I met and hung out with Kevin Powell a few years ago. We have a mutual friend and he spends a lot of time in Philly visiting this brother. When I heard that he was running again for a seat in New York's 10th congressional district I followed his campaign. I figured that if anyone could unseat the entrenched pol in that Brooklyn congressional district, he could. Boy was I wrong. I should have known that you Negroes treat your elected leaders like your furniture: you don't like to change them. (Charlie Rangel anyone?)
One of the problems, of course, with business as usual among the old school black pols, is that s&^% never gets done. Maybe we need a black version of the teabag movement to shake them up. Clearly what they are doing isn't working. Sitting around D.C. and (pardon my French) jerking each other off is not my idea of serving the people.
Anyway, Powell had a few choice words for the black political establishment after getting his young behind handed to him by the business as usual candidate:
"..Additionally, I must say this to my opponent, Congressman Ed Towns, his team, and his supporters: You may have won this time but it is so clear to so many that the days of your reign here in Brooklyn are very close to over. You’ve never had to work so hard to hold on to your seat, you’ve never had your nearly three decades of lazy leadership exposed so much and to so many, and you can no longer be invisible, silent, or otherwise missing in action to the people of Brooklyn’s 10th Congressional district, nor to the American people.
Mr. Towns, we expect you to earn the salary and great benefits our taxpayer dollars cover, and we expect you to think very seriously about your legacy as a Congressman in these final years of your Congressional life. When you and I crossed paths Tuesday night, election night, at that polling site near Starrett City, it was the first and only time we’ve ever had a one-on-one conversation, and I have lived in this community, in your district, for 20 years. You avoided debating me in 2008 (as you have avoided debating all opponents since you were first elected in 1982), and you avoided debating me again this year. And that is fine. It is clear you do not really believe in the very democracy that many sacrificed their lives for to achieve, including those in places like North Carolina where you were born and where some of the great battles of the Civil Rights Movement occurred.."
Kevin, I know you were on "Real World MTV", but this is the real world.
Brothers against brothers, and folks clinging to power by any means necessary.
One of the problems, of course, with business as usual among the old school black pols, is that s&^% never gets done. Maybe we need a black version of the teabag movement to shake them up. Clearly what they are doing isn't working. Sitting around D.C. and (pardon my French) jerking each other off is not my idea of serving the people.
Anyway, Powell had a few choice words for the black political establishment after getting his young behind handed to him by the business as usual candidate:
"..Additionally, I must say this to my opponent, Congressman Ed Towns, his team, and his supporters: You may have won this time but it is so clear to so many that the days of your reign here in Brooklyn are very close to over. You’ve never had to work so hard to hold on to your seat, you’ve never had your nearly three decades of lazy leadership exposed so much and to so many, and you can no longer be invisible, silent, or otherwise missing in action to the people of Brooklyn’s 10th Congressional district, nor to the American people.
Mr. Towns, we expect you to earn the salary and great benefits our taxpayer dollars cover, and we expect you to think very seriously about your legacy as a Congressman in these final years of your Congressional life. When you and I crossed paths Tuesday night, election night, at that polling site near Starrett City, it was the first and only time we’ve ever had a one-on-one conversation, and I have lived in this community, in your district, for 20 years. You avoided debating me in 2008 (as you have avoided debating all opponents since you were first elected in 1982), and you avoided debating me again this year. And that is fine. It is clear you do not really believe in the very democracy that many sacrificed their lives for to achieve, including those in places like North Carolina where you were born and where some of the great battles of the Civil Rights Movement occurred.."
Kevin, I know you were on "Real World MTV", but this is the real world.
Brothers against brothers, and folks clinging to power by any means necessary.
"..Moreover, Congressman Towns, it is a two-way street: you have to begin to respect and acknowledge the leadership that is not just your son, or your daughter, or your daughter-in-law, or someone you’ve handpicked to be in your Brooklyn circle. As I have stated before, what is most troubling for me and many others in Brooklyn is that within Black Brooklyn (as is the case throughout Black America) we have something I call “ghetto dictatorships.” In other words, you may have had good intentions when you first got into office, Mr. Towns, for I do believe you are, at your core, a good and decent man. But somewhere along the way you lost your way and your Congressional seat has become more about power and influence for yourself than about everyday people..."
Hmmm, "ghetto dictatorships", Kevin you have coined an interesting phrase. And I know exactly what you mean. We could remove the name Towns and insert take your pick in its place.
"So I end this statement by saying that I challenge you, Congressman Towns, and all Black elected officials in Brooklyn and across America, to cease participating in these ghetto dictatorships, to really look yourselves in the mirror and answer the question I asked you, Mr. Towns, which you could not answer on Tuesday night: What is your legacy going to be, what have you really done for the people of your district, not just for a handful of people lucky enough to have gotten a job or favor from you? That is the true mark of leadership, to touch as many lives as possible, to help as many people as possible to become self-empowered, with or without legislation, and in as many creative ways as possible. Anything less means we’ve done a grave disservice to whatever God we claim to believe in, a grave disservice to the history and the people that came before us, and a grave disservice to that sacred space we call public service." [Article]
amen fn!
tavis brewed his black tea long ago!
i love kevin!
best wishes to him!
Not surpising Field. Because Black folks don't care enough to read up on the issue and pull a lever -- Rangel's gonna walk right back into office.
Now, as for the barbarians at the gate, well this is typical in American politics and Black politics in particular. Scandal breaks on a long time politician and every kook and crook with an IQ above legally retarded and 200 signatures thinks they deserve a shot at the title.
Now, this is democracy, of course. But there is such a thing as too many players on the field. A smart, experience publican like Rangel or a great PR man like Schwazenagger can maneuver past the contenders to the throne.
But that's also another issue in Black politics is arrogance. Not just on the part of incumbents but on every so-called activist, junior professor of Blah blah studies at some university or even we as angry bloggers. Those of us with a micron more knowledge and experience than the average cat (And sometimes not even that) think we can do a better job. Could we? Maybe, but if every professional protester, huckster preacher and Brainiac decides to s/he is going to 'for the will of the people', you get a crowded field.
Rangel won for the same reason Bloomberg is mayor in NYC -- too many MC's and not enough mics.
And people like Rangel simply side step all of you as you have to fight not only the incumbent but everyone else looking for a title shot.
alicia banks said...
amen fn!
tavis brewed his black tea long ago!
Alicia, Black politics have been jacked up long before Obama came along. And Tavis is just bitter because he backed Hillary and Obama didn't kiss his pinky to win. Guys like him are the issue with Black politics. Its about the people, Negro, its not about you.
The Tea Party as as populist as Lady Gaga is a natural blond. Its a lobbyist funded rent-a-mob of middle aged, angry white people enraged about the economy AND that a Negro is the White House.
You can't claim to be populist and argue against real progressive change. You do realize these crazy coots want to keep the medical insurance system? And fight against financial reform and moratoriums on foreclosure?
I got no problem with old ass Black folks in power at least they care about Black folks can't say as much for people like Wayne aka FN who will put white jewish interests and people before Black Americans...Rangle is a piece of old dying ass wood by he is our nigger..
Yeah I still playing that tune..Yeah I am going to continue to fuck with Wayne aka FN until I get tired of reminding him that kissing white folks ass even white jews is never going to fly in ghetto dictator venues....Unlike Wayne aka FN I don't like being own by whiyte folks who call me szwarta when I am not in the room..
tavis has been a political warrior since his high school days lac...u?
tavis fought hobama's clone cuz gwb too...and?
No fuck that shit Wayne is selling ..I am not tossing Black folks out like dead meat and road kill...I am not going to treat my elders like a fucking chinese food only fills you up for a minute...
This new so called Black power base are pretenders like Booker and Fenty at end of the day all they do is talk and chatter for white folks....All they do is provide ammo for the same fucking castration jim crow dna mother fuckers to bring more contempt our way from unemployment to fucked up schools to bigger jail cells....
No sorry Wayne aka FN this is not tourist turf like your homeland we don't have to smile and make it nice for white folks...I am not selling my niggers down the river for a nuttin...I am to ride with them until they know when to quit Black icons deserve that respect
have u seen the poverty stats today?
and u think anyone who hates hobama has to love hc?????
u r truly a blind hobama nazi
wtf up!!!!
