Sorry about missing last nights post people, I am on the road and passing through the" A" on my way to take care of some business along with a little pleasure.
It's September 11th and every year at this time of year I remember what I was doing on that sad day and the people I was with. Three thousand people lost their lives because of a bunch of cowards who wanted to hurry up and get to "paradise" so that they could to sleep with a few virgins. It didn't make sense then and it still doesn't make any sense to the kid. I swear the things people do in the name of religion.
Anyway, I see his O ness is appealing for tolerance from the A-merry-can people.- Good luck with that.- There is a political party out there that wants to take all the power away from your brown behind.
Hey, at least you have kept us safe *knock on wood* .
i believe america has been on a downhill slide since 9-11. i had hopes for obama, but amy deeply concerned about his entrenchment in afghanistan. i hate that people are using this day to chest beat about how "proud" they are to be america.
you can't be proud of something you did not achieve.
instead of being humbled and understanding who would do us harm, we turned the other way. and for that i will always be sad.
I'm just glad that the pastor with the handle bar mustache decided to cancel his Qur'an burning party. we don't need such acts sullying the reflective mood of this solemn day.
Dear Mr. Field, I hope you will read the link I have posted for you. Karen Armstrong has been a great teacher of compassion and what religion is meant to be. So many of us are confused and misunderstand that religion was never meant to be unmerciful or dogmatic.
I have followed your comments about followers of Christianity, religion and God. I must say that you are somewhat jaded about anything that smacks of religion. Somewhere during your life you had a bad experience. I am sorry for that. In any case, I would like some feedback about the article if you are so inclined.
Thanks for this 9/11 post and I hope Atlanta was a nice trip? PEACE.
Sorry Field one thing they were not were Cowards.
however wrong they were for their actions they had a belief about American policy that by anything that i have seen or read were correct.
you reap what you sow and this country has sown much evil here and abroad
maria said...
"instead of being humbled and understanding who would do us harm, we turned the other way. and for that i will always be sad."
You must like getting slappped around, and you must like being sad. No wonder you can't keep a good man.
I hope you are not in charge of anything other than your own life.
Anonymous @ 10:30 said...
"Sorry Field one thing they were not were Cowards. "
No, but you are, and I am sorry that you are an American. It is people like you that are the cancer that is killing this nation.
Death to all enemies, wherever they may be.
Whats this about sleeping with virgins. Remember your religion started with God fucking a virgin.
Maria, "instead of being humbled and understanding who would do us harm, we turned the other way. and for that i will always be sad."
I remember that day and the weeks that followed. Many Americans were asking "why" they attacked us. Books on the middle east were purchased in an effort to understand "why?"
That lasted for about a few weeks before everyone was asking who was going to pay, and when the hell was Bush going to take retaliatory action against Bin Laden, and the Taliban in Afghanistan?
Beautiful Maria, that's the way it goes in America. Attention span is short, and our desire for 'pay-back' is always stronger. We tend to be a warring country, and WILL retaliate ten-fold to those who harm us. Count on it.
Mohammed liked his vigins pre-pubescent.
"that's the way it goes in America. Attention span is short, and our desire for 'pay-back' is always stronger. We tend to be a warring country, and WILL retaliate ten-fold to those who harm us. Count on it."
I hope so. We need a new Commander in Chief as soon as possible.
anon`10:36pm "Whats this about sleeping with virgins. Remember your religion started with God fucking a virgin."
No it didn't you spiritually depraved dumbass.
M was not God. He was a guy and liked chicks. Whats wrong with that? He didn't hang out with a bunch of guys and go camping.
anon10:51pm "I hope so. We need a new Commander in Chief as soon as possible."
Your new Commander-in-Chief is Obama. The old one was Bush. Where have you been? Are you an American?
Thin skinned fucking Christians. Can't handle shit when its doled out. Fuck you all.
Go rape a toddler, like your prophet Mohammed did.
anon10:56p "Thin skinned fucking Christians. Can't handle shit when its doled out. Fuck you all."
