"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me." ~Psalm 51:10~
Mrs. First Lady, let me help you out a little bit, because no one seems to want to get your back. I know that is the scripture you were thinking of when you asked us to get in our prayer circles and pray to keep dirty spirits away from you and "O".
Mrs. First Lady, let me help you out a little bit, because no one seems to want to get your back. I know that is the scripture you were thinking of when you asked us to get in our prayer circles and pray to keep dirty spirits away from you and "O".
I see that you are under attack from the wingnuts for asking us black folks to pray for you and keep "the spirits around" you "clean". And, as is to be expected, the wingnuts are losing their minds. You have become the butt of all their jokes. Glenn Beckkk, a man who is supposed to be religious, and who has called A-merry-cans to turn to god, dedicated damn near an hour of his show to making fun of you and your religious reference. Nice people those Christians. Remind me to reserve separate rooms when I get to heaven.
Look, I know why you had to go on Tom Joyner . You had to appeal to us old reliable black folks to send a shout out for you and his O ness upstairs to the big guy. Lord knows he will need all the prayers he can get. If it's one thing black folks can do is pray. Unfortunately, I don't think all the prayers in the world will stop the wingnuts from big wins this November. But you have to do what you have to do. You are the designated black person in the White House.
Still, this is all a little unsettling. Even for an agnostic like myself. Here we are supposed to be a Christian nation and wingnut Christians are making fun of you because you asked your people to pray for you and "keep clean spirits around" you. Folks in the majority sure don't understand black folks and their religion. Personally, I wish we would have kept all the religions from the old country. A little Obeah would have been just fine with me. That would have really scared white folks. -Well, except for white folks like Christine O'Donnell. She is already a witch.-
"So, once again, we have the power. We’ve got this man in office. I think we’re all proud of Barack and his accomplishments. Everybody I know in our communities are praying for us. Every day we feel that. And let me just tell your listeners that it means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us."
Michelle, there are a lot of spirits around us, and they ain't clean. Maybe that prayer circle will have to get a little larger. Somebody hold my hand.
And that Prayer Circle is growing. I'll get back to you on this.
Yes, the President was on Steve "The Love Doctor" Harvey, appealing for Black folks to pray for him.
Like it or not, these white folks ain't messing around. And not even your hardcore cousin, Big Mike, got enough guns to match these crazies. Prayer may be the only weapon we have left.
Yes, if you're a believer, you should pray for your leaders - not so much for conversion, but so that they will seek wisdom and decision. The fact that a so-called devout Mormon like Beck would mock the First Lady for following the most basic tenet of all religions, prayer, shows the depravity of his character.
LAC said...'The fact that a so-called devout Mormon like Beck would mock the First Lady for following the most basic tenet of all religions, prayer, shows the depravity of his character.'
Good point!
Beck's only disappointment is that Michelle didn't come on his show to make her appeal for prayers.
He's the New Republican...if it's not his idea and, if he's not the one to issue the proclamation, then he's opposed, not just mildly opposed, but hellfire-and-brimstone opposed.
Barack or Michelle could s**t gold bricks and Beckkk & Co. would damn them for lowering it's price.
These wingnuts have shown time and again that they hate having a African American for President MORE then they Respect the Office of The President of The United States of America.
Personally, I would waste my time quoting a quack like Michelle Malkin. Add Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingram to that list.
Did you catch O'Reilly on The View. Painting all Muslims with a broad brush. On his show tonight he defended himself of course with Ingram's help.
What these wingnuts are saying about Muslims now they've said about African Americans for 400 years. People better vote and put these clowns out of business for good.
LAC, "Like it or not, these white folks ain't messing around. And not even your hardcore cousin, Big Mike, got enough guns to match these crazies. Prayer may be the only weapon we have left."
Yes, prayer is all that's left. There is nothing left to do but pray. But does anybody know how to pray, ernestly? I doubt it.
Field, "You have become the butt of all their jokes. Glenn Beckkk, a man who is supposed to be religious, and who has called A-merry-cans to turn to god, dedicated damn near an hour of his show to making fun of you and your religious reference."
Mr. Field, I am surprised that you would criticize Mr. Beck for his joking about Michelle's religion and praying. You and others on this blog consistently make fun of God, religion and Christianity.
So, pray tell, what is the big deal with others making fun of Michelle's religion? Mr. Field, you and LAC and other black liberal dems on this blog are hypocrites.
"Barack or Michelle could s**t gold bricks and Beckkk & Co. would damn them for lowering it's price."
True. Beck does not like the Obamas. He thinks Obama is a racist and a phony. So? he has a right to his own opinion, don't you?
"So, once again, we have the power. We’ve got this man in office. I think we’re all proud of Barack and his accomplishments. Everybody I know in our communities are praying for us. Every day we feel that. And let me just tell your listeners that it means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us."
Maybe we need to pray to clean up the nasty spirits in the WH that are leaving so many Blacks unemployed. Nah. Of course not.
LAC, "Yes, the President was on Steve "The Love Doctor" Harvey, appealing for Black folks to pray for him."
Wow. The President must be desperate to be turning to Blacks. Thanks for showing up the Prez, LAC...there's hope for you yet. AB will be proud of you.
"True. Beck does not like the Obamas. He thinks Obama is a racist and a phony. So? he has a right to his own opinion, don't you?"
he does have a right to his opinion. And we have a right to ours. We think that he [Beckkk] is a "racist" and a "phony". But you already knew that.
"Barack or Michelle could s**t gold bricks and Beckkk & Co. would damn them for lowering it's price."
WC, I wish I said that. :)
Wesley R, I heard about that. I know O-lie-ly will dedicate a bunch of shows to that one. He doesn't like to be stood up.
"Mr. Field, I am surprised that you would criticize Mr. Beck for his joking about Michelle's religion and praying. You and others on this blog consistently make fun of God, religion and Christianity."
Not true. Besides I do not profess to be a Christian. Mr. beckk, does.
Mr. Field, "he does have a right to his opinion. And we have a right to ours. We think that he is a "racist" and a "phony". But you already knew that."
Mr. Field, who is "We" in your comment? Mr. Beck is a man who is just trying to find himself through President Obama. Btw, nany people try to find themselves through others. Surely you know that.
Field, "Not true. Besides I do not profess to be a Christian. Mr. beckk, does."
Ah come on, Field. You know you have taken shots at Churches, ministers, and followers of Christianity in much the same way Beck has done. You can't stand it because Beck is mirroring YOU. LOL
""So, once again, we have the power. We’ve got this man in office. I think we’re all proud of Barack and his accomplishments. Everybody I know in our communities are praying for us. Every day we feel that. And let me just tell your listeners that it means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us."
I don't think Michelle meant for most folks on FN blog to pray.
Let's hope the atheists and agnostics, and anti-god folks-which are the majority on this blog-- will NOT attempt to pray. It might have diasterous affects.
Well, it's close to bedtime. 'Early to bed, early to rise is my motto'. good night all.
Anonymous 8:44:
Do you honestly think that you are qualified to judge who is a Christian or not on here? I mean you do know what the word says about who the accuser is don't you? Don't you think it is time that you stop hiding behind that fig leaf?
When did God die and make you his successor?
Anonymous 8:44:
Do you sin?
anon wrote:
"Beck does not like the Obamas. He thinks Obama is a racist and a phony. So? he has a right to his own opinion, don't you?"
Indeed, Mr. Beckkk has not just every right under our laws, but every incentive from his employers to broadcast the wildest sorts of demented paranoia in what is either performance art gone horribly wrong or an intense effort to determine just how currently gullible is the American public, or possibly both. And I have both the right and the inclination to criticize and critique him for so doing.