Kevin Powell needs to work on his unresolved mommy issues. His incessant whining about his mother is a major turn off. It is for this reason I politely deleted all of his begging for support as he campaigned.
I can appreciate his outreach to other woman beaters as a reformed woman beater, but again, the incessant mommy bashing gets on the last nerve.
Even as he moaned about his mortgage crisis, he was still bashing his mom. She didn't teach him how to manage his money. I don't suppose she taught him how to have sex either, but I am suare he figured THAT out!
As I think of it, you KNOW Adam was a "brother". Peak at Genesis and note that God told him BEFORE Eve was created NOT to eat of a certain tree. He disobeyed...and doesn't the buck stop with the "leader" or "head"? Blamed the WOMAN and Negroes have been stuck on stupid since. LOL! And far too many BW STILL spend too much time listening to the devil, much to their detriment. LOL!
Until Black folks develop the muscle of thinking for themselves and in keeping with their best interests, the corrupt Fords will reign in TN and folks will continue to vote for the Negro Powell laments now. Oh! and don't let me forget...Obama will be RE-elected because of his blackish skin. LOL!
FN, your little side bar with the crazed white chick that disfigured HERSELF is cute. Are you REALLY indicating that you had no idea that Black Women have shared in ALL OF THE ILLS THAT HAVE BEFALLEN BLACK MEN?!!!! We could not be castrated, so gang rape PRIOR to our lynching was the sexual torture we suffered. You Negroes need to get real! Around the same time this lying female was garnering sympathy and donations, while instigating the acceleration of racist black woman bashing--which Negro males were all too happy to weigh in on; there actually WAS a black woman assaulted with acid. Somehow THAT did not capture the headlines...
I resent what Wayne aka FN is projecting tonite getting rid of Black power is never a good proposition for Black people....Trashing wisdom and discardimg our elders only gives points to the ruling class...
Our communities are very fragile and vunerable now many of us are operating on life support and the only assets we have that is currency to used in a fucked up economic and global market that views urban niggers as coffin bait is our seniors and elders even flawed fools sometimes like Rangel and others...
No Wayne's advice tonight is as worthless as contracts, miranda rights, phnony pleas and immunity offers from white da's who suffer from acute penis envy..
We must never kcik Black wisdom to the curb..Never
Alicia, we've gone through this song and dance already. I've been Politically active since 15. Ran for office the year after I graduate from college, here's my info on my first race, Alicia. I was also involved in the reparations movement in New Haven.
Thrasher, uh, yeah.......I'm not getting into your personal beef with Field. And I'm not for one to disrespect or disregard the contribution of Black politicians to our struggle.
But maybe you should read some New York City political history. Rangel came to power by tarring and feathering Adam Clayton Powell Jr for doing the same thing he's been accused of now. Any he's not been a friend of Black progressive community -- he's a Harlem power broker who takes care of the other Harlem Power Brokers, the and chain stores, churches and landlords that hold their purse strings and/or election turnout.
Rangel does some good, but he's still dirty and has been in office since the my brother and God-brother were born. And, like so many Black politicians, he's made sure that Keys to the Castle our out of the reach of the next generation.
Black city politics don't work by election often, they work by appointment. And that crap has to change.
so why are u bashing tavis then lac????
he has done MUCH to expose hobama while you are still enduring your blind bromance with the most republican ruthless warmongering elitist blackish prez ever!!!
why pretend that there are not over 23
trillion things to despise about hobama and his banksters who are destroying us all?????
Alicia - a there aren't 23 trillion things to hate about Obama, that's just in your head. Its no worse than Bush and most of our problems were caused by the deregulation of Reagan, Bush (I&II) and Clinton.
Again, Smiley like many other Black professional pundits are singing sour grapes. Trust me, if Obama came on his Asinine 'Self Congratulating Educated Coon Yack Fest'...er, I'm sorry, 'State of Black America' he'd be Obama's new best friend.
hobama has given over 23 trillion dollars to banks
i hate him for each bill
wake up.
sour grapes?
you are drunk on the wine of hobama nazism
how can u even mention hillary?
what did she have to do with the bailouts and swindleus pkgs that failed miserably!?
on a day when we know how many people are wallowing in drunken poverty via hobama's specially brutal brew????....shame!
how many people were unemployed when bush was in ofc????
how many people were homeless and jobless then???
what does tavis' event have to do with the millions who are so broke via hobama than they cannot attend a dollar movie???????
I'm talking about Bill, not Hillary, Alicia. Please keep up.
No one's drinking Hobama Nazi Wine. I just refuse the go off to the cry baby Left loony farm with you.
Whatever, going to the movies tonight then church tomorrow morning. Better things to do. Have a good night.
what do tavis and hc have to do with record bleeding hm losses????
bill left us with a surplus
it is gone forever via hobama
better to be a sane whiner than a smiling suicide anyday
Then stay out of my beef with Wayne ...
Sorry but your revisonist history on Black NYC politics sound like you were taught by white professors...I don't agree with your view Of Rangel and ACP legacy...Nor do I agree with your williness to discard black icons in this fragile moment in America's history..
Please also spare me the bullshit about progressive Black poltics aka lets kiss white liberals ass since they always know what is progressive and best for niggers...No fuck that LAC I am buying that phony progressive bullshit dogma and propaganda..I enevr see then white liberal fucks in jail cells and food shelters...Progressive =Chatter Class Pussies ..Fuck em
AB..fuck that cracker Clinton...Please stop kissing white crackers ass just cause you hate Obama..That is some twisted shit Black folks hating themselves so much they start praising crackers like the Clintons..
Fuck that white grey hair prick...That redneck will have you cleaning his sheets when the tea party takes over...Wake the fuck up....You will always bee a nigger to white crackers even so called nigger pimps like the Clintons..You can't be that fucked up..
Wake the fuck up..loosen up your weave..Black folks are fighting for food out here..We have no time for Black folks like you to play some fucking rightous intllectual posturing games...
So Obama is a fuck up ..Please spate me the fucking obession act and stsrt offering up some themes and ideas and tools to help a nigger out...
SHit I come here to get elevated not bored by some babble shit..You are tto fucking brillant to waste my fucking time in here...
I respect you and really admire your intellelect and Black female genius..Stop jerking this site around..A nigger need a place to refuel and get some shelter...
Thrasher said...
Then stay out of my beef with Wayne ...
Sorry but your revisonist history on Black NYC politics sound like you were taught by white professors...I don't agree with your view Of Rangel and ACP legacy...Nor do I agree with your williness to discard black icons in this fragile moment in America's history..
Please also spare me the bullshit about progressive Black poltics aka lets kiss white liberals ass since they always know what is progressive and best for niggers...No fuck that LAC I am buying that phony progressive bullshit dogma and propaganda..I enevr see then white liberal fucks in jail cells and food shelters...Progressive =Chatter Class Pussies ..Fuck em
Thrasher, don't patronize you sanctimonious prick!!!
Are you from the New York Metro? Did you live in the City? I am an East Coast native and spent 5 years in the North Bronx/Yonkers Area. Rangel has sold progressives down the river plenty in Harlem -- and that's from Black politicians in the city. If anything, he keeps white power brokers all too happy.
There's a reason Harlem is over run with yuppies and Columbia buying brownstones and Starbucks pushing out bodegas - Rangel greased the right wheels in city hall and Albany.
So spare the 'now there son' crap. I know politics and I know my streets,fam.
LAC, I agree with you. Rangel has GOT to go. He has been ripping off our people too long. That is what makes me sad and mad. I am sad that we have black politicians who would do that to their people. I am mad because there are dumbasses like Thrasher who keep voting for them. Not only is that dumb, that is ignorant.
Thrasher proudly displays the nature of his self-centered evil character...Field should consider kicking that crooked ignorant sob Thrasher off FN blog.
