Stand your ground Terry Jones, you have every right to burn the Koran in your ignorant bigoted church. This is A-merry-ca, you have earned that right by living in, and being a citizen of this great country. "International Burn a Quran Day" has a nice sensational ring to it, and if you wanted to get attention for your church you have certainly succeeded. The State Department, the White House, various interfaith groups, and even a general in the theater of battle weighed in and asked you not to have your little A-merry-ca fights back moment on the anniversary of September 11th.
But I guess there is no stopping you now, the holy horse has already left the barn.
"We believe that Islam is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times.."
But I guess there is no stopping you now, the holy horse has already left the barn.
"We believe that Islam is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times.."
I have to give it to you pastor, you are quite clear with your purpose. You speak with a tone of pellucidity and directness that is to be commended.
But here is my problem with this little (I shouldn't say little, because it's damn near creating an international incident) burning that the pastor is planning. The folks on the right who were screaming at the top of their lungs that the Mosque shouldn't be built at ground zero are strangely quiet over this incident. What? No harsh words for Pastor Jones from the right? Wait, it gets worse: I think they actually plan to have a right wing army protect the good pastor. Yes, the wingnuts are well....nutty. If you don't believe me read these comments from over at Wizbang after a post condemning pastor Jones.
The pastor, in my opinion, is an ignorant nut job, but he has a right to his sick 9/11 anniversary ceremony. The folks who want to build an Islamic community center close to ground zero might have been better off building it somewhere else. But just like the clown in Florida, they have a right to build there.
The wingnuts would do well to remember that they can't embrace the Constitution when its convenient, yet turn away from it when it is not.
Like I said earlier, ignorance and intolerance are the norm now and that is really sad in a place that purports to be the melting pot of the world. Geesh!
Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
although i consider myself far more spiritual than i do religious, for a number of reasons, it’s difficult to wrap my mind around someone “professing” to be a man of the word that’s filled with so much hate and promoting such a delusional message.
what's even more frightening is the fact that this nutjob has a following and a CHURCH!!!
"The folks on the right who were screaming at the top of their lungs that the Mosque shouldn't be built at ground zero are strangely quiet over this incident. What? No harsh words for Pastor Jones from the right?"
Youre not listening Field, or feigning a hearing problem. There has been universal condemnation of the proposed Quran burning, from the left and from the right.
A sane, rational person should have precisely the same opinion on the decision of a Florida Pastor to burn Qurans to commemorate 9-11 as on the Ground Zero Victory Mosque; both parties have the Constitutional Right to do what they want to do, but they shouldn’t do it, and they should be opposed in doing. Granted, the Florida Pastor doesn’t have a history of trashing the United States, longing for the obliteration of Israel, and shady financial dealings, but that aside, the comparison holds.
The really telling bit is that the universal agreement that burning Qurans will lead to Muslim violence; which once again illustrates something about Islam that everyone knows but no one will talk about.
"The folks who want to build an Islamic community center close to ground zero might have been better off building it somewhere else. But just like the clown in Florida, they have a right to build there."
I think Americans have too many rights for a country with so much hate, and ignorance. That includes the Muslims who want to build a Mosque near ground zero...a stupid and ignorant move on their part that was bound to precipitate a backlash.
Christians are about to make an even dumber move by burning the sacred texts of Islam. That move will lead to an all out war..count on it.
However, I don't think the pastor will do it, because there will be hidden pressures from around the country and his state to not do it. I cannot imagine that politicians from the left or right would sit idly by and let the empassioned pastor needlessly do something that will endanger our troops abroad and endanger our country.
Just think. All of this started with that Mosque to be built at ground zero. Any American HAD to know something like this was coming. Ground Zero IS sacred to many Americans, including myself. But to burn the Koran, the Word of Allah, is sacrilegious and says a lot about the minds and hearts of Floridians. But people tend to get passionate and crazy down below the bible belt.
If this actually happens, Bin Laden's plan and wish for a holy war will probably be imminent. And Al Quador will have no problem recruiting young men.
The question is, will the Christians be able to recruit young men to fight them? I am sure the pastor will be at the forefront encouraging Christians to sacrifice themselves against Islam.
Field, you were a big proponent on building that Mosque near ground zero. Now you are bitching about the pastor burning Korans?
You are a fickle man.
Peeking out from under the rock I've been under. Always reading your great posts, just not commenting.
Despite all that is not great about this country, one of the things that makes it great is that idiots like this pastor can propagate such irrational stupidity.
The hypocritical silence of the standard bearers of the right(Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Liz Cheney, etc)is deafening. Guess a threat to the troops only matters when it enhances their political narcissism. But then again, their desire to burn the Holy Book of Islam is just a surrogate for what they want to do(and perhaps figuratively doing)to a president they propagandize as following that book.
FYI Field,
I'm listed as Melvin now, but I'm still Doc L.
Yet another reason religion should have been left in the dark ages.
Christian crazies vs. Muslim crazies
A battle to see who is more draconian and illogical.
If only rational, non-religious people could have half the passion for their non-belief that these folks have for their dogma.
I think this situation is going to turning point in that the public will finally have to acknowledge that this anti-Muslim BS has gone too far.
I also believe that the electorate is finally going to see what hateful actions that the venomous rhetoric from the Right has wrought and the midterms won't be as bad for the Democrats as it looks right now.
Do you think Christians would want their bibles burned in a bon fire?
If not, why would they burn another religion's bible?
This is wrong, VERY WRONG. But to build a Mosque near Ground Zero was wrong, VERY WRONG.
Both ideas are disrespectful and are causing charged emotions that could lead us to a place we had not wanted. I hope not.
"If only rational, non-religious people could have half the passion for their non-belief that these folks have for their dogma."
Atheists are very passionate about their belief. They are quite vocal and mean-spirited about it. In fact, atheism has become a crazy religion of non-believers. They are no better.
Face it. Our minds are toast. No one knows shit. Enjoy the ride!
There's a lot of hate in America and the world. And in this case, hate is coming from a church in Florida.
Poor God. Human 'justified' terrible actions are always laid on GOD. The pastor fails to know the difference between God and his ego...a common mistake made by ignorant fools for their own desires.
Terry Jones has mistakenly created God in his own ego-mind.
“You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” -Anne Lamott
"what's even more frightening is the fact that this nutjob has a following and a CHURCH!!!"
From what I've heard his church consists of about 40 to 50 members. And I also heard that several people left that church after he started all of this nonsense.
"Atheists are very passionate about their belief. They are quite vocal and mean-spirited about it. In fact, atheism has become a crazy religion of non-believers. They are no better."
Atheists simply believe if there's no empirical proof, then its not probably there (at least not in the way believers describe it).
Same position people take with the loch ness monster or Big Foot. The burden of proof is on the faithful, not the skeptics. Sounds fairly rational, almost scientific if I might add.
Of course, non-religious doesn't have to mean atheist. It can simply mean agnostic, or honest people who don't claim to have all the answers.
Any brand of non-religious will do.
" wingnuts would do well to remember that they can't embrace the Constitution when its convenient, yet turn away from it when it is not. "
If I may say so, brother Field, ain't that what they been doing right along? Who's stopping them?
And if you think Terry Jones isn't a nutjob, checkout how he feels about NIGGERS!
There was also a rumor that Terry Jones was arrested last month for distribution of child pornography.
I haven't been able to confirm it though it has been circulated on message boards for a while now.
"wingnuts would do well to remember that they can't embrace the Constitution when its convenient, yet turn away from it when it is not."
They don't turn away from the Constitution. They are smart enough to know a bad idea when they see it, such as building a Mosque near Ground Zero. Most Americans (+70%) know that. Unfortunately, the left are not big on discernment.
Rippa-"There was also a rumor that Terry Jones was arrested last month for distribution of child pornography."
What does this have to do with the burning of the Koran?
Rippa said, "And if you think Terry Jones isn't a nutjob, checkout how he feels about NIGGERS!"
I was waiting for the N-word. Sooner or later there had to one to show up and make him a racist against Blacks.
Still, what does this have to do with burning the Koran?
The Islamophobia in the good ole U.S. of A. is reaching idiotic proportions. You just have to wonder how spastic Jones would get if someone suggested that pages from the KJV Bible make good rolling paper, in a pinch. (They do, btw).
As for those who think atheism is a "religion", well it is a "religon" in the same way that NOT collecting stamps is a hobby.
