It's nice to see that public education is getting so much attention in A-merry-ca these days. We can thank my man from Facebook and his one hundred million dollar gift for that. Lord knows that it needs to. I think folks are starting to realize that it's everybody's problem. Even those of us who don't have children. Maybe we can start tackling the causes of the problem and not the symptoms for once. (Thanks Dan) BTW, let me just leave this link for you haters out there who think that black children are somehow genetically inferior to those kids from the majority population. Thank you.
Anyway, I think I have a simple solution to the education problem in poor inner city and rural neighborhoods here in the land of the [some are] free. Now please believe that I did not come to this lightly. It took years of working in urban A-merry-ca with some of these children as a volunteer, a court administrator, and as a professional in private practice.
So here goes: Tie performance and attendance in school to tax breaks and more public assistance benefits-if they are receiving it- to the families of these children. That's it. It's that simple. If, for instance, the little rugrat is making all A's and is attending at least 95% of his or her classes for most of the school year. His mother or father (whoever is working at least 25 hours per week in the home) would not pay state (Keeping in mind, of course, that there is no national curriculum in A-merry-ca, and the feds are not responsible for education. Still, the feds could be involved as well, if the federal government gave money to the states which were armarked for this program.) income taxes on their salary for that year. They would send proof of the rugrats performance with their state tax returns. If the family receives food stamps or cash assistance they would get an additional food stamp voucher or cash benefits when they bring proof of their little rugrats performance to the local welfare office.
Let's face it, folks, all the great teaching in the world will not change how some of these children perform if they do not get motivated at home and learn to value education. These children are starting behind the eight ball because of the environment that they are coming from. Many of them have zero college graduates in their families or their neighborhoods. So the educational value system that some of us talk so freely about and take for granted is a foreign concept to them. Chris Crisco can keep beating up on the teacher's unions in Jersey to show off to his GOP friends, it won't do any good. It might get him political Brownie points, but ten years from now schools in places like Camden and Jersey City will still be f*&^%d up.
Maybe, just maybe, with some kind of financial incentive, the person in the home charged with making decisions that affects their child's life will do the right thing.
Arne, that was free.
BTW, what is wrong with the *picture above?
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»Young black boys hands are both down!
amen fn!
i wish u would run for prez!!!
the only thing these turbo breeders love more than ignoring and neglecting their kids is money for liquor/hair/nails/weed/clothes/cars etc...
and that is just the cold hard truth that all cowardly politicos evade while they scapegoat overworked underpaid abused teachers!!!
The problem Field, is that like the environment, jobs, hell damn near every problem is over-politicized in America; where everyone's jumping on their ideological soapbox and/or protecting their little fiefdom.
You have the free marketeers wanting to turn every public school into DeVry, the wingnut Tea Party religious freaks wanting to create Christian Academy, teachers unions and their liberal standard bearers protecting their members, the administrators protecting their jobs, politicians looking for their next election issue and parents simply not wanting to take responsibility for being the primary educator of their children.
I think Race to the Top and NCLB are steps in the right direction - national standards for funding and performance. This isn't a Marxist plot, plutocratic stealth plan or whatever other BS straw man the pundit class on the extremes want to call. Its a practical and necessary step to fix our educational system. The Europeans do it. The Chinese and the Indians due (part of the reason they're kicking our asses in Math and Science). But because of politics, we don't want to implement an answer glaring us in the face.
testing is not teaching
charter schools are for hobama and his pals profits and poor kids with poor toxic parents typically do not attend them
the best most angelic teachers cannot teach children who have no desire to learn or behave...these ills begin at home with toxic parents who love money like all of us!
FN's dumb idea has nothing to do with academic achievment outcomes internalized within the students..
Race to the Top is a joke since when did educaton become a contest..When did achievement become a game...
Educating children in WWII venues with educators who have a low expectation of students in urban venues is one the issues..
BTW FN has never been in a classroom executing a teaching lesson..He does not have a clue
Why should I be paying dumb people's kids to get good grades? Seriously though kidding aside, if someone's family doesn't value schooling/education I'm not sure that bribing the parents will do much good.
If they're on assistance they may not have the wherewithal to know how to get the best out of a bad situation in the first place.
But whether or not this solution would work it would be anathema to everyone else who is already working hard and playing by the rules. It's politically unfeasible.
Wait, but then won't welfare queens starting having more babies so they can make more A's and thus continue living the good life?
"But whether or not this solution would work it would be anathema to everyone else who is already working hard and playing by the rules. It's politically unfeasible."
Shady, you are making La~Coinciental's point.
"You have the free marketeers wanting to turn every public school into DeVry, the wingnut Tea Party religious freaks wanting to create Christian Academy, teachers unions and their liberal standard bearers protecting their members, the administrators protecting their jobs, politicians looking for their next election issue and parents simply not wanting to take responsibility for being the primary educator of their children."
Co-sign La~
Thank you James.
The only welfare queens making babies are the wives of our mercenaries in the arm forces...
The solution is school choice. Let parents get a voucher from the school district to use at the school of their choice. the governemnt monopoly schools would have to do better to stay in business. It works.
Bro, I honestly don't think people have babies in order to get welfare checks. It just seems that way.
I just have a problem that curriculum is never a part of the equation in the education discussion. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to see what other school systems are doing around the world are doing. There is a problem with rote education. I found it interesting that in Finland where the children start school later in age and watches the same about of TV manage to outperform students in the US. Then there is the matter of studying vs homework. I know it's important for students to have extrinsic incentives, it may not be such a good to say if your children do well then you as a parent will receive an increase in food stamps may not be such a good idea. The food stamps benefits children just as much their parents. Food is a basic necessity in order for people to function, and children need to eat for the energy to focus on their school work. That is something to re-think. In addition, incentives can have mixed results. Unfortunately, there isn't a magic bullet and will need. If there is a problem with attendance, then finding the root cause thereby creating a solution may prove out to be a win-win situation for all parties involved.
I think we need to build relationships between teachers, students, parents, and the community. It could mean having meetings at night or on the weekends so parents have more flexibility and it does not interfere with jobs. Having a PTA meeting at 11 am isn't feasible if many parents are working.
It does come down to people simply working together. I remember making a suggestion to my cousin when she after she just had her baby. She complained about being tired and not having enough time. So, I made a suggestion that should get to know other mothers who lived in her neighbor and build a support group to help one another out. One mother can come over and watch the baby while she took a nap, or if one of the mothers was making a trip to drugstore, she could pick up stuff for other mothers. These were small things, but building a community meant getting help from others who are in the same boat. However, my cousin didn't like that idea because it meant showing weakness and not capable of being a good parent. This idea of I can do it all by myself and don't want to work well with others is part of the decline in this country. Case and point with Michelle Rhee in DC, she didn't want with the parents or teachers, it was her way or her way and is part of the reason why Mayor Fenty is out of office.
Anon 10:16 pm, I don't have a problem with school choice. The problem is one of volume. You are still talking about just a few of the children getting into a select amount of schools.
People like FN are always out of thier element when they seek to advise educators on how to educate students..
To many people are like FN they don't have a clue about educationg kids but they become experts on the topic..
I doubt if FN would listen to hardware store clerks lecturing him on the finer points of filing summary judgement motions or motions in limine..
FN should just stick to chasing rednecks and making excuses for Israel's latest construction in the Gaza...He looks that advocacy
'If the family receives food stamps or cash assistance they would get an additional food stamp voucher or cash benefits when they bring proof of their little rugrats performance to the local welfare office. "
What in the... Field, when the Anons shows up, you're gonna get it, and I'm not helping you. I'll give you some band-aids, but that's it.
"I think we need to build relationships between teachers, students, parents, and the community. It could mean having meetings at night or on the weekends so parents have more flexibility and it does not interfere with jobs. Having a PTA meeting at 11 am isn't feasible if many parents are working."
Hennasplace, you make a good point about the curriculums in some of our schools as well. But I am not an educator, so I will leave it to someone who is so inclined to figure that out.
"Field, when the Anons shows up, you're gonna get it, and I'm not helping you. I'll give you some band-aids, but that's it."
La~Audio, I will call on the president of Anon Inc.We have established diplomatic ties. :)
Finally FN admits he is not an educator that was pretty apparent ...
It never occured to FN that perhaps the Black kids in the photo were giving the white kids a chance at the question..
One of the tragic aspects of urban edeucational venues is the presence of low expectations it is a diease that strikes both white and black teachers..
FN's mindset with regard to Black students is not usual sad but not isolated.
field negro said...
"Anon 10:16 pm, I don't have a problem with school choice. The problem is one of volume. You are still talking about just a few of the children getting into a select amount of schools."
If every kid could had the option to take his money elsewhere, the market would explode, and within a few years there would be a wide range of choices for everyone. There of course still would be "select" schools that only the rich could afford, but education would be better for everyone.
Public schools would be forced to stop wasting money on useless overhead. Students would be treated like customers rather than inmates. Parents could do something if they thought their kids were being shorted. It's crazy to keep the current inefficient, corrupt, poorly performing monopoly. Break it and you break the chains that are holding so many kids back.
Field, "BTW, let me just leave this link for you haters out there who think that black children are somehow genetically inferior to those kids from the majority population."
That link is about Black "Canadians" in Toronto, Canada. It proves nothing about 'African Americans' in A-merry-ca. Most Black kids in America don't even finish high school. Not only that, they don't give a damn about education; they think it's "acting White." That is a crazy philosophy that is about as dumb as a human being can be.
That's why $100mil won't change a thing except put extra money in the pockets of dumb black educators and crooked politicians in Newark.
Btw, I thought the photo you posted was perfect. Ironically it showed other kids enthusiasm with raised hands, while the Black kid's hand remains down. LOL
What would be helpful and a progressive development in the discussion and creation of academic achieving outcome based programs in urban venues is if people who lack educational credentials and substance like FN stay out of this classroom...
We cannot continue to have shallow folks like FN and others continue to get in the fucking way..
field, your link to the "afrocentric school" in Toronto tells a story that is meaningless. It's the equivalent of your claim that because Barbados, a prosperous, non-criminal black nation of 250,000 exists, that blacks are as capable as asians and whites at building advanced nations.
