could go through - if discretionary spending went up 88 percent and no new agencies were created, in just the last three years, that's a trillion-dollar savings. I would show you where you could go back in, cut Congress's budget we say at the very beginning. We can take the stimulus money that has not been used and roll it back.
SIEGEL: But just to clarify...
Rep. McCARTHY: Yeah.
SIEGEL: ...just to clarify that. You're saying that the Republicans do not intend to end, to discontinue any agency of the federal government...
Rep. McCARTHY: We don't have - look, the "Pledge to America" are items we can do right now before we leave Congress. It is a jobs plan. It says it would go give a 20-percent cut to small businesses so jobs could be higher. We then go and eliminate the 1099 Forms for every small business that does $600 worth of business with anybody. They have to now go do a 1099 because of health care. How much more does that cost them in regulation?
SIEGEL: Congressman McCarthy, I want to ask you about health care.
Rep. McCARTHY: Sure.
SIEGEL: Several new insurance reforms went into effect today. Young adults can now stay on their parents' policy till they're 26, no lifetime caps, no barring insurance for children with preexisting conditions, rescission of policies only for fraud. When you say a repeal the health care takeover, are you saying repeal those provisions?
Rep. McCARTHY: Well, we say we repeal the health care and then we will replace it. You just brought up ideas that were championed by Republicans.
SIEGEL: But...
Rep. McCARTHY: It's amazing that the Democrats, when they talk about their health care bill, they only talk about certain things that - on the positive end that Republicans have done. We say why don't we do tort reform? That is the number one factor when it comes to rising cost of health care. That was a study by Price Waterhouse.
SIEGEL: But the insurance industry has said that it can pay for the sorts of rules that took effect today because with mandates coming there will be a new larger market of consumers paying in. If there are no mandates requiring healthy people to have insurance and their employers to help them get it, how will the insurance company be able to pay for those things without raising everyone's premiums a great deal?
Rep. McCARTHY: Well, the insurance companies are raising everybody's premiums right now. We're going to lower the cost by allowing people to sell insurance across state lines. Instead of creating these large insurance companies, what the Democrats have gone to, and making them utility companies where you don't even have competition.
SIEGEL: I just want to ask you a question about this campaign season. We're now starting to see a lot of political advertising by groups that no longer have to disclose their supporters. Republicans have long said: don't control how much people can give, just force them to disclose. Would you urge groups who aren't required to do so under Supreme Court - but would you urge them if they're putting out messages about the 2010 midterms to identify their big contributors?
Rep. McCARTHY: Well, the one thing I would say, I would urge legislation - like I've done before. And, you know, I've watched a lot of unions go out. I know they are still paying off in the last presidential race of what they borrowed to spend.
SIEGEL: Well, unions and their rich contributors, all of a piece, I mean do you think that the groups that are out there advertising should simply disclose among our main contributors are the following?
Rep. McCARTHY: I think people should disclose. I have no problem with disclosing information. And it should be that way.
SIEGEL: Okay. Well, Congressman McCarthy, thank you very much for talking with us today.
Rep. McCARTHY: Hey, thanks for having me. I appreciate it.
SIEGEL: Kevin McCarthy, a Republican of California, chief deputy whip for the Republicans in the House and author of the "Pledge to America."
this is my favorite part:
"Rep. McCARTHY: Well, I wouldn't go into agencies, but I can give you play-by-play. I can show you a study they went through to see if people voted in Congress on the health care bill just based upon race."
in the annals of evading a press question, this is a prize-winner!
also, this is BS:
Rep. McCARTHY: Well, we say we repeal the health care and then we will replace it. You just brought up ideas that were championed by Republicans.
no republicans voted for healthcare reform whether they "championed" parts of it or not.
this is also BS:
"We say why don't we do tort reform? That is the number one factor when it comes to rising cost of health care."
malpractice and related costs are not even in the top 25 years for healthcare costs going up. he's lying and he knows it. "tort reform" has failed to make a significant difference in every state that has undertaken it, and it's the only thing the republicans EVERY say...tort reform, tort reform, tort reform.
the whole "pledge" is a bunch of BS and it's so easy to see right through it, and their own "architect" comes off sounding like a lunatic. what do you want to bet that's the last interview he's allowed to do?
top 25 years
mean to say top 25 REASONS
granny writes:
President Obama does not get the backing from his own party like some white guy would...If he were white they would be falling all over him to help him get good policies passed that would help all Americans.
Yeah. Jimmy Carter had some similar feelings that became uncomfortably intense in 1979 when American hostages were taken at the US embassy in Tehran.
Anyway, it seems you believe the untrustworthy Democrats decided against passing "good policies" and voted for "bad policies" instead. Yeah.
The UN is in session and you know what that means. The screwball president of Iran is in town. He's already addressed the General Assembly and told the world he and many others believe 9/11 was an inside job.
Thus, as if we didn't know, Ahmadinejad is a 9/11 Truther.
Despite the obvious lunacy of the Iranian leader, Obama approaches him as though he is a sane person operating in the real world.
What does this say about Obama? Why does he pretend a lunatic close to getting his hands on nuclear weapons, who believes 9/11 was committed by Americans is a leader who can negotiate or understand anything?
Obviously Obama has accepted Ahmadinejad's madness because Obama is sympathetic to some of his beliefs and he is comfortable with the muslim way of viewing the world. America is paying a high price for Obama's treasonous sentiments.
maria, you wrote:
malpractice and related costs are not even in the top 25 REASONS for healthcare costs going up. he's lying and he knows it. "tort reform" has failed to make a significant difference in every state that has undertaken it, and it's the only thing the republicans EVERY say...tort reform, tort reform, tort reform.
The Constitution guarantees the right to sue. Thus, no amount of grandstanding is going to reduce this problem. Meanwhile, Fear of Malpractice suits leads to massive numbers of tests performed to save doctors from lawsuits.
But the point of largest healthcare expense occurs in the last two or three months of a patient's life.
As long as we willingly pay for long-shot extreme treatments for the terminally ill, we will face rising healthcare costs.
The procedures and treatments used in the last few months of life are always the newest, most expensive and least predictable.
A few will succeed and become commonplace. But most will fail and cost a lot. That's how it works in medicine.
Just for yucks, how about telling us what YOU would do with Ahmadinejad aside from negotiating with him which is what Obama is attempting?
uptownsteve, you asked:
Just for yucks, how about telling us what YOU would do with Ahmadinejad aside from negotiating with him which is what Obama is attempting?
Yes, rather than playing Neville Chamberlin to Hitler, as Obama is doing with respect to Ahmadinejad, I would bomb Iran nuclear facilities and destroy the Iranian nuclear program.
After that, I'd ask Ahmadinejad if he wanted to "negotiate."
"the wingnut" who has made all of the cuts that have destroyed us and who is shutting down the internet is hobama...
completely ignoring all poor people while cutting legendary checks for banksters is his sharpest cruelest cut of all
this republican bs is just more good cop v.bad cop/distracting deceit...
i refuse to pretend it is anything more than the elitist politricking ponzi scheme it has always been...
we all lose no matter who wins in dc because we have only one ruling party in america
"Yes, rather than playing Neville Chamberlin to Hitler, as Obama is doing with respect to Ahmadinejad, I would bomb Iran nuclear facilities and destroy the Iranian nuclear program."
And how do you think the Islamic World, particularly the extremists, would respond to this?
Cowering in fear? Or ratcheting up worldwide terrorism?
And of course they would point out, vis-a-vis your Hitler reference, that Iran hasn't invaded any foreign nations but the US did invade Iraq and Israel has appropriated Palestinian land.