I am still waiting for an answer from the self-righterous, holier than thou anonymous 8:44.
Do you sin?
Anonymous reminds me of those two men in the bible praying. The first man prayer was how self-righteous and holy he was and full of self-praising . The second man said, Lord have mercy on me a sinner.
Elijah was a strong in faith and truly a man of God. He made one error though. He said Lord, "I" and "I" only worship you. Yup, the Lord had to rebuke him and let him know that there were more people than "just him" that worship him.
Now, once again, anonymous do you sin?
Well...this message is for you anonymous.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
Whitey's Conspiracy, "Indeed, Mr. Beckkk has not just every right under our laws, but every incentive from his employers to broadcast the wildest sorts of demented paranoia in what is either performance art gone horribly wrong or an intense effort to determine just how currently gullible is the American public, or possibly both. And I have both the right and the inclination to criticize and critique him for so doing."
Whitey, you most surely have the right to criticize anyone you want. So does Mr.Beck. Isn't this a great country?
God bless America.
granny, "Do you honestly think that you are qualified to judge who is a Christian or not on here? I mean you do know what the word says about who the accuser is don't you? Don't you think it is time that you stop hiding behind that fig leaf?
When did God die and make you his successor?"
Your questions are better suited for Rev Long, don't you think? I don't claim to be God, only HIS servant. However, from your own comments it's YOU who feels that I am God. Go ahead...it's all on you.
I noticed that you are conspicuously absent when discussions on FN about religion, esp. Christianity come up.
You are NEVER around to defend Christianity when the folks on this blog are trashing it. Why?
You are weak Christian soldier and God cannot depend on a wishy washy sinner like you. Now run along.
Wingnuts upset with Obama? Nah, can't be.
Its simply easier for some of the wingnuts to be afraid, to not understand.
The need the narratives about us to be true, even if they aren't.
They need black men to be dangerous.
They need black women to be less than worthy of the full measure of respect.
They need the thought of brown people overrunning the border.
They need to be looking under every bed behind every door, under every rock, in each corner.
Anything to keep them from looking in the mirror.
To see what they truly are. A group of misfits, throwaways and fuckups who have been coasting on privilege for 300 years.
Fuck a wingnut.
"The thing about white cats is they're always just a little bit behind the beat." - Miles Davis
Christine O'Donnell says:
Specifically, according to two top GOP insiders, she said at a strategy meeting with DC types last week: "I've got Sean Hannity in my back pocket, and I can go on his show and raise money by attacking you guys."
No Comment.
Granny said, "Now, once again, anonymous do you sin?"
Interesting question considering you have NEVER asked Mr. anti-Christian Field the same question. I guess you only ask anons because you can't face people like Field. You are a fearful Christian who puts others above God.
How sad. How's east Oakland faring?
RttnKid, "Specifically, according to two top GOP insiders, she said at a strategy meeting with DC types last week: "I've got Sean Hannity in my back pocket, and I can go on his show and raise money by attacking you guys.""
Well, RK, it's true. She does have the backing of Hannity and Fox. So what's your point, or did you have one? Make no mistake...Christine is going to win her race and there isn't much you can do about it.
Richmond October 9,10:
ON one side the Teabaggers:
Couldn't get the estimated crowd size, "Big" rally tho..
And the other side The Folk Fest:
Estimated 190,000 - thumbs up
All on the same day. There is hope.
I meant same weekend.
"Michelle, there are a lot of spirits around us, and they ain't clean."
Yeah, like most on this blog. The only clean spirits on this blog are Black and White Conservatives. Heaven is full of conservatives, but Hell is full of lying liberals. Once again, the conservatives fair while alive, and they fair better after death.
Can't you guys win at anything? Oh wait. There's an election coming up. Are you losers confident about the outcome? I hear you are going to lose by a landslide...hehehe..
I just want to say thank you too all my internet supporters on this blog. May God bless you all.
"Yeah, like most on this blog. The only clean spirits on this blog are Black and White Conservatives. Heaven is full of conservatives, but Hell is full of lying liberals. "
I love it when people make assumptions like these, especially when they do it in a rather smug and "authoritative" manner. Makes them look dumb as shit.
Anonymous 10:45:
See...there you go again--> "ACCUSER"!
Nah...you THINK that you are his servant. My discernment is very keen. His servant you are not!
What does Rev Long have to do with the question I asked you? Is it because he is a black man that somehow I have to be a member of his church? I don't know Rev Long personally and nor do I sit under him myself.
But being how you are claiming to be a
servant of the Lord shouldn't you be praying for him, his church, and that young man instead of condemning him? Isn't that the Christian thing to do? In addition, why aren't you praying for all of these folks who post on here instead of condemning and accusing them? That's what I do.
Nevertheless, I knew beforehand how you would try to divert from the question I asked you and do what you normally do. Yup!
I have never had to ask Field because he has never ever acted holier than thou and self-righteous. He openly confesses his faults and so do many others on here. In addition, he has never put himself on a pedestal like you do or looked down on the least of them like you do. In fact, he has more of a heart and compassion for those less fortunate than him than you do.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed.
He is more humble than you are. You do know that humble means having a self-conscience awareness of your own short-comings and faults. Nevertheless, I understand because you are blinded by that religious spirit and self-righteous spirit.
You hide behind a fig leaf thinking that your nakedness does not show.
Again, I ask you do you sin?
Anonymous 10:45:
The Pharisees didn't pray for people either. Nope, instead they condemned and accused them!!! They even condemned and accused Jesus Christ.
Hey Field, go ahead and bring back yer old world religions. I'm not skeered; I'm a duppy conquerer!
In fact, I spent the weekend chanting down Babylon and Beck was off the air for two days! Of course all that chanting made me a little woozy too. Strange.
Ehhh? Think I'm onto something here?
GrannyStandingCauseThereAreNoSeats Said:
I don't know Rev Long personally and nor do I sit under him myself.
The question is does he sit under you and is he telling you that he has a "bananna" in his pocket
Anonymous 1:32:
A few minutes ago you were mocking Michelle for requesting prayer and those on here that are in agreement with her. Yet you claiming to be so pious and a servant of God.
Oh,so now, that your hot under the collar with granny for calling you out on your self-righteous and religious spirit you choose to revert back to your juvenile tactics of namecalling. What a servant you turned out to be. Hahahaha...oh boy! You really need deliverance from those nasty spirits!
Well...I'm going to bed. I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow. Good night and peaceful dreams.
Anonymous, I'll be praying for you.
"Interesting question considering you have NEVER asked Mr. anti-Christian Field the same question. I guess you only ask anons because you can't face people like Field. You are a fearful Christian who puts others above God.
How sad. How's east Oakland faring?"
I sinned once. I sat next to a wingnut on a plane and talked to him for damn near an hour. I wanted to go to church after that flight. :)
"I don't think Michelle meant for most folks on FN blog to pray."
Not true, she wants all the prayers she can get. Especially from FN's.
John 9:4
I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
The night is upon us. The darkness decendeth, threatening to envelop the world.
I work, yet the day is rapidly fading. The light of this world is flittering, and without prayer it will be extinguished by the night.
Yes, pray.
Prayer is the hope of this world. "Hope is thought made divine." Prayer doesn't actually change things, it merely brings us into harmony with what is--God's perfect, and Holy Kingdom, which is spread across this world, but cannot be seen without spiritual vision.
If you could see what I see, you'd pray all the harder.
Pray for the president. Pray for the world. Pray for all that have ever existed, and will ever exist, for you are they, and they are you.
Mixing religion in politics generally does make people crazy. The reaction to Ms. Obama's remarks is an example of it.