Field, what's the deal with Anita Moncrief in your sidebar? She does not deserve to be called a HN for expressing her political views. The woman is nice looking, clean and speaks well. so let's not get too happy with that HN stuff, bro.
so this is a schizophrenic discussion between different personalities? buceta breaf versus her jew hating alter ego? once again that piece of dog shyt has ruined ur comment thread before it even began that wicked sack of dog shyt is a bane to ur blog and a bane to humanity when she dies the world will be happy that theres one less useless lying self aggrandizing waste of space to feed!
i had never heard of powell til this post. i went back and read this,
and came away with two thoughts:
he is a good writer and his challenge to townes was eloquent and inspiring and on point.
but...as far as him personally? he calls himself a "regular" person with "regular" debts, yet admits to spending the 90s in a drug/alcohol stupor.
i see no acceptance of his own role his financial pit, beyond saying he was young and foolish. his mom never taught him financial literacy and he never attended a workshop on empowerment. SMH!
what exactly qualified him to be a member of congress more than townes?
and black people seem to like form over substance any day the politician who seems like one of them is far more important than the politician who can affect change why da phukk did sharpe james win for thirty years straight before booker ousted him? and it took booker two tries to do it! negroes r stuck in superficiality and appearances which is why our politicians r usually corrupt liars with nothing to offer but their own egos
this is why that sack of cat bucetas is such a bane to humanity she represents everything that is wrong with people especially black people she thrives off discord and creating chaos she thrives of negatively speaking about people she disagrees with and she thrives off other people thinking shes smart she is a person of the lie who has aligned with wickedness just like so many black people fall for wicked politicians cuz were easily deceived by someone with swag or quasi swag
white folks get tricked too by asswipes like glen beck and sara palin they have absolutley NO substance but guts and hatred and inciting white rage birds of a feather though...
maria by ur own analysis he was not anymore fit to be a congressmen then the other guy but like eye said above black people vote based on swagger or quasi swagger anybody with substance is disqualified from running check this by looking at cities that have majority black populations and majority black politicians the people who should have won the races cuz they're smart with vision usually don't win cuz they dont have enough swag negroes think like this and its pitiful
maria powell looks like a real loser when u look over his financial dealings eyed never trust his irresponsible ass to be in any position of fiduciary responsibility at all...then again most congressmen r irresponsible self aggrandizing egotistical asswipes much like buceta breaf over here
Thrasher has multiple personalities, one moment he's disrespectful of the old guard in civil rights and the next he defending the old guard politicians. You never know with whom you are arguing or see any consistency.
We all know that he is disrespectful to Black women, especially older ones, so I expect an irrational scatological response to this comment.
so I expect an irrational scatological response to this comment.hathor
yes if hes awake rite now hathor cuz he usually post late at nite but after a certain time when they give him his meds hes out like a light!
since ure an older woman hathor eyem curious about ur thoughts on old guard politicians in black community and if theyre relevant now or not;)
and thrasher and ab r the same person they use many of the same phrases and idioms many of the same insults and colloquialisms and have an overall bitter and angry tenor to their commentary when it was observed that thrasher commented when ab wasnt around and vise versa conveniently they supposedly met one night here a couple of months back it is so phukking obvious that these nasty tired trolls r here to obfuscate and distract from anything meaningful that could come from these interactions that troll is an evil kuntmeister!
anon--i don't know who you are or why you post like this. you provide nothing positive to the discussions here, ever, and all you do is bait AB, who is too weak not to respond. go away.
also: "so this is a schizophrenic discussion between different personalities?"
wrong--schizophrenia is not the same thing as multiple personality disorder--you need to learn the difference and use the right words. this is commonly misused and perpetuates ignorance. but i can't say i've seen them used in the same sentence so wrongly.
maria many people with schizoid features also have mpd features too like buceta breaf banks u know that already though and u say she is too weak not to respond? no she is invested in the strength she has each day to harass and malign people including u! recently uve been calling her an asswipe and others who piss u off good for u but she still hasnt learnt her lesson and continues to harass others as long as she bothers people like this eye will continue to harass her as soon as she stops eye will leave u have only her to thank for my presence here had she left well enuff alone u wouldnt see me around but she continues to lie about herself and OTHERS and continues to demean people for no rational reason
so no eye wont go away she is a schizoid mpd having muphukka and deserves to be abused for her wickedness she deserves any and all abuse hurled upon her for the abuse she causes others
I agree that progressives must form an insurgent movement to force the Democratic Party to address our agenda. However, there is no "ghetto dictatorship". The voters spoke. Instead of whining, Kevin Powell should learn from his mistakes and prepare for the next election. Winning elections is a science.
"Now, as for the barbarians at the gate, well this is typical in American politics and Black politics in particular. Scandal breaks on a long time politician and every kook and crook with an IQ above legally retarded and 200 signatures thinks they deserve a shot at the title.
Now, this is democracy, of course. But there is such a thing as too many players on the field. A smart, experience publican like Rangel or a great PR man like Schwazenagger can maneuver past the contenders to the throne."
Great point! Politics in A-merrty-ca (as other places) has become more form over substance and people voting against their own self interest.
"agree that progressives must form an insurgent movement to force the Democratic Party to address our agenda. However, there is no "ghetto dictatorship". The voters spoke. Instead of whining, Kevin Powell should learn from his mistakes and prepare for the next election. Winning elections is a science."
Anson, that's a good point. KP reads this blog. Let's hope he reads the comment section as well.
He doesn't even have to pay for the tips.
"Field, what's the deal with Anita Moncrief in your sidebar? She does not deserve to be called a HN for expressing her political views. The woman is nice looking, clean and speaks well. so let's not get too happy with that HN stuff, bro."
OK, I will leave her alone.
I submit Ron 'Wake me up for dinner' Dellums, Oakland Ca mayor.
this is one of the very few blogs i'll say this on, but a lot of our community's leadership are corrupt motherfuckers of the worst order. a peek behind the scenes is usually pretty ugly, and the men are generally far worse than the women. we have some good reps, but Kevin's not wrong to be so shrill. we really need young blood, but without young voters black progressives are sort of fucked. the churchies and old ladies who do most of our voting have been corralled by a system that really does reward ghetto dictators, who in turn use that power to make sure that those voters always come out for them. but it's on purpose that so much of "our" leadership do not spend much time on youth voter outreach. they like things just the way they are.
Your buddy Powell needs some advice.
Here it is. If he has any plans of running successfully, he has to get on the November ballot.
Too late for getting on the ballot this year. But next time...
Here's the secret in NY City -- he has to change his party affiliation and run as a Republican.
That's what Democrats who want to actually get a shot at running for office do.
The incumbent Democrats control their offices until they retire, die or go to jail, and they do go to jail. See Clarence Norman, one of my personal favorites. There are others.
Bottom line -- if a Democratic candidate wants to be on a ballot in his lifetime but he lacks the backing of the Brooklyn Democratic Party Political Machines, then he must switch parties and run as a Republican.
The strategy has worked well for many, including Mayor Bloomberg.
la coincidental, you wrote:
Rangel won for the same reason Bloomberg is mayor in NYC -- too many MC's and not enough mics.
Rangel won in the latest primary because almost no one votes in primaries except for loyal followers of incumbents.
The ONLY way to clean house is through term limits.
As history has shown, nothing good comes of a politician holding his office more than 20 or 25 years.
Thus, I'd limit senators to 4 terms and representatives to 12 terms. I'd also make retirement at 75 mandatory for Supreme Court justices.
Turnover of officeholders is the key to better government. Otherwise, the scoundrels obtain a lock on their offices, which creates powerful fiefdoms that are inherently corrupt.
Roadbiker, "I submit Ron 'Wake me up for dinner' Dellums, Oakland Ca mayor."
Now, now. you're talking about Granny's favorite mayor, but what black politician has done anything for Blacks? Face it. Blacks are for black politicians to use for his/her own gain, not to represent the people who voted for them. And they get re-elected, again, and again, and again.
Blacks keep voting the same useless bums back in office and 'rationalize' it- like Agape2010 and Thrasher do. Only in Black America where ignorance is the norm and low self-esteem abounds, can a phenomena such as this happen. It's so sad.
no_slappz, "As history has shown, nothing good comes of a politician holding his office more than 20 or 25 years.