Sadly, one class of 3rd-graders, the focus of the Toronto school story, does not offset or overcome generations of serious black scholastic underachievement at all levels of academia.
One of the nasty and ugly secrets about American students is the depth of cheating, grade inflation, excess gpa's and the overall fictional academic outcomes of white students in the country especially in private and privledge schools...
Truth is white students are becoming dumber and more igorant by the day and district...
Not only are asian-american students kicking thier asrses but inner city private school students are as well...
White students academic failures are becoming a national crisis along with the rates of young white girls becoming pregant and the high rates of std's..
The anti-pc truth is that white students are becoming as dumb as their parents...
The anti-pc truth is that the same folks who are running our states and private firms are as dumb as thier children..
It is no mistake that our nation is falling behind other developed nations not becuase of the failure of kids in poor inner city venue but the failure of the offsprings of the ruling class..
These dumb fuckers are making AMerica a 2nd tier power..
That link is about Black "Canadians" in Toronto, Canada. It proves nothing about 'African Americans' in A-merry-ca."
Let me read that quote from my post again: "who think that black children are somehow genetically inferior to those kids from the majority population.."
That's what I thought I said.Hmmmm, no distinguishing between blacks kids from A-merry-ca, Canada, Barbados, Africa...but I knew someone would bite.
Like Pavlov's dog here comes n_s.
It must be sad to be so predictable.
Field, "'If the family receives food stamps or cash assistance they would get an additional food stamp voucher or cash benefits when they bring proof of their little rugrats performance to the local welfare office. "
WTF? are you trying to tie in food stamps and welfare with education?
And did you just call my 10 kids rugrats? FYI, we don't have rugs anywhere in our one bedroom.
WTF? If making A's in school was all it took to make some extra cash, do you know what would happen to the kids in the family who didn't make A's? They would get the shit beat out of them and probably kicked out to the curb. And some of their lives could even be at risk at the brutal hands of their parents.
Yeah, your idea will make the guinas book of records for 'real good thinking'...It has been very uplifting for us "welfare" and "stamp" handlers.
Everytime I come on this blog you folks are talking about food stamps and welfare, as if that is going to motivate the shit out of everyone.
Hathor, STFU!
Your prescription for improving school performance among black children is dead on arrival.
You wrote:
Tie performance and attendance in school to tax breaks and more public assistance benefits-if they are receiving it- to the families of these children.
Oh sure. Authorize teachers to distribute financial rewards to parents through grades.
Any guesses on what would happen? Overnight every black child would become a straight-A student.
Meanwhile, the asian and white kids, who really earn top grades, would see the value of their efforts diluted by politically motivated teachers who are suddenly empowered to hand out bribes to parents through grade inflation.
As long as the kids are getting high grades and the parents are getting their tax breaks, the parents will support the politicians tied to this reward system. It's totally corrupt -- right from the start.
thrasher, you wrote:
One of the nasty and ugly secrets about American students is the depth of cheating, grade inflation, excess gpa's and the overall fictional academic outcomes of white students in the country especially in private and privledge schools...
The bottom line is this: by all academic measures whites are doing okay.
Truth is white students are becoming dumber and more igorant by the day and district...
Oh. Well, here in NY City, all public school students are subjected to city, state and federal tests roughly every year. Results are grouped by quadrant -- 1,2,3,4, where 4 is the top. Almost all asian and most white kids score in categories 3 and 4.
But almost all black and hispanic kids get scores landing them in quadrants 1 and 2. Some score in quadrant 3 and in rare cases they reach quadrant 4.
It's been this way for decades.
Not only are asian-american students kicking thier asrses but inner city private school students are as well...
The asian kids are doing well.
But your comments show you want to see more examples of whites losing ground rather than something intelligent, such as getting blacks to emulate asians.
It's your attitude that whites must fail while you ignore the asian example of how to succeed in school that makes you a moron.
Nobody believes the academic grades, scores and outcomes of white students ..
The scope and depth of fraud, grade inflation, excess in gpa's, test scores is almost criminal..
Our nation is becoming a 2nd tier nation because of the decay in the academic performances of white students..
It always amazes me whenever there is a discussion about educational decay in our nation folks always focus on the usual scapegoats while ignoring the bigger truth...
FN is just as guilty as you are..Again let me reiterate the Black kids in the photo are giving the white kids a chance to answer a question......lol,lol,lol
"Yeah, your idea will make the guinas book of records for 'real good thinking'...It has been very uplifting for us "welfare" and "stamp" handlers."
No comment. I just wish my program had started earlier.
"Your prescription for improving school performance among black children is dead on arrival."
Slapstick, your ignorance is showing again. No one said anything about only black children. I said rural and urban A-merry-ca. This is meant for children who are not performing primarily for economic and environmental reasons.
"Meanwhile, the asian and white kids, who really earn top grades, would see the value of their efforts diluted by politically motivated teachers who are suddenly empowered to hand out bribes to parents through grade inflation."
That's rubbish. You are making an assumption that is not rooted in any type of facts or logic.
Please quit while you are not too far behind. I know your mindset is that blacks are somehow inferior but you have to find a better way to make your case.
10:34pm - You can't get away with such a bogus comment without being called on it. MOST African American students DO finish High School. There are those in the major cities who drop out at a rate over 50% but not all African Americans live in urban areas.
field, you wrote:
Let me read that quote from my post again: "who think that black children are somehow genetically inferior to those kids from the majority population.."
In the history of humanity there have been so few notable black scholars that it's clear there's profound differences separating blacks from whites and asians.
Like Pavlov's dog here comes n_s...It must be sad to be so predictable.
The sad part, especially for you, is that I'm right.
Field, "Let me read that quote from my post again: "who think that black children are somehow genetically inferior to those kids from the majority population..""
Any African from Africa will tell you that there is a vast difference between African kids and Black kids in A-merry-ca. African children excel in school and they 'love' academics. They don't think education is "acting White", like Black Americans do. African kids are taught that education is very necessary...it is essential to mental growth and success.
That kind of parenting is very different from Black American parents. In fact, it is readily apparent that many don't care about the future of their children.
Face it. That $100million is going to end up in the pockets of ineffective apathetic unqualified dumb black teachers, and crooked politicians. If $1billion were donated, it wouldn't raise the educational IQ of Blacks in Newark one iota. I wish it were different, but it is not.
Please spare me the tired conservative dogma and soundbites.
Test scores are reflections of the ability to take tests not i/q or the evidence of being educated.
The last anchor for white bigots like you who are clinging to white privledge a pathlogy that died on 9-11 is the false bastion of test scores..
Shallow thinkers are married to the false bravado of test scores..Even the parents of asian students understand the myth of test score superority..
In the history of humanity white civilizations do not cultivate or harvest great leaders like MLK, Mandlea, X, ..White civilizations do not create artistic icons like Ellington, Miles, Coltrane, Charles, Ella, Carter..
And of course Jesus....
"In the history of humanity there have been so few notable black scholars that it's clear there's profound differences separating blacks from whites and asians.
Like Pavlov's dog here comes n_s...It must be sad to be so predictable.
The sad part, especially for you, is that I'm right."
No,the sad part is that you THINK you are right, and you are trapped in your ignorance.
It's sad for you and your family, not for me. I know quite a few people like you, (people who have built in prejudices based on their own ignorance) and invariably they fail in business and in life. Why? Because they underestimated the other guy who happens to look a certain way. Good luck with that.
I disagree with you FN because by parents getting tax breaks or extra food stamps if the kid gets straight A's will probably lead to all sorts of tragedy when the kids don't get straight A's. Instead of parents helping their kids study it will be "I'll kick your ass if I have to pay taxes because your stupid!" Sorry, but it puts pressure on the child and some parents are bound to get mad as hell and be verbally or physically abusive when their kids lack of A's means no $$ for them.
So there is a big hoopla over Zuckerberg giving 100 million dollars to Newark Public Schools. But here's what I don't get; Newark Public Schools already spend more per student each year, $23,000, than any other school system in the nation. So apparently just spending money does not mean a better school system.
So why all the excitement about the Zuckerberg gift?
If Zuckerberg had used that 100 million to create jobs for the parents of the kids in Newark Public Schools then maybe it would make a difference.
The motivation to be in school, stay in school and do well has to come, ultimately, from the student. Outside forces which either coerce or reward good behavior are only effective if the challenge has some meaning to the person.
How to make school meaningful for all students is a question worth asking.
anon11:17pm-"10:34pm - You can't get away with such a bogus comment without being called on it. MOST African American students DO finish High School. There are those in the major cities who drop out at a rate over 50% but not all African Americans live in urban areas."
It is NOT bogus, anon. I wish it were. You are slightly low on the "over 50%". It's more like +70%. I know it's hard to believe, but check it out.
When was last time YOU donated some money to any school district????
You would have a problem with a free lunch for special ed kids..
I disagree with you FN because by parents getting tax breaks or extra food stamps if the kid gets straight A's will probably lead to all sorts of tragedy when the kids don't get straight A's. Instead of parents helping their kids study it will be "I'll kick your ass "
Maybe a little "ass kicking" (metaphorically speaking of course) is needed to get the kids to study.
When was last time YOU donated some money to any school district????
You would have a problem with a free lunch for special ed kids..
If you cut people's taxes when their kid gets good grades, you better be prepared for some serious child abuse when they get D's and E's.
Anti tax freaks would beat their kid silly to avoid $100 in taxes.
This site would be improved if FH had people who are skilled and credentialed in education and other topics to pen commentaries and handle the comments ..
FN is clearly out of his element ...FN is not an educator..FN does not have a clue about how to educate students to get superior outcomes...
FN needs to improve this site..He really does
Of course being a know it all person from the islands makes it hard to accept imput and recommendations from folks unless of course those ideas came from Israel....lol,lol,lol
Good night......
"Again let me reiterate the Black kids in the photo are giving the white kids a chance to answer a question..."