Granny said, "Anonymous 10:45:
See...there you go again--> "ACCUSER"!
Nah...you THINK that you are his servant. My discernment is very keen. His servant you are not!"
Oh Granny, there you go again judging and accusing, trying to do God's work. True Christians don't do that, but a wolf in sheep clothing does.
Everyone can see you. It's as plain as seeing the emperor without clothing! You aren't fooling anybody.
You probably have trouble believing in God, let alone giving half-baked biblical stories you barely can remember. You are NOT a true Christian. You want me to pray for Eddie Long but you don't. You want me to pray for Long's followers but you don't.
Because you have no mercy or Christian heart, you jump on FN blog and aim your political beliefs, prejudices and little faith at me instead of turning inward praying to God, asking for forgiveness for your OWN SINS!
Personally, I wish we would have kept all the religions from the old country. A little Obeah would have been just fine with me. That would have really scared white folks.
It did scare white folks. That's why they beat our asses until we accepted Jesus.
why should we pray for the most unclean mf to ever be prez????
how dirty has he made all of our lives????
i would rather die than pray for dirty rich evil amoral mfs like
hobama & michelle
let the banksters do that
i will only pray for the poor people these 2 dirty mfs play and rob and bilk and ignore and betray and pimp etc
i will only pray for the eternal soldiers, endlessly jobless and homeless, and eternally poor that dirty evil mf hobama has fashioned forever....
i sent michelle a letter yesterday...
i will post it at my blog asap
it is NOTHING like your post!
each day i look at the COMPLETE POLITICAL ELITIST RUTHLESSNESS in america and the world and i am absolutely shocked and amazed that blind fools can DARE claim hobama is hated because he is half black...
the international rebels who are awake and at war in the streets the way that drunken duped docile hobama fans should be are leaving silliness like race out of their MONETARY rebellions!!!!
Yeah granny, clean up your own heart first. Then see what you can do for Macklying, Uts, LAC, Hathor, Field, Brohammas, VAL(esp her), MARIA, and AB. There are more, but this should keep you busy for a while.LOL
There is a long list of 'anti-god' folks on FN blog. Quite frankly, it would be better for the Obamas if these atheists DID NOT pray for them. Now when you finish cleaning up the first list of folks on FN I'll give you the remainder of the list, starting with Field and PURPLE COW...I have saved the best(or should I say "worst") for last. They are on the "Special Devoted to Hell" list. lol
Btw, FN blog is riddled with atheists and anti-religion folks. But that is typical of so-called progressive liberal non-believing spiritually sick folks. I am not a wingnut, just a black independent who is thankful and at peace for who I am. It is God's Will. I am glad I am NOT a black progressive liberal dem. They are very sick people with big mouths who keep following people who are NOT good for them. Eddie Long and Obama comes to mind, It seems that they might be 'users' of Blacks, not 'lovers' of Blacks?
Either way, Anons are the only "true believers" on this blog. You and your atheistic liberal friends should be grateful for us because we are the only ones on this blog who can help Michelle. Have a nice weekend.:)
In another display of just what a shameless corporate lackey he truly is, President Obama has refused to institute a temporary moratorium on foreclosures.
After one million foreclosures last year, the USA is currently on track for 1.2 million foreclosures in 2010. Recently, it came to light that tens of thousands of these foreclosures are not legitimate. Even some banks have instituted a voluntary and temporary moratorium on their own foreclosures.
"It did scare white folks. That's why they beat our asses until we accepted Jesus."
that was the turning point. blacks surrendered to the white man and have been subservient ever since! that is why we would rather help other races instead of ourselves. we have given up on ourselves. it's sooo painfully sad.
"blacks surrendered to the white man and have been subservient ever since! that is why we would rather help other races instead of ourselves. we have given up on ourselves. it's sooo painfully sad."
Coming from the white posters' most eager and grinning servant on FN this is too ignorant.
u r such a fake racist
what is more white than that buybull and religion with its blonde haired blue eyed jesus and snow white washed sins and whiter god/heaven?????
to what have black sheeple like you surrendered your minds and souls to more than that white religion and half white demon hobama?????
the truth is my religion
and it stings u blind black euro fools mightily!!!!
alicia banks said...
If you'll throw in that lunatic Alicia Banks, I'll second that.
my god does not hear your prayers
just as your filthy worn plastic doll does not hear your fat sweaty orgasms
there is no greater lunatic on earth than any poor black person who would EVER pray or vote for hobama again!!!
never me!!!
never that!!!
"to what have black sheeple like you surrendered your minds and souls to more than that white religion and half white demon hobama?????"
Which God does your heroes Dyson and West proselytize for?
You're a big ranting fraud who changes targets day to day.
u r a brazen arrogantly ignorant
court jester oj hobama nazi dog
how dare u question those 2 african kings???
they both OPENLY worship a GOD who loves poor black people
unlike that elitist blackish betrayer demon hobama
i have lost track of the people u ineptly target herein incessantly...
and u bold hobama nazi hypocrite
hear these 2 real godly men discuss that dirty evil mf hobama
west and dyson:
guess what uts u euro fool:
egypt is in africa
your white jesus is a white lie
like dyson said
Barb Davis White, a black conservative endorsed by the GOP running for a district in Minneapolis asked the RNC why there weren't any people of color invited to speak at the convention. She was appalled and shocked that she received no reply. Subservient to corporate white America and she shocked?
You see in corporate white GOP America a negro can come to the house but there is little to no guarantee that they will have a place at the table.
Alicia being a subservient to white corporate America yourself, that is something that you may want to consider.
cc that to that corp drone hobama
we cannot all pay rent via burger and fry making as u do!
i am blessed to work for a very cool tech corp
way cooler than the BP oil corp etc that own hobama
u make fry mngr yet? ever?
seek mentors here:
"i am blessed to work for a very cool tech corp"
Is that your real name you use online? Are'nt you afraid you get fired from writing all this mess day in day out? What if you lose your job tommorrow and apply for a new one. All they have to do is google your name and... BAMM, there you are. I think you're lying anyway.
scared assnon:
i stand by all i print
my academic and radio careers preceeded my corp careers...all is well
and i am 100 x harder on the air
it has not hurt me yet
if i do not fret it
why do u???
my resume and skills trump all
my brawls with cowards and fools like u onair/online etc!!!
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
Totally irrelevant:
"The Obama administration is placing its full support and advocacy for this bill"
Is this a joke?
yes it is
hobama would rather we all eat toxic food than FINALLY pay what he owes to black farmers....shame!!!
hobama is owned by the corp farm cos that poison us!
like monsanto
12:40 PM
ditto for that corp drone bankster scotus kagan
First, we spit out our coffee over President Obama’s appointments of former Monsanto goon Michael Taylor as Food Safety [sic] Czar and ‘biotech governor of the year’ Tom Vilsack as Secretary of Agriculture. Then we choked on our grits when he made Monsanto lobbyist, Islam Siddiqui, the US Ag Trade Representative. Now, the real food movement has completely lost its appetite with Obama’s nomination of Monsanto defender, Elena Kagan, to the US Supreme Court.
In December 2009, in her capacity as Solicitor General, Kagan intervened in the first case on which SCOTUS will rule involving genetically modified crops, Monsanto v Geertson Seed. She defended Monsanto’s fight to contaminate the environment with its GM alfalfa, not the American people’s right to safe feed and a protected environment
alicia banks said...
my resume and skills trump all
my brawls with cowards and fools like u onair/online etc!!!