Gregory, "You just have to wonder how spastic Jones would get if someone suggested that pages from the KJV Bible make good rolling paper, in a pinch. (They do, btw)."
You show the nature of your sick character. You are an idiotic mean-spirited fool...You are no better than Jones.
He's either batshit crazy or just wanted the publicity.
Or maybe both.
In any case, Terry Jones is about as Christian as a secessionist fringe-militia leader is a patriot. Always got to be plenty of people to take a good thing so far it ends up father into the Dark Side than Darth Vader.
(BTW, thanks for the "Blog I Am Feeling" nod, Field)
I have my own beefs about Islam, but you won't see me advocating having a batch of Qurans burned as some sort of gesture. Some people just love the attention that performing outrageous deeds gets them.
"Christ in Piss"? Got the guy who did it a whole bunch of attention.
"You show the nature of your sick character. You are an idiotic mean-spirited fool...You are no better than Jones."
Spare me the forced indignation.
P.S.: Finally got a new laptop. Not fancy, but at least it doesn't have a burned-out graphics card neutering it.
The faux outrage from our anony's indicates that I should have issued a warning to the sarcasm or irony impaired.
Gregory said...
"The Islamophobia in the good ole U.S. of A. is reaching idiotic proportions. "
So one crazy old preacher in Florida is evidence that the whole country is insane, but dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks over the past few years says nothing about Islam, right Gregory?
Whatever happened to do unto others as you would have them do unto you?
@ Val
"...From what I've heard his church consists of about 40 to 50 members. And I also heard that several people left that church after he started all of this nonsense."
Well, there is hope!
The crazy old preacher doesn't represent all Christians just like Osama doesn't repesent all Muslims. Two nutjobs use "In the Name of Religion" to justify their actions.
Terry Jones shouldn't get any press.
""We believe that Islam is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times.."
You could pretty much insert any and all "religions" into this insane statement and have a LOT of truth!
See...let's give it a whirl...
"We believe that Christianity is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times.."
""We believe that Buddhism is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times.."
"We believe that Catholicism is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times.."
""We believe that Judaisam is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times.."
and the list goes on and on! These folks make me sick and should NOT be charged to the "Christian" tab!
Disagree but don't disrespect! Burning the Holy text for any religion, just because you don't subscribe to their notions is disrespectful. Truth be told...the US was founded on this narrow small minded behavior. It is actually VERY American. Nevertheless, because I am hopeful America can grow and get past its shameful past...I can not support this nonsense on any level. It was not too long ago (and in some circles even now) the Jews, Catholics, etc.
Shameful! Or as AB would say "Shame!"
Let the man burn his Korans if he wants too. Let Islam get a taste of their own medicine. "Casting the first stone". They burn bibles, they burn flags, they want to build a mosque near Ground Zero.
Worldwide idiocracy is not only likely in the months ahead, it may, sadly, already be upon us.
I'm not a legal authority, but isn't Pastor Jones inciting violence by threatening to burn the Koran which will, at the same time, jeopardize the life and safety of Americans--not just our men and women in uniform in Afghanistan, but Americans here at home, and around the world--by exercising his freedom of speech which entails the burning of the Koran as a protest of 9-11?
This man of the cloth states flatly, and I paraphrase: "If, as a result of my actions, one person dies, I will be troubled, but it won't be my responsibility."
Jones refuses to see a nexus between his burning of Korans--or even the threat of it--and the potential death of other Americans that can be traced directly to his ill-conceived act.
If Jones follows through and burns the Korans, then, by his act, he destroys another people's freedom of expression, and freedom of religion--depriving them of their sacred statements, even if those statements can be replaced.
"Fahrenheit 451," a novel by Ray Bradbury, decries, as one of its themes, the act of burning books.
In Bradbury's fictional world, book reading was outlawed, because "critical thought" was outlawed.
You would think that the burning of any book would be cause to evoke public outcry, and public condemnation--especially in a society where book reading hasn't been outlawed.
Our society is known for its public and private libraries--both abound.
Unfortunately, what's not in plentiful supply is "critical thought."
Yet, we don't have to burn books as an act of "thoughtless" retribution or protest, or to outlaw "critical thought," a lack of critical thought exists with or without books.
Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which books burn.
That's for books. Reason and "critical thought" can be reduced to ashes without fire at all--a cold heart can ignite them both.
"From what I've heard his church consists of about 40 to 50 members. And I also heard that several people left that church after he started all of this nonsense."
That's 39 or 49 too many if you ask me.
"Field, you were a big proponent on building that Mosque near ground zero. Now you are bitching about the pastor burning Korans?
You are a fickle man."
Let's try this again by reading the first lines of my post:
"Stand your ground Terry Jones, you have every right to burn the Koran.."
*wait for it....wait for it...*
You are welcome DB. I am glad to see that you are still blogging.
"Atheists are very passionate about their belief. They are quite vocal and mean-spirited about it. In fact, atheism has become a crazy religion of non-believers. They are no better."
I have never met a passionate atheists. Wait....I take that back; there was that one girlin California. Never mind.
"Do you think Christians would want their bibles burned in a bon fire?
If not, why would they burn another religion's bible?
This is wrong, VERY WRONG. But to build a Mosque near Ground Zero was wrong, VERY WRONG.
Both ideas are disrespectful and are causing charged emotions that could lead us to a place we had not wanted. I hope not."
Anon. I think we are already there.
Let's just burn rap music cds, TV's, video games, racist southerners, cars, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, and of course burn Fried Chicken cause it all comes from the devil.
Seriously, this is just another sad example of southern ignorance. It's a misguided mental inferiority passed down from generation to generation of self empowered inferior people.
southern states don't have a monopoly on ignorance--the fight against the mosque in new york proves that-- and stereotyping serves no positive purpose.
also, field, no need to call him an ignorant wingnut; that's redundant!
First off, let me state that I don't have a problem with this cracker and his book burning. It just cements what various "terrorist" recruiters tell their people. Hmmm, I wonder what would happen if I had a burn the bible day at my mosque in retaliation? Secondly, The Cordova Initiative doesn't need permission from the rest of us to develop a property that they own free and clear. I mean did the Christo-Facists that murdered their way to controlling this continent ask the Natives how they felt about churches being built so close to their reservations.
"Field, you were a big proponent on building that Mosque near ground zero. Now you are bitching about the pastor burning Korans?"
This issue really burns me up because it's another case of false outrage and rightwing manipulation of the stupid.
Listen very closely.
"There Is Already a Mosque Near the WTC Site"
It's been there over 30 years.
It's actually closer to the Ground Zero (4 blocks away) than the proposed Islamic Center (5 blocks away).
You people are being played for the political advantage of folks who don't give two craps about you.
Wake up.
Dear Jesus: Please deliver us all from the Christians!!!!
how is this bs any worse than what the same churches do to gays/abortion doctors etc?
or diced icy icy blaming celibate virgin gay teens for teen pregnancy stats????
all holy haters are gd fools and way out of control!!!
I see his action as political, not religious, and wonder why that is not brought up, and how his church maintains a tax-free status. Being an agnostic, as my imagination is too puny to conceive of a being capable of creating this wonder of life, I tend toward live and let live. I'm greatly tired of those who think they have the right to thrust their beliefs on others. And on the matter of the Muslim Community Center, how can anyone consider it so near Ground Zero? Those strip bars nearby obviously are so much more respectable, as was the Burlington Coat Factory previously in that location (that's sarcasm for those who are a bit too literal here). Thanks, Field - naomi
Why is it considered irrational to be "Islamophobic"? After 9/11, the Madrid attacks, the London bombings, the Bali attack, doesn't it make sense to exibit some phobia over this global death cult? In the United States, there was the Long Island convert who tried to blow up Penn Station. An al-Qaedist in Arkansas attacked a military recruitment center in Little Rock, killing an American soldier. An Islamist in Illinois tried to take down a federal building in Springfield. A jihadi from Chicago set his sights on a Danish newspaper and assisted the gunmen in the Mumbai attacks. An Afghan national targeted Manhattan landmarks. A Jordanian national tried to topple a Dallas skyscraper. There was the massacre at Fort Hood. And this was just last year.