Sounds like it is YOU who is thin-skinned AND dumb with no vocab. Junior High Teens are usually like that. Are you at home on a Sat night because your soccer Mom made you stay in with her?
"Go rape a toddler".
Projecting, aren't we.
You are one sick mother fucker.
Anonymous said...
Go rape a toddler, like your "prophet Mohammed did."
And like Ayatollah Khomeini did.
This is very common in the Muslim world. What a sick, perverted culture.
Khomeini freed his country from your grip otherwise you were gonna steal everything just like you have stolen everything everywhere else you have gone - N and S America, Africa, Asia, Austraila, Middle East, China. Fucking scum.
Since when is maria beautiful? Did you see that ugly crocked mouth mug of hers some months back?
Khomeini raped four year old girls. Your hero is Satan.
Field Negro, Do people ever confuse you with Phil Niekro?
anon11:06pm "This is very common in the Muslim world. What a sick, perverted culture."
America is well-known for child molestation. There is hardly a day that goes by without some form of incest reported in American families. THAT'S a sick culture.
As far as religion goes, priests in the Catholic religion molested American boys and the American Catholic Church covered it up for years. Now, THAT'S A SICK CULTURE.
"Your hero is Satan."
You are an infantile cunt.
I'd like to put all of you in container ships and ship you back to Europe so you can fuck each other all you want. The rest of the world should put an electric barbed wire fence around Europe so you cocksuckers can never get out again and kill, maim and rape others.
We arrest priests who molest children. Muslims venerate Imams who molest children. Which culture is sick?
"I'd like to put all of you in container ships and ship you back to Europe so you can fuck each other all you want. The rest of the world should put an electric barbed wire fence around Europe so you cocksuckers can never get out again and kill, maim and rape others."
What a sick, twisted genocidal fantasy. You really ARE a Muslim.
"I'd like to put all of you in container ships and ship you back to Europe so you can fuck each other all you want. The rest of the world should put an electric barbed wire fence around Europe so you cocksuckers can never get out again and kill, maim and rape others."
(((LOL))) So true!
What an idiot?
Its a fantasy all right. You actually have committed these crimes against non-whites many many times and continue to do so RIGHT NOW. Yet there is no remorse or sense of injustice or having done wron. You think you have done right. Psychopathic motherfucking cocksucking genocidal pieces of shit.
anon11:18p If American society was so righteous, priests wouldn't be molesting kids and the church wouldn't be covering up their evil deeds.
As well as being the 9th anniversary of the muslim terrorist attacks on america tha tkilled 3,000 people, today was also the 30th day of Ramadan.
So far, this Ramadan season has been a busy one. There have been 226 terrorrist attacks in the name of Islam, with a total of 1,028 dead. All the other religions of the world have been able to perpetrate only one attack during this time period, killing only one person.
Islam is the the Religion of Pieces.
"I don't why people think we should just sit down with these jihadist that are bent on our destruction and sing kumbayah with them. Are y'all really that naive? We turned the other cheek for years and we we did retaliate it was half assed and look what it got us."
Amen, Black Man.
I don't why people think we should just sit down with these jihadist that are bent on our destruction and sing kumbayah with them. Are y'all really that naive? We turned the other cheek for years and when we did retaliate it was half assed and look what it got us.
Black Man, Maria is a flower girl...strictly for peace. Remember when the flower children went about putting flowers in gun barrels? Maria is one of them.
Man, you are on retarded asshole. Lets see now: 4 million in Vietnam (a country that did nothing to you), several million in Korea (a country that did nothing to you), more than a million, and counting, in Iraq (a country that did nothing to you), more than a 100,000 in Afghanistan (a country that did nothing to you), Panama, Grenada, Somalia, Libya. Why don't you warriors take on China or Russia so they can ream you a new one.
Muslims are powerless but have put up a hell of a fight.
Now all you boys get into your SUV's and go to Walmart and buy some shit. On the way there get a bigburger, a shitload of fries and a gallon container of soda (diet naturally) and imbibe till you drop dead.