Right. There is always an excuse for underperformance. Another reason his hand is not raised is that he just doesn't give a damn.
Great photo, Field. It helps to make the case for n_s.
thrasher, you wrote:
The last anchor for white bigots like you who are clinging to white privledge a pathlogy that died on 9-11 is the false bastion of test scores..
I see. So you're claiming there's no correlation between grades, test scores, intelligence, and ultimately, prosperity. Is that it?
If test scores have no value, what does?
We can probably agree that test scores mean nothing on a basketball court or in a boxing ring, but where else have blacks shown leadership?
Certainly not in academics. Virtually no Nobel Prizes have gone to blacks except for a couple of Peace Prizes. But they are the Booby Prizes among Nobels.
How about inventions? Anything that displays creativity and original thinking?
Okay, some musicians. The list is short.
I agree FN that kids need to get their asses kicked sometimes metaphorically speaking. Unfortunately when hot tempered dad's (or mom's) get angry cause they didn't get those tax breaks or food stamps they will take it out on the kids in a way that is ugly. Obviously if you are low income extra $ means a lot, and very poor people often have a short fuse. The combination will end up being lethal. Teachers will feel pressured to give unearned A's to kids out of pity or out of fear since no doubt some parents will go bonkers on the teacher and harrass them over it.
field, youwrote:
No,the sad part is that you THINK you are right, and you are trapped in your ignorance.
field, I always ask you for examples to support your empty claims. But you never give them.
Oh, Barbados, a country of 250,000 is prosperous, therefore a prosperous black nation exists. Yeah. That settles it.
The African continent is a horrifying mess. Blacks run it and are responsible for it, and the outcome of black management is the total dysfunction and misery that defines virtually every country.
Where are the notable blacks? I can name a handful. A mere handful. Because as a group they add up to only a handful.
Maybe, his hand is not raised because in the past when he has raised it he was ignored. So, it does not prove no_slappze case.
no_slappz claimed to be a teacher. I can just about picture what type of teacher he was. He was probably one of those kind that had the attitude black kids can't learn, so why bother to teach them. Even in his comments that attitude creeps up in his wording.
That kid in the picture may have had a teacher with an attitude like no_slappz.
NJ State my say that it spends about $22,000 on each student, but the question becomes of that $22,000 is the actual cost that goes towards education. They certainly are spending it on books. The state take over the school system more than 15 years. As a person who attended public school in Newark it comes down administrators having too much control of the curriculum and their inability to work with teachers to create lesson plans. Newark Public Schools are still behind the times and will bet that not even half the schools have enough computers to meet the student's needs. Zuckerberg is not giving the money in lump, the 100 million dollar is over a five-year period. However, I read this morning that Mayor Booker mentioned that they are receiving 40 million dollars as a match to Zuckerberg's donation.
"The African continent is a horrifying mess. Blacks run it and are responsible for it, and the outcome of black management is the total dysfunction and misery that defines virtually every country."
Scary. This man/woman is supposed to be educated and does not know about the history of colonialism in places like Africa. Typical. And we wonder why we lag so far behind other countries when it comes to education.
no_slappz, "How about inventions? Anything that displays creativity and original thinking?"
Ever hear of the chemist, George Washington Carver? He did quite a few things with the peanut. Surely you know this?
Btw, the Nobel Peace Prize is no booby prize. All humans long for peace. Very few humans come into this world and become a force that move millions for peace. I would think that even YOU would be for peace. But maybe not. Maybe you think similarly to Netanyahu? One can be sure that he won't be getting a prize for peace.
thrasher, you wrote:
In the history of humanity white civilizations do not cultivate or harvest great leaders like MLK, Mandlea, X,
MLK, Mandela and Malcolm X? Please. Your top three names are people who had roles in race relations.
Malcolm was a criminal who was murdered by black rivals. His impact on America? I'd say it was ZERO.
Mandela? Sadly, now that South Africa is run by some half-baked black nitwits, the nation is sinking. Crime is way out of control, AIDS is way out of control and the black leadership has no idea how to improve the economy for blacks, who account for 90% of the South African population.
...White civilizations do not create artistic icons like Ellington, Miles, Coltrane, Charles, Ella, Carter...
White musical geniuses were creating great stuff centuries before blacks learned to read music, or read anything.
You really should get over your determination to remain ignorant.
anon 12:00 am, you wrote:
Ever hear of the chemist, George Washington Carver? He did quite a few things with the peanut. Surely you know this?
You've now given almost the entire list of black scientists, which is the point. Yeah, sure, one or two black scientists, and Carver died a long time ago.
No black mathematicians. No major black physicists.
As for this comment here:
"That $100million is going to end up in the pockets of ineffective apathetic unqualified dumb black teachers"
"Unqualified dumb black teachers"
As if their skin color is what is the qualifier for the word "dumb"
I've met some pretty dumb white teachers as well. That works both ways. In fact, the majority of teachers are white. So, why aren't the kids learning? Is the color "black" in main stream America the automatic chosen qualifier for the word "dumb" or is it just that same old bigoted thinking.
The main problem with white teachers teaching children of a different hue is their lack of understanding them or seeing them as people and that no_slappz attitude.
Nevertheless, I think I get your point, you would like to get rid of all black teachers. Could the economy and looking out for your own have something to do with it?
11:31pm, I've checked it out and again it's a bogus statement. Who's your source? Foxnews, Republicans, or The Tea Baggers ?
Granny, "Maybe, his hand is not raised because in the past when he has raised it he was ignored. So, it does not prove no_slappze case."
How do you know that the teacher isn't Black?
Why do you always come up with some sorry excuse that always imply that Blacks can't learn or do 'anything' because of the White man? that is such bullshit. Maybe the kid just doesn't know the answer. Maybe he is simply one who hates school. Or, maybe he must learn to raise his hand like "everybody" else to get the teacher's attention.
Why are you always blaming and looking for special treatment from Whites?
Granny, "I've met some pretty dumb white teachers as well. That works both ways. In fact, the majority of teachers are white. So, why aren't the kids learning? Is the color "black" in main stream America the automatic chosen qualifier for the word "dumb" or is it just that same old bigoted thinking."
You are missing the point. The $100million was donated to Newark. You probably don't know it, but Newark is heavy, heavy Black. did you know that? And the reason kids in Newark are failing to graduate is because of unqualified dumb black teachers. But you are right. If there is a white teacher in Newark, it's because he/she is too dumb to get a job in the suburbs.
Granny, "Nevertheless, I think I get your point, you would like to get rid of all black teachers. Could the economy and looking out for your own have something to do with it?"
You consistently miss the point. I grew up in Newark and there are dumb unqualified black-ass teachers in the school system who don't give a damn about our kids. So you can save that no_slappz bullshit for someone else. you seem to have a problem dealing with the truth about your own people. You'd rather shift your gaze toward Whites. That does not solve the problem in the Black Community.
"You probably don't know it, but Newark is heavy, heavy Black."
And... Would you have felt better if he had donated the money to a white school instead of one that is predominantly black?
"But you are right. If there is a white teacher in Newark, it's because he/she is too dumb to get a job in the suburbs."
Thank you for admitting that they send the best teachers to the suburbs. So, in other words, the kids are setup to fail because all of the good teachers are concentrated in the "suburbs".
As for that little boy who is not raising his hand, why does if have to be because he didn't know the answer. He could be shy or it could be just like I said. There could be a number of reasons for him not raising his hand and they don't alway have to be because he doesn't know the answer.
Doctor Ben Carson didn't raise his hand either and it wasn't because he didn't know the answer.
I'm not missing your point, you are missing mine.
granny, "Thank you for admitting that they send the best teachers to the suburbs. So, in other words, the kids are setup to fail because all of the good teachers are concentrated in the "suburbs"."
They don't "send" the good teachers to the suburbs, the good teachers 'choose' to go. It is well-known that suburban kids are teachable and understand the importance of an education. That's why only the unqualified dumb ones are left in a city like Newark. And yes, they are all Black, just like they are in Oakland. I would think you would know that.
Maybe you should read Field's post again. You seem to know little about the educational problems of Blacks. did you finish highschool?
"You'd rather shift your gaze toward Whites. That does not solve the problem in the Black Community."
Nah, hon, see you got it all wrong there. I don't believe in sitting back and keep letting folks use "blacks" for their scapegoat.
BTW, I agree with Thrasher on these points:
"It is no mistake that our nation is falling behind other developed nations not becuase of the failure of kids in poor inner city venue but the failure of the offsprings of the ruling class.."
"One of the nasty and ugly secrets about American students is the depth of cheating, grade inflation, excess gpa's and the overall fictional academic outcomes of white students in the country especially in private and privledge schools..."
"One of the tragic aspects of urban edeucational venues is the presence of low expectations it is a diease that strikes both white and black teachers.."
"The scope and depth of fraud, grade inflation, excess in gpa's, test scores is almost criminal.."
"It always amazes me whenever there is a discussion about educational decay in our nation folks always focus on the usual scapegoats while ignoring the bigger truth..."
@ Granny:
Thrasher is mentally deficient. I'm not surprised you agree with him.
Granny, I am sure you agree with Thrasher. You two see life pretty much alike.
Your Rorschach scores are probably similar, if not exact.
Anonymous why don't you be a good sport and just admit it. The children have been setup to fail in every single way.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Anonymous why don't you be a good sport and just admit it. The children have been setup to fail in every single way."
By who? The government school industry, that's who.
Who can blame Barack Obama for sending his two daughters to an expensive private school? He only wants the best for his children, even if he is promoting the inferior public school system for everyone else's.
anon12:11am-"11:31pm, I've checked it out and again it's a bogus statement. Who's your source? Foxnews, Republicans, or The Tea Baggers ?"
No, I don't watch those shows. In fact, I don't watch much television. It's mostly junk to me.
Here's a great article about our black male dilemma. I will send more to you when I get the chance.... Peace.
President Obama is not the first president to send his children to private schools. You do understand that thing called security right? Smh!
You want to blame President Obama for our failing schools, when they were already failing before he even came on the scene. Smh!
anon, "By who? The government school industry, that's who."