Thus, I'd limit senators to 4 terms and representatives to 12 terms. I'd also make retirement at 75 mandatory for Supreme Court justices.
Turnover of officeholders is the key to better government. Otherwise, the scoundrels obtain a lock on their offices, which creates powerful fiefdoms that are inherently corrupt."
That is so true, and the reason our government is so corrupt. I hope the tea partiers sweep Congress. Being an independent, I bet independents will vote them in. One thing for sure, it won't be those lying corrupt Democrats.
i did not know fn's site was for "cheer"?
i thought this was a political blog no?
i have not been cheered by politics ever...u?
what has hobama done to feed blacks?
what is so black and great about hobama that i should worship and excuse his every glaring failure???
i have never worn a weave...
my long lovely locks are my natural hair
no_slappz, FWIW, i appreciate your comments on this blog. You fill in missing link of logic and reason, that has been sorely missing. Thanks.
how dare your judge kp while admitting you just met him?
he has been a public icon since 1992
as usual, you are horridly late!!!
fix that
who died and made u retarded dl superman to maria's loopy lois lane?
AB said, "i have never worn a weave...
my long lovely locks are my natural hair"
Preach it, AB! don't let that jackass Trasher intimidate you, sista.
i am not thrasher or any assnon
i am not a faceless vulgar coward like you and your belly warmer...i never post as assnon
i ONLY post with my birth name and face ALWAYS!!!
your varied schizo posting is not contagious herein.
i trust no politico
but i see millions of homeless jobless broke black racist fools like you performing fellatio on hobama so that you need kneepads...so?
AB said to Maria, "as usual, you are horridly late!!!
fix that"
ROFLMAO!! you are being too hard on poor maria...LOL
Kevin Powell seems smart enough to be a Republican. The entrenched interests of the democrat party will continue to shut him out.
Now is the time to get in on the ground floor of the new conservative majority, and ensure black interests have a place at the table.
What do say Kevin?
but they are no worse than hobama:
why bother to do anything for black drones who will vote for you no matter how much you abuse and starve them???
why would they fix what is never broken for them?
the loss is ours
buceta breaf ya dumb ignint animal u wear fake locks and ure ugly and a piece of lying shyt u said ur wife doesnt allow u to blog on the weekends but from the looks of it u cant keep ur big mouth shut u stupid trick uve been busted for more lies ya phuking loser and u only bother maria after shes done commenting for the day so u can get ur virtual digs in this is why the evil eye is set upon u and u deserve all the abuse hurled upon u henceforth and forever more alicia banks buceta coi eatin loser!
yah just like ur fake locks so anon commentators who adore u also r fake manifestations of u and ur annoying alter ego thrasher ya piece of garbage
LAC: "The Tea Party is as populist as Lady Gaga is a natural blond. Its a lobbyist funded rent-a-mob of middle aged, angry white people enraged about the economy AND that a Negro is the White House."
Do you ever get tired of regurgitating that mediacrat propaganda LAC? The Tea Party may not be made for prime time, but it is the most legitimate grass roots movement of our lifetime.
Here we have a post lamenting (among other things) the entrenched mindset of the black electorate, returning by rote politicians representing a single party state of Black America, who are interested only in protecting their own spot over the public feeding trough. And the best you can do is mindlessly repeat manufactured, bigoted slander on a citizens movement that has risen up against entrenched interests.
Come on LAC, I know you can think this through. You are a better man than that.
anon who hates AB said, "yah just like ur fake locks so anon commentators who adore u also r fake manifestations of u and ur annoying alter ego thrasher ya piece of garbage"
Wow, just wow. It is very difficult to be Black. The Whites trash Blacks and the Blacks trash Blacks. Why would anyone want to be Black?
Anon12:52pm said, "And the best you can do is mindlessly repeat manufactured, bigoted slander on a citizens movement that has risen up against entrenched interests."
Don't know if you have noticed, but LAC isn't the only mindless one who is against the citizen's movement in our country. Just say "Tea Party" and the folks on this blog go ape-shit...no pun intended.
hey, AB, read what i wrote. i didn't "judge" him. i asked
and i'd take YOUR endorsement as a sign to run the other way.
here's what i wrote:
he is a good writer and his challenge to townes was eloquent and inspiring and on point.
but...as far as him personally? he calls himself a "regular" person with "regular" debts, yet admits to spending the 90s in a drug/alcohol stupor.
i see no acceptance of his own role his financial pit, beyond saying he was young and foolish. his mom never taught him financial literacy and he never attended a workshop on empowerment. SMH!
what exactly qualified him to be a member of congress more than townes?
7:51 AM
i know it's too much to ask you to think, AB, rather than blurt and attack but towns and rangel are "icons." the point is more must be asked. and demanded for the people.
maria, "but...as far as him personally? he calls himself a "regular" person with "regular" debts, yet admits to spending the 90s in a drug/alcohol stupor."
We need men like him in Congress. He is a regular person who tells the truth and does not hide. He has grown as a person. Townes has not.
"crazy baldhead" vdlr:
the only thing sadder than your life being so tiny that you think my life is a lie
is that your head is so bald you think my locks are fake like the hair you buy at that horse hair store
maria wrote:
"ut...as far as him personally? he calls himself a "regular" person with "regular" debts, yet admits to spending the 90s in a drug/alcohol stupor.
i see no acceptance of his own role his financial pit, beyond saying he was young and foolish. his mom never taught him financial literacy and he never attended a workshop on empowerment. SMH!
what exactly qualified him to be a member of congress more than townes?"
and denied it was judgment.
horrid hypocrisy x 2!!!
are u modeling thinking by chance?
because i always think better than that if so!
Field, what did Ken Blackwell miss in his writing that he be given HN status?
u may want to catch up and read what kp has to say about his common financial issues before u judge him any further!!!
ps: tell the dl superman to fly away!...ignorance is contagious...the vdlr is obviously lowering your IQ!
i read his own opinion piece that i posted a link to.
again, i asked a question. i did not make a judgment. you did. "he's an icon. he gets in."
"are u modeling thinking by chance?
because i always think better than that if so!"
please do not put down maria. u r jealous and afraid of her beauty and intelligence.
I have a few questions, how come if Rangle steps aside, his ethics charges will magically disappear?
Why is it that Gov. Paterson gets charged with ethics violations over a couple of Yankee game tickets?
What happened to Sean Bell's wife? Did she get enough signatures?
Does anybody here know who Bill Thomson is, lol.
maria is arrogantly ignorant and invisible.
u r her faceless clone fan x 2
i get that 2 times
The answer is term limits.
Incumbency, especially entreched congressional incumbency, is a powerful tool.
It means money, name recognition, and special interests chits.
Congressmen spend most of their time in Washington making deals.
Powell would fare a lot better running for a City Council or a State Senate seat.
Corey Booker and Tony Williams showed that local political dictatorships can be upset when you can demonstrate how you will effect people's daily lives for the positive.
"Does anybody here know who Bill Thomson is, lol."
Thompson is the former Comptroller of NYC who recently lost his run for Mayor.
at 7:51 am i posted
i had never heard of powell til this post. i went back and read this,
and came away with two thoughts:
and you post back to huffpost?!!
got retention skills?
it was very clear you had not actually read that link as u judged him so harshly....no????
i try not to look as clueless and critical as u always
i never bash celebs that i have not researched thoroughly as hobama.
try it!
Wow, this board is hoping for a Saturday afternoon!!
To No_Slappz, yes Rangel is a powerful incumbent, and incumbency is a powerful weapon. But if the progressive opposition weren't all over the place and splitting the field 4-5 different ways, it would be possible to beat Rangel. Get behind one dude and go for it. I give credit the Tea Party in Delaware for understanding that.
And I have to disagree with you and Uptown Steve on term limits -- they're the lazy way out of being responsible citizens and gives too much power to staffers, party brokers, lobbyists other unelected operatives in government.
Just look at the mess in California. We can't pass a budget because Sacramento is polluted with 2-3 term party hacks on both sides worried about grandstanding and their next gig.