And the US and Israel have nukes....
Is any of this sinking into your skull?
uptownsteve, you wrote:
And how do you think the Islamic World, particularly the extremists, would respond to this?
Saudi Arabia would feel a great sense of relief, as would Kuwait.
As for the "extremists", bombing Iranian nuclear facilities or not bombing them makes no difference. The various anti-western, anti-US extremist muslims aim to destroy the US. If they become angrier, do you think they will want to destroy the US twice, instead of just once?
Cowering in fear? Or ratcheting up worldwide terrorism?
Most of the original al-Qaeda big-wigs working for osama bin laden pre-9/11 are now dead or in Guantanamo.
The newer members are getting killed daily. Thus, even though muslim extremists are stupid, even they realize that Iraq was wiped clean of Saddam Hussein and that Iraqis are starting to like this democracy and capitalism business.
And of course they would point out, vis-a-vis your Hitler reference, that Iran hasn't invaded any foreign nations but the US did invade Iraq
As usual, you make a point of showing your ignorance. Both Hezbollah and Hamas are funded by Tehran. Hezbollah more than Hamas.
Moreover, through Hezbollah, Iran controls Lebanon. Apparently you know nothing about the middle east.
...and Israel has appropriated Palestinian land.
There was NEVER a nation of Palestine. It is a region on the map like the North Pole. Not a sovereign state. However, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, England took legal control of the region and began the process of creating Israel.
Again, before hitting the keyboard, you really need to remind yourself of your ignorance on these topics.
And the US and Israel have nukes....
That is true. And the US is willing to use them, which is a deterrent that has worked remarkably well for the last 65 years.
When i was younger, i proudly pledged allegiance to the flag - one nation under god - liberty and justice for all, everyday. i truly believed this country meant me and mine could finally belong after my ancestors were forced to be slaves.
Where i stand, i do not see justice, not even on a daily basis, my liberties are being taken away daily with laws and restrictions. and under God, darn, i think someone will burn my bible if i disagree or have an opinion.
I am not pledging to anyone. No more!
Trust, i will be voting but i will definitely take my time to listen for the person who can give me a "sense of freedom and common sense" to this crazy place i call home.
maria on the other blog laa called u a dim wit n a frazzle face ww. that was funny as hell
Calm down Slappy
Since when did Hezbollah and Hamas become sovereign nations.
Hezbollah started as a Lebanese militia reacting to the invasion (there's that word again) of Lebanon by Israel.
Hamas is a Palestinian political party with a majority of the Palestinian Parliament.
Mack Daddy Lyons said:
Black Panthers? You mean the "New Black Panthers" who don't have any affiliation with the original Black Panthers? You mean those rasta lookin' fellas who were standing outside the polls looking goofy as all get out? I know you white people are easily intimidated by even ONE sufficiently black person, so seeing a whole bunch of them looking rather defiant and uncowed must have been just pure hell on you.
Defiant? Uncowed? Oh your a wannabe thug aint ya? A real Internet tough guy.
Sufficiently Black person? What is a sufficiently Black Person? Do you mean this as in opposition to a insufficient Black Person?
I don't agree with you that looking ratty, natty, dirty and thuggish makes them insufficient. For all we know, they might even be able to read. But I do have my doubts about Leroy...errr.... Malik Shabib Ka Shiskabob.
If you agree that voter intimidation is ok then you are found to be insufficient no matter what color skin you have...dumbass.
needs slaps:
how dare you call uts ignorant as you moronically pretend that israelis are not ancient ongoing terrorists and that al quaeda and oasama bin laden are not cia/us trained and owned!!!???
that is why the usa is making billions via contracted soldiers who run all global wars
including the ongoing war in iraq
like hobama, you lie!!!
we are many nations under one corp and one ruling elite in dc
and god left this hellish planet long ago....
shut up u god forsaken piece of trash! buceta breaf loser! alicia banks have a nasty nasty foul day today!
needs slaps:
that savage ignorant lost christopher colombus felt that the native americans he robbed and slew were "not a nation"
that cloned racist monster was as wrong as you
racists jew-ish dogs like you STILL play loosely with nations and people and slum lands to this day....shame!!!
"positive" demonic vdlr:
thank you for proving why god fled each day!!!
"positive" vdlr:
i would wish you the same type of day...but i have an aversion to stark redundancy
it is clear that nasty foul days are all you have ever known...'tis a pity!
did you hear that?
that is the IQ drop each of your solo topic posts bring to this blog...gat dyam u done did dat agin!)
the evil eye is upon u u dug ur own grave nasty fool!
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Since when did Hezbollah and Hamas become sovereign nations.
Hezbollah runs Lebanon. It is controlled from Tehran via Syria. Hence, Iran has invaded and conquered Lebanon. Obviously this these realities are over your head.
Hezbollah started as a Lebanese militia reacting to the invasion (there's that word again) of Lebanon by Israel.
Not quite. Meanwhile, it was these clowns you seem to support who committed one of the first suicide bombings by detonating a truck full of explosives inside the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut in October, 1983.
Hamas is a Palestinian political party with a majority of the Palestinian Parliament.
Hamas now governs Gaza. Hamas is supported by Iran. Therefore Iran now has significant influence on Gaza/Hamas policies and practices.
This example is more a matter of a joint-venture rather than an invasion and conquest.
Meanwhile, Iran has funded suicide bombers in Iraq, hoping to destabilize the new Iraqi government.
Oh, and Iraq would be especially pleased if the US were to wipe out the Iranian nuclear program.
And, Iran has repeatedly announced its intention to obtain nuclear weapons and use them against Israel.
Anyway, it seems you have a soft spot for dictators who would subject you to a life that would make the worst of life under Jim Crow look like a sunny spring day.
witchy poop vdlr:
i am sha sha sha shaking!...NOT!!!
when someone as evil as you looks at anyone or anything, is that not ALWAYS engaging 2 evil eyes...
thus is that not dual stark redundancy???
or are u a cyclops/one-eyed witless witch too fool???
ps: do dis be u?...thanks for being faceless up in here den 4 real!!!
no slappz
"And, Iran has repeatedly announced its intention to obtain nuclear weapons and use them against Israel."
What do you think Israel has nukes for? To replace fossil fuels?
"Anyway, it seems you have a soft spot for dictators who would subject you to a life that would make the worst of life under Jim Crow look like a sunny spring day."
If people like you had their way blacks would be in concentration camps that would make Auschwitz look like Atlantis in the Bahamas.
my response to LAA will appear once FN is back to approving posts for that thread. he puts comment moderation on in the early evening and doesn't approve posts again til about a day later, it seems.
Did not take long this AM to scroll down your "comments" and see, again, the ("O")/man-hating diatribes from sistuh AB. Oh well...
I am more interested in how you, Mr. Bennett(sic?), Philadelphia attorney, AKA, "Field Negro", continue to earn the (misnomer, perhaps?)title, "Field Negro". Is that term less threatening than the more appropriate term, "Field Nigga'"? The history of Black People, i.e., Africans in the diaspora, teaches me that genuine "field niggas" refused the narcotic of "Christianity" or any 'ology offered by Europeans, period. Which brings me to my question re the demise(?) of your "preacher bashing days".
An old sistuh from Louisiana once instructed me to, "Find a sucka, bump his/her head...the world is composed of two and only two kinds of people - wolves/pimps/preachers/politicians AND sheep/followers/PREY". With that said, I always thought, naively perhaps, that genuine "field niggas" shout out and expose the charlatans, the bogus hucksters, vampires: the pimps and preachers (one and the same) who prey upon the carcasses of the "suckas", who seem to delight in being sedated and used. Perhaps that old sistuh was correct.