Don't forget the parents. That is a BIG part of the reason for so many of our children failing in the cities. The parents are failures as parents.
That is part of Field's post and solution, which I agree. Without the parents encouraging education, no amount of money or 'available' education will work, esp with the inner city kids.
Granny, "President Obama is not the first president to send his children to private schools. You do understand that thing called security right? Smh!
You want to blame President Obama for our failing schools, when they were already failing before he even came on the scene. Smh!"
Granny, I am not the anon you addressed your comment to. However, there can be security in a public school also. It doesn't have to be private. The anon is right. Obama wants the best for his children but as President he wants better schools for all Americans.
No where in Anon's comment was there any blame put to Obama.
Anonymous 1:46:
Thank you for pointing that out to me. And yes I agree President Obama probably does want the best for his kids. And I apologize to Anonymous 1:28.
It is probably need to go to bed. I didn't go to bed until 5 am this morning and got back up at 9 am to go to a funeral today. I'm not sleepy though.
Well if the NPS administrators are incompetent then what's going to become of the 100 million dollars?
Who is going to manage the money? I hope it isn't going to be Corey 'I'm a friend of Oprah' Booker. His eyes seem to be on higher office. And the governor seems like an idiot.
Do we really need to bribe young kids and their families into scholastic achievement? I didn't fully realize that things were that bad.
"Tie performance and attendance in school to tax breaks and more public assistance benefits-if they are receiving it- to the families of these children."
Bad idea. One commentator mentioned how some of the recipients will just intimidate/beat their children into making the grade for more government freebies, while the teachers will feel pressured to inflate or outright falsify the grades for fear of subjecting DaShayn to an ass whupping of a lifetime or facing one his/herself from Jadasia, DaShayn's irate parent. Ever been scratched up with long acrylic nails? Not a lovely feeling.
If you really want to improve the current state of education within the Black community, there has to be a dramatic paradigm shift -- one that discards the notion of education as being a "white" commodity that strips a black person living in the "hood" of his "realness" or "authenticity". The entire community should come together in cooperation to take control of their kids' education.
"They don't "send" the good teachers to the suburbs, the good teachers 'choose' to go. It is well-known that suburban kids are teachable and understand the importance of an education."
Or it's probably because not only are the suburban schools an easier commute from the suburbs, but they also pay better.
Urban schools can largely be cleaned up if the teachers and administration were given more leeway in discipline (which does not mean arbitrarily throwing black kids out because well...they're black and they disbehavin').
"That's why only the unqualified dumb ones are left in a city like Newark. And yes, they are all Black, just like they are in Oakland. I would think you would know that."
Yes, you would like people to know that because it fits perfectly with your views on blacks in general. BTW, there are plenty of unqualified and incompetent white teachers out there. Incompetence isn't exactly a race-defined trait.
@ No_Slappz:
Ok, ok, we get it. You think blacks are not as smart as whites. We know you think this because you find a way to mention this on every single post on every blog you frequent.
Now how about finding a new drum to beat? This one's getting f*cking tired already.
anon 11:00
I know you must cut and paste comments, since I have not made a comment before this.
BTW, what is wrong with the *picture above?
Oh please sir, I know, ask me, me, me, me...
What's wrong is that the teacher has asked the kids to raise their arms if they know the answer. You're not supposed to do that anymore, because the same kids answer all the time. This raises the standard of the brightest or most extrovert kids in the class, but increases the learning gap between them and the less able, or more introverted kids.
What you should do, is find a demonstrably neutral or random way of picking a kid and ask him or her directly. One good way is to have a coffee mug on your desk with the names of all the kids written individually on ice-lolly sticks. Then in front of the class you pick out a name at random and ask that kid directly.
Research has shown that under this system all students learn more quickly.
Do I win a prize?
"If you really want to improve the current state of education within the Black community, there has to be a dramatic paradigm shift -- one that discards the notion of education as being a "white" commodity that strips a black person living in the "hood" of his "realness" or "authenticity". The entire community should come together in cooperation to take control of their kids' education."
Mac, I agree with this, but I also want to implement my plan. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Slapstick, I am going to embarrass you now. Usually I don't like to do this because, technically, you are a guest in my house. But at some point I have to call you on your bull-s&^%.
Here is a list for you:
Dr. Daniel Hank Williams
Norbert Rilleux-You can thank him for your refined sugar
Emmitt Chapelle-You can thank him for not having bacteria in your water.
Granville Woods-You can thank him for your telegraph machine and thus telephone.
Garrett Morgan-You can thank him for the gas mask.
Lewis Latimer-You can thank him for your electric lamp.
Fredrick Jones-You can thank him every time you start your car.
Archibald Alexander-You can thank him for the nice highways you drive on.
Charles Turner-You can thank him for letting you know that insects can hear. (I am sure people around you appreciate that one)
Benjamin Bradley-You can thank him for your goods when they come to A-merry-ca by ship from other countries.
Benjamin Banneker-You can thank him for your almanac....I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
It's one thing to be an ignorant racist, it's another to be an ignorant racist who comes to black boards and display their ignorance.
Usually folks like you stay on sites like "Stormfront" with like minded individuals and circle jerk each other with half truths and lies. But, here you are. So for that I give you credit. It's just that every now and then we have to sprinkle some facts in the discussion. ;)
PC, yes, for that brilliant analysis, you win a prize.:)
Mack, I am going to go ahead and give you one as well.
I liked your comments.
I think instead of being a bunch of snarky cynics who like to say what is wrong, people should talk about what works. There are districts that have large schools with great outcomes, what are they doing? There are rural schools, the same. The latest I heard of was the school in DC, a public charter school, that is like a boarding school and most of the kids there are from the most economically devastated neighborhoods. Anyway, the kids stay at the school, monday-friday, with all the academic support needed, with focused and adult supervised after school activities on the campus... lights out by 10pm, and a 100 percent graduation with all going on to college. They have opened a campus in Baltimore, and are looking at Boston next. This model addresses alot of the issues that affect why kids fail.. adult supervision and support, healthy diet, extra help in tutoring, discipline, and support and counseling for those that need it.... I would love to hear from others about what they have seen that works.
Field, you and all your readers should spread this idea as far and wide as possible.
It is almost as logical as the incentives ship captains were given in transporting to Australia--pay the captains for each "passenger" who stepped off the ship...
America can no longer afford old economy measures in education & the industrial model no longer holds...the right mix of Incentives to meet a goal...form follows function...always works
field, you wrote:
Dr. Daniel Hank Williams
Norbert Rilleux-You can thank him for your refined sugar
Emmitt Chapelle-You can thank him for not having bacteria in your water.
Granville Woods-You can thank him for your telegraph machine and thus telephone.
Garrett Morgan-You can thank him for the gas mask.
Lewis Latimer-You can thank him for your electric lamp.
Fredrick Jones-You can thank him every time you start your car.
Archibald Alexander-You can thank him for the nice highways you drive on.
Charles Turner-You can thank him for letting you know that insects can hear. (I am sure people around you appreciate that one)
Benjamin Bradley-You can thank him for your goods when they come to A-merry-ca by ship from other countries.
Benjamin Banneker-You can thank him for your almanac....
I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
Yes. I get the picture, and you should too.
Two points -- your list contains some inaccuracies. Some of the people you mentioned -- including Banneker -- did NOT accomplish the minor feats for which they are credited.
This is another sad aspect of black intellectual achievement, or lack of it.
By the way, you overlooked Dr Drew, who is credited with an important development in blood and transfusions.
Here's a couple of points to consider. First, the list is short. Second, the achievements are minor.
Third, the developments you cited were made in the US, which means the American system of education opened the door to these black technologists.
Nothing, NOTHING technical has been developed, created or invented in Africa.
What does that mean? It means the environment for intellectual achievement does NOT exist in Africa.
But the extraordinary output of inventors and creators in Europe, Asia and North America makes it crystal clear that a fertile environment for technology, arts, sciences and everything else that that goes with intellectual advances is a product of free, democratic, capitalistic societies.
"I know you must cut and paste comments, since I have not made a comment before this."
According to one poster here, Newark currently spends $23,000 a year to operated a failed public education system.
That's more than NY City spends. For the current year, NY City is projected to spend around $19,000.
Where does it go? A huge chunk goes to remedial services aimed at black and hispanic students who arrive in kindergarten already behind.
First, every baby is a blank slate. Until that kid enters a public school, the kid's life is controlled by a parent. Thus, when child who arrives in kindergarten is behind, the fault lies in the home.
In New York City, the school system is divided. There are two key divisions. General Education and the Gifted Program.
The Gifted Program includes about 7% of all students.
Here's a fascinating fact. The per-student expenditure for kids in the Gifted Program is about one-third LESS than the outlay for kids in General Education.
Why? Because the kids in the Gifted Program do not need the endless remedial assistance that mainly goes to black and hispanic students.
Moreover, it is impossible to quantify the benefits to students that many jobs in school systems are supposed to deliver. Except in one way. Money.
Is it any surprise that teachers and their supporters claim the problem is money -- not enough of it?
Has anyone noticed that teachers and educrats embarrass themselves by promising student achievement will rise with their paychecks even though it never has?
an estimated 47% of americans pay no federal taxes at all.
so giving them a tax break won't have an impact...also not everyone is receiving public assistance. so your proposal might actually affect very few people.
i am not sure money is the answer anyway. is that what would motivate parents?
i think the schools are failing the kids and there are not enough supportive services that help the parents function to the point where they can even care how the kids are doing in school. poverty, crime, jobs, substance abuse, mental health issues...all the institutional reasons...what the educators call the "climate."
states are cutting their welfare rolls, not increasing them.
work for welfare jobs being cut, too...
great parents should have the right to choose great schools
even when they are poor or on welfare
as many great parents are
but that just makes public schools worse and teachers suffer more
as that leaves public school teachers at the mercy of ONLY the VERY worst students and parents
that is why i will never forgive hobama for brutally axing vouchers in dc
as he SIMULTANEOUSLY sent malia and sasha to an uber elite prep school...cold mf!
all pta meetings are at night
so are talent shows and sports games
the pta meetings are typically empty
the talent and sports shows are always filled to the brim...standing room only...
when parents make education a priority EQUAL to
cheerleading dancing singing and football dressing...
only then will students change
Interesting how the low achievers like NS are in denial and so angry about the reality of education in America..