The “troubled young man” that tried to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day was trained in an al-Qaeda camp in Yemen. He would have killed nearly 300 people had it not been for passenger heroics. In May, a Pakistani-trained al-Qaedist tried to set off a bomb in Times Square, the most densely packed area in Manhattan. He failed, but had he succeeded the carnage would have trumped the Oklahoma City bombing. I was in Times Square that afternoon. Had the detonation gone off properly, giant shards of glass from the surrounding buildings — dozens and dozens of stories worth — would have plummeted to the streets, killing hundreds, perhaps thousands.
And around the world? Last week alone, there were more than 300 casualties in Lahore, Pakistan; there were more than 200 in Quetta. In Sudan, al-Qaeda-linked Islamists murdered 74 people. Sixteen people were killed in Baghdad, four in Mosul, three in Yemen, two in Tajikistan, and one apiece in Thailand and Azerbaijan. Next week beckons.
How is the proposed stupidity of this crazy hick preacher in Florida remotely morally equivalent to the undending torrents of blood released by Islamic terrorists? Why is it presumed that the expected violent reaction by the world's Muslims is an appropriate response to a book being burned?
This pastor's actions should be rightly condemned, but allowing this to be be hyped up as some significant insult to Islam is just foolish.
This toothless goober has a congregation of 50.
Why is anyone paying attention to him?
uptownsteve said...
"This toothless goober has a congregation of 50.
Why is anyone paying attention to him?"
Because obviously it is in someone's interest to hype the existence of toothless goobers in the U.S. of A. This works to the prejudices of the liberal media and works to the advantage of those interested in maintaining Muslim rage.
Why is it presumed that the expected violent reaction by the world's Muslims is an appropriate response to a book being burned?
Because those extremists don't play. Just like someone said in an earlier comment, recruitment of "Al Queda" will get a hell of a lot easier. No disrespect, but you might wanna go back and reread your run down of what happened before the Quran was even being mentioned of getting burned.
uts, "Why is anyone paying attention to him?"
What he is planning to do could harm our troops, and endanger all Americans abroad and at home.
In addition, it could be fodder for Al Quader's recruitment of young men.
In other words, the actions of one Floridian pastor could spark something world wide against America and it could be terrible.
I don't think we want that.
@ Rottnkid: My point was why do we accept Muslim violence in response to any perceived slight as a fact of life? Western sociteies value freedom of speech as a fundamental right, yet we self-censor ourselves habitually under threat of violence. From the Danish cartoons, to Salman Rushdie, to South Park, we accept limits on what we can say, do or portray based on fear.
Burning a Quran is a deliberately provacative act, and perhaps is worthy of self-censorship. But as part of a larger pattern of continuous, incremental accomodation of Muslim demands on what we are allowed say or think, I find it disturbing.
anon, "Why is it presumed that the expected violent reaction by the world's Muslims is an appropriate response to a book being burned?"
You should read your own comment in its full context, and maybe, just maybe, you will get your answer.
There is no such thing as an "appropriate" response involving a passionate religion. Anything is possible and thus far, a routine 'appropriate' response has been to kill.
It's not fear. It is honoring, respecting another's heartfelt religion....Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Imo, there should be some restraint of speech. Verbal abuse is hurtful, and could potentially lead to war. All because of some nutjob in Florida?
When you disrepect a fervent religion and faith such as Islam, expect retaliation for something you did that was WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Anonymous said...
11:39 AM
I understand what your saying and can agree. I wish I had an answer, but I do know this, the reason why we accept Muslim violence in response is because we know it can and it will happen. "Extreme" Muslims don't only talk the talk but they also walk the walk and if that joker of a priest had a clue on what the repercussions that WILL come about, he might want to rethink his plan. This isn't about just him anymore. His old ass isn't gonna fight - he'll run. And if he happens to be that bold and aroogant them maybe he should tell one of his minions to jump in a plane and fly over to the middle east and crash into one of their buildings in the name of christianity on 9/11. You notice how his ass is gonna be over here burning those books? Some Americans in postion of power are good at talking shit but not being able to back it up. Dude needs to go on and sit down somewhere
Anonymous @ 12:00 said...
I"t's not fear. It is honoring, respecting another's heartfelt religion....Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
No, it is fear. One honors and repsects Chritianity or Buddhism mainly out of a sense of decency. But you don't have to be decent. You can poke fun at Buddhism or stick a crucifix in a jar of piss and still walk the streets.
Islam is different. You can have a fatwah placed on your head for drawing a stick figure and labelling it "Muhammed".
Are you really saying that one should accept murder as an appropriate retaliation for expressing disrespect of Islam?
"Imo, there should be some restraint of speech. Verbal abuse is hurtful, and could potentially lead to war. All because of some nutjob in Florida?
When you disrepect a fervent religion and faith such as Islam, expect retaliation for something you did that was WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE."
So, the appropriate response is violence? I can't go along with that and I don't think anyone should. I think deliberately burning a religious text is remarkably disrespectful and should not be done but there shouldn't be any law against it anymore than there should be laws against confederate flags, iron crosses, burning American flags or what have you.
Free speech means just that-even for idiotic bigots. If Christians can manage to deal with Mapplethorpe/Serrano and several other people that go out of their way to be deliberately insulting then Muslims can deal with people like this pastor.
Rottnkid said...
"I do know this, the reason why we accept Muslim violence in response is because we know it can and it will happen."
We woudn't accept the banning of catholic priest jokes if, for instance, John Stewart were gutted in the street, ala Theo Van Gogh. We don't accept domestic violence because the woman "had it coming". We should expect people's beliefs to be accorded respect (and rightly condem asswipes like the preacher dude) but we shouldn't accord Islam special rights and priveleges as a reward for thuggish violence.
you all realize that ANON is n-s, right? what an idiot. no one else sounds like this.
Shady_Grady said..."Free speech means just that-even for idiotic bigots. If Christians can manage to deal with Mapplethorpe/Serrano and several other people that go out of their way to be deliberately insulting then Muslims can deal with people like this pastor."
I don't think anyone is calling for a change in the law.
But how many members of your immediate family are you willing to lose to make your point: "Muslims can deal with people like this pastor."
My opinion: No one should die for this pastor's hate act.
maria said...
"you all realize that ANON is n-s, right? what an idiot. no one else sounds like this."
Wrong, Maria. I am not no slappz. You once again prove that you are the idiot. Do you ever have anything remotely interesting to say? I can't think of a single example.
I don't think he's N_S because I didn't get bothered by any of his comments.
My opinion: No one should die for this pastor's hate speech.
But how many members of your immediate family are you willing to lose to make your point: "Muslims can deal with people like this pastor."
Red herring.
The issue is that once you accept the idea that you should restrict free speech or political thought because some people might get violent you are no longer living in a free society.
I am free to think/say that Moses was a demented mass murdering bastard. I can say that Jesus was a loony goof with an unexplained interest in young boys. But if I say that Muhammad was a loon who cribbed much of the Qu'ran from the Torah and pagan beliefs someone wants to kill me? Get over it.
I do not think that this preacher is a good man. I do not think that he is very smart or wise. And burning a religious book, any book really is the mark of a close minded bigot. But no one should be killing someone or threatening to kill someone because of verbal insults. The wise thing to do is not pay this pathetic idiot any attention.
Islam is just as worthy of respect as any other religion and it is also just as worthy of ridicule as any other religion.
Y said...
"My opinion: No one should die for this pastor's hate speech."
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin
Maria, "you all realize that ANON is n-s, right? what an idiot. no one else sounds like this."
Maria, I am an Anon, and have been for several years. Those who know my style can readily identify me. I am NOT n_slappz.
It is amazing that a journalist such as yourself is unable to discern 'who's who' on this blog. With such incompetence, maybe you should consider another profession?
Those who argue and debate with ns, including myself, can safely assume that NS does not use anon ids. n_slappz tends to target Blacks and get "in their faces" with negative stats, references, or history-whether the data is false or not.
Maria, stop projecting what YOU sometimes do. You show the kind of character you are, which isn't good. You remind me of Pastor Jones = IGNORANCE LOOKING FOR ATTENTION.
Sorry Field, but the wingbaggers wouldn't even exist if they couldn't both love and hate the constitution, revere it and want to change most all it's provisions.
And yes, Sarry P taking to facebook to call on "peaceful Christians to refudiate" would be nice, but such an expectation assumes that she and the other Islam-bashers actually disagree with his proposition. Are you sure about that?
This following is interesting. Perhaps this is why muslims in the US are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities. Can a good muslim be a good American?