Your blog, FN, is taking a dangerous turn toward the mundane and "safety" of "House nigga".
Thank you...
and rabidly racist clones of needs slaps do their very best to own and operate their own private concentration camps as slumlords who rob and abuse poor blacks all over the usa!!!
Thirty human households, and countless rodents and cockroaches: Those were the census figures in the apartment building on Manhattan’s Upper West Side where I lived for about five years. When a neighbor living in a rent-stabilized unit complained that the gaping holes in her walls allowed rats to run free through her apartment, the landlord responded that she did not pay enough rent to justify plugging the holes.
Alas, my landlord was hardly the only religious Jew letting rats plague his tenants. While in rabbinical school, I volunteered with two tenants’ rights organizations in Harlem and Brooklyn. I also spent hours investigating Jewish laws of landlord-tenant relations. I would talk to the other organizers and members about my discoveries: the obligations of landlords to keep their buildings in livable condition, to provide sufficient notice prior to evictions and to avoid evictions when substitute housing would be impossible to find. I spoke of the inspiration that I found in Jewish texts and in the Jewish historical experience of homelessness.
Read more: http://www.forward.com/articles/127430/#ixzz10Sj8jKtA
flash foolishness:
why is it that when i hated gwb everyone thought it was ok???
why is hobama allowed to be a WORSE clone of gwb but gwb's own peer republicans are not???
n-s says: "The Constitution guarantees the right to sue. Thus, no amount of grandstanding is going to reduce this problem. Meanwhile, Fear of Malpractice suits leads to massive numbers of tests performed to save doctors from lawsuits.
But the point of largest healthcare expense occurs in the last two or three months of a patient's life.
As long as we willingly pay for long-shot extreme treatments for the terminally ill, we will face rising healthcare costs.
The procedures and treatments used in the last few months of life are always the newest, most expensive and least predictable.
A few will succeed and become commonplace. But most will fail and cost a lot. That's how it works in medicine.
9:30 AM
not exactly. you and your friends who shot down and mislabeled "death panels" expect and demand every last treatment no matter how unlikely it is to work. you're not for educating people about what works and what doesn't--also evidenced by republicans trying now to repeal the creation of the comparative research programs. you're all complete and utter hypocrites.
the biggest costs are care for chronically ill people (who also cost a lot later in life).
one of the biggest expense: obesity. yet everyone attacked michelle obama for taking it on.
defensive medicine is not a signficiant contributor to medical costs or inflation.
i know more about this than you do and i am not blinded by right wing propaganda.
is there not a horrid irony in michelle battling obesity whiler her hubby hobama SIMULTANEOIUSLY starves people and ignores poor people who have no produce depts etc in their hoods and cannot afford bus passes to real markets to buy any real food...so poor people are living off fatty ramen noodles more than ever before???
even millions who adore hobama can see that hobamacare is an absolute disaster
i have a huge corp cadillac group plan and even my discounted meds have increased by 10.00 this month???
what hobamacare plan are u daring to defend when we see the fallout IN ADVANCE all over the usa???
what are u defending as employers are dumping health plans daily????
most people are sleepless over losing employer plans/soaring premiums and co-pays etc!
what is your secret to yor cheerleading bliss???
please do share it!!!
Alicia STFU!
Your boy Alex Jones of Prison Planet and the motherfucker that made the movie "The Obama Nation" works for the Koch brothers, thee ones financing the clusterfox.the Koch are tied for the two 5th riches men in America. They staarted ALL the Right Wing think thanks. They financed most of the Tea Parties. Which means YOU WORK FOR KOCH!
You're a Mammy, hankerchief head, Saphire,hambone tapping minstrel,coon.You even showed Sarah Palin love when she supported Ms. Nigger times eleven.
make me boy!
u r a blind illiterate uneducated hobama nazi mongrel kiddo
what has your god hobama blessed your broke mongrel ass with?????
why do u love him as he is slaying u????
what would ever make you think alex or i would ever give a damn what u say or think???
dr laura is a nigga and so are u!!!...and u probably are unemployed like she is now too!!!
Thank God for the Koch brothers and their defense of Truth! Viva Fox!
who finances your god hobama as he makes the epic film about broke black bumbling blind fools that is your LIFE u fool????
fret that!!!
Could somebody translate this into some language. Is this spanish?
witchy poop vdlr:
i am sha sha sha shaking!...NOT!!!
when someone as evil as you looks at anyone or anything, is that not ALWAYS engaging 2 evil eyes...
thus is that not dual stark redundancy???
or are u a cyclops/one-eyed witless witch too fool???
ps: do dis be u?...thanks for being faceless up in here den 4 real!!!
watch the film:
where is ONE LIE???
hobama has been worse than the film predicted!!!
see more:
watch the film:
where is ONE LIE???
hobama has been worse than the film predicted!!!
see more:
anyone who can read your ghetto greek can read all i post!
4 sho ho!
i wasn't "defending" anything nor do i have to. thanks to "obamacare," you no longer have an annual cap on your policy and lots of people have access to health insurance that never did before, and more will soon. why costs have gone up has more to do with insurance companies scamming while they still can. i am sure you are not informed about this enough to know that soon insurance company rate increases will have to go far more scrutiny on the state and federal level beginning soon. oh, they sure don't like that.
as usual, your bubble-headed brain makes you just blurt out shit, and you have no idea what you are talking about. kid is 100% correct. i will not engage you again.
try getting a few facts.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343
Sebelius calls on health insurers to stop misinformation and unjustified rate increases
Affordable Care Act will help lower costs and crack down on unjustified rate increases
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wrote America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the national association of health insurers, calling on their members to stop using scare tactics and misinformation to falsely blame premium increases for 2011 on the patient protections in the Affordable Care Act. Sebelius noted that the consumer protections and out-of-pocket savings provided for in the Affordable Care Act should result in a minimal impact on premiums for most Americans. Further, she reminded health plans that states have new resources under the Affordable Care Act to crack down on unjustified premium increases.
[quote:NoSlapzz]Meanwhile, Iran has funded suicide bombers in Iraq, hoping to destabilize the new Iraqi government.
Nonsense. Iran owns the current Iraqi government, why would they want to destabilize it?
The allied invasion of Iraq was a massive victory for the Iranian secret service, they played us like a violin. Got rid of their most hated opponent, trashed Iraq's infrastructure and armed forces, and installed a government they could control.
Then it turns out that the U.S.A.'s most trusted source of intel on the alleged W.M.D.'s was an Iranian Intelligence resource all along.
A triumph for the Iranians.
"i will not engage you again."
Yes you will. It's all you two have. You have exactly the same problem: You both need some dick.
Granny said, "You calling me a lie....hahahaha. Coming from someone beneath me like you that is hilarious with your FAKE ass. Now was that hood enough for you or would like me to get more hood than that? Or do we need to make it one of those pulling off the earrings moment, because I can get real nasty and insulting in my remarks too. I know how to play the dozens and I'm real skilled in it as well as experienced."
you get all worked up over the smallest unimportant words said to you. That is written proof you believe what I tell you.
But keep your weak-rinky-dink threatening-hood talk coming! I get a good laugh out of it. LOL
The Purple Cow farted...
"A triumph for the Iranians."