Oh shut up and show us your tits.
sexist dogs like you find mindless humor in your foolish displays of misogynist horrors
carry on
sexist nasty assnon:
that corp dog hobama exposes and flashes his dirty evil daily
do enjoy that naked emperor's global show!
u dumb animal lying loser u aint done shit in ur life and if u did do something in 1997 so the fuck what? dont u have something more recent for ur feather cap ya coohole?!!!
aint nobody in the literary criticism world heard of u aint nobody in genderqueer studies heard of u and aint nobody in math and science education heard of u u aint authored no papers of any worth whatsoever and r not a mover or a shaker in any field u r a nobody that specializes in witless prattle and nonsense ya idgit!
buceta breaf moron alicia banks u r a nobody that specializes in witless prattle and nonsense ya idgit!
i am a nobody loser with no job and no skills im lonely in the mental ward today please come to visit me
hardup harlot hoodrat hater vdlr:
what have you EVER done in ANY year ever????
see 2011 x 3
betta 4 yo hatin ass?
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/57 2004
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
Alright Field I will come out and play on this one.
She is right I hear folks talking about praying for Obama all the time as if he is really carrying out God's will on earth. It is breathtaking the sheer misunderstanding of the gospel of the Christ and the underlying principles of the Old and New Testaments.
Michelle is projecting here and as AB points out and the black anon some folks see through the game and the sham that Obama really represents.
Forgive me in advance if I tick off you serious Obama fans with this but I suspect that some of the bad spirits around the Obama's are of Obama's own making. After all, he is not promoting a just agenda but continuing to carry out the very evil work of US imperialism.
And black folks can deny it all they want but its still the truth!
I have to admit I think to pray for a lot of folks and the folks that aren't doing so good, and situations and people that need help, but I have never prayed for the head of the government that is still the greatest purveyor of violence, injustice and inequity in the world.
But I guess I should since Obama supposedly is a Christian, then maybe I should pray that he feels convicted for continuing the bombing and killing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan and allowing his CIA to fight against those who want a bigger piece of the pie in the rest of the underdeveloped world.
I should pray that God forgives him for overlooking the struggles of so many of God's creatures right here in this country.
I should pray that he takes God seriously the call of God and does some radical things on behalf of the unemployed, the undereducated, the homeless, the over-incarcerated, the folks about to be foreclosed on, the underpaid worker.
Prayer is indeed needed but not the kind that the folks with blood on their hands is talking about!
uneducated vdlr:
where is your ged????
where are your degrees? awards?
and u r far too kind to hobama's evil elitist UNEDUCATED IGNORANT illiterate fans like vdlr!!!
it would be sheer blasphemy to pray for anyone who has been as dirty evil and abusive to poor people as hobama!!!
may that evil dirty mf hobama cry out at the polls in 2012!!!
Proverbs 21:13
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.
Deuteronomy 15:7, 11
If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.
Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.
Proverbs 14:31
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.
Matthew 25:41-45
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me.'
Isaiah 58:6-7;10
Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? ...and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
1 John 3:17-18
If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
"I should pray that he takes God seriously the call of God and does some radical things on behalf of the unemployed, the undereducated, the homeless, the over-incarcerated, the folks about to be foreclosed on, the underpaid worker."
Given the fact that the reasons his poll numbers are in the toilet is because the $892 stimulus package has not produced jobs at the rate expected, the debt is over a trillion for the 2nd straight year and the righties are yelling "socialism" all the way to a majority next month, what would you have him do for the "least of us" that he hasn't already attempted?
Be specific.
plunder hobama in 2012!!!
"Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the LORD will take up their case and will plunder those who plunder them."
-Proverbs 22:22-23
…I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24
"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless."
-Ecclesiastes 5:10
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have."
-Hebrews 13:5
"A fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare."
-Proverbs 21:6
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
-Matthew 6:24
"He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich--both come to poverty."
-Proverbs 22:16
"People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
-1 Timothy 6:9-10
"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."
-Ezekiel 16:49
"The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern."
-Proverbs 29:7
hobama is a socialist ONLY for rich banksters as paupers like you cheer him on and pray for him
Alicia I'm not scared, I simply try to avoid the racist name calling and sexist tactics that you and UTS do on this blog.
Sorry I said anything, now you went and give us you resume AGAIN.
envy is so ugly
but phoniness is uglier
your glaring insincerity is surpassed only by your goofy sarcasm
i get that a lot after haters like you SOLICIT my resume just as u did...
spare me the transparent hypocritical bs...thanks!
alicia banks said...
plunder hobama in 2012!!!
You are a stupid, racist, homophobic imbecile. You want Republicans in charge? BE MY GUEST. I hope they fuck you over royally in ever possible way, which is what you deserve.
You said you don't plan to even ever vote again. I find that the only bright spot in your existence.
So now, go back to your cave and hope that some intelligent posters come back to this blog. You have run them all off with your lunacy.
do u read the insanity u post?????
how does even a rabid hobama nazi like you see giving 23 trillion dollars stolen from poor people and their unborn poorER children as "an attempt to give to the least among us"??????
u r a walking billboard for the lobotomy of racist blindness and the fatal adoration of a blackish false god prez
stupid assnon:
guess u missed fn's min wage post yesterday
hobama has been the worst repub ever
and only u hobama nazis still helieve that reps and dems are not corp clones
when u r homeless, u will be happy in your BLUE cardboard box!!!!
Rottnkid said...
Totally irrelevant:
"The Obama administration is placing its full support and advocacy for this bill"
Is this a joke?
From the initial readings, it looks as if Monsanto is making a move to lock up the organic movement under the cloak of public safety.
That being said, I'll actually read the full law and consult professional before I go all Moon Bat conspiracy theory bonkers.
Uptown I was specific did you not read what I wrote. Or do you think a just God really ordains killing folks for the sake of power, or as in the case of Iraq oil and mineral resources.
Lets be real the prison system treats our youth unfairly, drugs slide in and out of our community with ease yet we own no speedboats, airplanes, jets or subs, people are still shot down and brutalized by police in this country, many people can't pay their mortgage simply because the interest rate was inflated and simply for the benefit of profiteers, the black community is suffering twice the unemployment rate as the white community, I could good on, but you get the idea.
AB you are right on with your Biblical verses. Got to pray for them because they need it.
"Uptown I was specific did you not read what I wrote."
No you didn't. You didn't come close to answering my question which was.
"Given the fact that the reasons his poll numbers are in the toilet is because the $892 stimulus package has not produced jobs at the rate expected, the debt is over a trillion for the 2nd straight year and the righties are yelling "socialism" all the way to a majority next month, what would you have him do for the "least of us" that he hasn't already attempted?"
Answer THAT please.
Hey AB---How about these bible passages?
**Romans 1:26-27
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their woman did change the natural use into that which is against nature.
And like wise the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another: men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
** Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (NIV).
**Deuteronomy 23:17-18
There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.
Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
My bad Uptown we are on two different wave lengths I have a different conception. I believe that society ought to be organized so that we can employ everyone who wants to work.
However,I will say that during the depression when it was obvious that folks were getting restless and considering overthrowing capitalism, Roosevelt created a jobs program that put people to work doing all kinds of things including repairing the infrastructure.
I am not a supporter of capitalism so I disagree with its very structure but in the meantime a massive jobs program is something that could be done. And as many folks have suggested before a kind of Marshall Plan for the economically left out would help as well.
I know that probably isn't satisfactory to you but I can dream and a just society may seem improbable to us now (kind of like the idea of flying over a hundred years ago) but its not impossible.
uptownsteve said...
"I should pray that he takes God seriously the call of God and does some radical things on behalf of the unemployed, the undereducated, the homeless, the over-incarcerated, the folks about to be foreclosed on, the underpaid worker."