‘Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world. And all of us against the infidel. — Leon Uris, ‘The Haj’
The sooner we get serious about stamping out Islam, the sooner we will have peace in the world.
There is no islamophobia, only islamorealism.
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet
rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the
next of its dignity and sanctity.
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as
his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must
delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased
to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid
qualities - but the influence of the religion paralyses the social
development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists
in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and
proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa,
raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity
is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it
had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell
the civilization of ancient Rome."
-Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages
248-50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899).
You are one ignorant and unread joker. Quoting Leon Uris. You were obviously raised on comic books. Get real motherfucker. Don't waste my time.
Churchill was a fat, worthless, cracker. His own mother put out like a cheap 'ho. Even I, with notoriously lax standards, wouldn't have done her. He despised all non-anglosaxons, most of all Jews and darkies. Obama returned his bust back to England saying that the cracker had tortured his grandpa in Kenya back when. You have the gall to quote him on a black blog. Someone should come and castrate you, you motherfucking piece of shit. It would be useless since your balls are there for show anyway.
Allah as very different from the God of the Bible. Allah is absolutely transcendent. He is pure will without personality. Islam offers an "empty and barren concept of deity." (Avraham Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Palestine, regarded Islam's monotheism as barren and devoid of joy and life.)
One consequence of Allah's absolute transcendence and lordship is the impossibility of free will. Sinners are as predestined as virtuous believers. Whereas sinners will "fill up the burning regions of Hell," the virtuous believers will dwell in Paradise where, according to one Muslim commentator, "The men … have sexual relations not only with the women ... but also with serving boys… In Paradise a believer's penis is eternally erect."
Given its fatalism, Islam is theologically incompatible with democracy, whose cardinal principle is freedom. The root of freedom is man's creation in the image of God—the God of Abraham. Abraham can argue and plead with God, as did Moses, because the God of the Jews is a personal God, immanent as well as transcendent.
In contrast, the Muslim prostrates himself before Allah as a slave before a master. It is more pertinent to compare Islam with totalitarian communism—despite its atheism—than with Judaism or Christianity. Human dignity is not a normative principle of Islam if only because Islamic theology cannot abide the Jewish conception of man's creation in the image of God.
Isalm = slavery.
I studied the Kuran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.
-Alexis de Tocqueville
"Maria is a flower girl...strictly for peace."
Not on this blog, she's a trouble making bitch.
The Koran is the Muslim instruction book of hate, intolerance, mayhem and meanness. Don’t believe me? Then you must do what you have not yet done: read the Koran.
That's right genius. Muzzy despises democracy. The money is still good though and the women even better (and a hell of a lot easier, you have no idea what it takes to get laid in Muzzyland).
That said, now go jerk off. You are probably good at it.
What Islam fails to realize is that when righteous men regardless of their spiritually or beliefs are pushed to their limits, they gain the will to do what radical Islamic followers believed they never had the capacity to do, strike with relentless and merciless force to the point that no amount of “political correctness” or “freedom of religion” will save them. It is truly fitting – and the time is coming when no government will be able to contain the rage of its people against this cult of ignorance called Islam.
The greatest trick Islam ever pulled was convincing the world that it was benign, It has played its hand and shown its true colors. We are onto you. When the people finally get on you, you will learn what the Nazis learned.
Muslims believe Muhammad is their prime exemplar, the greatest of men.
And the canonical hadith in many places say that Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9. He was in his fifties at the time.
For example, from Sahih Bukhari, the most canonical hadith collection:
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:
Narrated Hisham’s father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
I could cite many other canonical hadith to the same effect. Because mainstream Muslim scholars believe that Muhammad had intercourse with Aisha when she was 9 (though some deny it when talking to Western journalists), child marriage can be very difficult to uproot from Islamic nations. Recent attempts at reform in Yemen, for example, have been met by Islamic scholars saying no to the reforms. You point to the Vatican, but you don’t seem to realize there is a big difference between priests going against their own teachings and committing what the Church recognizes as a crime of molestation, and middle-aged Muslims consummating marriages with second graders quite proudly and openly by following the example of the chief exemplar of Muslims, namely Muhammad. The priests who molested children are ashamed of it.