What a clever fool you are. Instability in the region is in America's interest. The more chaos in the midst of one's enemies, the better.
u and kid are complete morons
when arrogantly ignorant fools like u both dare to insult me...
i wear those slurs like badges of honor!!!
and ALL u do is insult as you are too stupid and blind to answer one single valid question i pose
u will still swoon over how cute hobama is when u and kiddo are sharing bandaids in a homeless shelter asap
u r a sexist faceless dickless fool
u and maria need to know that hobama and gwb are cloned dicks
AB, what does "vdlr" mean?
The bill doesn't come close to giving "everybody" access to coverage. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 10 years from now there will still be at least 21 million uninsured Americans. That's an improvement over today, but it's a far cry from the universal coverage that Obama once promised.
And nearly half of the newly covered aren't getting access to true health insurance but are being added to the Medicaid program, with all of its attendant problems of access and quality.
Indeed, access to health care may be about to get harder. The RAND Corporation reports that the new law may result in severe overcrowding and longer waits in emergency rooms.
Meanwhile, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services warn that some of the mandated cuts in Medicare could result in the closing of up to 15 percent of US hospitals.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/the_obamacare_lies_are_still_coming_qfNobsi0SBKpZ8e98sztRI#ixzz10SxQjbG1
Instead of helping to fill budget gaps, Obama plans less aid to shut them down. It will leave some areas dependent on more distant ones for treatment, and let large chains consolidate for greater dominance. Accessible quality care will be less available and affordable so, of course, patients will lose out - mostly the elderly, chronically ill, those on society's lower rungs, and all working Americans because an uncaring administration and Congress threw them overboard for profit and "efficiencies."
If "Obamacare" passes, most working people, the disadvantaged, and those singled out as less important will experience large rollbacks in quality, readily accessible coverage. For them, future health problems will be more hazardous than ever because a callous nation doesn't care.
Remember when health care reform was supposed to cost "around $900 billion?" That's what Obama promised, anyway. And sure, the final cost estimate for the law came in at about $950 billion—close enough for government work, I suppose—but a new report from the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the law will actually require about $115 billion in additional discretionary spending, putting the official price tag well over $1 trillion. Here's Politico's summary:
vulgar down low retard = vdlr
vdlr is a nasty silly closeted lesbian stalker
not only did hobama betray all his poor uninsured black foolish fans like kiddo by dumping the public option carrot/myth
but the ERs poor people DEPEND on to LIVE will now be closed also
Faced with mounting debt and looming costs from the new federal health-care law, many local governments are leaving the hospital business, shedding public facilities that can be the caregiver of last resort.
Let me give you a test Alicia. there are instances of voter caging classes going on in Milwaukee by the Tea Party. Signs are going up in Iowa that fall into voter intimidation. Glenn Beck a friend of Alex Jones and felow anti-Semite says there's going to be a lot of voter fraud going on. In Houston,Texas ALL the voting machines were burned up.
You can keep on hating the President and all black men as far as I care. What are you going to do about the voter fraud that the Koch brothers are doing?
alicia banks said...
anyone who can read your ghetto greek can read all i post!
There you go. GREEK. So the truth is you like it from Behind Greek style but then as your ass got old and your hemi roids popped out you had to go less bean becuz it hurt to much. Now we know why cats like your upper lip it smell like de fish and why you so nasty frustrated.
What did the blind dude say walking pass the fish market?
Good morning MS Banks.
Sharon from WI, it's good to hear from the "cheezy" state.
You must have felt compelled to come to the rescue of Dems, Obama and Granny. I guess I sounded the black alarm when I said, "Palin".
Btw, granny will NEVER match up to Sarah Palin as an intelligent mother, a winner, and a strong politician. Palin has power and a growing following that granny will never have. So, you and granny are speaking 'delusions' that don't add up to the positive response Palin is receiving by so many Americans...Tea Party included.
Nevertheless I understand your feelings. You are afraid that the short-lived days of the Dems are about to come to an abrupt end. I hope you two don't get an ulcer over this. Or maybe you already have one? I know Granny does. LOL
does hobama hate black men too?
why is he ignoring starving so many???
u r not a black man
u r a black fool
i adore black men like glen ford and cornel west etc who can see hobama beneath his blackish skin
unlike blind racist dunces like u
if u were not such a moron
u would know that hobama is the most classic example of voter fraud to date
his entire life is a lie
gwb stole 2 elections via voter fraud
where were then??
how will voting even help when hobama has proven that dems are the best repubs ever???
read what vdlr posted at 1:14
she is truly a mindless XXX gutter goon
she turbo breeds dirty lil babies with that vulgar bs...shame!!!!
u give all xxx-rated lobotomized uneducated unread mongrels a horrid name....shame!!!!
I tried to give you a chance Alicia and you proved that you're a ratfucker for Alex Jones and the Koch brothers. I don't have naything else to say to you. So when your people are in trouble you throw more shit at them, thanks Alicia.
Field Google info on the Koch and spread this everywhere. Also don't forget to "big up" 10.2.10 and 10.30.10. If the Koch brothers take over the House it will be then end of Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Hispanic Rights, and Womens Rights.
buceta breaf flatters herself by thinking that anon commentators find her ugly disgusting catcunt mouth attractive- quite the contrary she is a disgusting foul wretched and wicked creature worthy of nothing but contempt and derision
quit trying to flatter urself toots its obvious u arent worth shit and look like hell the lala land u live in must be nice why dont ya stay there ya nasty beast!
Kid you shouldve never given that low down dirty ratshit any benefit of the doubt she is lower then trash apparently u aint a good judge of character hon
share your nasty anal expertise with that germy dl peer hobama
that has never been my style
and this nasty piece of garbage claims to have a job working with children? ya right! then the bitch talks about 'turbo breeders'! another inconsistency in her treasure trunk of lies!
uite the contrary she is a disgusting foul wretched and wicked creature worthy of nothing but contempt and derisionanon
alicia banks said...
u give all xxx-rated lobotomized uneducated unread mongrels a horrid name....shame!!!!
MUAH MUAH...BULLSEYE or maybe I say AB Brownseye.....the truth shall set you free MS fishy upper lip...is that why you let your mustache grow? So you can smell fish all day and give it a lick once in awhile??? Do you dip your lovely locks in that fishsauce to keep them shiny?
i am elated that blind hobama nazi homohating morons like you are never "my people"
u have never been in my tribe
and i love hobama for slaying disposable mongrels like u
see the film?
did alex lie????
what the hell has hobama done for u????
share your nasty anal expertise with that germy dl peer hobamabuceta breaf asshole lickin fool!
uve done gone off the deep end now how does ur comment make sense ya booty lickin fool!
MUAH MUAH...BULLSEYE or maybe I say AB Brownseye.....the truth shall set you free MS fishy upper lip...is that why you let your mustache grow? So you can smell fish all day and give it a lick once in awhile??? Do you dip your lovely locks in that fishsauce to keep them shiny?nasty anonycunt
ok u is truly nasty ya fish sauce likin cuntball!
MackLying, I am not going to bother responding to your disrespectful comments, esp. about Palin. I will just say that it is obvious that you are a closet admirer of Palin. You are attracted to herm and watch for her on tv. Stop fighting the truth, and join the millions and millions of people who have 'come out' for the new smart and powerful Sarah Palin. Wow. even her name has a nice ring to it...SARAH PALIN...say it.
cursed cursing vulgar amoral fertile clones of the vdlr and their foul mouthed coached turbo bred babies are all over youtube/cnn etc daily
all of those abused cursing babies swear like vdlr but cannot read or write at grade level...scan up and check all the vdlr/assnons' "posts" and see why!
my skin is more hairless and smoother than that of the babies u teach to spew what u do!
got roach bites/ ghetto scrap scabs?