This question was forwarded to a someone who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.
The following is his reply:
Theologically - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia .
Religiously - no. . . Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah - Except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran).
Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically - no . . . Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically - no. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual Leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically - no. . . Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 ).
Intellectually - no. . . Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically - no. . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually - no. . . Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation. . . Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. - - -
They obviously cannot be both 'good' muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.
The religious war is bigger than we know or understand...
I think you hit upon one of the most challenging issues for me as a social justice activist who also studied constitutional law- the constitution is not situational relevant - you either recognize it or you don't.
This emphermeral adoration of "our rights" seems to be an affliction of both the left and the right.
And while I still love the work of the ACLU - I am forever disturbed by the necessity of their work in Skokie.
I agree with the comments that a violent physical response to verbal is not right or justified.
Why is some unknown pastor with 50 shit house rats for congregants even worthy of our attention, though?
Exodus 20:14 "You shall not commit adultery."
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."
Proverbs 6:32 "But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself." He destroys himself by being put to death as shown above.
Leviticus 21:9 "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." Why should only a daughter of a priest gets burnt to death if she profanes herself? Why can't this law apply to all daughters?
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity." This doesn't make any sense what so ever! Why should the woman get her hands cut off for defending her husband? It's not like she was cheating on him or anything like that
Matthew 19:9 "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." Wouldn't this cause the man to be put to death?
Mark 10:11 "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her." Again, wouldn't he then be put to death since he would have committed adultery?
Mark 10:12 "And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery." Same question I ask about the women who are considered have committed adultery. Wouldn't they be put to death also?
Luke 16:18 "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
many scriptures far worse and far more sexist than what you have quoted are in the christian buybull
maybe I am wrong, but I always thought the old testament, with the premise of an eye for an eye, was replaced by the new testament of love, forgiveness, and letting god be the judge?
please do share that thought with the church folks who torture gays daily!!!
old or new the buybull is FULL of sexist bs just like all other religious books
the very last person to bash a muslim should be a hypochristian!!!
Deuteronomy 20:13-15 Kill all the men and boys in the cities that God “delivers into your hands,” but keep the women for raping.
Deuteronomy 21:11-14 If you see a pretty woman among the captives then just take her home and “go in unto her.”
Deuteronomy 22:5 Women that wear men’s clothing are an “abomination unto the Lord.”
Deuteronomy 22:13-22 Women, be sure to keep the tokens of your virginity. Otherwise the men of your city may stone you to death. This does not apply to men though, of course. What is interesting to note here is the actual wording, it says : “that if a man hateth his wife he may say she did not have the tokens of her virginity”. Since there is no way a woman can truly prove she had a hymen upon marriage the word rests on the husband and she can be disposed of simply when he tires of her.
Deuteronomy 22:23-24 is one of the most cruel and sexist passages of the Torah. It says that women who are raped and fail to “cry out loud” in a populated area are most likely enjoying the attack should be killed.
Deuteronomy 22:28-29 A rapist must buy his victim from her father for 50 shekels. Is this supposed to be some type of retribution? What about the victim here, what if she doesn’t want to marry a pig who raped her? All that matters is her father receives payment for his “property”.
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 Says that we must cut off a woman’s hand if she touches the “secrets” of a man who is fighting with her husband…“And thine eye shall not pity her.” Once again, there is no punishment for the man she touched, only the woman.
see a detailed listing of buybull bs from BOTH testaments here
People in America need a religious education about the similarities of the religions and the history. Islam is not new to America. Islam has been in America almost as long as Christianity.
We are more alike then people know.
Deuteronomy 22:5 Women that wear men’s clothing are an “abomination unto the Lord.”
thanks Alicia, I was trying to think of that one.
i absolutely refuse to pretend that muslims hate women and gays more than christians do!
u r welcome
see more re george sardini here
In her legendary debut “Whoopi Goldberg: Live on Broadway”, Whoopi told a great story about racism in the Catholic church. She recalled having to sacrifice her candy allowance to feed the “pagan babies”. She recounts how such blatant white supremacy affected her mind as a black child, as God seemed to let black babies starve unless Whoopi and her peers donated their candy money to feed them.
The biblical book of Deuteronomy is arguably more misogynistic than any female bashing gangsta rap music lyric ever penned. The Madonna-whore syndrome that permeates most religions toxifies the cancers of sexism globally. Globally, sexism grows more deadly each day.
Many sinful pastors encourage and bless vicious hatred of gay men simply because they regard homosexual men as caricatures of equally debased and despised heterosexual women. Many sexist religious organizations forbid females as pastors. In a world flooded with sexist hatreds, countless religions are awash in rivers of sacredly bigoted blood.
Thus, it should come as no surprise that the lethal lunatic George Sordini was a fan of rabidly sexist religious authors whose toxic tomes were fatal inspirations for his misogynist massacre. Precisely like those who slay homosexuals, Sodini felt that murdering “hoez” was divine.
Hatred is stronger than fear. Religious hatred is a supremely criminal inspiration. We should all fear religious ignorance more than anything else on earth!
"No, it is fear. One honors and repsects Chritianity or Buddhism mainly out of a sense of decency. But you don't have to be decent. You can poke fun at Buddhism or stick a crucifix in a jar of piss and still walk the streets.
Islam is different. You can have a fatwah placed on your head for drawing a stick figure and labelling it "Muhammed".
Are you really saying that one should accept murder as an appropriate retaliation for expressing disrespect of Islam?"
No, I am not saying that we should 'accept' murder as a retaliation for burning Korans. Nevertheless, the people of Islam want to be "respected" and 'might' retaliate by killing Americans...It IS what it IS, regardless what you envision 'how' Muslims should respond to the burning of the word of Allah. I am sure 'they' feel the same about 'you', as they are strapping themselves down with bombs.
Even in some places in America if you say something disrespectful to a brotha or sista, you 'might' find yourself catching a bullet or two...
My point is that every religion deserves to be respected, constitution or no constitution. And it should be done in the way the followers and culture would like to be respected. The Koran is sacred to them and we ought to be big enough people to respect that. FYI: there are Buddhist sects that will kill your ass if you try to burn their sacred texts. The same goes for certain sects of other religions. So Islam is not that different from other religions. I am sure we have some fervent Christians who will kill you over God.
Imo, if the Muslims want their religion and faith to be respected, why can't we do that? Why must we act like the 'devil' ourselves and burn Korans..a sacred text.. that is ALSO considered the word of God?
Why must we close our hearts and hold up the Constitution to 'JUSTIFY' OUR verbal abuse and disrespect to their religion? and THEN we expect them to "respond" in an 'appropriate' way, which is OUR way? Why is it that Americans are 'unwilling' to be kind good-willed people? Why must we be assholes?
Some Americans are just plain arrogant- and the reason so many around the globe hate us. And if that ill-willed pastor burns those sacred Korans, you can count on a lot more people around the world hating us.
This is the good pastor getting ran outta Germany, so the bastard sets up shop here.
Americans have way too much respect for religion. There are no holy texts. Its just paper and ink. A throwback to a time when there was no scientific substitute.
Maybe we should give equal respect for the tooth fairy and the easter bunny.
Why is this tiny church even a national/international story? Because the cable news ratings are dropping, newspaper circulation drying up, and this is another wedge story people can occupy themselves with.
alicia banks, you asked:
how is any of what you quoted any worse than the very same rabid religious sexism throughout the christian bible???
How? Here's how. It boils down to Separation of Church and State.
However, before getting to that, instead of just dropping a few lines out of the Bible, you ought to check the context. Start with Page One -- the Big Bang. Let there be Light.
Despite all the death and mayhem that is part of the Old and New Testaments, the Bible looks forward with a sense of hope, possibility and redemption.
The Koran, on the other hand, goes the other way, starting with The Earthquake -- "When Earth is rocked in her last convulsion..."
The Cataclysm -- "When the sky is rent asunder..."
The Cessation -- "When the sun ceases to shine..."
The vile religion of islam is truly an expression of man's dark side. Based on the opening of the Koran and all its contents, is it any surprise that muslims say they love death more than non-muslims love life?
It is Judeo-Christian thinking that led eventually to separating government and religion. On the other hand, separating government power from islam is forbidden. Dictatorial Power is what islam seeks for itself.