You fuckers can't put together a coherent sentence in English and yet have become experts in Koranic Arabic. I am impressed.
The fact that you have come out like earthworms after a soaking rain is something to behold. An unholy (forgive me Father for these crackers know not what they do) alliance between Jew Hasbara and whoring evangelicals.
anon@11:51p, you have just shown to everyone that you know "nothing" about Islam, or any religion, for that matter.
A group of people who base their beliefs on a desire of world domination by force is not a religion, it is a mob. Freedom of Religion does not mean we give those that believe they have the God given authority to kill those who disagree with them, the rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights.
It is not religious tolerance to allow a mob mentality to be considered a religion, it is ignorance to the facts.
"The fact that you have come out like earthworms after a soaking rain is something to behold"
Someday a real rain will come, and wash all the scum away.
Death to Islam!
Hey, is there any brother or sister who is gonna back me up or what. Cracker is ganging up on me and I can't keep up with this clip 'n paste shit.
Everyone needs to understand that Islam is not a “divine revelation” from God/Allah but a manmade cult from a man who is recorded in the hadiths as having murdered hundreds, kidnapped sex slaves, “thighed” a six-year-old girl and then began raping her when she was nine. All those who find such a character to be morally reprehensible need to speak out now, before it is too late.
We can follow the lead of our ex-Muslim friends like Amil Imani, Wafa Sultan, Ali Sina and others. As Ali Sina says, Islam is fragile and can be shattered. Go to his forum and have discussions with the many ex-Muslims there – they have many insights into how to deal with Islam.
Here are other great sites for an excellent education on Islam:
anon @ 11:55: Your suggestion that Americans read a copy of the Koran to fully understand the belief system under which Muslims function is an excellent one.
Lies to infidels are condoned if it is for the betterment or advancement of Islam. This being true, how can a non Muslim
believe anything that flows from their lips in defense of Islam?
anon12:01, have you read the bible? Then you know there were many young girls taken for marriage. There were kings with many wives too. You can try to put down Islam and try to make it less than Christianity, but the truth is all religions speak the same truth, which you obviously don't know.
But I get your drift. You want to destroy Islam and all Arabs. Forget it...it's not going to happen. We are seeking peace, not more war like your phony peace-loving ass. You think like Attila the Hun.
If there was ever a time to abolish Anonymous commenting, this would be it. And the above dribble is proof.
A day of reflection, marred by the cacophonous symphony of the mentally enfeebled.
"Hey, is there any brother or sister who is gonna back me up or what. Cracker is ganging up on me and I can't keep up with this clip 'n paste shit."
There are young black girls and black women being raped and maimed by black men, muslims and arabs as you type. When are you going to stop arguing with the cracker and back these females up instead?
"Hey, is there any brother or sister who is gonna back me up or what. Cracker is ganging up on me and I can't keep up with this clip 'n paste shit."
They are members of Rev Jones' church in Florida. It's futile to try to hold a conversation with stupidity. They are all manic depressive anyway.
Wow. This must be "anon" night cause no resident ids are here. They must be afraid or passed out from drinking and smoking weed.
Anonymous @ 11:56 said...
"That's right genius. Muzzy despises democracy. The money is still good though and the women even better (and a hell of a lot easier, you have no idea what it takes to get laid in Muzzyland)."
There is a mountain of anecdotes from expat workers in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Muslim world describing a prison-like subculture of male encounters fueled in part by the the rigid separation of the sexes, and the subjugation of women as inferior, morally deficient sources of temptation.
In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust, by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE. [emphasis in the original]
-John Quincy Adams
"The time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me."
The Anons have taken over. Once again, it's an Anonython, up in here.