You have state assemblymen who are gone before they learn where the bathroom is. And because it takes years to build relationships in your party and across the aisle, nothing gets done because the state assembly aren't together long enough to learn how to work together.
If you want the bums out of office, vote them out. That's the way the Constitution was designed. Don't wait for the shot clock to run out and hope for a victory.
To Anon@1252 - go read a newspaper or something other than Fox News. The original 'Tea Party' meetings were specifically engineered by insurance lobbyists to water down and ultimate destroy Health Care reform. This is the Karl Rove "Brooks Brothers Brigade" on steriods. The main difference is that unlike those College Repubs in the Brigade, these are average middle America white folks who believe the bullshit the far right is selling ........ like you.
The financial bailouts can go either way - there are rational arguments for and against them. But for working class Americans to rail against any solid reforms to ensure that stock brokers aren't using grandma's deed as collateral on bad bets is just stupid. And in what universe do people (other than miners and refinery workers) fight for oil & gas companies not be regulated? And last time I checked, Tea Party leaders nor their puppet master Glenn Beck were urging the Senate to extend unemployment to help millions, Republicans, Democrats, Greens and Independents who lost their jobs.
True populism rise from the people in the interest of the people. The only people who benefit from deregulation and lack of a social safety net are the uber-wealth.
You've been, as Malcolm said, bamboozled and hoodwinked. As a Tea Party supporter, you're not a 'Patriot' you're a unwitting but willing pawn for corporate oligarchy and ultra-right ideologues, playing upon your ignorance and fears.
maybe the folks in brooklyn don't like being talked down to, like "ghetto" dictatorship. and obviously i read when i posted, because i quoted from it.
here's some contributors to the "average/regular" guy. Large contributions, which are donations of $200 or more, have to be itemized and reported to the Federal Election Committee. Powell’s list was comprised mostly of celebrities, entrepreneurs, teachers, academics, and non-profit directors. It’s a “Who’s Who” among the maximum $2,400 contributors— the Brooklyn-born-and-bred comedian, Chris Rock, and his wife, Malaak Compton-Rock; hip-hop fashion designer Marc Ecko; actor and author Hill Harper; and football player Julius Pepper of the Chicago Bears, just to name a few. Others such as Doug Herzog, president of MTV Networks; Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree; and Shelly Serdahely, the executive director of Men Stopping Violence, have donated $1,000 or more to the campaign. This impressive list of contacts stretches through Georgia, California, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, and all around the tri-state area. Only 9 out of Powell’s 110 big donors live in his Brooklyn district."
again, asked and unanswered: what made him more qualified than towns?
My posture remains the same I will not trash Black icons in a nation where castration, slavery, segregation, jim crow, disparatte treatment, racial profiling all have a long footprint..
With regard to my position on woman it is the same as it is for men..
Wayne aka FN is wrong to promote this cultural treason wit regard to Black leaders,,,Maybe that is the custom in West Indies but not here in AMERICA
Maria, that's another point -- Powell made a Progressive Celebrity classic mistake - they over play and rely too much on name recognition. Its makes one seem aloof.
If Powell wants to be taken seriously, aim small and build. Run for city council, make a name for yourself other than "that angry Black guy from the Real World". Work with in the community. Go to a church or a mosque, if you're a person of faith.
From my personal experience, its hard to run as a young unknown. You need to build some street cred in the amatuer league before you got for the title shot.
Maria, this doesn't change the fact that guys like Towns have built in empires and that voter apathy has kept a guy like this in since the 80's. But you're right, from the article, Powell relied too much on his celebrity.
(Maybe Kevin Powell forgot that most of the 18-25 year old he was aiming for were in kindergarten when he was on MTV. They wouldn't know him from Steezo the Fly Negro or Black Moon. All the 25 - 40 cats thought he was little bitch back then and haven't change our opinion all that much.)
Mack Lyons
"And I have to disagree with you and Uptown Steve on term limits -- they're the lazy way out of being responsible citizens and gives too much power to staffers, party brokers, lobbyists other unelected operatives in government."
You make a great point.
But here's the problem.
"...if the progressive opposition weren't all over the place and splitting the field 4-5 different ways, it would be possible to beat Rangel. Get behind one dude and go for it. I give credit the Tea Party in Delaware for understanding that.
The progressives in black districts aren't that far apart on issues and each candidate is driven solely to themselves elected.
The Tea party is on an extreme ideological mission that was ignited by the election of a progressive black man to the Presidency.
That has galvanized a significant segment of the population to become active and combative.
People in Rangel's district and other liberal areas see him as a bulwark against the righties and sire his seniority as a reason to keep him.
My posture remains the same I will not trash Black icons in a nation where castration, slavery, segregation, jim crow, disparatte treatment, racial profiling all have a long footprint..
With regard to my position on woman it is the same as it is for men..
Wayne aka FN is wrong to promote this cultural treason wit regard to Black leaders,,,Maybe that is the custom in West Indies but not here in AMERICA
Fair enough Steve (and it was me, not Mack, you're quoting. No biggie).
I didn't mean they were all over the place with issues -- its just too many folks on the field.
When I have more time (maybe tonight) I'll blog about how my predominantly Black & Latino hometown has had the same corrupt Italian Mayor for almost 20 years.
Progressives are frauds and often provide conduits and avenues for white liberals to disenfrancise Black Consenus..Rangle could never be has fucked up for Harlem as white leaders like Clinton, Bloomberg etc..
It is interesing who will take over after Waters, Conyers, Rangel, Clyburn are purged..
LAC, Your alleged tenure in NYC has only produced a flawed ability to understand Black politics..
Please spare me your shallow and margainal insights..This is not high school civics class...
Your hometown tales and woes not revelant here..
LAC does not have the political depth and skills to value your last post about Rangel's supporters..
LAC--i am not even sure how it's done, but powell had so many things against him. they weren't skeletons in his closet--they were flesh and blood with all the details that were known. i am not sure he can overcome his history (or present).
however, i have no knowledge of mr. powell other than what i've read today. i have not done any kind of substantive analysis.
that said, i am fresh from being actively involved in a losing campaign in which a former state delegate tried to unseat the 32-year incumbent in the state senate. same party; primary race. no opponent in the general.
my girl came AWFULLY close, ran really hard, got all the right endorsements, including washpost-- but in the end lost by 3%. negative campaigning and the party machine behind the incumbent (the current governor and state senate leadership backed her) were her undoing.
the celebrity angle--the party machine -- cuts both ways. another local person lost a year ago because she had some money from a neighboring city and her opponent was able to paint her as beholden to outside interests. the other city was 2 miles away!
coincidentially, some board of ed folks i was also backing (and i have no money--this is all sweat equity i invest in them) also lost, against incumbents. but they figure it takes four elections to get in. you've got to be in it for the long haul.
Raw truth many candidates for office simply are unworthy of it that is why they deserve to lose...Voters even the ones white liberal progressives have contempt for ( especially old Black voters) simply are smarter than the marketeers...
I am so tired of the so called 'progressive' candidates who at end of the day are more often a bunch of self centered ego driven people who went taken away from thier scripts empty and worthess..
"Fair enough Steve (and it was me, not Mack, you're quoting. No biggie)."
Brother I have no idea why I keep attributing your quotes to other posters.
You're probably the sharpest guy on this board.
Fenty, Booker, etc are failures they reflect the nonsense of the chatter class..They never connect with seniors and they simply are not good leaders...
The myth of new progressive Black leadership in the post racial era has proven to be a joke another marketing bullshit model driven by the usual suspects..
Rangle's victory and Fenty's loss are truly myth breaking outcomes..
You and me go back a ways on these boards and you know I respect you.
What is your problem with strong brothers like Field and LAC?
Steve, Not really LAC is a lightwieght..lol,lol,lol.. I am back now in this MF...lol,lol,lol
They disappoint me...I have a problem when strong Black men genuflect and surrender to white liberals including white jewish interests..
I simply did not understand how FN can chase down rednecks 24/7 but carves out a space for white racist jewish people and then he is proud of it and actually brags about it...
With regard to LAC his insights reflect to often the knowledge of the chatter class, the google generation..