The photo clearly shows the Black student smiling because he already has answered the questionand he wants to give the white kids a chance to measure up..
Recently many studies have illustrated how dumb white students have become in our nation I argue that their test scores have always been inflated and fraud was alwys present especially when these kids seek to get in prestigous private schools and universities..
I have posted earlier how white culture simply has a lousy legacy of harvesting iconic leaders in white communities you don't get Mandela, MLK, Parks, Douglas,Roberson...You don't get Jesus, Miles, Ellington,Ella...
The inflated and myth of intellectual superiority in white students clearly has been shattered by the test outcomes of asian students and african students..
Our nation is in peril because these dumb white folks will not get out of the way..
Notice the extent of rage and defensiveness in dummies like NS and the other idiots who post under ANON..They are so embrassed they hide behind an alias..
It is revealing how the white posters like Maria and others get assume and accept the notion that urban students are less educated than white ones....
The idea that white students have inflated educational credentials never registers with them..
WHite privledge makes posters like Maria as lethal and obstructionists like gthe white bigots who post here..
"Interesting how the low achievers like NS are in denial and so angry about the reality of education in America.."
He's the classic white racist loser on a marathon to convince himself he's superior even as he watches black folks passing him by on the success ladder every day.
Interesting how the low achievers like NS are in denial and so angry about the reality of education in America..
"The photo clearly shows the Black student smiling because he already has answered the questionand he wants to give the white kids a chance to measure up.."
LMAO!!! My man.
The photo clearly shows the Black student smiling because he already has answered the questionand he wants to give the white kids a chance to measure up..
needs slaps:
brilliant black babies are everywhere globally!
only racist fools like you would search for them at one net link
see many more links and many more black genius students here:
MackLying, "Yes, you would like people to know that because it fits perfectly with your views on blacks in general. BTW, there are plenty of unqualified and incompetent white teachers out there. Incompetence isn't exactly a race-defined trait."
Your perception is quite distorted. I am not the person you have presumed. I am Black, and have the well-being of all kids at heart, esp those of color. However, I DO believe in facing and speaking the obvious truth:
The level of education for a large percentage of black children is dismal and discouraging. Therefore, I see no reason NOT to speak this obvious truth, which 'most' Blacks know very well.
It is better to speak these truths and not waste time talking about white kids in order to minimize our enormous educational problem. Mack, you need to read Field's post about education and the $100mil donated for improving education in NEWARK...AGAIN. As far as I am concerned, this money is a 'blessing' that has fallen out of the sky for Black kids in Newark, and I am grateful to Mark Zuckerberg for his generosity. He is a God-send. I REALLY hope the folks in Newark will sincerely and seriously make the best of a grand educational opportunity.
We are talking about ideas and possibilities how to get Black parents and their kids to change their attitudes toward education; we are talking about changing minds in an environment where academics are negatively thought of as "acting White."
BTW what is James Collier doing on a black board?
I thought his job was to dance, grin and entertain white bigots.
needs slaps:
you are as moronic about africa as all else.
and your rabidly arrogant ignorance only proves that you are a complete idiot about the history of africa and europe
poverty is no excuse for failing to parent
some of the richest people in the world are illiterate and abusive
some of the poorest people in the world are superb parents
dr. ben carson's divorced single mom was illiterate...she made sure her 2 sons became a globally revered neurosurgeon and an engineer
and hobama gave the states' funds to banksters!!!!
They were women then
My mama's generation
Husky of voice--stout of
With fists as well as
How they battered down
And ironed
Starched white
How they led
Headragged generals
Across mined
To discover books
A place for us
How they knew what we
Must know
Without knowing a page
Of it
i love kimberly elise!
she shines as always as dr. carson's mom in this film
Progressive people want superior educational outcomes for any students any where on the planet..
We are not in denial about the dismal outcomes in many venues in our nation...Yet instead of demonizing students of color and poor students while supporting the myth of superior educated white students is a posture I will never tolerate..
NS and even white liberals must be confronted whenever they engaged in fiction about the reality of education in our nation..
The most important factor in the dismal outcomes of students in venues under duress and peril is ATTITUDE
It is the most valued currency in urban venues YET instead we focus and obess on money, nonsense like FN's idea, every kind of theory from white america to improve education in the hood, all of the junk programs from our government bullshit like RACE to the TOP as if education is a contest and a game..
Nothing in the universe can stop a person , a people, a nation that believes ...Low self esteem will destroy the best of any educational miracle plans...
I know what works and it begins with pure love of self and ATTITUDE the most valuable currency on the planet it can defeat ignorance!!!!!!!!
ditto to all
but i agree with fn
i think he has a great idea
millions of teachers agree
these toxic young parents have to be bribed into caring/esteem/helping teachers etc
tragic but true
The point is not the intelligence of the students. Almost all students can be successful in school.
Public schools, especially inner city public schools, have become places where low expectations and lax discipline produce tomorrow's underachievers. These schools exist to give weak teachers and corrupt administrators jobs and to propagandize students in the ideology that perpetuates this mess.
It is absolutely criminal how the government (yes, primarily democrats) protects this monopoly in return for the considerable financial support of the teacher's unions and other entrenched interests.
I cannot for the life of me understand how these communities continue to support these corrupt administrations and a political party who year after year continue with a system that is destroying generation after generation of students.
There are plenty of good people involved with education, but the system at its core has been co-opted by other interests.
The answer, at least the way to start, is very clear: open up the system and break the monopoly by allowing vouchers that parents could use to put their kids in a better situation.
Whatever else it is the democrats do for you, they are destroying your children's future.
"We are talking about ideas and possibilities how to get Black parents and their kids to change their attitudes toward education; we are talking about changing minds in an environment where academics are negatively thought of as "acting White."
Question for the supposed Anonymous-TOm
If black folks regard education as "Acting White" how do we even have HBCUs????
How are there any black kids in college?
I attended Bowie State's graduation ceremony.
2000 beautiful sparkling young black faces..
Do you think they all harassed EACH OTHER for "acting white" for 4 years?
I really don't know what makes silly, self-hating negroes like you tick but I really wish you would take your minstrel act over to a white conservative board where you would at least get a pat on the head.
FN is full of shit his idea is the same tired nonsense we always get from the middle class and folks with credentials who think they know something...
FN does not have a fucking clue about educating urban kids, he has never been a educator in a classroom...
It was revealing how FN viewed the very photo he posted instead of understanding the Black kid was giving the other kids a chance at a question FN with his island arrogance of like many of his west indian crew assumed the worst possible view of the Black student..
People like FN who cannot pick up these educational nuances should never be in the presence of kids seeking to be educated..
Sorry but yahoos like FN at end of the day as lethal and underdeveloped as white liberals like maria and street scum like NS and the ANON slugs who post here
Put down that gun and take your pills now, Thrasher!
ANON, rant is the same tired propaganda and dogma of the right about the failure of public schools...Every study has documented the myth of charter schools and the false reality of so called good private schools...Fact is private schools hide failure, academic outcomes are inflated and excess is the norm...
Vouchers are bullshit just another trap to raid the public drawer...Only losers offer up impotent ideas as solutions to real issues..
I don't understand how clowns who propose these false models actually think people believe thier bullshit no doubt one of the realities of being educated in a private school ....lol,lol,lol
"The answer, at least the way to start, is very clear: open up the system and break the monopoly by allowing vouchers that parents could use to put their kids in a better situation."
Total horse$hit.
Even in cities where vouchers have been implemented on a wide scale, there have been no discernable improvement in test scores or graduation rates.
Vouchers are just a rightwing scheme to privatize what is clearly a government function.
Republicans could give two craps about poor inner city children of color.
Think about it.
There would be only two ways to pay for vouchers—take money from already under funded public schools or raise taxes.
Rightwingers talk about "competition" but Competition is based on an even playing field; there is no fair competitionwhen “competitors” play by different rules.
Public schools have to accept all
applicants, private schools don’t. Private schools are not required to
provide transportation, special education, bilingual education, free and reduced price lunches, and many other programs that public schools provide.
Don't believe the hype folks.
Vouchers are just another rightwing scheme to destroy government.
The entire introduction of the theme" actimg white" was an intentional and deliberate propaganda tatic to create a wedge between the good students in the classroom and the the students who learn at a different pace..
It is an immoral tatic but no surprise given the nature of those who seek the worst for urban students....
The very idea of separating and removing good students from the shared classroom is insane...Every parent knows that when kids learn from each other this is a core human condition for development..
Yet I am angry with Black folks who give quarter to this nonsense..It pains me to observe Black folks allowing others to define what is important....
"Acting White" discourse, dialouge and chatter should never be allowed in any discussion of education..NEVER
Uptown: You are pretty proud of your ignorance, aren't you? How can you defend the continued failure of this "government function" that leaves so many bright kids without the tools they need to compete?
Vouchers have never been allowed to happen on a city-wide scale for long enough to see whether they work or not. There is too much money and power at stake to let t happen.
You are seriously messed up, Uptown.
i am lethal, that's for sure. i'm basically the only reason my county didn't just close the only functional vocational school in the area...a plan hatched by a white superintendent, not shared with the affected black principal...who told me he couldn't thank me enough for my advocacy...my son who goes there; . OMFG i'm white!! omg, my son's white, too! no other parents have been involved YET because the secret plan is only now being revealed....but they will be.
did i do it because i'm white? sure.
keep thinking that and see how much further behind you fall.
i know more about schools than any of you here...i doubt you're even a parent, thrasher, and AB, we all know you aren't.
thrasher, feel free to keep twisting and fabricating my comments to fit your own positions. you always do. you're a waste of space.
Thrasher: The way you speak, you must have some function within the public education system.