Given the fact that the reasons his poll numbers are in the toilet is because the $892 stimulus package has not produced jobs at the rate expected, the debt is over a trillion for the 2nd straight year and the righties are yelling "socialism" all the way to a majority next month, what would you have him do for the "least of us" that he hasn't already attempted?
Be specific.
UTS, good point. Obama's made some serious blunders (He could have just let the DADT expire on a vine by next week and bolster his supporters, he could have been more aggressive in troop withdraw, etc.) but to act as if the first two years of this Administration have happened in a political vacuum is nonsense.
Health Care Reform - we didn't see people on TV protesting for a Public Option. We saw angry old white people screaming at Senators for backing the mediocre regulations we got.
Stimulus Plan - Obama plan was to get what you can get, not shoot for the money and get nothing. And even the little bit of money got still was stalled.
Unemployment - Don't get me started on that bull**.
Don't Ask Don't Tell - The GOP blocked funding a f*** war because they're a bunch of raging homophobes and self-loathing closeted queens.
TARP and Bailouts - First of all, they worked, get over it. Second, Obama's getting blame for something that was Bush's idea.
Financial Regulation - Again, the GOP fought to protect banks from the weak legislation that was put forth.
Mell, AB and other please grow up politically, because my fingers are getting numb from stating the obvious over and over.
Obama is not the Great Savior of America. The argument could be made he's another corporatist politician, but that would overly simplistic.
But even if he had Noam Chomsky as a his chief adviser, he'd still couldn't operate by fiat. He still needs a functioning, if not cooperative congress. Right now, that ain't happening. Between the GOP goose-stepping to stop anything and everything, Moderate/Conservative Democrats hiding under their desks in fear of the Tea Party and Liberals unable to get their act together, we'd be stuck no matter who is in office.
What can you do about it? Go after right wing puppets in the Dems and demand they stand up for something. Strategically target people who don't stand for what you want. We can push for an organized effort to get things done. We could reach middle ground with moderates and take on the real enemy.
But strategy, forethought and compromise aren't strengths of the bitter far Left, so that's not happening anytime soon.
"Mell, AB and other please grow up politically, because my fingers are getting numb from stating the obvious over and over."
Thank you LAC.
Do they really want Boehner as Speaker of the House and Palin in 2012????
alicia banks said...
stupid assnon:
guess u missed fn's min wage post yesterday
hobama has been the worst repub ever
and only u hobama nazis still helieve that reps and dems are not corp clones
when u r homeless, u will be happy in your BLUE cardboard box!!!!
1:58 PM
Hi, did you read the post about the minimum wage? IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH OBAMA, you idiot!
Again, you deserve to have everything bad come your way, and I have no doubt that will happen.
gaybashing assnon:
cc that buybully bs to that dl gay man hobama and his beard michelle asap
arrogantly ignorant assnon:
u r proudly illiterate as most black fools
fn posted about republicans wanting to pay people .40 cents an hour
as if hobama making PERMMANENTLY JOBLESS millions earn 0.00 per hour was somehow superior
and you not only missed that valid pt
u missed the entire post you hobama nazi moron
u r an authentic liar and an expert evader
hobama is your god
and you prove that each time you blatantly slander those of us who refuse to worship him
we never said hobama was a savior
he is indeed a demonic dirty evil mf who is exclusively a merciful and endless angel to banksters
shame u find hobama's extremely limited blessings so universally sacred
only hobama nazi drones like you pretend that hobama is a victim rather than the victimzer in chief...
we see u.
holy buybull toting mongrels are the most sinful and illiterate mongrels of all
u hobama nazi eddie long cloned assnons prove that herein daily
i find true irony in those who blindly coddle excuse and adore hobama like he is their abusive daddy daring to tell those who see his true corp green colors to "grow up"
maturity seeks truth and can handle it when found
you hobama nazis are fatally childlike and cursed by your juvenile adoring of hobama forever....
Please go take your meds, AB. RIGHT NOW.
only hopelessly infantile hobama nazis see the dirty evil hobama as innocent
What about racism, the third part of King’s evil triplet? While Obama’s election was arguably a victory over white racial prejudice at one obvious level, it has reinforced the majority white belief that racism no longer poses any significant barrier to black advancement and equality in what candidate Obama called “this magical place” (the U.S.). Obama has not lifted a finger or taken one serious risk to challenge that grossly inaccurate belief or to address the specific forms of deepening combined race and class oppression being experienced by tens of millions of working-, lower-, and middle- class black Americans and other minorities. As Glen Ford noted early in the presidential sweepstakes, Obama’s success in winning Caucasian votes was highly contingent on a “relentlessly” sent message to white America: that “a vote for Barack Obama, an Obama presidency, would signal the beginning of the end of black-specific agitation, that it would take race discourse off of the table. Barack Obama,” Ford explained, “does not carry [black peoples’] burden, in addition to other burdens. He in fact promises to lift white-people-as-a-whole’s burden, the burden of having to listen to these very specific and historical black complaints, to deal with the legacies of slavery. That is his promise to them.”[14]
In dealing with Obama’s presidential evil(s), we should not be racially dazzled or (alternately) shamed into thinking there's something inappropriate about criticizing the first black president from the left.[15] Dr. King dreamed of a day
Of course, some “liberals” say that Killer Obama the supposed “reform president” is “doing the best he can” given the terrible entrenched culture of military and corporate power in Washington." Well, the nation’s political capital is captive to a hideous and corrupt big money and imperial culture; no doubt about that. But there are two big problems with this “defense” of the new chief imperial crime boss.
First, the comforting, self-pacifying notion that Obama - a president who often goes farther than required to appease corporate and military masters - really wants to transform America and the world in genuinely peaceful and progressive sorts of ways is simply unsupportable in light of what can easily found and shown about his political career and world view. [18]
Second, nobody held a gun to Obama's head (or Hillary Clinton’s head or Bill Richardson’s head or John Edwards’ head) and said “you must try to climb to the top of this vile and authoritarian sociopolitical order and you must not use your gifts to try to subvert it and replace it with a popular democracy.” No, he (and the others) made that narcissistic choice, which goes nowhere for the rest of us.
you need no meds
your lobotomy is working fine solo
what worse could come my way than that dirty evil hobama???
we have all been cursed even more than your own germy dejected untamed pvt tiger
welcome to 2010 fool!
Fun with Alicia Banks. Let's go:
alicia banks said...
u r an authentic liar and an expert evader
hobama is your god
and you prove that each time you blatantly slander those of us who refuse to worship him
we never said hobama was a savior
he is indeed a demonic dirty evil mf who is exclusively a merciful and endless angel to banksters
shame u find hobama's extremely limited blessings so universally sacred
First of all, as a Christian (life long AME) I bow to no man. Second, the issue isn't that you have criticism of Obama - is that you a) have unrealistic expectations that have no factoring of political climate b) you buy into the most outrageous conspiracy clap trap, so even when you do have a valid point, its cloud in tinfoil craziness. Hence we ignore you.
You really are dense, Alicia, because I didn't say "worship Obama" in fact, I agree with you more often than you realize. What I don't buy is that Obama is some gay, secret Muslim CIA plant or whatever nuttiness passes for 'analysis' for you. And all I say is "here's all sides, consider this."
But in the two years on this blog, I somewhat figured that you're wrapped in your own little parallel universe that has no bearings on reality or logic.
You're a bitter member of the "Tea Party Left" a delusional far left ideologue to hellbent on your own point of view to consider other arguments. And you're also a prototypical Chardonnay Socialist/Black Panther Wannabe Professor type - you love Black people as a concept but hate them as a reality. For a woman who claims to be a black feminist and an educator, I couldn't imagine such vitriol you show for children, parents and other black people in general. I feel sorry for your partner.
alicia banks said...
only hobama nazi drones like you pretend that hobama is a victim rather than the victimzer in chief...
we see u.