Truth is I respect both of them quite a lot but I don't know if I could take them with me to the end..I think both would find a way to cut and run ..
FN cleary has some strong inner issues with Black American Males of course I have always observed that from Black males from the islands and africa..
LAC to often reminds me of a Black apologist always making excuses for white folks but never extending the range of understanding with regard to Black decay and decadence..
Recently I have recieved a ton of hate mail directly to my home and I have involved the local cops all of them have offered up an opinion it is a 50/50 WHite authors and Black authors..I am not at all surprised by white folks hating on me but my own people..that hurts
Thrasher said...
LAC does not have the political depth and skills to value your last post about Rangel's supporters..
Oh, now I'm gonna cry Thrash....look at my tears. Yeah, whatever.
Thrasher, I'm far from a lightweight. And if you had taken and paid attention in High School civics, you probably wouldn't snipe at half the things I said. And you'd probably realize that I agree with you more often than not.
And btw, I actually understand exactly what UTS and Maria said. I never said it was easy. Hell, I know its not easy to get past incumbents.
Simply put, there are many reasons why incumbents win over outsiders. One is the power of incumbency - you go with the Devil you know. The second is lack of cohesion on the ground, too many indians wanting to be chief. And as you stated, too many so-called 'new progressives' are often egomaniacs with little to no real world experience and could fit their supporters in a phone booth.
Thrasher, sometimes we agree and we don't always have to. Fine.
But I don't take kindly to personal attacks or irrational blathering. I can play the dozens with the best of them and I can poke holes in stupid arguments with little effort.
"Recently I have recieved a ton of hate mail directly to my home and I have involved the local cops all of them have offered up an opinion it is a 50/50 WHite authors and Black authors..I am not at all surprised by white folks hating on me but my own people..that hurts."
Like you said, the invective from the goobers is to be expected but screw the handkerchief heads.
They are lost, confused and will ultimately be humiliated by the very people they suck up to.
Happens every time, believe me.
Me and a couple of friends went down to the Black Republican gathering at Clydes in DC last night for happy hour.
These negroes are motivated only by money and exposure.
One dude from Connecticut admitted to me that as soon as he started promoting the "birther" issue his phone started ringing off the hook from Tea party operatives and rightwing groups asking him to appear at events.
And he said that he's sure that Obama was born in Hawaii.
I almost threw my beer in his face.
This site for years was a great spot for me years ago now it simply has lost its value when we need a space a place more than ever before..
kevin has never held a post as a politico yet...
i have never lived in brooklyn.
but i know he cannot be any worse than any of his peers...
i give him the benefit of the doubt as new blood there...
ps: what are u fighting me about again?
i never said:
"he is an icon so het gets in"
kp has lost previous bids!
i said:
"he is an icon, so YOU should know him"
u have frequently been previously lost herein.
u r so catty and clueless...why???????
why mock kp's age?
he is as young/er as your beloved geezer hobama...no?
every single teen/twenty something hip hop head who never saw the original rw on mtv
has read at least 12 issues of vibe magazine featuring kp
kp is also legendary for his classic hip hop novels and bucking up to suge knight in a classic interview on BET...
u too stand corrected!
I acknowledge and respect you and your last post..Yes we will agree and disagree and YOU are correct that is fine..
I really think right now is a critical junction for our nation and of course Black folks...I want to use the internet as a interactive asset and tool to navigate around this insanity and global marketplace ..
I come here to get the latest insights from Black people with superior skills and talents..
I respect Steve, FN < YOU and even voices like AB and others but I also will not accept attacks on my personhood and genius...No I have no problem beinga nigger..I refuse to delete that word and any history from my dna..
I am glad Steve brought up this subject today on a rainy Saturday in the D for me
"As I think of it, you KNOW Adam was a "brother". Peak at Genesis and note that God told him BEFORE Eve was created NOT to eat of a certain tree"
Hell No, Adam wasnt a brother. You ever try to get a rib from a Black Man???
I also respect Maria as well ..This is a great site I just hope it continues to be great...I am tired of the selective race chasing...
I have many tales about Indians, Asians and Latinos that share rhe same contempt for us as the usual white folks..
D'Souza is not my friend but even hate speech has value so I read his stuff becuase I have to as a Black man in a nation with our legacy towards fols of my hue and dna..
Just saying..
Thrasher said...
My posture remains the same I will not trash Black icons in a nation where castration, slavery, segregation, jim crow, disparatte treatment, racial profiling all have a long footprint..
Thrasher, Of course you realize when those Black Icons are corrupt, convicted and do nothing but show incompetence, by not being able to change a thing yet always blaming someone else.....these traits become... BLACK ICONS. You wonder why people say Blacks dont think and vote for skin color? Well, try those thoughts on for size. How could any self respecting person see a man is corrupt aint done shit but hold people down still say, yeah but dont trash him and vote for him because he is an ICON? Well so is Charles Manson, if he were Black would you vote for him?
You need to post better or I will not pay attention to your shallow and empty views...
Rangel for a 100 years could not be as fucked up as Charles Manson or Ronald Reagan, Bushes, etc..
Yeah so let me me reiterate Black icons even the corrupt ones are never as lethal and destructive as white folks NEVER...
My BIG BEN CLOCK example( you can use it with my permission cause your examples are weak shit)..For 23 hours and 45 minutes America under the stewardship of white folks have FUCKED up our nation from slavery to nukes on other humans..I got 15 minutes to fix the FUCK UPS left by white folks..tic toc, tic toc...
So no Black Icons who lose their way will never be treated like road kill in my house or orbit
Truth is despite the lousy and sometimes most dismal Black leadership in America it could never be as worthless and destructive as White Leadership in the public as well as private sector..
Our nation's underdeveloped leadership which is a reflection of white culture has damaged the entire planet for centuries.
Truth is White Cultural Models simply are not great leaders nor can they cultivate and harvest them..
WHite folks do not create MLK, MANDELA, JESUS, MALCOM X, white leaders are 2nd tier figures FDR, Churchill, Lincoln, etc.. Very few are females and very few are creative and artistic icons as well...
Even in USA despite our 2 domestic holocausts and the shortage of Black males( less than 7% of Adult Male Population in USA) we still dominate the arts, sports, leadership, etc..
Thrasher, "Truth is I respect both of them quite a lot but I don't know if I could take them with me to the end..I think both would find a way to cut and run ..
FN cleary has some strong inner issues with Black American Males of course I have always observed that from Black males from the islands and africa.."
Thrasher, if you are honest, there probably aren't too many Blacks, if any, you could count on to the end. Blacks have shown that they will 'cut and run', when pressured by Whites, or there is money involved. Haven't you noticed? There's always a lot of words and promises of allegiance to black brotherhood and sisterhood, but in the end no one is there. It's been that way for a long, long time.
BTW, what makes you any different from 'cutting and running' when most bm tend to sing the same bullshit tune? What makes you so trustworthy and righteous?
Fyi, this has nothing to do with bm from the islands, it's bm from the states as well. BM have a 'complex', period. It comes from being powerless and fearful in A-merry-ca for a long, long time.
I DO agree with you about Field's inconsistency on being a FIELD NEGRO. On some occasions, he is one. On others, he is not. No one is perfect. His support of Israeli's-who will tell you that they hate Blacks-is some serious sick stuff, imo. But that's part of Field's humanness...he's not God. And Thrasher, neither are YOU. What makes Field a typical common Black man is his apparent incapacity to admit mistakes.
You see, that is the sickness that holds the black community hostage..i.e., to admit you're wrong is to admit that you are weak. Now, that is some twisted shit that blocks one from looking at oneself and will keep an entire race imprisoned and blinded from the truth, for a long long time.
For that reason alone, you won't find many BM, if any, you could count on to be with you to the end. Most won't look in the mirror, NOT because they don't want to, but because they are afraid of looking weak. It's some heavy stuff to carry around.
You need to read my latest posts..White males even with acute penis envy problems are lousy leaders ..You simply do not have the core and substance to make a difference..Lie you most of yall suffer from negrophobia..