It is completely disheartening that someone as obviously stupid, misinformed, and downright mean as yourself has anything to do with children.
Earlier I posted that FN should improve this site by inserting subject matter experts to pen these types of commentaries..
FN is out of his element but more importantly this site can be an interactive public square for progressive Black themes..
We need to press FN on this....
I am tired of wasting my posts on ignorant white liberals, Black apologists, dumb crackers ...
"thrasher, feel free to keep twisting and fabricating my comments to fit your own positions. you always do. you're a waste of space."
amen, sister
Anonymous Tom,
"How can you defend the continued failure of this "government function" that leaves so many bright kids without the tools they need to compete?"
You fucking idiot.
60 years ago most black Americans were ILLITERATE..
Today that number has been reduced to 20%
There was a time when the NYC public schools (of which I am a product) produced some of the greatest minds in the WORLD.
James Baldwin, Charles Rangel, Basil Paterson and Bud Powell came out of my public high school in the Bronx. DeWitt Clinton.
Now are you saying that public schools suddenly became incompetent or that black folks suddenly became stupid?
Or maybe, just maybe, the public schools in the great urban areas of a half century ago educated the children of upwardly mobile, employed and intact families?
Which provided a middle class tax base which adequately funded the schools?
"You are seriously messed up, Uptown."
Thank God I'm not YOU Tom.
House negro, field negro...what kind of negro is Uptown? The kind of clever negro who rails at all the other negros who might consider leaving the plantation. He'll tell them how great it is here on the farm, he'll tell scary stories about the white folk out there, he'll even call you a "Tom" if you disagree too much. But at the end of the day, he is just doing what the plantation owner wants him to do: keeping you in your place.
Please spare me the white liberal savior posts...Please..Yes arrogant savior driven white liberals like you are as lethal as any red neck cracker...
Unlike you I have taught in a classromm..I have prepared lesson plans..
You are the one who is obessed with your hue around Black intellectuals not me..You are the one who feels ignored and who needs to remind every Black intellectuals you are in the room...You are the one who seems to thrive on expressing your white privledge in a Black chat forum..
You cannot handle the very idea that your opinon does not hold the supreme rank in here..Please get over being white...I see you...
BTW One Drop felt the same way about privledge white liberals like you ....
thrasher, "I am tired of wasting my posts on ignorant white liberals, Black apologists, dumb crackers ..."
If you are tired of wasting your breath, why not stop? that's what 'rational' people do. Have you considered leaving FN blog to make your life better? Take that narcissistic ignoramus UTS-who considers his ignorance as top flight knowledge-with you.
mareally stupid:
you are an arrogantly ignorant brazen fool
i am a superb educator because i am NOT a parent and devote 100% of my love and life to children who are NOT my own because i have NO distractions from kids who are at my home
unlike u, i come home to serenity incense baths candles etc to prep for another day teaching kids with 100% of my heart and soul...
UNLIKE most overworked or
absent or HORRID parents like u..
NO ONE KNOWS STUDENTS LIKE TEACHERS... i have been teaching for 31 yrs....
how about u fool????
thank u for putting that witless wigga maria in check
she boldly spews such clueless bs always herein!!!
it's clear what you do all day is post here.
White liberals are so sensitive..The very idea that they don't matter or have much clout in circles where Black intellectuals exists just pisses them off....
As a result they become angry and vindictive..They start spitting out the same banter and selfish angst white crackers exhibit..
Instead of having the maturation and demeanor of being a full partner in the enterprise they become emotional and the usual white cultural pathlogies of thier cultural mores starts to leak out and stain everyone....
I get so tired of this script from white liberals...WTF..
"House negro, field negro...what kind of negro is Uptown? The kind of clever negro who rails at all the other negros who might consider leaving the plantation. He'll tell them how great it is here on the farm, he'll tell scary stories about the white folk out there, he'll even call you a "Tom" if you disagree too much. But at the end of the day, he is just doing what the plantation owner wants him to do: keeping you in your place."
Your white massas have taught you well Tom.
You just blindly repeat their rhetoric with a nice softshoe and big watermelon grin.
You're one of these fools who'll tell black people they were better off under Jim Crow.
I'd have an ounce of respect for you black conservatives if you actually debated but you never do.
You avoid direct questions and challenges.
You rant from a script and when facts trip up your narrative, you dodge, redirect or claim victimhood.
You are fraud, a sock-puppet, a buck dancing, head scratchin fool who promotes the agenda of people who wouldn't even eat at the same table as your dumb ass.
some of the best teachers in the world teach at poor urbans schools
and some of the sorriest teachers teach at pvt schools
like any employees anywhere, some are slackers and some shine
people like me choose poor schools because we want to help kids who need us most...
most of those kids at pvt/charter schools have great parents...they will be fine irrespective of what school they attend because they have parents like mine who taught us well at hm from birth...
they always supplemented my schools' curiculum with superior academics at hm....
ben carson's illiterate mom made him and his bro pen book reports weekly for her that she only pretended to read
do not believe the hype of public ed destroyers/ed cash bilkers like hobama!!!
anon, "House negro, field negro...what kind of negro is Uptown? The kind of clever negro who rails at all the other negros who might consider leaving the plantation. He'll tell them how great it is here on the farm, he'll tell scary stories about the white folk out there, he'll even call you a "Tom" if you disagree too much. But at the end of the day, he is just doing what the plantation owner wants him to do: keeping you in your place."
Anon, this is the most insightful description of UTS yet. This should be in Field's sidebar. Thank you for this. You have made things a lot clearer why UTS is so condescending toward Blacks, yet claim he is proud to be Black. Bullshit. He is a supporter of the massa, and a hater of Blacks.
Again, thanks for the 'perfect' description of UTS. He is truly an asshole.
Keep up the good work, Uptown. Massa's gonna give you a shiny new silk hat for Christmas!
mareally envious:
i am blessed
i retired from teaching in 2008
i tutor children and teach adults evenings and weekends
i am a techie admin now surrounded by pc's all day
as u slave over your bastard brats
handle that!!!
alicia banks said...
"i retired from teaching in 2008"
Thank God.
thraser "Instead of having the maturation and demeanor of being a full partner in the enterprise they become emotional and the usual white cultural pathlogies of thier cultural mores starts to leak out and stain everyone...."
Oh, thrasher, you are the emotional one. I think Field everyone else can attest to that. All of your comments are loaded with afflicted overly sensitive emotions. You are an angry pouting child claiming the world is not hearing you, and not devoting itself to making you happy.
You are a sick dude; an embarrassment to the human race. Hell, Field and other 'Blacks' on this blog don't even recognize you. So why should Whites? You are an empty suit.
thank god i no longer have to teach the defective dna of u and maria
now i pick and choose the parents i share my gifts with
thank god indeed!!!!
Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible
As I grieve about leaving the wonderful babies and positive parents that I adore, I religiously read two books as therapy: Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint, and The Shame of a Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America by Jonathan Kozol. I recommend these two classic books to anyone who cares about education. I hope they heal your emotional wounds as they do mine.
My superior education has blessed me with limitless career options. I return to my niche in corporate sales with a wounded spirit. When I left corporate America to become a teacher, I sincerely planned to retire inspiring first graders. I will miss teaching wonderful children with supportive parents forever. I will continue to educate adults and inspire them to be superior parents.
"Keep up the good work, Uptown. Massa's gonna give you a shiny new silk hat for Christmas!"
and a pair of gold shiny tap dancing shoes to match your gold-plated teeth! ROFL!
So in other words all of my posts are right on target.....tee hee
AB, "anon:
some of the best teachers in the world teach at poor urbans schools
and some of the sorriest teachers teach at pvt schools
like any employees anywhere, some are slackers and some shine"
That is true. I have known some sorry teachers at Catholic schools who was at the level of a Vice-principal who was only drawing a pay check.
AB said, "most of those kids at pvt/charter schools have great parents...they will be fine irrespective of what school they attend because they have parents like mine who taught us well at hm from birth...
they always supplemented my schools' curiculum with superior academics at hm...."
That is very true. In fact, the sorry VP told me that the kids attending her school come from homes where they are expected to go to top flight colleges. so doing well in highschool is essential.
That's quite a contrast from the black kids in public schools. Basically, they have parents who don't give a shit about education and the kid has nothing to look forward to. It's terrible.
uts, "You are fraud, a sock-puppet, a buck dancing, head scratchin fool who promotes the agenda of people who wouldn't even eat at the same table as your dumb ass."
I believe you are describing the man standing in front of the mirror, which is YOU. But cheer up, you still have a chance to become a better person for your race before you die.
mamie till-mobley (emmet till's mom) chose to teach in urban school in chicago for 26 yrs
she was superb and beloved!
Not only is grade inflation and fraud rampant in white school districts and private schools but the level of staff competence is also quite inflated and less that stellar..
One of the emperical tools to evaluate the merits of superior educational outcomes is to examine the occupations and status of these firms where these inflated graduates end up..
Our nation's educational downward spiral is present in both the public and private sector ..We are a nation now that can't do any thing right or productive.. From recalls to incompetence in accounting firms to plumbers who shut off the wrong water pipe to electrical workers who shocked themsleves to surgeons who operate on the wrong testicle, to parents who give thier children the wrong cough syrup...
We have become a nation of clusterfucks and the majority of these cluster fucks are graduates from white school districts...lol,lol,lol
suicide looks like your only option, thrasher. either that or up your happy pills.
Real white white of ya to offer up that suggestion....lol,lol,lol,
I thought you were a caring, principled, good human being.....
My posting here is strictly political commentary , humor, satire, etc... I have never posted on this site any threats or ill will to posters even towards the rabib racists and bigots ....Yet for you to wish that I commut suicide...WOW..
Maria come on this is a chat forum none of us have any personal relationships with either..This is just a chat forukm where all manner of free speech the good, bad and ugly is offered up..From dissent to alternative perspectives..
Yet for you to attck me with this type of discourse really saddens me..I am so sorry of I offended you in any manner or form. ..Please refrai from attacking me with this type of posts...