Wow, it takes two post to say the same damn thing. Well, let me make it clear to you, again.
Obama has screwed up or half ass a lot of his policies. He's kept more than the average President, and far more than you give him credit for. But still, he's far from perfect. He's a politician -what a shocker.
My point, is that Obama is the President not a dictator. Even if he were the militant Che Gueverra in a Brooks Brothers Suit we all want him to be, he can force the legislators to vote one way or another. Congress is the key - if it continues to function like a sausage factory it is, nothing will change. You could elect Malcolm X and we'd still be in the same position.
We got progressive change in the 70's with the face of evil power mad Presidents, Dick Nixon at the helm. Why? Not because Nixon was a closet lefty, but because progressives in Congress who fought for change. He simply couldn't stop the bum rush. We got highways because Congress used to be about getting things done, not posturing and pandering to the most savage elements of American life. Sadly, that's not the case today.
want to see a parallel universe?
read your own delusional dl bromantic weak fantasies about that angelic noble hobama and those of us who dare to see beneath his urine colored skin
jews baking in ovens was a crazy conspiracy once too
so were pale humans hiding in african jungleswith big nets
they all proved to be true too
hobama is gay and he was born into the cia
he is a blue blood bush clan member who is more evil and dumber than gwb
i cannot figure out why you hate liberal profs so except that maybe u are a wannabee who never cut the fold?
but i am proud of who i am
so it is moot
i am most proud that i am not a normal black mindless mongrel adoring hobama into my grave
good riddance to blind hobama nazi trash!!!
u r a fake hypocrite
the average black person in america is poor and COPLETELY BOLDLY irrelevant to YOU and hobama...thus u will never dictate blackness to me
i have dedicated my academic life to poor black children since 1982
what the hell have u done but adore half black hobama????
EVERY one of your repulsive hobama nazi posts is the same:
"hobama is not god
hobama is not respnsible for anything he does
hobama is a saint
hobama is not a dl cia agent"
your greatetst redundancy is PERPETUAL denial of the obvious
like most americans
u r a content fool
that is the ONLY thing hobama loves about poor mongrels like you
your fake wisdom exposes the hobama nazi in you
u pretend to embrace progressives even as you slander all of us who dare to make ANY progressivve demands of hobama
coddling and excusing any prez will never make ANY prez a better man...even your blackish elitist dl cia god hobama will never shine as long as he is being polished by the masochistically adoring likes of u
hobama has u hobama nazis under his spell
and we are all BROKEN by that
spell unbroken to date
i also get that it is much easier to deny the clandestine cia and homo life of hobama
than it is to deny the PUBLIC realities of his coddling banksters and slaying the poor black people you both ignore
i see u as clearly as i do your false dl cia god hobama
"And you're also a prototypical Chardonnay Socialist/Black Panther Wannabe Professor type - you love Black people as a concept but hate them as a reality. For a woman who claims to be a black feminist and an educator, I couldn't imagine such vitriol you show for children, parents and other black people in general. I feel sorry for your partner."
A direct hit.
u r the resident oj tom uncle ruckus of this blog
stop playing coon!!!
like hobama,
i screen and select my mongrels
u hobama and lac hate poor blacks
as u dare to slander me
i despise turbo breeders and clones of you and lac
i adore brainy black babies with great black parents like cornel west and mike dyson
and i know u 2 fake black fools get that
uts and lac/
uncle ruckus and blackish sambo:
u 2 wannabee profs dare to bash educated blacks who actually care for the poor people u feel superior to...
u 2 dogs are unfit to shine cornel wests and mike dyson's loafers
as u 2 mongrel clowns mow your lawns
and bash the BPP
and envy liberal profs
we harvest real revolutionaries
handle that like u do dl bro peers/marias/nicoles etc
dyson describes u self hating poor black hating elitist lost hobama nazi nigs expertly here:
hear true blackness here:
alicia banks said...
u r a fake hypocrite
Which makes him real, imbecile.
LAC what is the deal my brother I am fully grown politically I just don't buy into the capitalist ideology and the capitalist bag.
Can I have my perspective? I let you have yours. We are debating as peers I subscribe to the MLK, Malcolm X view of things. Capitalism does not work for the common person or people of color and thus it needs replacing. And the architect is not necesarily the builder so no I don't have all the answers, don't pretend to and quite frankly don't need all the answers to condemn what US imperialism is presently doing in the world.
And as I have said a million times in the meantime I work on reform on the local level. For example opposing gentrification, fighting police brutality, fighting for jobs that stem from new projects in my community and negotiating Community Benefits Agreements. At present I am working with folks who fighting struggling to come up with an inovative community, parent teacher and student collaborative that will get the parents and community involved, the teachers motivated and the children ultimately educated.
You know where I am coming from, we just disagree.
So cut out the patronizing and condescending remarks. I don't think because I believe that societies should really take care of all its citizens and not just wave at the problems as government does now, should open me up to ostracization.
I am part of a prophetic tradition in our community that has always fought for better and has not accepted the system's story as the last word.
I don't think I should have to continue to explain this everytime we have a disagreement.
I simply have a different and revolutionary perspective, but I don't just sit on my butt, in the meantime I am deeply and intimately involved and always have been so save the darts and other crap for someone else.
And as a religious person I believe in trying to make the world and our society a more moral one. So forgive me as being so foolish as to believe that half measure are not enough. And for not believing that after all of its years ravaging the working class and the earth that it offers the way forward for humanity.
dual assnon:
only in your world
where posting tiny faceless feces makes u a big brave *hit
u give lip svc to rebels as u lick and excuse hobama
unlike u
cornel is not an envious phony or a shameless hypocrite
he actually knows that progressives MUST dog hobama into greatness as fred d did abe l
Cornel West, on the road to promote his memoir "Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud," talked mostly about his journey to becoming one of the most public of public intellectuals. But he also had a message for President Obama, nudging "Brother Barack" toward more progressive stands. And West said Obama should be mindful that even Abraham Lincoln needed a Frederick Douglass to push him to greatness
"Yeah granny, clean up your own heart first. Then see what you can do for Macklying, Uts, LAC, Hathor, Field, Brohammas, VAL(esp her), MARIA, and AB. There are more, but this should keep you busy for a while.LOL
There is a long list of 'anti-god' folks on FN blog. Quite frankly, it would be better for the Obamas if these atheists DID NOT pray for them. Now when you finish cleaning up the first list of folks on FN I'll give you the remainder of the list, starting with Field and PURPLE COW...I have saved the best(or should I say "worst") for last. They are on the "Special Devoted to Hell" list. lol"
Sitting in judgment of others usually puts you on the fast track to Hell. Instead of refining your "shit list", take a look in the mirror and do a little work on yourself.
"Either way, Anons are the only "true believers" on this blog. You and your atheistic liberal friends should be grateful for us because we are the only ones on this blog who can help Michelle. Have a nice weekend.:)"
Thanks for the laugh.
uts is a hopeless ignant nig
lac's bold blatant lies and slander are acts of desperation in lieu of debate and defense
they will worsen daily as hobama shows just how dirty and evil his dl cia hoax can become
hobama's worst and most evil sins have yet to unfold
if fred d played happy doormat to abe l as hobaba nazis do to hobama...all mongrels would still be legal slaves!!!!
And LAC I am not bitter. I simply want to see a just (or as just as us humans can possibly put together) society.