Field, as a former black person who has changed his race to Cablinasian, I request that you write a favorable post for SARAH PALIN, and give her the credit she deserves. She is a super-star in politics in A-merry-ca. A change is a comin' in November...ask brotha Michael Steele. :D
You might consider a post about Cablinasians also..we are a growing group of Blacks who have divorced themselves from those so-called Field Negroes who are actually House Negroes...like MackLying, granny and Kid.
Field, you are, however, an exception. If all Blacks were like you, us Cablinasians would come back.:)
my facial skin is as flawless as all of my skin...and my face is as bald as your scalp!
Yeah. I did a post on the Pledge to America too entitled "SSDD".
I couldn't resist the title. Talk about arrogant. They don't even care enough to pretend they can or will or want to change.
Field, Go see "Wall Street"...it's going to be a blockbuster movie.:)
genocide trumps DATED jim crow polling antics...no?
hobama is loving black men to death!!!
who could hate bm more than hobama?
kid said...
"Let me give you a test Alicia. there are instances of voter caging classes going on in Milwaukee by the Tea Party."
Yes, and in Peoria, the Tea Partiers are building their underground UFO base. You one crazy MF, kid. Maybe you belong in a cage.
link errs
"black male unemployment"
alicia banks said...
my facial skin is as flawless as all of my skin...and my face is as bald as your scalp!
I could always go get a nasty weave like you got. Its allright sista, I understand..nothing gets me more hungry then when I smell dat fish a cookin so how much you have to shave to keep your face bald? Do you use electric or shaving cream razors? Every day or 3x a week? do you use fish oil on your shiney locks?
"If all Blacks were like you, us Cablinasians would come back.:)"
We don't want ya. Stay gone.
Anonymous said...
kid said...
"Let me give you a test Alicia. there are instances of voter caging classes going on in Milwaukee by the Tea Party."
Yes, and in Peoria, the Tea Partiers are building their underground UFO base. You one crazy MF, kid. Maybe you belong in a cage.
1:53 PM
Maybe your racist white ass can't read. Glenn Beck said there were going to be instances of voter fraud. How does that motherfucker knows? Maybe because he's behind it. On Daily Kos one of the reasons they can throw you off is for conspiracy theories. This is still on Kos.
From Daily Kos:
Despite firm denials by Tim Dake, leader of Wisconsin's Tea Party organizations, the voter caging plot between the Tea Party, Americans for Prosperity and the Republican Party of Wisconsin exposed this week by One Wisconsin Now, is directly targeting university students - most notably voters at UW-Milwaukee Sandburg Hall, which made up 95 percent of the ward's 2008 vote total.
One Wisconsin Now's diary :: ::
Earlier this week, the GrandSons of Liberty website, run by Dake, posted a "revised draft plan" in response to One Wisconsin Now's release of audio recordings, transcripts and strategy documents it obtained which detail a possibly-illegal voter caging plan. The document, whose properties indicate it was created last night at 9:56 p.m., says "AFP has mailed first 500 to Milwaukee districts 39, 60 and 62. Additional mailing as funding is obtained."
Ward 39 is the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In 2008, 1,891 of the 1,966 votes cast in that ward came from 3400 Maryland Avenue, the Sandburg Residence Hall, which houses 2,700 students.
All of these organizations founded by the Koch Brothers. Those are real fucking names and real ratfuckers.
What a clever fool you are. Instability in the region is in America's interest. The more chaos in the midst of one's enemies, the better.
Riiiiiiiight, so it's in America's interest to increase instability in an area that America relies upon for 2,000,000 barrels of oil per day.
Yeah, that makes sense. (Not)
[insert idiotic rolley-eye emoticon here]
hairy shaver lick craver vdlr:
my skin is naturally hairless like my long flowing natural locks and your naturally bald scalp and naturally SMOOTH empty brain!
hey kiddo:
is there ONE lie in ANY classic alex jones film?
did the koch bros fund the bilderbergs who fund hobama???
did the koch bros rig those hanging chads and jim crow schemes at all polls in 2000 & 2004?
do the koch bros hate all black men as much as hobama does???
do the koch bros fund the cia hobama was born into???
they call them oil wars because the chaos masks the corp rapes
Indeed, Iraq has developed into a two-front war: the battles for control over Iraq's cities and the constant struggle to protect its far-flung petroleum infrastructure against sabotage and attack. The first contest has been widely reported in the American press; the second has received far less attention. Yet the fate of Iraq's oil infrastructure could prove no less significant than that of its embattled cities. A failure to prevail in this contest would eliminate the economic basis upon which a stable Iraqi government could someday emerge. "In the grand scheme of things," a senior officer told the New York Times, "there may be no other place where our armed forces are deployed that has a greater strategic importance." In recognition of this, significant numbers of U.S. soldiers have been assigned to oil-security functions.
did the koch bros sign those bankster bounties???
did the koch bros lie about public options/ANY benefit to anyone except pharma corp ceos in hobamacare???
did the koch bros steal hobama's birth certificate and all of his academic and medical records????
did the koch bros make hobama escalate all wars with predator drones?
did the koch bros tell hobama to fund the pic and ignore dying homeless starving jobless black bros???
did the koch bros tell eric holder/hobama not to free mumia???
did the koch bros tell hobama to keep dissing black female scotus judges????
did the kich bros tell hobama to ignore dog and taunt the blacks in nola and tell them "do not ask me for any checks"????
did the koch bros tell hobama to let american cities get whiter/more elite daily and let detroit die like municipal road kill?????
did the koch bros tell hobama to coddle and secure aig and let gm and its blue collar employees starve and rot in hell???
did the koch bros tell hobama to save skip gates and ignore sean bell and oscar grant????
did the koch bros tell hobama and his black vote czars tom j and al s to make the internet a jim crow superhighway?????
hows that job treating ya buceta breaf? been cookin at the fish and cheese store lately? that moustache u got sure looks dark, ever tried facial bleach chrick? oh wait ur underbelly of a cast iron skillet lookin ass prolly would have an orange moustache if u used bleaching cream eye guess u cant win can u ya wicked bugaboo eye banchee!
ude think somebody with a job would not have the time to post from dawn till dusk on a blog all day how r ur students *cough* doing alica kuntbreaf banks? muah muah muah muah muah stinky moustache having kuntface head cheese smelling coohole!
stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stink buceta breaf banks! may u have a foul weekend opportunely chrickunt!
Hey kid, i gotta get me some of that Kocha Kola you been drinkin'
the filthy scummy vdlr:
since you stupidly and vulgarly brag so much about how your hubby's "breaf" reeks of his diseased exploits...
i bet your tiger's side pc breath is MUCH worse than that geezer hobama's decades decayed chain smoking cigarette halitosis...
The Purple Cow said...
"Riiiiiiiight, so it's in America's interest to increase instability in an area that America relies upon for 2,000,000 barrels of oil per day."
America doesn't buy oil from Iran, and now has full access to Iraqi oil.
You ought to try out living in the reality-based community cowboy.
"Yes, rather than playing Neville Chamberlin to Hitler, as Obama is doing with respect to Ahmadinejad, I would bomb Iran nuclear facilities and destroy the Iranian nuclear program.
After that, I'd ask Ahmadinejad if he wanted to "negotiate."
When you read something like this, you have to ask yourself "to whom does Iran's nuclear facilities pose a threat to, and why should the U.S. be so adamant about destroying them?"
Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad wouldn't be in a mood to negotiate. He'd be in a mood to:
* Find a national sponsor/big brother whom the U.S. is afraid of fucking with (i.e. Russia or China)
* Arrange for the assassination of a few high ranking U.S. politicians (not excluding the president)
* Ratchet up the rhetoric and the support of Islamic terrorism. Hell, they could just spark up another oil crisis by closing up the Strait of Hormuz. Wouldn't that be somethin?
hidden yeti faced vdlr:
zoom my flawless skin now!!!
got hairy envy???
i bet you look like a ghetto walrus with bike bars/more hair on your top lip than your lyed out chrome dome!!!
Mack Lyons
These righties like no slappz really believe that John Wayne movies were documentaries.
uptownsteve, you worte:
If people like you had their way blacks would be in concentration camps that would make Auschwitz look like Atlantis in the Bahamas.
Open your eyes. The camps already exist. They have names, like Rwanda, Somalia and Sudan.
As I've said, every year in Africa FIVE MILLION Africans drink dirty water and DIE.
In Sudan and Somalia there are outright holocausts underway. Mozambique endured a 20-year civil war that took at least 2 million lives. The civil war in Liberia has killed so many people the scorekeepers have lost count.
And, surprise, surprise, much of the trouble is tied to your favorite religion/political system -- islam.
did the koch bros tell hobama to play the blackish QB for gwb's illegal 3rd & 4th illegal prez terms and make america a nation of paupers and megarich with no middle class...forever???
Poverty increased for all racial and ethnic groups, but was far higher for blacks and Hispanics. The poverty rate for blacks was 25.8 percent, and for Hispanics 25.3 percent. For whites the poverty rate was 9.4 percent, up from 8.6 percent in 2008.
An entire section of the report was devoted to health insurance coverage. The massive elimination of jobs over the past two years has had a devastating effect on health care coverage, which in the United States is largely employment-based.
The number of people without health insurance topped the 50 million mark in 2009 for the first time since such statistics began to be collected, in 1987. The figure rose from 46.3 million in 2008.
Some 16.7 percent of the population is without health coverage, up from 15.4 percent in 2008. This figure is understated, since an individual had to be without coverage for the entire year to be counted as uninsured. A worker laid off in July 2009 and losing his or her coverage three months later would be counted as insured for the year.
The number of people with government-sponsored health coverage rose from 87.4 million to 93.2 million due to increased enrolment in Medicaid, Medicare and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. But this was more than offset by a drop in the number of people with private insurance coverage, which fell from 201 million to 194.5 million. Only 55.8 percent of the population has job-based health insurance.
Other figures reported in the Census Bureau report document the deepening social crisis in the United States:
• Household income stagnated in 2009, declining slightly to $49,777, from $50,112 in 2008.
• Women who worked full-time, year-round earned only 77 percent of the income of men who worked similar hours.
• Median income declined between 2008 and 2009 by 4.4 percent for black households and by 1.6 percent for non-Hispanic white households.
• Regionally, median income dropped 2.1 percent last year in the Midwest, hardest hit by the collapse of industry, 1.9 percent in the West, the center of the housing collapse, and was unchanged in the South and Northeast.
• Compared to the pre-recession peak in 1999, median household income was down 11.8 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Hispanics, 5.7 percent for Asians and 4.2 percent for whites.
• Income inequality continues to increase. In 2009, the top 20 percent received 50.3 percent of all income, and the top 5 percent received 21.7 percent of all income.
• Even before the onset of the recession, poverty was a familiar experience to one-third of all Americans. From 2004 to 2007, some 31.6 percent of the population lived in poverty for at least one period of two months or more.
Btw, granny will NEVER match up to Sarah Palin<<
She certainly won't. Granny is a far better woman than that airhead could ever dream of being. And as far as having followers, you will have to do better than that. Hell, Hitler had followers, so that isn't saying a lot if that is the only criteria you have.
For the posters who are concerned with Republican shenanigans on Election Day, Milwaukee's weekly paper carried an article this week on voter caging.
macklyons, you wrote:
When you read something like this, you have to ask yourself "to whom does Iran's nuclear facilities pose a threat to, and why should the U.S. be so adamant about destroying them?"
Iran's nuclear threat is global. If Iran lobs a nuclear weapon at Israel, as Ahmadinejad has promised, Israel will counterstrike, probably with it's own nuclear weapon. I'd bet on the Israeli weapon to do more damage.
However, that nuclear exchange will bring Pakistan, India, China, Egypt, Russia and the US into a confrontation.
If, at that time, Obama is president, we're in trouble. Iran, Pakistan and Egypt will bet he'll refuse to act and they will likely throw whatever they have at Israel.
However, the usual muslim incompetence will affect the weapons of Iran, Egypt and Pakistan. If Iran is lucky enough to detonate one, the second will fizzle.
On the other hand, if we have a non-muslim president at the time of an Iranian attack, US submarines will fire weapons at targets in every nation firing on Israel. Those weapons will work and the muslim nations will lose in an hour.
However, if Israel were under nuclear attack, Palestinians and Hezbollah would pile on, firing rockets and whatever they have from Gaza and Lebanon.
Ahmadinejad wouldn't be in a mood to negotiate. He'd be in a mood to:
* Find a national sponsor/big brother whom the U.S. is afraid of fucking with (i.e. Russia or China)
Russia? China? Neither has the existential need to square off with the US. Moreover, China's prosperity depends on the health of US markets. The Chinese are not dumb enough to bite the hand that's feeding them.
Moreover, China does not have the military strength to threaten the US. China could wage war in the Far East, but it's unlikely to wage a nuclear war close to home. Furthermore, the country has NO history of getting into battles far from home.
* Arrange for the assassination of a few high ranking U.S. politicians (not excluding the president)
Please. Whose your favorite author of spy and espionage thrillers?
* Ratchet up the rhetoric and the support of Islamic terrorism. Hell, they could just spark up another oil crisis by closing up the Strait of Hormuz.
Close the Straits? Yeah, well, unless Obama the Wimp is president, the Navy has a plan to keep them open.
@ Sharon from WI:
You belong in a "cage", you cheese-eating wench!
Anonymous said...
@ Sharon from WI:
You belong in a "cage", you cheese-eating wench!5:32 PM
So much for civil discourse, eh?
no_slappz said..."The Chinese are not dumb enough to bite the hand that's feeding them."
Explain then why China just announced plans to provide Pakistan with two new reactors capable of producing weapons grade plutonium, and to offer the deal at very favorable financial terms? (Basically no money down, and no payments due til Ramadan).
What possible interest does China (and Russia, with Iran) have with spreading nuclear technology throughout the Muslim world?
Pietistic? What the heck is that? How about "pious"?"
n_s, has a dictionary. Give that man a cookie.
"If, at that time, Obama is president, we're in trouble. Iran, Pakistan and Egypt will bet he'll refuse to act and they will likely throw whatever they have at Israel.
However, the usual muslim incompetence will affect the weapons of Iran, Egypt and Pakistan. If Iran is lucky enough to detonate one, the second will fizzle.
On the other hand, if we have a non-muslim president at the time of an Iranian attack, US submarines will fire weapons at targets in every nation firing on Israel. Those weapons will work and the muslim nations will lose in an hour."
Wait...take it back; n_s is an idiot.
"Excuse me Field, but which party has tried to reinstitute the "Fairness" Doctrine for media? Which party is pushing for "net neutrality"
I was against "net neutrality" before I was for it. Yep, I am for it again. I don't trust corporations. I am not trying to pay for faster access to the www.
anon 6:29, you wrote:
Explain then why China just announced plans to provide Pakistan with two new reactors capable of producing weapons grade plutonium, and to offer the deal at very favorable financial terms?