Wow! I've never seen this many anonymous comments on a blog post here before. Very interesting.
M Rigmaiden,
I think the dialog is typed ahead of time and the comments are posted when the appropriate topic comes up and all this person does is cut and paste.
I believe in the power of love and transformation, of forgiveness and kindess.... I believe in compassion and understanding. I believe in the prophets who sought out the stranger, the other, and gave them comfort. I believe in the goodness of my fellow humans, who have far more in common tham difference. I believe that most people on this planet want peace, security in their homes, to be able to care for their families, love their children, want a better life for their children and a better future for all.
I believe that those that engage in hatred and fearmongering are sadly out of touch with the forces of love. So to them, I say, remember you are loved. Remember that only love can overcome hate. And remember the goodness and kindness that takes place every day in a million little actions... You will be better served living a life sharing your love than living in your fear.
hathor--did you notice that there was one comment that referenced one that hadn't appeared yet? curious. i think you are on to something.
jody, agreed. that was quite beautiful. thanks for the affirmation.
maria said...
"hathor--did you notice that there was one comment that referenced one that hadn't appeared yet? curious. i think you are on to something."
No dumb ass white girl, black man deleted his first comment then retyped it after the anon left his. More proof that are too dumb to figure out something that.
anon said:
"No dumb ass white girl, black man deleted his first comment then retyped it after the anon left his. More proof that are too dumb to figure out something that."
"more proof that are too dumb to figure out something that."
who you calling dumb, asswipe?!
why do manless italian women always have the nasty mouth? go comb your nasty greasy hair, make a pizza and shut up.
Anon, maria ain't white, she's in the middle east family, she is italian.
While attending yesterday's 9/11 day of mourning and then going to the protest run by the supporters of the Ground Zero mosque, I was at first sad from recalling 9/11/01 itself, and then slightly uplifted by witnessing the utter haplessness of the mosque supporters.
Their protest combined seething anger over mainly imaginary evils, and though they claimed they were protesting in support of peace, virtually every speaker urged the crowd toward violence.
Most of their rhetoric was the old, sad tired chants from the last five decades, including the gem from Malcolm X, By Any Means Necessary.
Yeah. As you might guess, that quote was chanted repeatedly, and available for your listening pleasure at online news sites, by a black woman.
I think she was also the speaker to drag out Al Sharpton's fave, No Justice, No Peace.
At a protest aimed at "peace". As far as I could tell, I was the only person catching the irony.
Anyway, it was obvious this rag-tag, hodge-podge group was united only in anger and therefore will have ZERO political impact.
Interestingly, the speakers turned on Obama, and spoke of him as part of the problem.
With respect to islam, it is astounding that non-muslims in America are willing to support a religious/political doctrine that enslaves women and stands firmly against all basic American freedoms.
It was doubly ironic yesterday at the pro-mosque protest when one black female speaker ranted about the "bigots" who opposed the mosque.
She ranted about how they -- the anti-muslim crowd -- wanted to turn back the clock the time when women were not allowed to vote and, if possible, to the time when slavery was legal.
Yet she, in her zeal to support islam, missed the irony. As did the crowd. But that was no surprise because the organizers of the pro-mosqe protest were mainly a pro-palestinian group as well as some similarly inclined local groups that pop up at every large outdoor gathering in NY City.
This "peace" crowd loves dictators, tyrants and repressive governments. But the only place they can openly speak their hate for the indigenous government is here in the US.
"Anyway, it was obvious this rag-tag, hodge-podge group was united only in anger and therefore will have ZERO political impact."
funny: that's exactly what everyone is saying about the group opposing the mosque, and hateful people like you.
no_slappz said...
"With respect to islam, it is astounding that non-muslims in America are willing to support a religious/political doctrine that enslaves women and stands firmly against all basic American freedoms"
It's not all that astounding, it is an alliance of convenience between leftisits and islamists against a common enemy: America. Leftists view Islam as a useful implement in chipping away at the foundations of American culture that they wish to destroy. I don't think they ascribe any credence to the possibility that the fire they are playing with may someday get out control and burn them badly.