Really is that such a bad thing? How does that make me bitter? I simply want to live in a society in which everyone who wantst to work can work and feed their family, in which everyone can work together to bring about Universal Health Care not some half measure like Obama care, where no one has to sleep on the street, in which every child can get a quality public education, a society does not spend more for defense and fighting aggressive wars than it does for education.
I want to see a society that doesn't send its corporations out to exploit those that are underdevolped.
I might be dreaming but that's how change is always brought. There were many slaves and masters who thought slavery would never end, but it did. There were many Negroes who thought Jim Crow segregation would never end, but it did. There were folks in South Africa black and white who thought Apartheid would never end but it did.
At one time workers rights were unheard of, the eight hour day was thought to be something that employers would never concede to but they did. It appeared that women would never get the vote but they did. It seemed that nothing would be done to stop the exploitation by businesses of child labor but child labor laws indeed came into fruition and today children can't be mistreated and overworked on jobs.
And in every case their were dreamers visionaries who dreamed of a better way a better world.
So if you disagree go ahead and disagree I admit that maybe its silly to want everybody to eat or have drinkable water or not die from preventable disease or not be forced into economic slavery.
Maybe it is a silly idea to want a government that outlaws racism, that provides shelter for everyone and makes sure everyone can eat and be educated.
I admit I may sound a little silly .
But I am not wrong to hope for a more just society and fight for whats right. I am definitely not the first but I am not the last.
I disagree with you guys we need folks like me. Sometimes folks like me (real fighters) make things easier for you and everyone else.
Michelle must have a very dirty, deeply stained soul to beg for others to pray to clean her spirit.
each time u coddle and excuse hobama
u only prove that you hate poor blacks the same way he hates all black mongrels whom he has legendarily betrayed
like massa hated the house nigs most because he respected them least
hobama hates u hobama nazi nigs most too
at least hobama knows he has not fooled radical profs like cornel and mike etc
their respect trumps your doormat swag always!!!
mellaneous: "But I am not wrong to hope for a more just society and fight for whats right. ... Sometimes folks like me (real fighters) make things easier for you and everyone else."
A sometimes they just fudge everything up because what they think is "right" is off target.
As T.S. Eliot wrote more than a half century ago "Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm – but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves."
LAC you are right we could elect Malcolm X and Congress might not change. But the people would be moved and radicalized because he would use the bully pulpit of the presidency to condemn the things that are wrong and he would condemn US adventurism and militarism. He would advocate that everyone should eat, fight for Universal Health Care, a smaller defense budget, troops out of Iraq AND Afghanistan (rather than escalating it). He would call for a moratorium on foreclosures, he would call out the banks, he would call out the crooks who are trying to privatize education, he would tell the cops to stop shooting down black folks and others, he wouldn't just equalize crack and cocaine sentencing he would call for reducing the sentences and advocate for more treatment centers and that prison really try to rehabilitate rather than warehouse convicts.He would advocate for quality public education for all children. He would call out the price gougers. He would condemn the corporations that exploit third world folks he would condemn those who participate in and encourage the murder of union organizers in third world countries. He would point out that we are all in this world together and commit more of the US resources to improving the lot of our brothers and sisters overseas rather than give it lip service.
You can pretend all you want but this system will not allow you to change it, it will bend and reform from time to time, but it is a machine all by itself. And you know this, just because your lot in life has conservatized you a bit doesn't change the reality.
And I don't think its fair to say that those who want genuine change and want the world to be free from capitalist exploitation and any other kind for that matter, are bitter people.
Malcolm was not a bitter man, nor was Martin, or Kwame Ture nor was Paul Robeson or any of the other dreamers and forward thinkers
Anon said:
"A sometimes they just fudge everything up because what they think is "right" is off target."
But more often they are right and make things better, even ironically for the nay sayers.
it was bitter fake cowardly dog clones of uts and lac who slew malcolm and the BPP
UTS said,
"Do they really want Boehner as Speaker of the House and Palin in 2012????"
Its a matter of degree UTS. You are right the conservative policies will be a bit more extreme than the moderates but both will still keep the capitalist ship aimed in the same direction; profit making at all costs.
As I continue to say over and over again neither the Democrats or the Republicans are the answer to working class folks problems or people of colors problems.
Neither one of them cares about you or me but only the profit margin for the ruling class.
mellaneous said: "And I don't think its fair to say that those who want genuine change and want the world to be free from capitalist exploitation and any other kind for that matter, are bitter people."
Not bitter, just stupid. Don't you remember what being "free from capitalist exploitation" did to the peoples of Russia and China? And continues to do today to the people held prisoner in North Korea and Cuba? One would the think that the vast amount of misery, and over 100 million murders caused by communism in the 20th century would be enough for everyone to stop bashing capitalism and put their collectivist utopian fantasies to bed.
Apparently not.
"bitter" = hobama nazi newspeak for:
refusal to be a a happy doormat for hobama
refusal to be silent/docile/passive sheeple
refussal to worship/adore/coddle/excuse
the false god hobama
refusal to be a racist fool who pretends that hobama would be a beloved angel if his skin was white
To Mell - Here's the problem with a bully pulpit, it only works when it yields results. Malcolm and Martin change the establishment and galvanized folks in different ways. King's efforts were key in powerful legislation.
But, simply using the bully pulpit to screed your enemies with no one to carry your water is doomed to failure. That's were strategy counts, the last thing you want to be is a Dennis Kuicinich - a daydreamer who fires up a small base but has little to show for it.
As a student if history, you realize that for every Malcolm, Medgar, Martin and Marcus there were dozens of dedicated soldiers and tons deal making and meetings to get things done.
There are two ways to real sustainable change, through increment and legislation or through violence. And no sane person should rally for the latter as we as Americans have all the tools for the former.
Again, this issue isn't that we shouldn't push for change, the real concern is how are you going to get there.
Much of the progress we made were in baby steps and require hard work and real strategy.
And as a Christian, we should to make the world better, but realize that this world is ultimately flawed and sinful and it will eventually pass away.
Alicia, you posted what, 6-7 different incoherent screeds trying it insult me. You only proved my point. You're a bitter, delusional old hag who like to hear herself ramble. And from you're writings, your either a complete parody of an intellectual activist or were forced to retire because of multiple nervous breakdowns.
You add little to the political discourse because you usually have no real clue what you're talking about. You'll say something utterly outlandish and have your POV completely disproved. But you will still go railing on about nonsense. Or, you'll completely change the subject or fall back on your 'hobama nazi' meme that's rather tired and immature.
u r a bold brazen fool
and the truth is always far more outlandish than sheeple like u can ever see or fathom
i would proudly compare ANY of my posts to your love notes herein and win on intellectual content and truth anytime anyday
i am younger than that old bitch hobama that you eternally adore adore u nelly hobama nazi fool
hey lac:
quote me
or stfu
like that dirty evil elder bitch hobama,
LAC lol
I see I can't win with you guys. First you ask me what the president could do I suggest that he use his bully pulpit. And you criticized that.
Hey its just my attempt to answer a question that is irrelevant to me because I know that Obama is not going to change the fortunes of the folks suffering in my community. And if you disagree I simply say, time will tell.
And now you suggest that I don't know that it was people on the ground that made real changes. I mean really the very history that I am always talking about on this thread and am a very serious student of. Come on LAC.
And you suggest that I don't know how change is brought come on man,you can't be serious. Or are you trying to say I am advocating violence? NO it is the system that practices violence all the time and has no problem with using violence to get its way.
Change is brought through legislation no doubt but most of that was the result of protest and organizing to bring about change. As someone once said change was wrought in the streets not the suites.