Pakistan already has nuclear weapons. Thus, even if the proposed nuclear facility can make weapons-grade fuel, it hardly matters.
Second, China is running into some headaches of its own. It needs more markets for its goods and some cheap labor.
How do you expand international markets? Easy. Increase the potential for prosperity and things begin to happen. The first step is Cheap and Abundant Energy, which Pakistan lacks.
A big increase in electricity-generating capacity will lift that economy. Thus, China gets paid for building the plant and China gets access to what it wants from Pakistan.
With respect to war, Pakistan's chief enemy is India, not Israel. All muslims want to see the destruction of Israel. Next to that, most want to see the fall of the US. But those are muslim pipe-dreams.
When it comes to actual fighting, muslims always go for the adjoining country, no matter what. Iran - Iraq. Iraq - Kuwait. India - Pakistan. Egypt - Israel, etc.
What possible interest does China (and Russia, with Iran) have with spreading nuclear technology throughout the Muslim world?
China wants economic control of those nations and undoubtedly greater access to oil. Frankly, I think that's good.
Russia? Russia needs money. It's got oil. Meanwhile, both Russia and China have no love for muslims, as their own internal troubles and reactions have shown.
The former soviet republics that are now muslim republics, like Chechnya, have taken brutal hits from Moscow. Same for the Uighurs in China.
Russia and China willingly send in the tanks and crush the opposition. Not much negotiating with those guys. It works.
Thus, Russia's interest in Iran is not built on its love of muslims. I had always hoped Russia would storm into Iraq and save us the trouble. But now that we're rebuilding Iraq, Putin probably feels a need to show some strength and influence Iran.
Meanwhile, I am not aware of any defense treaties signed by Iran and Russia.
@ no_slappz:
Not bad.
But don't you see the irony of ex-communists selling the rope with which they may be hanged?
Russia (along with France) supplies Iran's nuclear technology.
Russia already has its hands full with muslim problems. I think China just figures they are last in line for any trouble with Islam.
field, you wrote:
I was against "net neutrality" before I was for it. Yep, I am for it again. I don't trust corporations. I am not trying to pay for faster access to the www.
Net Neutrality is dopey jargon for something that already exists and for something that most people want, whether you believe it or not.
Moreover, when it comes to the basic issue of uncontrolled freely accessed and freely transmitted content, that means we live with viruses and all the hacking and criminality that occurs in a wide open environment.
Meanwhile, cable TV has always offered tiered service, which is at the heart of the "net neutrality" issue. You get Basic Cable, or spend a few more bucks and get HBO, Showtime and Movie Channel, etc.
Moreover, when it comes to transmission speeds, the bottleneck has always been in the "last mile". Some people still have phone-line service using the old modems.
How many public places will go without high-speed internet service because kids use it to view porn?
Schools have a problem, libraries have a problem. My YMCA closed its computer room because kids were watching porn and the older adults sitting next to them were offended.
Here's who loves things the way they are: Software companies and computer companies. They profit from internet threats and the damage done by hackers, et al. I throw out computers when they're too jammed with internet crap to function.
I've had Dells, Gateways, Compaqs, Acers, Toshibas and others. None of them can survive the the wildness of the internet.
anon 7:07, you wrote:
But don't you see the irony of ex-communists selling the rope with which they may be hanged?
No. Iran is not Afghanistan. Moreover, it's simply impossible for Iran to threaten Russia.
In fact, the biggest mistake Iran could make is squaring off with Russia. Russia has missiles, long-range bombers, a blue-water navy and submarines.
Iran's navy is nothing more than recreational speedboats with machine guns mounted on them. It has no submarines. Moreover, it's doubtful any of its military aircraft are operational. Iran truly has a Potemkin military.
These are muslims. They cannot maintain any type of complex machinery. What a surprise. That's consistent with their desire to take humanity back to the 7th century, to a time when the most advanced weapon was a sword.
You don't have to maintian it, just smuggle it into Moscow and set it off.
n-slap:And, surprise, surprise, much of the trouble is tied to your favorite religion/political system -- islam.
No, it's called Exxon, Chevron and BP,'s constant oil spills, and profits while people still living without one benefit for their oil being taken.
p.s. that other comment you left about libraries and schools having a problem with kids access to porn, ect., they do have a thing called filters to prevent children from viewing that stuff. duh.
Puleeze, that dumb bimbo Palin cannot even match my dog's dung. She is beneath me on every level and is not even worthy of washing my last year's underwear with her golddigging self.
Palin is a female hustler, a con artist going around running con games on those who are gullible enough to follow her. That heffer couldn't lead me pass my front door.
My ex-slave ancestors were more intelligent than Palin and they were illiterate and they knew more about government than that Palin does. Oh, I forgot, the teabaggers want to eliminate government so it really doesn't matter if she knows anything about it. Smh!
People in her own party don't even like her and think that she is an embarrassment to their party. As for the millions that are joining her...puleeze, you meant to say a few thousand. Stop trying to inflate the numbers.
She is not even what I would classify as a mom. That would be an insult to moms. I've seen dopefiends that are better moms than her. Her children look neglected. When she was running with McCain, the RNC had to buy her children some clothes to wear. That says a lot about her as a mom, especially since she was the former governor of Alaska. Governors get fat paychecks too. She couldn't take a few dollars out and buy her kids some clothes. Puleeze! I don't even consider Palin a real woman. When a woman leaves out the house dressed in a suit while her children are looking like the homeless crew that tells me a lot about her skills as a mother. Evidently, Palin lacks those skills, which is even more evident in the fact that she let her daughter's baby daddy sleep and have sex under her roof while she and her husband were at home.
Nah, don't compare me to Palin because even with the money that's she is making in her con game she will never ever be able to come up to my level in no shape, form, or fashion and that's real!!!!!!!!
What kind of mother lets her children run around looking like the homeless crew? If Palin was poor, I would be able to understand it and would have some pity for her. However, she was a former governor of Alaska who received a nice paycheck. And she let her kids run wild without supervision. Palin is not worth the dung you can pick up with a knitting needle!
She is all mouth and no brains. I bet they have a time helping her to remember those lines to that someone else writes for her to say. One thing for sure, she is no pitbull and is more like an over the hill poodle.
California Rep. Kevin McCarthy "said every small business that does $600 worth of business with anybody. They have to now go do a 1099 because of health care."
The company that I was working for in 2007 had been required to make/report a 1099 for everyone that earned or did paid business with that company for some years before I left. So that part of Rep. McCarthy's answer was a lie.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
What kind of mother lets her children run around looking like the homeless crew?
You must not have raised Black chillun or live in a Black hood to be this hypocritical. Now stop the shit. You know you just jealous cause she like a tampon. Nice, White uptight and outtasight. It aint her fault she got good hair and you don't. Granny Gumms. How old are you anyway? about 30 with 4 grandkids?
You must not have raised Black chillun or live in a Black hood to be this hypocritical.<<
Funny you should use some old, tired stereotype to counter something that's true. When she was on the 2008 campaign trail, she went on a shopping spree as if she never patronized stores that are several grades above Wal-Mart. It's not for nothing that McCain's own people referred to Palin and her clan a bunch of "Wasilla hillbillies."
Sharon from WI said
Funny you should use some old, tired stereotype to counter something that's true. When she was on the 2008 campaign trail, she went on a shopping spree as if she never patronized stores that are several grades above Wal-Mart. It's not for nothing that McCain's own people referred to Palin and her clan a bunch of "Wasilla hillbillies."
Your kidding right? If the Sterotype fits then put it on and look in the mirror fore you start slingin shit. Hillbillies? Oh thats not a stereotype.