Another view courtesy of Hugh Bicheno:
"It is illuminating to observe the reaction to the new Islamist threat by those in the West rendered bereft by the recent collapse of the Communist Caliphate. The otherwise incomprehensible solidarity of Western leftists with Islamists whose world-view is violently hostile to their own may stem from a common psychopathology - submissives need to submit."
The common bond of the Left and of Islam is a love of tyranny. The ironic part is that only one of them will get to wear the boot that presses on the throat of the other.
the "left" has no love is islam, but a love of the constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion.
ironic that the tea party radicals claim they, too, honor the constitution. what a farce.
the "left" has no love is islam, but a love of the constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion.
ironic that the tea party radicals claim they, too, honor the constitution. what a farce.
"Their protest combined seething anger over mainly imaginary evils, and though they claimed they were protesting in support of peace, virtually every speaker urged the crowd toward violence."
It's to be expected. Leftists are always the three A's: angry, atheists, and asses, who hate religion but will pretend to defend it, in order to create chaos.
Many on this blog are like that...(A)ngry, (A)thiest, (A)sses. Maria is clearly one of them.
maria said...
"the "left" has no love is islam, but a love of the constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion."
Where in the Constitution does it say the government has the power to decide how much income is too much? That wealth can be confiscated so that it may be spread around? That citizens must purchase health insurance?
I'll tell you what the Constitution does not guarantee: That individual states treat all religious believers equally. For decades after the Constitution was written, several states baldly preferred one religion over another.
Six of the thirteen states that signed the Constitution ran established churches. It is a historical fact that the First Amendment was written not to suppress those state churches but to protect them. Those six states would have never signed the Constitution otherwise. They insisted on the language, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," to make clear that the federal government had no right to establish its own religion and disestablish theirs. The wall of separation in the Constitution is not between government and religion but between the federal government and the states' religious activities.
The state of Vermont, one of the more liberal states of the era (admitted to the Union in 1791) required the following oath of office: 'I do believe in one God, the Creator and Governor of the Universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be given by divine inspiration and own and profess the Protestant religion.'"
Would I want to live in a state that only permitted members of one religion to hold state office? No, I'd move to another one. But the point is that the Constitution limits only what the FEDERAL government can do regarding religion.
Sorry about your iggles
maria, you wrote:
funny: that's exactly what EVERYONE is saying about the group opposing the mosque, and hateful people like you.
Funny: your comment shows the same silliness stated years ago by Pauline Kael of the New Yorker, who, when speaking of Richard Nixon's 1972 election, said "I don't know how he won. I don't know anybody who voted for him."
The pro-mosque demonstrators were united in their hate and expressed an intsense desire to physically beat the people who oppose the mosque.
Moreover, things have changed. They are disenchanted with Obama and now see him as part of the problem.
anon 12:53, you wrote:
It's not all that astounding, it is an alliance of convenience between leftisits and islamists against a common enemy: America.
At first it may seem you are right. But the view of the people surrounding me yesterday was much narrower and aimed far lower.
Yes, a couple of speakers, a list that included Ramsey Clark, spoke in lofty tones about the concepts, like imperialism, that jerk their blood pressure and how they had to unite against the "evil". But almost every one spoke in rage-filled tones about the "racists and bigots" attending the other demonstration a few blocks away.
Plainly, their position boiled down to little more than wishing they could go around the corner and kick the crap out of a few anti-mosque people.
They seemed not quite aware of the fact that if they themselves were to enter an islamic society they would become part of the dhimmitude. It seems they think this way because they do not truly believe the dhimmitude is real.
The common bond of the Left and of Islam is a love of tyranny. The ironic part is that only one of them will get to wear the boot that presses on the throat of the other.
As far as wearing the boot goes, I think they feel that after beating the anti-mosque people they will slip into a special protected class of citizens who are exempt from the realities of islam. They may not expect to rule, but they expect eternal red-carpet treatment for their support.