Now understand this as well becuase you are an intellectula coward that posts under an alias and hides behind a pc to indict Black icons like and others in here..I will always discount your comments just on general principle..
Now just stick to your cultural custom and dna trait stay on the sidelines look and listen and do not ever approach me again Unless I seek your input..
Now run along and go take some dick extension herb..you pencil dick penis envy fuck...lol,lol,lol
"Yeah so let me me reiterate Black icons even the corrupt ones are never as lethal and destructive as white folks NEVER..."
No Black icon could do as much damage because Blacks don't have the power Whites have. The more power you have, the more damage you can do. However, it does not minimize how corrupt Blacks can be and the damage they do to a race who is already in the ditch. Get real, Thrasher. Stop making out like the character of corrupt black politians aren't as bad and therefore, deserve to remain in their jobs while the screw over their black voters. That is bullshit.
Thrasher, "Now just stick to your cultural custom and dna trait stay on the sidelines look and listen and do not ever approach me again Unless I seek your input.."
Yep. As I said in my comment, YOU are typical common bm trying to appear strong by being rude. You are nothing but a child and you prove the point of my comment. But it's too much for you handle. Sorry you can't deal with it. You really need to because you are a very sick boy.
White leaders in part becuase they lack depth and true iconic value are the most lethal fucks on the planet..
WHite males had to legally forced to let thier own wives vote and of course they worked trhe shit out of thier children AMerica had to invent child labor laws...It is so sad really when you give it some thought white folks values are so shallow and unprincipled they had to legally compelled and forced to be civil and decent to Black Americans...The civil rights acts are an embrassment to white americans..If I was white I would be ashamed that my government had to legally compell me to be decent, civil and honorable...
Tragic ....
Oh Gee-zus,
The anonymous black protofemme is back to tell us bm how weak and flawed we are but will never own up to their weaknesses, failure and paranoia.
This is a zero sum game with certain sisters convinced they've got it totally together and black men have to catch up with them in order for us to be a positive community.
It's sick and pathetic.
This is to any black man on the board.
Isn't it true that Field has posted many threads taking black men to task for failing to be responsible fathers, husbands and citizens?
But all he has to is post a thread about a black individual female behaving badly and watch the shrieks of "hating black women" or "sexist" rants come spewing for many of the sisters on the board.
When the hell have any of them looked at themselves and owned up to any failure or responsibility?
"Fyi, this has nothing to do with bm from the islands, it's bm from the states as well. BM have a 'complex', period. It comes from being powerless and fearful in A-merry-ca for a long, long time."
And many black women DON'T have a complex.?
As long as Thrasher can hastle Field, for supporting Jews, I can piss on Thrasher from now on. LOL...Count on it Thrasher, you ugly dl friek.
I own you in here now...Now get back to the sidelines and wait to I call on you...lol,lol,lol
Little penis envy dick fuck..lol,lol,lol..
Thrasher, "The civil rights acts are an embrassment to white americans..If I was white I would be ashamed that my government had to legally compell me to be decent, civil and honorable..."
Well, that's from YOUR perspective which really doesn't count, now does it? Why should Whites be ashamed when your weak ass can't own to your own shit?
OH yeah if one of you ANON'S are a Black female.. MY penis envy dick remarks also apply to YOU...lol,lol,lol
Thrasher, "I own you in here now...Now get back to the sidelines and wait to I call on you...lol,lol,lol
Little penis envy dick fuck..lol,lol,lol.."
In A-merry-ca, you own no one and YOU are powerless. But it seems you are prideful about your dick? Obviously it hasn't been enough to improve your life.
BTW I have little regard for Black folks with low self esteem..Black apologists rank almost as low as rednecks and racist white jews and racist asians and racists indians
Just saying....
"In A-merry-ca, you own no one and YOU are powerless. But it seems you are prideful about your dick? Obviously it hasn't been enough to improve your life."
Maybe he comes up short every time? LOL...That must be devastating for someone like Thrasher. Poor sap.
Thrasher said...
Truth is despite the lousy and sometimes most dismal Black leadership in America it could never be as worthless and destructive as White Leadership in the public as well as private sector..
Well, I guess your just not smart enough to look at real world and real time examples are you? You have to go back and stick with what you know best. Finger pointing and name calling. Yup, you are a true ICON for the non thinking man. Now keep doing what you do best and talk about dicks and whatever makes your childish point of view and vulgar argument to you seem valid. Why is it that idiots always start talking about they dick? Is that all you can come back with in a debate about real things? Yup those corrupt politicians love you. YOu so stupid and infantile you just start talking about your dick instead of asking why they rob you and havent done shit. You yourself explained why Blacks will never move up and will continue to vote Black...because you said the "Truth is despite the lousy and sometimes most dismal Black leadership in America it could never be as worthless and destructive as White Leadership:
There you go, so a thief, incompetent low life got your vote because he is Black, he sure do represent YOU...
Thrasher, "Steve,
BTW I have little regard for Black folks with low self esteem..Black apologists rank almost as low as rednecks and racist white jews and racist asians and racists indians
Just saying...."
You using Steve as your sounding board and sense of validation? That's hilarious. Welcome back to FN blog, shithead. Things have changed since you've been gone. There has been some cloning of a few niggas JUST LIKE YOU. How do like us, Mr. big dick? Btw, what good is a big dick when no one wants your UNLOVED and UNLOVABLE ass? Well, I guess your hand has to do the loving. teehee, teehee.
You guys stop beating up on poor Thrasher. Can't you see that you are hurting him? You must have compassion for even the weakest of us.
Have a good day, Thrasher, and please hurry back. LOL
When are you going to realize that your weak taunts and harrassment doesn't work on righteous black men?
Uts, "The anonymous black protofemme is back to tell us bm how weak and flawed we are but will never own up to their weaknesses, failure and paranoia.
This is a zero sum game with certain sisters convinced they've got it totally together and black men have to catch up with them in order for us to be a positive community."
First of all, it wasn't a bf who wrote the comment you are so defensive about. Your thinking feeling and words only proves that the comment is on target for bm like you. You should really take it to heart. It'll make you a better man and more human. But everyone knows that is not possible for a narcissist like you. Don't the bw on this blog tell you so? Now you got the same message from a bm. Maybe this will cause you to pause? Ah. I don't think so.LOL
Dear Steve, what happened to your 'better other half', Thrasher?
"First of all, it wasn't a bf who wrote the comment you are so defensive about. Your thinking feeling and words only proves that the comment is on target for bm like you. You should really take it to heart. It'll make you a better man and more human. But everyone knows that is not possible for a narcissist like you. Don't the bw on this blog tell you so? Now you got the same message from a bm. Maybe this will cause you to pause? Ah. I don't think so.LOL"
So you are supposedly a black man?
The convienence of being an anonymous pussy on these boards is that you can pretend to be anything except a person of character and conviction.
However I'm certain that you're either FP's latest incarnation or a white racist troll.
Anyway, whenever you are ready to self-reflect and acknowledge that you're a flawed human being and just as culpable in the failings in relationships and the community at large as the people you relentlessly seek to lecture, I'm ready to talk.
Intellectual pussies..lol,lol,lol
I love it when I get nobodies who hide behind an alias upset...lol,lol,lol I love the power of my words and my pc skills to get yahoos like ANON's upset...
I know I own them when they start getting emotional...teee heee
Penis envy fucks...lol,lol,lol
Thrasher is such a weak unchanllenging boy. He has the same ole tired deluded words. Pitiful.
ANON, Yeah sure that is why you are obessed over my every utterances..Oh yeah BTW...penis envy fuck...lol,lol,lol
uts, "Anyway, whenever you are ready to self-reflect and acknowledge that you're a flawed human being and just as culpable in the failings in relationships and the community at large as the people you relentlessly seek to lecture, I'm ready to talk."
Self-reflection? You are really hilarious. Where did you get that idea from, my comments urging you to look into yourself? Steve, words are cheap, but behavior tells everything. You have proven for years that you not only are NEVER ready to talk, but you are unable to listen. That's why you are a narcissist who is beyond help. LOL you and Thrasher must have been raised in the same hood with the same parents...LOL
No one cares abot your posts..You are an intellectual coward..You post under an alias.....You have zero credibility..