And then you tell me, a serious Christian, that the world is sinful and it will pass away. Really man,(lol) you really think I don't know this. But in the meantime Jesus commands us to love one another and to love our brothers and sisters as we love ourselves. We are urged in Matthew 25 to visit the sick,feed the poor, visit the imprisoned in spite of the conditions of the fallen world.
The Old Testament prophets urged that folks do justice, walk humbly and love mercy.
And you are right the world will pass away but in the meantime we are supposed to be good stewards of the earth and look out for our fellow creatures.
Look if you believe in the system my brother more power to you. But I am not going to pretend that it really seeks to be just or that it is just.
But thanks for the laugh!
Once again, it's Happy Hour with Alicia. This shit is getting old.
Hey yall have a good weekend believe it or not the resident radical is helping lead the very real local effort here to save our last community school from closing and eventual privitization.
True to form, the Alicia Banks 'HOBAMA NAZI' Tirades -
Tirade Alpha:
alicia banks said...
u r a bold brazen fool
and the truth is always far more outlandish than sheeple like u can ever see or fathom
i would proudly compare ANY of my posts to your love notes herein and win on intellectual content and truth anytime anyday
i am younger than that old bitch hobama that you eternally adore adore u nelly hobama nazi fool
I guess I mad the 'lioness' at the zoo angry!! Did I hit a nerve, there, oh wise one? Going to claw me with your power paws, oh lioness?
This my favorite line:
" and the truth is always far more outlandish than sheeple like u can ever see or fathom"
Who are you, Agent Mulder? Still looking for the third man on the grassy knoll?
Tirade Beta:
alicia banks said...
hey lac:
quote me
or stfu
like that dirty evil elder bitch hobama,
STFU? Such language!!
Oh Princess, you're hurting my feeling.
Really, two? That's it? That's all I deserve, two nonsense tirades. You're slipping, Miss Radio Star.
Let's face it, you're not a match and the fact that you don't point to anything I said that was wrong or misleading proves my point.
Now put that damn keyboard down and take your Valium-laced Jell-O.
"Its a matter of degree UTS. You are right the conservative policies will be a bit more extreme than the moderates but both will still keep the capitalist ship aimed in the same direction; profit making at all costs."
A mere matter of "degree"?
The righties wanted no stimulus at all and recommend more Bushit tax cuts and free market wilding which got us into the recession in the first place.
C'mon man.
You've got Republicans talking about revoking the 14th Amendment and cutting still more social services.
"As I continue to say over and over again neither the Democrats or the Republicans are the answer to working class folks problems or people of colors problems."
What is your suggestion then?
For real.
Remove ourselves from the political system and let rightwingers send us back to second classed citizenship?
They're openly claiming that blacks were better off (more like better behaved) BEFORE we had the same rights as whites and that the gains of workers destroyed the American free market.
Do you believe that?
It was liberal activism that brought about the American middle class and closed the gap between the extreme rich and the majority poor in this nation.
Yes I hear you.
Both parties are now beholden to corporate interests but Democrats/liberals are still the only choice when it comes to the issues you care so passionately about as do I.
It's better to do business with a disappointing friend than a dangerous enemy.
Do you have an alternative?
Destroying Obama's Presidency is only going to usher in rightwing extremism.
UTs, "Coming from the white posters' most eager and grinning servant on FN this is too ignorant.
That's the ignorant thing about you mr. uptown man, you will laugh at anything just like a surrendered HN.
AB@1:29pm-thank you for those quotes from the Bible. I will save those for references. They speak directly to the problem in the WH and the progressive liberal black dems like UTS and LAC. Thank you.
Continue to Preach it, sista!
Why try and debate a House Negress. She has a short white one in her and she's lovin' it. She'll spout black hate til the end. So why bother?
Alicia Banks still needs to get laid I see....truly her rants are cries for it.
Field, you have the best trolls. LOL between the pent up Alicia and that nut constructive bitchback...they're hilarious!
Reading these post proves there's no unity in the black community. With the black intellects constantly proving themselves the adorned wise ones. The militants wishing for revolution and religeous praying for forgiveness for our enemies instead of fighting. We have no nucleus. On top of that, now saltines are here spewing their delusional ignorant Beckisms.
With Teabaggers heading into gov't and getting strong everyday, it's appears the downfall of freedom is near. Divided we fall, and we're falling hard. There's no commonality in our beliefs, so we're destined for destruction.
I'm starting to believe we should arm ourselves and become our own political party. Who are we?
Mell, "And you are right the world will pass away but in the meantime we are supposed to be good stewards of the earth and look out for our fellow creatures.
Look if you believe in the system my brother more power to you. But I am not going to pretend that it really seeks to be just or that it is just."
Mell, you are right on target. Don't waste your time trying to communicate with the likes of LAC or UTS. They both feed the system that hurts and discriminates against Blacks.
Phil4Real, "FN,
Reading these post proves there's no unity in the black community. With the black intellects constantly proving themselves the adorned wise ones. The militants wishing for revolution and religeous praying for forgiveness for our enemies instead of fighting. We have no nucleus. On top of that, now saltines are here spewing their delusional ignorant Beckisms."
So what else is new? Blacks never have had any unity. Blacks have been fighting the battle of low self-worth since slavery. And they are losing the battle. It is impossible to care about each other without some self-worth and love of one another...we don't have that.
i have to give you props for continuing to sound the alarm. unfortunately, i think for most, they won't see until it is TOO LATE.
i have made my peace considering the fact that the name of the game is survival of the fittest. most, through their refusal to see, are declaring themselves unfit for survival...
IF obama were a white man, the exact crap he is doing would be promptly noticed and lamblasted. because he is blackish, folks are content to coddle him to their death.
if the last few hundred years has not taught black americans that faith without works is dead, i don't know what will.
even as folks pretend otherwise, obama is already allowing big corporation exemptions from his healthcare plan. how hard would it be to repeal nafta? wouldn't that help with unemployment which has SEVERELY impacted black american families?
yet, quite a few black folks continue to focus on symbolism rather than substance...
if u delete my bible passages
then you should delete all of the assnons' too
why be unfair just because i always slay them and know the buybull so much better than they do????
i miss u always!
every deed that racists worship in hobama was reviled and called out when done by his kinder gentler cloned cuz gwb
the best thing about the droves of black fans whom hobama is slaying is that many of them deserve to perish as uts and lac...buh bye!!!
ignorant envious cowardly wannabee bitcht nigs like you really do believe one lone patsy shot jfk
just as you believe one lone dl blue blooded blackish rabidly elitist bankster cia agent is your god
hobama hates poor people as much as you hate profs and proven conspiracies
get over that u broke black hobama nazi
and u dare to call anyone anywhere a fool???
carry on u bitch
i will never pray for the hobamas or any elitists who slay poor people!
it is always ungodly to pray for such brutal evil demonic politicians!
hobama has betrayed poor black people globally more than any politico in the history of the world!!!
hey lac:
my new blog posts are dedicated to u
thanks for the inspiration...u blind scared stupid bitch!!!
Hey, FN.
Consider expanding your political vocabulary.
Try 'Republicants' to emphasize, well, 'yes we can't' and to characterize their speech as 'cant.'
Try 'Ditziecrats' to emphasize your sense of dumbness and to include the conservative beliefs of the Dixie or Southern swamp of that party.
Finally, try making more money from this blog and less from family court and criminal defense work so that you can give us more of your perorations. Thanks.
Anon. that was actually funny. But I don't want to make any money from my blog, the city will tax it. Lord knows I pay enough of. But who is complaining?
BTW, what does "perorations" mean? Us FN aren't used to such big words. Is that the same as my opinions or something? :)
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