I think I will be done for the day... You win
thank you for exposing maria once again...
she is an "angelic" poser
and she and her mammy maid the vdlr adore psycho drama queen bs like spewing death threats etc...
Just go ahead and call me a nigger just to get it out of your system...I understand....
One drop is gone now you can be yourself...No one will run to David and reveal to him how rotten you really are...
Of course I understand white liberals from the guilt to the privledge angle.I understand at the core there is a belief that you think negroes, coloreds and niggers like me will never truly be your equal and as such in your cultural toolbox it is acceptible and appropriate to tell a nigger to go commit suicide dehumanize me so you can shit and piss on me...I run into this same theme with many arrogant white jewish people it just drives them crazy when the confront a Black person who does not need them or a Black person who is smarter and more gifted..It just fucks them up...
So Maria don't worry I will never tell you to go die or kill yourself..I am not that kind of person..I am just a nigger of the block who is better than you.....You Win
I believe in good things and good people ...
Maria = White Cunt Sicko.
thrasher, you're such a phony.
you say far worse things to me all the time. grow up. lighten up. violins are playing...clearly you don't get sarcasm.
this feigned hurt isn't fooling anyone.
I really like your blog and your article on education...especially what's wrong with this picture stance.
There is an article on Afrocentric schools with the one in Toronto featured. These schools are graduating students with exceptional academic credentials.
The education they are receiving prepares them for college and the tools to navigate a world that hasn't been too receptive to people of color. That picture you featured wouldn't be representative of the classrooms in these schools--http://newsone.com/world/casey-gane-mccalla/afrocentric-school-in-toronto-outperforms-rivals/?omcamp=EMC-CVNL
I'm adding your blog to my most interesting sites and would like for you to peruse mine and see if its worthy to be on your roll.
My last article is on Tim Wise whom I believe is a modern day John Brown. Take care and keep educating.
trash u obviously r the same as buceta breaf and both of u teamed up to bother maria as is ur habit u aint foolin nobody ya cooholes! or should eye say ya two sided fugue state jerks!!!
anybody worth their salt in education KNOWS that buceta breaf aint have shit to do with no kids what so phrakkin ever! she is incompetent, mercurial and worst of all foolhardy! even though teachers arent known for their earth shattering intellect buceta breaf clearly doesnt have the fluidity of thought to even be a teacher
loser loser loser loser liar liar liar pants on fire hows that 250 iq ya liar? liar liar liar liar fool fool fool fool fool bully bully bully bully bully!
12:53 PM use of the word 'nigger' just like buceta breaf aint it obvious those asswipes r the same? loser loser loser loser loser liar liar liar liar buceta breaf
to the topic of the post eye dont know whats wrong with the picture cuz not all the kids have their hands up we dont know the context of why the some hands r raised looks like that place lacks diversity eye dont see any asian kids or mexicans where r they? and the president wants to extend school year what a weirdo!
i am not thrasher
you are not educated!!!!!!!!
got research?
got a library?
Whose Who in American Education - 2007-2008
Who's Who Among Americas Teachers - 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education - Praxis III Score: 57/57 - 2004
when did a XXX vulgar diarrhea mouthed drone like you start disliking verbal slurs???
you hypcocritical hippo!!!
Dear Mr. Field, as a matter of curiosity and concern, will you continue blogging through 2011?
I ask because I have a sinking feeling that you are considering retiring from blogging in the near future. Am I wrong?
No one wonder the only black kid isn't raising his hand. He's all alone in a sea of white faces. I thought we outlawed segregation. The token black kid is getting the short end of the stick. I can't blame him for being afraid to raise his hand.
Obama’s Race to the Top program, Ravitch said, was “bribing states to do the wrong thing.” She characterized current education policies as “The Donald Trump school of education management.”
Ravitch defended teachers against the claim that pensions, decent wages, benefits and seniority were obstacles to reform. The advocates of reform included wealthy corporate interests including hedge funds, Ravitch continued, asking rhetorically, “[W]ho provides more social value, teachers or hedge fund managers? It is not even close.”
She rebutted the claims that poor teaching, not social conditions, were at the root of low student achievement. “Poverty affects achievement,” she said. “Stop blaming schools for the ravages of poverty and homelessness.”
I know it stings you that my presence and posts made you lose your moral center....Please stop indicting me for your shortcomings..I accept responsibility for making people better human beings only...This is a Black site with Black themes it is that simple white liberals like you need to deal with this truth your value is going to be evaluated like everyone else..You will not get your usual privledges and preferences the only whites who get that treatment are white jews and people from Israel that FN feels enbolden to..
Please understant this truth I come here to share my intellectual capitial and cultural assets to inform,inspire and contribute to the entire excercise and proposition of the internet being the new public square..I will never been any one's door mat...I will never accept the cowardice and psoturing of some Black posters in here nor will I ever accept the margainal efforts of the host when it comes to equality and a bias free posture ..I do not genuflect to anyone never..I define me ..I alone reserve the right to my views on anything...I AM
There is an article on Afrocentric schools with the one in Toronto featured. These schools are graduating students with exceptional academic credentials.
Prove it bitch, the one in Toronto just finished its first year poop smear.
anyone truly concerned with real reform in public schools
would never be firing and blaming teachers...
they would be hiring security guards!
little rock ar news today:
A Mills High School teacher is recovering after being hit in the head while trying to break up a fight between students.
FOX16 has learned teacher James Henry tried to break up a fight between students when he took a couple of blows to the head.
The school district says both students have been suspended.
According to the Pulaski County Sheriff's Department, Henry finished the class before going to the hospital.
Tuesday sheriff's investigators will be back at Mills High School to investigate the incident.
Henry was treated and released from the hospital.
more ar news:
i wonder what fine fare hobama is feasting on for lunch today???
The Arkansas child poverty rate jumped to 26.9 percent in 2009, up 2.3 percentage points from 24.6 percent in 2008, according to figures released today by the Census Bureau.
With more than 186,000 Arkansas children living in poverty, the state has the third highest child poverty rate in the nation, after Mississippi and the District of Columbia. The U.S. child poverty rate in 2009 was 19.7 percent. The federal definition of poverty in 2009 was a family of four earning less than $22,050 a year.
What should sadden the progressive Black bloggers on this sit is how the host FN was so quick to assume something was wrog with the Black student in the photo..
The every idea that this Black student was deliberately not raising his hands so the other white students could get an opportunity is tragic and yet revealing about some Black people with regard to this subject matter..
Truth is many elitist and Black professionals like FN and others who post here enjoy being the good noble negroes and coloreds not tainted with the same stripes of poor Black folks..
We know the legacy of white liberals and how they distant themselves from nappy headed niggers and colored folks who really are field negro types....We know abou the white attack boy liberals like Maria and others constantly in need of affirmation from Black folks for the good deeds they claim to do for us...
Navigating around this madness we call America is a trick..Iam so glad I am a master driver....lol,lol,lol,
Reforming public schools has nothing to do with security issues or the hiring of more security guards and installing metal detectors...
This is the type of underdeveloped thinking which reduces public education to urban venues as a criminal justice proposition..
The blue print fpr reformimg all education including the inflated excess and fraud and myth of quality education in white, private and suburban venues has nothing to do with shit outside the classroom nor the type of hi tech security protocols....
i am an afrocentric earthy bohemian rebel
i hate snobs and elitists
and i do not see fn as either
i saw exactly what fn saw in that photo
i have taught 100s of brilliant black baby boys
and yet they are not the norm
ask any teacher if most black boys are the most reticent and
most unruly etc
tragic truth as bill cosby said:
"A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher."
thrasher, feel free to keep twisting and fabricating my comments to fit your own positions. you always do. you're a waste of space.
see single mom to a son jill scott on why we teachers and women need missing help from millions of missing men to mentor black boys:
more on the reality of most black boys that ruthless elitist dogs like hobama blatantly ignore while they boldly demand black votes!!!
Not true you just lack the skills to articulate your positions so rather than have the integrity to deal with your shortcomings you rather scapegaot and make me your whipping boy....
I am not the one...
one day dl homohating morons like you will stop blaming gays like politicos blame teachers....for EVERYTHING
check this!
The authors found that children raised by lesbian mothers — whether the mother was partnered or single — scored very similarly to children raised by heterosexual parents on measures of development and social behavior. These findings were expected, the authors said; however, they were surprised to discover that children in lesbian homes scored higher than kids in straight families on some psychological measures of self-esteem and confidence, did better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems, such as rule-breaking and aggression.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1994480,00.html#ixzz10r27hbXn
Then I will indict you for the same myopic vision of FN's....I will indict you for being the same elitist as FN for always assumping the worst whenever Black folks are in the mix...
Of course I am not alarmed that you shared the same negative and low expectation of our childre like FN and the hypocrite Bill Cosby..
The inability of the Black intellectuals to value and recognize the brillance of Black genius is in part a sad result of thier own arrested development and selfishness....
Many high achieving Black people have lost thier inate ability to understand the damage and more importantly the reality of possibility in our slums...Black ALpha types are so focused on thier own liberation and agenda the need to retain and balance thier collective respect an duty to others caught in the crosshairs of white depravity and opprression is acknowledged but not forgiven and nver acceptible AB..
AB sorry bt no one gets a pass when the education and future of our people is in peril....
Of course FN like you share the same liabilities bit it is incumbent on a Black nigger like me to check you and FN...
Yeah a Black fucked up nigger like me is going to check you and FN's selfish elitist arses...lol,lol,lol
The laws of the universe apply to all...lol,lol,lol
I am on deadline..To be continued...
Made in Detroit
So far, you've shared none of your ideas on how to make education of blacks successful.
You've stated your views about what you think whites know and don't know. But those opinions have no connection to the specific and real problems of black academic underachievement and how to overcome it.
like hobama u lie!!!
i would love that elitist dl alpha mf hobama if i was as u say we and fn are....
u r in deep denial about fn and i
fn and i mentor needy kids daily...
After reading some of your posts, it seems you must have recently taken a black empowerment course and maybe a black history course.
I detect a little feel-good, black pop-psychology influence as well.