Stop trying to matter...
Oh yeah... you penis envy fuck....lol,lol,lol
A note to Thrasher frm another anon:
"Well, I guess your just not smart enough to look at real world and real time examples are you? You have to go back and stick with what you know best. Finger pointing and name calling. Yup, you are a true ICON for the non thinking man. Now keep doing what you do best and talk about dicks and whatever makes your childish point of view and vulgar argument to you seem valid. Why is it that idiots always start talking about they dick? Is that all you can come back with in a debate about real things? Yup those corrupt politicians love you. YOu so stupid and infantile you just start talking about your dick instead of asking why they rob you and havent done shit..." --TinkManTink
buceta breaf loser the only thing u can come up with is to accuse the anon commentator of being bald? u stupid phukking piece of shyt animal nobody kunthead! u aint shyt and aint never gonna be shyt all those statements u make r usually lies u cannot prove anything u say cuz theyre all lies u dumb sack of cow anuses! eyeve known nine year olds who r more creative than u with the insults u dumb trifling piece of dog crap!
u smell worse than the garbage juice that oozes out of feces infested elderly adult diapers ya shytstain!
Ou so stupid and infantile you just start talking about your dick instead of asking why they rob you and havent done shit..wise man and goes doubly well for that nonsensical buceta breaf moron alicia banks who deserves any and all abuse hurled upon her henceforth and forever more she also deserves to have alopecia from dreadlocks whove been twisted one too many times in short she deserves to have a miserable life
Thrasher loves to talk about penis envy. He must be gay, on the dl.
it is very clear that thrasher and ab r the same person they even say the same shyt about anons being 'cowards' and use the same insult 'nigger' over and over again abuceta breaf can go against her carpet licking statements and be mean to women especially older women cuz shes a liar and a piece of shyt thrasher is one in the same hes prolly one of her alter bpd personalities or something bytch take some meds ur dosage is off ya kunthead!
Thrasher keeps his brains in his penis. Wonder what his IQ is?
his iq is small very small cuz weve all figured out that its really a dyke in drag claiming to be thrasher where there is no dick there is no man
"his iq is small very small cuz weve all figured out that its really a dyke in drag claiming to be thrasher where there is no dick there is no man"
"Thrasher keeps his brains in his penis. Wonder what his IQ is?"
here is another bm genius on hobama.
(the vdlr does not know him or anyone else who is not her retarded hobama nazi peer)
Wow, this has been a busy day and AB didn't talk that much. Thrasher must have run her off.LOL
please ignore the vulgar dl's GLARING butch "positive" penis envy!
she is just hating on your mandingo gems bro
i had a very busy day...
but thanks for missing me.
whoops! spoke too soon. I am sorry, I didn't mean it.
AB, "she is just hating on your mandingo gems bro"
ROFLMAO!!! I am glad you are back.
Voter apathy is one of the biggest problems with politics on any side of the aisle. You have people who give more of a damn about the VMAs or Lady GaGa's next stunt than attempting to shape the future of politics with their votes. Maybe because they've had it drilled in them that their vote eventually means not even a hill of beans. Maybe because they just don't care.
Usually it takes something drastic to get people aroused from their apathy. The ascent of Barack Obama from being some senator from Illinois to being on the edge of being the first Black president woke some folks up. You should have seen the lines at my precinct during election day -- and it wasn't because any machines were broken. Too bad people went BACK TO SLEEP after putting Obama into the Oval Office.
Apathy plus incumbency is a hell of a combo to overcome.
"Then stay out of my beef with Wayne ..."
Or how about keeping the beef off the blog? There's always direct email exchange, unless the Field had enough sense to block most if not all of your addresses.
"Kevin Powell seems smart enough to be a Republican. The entrenched interests of the democrat party will continue to shut him out."
Why would Powell want to be a Republican? The GOP loves using its black captives as window dressing. Otherwise, Michael Steele wouldn't have been reminded of his status as a black "figurehead" of the GOP by the real leaders of the party (including Rush Limbaugh and his golden mic).
Yeah, he'll get in on the ground floor alright.....as a shoeshine boy.
have a great weekend!
we agree to disagree on hobama but please help me be more brilliant
I DO SO SINCERELY want to know why anyone who is not a banker should have any love or respect for hobama
Will Do... I have a lot of respect for you..I think you are brillant fucked up of course but brillant..
Mack,I have agreed to give some consideration about moving on with regard to Wayne's aka FN twisted respect for white jewish racists who have contempt for Black people or szwartzas ( nigger in yiddish)..
Of course much more revelant issues are at stake but I will always remember FN's bias on this issue..It is troubling especially for a Black man who chases redneck racism frequently..
"Of course much more revelant issues are at stake but I will always remember FN's bias on this issue..It is troubling especially for a Black man who chases redneck racism frequently.."
So what? you attack black folks on this blog, so who is worse off? Let me answer that for you. It's YOU, turkey.
You are an intellectual coward with zero credibility..No one pays attention to losers with penis envy you fuck...lol,lol,lol,lol
I have owned you in here al day..You have reacted to all day to my posts becuase I wanted you to....99% of your posts are reactions to me..
I created you in here today..You are nothing unless I post...lol,lol,
oh yeah..you dumb penis envy fuck...lol,lol,lol
most men think it is fucked up when women have brains...
no biggie
Anon2 made good commnts@5:43p but thrasher start calling names like he always does. he is too dumb to get it. same with uts.
yeah, trasher is deluded. he thinks he owns people. guess it's because he still thinks he is owned by whites. trasher, slavery ended a long time ago.lol
yeah trasher ya buceta eatin loser u and ur clone alicia banks r full of shyt! ure just a bunch of kuntmeisters! ure more worthless than diseased camel spit!
thrasher is a punk.
I own you nobodies in here tonite....lol,lol,lol.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................psst..dumb penis fucks...lol,lol,lol
sure buceta breaf alicia banks no real man brags about his dick so much ur penis envy is obvious alicia banks give it up send trasher back to the asylum where U belong dumbass!
C'mon thrasher, leave the little guy alone.
Inasmuch as you know far less than you think you do, it's clear a spelling lesson is required.
You wrote:
Black people or szwartzas ( nigger in yiddish)...
It's S-C-H-V-A-R-T-Z-E
Based on the letters in your word, you're referring to something that might be a Polish wart.
I am not surprised you know the correct spelling obviously it is a word you employ often...
BTW could you the next time you say it take the bagel out of your mouth that muffles the sound..
Not surprised you know the correct spelling of the word BTW next time you spit it out take the bagel out of your mouth it muffles the sound..
ballzack trashead is just an alicia banks buceta breaf clone who is neither well read nor well informed he doesnt know what hes ever talking bout and has a homosexual attraction to field negro
Maria said:
"i see no acceptance of his own role his financial pit, beyond saying he was young and foolish. his mom never taught him financial literacy and he never attended a workshop on empowerment. SMH!
what exactly qualified him to be a member of congress more than townes?"
THAT was my original point. I have long been familiar with this whiner. The years pass and he continues bashing his mother and blame shifting for his poor choices. Typical bm behavior. Blame the womenfolk and whites.
What qualifies him? Well, he is YOUNGER! Lol! And you know bmale sacredom dictates that BM are victims. They cannot be oppressors because they don't have power. You didn't know? That's right, you didn't know who Kevin Powell was until this post. LOL!
1130 and 1127 r so obviously alicia kunthead banks thrasher and her r the same person both of them cant keep their mouths shut and always end up writing another post after the first one saying the same shyt but in a more succinct way they both share the same pathology and r both buceta breaf cooholes!
Thrasher, "NS
I am not surprised you know the correct spelling obviously it is a word you employ often...
BTW could you the next time you say it take the bagel out of your mouth that muffles the sound.."
Is that the best you got? did you know you posted the same comment twice? no_slappz must be getting to you. it's a bitch when you are being whipped and humiliated isn't it? And he's white too. lol
Kevin Powell can't even manage his finances or his anger. Just another slick talking Negro in nice clothes. No one here in NYC is taking his campaign seriously.
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