As should be obvious to anyone who understands there are many muslim dictatorships and despotic regimes while there are NO Christian theocracies and no Christian dictatorships, islam is the avowed enemy of freedom.
Most remarkable is the defense of islam given by women. In muslim countries women are slaves. In the US, muslim women live under the thumb of a husband. Even here women are subjected to honor killings.
Yet some women are foolish enough to defend the ideology that has established rules and laws for their subjugation and abuse. Amazing.
alicia banks, you posted:
Deuteronomy 22:23-24 is one of the most cruel and sexist passages of the Torah. It says that women who are raped and fail to “cry out loud” in a populated area are most likely enjoying the attack should be killed.
Women in America are told to scream if they're attacked. Hopefully someone will come running to help. Our Judeo-Christian humanity works in that way.
However, as we know, if an unmarried muslim women is found to have had consensual sex with a male, her brothers and father might kill her.
Meanwhile, as the Koran states, if a woman is raped, she must provide FOUR MALE EYEWITNESSES to the crime if there's any expectation of convicting the rapist. Good luck.
Anyway, why any woman would defend islam is beyond me.
anon, "Why is this tiny church even a national/international story? Because the cable news ratings are dropping, newspaper circulation drying up, and this is another wedge story people can occupy themselves with."
Don't know if you have read the reasons why this small church has caused such a stir. But if you read what Gen Patraeus and others in the International community has said, burning the Koran is not a good idea. It could lead to more American deaths. That's why it is in the news and cannot be ignored.
"If Jones follows through and burns the Korans, then, by his act, he destroys another people's freedom of expression, and freedom of religion--depriving them of their sacred statements, even if those statements can be replaced."
How does he destroy their freedom of expression, exactly? Their freedom of expression to prevent people from burning books?
This is a common perversion of freedom of speech. The freedom of speech to be against freedom of speech! What a novel idea.
Anyone who gets violently offended by a cartoon or a book burning has mental issues.
"But if you read what Gen Patraeus and others in the International community has said, burning the Koran is not a good idea. It could lead to more American deaths. That's why it is in the news and cannot be ignored."
Yes, but would muslims even know about it if the media hadn't turned it into a major story?
"It is Judeo-Christian thinking that led eventually to separating government and religion."
That's where America went wrong. You cannot truly separate government and religion. Morality and ethics come through religion.
"Yes, but would muslims even know about it if the media hadn't turned it into a major story?"
The media heard about it from Muslims.
"Anyone who gets violently offended by a cartoon or a book burning has mental issues."
So does the one who makes an offensive cartoon or burns sacred texts of another's faith. Imo, that is ill-willed insanity looking for trouble and will get it!
this is a petition to get the U.S. govt. to speak up more about this. some think it's a national security issue.
i stand by what i wrote and am not affected by personal attacks. y`ll need to get a life, seriously, and quite worrying about my two comments a day. the person i am certain was n-s was using the same words as always to describe his/her hatred of muslims.
i defend all religions as equally indefensible!
ask a female pastor about that love and hope
ask a gay couple who wants to wed about that separation of church and state
ask a holy polygamist about child rape
you are a bold brazen hypocrite.
did you not paste lines from the koran just as i did???
we all see your hypocrisy.
i hate all religions and your one sided delusional bashing of islam is precisely why i hate all religions!!!
the buybull is a book
and your bloody sexisty buybull is NO better or LESS sinful than the koran!!!
ask the droves of children male and female who are raped by priests
and the female teens raped by lecherous pastors
about that pristine religion u fabricate!
hmmmm. It is legal to burn korans in a-merry-ca, but is it the 'right' thing to do?
There is a big difference in having the 'right' to do something and knowing if it is the 'right' thing to do.
It takes a religious mind to know the difference, which is different from a mind that 'believes' in religion.
most buybull toting liars like you have never even read that book penned by human men that they worship as if that book was god...
all religions were created by sexist arrogant clueless human men like u
those who created christianity are no less godless than those who created islam
and i hate u all with a deep hot passion EQUALLY
anyone who needs a religion to tell them what to do is evil
and evil holy people in ALL religions prove that each day
like diced icy icy herein!
"That's where America went wrong. You cannot truly separate government and religion. Morality and ethics come through religion."
Interesting, consider the U.S. prison system is very religious.
Consider that 19 of the top 20 safest cities in America (with a pop over 5,000) are in blue states with higher proportions of non-religious compared to redstate America.
The quite liberal and barely religious state of Massachusetts for years has been keyed as the state withe lowest divorce rate. Sounds pretty moral to me.
People don't need religion to be moral, if we go by the numbers, in the 21st century people behave better without religion. Maybe because non-religious don't believe there's a god who will forgive them for everything.
funny how you have no problems defending your own religious lies!
holy christian demons are FORCING their religion into MY laws daily!!!
they are demanding that politicos do just as u dare to pretend to lament!!!
and they do so with their buybulls in their hot evil hands...
and holy fools defend and join them as they do so!!!
most women do not even bother to report rape in america
because they are only raped again in court by sexist men/attys/judges/witnesses...
all who have bibles
therein as they rape them anew!!!
all religions were created by sexist arrogant clueless human men like u-
Alicia, you are on a roll, lol.
god bless u
AB, "ask the droves of children male and female who are raped by priests
and the female teens raped by lecherous pastors
about that pristine religion u fabricate!"
Why are you so angry at religion? You should be at the offenders of religion, not the religion. Humans will generally get it wrong, whether it is religion or science. That's because we are prideful, lustful, greedy, angy, gluttonous, lazy, envious self-centered ignorant human beings.
Because of those human qualities we fall short of understanding the word of God because we are blinded by our own selfish desires. But you aren't interested in getting rid of you shortcomings are you? It sounds like you want to just get 'even'.
The 'oppressed' is always looking to get even by seeking power and status and position and money so that the oppressed can become the oppressor-and treat the oppressors the way.....and then we die. Isn't life wonderful? and welcome to earth.
i have absolutely no use for religion in my life as the most evil people i know are the most religious!
the sexist racist ns is a classic case in pt.
so is that witch diced icy icy!
religion is the most toxic ill globally and historically!!!
that is why i love the song
by john lennon
All of this nonsense is easily understood in light of the "End Times" beliefs of the "Revelationalists". Such True Believers include George W Bush and many other Neo-Cons. These folks need and want a religious war the same as bin Laden and his ilk. Without this war, they can't have their "Rapture", and they can't get into heaven. No better than the Islamic nutjobs.
speak for yourself
i want to be RID of religion
and i am not the sinner you have described yourself to be...
that is why i do not have to run to churches to bathe my dirt away
i live clean daily
u have my sympathies
anon, "all religions were created by sexist arrogant clueless human men like u-"
Maria, I don't think Moses, Christ, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Confusious, Krishna, Moses, Patanjali, Bodhidharma, and other founders were like no_slappz.
Anonymous said...
anon, "all religions were created by sexist arrogant clueless human men like u-"
Maria, I don't think Moses, Christ, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Confusious, Krishna, Moses, Patanjali, Bodhidharma, and other founders were like no_slappz.
6:04 PM
i didn't say the above--not sure why you are addressing me.
AB, I am now making it my mission in life to make you a true devotee of God. Let us begin today. Bible lessons start right here on Field's blog. I am sure Field will be converted when he sees the miracles once God has made you docile on his blog.
Surrender, AB. Surrender! Cut out thy tongue so that you may enter the kingdom of heaven!
AB, "i live clean daily
u have my sympathies"
Thank you, AB. Unlike you, I need religion to make me a better person.
Shady_Grady said...
"Red herring.
"The issue is that once you accept the idea that you should restrict free speech or political thought because some people might get violent you are no longer living in a free society."
It is the central issue. You've restated it here for all to see.
Freedom is not what I do, it's what I am being.
I don't live free, just because I live in a society where volatile statements can be made that potentially can lead to violence, or where the violent actions of others can take away another person's freedom. I don't live free just because I can cut short another person's life.
That's not freedom, that's tyranny. Just because we call it "freedom," doesn't make it so.
Let's go over this again. It comes down to this. Absolutism vs. relativism.
From your perspective "free speech" is an absolute. Yet, in practicality, we have taken commonsense steps to abridge it. You can't cry fire in a crowded theater, and pornography is subject to local standards--a relativistic solution to an absolutist quandary.
"The wise thing to do is not pay this pathetic idiot any attention."