Her family has had money for quite awhile. They live in a beautiful home that is very nicely furnished ( Items certainly not bought from walmart) they all created and OWN successful businesses and have earned quite a bit of money and would you beleive the lady even became a governor of a state with a huge budget and was even selected to run as a vice presidential candidate. So how is she a failure? If you could put those things on your resume, woudl that be a failure? Do you really believe what you are saying? I have no love for this women but comments like these make no sense. trying to say you dont like her because she never shopped at a store higher then walmart. Comon get real. Its saying dumb things like this that make her stronger. So what you don't like is ; Shes a bad mom shes cheap and doesnt shop at nice stores. She doesnt dress her kids right, one of her kids gave another kid a finger. So I guess this makes her trashy to you huh?
Is that all you could make up? Know anybody who does stuff like this? I bet you know people who do a lot worse.
Seeing as how most every comment is hypocritical and frankly childish I have to wonder what the real problem is with her. Only one thing sticks out to me. She is the persona of a white female, who tells it like it is and doesnt get cowed by bullshit haters,so you cant control her and thus envy turns into hate with lookin for trash for no reason. The infantile level of the trashin really says a lot about the people who trash her. You sound like a 10 year old with these silly comments .
Whats next, you say she is racist because she shot a Black Bear once?
Sorry for the double posts. It seemed the first did not transmit.
Amen, Sharon from WI:
Since you think that you are so intellectual, can you explain how my oldest GRANDCHILD was born before me? I need to be in the Guiness Book of World Records don't you think for being born after my children and grandchildren were born for accomplishing that feat.
Man...I swear, some of you anonymouse people don't have the brains God gave a goose. Smh! You lack home training as a child, you really do, and if I was your mom I would be totally embarrassed.
BTW, I have good hair too, a head full of it at that, and all my teeth. It runs in my family. We have good genes.
All black folks hair is not coarse or short or bald, but you so busy stereotyping you wouldn't know that now would. And all older black people do not age quickly in appearance either and have wrinkles or bad health or wear false teeth, only those who are frail and sickly do.
I betcha I am more than likely in better shape and look younger than you do. That let's me know that you do not know any black people.
Sharon from WI said, "Funny you should use some old, tired stereotype to counter something that's true. When she was on the 2008 campaign trail, she went on a shopping spree as if she never patronized stores that are several grades above Wal-Mart. It's not for nothing that McCain's own people referred to Palin and her clan a bunch of "Wasilla hillbillies.""
My God, Sharon. That is not true about Palin and you know it. She is very much family oriented and has provided well for her children that has been leagues above Granny.
She went on a shopping spree because she was running for VP of the United States of America. Later, haters like you fabricated a lie about her. You know it's true but you are "unwilling" to "admit" that they tried to frame her, which NOBODY bought...except you.
Anonymouse, you live in a fantasy world and view Palin through rose-colored glasses and some clouded ones at that. But if it makes you feel better, whatever floats your boat.
You know...I am really beginning to be a little worried about you and starting to think that you might need some supervision so that people won't take advantage of you. smh!
P.T. Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute or was that second. You are a living example of his quote. From your comments you sound like a very easy mark. You are truly a con artist's gold mine. Were you raised on a deserted island or did you live a sheltered life or something? Because even a seven year old kid can see through Palin. She is a joke among people...as in white buffoon. *sigh*... Ronnie Reagan messed up when he let those folks out of the crazy house. Our country has been plagued with them every since.
You must be one of those little old white ladies that has never has been out the house accept to go to the grocery store and back and live isolated from people with a little kitty Kat to keep you company in your boring spinster life. Probably the only people you see are you neighbors when you peeping between the curtains being nosy. Your neighbors probably don't want to be bothered because you're a little too bitter for them. I bet you watch Fox We Make It Up News and think that their word is "sacred." Smh!
Anyone with two eyes can look at Palin's children and see that they've been neglected. If she is the persona of a white female, I feel for sorry for white womanhood. However, I know that she is NOT and the majority of white women would agree with me.
Rupert Murdock's henchman Roger Ailes hurried up and pulled Palin from her tv spot, because she was even too dense by his standards. Palin's own daughter's baby daddy, McCain's daughter, and even her one of her own kids gave up the scoop on Palin.
hahahaha...everyone is trying to frame Sarah? Wow! Ain't that bout a biscuit... You need to leave that caffeine alone. Or come off of cloud 55 and come back down to earth with the rest of us earth folks before you get too far gone and no one can help you. Seriously though, are you on Prozac or something? You're a little strange.
My God, Sharon. That is not true about Palin and you know it. She is very much family oriented and has provided well for her children that has been leagues above Granny.<<
First, you don't even know Granny. I highly doubt that she is a 34 year old grandmother.
Second, McCain's own people described her and her family as hillbillies, so if you want to beef about their description of her behavior, take it up with McCain and his aides.
Your [sic]kidding right? If the Sterotype fits then put it on and look in the mirror fore you start slingin shit. Hillbillies? Oh thats not a stereotype.
Her family has had money for quite awhile. They live in a beautiful home that is very nicely furnished ( Items certainly not bought from walmart) they all created and OWN successful businesses and have earned quite a bit of money and would you beleive the lady even became a governor of a state with a huge budget and was even selected to run as a vice presidential candidate. So how is she a failure? If you could put those things on your resume, woudl[sic] that be a failure? Do you really believe what you are saying? I have no love for this women [sic] but comments like these make no sense. trying to say you dont like her because she never shopped at a store higher then walmart. Comon [sic] Shes a bad mom shes cheap and doesnt shop at nice stores. She doesnt [sic] dress her kids right, one of her kids gave another kid a finger. So I guess this makes her trashy to you huh?...
Hon, learn some grammar and learn to spell.
Granny, "BTW, I have good hair too, a head full of it at that, and all my teeth. It runs in my family. We have good genes."
What do you consider good hair? like White hair? You have just proved to EVERYBODY that you are a House Negro who has prejudice against Blacks. You probably are a member of the old Jack and Jill social society where you had to have "good hair" to get in. LOL.
You are such a phoney. And you have Sharon from WI fooled. Poor Sharon. I guess those WI cold winters has gotten to her brain.
You do not know me and that's the bottom line! Frankly speaking, I wouldn't want to know you, because you are a little too bitter and miserable for me to want to know. I try to stay clear of those type of people because misery loves company and those type of people are a drain on the spirit.
I could care less what you think or say. You can think or should I say fantasize anything you want to about me, but it won't change who I am. Nor will it take any skin off my back. Or stop me from saying whatever I need to, want to, plan on, or am gonna say!
Truthfully speaking, I am tired of responding to your silly talking behind. I don't know who you think you are, but you are not qualified to define me, and never will be. What you need to be doing is taking a look within yourself so that you can discover what your problem is and why you are so bitter and miserable.
You need to stop coming on here trying to take your hormone or your personal problems out on everyone on here. We're not the cause of your problems.
No pictures of Blacks in that "Pledge"!
I am a black person and I think its time the "N"egro word evolves like many attribute. I am retired veteran residing in the Philippines as my retirement pensions with "S" goes along way over here. But you know what, I am old school and when I here someone like a Filipino say what's up Joe, My Nigger, Nigger etc., I sometimes challenged the on the works and what's their interpretation of the value of it to them. Nine times out of ten they really don't know and when I school them, they apologetic in many cased(which I was not seeking) and tend to calm down on the "N" works. Coming across you site caught my attention, and the frustration and sarcastic out-lash you raised. You have that right and its interesting.
Take care!
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