Unfortunately, it all spills out of you as attitude. Nothing more.
that elitist pseudo intellectual alpha male hobama is getting rich pimping blind racist hobama nazis like you
When it comes to the public schools, the Obama administration is allied with the most rapacious sectors of Wall Street and far-right foundations. That political reality is most evident in the administration's campaign to establish a parallel national network of charter schools, with a heavy emphasis on inner cities. Obama and his education chief, Arne Duncan, have spent their first year and a half in office coercing states to expand charters or lose out on more than $4 billion in federal education moneys. Obama's allies on Wall Street invest heavily in charter schools, tapping into the public money stream to build their own vision of corporate education.
Historically, Wall Street is to Democrats what Big Oil is to Republicans. Hedge funds and bankers have become the Sugar Daddies of charter schools, using their clout with big city Democrats to give charters every advantage over conventional public schools.
Wall Street finds charters especially attractive, since bankers and hedge funds can exercise extraordinary influence on the schools while the public pays most of the tab. And profiteers have found numerous ways to turn charter schools into cash cows, where taxpayers finance private contracts over which the public has no control. Charter schools are a low-risk, fast buck dream, tailor-made for corporate exploitation and political manipulation.
RIch foundations have banded together to amass a mountain of money to ensure that charter schools have sources of funds that most public schools lack, plus a steady income from the taxpayers.
"Rightwing foundations have become so emboldened in their privatizing campaigns, they are attempting to swallow whole the entire school district of Washington, DC. Four foundations, led by the Wal-Mart owners' Walton Family Foundation, have offered DC almost $65 million to help fund the public schools - with plenty of strings attached. In addition to dropping important seniority system protections for teachers, the foundations demand that the city and school administration remain intact, or they'll take their money back. That means, if Adrian Fenty, the corporatist Black mayor of DC, fails to win re-election this year, or his union-hating schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, loses her job, the Walton Family and the rest of the foundations think they can pick up their millions and leave DC to find some other way of paying for the schools.
This is blatant rule of the rich, an oligarchy of extortion by the worst elements of the ruling class - all under the guise of helping inner city school kids.
When you think of it, $65 million is a cheap price to pay for the foundations to control, not only the DC public schools, but the entire political process of the nation's capital city. If the voters get rid of Mayor Fenty, they can kiss the fat cats' money goodbye.
Actually, that's no more outrageous than President Obama making states jump through charter school hoops to get a piece of his $4 billion "Race to the Top" prize. Obama is also a bully and an extortionist, in league with the Wal-Mart family's foundation and the bankers and hedge funds on Wall Street
hobama is the most fd up black N in america
and the hNic!!!
the only black Ns more fd up than hobama are those blind and stupid enough to join you as you vote for him again
I post here for a number of reasons not having to do with validating myself for anyone especially whites or Black apologists...
What you detct ,smell,sense, channel is my genius...For me of course it is a normal and natural state of being plus my orbit has similar beings ..
I shared today a basic fundamental building block for urban children to secure a superior educational outcome despite whatever the nature of the venue that surrounds and asaults them daily ...
I even understand the stark nature of your commentaries I am not offended and surprised by many of your inferences it is apparent you have experienced wounded and fractured Black folks..It is obvious you have never been in the company or orbit of Black folks like me and my peers..My genius is a common reality of the cultural dna that was a part of my growth and maturation...
It saddens me that white americans like you have such raw contempt for your fellow citizens...You really do shotchange you own daily existence of living in such a negative
mental space with regard to others who simply relfect a diffeent hue...
I love my country every inch, every aspect of its majesty...Knowing people like you exist only fuels my resolve and salivates my mission..
You doth protest to much..learn to take a blow once in a while..
You are fucking crazy and I have no problem with your genius but that being said I will fuck with your protrait anytime I see it out of calibration..
You and FN are ignorant to often in here for me..FN likes to appease white liberals and you like to punish idiots to much..
Rather than understand the reality of the truth i.e OBAMA is our president deal with it..Instead your raw genius lacks the maturation to leverage this iconic period in AMerican history...
No you just wanna be a selfish craazy ass nigger jealous that you can't run this mutherfucker...
Right here and Right now the most fucked up mutherfuckers in the mirror are people like you that can't value this perilous moment in our existence as a nation and more importantly as a people..You are so fucking selfish and obessed with your own self worth I can smell your stench here in the slums of Detroit..
"crazy"= slayer
i get that a lot herein
u r in destroyt?????
got a window????
u bash elitists and love the legendarily ruthless elitist hobama
u brag about yuor own imaginary genius and u blatantly deny the wisdom of fn and i
u pretend to revere poor black smart kids as u ignore all that blackish dumbassed drone hobama has done to slay them
and their schools
u have no real mirror
only a mirage of your own hallucinatory grandeur
thus YOU prove your blindness, ignorance, and idiocy in one fell fd up swwop!
bravo hobama nazi racist blind bro!
Understand this raw truth you are a goofy mutherfucker but that is not a problem in my universe
Because I am a Black man a supreme being having the legacy and skill set that has allowed me to navigate , create and alter the daily standards of living for all kinds of people under duress from loss of employment to husband and wives..I know how to address goofy crazy mutherfuckers like you...
Now don't hold your breath while I am gone but please grab a hold of your ass and keep it firm cause I am going to rock your fucking world when I return You crazy goofy fucked up I genius that I respect on occasion.....lol,lol,lol,lol
The state took over the Newark School system more than 15 years and have being handling the money. It appears that Corey Book brokered the deal with Zuckerberg, and from what I understand that City of Newark will regain control of the school system, but I do not know to what extent. Booker also made announcement that he going to run for a third term as Mayor mainly for the reason of Zuckerberg's donation. That third term will be long enough to oversee the $100 million for Newark Schools. However, I think the community in Newark should make sure that everyone is accountable. People have to do more than just vote, they need to participate to ensure that the people they voted into office are doing their jobs. We see the situation in California where the political officials were giving them salaries that rival some CEOs.
"goofy" = slew u silly!!!
i get that a lot herein
keep your goofy advice until you are smart enough and man enough to throw a blow or stop blowing that goofball hobama!!!
until then
get your goofy flee on boy!!!
Thrasher Said;
"For me of course it is a normal and natural state of being plus my orbit has similar beings .."
"Plus my orbit has similar beings...What are you talking about here? Your balls? Are they orbital beings? Or Klingon attractors?
Thrasher Said;
"For me of course it is a normal and natural state of being plus my orbit has similar beings .."
"Plus my orbit has similar beings...What are you talking about here? Your balls? Are they orbital beings? Or Klingon attractors?
ps t:
i do so admire how u slapped maria goofy though...kudos!!!
more on that goofy mf hobama and his goofiER hobama nazi fans
53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.
cornel west on that goofy mf hobama:
Well, I’ll tell you, I had not talked to my dear brother since the Martin Luther King gathering in South Carolina, and very briefly Super Tuesday. But he did come and make a beeline to me after his speech on I think it was Thursday morning in Washington, D.C. I hadn’t seen him for two and a half weeks, and he made a beeline to me, though, brother, and he was deeply upset. He talked to me like I was a Cub Scout, and he was a pack master, you know what I mean?
I said, well, my mother and father raised me right. I respect my dear brother, but I don’t like to be demeaned and humiliated in that way, and I didn’t get a chance to respond to him. And I hope maybe at some time we can. But it was very, it was a very ugly kind of moment, it seems to me, and that disturbs me because then it raises the question for me: Does he have a double standard for black critics as opposed to white critics?
On "whitewashing within [the Obama] administration": "What happened to the black elites inside Obama's campaign, Valerie Jarrett, John Rogers and Eric Whitaker? They're practically invisible or gone. Instead Obama has a savvy political team — brother [David] Axelrod, Bbrother David Plouffe, brother Robert Gibbs, brother [Rahm] Emanuel — who are eperts at PR. ... Black folk can't be blindsided by Obama's pigmentation and historical symbolism. What I'm saying is I wish he could be more Martin Luther King-like. ... But by necessity, Obama has had to downplay his blackness to appease the white moderates and independents and speak to their anxieties."
On his current relationship with Obama: "He doesn't return my calls. ... I did 65 events for my dear brother Barack on the campaign trail but have not seen him since Martin Luther King Day 2008. ... I couldn't even get a ticket to the Inauguration for my mother. ... I think he has the kind of disposition where he just moves on."
mike dyson on that goofy mf hobama
harry belafonte on that goofy mf hobama
trasher said, "What you detct ,smell,sense, channel is my genius...For me of course it is a normal and natural state of being plus my orbit has similar beings .."
That's the thing: once you become use to smelling shit it becomes a normal and natural way of life that seems appropriate. Ignorance is mistaken for knowledge. You make it easier to understand how Blacks in Detroit can screw up a city. lol
AB, "i do so admire how u slapped maria goofy though...kudos!!!"
There is nothing to admire. Leave maria alone or you will feel my wrath on you! Don't make me make you cry.
cowardly woofing assnon:
you have no face eyes tears...
how dare u ref any of the same???
thrasher you need fucked real good bro.
Sup kids! I've been reading this blog as of late, usually the next morning at work. UTS keep doing your thing bra! And Maria - you too!
what have u done to earn so many black bodyguards/mammy maids herein???
u could teach nicole some game!!!
maria is decent and kind unlike ur disgusting quasi human magilla lookin ass u thrive off of chaos and psychically harming others u r simply jealous that maria has more game and more heart than ule ever have ya dumb animal!
its obvious that trash and buceta breaf r the same person that garbage is the only one to continuously praise that stank breaf fids infected feline! and for what? absotively NOTHING!
keep on slaying these jerks maria u came out ahead today!
The Threats lodged at me by Maria were truly out of order....I will not forget nor will I forget all those who are making excuses for her....
sure buceta breaf just like ur alternate personality in crime yall just cant hep but get the last word in duh ya retards!
maria lodged no threats against u another thing buceta breaf does tries to play a victim card ya useless waste of space!
ure just crying cuz maria strate up whipped ur asses today trash and buceta breaf both!
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