Haven't you noticed. Featuring the "wise" don't sell newspapers, or get TV coverage, the "pathetic idiots" do--pointing out a gaping flaw in the character of our society.
"Islam is just as worthy of respect as any other religion and it is also just as worthy of ridicule as any other religion."
Your notion of "worthy" extends nothing of the sort. A thing can't be worthy on the one hand and unworthy on the other. That is not worth. That is the antithesis of worth, when one can cancel out the other.
Many of our rights, freedom of speech, freedom to own firearms, freedom of the press, freedom of religion are all overblown, and oftentimes lead to abuses, although some of these freedoms have remedies built in, but those remedies put brakes on the absolutism of those rights, which we say we admire and treasure so much.
Were they so admired and so treasured, then those brakes wouldn't exist at all, and we'd all face the consequences of someone crying fire in a theater, and the consequences of someone burning holy books, or selling child porn.
Better to have the rights and teach what is a more humane system, given what we say we wish to have, more respect, one that this pastor claims he upholds by saying he's a Christian, but denies through his actions, a Christian precept. And that's the Golden Rule, the ethic of reciprocity.
But that rule may be too advanced for some.
From reading some of your comments you seem angry and have been evil at times.
jesus never called anyone a christian...
you are arrogantly ignorant as always...
carry on!
"I don't think Moses, Christ, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Confusious, Krishna, Moses, Patanjali, Bodhidharma, and other founders were like no_slappz."
However they were MEN which makes them evil in the eyes of proto-feminists.
you have me twisted
evil = the holy diced icy icy
i am angry and actually afraid of sheeple who are not angry!!!
i am a very passionate kind loving person whom YOU do not know at all
that is why evil ruthless heartless mfs like hobama enrage me
paul was jesus' favorite disciple...because he was so angry
paul also happens to be credited with some of the most sexist and racist bs penned in that buybull...go figure...
i will STAY angry as long as i stay awake and vocal:
"To be conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage..." - James Baldwin -
"Our silence will never protect us." - Audre Lorde
heaven and hell are right here on earth
ask hobama and gwb about heaven
ask the poor they starve and lock up and murder etc about hell
mumia and sean bell's wife
even a moron like you can see who is most godly in the world today
men or women?
and especially black men who can look at the single moms with abandoned kids in our hoods and never guess who pleases god most
all men are not evil
and all women are not good
but the stats/rapes/murders/prez/empires/hobama....all prove my pt
and only sexist fools in denial like u and ns would deny that
when silly mfs ask me why am i angry i wonder about their windows...
do they ever look out of them????
there is TOO much to be righteously angry about if they simply peer...
and these same morons dare to get angry about those who call out hobama????
when silly mfs ask me why am i angry i wonder about their windows...
do they ever look out of them????
there is TOO much to be righteously angry about if they simply peer...
and these same morons dare to get angry about those who call out hobama????
visit any 2 prisons in america
one male
one female
take notes
compare said notes
i rest my case
Anonymous said...
Y said...
"My opinion: No one should die for this pastor's hate speech."
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin
And what is that "essential liberty"? And what is "safety"?
Is it the pursuit of happiness? I'm already happy. I don't need to pursue that which I already am.
Is it the pursuit of life? I don't need to pursue that which I already have, and will have, although by body may be destroyed.
Is it the pursuit of liberty? I was born free. You can't take away from me what is beyond your power to take.
Y, I agree with your comment@6:19p. Thank you. It reminds me of the following from Anthony de Mello:
"A group of political activists were attempting to show the
Master how their ideology would change the world.
The Master listened carefully. The following day he said,
'An ideology is as good or bad as the people who make
use of it. If a million wolves were to organize for
justice, would they cease to be a million wolves?'"
Anonymous said...
anon, "all religions were created by sexist arrogant clueless human men like u-"
Maria, I don't think Moses, Christ, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Confusious, Krishna, Moses, Patanjali, Bodhidharma, and other founders were like no_slappz.
6:04 PM
i didn't say the above--not sure why you are addressing me.
6:11 PM
AGAIN. i didn't say anything of the sort. all i did was post a link to a petition. that was some anon person, and another (or the same anon) attributing it to me.
or take virtual literary prison tours here:
uptownsteve said...
"I don't think Moses, Christ, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Confusious, Krishna, Moses, Patanjali, Bodhidharma, and other founders were like no_slappz."
However they were MEN which makes them evil in the eyes of proto-feminists.
6:56 PM
I did NOT say that.
jesus never called anyone a christian
not even in that buybull
If you really believe that women are more "godly" than men then you are truly blind.
It's self serving bs.
I'm not going to get into this wm vs mn tit for tat with you today.
Just for example, your mean-spiritness and hate is on display here every day.
Continue to stew in your own putrid juices.
I did NOT say that."
I know you didn't nor did I suggest that you did.
you are an absolute blind fool and proud of it...
men PROVE they are less godly because they are the LEAST godly when there are no women among them or they dog the women who are
is that not the core of sharia law and muslim bashing!!!
those crazy muslims are YOU unchecked by your phony religions and we feminists!!!
you calling someone mean is like mj calling someone pale
an absolute cloned joke as all about YOU!!!
thanks for the compliment
when shamelessly sexist beta male bitches like you call women mean
it must be decoded as "strong/awake etc"
name one country where women abuse men as women are abused globally
boy rape by women
baby boys forced to marry elderly women
date rapes of men
single dad slavery
or STFU!!!!!!!
"men PROVE they are less godly because they are the LEAST godly when there are no women among them"
Actually men are less violent, more productive and receptive of knowledge when there aren't any women around.
Which is exactly why boys (especially black boys) perform better in all male learning environments.
This isn't anti-women but a proven fact.
once again this thread has been taken over by the buceta licking phukkhead buceta breath, ure as predictible as my morning constitution ya dumbphukk shut up already!
Y said
Were they so admired and so treasured, then those brakes wouldn't exist at all, and we'd all face the consequences of someone crying fire in a theater, and the consequences of someone burning holy books, or selling child porn.
Uh, the whole crying fire in a crowded theater metaphor is an overdone and frankly incorrect analogy. It arose from a SC decision which was fortunately later overturned. You're also misquoting Holmes. The actual quote was "falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic".
This decision upheld the illegality of distributing flyers opposing the draft during WW1. It was not about people running into theaters and shouting "fire". Banned speech is limited under later decisions to that which is directed to or will incite imminent lawless action. You can't ban speech just because you don't like it.
I can't believe you're comparing burning a book to child porn. One is on a completely different level than the other. In the case of abuse of children, a non-consenting child is harmed. In the case of a book burning, someone's feelings are hurt. That's a rather large gap in harm caused. That comparison is ridiculous.
Your notion of "worthy" extends nothing of the sort. A thing can't be worthy on the one hand and unworthy on the other. That is not worth. That is the antithesis of worth, when one can cancel out the other.
No, my notion of "worthy" recognizes that that people have very different ideas about religion. I think that all religion is bunk. Free speech allows me to say that and believe it. Others feel differently as is their right.
I don't live free, just because I live in a society where volatile statements can be made that potentially can lead to violence,
The whole point of the First Amendment is that you can think what you like, speak as you like and communicate as you like without government sanction. That indeed is freedom. Trying to limit free speech to only that which is unlikely to offend someone is asinine.
Again, the preacher is a bigot and a dummy. He should not burn the Qu'ran and needlessly insult billions. It is not a Christian thing to do. But he has the right to do so in the same way others have the right to listen to profane lyrics, wear confederate flags or iron crosses, claim the Holocaust didn't happen or was a good thing, burn American flags, or say anything else which many others find odious.
u r a dirty dunce
men and women do better when educated solo/gender segregated
but you know i meant when women are completely isolated and absent 24 hrs per day in all arenas
lord of the flies
motherless homes with brutal sibling bros etc
and anyone who has an IQ and is paying attn would know that we are discussing hypocrisy in religion/muslim bashing
that is called being "on topic"
a completely foreign concept to the dl stalker one track obsessed moron who disgraces all languages and logic!!!
"What he is planning to do could harm our troops, and endanger all Americans abroad and at home.
In addition, it could be fodder for Al Quader's recruitment of young men.
In other words, the actions of one Floridian pastor could spark something world wide against America and it could be terrible.
I don't think we want that.'
Which then begs the question.