Are you a Jew?
[quote; FN]Three thousand people lost their lives because of a bunch of cowards who wanted to hurry up and get to "paradise" so that they could to sleep with a few virgins.]
Just so you knwo Field, the 72 virgins thing is a myth. The Quran does not say anything about martyrs meeting virgins.
When it talks about the 'beautiful and pure' women in heaven it is trying to express the ecstatic feeling of being in the presence of god. It's not suggesting that they can be your concubines if you blow up a plane.
Besides the Quran mentions that these women are each more than 23 meters tall (I don't know what that is in your Mickey Mouse units - sorry) which would make sexual congress somewhat awkward I would have thought.
@ Purple Cow:
Nice try at misinformation. Let's quote the Koran directly:
"Verily, for the Muttaqun [righteous], there will be a success (paradise); gardens and grapeyards; and young full-breasted (mature) maidens of equal age; and a full cup (of wine)" (An-Naba 78:31-34).
Althougn nothing in the Koran specifically states that the faithful are allotted 72 virgins apiece, this elaboration comes from the hadith, traditional sayings traced with varying degrees of credibility to Muhammad. Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby."
So actually, yes, Islam promises righteousness to martyrs, and 72 full-breasted hotties to the righteous.
Does your average Muslim believe this? I think (hope) not, but it appears enough of them do to make the Muslim world a dangerous place.
And please, save your BS for the not-so-hot, overly pierced psych majors you try to pick up at the coffee shop.
[quote:So actually, yes, Islam promises righteousness to martyrs, and 72 full-breasted hotties to the righteous.[/quote]
Clearly it promises no such thing. Like all of your type, you choose to interpret vague poems written by sheep-rustlers 1500 years ago, in a way that suits your hidden agenda and prejudices. The descriptions of life in heaven are an attempt to portray the ecstatic experience of being in the presence of their god.
..and you still haven;t explained how martyrs are supposed to have sexual liaisons with women who stand more than 23 meters tall.
The Purple Cow said...
" Like all of your type, you choose to interpret vague poems written by sheep-rustlers 1500 years ago, in a way that suits your hidden agenda and prejudices"
In the end, it doesn't so much matter what I, or even dhimmis like you choose to interpret the religious texts of Islam to mean if even 1% of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims think killing infidels gets them laid for eternity.
And if Allah has a shred of decency, he'll equip you to handle the 23 meter tall virgins as recompense for shorting you so bad in this life.
Dream on cow...
good,thanks for your share.
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[quote Anonny:]"or even dhimmis like you"[/quote]
Ahhhhh I thought so.
You're one of those nutcases from those anti-islam hate sites aren't you. Which one is it? Jihad Watch? anti-jihad International?
Not that it matters much, one fascists is much the same as another.
{quote Anonny]...and if Allah has a shred of decency, he'll equip you to handle the 23 meter tall virgins as recompense for shorting you so bad in this life.[/quote]
I hate to be the one that breaks it to you little man, but I'm afraid there is no such thing as god/allah/heaven or indeed heavenly virgins.
"I hate to be the one that breaks it to you little man, but I'm afraid there is no such thing as god/allah/heaven or indeed heavenly virgins."
Damn, you're joking, right? Immortality is a ruse? There will be no heavenly reward? This is devastating...
I was just trying interject a little cheer into your lonely, Enzyte-popping, vacuum-pumping life. Excuse me. Go back to tugging yourself while thinking about that fat barista who won't go out with you, no matter how times you tip her 14 cents.
And using the word "dhimmi" makes me a nutcase? It's a perfectly serviceable term for infidels who have to accommodate muslim sensibilities. You may not be able to say the word in Britain these days, but you certainly are getting a lesson on the meaning.
[quote: Anonny]And using the word "dhimmi" makes me a nutcase?[/quote]
No dude, it makes you a fascist.
I gave up chatting up baristas 20 years ago, and we don't use 'cents' here anyway..
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