Why is the media giving this obscure idiot mass media exposure?
u asked the resident retard to stop using the c word
so why
why are you letting that wanna be bilingual illiterate moron curse in portugese with the same c word you banned???
alicia banks, you wrote:
those who created christianity are no less godless than those who created islam
Even if the creators of Christianity were was you say, the Separation of Church and State made the West a great place of limitless possibilities.
But the organic Inseparability of islam and tyranny has made life in almost all muslim nations a nightmare only a muslim would endure.
Has any muslim nation stood up against muslim terrorism? Are the wahabbists arrested for their crimes against humanity? Or ignored?
Though I would like to see the Pope charged with crimes of sexual abuse, at least a number of priests have been outed as the predators they are, they've been jailed and the Catholic Church has been forced to spend a few billion to settle claims.
Has any muslim sect coughed up a dime for its terrorist acts? In fact, Libya has paid. But, of course, Khadaffy, like Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley, is unwilling to admit the truth that everyone knows.
Do muslims acknowledge the sickness within their belief system? NO.
Of course Catholics are almost as blind. However, unlike terrorist imams, sexual predators in the priesthood are not safe from prosecution.
Again, the preacher is a bigot and a dummy. He should not burn the Qu'ran and needlessly insult billions. It is not a Christian thing to do. But he has the right to do so in the same way others have the right to listen to profane lyrics, wear confederate flags or iron crosses, claim the Holocaust didn't happen or was a good thing, burn American flags, or say anything else which many others find odious.
Thus the irony of First Amendment -- an ignorant so-called 'Christian' hayseed has the complete free to insult the beliefs of 1/5 of the world's population without recourse.
Filled with violent criminals.
And I suppose that women's prisons are bastions of peace and harmony, eh?
"motherless homes with brutal sibling bros etc"
Wait a minute.
I thought that men, especially bm abandon their kids.
Now every single father is an abuser?
I would venture that single fathers are probably more loving and nurturing because it's rare that a woman would cede custody of her kids.
Unless momma was trifiling or violent.
And when's the last time you heard of a father strapping their kids into cars and pushing them into lakes, drowning them in bathtubs, or suffocating newborn babies?
why are you pretending that christians are not terrorizing gays with laws?
the church and state are not seperate in america...they are clandestinely joined!
why is "in GOD we trust" printed on cash money?
why is hobama being harassed aabout any religion????
why were slaves allowed ONLY a christian church on every plantation????
religion rules all in america
just as during slavery!
just as those holy founding fathers
omitted black humans from their constitution as equals!
you will never defend an indefensible religion
its blooody legacy grows bloodiER and that the melding of church and state is forged more strongly each day!!
No_slappz, conflating a religion (one of the world's largest and oldest) with the concept of theocracy is wrong headed. You don't equate the action of a few lone nuts and power mad leaders to an entire belief system or to ethnic groups. To call Islam violent is no different than calling Jews 'Christ Killers'.
And pretend the Islamic world 'hates us for our freedoms' shows an ignorance of history, as most the said Muslim theocracies were directly or indirectly created and propped up by the West to secure economic interests (read oil). The anger in the Arab/Muslim world is long-standing and legitimate. As one journalists put it, if Chinese tanks were driving down 5th Avenue, we'd be pissed off too.
And Al Qaida or Taliban aren't cartoon super-villians who do evil things randomly. They're an outgrowth of realities of geopolitics.
alicia banks askeed:
name one country where women abuse men as women are abused globally
There is one stretch of time in the life of a male when it's possible for a female to abuse him in lasting ways -- when he's a child.
Every matriarchal society on the planet today is a mess.
Mothers who hit their sons are creating sons who will hit others -- because they can. Mothers will use brute force and fear to control boys -- until they can't. Then the sons will use brute force and fear to control others -- until they meet a more powerful force. Too often a gun.
you are a rabid fool putting your foolish words upon the sanity i am posting
YOU fix that
only a complete idiot would claim that everyone in prison is violent or guilty
as a black male u posted that shit!!!
MOST people in jail are peaceful minor drug offenders/weed smokers
countless deadbeat dads drown their kids in lakes of poverty and isolation daily!!!
most of them look like YOU!!!
u r the most dumb dishonest inept "debater" on this blog
your IQ may actually be lower than the resident retard's!!!!
alicia banks, you wrote:
why are you pretending that christians are not terrorizing gays with laws?
What laws? The anti-discrimination laws?
Or is this some weak cry about gay marriage?
My bad.
I put your name above someone else's quote.
you and uts take sexist ignorance to cosmic levels!!!!
maybe if some of the sperm donors would bother to linger in the home they could protect their male seed from such fictional abuses????
ask any teacher
boys today are running their bimbo moms
if anything they are NEVER hit...that is the problem!
that buybull you edit even says
"spare the rod...spoil the child"...no?
chris brown is a brutal psychopath
chris brown was spoiled and watched men beat his mom
he did not watch his mom beat him!!
"There is one stretch of time in the life of a male when it's possible for a female to abuse him in lasting ways -- when he's a child.
Every matriarchal society on the planet today is a mess.
Mothers who hit their sons are creating sons who will hit others -- because they can. Mothers will use brute force and fear to control boys -- until they can't. Then the sons will use brute force and fear to control others -- until they meet a more powerful force. Too often a gun."
He's right.
most boys today are beating their single moms by age 10!!!
from a real man
bill cosby:
A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher.
u an uts are liars
1. name the matriarchal society today????
2. ALL societies are run and ruined by MEN!!!
usa included
how many times do u use the word rabid in a day? 100 maybe 200 times? get another word buceta breath ur game is tired wit ur chriflin chrick ass derailing the conversation to ur fagisms as usual bytch get over yaself and ya tired subject matter
*parola ya coi eatin fool!*
Maria, "STEVE
I did NOT say that."
Then, who did if it wasn't you?
"A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior."
They're acting like the women who raise them.
3 generations of this $hit in the hood.
It perpetuates itself.
the rabid assed DL resident retard loves to endlessly repeat vaginal slurs in every language!
la coincidental, you wrote:
No_slappz, conflating a religion (one of the world's largest and oldest)...
How did you get into Yale? Islam is the newest religion. Among the majors, first came Judaism, then Christianity, and 600 years later, bringing up the rear, came islam.
Moreover, a lot of crap in the Koran was ripped off from the Bible. Mohammed was not an original in that way.
... with the concept of theocracy is wrong headed. You don't equate the action of a few lone nuts and power mad leaders to an entire belief system or to ethnic groups.
Really? Do you have an ostrich neck? How deep in the sand is your head?
To call Islam violent is no different than calling Jews 'Christ Killers'.
The list of islamic atrocities dates back to the founding terrorist himself, mohammed. Whereas -- and maybe this is news to you -- Romans killed Christ, as if it actually matters who killed the big names in the world's leading ideological hoaxes.
And pretend the Islamic world 'hates us for our freedoms' shows an ignorance of history, as most the said Muslim theocracies were directly or indirectly created and propped up by the West to secure economic interests (read oil).
First, your knowledge if islam, both historical and 20th and 21st century is down near zero, like your knowledge of economics and finance.
Second, you ought to talk to a few man-on-the-street muslims. If you ask them what drove the 9/11 terrorists youl'll probably hear something about how America is bad because Americans have too much freedom.
You really ought to learn what these people -- muslims -- are saying. They will tell you -- in a kind way -- that American freedom is an afront to islam. They do not approve.
The anger in the Arab/Muslim world is long-standing and legitimate.
Oh. I see. That explains why they slaughter each other every day. They hate each other so much that a steady stream of killers are ready to sacrifice their lives to kill other muslims.
In terms of a body count, they are muslims kill other muslims in far higher numbers than they kill non-muslims.
So, maybe you can explain their internal hate to me.
As one journalists put it, if Chinese tanks were driving down 5th Avenue, we'd be pissed off too.
Leave it to yet another journalist to get it wrong. Can that same numbskull explain why sunnis and shiites slaughter each other?
The Troubles in Northern Ireland led to a death toll of Protestants and Catholics no more than a teeny tiny fraction of the body-count in the eternal war between sunnis and shiites.
Moreover, it looks like there's a lasting peace in Northern Ireland.
alicia banks, you wrote:
1. name the matriarchal society today????
Almost the entire black world. Most of black America is a matriarchal society.
Millions of mothers are the first bullies boys meet. And based on the obvious, black women are the most bullying.
Among blacks, it's obvious hitting kids is standard procedure. And, my my, looks where that's taken things...
Shady Grady @7:47pm. I think you missed the whole point of Y's comment. But I can understand because most Americans probably think like you do. However, having the 'right' to say anything I want, may NOT be the 'right' thing to do.
That's why the First Amendment should is dangerous and should be used by adults with the moral potency to do the right thing, NOT because they can. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", should be part of that First Amendment.
This Constitution thing for people such as the pastor is waaaay over the top. This pastor could put the our troops, Americans abroad, and our nation in danger, because he has the 'right' to say anything he wants according to our Constitution. There is something wrong with that picture. With freedom should also come a sense of responsibility and maturity for the consequences of one's words- and how it could 'impact' others. Of course, most don't care how it may affect others as you have so clearly indicated by your attitude toward religion.
You can call religion "bunk" because you have the right to say it, but is it the 'right' thing say to people who follow a religion? You sound very much like the pastor.
In any case here's a video that gave me a glimmer of hope. The good Reverend 'might' be looking deeper into his conscience for a sign from God NOT to go through with the burning...that would truly be an awakening for him, I hope.
seen any sungle moms lately?
they are being bullied by 7 yr old boys who are the ONLY men in their homes!!!!
like hobama, YOU LIE!!!
Millions of mothers are the first bullies boys meet. And based on the obvious, black women are the most bullying.ballzack
yeah well buceta breath over here is a good example of a big fat ugly black bully bytch its always the ugly fat black ones who bully the most even in the country where there isnt a lot of blacks theres always that 1 ugly black female bully sow as the token rabblerowser and buceta breath has proven that to be true time and time again
i am a hobama fan compared to the racist bs that ns posts daily herein...and not a peep from you hobama nazis!
you are moderating this blog?
and still letting that vulgar retard put her nasty vaginal psycho shit all over???
do not hate on black moms because they discipline their kids far better than you whites and jews...
that filthy vulgar venereal diseased retarded DL bitch mostly rabid does not say a thing to ns as she stalks me all day while he plays the dozens on the entire black race...including her own wretched obviously failed mammy!!!
it is truly a gd shame!!!
all human men begin as females in the womb
god makes all humans in her own image
further proof that women are the most godly
and that adam, you and ns are glaringly defective rough dratfs!!!
Does anybody know what happened to granny and IseeIsee who live in Richmond, CA?
hey uts:
you forgot what nicole/maria told u?
i am not a feminist!!!
You're compelled to win at all cost, I see.
Win by using a standard of exactitude that seeks to obfuscate the point your opponent has made.
As in:
"Uh, the whole crying fire in a crowded theater metaphor is an overdone and frankly incorrect analogy. It arose from a SC decision which was fortunately later overturned. You're also misquoting Holmes. The actual quote was 'falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic'."
You get an 'A' for accuracy and punctiliousness, but an 'F' for evading the thrust of my argument.
A person who yells fire in a crowded building when there is no fire, can be prosecuted. It's called reckless endangerment.
Win by using a straw man, to wit:
"You can't ban speech just because you don't like it."
I never argued in favor of such an action. What I said is this. From your perspective "free speech" is an absolute. Yet, in practicality, we have taken commonsense steps to abridge it.
I stand by that.
Win by attacking the comparative harm of examples proffered, namely:
"I can't believe you're comparing burning a book to child porn. One is on a completely different level than the other. In the case of abuse of children, a non-consenting child is harmed. In the case of a book burning, someone's feelings are hurt. That's a rather large gap in harm caused. That comparison is ridiculous."
Yes, the comparison is ridiculous, which was your aim. Yet, both examples represent an expression. One that is permitted while the other is prosecutable. I wrote.
Many of our rights...oftentimes lead to abuses, although some of these freedoms have remedies built in, but those remedies put brakes on the absolutism of those rights, which we say we admire and treasure so much.
Were they so admired and so treasured, then those brakes wouldn't exist at all....
I stand by that statement.
More to come.
"No, my notion of "worthy" recognizes that that people have very different ideas about religion. I think that all religion is bunk. Free speech allows me to say that and believe it. Others feel differently as is their right."
And depending on the setting, and your intentions, no one is going to abrogate your free speech. Yet, free speech is not free speech, if certain provisions that govern free speech are violated, making free speech a restricted freedom and not an absolute one.
Which was my initial point, one that you conveniently sidestepped.
Win by redefining terms, as in the following:
"The whole point of the First Amendment is that you can think what you like, speak as you like and communicate as you like without government sanction. That indeed is freedom. Trying to limit free speech to only that which is unlikely to offend someone is asinine."
This part of your argument collapses utterly. Although the First Amendment in theory may give you, and others, these rights, to speak "as you like without government sanction," sanctions exist, nevertheless, if we mean by sanctions, restrictions on this freedom.
"Again, the preacher is a bigot and a dummy. He should not burn the Qu'ran and needlessly insult billions. It is not a Christian thing to do. But he has the right to do so in the same way others have the right to listen to...or say anything else which many others find odious."
Again my point. Free speech in our society is not an absolute. Because it's not an absolute, the notion of "freedom" here is a misnomer. Freedom implies unrestricted behavior, and unfettered access. Clearly, not all speech in our society is equal. Some speech can have you arrested, subject you to a law suit, and even land you in jail.
But not this pastor. His actions could very well cause the death and injury of others, a violence directly attributable to his burning of Korans.
This is what our constitution sanctions, and what you support..."But he has the right to do so...."
Here's my dilemma. If we can abridge freedom of speech in one instance (acknowledging that it's not an absolute), where the "inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action," but not when a person openly and intentionally seeks, by his actions, to affront another group for which others will be held responsible, and possibly suffer, just so that his freedom of expression may be preserved, is to trammel by right to pursue life, and liberty, unmolested.
"No, my notion of "worthy" recognizes that that people have very different ideas about religion. I think that all religion is bunk. Free speech allows me to say that and believe it. Others feel differently as is their right."
And depending on the setting, and your intentions, no one is going to abrogate your free speech. Yet, free speech is not free speech, if certain provisions that govern free speech are violated, making free speech a restricted freedom and not an absolute one.
Which was my initial point, one that you conveniently sidestepped.
Win by redefining terms, as in the following:
"The whole point of the First Amendment is that you can think what you like, speak as you like and communicate as you like without government sanction. That indeed is freedom. Trying to limit free speech to only that which is unlikely to offend someone is asinine."
This part of your argument collapses utterly. Although the First Amendment in theory may give you, and others, these rights, to speak "as you like without government sanction," sanctions exist, nevertheless, if we mean by sanctions, restrictions on this freedom.
"Again, the preacher is a bigot and a dummy. He should not burn the Qu'ran and needlessly insult billions. It is not a Christian thing to do. But he has the right to do so in the same way others have the right to listen to...or say anything else which many others find odious."
Again my point. Free speech in our society is not an absolute. Because it's not an absolute, the notion of "freedom" here is a misnomer. Freedom implies unrestricted behavior, and unfettered access. Clearly, not all speech in our society is equal. Some speech can have you arrested, subject you to a law suit, and even land you in jail.
But not this pastor. His actions could very well cause the death and injury of others, a violence directly attributable to his burning of Korans.
This is what our constitution sanctions, and what you support..."But he has the right to do so...."
Here's my dilemma. If we can abridge freedom of speech in one instance (acknowledging that it's not an absolute), where the "inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action," but not when a person openly and intentionally seeks, by his actions, to affront another group for which others will be held responsible, and possibly suffer, just so that his freedom of expression may be preserved, is to trammel by right to pursue life, and liberty, unmolested.
what is a sungle mom?
You know it was a typo and she meant "single". Stop being an idiot.
AB- despite SWEARING that he loves Black Women, I notice uts will sit back and allow the resident white supremacist to slander Black Women like his wife and mother, if he is to be believed.
And the reason for this is, he would rather allow that to happen, than to acknowledge that Black America exists in a PATRIARCHAL society like the rest of America. The women are the heads and leaders in more cases than not, because the MEN refuse to function as men in large numbers. Sexist coward!
[quote:Anony]what is a sungle mom?[/quote]
It's like a single mom but with a sunnier disposition.
Terry Jones is just trying to get some more psyco memebers for his chuch congregation of let's see....TWENTY! Lets see how much this will pad his BUILDING FUND! enuff said!
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